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Transportation Advisory Board – July 2022
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:04
Taylor Wicklund? Be sure to turn your mic on please. Hear Liz Osborne here. Patrick hinter. Burger. David McInerney Diane Crist. President, Council Member Yarbro. Yeah. This is the transportation Advisory Board meeting of July 11 2022, starting at 6:03pm.
Unknown Speaker 1:13
Thank you, interim chair. Appreciate that. Yeah, a little different tonight we’re going to, we’re going to with two new members go through and just kind of do general introductions for everyone. Just short and sweet. But a little bit more information about everybody, we we typically do that with the new, you’re now a new transportation Advisory Board, right. So just maybe a few minutes, two minutes on from each of you just kind of introducing yourself to the new members, and let them introduce themselves as well. And maybe give a little background on what your interests are and where we’re kind of background you have in transportation or just what kind of background you have in general. So if you don’t mind, interim chair, be wonderful to start with you and, and maybe get the ball rolling. Thanks.
Unknown Speaker 2:05
Thank you. Mr. Greenwald. I’m Elizabeth Osbourne. And I’ve lived in Longmont for 30 years. And so I’ve seen a lot of changes. I am an entrepreneur and have a tech startup. I become I’m interested in the advisory board for transportation because of my background. My law background is in disability law. And I am very concerned making sure that people with disabilities and people with lower incomes have the ability to get around in our town and that’s what’s important to me. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 2:42
Next we’ll go to David.
Unknown Speaker 2:48
Hello, I’m David McInerney. And I’m starting my second year on the board tonight. I’m retired from a career in environmental and land use planning. Still a member of the American Institute of Certified planners. I got interested in the board because I wanted to help implement long months envision Longmont plan and in particular the multimodal transportation plan. That’s part of it.
Unknown Speaker 3:26
Thank you very much, Diane.
Unknown Speaker 3:32
Hi. I’m Diane Crist, and I’ve been on the board since the beginning of the year. I’m a Business Growth professional. So I work with a lot of businesses in the area. Back in maybe 10 years ago, I spent a lot of time in Boulder and rode the bus and bicycle there. So I have a lot of experience with the transportation system here in Longmont. And also last year was a city of council, city council candidate, also concerned about transportation. So glad to have you both here.
Unknown Speaker 4:23
Councilmember Yarborough?
Unknown Speaker 4:27
Thank you. I’m Shakira Yarbrough and I want to city council. Can you you can hear me right. Well, of course, the main reason for me is making sure that we provide equitable transportation throughout our community for the city of Longmont. And it was important to me, because I really didn’t know that much about transportation within the city. So in order for me to learn Yeah, liaison on the board. So, and I’m learning a lot. So that’s me. Thank you
Unknown Speaker 5:06
for being here Taylor Well, I’m Taylor Wicklund, self employed landscaper born and raised here in Longmont, Colorado. But then my interest towards transportation is purely equity, safety and affordability, to actually live in this community. My main experience is actually, you know, going to school in Chicago experience and transportation, they’re traveling the world living in Sweden, we’re going to New Zealand and experiencing different different ways of how people do things other than here. So that’s where my, my experience lies.
Unknown Speaker 6:00
And finally, Patrick.
Unknown Speaker 6:03
Hi, I’m Pat Drew. I’m Patrick Unterberger been in Longmont going on six years. My career thus far has been a lot of time with the general contractor building transportation projects, roads, bridges, highways, those sorts of things. Until recently, when well, not recently, about five years ago, I started a job with the city of Thornton. So I also have experience with municipal work working for local government. I really wanted to get back to my community to Longmont, when when I started looking at the boards and commissions and thought that the transportation advisory board was the best fit for me to bring my experience to the city. So that’s why I’m here.
Unknown Speaker 7:01
Thank you so much for doing that. Much appreciated sometimes. Well, we will. Sometimes the staff does, too. But I think you know, basically, these guys have heard a lot. You’ve already heard a lot. So we’ll just skip right onto the rest of the meeting. We do have an election of officers. And so we’re kind of hoping that our vice chair would be here. But with that being not the case. And we we did lose our chair with with the recent board switchover. So would you as there is quorum Would you care to go through and nominate someone for chair and vice chair from this group?
Unknown Speaker 7:55
is do we have a motion regarding nominating people? Everyone’s sitting here looking at each other. So we’ll start with a motion. Do we have a motion to nominate people? Alternatively, do we have a motion to wait until the next meeting? We
Unknown Speaker 8:11
could also push it to the next meeting? Yes, thanks. I mean that that’s definitely an option. We have two missing members obviously. And so if that’s if, if if to roll. Yeah, there’s nothing on the action agenda tonight either. So it’s mostly informational piece. So if you’re okay with that, that’s that’s fine as well.
Unknown Speaker 8:33
Do I have a motion to postpone election till next time?
Unknown Speaker 8:44
I moved that we postpone a nomination for chair and vice chair until our next meeting in August.
Unknown Speaker 8:53
I second.
Unknown Speaker 8:58
The motion has been placed in seconded. Do I have to have any discussion on that? Can I have? We said a raise of hands was okay. Can we have a raise of hands those in favor of postponing till next month? Please raise your hand. Motion carries unanimously. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 9:19
Thank you very much. We do want to just go over really quickly the designation of places for posting of meetings per state statute. And so you’ll see that there’s a quick little action item listed in your in your agenda or in your agenda packet, just as we typically post those right out here along the Kim Kimbark side of the civic center. And so unfortunately, what we need to do is have you still approve that as well. So trying to find I think it might be out of order here a little bit in my packet, but I know it’s the First thing on there, that’s the action item on page three. And so approve the posting and locations for the agenda packets, again, we talked about this is really to say that we want to post it on the website as the key number one place, and it used to be, had to be a physical posting in the building. And so, state statutes, state statutes have expanded to allow us to do more of a, you know, put it in an electronic version. So that’s really what’s being asked of you tonight is, would the transportation advisory board be up? Would they have been able to approve or would they approve the posting site on the website. And then also, we have those locations, the bulletin board located at the west entrance of the Civic Center complex, which is right outside the city manager’s office here, as you come in the West doors. Obviously, the front reception desk, anytime somebody comes into the development services center across the street, where we’re all office, we can certainly get people the information there the agenda packet or whatever, or the notice the notice of the meeting. And then the Facebook and Twitter accounts. So we recommend as staff that the TA be approved the posting locations as listed above, and we’re asking for action from you tonight on approving that or not.
Unknown Speaker 11:10
Do we have any motions regarding this request?
Unknown Speaker 11:21
I move that we approve the posting locations as listed in the communication.
Unknown Speaker 11:38
I second.
Unknown Speaker 11:41
Thank you. The motion having been moved and seconded. Do we have any desire for discussion? Any discussion of the point?
