Longmont City Council – Study Session – June 7, 2022

Video Description:
Longmont City Council – Study Session – June 7, 2022

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
The 2022 long lead city council session to order welcome everybody. As a reminder, this meeting is going to be can be viewed at the live stream at www Longmont colorado.gov to view the live stream you can go to well Longmont colorado.com, or the city’s youtube channel at Lone Mountain public media.org or Comcast channels eight or eight ad. We have the roll call, please. Absolutely. Mayor Peck. Present Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez Here. Councilmember Hidalgo Ferring. Here, Councilmember Martin, here, Councilmember waters, Councilmember Yarborough? Here. Mary, you have a quorum. Thank you. Let’s stand for the pledge.

Unknown Speaker 0:54
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Unknown Speaker 1:11
Anyone wishing to speak in public invited to be heard will need to add his or her name to the list outside the council chambers. Only those on the list will be invited to speak. Do any of the councillors have motions to direct the city manager to add agenda items for future agendas? Councillor Martin?

Unknown Speaker 1:34
Yes, Mayor Peck, I hope this is the right point at which to introduce this. I sit on the boulder consortium of cities and they have a request for a person from for long not to appoint a person to participate in the living wage discussion. That is is going on for a long long while months are Boulder County cities and with long term wages being what they are. Anything that is legal under that living wage state statute would not actually affect wages in Longmont. But it’s probably better to have the cooperation include Long Island as a big part of the region, the region. So I feel personally that it could be done without harming the long run economy one way or the other, regardless of how you feel about that. So I would move to put a discussion of appointing a participant on a future agenda soon because they need it.

Unknown Speaker 2:59
I would second Do we have any discussion? Let’s just vote.

Unknown Speaker 3:19
Yeah, I’m, I’m not in Live Meeting yet. I.

Unknown Speaker 3:30
So that passes that passes unanimously. Thank you for that motion, Marsha. Here I am. So I have a couple of things that I would like to present to our future agendas. The first one is, and I’m doing this for the discussion on council. We’ve had some feedback on the state’s family leave policy. So I would like to move that we put on a future agenda the to bring back that discussion.

Unknown Speaker 4:02
I’ll second.

Unknown Speaker 4:05
Okay, it’s I’ve moved that. Moved by John Peck seconded by Councillor Hidalgo. fairing. Do we have any discussion? See number seven that counselor remarks

Unknown Speaker 4:18
both at will.

Unknown Speaker 4:22
They’re both right now.

Unknown Speaker 4:25
So yeah, I don’t know what’s going on. But I would I would like a little clarification about what would be discussed because I thought we handled that.

Unknown Speaker 4:32
We did handle it. I have gotten feedback from some counselors as well as the public that they felt that we did not get all the information we needed, especially from the state to make a decision. So I’m just putting out putting it out there. If you wish to read discuss this. We can bring it back on a future agenda. If not your vote will will show counselor waters

Tim Waters 4:59
just for the sake clarification, is your motion to reconsider?

Unknown Speaker 5:04
No, my motion is to bring it back on a future agenda for discussion with perhaps a state representative or an author of the bill or just to satisfy the state see if we would like to reconsider,

Tim Waters 5:19
just as a parliamentary consideration. Haven’t we’ve dealt with the issue, we voted on the issue. We did. Those on the prevailing side could could move to reconsider. But this is this is a decision that was made by counsel. So we’re so I’m not clear what what were you what you’re moving? Or you’re proposing that we do?

Unknown Speaker 5:41
I am proposing that we put it on a future agenda to look at the issue, again, from both sides, the city side and have a representative from the state. And then if we would like to make a motion to reconsider at that time, then we could, but

Tim Waters 5:58
just again, just for the sake of the procedure, when did we vote on two weeks ago, so this would be our neck? Is this the first time we would have had a chance to reconsider? So I think if you’re going to vote to reconsider has to occur in the next meeting, moved by someone on the prevailing side of that motion or that decision? Otherwise, I’m wondering, I guess I can add, we can ask Eugene, what’s the what’s the parliamentary restriction or prohibition on bringing items back that have already been decided? And how many times we can deal with the same issue in a term of the council? Good question. Just so we get it, just procedure. Of course, you’re right. That’s ours.

Unknown Speaker 6:41
Mayor and Council, Eugene, may city attorney, I’m looking it up. It’s rule 19. It’s generally the first meeting at the first meeting at which you can take formal final action would be the motion to reconsider.

Tim Waters 6:52
Is this the first formal meeting? This will be just

Unknown Speaker 6:56
this is a study session. So it’s really referring, I think, to the next regular session? I can’t remember exactly which meeting we considered the family.

Unknown Speaker 7:05
It was the last regular one. And then we had the lhsaa meeting last week. Yeah. So index. So I, I am putting it on the agenda. Bring it back at the next regular meeting, for reconsideration in discussion.

Tim Waters 7:26
Okay, procedurally, yes. Is that the? I’m not?

Unknown Speaker 7:29
I don’t know either.

Tim Waters 7:32
Way, it would be do we do we do this at the next regular meeting, to reconsider to bring it back in the next meeting after that? I think procedurally is the way it goes. But I’m no parliamentarian.

