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Longmont Housing Authority – July 2022
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
Okay good morning It’s nine o’clock
Unknown Speaker 0:08
in progress okay
Unknown Speaker 0:13
need to have a roll call
Unknown Speaker 0:21
yeah definitely so word to you are late to work Yes.
Unknown Speaker 0:28
Jean Christopher Lauren Sally here
Unknown Speaker 0:35
remember opposite Tom to me
Unknown Speaker 0:38
Unknown Speaker 0:40
staff we have William Donnell
Unknown Speaker 0:42
Lisa Gallagher here Daniel’s here hey we’re just missing here all the pages okay
Unknown Speaker 1:02
thanks everybody for coming everybody had the time to read the minutes from the last meeting if so I need a motion to approve they building minutes for us okay, my name is Arlene Jean Christopher Ward silay
Unknown Speaker 1:33
Sally Sally
Unknown Speaker 1:39
and it’s in public invited to be heard
Unknown Speaker 1:47
Yes, so we do have three people that would like to be part of what to look at right and to be heard. We have wanting to leave John Fallon and we have Suzanne
Unknown Speaker 2:05
Unknown Speaker 2:18
Okay, folks, we’re gonna give you three minutes and we don’t usually while we’re just sort of like go like the city council does. We give you three minutes to speak? We listen and then we don’t respond back. So but we will listen to what you have to say. And am I correct here? Okay, and so I have worked with my phone this morning since I don’t have a watch. And I think I figured out how to do the timer.
Unknown Speaker 2:43
I got it. Okay, good. Good.
Unknown Speaker 2:46
I don’t have to keep looking at this. Okay, let’s go in there cleaning up okay, so John if you give your name in
Unknown Speaker 2:57
one year career okay or farm job for all residents here are ones that are here I love this place dearly and very concerned anytime I hear negative things going on Sure. Okay, thank you Sam for saying I love this place very much and when I hear negative comments being made in the search me a lot and I have a My wife will
Unknown Speaker 3:44
calm that will be the other way out about this place. Because I don’t want to see yourself and I don’t want to believe but the one thing that grabs me more than anything. And what is what I’m residents will say they don’t care referring to friends or allies. And I try to do that the best of my ability depending on what goes but one thing that I noticed that I think will leads to that enormously is the communications. Two ways one, we hear changes are going to be made and then something else happens and something else happens and then the story drops and we don’t even know what’s going on. The other one this one’s much more critical as far as I’m concerned. First one is this. I can sense and feel myself. telephones. That seems ludicrous to me when we go down when I see an emergency call this and you call them and you get voicemail, which may or may not ever be referred returned to Socrates in the times that I’ve noticed, a couple of blocks, all the not able to lock ourselves out to have security. Another one was a block, which is very, very difficult to open to exit. And the third one was one with an elevator order. That was, I don’t know, whatever it happened, what happened, and how there was a long time because I was out there in the lobby with the folks. So my point is, if it’s gonna be something really serious, I think we need to have it added returned and no, but the message got through. I’m starting to become in the habit of provide ALL CAPITAL leave a message as fleeting, please, at least text me or acknowledge that we receive those even if we can discuss any three. I think that’s one of the things that really makes me feel I see why. yourself. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 6:13
Thank you, John. Are you Suzanne? Handle Okay, yes. Okay, I have two more people to speak. Oh, okay. I apologize. Okay. All right, Suzanne. Thank you. Really different
Unknown Speaker 6:32
people here.
Unknown Speaker 6:34
Although they’ve told me I’d rather live every single day. So anyway, I appreciate the opportunity to sit your words. I’ve lived your 12 years. Can you give us your last name also, my
Unknown Speaker 6:45
pardon me, you’ve done
Unknown Speaker 6:47
al D, and E LL. Okay. And I’ve lived here 12 years. So I’ve seen a lot. I have a lot to compare with from year to year. And I will say this very quickly that when this first came, this was managed by a private property management company. We had flowers that was beautiful. It was lovely inside everything was kept up good morale. I mean, it was just an absolute joy to live here. When it went over to the responsibility of Longmont housing, it went totally downhill. And it only took about two three years at the most. So I’m one of those people that said they don’t care anymore. Because when we have like down in our main lobby, the big posters on chip days no paint that would become the very front door is tall practice along the wall that was filthy. I had to tell some people the other day to please clean it. I did. So I guess what I’m saying is that tells all of us with all those columns have been chipped and unpainted at the bottom for three years. And it probably would cost a total of maybe 30 bucks to fix it. But that says to me, you don’t care what we’re gonna say to you people. It’s not like you’re spending big bucks. So anyway, those are my comments. I still live here, not because right now it’s a particular job I enjoy to live here. Because I love the area. And I hope to be around for a few more years enough. I don’t know if I’ll be around long enough to wait until this thing’s renovated. I rather doubt I’ve been back we’re closer to five years. Because as I want to have my visit with camera, I said just the smallest thing to say that you care. Fix the bottom thing here. Throw a rosebush out there. Now we have rose bushes. But do people didn’t bio. You don’t spend a dime on them on the outside of having a lawn mowed, and absolutely on areas that face Main Street. Now we all know why it’s because of faces Main Street, that we have grass. We know why it’s obvious. Everything else is pure dirt with black tarp sticking up like this where you pull bushes out that span probably five years and that’s sort of the entrance that I have to use. It’s just all dirt. And you know that plastic tarp is supposed to keep the leaves down isn’t sticking up this high. At least three to five years. Nobody will touch it. Now it might take I was going to walk out with a pair of scissors and at least cut the park down. But then I got my usual rebellious nature. I said well, why have a blank Shut? Up. All right. Thank you. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 9:53
Thank you You want to hear public? Speak. It’s your turn. Okay. Give us your last name. I’m sorry, money do we do oh I think that morale is a little low. And everybody’s given you different ideas of what goes on.
Unknown Speaker 10:30
I think cats got the job in front of her. But I think we all have to remember that this is a step by step process, to get her in here to understand what the job is about, to start taking care of things. As far as, you know, the the immediate needs, and then the secondary needs and things like that. I hate to lose her because she’s overwhelmed. I really hated it, she got to the point where she felt like it was too much. And I’m feeling like that may be going on. And I think that’s partially us. I think that’s people thinking that they come first. And if they’re upset about something that needs to be addressed right away. I think that we have to give her some space, we have to give her a chance to get used to this job. She obviously has experienced at other properties. We have to give her the time to learn this particular property. People say she doesn’t understand how she’s supposed to she’s only been here, what, two months at the most. And that’s only part time, I understand that she’s got four property she’s dealing with. She’s got the twos here, and the Veterans property that she’ll be continually using or continually responsible for. But then she has two other ones that she’s coming out of, that she did work at. And she’s training someone and she’s coming out of that. She’s got a lot on her plate. And yeah, I know, it’s frustrating when we feel like something needs to be addressed. And it doesn’t. But I hate to lose her because we all thought, well, I know what’s the most important thing that needs to be done. And we hammer at her because I think she’s feeling like that. I think she’s feeling like she’s getting hammered up. And I don’t want to lose her. I think she’s got she’s got a good reputation. I think she’s got good potential, you know, not potential. That sounds weird. But I think she has good skills like we should do well here. And I’d like everybody to just think about that. And maybe take a step back and give her some breathing room so that she can actually get used to be in here, get used to what she knows and the responsibilities of all the provinces, and then
Unknown Speaker 12:58
give her an opportunity to learn
Unknown Speaker 13:01
what our needs and wants are here at Village place that need to be addressed. And hopefully they can addressed in a timely fashion. But I just don’t want to ask her because she’s overwhelmed. Thank you. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 13:17
I’ll get the clock
Unknown Speaker 13:19
from Okay, so we did have three people sign up to speak. Because under advisement we’ve heard at the end of the meeting, if any of you would like to speak, we will cover that at that point. We want to just keep going with our meetings. So I don’t want to feel like we’ve neglected to hear you but we’ll hear you at the end of the meeting which really kind of goes along with what city council does as well. Okay, next is organizational updates. Le J Advisory
Unknown Speaker 13:49
Board member election.
