Video Description:
Longmont City Council Regular Session – June 28, 2022
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
or Pledge of Allegiance. Councilmember Martin is unable to participate tonight in person due to a personnel matter that requires her to be out of state. Staff has prepared for councilmember Martin to participate remotely. But first Council must take action to follow this. So I’m going to make two motions. The first one is I moved to suspend Council rule or procedure 25.2 point a point to to allow for council member Martin to participate remotely in this meeting. Thank you. It’s been seconded by Councillor waters. Let’s vote.
Unknown Speaker 0:49
Councilmember Martin? Okay, that carried unanimously. The second motion is to allow I move to allow a electronic participation by council council member Martin through July 2022. Due to a personal matter, that requires her to be out of state and unable to participate in person.
Unknown Speaker 1:16
Second, okay,
Unknown Speaker 1:17
that has been seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez, let’s vote. That also carries unanimously so welcome Councillor Martin. Can we have a roll call please done?
Unknown Speaker 1:35
Absolutely. Mayor Peck present. Councilmember Duggal Ferring. Your councilmember Martin. Here. Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez, Councilmember waters, Councilmember Yarborough your mayor. You have a quorum.
Unknown Speaker 1:52
Let’s stand for the pledge.
Unknown Speaker 1:58
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Unknown Speaker 2:15
So I have a reminder to the public that this meeting can be viewed on the livestream at WWW dot Longmont Anyone wishing to speak at first call public invited to be heard will need to add his or her name to the list outside the council chambers. Only those on the list will be invited to speak at the first public invited to be heard. speakers who do not place their names on the list will have the opportunity to speak during public hearing items this evening or at the final call public invited to be heard on any item at the end of the meeting. Can we have a approval of the June 14 minutes? Second, okay, that has been Moved by Councillor waters seconded by Councillor Hidalgo fairing Let’s vote.
Unknown Speaker 3:17
So that carries unanimously Thank you. We are now at the agenda revisions. Do we have any revisions done?
Unknown Speaker 3:24
We do not mirror back.
Unknown Speaker 3:25
Thank you. How about councillors? Do you have any motions to put a future items? Items on future agendas? Okay, seeing none we’ll move on to the city manager’s report. Report.
Unknown Speaker 3:38
No report. Mayor Council.
Unknown Speaker 3:39
Okay, thank you. We do have a special report by Jim golden.
Unknown Speaker 3:51
Mayor members Council I’m Jim golden chief financial officer. So tonight we’ll be presenting to you the annual comprehensive financial report for 2021 and the audit report from our audit firm plant Moran. I’m just going to make a brief introductory comments and then I’m gonna turn it over to the enhancing the Accounting Manager. And after the end goes over some of the highlights. Then we will have Tim St. Andrew who’s the partner from plant Moran in charge of audit he he’ll present the audit report to you all. So just wanted to acknowledge the work of the accounting staff in putting this together. So almost 300 page document this year. And as you can imagine, that takes quite a lot of effort on their parts. I think if you’ve noticed at the end of the letter of transmittal The city has in the past for its past audit for 2020s annual finance report did receive the annual GFO a award as it has in the past and that’s all due to the efforts of of Deanne and her staff and I do want to acknowledge all of them on Tonight long with the end here is a Susan McGinley who’s the lead accountant. Both stand up Dan and Suzy. But some staff that are also not here today that also involved in this or lead accountants, Sammy Coulson, and accountants conclude, Carlin, Gonzalez and Kelly win. So with that, I’m going to say once again, they did a great job. And I want to thank them for their efforts. And now I’ll turn it over to Dan to present the highlights.
Unknown Speaker 5:42
Hello, I’m Deanna Hansen. I’m the Accounting Manager here for the city. I’d like to thank you for your time tonight and allowing me to present this and all your support. I’m just going to give a brief highlight of where the city stands at the end of 2021. But first, I would like to give a special thanks to Susie McGinty, McGinley and Sammy Coulson, our lead accountants, and the rest of my accounting team for the hard work that they put into this financial report and helping with the audit. It is a tremendous work effort, and I really appreciate everybody’s help on it. And the city, the city engaged Plante Moran to perform our financial audit. Tim St. Andrew and Josh Edie directed the audit, and will present auditor comments and respond to any questions from council. So the city finished 2021 With a total net position of $1.38 billion governmental activities making up 573 million of that and business type activities making up 809 million. That’s an increase in net position of 76 million from 2020. You can see financial highlights associated with city wide net position in the management discussion and analysis that starts on page 28 of the financial report. So more relevant information pertaining to fund balances and changes in net position of the major governmental funds can be found on page 44 and 4046 of the financial report, as well as a summary of fund balances in the council communication on page four. The major enterprise funds net position and working capital information can be found on page 52 through 53 of the report, and on page five of your council communication. And then just a summary of our assets held in trust for retirement benefits totaled 146 point 4 million at the end of the year. And this information can be found on pages 25 to 25 through 226 of the financial report, and page five of your council communication. So that’s it for my high end highlights of the financial statements. And if you don’t have any questions, I can turn it off to our auditors, Tim St. Andrew, and then Josh ed will be presenting information.
Unknown Speaker 8:37
Okay, thank you, Jim, Indiana. Good evening, everyone. We appreciate you having us here today to present the results of the December 31 2021 financial statement audit. As mentioned, my name is Tim St. Andrew and with me as Josh Edie. And before I get into the audit deliverables and the audit results, I would like to take the opportunity to thank Jim, Indiana and the whole team. Overall, I would echo Jim’s comments great team to work with very responsive. Jim mentioned the heavy lift the effort, the 300 page financial statements. But what he didn’t mention is that this process really starts back in January. It goes right up until this meeting. So it’s a five to six month process. So it’s it’s very time consuming, there is a lot of effort and we certainly appreciate your team’s help throughout the whole process. So moving on to the audit results, there are a few different deliverables that you should have one being the annual comprehensive financial report. Two would be the single audit report, which is the audit of the city’s federal awards and that is included in the back of the city’s financial statements. Third would be the end of audit letter addressed to city council. To start I’ll cover the audit opinions on pages 25 and through 27 of the annual comprehensive financial report, you will find the auditor’s report that’s really in this 300 page document. Those are really the only two Three pages, they belong to us. And that would be our opinion letter. So we did issue an unmodified opinion. And so what that means is that as a clean opinion, the readers can rely on the financial statements that are materially accurate and in done so in accordance with the accounting standards. We also have an emphasis of matter paragraph within the auditor’s report. And this relates to the Longmont housing authority that was brought into the city’s financial statements this year. But because of how the accounting rules are written, we actually had to restate the 2020 financial statements, because we do have a change in reporting entity. So we had to go back and restate last year as if the Housing Authority were included all along. starting on page 284 of the financial statements, you’ll find the auditor’s report is related to the single audit. We did test two major programs this year, the highway planning and construction cluster and the Community Development Block Grant disaster recovery funds. Both of those were unmodified opinions as well. And we didn’t know any compliance issues with the grants. And page 290 of the financial statements, you will see that we did have one finding this year. And it’s it’s a material weakness surrounding the preparation of the schedule of federal expenditures. And that’s really the listing of all of the grants received and amounts expended this year. Through the testing performed, we did find approximately $855,000 of prior year expenditures that were included on the initial draft received, those were removed and are not included in the final schedule. But because it was noted during the audit, we do have to communicate that to counsel. And we’ve we’ve talked with with Deanna and the team, and they are looking at that process and the controls to make sure they’re going forward. There’s a better review of those schedules on the front end of the audit. So with that, I will turn it over to Josh to cover the end of audit letter.
Unknown Speaker 11:58
Good evening, everyone. So the end of audit letter is basically the bookend to the letter we would have sent previously or related to the audit that basically spelled out our plan and how we were going to approach the audit. So if there were any deviations to that plan, this is where those communications would be. Thankfully, we did not have any significant deviations, there are a few things that we are still required to cover in this letter. And so I will go over those items. On page three, there is in that second paragraph, a discussion of the mortality table used for pension. And wanted to note that that has been updated for the current year. But we did need to comment on that in the current in this current report. It’s because the pension is always a year behind in terms of the audit. So that has now been updated to the pub 2010, which is the most recent mortality tables. Two pages later, we do have the past adjustments, which are basically adjustments that management and we agree are not material. So if we were to cross every t make sure that these were in there, those would be put in but because those are not material, those were not run through the financial statements in the current year. The last couple pages, include some other information that would be valuable. I encourage you to go through that at your leisure, we will be happy to cover any questions you have on that. I would point your attention to the last page here. There is a new statement from the Governing Body Gatsby statement number 87, which relates to leases. And while this won’t have an economic effect on the city, what it does do is bring any leases that might not currently be on the financial statements to the balance sheet of the financial statements. And so the city is working through that. We have been in discussions with the city and we’ll continue to do so to make sure that the city is in compliance for this next year when this is effective. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 13:59
With that, we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Unknown Speaker 14:07
Councillor waters
Tim Waters 14:10
thanks for your back. So the only the only material finding in this in the audit is finding 2021 001 Which you’ve made reference to. And the way it reads is that it’s it is simply a reporting. It is the timing of the reporting of this $855,000 and expenditures. That’s correct. And the corrective action is simply to to reenter, to show that to show that in 2020 as opposed to 2021 because I didn’t see a specific, I saw that there was an action plan. I just didn’t see the specifics.
Unknown Speaker 14:51
So those actually, those would have been reported last year on the 2020 schedule of federal expenditures, but because they weren’t they were initially brought forward The 2021 schedule. But the way that the grant regulations are written is that as long as that didn’t impact major program selection last year, we actually wouldn’t go back and restate last year schedule, and they also wouldn’t go on this year. So
Tim Waters 15:16
this is really about moving forward and how that gets reported. So the only other comment I would make is, it’s just been remarkable to me and heavy look, this is the fourth of these audits, or fourth audit result I’ve looked at as a council member. And given the number of funds, the complexity of our financial operations, the number of transactions, that that this would be the first I think this is the first time I’ve seen anything that’s considered a material finding. And it’s a journal entry. process. I think there’s what I’m hearing, I think is still really pretty remarkable. Jim and your staff. Yeah, it is just amazing. Your ability to to account for every single dollar and transaction that comes to the city.
Unknown Speaker 16:03
Good job.
Unknown Speaker 16:06
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker 16:06
Thank you very much. Thank you, Jim. You’re now at first call public to be invited to be heard. I think she is going out to get the list of people who have signed up. I think the very first person that signed up was Janice ribbon. So do you want to come on up Janice?
Unknown Speaker 16:43
Can you good evening, Mayor pack and council. It’s nice to see everyone. I’m here as president of Longmont Sister Cities Association. And the first thing I would like to do is introduce WellStar Duran. She is our summer intern and a cultural broker from the Northern Arapaho Indian Reservation. So would you like to introduce yourself?
Unknown Speaker 17:07
Hi, my name is Wolf starter in I’m from the Northern Arapaho tribe, from the River Reservation in Wyoming. And I’m currently a student at the University of Wyoming. And so I’m here just to make sure both exchanges are going well and whatever. Board members need help. So
Unknown Speaker 17:25
welcome, and thank you for all you’re doing.
Unknown Speaker 17:29
So our delegation will be heading to the reservation on June 9, they will attend Sundance, which is really exciting and a really wonderful opportunity for us to learn a lot more about will stars culture. And so I’m going to also share some really exciting news. I got a call last week from the city of Broomfield and what we’ve done here in Longmont, they’ve heard about and they are replicating with the southern Arapaho. So they have reached out to and visited the rest once and I’m going to be working with them to kind of guide them because we didn’t get that. So this is really exciting news. And we hope every city along the front range does something similar. So I really wanted to share that information with you tonight. So I really thank the city of Longmont and all of the staff and Council and the former mayor and our current mayor for all of the support and we hope this is the very first seeds of of change for all of us. So with that I’m going to turn this over to our wonderful ambassadors. These are all students between eighth and well. We have seven total going but four of them are here tonight. So I’m going to turn it over to their chaperones and to the students. Thank you
Unknown Speaker 18:44
Hello everyone. Good evening. My name is Jenny the Aslan and my pronouns are she her a Yeah, I am a city of Longmont employee with the Children Youth and Family division. Hello everyone. So I am one of the one of the chaperones that gets to go with the students to Wind River and I just want to say thank you for this wonderful opportunity. I know that being involved in this has truly changed my life and so I’m really hopeful that this is going to change the lives of several of our students here in Longmont as well as the students in the Northern Arapaho tribe. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 19:14
Hey, how’s it going? My name is but three to 100 Jonas’s through ego or Patrice Hill. I am an educator with St. Vrain Valley School District.
Patricio 19:22
And I am the other chaperone. I just want to say thank you all for your continued support of sister cities. This has been an exciting new chapter for us and it is awesome to see young group of some really amazing students go by, you know, be able to go down there and yeah, just thank you so much, and I really look forward to look forward to this trip coming up.