Unknown Speaker 7:45
According to the rules of procedure, you would consider the motion to reconsider at the next regular.

Tim Waters 7:52
I think that’s the one way we could get it back in front of us for reconsideration.

Unknown Speaker 7:56
So this motion, we don’t need this motion, we’ll just do it. And I’m trying to

Tim Waters 7:59
be an obstructionist. It’s just trying to get it

Unknown Speaker 8:01
right. You could put it on the next regular session agenda that’s trying to reconsider.

Unknown Speaker 8:06
That’s exactly what I wanted to do. So I move just to restate, to put the fam State Family Leave Act on the next regular session, to reconsider. Do you still second? I do. Okay, are there is there any other discussion? Let’s vote. Oh, I didn’t turn it off. Okay. Kelsey O’Donnell fair. Okay. Thank

Unknown Speaker 8:35
you, Mayor. So I am going to be speaking in support of bringing this back. The reason why so prior to when the packet came out, you know, I had reached out to a few employees, you know, it was six, it wasn’t anything extensive. But there, it seemed like from the folks that I spoke to, they were like, oh, yeah, I like the idea of having a choice. But they didn’t really have it. It wasn’t until they listened to our conversation at Council, that they were like, wait a minute, you know, and the kind of wanting to go back. I think there was a misunderstanding that, and I didn’t clarify this and conversations I had with with employees was and it was more like, you know, just lower pain, just your regular workforce out there. And they, when they came back and listened, it was like, hey, you know, we didn’t realize that this was the actual ballot initiative that we voted for. And you know, so there was seemed like, there was some lack of some misunderstanding. The other the other piece of it so one thing that prompted me to vote for it was the fact that people had that option to to back out. The thing that as I started, you know, delving a little bit more and you know, shame on me for not looking at this Is beforehand? You know, my concern was the sustainability piece, you know, like we pay into para, we really depend on new employers, new teachers to come in to cover parent to pay for para. Otherwise we lose our retirement. So how, you know, would it be sustainable if only a handful of employees utilize this insurance, the family insurance, and the majority of our employees don’t? Would it be able to sustain itself as a program? So that was my concern. The other thing, when I went on the state site, there was an opportunity to have a presentation brought out, you know, and looking at that it was like, Well, I really would have liked to have seen that piece as well, for us to get a full grasp of what what the implications and what the consequences would be for choosing one side over the other. So that, that that’s my input.

Unknown Speaker 11:04
Yes, thank you, Mayor Peck. I actually, I felt we’ve, I feel we voted the right way. And I feel that the public mostly thinks that we’re taking something away from our employees, when in fact, we wouldn’t, except that there appears to be some rulemakings that aren’t there yet. And because of those rulemakings, not being there yet, if somebody who has something come up in the middle of the plan year or something like that, and they didn’t opt in at the right time, they might have to wait some number of months before they could get into the plan. And since the city doesn’t really gain or lose that much, either way, maybe we should err on the side of conservatism and pull everybody into the plan. So I don’t know whether we can decide to reconsider this when the rulemaking is done. I mean, not you know, whether whether we could make a decision like that when we reconsider our vote next week. But I’d like to have more information than that. And so I’m going to vote yes. to reconsider

Unknown Speaker 12:33
there any other comments to seeing and let’s vote. So that carried unanimously, thank you. I have one other motion. And that is I move to put on a future agenda. Hopefully the next week is a pre session for Council to discuss gun safety laws. It would be a pre session before the council meeting. This week, let’s see if the next session works.

Unknown Speaker 13:15
Trying to when is the next? Did we have an exec that we were looking at for next week?

Unknown Speaker 13:23
We did we have one plan for next week.

Unknown Speaker 13:30
I feel that we should probably do this sooner than later. So I’ll just let me let me restate that motion. And I am just going to direct staff to put on a future agenda, the discussion or pre session for Council to discuss gun safety laws

Unknown Speaker 13:52
as quickly as possible. Yes, please.

Unknown Speaker 13:58
So I made that motion. It was seconded by Councillor woman, Hidalgo. fairing. Do we have any discussion? Councillor waters

Tim Waters 14:11
so we’re not meeting on the 21st.

Unknown Speaker 14:13
The 21st is cms AML I’m I’m kind of I guess we’ve counseled be open to a different day, if we could

Tim Waters 14:24
other than a Tuesday but I’m just in terms of calendaring. We don’t meet again after tonight. Or until we don’t meet again after next week. Until when? The 2020 That’s just one way to collect things.

Unknown Speaker 14:47
I wish it could be sooner than that. Held Would you be open to throwing out a few dates that that are not counseled dates and see if it The Council is open to meeting on an off date.

Unknown Speaker 15:04
Yeah, I think let us talk we may be able to postpone it. It’s just related to some of the development codes that we needed to bring back. And so it’ll just delay that

Unknown Speaker 15:14
we do need those developments.

Unknown Speaker 15:17
But, I mean, if if this sounds like it’s more time sensitive for you well, and so we can move this to the 20. We could move what we have planned to the 28th and slide this one in as a pre session for next.