Unknown Speaker 13:55
decider. Thank you, Arne. So, Donald and the Housing Committee investment division director for the city of Longmont, including Allegiant so this first item is the Advisory Board member election, we wanted to give an update on what was discussed with the board of commissioners on July 5, they did modify the bylaws to change the advisory board from a five member board to a seven member board. And they also approved allowing us to extend Tom and Lorenz turns for a period of time to allow us to hold another application period to get more applications to fill the full seven members. So with this, we would be working on a bylaws update, as well a new bylaws update, because we do need to address some language in the bylaws regarding having the Advisory Board election promises line with the City Council Advisory Board election process, or like the electric board is a different governing body. And we do think that we would like the flexibility to be able to open up those elections when we need them, rather than having to wait for the two times a year that the city council Advisory Board election process is open. So our next, LH, a board meeting is August 2. And then after that we have one for in October, it’s either going to be the fourth of 18, we haven’t yet confirmed which day it will be. So by we’re gonna be checking in on the bylaws to make some edits, hopefully ahead of the August 2 meeting, to be able to have the flexibility on this Friday and open it up. We have a completion period when we’re ready. So I do want to mention that the existing applications that we received will just carry forward into that new review. So we have not yet fully reviewed that those are scheduled interviews, because we knew we needed to expand our application processes to be able to work. So I know that the the advisory board last meeting, recommended a motion to approve the motion to recommend to the LGA Board to approve Laura tongs terms for two more months. Instead of going with that string, two months, period. It’s more of as soon as possible. But your truths are extended for as long as needed to get the new application process out. And whether that’s immediate, which was our goal, versus December when the city council up to date, but we are certainly not a complete this year in the next couple of months rather than December. Yeah, I just want to get an update there.
Unknown Speaker 17:05
Yeah, I think what happened in there is, I think Karen and temple in conformance with the advisory board process. Is that correct? Why when they did the bylaws originally.
Unknown Speaker 17:21
Correct. So
Unknown Speaker 17:24
we just after making the other firewall changes, didn’t see that, like that, six words. And that’s. And the problem with it is, as I’ve been talking to the city attorney is we need to keep these as separate as possible from a functional perspective. So for the same reason that we’re in meetings, and we need to run something within our city council meeting, that we go up to the German city council, reconvene as the Housing Authority commissioners, the reason we do that is to keep that separation. So there’s not the conflict and the two roles. And this is, I think, the last piece where that conflict existed. And so So what we want to do is just kind of strike that language, cool over the board, the permanent components of the floor piece, that and broken into the bylaws of minutes and within its own bylaw section, and we can do it as needed. Because I think the challenge of this board is, you know, we’ve learned things are happening and moving. And wading into those two cycles that we have for the city may not be the best approach for us, especially as we’re working on projects. So, you know, we have a few development projects that are teamed up if we have some vacancies because people move or something. We need to bring people on as early in the process as we can and that just is too restrictive for so. So we’ll be working on that more only to bring that to you all but because of timing with the Housing Authority commissioners, we’re going to need to take it straight to them, which is so if there’s an unless there’s any concerns with that firsthand what we’re going to be moving on.
Unknown Speaker 19:24
Just to make sure that I understand the process for the election is that the current people who have applied there will still be carried over and will not need to reapply.
Unknown Speaker 19:34
Okay. And Molly, I was looking somewhere the board did say there were certain positions that they want represented. Where was that?
Unknown Speaker 19:47
So we updated the bylaws already to to indicate the kind of expertise that we want on the board, both from the president side and In the general community side, and then also from the professional side evaluation
Unknown Speaker 20:13
clarification here in mining at the advisory board positions in filling the positions, is there an opportunity that we just keep the application process open?
Unknown Speaker 20:35
Could you guys speak louder,
Unknown Speaker 20:37
please? Oh, advisory board? Is there an opportunity that we keep it open? We can do that. That’s why
Unknown Speaker 20:51
the answer’s no.
Unknown Speaker 20:53
No, we need to open it up. When the vacancies fill on the vacancies get open. The question is, pardon
Unknown Speaker 21:03
me here. The question was, can you speak louder?
Unknown Speaker 21:05
Yeah, we we, the court what Jean said in this was that, can we keep the application process open for boards? And I said, I don’t think we can keep it open in perpetuity. And then I think I heard something about for the residents. And so we’ll have to open them up as their as the positions are vacant and as needed.
Unknown Speaker 21:33
So as position comes open, we’re going to take applications and fill it at that point,
Unknown Speaker 21:41
I think we have a choice. It’s not saying we will do it. But we have a choice as to if we’re at a point where we’re at a critical juncture where if someone is going to come in too late, and we’re bringing to development projects, or I think we’ll have the choice to do it doesn’t mean we have to do it.
Unknown Speaker 22:14
Are there any other questions or discussion about this one? So our next Advisory Board meeting is in August 16. So we’ll have a development plan here for opening up an application.
Unknown Speaker 22:31
Okay. You touched a little bit about the bylaws, are you going to do any more of that?
Unknown Speaker 22:39
Upcoming bylaw research?
Unknown Speaker 22:42
Yes. So I wanted to give you an update on this one because this conversation about the Advisory Board member election kind of dug and dug in a little deeper into the bylaws. So we’ve done a series of bylaws update. One of them is more related to the Board of Commissioners, appointments, and specifically removal of the commissioner or resignation of a commissioner. Some questions have come up from Commissioner Martin. We agreed to do so research in coordination with the city’s attorney’s office. So we might be having some more bylaws updates coming if we need to make revisions to clarify how that the removal or resignation can work when it isn’t sufficient board and the commissioners are the city council. So I know that our Eugeny were there last name just happy that we are this is on our to do list and look into some more violence and things just to make sure everything is really clear and accurate.
Unknown Speaker 23:46
Okay. So the conversation continues into the advisory board roles board. Already, this group has already made updates to the bylaws and to really clarify the intent and the purpose of the advisory board and to make sure that residents culture and quality of life was really emphasized in that purpose. And so we did get some feedback from the LFA board commissioners that we think they want. They were checking out the advisory board agenda as compared to the LA Jay board agenda. And they were pretty similar and they were really looking for some of that resident quality of life purpose to be more reflective on the agenda. So I think in recent months, we’ve been doing a lot of policy work and bylaws, updates and cleanup really to set in place some way is for us to operate going forward. And that we did talk about this last meeting and be more involved now that we’re ready to talk about how to how to build new properties, and then what input we need from the advisory board. And really, the key word is advice is what we’re looking for our staff and what the LNG board is looking for. So we got some say what, what they’re really looking for is to see or to see on the agenda has some of that advice coming through. And then what I can do as a staff to do is the better job is to convey the advice and feedback and input that you all have provided to us when we carry those items towards the board. So that’s, that’s something that I’m going to focus on to do a better job there. And we’ll make sure we screen our agendas, going forward to make sure that we’re really reflecting the purpose of this advisory board, especially the things that we had it in. So is there any ideas here on how to better provide expertise and advice to the lhsaa board from this group, particularly as it is related to resident quality of life?
Unknown Speaker 26:37
I have a suggestion. I think that’s a pretty broad subject to be talking about, and possibly if we categorized quality of life, and that we focus on particular aspects of it. And I’m, I would like to involve the residents in determining those categories. And I think those should be addressed, at least quarterly. So Molly, Lisa, whoever can now be inundated. With that, but I think getting that starting that from Resident perspective would be a good idea. But if we categorize it, we can focus on the issues, though. That sounds good. Many, many issues
Unknown Speaker 27:40
consistently. So how do we do that using writing suggestions? Or why?
Unknown Speaker 27:50
Does it based on the interviews that were done at the property? Yes, yeah. So it’s based on the interviews that were done on the properties where people came in and met with everybody to find out what the concerns are. So now what we’re trying to do is, is activate those goals into a plan way back when Yeah, and some of those will be discussed further in. So this is the too late meeting. I have a suggestion. It’s too late. Oh, no, that’s okay. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 28:24
So let me have one very, very obvious passion of mine. That will, will address a lot of this is falling back upon our resident quality of life. I’m sorry, our resident engagement process. We are still doing that report that I had intended to do that for this meeting. But we had we had some derailments with staff outages, so if we mess up. So that is something that is still coming forward. And that is going to be a very comprehensive way to show the residents and the Lhh word that we have taken some engagement processes and thinking in people’s opinions through that engagement process and are meant to come up with some actionable items. So that is one very specific effort that will be pretty broad and comprehensive. I guess what I’m more thinking about is how to institutionalize that. Through our meetings, every one we asked you all for in terms of advice and feedback. So I think that’s a great idea. We can, we’ve got our we have a standing agenda item about alignment with goals, and I’m getting a subset on that as I was standing item about quality of life, and then take ideas for discussion items for each meeting. And then regarding the quarterly aspect gene that you were talking about, is that pretty for that group of residents on a quarterly basis at this meeting, or more specifically rethinking,
Unknown Speaker 30:08
I was thinking of the review on a quarterly basis.
Unknown Speaker 30:12
So maybe touching back on our larger engagement process, quarterly basis to get continual feedback.
Unknown Speaker 30:21
Yeah. But we shouldn’t be getting continual feedback.
Unknown Speaker 30:28
So are you just thinking review on a quarterly basis per facility, or at one big meeting with everybody in diet?
Unknown Speaker 30:42
Let’s, I would defer to Lisa. But it seems like doing them all at once would be a little overwhelming. So that we can check our properties. And you know, that every three months, village place and different three months with these are so much, etcetera, correct.