Unknown Speaker 19:46
Hi, I’m Stella Mendoza. I’m a student at Norwalk High School and I am really thankful for this opportunity. Everyone is provided.
Unknown Speaker 19:55
My name is Natalie Hainsey. I’m going into nyuad high school into ninth grade next cheer. And I’m super excited to go to the Wind River Reservation
Unknown Speaker 20:08
Hi, my name is Gabriel Cardenas, I’m a student at Skyline High School. I just want to thank you guys for setting us up there. I think it’s really important for us to know about different cultures and I’m really thankful for the opportunity. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 20:23
Hi, my name is Monique Rojas. I’m entering ninth grade in Erie High School. And I’m really thankful for the opportunity for us to like be educated about something else. Something new.
Unknown Speaker 20:35
Thank you. Mayor Council, do you have any questions for our students or any advice
Unknown Speaker 20:46
I think your advice is represent us well. And bring back some of your experiences. I’d love to hear about them since this is the first group going so it would be great and I love your enthusiasm Patrice you
Unknown Speaker 21:02
he’s known for that. Thank you very much. If we could indulge you for a moment and get a picture rather group that would be lovely and I really appreciate your support thank you.
Unknown Speaker 22:42
Turn on my microphone the next person we have on our list is last name. Oh Tehsil Gordon, come on up Hazel. He’s looking to turn your microphone on.
Unknown Speaker 23:14
Thank There you go. I’d like to thank you all for allowing me to make some comments today. My name is Hazel Gordon. And I’ll be speaking as a concerned citizen, with recycling issues, especially in terms of long range planting ideas. And the youth we saw today helps me to get motivated. I reside at 1600 Atkinson Avenue in Longmont have been resident for years. I encourage the council to adopt the city’s proposed Zero Waste resolution and would like to address the issue of treating demolition and construction waste products, which are being diverted from the landfill at only 6% of their volume. As I understand it. The draft Zero Waste resolution mentions the goal of working with economic development partners and investing in resource recovery infrastructure to foster a circular economy. So I’d like to address these issues. We are fortunate to have several commercial services in Boulder, Larimer and other counties that deal with the reuse of selective excess construction materials for other purposes. Such as made Nesbo Public Works products and also we saw that a Europe has encouraged ideas of the same sort, such as grinding materials that might be incorporated into bricks and so on. It I’d like to mention that the city could become more attractive to residents and build businesses if green building S and L E D criteria were also included as financial incentives in its guidelines for non residential buildings, as well as possibly other residential buildings. Our area is in an excellent locale to consult with experts in these fields. For example, one of the Front Range college campuses addresses green and sustainable architectural practices in its courses. Colorado University also offers environmental engineering programs. And CSU offers courses in Advanced Materials Research. With those lofty goals in mind, I would encourage the city to develop partnerships with businesses, universities, and other cities and counties to make Longmont a more attractive and environmentally responsible responsive city that takes bold steps to reduce much of our manufactured waste products that are currently going into landfills, which are out of space. Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker 26:12
Thank you, Hazel, Strider, you’re up next.
Unknown Speaker 26:27
Trying to learn how to see again with your eyes. That means have to have glasses. She tried her best and 951 17th Avenue Sorry, I’m awake are too late. There’s so much that’s been going on. The Supreme Court passed the open gun carry law, and then the rape and NSAIDs law right almost at the same time. And they are directly related. And what’s next the party of smaller government is on the road to criminalize anything and anybody who threatens their absolute dominance. One example, in Texas after the fall day killings, the governor said, oh, there’s no problem with guns. It’s a mental health thing. And he personally stole $211 million from Texas mental health and gave it to the border patrol. So all of this stuff is going on. And the day hearings today, there’s a quote of the former president who said when the mob came to strong the Capitol, he said they’re not here to hurt me. Take the mags away the detection devices lead model in the Capitol with their with their guns, a lot of people had AR fifteens that didn’t show up because there was law in Washington, you can’t carry out ar 15 Send the capitol to kill all the senators or whoever you want to create a civil war, that would have been the direct effect, had they succeeded in carrying their guns into the Capitol, two or three people had them but they were afraid to use them, hang my pants would have been carried out. And we would have hundreds or 1000s dead and may be a civil war right now. So like my Angelou said, when they, when they show you who they are, believe them. They up and like I said a couple of weeks ago of someone called me in once it’s an incident someone calls me in twice. It’s a tendency someone calls me in three times it’s policy. This is the policy and they’re trying to take over Colorado was Secretary of States and that kind of thing. The point is killed as many people as possible, create to pre it to politics of fear, and then you can sell more guns and the pot. The concept behind that is we got more guns than you had. So if they have the Civil War, they think they’re gonna win. Democracy means dialogue. We have to learn how to speak with each other and listen, and that’s the only chance we have left if we’re going to survive. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 29:47
Thank you, Strider. Naomi Kurland. Hi,
Unknown Speaker 30:02
my name is Naomi Kurland and I live at 2073 Goldfinch court. I am the board chair of sustainable resilient Longmont and SRLs Zero Waste committee. This year our committee secured a Boulder County grant to increase waste diversion at festivals in Longmont through with zero waste education, and recently helped divert 92% of the waste generated at the downtown summer concert series. We are committed to seeing Longmont improve our waste diversion by empowering residents with more opportunities. In addition to hosting monthly community cleanups and facilitating waste diversion at events. We also administered a zero waste survey this spring to assist in collecting public feedback for the Zero Waste resolution draft being presented to council tonight. We have participated in multiple feedback sessions with city staff on the resolution, and we’re gratified to find many of our recommendations incorporated into this latest draft. Unfortunately, there were some significant disappointments in the draft being presented tonight as well. The most frustrating addition to this draft was a noticeable reluctance to put forth strong decisive language and instead, it includes loopholes and off ramps up to the list of actions that the city can take to reach our zero waste goals. All meaningful action is prefaced with the phrases pending further analysis and community input. These measures may include and to the extent allowed by the city’s business plan and annual budget processes. This is a resolution not a binding ordinance. So there’s no need for weak, wishy washy language to coach recommended actions. All it does is remove the sense of urgency and commitment to action on behalf of the city, preemptively incorporating potential roadblocks and delays in what should be a statement of strong resolute action. We are also disappointed in the reduction of targets compared to previously identified goals. Diversion of 70% by 2030 and 85% by 2050 may be more realistic based on the city’s internal analysis. But since this is a resolution and not a binding contract, it behooves the city to be as aspirational as possible. If we set our goals as high as could possibly be achieved. Even if we fall short, we will have prioritized policy for maximum impact. If we don’t aim high, we won’t even have the opportunity to attain those more lofty goals. Overall, we support the recommended actions and policies that are listed in the Zero Waste draft resolution draft today. City staff has compiled a list that if adhered to will produce results. However, we are concerned that by including off ramps and weaker targets, this excellent list of actions will be taken as nothing more than half hearted suggestions rather than commitments to make real change in Longmont. We urge council to aim higher and amend the language to remove the previously cited phrases as they do not serve the urgency of our current climate crisis. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 32:59
Thank you, Naomi. So we’re now at the agenda. We are on the Consent Agenda. Part of our meeting. Don Would you mind reading the items on the consent agenda into record?
Unknown Speaker 33:21
Absolutely, Mayor pic Item nine A is ordinance 2022 Dash 25 a bill for an ordinance making additional appropriations for expenses and liabilities of the city of Lamarque for the fiscal year beginning January 1 2022. And by the way, second reading and public hearing for ordinances tonight will be on July 12 2022 90 is ordinance 2022 Dash 26. A bill for an ordinance amending section 3.0 4.885 of the Longmont Municipal Code adopting an amended and restated city of Longmont general employees retirement plan. Item nine c is resolution 2022 Dash 104 a resolution of the Longmont City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and Boulder County for the antelope Park Forest reef restore restoration project. 90 is resolution 2022 Dash 105 a resolution of the Longmont City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and Larimer County Economic workforce development for forestry services at button rock 90 is resolution 2022 Dash 106 a resolution of Longmont City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and Boulder County for financial assistance to older adults and caregivers of older adults. Nine F is resolution 2022 Dash 107 a resolution of Longmont City Council authorizing lease agreements with option to purchase between the city of Longmont as lessee and the Huntington National Bank as lessor for golf carts for the city golf courses. Nine G is resolution 2022 Dash 108 a resolution of the Longmont City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and Weld County for the provision of county reimbursable childcare at the Longmont summer day camp. And nine H is approved a letter of support from the city of Longmont to the United States Forest Service concerning the federal permitting process for the st. Rainforest Health Partnership process.
Unknown Speaker 35:06
Thank you Don. I would like to pull item a 2020 to 25. Are there any other councillors that want to pull items? No, then I will move the consent agenda minus Midem item A. So it’s been moved by myself seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez to move the consent agenda minus item A. Let’s vote.
Unknown Speaker 35:37
I need to go back to my screen and that carries unanimously Thank you. We are at items on the second reading and public hearings on any matter.
Unknown Speaker 35:59
Item A is public hearing and consideration of recommendations for 2022 Community Development Block Grant or CDBG. Program action plan
Unknown Speaker 36:17
are there any questions from Council on this ordinance? Seeing none, I do have a Victoria law knave. Oh, I’m sorry. We’re gonna go to the presentation first. Sorry Molly. I didn’t see you there. And then you can come up Victoria
Unknown Speaker 36:51
Do you have it pulled? By sorry, they’re just staring at dawn Okay, perfect. I
Unknown Speaker 37:03
need to share the screen
Unknown Speaker 37:08
okay. All right. For that let me see if we can. Dialysis
Unknown Speaker 37:34
we’re just gonna have to roll with it.
Unknown Speaker 37:38
Councilmember Martin, can you also open your life script stream version of this, but I’m having a hard time sharing Molly’s screen
Unknown Speaker 37:52
I’m sorry. Deputy cedar. I can’t. I can’t hear what you said.
Unknown Speaker 37:59
Councilmember Martin. I’m wondering if you can check out your live stream version. And I can send you the link if you need to either online public media or the city’s YouTube to watch the presentation. I forgot to give myself rights to share the screen. Yeah, oh, Don can email it to you too. Sorry about that. Yeah, okay. She’s gonna send it to you right now. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 38:25
Thank you. Mayor Peck mayor’s Mayor Peck Members of Council. Thank you for having me tonight. I’m Molly O’Donnell, Housing and Community Investment division director. Tonight I’m going to be discussing our 2022 CDBG action plan and affordable housing fund recommendations. So just as a little bit of an intro, especially because we have an all new group working on this this year between me as the director and my brand new and wonderful staff that has been working very hard to put this together tonight. So we do operate off a five year Consolidated Plan goals. That’s for 2020 to 2024. We put this together in conjunction with the Boulder County and Broomfield regional consortium, and set shared goals strategies and funding priorities for the program yours during this period. That consolidated plan outlines goals to pursue during a five year period to meet community needs. CDBG and HOME programs advance the following objectives for the benefit of low and moderate income households that you can see here summarized. rental housing programs. The goal there is to maintain and produce additional affordable rental housing particularly for households with incomes below 50% of the area median income or Ami. Existing homeownership preservation by maintaining and increasing the inventory of affordable homeownership by assisting low income households with rehab and accessibility needs to ensure decent, safe and sanitary housing conditions. New homebuyer opportunities to increase the inventory through innovative housing development models as opportunities arise, and by providing first time homebuyer classes, housing stabilization programs, we work with community partners to provide housing resources and services to individuals and families at risk of or experiencing homelessness. community investments is when we work with regional partners to coordinate investment strategies that fund programs and projects designed to meet impact to impact existing conditions that threaten the health and welfare of our community, particularly for residents with low income or special needs. And finally, economic development goals to promote job creation or retention through support for primarily micro enterprises or small businesses. So far our action plan this year, this is a requirement for CDBG funding, we are working to implement the goals of that Consolidated Plan. So our program here is January 1 to December 31. One thing that we’ve been working on is how can we are coming to you in June of 2022 for are in the middle of the program here. And that’s really because our HUD funding doesn’t actually get announced until about May of each year. And then we have a statutory deadline to submit our action plan by August 16 of each year. And we coordinate with the consortium members to do that together. So we are in the third year of our five year plan, we do have to have a public hearing to set those CDBG funding allocations. So that’s tonight, we are doing a 30 day public notice this runs through July 16. So if we see receive any additional comments, we will include those in the action plan. And we’ll bring them back to council if need be. And then finally, our affordable housing fund is not a requirement of our action plan. But because our programs are so tied together, we bring those recommendations to you at the same time. So that’s just some background and the timelines and requirements. So this year, our CDBG funding amount available is $519,709. This is a 7% reduction from 2021. And it’s actually our second lowest allocations since 2003. We think there’s a couple of reasons for this going on lately. First of all, there’s only a set dollar value for all entitlement communities of which Longmont is one. And so the more cities that reach the population thresholds, that allowed them to be an entitlement, there’s still the same amount of dollars to go around. Additionally, we know there’s a lot of other federal funding out there specifically for housing and community investment because of COVID. And so we think that the HUD and at the federal level, generally, there’s a lot of focus on that funding. And so that’s a couple of reasons why we think it’s going down. We also just have $5,000 in estimated program income. So together, we had about 524,709 to put out.