Unknown Speaker 15:31
Thank you. Yeah, it’d be great. Is there any more discussion? That’s so that carries unanimously Thank you, Harold for considering doing that. Are you in Eugene as well? Okay. So I do have, are there any do you have any additions to the agenda? I’m sorry, I forgot to ask that. No, Mayor do not okay. Thank you. So we have a couple of proclamations tonight oh I did do that out of order. My apologies. It is time for the public invited to be heard. And the first one on our list is Lance Whitaker. You have three minutes and please state your name and address Lance.

Unknown Speaker 16:33
My name is Lance. 1750 Collier Street. I’ve been there approximately 10 years have looped in Longmont for about 40 years now. And I’ve come before the city council today, because I’ve been talking with Doug at city planners about starting a smoke friendly area here in Longmont for cannabis and tobacco and he said that I would have to address you guys either on an exemption or permit or a license before I could even look at any retail spaces here in Longmont. So I am here today to address you guys on that agenda.

Unknown Speaker 17:34
We don’t usually converse with people at public invited to be heard, but if our assistant city manager can take down your name and information, we will research that for you.

Unknown Speaker 17:46
Okay, Doug is a city planner who has also done some research on that perfect with Denver and what their laws are and stuff like that. And he said that I was the first one new address with this. So I’d like to get on the ground floor on this because I know the city only allows for dispensaries in town. So I figure they do probably even allow less areas to smoke in public. So would I get a hold of

Unknown Speaker 18:23
these ladies right there

Unknown Speaker 18:30
Don, okay.

Unknown Speaker 18:32
Thank you, Lance.

Unknown Speaker 18:34
Mayor, if I may interject real quick code prohibits this. And so if council wanted to consider a council would have to direct staff to amend the code to allow that use.

Unknown Speaker 18:47
Okay, thank you. Next up is Polly Christensen.

Unknown Speaker 19:02
Hi, Polly Christensen for 10 Jenson Street, Longmont, Colorado. I have to talk really fast. I want to talk about two things. First of all, I want to remind everybody that this is Juneteenth last weekend, and a lot of events are happening on Saturday, there’s a Juneteenth legacy picnic this is set up by Betty Denali, and it’s 1230 to five o’clock Saturday at the willow Farm Park 901 South Fordham. People can attend for free but if they’d like to purchase food, the cost is $15 per adult or $8. For a child. People are encouraged to bring their blankets chairs and non alcoholic beverages. And it should be fun that I’m sure that Madeline Woodley will talk about many of the other events that she and her sister Reverend Glenda Jackson have said up. And Chiquita, we’ll talk about the overall thing. So I’m gonna kind of talk about anymore, but do come, it’ll be fun and informative. And that’s the whole idea. So I wanted to actually talk about the inclusionary housing program snapshot. That is on your agenda to talk about tonight. I think Molly O’Donnell did a wonderful job of presenting all the statistics and everything. I have a few suggestions as somebody who was pretty instrumental in helping set it up in the first place. I would like to see if you would up consider upping it from 12% to 20%. That’s more closer to what is actually needed. Kathy Adler, who was the former Director of Housing sold us numerous times that the fee in lieu was too small, I would suggest that the fee in lieu needs to be considerably more than it is right now. The city needs to buy land build homes and not the market. It should also apply to all rental, not just new rentals. And I would strongly advocate for the city to hunt high and low for any kind of Penny. And I know you’re already doing this from federal and state funds and county funds. And please do not be distracted by the LA DEP developer driven initiative for attainable housing. That’s it is important but it’s it’s a distraction from actually getting the affordable housing result. Thank you very much. Take care. Come to Juneteenth.

Unknown Speaker 21:49
Thank you Strider.

