Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting – February 16, 2022

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

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Unknown Speaker 0:01
Let’s get started

Unknown Speaker 0:05
and see everyone great. I’d like to call the march 14 2022 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting to order. We please have the roll call. Aaron Angel

Unknown Speaker 0:22
here. Scott Conlon is currently not present. Jeff Ellen Bogan. Hello. Manoj Anwar present here. Paige Lewis

Unknown Speaker 0:39
here. Nicholas Novello here. Dan Olson here. And Council liaison, Tim waters here.

Unknown Speaker 0:56
Great. Thanks, everyone. I will now go to approval of the agenda. Are there any changes to the agenda?

Unknown Speaker 1:04
Yeah. Could we do new business? All three items before we do have business?

Unknown Speaker 1:13
Anyone have any concerns with that?

Unknown Speaker 1:20
Okay, are there any other amendments to the agenda? No. Okay. With that, do I have a motion to approve the agenda as amended.

Unknown Speaker 1:37
I move to approve the agenda as amended.

Unknown Speaker 1:41
Hey, thanks, Aaron. You need a second.

Unknown Speaker 1:47
Thank you. All those in favor? Aye. Any opposed? Great. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:56
Okay, next we’ll move to approval of the previous month’s minutes. And I did have a couple of edits. Does anyone else have any edit

Unknown Speaker 2:13
Okay, I will tell you my quickly Okay, on the first page of the minutes under old business discuss 2022 Pratt agenda calendar says Page noted she had prioritize the new facility. And I just wanted to say it prioritize talking about a new recreation facilities. Notice that having a report card of interim things from Parks will help I believe Cafe talked about the idea of doing a report card that was an update on what had been accomplished from the previous master plan. Does anyone remember because I think she put it out there as an idea, something that we might talk about.

Unknown Speaker 3:30
That sounds right paycheck. I don’t actually remember the full context of this probably something is much more doable. It makes more sense as far as we’ve been tracking projects.

Unknown Speaker 3:42
I think it was a report card of progress on items in the previous master plan.

Unknown Speaker 3:54
And then

Unknown Speaker 3:57
the last one is where a little bit further down de France Viola requested the board make dates and suggestions for the tour. I just would say suggestions for the upcoming prab field trip or tour just so there’s context in the notes and that’s it

Unknown Speaker 4:25
there’s no other edit. I need a motion to approve the minutes of a minute. And

Unknown Speaker 4:37
I move we approve the minutes from last month as as amended.

Unknown Speaker 4:44
Need a second?

Unknown Speaker 4:47
That’s great. All those in favor? Aye. Any opposed? Great. The minutes are approved as amended. Okay, now we are public Like invited to be heard. I was told earlier that no one had reached out and we heard from anyone since okay. Then we will move along to new business purchase request.

Unknown Speaker 5:25
Great and

Unknown Speaker 5:26
you want to go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 5:29
Yes, um, page is just going to go ahead and do a quick introduction here for people on this first topic I believe is zero waste is Am I correct on? It is yeah, the 08 resolution myself scroll up here. So our presenters tonight are going to be Lisa Knobloch, who is our program manager for sustainability. Charles Kevin EDIS, who is our manager of solid waste program for the city. And Francis Jaffe, who is a split position at this point between water conservation and sustainability. And the three of

Unknown Speaker 6:05
you wants to start

Unknown Speaker 6:09
Oh, go ahead. Great. Thank you for that introduction, David. Chair, members of the board. Thank you for having us tonight. I Charlie was unable to join us this evening. But I’ll be presenting and then we send I’ll be here to answer questions. Just Should I bring up my presentation? Or was the Veronica going to bring that up? I cannot. I don’t think I have ability to share my screen at this time.

Unknown Speaker 6:42
Oh, thank you. I can make I can make it for you control. Sharing. So give me

Unknown Speaker 6:47
oh yeah, great. Yeah. Okay. Well, Veronica’s giving me that ability. We are presenting today on the Zero Waste resolution update and universal recycling ordinance. These are two items that are being developed this year. And hopefully, you can all see my screen. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to give a quick background on the history and why we are updating and developing these items. And then we have a discussion question that we are going to focus on during our time today. And that we’d really like to hear some feedback from the board to help guide us in our work. And then after the discussion, I’ll have just a quick two slides on the timeline for implementation and how other ways that you can get involved. So the trash has an impact on our community in different ways from litter to pollution, as well as impacting our greenhouse gas emissions. And we have a long history of trying to reduce trash in our community, from starting recycling in 1992, passing our first zero waste resolution 2008 and updating our residential curbside systems to be pay as you throw and adding curbside composting. So what we’re focusing on this year, is up developing an update to that zero waste resolution and drafting a universal recycling ordinance. So the main difference between the resolution and the ordinance is that the resolution will be setting our commitments and policy and direction for the city. We will be bringing updated targets that I’ll share on a a future slide that will really help guide staff work going forward. And then the ordinance we’re really set this work into law. We’re focusing on an ordinance of zero. A universal recycling ordinance can have different focuses. It could in the name says recycling so often the focus is on recycling. But there are ordinances that look at composting, especially in restaurants, which have a lot of food waste. It can apply to different sectors working we’re looking at large multifamily, commercial, those would be new additions, we already look to provide recycling for all our residents. And it can be done in a phased approach. So we’re hoping to present this ordinance to council by the end of the year. But that doesn’t mean that January if passed January 1 Next year, it’ll start being implemented. The first year could be continued education, and then you could start maybe with a focus on recycling to begin with and have a phased approach over time. So the guiding principles that are guiding us this work is that we want everyone to live in a clean and safe community that we work to increase access to recycling and composting for all. And that reducing waste supports our climate action goals.

Unknown Speaker 10:19

Unknown Speaker 10:20
we have a residential waste diversion target that was established in the sustainability plan of 50%. By 2025. Last year, we were at 42% of our residential waste being diverted from the landfill. So we are on track to meet that goal. And in terms of composting, it’s currently an opt in service. So we have about 24% participation in that. And I know our waste services staff are looking into other options and looking at different program possibilities of how we could increase that participation in the future. So I mentioned earlier that we are looking at more aggressive targets. Right now we just have the residential target. In late 2020, we did a greenhouse gas lifecycle analysis. And in that analysis, we looked at these two more ambitious targets. So both are at the same goal at 2025. But aiming for 50%, all sector waste diversion at that time, the first scenario aims for 85% All sector and I bolded. That all because our current goal is just residential, why all would be any waste being generated and wrong lot, not just residential. The second scenario is more ambitious, bringing that 85% goal to 2035 for the residential and commercial sectors, but 60% for construction demolition, that is construction and demolition doesn’t have as much infrastructure, I know that there are efforts to increase that work. But it’s probably the hardest sector to increase recycling at this time, but still working by 2050 to have 95% of all sector waste diversion. So these are the current proposed targets that we are looking at, and considering including in the Zero Waste resolution update for City Council’s review. So just in summary, we’re looking to set more ambitious goals. And then the universal recycling probably at a minimum will acquire recycling for commercial, multifamily and residential, but has the opportunity to explore

Unknown Speaker 12:50

Unknown Speaker 12:51
additional sectors like construction, demolition, or composting in the future, we are reaching out to other communities like Boulder and Fort Collins to see how the ordinances are drafted. And that’s that’s essentially the overview of my quick summary. I’m happy, either myself or at least are happy to answer questions. But we really wanted to. We’re really trying to reach out early to our community in boards and commissions to develop a resolution ordinance that really fits Longmont. So we really want to understand with these increased targets, what are specific considerations we should be thinking through for Parks and Recreation? And I can keep this question up, or I could pull my slide my slides down, whichever is preferred.

Unknown Speaker 13:49
I think you could probably take that down. I think we can all Hey, go. Hey, good to hear any comments?