Unknown Speaker 31:01
But you know, by campus, maybe every quarter review of all campuses and then
Unknown Speaker 31:09
come back up with the quarterly charts that are there are habits
Unknown Speaker 31:16
that will fall into the quarterly walks, I’m getting on schedule now. Or I’ll be walking each property quarterly with maintenance and management, to get a big overview and look at projects and all that now that we’re your staff on the maintenance side, that we can actually start looking at some of these capital improvements on the fast work that needs to be done over the next seven years, and kind of all rolled into one and be like a big progress report on where we’re at with all of these things, because it will be property specific. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 31:44
Wonderful. Probably need to be longer than an hour and a half.
Unknown Speaker 31:49
Yeah, all of that within budget constraints. I was thrown right in there. Okay. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 32:00
Thank you, Molly. Development and project updates, we’ve got the vomer vacant land naming process and the request for a quote review.
Unknown Speaker 32:13
So I’m gonna get this one started. And then I’m gonna turn it over to Katie for some of the bidding process specifics. So first of all, you all received the request for qualifications for the vacant land and Homer crossing. So if you have any comments on that, we welcome your feedback, just provide it to us and probably within the next week or so I’d say because of this along with the Navy process, as soon as we can wrap up those two items, we’re ready to put this RFQ out on the streets. So backing up just for an overview that RFQ we are looking for a development team, meaning they in this case, we’re hoping for a prefabricated manufacturer of affordable housing with to come forward with a you know, that development consulting if needed, and just really having a full design build included in the proposal from our team. So that recall that this is about two and a half acres of land over this last over the existing Hearthstone logical, depressing. And the intended use here is, is family units, because we really only have Aspen Meadows neighborhood as the only real family property that only Jason has it. It’s 461 unit portfolio, and it’s only 28 units. So we really do see a need. So I’m gonna go ahead and just the way anybody has immediate if you know ahead of time access that first I’ll ask anybody.
Unknown Speaker 34:04
So I want to jump in with Molly. So Katie, and I talked about this last week. This is actually an interesting one, because I think the RFQ is more intended for us to see what’s out there than necessarily the traditional approach that we will take and so and why it’s different is because this is not a project that are using the spoke where the county was putting money in the city was putting money in until the county was its own developer, and then they were going out and looking for a bid or something. And so this is really a development partner. And so I’m not sure we have to go out for an RFQ and assume that we also don’t know what the worth is. And so this is really to see what the what the world is So, you know, it’s highly likely we may not get any responses because we’re pretty specific in terms of what we were looking for. But in terms of this project, what we really have in hand is the land, which is under the LHC. separate entity. And then we have, how much did we put into this model?
Unknown Speaker 35:27
I hope by 5
Unknown Speaker 35:27
million Yeah. So we have 1.5 million, which is arco, which is the city. And then housing authorities interest is really the operations and management of this facility. And so, you know, what we’ll see when we get I don’t think we’re obligated. And that’s because if it doesn’t meet what we’re trying to achieve with the manufacturer, then we could potentially be more direct and talking to folks that have experience in that. This is really just to see what what we’re not seeing in the world right now. And I guess we’ll see what comes in. So I didn’t
Unknown Speaker 36:08
have 1.3 million.
Unknown Speaker 36:11
So I do have some questions, which I will send to you. But a couple of things that I just wanted to bring up. Now one, can you just briefly describe what you mean by prefab?
Unknown Speaker 36:25
So what we’re talking about is, last year, we had the opportunity to go to indeed well, and so indeed, well is actually it’s a national group, but they divide by states. And so they are manufactured housing unit based out of a bubble. And they do everything from housing design for homeless, to, you know, up to, I would say even attainable at some at some levels on a price point. So generally, what they told us is that their cost of construction ranges from $125, a square foot to about 285, correct barley.
Unknown Speaker 37:11
That’s what I recall.
Unknown Speaker 37:12
And so basically, what they’re able to do is because they’re, they’re building it in a manufacturing facility, they’re able to draw the price points down dramatically, compared to what you would see in traditional stick built housing. And so and what they do is they also use a steel platform. So instead of wood, two by fours and things like that the base of these units are still, the roof is still to design layering, it really is just the cost, issue and how to do it. And so they’ve been doing this in different places, when we went to visit they were shipping several years out to where was it isn’t our community. And so you have what they do in designing the units. What we’re looking for is somebody that has experience on both the architectural side and the development side in terms of working with those units, meaning, side layout, horizontal infrastructure, all of those issues, because it is different than normal, traditional state building development. And that’s kind of what we’re trying to see. Who are the architects who are developers, that have this experience and working with anyone else in this type of situation.
Unknown Speaker 38:43
And mentioned that Arca funding is once in a lifetime. And the city has dedicated a good chunk of that affordable housing and one of the real things that that we want to do is explore these new methods. This is our chance that we’re going to test writing something and and see if this could work for the Housing Authority and the city. This is our chance. So we really wanted to put this out to kind of see if this printout is a solution that we should be looking at going forward are
Unknown Speaker 39:24
specified in our
Unknown Speaker 39:30
organization. I think, you know, there’s number one. So they all are striving that’s
Unknown Speaker 39:37
on the Odyssey. We’re overseas with other organizations that
Unknown Speaker 39:44
are dealing with another one
Unknown Speaker 39:47
alongside obviously, corporate. Segment
Unknown Speaker 40:00
There’s only two right now I think, mass production indeed, well, I think
Unknown Speaker 40:05
he said, and
Unknown Speaker 40:07
then here’s where it gets different. There are some in Nebraska, and there are some of the other states. But when I met were fading last, they were based on the width of what the dmts allowed to be shipped on the roads. They were looking at one of them was looking at, I think you’re saying less than something in Nebraska. And I can’t remember the exact dimensions. But you know, they can often do forces because of the Nebraska rules, but in Colorado, you can be 16 feet. So for them, it made more sense to try to figure out how to do it and be the visa, because the two foot difference in width was a fairly significant square footage difference in the cost structure of this. And so that’s why you’re seeing I think the end to a model where they’re building states, so they’re not having to deal with these crazy DMC rules.
Unknown Speaker 41:15
So a couple of things.
Unknown Speaker 41:20
on that area of development and support, obviously, Valerie,
Unknown Speaker 41:32
with your office, and the holding company, obviously will say
Unknown Speaker 41:37
that we are also
Unknown Speaker 41:42
trying to capitalize on the possible.
Unknown Speaker 41:52
So just a couple of things that I had thought about is I know that we’ve talked about this, and particularly since these are going to be family units, is the childcare and I don’t want us to forget about that. Is that something that needs to be in this original thing? Or is that something that’s gonna come out later date?
Unknown Speaker 42:14
We talked about I talked about this with Katie, I think it needs to probably come at a later date, because this is not a large personal brand. And so we really need to have the architects and developers on board to, to figure out what is the trade off. Because when you’re dealing with a parcel this small, you will lose units potentially, if you put childcare in there. And so we have to do that sort of analysis to figure out, but you really need your architects and your development team to help do that. Because, you know, if you get childcare and honest hidden units, I mean, that’s kind of we don’t know what that delta is in us. And so paralleling this separate and apart for anything, here, we are having different childcare conversations at the city, and looking at different partners to try to build that capacity in a different way. I was in one yesterday, where we’re looking at actually multiple partners in larger childcare facility. So we’re running a childcare on multiple fronts, but I think we need the development team to figure out we’ve thought about putting it in, but it’s just too early to tell until you can really start understanding cycle limitations, parking requirements, height issues, all of those things that will then start resolving space and capacity and what we can do.
Unknown Speaker 43:53
I just, I just don’t want to lose sight of you know, it’s convenience. For the people, if they’ve got it. They’re close to them rather than having a gold cross, which is saving gas and all of that. Yeah, so just I don’t want to lose sight of that. And one of the other things that I was wondering about is and maybe it’s something that comes later is I noticed that we don’t ask them whether or not they have had within the last five to 10 years penalties or judgments against them that would maybe have some sort of a negative impact on whether or not they would be able to do this. Is that something that is even considered or is that something that yeah, we
Unknown Speaker 44:37
look at that once you start digging into this, this is a little bit different than so bad, you kind of do that this is we’re just looking at qualifications and then based on what we see obviously. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 44:57
Like you said it I think it’s great that we’re moving forward With this sunset campus
Unknown Speaker 45:07
so I missed that early. But Is everyone okay with giving any comments they might have back on here within the next week?
Unknown Speaker 45:18
Yes, yes.
