City Council Regular Session – April 12, 2022

Video Description: City Council Regular Session – April 12, 2022

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
Please, Mayor Peck, present councilmember Daga ferry present councilmember Martin. Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez, Councilmember waters, Councilmember Yarborough? Mayor, you have a quorum,

Unknown Speaker 0:14
let’s stand for the pledge.

Unknown Speaker 0:19
pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Unknown Speaker 0:31
Thank you. So as a reminder to the public, if you do not want to be here and present, you can livestream the City Council meeting on Longmont, forward slash agendas. And it’s a reminder, Anyone wishing to speak at first call public invited, be heard, will need to add his or her name to the list outside the council chambers. Only those on the list will be invited to speak at the first public invited to be heard. speakers who do not place their names on the lap the list will have the opportunity to speak during public hearing items this evening, or at the final call public invited to be heard. That’s on any item that is on the second reading at the end of the meeting. So can I have a motion to approve the minutes for March 29 2022? Thank you. So that’s been Moved by Councillor waters seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez. All those in favor? Let’s vote.

Unknown Speaker 1:47
We’re waiting for it to come up on the screen. So let’s just do a voice vote. All those in favor say yes. i All those opposed. Seeing none that passed unanimously. Thank you. Lucy. And do we have any agenda item revisions on this agenda? No. Mayor, we do not. Thank you. Do any council members have any motions to direct the city manager to add agenda items to future agendas? Got it. Councillor waters.

Tim Waters 2:37
Thank you, Mayor pack. In February, the Parks and Rec advisory board acted on emotion from one of the members expressing their interest in in the council considering taking deliberate action to address the issue or the need for recreation facilities. I was asked last night if I would bring that motion. Not for us to consider tonight. But to put on a future agenda for council consideration simply to accept or acknowledge their motion and accept it as a as their as their statement. So what I’d like to I’m happy to read the resolution if that would help. Because I’m gonna move.

Unknown Speaker 3:19
Why don’t you move it first and then in the discussion part,

Tim Waters 3:23
I’m gonna move that we direct staff to place the action of the Parks and Rec Advisory Board meeting from their February meeting on a if not THE NEXT ON soon on a regular council agenda for cat forking town council consideration.

Unknown Speaker 3:42
I I’m wondering counselor waters if you mentioned but didn’t mention in the motion about a recreation center.

Tim Waters 3:50
Let me read. Let me read the motion first.

Unknown Speaker 3:53
You made the motion that passed. So now let’s

Tim Waters 3:59
just if you want to know what’s in there. Okay, go ahead. Well, I don’t need to we don’t need to discuss the their motion. I just want so that you know what’s coming. That sounds great. The Parks and Rec advisory board concludes based on public feedback. The city of Longmont urgently needs expanded recreation facilities to meet the growing population and demand. We request that long lead City Council prioritize near term action on the public scoping financial analysis and conceptual design needed to pursue expanded recreation facilities for our community. That would be that was their motion asking for us to to consider and at least acknowledge or accept their statement not necessarily a timeline or an agenda.

Unknown Speaker 4:43
So the motion made by Councillor waters seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hidalgo ferry, so you just been promoted in Rodriguez is to consider a proclamation made by the Parks and Recreation board. Word to expand our recreation facilities. Is there any other discussion?

Unknown Speaker 5:14
It’s on six. Yeah, I didn’t go there. Okay. Where are you? Okay. Thank you, ma’am. I just wanted to note that I second to this partially because in the previous term, I was the liaison to parks and rec. And so they had continuing discussions as far as to the previous bond question that failed, concerning the ice rink, and recreation center, and pool. Now that there’s new realities that have come to light as far as the school district building their own pool, as well, I’m knowing them know that they will take into careful consideration their recommendations as far as new recreation facilities that they would be looking at as far as feasibility and structure. So I think this is a very good thing to discuss, now that we’ve had a little bit of time between the last vote concerning the recreation facilities, as well as the fact that we do know that based on the size of our population, that we do need probably more recreation facilities to adequately service our population. So that’s why I’m seconding this for future discussion.

Unknown Speaker 6:34
Thank you. Councillor Hidalgo. fairing? Thank you, Mayor.

Unknown Speaker 6:38
So my question is, Is this too for them to present to us what they envisioned? Or is it for us to discuss and decide? Or is it to get feedback from the city

Tim Waters 6:52
would really be to accept their statement? Okay, acknowledge their, their, their, their, their recommendation to us that said, we would have to decide what to do following.

Unknown Speaker 7:01
Okay, so it would not necessarily go on a future agenda item, it would we address their statement,

Tim Waters 7:06
my motion is to put this on as an agenda item for us to take action to accept their stay. That’s it. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 7:14
Thank you for that clarification. So, let’s vote. Oh, great. All those in favor? That’s vote. So that passes unanimously. Thank you. Are there any other revisions or I’m sorry, any agenda items you would like for future agendas? Seeing none. We will go on to the city manager’s report, Harold.

Unknown Speaker 7:59
Oh, yes, Mayor Council, I do have one thing I want to update you on. As you all know, we’ve been working on the Christmann two project. And like all other capital projects, we’ve been pressed financially in terms of cost increases. And so we had about just under a $1.4 million gap that it hit based on some recent cost estimates. Department of Housing had funded 1.0 6 million today, we went before the Department of Housing, asking for an additional request in that and so they approved 1,015,000 bringing the total state contribution to this to $2,075,000 currently leaves us I just wanted you to know that we’ve hit a big gap in that. And if you all run into any member individuals that are part of the Department of Housing, thank them for their vote on this because that was a significant move. Today in this project, our gaps currently 375,000 So we’re working with a development partner to manage that. So we can go to closing hopefully at the end of the month or early May. One of the things that we’re we’re still working on is the Department of Housing offered that there may be an additional 375 If we use all of the contingency funds as part of the construction projects and so just wanted you to know that got an additional million dollars to come in to Chrisman to today to to bridge that gap.

Unknown Speaker 9:37
Yeah, that’s great. Good work.

Unknown Speaker 9:42
Team. No further comments.

Unknown Speaker 9:45
Okay. That was good one though. So we have one proclamation tonight and after I read it, I would like to invite Tom Huebner Hubner, to come up and receive this proclamation. It is a proclamation designating April 2022, as Parkinson’s Awareness Month, in Longmont, Colorado, whereas Parkinson’s disease is a chronic progressive neurological disease affecting almost a million people in the US, with one person being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease every nine minutes. And whereas Parkinson’s disease and related health issues are the 14th leading cause of death in the US, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And whereas, it is estimated that the total national economic burden of Parkinson’s is approximately $52 billion each year. And whereas research suggests the cause of Parkinson’s Disease is a combination of genetic and environmental factors. But the exact cause of the disease is still unknown. And whereas there is no objective test or biomarker for Parkinson’s disease, and there’s no cure or medication to slow or halt the progression of the disease, and whereas the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease vary from person to person, and can include tremors, slowness of movement and rigidity, difficulty with balance swallowing, chewing and speaking, cognitive impairment and dementia, mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, skin problems and sleep difficulties. And whereas researchers, caregivers and medical professionals are all working to improve the quality of life of persons living with Parkinson’s disease. Now therefore, I Joan Peck Mayor by virtue of the authority vested in me and the City Council of the City of Longmont, do hereby proclaim April 2022 as Parkinson’s Awareness Month in Longmont and encourage residents to support those with Parkinson’s disease in the hope that a cure will soon be found. So is Tom Hubner here tonight? There he is do you want to take a picture with him? Make a statement first Are you gonna make a statement for us sir? Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 12:28
Have to put on my hat. It’s a hat. My son got me when he went to Walt Disney and it’s Donald Donald Duck and it says this is my happy face and that is one of the signs of Parkinson’s versus the first one is tremors or shaking. This is probably the most common one and you can see it everybody can see that. Next one is small handwriting. And I started out I could start out with a as big as that up there. By the time it got to the mayor, it’d be a straight line with my hand shaking. Well as to smell my wife is a wonderful cook. But I haven’t been able to smell it for a long time. trouble sleeping there and doesn’t fall in my category. take three deep breaths and go to sleep. Moving or walking. Trouble with walking or moving in balance is really critical for Parkinson’s people. Constipation so often long voice you can hear me and tell me to speak up and I’ll try my best mask face based. It’s my hat. dizziness or fainting. In last one is stomping or stooping are punching over. And I’d like to thank the Mayor and the City Council for doing this for us and keeping our city moving our city forward.