Unknown Speaker 43:13
So we do run between two and four times a year, we run a funding cycle was was an applic application period, to accept project proposals from the community. We do a lot of community outreach, we held our application period may 9 to the 27th. We reached out to historic partners, community service organizations, we put an ad essentially in the housing Colorado newsletter trying to reach maybe some affordable housing developers that work elsewhere in the state that maybe aren’t paying attention to what happens in Longmont, but we would want them to consider doing projects here. And then in conjunction with the action plan we put publishing in the Times call as an advertisement. It’s of course on our city website. We provide a pre application support to anybody that got in touch with us to try and help them guide them through creating a complete application. And then we’re working on an online survey to pair with the end of our public review period to get some feedback about our process. So we received six viable applications during that period. Four of them were referred for a CDBG program, the Boulder County Housing Counseling Program for $50,000 entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship for all $30,206.03 Longmont Housing Authority rental housing rehab projects totaling just over $124,000. We referred one program project to our affordable housing fund program and Habitat for Humanity, affordable homeownership project for 646 $717. So we also ensure that we put funding into our homeowner occupy had rehab program that doesn’t go out for competitive award in this funding cycle. We do accept applications from those homeowners throughout the year. But we make sure we set aside. So this $215,000 is higher than we’ve done in the last couple years. We’ve already expressed to you how that program has been difficult in recent years. Because of lots of factors. We’ve gone over cost escalations, lack of contractors being interested in doing this type of work that’s really does come with more strings attached to meet the program requirements. But in this case, we have a fresh opportunity. We have a fully flush staff, we have somebody coming in with some rehab experience CDBG rehab experience from elsewhere in the country. We want to really work on this program to increase its usability, and make more of a difference. And also, we didn’t receive enough viable applications to fully fill out our CDBG funding. So we put the excess into here. And if we get more applications in the future, we can reallocate some of this if if it’s not looking feasible. So you’ll see on for each of these projects, each of them shows on the screen here what council work plan goal that they support. The Boulder County Housing Counseling and personal finance program, this is something we accept an application for and typically fund every year. This is required for our downpayment assistance and rehab programs. It will assist about 240 low income residents, giving them counseling services for really a lot of things homeownership rental debt, a lot of personal finance issues. We have a new one this year. That’s from entrepreneurship for all but it’s not specifically related to affordable housing. They this organization did apply several years ago when they were just getting started in Longmont. Since then, they’ve really established themselves and shown us what what kind of work that they can accomplish for low income residents that are looking to be small business owners. So we are allowed to grant up to $20,000 of our CDBG funding as a public service and the services they provide related to education. For small business owners and prospective small business business owners really do qualify as that public service and therefore we could offer them $30,206. The Longmont Housing Authority came with came in with several applications for rehabs on their properties. So the first one is security camera systems at multiple properties. They requested $61,600 to improve safety and security for what equates to about 247 Low Income rental households. This has really proven to be a valuable thing on the properties that have been able to have security cameras systems installed. So this would be really be a benefit, both for management and for resident safety.
Unknown Speaker 48:15
The second project is the parking lot and accessibility rehab for overcrossing. So the hearthstone and lodge, we do have a capital needs assessment on hand that shows that there are significant deterioration problems and trip hazards and things that are out of compliance with ADA, that the housing authority does need to fix as soon as possible. So this would serve those 100 low income senior seniors living in that rental development. And then finally, the Aspen Meadows neighborhood playground is a $25,000 800 Grant $800 Grant. This playground right now is unusable. It’s structurally unsafe and it is roped off, so to not be used. So this would really improve safety and quality of life for the families living at Aspen Meadows. So other than competitive applications, we could set aside 20% of our program funding for administration to cover staff costs and other admin administrative costs each year. That totals $104,942. This year, if we don’t use it all it gets reallocated for projects. Total with these applications, we’d serve 553 unique households, a couple of those LhP ones do not cross over. So they those hassles get served twice but the two different projects that’s 20 owner occupied owner occupied homes that we could rehab 275 affordable rental homes in LH a 240 households helped to maintain housing stability through financing, counseling, and about 18 individuals with the amount of funding that we can provide can participate in small business training. That equates to 800 and $4 of investment per household assisted, and brings in $690,000 of additional leverage into our community for a ratio of $1.32 to every dollar spent on CDBG. This is just to reference this is in your packets, this is the master table of the budgets if you’re looking for where this is all broken out and shown. For the affordable housing fund, we have approximately over $2.5 million for 2022. This really does bleed into 2023. Since we do those application cycles more than once per year. That includes the general fund transfer of a million dollars, estimated $300,000 for the marijuana tax. And in this case, we are finally projecting our full fee in lieu revenue for 2022 and 2023. To help serve these projects over the next year, plus we have $200,000 in programming come from prior projects that have paid back their loans. So there’s about 2.7 million that we’re working with for affordable housing fund over the next year. So for my competitive funding, we are recommending that Habitat for Humanity of St. Vrain. Valley receive $646,717 and a 0% loan. It’s a 20 year term, but it’s paid at certificate of occupancy when they can sell to sell the properties. This is over at the East Rogers Road site. They have received city funding in the past they received donated land from the city and an additional affordable housing housing fund loan for the land purchase several years ago. And then they’re getting a lot of other funding sources to cover this project from from the state and elsewhere. This would produce nine new units that would be sold to individuals and families making between 30 and 60% of AMI. So this funding is specifically for the public improvements, they are ready to break ground on those here come August or so. And then would be building the homes starting next year. Otherwise, in the Affordable Housing Fund, were setting aside about 17% this year, and that’s $483,086. This is to cover staff costs and other admin. We really do between CDBG and the Affordable Housing Fund. We are meeting more admin and then prior years because of our new structure, which is put together to really ideally serve the programs that we administer and deliver on the projects that we want to put out there for the city. Nine households would be served with the affordable housing fund with this one habitat project that results in about $71,000 of investment per household. And but it’s leveraging 2.8 million and change bringing that into the community. So if we put $1 into this habitat project for the public improvements, we’re bringing in $4.50 of investment.
Unknown Speaker 53:05
We also have some non competitive projects in the Affordable Housing Fund. This is what we call our set asides. So we have $20,000 tagged for the National Development Council contract that is a consulting firm that we are using to help on some of the affordable housing development goals that the city has. We’ve set aside the full amount of the housing needs assessment, however 86,250 of it will be reimbursed by doula. So the amount the affordable housing fund is covering is really just the local match about 28,000. But we want to account for it all so we don’t spend it. Plus 50,275 of rehab for the city on Adrian house. This is additional funding due to construction cost escalation. But that construction has started and we are ready to go and we’ll be able to rent that house to a large family in need here come 2023. And then finally, the $300,000 ongoing payment for the nine acres associated with Costco. That is a five year commitment. Looks like we’re a little cut off here. But we do set aside 171,560 for the fee offsets that we provide to private development. And that number is let’s see if I can get it 979 Trying to view here I can’t get it. It’s in your in your it is available. We can pull out what that has there. But that should be our our funding for Well, I can’t see it. I’m not gonna guess at the moment. We can follow up with that if you were curious. It will be detailed here. Here’s our total. Oh, I recall I recall. So that left about 1.6 million that had not yet been allocated as you Affordable Housing Fund. So as we do those quarterly funding cycles, we will work to tag that to projects, we do expect some larger development projects to come through that might qualify for that. And I’d ask you to consider any questions about the program? And then continue with public hearing if you don’t mind?
Unknown Speaker 55:31
Counselor waters.
Tim Waters 55:33
Thanks, Mayor peg. Well, can you go back to slide one? Sir? Please?
I guess it’s slide two, actually, the the goals. These are, these are meaningful statements. But they’re certainly not written as goals. Based on what you presented, how would you know whether or not we accomplish these goals? So the How should I know whether or not we’ve accomplished these goals?
Unknown Speaker 56:19
So this is the our Consolidated Plan was written in 2020, I can tell you that if we were writing it, today, I would have your voice in my mind about that goal structure. We do have objectives together, our overall objective with the consortium is to produce 12% of our four of our housing stock as affordable by 2035. That is our end all be all goal. And it includes preserving the existing double afford existing affordable stock so that we don’t dip down and have to recover from there. So that is the true, measurable impact. I would say that for these individual goals, our comp plan in 2020, to cover 2025, and the next five years, could definitely be fleshed out to have more specific objectives. Included measurable
Tim Waters 57:15
in the if there, there couldn’t be goals or objectives, or both. But without, without baseline data, without performance targets without timeframes there. It’s not very useful, right? They’re interesting statements. And, and the plan of work, I don’t I think it’s well thought out and uncertain and spot on terms what we need. But in the interest of accountability, there can be none with that set of goals, unless you just kind of make it up as you go along. And I understand this is from 2020. But it’s been two years, and I Is there something that constrains us from actually turning these in these statements into actual goals that are measurable,
Unknown Speaker 57:58
we can do that wouldn’t be part of our HUD approved, Consolidated Plan. But we can have another document that kind of flushes that out.
Tim Waters 58:05
I don’t know, I don’t know what to say about HUD. Well, I can say a lot about HUD having what we’ve gone through. But this is more about us. Alright, in terms of what we can celebrate what we can learn. Where do we apply more resource effort, intellectual horsepower, whatever, you know, as time goes by, because of what we are or not accomplishing. And as I said, it’s just there’s no way we could we can help hold ourselves accountable or anyone else based on that set of statements as goals, right? I’m just saying and I Yeah. So, you know, I know, I sound like a broken record, every time this we get into this. But I think there’s nobody else. This is not HUD to This is Not HUD telling us what to do with this. This is us. Not doing this. And I think we need to so just a statement. And I’ll support this. This time, I’m not certain I will vote for this in the future. If we don’t turn these into real goal statements. If you do go to Slide seven, please
Unknown Speaker 59:11
find me I add that our year end performance or caper that we presented here in late March. That is our annual assessment of what we’ve achieved and it does conglomerate over the years. Yeah, so we could try and look to for next year in reporting that and
Tim Waters 59:31
I get the process of of adding it up and assessing where we are, but it ought to be added up and assess it ought to be added up and it says in relationship to what we were trying to achieve. Right. How did we exceed those goals? How where did we fall short? And get us into a kind of a virtuous cycle of improvement right? When I if I look at this and I the cwp three a 3.2 is riffraff referring to the council workplace And in in goals and statements that are in that work plan, which I think is likely useful in this context, because you got to have something to work with. But I just want to say for the record, this council doesn’t have a work plan that I’m aware of. That was a former Council’s work plan, goals adopted by former council, I’d love for us to apply ourselves to that set of goals or some set of goals that we could embrace and adopt as a council. But I think it’s it’s misleading to the public, to suggest that we have a work plan, and that we have goals we’ve adopted as other than the affordable the 12%. We have yet to adopt a goal with respect to attainable housing or workforce housing, whatever language we’re going to use. So for you, and I’ll say to Harold and CND, and I know you don’t have much to hang on to in terms of tying work to priorities, because we we haven’t done that work. But I just want to say for the record, I think this is misleading. And I think we ought to be careful about saying to the public, somehow this is tied to something that this Council has adopted, because it’s just not true. Right. Go to slide 14, please. Just just like one, clarification, the nine units, I would have that I’m looking at a third, the second bullet, I’m assuming, is specifically in reference to the habitat property over a situation to the mountain Brook prod project.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:39
No, that’s actually separate. This is over on East Rogers road. Okay, below Third Avenue. And on East Rogers.
Tim Waters 1:01:47
So the those four lots, and what is projected to go on this for last separate from what we’re talking about right here?
Unknown Speaker 1:01:54
Correct, because they did not get any city funding, or these
Tim Waters 1:01:57
are these nine single family homes. Now,
Unknown Speaker 1:02:01
they are detailed, there are three buildings, three units each. So multiplex. All right.
Tim Waters 1:02:07
Very good. That was the that was that was confusing. I just make one more reference to the caller, the council work plan that I know that you didn’t create that. I appreciate your work on this. That’s I think that’s more on us than on you. But But I don’t think we ought to continue the I’ll continue to call this out. If we do, I don’t think we ought to use that work. Either to upon which the ground or base a set of an action plan, because it’s just not genuine. Thanks.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:45
So thank you, Molly. But I do have a question as well. And I, I do want to address the council work plan. Unless that is amended, it is my assumption that that work plan is carried over and is a council work plan that has been adopted, we can always bring it back to amend it or update it. But to just say it’s not our work plan. I, I look at it as the council’s work plan going forward. So we can have that conversation, perhaps with some legal advice at a later date. But I’m not I don’t want one statement to be a counsel statement. Because I’m not sure we all look at that exactly the same way. But it is good to address it at some other point. But I do have a question for you. So this, this is my ignorance, or I didn’t catch it. You when I listened to you said that we actually don’t get the CDBG funds until August. Is that correct? That’s correct. So we you actually apply for them, but we don’t get them until eight months later? Well, it’s
Unknown Speaker 1:03:58
a formula allocation. So we’re we we get assigned funds without applying, we find out the amount about May, as long as we get our action plan in we get that funding in hand in about August. Okay, and then we’re expected to still spend it by the end of the program here. We definitely carry over so
Unknown Speaker 1:04:15
so can I am I thinking correctly when I say that our actually, our actual projects are a year in arrears.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:23
i When our projects really do last from here to next June as well we in in actuality. Okay, that makes slam the next year. All
Unknown Speaker 1:04:34
right, that was my question. Are there any other questions?