Unknown Speaker 14:01
Yeah, I’m not sure if you can. So I’d like to start with a question that about, do we know about the impact of residential versus commercial sectors, which which has the larger amount of base generated commercial or, or residential? As far as trash and recycling and then also as far as natural wastes such as compost?

Unknown Speaker 14:34
I’m going to why. Thank you for that question. I’m going to pull up our our lifecycle analysis as that looks at all of that. The data that I most recently have is from 2019. And at that time, I think there’s a Boulder County requirement for all haulers to report that data third data that that was that’s being reported. But from what I the data that I have, which is from 2019, I think it was the second year they’re recording data. So I know they did not fully have all commercial data. I don’t know if Lisa, you have access to the most recent data. So let me pull that up very quickly. So I can answer that question. My understanding is that but I think besides restaurants, most other commercial entities are not generating a large amount of food waste, I would or any food service business. So grocery stores as well, in terms of tonnage, let me just so let’s

Unknown Speaker 15:58
just say when, as others or other council members have questions, so friends who’s looking for that, if you can use the raise hand function that’ll help me be able to call folks in order.

Unknown Speaker 16:10
Yeah, and I just, I just found that number. So from our other commercial haulers, the amount of Wasteland filled was about twice as much as much as the amount of Wasteland filled in, in 2019, and it was not quite twice the total view looking at composting recycling in landfills. So we do have a significant portion that’s non residential, that is being pulled by other commercial haulers at this time. And then looking but I was correct that about twice as much is composted by residents than by the commercial sector. So that I think in terms of opportunities, there’s a lot of opportunity for composting, the residential side, a lot of opportunity for recycling in the commercial sector.

Unknown Speaker 17:12
So Paige, I have to apologize. I don’t have raised hands. This is Erin. I don’t have to raise funding. Ability to do like a not sorry, it’s just not.

Unknown Speaker 17:30
Okay, no, that’s no problem. I thought it was just kind of standard on the display down at the bottom. That’s okay. You can raise your actual hands. That works too. Alright, there other questions from board members? Yeah, Nicola.

Unknown Speaker 17:51
Thanks, Paige. My question is, what of our one of our peer cities done or how they handle this type of endeavor in the past, right. How do we compare? And what are maybe that’s a way for us to get some wisdom out of this, that what the pitfalls are? Have we done any analysis about other cities and fit have done similar things?

Unknown Speaker 18:16
Yes, we have and I will probably answer one of the questions I might pass it over to Lisa. So we’ve spoken with both city of Boulder and city of Fort Collins boulders program has been in effect for a couple years now. They did have a long education period, they worked a lot with Boulder County pace to focus on their education and their ordinance focuses on recycling in requiring recycling for both commercial and multi family. I believe they also are and Lisa correct me if I’m wrong. I think they also look at composting for restaurants specifically. And so then they really put they, their focus, a lot has been on making sure that all the businesses and multifamily have recycling available. I think where they’re starting, they’ve haven’t fully figured it out is that then making sure that people are using the bins properly. But they spoke a lot about you have to kind of like stages and they’re still kind of in the getting it access that people can recycle before they can really continue to launch education. And I’ll hand it over to Lisa to talk a little bit more about for Collins’s program.

Unknown Speaker 19:46
Yeah, sure. So the For cons program, they have a little bit different of a take. It’s It’s focused right now just on recycling. They did a really extensive community engagement process of about two years and then right as they were getting ready to roll it out COVID hit. So they actually just rolled it out mid last year. So they’re still pretty new in their process. But they have been extremely helpful in sharing with us a lot of the analysis and lessons learned that they did. They’ve both Boulder and Fort Collins, as well as some books from Boulder County, you know, helped give us some tips on, you know, what timeframe do we look at in terms of rollout because if you give people too much time that that people just drag their feet, and then you can lose some of the folks that you did the engagement with in the first place. So usually about six to 12 months is a good rollout period. We’ve gotten some tips from both of them around possible exemptions. So sport, Collins has a really straightforward exemption process. They have a minimum threshold that that folks meet in terms of determining which businesses or which entities have to comply. And then their focus in terms of enforcement is actually on the hauler rather than boulders focuses on the property manager, and or property owner. And those are two very different approaches. And so part of what we’re doing in our stakeholder processes, you know, we’re talking to a lot of, you know, external folks like this, but also talking to a lot of our internal staff that are, you know, impacted by or who are going to be really key in rolling this out to understand, you know, what’s the approach that long might should take for us to be successful. So we are talking to those folks, we’re also trying to learn from other communities that have done it as well. There’s obviously folks in other states, particularly on the west coast that have other ordinances, but we’re really trying to learn from our regional communities.

Unknown Speaker 21:41
Councilman water

Tim Waters 21:44
thanks, page, Lisa, or francium. Might be, it may be that everybody on this panel understands what we have the capacity to haul, right in terms of composting and recycling, and to grow that capacity with what that will require. Because Lisa, you made reference to hollers and I didn’t know until we got to present day I was on the council and we were getting a presentation, what the legal constraints were, what we can and can’t do with with restaurants, multiple multi housing units, schools, etc. So help this group understand what our focus is right now, what the constraints are, and then they probably ought to have some idea of what the implications are, because that’s what will come to grips with have to deal with at the time, what there are costs associated with doing you know, of any of the things we’d like to do, and how those costs are likely to get covered. And this group to think about that in relationship to the other things you’re going to talk about as priorities.

Unknown Speaker 22:55
Yeah, thank you, Councilmember water as well jump on in on that. So just to take a little bit of a setback for folks to understand so Longmont does have we have our own municipal sanitation service, but we only serve single family households, we serve trash recycling, and composting. And we serve some multifamily units up to eight units, folks can multifamily up to eight units can opt into the city’s municipal service. And, you know, and Charlie would be the best to give you kind of the the much more finer grained details, but from my understanding, we’re pretty at capacity from a municipal service standpoint. So if we were to expand additional service, be that to additional customers, we serve all residential customers currently for trash and recycling. And 24%. As fancy mentioned earlier, with regards to composting, if we were to have a big influx in terms of our composting subscriptions, we would probably need to adjust that but we would probably likely be able to pay for that through service costs, although that’s that’s definitely for a question for, you know, our Director of Operations. With regards to the commercial sector or multifamily above those eight units, those are all serviced by private haulers. So they pay we have an A know probably a dozen or so private haulers that provide trash we already have a haulers license that requires all haulers to provide recycling service if people want to pay for it. But that’s all done through a private service. So the constraints to your question would would largely be if we wanted to look at somehow expanding who we served through our municipal service. There wouldn’t necessarily be constraints on the if we continue to require that commercial entities go through a private hauler because that would be on the private haulers to manage. There are some constraints regionally in terms of of facilities. So right now the only composting facility is pretty far away. And so that that pretty dramatically impacts our our tipping fee. So right now composting tends to be pretty expensive. There are some regional conversations about looking to collaborate on a closer located facility, but they’re, you know, those are in only in conversation right now, as far as costs ago part of this process, as we look at evaluating those more aggressive goals that Francey mentioned, we’ll be working with some consultants to do the data analysis around, what are the programs and policies we would need to put in place to get to either of those different options? And what would the cost associated be with those? So we don’t have that information yet. But that’ll be part of this process, because it is likely that there’s going to be some additional cost somewhere. Part of why we’re trying to go through this stakeholder engagement process is to understand if, if a universal recycling ordinance requires recycling of, of every one of residential and multifamily and commercial entities, that’s an added cost for folks. And, you know, what can people bear given all of the other costs that people are dealing with right now? And what are some potential ways that we might be able to mitigate that through other measures? So can we help folks, you know, reduce the cost that they’re currently paying for trash service to help offset the costs for recycling, those sorts of things? That’s what we’re trying to figure out during the stakeholder process to really understand what both those opportunities and those constraints are and where you know, where people can absorb that. And then, you know, if there is additional cost to the city, we would need to determine that’d be a conversation with city council, what, where we would want to look to get that revenue from. So does that answer your question, Councilmember waters, is that help folks? Yeah,