Unknown Speaker 14:16
You’re welcome. Thank you for your comments. Would you like a picture with the council? Yes. Okay. Yeah. Members, absolutely. Whoever you would like.

Unknown Speaker 14:36
Course It is time now for public invited to be heard. It looks like we have two people that have signed up. The first one is Strider Bidston. You’ll have three minutes state your name and address before you begin speaking please

Unknown Speaker 16:39
and counseled striker bent stun 951 was 17 Ah, everything’s moving so fast. It’s hard to keep up. There was a commentator on the news tonight that pointed out that just to command attention, it’s not half the game. It is the whole game. And from Sarah Palin with truthiness and then Dick Cheney with the stovepipe news, the CIA to start the war in Iraq, and Trump and now Madison Cawthorn. Um, yes, the crabs nested in the GOP became the Republican Party. They are not a political party. I’m talking nationally I don’t know about locally. They’re not a political party but a fusion of sometimes incommensurate hate groups. Ku Klux Klan, Q Anon, American Nazi Party, the gun thugs, the weapon haters, anyone who is not part of the official end crowd, whatever that is, any day are not our democratic republic cannot survive without the possibility of looking for truth, creating, discussing matters as to what they mean, rather than who you can rile up to create hatred, to go against whoever the other team is. Today, the guy on the subway in New York shot 33 bullets. He missed some people, he only wondered 13 How come he didn’t kill 100? Well, his gun champed This is what we have with the NRA getting money from Putin and Russia to finance the people here and take over. Well, let me go to the assaults last week on justice Catan chi Brown, Jackson, were the most explicitly racist, demeaning and false utterances ever made in the United States and it in its entire history, led by Lindsey Graham, Lyin Ted Moscow, Mitch and all the way now how do we fight for and rebuild a democratic republic, like Benjamin Franklin tried to help us create in the beginning, we have to create the possibility of dialogue that if it doesn’t know the truth, at least can search for it. That does not exist in the way our Congress is operating now. We have to get more truthful people in our way will no longer have a democratic republic. It is that dangerous. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 19:55
Thank you Strider Brian Johnston

Unknown Speaker 20:00
Hi I’m Brian Johnston, a nine to six Kaufman, and you’re my boy Strider I wanted to thank three members of the council that have gotten back to me in regards to me, inquiring about maybe trying to address the frequent and excessive car stereo noise ordinance violations, particularly along Main Street. And so, in order to maybe get a response from the other half of you maybe push this forward a little bit, I took an hour and a half, one weekday, last week, just went downtown, started collecting signatures from business owners, or managers and and, as 20, when I had time to visit 27 places 25 people agreed to sign it. One gentleman was like, he was a small office, he’s like, I’m in the back on the phone all day, it doesn’t bother me. The other person was like, I don’t think it’s any point I’ll do anything. It’ll be done. So she didn’t sign it. But I brought you guys copies of this, I just thought it might help maybe try to get this issue on a future agenda. And us just to discuss some policy alternatives that might take the burden off the police force having to deal with this. This includes owner Lavina Bella, the leasing manager of Roosevelt apartments manager, the pump house, some of our largest and most popular businesses, the owner of simply bulk. And a couple of people were just employees, and those are noted on there. But I just want to drop that off and ask cuz we are tired of it. It goes nonstop Friday nights all day, Saturday, Saturday night, Sundays are bad. Of course, rush hours are bad. It’s just more excessive here than anywhere I’ve ever lived. It’s every 30 to 60 seconds if you live within a few 100 feet of Main Street. And again, the law allows 25 feet. I’m not trying to enforce that I just want the excessive violators to 200 plus foot audible violators to be addressed because it’s frequent and it really hurts the environment of downtown as the owners and managers here also agree with so I brought a copies of it. I have the original I’m gonna keep because if I have time, I look like some more. Okay, and I appreciate time and appreciate everything you’ll do. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker 22:21
Thank you, Brian. Is there anyone else in public that would like to speak public invited to be heard?

Unknown Speaker 22:29
Seeing none. We will go on to the consent agenda. So the clerk would you mind reading the consent agenda items for us into the record?

Unknown Speaker 22:45
Absolutely. Mayor, thank you. Alright, so ordinances on this consent agenda will be set for second reading and public hearing on April 26 2022. Unless otherwise noted. Item nine A is ordinance o 20 2215. A bill for an ordinance making additional appropriations for expenses and liabilities of the city of Longmont for the fiscal year beginning January 120 22. Nine B is resolution our 2020 to 55. A resolution of the Longmont City Council approving an amendment to the downtown Longmont master plan of development. Item nine CS resolution our 2020 to 56. A resolution of the Longmont City Council approving the 2022 award notice under the intergovernmental agreement between Boulder County and the city of Longmont for the environmental sustainability matching grant program. Item nine D is resolution R 2020 to 57. A resolution of the Longmont City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the Colorado Department of Transportation for grant funding for click it or ticket seatbelt enforcement. Item nine E’s resolution are 2020 to 58. A resolution to the Longmont City Council approving the First Amendment to the 2021 intergovernmental agreement between the city and the city of Boulder for cost sharing for the use of overdrive downloadable digital media. Item nine F is resolution r 2022 59. A resolution of the Longmont City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the St. Vrain Valley School District for the purpose of providing easy access to library facilities and services to district students via a school ID program. Item nine G is resolution our 2020 to 60 a resolution to the Longmont City Council amending the city of Longmont 2022 classification and plate pay plan. Item nine H is resolution our 2022 61 a resolution granting in 2022 Juneteenth national Independence Day as a holiday to regular employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement. And item nine i is approved to capital improvement program amendments

Unknown Speaker 24:43
Did you hear me? i Seeing none. Can I have a motion to move the consent agenda? Councillor Martin?

Unknown Speaker 24:59
I move of the consent agenda.

Unknown Speaker 25:02
Okay, it’s been Moved by Councillor Martin seconded by Councillor Hidalgo fairing Let’s vote. So that passes unanimously. Thank you. So we are now on ordinance on second reading and public hearings on any matter if anybody in the public would like to. We’d like to speak on any of the items on second reading. We will let you know as soon as it’s soon as I read the ordinance, you can come up and speak on that ordinance. So the first one is a bill for an ordinance making additional appropriations for expenses and liabilities of the city of Longmont for the fiscal year beginning January 1 2022. Is there a staff report on this? No staff report? We’ll open it up to the public for comment. Seeing none, are there any questions from Council? No. Can I have a Can I have a motion to move with this ordinance? Approval? Thank you. That’s been Moved by Councillor waters seconded by Councillor Martin. Let’s vote.

Unknown Speaker 26:36
That carries unanimously Thank you. So the second one is a bill for an ordinance amending chapter 3.04 of the Longmont municipal code on personnel rules to add Juneteenth national independence day as a city holiday. No staff report on this either. So questions from council or comments? Seeing none, I’d like to open it to the public for any questions or comments the public has. Seeing none, can I have a motion to pass ordinance 2022 Dash 10

Unknown Speaker 27:10
I move ordinance 2022 Dash 10.

Unknown Speaker 27:14
Thank you. All right, that has been Moved by Councillor Hidalgo fairing seconded by Councillor Yarborough Let’s vote.

Unknown Speaker 27:26
And that carries unanimously. The next one is in a bill for an ordinance amending the boundaries of the Longmont Downtown Development Authority area by amending ordinance number zero Dash 2008 Dash 104. No staff report on this either I assume. Okay. Councillors. Do you have any questions? Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez.

Unknown Speaker 27:53
Thank you very much. I don’t really have a problem with it. But my my question really is, you know, for instance, and annexation requests, which is a statutory thing, obviously, there’s continuity issues. There’s one specific parcel that’s that’s requested in this that seems to have very limited continuity. So I was just wondering, do we have any such requirements, when when increasing the boundaries for our LD da? Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 28:25
Mr. brochette.