Unknown Speaker 45:25
Okay, so I’m gonna move to the naming of the property, which this is kind of a fun thing. And I
Unknown Speaker 45:34
want to get back to this to your point, and probably some things that, you know, one of the things that we’re really dialing in organizationally is finishing on budget on time. And so we’re really looking at that information. Because right now, with the financial pressures we’re seeing, time is money. And, and it’s a significant issue right now. So overall ability to move is going to be a big thing for us. So yeah, those are all things we’ll look at.
Unknown Speaker 46:19
Right, so we got direction from the electric board to go ahead with, with a naming process for this and other future properties. And we do want to do, you know, an inclusive process here. So we were thinking about how to name the overlay of properties. And we want to put that name in the in RFQ. And we were thinking about, how would we go about this. And so we were going to live in our marketing group. But ahead of this meeting, they weren’t available. They were had some staff time off. But we will move in the cities marketing team to check this out once we kind of come up with some some ideas, but maybe we’ll have that we Katie, and I said some research on some knitting processes, and we just have a kind of a fun and meaningful way to involve this group. And then we can, you know, for anybody that’s in the audience, we’re happy to take suggestions as well. So Kenny, I’m gonna let you go ahead and walk through our naming exercise that documents remain in your packets honorable letter before it on the details. And you better out.
Unknown Speaker 47:41
Unknown Speaker 47:58
shuffled over does everyone have it? Yeah. So we were just trying to go about this because our Vedic No, not at all, like, so. I’m gonna just put this together after the process. I’ve not used this before. But so it’s definitely like added flow. But I’m still wondering if anybody kind of had issues. You know, that when it comes to the process, we’re not kind of, you know, get the feedback on the challenge and put it together. Um, I would still like to have choices. But I think to start this far as thinking about what we want this property to be, what kind of positioning what attributes they’re hoping to have with this in this family property. So a couple, you know, just the first two that I put on there, saying, They’re not my friendly writing. I don’t know if anyone else has attributes that they came on board with kind of kick off this process. But just in general, thinking about what kind of space we want this to be words that that showcase that.
Unknown Speaker 49:17
So I have a question not having having been here for years and years and years who did what, who owned the property originally? Was it over? Sure. I don’t know.
Unknown Speaker 49:33
I think it was. Why was Stuart No. Okay. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 49:44
So, the process I was kind of going through here was sticking about words or attributes that local property has. And then I My family has names that she put out there laid into some time to the Apple the crossing that we have now to lock herself. So kind of going off, that is obviously an option in the village, the comments, the hopes are just ones that we threw together. And I know we’ll be singing some other ones as well. One is a good one. And then obviously, also mentioning tribution. Kathy Dyson,
Unknown Speaker 50:33
I will use it as this is totally throwing it out there. All of this is just, it’s just ideas or information. I did. At one point, it was jokingly I said that as a feather in here and ruining our housing and, you know, homeless and supportive services, folks at the city that just pulling that as I threw it out one point, kind of as a joke was that we would need a property asset. And that might just be me, I just think family doesn’t make sense to honor someone who had been treated so much to to housing in our community. And then I was thinking later, like, when when he eventually talked about our permanent supportive housing care nominee was so instrumental in setting that in some famisafe, totally awesome as we don’t think that’s a good idea. We’re just coming up with all options. And it’s just an example of more of an honorary name. Just an example.
Unknown Speaker 51:37
So you know, as a city, we don’t name anything after people. We tend to do it posthumously. There’s a very good reason why we don’t because you never know what’s going to happen. Exactly. You just have
Unknown Speaker 52:07
to most places when they’re named after somebody, it’s because they’ve contributed millions in order to get it built. Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 52:17
It’s an interesting thing. When Arlene goes, well, who used to own it? Yeah. Why was Stewart Hmm. Maybe we talked to the steward foundation. I think we would have a better chance of the steward foundation on this one, because it’s, it’s family housing. Yes. So so the stewards being the steward foundation thing, interest is University of Colorado, Mama Museum, and anything related to family and children. And so and they are, I think, involved in the childcare conversation. So it may not be. So back to your point when we think of childcare. But we were also talking about is, maybe there’s a transit component to child care where we pick up designed locations where they can still get the economies of scale that we can do pickups. So that may be actually that may be interesting. And Molly, we may want to try to reach out to Jim would come and go, Hey, here’s what we’re doing. She’s selling the land. Are you interested? There won’t cause any rights at that, though, because they’re really focused on that for the sewer family. So,
Unknown Speaker 53:30
yeah, that’s a great idea.
Unknown Speaker 53:31
Yeah. Because, yeah, it would be nice if we could kind of tie that skin together with
Unknown Speaker 53:39
Okay, so that’s a good suggestion, because it wasn’t until you asked me that question, that I realized, Oh, it was wireless. So that entire area was developed by John Cook, but while I lived on the land, and I think that was related to the radio station itself, so that tower was connected to the radio station, and that’s why a lot of times on the Denver station from here, Denver in Longmont or something that’s because they acquired this station for broadcast area. So yeah, let’s think about that.
Unknown Speaker 54:13
Okay. So, I added some other ones that have been crossing which is a little more younger audience. Well, villager, who likes to grasp place, geographical boundaries, the more general name is good I think, you know, others have things that they want to throw out kind of go through a rating process or number getting sense.
Unknown Speaker 54:53
So I think that at this point, if people question
Unknown Speaker 54:59
my Yeah, what’s the timeframe on anything? Well, we,
Unknown Speaker 55:05
it’s not absolutely necessary to include the name and RFQ and have it set in stone. If we want to do a broader process, then we could put in a placeholder for the RFQ. It was more than we wanted to get ideas, this is something have we put a lot of thought into, we still need to do this process, we want to help walk through this. Maybe today, we’ve just discussed the desired attributes, and then we go through this process offline. And so if the advisor would like to take some more time, and definitely include a placeholder on
Unknown Speaker 55:44
your interview, so why are we asking this question? The reason why I’m asking this question is because once you get to the water tank, where all the names and it becomes remarkably difficult to change, and we’re finding this out with so on the sleeves project, right, so we started off, and that’s why you keep hearing us at sunset heights, because that’s what it started off. At some point in the contract, it changed to Bluebird. You know, and and now that we’ve learned that process has been administrator, nightmare. And so that, that’s why we’re asking the question to go. We don’t want to do that
Unknown Speaker 56:31
yet, because I liked the idea of using the steward. And, you know, I’m ready to move that we do that if at all possible, and they’re agreed to it. That’s, that’s what we do. Yeah. So that’s priority. If we can do that.
Unknown Speaker 56:57
I think that was kind of one of the bigger questions I had was, it’s, you know, did we are we really set on doing a blank app? overcrossing, like the other two properties there, or we open to other things, I think that’s like, and obviously struggling with that, which is obviously fine. But it hasn’t been the same point. And we’ll find out how to progress out there
Unknown Speaker 57:32
just know, just history while we’ve done with them, they’re gonna want to get involved in that. Foundation and so seriously, such a money
Unknown Speaker 57:52
except it
Unknown Speaker 57:57
Well, I mean, it’s it’s the value for the steward auditorium, museums was probably in the neighborhood by Friday. Or during it McCarran was three or five, it’s a lot more, you have the Kaiser Permanente room in there, which was just around, it was a quarter, it was 250,000. So you got to look at investment and what’s the investment piece and things like that? And knowing they’re interested in they go, Well, we want to build the playground. And so then we go, okay, you know, that’s like three, let’s say 350 400,000 For playground. And it would be like, you know, July let’s do a playground. So that’s the negotiation are no interesting. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 59:02
But I’m thinking is, if you’re having a childcare facility on site, you can call me the light tech dollars with that. So you’ve got to find gap financing funding to go up commercially is and if that’s something that they want to contribute to that fills that gap.
Unknown Speaker 59:18
Yeah, that’s, yeah, I like the idea of using the facilities we’ve got and aligning with companies that are already providing childcare and providing that transportation that would solve our loss of unit kind of issue. And the man technician. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 59:44
Yeah, that was issue here. I mean, that’s what you saw, I think more and more throughout our opening this one, and then I think we also had to use CBG funding to help bridge because the light tech wouldn’t cover it and so they were gap financing on it. See, it was a few years of back and forth
Unknown Speaker 1:00:11
it’s like just keep a product has a market and everything that happened over the past three years
Unknown Speaker 1:00:30
include a placeholder, or something basic for the RFQ, we’ll go through the exercise with the Stuart Foundation, see what we can doing to get in touch with there. I would like to know from this group, at least get some feedback on the desired attributes for this property, because that could feed into the RFQ as well. So does anybody have any thoughts on that?