Unknown Speaker 1:04:37
If I can add to that I think the timeliness piece is what frustrates us a little bit because we find out how much money we’re gonna get. But we don’t there’s been years it’s been after August because of the contract delays. So then we have to get the contracts and then we have to spend it but to Molly’s point then we have to meet the timeliness standard as if we got it when we were supposed to so Okay, That’s when you hear us talking about that. That is really what we’re talking about is the lag from when we actually get the money to when it moves around.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:09
And we are working with the consortium and our joint HUD rep to see about the benefits pros and cons of maybe shifting our program year so that it all makes a little bit more sense. timewise so we’ll be having that conversation between now and our next Con Plan and 2025
Unknown Speaker 1:05:25
Okay, great. Thank you so much. So Victoria, you had signed up but are you do you want to speak on the CDBG funding
Unknown Speaker 1:05:38
request come on up to the microphone please. Victoria, would you mind giving us your I already know your name but your address please.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:03
2000 Sunset way it’s the suites apartments it’s owned by the city of Longmont governed by the Housing Authority. Just to give you a little background here I have a petition of 37 residents in our building, looking for some new safety enhancements. The background is there have been a lot of robberies that occur that never show up on camera. The reason for this is reported that several residents of the building have master keys. So in recent months, I was in the shower. And I had believed that there had been occurrences where people had entered my apartment. So I borrowed my door. Well, in the shower, my door had snapped open the bar had been busted and thrown on the floor. Nothing was found on the camera. Last week, I came home from work, all my furniture was moved from the walls. And it went through and counted a bunch of stuff in my apartment, I couldn’t really find anything of significance gone. But I believe the people that have done this are some methods that deal in us at the other end of the hallway. I went out to dinner to get some dinner came back an hour later, about five or 600 items from my apartment were missing. And nothing shows up on the cameras. So the residents are asking that all the keys be Masterkeys be rekeyed. We’ve been asking for this for quite some time. We were told that would happen in time. Well, I changed my lock yesterday I’m sitting at my desk, and somebody’s trying to open my door. Thank God I changed my locks. So most of the people on this list have similar stories. Most of us are senior citizens, elderly women that this has happened to and nothing’s been done. And I’m also we’re also asking for the cameras system for all logins to be disabled and deactivated and new, unique logins and ID and passwords be created for certain key people only to have access to the cameras.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:58
Thank you very much. And you can give that list to our city attorney. I mean our city manager as far as attorney either where
Unknown Speaker 1:08:09
I changed my locks because I asked for something to be done and it was ignored. And they were in my house three times last week and it was very obvious. I filed a police report the police are doing nothing. I’ve been going around to the pawn shops myself looking for my jewelry. So I’m very frustrated. I’m also appalled that the city of walnut Housing Authority has not apologized to me or even addressed my concerns. They’re just like there’s nothing on the cameras and every resident that has been going through this I guess it’s been going on for about eight years, never gets any satisfaction. Nothing ever gets done. So I’m asking whoever is above these people that govern them to Vic take some action to get something done immediately for safety.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:49
Thank you. We’ll definitely look into it. Thank you. Okay. With that I closed the public hearing. Is there anybody else out there that wants to speak to the CDBG funding? With that I closed the public hearing and I’d like to ask for a motion on ordinance.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:14
Each one it’s a it’s not an ordinance. It’s Yep. It’s just the action plan. No, I’m asking for something amendment. Okay. Approval of public hearing. public hearing.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:35
Okay, so, Councilwoman Hidalgo. fairing moved the recommendations for the 2022 Community Development Block Grant Program action plan to add a second. Thank you that has been seconded by Councillor Yarborough. Let’s vote. Alright, get there
Unknown Speaker 1:10:09
so I’m voting in favor, I can’t get to it yet and that carried unanimously Thank you. The next item on second hearing is the McIntosh Lake annexation. The first one is our 2022 109. A resolution finding a parcel of land, known as the McIntosh Lake annexation, generally located north of Lake Shore Drive, south of state highway 66. West of Harvard, St. L. Eligible for annexation. We have a presentation, Mr.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:51
Mayor and Council. No, we don’t have a presentation of Glen vanderwagen. You’re planning director. You’re close. And then we also have David Bell and Dan Wilford from Parks and natural resources. We’re happy to answer any questions you might have.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:13
The bees see this. Counselor Hidalgo, faring.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:22
Thank you, Mayor. So um, as you know, this is in my ward. And I’ve been in contact with several staff members over, you know, just more activity since the pandemic just increased levels of activity. I think, you know, for the longest time, it’s been this hidden gem, and now, the public knows. So they I’ve, I’ve spoken to residents who’ve experienced just more traffic more visitors to the lake in the annexation of this wooded allow. So this was a question that, you know, I think, you know, I had asked before, but I really want the public to know that. You know, really what these this annexation would mean for the facility, not just in the park but around. What what are people in the area to expect through this annexation?
Unknown Speaker 1:12:18
Oh, grab David Bell. Probably be a better person to answer it.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:28
Mayor councilmembers David Bell, Director of parks natural resources. As far as the annexation on bat is gonna be the portion of the property is in unincorporated Boulder County. So the areas that a lot of the complaints are happening with parking along the streets are already in the city of Longmont. So be nothing there. As far as the lake in those areas in unincorporated Boulder County, that would mean when there’s a complaint coming in, it would come into our dispatch center, we’d be the first ones be able to respond to that. So it’d be a little quicker action. We still have mutual agreements with Boulder County and with hygiene fire if there are emergencies out there. But it really brings it more into the city’s control to be able to manage that as a holistic property with the trail going around it but a lot of the concerns with people park around the lake already things that are covered by the the the property being in the sea along with this time.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:28
There, you know, thank you. So some of the comments I had received or concerns is really out when people are walking on the other side of the lake, which I believe is Boulder County. And would there be options? Or would we be able to have restroom facilities out in that area? Would we be able to have control over additional facilities or predominantly restrooms?
Unknown Speaker 1:14:08
My background for you? Yes. Those areas that become where we incorporated the city through the annexation would allow us to go through the city’s process we would not have to go through Boulder County for the the land use process if we were going to put in those amenities. However those amenities would be something that we looking at, again, part of the whole management of the lake and wanting to make sure that as an amenity that was needed and that we had the resources to maintain and upkeep that
Unknown Speaker 1:14:37
Okay, thank you very much. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:39
I think also as a reminder, we did add a couple of park rangers in the budget last was it last year? David?
Unknown Speaker 1:14:46
Correct in councilmember Hidalgo faring, working on that response right now, but we do have a very good database that shows that the trolls that are out in that area so we can actually track how much time the Rangers are spending out there. What percentage of time is out there to kind of count Text they’re making. And I think that I think is positive, just looking at briefly as most of contexts really are. For people being out on the water without personal floatation devices was really one of the bigger safety issues that we are concerned about out there. Great, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:17
Are there any other comments from staff? Or questions? Okay, seeing none, I’ll open it up for the public. Are there? Is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this resolution? Seeing none, I would ask for a motion on the resolution are 2022 109
Unknown Speaker 1:15:38
I’ll move our 2020 to 109.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:44
Thank you. It’s been moved by Councillor Hidalgo. fairing seconded by Councillor waters. Let’s vote.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:04
Not at all. All those in favor? That passes unanimously. Councilmember Martin, did you vote on this? Just a show of a hand would be fine. All right. Thank you. Now it passes unanimously. Thank you, Councillor Martin. The second part of this. Lake annexation is 2020 to 21. It’s a bill for an ordinance conditionally approving the McIntosh Lake annexation, generally located north of Lakeshore drive south of state highway 66, west of Harvard Street and zoning the property in Dash PF public. Do we have a step? Another step presentation on this? Oh, is there anybody from the public that would like to speak on this ordinance? Seeing none, how about councillors? Does anyone have speak on this ordinance? No. So can I have a motion? Yes. Thank you. So it’s been Moved by Councillor waters seconded by Councillor doggerel fairing. Let’s vote. You are. Thank you. Thank you, Councillor Martin. I was waiting for your hand. So that carries passes unanimously. Thank you. Our third item on second reading is ordinance 2022 22. It’s a bill for an ordinance authorizing the consent to Vance brand Municipal Airport leases assignment for hangar parcel H dash 25 and H dash 25. HP to see even to Steven Croft tenant. Do we have a staff report on this?
Unknown Speaker 1:18:02
Mayor Peck? Yes, we do not have a staff report. However, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Levi Brown, our new airport manager who is here this evening. Great. So that going forward, you know who you’re looking for in the audience when you have leases and airport matters before you. Thank you Levi for coming tonight.
Unknown Speaker 1:18:22
I hit the right button there. Hi. I’m Levi. I’m the new airport manager.
Unknown Speaker 1:18:27
Well, it’s great to meet you. I actually emailed you. Yes,
Unknown Speaker 1:18:29
I had right before coming over. I responded. So you’ll have an email waiting for
Unknown Speaker 1:18:33
you. Okay, great. Thank you so much. Do you want to comment on this?
Unknown Speaker 1:18:39
It’s pretty straightforward. We have a few hangar owners who are well, we had one hanger owner pass away. And so his partner is has purchased the share of his hangar from his estate and is looking now to have the lease of the land in his name. And two more sales. The subsequent ones on this list are the the owner is moving out of state and selling his property that’s on the city’s leased land. And that’s kind of what’s going on. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:07
Great. Thank you. It’s nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. Do you have anybody from the public that would like to speak on this matter? Seeing none, anybody on council any other councillors? Seeing none, can I have a motion on this ordinance? No, not on the ordinance we did on the resolution.
Tim Waters 1:19:30
ordinance 2022.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:33
Thank you. So it’s been Moved by Councillor waters seconded by Councillor Yarborough. Let’s vote.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:47
Councillor Martin so that carries unanimously Thank you We have a couple more. This is a bill for an ordinance. It’s 2022 Dash 23 or authorizing the consent to Vance brand Municipal Airport lease assignment for hangar parcel H dash 28 e to mark Regan Tennant. Do we have a staff report on this? No. How about counselors? Do you have any questions on this one? I would like to open it up to public hearing. Is there anybody in the public that would like to speak to this ordinance? Seeing what no one can I have a motion?
Unknown Speaker 1:20:40
I’ll move ordinance 2022 Dash 23.
Unknown Speaker 1:20:43
Thank you. So it’s been Moved by Councillor Hidalgo. fairing seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez. Let’s vote.
Unknown Speaker 1:20:55
There that carries unanimously. Thank you. The next one is ordinance 2022 Dash 24 authorizing the consent to advance brand Municipal Airport lease assignment for hangar parcel H dash 73 to Megan a Macintosh revocable trust, or do we have a staff report? No. Um, are there any questions from Council? I would like to open it up to the public for a public hearing Seeing none. Can I have a motion?
Unknown Speaker 1:21:30
I move ordinance 2020 to 24. Second,
Unknown Speaker 1:21:33
so it’s been moved by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez seconded by Councillor Hidalgo fairing, let’s vote.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:46
And that carries unanimously. We’re now at items removed from the consent agenda and I moved to Item A I just have a couple of questions.
Unknown Speaker 1:22:03
And just as a renewal of it, it’s a bill for an ordinance making additional appropriations for expenses and liabilities of the city of Longmont for the fiscal year beginning January 1. So hi. Hi. I just have a couple of questions. As I was reading through it, I saw that we were appropriating 64,004 charging stations. And I was wondering, did we go out for any grant money for those charging stations,
Unknown Speaker 1:22:36
I’m gonna have to ask for some help from someone behind me.
Unknown Speaker 1:22:46
You’re working on it. I forgot what part it was on. I should have written that down.