Unknown Speaker 28:27
Thank you, Mayor Peck, members of council Don Bucha planning manager, there is a requirement that they do be adjacent. And as such, we have included the right of way for Main Street from Roseville park up to the north to allow for the annexation of the properties that are north of the gap parcel that you saw.

Unknown Speaker 28:48
My question is more specifically about the one that’s on South prep.

Unknown Speaker 28:53
In that case, we’ve basically determined that it is as adjacent as all the other blocks are where they have right of way in between them, that if the property lines were extended out to the intersection, they would touch at a point which would give them the adjacent rootsy requirements.

Unknown Speaker 29:09
So it’s an adjacency not necessarily a continuity measurement. That’s correct. Okay. Thank you very much for that explanation. And also just to clarify for folks because, you know, to a certain extent, when you look at where that parcel is compared to maybe the ones up on seventh in Maine, for instance, there might be a question about that. So thank you for that explanation. As such, I move ordinance 20 2211.

Unknown Speaker 29:35
Thank you that’s been moved by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez seconded by Councillor Martin. Let’s vote. And that passes unanimously. Thank you. So the next one is the Peschel openspace and Quicksilver row. Will the annexation

Unknown Speaker 30:03
and Mayor stop did not have a presentation but they’re available to present if Council has any questions on this item.

Unknown Speaker 30:09
Thank you counselors do Would you like a presentation on this item? Seeing none, I guess we’ll just pass on the presentation tonight

Unknown Speaker 30:25
okay, I just I just needed to read this. So the ordinance is basically it’s a resolution finding a parcel of land, known as the Peschel. Open space and Quicksilver road annexation, generally located on the east side of county, County Line Road, south of St. Vrain. Creek and north of County Road 20.5 and Quiksilver road between 100/19 street and County Line Road eligible for annexation? Do we have any comments from any of the counselors on this? So let’s have a vote. It doesn’t look like Well, we do need to open it up to the public for hearing Do we have anybody in the public that would like to address this ordinance? On the Paschal

Unknown Speaker 31:14
nightmare. You have two here you have the resolution that I think you just read. And that’s just a motion by council and then we have the ordinance which is a second one which which does have the public hearing associated with it. Correct.

Unknown Speaker 31:27
Thank you. Um, but I do have a question then. Do we vote on both of these individually or just so Okay, so do I have a motion to move our 2022 6262

Unknown Speaker 31:40
resolution 2020 2262

Unknown Speaker 31:43
Thank you. Thank you that’s been Moved by Councillor dunkel fairing seconded by Councillor Yarbro. Let’s vote on this resolution.

Unknown Speaker 32:08
And we’re waiting on a vote from councilmember Martin on this one. She’s president then I will fuck that on my end. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker 32:19
Thank you. So that passes unanimously. So the second part of that is the ordinance. So this is second part of this is a bill for an ordinance approving the partial open space and Quiksilver road annexation and concept plan, generally located on the east side of county line road south of St. Vrain Creek and north of County Road 20.5 and quick Silva road between 119 street and County Line Road and zoning the property in Dash ag agriculture. Are there any questions from Council on this ordinance? No. I would like to open the public hearing on ordinance 2021 12. Seeing none, can I have a motion on ordinance 2022 12.

Unknown Speaker 33:08
So moved. Second. Okay, that’s

Unknown Speaker 33:10
been moved by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez seconded by Councillor waters Let’s vote. And that carries unanimously so the next one is 2022 13. It’s a bill for an ordinance authorizing the city of Longmont to lease the real property known as 12 628. Weld County Road one, the premises as managed by property management plus Realty LLC. Do we have a staff report on this tonight? Okay. Do we have any questions from Council? Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez.

Unknown Speaker 33:54
Thank you very much more PAC. Just a quick question. When we determine the property management companies, is this an open request? Or is it based on past experience and past relationships?

Unknown Speaker 34:16
Maybe there’s a question on the open space. Not the real, the real property. Well, county road premise. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 34:24
It’s a question on how we determine the property management company.

Unknown Speaker 34:29
mayor, Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez, David Hill, Director of parks natural resources we have in the past, use that company and we have gone out to bid at one point I’m not sure if we have this on this property particular. But we have gone through that process in the past.

Unknown Speaker 34:47
Okay, thank you very much. That answers my question. In essence, I’m not going to come in one way or another on the property management company but I was just curious about the the procedure. Thank you. Thank you. I move on. Minutes. 2022 13

Unknown Speaker 35:02
Thank you. So that has been this ordinance 2022 13 has been moved by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez seconded by Councillor waters. Let’s vote. And that passes unanimously.

Unknown Speaker 35:21
Mayor, if I may, I do want to clarify something on this as some of these are tenant specific, it’s part of the land deal those where it’s not where we own the properties, if Council will remember, we’re transitioning those properties into the Longmont housing authority for affordable housing. And so there’s a transition happening right there wondering, based on the question, I wanted to remind that we’re, we’re moving more into that area. There are times as part of the sale of properties where they want to remain a tenant and then that’s when we’ll utilize the property management companies.

Unknown Speaker 35:55
I do remember when this came up that those homes were there and that they were going to be part of the when home. So our next ordinance is a bill for an ordinance authorizing the city of Longmont to lease the real properties known as the Smith prop Smith property and the mountain shores property, the premises to GPT farms, LLC, the tenant, and this is ordinance 20 2214. No staff report on this one either. Okay, thank you. Questions from Council? Seeing none, I’ll open it up to the public. Do we have any questions? Anybody want to address this ordinance? Seeing none, I would like to ask for a motion on ordinance 20 2214. Right that has been moved by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez seconded by Councillor Martin. Let’s vote. And this is the one this is one that you were talking about that it is a tenant on this. Yeah, the agriculture. So that passed unanimously.

Unknown Speaker 37:15
This one’s in agriculture. So it’s different.

Unknown Speaker 37:18
Okay. So I think that is all on our second reading. There were no items removed from our consent agenda. So we’re on to general business and we have a presentation on sustainability and climate action is the 2021 annual report. And Nisa, Lisa, no block.

Unknown Speaker 37:45
Yeah. Good evening, Mayor Peck and members of council. There we go. All right. Okay. I’m Lisa Knobloch, I’m the sustainability prog Program Manager with consolidated services. And I’m here to give you an update tonight on our sustainability and climate action work. So before I get into the meat of our report, I’m going to ground us in our sustainability and climate action goals and our foundational documents, just as a reminder, and also because we have a new council member from the last time I did an update, I’m going to review the 2021 annual report that you have received in your packet, highlight some key work underway. discuss briefly our midterm recommendations and the status of those and then have time for some questions. I do have a lot to get through tonight. So I would ask if possible, if you could hold questions till the end that would be helpful. So just a brief overview of our foundational document is this the sustainability plan. It covers the 10 topic areas that are listed here. Each topic area has objectives, targets, strategies and timelines associated with it. It was approved first in 2018, and then updated in 20 in 2016, and then updated in 2018, after our greenhouse gas inventory report was completed to incorporate the targets and strategies from that report. All of that work supports the guiding principles and policies of Envision long mom. And then of course in in 2020, City Council approved the climate action recommendations report, with recommendations developed in the areas in blue with the from the Climate Action Task Force, which overlapped with a lot of the strategies and targets within the sustainability plan with the central theme of equity and the recommendations from the just Transition Plan Committee for equity based climate action. Just a brief overview of of our city’s greenhouse gas emissions. So we did our first inventory in 2017 with 2016 data, and that was updated in 2019. So this graph you see here reflects our 2019 data, that inventory already identified our primary sources of greenhouse gas emissions being electricity, natural gas and transportation. With some small slivers of some additional things that you can see there. The dark blue represents our emissions from delivered energy. And that orange represents what we refer to as our additional equity share emissions. So those that’s our portion as a member, owner of Platte River Power Authority, the emissions associated with the power that’s generated and then sold on the open market, so not necessarily delivered to Longmont. So the inner ring there shows our primary sources. And then the outer ring shows the sectors that make up those sources. So you can see almost 80% of our emissions come from building energy use, both with electricity, natural gas and the commercial and residential sector. Our climate action goals were determined through that greenhouse gas inventory report, which identified 11 recommendations that had not only greenhouse gas reduction potential, but also significant community co benefits such as improving public health, and utility affordability. We then modeled those 11 recommendations to identify both ambitious and achievable greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets. And those were reducing 66% of our emissions by 2030. And 69%, by 2050, you can see the bulk of the impact really comes from our commitment to transitioning to 100% renewable energy by 2030. So that’s why you see that steep drop there and then not much gain between 2030 and 2050. And as a as a reminder, you all have seen this graph before, this didn’t include building electrification. But we have that work underway currently, which I’ll talk about shortly. So I’m not going to go through the entire report, you will have that in your packet. There’s a lot of information there. But I’m going to touch on some key highlights specific to the climate action work. But I just wanted to note, if you’ll recall, prior to last year, we were doing quarterly progress reports in pretty lengthy, substantive spreadsheets that were very informative, but probably not highly read by a lot of folks. So last year, after we approved the climate action recommendations report, we switched to a biannual reporting process with a mid year and an end of year report. 2021 marks the first of these annual reports. 2021 was also marked the marked five years of implementation of the sustainability plan, and one year of implementation of our climate action recommendations report. So it’s also a really good time for us to take stock in how well we’re doing and implementing our recommendations and meeting our targets.