Unknown Speaker 1:00:53
I do think we’re targeting families for this property, I think creating like a nice safe space that’s internal, for like a playground would be nice. That way the parents can let their kids run around and not have to, you know, keep an eye on the 30 year road and worry about cars. And then just having you know, nice welcoming to space, I think just welcoming and inclusive of all family types, you know, family, we tend to think of people with children but not all families have children. Families are you know, caretaker and and adults sometimes it’s an older parent taking care of a child with an intellectual developmental disability. So making sure that we’re inclusive of all these types of families
Unknown Speaker 1:01:50
what about local conveniences, grocery stores all of that, that they can be in that market convenient, convenient to the kind of things you need on a daily basis or weekly basis? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:09
Probably one of the best locations we have. So you have safely across 17 You have Walgreens immediately adjacent to it we’re starting to see more restaurants development in Robins Miko probably more here than other places
Unknown Speaker 1:02:29
out there that sort of the bus line on what you’re
Unknown Speaker 1:02:34
planning on doing like go pass our investments
Unknown Speaker 1:02:38
No, we don’t do that. Part of the problem is and it’s mainly working to support is you don’t live immediately on the line and people don’t use their current challenges guards up system here unless you’re on Main Street or.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:12
Any other thoughts that you’d like to make sure we include or consider
Unknown Speaker 1:03:20
this one’s kind of a stretch maybe but one thing that I have my eye on that I would like to buy one day is one of those electric bikes with the big bucket on the front or the seats in the back for the kids so that you can get around town on a bike with children in tow safely. And one thing we’re looking at potentially in new developments is having sort of a bike loan program because those bikes are anywhere from five to $7,000 So having one that you know family could check out or or ranch would be kind of cool if they wanted to because that’s not something that they would probably choose to
Unknown Speaker 1:03:58
buy you target something you wonder if we should be looking at the ability to charge electric and having them
Unknown Speaker 1:04:12
infrastructure which were probably based on the state’s bills that are being signed going to have to update our code to the 2021 which is gonna make everything TV and movie ready. So like here we have five chargers by the chargers for 10 cars and that will require we’re looking at having double what’s required and only half set up and half wired ready to go in case it changes in the future. So having sort of that foresight
Unknown Speaker 1:04:48
because we’ll get have anything like that and extra members
Unknown Speaker 1:04:52
not ask them Fall River and Spring Creek both have G recharging station they
Unknown Speaker 1:04:57
are Yeah, yeah, but that was If that wasn’t appropriate, new to the remodel,
Unknown Speaker 1:05:02
part of what we’re looking at, because we own our own electric utility, yeah, it’s a slightly different equation. And what we’re trying to figure out is so as we’re transitioning to more plug in hybrid or electric vehicles, are fleet departments actually looking at the concept of putting level three chargers that we can use for city fleet and budget, I talked to them about making them accessible, but it’s community because so I just got an electric vehicle so on the left a level two charger. So a straight implosion takes about 13 hours to get you to where you need to be a level two charger takes about six hours to get you where you need to be a level three charger or what actually do it. And so like we were at 30%, and within 45 minutes to get to that Ami. And so we’re globally evaluating from LTC, because they’re the ones are building infrastructure to do it is to you know, that combined fleet what starts making sense? Is, is it more level three chargers? Or is that level two or mix of the two? Because there’s differences in that. So we will tie that in to our conversation because you’re right.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:33
And then we have we have carshare here, I fell into place. But I’ve talked to them, and they want to expand into where we have evey charging points. So once we install a family, we do the car share program there. So even families what happened on a car, they would just have to have a valid license and they could rent the car for dollars an hour.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:51
Yeah. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:52
And the thing we’ve got to figure out too, so like when you look at Charge America or any of the apps, so like, village play shows us as a charging location for the public. And not those based on experience. Great thing. It shows up as a charging place for the public. We got to figure that out. In the sense of is it or isn’t it?
Unknown Speaker 1:07:22
In certain grants, or collegial correct from saying it’s only for our presence, really, depending on what grants you if you get grants to pay for it, there are certain requirements like the ones that the spoke, we decided, because we’re paying for the cost of the cloud and the maintenance, you’re charging, I think it’s $1, whatever you guys are, whatever the city sustainability coordinator, so overcloud are an hour to charge. Okay. And then for our residents, we give them a code so they can charge for fresh. Okay, but that might be the way it goes. But if there’s constantly people in the Publican spaces, your residence so never gets asked. Yeah, we have a two hour limit on these. So you can just park there all day.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:05
Right? Yeah, there’s a lot. I mean, the nuances in the charging stuff, it’s, you know, it’s pretty. And I don’t know how they found it as my greeting for wherever we’re at figure that out. Because if they use other funding sources, then there were specific to sustainability or EB chargers. We may have a different issue. But we weren’t involved in those.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:36
Three, they’ll be in and out.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:40
A little too. Yeah. So yeah. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 1:08:49
I think we’re getting her her desired attributes those words stainable transportation oriented, safe, inclusive,
Unknown Speaker 1:09:02
definitely safe.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:04
Welcoming, you have been writing about so it’s accessible. Especially, we’re looking at the definition of what family means and what that includes and inclusivity. And what’s the newest one that we’re trying to factor in is visible, so that people can visit because if you live in a house that steps up to the front stoop, but someone’s coming in a wheelchair to visit you. They can’t come in here. So making sure units are visible by people who need it. So not just who’s going to live there but who’s going to come visit
Unknown Speaker 1:09:48
Say that five
Unknown Speaker 1:09:48
times fast. Really words
Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
Learning Goals are good actually start with the RFQ. And be really specific that we want to name it. We’ll put in a placeholder for now just to be able to organize as far as partners go back to the main weather Stewart concept fits anymore. So I think that we have what we need.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:28
So generally, what do you think about this, this two pager exercise organized thoughts on naming convention, because we have the, as Carol mentioned, the sunset hikes slash bluebird slash placeholder project that, that’s next on our agenda item. And I, the developer element is taking the lead in coordinating the feedback process for naming. But we were, if we think that this exercise is valuable, we could use that to organize our thoughts as staff and the advisory board and whatever other stakeholder input we want to get there. Just let me know if you think that was, is valuable, whether we should move forward with that or not.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:15
Maybe for next time, too, for like sunset, if everyone set their attributes in them their names, and then I kind of, then we can send that out and say, Okay, now I’m reading them. So it’s not just the reading around, you’re reading groups, and honestly, I’m certain that everyone would have a list of names that we came up with, you can write them back, and then I can pull out, this is what kind of brings us to the top when we got our way to do as opposed to everyone just filling out their skin. Just writing the names person rate up to the secondary piece like that.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:01
Okay. So, Agent I have about maybe the sunset heights project is more than FYI, this is coming since it’s going to be coordinated more centrally by the developer to bring together several groups. So just let us know, as they said, Send us attributes. If you have any name ideas off the top, let’s do that, too. That process hasn’t fully kicked off yet. But it’s more of a heads up that it’s coming in if this Bible, we’re going to use this this kind of exercise method for for our ideas, our meeting, staffing advice, advisory board, whoever else Lhh wants to just submit? Yeah, I think we’re meeting
Unknown Speaker 1:12:50
are all of you with elvet Next Tuesday, so I sent out an email read reading, summarize what we just said and then respond. Great. Rudy doesn’t go off of office. Summary after this. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 1:13:19
moving on to six, which is a standing up agenda item, which is item throughput to the Board of Commissioners.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:29
So I don’t have anything for this meeting at this time. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:36
Then the next one is another standing agenda item is no part of the LFA work plan or goals.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:45
Nothing proposed here from staff.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:46
Yeah, sure. One of the things that came up now, a lot of the interviews that I know, especially the one guy was pretty much you whether it wanted to or not, was the via transportation that we used to have. And I would like to use the term advise that we look into starting at again, but on a reduced scale, possibly, instead of twice a week, maybe twice a month, and see if we can get that into the 2023 budget. But I’m also looking at the need for us to know what the man could be as property. So that might be the starting point.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:00
So let me, let me just talk a little bit about that as well. This is something that and I did interviews at three of the different places. So this is something that came up. And over the last year that I have been involved in this, I’ve noticed that, it seems to me that things are just moving a little bit slower. Not having know what was done in the past, I had asked Jim to give me some feedback on what was done in the past. As far as the year goes, we were able to meet with via and talk to them about can we start this again? And if we can start this again, what are we talking about as far as cost goes? And what do you guys think, needs to be done to get this moving forward? They are definitely open to starting it again. And because we had suggested that instead of it being just, you know, whenever somebody calls in, they want to go to the grocery store, this is really what we’re looking at now is grocery store. And so like Jean said, we do it a couple of times a month on this specific day. So it would be the second Tuesday of the month, always that day, have that day reserved for the different facilities, and we would determine what facilities are interested in doing this. So what spring Craig, Fall River, Aspen meadows, what we need to do is talk to them. And so maybe Lisa, when you’re setting up your meetings here, we can kind of give us a couple of minutes to say we would like to have an idea of how many people would definitely be interested in this, it would definitely be a sign up, you know, so that via would know ahead of time. But if we reserved the day, we’ve definitely got the vehicle so that we are not going to be scrambling to say, Well, gee, I’m sorry. You know, we thought we had the vehicle, but we don’t if we reserve the day, we’ve definitely got the vehicle. So if we started out and what we would like to do is we would like to get it started this year. So we I understand, I know that the budgets are already done for this year. So we will probably ask the city council if they can cough up a couple of dollars. We sort of figured that probably $5,000 would carry us over via charges $90 an hour. Okay. And we figured that just just guessing, we figured that maybe six hours with a day would do it. So we based our budget suggestions on that going forward, because you guys are looking at budget, we were thinking next year, same amount of money, possibly 15,000. And we’re asking that because if this goes and goes really well, then we may go more than six hours a day, we may go seven and a half, we’re looking at an hour and a half. So we would pick somebody up at our studios, we would take them to the grocery store, go back to one of the other facilities and just continue in this way. Pick them up, pick up, bring the other ones back. So an hour and a half, we figured we’d probably do it that we could we could handle this. So just so you know, we’ve kind of set the thing and said, b Can you do this? And they have the vehicles that could Jake intended Well, the vehicles are already here in Longmont, so we wouldn’t have to worry about them coming from Boulder or Denver or anywhere like that. So that’s kind of where we’re at as far as transportation goes. So we kind of want to throw this out, you know and say I think it would work. I’ve seen this work other places and Currently it has worked here in the past before so it’s something that we kind of should they have
Unknown Speaker 1:19:04
Zara ageing
Unknown Speaker 1:19:09
and so what happens here is that what happens with that is if somebody is in a wheelchair needs to go then that takes that means there’s less space for somebody else it takes out for that two seats. Same with walkers,
Unknown Speaker 1:19:19
I assume yes. And walkers. Yes,
Unknown Speaker 1:19:22
yes, it’s successful walkers but the walkers we don’t have that they still have seats a bit more seats available, whereas with a wheelchair they used to
Unknown Speaker 1:19:32
and so they wouldn’t allow more than two wheelchairs per ride. So if there were two wheelchairs and Aspen meadows and then they needed more they would just swing that around as the medicine kind of pick up. Yeah. So
Unknown Speaker 1:19:45
yeah, and I’ve worked with similar progress and I have like signup sheets already. I’d have like five features stuff like that. So excited to be working more with Kendra via to get more information.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:55
Yeah, I think
Unknown Speaker 1:19:58
there’s also a registration process So anybody that wants to Next, make sure they’re registered with them. And that’s a simple web page
Unknown Speaker 1:20:07
for their liabilities. And I actually have my billing forms from my old company, we have this.