Unknown Speaker 1:22:53
jump in on this. So this is money that was projected to be spent for last year. And we’re carrying it over to spend this year, actually, as part of the conversation that we had today in the budget hearings regarding charging stations and and select cash set as he’s looking at it as they’re looking at the development of additional charging stations as we convert our fleet to more electric vehicles. And that’s actually I think, when we’re going to apply for the grants as well. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:21
Unknown Speaker 1:23:22
Mayor Peck, Becky Doyle, Director of Strategic integration. So they’re the charge ahead. Colorado grants are available multiple times per year. And we definitely every time we approach a charter project, we look for those funding opportunities, and are certainly, you know, continuing to monitor other funding resources and are going to hopefully be welcoming our grant coordinator within the next couple of weeks.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:49
That would be great.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:51
Those more closely.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:52
Yeah, I just know, there’s a lot of money out there for charging stations. So I want to make sure that
Unknown Speaker 1:23:57
and to give you a sense, kind of what we talked about today is as we look at electrifying our fleet, actually what we talked about in the budget discussion today was level three chargers in terms of looking at that capacity for our fleet. So we have the fast charging capability versus level two and what we need and so that is the work that they’re moving through right now. I think that’s to do for cash to talk about tomorrow and the capital improvement plans and just wanted to provide some more information to you. Well,
Unknown Speaker 1:24:26
perfect. Okay. Um, so my other question is the RSVP. We are moving forward there’s like over a million dollars allocated for that. Day. Are we getting any FEMA money for this stretch?
Unknown Speaker 1:24:45
Mayor pack? Yes, I There are several reaches that are that are still in place. So there’s there’s one that’s currently under construction or just completed that does have the balance of our FEMA funding from the 2013 Um, funding for after that that flood event, and we are continuing to pursue FEMA funding for the remaining stretch that the overreach that is also the reach that we hope to fund with bond proceeds, if we’re not successful in, in that pursuit of the larger brick grants,
Unknown Speaker 1:25:20
okay. And the reason I asked was that the last update we got was that we had run out of FEMA funding, and we’re reapplying. So I was just wondering if this portion that you are appropriating was part of what we did or did not have FEMA funding for?
Unknown Speaker 1:25:39
Right. So that that this particular funding, there’s probably funding across several different funding sources. Okay. So it may appear more than once in that document. And this is funding from 2021, that we’re bringing forward into 2020 To some, some offset, likely, but a lot of the funding is also local.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:00
Okay. My other question is that these are appropriations not necessary allocations at this point, to the project, or to the fund or to is that correct?
Unknown Speaker 1:26:13
Right. Yes. For the for the carryover appropriation, these, these are budgeted funds that have previously been allocated to the project. So we’re bringing them forward as as unspent from 2021 into 2022.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:27
And the reason I asked that is that, according to this report, 95,000 is going to the 529 jump. And I remember that we gave quite a bit of money the last time I and the reason I asked hasn’t been allocated, because I would like to know where we are on that how many residents in the district have taken advantage of it? Could we before we allocate this have a report from I think his name is Josh, from?
Unknown Speaker 1:27:03
Sure. Switch. So this money was allocated last year for the 529. We’re bringing it forward as we’re continuing it from last year. I think that’s the piece in this, as we talked about, as we’re talking about this into the future, that is going to be part of the budget presentation. In terms of looking at this piece of it for next year. This is really carrying over from last year. Okay, money. Yeah, we can look at
Unknown Speaker 1:27:31
definitely I would like a report from him on where we stand. What is, you know, how much are our residents using this? Is it a good? Should we continue? So
Unknown Speaker 1:27:42
we will have that information? Of great budget if that’s okay. Yeah, be great.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:47
Thanks. Thank you. That’s all I wanted. Oh, counselor, Hidalgo. Ferry.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:54
Thank you, Mayor, I do have a follow up question on the 529 jump program. So you know, I as it comes back to us, I would also like to know how much of the money that is designated for this program is being used for our cultural brokers for outreach, getting people to come out and really educate parents on the on this utilization of this program. I know a lot of folks who don’t have you know, they, you might have first generation students, you are immigrant. You might have students who this is their first year going to, you know, this is their first generation of kids going to college. So there needs to be a lot of education around there, how much of that money is being used towards that? So I think just when it comes back to us, if we can find out how much investment are we putting in towards actually educating to make it successful,
Unknown Speaker 1:28:52
I think, this dollar amount, we’re looking at Teresa’s actually, for the 529. We’re augmenting that with work that we’re doing with staff in terms of trying to bring that attention forward so that it’s a different pool. This is just the direct allocation on the 529.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:10
Okay, okay. And then you know, what, I’d want to make sure that that is adequately funded as well, you know, being right now I’m teaching summer school, I’m the only person in the building that speaks Spanish. So I’m not just teaching my class, I’m doing multiple other duties. So the pressure that it puts on people who have these additional talents, you know, I want to make sure that they’re being compensated as well.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:34
We’ll bring that to you let you know what we’re doing.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:36
Great. And then the supporting action for Mental Health Initiative was the other one that I saw that. So that’s carrying over as well. It’s under the carryover. I know at one time when I was involved with it was funded through a grant. Back was Julie Phillips, I believe it was it was years ago and I just I was wondering, you know, is that another program that is adequately being funded?
Unknown Speaker 1:30:07
Or is that? Yes. No, who has Teresa? Do you have that?
Unknown Speaker 1:30:22
These are funds that we have we appropriated at least a couple of years ago and have been carrying forward. They have been at about this level it okay to have the prior carryover that we’ve done. So they have not really been used to date
Unknown Speaker 1:30:42
over the past couple of years. Okay. No, the reason why I asked is when I had started and it was working, and I think it was like, 2017 2018. I can’t remember. It was around that time. And when we started the Latino outreach, and we I just remember us getting together often. I’m not involved with the group now. But I was wondering, because we I felt like at that time, we were gaining some some momentum in reaching out to our Latino communities around mental health looking at breaking stigma around mental health. And, you know, I was wondering, I don’t know how much the grant was initially, I thought it was more than than 66,000. I wasn’t sure. But but it sounds to as the group is not really tapping into those funds. Is that correct?
Unknown Speaker 1:31:36
Well, I can tell you that this amount has not been spent for the past couple of years. Okay. We can certainly look into that larger scope of the whole program for you and and see how those funds have been spent.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:52
Okay, because I know that this, you know, what, at least during the time that I was involved with it. We were really we were I mean, I was doing trainings for foster families, for other for our Latino community at GFI seat those that the parents involved in education. So we were we were getting out there. I you know, I just want to make sure that it’s still this is a good program, we want to make sure that it’s still being utilized and to its full potential. We can but I think it’s I don’t think it’s you. I think it’s it’s another department that I’ll need to reach out
Unknown Speaker 1:32:27
to, we will definitely follow
Unknown Speaker 1:32:30
will follow up. And I think one of the things that we’re going to talk about just generally with mental health, I think the mayor made the motion on the marijuana tax. And as we look at it, we’re starting to talk about we know we have zero to 18 and families. We know we have 55 plus 18 to 55 nonfamily in terms of mental health is I think, really the gap. And we’re going to be entering into some conversations to really look at how do we move on this and to ensure that we’re actually moving in a direction where it’s a cohesive direction from the city, but also that we’re approaching this in a way that makes sense and really applying our resources. And so that’s work that we have to undertake, as we continue moving forward.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:19
Yeah. And I’d like to be involved in offer input in that in that conversation as well. So
Unknown Speaker 1:33:24
it will be definitely hit me up talking to counsel as we’re moving forward on this. Okay. Great,
Unknown Speaker 1:33:29
thank you. So, no more discussion on that. I would like to move ordinance 2020 to 25. Thank you. It’s been seconded by Councillor waters, let’s vote please.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:54
And that carries unanimously. We do have some long run Housing Authority business. So can I have a motion to recess as the Longmont City Council? I’ll make the motion. I move that we will recess is the Longmont city council and convene as the Longmont Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. It’s been moved seconded by Councillor dunkel fairing and let’s vote. That carries unanimously I need to make the exact same motions that I made for city council meeting. Commissioner Martin is unable to participate tonight in person due to a personnel matter that requires her to be out of state staff has prepared for Commissioner Martin to participate remotely. But first the Board of Commissioners must take action to allow this. I moved to suspend by reference counsel rule of procedure 25.2 Point A point two to allow Commissioner Martin to participate, excuse me participate remotely in this meeting. It has been seconded by Councillor Yarborough Let’s vote. That carries unanimously. I also moved to allow electronic participation by Commissioner Martin through July 2020. To do due to a personal matter that requires her to be out of state and unable to participate in person. That has been seconded by Councillor Hidalgo fairing Let’s vote. Thank you. We have a resolution r dash L H A Dash 2022 Dash 08 a resolution of the Longmont Housing Authority approving the closing of a loan for financing of the briar wood apartments. Do we have a presentation?
Unknown Speaker 1:36:03
Quick comments, Mayor quick.
Unknown Speaker 1:36:06
Thank you, Molly.
Unknown Speaker 1:36:07
So I’m sorry, Nightmare, Commissioner Peck, Chair pack members of the commission. Molly O’Donnell, Housing and Community Investment director. I’m glad I’m wearing this because my voice is going downhill tonight. So the the existing loan for the briar wood apartments and the former FHA administration building that’s now housing VCP. At 1228 Main, that loan had a final balloon payment due in April of this year of $445,000. And rather than make that payment, which would have come out of lhhs fund balance, and when have been almost equivalent to an entire year of administrative costs, that the housing authority also needed to cover with that funding, we decided that it was most likely best to bring to you a loan refinance to extend the term for 15 more years with at an interest rate of 4.1%, no balloon payment provision, and also no prepayment penalty. And then additionally, would provide $39,486 and cashback that we’d like to put towards a replacement reserve for the briar wood apartments that doesn’t currently exist, that would be really beneficial for ongoing maintenance needs. This is pretty the timing of this is, is one reason why we’re bringing this refinance forward. In future years, we do expect more development proceeds to come in developer fee, we just didn’t we’re in that lag, like we’ve talked about before where we didn’t have a ton of developer fee coming in the last couple years. So in future years, we could maybe pay off early, if that makes sense. But developer fee, or really plan to use developer fees to plan ahead for these on on similar situations going forward.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:10
So I think to add to this, so when that when the lhsaa ratio originally engaged in the loan and what was a term on the original,
Unknown Speaker 1:38:17
I think it was also 15.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:19
No shorter than that. We’d have to continue. The challenge was they were just making the payments, but they they structured the loan where it had a balloon payment. And they were not setting aside. And again, this is pre the city becoming involved. So they weren’t set aside setting aside funds to cover the balloon payment, which based on where we were and what we were dealing with. Obviously we then had to just restructure the debt. So this one’s different in that it doesn’t have that balloon payment in this or just a standard 15 year term, correct, Molly? Correct. Without the blue font, we have potential on development revenues to pay it off early.
Unknown Speaker 1:39:06
Whenever you can pay a loan off early, it’s always a good thing. I think. So do we have any questions or comments from Council on this? Now can I have a motion?
Tim Waters 1:39:20
Move approval? Resolution
Unknown Speaker 1:39:31
All right. It’s been moved by Councillor waters seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Roderick. Nope. It’s been moved by Commissioner waters. Seconded by Commissioner Rodriguez. Let’s vote.
Unknown Speaker 1:39:55
That’s fine. The passes unanimously. Thank you can I have a mo motion to adjourn.
Unknown Speaker 1:40:01
So I moved to adjourn as the Longmont Housing Authority Board of commission and reconvene as Austin City Council. Sorry.
Unknown Speaker 1:40:12
All right, then Moved by Councillor Hidalgo fairing seconded by Commissioner Rodriguez. It’s Commissioner Hidalgo fairing Let’s vote and that carries unanimously let’s take a five minute break okay, I brought one out for myself.
Unknown Speaker 1:48:22
He’s asking which council members the first and because I’m nor type 25 coalition, he assumed you were me but I don’t know.
Unknown Speaker 1:48:33
Yeah, but this was something that Susie did. Did you do the
Unknown Speaker 1:48:36
I? I know that they met separately
Unknown Speaker 1:48:58
when I was not a part of that. Yeah
Unknown Speaker 1:49:13
we are back. And we are we are now going to have the Zero Waste presentation.
Unknown Speaker 1:49:23
All right. Can you hear me? Yes. And I am Bob Allen, Director of Operations and Public Works and natural resources. And yes, we’re here to tonight to talk about zero waste and see if I can advance this year. So, zero waste is even though we have it as one of the four programs that we were directed to work on over the last year and a half now. Zero Waste is kind of in order maybe above everything else because everything else that we do is kind of tear Two aspirations that are really reflected in a zero waste resolution. So this is kind of the top we’re working on here today. And what we have as a draft, what we’d like to do is get comments or feedback on this draft, and then bring it back on the Consent Agenda, probably in a month or so at least by early August. So that’s our goal. So just to give a little context here, this, I kind of like to think of zero waste for our community as a journey that the community the whole community has to take. It’s not any one group or any one person or just city government, it’s all of us. So this resolution, the first part of it is, is kind of a compass for that journey. It talks a little bit about the challenges and the Constitution of the values of the organization for waste diversion, and kind of sets us up in the direction we want to start heading. The second half of this resolution is really kind of a roadmap. So it includes the actions or activities that we would have to take as a community to achieve zero waste. What we haven’t really fleshed out yet is the itinerary for this trip. Right? So we have to make decisions on that. Tonight, this presentation, you’re going to see starts to speculate a little bit on timing, and some of the metrics for zero waste and for waste diversion overall, but you heard some comments tonight. There was one in your I think that was emailed and then Naomi. A little consternation about, you know, is this strong enough. And what what I wanted to do is let you know that this is our attempt to develop a draft resolution that represents an entire community, including those who are going to have to pay for this and those who are going to be a little bit more skeptical about some of the programs. And so we didn’t want to come here tonight and put words in your mouth about all the things you’re going to do. But we are more than happy to revise that resolution to be anything that you want it to be. So please know that. But our what you see tonight in your packet is our attempt to really reflect an entire community. So here helping me with this presentation tonight actually doing the heavy lifting is Lisa Knobloch, our sustainability program manager and Charles Kameen. These are Waste Services Manager, Charlie’s kind of here to answer whatever questions you might have about what’s going on with our program now insofar as you have any but Lisa is going to do the bulk of the presentation here. So without Lisa.