Unknown Speaker 22:05
Thank you, all of a sudden, I can see out of one eye and I can read out the other right but not both. I’m halfway in the middle Stryker bench to 951 17th Avenue. Guns. I right after World War Two, the corporate billionaire class solved the threat of democracy in this country and around the world and decolonization. And they decided to eliminate that. But General Eisenhower became president and he believed in Social Security and thought the billion nerds actually ought to pay some taxes. So they had to wait. And then they jumped into the political game and push Goldwater. Well, they’ve been organizing since then to take over and destroy the country. And the NRA didn’t get into it until what they did the see after they exported industrial capital. In those in the 70s. The CIA started importing cocaine in large quantities. So you could criminalize marijuana and mass incarceration of the people who could not get jobs in the steel mills or electronics industry and stuff. So that created that game plan. And it took him another 20 years before they took over, basically almost the whole country. And I had a friend back in Chicago when I was at the post office of friend and no radical group I was with a black man called tipsy Baldwin. And he was telling the local group about some racist incidents he experienced. And he said, Call me and dot dot dot not once it’s an incident called me n dot dot, dot twice. It’s a tendency called me in dot dot dot dot three times its policy. The NRA has a policy of killing people in mass numbers in the streets in Chicago and Baltimore in St. Louis for a decade or two. And now it’s every buddy everywhere. Get out as many ar 15 says possible see how many people you can kill. They make more money as connected with the hate endless Street, the scope pipe news industry, creating people who don’t know but one way of thinking and the person next to them is someone they have to hate or kill. That is the game plan that’s going on now that similar to hell Hitler took over Germany in the 20s. And I can give you the whole history of that. But that is the game plan is race war in this country. And the multibillionaires get richer and richer and richer. Texas says less band doors in schools. What about mental health? He stole $211 million from mental health. Thank you out of the Texas budget. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 25:36
Thank you. So now we are ready for our proclamations. The first one I’m going to read as a proclamation designating June 2022 Excuse me, as LGBTQ and pride month in Longmont, Colorado. Whereas all residents deserve the right to live in a town that respects their dignity, safety and overall well being by supporting equality and fair treatment for all. And whereas the city of Longmont has a diverse LGBTQ community that includes people of many backgrounds, identities and philosophies. And whereas diversity is a community asset that enhances and enriches the lives of all community members. And whereas LGBTQ plus community members have made and continue to make great and lasting contributions to strengthen the fabric of our of our community. And whereas during the month of June, residents of the city of Longmont are encouraged to honor the history, diversity and the resilience of the LGBTQ plus communities. And whereas the city of Longmont honors its commitment to the promotion and protection of the human rights of LGBTQ plus residents. Now therefore, I Joan Peck mer, by virtue of the authority vested in me in the City Council of the City of Longmont, do hereby proclaim June 2022 as LGBTQ plus Pride Month in Longmont, and urge all residents to respect and honor our diverse community and to build and celebrate a culture of inclusiveness and acceptance. Who gets to accept this? Marty more? Do you want to say a few words? Great.

Unknown Speaker 27:29
Mayor pack councilmembers Thank you very much for once again, acknowledging that this important month for the LGBTQ community. I’m a grateful citizen of the city of residence I should say, of the city of Longmont and I couldn’t be more proud of the work that you all do for inclusion, along with your city staff Harold and the folks who report to him. So thank you pride celebration is this Saturday. It’ll be from two until six. Just down the street on between Emery and Maine on fourth. So we hope you’ll all come by our mayor we’ll be speaking as we start things off, and there’s a visibility mark before that March before that. So line up on Main Street at time 130 I believe it is so thank you very much. Would you like a picture of we would love a picture thank you and Kyle Kerrigan was with me he’s a new member of our older staff. Beautiful All right 123 Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 29:25
Sorry next proclamation is designating June 2022 as Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month in Longmont, Colorado, whereas Alzheimer’s disease is the seventh leading cause of death affecting more than 76,000 Colorado, Colorado ones among 6.5 million Americans and more than 50 million people around the world. And whereas Alzheimer’s disease it’s a progressive neuro degenerative brain disorder that tragically robs individuals of their memories and leads to Progressive Mental and physical impairments for which there is currently no prevention or cure. And whereas this disease preys heavily on specific segments of our community, with black Americans twice as likely as whites to develop the disease, Hispanics 50 50% more likely than non Hispanic Caucasians. And women account for two thirds of all people living with Alzheimer’s. And whereas the impact of Alzheimer’s extends to loved ones of those with the disease, including 159,000 Colorado family members and friends, who provided an estimated 184 million hours of unpaid care in 2021 at a value of over $3.7 billion. And whereas the cost to our country and total payments for health care, long term care, and hospice for people with Alzheimer’s disease in 2021, was $321 billion. And whereas the city of Longmont recognizes the efforts of the Alzheimer’s Association to raise funds and promote awareness to fight Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, thereby improving the quality of human life for those living with the disease and their care partners and bringing us closer to finding a cure. Now therefore, I don’t pick Mayor by virtue of the authority vested in me and the City Council of the City of Longmont, do hereby proclaim June 2022 as Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month in Longmont, and encourage residents to support those with Alzheimer’s and brain disease in the hope that a cure will soon be found. This is a great proclamation who wants to accept this? Would you like to say a few words? Right?

Unknown Speaker 31:55
I’m Brandy queen, the acting manager of the Longmont Senior Center and I’m here with Ralph Patrick from the Alzheimer’s Association. We appreciate you all making this proclamation because not only is there no cure for Alzheimer’s Are any of the about 130 different types of dementia that we know about. There are also very, very few treatment options. So our organizations are constantly working to try to support family members dealing with these diseases, keep people safe at home, keep families engaged in the community and getting the supports that they need. So thank you for bringing some attention to this.

Unknown Speaker 32:29
Thank you. Do you want to say a few words? Yes, echoing

Unknown Speaker 32:33
and expanding upon what Brandi said, the Alzheimer’s Association provides our services at no cost to caregivers and people living with dementia. And that includes support groups, educational programs and care consultations. And I’d love to have the time to be able to share with you some of the anecdotal stories that both Brandi and I have have stored up as a result of working with people. But probably most if not all of you have been personally affected in one form or another by this disease. And the Alzheimer’s Association is greatly appreciative of you bringing attention to this disease. As one former physician at the Mayo Clinic once said, If we don’t find a cure for this disease, or a way to at least slow it down, it will break the system as we know it. Because the expenses that are related in this resolution are minimal compared to what we see on the horizon, it’s going to cost us in the trillions of dollars. So thank you very much for bringing attention to this. And I also want to thank specifically brandy Queen and the Longmont Senior Center who just do amazing work and I know you’re aware of that. But they host educational programs, they host support groups, and they have encouraged my community to be a dementia friendly community. So thank you very much to all of you and to brandy and the senior center.