Unknown Speaker 11:53
I have a point of discussion. I just
Unknown Speaker 11:57
can you turn your mic back on? I think something happened where it fell out. Oh, perfect. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 12:04
Do you also post it the transportation hub? Are you planning to add that in the future? The one at first in May?
Unknown Speaker 12:12
Well, typically we do the postings I’m that would be a public location. But there’s there may be some issue of what’s Regional Transportation District there. And what’s not. I mean, we certainly can look at that when they open, we could talk about how that would work. So we can we can think about that as we as it opens, hopefully in five years.
Unknown Speaker 12:37
Okay. Any other discussion? All right. Having had discussion? Let’s have a vote to approve this designation and places for posting of meetings as presented to us in the packet. All those in favor say aye. Aye. Anyone opposed? Say no? The motion passes. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 13:04
Thank you very much. We’ll move on to communications from staff, we have a couple of things. We’re starting to list them now. So we can remember what we’re gonna say to you. Yeah, we all appreciate that. But I’ll real quickly. And these are just really brief kind of things that we can certainly if you have questions, please let us know. But the first thing is the Transportation Improvement Program. That’s the where we go for some of the grants from the federal government that run through CDOT. And then Regional Council of Governments and those those kinds of areas. And so we do have two projects that are out there, and we’ve gone over these a few times with you. So we’re hoping you’ll remember that one of them is within Boulder County. And we have folks from Boulder County here too, which is great. But one was is within the Boulder County sub region, which is 21st and Main Street. And it’s basically just to do a study to figure out how to get bikes and peds through and across that intersection in a much safer way than today we have a greenway that terminates on the east side, we have what’s called a it’s more of a complete street or an enhanced multi use corridor that comes off of 21st that we’re planning to restriped that roadway to allow buffered bicycle lanes instead of four lanes total, it would be one lane in each direction plus a buffered bikeway on 21st west of Main Street. So how do we connect these facilities safely in the future so we don’t have the expertise, the full expertise to figure that all out because there’s a lot of moving parts to that so we need to go out to a consulting firm and so we’re asking for federal dollars to help us with that study because it’s right now these studies are running about a million dollars apiece which sounds just crazy to me. Thinking of being that much money but things being what they are in the in the state of costs right now. That’s what the going rate is so we’re looking for the for the feds are For the for the, for these grant programs to help us with 90% of the costs. So we’ll be going for 90% of the costs from that program, and we’ll provide 10%. So it’s a pretty good deal for us. So that’s the first one. And it is just a study, the second one is going to weld County’s sub regional forum. So southwest, well, this portion of Southwest weld is in the Denver Regional Council of Governments. So within the region, the Denver region. And so we are going for our grant for county line road north of 17th, from 17, state highway 66. Expanding that roadway with to add bicycle lanes in each one bicycle lane in each direction. So if you look at the road today, you’ll see that it’s basically just a white stripe right on the edge of the roadway. And then it drops into a swale. So we’re trying to expand some of that area, I think it’s going to help all roadway users, I mean, even people could. We’ve had people we have, we have pictures of people walking that corridor. So in the dirt basically, on the side of the road, we have a lot of people who want to bicycle that corridor. And it’s very frustrating because you have great facilities to the south of it. So anyway, these are the things these are the two projects that we’re going for in this call number two, and the reason why it’s just just two projects is because it’s a very short timeframe for spending that money. So we needed projects that we had the capacity to manage, as well as we’re ready to go. And so we feel like these are the two projects. So just to give you a heads up on that, are there any questions regarding those two projects, and we’ll come back, as we move through call three and four, which are coming up in the later part of this year will expound on some of this. And as we get if we get, if we’re lucky enough to get the grant dollars, are skilful enough to get those grant dollars. We’ll be back and give you the update on whether we were successful or not.
Unknown Speaker 16:55
I just wanted to mention, thank you for that. Oh, let’s jump in, we did skip a point of order on the on the agenda, we will come back to that in a moment. Sorry.
Unknown Speaker 17:03
We did want to tell you to, before we complete, we do have that that is for actual construction. So those are dollars for construction. And that’s running about $3.4 million, just for bike lanes for that stretch of roadway. So we can go back if you’d like.
Unknown Speaker 17:28
Sorry, you answer my question about how much you’re the $3.4 million?
Unknown Speaker 17:33
Yes. And again, we’ll be asking for 90%. Actually, we’re gonna ask for 89%. So we can get an extra point for being over 10%. So we’re going to ask for both of these projects. We’re asking for 89%. And the city is providing 11%
Unknown Speaker 17:49
The County Line Road and that’s coming from Dr. cog, or is that coming from the feds as well.
Unknown Speaker 17:54
It’s it’s federal dollars that that flow through them a Regional Council of Governments, okay, they score all the projects. And luckily, we’ll just have to score that project within southwest weld for County Line Road, and then just within Boulder County for our study. And so we don’t have to be evaluated region wide. We just go through those sub regions, those County, which is much it’s much quicker and easier process because you’re just working with your peers in those counties.
Unknown Speaker 18:31
Any other questions? Shall we catch up to the one that we missed at this point? All right. Our next thing is to approve the minutes of our last meeting. Do I have a motion regarding approving the minutes of the last meeting?
Unknown Speaker 18:52
I move to approve the minutes from June meeting.
Unknown Speaker 19:00
I second that motion any discussion? Do I abstain since I wasn’t here? Is that what it is? That’s a really good question that I don’t know the answer to.
Unknown Speaker 19:23
I think they have to abstain because they Yeah, no input. Okay, then, then we’re gonna be Yeah, then we’ll be short.
Unknown Speaker 19:35
We will post I propose that we’ve proposed phone to the next time like everything else. Anyone wants to disagree with that. We’re postponing.
Unknown Speaker 19:46
Thank you. So the second item on our communications from staff is just to give you a general update of we’ve been working within the regional context of the city Boulder, Boulder County, and the Colorado Department of Transportation to go after raise grant. And Boulder County was really the the lead agency for this application. We’ve got we’ve gotten for this last two years kind of on our own, but with the county and the cities and see that support, but this time, and that was just for hoever, and, and 119, or combat Boulevard. So we were just going for the intersection improvements. And you may some of you may have heard that from past meetings, so. But this time we broaden the scope to be the entire corridor, because that’s really what the US Department of Transportation is looking for is more project projects that were really much more regional in nature and had a lot more buy in from all the regional partners. So Boulder County was kind enough to step up and take on that lead role. And really talk about it as a corridor. But the great thing was, we could still keep the project at Holborn 119 or camper Boulevard at as part of that as part of that project. So we’re hoping to go or hear back on this raise grant opportunity sometime in August, middle of August, so middle of next month. And it’s pretty significant $25 million would go to the to that project. And we would I think you know the project is to or some of you know, the project is to take the boulder bound lanes and put them underneath the roadway, along with a box called or we call it a box, but a side running bike path that would also go underneath over. So we’d have the roadway and the bike path parallel to each other as they went under the roadway. And that really frees up a lot of capacity and takes away a lot of safety concerns that we’ve had at that intersection, and takes away a lot of crashes that we’ve had at that intersection as well. So a couple things going on there that we’re pretty excited about. So any questions with that. With that, I’ll move on to first and main transportation hub, Kaufman street busway update, we just wanted to keep you in the loop and give you information on those two items. I’ll let Jim, chat a little bit about first domain first.