Tim Waters 27:02
the if there’s just a lot of moving parts. And it’s easy for a group that doesn’t know all that to say, Yeah, let’s do X, Y, or Z, without understanding how that might collide with other priorities, especially when we talk about increasing fees, or rates, when we’re also raising other, you know, electric water. And because, you know, we hear from the public every time we do that, and I’m guessing we will when we get into this conversation, and it’s, it’s one of the most important conversations we’re going to have in the next year without a question. But there’s just a lot, just the regional solution we’re going to need to find on composting, right, just by itself is just going to be a big challenge. I just people have all that information, as they’re thinking about, you know, if they’re going to make an endorsement and and what the implications are. That’s a nice job. Thanks. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 27:53
I just have a quick question. And then we’ll go to you, Aaron. And I just wanted to hear briefly from David and Jeff, about what would be different for them. I mean, Jeff, in terms of what impact this might have on recreation facilities, there were different requirements for recycling and composting. And then for management of sort of parks and open space. I mean, I’m assuming you already take most of the materials that might come from like tree trimming and the grass and, you know, all that kind of thing. Like, what do you see as the potential changes this would bring in your areas?

Unknown Speaker 28:31
I don’t see. Jeff. Jeff, are you on? Go ahead. I’ll start. This is something that, you know, the city and timber and Charles have been working on before I got to the city even. It’s really how do we expand that right now, our trash program is that kind of balancing between the costs of getting people out to every location in the park that, you know, potentially could use a facility and trying to educate people to use facilities who trying to associate closer to trailheads. And to shelters in places where we know people are generating trash. And those locations. A lot of that on the weekends is a challenge right now to get the seasonal help to pick that up. So we are definitely facing challenges trying to bring people in to do weekend trash. I’m sure as most remember, like Macintosh, we just had overflowing just trash cans, let alone the recycling out there as the amount of use increase out there. So it would take additional resources as far as helping to educate the public on which cans to use. We do have recycling in our parks right now. But it’s not at every facility that has a trash can. So it takes some additional trash cans, some better education and some additional staff. The piece we’re trying to do to help with that though, is that timber is working on right now. There are a system called big bellies, and they are trash systems, basically, solar powered, it’s a trash compactor so that we can actually get more material into one into one container. So we’re not having to right out as often was to ask, so maybe revealed reduced staff a little bit to do that, but timber is working on that right now at the big belly trash systems. But again, we’re just really struggling to get that kind of weekend help to keep up on top of it, people try to do the best, they start seeing things alongside the trash containers in the parks. Right now we’re just looking at potentially taking those temporary dollars and moving to overtime for staff. So it definitely is going to take some additional work to get the right containers and education. But right now we have staff out there dealing with trash is already out there. So I think incorporating this in is is going to be something that I think we are already wanting willing to take on.

Unknown Speaker 30:42
And I guess to add on to that, the containers for facilities, you know, we have recycling and trash right now I don’t see that being in a big impact, I would guess that our bigger impact would be at our events and rhythm on the river, Charlie has helped us really make that a environmental event. And there, there were years that we’re at 90% of the what I would call things put in the trash barrels were recyclable. And you know, so that’s been kind of an ongoing thing for rhythm, but we need to do probably a better job on long lights and our triathlon and in Turkey Trot and, and he has helped us a little bit but the education is really the the biggest piece I think for us.

Unknown Speaker 31:46

Unknown Speaker 31:48
this guy ahead. Yep, the education piece. I think that’s a like just that’s a big piece of that thing. Francine Lisa recognized as well. But also there’s the design pieces to that we probably make sure we’re getting recycling containers that don’t take a pizza box really easy, or we at least can pull in the glass and the aluminum cans and not have it so contaminated. Because another piece of the process really happens is people started getting a lot of trash and sending besides the trash containers, they’re just throwing stuff into the the most available container. So we do get a lot of cross contamination on the parts. But design is a piece of that as well as education.

Unknown Speaker 32:27
Thanks. Aaron, did you still have a question?

Unknown Speaker 32:32
Yeah. My question is for probably for Lisa, but maybe for frenzy. Can you tell me the probably just tell me really quickly to star landfill that the city uses have methane capture technology? And do they use it?

Unknown Speaker 32:54
It’s a great question. And from Not that I’m aware of Francy I don’t know if that’s something that you’re aware of.

Unknown Speaker 33:02
I do not believe the landfill has a methane capture technology. Our landfills are newer. So I know compared to older landfills, they do emit less. And even. Even if something is accident, like you put your yard waste into the landfill instead of composting, it actually is a I always switch anaerobic and a robot. I think it’s anaerobic. So it actually the carbon is still actually being stored in the landfill. So it actually it’s still a net positive. It’s even better to compost the the woody material. But even if it ends up in our landfill, we are still having a net positive on our greenhouse gas emissions. We when we did our lifecycle analysis, we act because of things like that. And for those who aren’t aware, a lifecycle analysis looks at not just the trash going to the landfill, but thinking about the materials and how they were produced, the transportation of the product and then where the product goes. So even with all of that, I believe our trashes still had a a it avoided more more emissions than generated emissions. Though that being said we could avoid even more emissions with increase recycling and increase composting and probably also a methane capture system.

Unknown Speaker 34:55
I see that you guys are potentially coming back around May With a draft ordinance, so you’ll take all this feedback that you’re getting from us and others and jassie ordinance. And then we’ll get a chance to take a look.

Unknown Speaker 35:11
Yes, and I actually had two more slides and the that I can pull up. So this is our timing, I will, as you mentioned, will be returning in May, with the draft, and then we’ll be working on developing the universal recycling ordinance. And if requested, we could also bring that to this board as well. And May, we’ll be specifically focused on the resolution. And then other ways to stay involved, we have an engaged long web page, where we have some a quick poll as well as a place for people to ask questions and submit ideas. And then this is my my phone number. This is also the general sustainability inbox. But you’re also welcome to both Lisa and Trey are also happy to answer questions. And we can Oh, I can always forward you to the whoever makes the most sense to answer the questions.

Unknown Speaker 36:18
Hey, thanks so much. And thanks for working on that.

Unknown Speaker 36:22
So when is the appropriate time in but on the ordinance? So you’ve asked questions.

Unknown Speaker 36:33
So we have not yet drafted ordinance? Are you interested in giving more detailed feedback? And so maybe it might be best for maybe let’s connect after after this and any other board member and we can either set up a time to meet or see if it would make sense for for us to meet in kind of in different focus group we’re working on. But yes, what we’d be happy to talk with you more if you had a lot of more details, thoughts and opportunities and ideas for the ordinance.

Unknown Speaker 37:17
Number water.

Tim Waters 37:19
Yeah, in addition to this in this phase, during the public engagement phase, and in the input that through sessions like this, and whatever follow up you might want to do with Francine. And Lisa, in that July time jaw line of December timeframe, assuming we will pass the resolution and at some point in that next six months, we’ll receive a draft ordinates. There are going to there’ll be at least two opportunities. One on July 25, I think excuse me, they’ll be on a public forum. So anybody on any topic can come and bring input on whatever they’d like to hear the council have the council here. And if this is a priority, that would be a good opportunity, in addition to public invited to be heard in public hearing, when we’re actually dealing with an ordinance. So I’m not certain when that’s going to hurt happen. And I’m certain that Francine and Lisa will get lots of guidance on on the timing and all that. But those would be two opportunities during the public forum. When we have an ordinance to consider. There’ll be we’ll discuss that public will take public testimony before we adopt an ordinance, which is part of our protocol.