Unknown Speaker 34:04
Would you like to have a picture of us presenting this to you?

Unknown Speaker 34:07
Sure, okay. 123 Thank you Now we’re at the park that you’ve all been waiting for. We are at the study session items, the inclusionary housing program of the 2021 snapshot. Molly is that you Okay.

Unknown Speaker 35:44
Mayor pack members of council. I’m Molly O’Donnell Housing and Community Investment division director. And tonight I’m going to be doing a presentation on our 2021 annual inclusionary housing program report. So a summary of what I’m gonna go over today, a recap of the affordable housing goal, a synopsis of the 2021 Longmont housing market, an overview of investments and an impact on the inclusionary housing program. So since the establishment of the program in 2018, we have achieved 45% of our desired goal of having 5400 units or 12% of all of our housing stock in Longmont be affordable units. This means we need to create about 200 new affordable homes annually, while maintaining and preserving all of the existing affordable homes in order to meet this desired goal. In total between 22 and 2024. We are projected to exceed the 200 Europe 200 units per year goal. But as you can see from 2019 to 2021 that we were not at that 200 mark. So we have some making up to do. Overview of investments so the city invests local and federal dollars into programs dedicated to advancing our affordable metals. In 2019, we had a fair amount of investment and that was pretty steady increase from years prior 20 Definitely had a pivot due to COVID and put a lot more of our resources into individual assistance and COVID related impacts. But as you can see in 2021, we are back on the upswing into the affordable housing investment. The leveraged funding is highly dependent on development projects such as life tech projects, so it only takes one project to bump up this leverage funding by quite a lot. So it can vary pretty wildly wildly per year. Looking into our Longmont housing market, so a single person households earning 50% of the area median income, and in 2021, that was $43,900 per year or $22.86 per hour for full time work, have not been able to afford the average rent in Longmont since 2012. And the graph has gap has only grown. Note that the orange bars indicate incomes needed to provide a cushion so that only 33% of income is spent on rent. This means that the entire monthly income of a 50% Ami person cannot even meet the average rent in Longmont in 2021. median home prices have continued to increase for both attached for sale product at a 5.5% increase and detached for sale homes at an 8% 8% increase. 2012 is when a family at 80% of the area median income could no longer afford to purchase the median detached home and 2015 was when both the 80% area of median income and our city median wage earners could no longer afford the median attached home prices.

Unknown Speaker 39:11
Oh, here’s our summary of new homes sales versus existing home sales. And you’ll notice in 2021, the amount of new home sales slowed down. And that does mean that those new homes are closing recorded in 2021. Not necessarily just under construction. But it can be assumed that the record high sales of existing homes was really due to what’s been happening in our market in 2021. With the that’s pretty enticing the amount of equity that you could gain. So looking to our impact on the inclusionary housing program. We continue to see an increase in the number of affordable homes being built because of the city’s continued commitment to investing financial and staff resources. You into affordable housing programs such as the inclusion program 24 families made Longmont their home in 2021, too, due to the inclusionary housing program. We do anticipate a large number of units in the next several years due to the number of cuts in the pipe. So we have 10 rental homes and 14 for sale homes. So we did get 24. However, for homes that were under the previous inclusionary zoning program aged out of their affordability period. And so that’s why we need to ensure that we maintain and preserve existing units as well as gain new ones. To keep progress in a forward direction. We’ve seen a 24% increase in the number of develops subject to the IH requirement, the distribution between home ownership type for sale or rental projects is fairly close. You can see here that we are seeing a decrease in the number of units being provided on site to meet the IH requirements, and an increase in the fee in lieu option. We’re going to talk about that a little bit more in a moment. But due to the nature of the program methods, you’ll see that 2020 2020 21 and 22 to date are combined. Next year, you’ll see that split out again, but we just have a you know a tracking issue that we are working on getting cleared up. So what is important here is, it is clear that the inclusionary housing program is not slowing down development by any means we’re still getting increased the number of developments in progress. And with that an increase in ih requirements added to those projects. So we’ve seen a steady increase in the number of developers year over year that select the fee in lieu option with the majority of the rental developments selecting this option 50% of the development selected fee in lieu and 2021 the projections for 2022 or 70%. And for 2023 or 60%. As you can see we’ve had a steady increases since the beginning. While I said I should say since the first time we started collecting fee and lieu since the program started in 2018. You can see though, that we have a huge amount of fee in lieu coming if all developments in the pipeline make it through but that this is an actual calculation based on what is in the pipeline. And our middle tier pipeline. So these are those projects that are including designated middle tier units in helping in their ih requirement to reduce their affordable in effect, but these are referred designated middle tier units. Information collected from developers during the design review process. A total of 5820 homes to be housing stock by the end of two of those are expected to be affordable. This does have us on track to meet our 200 year unit per year goal. And one of those will 100 of those will be provided in partnership with nonprofits. For middle tier,