Unknown Speaker 1:52:44
Thanks, Bob. Can y’all hear me okay? Great. Mayor Peck and members of council and Lisa Knobloch and the Sustainability Program Manager with strategic integration. And thank you all for having us this evening. So, as Bob mentioned, you will have directed us last year to focus and expand work in these four key areas. And what I’m going to be discussing with you all tonight, is the update to the zero race resolution from 2008, in seeking some direction from you all and next steps. So just a bit of an overview of the process. So if you all recall, city council passed the original Zero Waste resolution in 2008. And then we’ve been directed to update the resolution in particular, to include potential targets and possible actions that can help us meet those targets, as well as, as well as increase the focus and the tie to climate action, and particularly look at community impacts and equity considerations. So on the left hand side of this slide, you’ll see the outline to the resolution. The items that are shown in gray are the elements that from the original resolution, some of which were incorporated into the update, some of which were adapted slightly. And then also the elements in green are really the new pieces that were brought in. As you can see those those goals, they’re in some additional specificity around actions. And I’ll get into those a little bit later. So as Bob mentioned, we wanted to draft a resolution that was really reflective of our community and the needs and priorities within our community. And so we went through a stakeholder engagement process with, which I’ll talk about in a little bit. And then we also went through a data analysis process to really look at what are all those potential actions? What are the estimated diversion impact from those potential actions, to help us understand what material we can really keep out of our landfill? And how do we do that? And I’ll get into some of those details as well. And then all of that information not only informs the resolution, but the draft universal recycling ordinance, which would really get into some of those nitty gritty details of of requirements in different sectors. And if you if you direct us to continue to pursue that then that would be the next step and I’ll talk about that closer to the So these are just the guiding principles that we’ve been following during this process. So everybody lives in a clean and safe community, increasing access to recycling and composting for all. And then reducing waste supports our climate action goals. As I mentioned, we wanted to draft a resolution that’s reflective of our community. And so we’ve gone through a pretty extensive stakeholder engagement process so that we can really understand the needs and priorities of of not only our community, but our city staff, any barriers and opportunities that folks see what it’s some equity considerations that we need to be mindful of, and so on. So we met with a number of city staff, we met with keyboards, we met with a number of external economic development and commercial partners, and then also a number of community groups and residents as well. And then all of that informs what you see in the resolution that Bob spoke to earlier in terms of reflecting what are those barriers? And what are those opportunities. So we worked with a consultant to do a data analysis as well. They started with the two scenarios that we modeled in the waste lifecycle analysis that we did in 2020. That helped inform our understanding of what the impact waves consumption has on our greenhouse gas emissions. And that’s what they used as a starting point. So they conducted residential and commercial surveys to help us understand and really get a sense of how does our community value some of the different potential actions that we might pursue in terms of increasing our waste diversion. They also modelled more than 50 actions for their diversion impact. So to really understand what is that low hanging fruit? What are those items that have the most impact in terms of, again, keeping that material out of our landfill, and then they rolled all of that into a triple bottom line analysis to really evaluate the environmental, the economic, and the social costs associated with all of those actions. And then they looked at what are the actions that align most with our community priorities, and also diversion impact. And they bundled those into both near term and long term packages in the residential, commercial and construction and demolition sectors. And I’ll talk a little about that a bit, excuse me a little bit about that in just a second. And then that’s really what was taken to inform the potential targets that were included in the resolution that you will see.
Unknown Speaker 1:57:29
So this slide has a lot going on on it, hopefully, you can see it better on your screens. But this graph really shows of all of those actions that were modeled, where do they fall in terms of their potential diversion impact. And I do want to note that these are modelled under, like really ideal conditions. So there are a lot of things that would need to be in place, there’s a lot of measures that we would really need to hit benchmarks we would need to hit to get to this diversion impact. But it does give you that sense of what really has the highest impact from a diversion standpoint. And as you can see, there’s really a handful at the top that have the biggest impact that’s really focused on recycling and composting in the commercial sector, revising our residential services, and then focusing on construction and demolition. I do want to acknowledge that that those actions really listed at the top that have the highest diversion impact, also have the highest cost that are going to be borne by the generator. And that’s primarily due to the fact that you’re talking about introducing new collection services. So recycling or composting. We just want to be mindful of that impact, because we know that folks are facing increasing rates and fees across many areas in our community right now. Sorry, I need to just take a breath for a second. That’s a lot of information to cover. Okay, so this slide as I mentioned, in the data analysis, we looked at packages, near term and long term packages and each of these sectors, so the commercial residential and construction and demolition sectors. The items noted in white are what tentatively we identified as potential near term actions and those in dark blue are those identified as potential long term actions. And in order to help establish potential targets for the resolution, we identified near term as being implemented between now and 2030. And long term as being implemented between 2030 and 2050. Primarily because those timelines are consistent with other sustainability timelines. However, that really when when we come back with the final resolution, as Bob mentioned, those can change based on your the direction that you all give us tonight. So the actions listed within each of these sectors As are listed in descending order of descending diversion impact, so those at the top are the ones that have the higher potential diversion impact, and those toward the bottom have the lower potential diversion impact. And then those percentages at the top really say that if we were to implement all of the actions in each of these sectors, the potential increased diversion that we could reach again, under those ideal conditions are an additional 24% diversion in the commercial sector 14% in the residential sector, and 5%. In the construction and demolition, construction demolition sector, we do have the diversion impact, and cost and Triple Bottom Line information for all of these actions. So we can move them around, we can remove them entirely, really based on the direction that we get from Council. And then what you see in the resolution is more generalized statements. That’s really again, reflective of that community input, but that essentially capture these types of actions, just not necessarily with this level of specificity. So sorry, for the formatting going on there. I don’t know what’s happening. Um, so essentially, if all of those actions in all of those sectors were to be implemented, on on whatever timeframe Council gives us direction to do, the modeling shows that we could potentially increase our diversion rate from the existing 36%. That’s our current diversion rate, to 70% by 2030, and 85% by 2050. And then that’s also broken out into sector specific targets for 2030 and 2050, as well, again, based on that data analysis. So that’s the bulk of the information I have to share with you. I want to pause for any questions, comments, or other discussion from Council. And then I have a couple more slides to wrap up.
Unknown Speaker 2:02:10
Councillor Yarborough?
Unknown Speaker 2:02:12
Thank you, Mayor Peng? So I have a few questions. So how many do you know how many participants we had in the survey? Around?
Unknown Speaker 2:02:26
Oh, that is a really? That is a great question. And I’m not going to have that off the top of my head, I can get that for you. What I can tell you is the consultants that we worked with, have a lot of experience in developing statistically significant surveys. And I do you know that we hit the threshold to get that rate of statistical significance in the residential and commercial sector. But I don’t remember off the top of my head what those response rates were.
Unknown Speaker 2:02:52
Okay. Thank you. Yeah, I would like to see if you can get that to me. I have a question that in. Oddly enough, I just put on an event on Father’s Day for Juneteenth. And I had a few vendors pull out because of the zero waste in compostable. And I required that for the event. So and that’s wonderful and great. But what are we doing or incentivizing these small businesses? Well, we know that these items are very expensive businesses of color. Who are starting or you know, just a small business and can’t afford that? So are we incentivizing these small businesses to get them? Give them the opportunity to still provide, you know, compostable product, you know, items, to be able to afford it and also to be able to make money as well. Because if not, we’re going to have the people who are and it’s not the wrong, I’m grateful for all those who attended. But it makes me think about those small businesses, you know, that are saying, No, I can’t do that, because it cost me three times the amount of just regular plastic, you know. Again, that’s more education. And I also want to thank Charlie for, for actually training my volunteers. He says, Shakira, this is what you need to do. So I do want to give you kudos, and thank you for giving me a list because that’s important. Education is important, you know, and not only that he trained he came out to make sure I did it right to the school. But that’s a concern for me. And granted, I am 100% with the plan. But what about those will leave them behind?
Unknown Speaker 2:04:52
Yeah, absolutely. Thank you for that question. Councilmember Yarborough. So I’ll talk about this a little bit in the in one of the next slides. but that that next piece is really looking at if Council directs us to continue to look at the universal recycling ordinance. That’s where those requirements would come into place for the business community. And our next steps would be to do that targeted outreach to understand if we are to pass an ordinance, what are the incentives that we would need to put in place so that we’re not burdening particularly our small businesses, our bipoc owned businesses and to really understand what that impact is, before we pass that ordinance so that we know how to support folks and moving toward that, or how do we face phase things in so that we give folks a significant enough runway to get there. We also know that there’s some state legislation that was passed, that’s going to impact folks in our community. And that gives us an opportunity also to help set folks up for that transition. And then, as an aside, we have some grant money from the county for this year to specifically focus on some of the participants in the Sustainable Business program to do essentially a to go where programs so that we can understand what is that cost impact to businesses? What What’s that differential? And how do we support folks in moving forward in that transition? And then what’s the long term support that’s needed for folks to continue with that, and hopefully, over time, those materials will become cheaper, but we know right now they’re not. And that’s a reality. And we want to understand that. So that’s really part of the next phase that we would want to understand if we pursue that so that we know what all of those impacts are, and that we can put things into place to mitigate that. It is, yeah, yeah, one of our staff members there, her family runs a small business too. So we know, she gives us a lot of that information. And it’s just not feasible for a lot of folks, even prior to COVID. But obviously, COVID had even more of an impact on folks.
Unknown Speaker 2:06:54
And I think, you know, then once you can understand that, then we have to bring that into the rate models, to then understand what we’re going to do in order to generate the funds so that you can incentivize or you can’t do this because you also have to generate the revenue necessary to do that. It’s it’s not that we just have that revenue available. So that then has to be folded in to our rate conversations.
Unknown Speaker 2:07:26
Counselor, Hidalgo, faring. Try it again.
Unknown Speaker 2:07:32
Thank you, Mayor. So I’m glad that you had included the GreenStar schools, and having that goal in our community. Uh, you know, I’ve been in contact with some folks and with Charlie over here, about so when COVID hit, we were told in our buildings that the Green Star program would be on hold, I think we were we were doing recycling, and just regular trash pickup, but the composting was on hold. So my understanding was when we came back full time, was that we would continue with the composting. And what I’m learning is that there are several schools in our district who are designated Green Star schools, whose principals have opted to not do composting. So that, you know, when we look at what are some of the big areas that would make the most impact is that commercial composting. So, you know, I really want to so when when I would hear hearing constituents say, we need more forceful language, I heartily I agree with that. I strongly agree with that. Because when given the opportunity, people go for the easier route. What is very frustrating to me, as a teacher who’s been in a school where we did the composting our lives, or even our little sorry, our preschool kindergarteners, were understanding, picking it up, and, and they were on it. Now we’re gonna have to reteach the whole thing. And so it becomes very frustrating. And in the end, it’s actually more work and more waste that we’re producing. So I would be all for having more stronger, stronger terms in our language, especially when we’re working with entities that actually are with have means. So I want to do more outreach, and, and offer more grant, you know, if we have grant opportunities to incentivize our smaller businesses, or more marginalized groups, to have those opportunities for them. We have other companies and entities that are with means they can do it. And I would I would like to see, you know, a resolution come back that really addresses those keys factors. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 2:09:57
Thank you. I think I’ll chime in. So I like all of these suggestions, and I agree with them. But I do understand that businesses, this is an expense to them. And they may have already ordered for a certain amount of time, their service their plates there, whatever it is they’re using. So we need to take into account their inventory. And that that isn’t going to be thrown away, it’s going to be used. So I would like to see timeline timelines on when we would like the conversion from plastic to compostable to be done. And the and, of course, the incentives to do that. But if we have five or six years for the turnover, then there would be it’d be more palatable, and businesses can plan. The other things that I do think it should be an ordinance when it comes to waste diversion. I would also like to see some kind of a plan or a timeline for carriers, third party carriers like Western disposal to pick up recyclables and compostables if it’s if it’s possible, and that’s going to have to be some research as to what are other cities doing? What are other carriers doing. And some carriers are already doing that. So it isn’t impossible. I know that it would be a hardship on whoever they’re picking this up from apartment buildings, somebody’s going to incur that cost. And I don’t know what the timeline is. But I would, I would like that to be on the table, as well. And I think we’ve talked about this several times, in the past during these some of these updates. I don’t expect everything to be done in two years, it isn’t going to happen. It’s too it’s too onerous on businesses to do that. So there are some low hanging fruits like for me, a big one is plastic bags in grocery stores. Again, they order their inventory. So they get bulk they buy in bulk. So the research would have to be what, what is amenable? What what would really work for a grocery store to convert, and some already do anyway, it’s just the big ones that really don’t want to go there. So they do need to be pushed. So I don’t know what else the low hanging fruit is, but I’m sure you do. And I agree with Councillor Hidalgo fairing that we need to make stronger terms long, you know, 85%, depending upon the timeline, and who it is, and what the what the issue is, is it going to be plastic bags, it’s going to be compostable. Right restaurant weigh or whatever you want to call it. So I think we need to take that resolution back and possibly look at those things and have a discussion about where we can go what the timelines would be, and what kind of incentives if possible. So that’s it.