Unknown Speaker 38:43
Great, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 38:46
Thanks so much. Firstly, and Lisa, great to have you.

Unknown Speaker 38:49
Thank you for having us.

Unknown Speaker 38:54
Okay, our next agenda item is to hear from Dan Wolford about the purchase near McCall Lake.

Unknown Speaker 39:06
Board members and Councilmember waters thank you for this opportunity to bring you a another land acquisition through the open space program. As we try to leverage our open space dollars. We’ve got partners on this land acquisition with water resources teaming up with our open space program to jointly purchase this roughly three acres with Boulder County. The total acquisition dollar amount is $430,000. Boulder County is going to provide the 215 and water resources in open space is going to split that difference. This is three acres it’s immediately to the west of the McCall Lake nature area. I’ve provided you a vicinity map to show you that particular location. For this cost we do get At a foundation, the current owner has gone through boulder County’s land use process to develop the property. And he’s given no real specific reasons why he’s not continuing this, but he’s gone through that situation. So we’ve got to build a foundation, we have a septic system that’s been installed and ready for attachment. The other thing that we have on this parcel also is a long peak water tap. And just, you know, for your information, the value of that Long’s peak water tap today is about $115,000. Again, it falls into the open space criteria is providing visual corridor access to lakes and trails and passive recreation opportunities. It also implements assists us in implementing some of the open space and Greenway policies and strategies. Boulder County is taking this acquisition through their their open space advisory board, as well as the county commissioners. And both of those have approved this acquisition unanimously. The interesting aspect of this is we will, based on your recommendation, take this acquisition to council on the 29th kind of what we would call a parent child. situation where the first thing we will do is take the land acquisition itself to the Council for approval, follow up with an IGA and granting Boulder County a conservation easement for their participation. So it’s basically a two step process through counsel. So with that said, I will leave it up to you for any additional questions. Happy to answer any of those, I will tell you that we did reach out to Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife, for a fishing for fun grant for this acquisition, their response was, why don’t you guys go ahead and you know, buy this three acre parcel and then come back to us, we would be happy to fund a perimeter trail around the reservoir similar to that, that we’ve done it like Macintosh. So that would be our next hope. Knowing that we are well, as you all know, very tied up in a wide variety of capital development projects for parks. It would be yet another opportunity to provide passive recreation with shelters and restrooms on that lot. So with that, I’m happy to answer any questions you might have about this acquisition.

Unknown Speaker 42:49
Waters, did you have a question? Or is your hand up from before? Anyone have a question? If not, I think we could entertain a motion to recommend this. Acquisition to council. Yeah, Nicholas,

Unknown Speaker 43:16
I motion to recommend this acquisition to city council.

Unknown Speaker 43:22
Great. May I have a second? Thanks, Dan. I second.

Unknown Speaker 43:30
Okay. All those in favor? Any post? Yeah. Great.

Unknown Speaker 43:42
I think we’re all supportive. Dan. Thank you for seeing me.

Unknown Speaker 43:46
I am good. Thank you very much for your support. Awesome.

Unknown Speaker 43:55
Okay. And our next item is to talk about the April meeting in person or virtual. F Do you are you going to adjust that?

Unknown Speaker 44:06
Yep, I can. So we have been okay to come back in person if that’s what the board wants to do. At this point in time, we don’t have the ability to do a hybrid. But it’s my understanding that the clerk’s office will be taking that to council to get direction from them. And that may be available to us in the future. But as of right now we have to pick one or the other. Just wondered what your thoughts were for the April meeting.

Unknown Speaker 44:47
And just as a reminder, we have the four COVID typically met at the office on Sunset. And Jeff and David and I at least talked about potentially we met in a conference room, that those of you that have been there probably know, there’s also a bigger, you know, kind of open space where they have public meetings where if folks were more comfortable, we could set up in a more sort of spaced apart setting, if that made any difference to people one way or the other. So any discussion? Yep.

Unknown Speaker 45:29
I would feel much more comfortable if we were in a well ventilated, larger space, as opposed to a smaller conference room.

Unknown Speaker 45:39
Great, thanks, Aaron.

Unknown Speaker 45:44
I’d like to meet outside and not because COVID. But because it’s more in line with our mission and keeping things thinking about the park. So meeting outside when the weather is appropriate, could

Unknown Speaker 46:01
vary in in

Unknown Speaker 46:03
parks and recreation facilities, so that we’re seeing

Unknown Speaker 46:11
Have you guys ever considered meeting outside? Jeff and David, I’m not sure how we would do that public know,

Unknown Speaker 46:20
in the time we really meet outside is when we do our tours, and those are, you know, posted and made so that the public can, you know, show up and attend those as well, because it is still public meeting. I think that’d be probably the biggest challenge. You know, sometimes we’ve even looked at trying to do a different facility, just give people a different venue. And it gets kind of confusing to the public, knowing where we’re at, and we’re going to be so I’m not opposed to it. I’m just saying that, I think is could be challenging for us to make sure that we’re posting and noticing the public where this group is going to be and then doing our making sure that our recording system is there to Jeff, is that typically your staff doing that?

Unknown Speaker 46:59
No, that’s actually Longmont media that does that. So it would have to be recorded, that would be part of our requirement.

Unknown Speaker 47:14
Well, we can definitely take that into consideration. And maybe there’s some way we can incorporate that in the future. And

Unknown Speaker 47:23
I was gonna say, we do have an outdoor meeting area available here. It’s a parks, again, weather has to be relatively decent, but we do have an outdoor canopy and tables, we have the ability to bring a large monitor TV out outdoors, and set that up. But again, I certainly wouldn’t recommend it for a early spring meeting, like April, but certainly June, July, August, easily, you know, we can accommodate that out of doors, with monitors and you know, the recording and all those details.

Unknown Speaker 48:05
Thanks down.

Unknown Speaker 48:07
I notice, did you have a comment? And then just

Unknown Speaker 48:11
Yeah, I’m okay with the in room like we were doing before. That is ideal to hearing this kind of meeting.

Unknown Speaker 48:24
If you have another comment,

Unknown Speaker 48:27
not 100% sure how I feel but I guess one thought I had was why don’t we wait till see what the city council does in terms of hybrids so that whatever we pick if someone needs flexibility for travel, or safety or otherwise, we know if that’s even a choice. I mean, I’m, I’m open to, to coming back in April. Also, I guess I just wanted to throw it out there be nice to know that if for some reason one of us was traveling or there’s an outbreak that we could some meet people meet and some people couldn’t meet. But I am willing to come back also.

Unknown Speaker 49:00
Nicholas, any thoughts?

Unknown Speaker 49:04
I’ll just say exactly what Jeff just said. I’m kind of on the same page there. Right, I’m open to coming back. But I would like to have the flexibility and know that we can just the dynamic thing, right, and that if things shift again in June, we’re ready to go back to a remote feed.

Unknown Speaker 49:25
And Dan, open, I don’t think I’ve heard from you.

Unknown Speaker 49:30
I prefer a in person meeting. I don’t care which of the two rooms do are discussed at the south sunset facility but I’m okay with either of those. And even though I’m far away right now and may not be able to hang on this meeting too long. I would prefer in person, even if that’s means no hybrid. I think the meeting goes smoother and quicker and gets more productive. We’re all together.

Unknown Speaker 50:01
Right. Can we just do we have an option of just making a decision to meet in person in April? And then we can revisit it at that time and see if we learn anything more about hybrids for the future. Does that work or no?

Unknown Speaker 50:23
I’m waiting. I think you’d dress Jeff.

Unknown Speaker 50:26
Yeah, sorry. Yeah, I did. I didn’t know if that was for the board or, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 50:33
I just wondered if we can decide today to meet in person in April and then just wait, kind of wait and see what we find out to make a decision about all a future meeting?