Unknown Speaker 42:43
So overall, we’re doing pretty well. 89% of our recommendations are on track for implementation. And 73% of our targets have either been met, they’re on track, or they’re associated with mid or mid term recommendations that haven’t been implemented yet. That said, we think that there’s a big opportunity as we move toward the update of our sustainability plan and the Envision Longmont comprehensive plan to take those targets to the next level and be more ambitious. And then if you want to see all of the Envision and sustainability metrics, you can always go to Longmont, goes into more detail there. So I want to note just a couple of formatting pieces to the report that you’ll see. On the left hand side, you’ll see the key accomplishments and highlights from the 10 sustainability topic areas. There’s on the right hand side of that page, you’ll see the icons that show the linkages to the Envision Longmont guiding principles. We’ve incorporated a climate action icon to show specifically where there are climate action recommendation report recommendations that support or accelerate or expand recommendations that were already noted within the sustainability plan. And then on the right hand side here, we have the actions snapshot which show our targets how well we’re on track to meeting those targets in the most recent data that they that we have available. A couple of highlights, there’s few asterisks notice noted in there, one of which just shows that we have a couple of targets that we haven’t yet identified baselines for their their targets that are a little bit more unusual, or that we haven’t yet determined a good process for identifying those baselines. So we just wanted to note that. And then also we wanted to be realistic with regards to where we added are and meeting those targets, but also wanted to highlight that that some of our programs have had significant impact from COVID. So even though it looks like we’re not doing well on those, we wanted to be real about those participation numbers, but also wanted to note that those have been significantly impacted by COVID and our ability to engage with the community. Just to to review our climate action recommendations on the left, we have our near term recommendations that were set to be implemented in the 2021 and 2022 timeframe. As you can see from the green checkmarks, the majority of those are underway in some capacity. And then the midterm recommendations are coming up to be implemented in the 2023 to 2027 timeframe. You can see there’s some work underway already in those areas. And I’ll get into some of the details more shortly. And then we have the three recommendations that were put in this monitor over time category that had some complexity or had some additional things that needed to be done or some evolution that we just need to pay attention to before we get into the implementation of those strategies. So we’re keeping an eye on those. And then we have the equity recommendations that were developed from the just transition plan. Committee. Those fall into two categories, this equity assessment, which is focused on capacity, capacity building, ensuring that we’re applying an equity lens to our climate action, and engaging frontline communities. That are those folks that are most impacted by climate change. And then aid of recommendations that are process based recommendations to integrate equity into climate action. Staff has been working to adapt these recommendations to be inequity checklist and discussion guide that we use for application and implemented implementing climate action recommendations. So I’m going to go a little bit deeper into those three primary areas that contribute to our greenhouse gas emissions and talk about where we’re at in meeting our targets there. So first of all, as I mentioned, electricity is our primary contributor, we have our overarching goal of reducing 66% of our emissions by 2030 and 69 by 2056 9%. By 2050. As of 2019, which is the last year that we did our greenhouse gas inventory, or the last year we have data for we’ve decreased our emissions by 8%. We collect that data every three years. So we’ll do that in 2023 with 2022 data. So we hope to see a continued trend and decreasing our emissions at that time.

Unknown Speaker 47:07
And then we have two supporting objectives that help us meet this goal, which is increasing electric energy savings to 2% annually through energy efficiency measures by 2025. That was an increase called for from the Climate Action Task Force, we had a previous target of 1% by 2020. As you can see, we didn’t meet that goal in 2021. That was largely due to again, the impacts of COVID. And most of our efficiency, our efficiency programs, our direct in home installation and assessments and things like that. We also saw an increase in consumption, electricity, electric consumption last year. And then our increased to renewable energy to 100%. By 2030. We are doing well on that area. So in 2021, our delivered energy from TRPA was 50%, renewable, and their total energy mix was 37%. Renewable. And then in the blue boxes, we have the five Climate Action Task Force recommendations, the dark blue boxes are those near term recommendations. And the light blue are the midterm recommendations. The green arrows show work that’s underway in those areas. So just a couple of things to highlight that the initial deployment areas are underway for the AMI installation. Last year, Platte River Power Authority and member communities finalized the distributed energy resource strategy report and individual communities are now developing specific actions. And then one thing I wanted to highlight in case you aren’t familiar with this, we get asked this question quite a bit. But TRPA recently included a functionality on their website where you can go on and see near real time information about their energy mix. So that’s really a step toward that carbon intensity segment signaling, but it’s a really helpful resource if you all weren’t aware of that. So I just wanted to make sure to flag that. Natural gas again, we have our overarching goal of the 2% energy efficiency goal, and then also an objective to decrease utility cost burden for low income households. So we are doing pretty well on that one. As you can see, we have a lot going on in this section, particularly with regards to energy efficiency. We have the commercial benchmarking program, which was launched, which you all I know got an update about recently or ongoing work with commercial efficiency. The electrification plan is underway and set to be completed by mid year. Building codes. You all recently adopted the 2021 IECC building codes with some additional strengthening and strengthening amendments for solar and Evie readiness. We are also looking at electrification provisions through the electrification plan process. And we’re now participating in a regional code cohort with other communities, trying to create some consistent See across the region in terms of our code requirements. And there’s two phases to that. So the first phase is getting all all participating communities to adopt the 2020 2021 ICC codes, which as I mentioned, long months already done. And then also, phase two of that is developing a roadmap to net zero new construction by some agreed upon target date. So we’ll keep you apprised as that evolves. And then we’re there’s yellow arrows, those are just areas where we’ve had some constraints or some challenges. As I mentioned, the low income energy efficiency program and residential energy efficiency programs were really impacted significantly by COVID. We also didn’t have a lot of staff capacity and LPC recently hired a new staff person to help with outreach on that program. So we hope to see increase in participation this coming year. In the transportation section, we have our target to reduce transportation emissions, I don’t have a status on that in terms of how well we’re doing, largely because the methodology for the greenhouse gas accounting and transportation changed quite a bit from 2016 to 2019. So technically, we’ve actually already met that 40% by 2030 goal. But because of that change, I want to wait until the next time we do our inventory, so that we can really see whether or not we’re making gains in that area, because I don’t think that would be really accurately reflected at this time. Sorry, I don’t know what’s happening with some of that. Formatting there. That’s not supposed to be crossed out. It’s supposed to be underlined. Sorry about that. But we do have our supporting objectives. So increasing vehicle electrification, and in increasing mode share.