Unknown Speaker 2:13:40
I’m gonna jump in on their
Unknown Speaker 2:13:44
mayor pack. Yeah, the the, got a lot of things spinning through my head here. So most of the things that that were discussed here in the last few minutes are things that we cannot compel businesses to do unless we pass ordinances. And that’s where this will really take place. The resolution is truly just kind of pointing the boat, I’m not sure that I would advise putting a lot of if you want an itinerary in there, we’ll put it in there. And and there is a little bit of that in there already. So we could add more of that in there. And I’m hearing stronger support for things. The other thing I wanted to mention and to follow up on what Harold said, is that the city’s waste services program is really just once again, a residential program. And it’s rate right now the rates that we collect, based on how those were approved and bypassed councils can only be used for that program. So the only thing that we have for any kind of incentives, assistance or anything is that waste management fee which is $2.96 per account. So that’s not a lot of money to work with. Um, as a matter of fact, even even to start working on some of these programs will require staff support that I don’t know where that would come from right now. So we’ll have to figure that out as well. But I just want to make that clear that in less until unless we come back, and we start talking about rates and fees, there, there isn’t really anything to work with here. Other than what we currently have, which is pretty fully allocated, you know, to trash in the parks, our outreach programs and things of that nature. So, first steps are going to have to be looking at ordinances and the timing for those, and the appetite for those in the community. And then coming right on the heels of that we’ll have start looking at ways if we want the city to do assistance for some of this, that we’ll have to look at different fees for that, that we don’t currently have in place.
Unknown Speaker 2:15:57
Okay, thank you for that. And what I heard was mostly commercial, in retail, not necessary, necessary residential. I don’t know if it can happen. But I do think that we need to look at it and see what can be done. If anything.
Unknown Speaker 2:16:15
So if I if I can kind of extrapolate a little bit what I what I heard you say is look at commercial requirements, I think, you know, naturally, my mind would go into a complete analysis of that to say, if we did this, here’s what the cost burden would be sort of fully lining it out in terms of impact cost and those things. And then as we looked at incentives, sort of doing the same thing, to give you a sense of what that impact will be either on individuals or businesses associated with these individual approaches. Is that what you want us to bring back to you?
Unknown Speaker 2:16:54
Yes. But to be honest, I think that I would like to find what the low hanging fruit would be not the whole overwhelming umbrella of different types of recycling or just what you would what you would say would be the low hanging fruit. Do you want to speak to that, Charlie?
Unknown Speaker 2:17:23
Thank you, Bob Mayer, Peck and council, this slide here does represent what that low hanging fruit does look like, from the analysis from our consultants. So if you look, and you see up at the top there, commercial recycling and commercial organics and pays you throw, incentivizing or installing a pay as you throw in the commercial area to help incentivize the diversion. So those up there and C and D disposals up there as well. But single family embedded compost is one of those. So there’s really those top four bars across the top that can bring the lower hanging fruit as he would say. And then as you go down that bar, you know, those are the more more expensive per ton approaches.
Unknown Speaker 2:18:09
Yeah, and, and most of those really would relate to passing parts or all of a universal recycling ordinance. So that’s on our work plan. And I think that our work plan stacks up really well is coming right behind the resolution. So the resolution sets the aspirations, I think what we’re hearing tonight is let’s get some stronger language in there. So if that’s good to hear that from you, because that helps us then go that full distance on that I think we can take that step first. And then I think the next step is going to be what’s on our work plan already, which is the URL. And and even if that’s phased in, or you know, we do that and pieces that look, as you say, May or packet that kind of the easier lower hanging fruit first and then phase and maybe harder elements of it down the road.
Unknown Speaker 2:18:57
Exactly. So Councillor waters?
Tim Waters 2:19:08
Thanks, Pierre Peck. Bob, as you’re describing, I don’t know what all is in your work plan. But as that as you know, what your target dates or timelines is, is should we assume that is whether we’re however far down you go on that? List of fruit? Right, those bars? There’s a cost estimate. I mean, that’s because this is what Harold was suggesting, kind of lining out. What’s that total costs gonna be? Who’s going to pay? Or where are the resources to cover those costs going to come from? How much of that translates into rate increases? For whom right? Are we gonna if that’s what you’re going to come back with if that’s what’s in your work plan? I got this. This is a question of Harold are we going to see that when we’re looking at all the other rate increases we’re going to have to consider for 2000 23 Because Because I have to tell you, I will, it’s hard to meet for me to envision voting for rate increases somewhere without seeing the rate increases everywhere. So we can set priorities. And if we’re going to get feedback from the community, let’s get the feedback on here’s what it’s going to cost you to live in Longmont next year, here the benefits both to quality of life and the environment. But here’s the cost. And here’s who’s going to pay for it. And if we’re going to create incentives, who where is that money going to come from? And who’s going to benefit? So we get a real clear picture of cost and benefit for everybody?
Unknown Speaker 2:20:40
Yes, mayor and council, the the first steps we’re really looking at would be a policy change, such as a URL, we have talked. And in fact, I know the mayor asked us urged us to start looking at rates on the way Services Program at the end of this year, but we wouldn’t anticipate changes there until next year, those are going to have much lesser impact on the program areas that are these low hanging fruit areas, but it will at some point have to have some impact, particularly if we want to build in fees or other things that build those assistance programs. But it is it is lining up to where you’re going to have a number of these coming at you concurrently, if we don’t stagger them, and you’re not comfortable with staggering them in a way that the community finds, you know, palatable. So that that issue is out there.
Tim Waters 2:21:37
Yeah, well, at the end of the day, you know, the, they’re the ones are gonna pay for it. And us as a community, and I just My concern is doing things one off, and then oh, then waits, like, wow, I wish I’d known then what we’re being considered asked to consider, you know it sometime in the future when we know all that’s coming. So I just think I think that’s an expectation that community community ought to have of us so that we get to the gestalt of what the total costs are going to be. That’s actually
Unknown Speaker 2:22:07
been some of the conversations we’ve had. I mean, you know, we’ve started that move where we brought Water and Electric together, stormwater went offset, we talked about that last time. In that conversation, we talked about the fact that electrics, we’re going to have an electric discussion because of an adjustment with PRP. So there will always be components based on water rises. But I think what I’ve talked to Becky about is how do we give you a holistic look of what are the rates going to look like? And what are the pressures on the rates? And what do we have to do? Like the environmental requirements that we have to do and wastewater? And how does that start stacking on to? Here’s what we have to do and start layering these components? And I think, yeah, we need to give you that full look at all of this.
Unknown Speaker 2:23:10
Becky, I could add on to that. Okay, Mayor Councilmembers, we do try to bring, you know those utility rate impacts as packages annually. But I think it’s also important to recognize the the economic environment in which we are currently operating and how we expect costs to increase over the next few years. So I think that’s that’s a real concern. Obviously, we you know, we don’t have all of the relevant information across all services, but there are some projections that we can make. To that that may be information that we can provide, when we are looking to adopt rate increases or changes in rates for this year, although we would expect rate impacts for residential customers from from these changes to be adopted within 2023 for 2024.
Unknown Speaker 2:24:14
And once again, it doesn’t mean that we would adopt these, it just means can you bring it back and let us know what we’re looking at?
Unknown Speaker 2:24:23
Right. That’s how we interpret it. Yeah. And to give you a sense of what Becky’s talking about, you know, so one of the questions we can answer we’re in budget meetings now. Sort of their steams a develop the big theme now is the cost increases. I mean, really kind of dominating our budget conversations in terms of the pressures that we’re just seeing across the board. And so that is a different thing in play in terms of how we look at what we have available in our budgets as well. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 2:24:55
great. Thank you. Do you want to continue Lisa
Unknown Speaker 2:25:00
Yeah. And just just to add to that, in, as I mentioned, in that data analysis process, we we did identify with the consultant, high level cost per ton of each of those strategies and who, who is who, who’s the generator that would pay for those costs. And so we have a good foundation. You know, as Bob said, as we move into these different pieces to do that deeper level analysis that that Harold’s talking about as well. So just the next steps, based on your feedback tonight, we’ll finalize the resolution and bring it back to you, as Bob said, in the next month or so. And then I do think that we’re hearing but want to confirm that you all do want us to continue to pursue drafting and universal recycling ordinance, doing that outreach, getting the information that we can, and then bringing that back to you for further discussion and review, as well. So I just want to confirm that you all want us to continue with that process. Great. And so our timeline, oops, sorry. I was just gonna say so our timeline for that currently, and this is keeping with the timeline that you all have given us for those four directives that we talked about at the beginning, would be to have a draft resolution back to you all for review and discussion by the end of the year. And so
Unknown Speaker 2:26:19
just remind me we have an opt out compost program. Okay. Now opt in opt in opt in, yes. I was hoping it would be opt out.
Unknown Speaker 2:26:34
And that’s entirely up to you when we look at rates again. As I’ve said before, the opt out option is kind of that ships kind of sailed, but it would be embedded fee, which is I think now what you saw in the newspaper in Denver, yes, yes.
Unknown Speaker 2:26:52
Okay. Great. All right. Well, I think we have everything we need. Thank you all so much for your time.
Unknown Speaker 2:27:01
Of course, Councillor waters.
Tim Waters 2:27:03
Thanks. We’re just I’m just I guess, I’m would wonder with the council. The conversation about zero waste ordinance. I’ve kind of been assuming that by the end of the year, we would see a zero waste ordinance. So I’m not concerned about that. But I do wonder about sequencing. However much cost is embedded, you know, in the provisions in that ordinance? Would it make any sense? Or could you? Before you right, before somebody spends time drafting an ordinance and go we go, you know, what that requires from legal and on your part, to kind of lay out what would what would be what would be reflected in an ordinance? And what the cost and benefits were? And who’s going to pay? Before we actually get into writing an ordinance wouldn’t I mean, just in terms of the sequencing of this, it would make sense to me, it seems before you spend all the time to write an ordinance to get clear on what do we really want and then have an indirect VAT into an ordinance. So we don’t they don’t waste time? Or, or maybe there’s a way to think about it that I just don’t understand.
Unknown Speaker 2:28:08
Mayor and council precisely. We, I mean, they’re a universal ordinance for recycling can take so many different forms. And I think we would want to vet we I mean, we’ve laid the groundwork already with this research and work with our consultant for that ordinance. It really comes down to what do we want to start with what impact you want to have on the community. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of discussion yet to be had on all of that. And it’s, I can’t think of any other way other than sitting here in a study session and going through that at the right time. We’ve promised to try to bring something back in December but we may have to have a few discussions to get there. So let us go back and look at that make sense of all the information we’ve already collected and see what things we think we can recommend keeping in mind that the first level of impact isn’t really going to be rates or anything like that it’s going to be ordinance potential ordinance impacts on the community and that’s where we need to understand and not not be burdensome to them but also move this needle on zero waste. Thanks.
Unknown Speaker 2:29:15
Thank you for that. I totally agree. Lots more communication. Thank you very much. This was informative and thanks for listening to us. Thank
Unknown Speaker 2:29:24
you have a good night
Unknown Speaker 2:29:38
we’re now at final call public be invited to be heard. Are we
Unknown Speaker 2:29:42
are we gonna be board and commission?
Unknown Speaker 2:29:44
Oh we do you Right. Which is why we needed Marsha.
Unknown Speaker 2:29:54
We do and it looks like she may have taken a break to want to Wait a few minute moments to Marsh’s available.
Unknown Speaker 2:30:03
I think she’s here she just off camera. So Councilwoman Martin. Hello. We’re going to do the board and commission interviews. I’m sorry, not interviews. We’ve already done those.
Unknown Speaker 2:30:17
If you are here,
Unknown Speaker 2:30:17
are you ready?