Unknown Speaker 1:20:12
Yeah, well, I mean, we already funded through the city. And so not to be Debbie downer, but I’m gonna have to be Debbie Downer right now. incredibly concerned right now, about the budget budget next year, just because you know, right now, we’re where we are in the city budget. We’re seeing the labor market move. So towers, Watson made a national projection of 4.1% increase in salaries nationwide, the front range of Colorado tends to leave that word, we tend to not be divided on average, we tend to be on the top. And so, you know, generically, we’re, we’re now moving on to speed on the city side, I understand that piece. Because it is not beyond the realm of possibility to go, we’re gonna see someone at a five to 6% Push and salaries, we then probably we paid 102%. So, you know, if you shift there, and that’s almost looking like a 7% increase in salaries, we already know that we’re over budget on snow removal in some of these other issues, and then everything’s going up in pricing. So you know, just to say, can work Andrew and I are going to have to do on budget is just to do our base level of services, we think we’re going to be stretched. And it’s going to be by property. And so, for example, ama, anyway, in this property, are not doing well, in terms of the rents and everything else that we’re bringing in. And so just to say, we got to keep that budget in the framework, because I would caution against doing something that we’re not able to do in perpetuity. And we can’t reverse the foundation of what we’re doing, either. So just plug that in there. Everything that I was, it’s an interesting year for us. And in terms of the city, you know, we’re doing well. I left the gym yesterday and sit here and think you’d have a budget where you’re doing well, but then you’re pushed. And so I’d say we need to be cognizant of that as we’re looking at this because inflation is just killer right now.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:04
Well, just so you know that we didn’t find anything. Finding out
Unknown Speaker 1:23:11
that it is critical. I really believe it is critical to pay our people so that we can keep them because continual movement of staff is not good. And I think that that is definitely critical. So yeah, definitely.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:28
So budget wise for me, for those two days. Now with the process, where would it be? Where do people have to register and say, I’m, I want to be picked up this day, and that there’s a limit of 10 or eight depending on you know, what they need at access, and then it would go to each property
Unknown Speaker 1:23:52
they can pick up like, say Fall River, Spring Creek, if they’re not pulling stuff at ask them to get some people there, drop off at Walmart, head over to the over properties, village place, pick up, drop off, and then pick up who’s ever ready to go back to their property and then kind of just do a big old move around town.
Unknown Speaker 1:24:08
Yeah, there’s
Unknown Speaker 1:24:13
ever I found this really last day, we had a property with 383 units. And we allotted four hours for kind of a loop service. And as long as the drivers going in the loop in the f8 or 15 minute break, we could accommodate everybody knew if they were not back at the bus on the final pick either we would tell them you have to be back at this time. We need the bus at this time. You’re responsible for your own way.
Unknown Speaker 1:24:38
And I’ve seen this also work in places where I’ve been so if they have enough, you know they know enough about it that they can take and do it. It’s just whether or not we have the funds to be able to kind of get this well we
Unknown Speaker 1:24:52
need to bring Phil Greenwald down because he understand what because Phil works with VF in the city side And there may be some overlap in this. You can figure out but
Unknown Speaker 1:25:06
the in the other thing is finding out the interest level in each property, because it might be a property or two that they don’t want to. And that cuts down on
Unknown Speaker 1:25:17
the awesome locations like, because I know from what I’ve seen being at Aspen meadows and maybe the over properties and the suites, they want more access to Walmart, where they have purchased or the little bit closer to them. But Walmart’s a little bit further, especially like the over properties and suites and all that they have to drive this right. Right. Right. So
Unknown Speaker 1:25:37
start the surveys.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:39
In Visual, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:45
We got to figure out but as we add properties, you can’t leave them out. Right. So then the added component would get figured out there, how them. So if we’re building a pro forma for take over Christmas, to add those two candidates, or when we build them over. So the service is actually going to expand. So we got to kind of think through that whole model. What does that look like? Yeah, I think it’s something we need to do. I think, to your point about slow, I think the challenge that we currently have is that I think we’re just now where we’re stable financially. And that’s the challenge. And it will be my job is also to tell you and the board what you need to hear not what necessarily what you want to hear. And I will just say we need to kind of keep an eye on stability. And maybe we can figure this out and go, we think in X number of months, because, you know, it may be something we can do from the general fund as the development revenue starts cycling. And, of course, it’s not property based, but it may be now may not be the exact time but maybe next year, what’s the you realize the cycle of the development residents coming in from person? And you bought the home? I mean, there’s all these things again. Yeah, so just what we
Unknown Speaker 1:27:21
already have, right, increase toxins, we haven’t had rate increase for multiple years. So we’re looking at that, and how some of these properties are really being affected budget here this year, because the price increases that we’re seeing for the being in the years now with for appliances. And everyday I would say this is ridiculous. It’s ridiculous. I never took
Unknown Speaker 1:27:43
me to the grocery store.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:47
Well, our suppliers are going up signs that we supply for $12 An hour $30. You
Unknown Speaker 1:27:53
know, so we wanted to throw this out to you guys. And so that, you know, it’s something to think about when you’re building new properties. It’s something that if there’s a way that we could even start at this year, the panic, the pandemic, we hope is, you know, sort of going away and people are starting to come back or wanting to do things and, and so we’d like to
Unknown Speaker 1:28:14
help a little bit.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:19
Okay, all right. I don’t know what time it is. We don’t have anything left to vote on.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:26
I don’t think so. It’s just Okay. Moving on to llj report. receptor. This
Unknown Speaker 1:28:35
is the occupancy availability report is the first report. We did have a little bit of June and increase in our occupancy back up to 95. In order to get to the 98. I’m hoping these numbers start going up even more now that we have a full maintenance team on staff ever rates back from medical leaves everything for maintenance. So therefore going out in these maintenance turns that these numbers are based off of June. So looking at the vacancy, some of these vacancies have been filled but there’s been other agents come up. I did ask for the report. This is more for the Board of Commissioners, the city council wanting to know more about the contaminated units and where we stand. Suite 7110. The reconstruction that unit is expected to be completed by the end of this month early August. That was the one that’s a roll over from 2021 7114. We just saw the theme is there started cleaning today on that one zone to fully clean that would have actually it’s cleaning and running out everything that was coming down. That’s the that one of the suites so they’re starting out with a data start demoing that unit 7330 was released back to us about a week ago so might be interested They’re trying it and it’s already pre rented. President hopes to move in by the end of this month, Aspen senior 305 Attend even was assigned and are hoping to start on that the end of this week beginning of next week. Every override the neighborhood of reconstruction is in process, they expect to be completed by the end of August. And that will be a manager’s unit. So she will be moving from the suites over there. And then Spring Creek 106 That was just released back to us that unit is needed, like cleaning, maintenance has already been in there. And that unit is rented as well.