Unknown Speaker 22:15
So quick status update, Florida, Jim Angstadt, director of engineering services. And first in Maine, we are still working with RTD on the inter government agreement that spells out them giving us the dollars for it and what how we’re going to spend them and what we’re working on. So that’s in process. Part of that agreement of the match for that 17 17 million as part of that is for the city to to fund the property acquisitions. We have started working on that appraisals are for almost all the properties are completed, we’ve made a few offers, we’re working with those property owners, we will be looking to start design, probably in the early part of the fall for the roadway improvements, and then probably won’t be replanting the property. So we’ll be working on those items later this year.
Unknown Speaker 23:13
I’ll talk a little bit about Kaufman. So Kaufman Street North of this site. So he was Jim was really saying more about kind of those roadway improvements right in front of the site, which is a brand new roadway from Boston to first. From first north, we’re all we also have a project. And you’ve probably heard a lot about that so far. But we are in the phase where we’re looking for what’s called 90% Design. So we’re really at the final stages of design. We’ve had some great input from our bicycle community, which board member Wicklund has been part of so we really appreciate his input on that and have some very interesting designs for bike bicycling through that corridor. So I know some people bicycles here tonight. So I think they did. So that’s been interesting, but we’re looking to get to that 90% design and you’ll see this this will come out into the public one more, one last time before we’re really finalize the design and move to that construction phase.
Unknown Speaker 24:14
Me again, finally, from from my point of point of view, with more of the transportation planning, and I do more long range planning with the city is the Northwest peak rail service study. And we’re we’re one of the one of the entities that’s working on that with Regional Transportation District RTD. So we’re trying to work out the exact like, how much it’s gonna cost. What do you need to do with Burlington Northern? Well, BNSF they’re not called Burlington Northern Santa Fe anymore. Just they’re just the acronym of the letters I guess. But we’re, we really need to get dive down into those costs and exactly what engineering needs to be done to make it so we can have three trains in the morning come from Longmont all the way to Denver. Through Boulder, and three trains in the evening coming back. So it really is a commuter peak hour or pre peak time rail. And that’s the idea there is almost like, just get the ball rolling and get things going so that people understand what the rail entails, and get people interested in it. And as ridership grows, and then we’ve seen this in other parts of the country as the ridership grows on that very skeletal system, we can expand it then. But it really is about getting sightings, so that the freight can move over and the passenger rail can’t get past the freight. But with only three trains, they play leave, like every half hour. And so you’d have three trains just kind of, and they’d be very short, like two car, three car, four car sets at the most. And as they went in, that very last train, the freight could follow them. And the freight could still use the corridor. So there’s a big issue with how does this work operationally. And we just need to prove it out to the BNSF railroad company, that we can make it work. They’re gonna work with RTD on this as well. So there’s a lot of moving parts. But we’re finally getting that place where we’re all partnering together, instead of in 2000. Forearm RTD basically just kind of said, well, it’s existing track. And we know that others have worked with the railroad in the past. So we’re expecting that the railroad will work with us. Well, when that actually came to fruition, the railroad said, Well, we think it’s worth a lot more than we did back in 2004. And so that kind of started some negotiation that didn’t go well for us in Longmont. So that’s what’s happening there. We hope to be done in about 16 more months of study, unfortunately, but when we’re at the end of the study, we should have costs and all the things associated with building that out correctly. Excellent.
Unknown Speaker 26:58
question Did you say three trains from Denver to Longmont and then from Longmont, Boulder, or is it from Denver to Boulder?
Unknown Speaker 27:09
Oh, I’m sorry. Yeah, that wasn’t clear. Every morning, three trains leaving in half hour intervals. We’ll leave Longmont and pick up folks at first in Maine, and then head down the corridor to Boulder for the boulder station, and then go through Lewisville. Broomfield and then to Westminster and then into Denver Union Station. So that would be three trains, basically every half hour, in the morning, and then in the afternoon, it would just be the reverse. So people coming back to these communities would use one of those three trains leaving probably a half hour or an hour apart and come back. And so the trains are always be stored at the end of the day in Longmont, so we’d always be starting our trains off and then they hang out in Denver for the afternoon until they came back is what RTD has told us so far.
Unknown Speaker 28:02
Do you have any idea how long that would take? Or is that part of the study?
Unknown Speaker 28:05
Right now it’s estimated to take 65 to 7070 minutes total time running. So people say well, that’s a lot longer than it takes me to drive to Denver. And we say today, that’s probably true. But in 510 1520 years, as the congestion increases, the train may become more and more competitive with that travel time.
Unknown Speaker 28:30
Okay, thanks.
Unknown Speaker 28:36
Oh, how many station stops? Would there be in total?
Unknown Speaker 28:39
I believe there’s six total stations. And there RTD is asking us not to increase that at all.