Unknown Speaker 50:43
Yes, absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 50:49
Okay, but I would propose then that we meet in April, and we can try meeting in the bigger space. Just to see how it goes. for that. I’m saying that looking at you guys, and we can make sure that okay, so yeah, we definitely

Unknown Speaker 51:05
can work to make that happen. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 51:10
can we have the lights? Or do we have to meet in the dark? Like,

Unknown Speaker 51:13
you know, it’s weird. I, if I turn my light on, I get a halo over my head, which is just a weird feeling to hear. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 51:23
Is that something we need to vote on? Or can we just agree?

Unknown Speaker 51:27
I think we can just agree. I don’t think we need a motion.

Unknown Speaker 51:32
Okay, great. Well, let’s plan to meet. April, our April meeting will be in person at the sunset office. I mean, you know, the world is what it is. So barring unforeseen circumstances, that will be our plan.

Unknown Speaker 51:48
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 51:54
Okay, I think that’s the end of our new business items. So we can go now to old business. So, and the first one is just an update on our discussion about future recreation facilities. And last time, we had passed the recommend recommendation for the council. So I don’t know Jeff, or David, which one of you wants to attack that?

Unknown Speaker 52:19
I can talk about that? Okay, I did find out how to that we do that. And that will be presented in the council’s packet at their next meeting, which is, I believe, a week from tomorrow.

Tim Waters 52:39
We’re not until the 29th.

Unknown Speaker 52:41
It’ll be on the 29th. And then the other thing is we were you gonna say some damn.

Unknown Speaker 52:53
So say again, what you’re presenting to council,

Unknown Speaker 52:56
the motion that you all made at the February meeting about a rec center being priority and encouraged counsel, TK to work on that.

Unknown Speaker 53:10
So do we expect feedback? Or can we continue on or we

Unknown Speaker 53:15
will, we will continue on, our next step is to get the money for the study appropriated which that should be at the first opportunity that we have to do an appropriation, which I believe is at will be at the April 12 meeting. And we have a funding source from the recreation impact fee, that is much like the park impact fee, and that there’s about two and a half million dollars in that right now. And we’ve received general approval to use that we just need to get Council to approve that funding. And our biggest challenge so far is getting trying to come up with what the price tag is for that we’ve reached out to our consultant that we worked with on the pool, an ice facility and we haven’t heard a response back for them. So we’re gonna reach out to Barker rancor who did the design of the Longmont Recreation Center to see if they can graze give us a ballpark of what we’ll need to do that study.

Unknown Speaker 54:34
And if there’s just when you say study, is that a feasibility study or is this like a public public outreach to kind of get the new sense of what the public has an appetite for? What which study? Are you referring to be

Unknown Speaker 54:48
a feasibility study which would include public process, both with the general public and with stakeholders?

Unknown Speaker 55:00
So we’re redoing the whole start from the beginning kind of thing, then.

Unknown Speaker 55:05
Yeah, I believe we will need to do that. Okay, gotcha.

Unknown Speaker 55:11
Wow, okay.

Unknown Speaker 55:13
When do you How soon do you think that start in? Would you seek initial feedback into sort of what is looked at in the city stability study? There’ll be sort of some early stage input?

Unknown Speaker 55:30
Absolutely, we’ll, we will have to go to an RFP to hire a consultant. And we can present that report in the scope of services to the board to get feedback, I believe that a couple of the board members could actually be on the review. Panel. I don’t know that, that you all would have voting rights, but you could certainly give input to the staff as we’re looking to choose that company to do that work. If that’s something you’re interested in?

Unknown Speaker 56:12
And when would that start? If it’s approved, if that whole process,

Unknown Speaker 56:17
it would probably start sometime in late May, once we get through the appropriations and and then get start getting work on on the RFP. Purchasing right now is telling us that their work is like three weeks out from once you decide what what you want to do.

Unknown Speaker 56:44
Right. So Councilman waters, but do you suspect the council might do when they get our?

Tim Waters 56:55
I don’t, you know, we get we get recommendations for additional appropriations periodically? You know, maybe somebody has a question about him. I’ve asked questions from time to time, but generally, it’s a no brainer, right? It’s carry over money. It’s, it’s funded because of fun, like the water fund or the park fund, etc. So the money’s there, it’s not a matter of trying to cut something else out in order to do this. So that I don’t think that’s gonna be an issue. I just I, as I’m sitting I’m wondering, Jeff, and David, have you had any opportunity to have input? I know Rico’s working on a customer satisfaction survey. Right. And I know he’s asked, we’ve he’s asked us if, if we have input, and I had drafted some notes, I have not followed up with Rico, because I hadn’t talked to either of you fellows about a question or questions that we if there would be a section that kind of looking to the future, not just to the past in terms of services, of what the community might want to see. And what they would be willing to support in terms of Parks and Recreation, in terms of open space, in terms of performing arts and conference centers, in terms of library etc, right, just to get a feel of kind of where, where those might sit as as priorities for the community.

Unknown Speaker 58:21
We’ve made that suggestion we haven’t heard a lot. The last I heard back was the survey was too long already. So it might be really good. If if you could make that suggestion, I will make it tomorrow

Tim Waters 58:33

Unknown Speaker 58:35
I was in same thing we have actually reached out to Riga, we sent some some questions in that we thought would help. We tried to umbrella umbrella them under some other topics, because we were told the same thing that they were really looking to cut the number of questions as opposed to adding to the number of questions.

Tim Waters 58:53
Well, that’s we can do is is push asking push. Yeah. So I thought well, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 59:03
Are there questions about this? Thanks for the update. Yeah. It’s good to have progress. Any other questions on this topic?

Unknown Speaker 59:20
Great. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 59:25
So the next topic is a potential retreat. So we talked about this a little bit at the last meeting. And just as a refresher, the idea would be for us to potentially get together in a less formal setting than a meeting kind of like a study session for counsel where we have maybe two or three topics that we just want to learn more about. And we have time to talk about that. I would still I mean, my understanding is it would still be posted and still be a public meetings and still have an official meeting, but we would not have to operate in a formal manner. So if folks are still interested in that it would be good to hear sort of yes or no, roughly, and the timeframe and if there’s any key topics you’d like to consider.

Tim Waters 1:00:35
And so on. Well, it’s not my retreat. But But I did make a notice I heard him because I think this would be relevant, potentially to a retreat. I heard the comment earlier about the report card. And I was that’s been discussed. And it’s, it would be a report card, I assume, Jeff and David on kind of where we are, relative what I heard relative to the master plan. So it would be really helpful in that report card, at least, at least for me to know of the projects that are which we’ve made no progress, what’s the scale of those projects? And what it would take to move them forward? Because I’m, I’m just speculating that if you’re absolutely candid, in your in your response to that question, staffing would be a response in every case. So I do think, Paige for whatever it’s worth, I think it would be really useful as I think about where we’re headed with priorities for Parks and Rec. And I think about the budgeting process. In the kind of input I’d like to take to that. It’d be useful to know, kind of where what what are your priorities with respect to the UN addressed opportunities or projects in the master plan, what it would take to move those what those priorities might be, from your perspective, and then what will be required in the 2023 budget to make that happen? Because without that, when we get into those gushes, there’s not my I don’t have much to say. And I’d like to have something to say that that is reflects what your priorities and what the needs of Jeff and David are, because I know, last year, we added 31 FTEs. And I don’t think we added any of them to parks, recreation, open space, and in natural resources. So correct me if I’m wrong on that, David and Jeff.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:33
So really appreciate that. And I think this is a great opportunity. One of the things that I think we’ll hear a little bit later as we get updates from staff, that chair did ask some questions of staff on up basically the same thing, I think we were prepared to give a little bit of high level conversation to that. The piece that I would just like to share here is that as probably some of you know, Gail Rademacher, a Deputy City Manager today was have his farewell going away. After work get together, so we have some changes in the organization. So we definitely have some new leadership, we want to wrap into this conversation as well. But I think you guys have set the stage for us really talking about what we need if we want to try to have different objectives. As far as timing, again, things push through, if it is we want to get X number of parts done, how do we reverse engineer that? And what kind of staffing do we need to meet those, those agenda? So I think we’re ready to talk about a little bit. I also make sure that I am keeping whatever new leadership I haven’t placed involved in that conversation through the force. There’s little bit timing piece for me on that. Because I do think everyone’s gonna say we always need more staff within the city. There’s a lot of people here trying to a lot of things, and pushing through and having to readjust. And as we readjust over here, that means a project may not get done or gets pushed out a few more years. And I think the community’s kind of waiting for those projects that have been seen to get done. And I think for us to be accountable. I think the questions you’re asking are really appropriate. The other piece I would actually tell you, though, is that we did in in, in Pages question as far as some of the safety issues, we did get to new FDA FTE rangers to help with the patrol and maintenance of our parks greenways and open spaces before we had our ranges of rubber button rock in the union. And knowing that we have 100 miles of trail and 42 parts, we just did not have the resources there. So fortunately, council did give us those two additional Ranger positions. But as far as pushing projects through, there’s no additional resources there