Unknown Speaker 51:44
As you can see, we have a long way to go with vehicle electrification. We are working, as I mentioned, with regional partners, the state has goals that are supporting this, we’re looking for additional funding that’s coming down from the state and federal government as well. To help support this, we did have a little bump in 2021. In the report that you all saw, we actually this is just brand new data. So I did update this in the slide and on Longmont indicators. But it’s slightly different from the 2020 data that you all saw on the report that you got. And then also we have our additional fleet goal. And although we have a long way to go, our fleet folks and Sandy and her team are doing a lot of awesome work in transitioning our fleet, we are doing pretty well on both share over 20. Our data is from 2019. And as you can imagine, that took a pretty big hit from COVID as well. So it’s going to be a couple of years, I think before we really see the long term impacts of that. The Climate Action Task Force recommendations and transportation for a midterm or monitor over time recommendations. Excuse me, however, we have a lot going on in this area. So as you all recall, we brought the equitable carbon free transportation roadmap to all last year. That’s a big mouthful. But that plan really consolidated the actions that are happening across the organization to help streamline, streamline and prioritize those actions that help us meet that transportation emissions reduction goal. And doing so in a way that benefits everyone in our community. You have has to go Eevee resolution in September of last year that affirmed our commitment to transportation electrification and also set some additional targets. And then we’re also participating participating in a regional Evie plan with a cohort of communities, primarily from Boulder County that are developing recommendations and those four focus areas there and really helping to guide action and alignment as a region to advance transportation electrification. In addition to those areas, we have our continued climate risk and vulnerability mapping work in 2020 to supporting adaptation and resilience. We’re going to be including some additional climate exposures, we’re going to be incorporating visualization of some primate climate projection data that was produced last year through a complementary project happening at the county so that we’re showing climate impact projections based on different climate scenarios. And those that’s really the precursor to developing a public health plan focused on the impacts of climate change. The big picture climate lecture series, we launched in 2021, in partnership with the museum and we’re going to be continuing that in 2022 with a quarterly format beginning in the fall. And then the commercial and residential composting is incorporated into our zero waste work, which we’ve been talking to about recently. Equity and climate action so our equitable Climate Action Team provided feedback on eight city projects last year, as I mentioned that the staff has been working to develop the recommendations into an equity checklist and discussion guide, which we’re applying to the electrification plan and our zero waste work. And then the Boulder County climate justice collaborative, collaborative is a new collaborative effort with government partners community members in the philanthropies foundation focused on advancing climate justice in the county. And then some additional supporting efforts. Again, I apologize for the formatting there. Just wanted to highlight our sustainable business program continues to grow. We have we had 44th, businesses certified in 2021 21, of which were minority owned, we have the closure of the last active oil and gas surface operations within the city limit. And that helped meet our target of reducing our methane emission leaks. Although we know that we continue to deal with the impacts of oil and gas operations outside our city. And so we are continuing our air quality monitoring work, and then continuing to expand support for the GreenStar Schools Program, which is run by eco cycle, and focus on zero waste education in the school district there. And then lastly, I want to highlight that for the first time Longmont, we reported, our climate action work through the CDP reporting process, which is the stands for the carbon disclosure project. It’s a global environmental disclosure system for a number of different entities, cities, states and regions, companies, investors, folks that are doing climate action work, they want to disclose that work and receive a score. It has a pretty comprehensive, comprehensive evaluation system that takes into account both mitigation work and adaptation. And 965 cities received a score only 95 of which made the a list including some some of our regional partners, we received in an A minus for our mitigation score. And so mitigation is really looking at the work that we’re doing to reduce our overall greenhouse gas emissions. And that’s largely associated with that transition to 100%. Renewable energy by 2030. We received a B in terms of adaptation. So that’s how well we’re preparing our community for the impacts of climate change, we actually would have likely received an A had we completed our climate risk and vulnerability mapping project at the time that we reported, but that project wasn’t done yet. So we did get a B, so our final overarching score was a B. So it’s pretty good. For our first year reporting, we got a lot of really helpful feedback from the person who was providing some technical assistance for that, we think we’re set up really well to receive an A in 22 are climate risk and vulnerability work will be done, they are incorporating some additional requirements to have science based targets for both an interim goal and a net zero by 2050 goal. And a science based target is really a target that’s proportional to our long months contribution to global emissions. In some initial calculations we’ve done we believe that that 66% by 2030, target would meet that sinespace target for 2022. So again, we are I think, in pretty good position to receive an A hopefully in 2022. But beginning of 2023, they will require both an interim target and a net zero by 2050. Target. And as I mentioned earlier, we are in the process of doing some updating to our greenhouse gas modeling process, we’re going to be incorporating some additional energy efficiency programs, the code updates that I talked about earlier. And then we’ll also bring in the recommendations from the electrification plan once that’s completed, and look at the modeling and how that impacts our greenhouse gas emissions reduction target. So we’ll in the interim be also investigating more detailed information on developing a science based target. That’s really the trend in this area. And then so we’ll be coming back to council later this year once the electrification plan is completed with that additional information and discuss with council at that time if you’ll want to increase or revise our greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, and potentially add a net zero by 2050 or another target date at that time. So next steps our midterm recommendations are under review for implementation timelines, budgets and other details. We’ll have your our mid year report to like the summer and then we’ll continue to bring project based updates as needed to you all. With that, are there any questions? Comments anything else?

Unknown Speaker 59:30
Councillor Martin?

Unknown Speaker 59:32
Yes. No surprises there. Could you please return to slide 10? Lisa?

Unknown Speaker 59:47
Okay, there you though, okay. Um, so the My first question is about carbon intensity signaling, which was a an explicit record. emendation of the Climate Action Task Force. And we had a note in in 2019, from Jim Butcher, who is no longer with the Platte River Power Authority, but he, the note says, Yeah, we haven’t even thought about it. And now they’ve got the website with the real time near real time energy mix, which is nice for people to look at. But it is not machine readable, and cannot be used by a control system to regulate the activity of the distributed energy resources that we have underway. So I understand that this is something that’s in the purview of the Platte River Power Authority. But the reason I’m bringing it up here is because first the public has a right to know. And second, I hope that your organization and Longmont power will keep the pressure on to get those things done. Because that is essential, we won’t be able to do our part for the Platte River area, and we won’t be able to make the best use of the money that we are spending on energy management, if we don’t have that feature. And I’m thinking 2025 is a good date that it should be there. So I guess Lisa, the question that you could ask for me is, is what kind of round trip policy updates do you have going on between our sustainability and and utility organizations and the decision makers at Platte River Power Authority?