Unknown Speaker 28:57
All right. Phil asked me to provide you a quick update on some of our ongoing projects 2022 Street trail construction progress, and some upcoming road and bridge and trail work. So as you’re driving around town, you’re gonna see it’s summer. So there’s a lot of construction. Not all of it is roadway related, but some of it does impact roadways. So I’m going to try to cover quite a few transportation projects and then a couple of water or some water projects out there that you should be aware of that impact some of our roadways. So starting off just some asset management items. We’re undertaking our asphalt rehab. And when I usually talk about asphalt rehab, that’s going to be like a mill and resurface and put down new asphalt. So currently there if you’re up off along speak by Roosevelt Park, they’re working on that roadway between Kaufman and Bowen. So I think they’ve got it milled now and there’ll be putting down asphalt I think this week and then finishing that up. Then they’re gonna move over to The next month over to the west side of town and rehab Clover basin from airport to Grandview Meadows. The chip seal is another asset management item that is currently ongoing on Third Avenue. So if you’ve been out there, there’s a lot of little stones on the road. So they were applying the sealant and the chips are late last week that we’re going to go through and then we’ll they’ll do what’s called fog sealant, which will hold all the chips in place that should be going on this week. And then they’ll restripe it. And that if we recall, that was also adding some more bike lanes, that area changing, reducing some of the lane configurations, but providing a better bike facility. Also on third, excuse me, and that chip seal was from Martin to say highway 119 on the east side of town, over kind of on the west side of town, or the west side of Main Street. on Third Avenue we’ve been we’re finishing up a water rehab. So I believe by the end of this month, they should be done on third. And so you’ll see we’ve had some day to day detours while they’re working block to block. They’ll wrapping that up shortly. And so that project, we’re going to let that trench settle over winter, then we’ll be coming back next year and rehabbing that road as well as part of our asphalt management. So it’ll be a little dicey for a while we’ll do some temporary repairs. But we don’t want to go in this year and repave it only to have a trench settle. So we usually like to give it a year. And then rehab is also going to be going on or water rehab replacements also gonna be going on long speak just east of Bowen, before we repave it a little bit this year, they got a line going in, they want to get that done. So some of our other roadway projects we are finishing and we finished the design on the Boston Avenue bridge replacement that’s down by left hand brewery of the St. Vrain creek that’s part of our one of the components of our resilient St. Vereen project where we will widen out the bridge, lengthen it to carry 100 year storm. That bidding process is underway. We anticipate we’ll probably see construction probably in late fall. On that one key thing to note is that the plan is for traffic on Boston to be maintained. So the contractor will be staging the bridge construction. The car as Phil indicated confidence street design that is continuing. One thing you will see this year is we’re going to go in and do the waterline replacements on Kaufman this year so we will see construction on coffin one of the before we go in and start kind of ripping up the road we want we’ve got a lot of utilities, both public and private to get worked on. The waterline is one of those components. There’ll be some other other utilities gas that need to be relocated early next year before we kind of get into construction on coffin in the later end of next year. As Phil indicated the County Line Road project we are looking to get tip money for construction. We have started design on that which was also I think tip funded as well. We’ve got I think 250,000 Which is about I think 50% of the of the design costs so that is underway now. It’s a very fast we’re fast tracking it we need to have the design by next year. So we can go to construction. So that is underway.
Unknown Speaker 33:39
17 Avenue sidewalks multimodal project, replacing the an old asphalt walk on the north side of 17th Avenue from let’s say I think it’s Bowen Street to Cooke court design is completed now we are in the property acquisition phase where we’re purchasing right away and some easements from those property owners. We are bout I would say 75 to 80%. Complete with those anticipating going to bid a tail into the summer and then construction over the winter. There is an irrigation ditch through there. So we need to go to construction before and get some of those items relocated before next spring. Another trail project we’re working on is the third phase of the spring Gulch number two, which runs from the south end of the Union reservoir and will run south and then connect to the underpass just north of our just north of 119 by sandstone ranch. So that project is about 90% design, trying to get to bid by the end of the year to go to construction next year. The key component for that kind of quick schedule is we need to get a crossing under the railroad. So we will need to take an application to PUC for that. Although the railroad is has been willing to work with us, so we’re not seeing thinking there’s going to be any delays. Different railroads and BNSF. A couple other items real quick, some signal work we’re working on. We have a we received a grant last year for the Highway Safety Improvement Program. It was I think, a $900,000 project we got about $800,000. From the state it is mostly miscellaneous signal work throughout the city for safety improvements. That project I believe, is out to bid now. And we’ll be starting up before the end of summer. When basically replacing a couple of signal poles a lot of signal heads, throughout the city on on non state roads. We are currently working on design for a traffic signal. Hopefully for construction next year at route 66. And Alpine. We feel that we’ll be meeting warrants very soon. So we want to have be ready and have the design done. And then see DoD is also still working on traffic signals on Main Street, believe it Mountain View and six. They have the new poles in and they’ve pulled off the job until the cross arms come in. So we’re seeing a little more delays than we would like. But that project is underway. Just to keep you informed, we have a neighborhood mitigation project going on right now. That is on North Gay Street, from Mountain View to 17th. We have been working with the neighbors, it meets our criteria, we’ve proposed a few things, we’re taking it back to them to see if that’s going to meet with what they want. If it does, we’ll go in and construct those improvements later this year, more than likely, it’s going to be some speed tables. So not necessarily transportation, or CIP work that the city takes on. But most of our road expansion is done by developers. So what you’re going to be seeing just some information Costco, if on the east side of town off a 119. They are going like gangbusters out there. They’re finishing up the utilities. Now they’re going to start cutting roads very shortly, and we are going to be installing the traffic signal there later in the beginning of fall. So just an item, once those projects are completed, they will become public streets.
Unknown Speaker 37:35
We also have a project called Mountain Brook, which is they’re building a road, it’s kind of behind the target and the Home Depot on the west side of town. They’re building about a quarter mile to Half Mile Road for that development. That also involves the veterans community project as well. So they have to get those roads up and running. Get them open before they start can start building homes out there. And then there’s another project you see behind the hospital in east side of town called the highlands. They’ve done most of their roadwork there but you’re starting to see in homes come out of the ground there as well. So those are just some of the development projects kind of you see, usually, on larger parcels, they will involve roadways. One of the criteria The city has is as I indicated, they cannot get building permits to go vertical, start building homes until we provide what’s called construction acceptance for the public improvements, which is water wastewater storm and the roadway system. So we’re guaranteed that those roads are built and can provide services for the public before we they actually are granted certificates of occupancy. With that, I’ll open it up any questions.
Unknown Speaker 38:56
First, let me say you guys are very busy. So I appreciate you being here. This is your busy time of year, I imagine and do you have a lot of projects going? I just the discussion about the trails and the bike paths made me think about the email that board member laner sent out regarding of a program that assesses the city for how bike friendly it is, I think I think Mr. greenwall, you had sent that out to all of us. And I just wondered if you could also forward that to the two new board members. Yeah. Something that struck me about that program is they talked about networking, and networking that trails how important that was. And I just wanted to ask you, Mr. Anstead. How, where do you think we are in terms of networking or bike? Accessibility? Do you think we’re at 90%? Do you think we’re 50%? What do you you know, given the whole project that you have in mind,
Unknown Speaker 39:58
I’ll answer a question with a question. And when you talk about networking, what are you with the the surrounding communities? With the state?
Unknown Speaker 40:10
Well, first of all, how do you think we’re doing just in the city within the city?
Unknown Speaker 40:16
I don’t know we do. All right. I think there’s there’s there’s there are challenges. You know, we’re we’ve been working with our on RSVP to kind of on the Greenway trail, it’s been under a detour for years because of work. I think there’s always room for improvement. In terms of how we prioritize some of our projects, I think we can we can city can do a better job of kind of prioritizing and chasing dollars. We have been working with some of the surrounding communities. Actually, we were meeting today to talk about connecting a trail on the east side from Union reservoir into Mead, there’s something of the city’s open space. You know, I don’t know that we’ve achieved a lot in networking. But I think we’re where our hearts are in the right place. And we’re trying, you know, part of the res grant includes a bicycle connection down into Boulder, along the 119 corridor. So I think, as we try to get out of cars, we need to build a better bike system, whether it’s on our roads or through our trails. And I think there is a lot of plans out there. For that we just have to execute.