Unknown Speaker 43:15
you could bid gain

Unknown Speaker 43:18
25 units of middle tier that were completed construction and 2021. We had two other developments in the pipeline. But at this point, it’s looking like construction cost escalation is making that a challenge or they they may be moving to market rate. Information 2020 2020 consolidated plan that we do for the CDBG program shows the greatest rental housing need is below 40% area portable at that income level. This was likely exacerbated by the COVID 19 pandemic since this data came out before that started. Ih rental projects have primarily provided 60% area median income units in recent years, but we actually have we don’t have a gap in that in that income range. This is why the city lowered the threshold for affordable units under the inclusionary housing program to 50% of the your your median income to try and narrow the target to lower AMI as you can also see the beginnings of the gap re widening once you approved get into the attainable housing ranges. sales prices keep rising which trickle down and further stress a lot of aspects of the issues affecting the housing spectrum from from the lowest to the highest. Additionally, maximum sales prices for for sale units provided under the program have not been revised since 2018 when it was put into place. So that’s something we have a priority to address. Something we’re also keeping on our radar is watching that when a project is in a, ideally located place in town near transit, job opportunities, core services, many of the incentives

Unknown Speaker 45:15
for that were provided

Unknown Speaker 45:18
to their location. And this includes density and height bonuses. So we’re seeing a concentration of market rate units in these key areas. And the fee in lieu being selected instead. Lower how we can further incentivize affordable housing. When the other incentives are already baked into the project. We really do want to have units provided on site and provide that mix in those key areas. fee in Lieu is the most popular option very clearly in the program. We’d like to analyze why that is ensure that the result is best serving the city’s affordable housing goals. And as the funding from fee and lieu increases, strategically direct how those funds are being used to further the city affordable housing goals. And finally, eventually, we would like to see data on who the inclusionary housing program is serving. This is not something that has been tracked to date. It’s it’s it’s our other income and data tracking on the affordable housing side. But we really want to know what the characteristics of the households are that are moving into specifically provided under the inclusionary. Housing. Presentation for now.

Unknown Speaker 46:42

Unknown Speaker 46:46
Thank you. Molly. Could you repeat the number of expected collections of fee in lieu in 2024 25? Whichever year you said that was? Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 47:03
point 4,000,004 point 4 million if what I’m

Unknown Speaker 47:11
looking for is a comparison of what the city or the LA chain could produce, leveraging that amount of money to

Unknown Speaker 47:28

Unknown Speaker 47:30
with litex to leverage the capital stack to build affordable units that matched our deep demographic

Unknown Speaker 47:41
to what could be

Unknown Speaker 47:45
what could be built

Unknown Speaker 47:49
in lieu and what

Unknown Speaker 47:54
would be the value and number

Unknown Speaker 47:57
of units both ways is an example.

Unknown Speaker 48:05
The project is bringing in 83 affordable units, and the city invested 1.8 5 million as part of the capital step. So 1.875 get 83 unit this is a perfect formula across the board but just for comparison’s.

Unknown Speaker 48:37
isn’t doing the math to

Unknown Speaker 48:38
my fly? I’m getting 250 or so unit leverage 4 million using that one project as an example.

Unknown Speaker 48:51
And that’s kind of because so what what we don’t know. Right costing construction, so that’ll reduce it. terms of property that you already own? It’s going to change the equation a little bit. So there’s a proposal made into that calculation. Yeah, I understand your hand if the

Unknown Speaker 49:21
first of fear

Unknown Speaker 49:25
and two that you’re anticipating does that be the best for you in lieu level data we get more units

Unknown Speaker 49:36
so can I understand? Oh Would you like something we can do? MK 730 to provide

Unknown Speaker 49:59
for free And 1.2 a family all together basically

Unknown Speaker 50:03
work those numbers because the middle

Unknown Speaker 50:07
section is the fee in Lieu is is too low. But what are the consequences going to be and if

Unknown Speaker 50:17
if she choose to build an article much enough but we’ve been actually Molino. Housing components, it’s in what we need to do we need to buy one

Unknown Speaker 50:48
more so we can get you that information. Theoretically, it may be just for someone to, to look at building if they can get the prices and where they want them

Unknown Speaker 51:03
build and lose their

Unknown Speaker 51:07
capital stack is.

Unknown Speaker 51:12
Marcus, some bring that back to you. Okay, thank you that has been 24. To developments that have moved out of the

Tim Waters 51:37
reasons we can predict labor costs of materials, etc.

Unknown Speaker 51:44
Reflection of heaven.

Tim Waters 51:47
That’s right. 740 units, mountain Brook plus goes out? Well, of the mid tier options, there were 201 100 300 units that were going to be mid tiers over

Unknown Speaker 52:00
the pay payments.

Tim Waters 52:04
Were 4,000,004.4 reflects this was I endured as a process, what’s the implication of the cost of

Unknown Speaker 52:14
range? If we can come up with that number for you as well, it’s there.

Unknown Speaker 52:22
That’s that’s the bulk of you. Because

Tim Waters 52:29
But see, right at some point with with attainable or workforce or affordable or attainable housing, that is just not going to materialize. Just for market reasons. How much of that shows up 4.4 would be helpful to know.