Tim Waters 1:04:30
to stand corrected on that one.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:32
I just want make sure that I wasn’t taken advantage of that we will be some physicians.

Tim Waters 1:04:38
Hey, Jay, I’m just telling you as your liaison I personally have one council member who would appreciate knowing what the priorities are from this board, especially as they relate to things that are in the master plan. Right. And and what your thoughts are on what will be required in 2023 to move on Those priorities. So I think that’s what you advise us on. And I’d like to hear that. And if the retreat is what you need to do to get there, that’s, that’s up to you. But I’m just telling you, that’d be real helpful.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:13
Thanks, Jeff. Yeah, go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:15
Yeah. So, Tim, you were correct about recreation? We did not. We haven’t gotten new stuff. And there you go quite a few years, and are in our second year of having a $1.1 million budget cut on on top of that, because of COVID. And, you know, things are looking better. And I’m hoping that we get at least part of that back in 23. I want to tie in to something that David talked about, not only is this week’s Dale ramakers last day, but Karen Maroney, who is the department, the Director of the Department of Community Services, is also retiring this month that on May 31, which will probably result in some different leadership for us as well. And so we’re living in a world of kind of unknowns right now. But we I will have some things to respond to pages questions later on as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:27
Thanks, both of you. Are there other any other topics, you’d be interested in? Learning more about? It, we’ve, we’ve talked quite a bit about the project development process, capital improvement projects, you know, budgeting, just sort of learning and understanding better how that works. The timing, that would be another thing that we could dig into. We could also talk more about sort of that out your planning in terms of open space, acquisitions and connectivity. We’ve talked a lot about, you know, kind of trail connectivity in the past, and just having some time to those of you who haven’t met in the, in our regular meeting room haven’t VMs around with Steve on the on the board where he takes a Google Map and zooms around and shows us all the trails and future trails. But that can be pretty interesting and helpful, too. And if it doesn’t feel timely to do a retreat yet, that’s fine, too. But I thought might be good to get something on the calendar for you want to.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:43
It’s kind of silent. But I just like to say I think staff is more than willing, and I think would really appreciate that, to to have those conversations with this board. I I really appreciate the interest that they’re having the questions are being asked, and I think to have that opportunity, I think would be something that staff would be really appreciate the opportunity.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:02
Costs. Did you have a comment?

Unknown Speaker 1:08:05
I wanted to break the silence a little bit, because it seemed like there was crickets a little bit, but I’m generally supportive of the idea. I’d certainly like the idea of doing something like this. I feel like I’m struggling a little bit with like, what the content should be though. And like what I recommend where to go on this. where my mind goes is we’re thinking about What topic do we want to focus on? Maybe it should be more like what, what people we want to focus on and what resources you want to focus on. Maybe it’s only like, like, day in the life of this department? I don’t know, maybe that’s another way to think about this. Just an idea or not.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:51
And I’m happy to work with me. And if we can you please get some ideas. I’m happy to work with Jeff and David. And maybe we can put something together and bring it back to all of you. So if there’s any like any topics you’re interested in, just let me know. And we can put them on the list. And think about it.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:14
If if it’s going to if it’s going to be tied to the budget, we’ll need to have that conversation sooner than later because it will be into the budget and in May and that our opportunity to do any kind of requests will go away at the end of May.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:42
That’s Ellen Bogan. Did you have some time before he got it down?

Unknown Speaker 1:09:45
I just wanted to clarify what we’re talking about in terms of timing and time commitment. When are we talking about doing this? Because that’s always a variable. Well, I guess we haven’t talked about it but that would be about it. over the back my ability and interest to participate in such a thing?

Unknown Speaker 1:10:04
Yeah, I mean, you know, in terms of timeframe, we could come speak it, decide it. And I’ve done in retreats that are anywhere from like, you know, a couple hours, kind of open discussion to a full day. And I’m guessing we wouldn’t be able to take a full day. So probably, you know, probably around a couple hours. And then the timeframe, in terms of when it depends, I mean, I think if we, if we wanted to talk about the sort of master planning, we could also do that in a meeting if we feel like that. time sensitive, and we want to put it on a future agenda in terms of the report card for the master plan. And I did pose some questions, some related questions to Jeff and David, based on feedback. I heard from previous board conversations. And so that will get us a little bit started today, actually, probably. And any thoughts

Unknown Speaker 1:11:16
on AI similar to Jeff, I was curious, timing wise, are we thinking about AI? Second? I guess I have a funny echo. Are we talking about a second APR meeting? Or a second March meeting? Or is this the instead of the April 2, Monday meeting? I mean, I’m amenable to any of those. But as Councilman waters or Jeff said, sooner is better. So we need to get cracking here. I mean, I guess I would propose, you know, two weeks from tonight, or six weeks from tonight, or four weeks from time, whatever. I mean, I’m, you know, do we have enough? I don’t know what’s on the thought agenda for next month from tonight, you know, second weekend and second Monday in April, is or, you know, one of the next three, two week intervals seems like it needs to happen or it’s too late to worry about.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:15
Well, it would be if we weren’t if we’re doing it to impact the budget. Right. It wouldn’t be if we just have stuff we want to learn about. Okay, thank you. time sensitive in some is not. Jeff, do you happen to have what we have on the agenda for next meeting? Handy?

Unknown Speaker 1:12:36
I’m looking right now. I know CIPS are on there. We also have open space and Greenway considerations. Discuss the field trip. That that’s the three primary and then, you know, the ongoing future recreation facility conversation. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:10
My thought, though, we do it on a second night and keep our normal board meeting. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:16
I think that’s what we would have to do. So, I don’t necessarily want to take too much more time on this. You’ve given some ideas. Maybe Jeff and David, why don’t we talk about maybe putting a little proposal together and bring it back to the board. So there’s something a little more concrete that people can weigh in on.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:42
That works, that works.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:47
Great. And if anyone has any thoughts, in the meantime, please feel free to share them. Okay, that is the end of our new and old business so we can discuss items from the packet update. Does anyone have any questions from the update that were provided in the packet? So the memo from David on Parks and recreation parks and open space and then then hello from Jeff on recreation?