Unknown Speaker 41:35
Do you have a map of the of the bike trails in town that the public can access.
Unknown Speaker 41:45
Or bike or bike map guy is sitting behind me, his name’s Ben Ortiz, so I stare at him really intently. But no, he, we have the bike, we have a bike map online, that we try to keep up to date as possible. It’s, it’s it’s getting a little stale, quite frankly. So we’re right now working on the new version of the map. And as as Jim pointed out, we have some closures that have impacted our system. And so the map will reflect those in the future, because we just need to, we’ll be close enough. I think to having it done, though, we will, we won’t show it. But we have a lot of interactive maps that keep up to date on the closures that are happening today. And so that you can look at that. So we try to keep that up to date, as best we can, but that the new map is coming. And then we also have what we we often share the Envision Longmont trail system map, which is our comprehensive plan for the city. So that shows kind of what we’re planning to build in the future and kind of gets that connectivity issue that you’re raising earlier. And so that shows those needed connections. And so it’s a matter of prioritizing those which envision Longmont tries to do, but we can always take any input that you might have or that the city council may have, or other boards and commissions quite frankly on you know what needs to be moved up in priority. And we will be refreshing that those documents in the coming years hopefully within the next year or two, we’ve been kind of pushing back some of the updates to our roadway plan to our Envision Longmont our transportation plan. Boulder County has a transportation master plan. So that’s what we’re going to try to mirror is something more like a transportation master plan. And and talk about how we prioritize all different modes rather than just typically it’s just been streets. In the last couple of durations, we have put bicycle infrastructure in there as well so and pedestrian infrastructure.
Unknown Speaker 43:40
So where where do we find this map?
Unknown Speaker 43:43
I will send out a link. When I send out the other information to our new board members, I’ll send out the link to everyone. The links are plural, because we’ll send out the existing bike map, as well as the Envision long one map so you can see what’s being planned. And some of that’s already been done. So that’s kind of where we’re at. Or once you finish the map, that next day, it’s pretty much obsolete, you know, it’s it gets out of date. So we’ll do the best we can here.
Unknown Speaker 44:09
And like most bicyclists, usually we we try to follow the maps and then we go Hmm, well, that’s close. So how do we work around that? But I know board member Osborne mentioned in our last meeting in June, about Google, you know, when do we update with Google? It’s really hard to find, like directions on Google Maps right now through Longmont.
Unknown Speaker 44:32
That’s a great point we’ll we’ll work with we have some pretty intelligent GIS folks who work with the Google and we tried to get road closures on there if it’s a long term road closure, and we try to get path closures on there as well. So we’ll work with them. They’re very keyed into those connections. So thank you. Thank you, gentlemen.
Unknown Speaker 44:57
There’s nothing else we’ll move right on and I kind of promised angels you get to go on about half hour ago. But that’s me being a big mouth. And
Unknown Speaker 45:07
I think we need to have the public invited to be heard. Oh, sorry.
Unknown Speaker 45:09
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 45:11
Is there anyone in the public that wishes to speak? Do we have anyone on a phone or anything? Seeing none, we will move on to the next point on the agenda.
Unknown Speaker 45:23
Sorry, I’m all over the place today. So today, we have Angel bond from Boulder County, and she can introduce her and give you her title and all those good things. But she’s working or has worked on the blue county mobility and access for all ages and abilities plan. So with no further ado, I’ll turn it over to Angel to explain what that means. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 45:48
Can you hear me? Yeah. Thank you. And let’s see if I can get this going here. Okay, we’re good. Okay, so as Phil said, my name is Angel bond. I’m the mobility for all Program Manager with Boulder County. And fortunately, one of my fellow project managers she wasn’t able to attend. So Kami, Edson. She is the CO project manager on this project. And this is the first time that I think we’ve been that we’ve shown this to you all. So if you have any questions, please just ask, let me know if you want clarification on anything. And I think I’m going to take down my mask, but okay. So here’s just a little bit about this project. So the coordinated Human Services transportation plan is kind of a wonky term. And really what it is, is it’s a federally required plan that helps improve transportation access for older adults, people with disabilities, low income populations. And in this particular case, we’ve actually included our youth transportation program in this as well. So that is not necessarily typical, but we felt like it was close enough to some of the other funding streams, in that there’s a special set aside for Safe Routes to School. This is, the intent of this plan is not for Boulder County to go out and implement all of the strategies that we have in here. It’s so that we have a coordinated vision with all of our stakeholders and all of our partners. And we are pretty broad with our term, stakeholder and partners. Because there’s lots of people who are involved in the transportation space, there’s private nonprofits that provide transportation, like via mobility services, or cultivate. There’s also just for profit, like z trip, which is a taxi company, Uber Lyft. So we’re pretty much we’re pretty broad with the definition of like who our stakeholders are. This is a locally developed, coordinated plan, there is a version of this at the regional level. And this is the first time that we’ve done this plan at our level at Boulder County. So the goals and the objectives of this plan really are to first and foremost, improve accessibility. So if you are in a wheelchair, if you have a walker, if you use a cane, this would address some of your transportation needs. Equity. As you all were introducing yourselves, I heard a lot of you talking about equity. Equity is definitely a cornerstone central to this plan, reliability of the transportation services. So a lot of the demographic groups within our communities, they deal with pretty unreliable transportation services like Intel arrived, I’m not sure if you all are familiar with that. We also focus on efficiency, sustainability and safety. And really, the biggest unifying factor of this plan is that we’re human centered. And we focus on the unique needs of the demographic groups that we’ve planned for. We’ve had a pretty extensive engagement process, we had a Technical Advisory Committee, which we had municipalities, the school districts, the local transportation providers involved in that. And we met throughout the process, I think we met six different times to be able to form the strategies. We also had other community partners that we did one on one interviews with, to make sure that their perspectives were incorporated. And then we had affinity groups. So this was all we launched during COVID, we did a pretty robust infinity group. And that’s basically a focus group, where we got together different demographic groups that had similar transportation needs.