Unknown Speaker 2:30:18
I’m ready. I can walk you through these. Okay. We had this year 32 vacancies, 27 applications. This year. What was different as you all know, is the board’s participated in a pre interview process and helped recommend to you all to narrow that field of applicants per your previous direction. So you all conducted interviews just a couple of days ago on Saturday. In the packet we created we included the list of vacancies a list of eligible applicants, and included the recommendation memos from the board. So because councilmember Martin is remote, we will need to do these by motion and vote. So the first one is Art in Public Places commission. This list is in your packet. I have it in front of me. There are five regular member vacancies, one unexpired member, and you have your recommendations from the staff liaison.
Unknown Speaker 2:31:21
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 2:31:26
So mayor, would you like me to read the names of the applicants or would like to ask for a motion? What how would you? Were there six applicants, six seats. The board recommended that the one Katherine Cox be pointed to the museum advisory board. But y’all could do whatever you like.
Unknown Speaker 2:31:47
I think because it is a public meeting that we should probably read the names. Okay, the applicants, okay. And then the liaison will hopefully make a motion. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 2:31:56
sounds great. So the two incumbents are Pamela bachelor, Susan horn are three I’m sorry, Susan Horowitz and Cindy Tiger are already current board members reapplying and then the new applicants are Catherine Cox. Melanie Neitzke. pardon my pronunciation and Nettie Penman.
Unknown Speaker 2:32:21
Counselor Hidalgo offering no,
Unknown Speaker 2:32:27
your turn. Thank you, Mayor. Yeah, as Lee liaison Well, it’s not art in public places. I’m museum so that’s right. So you Okay, so I’m going to withdraw my motion counsel
Unknown Speaker 2:32:47
Unknown Speaker 2:32:50
So I make a motion that Pamela Batchelor Susan Horowitz, Melanie the ski Nettie Penman and Cindy Tiger be on the board, the commission of art and public places and Catherine Cox. Go to museum advisory board.
Unknown Speaker 2:33:11
I’ll second that. Is there any discussion from counselors? Seeing none? Oh, go ahead. Counselor waters.
Tim Waters 2:33:22
I’m gonna I’m gonna recuse myself or the term. I’m gonna thank you having not participated in the interviews? Not because I’m not interested. I just I was occupied on Saturday. So I’m interested in who served but but having not been in the interviews, I won’t vote on any of them. Yes. On any of them.
Unknown Speaker 2:33:47
Thank you. So let’s vote. And
Unknown Speaker 2:33:51
if you could raise your hands Mayor just said would be good.
Unknown Speaker 2:33:54
Councillor Martin. We’re going to raise our hands to vote. All those in favor of those appointees. For the art in public places. Raise your hand.
Unknown Speaker 2:34:04
Councilmember Martin, did you hear the motion? Can you raise your hand?
Unknown Speaker 2:34:10
I I cannot see the voting screen.
Unknown Speaker 2:34:14
We are voting by hand. We’re gonna raise our hands since I’m up here and I can’t run your motion. Oh, yeah. So the motion that Councilmember Yarborough made is to appoint Pamela bachelor, Susan Horowitz, Melanie miski Nettie Penman and Cindy tiger to the Art in Public Places commission and then to appoint Catherine Cox to the museum. So in favor,
Unknown Speaker 2:34:43
so all those in favor.
Unknown Speaker 2:34:46
And councilmember waters recusing,
Unknown Speaker 2:34:48
so that that meaning that passed with Councillor waters abstaining, as Don had said.
Unknown Speaker 2:34:57
Very good move Under the board of adjustment and appeals, there are four vacancies, two regular member vacancies want to ours. I’m sorry, one unexpired alternate. And one applicant, Laura Howe, who is a current board member. So she’s reapplying.
Unknown Speaker 2:35:17
So I interviewed her. So I will move that we appoint Laura, how to the board of adjustments and appeals appeals.
Unknown Speaker 2:35:27
And just to clarify to a regular member term, correct,
Unknown Speaker 2:35:30
yes. To a full game. Okay. full term. Okay, all those in favor? Raise your hand.
Unknown Speaker 2:35:40
Councilmember Martin, were you in favor of that? Laura, how for board of adjustment? Yes. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 2:35:45
Great. So that passes with our counselor waters abstaining.
Unknown Speaker 2:35:53
The Downtown Development Authority has two vacancies for terms ending 2026 and two current board members reapplying was Parker and James Wardell, both recommended
Unknown Speaker 2:36:05
to make a motion that West Parker and James Ward are back to regular downtown development.
Unknown Speaker 2:36:21
So that’s been Moved by Councillor Yarborough. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez. Let’s vote on that. Raise your hands if you’re in favor. Thank you that passes with Councillor waters abstaining.
Unknown Speaker 2:36:35
Thank you. Moving on to the golf course advisory board. There were two unexpired regular member terms ending December 3120 20. For three applicants, Rick unconscious Howard Regan and Philip Schlegel buyer. The board recommended appointing Rick unconscious and Philip shook shluchim buyer and then holding off on Howard. When new vacancies come up at the end of the year. That was a recommendation.
Unknown Speaker 2:37:07
Mirror Pro Tem Rodriguez.
Unknown Speaker 2:37:10
Thank you Mayor Peck I interviewed as the previous liaison, Councilmember waters as current liaison to the golf advisory board. I agreed with the recommendations from the board. So I would like to move that Rick of counties and Phillip Schlick appear be appointed to the two unexpired regular member terms ending December 31 2024.
Unknown Speaker 2:37:36
So it’s been moved by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez seconded by Councillor Yarborough. That’s fun. Raise your hand please. So that passes unanimously with Councillor waters abstaining.
Unknown Speaker 2:37:51
So thank you very much historic preservation commission has one unexpired alternate member term ending December 31 2025. To applicants, Douglas Barner Bernard, and Herbert Fenster, the VOR Board interview are recommended both of those interviews so it really is Council’s decision.
Unknown Speaker 2:38:16
So that is I’m sorry. Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez.
Unknown Speaker 2:38:21
Thank you, Mayor pack. I am the liaison to historic preservation commission. As noted the commission did not have a preference. So when I looked at it, from my opinion, from the interviews, they both had outstanding resumes. One candidate had appear to do more homework as far as the mission of the commission if you will, as well as previous decisions and and items brought forth to the commission. So in that regard, I would like to nominate I move Douglas Barnard as the one unexpired alternate member term ending December 31 2025. Second,
Unknown Speaker 2:39:00
so it’s been moved by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez, seconded by Councillor Hidalgo fairing. Let’s vote. And that passes with Mayor with Councillor waters abstaining.
Unknown Speaker 2:39:17
Excellent. Thank you. On the mrpc Pension Board, we have one vacancy for a regular member term, two applicants one would one that withdrew. Travis green is your remaining applicant and I believe he emailed you wasn’t able to I think he missed the interview. So it’s up to you
Unknown Speaker 2:39:37
all. So that was my interview. So I move that we appoint
Unknown Speaker 2:39:46
Travis green.
Unknown Speaker 2:39:47
Yeah. Travis green to the MLP C Pension Board for regular term. So it’s been seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez. Let’s vote that passes with Councillor waters abstaining.
Unknown Speaker 2:40:04
Thank you. Museum Advisory Board has three regular member term vacancies ending June 30 2025. Three applicants. Linda Buxbaum, Katherine Cox who you’ve already handled in a prior motion. And Ray Moriarity Ray’s a current board member, so is reapplying
Unknown Speaker 2:40:23
counselor Hidalgo faring. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 2:40:26
So I would move to appoint Linda bucks Boxman and Raya Moriarty for her second term. And as well as the addition of Catherine Cox to the museum advisory board for three regular terms ending in June 30 2025. Great.
Unknown Speaker 2:40:49
So it’s been Moved by Councillor Hidalgo fairing seconded by Councillor Yarbrough. Let’s vote. So that passes with Councillor waters abstaining.
Unknown Speaker 2:41:03
Just a couple more to go and we’re almost there sustainable sustainability advisory board three regular member terms ending June 30 2025. Three applicants Ralph Greifswald, Michelle Mendieta Roth and Mary Lynn. Mary Lynn is a current board member reapplying for her seat
Unknown Speaker 2:41:25
did you do sustained
Unknown Speaker 2:41:26
I did. So I interviewed these three and I move that we reappoint all three of them to the regular terms any June 30 2025. That’s been seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez Let’s vote.
Unknown Speaker 2:41:47
Just waiting for council member Martin did you hear that motion councilmember Martin?
Unknown Speaker 2:41:52
Yes, I heard I wouldn’t. I’m waiting to vote no.
Unknown Speaker 2:41:56
Oh, okay. Vote No. Okay. All right. So that passes with all those. All those in favor, raise your hand please. All those against Okay, so that passes with our Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez myself, counselor Yarbro counselors who had toggle fairing voting for and counselor Martin voting against and Councillor waters abstaining.
Unknown Speaker 2:42:27
Last one, transportation advisory board to regular member terms ending June 30 2025. We have three applicants John Co. Patrick Kindleberger and Taylor, Wicklund. The board recommended to in particular Taylor Wicklund, and Patrick hinter burger.
Unknown Speaker 2:42:45
That Patrick Kinser burger and Taylor. I’ll second.
Unknown Speaker 2:42:56
So that’s been Moved by Councillor Yarborough. seconded by Councillor Hidalgo fairing. Let’s vote. All those in favor? And that passes with Councillor waters abstaining.
Unknown Speaker 2:43:11
Thank you very much, Mayor and Council.
Unknown Speaker 2:43:13
Thank you. So now we are at the final call public invited to be heard. Is there anybody in the public
Unknown Speaker 2:43:28
financial statements on the agenda? That’s it’s doing something weird. It’s not on some agendas, and it’s on others. Oh, okay. Okay. Oh, that’s why you didn’t see it. No, I did.
Unknown Speaker 2:43:47
I didn’t see it either. So is that it on the agenda then? Except we have Mr. We have one public invited to be heard. Paul Tiger.
Unknown Speaker 2:44:06
Microphone Okay. Paul Tiger 350 Kimbark. And does that I don’t know if people saw my letter in the editor that appeared in the paper today. I know that it’s a heavy reading time for you. So you might not have caught that. So what’s happening is is that road signage companies are storing signs in the downtown area. This is not new when I was a merchant on Main Street that was happening. And I actually see Tom street came over one day and we picked up this giant metal sign that was right in front of my storefront window and moved it somewhere else. And we found that and I found it More recently that there aren’t construction. Now we do have construction going on in Maine at long Mountain View. But there are a plethora of signs. Right after Havana Manor Paine, pave their lot a sign appeared the next morning big sign takes a couple of people to move these signs. There was one over the weekend on the lawn of High Plains bank that said double fines for speeding in a work zone. I didn’t see the work so well, it’s obvious that they’re not there. They’re just storing them in town. And I believe that Jim Angstadt and, and some other people are gonna get together with me and see what we can get done about that. But as I was out with some pals the other night, and I said, you see all the signs and they said, tons of signs, no construction, we’re waiting. It’s gonna be big, but let’s hope not. So that’s all if you see them that they belong to someone, and they’ve parked them in our downtown area, and parking spaces on residential sidewalks. And they’re really amusing, looking until you want a parking space. Thank you very much. By the way, I did write in my editorial that this wasn’t your responsibility. Thank you. I’ve come just to tell you about it. But folks who walk in the downtown area, I’ve seen it and maybe wondered the alley that used to be behind my business that’s got a string of construction ahead signs. Okay. Thank you very much. Thank you, Paul. Oh, by the way, I didn’t come for all of the recycling event waste diversion, our waste diversion manager. So I wanted you to know that Longmont was recycling foam plastic before anybody else. We’ve done a lot of firsts here, and I hope we continue. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 2:47:06
So we are at the end of our meeting. Do we have any mayor and council comments? I see Councillor Yarborough.
Unknown Speaker 2:47:16
Thank you, Mayor. I just wanted to say I appreciate all those who came out for the June team. That was our first impression person Juneteenth Celebration in the park at Roseville Park. And I just want to thank the community for showing up. And thank you, Councilwoman, Susie Hidalgo fairing for showing up in with your support, I really appreciate that. That means a lot to me. And and also, I want to just mention that we all know that there’s a lot going on in the world, and freedom of speech, and everything. I just want to make sure that as community leaders and as community members that it is, it’s not appropriate to destroy property in our city. So graffiti, although you want to speak and have freedom of speech, we understand that. But please respect the property and respect the neighborhoods in our community. So I just wanted to mention that and say that because we are long on and we are the example. So I just wanted to say that and thank you.
Unknown Speaker 2:48:29
Thank you. Do we have any city manager remarks?
Unknown Speaker 2:48:34
or No comments? Mayor Council?
Unknown Speaker 2:48:37
Well, oh, councillor, I’m sorry. Thanks for pointing that out. Eugene. Councillor Martin.
Unknown Speaker 2:48:44
Thank you, Mayor Peck. I just want to thank the council and the staff for allowing me to participate remotely during a very difficult time. And I want to express my appreciation. That’s all Thank
Unknown Speaker 2:49:01
you. Take care of Marcia. City Attorney remarks. No comments, Mayor. Thank you. I move that we adjourn the meeting. All those in favor? Aye. Thank you. Good evening.
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