Unknown Speaker 1:01:48
Yeah, Mayor Peck and Councilmember Martin I’m going to tap Dave Hornbacher to step in for that one, because that’s definitely more in his realm than it is mine.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:06
Hi, good evening, Mayor Peck members of city council. I’m Dave Hornbacher, the interim Deputy City Manager, Councilmember Martin great questions, absolutely agree with you that we need to keep Platte River moving forward to that actual signaling, because a lot of what we’re talking about is really based on that, you know, we we’ve talked before about synchronization between when renewables are high that we have a system that can absorb those renewables and when renewables are low, we have a system that can either provide energy to it, and or offset energy to it to try and match those things up. I think you’re 2025 date that you said, I’d like to think that that’s really achievable. And something that we’ll push for, as far as the communication part, at least. And I do spend quite a bit of time trying to make sure that we’re coordinated, because we sort of, we travel in different circles, but we have this really strong overlap of what we do. It’s important that we maintain that type of cohesiveness. So we have the, say, the grace strength out there, not just with Platte River, but you know, with the broader things, especially in at least the groups does with climate action.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:15
I think also to touch on that is one of the things that they talked about in the Platte River board that Jason’s talked about is bringing in a monthly meeting by monthly meeting with city managers in the utility directors. And that’s actually a venue where on things that we’re building. So when we talk about what we’re doing with AMI, where we’re looking at distributed energy, that’s a venue now for the two of us to then take what are we trying to accomplish as a city. And it’s a different pressure point to say, for us to operationalize this, here’s where we’re going to need you. So there’s going to be a different component, a different venue for us to engage in this conversation at the same time.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:55
Very good. I’m really happy about that. And I just I want to say, you know, Longmont is is clearly by consensus of the different cities, we are leading the pack in terms of the energy transition at this point. We’re putting in place all the mechanisms that we need to have in order to use carbon intensity signaling profitably, and and again, profitably for both the city itself and for the greater region. So definitely doing our part. But that one piece, the signaling is not something we can do for ourselves, and we have to make sure that Platte River steps up. Absolutely. My second question is about vehicle electrification. And, again, I feel like Longmont is doing a lot. You know, there are a lot of commercial charging locations here, there are a lot of charging locations provided by the city. So, you know, I think Evie, adopters, Evie adopters, I wouldn’t call them early adopters anymore, but they are pretty, pretty secure around the city. But one thing that the beneficial electrification team noticed, as we were, you know, going through the opportunities and gaps analysis that we we needed to do was the Platte River power authorities, buying agency efficiency works used to sell at a discount level two chargers for home use. And they were communicating level two chargers, which means that they had the capability to manage, you know, arbitrate charging, so that not too many vehicles on the same under the same service transformer were charging all at the same time. And that’s a really important feature for grid reliability, as well as demand management. And we were just we were kind of disparate, distressed, to see that they had dropped that discounting program. And it’s no longer available. And it’s a huge was a huge discount. Because those are those devices can cost up to $800. So, again, how are we holding efficiency works specifically to account? Or is there some other group by source that we can, you know, restore, restore that feature that amenity to our people to encourage early adoption? And again, it comes back to why did PRP think this was okay, why does it did they think it was not necessary to be available to the public.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:10
So, on that note, Councilmember Martin, I received an email regarding PRP and an explanation, David, and I did talk about that. And so I will use the example of I just bought an Eevee. And so David, and I had a fairly lengthy conversation last last week, David, late last week, on this very issue, and we’re actually setting up a meeting with the individual to talk through some of those things, because the example that I gave is user patterns on an Eevee. And so if you don’t have a level two charger at your house, and you’re plugging into 110, that can take upwards of 16 hours to to charge the car. And so and then you tap into what they call charging anxiety in terms of where people are. And so what I’ve seen, you know, in my family is they end up utilizing chargers in the community during the day or during times where there may be a lot of electricity being pulled into other directions. And it’s just because of that component. And so we talk through that in terms of when do we want people to charge? If you want them to charge at night? Is there a way to incentivize that charging? by offsetting some of the costs, we even went beyond that we went to if when you have the AMI component and the distributed energy resources, if and when you do drop something like that out, the question is, how many people are going to want it? And what kind of load are you going to put on your system? So there’s some operational components that we talked about? So to that question, we’re actually trying to set up a meeting so that we can have that conversation and see what that’s gonna look like in the near future, or the

Unknown Speaker 1:09:00
Yeah, it’s, and those are very good steps. I really just wanted to bring them out. But you know, I urge all of you because you are the control points here. That we need to tighten up our holding PRP to account on these matters because they have they very directly impact our residents. Thank you. You’re welcome.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:27
And I being on the PRP board. I just want to assure Councillor Martin that with the discussions that we’ve been having, we’ve changed a bit of the paradigm on the way we are working which which brought which brought P RPA to interact with the city managers now. And each of the cities are interacting more on all of these issues. So I just wanted you to know that we are aware and we are working on them and with day Did at the helm in Longmont were doing really well. And Harold is also in those conversations very forcefully, which is great. So thank you. Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:19
Thank you. Thank you my back. This kind of segues on this previous conversation a little bit in the sense that increasing Evie usage is, you know, really a fait accompli. And if you ask me, not just from political pressure, but also from producer pressure, in the sense that you see all of the major auto manufacturers kind of moving in this direction as well. What is not getting the same kind of pressure, I think, is what I would call retrofitting of homes to get away from natural gas usage in their major appliances, be it furnaces, water heaters, cooking appliances, things like that. And I think that’s going to take a little bit more work on the micro scale versus the macro scale. And so my question is, first off, when we do rebates for efficiency, toilets and efficiency, water features, such as showerheads and things like that. Is that based on grant funding, or are we funding that through the general fund?

Unknown Speaker 1:11:25
Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez council members, I’m going to take my best to answer that. And and I might tap Francie, if she she can tell me if I’m incorrect on that. The the water efficiency rebates specifically for water conservation upgrades, so to speak, come from our water resources fund, not from the general fund.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:48
Okay. waterphone. Yeah, yes. Okay. But it is not coming from necessarily national or state grants.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:55
No, we do sometimes get grants for specific specific water conservation projects. We do frequently get grants for things like that, that help us improve those things, but not, to my knowledge for those types of upgrades in people’s homes. Let’s jump in.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:13
And we are currently underway with a grant funded replacement of meters that will encourage conservation.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:21
Sure, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:23
And you know, the last thing that I want to share with you, Councilman Rodriguez is that I’m very excited about, we don’t have all the details worked out right now. But staff is working on a demonstration kitchen project. So what we hope to have is something in the community that’s basically electric kitchen components. So that literally you could go there and test those out and and see how how they would perform, especially if you’re used to a gas. And you can be really impressed by how those perform. And hopefully, they’ll inspire you to do the same at home. Sure, versus

Unknown Speaker 1:12:52
like an induction stovetop, for instance. Yes, exactly. And so, you know, what’s really going to make the most difference, in my opinion, is education first, and then probably incentivization. So people do these kinds of changes, before their water heater goes out or before their furnace goes out. Because then you’re in emergency mode, right, you need your hot water, you need your heat, whatever. So when you know that you’re getting at the end of the the functional life of your appliance, that there might be some incentive there, similar to the water, you know, efficiency rebates. And I think that’ll be more functional than, say, trying to, you know, jam this down immediately. And so just kind of making that transition into that full electrification and retrofitting of properties. Also, including the level two charging for EVs, which we, you know, we had a good conversation about when when we adopted the new building codes about retrofitting, versus, with new construction and, and the cost differences there. And so I’m not proposing any policy changes at this time. But I’m just saying that, you know, as we’re moving towards that, as an end goal, that we start to look at those kinds of programs and, and obviously, funding mechanisms for those. So in like I said, not as maybe exciting as EVs, but definitely very important in the conversation. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:19
Excellent. I appreciate that input.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:22
Can I? Can I just jump in real quick before I move on? I do want to add a couple of things. So as I mentioned, the electric building electrification plan is underway. And that’s exactly what we’re looking at is what are those recommendations? What is a phased approach that can look at, you know, what pieces do we do first with regards to education and outreach and get folks ready? And what is it that we’re talking about? So that we’re not necessarily at a point of, you know, here it is, and your water heater goes out? And you’re trying to figure out what to do? And at what point do we bring in different policies and different incentives to help shepherd that process so that’s absolutely what you all will see when that electric occasion planning comes before you later this year. And that funding piece is absolutely a part of that as well. Some of those things are quite costly. And we want to be upfront about that. I want to also highlight one of our strategies from the climate action recommendations report is to develop a Climate Action Fund. So we’re in the process right now of hiring a grant coordinator who will manage that. And that’s really looking at where are some revenue sources that we can pull from to really support our low income households in our small businesses in that transition. And so that we can help give people as much lead time as possible, and then the support that people need for that transition.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:39
So come somewhere. And before I call on you, I would just have one question for you, Lisa. Um, as we look at the electrification of the city, many of the developers in the past have developed without any gas, it’s all in electrical development. Is there any way in our city to decide what parts of the city were built that way to begin with, so we have some idea as to the percentage of work we need to do to get to where we want to go? Because when I think about, you know, electrification in the city, that’s a huge, that’s a huge bit of land. So if we could break it down into grids and parts of the cities that we have to work with, that would be a good idea. Thank you. And I see David has just

Unknown Speaker 1:16:28
gonna say, just to add to that, we do have a separate electric rate for all electric homes. And so we do have a pretty good listing of the existing electric Collins because there was, I think it was back in the mid 1980s, especially when there’s a gas moratorium on some areas like solar village off of nine Ford in that area, there were several areas that came in exclusively all electric because they just could not get the gas taps at the time, actually. So we do have some of that information. It’s a very small percentage, but it is something to work off