Unknown Speaker 49:19
The plan is posted online. And this is kind of has an executive summary body that really went goes over like what the process was, what the existing conditions are, they have some wonderful maps there that I will forward on to you all, that have a transit propensity index. And basically they look at the geographic dispersion of populations that are more likely to depend on transit. So that would be older adults, people with disabilities, youth, low income folks in zero car households, and we did a heat map of where those populations lived and looked at the transit service to make sure that it actually, like matched where the need was. And so It allows us to identify priority areas where we can improve transit for those demographic groups. And then there’s also some appendices that do an inventory of different transportation providers and people who provide bus pass support for folks or other transportation supports. And then what is new in this is that we have the transportation youth concepts, which CAMI Edson. She’s our youth transfer, transportation program manager that really was instrumental to make sure that we incorporate youth in all of our strategies, we held a feedback process, we’re going the next step is that we’re going to go to the commissioners on July 28, for adoption. So one of the reasons why I’m coming here to you is to share what those strategies were because we did a pretty extensive engagement process, so that hopefully, you all can also incorporate some of these strategies into your planning processes as you move forward. And also so that you understand kind of the grants that we’re applying for. And just in general, the general direction, it’s really important that we get your feedback on this. So we have a whole host of strategies, and but we’ve broken them up into different tiers, I’m going to just go over a couple of them. These strategies are supposed to be reasonably implementable within the next five years. So we know that there’s more needs than what we’ve been able to identify in this plan. But we want to work together with our partners like the school districts to really accomplish something within the next five years. So we’ve tried to get things that are pretty attainable. We also have outlined some longer term projects or not projects, but priorities. So that we can make sure that we’re on a common page whenever we’re looking at longer term policies. So the first kind of bucket of strategies is data strategies here, um, the first tier, so things that we’re going after funding for, or we’ve already implemented, are a Boulder County Transit plan, we’ve already set aside $100,000 to really start that, as Phil had mentioned, we do have a transportation master plan, but it doesn’t get into things like scheduling connections, kind of those nuts and bolts of a transit plan. So we really know that we have to moving forward have our own locally derived transit plan. There’s also a Vision Zero Safe Routes to School action plan that camis program is going to be applying for tip funding for. And really what that is, is how do we create a process to identify the priorities for Vision Zero projects that impact youth? And how do we prioritize those collectively and help with local match and really support each other’s projects as we move forward through grant applications. And then tier two is kind of that three to five years, and that’s really formalizing data analysis so that we have a common understanding of what the transportation system is and the needs are. And then also looking at the cost effectiveness of subsidizing taxi vouchers or Uber and Lyft credits. The next is pretty instrumental. But unfortunately, Boulder County doesn’t have a lot of influence over this. So that’s one of the reasons why we’re talking to you all access strategy, ensuring that there’s paved routes accessing bus stops, but Boulder County does have bus stops and unincorporated unincorporated Boulder County, but you all have a lot more. So really, this is prioritizing those connections through sidewalks so that people can access bus stops year round. We know that when it snows a lot of people in wheelchairs or even older adults that have difficulty walking have a hard time getting to the bus stop, and so they can be isolated for long periods of time.
Unknown Speaker 53:41
The next is really looking at cost strategies. I think the first here is, you have a great example here with ride free Longmont. But really we understand that transportation is expensive. And especially if you look at it in combination with housing and transportation, our area is really not that affordable for working class families and low income households and seniors on fixed incomes. So when we look at how much somebody should be spending on Transportation and Housing combined, it should be around 45% of their income. So when older adults age into Social Security, and that’s really not very much, especially with the housing market that we have here. So we want to expand affordable transportation options, understanding that that can help get people below that 45%. We also want to work with community liaisons of nonprofits and help subsidize bus passes in areas where they need them here you have the local buses free but there’s still a significant need to go regionally to travel to Boulder. So how do we cover those bus passes through grant applications and program budgets? Next is really focusing on resource strategies. So the big elephant in the room is the driver shortage. It doesn’t just affect RTD it affects the school districts that affect nonprofits that have volunteer driver programs, it affects hop skip drive, which is like a Uber for children, it affects Uber, it affects Lyft, there’s a driver shortage all around. So really, a lot of the strategies that we’ve laid out, really are contingent upon us being able to address that driver shortage and training programs. So working collectively, hopefully, we can advance the or at least promote raise awareness about the need of drivers in our community, because they really are instrumental in people being able to age in place, if you don’t have a driver that can take you to a doctor’s appointment, you’re not necessarily going to be able to stay in your home as you age. Or if you have after school programs as kids and you can’t get to those, then you’re not going to be able to be as involved in your community. There’s also a provision for the safe routes, regional hub. And what that is, is the youth transportation program at Boulder County would hopefully be in a role of capacity building for local municipalities and local partners. And what that means is, there’s a lot of planning and data collection that goes into applying for the safe routes, grants, so really kind of being that central hub to collect that data to be competitive for the grants that are kept coming. There are a couple other there other tiers to there. As far as like a volunteered travel ambassador program. What a travel ambassador program is, is somebody who goes out with people on their first trip on the bus. So really investing in those types of programs that make riding transit, less intimidating, because that is one of the things that we hear is that I would love to ride the bus, but I just don’t know how it No, I not only have to know where the bus picks me up, I have to know when it’s coming, I have to know what to pay, I have to know like what, how to stop the bus. So there’s a lot of things that we kind of take for granted if you don’t grow up riding the bus? Or if you don’t do it on a regular basis. So how do we really demystify that anxiety that people have, especially youth, if their parents and also working with their parents, if they don’t necessarily want them to travel on the bus by themselves? How do we kind of take that family approach. So that’s one of the longer term strategies that we’re addressing. Also, there’s the survey sketch strategies. So there’s a couple of things I’ll just touch on a few of these. So for example, if you have a disability and you can’t use the fixed route bus, you could be eligible for the RTD accessorized program. Currently, you have to travel to Denver to get certified for that program, that can be really intimidating for a lot of the people with disabilities that I work with, if we could bring that certification to people here in Boulder County. And that would be great, because then it would reduce the travel time and reduce the intimidation about going to Denver to be able to get certified. There’s also strategies for supporting volunteer driver programs, especially in areas where there’s not a lot of density. So in the mountain region, really that first line should probably be a volunteer driver, because people are just so dispersed that it’s hard to have like fixed route transit, that’s pretty effective in the mountains. Another thing that I’d like to point out is that we’ve included veterans in here as being special needs transportation, and that’s not necessarily because of a disability or anything like that. But usually veterans, they have to use the VA medical system. And so they have to travel to Cheyenne or Aurora which can provide, it can be really significant barrier for people to access the VA hospitals.