Unknown Speaker 1:30:34
Can we back up a minute to Aspen senior that has happened to since the remodel? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 1:30:43
Okay. And then we had to bandwidth that’s added to the prolonged vacancy at some of these sites, the lodge we had one that had heavy urine damage, we tried to clean the flooring and everything but it ended up with the flooring out sealed flooring, and moving on new carpet, the carpet prices have doubled. And then I asked him about his neighborhood, we had a three bedroom unit that was an eviction, they left with really bad shape, everything has to come out for bass come out. So Vegas has been doing that all in house prep. And now taking all the furniture out breaking down disposing of it so that you can see it a little bit longer than a normal turn.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:23
So with your guys being able to go in and do your your yearly checks on houses, we should really kind of cut down on some of this
Unknown Speaker 1:31:30
get some of this will be some of this. Especially the housekeeping issues, stuff like that we’re trying to really bring in work with pragmatic mental health partners as consulting even when it’s not one of their clients, even if it’s at one of our other sites, they’re willing to step in and help consult and work with us as well.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:51
I like this. I like that
Unknown Speaker 1:31:52
information out there. Yeah, part of it is you know, so the MSA math is a little bit different, because there’s probably a clear path to deal with that one because we remodeled renovated, we know it was clear. And then it’s not clear. And I think that’s part of all of these issues. We’re trying to figure out the accountability piece, and the sense of what what to do with organizations and setting up because it’s not just that. I mean that, you know, we haven’t yet and another property where it was massive amounts of animal feces. And their cost of these every time there’s constantly with issues that is incurred. And at the end of the day. You know, as I talked about this last Friday, the issue that we’re running into is it’s not just them, what they’re doing is impacting the ability of someone else to be housed, because units are offline, which is ultimately impacting the community. And so we are really trying to figure out, what do we do to get a hold of this and really set expectations in terms of, if you do this, this and this, here’s the accountability that’s going to count this, because we got to reframe this on the yearly inspections, you know, we are probably, you know, we’re touching a lot of budgets in these conversations, but it’s probably easier to do that. So we’re out right now for getting close on insurance. We know that insurance is gonna go up, in large part because of the fire. We are incredibly concerned that we as to whether or not we will continue to have our math insurance, because more and more people are losing that. And so there are some really big issues that if they fall it’s gonna create a different bunch of channels. So we know insurance probably going up. But if we lose the math, insurance, then we’re probably going to have to shift our let’s see, count the reserves the we’re probably going to have to really start amping up the replacement reserves because then we will have to cover all of these costumes. And, and so there’s a lot of things that a lot of dollars that depending on where they fall in it could very quickly put us in a negative position on budget, which is in there’s no mechanism to absorb it. So if the budget is Mine Creek is doing really well. We can’t use that budget for this facility because of the way you structured in the deals. And so we’re going to have to start looking at all of these revenue sources based on the expenses within the individual properties. And it’s even more complicated for the lodging, Hearthstone, because we have to anticipate that and submitted to HUD, and they have to approve it. Because it is a 202 property. And so I think we’re gonna have our work cut out for us.
Unknown Speaker 1:35:37
Mean continuing, right,
Unknown Speaker 1:35:38
Unknown Speaker 1:35:42
Any questions on the occupancy
Unknown Speaker 1:35:44
Unknown Speaker 1:35:47
Unknown Speaker 1:35:50
we’re gonna run out of time here. So can I just kind of get yourself over real fast overdue yet for
Unknown Speaker 1:35:55
the property of dance. We still have our fair housing training coming August 11, which is going to be big, y’all should have got advice for that. Let’s see, we’re still talking with insurance and attorneys on the best procedure, kind of like he was just kind of. And let’s see, we have I taught this on here. But I think that was started this week is we had a contractor come out and look at all of our ABA accessibility fast standards for all properties gave us a very detailed list of what needs to be done. We started on that date, and I have gone through anything that was less than like $100 to take care of, we’ve gotten on schedule to get those little things and a lot of them, even though they quoted us 100 203. And they’re all concerned that we can get done with stuff we already have on hand or it’s just our guys moving the toilet paper wrap over covering a hole. So we have all slicing do that and so we’re jumping on that faster. So that’s a big thing. Let’s see.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:06
You’re still dealing with evictions and all that?
Unknown Speaker 1:37:08
Yes, I’m still in court every Friday, we’re still only allowed two evictions. For LA. Well, each company is allowed to evictions per per week. So every Friday morning, I’m at the courthouse every Wednesday. We work with the sheriff’s department to do for those who we don’t come to an agreement in court, or a mutual rescission is designed where the residents leave on their own. And we have to have the sheriff come out. Those are typically Wednesdays or Fridays, and we’re on the sheriff’s timeline. They kind of tell us so it’s a team effort. That sheriff was actually really impressed with us again, of how fast Lhh can pack carpet and get everything out within standards and codes. But my team has really pulled together on these they get out there work on property at seven o’clock in the morning building boxes getting ready. It’s not what we like to do. But we do get in get the job that and nobody complains everybody just gets in and gets it Oh, we did have to buy some more PP and E respirator mask and we’ve always had was when we got a heavier duty work lab, fingers, because some of the stuff that we have had to move in touch. It’s not funny in some of the smells of the units. Now I did have a salary sick last week, but we think it was the heat warm anything. Moving people out when it’s 100 degrees out was not fun. We didn’t do that beautiful thing on Briar Woods veterans community project who is using the old office space, they’re just we partnered with them and bought supplies, but they have a group of volunteers come out and redo the whole community area outside the awning the ramp up into the awning they have veterans community project plays a barbecue out there. And they’re inviting our residents into events with the veterans. Landscaping really looking at the atrium area on there.
Unknown Speaker 1:39:09
I think the other thing I wanted to add to this is I think what we’re seeing, I tend to get into these evictions is and we have to hear this out is I think we have a lot of people that moved from single family detached homes where it was your home and you can do what you needed to do. Moving into a multifamily environment where you can’t do just what you used to do when you want to do because we’re having to manage the entire facility. The livability for everyone in the unit and those types of things. And I think there’s parts of what we’re dealing with is that and and the lack of respect for the others in the unit because generally that’s what I see as being the underlying cause for this And there’s not a place that’s immune to it. But you know, we’re that’s why we’re using chronic and things like that because you know it is, here’s your space. But even within your space, it’s not completely a free for all where, you know, the scrub, the smells permeating the adjoining properties, the hallways, these types of issues, there are rules that are in place. And I think we’re just gonna continue to see more of that. And one of the things
Unknown Speaker 1:40:33
we do have in place is, we call kind of the pause that we’ve talked about a few times a housing retention team is anybody. The manager, the Resource Specialist for the senior center, the manager, me, Susan Smalling, who runs the city mediation, if any of us see something and be like, hold on, before the support, even accurate go support, we need to discuss this kind of a little bit more, what’s in place who’s helping this who’s, who’s all involved, and we’ve really had some successful ones. I actually had one that we had an eviction granted to three weeks ago, and we had adult protective services involved. And they said, Oh, this isn’t the case for us. And the son finally stepped in and was like, hold on, what can we do? So we all met, there was a group of I can sell us in the room, we sat down, we kind of walked through a plan, the resident is now a part on rent, paid all the attorneys fees paid everything, this family stepped in the family taking over the President’s financial situation to make sure that she doesn’t end up in spot she had ended up she had the funds, she just didn’t want to use them towards rents. So but she’s now she’s saying how she’s not being evicted. We were able to vacate that judgment. Good. And we’re doing that with a few. So you tried to sit down with this mediators. We’ve had some come out from fresh to Josh’s out of Boulder County. And we’ll sit down we’ll kind of work through a plan, try to set up some agreements prior to court. And if the resident can keep up with the agreements, then we won’t go to court and we’ll be here as well. And but if they don’t keep the agreement, if it’s if they’re causing a nuisance to their neighbors, and they they keep on doing it even after the agreement signed, then we obviously but and I tell other residents because we get a lot of pushback when we’re doing the lockouts. And last week, we quite stuck kind of got a lot of hate hateful comments coming in and out of the elevator. And it was a group of residents. But we said it’s not that we’re doing this case, as one person, we’re protecting everybody else in the building from what’s been going on and the issues that’s happening because a lot of it’s the smoking. It could be harassing after hours during business hours. But it’s we’re here to protect the other residents not display more residents. Communication is key.