Unknown Speaker 52:48
Any other comments? And we’re running to build on and we

Unknown Speaker 52:55
have permanently affordable

Unknown Speaker 52:57
unit paint term out of buy? I would think that the developer includes a z in there that the land would be it wouldn’t be to the developer. So I don’t know is how to

Unknown Speaker 53:27
we won’t have any land and we won’t have any affordable

Unknown Speaker 53:32
and we get to a point of redevelopment still apply to the to the net number of other is, you know considerations to weigh when they’re looking at fee in lieu fee and Lu is

Unknown Speaker 53:46

Unknown Speaker 53:50
city that funds and strategically direct and affordable development rather than have scattered throughout town. It was

Unknown Speaker 54:01
the attempt of the portable

Unknown Speaker 54:06
the affordable or anyway the Yeah, I think part of

Unknown Speaker 54:12
where you get it, it was understanding whether the

Unknown Speaker 54:17
that’s on our mind to try and

Unknown Speaker 54:23
talk a little bit about certainty. And when you look at it in terms of interests component, a lot of certainty in terms of where they’re going to be what they’re going to be able to in terms of time, and so and so that could be driving some of the decisions as well.

Unknown Speaker 54:48
If they’re going to process

Unknown Speaker 54:54
in that certainty is really really important for folks, usually in a tumultuous Mark Good morning. We’re in right now

Unknown Speaker 55:06
of counselor, Hidalgo.

Unknown Speaker 55:09
Thank you, Mara. So I have a follow up question. So what are some aspects? What What are things that we need to be looking at in

Unknown Speaker 55:16
the policy that will have that certainty? Or is that more than their belief? I think a

Unknown Speaker 55:28
lot of what we’ve talked about last week, the attainable component, the lot size, those things, things are going to over into both affordable and the attainable conversation.

Unknown Speaker 55:43
Really, other than what they can do.

Unknown Speaker 55:48
By the clarity in terms of the path that they’re going to choose,

Unknown Speaker 55:55
the more that they have to do it,

Unknown Speaker 56:02
the less likely they actually build that product. give you this example again, and I gave it to you last Tuesday, and it was it was part of the flood recovery.

Unknown Speaker 56:20
Basin, there’s 14 units. Before this was before we

Unknown Speaker 56:28
they then had to go through the variance process. And just because of the the uncertainty goes to different review processes, they just did. But there was a silly buy, right.

Unknown Speaker 56:44
Couldn’t afford

Unknown Speaker 56:47
me in that process. And so those are all things that the attainable side, I had might have be a lot of overlap. What we don’t want to do in that is is

Unknown Speaker 57:05
undercut things. Suggestions, we said

Unknown Speaker 57:12
the administrative approvals create a lot of study for folks make it more feasible for them to do certain things.

Unknown Speaker 57:22
Thank you. Harold, it was brought up a couple of times that we increase the affordable housing

Unknown Speaker 57:34
percent to 20. And that increase the uncertainty in the development world or would it make a difference in their ability to build versus giving skin Lou? If I’m correct, I think Broomfield has a 30%. Sure,

Unknown Speaker 58:00
we’re Broomfield

Unknown Speaker 58:01
have curious as to what impact would that?

Unknown Speaker 58:05
I think when you look at the capital, I mean, you’ve got to it’s going to look like Okay, and what the cost to develop? And so what you know, knowing the expense and you get what’s the land cost? What’s the cost, because that expense isn’t affordable and attainable, our market rate is pretty much same, you know, unless you get enough density in that to actual price per home. As it is right now that are both affordable and attainable range, I think the beat that is an added cost to the device. And so when you add that foster the development, if percent more affordable, that’s probably going to push more people into the loop. Because how is that possible and it really felt fall into the

Unknown Speaker 59:08
overall blanket.

Unknown Speaker 59:16
And I think we will have a better sense of that in a two or three. We’re not to the 12 versus 20. But here’s really what the cost is for an individual unit. And is that going to layer in and that’s what we’ve got to figure out. That would be helpful.

Unknown Speaker 59:38
The Broomfield question they required 10% For for sale products and rental products. We offered at affordable rates. Builder has 25% A flat is in Boulder County are at at 12 because the Boulder County read

Unknown Speaker 59:54
set the goal at 12 And

Unknown Speaker 59:58
well, I will double check and see if there’s a community 12 I think might there might be. So

Unknown Speaker 1:00:05
that’s where I got. I think the person that told me find the affordable, attainable.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:14
And I guess what you don’t know is what are the land cost exactly is that that took that move to 20 because if plan costs are lower than it may be easier for people to absorb, absorb that and that there’s so many different ways

Unknown Speaker 1:00:31
to do things I can just wait. Your work thank you for listening

Unknown Speaker 1:08:04
Here back and we’re ready to

Unknown Speaker 1:08:10
rate studies so counsel,

Unknown Speaker 1:08:26
I am Raven Martin strategic integrations and tonight I will be speaking about