Unknown Speaker 1:17:01
of. Great. Thank you, Councillor Martin.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:09
Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Peck. I don’t have any more questions. But I have been working with Susan Bartlett on several tracks associated with the beneficial electrification program. So I may have more information at this second than anybody else, since Susan isn’t here. And so I wanted to add some more information that directly speaks to what the Mayor Pro Tem was asking about, we have determined that a significant number of people are going to need either full or partial subsidies for appliance replacement. And we have received a pretty significant inventory of grant funding opportunities for getting money to do that to build up an Electrification Fund. And that’s, that’s going to be really, really significant. And then I think I lost my other point. Two of them. We really, we really are, oh, contractor, vet recruitment and verification that is essentially a program that’s going to start almost immediately because we are we’re in fact, taking a class in the next two weeks, on how to get contractors locally that are ready to help people with with replacing their near death, gas appliances, with electric appliances, getting good prices for them getting out skillful installations. And, you know, all of that stuff, instead of what happens now is, is, you know, depending on who you choose for your contractor, you’re likely to be told, Oh, you don’t really want to do that to you. So we’re planning a number of really positive concrete steps to get those things done. And it was a really good question.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:19
Yeah, thank you, Councilmember Martin, yet that workforce development piece, that education piece is really critical. And then the last thing that I want to mention is, just to reiterate the importance of efficiency. I also know it’s not as exciting as EVs are electrification, but it’s really critically important to do the efficiency measures before we move into electrification so that we’re not using more electricity than we need to. And especially that’s one of our main mechanisms to help mitigate the impact of somebody’s utility bill as well. There’s also a lot of CO benefits with regards to in home health and comfort as well. So I just want to reiterate the importance of energy efficiency. Great.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:58
Looks like Councillor Yarborough. has a

Unknown Speaker 1:20:03
Thank you, Mayor Peck, thank you for the presentation. I just want to state from someone who this is, I’m learning so much. And I have to agree with Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez that and also Councilwoman Martin, about education is so important. And I can’t reiterate that enough because I was raised on, I love to cook. So I just want us to look from our perspective of those who have used gas forever. And also in those neighborhoods where everything for them to change out everything, like he was saying, what incentives are we providing? So how are we going to I know, maybe it won’t be sexy, but how can we make it sexy? For those for the population who actually are not wanting like, why should day right? So education is very important. And like for me, like I said, I love to cook and gas for me, I think is amazing to cook on a gas stove. But looking and learning more as I was running for office and learning more now. It’s so important that we do change, and but how do we change with information for those people who are not wanting to change, we also have to provide grace to write and not just point fingers at people who are loving that gas stove. But how it benefits our community and how it benefits our city. And also us right in the future in our future our kids. And so I guess what I’m really trying to say is making sure that everything that we do, we put forth with that perception of those people who were who are just like me, who love gas, though, who love to cook, or really don’t see why they should change. You know, most of the people will probably already talking to other people who are already ready for this to happen. What about those people who are not. And so I just think that we have to be really mindful of really, sometimes maybe going into the trenches to talk to people and explain in and show them why this is so so important. And I know we can’t make it sexy, but make it kind of cute, cute, or some kind of way. Because I know we’re in you dated with, you know, renewable energy. And but it is important. So how do we get it to our youth in? explain to them why it’s important, because I guarantee you they can come up and make it cuter. So I just want to say thank you so much.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:54
Absolutely. Thank you so much. I appreciate that comment. Councilmember Yarborough and yeah, we that’s why we work really closely the value of the equitable Climate Action Team and those folks and really understanding not just what are the needs and priorities of the community? And how are we speaking to that, but how, what is that messaging? What are those avenues, our partnership with the community and neighborhood resources, folks is really critical in that regard, too. But thank you appreciate that comment. And yeah, I’m not the one that can figure out how to make it cute. We joke in my team about how much we love color coded spreadsheet. So really lean on our relationships with other folks to help figure that out.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:35
Thank you, Lisa, you can tell by this council, how important this is to us and to the community. So thank you for all your work.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:43
Well, thank you all so much. I just want to say I appreciate your your leadership and your support and that of the community as well. It was really exciting for us to you know, be is not that not an A but it was pretty exciting for us to receive that score kind of our first year out the gate. So I just want it I appreciate everything that you all provide to us as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:01
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:05
So now we are going to have our legislative updates by our assistant city manager Sandy cedar.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:19
Thanks, Mayor, Members of Council Sandy cedar assistant city manager, I have four housing bills for you this week. So they all kind of dropped around the same time. You can tell by the bill numbers that we had a whole bunch of activity in this over the last week. The first one is House Bill 2212 82. Concerning the creation of an innovative housing incentive program. This basically would give an incentive program a grant program so that housing manufacturers can apply for funding directly. The incentive could apply to manufacturers of affordable housing or and or those who are meeting certain meeting certain energy efficiency standards, also based on the location so this is basically the census tract idea that you’ve certainly heard about Hear before, it really is sort of aimed towards manufactured housing but would be available to anyone who’s producing housing. And since this affordable housing is a council priority, Staff recommends that the city council support House Bill 2212 82.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:17
Who is the Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:24
Thank you, Mayor PAC. So I think this is a really advantageous tool that the state legislature is going through. Partially because Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae who are two of the biggest buyers of home loans have specific programs for manufactured housing, one called MH advantage, which is Fannie Mae’s, and the other one is called Choice Home, which is Freddie Mac’s. And these are specifically you could probably not tell that they’re manufactured homes because they have higher dormered roofs, for instance, and they have covered porches. And they require things like paved sidewalk and in garages, right. So not that not the traditional thing that you consider for manufactured homes. So I’m very excited that the state is going forward this because that will allow us a lot more accessibility to have these programs for for potential developers and potential buyers of these homes. Because like I said, you would not really even know that these are manufactured houses with like I said, the MH advantage and the Choice Home programs through Freddie and Fannie. So thank you, I would support HB 2212 82.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:36
Right. So we have Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez, made the motion seconded by Councillor Martin. Let’s vote on supporting this bill. That passes unanimously, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:07
You’re right, they’ve come a very long way. So the next one is House Bill 22 1304. Concerning state grants. This is basically the state that is using their ARPA funding to be able to provide grants for nonprofits and local governments to be able to incent affordable housing. So obviously, that’s of interest to us. In addition to our own ARPA funding, it’s a great way to be able to leverage those federal dollars and since affordable housing is a council priority, we recommend that you support House Bill 22 1304.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:38
Right that’s been Moved by Councillor Martin seconded by Councillor Hidalgo fairing to support 22. One 1304. That’s vote. That passes unanimously.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:55
Thank you, Mayor. Next one is Senate Bill 22 159, concerning creation of a revolving loan program to be able to make these investments on transformational housing. So this is a set of loans that would be done through CHAFA that would kind of have some of the same goals around you know, making sure that there are property conversions, non traditional Housing and Communities where the pandemic has significantly affected again, using the census tract idea. And so since the Affordable housing is a priority, Staff recommends that Council supports Senate Bill 22 159.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:28
I have a question. Would this help with the rebuilding of the fires in Superior? And Lewisville, do you think

Unknown Speaker 1:28:36
this one is really aimed towards low low low in Yeah. Okay. So on that census tract so bad, although there are a couple of insurance bills that are out there right now, we haven’t taken a position on those. But that would you know, certainly it might not help particularly in this particular disaster, but it would down the road. Yeah, could help down the road.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:54
Okay. So I’ll move 20 to 159. All right. It’s been moved by me and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem reverie, because that’s vote. And that passes unanimously. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:14
Thank you, Mara, and the last one Senate Bill 22 160 concerning programs to preserve mobile home communities. Oftentimes when a mobile home community is put up for sale, the residents are notified, but there’s often not enough time to be able to gather capital or to be able to take a look at loans or programs that could help them to do so. So what Senate Bill 160 would do is would be would create a revolving loan program so that folks who live in a manufactured home community would be able to borrow the money before they were able to utilize some of the different grant programs including our own. So again, the staff recommends the City Council supports Senate Bill 22 160.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:52
But does have to go through CHAFA or is to underprice or would their normal banks. be allowed to We do this.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:02
I didn’t notice a particular restriction just to CHAFA. The revolving loan program would come from the state somehow, but I’m not sure that the rules would were promulgated as part of this as to what that would look like specifically. Okay. But the funds would come from the state would be revolving loan. So they might, they might go ahead and do that with CHAFA. But it wasn’t it didn’t specify in the bill.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:21
Okay. All right. Do I have a motion to move? 22? Oh, you I have one there are seven.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:30
Thank you, Mayor Peck. I will make the motion that I just wanted to say this is the you know, the helping our aging mobile home parks and our residents who are trapped between their ownership of the home and rising lot rent. Neat has been a priority for four years, and we’ve never been able to think of a really good way of getting it done. So I emphatically move that we support this program.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:01
Do I have a second? Thank you. That’s been Moved by Councillor Martin. seconded by Councillor waters, let’s vote. And that passes unanimously. Thank you, Mara.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:13
It’s a very smart way to do it. So yeah. Thanks, Sandy. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:18
Okay, we are at the final call public invited to be heard. Do we have anybody in the public that would like to? I see or I see one public. So seeing none, we’ll move on to Marion Council comments. Do we have any comments from councillors? Councillor Hidalgo fairing