Unknown Speaker 58:33
The next step is just to raise awareness of transportation options. So really that travel training that I spoke about with the volunteer ambassadors, teaching people how to ride the bus, demystifying it for families, I’m also working with human services, who are that first point of contact, and that’s kind of central to my program mobility for all, but really making sure that we’re talking to the people who see people in need every single day so that they know how to refer people to transportation options. And then also just in general coordinate different funding streams. So there’s over 165 different federal funding streams that can fund transportation. But as I’m sure you all are aware, if you have a funding pot, and there’s nothing that requires them to talk to somebody else who has a similar funding pot from a different source, so really getting like the older American Act dollars to talk to the local IDD mill levy folks, so IDD is intellectual and developmental disabilities. So really trying to get those funding streams to talk to each other and work on bicycle repairs. So this is one of the youth strategies that we have like teaching youth, how to maintain and repair bicycles can be really a great way to help raise awareness of what it takes to bicycle and then also provide them good vocational skills. The ongoing policies this is something that we don’t have A ton of control over at the county level, but we’re definitely spreading the word about it thoughtfully, and land use planning and coordinate that with transportation. This is something that everybody talks about, like the best transportation plan is a good plan, use plan, right? Because your transportation is what connects you to where you want to go, and how you live your life. So really thinking about how do we plan our land use so that it supports multimodal transportation, and kind of get us thinking outside of just the car box. Also universal design, which that’s something that is above and beyond ATA. So the Americans with Disability Act has a certain has certain criteria for building slopes and cross slopes, but it’s not always welcoming and inviting. So how do we go a step above to where we’re designing for everybody eat, whether they’re in a wheelchair, or they have a stroller, and they don’t necessarily have to take like a back road to get into someplace, they don’t have to take a ramp that’s not been thought of in advance. Also, how do we ensure that we’re sharing data? This seems like something that is a that we should take for granted. But really, if we can’t share data, and we can’t have the same data standards, it’s really hard to get the big picture of what’s really going on with transportation. And then how do we continue equitable investment in communities and programs and infrastructure that really impact low income households, bipoc households, people bipoc is black, indigenous people of color? How do we make sure that everybody is really included in those transportation planning processes. So we’ve already kind of started implementing some of these, even though we launched in 2020. So we’ve been doing a school travel study by we I mean, Cami and her team, they’ve been working with a researcher at CU to really find out what families travel needs are for school, we’ve been continuing to teach people how to maintain a bike. So we’ve been doing an A bike workshops that we can fold out. So there’s a picture up there of one that we recently did, where people spend like about a half day learning how to maintain a bike, and then they get a travel plan that’s personalized to them. We’ve also launched things like ride free Lafayette, which is a new on demand service that we launched during the pandemic. So those are just a couple of highlights of things that we’ve already started implementing. And then also, we’re seeking funding funding for things like the volunteer driver program in the mountains, for bike rodeos and safety training for the Vision Zero Safe Routes to School Safety Plan. And then just in general, like how do we empower underserved youth to be able to be an active part in our planning processes. And then also, as I said, there’s a lot of us here that we can’t do alone. So we’re really working with our community partners. We’re like cultivate, who serves veterans over 60 years old to get to Cheyenne, or Aurora? How do we get them to possibly serve veterans that are 58 years old, who also had those same travel needs. So really, some of these things are minor policy tweaks, but others are a bigger lift that we really need to apply for funding for.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:20
And then there’s longer term policies, those are really going to be hard to make a big dent in the next five years, but we will continue to do an update to this plan. So this is a summary of all of the strategies that we’ve laid out. And you can see them more in depth online. And I sent Stacey a link to the Plan website. And really our next steps are to go to the Board of County Commissioners in July for our business meeting to get it adopted. We’re continuing to integrate the recommendations of this into the UCA program of projects, which is the urbanized area the FTA funds that Boulder County is receiving the Dr. cog tip process, the program specific work plan. So in Boulder County, what are our programs incorporating how are we incorporating them. And then Mac that is the mobility and access coalition. It’s a coalition that I oversee of nonprofits and government programs specifically focused on improved transportation access for underserved populations. I know Sandy Stewart used to be on this. She’s a really she used to be a really active part of the Mac. And then also we’re doing a speaking tour. So this You’re the first stop on our speaking tour. So we’re basically trying to raise awareness of transportation as a basic human right and point out the fact that there’s a lot of people in our community that can’t rent a car, and if we’re not planning for how they get around, then we’re not building an equitable transportation system. So an equitable transportation system really is a system where you have the option of owning a car, it’s not a necessity. So do you have any Any questions about the plan? No, that was a lot.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:11
Thank you for the presentation. So how much are you have you all ask for any of funding from the infrastructure? You know, build that where the money is being distributed for transportation and structure road structures and things like that.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:32
So we have not, but there are I think that this the SS for a what is like the safe roads for all? Like we we might be exploring applying for that not necessarily my program or the youth program. But Alex Hyde, right, who’s in our He’s our lead on the Vision Zero stuff, we might apply for that. A lot of these federal funding streams, and also even the state funding streams, they require local match, right? So we really are looking at how do we provide consistent local match. That’s another thing that I’m sure Kathleen has spoken to you all about Kathleen brekkie, our supervisor, the commissioners are considering extending our transportation sales tax in, like in November. So actually, they’re going to have a public meeting for that on August 4. So if you’re interested in that, that’s where the commissioners will decide if they’re going to put it on the ballot to be able to extend it. But that’s farther.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:31
Also, they’re coming to our city council on July 26, to present to you about the sales tax extension, or continuation. Okay, so that will be
Unknown Speaker 1:06:40
so the federal the bill and a lot of the federal funding, they do require local match dollars that we are trying to figure out how we can cover that to really have bigger projects.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:51
And the other question that I have, can you explain to me a little bit more in it? I mean, for me, the safe. I don’t remember the safe something for the kids. What does that look like?
Unknown Speaker 1:07:06
That’s yeah, so the Safe Routes hub, you’re sticking out. Okay, so I’ll do my best to channel my inner CAMI Edson. But from what I understand, that is really a collaborative forum at the county level, where we can strategically apply force safe routes, funds. So it’s not just Safe Routes to School, it’s also they have other funding streams, like Safe Routes to park Safe Routes to grocery stores. So it’s really looking at youth transportation needs holistically. So looking at what what are those after school needs, perhaps access to employment for youth as well. And then really coordinating those resources. So you have to do things like parent surveys to access the Safe Routes to School funding. And if a municipality or a local school hasn’t done baseline surveying of the parents, then they can’t even apply for some of those grants. So really, it’s having the county take a bigger, a bigger part of like that data collection and really prioritizing which projects as a region can we apply for and how do we prioritize which ones we go after? Which which funding cycle? And then, like, how do we make sure that all the data and all the schools are eligible to apply for some of those funding streams, if that makes sense?
Unknown Speaker 1:08:26
So are both school districts on your list?
Unknown Speaker 1:08:31
So yes, Kenny Edson works with both school districts. So she used to be the trip tracker coordinator just for Spring Valley School District of Boulder County, her role has kind of broadened a little bit to be more youth transportation, generally speaking, she has very close relationships with both the st. Green Valley School District and bvsc. And I believe they meet every other month, they have like kind of a collaborative meeting talking about the upcoming funding cycle, the Safe Routes to School funding cycle opens up this fall. And that’s the first time in two years that it’s opened up. So I think right now they’re kind of trying to figure out which projects to apply for grants for I don’t know if CDOT is going to change that to where it’s every year again, it used to be every year, but they decided that they would do it every two years. But with COVID and everything that might change. Thank you. Any other questions, comments?