Unknown Speaker 1:14:26
Looks like we lost dan.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:30
He said he might have to leave early. He’s with family tonight.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:35
Okay. Okay. Any questions from either of the memos? I

Unknown Speaker 1:14:46
have a question. This is Aaron. So,

Unknown Speaker 1:14:49
yeah, go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:50
Number eight on the David Bell memo is charged me a task assisting planning and development with site plan review with natural when Thomas gravel mining permit and Costco and the management doesn’t really give us any details like what are they thinking about site plan? And I really like to know more about that. You know, I thought Erwin Thomas gravel mining permit was out of it and that Costco got that parcel. I don’t know.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:42
So I’m on I’m trying to scroll through does it say up in there? Dan Wilford was one that kind of put that update in there.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:52
It does. In the ecosystem management.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:56
I could do it. I think Dan’s on so he’s, you could jump in that would help but I’m happy to cover it.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:02
Yeah, I’m happy to you know, share with you, Erwin, Java’s gravel mining operation is probably six or seven year operation. They’re starting on the south side of Ken Pratt Boulevard 119. But as they move into, I believe itself, five and six. Those are on the north end of

Unknown Speaker 1:16:28
Indiana, could you say when you when we say when they move into the sales is kind of mentioned with that, but kind of looks like they divide the property up into mining areas, which they call cells. And they will tackle those one at a time they kind of broken it up, like Dan said, south and north, but we have several cells to be gravel mining out of and then moving to the next one.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:45
Correct. And so they’re starting at the Costco site and moving to the east, once they’re finished with that, which will likely be at least two to three years, then they will move to the north of Ken Pratt Boulevard, which is currently city open space. They have a current recreation or recreation. I’m so focused on Geoffrey’s note that I, you know, that’s what it is. They have a current reclamation plan that shows existing reclamation of open water and wetlands, staff between myself a David and can use it, we have a number of other recommendations, we would like to see, we’re not really convinced that we need any more open water that we have to augment with water rights, we would really like to see the extension of the left hand Creek corridor go through there. So we will be negotiating with aggregate industries to make some modifications to the reclamation plan. So that’s the intent. We’re dealing with aggregate industries, probably on at least three properties at this point in time and dealing with some of the gravel mining operations that are going to take place on our forward Thomas south. The tall property you’ve probably heard us speak of that, as well as the golden farms parcel on the north side of Ken Boulevard, we could certainly do as we get closer to this and you know, start to negotiate with aggregate. I’m certain David and I will be happy to bring some of these concepts to you but we really believe it would be very beneficial to the city to have the lefthand Creek corridor go through the golden farms property and they light into the same frame further to the east than it currently does. So

Unknown Speaker 1:18:46
on that he said that they’re going to be mining were on the same carska Costco parcel are they going to mind before Costco goes in? I don’t understand that. That’s

Unknown Speaker 1:18:55
their may they won’t be mining the Costco parcel but they’re immediately to the east of Costco, they will be gravel mining. So basically what has happened is through the city and diamond G the city of Longmont has purchased that property from Diamond G and in turn, turn that land conveyed that land over to Costco. The diamond G property is what is currently being gravel mined by aggregate industries to the east of Costco. So they will march I believe they have three or four cells that they will move to the east in a process which will take again I believe, somewhere in the vicinity of two to three years before they jumped to the north side of state highway 119 can pry Boulevard onto city open space

Unknown Speaker 1:19:58
no today not

Unknown Speaker 1:19:59
Can I add something? I’m sorry? Well,

Unknown Speaker 1:20:02
your errand boys your question, no chance

Unknown Speaker 1:20:05
to get in that jump North stopped. So

Unknown Speaker 1:20:10
on that job nor that I think even the mining north of 119 Yes, so one thing is when the when the city purchased that property we didn’t we were not able to purchase the mining rights. So we knew if you look at Golden ponds and Pella ponds, a lot of times when we get those opportunities to purchase those properties, they maintain those mining rights. And then we work with the reclamation companies to get something back that, again is not what it looks like today is a hay field. But hopefully through working with the reclamation companies, we can get something that is still a value to our community. And as Dan mentioned, that we don’t want a more open water, I think is he said we don’t like the augmentation piece. But if you think about when those ponds to sit there, this is water that evaporates. And we have to maintain that within our systems, we have to find additional water for that evaporation. We have a lot more fishing opportunities and open water than Colorado ever had because of mining. So Dan’s talking about is really trying to do this much more riparian upland, were left hand Creek would come through that old mining what would be reclaimed, allow left hand Creek to meander to provide some more natural flood capacity and make something that just has a much more natural feel for the way that the same brain Creek and left hand Creek have been channelized. But give that that creek in that system have more room to move. So something that is not typical. I think when mining companies like to leave, they think ever just want a gravel pond leftover so people can fish. We would love to see much more diverse habitat than just open water. So I think Dan has some really good ideas on how we can try to make this something that probably is a better ecological piece and even the Hayfield that sister right now.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:56
Thank you any other questions on items from the MLS? If not, we can go to items from staff.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:19
Yeah, Dan, well, first,

Unknown Speaker 1:22:21
I just want to reach out and say Jeff and Ben Wagner for their help and assistance with the chick, chick Clark fishing education program this year. This is probably our 20th year of doing the chick Clark program. And with the assistance of the recreation staff, we modified the program this year a little bit because of COVID. And what we did, we took 110 100 210 rods and reels and made those available to the public to sign up for the youth of our community. Through Jeff staff, and the assistance of ban, they were able to put that registration up and those rods and reels are signed off in and taken within three hours of being up. So what we’ve done is we stock about 500 fish and Isaac Walton this past week, we will stock another 1000 On Wednesday, with the 19th being the first day of spring break with a number of press releases and that kind of thing. We will be putting that out to the community, just reminding the kids of the community that this is a outdoor recreation opportunity made available to them year round. But like we’ve all said and numerous of you know that have been fishermen. There’s nothing like fun and excitement of fishing and catching fish. So we will be stocking over 2500 fish in the next couple of weeks of providing this recreation opportunity to the community. So I just wanted to again, thank Ben and Jeff and Sue Ellen for their help and assistance in this program.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:08
That’s great. Sounds like a great outcome.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:14
Any other items from staff? David,