Unknown Speaker 1:08:31
the wastewater utilities

Unknown Speaker 1:08:42
and we’ll also discuss the rate study purpose specific factors related to electric and wastewater utility rates, the timeline

Unknown Speaker 1:08:51
as studies, we will ask health goals studies your review of the financial status

Unknown Speaker 1:09:04
of these utility part of a rate study is determining the revenue ad revenue requires operating and capital expenses. Then, once the revenue requirement is a man is allocated among various classes of customer customer classes. The cost of service analysis then ensures that there is equity among these customers. The alternatives are then proposed, which allows us to consider what other goals Council the community might have, what behavior we would like to devise and how commodities are priced to achieve these behaviors. Race studies allow the city to ensure that we have sufficient revenue to operate the utility sustainably

Unknown Speaker 1:09:57
in the future. precedent significant occurring across sectors as well as chain which has providing service to purchase power has buyers 2023

Unknown Speaker 1:10:26
Then a significant increase in goals and construction materials Additionally, there are state regulations which the city must adhere to in order to retain its wastewater discharge power. purchase power from Platte River Power Authority this Longmont is fortunate that PRPs average wholesale rate is 18% lower than the lowest regional provider. This allows LPC to lower rates for LPCs customers last year, so adopted recommended electric rates for 2022 and 2023.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:16
Of wholesale power was

Unknown Speaker 1:11:20
due to macro economic pressures that

Unknown Speaker 1:11:24

Unknown Speaker 1:11:28
This increase cannot be covered by existing and sub cost of service analysis to set rates for 2024 and 2025. The city’s wastewater rates were adopted in 2017 on a three year of loss,

Unknown Speaker 1:11:46
our understanding growth is to the sewer pipe segment.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:53
The build out will cost the city over $46 million.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:58
Additionally, the regulation at which calls for more strict quality standards are moderate.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:09
The city’s 2018 discharge permit is a full system which was designed in 2021 and the wastewater treatment this graph is a model

Unknown Speaker 1:12:28
says for this water

Unknown Speaker 1:12:29
fund, the descending black line in the graph represents the for upcoming years at current rates. Current wastewater service revenue will not be sufficient to meet annual revenue requirements

Unknown Speaker 1:12:47
for service coverage are made.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:56
In August, we will be presenting information on cost

Unknown Speaker 1:12:59
of service purpose proposed ordinance

Unknown Speaker 1:13:05
in corridor to community assessment fee or ECF as well as system water wastewater and

Unknown Speaker 1:13:17
my two cents sensitive entities needs

Unknown Speaker 1:13:21
and how reaching

Unknown Speaker 1:13:22
as will affect them decreasing landmark cares

Unknown Speaker 1:13:35
which is in income. It’s for water industry sales tax, pre tax and rent Park and Greenway city and in order to continue to support the community we continue to enhance this pro lash form GreenEDGE rate rebate was added to Longmont hairs and the amount of the rebate for electric also increased

Unknown Speaker 1:14:07
as part of we will strive to

Unknown Speaker 1:14:12
provide the best services pitcher regulations urged conservation and

Unknown Speaker 1:14:20
well being sensitive with chemical Okay, counselor waters you didn’t got the callback date

Tim Waters 1:14:51
cash position, this is depletion This is not declining revenue just reserves. Right. Okay. That I just wanted to clarify that I was interpreting unwilling set of variables but but what’s been part of our conversation is

Unknown Speaker 1:15:13
able to do with wastewater divert solid waste diversion across

Tim Waters 1:15:19
oceans. recycling,

Unknown Speaker 1:15:24
composting. II increased as a person gonna be talking about

Unknown Speaker 1:15:42
Mayor pet, Councilmember waters, we are not those changes this year, because there’s that ongoing conversation about what those policy changes will be that will be followed by a rate conversation. Probably updated rates. Okay.

Tim Waters 1:15:56
That’s helpful to know. But I, what is resonating with me? Is the message, just bite the bullet, right? Just tossed the fees are this. It’s like, we know this is coming. Like it. We got to get the the Gestalt the big, bad because we’re, because we’re going to hear a lot. Right. Well, we’ll read about it tomorrow. And we’re going to start hearing a lot of unprecedent. Well, in the last 40 years highest inflation. Prices, which I get. I mean, we’re talking about for the pain for the cost of doing business.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:35
That alone.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:37
So if I can jump in to part of your question, those are the things that we’re looking at. I think the point on this one is funds, the two that that were that were our wastewater and the electric based on what we’re seeing, even when we’re seeing those, frankly, across the board to every areas, part of the decisions that we’re actually making right now. Some of our capital projects and some of our large capital is based on the cost increases that we’re seeing today. We’re anticipating based on what we’re hearing about the possibility of a recession in some components, some of the expenses because we don’t have enough revenue

Unknown Speaker 1:17:32
we have in place but

Unknown Speaker 1:17:40
I think we are going to have to look at what is this burden that we’re looking at in terms of the community because embedded

Unknown Speaker 1:17:48
cost? No choice.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:53
There are just certain things that we’re going to be inherited.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:57
So Harold, will

Tim Waters 1:17:58
we get there? Let’s be really helpful.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:01
Spin spam, but mostly

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