Unknown Speaker 1:31:43
Thank you, Mayor. You know, I have a couple of comments. So one I wanted to talk about last one, was it during democracy was it last week, it was Wednesday, I think it was last Wednesday. So a few council members attended the doing democracy day that is put on by an educator, a couple of educators and the social studies team through the sames really, it was it was really amazing and very inspiring for me, that our group of kids coming up, you know, they just have a really grounded sense of community and in strengthening our, our, you know, our city. So, you know, we received I received a lot of questions on mental health, homelessness, housing, mental health, and, and, and healthcare and just things that we could do kind of separating spicing out what we do, we can do at the local level, the state level, and, and really advocating to our, to our Congress, people about what what needs to be done in our in our community for for our folks. And so this, you know, this kind of looking at the legislative bills last Friday, I was at the Capitol, with the teachers, it speaking with our state legislators, and, you know, so much of what we asked for as public, public employees, you know, the need for housing, the need for mental health, the need for health care, you know, I’m was very hopeful to hear so many of our legislators on both sides of the aisle, really wanting to address the these needs for our, for their constituents, for our residents for especially for our public employees, you know, we don’t make top dollar, but we do good work. And then the other thing I had, since the last Council meeting, I had the library board meeting, and I kind of wanted to let the rest of council know that you know about the upcoming feasibility study. And you know, that that’ll be coming down the pike around end of month or into May maybe. I’m not sure as we were kind of discussing what would be a good time. I was I listened through the whole feasibility study, something that I recommended to the board. So you know, if the board comes back to you, hey, with this kind of came from me, so I apologize. But I really wanted to have a thorough update. So the public knows the public understands and the rest of council really knows all those pieces that were put into this, as they as they report out and make recommendations or, you know, list of options for us to to discuss. And, and then you know, we just got an update on the library construction that’s coming underway. It’s good now before the end of May, when everything and I had asked questions about ADA compliancy as far as the elevators getting upstairs, looks like those elevators are really going to need to be replaced. And I’ve been I’ve written and so yeah, I concur with that with that piece. And Harold, you look like you wanted

Unknown Speaker 1:35:11
to answer in terms of the study met with Nancy. And I think two weeks ago there were some things in the study that at least what we had didn’t answer in terms of really understanding base level, where do we want to move to in terms of low, mid and high. And, and then understanding what the cost is. And so I believe the draft of that was sent back to Nancy, I think she got it over the weekend, Jeff, Nancy and I are going to sit down and go over that, and then that’ll really determine timeline we were we projected to have it on the 19th, we didn’t get the information from the consultant in time. And so we’re gonna have to move that. And once we get a look at the study itself, and see if it answers the questions, then we will start working on that scheduling.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:59
Okay. And yeah, one of the, you know, the feedback that I gave to the consulting agency, and the rest of the board was really, you know, we look at the library, it is the great equalizer, you know, for people who are low income, to get the books to get the resources they need to to advance. And so, you know, I really feel like we need to be adequately funding by whatever, you know, really looking at all the options and taking a close, close look at what are all the options available. I suppose a piece of data that really had me concerned was looking at the per capita funding for the library in between us and neighboring communities, and we were the lowest in looking at at that. And that’s, that’s embarrassing. I’ll be honest. And so I just, you know, I want to be able to look at all the options, see what we can really have a robust discussion about what which direction we want to, we want to take and just support the library for, for future generations for a community now. And you know, as we’re growing, you know, we need to think about these places that are free to make sure that they are adequately funded. So everyone has the resources that they need. And then, you know, my work with the museum, there was an email that came out, I don’t know if it came out to the rest of city council yet about the 26th a collections visit. Does that sound familiar? Or maybe I got it earlier. But it sounded like they’re wanting to do a tour for city council to look at the collections space. I’ve been there before. It’s really cool. And someone who’s an artists or I love stuff. So it was really neat to see all that stuff. So and that. That’s as far as what I have. But and thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:57
That was great. And I think that some of your questions are probably good for when we talked about the budget. So Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:11
Thank you, Mayor Peck. First of all, congratulations to our Boulder County on the ribbon cutting for the Quality Center of the Rockies. Councilmember Yarborough and myself, were there for the ribbon cutting, along with a lot of currently elected and formerly elected officials, including the governor and the first gentleman. It was it’s a wonderful facility and I look forward to seeing how they they serve the Rockies, if you will, because it’s for everybody. The other thing I would like to say is, I know council members have received an invitation for a thing on the 15th. This Friday or the 28th. Both of them are conversations with local elected officials and staff members about greenhouse gas emissions concerning transportation. This was an invitation I received from a staff member of bicycle Colorado who is also the Mayor Pro Tem of wheat ridge. And so I encourage anybody to join one of those zoom meetings if available. Also at that same meeting that Councilmember Yarborough was at was it was the commuting solutions state highway 119 expansion project meeting, which we all kind of know somewhat about the bus rapid transit additions as well as the bikeway. That’s supposed to go between Longmont in Boulder on the diagonal. One thing that was also talked about a lot was the hoever improvements at 119. And I know that we’ve I’m pretty sure we’ve received some funding, or at least I was told that by you know, staff member, I’m just wondering where we’re at on the timeline for the CIP for the improvements at 119 slash hoever. I don’t necessarily see anybody here, but

Unknown Speaker 1:39:49
I don’t remember it off the top of my head, but we’ll get that information.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:52
Okay, that’s great. That’s that’s all I got. Thank you

Unknown Speaker 1:39:58
Councillor waters.

Tim Waters 1:40:01
Thanks. I’m going back to the feasibility study in the queue this shows on the 26th of April. Is it? Are you did I hear you say, maybe not on the 26th.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:13
I need to get a look and really see what that study has and what we need to do we, and also time it with the library Advisory Board meeting, too. So there’s some logistics. But

Tim Waters 1:40:24
there’s a lot on that agenda to the related question then is, so Maybe, and maybe not. Should we assume that the document that’s enclosed in the queue is the final version. If we wanted to get a head start on our preparation? There’ll be a lot of it’s not the final, the final documents, so don’t get a head start. No. In digesting what is in here. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:50
Seeing no one else in the queue, two counts. Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez his question on Hoover in 118. I do think there is some dollars that we went after in the tip funding through Dr. cog, I don’t know the number off the top of my head. But I was also a democracy day and I had some of the some different questions from the students, which I thought were very, very interesting. They were about campaign finance. They were about partisan and non partisan local elections. And oh, no, what was the other one? It was about alternative fuel, alternative fuel. So I also wanted to let you know that Mayor Pro Tem will be on call this weekend. I am going to see my family over the Easter weekend from Friday through Monday. So I’m really excited about that. And I wish everybody a Happy Easter. Now, city manager remarks Herald

Unknown Speaker 1:41:59
no comments, Mayor Council.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:01
How about you Eugene city attorney? No comments, Mayor. Great. Not that I don’t want to hear from you. But so do I have a motion to adjourn? Thank you. Second. All right. It’s been moved by Councillor waters seconded by Councillor Hidalgo fairing Let’s vote aye we’re all eyes we are adjourned Have a good evening? What time is all said you know what I can do better okay. Yes, so that guy’s email was

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