Unknown Speaker 1:43:01
When you supervise people, and you go into a disciplinary procedure, you know, it’s not uncommon for them to know what you’re doing is me. And my answer, I’m not doing this to you. I don’t want to do this. You’re pushing me to do this. And that’s really kind of the situation. Listen, do it. But you’re creating a situation that’s forcing us to do this. And we get a lot of chances probably more than you would get in any private multifamily situation which we get a lot of pushback on that same people get mad.
Unknown Speaker 1:43:45
Okay. Can you fast?
Unknown Speaker 1:43:50
Yeah. So I want to give people if anybody wants to speak in a few minutes, so really
Unknown Speaker 1:43:54
the accounts receivable, I just started looking at which ones are released, you know, a lot of it’s due to increased charges. Because of that, because of the past two collections and people go into evictions. So that’s kind of what’s currently happening with the accounts receivable for the financials. As you know, Lisa mentioned as well, we have three communities as the middle neighborhood, the lodge and Spring Creek with really high vacancy dollars, to where they’re almost over budget for the entire year. So a lot of that is due to, you know, having units out for math, we have had an increased workload tenants have passed away. And in that case, we don’t have notice. So it’s either we’re not able to get it housed fast enough. So and with the short staffed department, so the terms were not happening fast enough because of the short staff so that’s, that’s kind of why we have three expenditure concerns about snow removal. For some properties, we are over budget. So we’re proud I heard of snow in the winter months. So the fourth quarter 22 were others that aren’t over budget, we may have one goal. So one snow. So that was definitely a learning lesson. And we’ll probably have to increase that budget next year. We do have an issue issue with our janitorial, which is, you know, our anticipation was to take our janitorial in house. So we have a staff member here four hours a day, and we you know, all of the properties, and we’re just having a really hard time actually finding somebody to
Unknown Speaker 1:45:37
fulfill that. So we have a third party that we’re actually spending
Unknown Speaker 1:45:41
money towards. And it’s going it’s beginning to over budget, because that’s obviously higher than what we anticipated with the staff and benefits. And then the other one is background, these, I don’t think they were doing them as thoroughly as we are today. So we didn’t budget enough knowing that that was happening. But we have some things in place to limit some of that. But when we do increase our budget next year, for those backgrounds, you know, whether it’s for growth or or employment,
Unknown Speaker 1:46:15
appointment history, so
Unknown Speaker 1:46:16
it’s kind of early DHCP.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:18
Yeah, it is primary. But there are some other properties that are high class too. And we’re we are seeing started seeing a significant increase in lawyer costs to, to all this. With that said, usually those costs get transferred to the tenant. But in hindsight, probably won’t begin to get paid.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:37
And that’s a critical point, because what we’re seeing are what are heard obligations, and what we need to see and what we need to report. So we, we have three cases that I’m going to be meeting with over the next week. One was was $12,000. In rent, the American girls is $1,000 in rent, and another one was around 6000. So I’m getting in, in rent or over some HCD piece. So I told Tracy, anything over 5000, I will have a conversation with them. Because we also have an obligation, we have to in addition to those three, and we have turned over one to the Office of Inspector General. Because technically those are felony cases and what they owe. And so our obligation under the federal rules is to make sure that we’re in compliance with the rules, the people are providing us with the appropriate documentation so that we can assess whether or not we’re giving them the right amount of money. And when they don’t do that, then it is our obligation to follow up on that, whether it be what they’re paying in rent, or what we’re doing and vouchers. And so we are probably stronger than the housing authorities ever been. And we’re catching them, and we’re going to be on him. And so we’re having some conversations with HUD, we’re thinking a little bit about going in and saying, here’s what I need you to do similar to evictions, you owe us 12,000, here’s your payment arrangement, here’s what you’re going to do. If at any point you default on this, we’re immediately turning it over to law enforcement, whether that’s going to be local law enforcement, or the Office of Inspector General. Because if we don’t do that, and we jeopardize all of our federal funding and academies, and so I know a lot of people don’t like the bureaucracy that comes with this. But it really is ensuring that we have the funds and we’re using the funds appropriately so that we don’t jeopardize those funding sources in the future. Considering
Unknown Speaker 1:48:51
that you have not been able to do anything for about two and a half years, as far as evictions and stuff like that goes. I’m thinking I’m just guessing that that’s why your lawyer fees are so high now. And eventually, they’re going to go down. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:49:05
Hopefully assuming that their rates don’t go up.
Unknown Speaker 1:49:12
And I thought that part of this because nothing was done for two years. So when others said lots of others bad and they’re like, Well, nothing’s happened to them. I’m gonna do it to you. But I think as residency is taking action now and actually going to court and see these people vacate or be forced to vacate that is going to make people free, considered their actions make our lives a little bit easier. I agree.
Unknown Speaker 1:49:35
So you know, the tangible effect is generally what we’re seeing is a call for service or placing fires down drastically down all the problems. So we’re seeing some immediate impacts, but it just takes us a lot I think time to get to a more permanent was needed. And
Unknown Speaker 1:49:54
so we used to have when I started at the end of 2020 I I think on an average week, we could have 20 to 50 calls a week. Now, Max a week is 20. And those include welfare checks, medical calls, Firestone Fire Department, we have helped people out. So that means everything. So the actual police costs have gone way down significantly. Maybe one or two.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:22
Okay, yeah. So the voucher thing is Oh.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:29
So yeah, vouchers, that’s just kind of a, you know, we’re still on a study ever seem to get over our, for some odd reason there, there are more that lose their vouchers than we can get. I mean, we’ve almost exhausted our entire waitlist. And a lot of people that got on the waitlist, we’re hearing nothing. There’s no responses. So maybe they’re moved out of the area, because it’s too expensive to live here. Or we had a lot of, you know, outside, you know, a lot of different things. You know, I’m trying to get a voucher here in Colorado. So we’re still working. They’ve sent me Boucher’s out, they’ve sent we have several several people looking right now that are still in the process. Most of them have had to have two or three extensions on their voucher because they just can’t find landlords or places that they can accommodate the cost with what we’re allowed to get for fair market price. So it’s a struggle for sure we do we are looking we are looking or talking about, we have additional PBB vouchers. But because we’re almost maxed on our voucher count, right now, it would have to be kind of on a one drops off is looking at some of the properties like village place, and MSA to put PPP vouchers to because those are the two that don’t have any, that might help boost up some additional funding for those properties.
Unknown Speaker 1:52:07
So that residents who have the lower AMI is because as we’re looking at the rent increases, we’re actually looking at the household incomes and what what percentages are in the building versus what’s actually living there. So we’re looking at that. And you know, project based vouchers could help potentially village place residents. And after that is your residence. And
Unknown Speaker 1:52:26
part of what I’m going to do is we’re building a data analytics group. And one of the things that so I have that when we look at the people that have vouchers, and blah, blah, they tend to be over halfway, a lot of older housing partners and a lot from the county they have vouchers here, because landmarks the most affordable bucks. So I’m gonna get that puts it in reverse pressure on us. And so I’m gonna work with our data analytics group to try and get a sense of, you know, what vouchers are seen in Walmart? Who are they from? Where are we seeing the voucher spread throughout entire Boulder County to try to understand what that push and pull is going to be? And maybe create a cop, maybe I need to have a conversation with Boulder, and we’re going to commissioners to go. We need to start spreading things out. Because now we’re just running out of places here for our voucher holders, because of the amount of vouchers we’re having coming in. But Tinder don’t have time to do it. So we’re bringing some of our data folks to sit beside her and do some of the studies because there’s really only you know, a pure analytical look at this to figure out what is the push and pull with it.
Unknown Speaker 1:53:45
Do you want to say anything more? I’ll just open it up for anybody who’d like to speak for a few minutes. We’ll just have seven minutes did you? So we’ve got seven minutes. If anybody wants to just say something while we’re here. Raise your hand tells VR. We’ve gone a little bit beyond our time here. Appreciate all of you being here. Nobody has anything. Yes, ma’am. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 1:54:28
Today here that some people who have not paid their rent. I mean, it’s been up to 6000 8000 12,000.
Unknown Speaker 1:54:37
So I got caught, got caught in the COVID issue and the nonfiction couldn’t get it. So you couldn’t make during that time which led those numbers.
Unknown Speaker 1:54:50
And there are several actual tenants that even have high balances, but they were able to get rental assistance through the programs that were available and Through lower County and other agencies, so it could have been much more that was going to eviction, but they were able to get on top of it with that additional assistance that was released.
Unknown Speaker 1:55:14
Okay. All right. If there’s nothing else that’s just you and me, so I guess we’re gonna have a German. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s really good 16th of August.
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