Unknown Speaker 1:09:27
Yeah, I wanted to say thank you for a concise and really informative presentation. And the booklet that was online of the work plan was really great. I wanted to reinforce to you how important transportation is to employment. It’s right now for especially for these populations. Transportation can be a barrier to employment, especially in the areas of reliability and cost. There is a person that lives in that as in the playin noted, there is a concentration of people with disabilities on the Gay Street corridor here in Longmont. And I know of a person that is older, definitely over 65 uses a cane can’t walk more than about 30 feet but wants to be employed. And getting to work is really, really hard to volunteer takes her every morning at 630 to her work. But when she leaves after having earned right around 12 $13 an hour, her Uber is 25. Yeah, and that that’s just not conscionable, she tries to get anyone else to come, they can’t come on a regular basis. And I think the most important two things we have to be looking for is reliability. And the cost that just wanted to say thank you for seeing that, and reinforce how important that is.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:49
Thank you very much. I actually just spoke with the our center two weeks ago about their transportation challenges. And they said that one of the largest challenges that the people that they serve are experiencing is after hours, transportation needs after the bus has stopped. And so they said that a lot of the people that they’re serving are spending way too much on Uber and Lyft. Because there’s no other transportation options at 11 o’clock when your job ends. So I definitely hear you that transportation to employment is central. And it’s not just a matter of cost and reliability. It’s also when does it operate? If you have to work on Sundays, and there’s no service on Sundays? What do you do? Right? So thank you very much. And I do think that Uber and Lyft have had a great impact in that it’s on demand service for people who haven’t typically had the on demand, maybe they had to plan like three days in advance. But it can add up really quickly. Any other comments or questions?
Unknown Speaker 1:11:57
Oh, thank you. Thank you for mentioning situations where land has been managed in such a way that it expects travel by car. And I’m just wondering, in retrofitting some of these neighborhoods, or also just facilities that are they’re kind of isolated? What kind of solutions are you thinking might work in that scenario?
Unknown Speaker 1:12:25
So I’m not sure because I’m not an infrastructure person. I’m a programs and public engagement person. But I would say like more density where it where you can have more density and thinking intentionally about what is within that 20 minute walk of what you’re building, right? So are there places natural places where people can walk, or bike that are within that Walker bike shed of whatever you’re building? So currently, I think I mean, mixed use development is really kind of the Olden way that hopefully is coming back, because that’s what will act so that people can have access to commercial areas or health care if it’s within a like smaller footprint. But yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:13:10
I too, am interested in sort of a neighborhood focus for transportation. So thank you for your presentation. That was very informative.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:19
Thank you. And if you’re interested in transportation equity, just a plug for the mobility and access coalition, we meet on the second Monday of the month, just like you all but it’s two to four. And we tackle some of these same issues monthly. And I do have my contact information and then camis contact information. So if you’re interested more in learning about the safe routes, hub, I would definitely reach out to her. And just thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 1:13:51
sorry. Thank you angel for the overview of your policies and programs. And I particularly want to applaud your focus on involving youth, because long range planning is about the future. And young people are about the future. So well done.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:11
Thank you. And I can’t take much credit for that that’s CAMI that she’s our like shining star with youth and getting involvement from youth. Really, I think that that’s where we’re gonna get a culture shift as well. Right? That’s where we’re gonna learn how to use other modes
Unknown Speaker 1:14:33
we will send out this presentation as a PDF to all of you. So look forward to that.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:41
Thank you so much
Unknown Speaker 1:14:52
alright, in the absence of any action items, or are there any action items that have been added? All right Um, in the absence of any action items do we will have the comments for board from board members. And we’ll begin at this end with Mr. hinter. Burger. Board Member. Yeah, I need to turn your thing on. Yeah, there you go.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:16
Um, yeah, I don’t have any prepared comments, but just wanted to say I thank you for the opportunity to serve on this board. And I know just sitting here, the hour and 15 minutes that it’s been, it’s going to be a great, great place to learn, as well as have some input. So thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:36
Thank you. I guess it wasn’t very fair to start with a new beast than that here. Well, how will usually respond, but I figured I’d go this way and end with our city council liaison. So next, Mr. Wicklund.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:54
Or I would have to say the same same exact thing. Thank you for the opportunity to be here. It will be a very interesting learning experience, that’s for sure. But it’s I think it’s very exciting. The presentation was exciting. There’s there’s a lot of cool activities gonna be coming on in the future. So
Unknown Speaker 1:16:17
thank you. We’ll proceed over here. And I never say your name. Right. Mr. McInerney, Mr. McInerney, McInerney. Sorry, thank you, but you turn on your mic.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:33
I just want to thank Jim and Phil for the updates regarding ongoing and upcoming projects, very informative.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:44
And Miss Crist.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:49
I would like to thank board member Osbourne for running the board today. Thank you, you did an excellent job. And thank you, Mr. Greenwald and Mr. Angstadt. And also just want to appreciate Angel bond coming from Boulder to explain all that to us. It’s something that we want to keep an eye on, I think going forward. So well done. All
Unknown Speaker 1:17:19
right, and we have our city council liaison, Miss Yarborough? Right.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:26
Correct. Correct. Um, well, I just want to say, Man, I just took notes on everything that you all are doing, and you are amazing. So make me look like I know something at the next city council meeting. Someone asked me about transportation. So, um, yeah, this is what we do it. So no, I just want to say thank you so much for everything. And I see we are just moving trails, you know, just blazing. And I appreciate all the hard work that you all are doing.
Unknown Speaker 1:18:02
Thank you. Thank you. Our next is next meeting will be August 8. Pardon? Oh, did I have any? I skipped over me. I think I made my comment largely earlier. But thank you to everyone. So next meeting is August 8. And of course, we will have on our agenda, our election of the leader of this leaders of this board, as well as carrying on the minutes. We will have here about the capital improvement program and the best fair buy up. Is there anything else that we need to be thinking about coming into the next meeting?
Unknown Speaker 1:18:46
We think that’s it, but we may have more. Oh, yeah. I think what’s not on here is the the county would like to come back in August, another county presentation. So that’s three in a row with a US 27 Bus Rapid Transit update for you on their plan. And it’s supposed to be short. So we’ll see if we can keep that on the agenda. But we may push that off till September, but they’d like to go in August if they can.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:15
All right. We’ll look forward to seeing that. Having come to the end of the items. Do I hear a motion to adjourn? Okay, I make a motion to adjourn. Anyone that everyone that thinks we should adjourn say? Yes. Yes. It’s unanimous. Thank you very much. It was great tonight.
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