Unknown Speaker 1:24:22
Jeff page, I don’t know how you want to address the questions you had brought to staff and if that’s something you during your update, if you would like to read that into the record for them and I could just make you respond to that. Or we’ll have that however you you’d like us to.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:37
Yeah, I was just gonna bring that up doing it trend board Perfect. Okay, so I will go ahead and share so I had heard over various conversations, a few different questions from board members. related to capacity and project workload, and, you know, what would it take to be able to address the backlog? We’ve had sort of these kind of lingering questions. And so I sent those and I can just do me to just read it, and then it can be captured in the notes.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:22
That would work for me, I could kind of fit my answers into the I think that helps us the background, if you don’t mind doing that. I appreciate it.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:29
Yeah. So the questions I said is that members of prab have an interest in better understanding the capacity that would be required to one more quickly address the backlog of approved capital improvement projects, and to ensure that natural resource sustainability and public safety are effectively addressed at our existing recreation and open space, location. And then there was a related question that was, we’d also be interested in understanding what unmet needs do you see in your areas of responsibility based on feedback you received from the public and your staff? So and obviously, those are long questions. So we didn’t necessarily expect full details, but just kind of wanted to set the stage. And if you recall, there was also a potential item that we approved in the agenda to kind of in the the calendar that we approved last time to talk about kind of staffing and capacity needs related to the areas of interest for the board.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:37
So Jeff, yeah, go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:41
I was gonna say, Jeff, do you mind if I start this? And we? Okay, I appreciate that. And I would like to say that I do appreciate these questions coming to us. I think it’s something that as we continue to come to proud and bring CIP and you look at that list of projects, and how we move through those, or how we don’t move through those sometimes, I’m going to start with something that probably everyone in this group has heard about for way too long now. But if you go out behind lefthand brewery, I think Greenway, the city is still involved in flood recovery. So if you talk about black swan events back to back, you know, we really hate saying that. But we still have staff fully engaged and flood recovery projects that really take away from the master plan projects that were put out there in 2014. Then you put the COVID piece on it, as Jeff said, you know, we have budget dollars pulled away and asked to kind of hold back on doing things that we could take those dollars, maybe reappropriate, those, Eric those dollars to areas where the city wasn’t quite sure what the budget was going to look like. And now, with supply chain issues, every project manager I have is looking at, you know, at least double on transportation costs and fees as supplies are coming in, if they can actually get it. So I really feel like I’m giving some excuses here to start with. But the hard part is, as I start doing what I’ve been trying to plan to answer this question, is that how do you reverse engineer of this? How long did it take to actually build the park? How long does it take you the RFP process? How long has it worked with the consultants? How long does the public process piece? And we’ve been really trying to work through that since you’ve given us these these questions here. With that said, having Steven Kathy who y’all know and Danielle Devine, who is got about a third of her dollars coming from the general fund. Right now with funded projects. We feel that probably takes about a year and a half to two years to go from the project identified to doing the RFP to put an RFP on the street to letting staff evaluate the project, that that RFP project, bringing the design not doing the design, bringing the public in to be part of that process. Taking the final design to a consultant for the construction that project following through with construction. That looks like it’s about a year and a half to two as if we don’t have any of these others. Like I say these very unique situations come up. So that being said, we right now, in funded projects, we have 18 funded projects. Some of those are as the council, Councilmember waters mentioned, some of those are smaller pedestrian bridges that have to go and but of those three are significant Greenway projects, phase 13 going from Golden ponds to airport road, going out to the State Park. Six of those are new projects, things like Nino Gallo and and clover meadow and Fox meadow. So we have six of those projects, and then nine of those smaller projects. So if you look at those funded projects right now that are assigned to someone, there are 18 of those and knowing that our average to get something done is about A year and a half, on the good side with supply chain working. After that we have another 11 projects that are funded that are no one’s work plan right now. We have 34 projects that are really within the city that impact the park, if that’s a nice pavilion out there that really my staff is assigned to maybe engineering is doing it or is a sewer project going to appraoch my staff becomes a subject matter expert, as we look at how that’s gonna impact the park, we have 34 of those out there. And then we looked at all the stuff, the Adam Dario, the city council has approved to buy that property. And we know we’re getting a master plan for that we have plum LLC that Dan talked about the contribution that the state parks would give us for fishing and fun grant, we have 17 that are out there that we know, we could probably go to and start doing other projects through goco and other stuff. So we have a long list of projects, I think we’d love to build that out there. But to put that in a real z timeline is something that we just really haven’t done yet. And what we’d like to do is bring this work product back as we do CIP next time, or a three year retreat process, and really have us take a hard look at this and say, What can we do with the staff we have? And then what we want to multiply that by a factor of x? Would it take in staffing to do that? If that seems like if that’s what you’re really looking for is how we try to balance product output and the amount of staff we’d need.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:40
Pedro, you’re muted.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:43
Alright, double muted

Unknown Speaker 1:31:44
is that is for is to kind of see that project lets us just kind of I mean, this does no good right now this would like, I mean, this is the guy that that list would give you, you could look at it, you’d see what’s on there, we say that this is going to take us X amount of time. And then if there’s a distraction, if we need to work on something else, it slows it down. And we know it takes x amount of staff time to do that. And then we can start again, reverse engineering these these priorities for proud and for staff and say we want to do it at a accelerated rate. Here’s the ways we think we could achieve that.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:19
Do you think that we could

Unknown Speaker 1:32:20
have that conversation at a meeting? Or do you think it would be hard? I mean, would it be better to be able to work through it with more open time?

Unknown Speaker 1:32:31
You know, if we look at agendas and look at it, CIP, I think we started that I would get I’m I was trying to do a lot of this math, and how many of these things actually come up because Steve and Kathy and Dan and others really kind of gave me a bunch of kind of raw data here, as looking at some of those numbers. So I missed as far as retreat time, if we can time that it might be a good time, but we can definitely have the CIP meeting, which is next month, I believe, we’d have Steve and Kathy, neither would have this list, we really could give, I think, a good overview, which then if you want really dive into it may be the time for the retreat to have that deeper conversation. But I think we do a good job, really preparing this group to have that conversation at a meeting.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:16
That’s did you want to add your thoughts? And then we can just open it up. there’s any other questions?

Unknown Speaker 1:33:22
Yep. You know, David talks about the CIP projects, and, you know, recreation, rents out everything that his staff does. And we are in a time where we haven’t added really any athletic fields to the city system and quite some time. And we have user groups that are really interested in expanding our capacity to do more soccer and football and baseball, and really, cricket would be in that same situation. So anything that could be done to get those parks expanded to include those would would be great. As far as specific to recreation and budget, one of our main priorities would be to get the 1.1 million reinstated back into our budget in in 2023. And then, probably even a more urgent issue that we have right now is trying to address temp wages. You know, we did a study in the city, and not only comparing other municipal recreation, but also some of the private sector and the average that people are paying is 1550 right now. and all of our lifeguards start out at $13 an hour. I was in a meeting with the city manager today and I was explaining to him that recreation needs 74 More aquatic staff, yet this year for us to open sunset pool as well as to be able to keep Centennial and the rec center open and we really need to do something to re evaluate the temp wages and get some additional funding there. We’re also considering doing a bonus program where if if a staff person in aquatics will commit to working the entire summer that we’ve given them some type of bonus, if they make their commitment. For the future, we’re looking at trying to take some of our temp wages and moving pool managers and some of our front desk staff from temp to more of a regular regulars what full time people are called within the city to be able to have some consistency and some retention that we really don’t have right now. And then the final thing is trying to hire a therapeutic coordinator that could help us with all of our scope and and IDD programs that we do. We do quite a few things, but feel like our community, there’s a lot more demand out there. We feel like the programs that we do offer are done well and would like to see the opportunity to expand those offerings.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:08
Right, that’s helpful.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:12
Yeah, just real quick, as Jeff did mentioned, the staff up is this one of things. I think Harold and Dale had made a commitment that at least that we’re trying to do our customer waters may recognize as to when we do a council approves a project that can do park and you know, Gallo, and it takes a year and a half, two years to get that done. And then as a warranty period, after that, we will be coming back two and a half years later, and say we’ve added X number of acres X number of resources, X number of mowing X number of trails, and we need new staff now that uses go into the general fund request with every other request out there. Harold has made a commitment that we can try to remind Council when this comes in that this will be a level one request. And it really is the highest level request that if we made a commitment to build apart, put these assets in place, we need to have the staff and the budget to maintain that new asset. So that’s a positive piece that we’re moving moving forward with the staffing on our end. So I don’t have quite the same view Jeff does there. But for me, it really is that staffing piece of the pie that project managers moving at four, but staffing is definitely a challenge. I know that Jeff is really facing it continue to work with the motor union, especially on that what would it

Unknown Speaker 1:38:32
take to to have the 1.1 million reinstated?

Unknown Speaker 1:38:37
I believe that if we have a better year, which we already are having that I think is COVID Hopefully disappears and stays away that people start using our facilities and programs more, I think that would help that to happen.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:08
So I do I

Unknown Speaker 1:39:09
mean, if there are there any questions from council members about any of this

Unknown Speaker 1:39:14
initial numbers, and I

Unknown Speaker 1:39:20
do want to make sure that we can have this discussion when we have ideally like our whole our whole board. So when Dan and Scott are also present. So we can follow up more either at the next meeting or at a an interim retreat

Tim Waters 1:39:36
for us. Do you ask you about council members or

Unknown Speaker 1:39:40
no I was asking about the board. Okay. I just misspoke. I said Council and unimportance. Event did you want to add something?

Unknown Speaker 1:39:52
And I’m sorry. Just just to make sure because you mentioned Scott is not here tonight. And Scott has said some very similar questions about Are plans and things that he’s heard about over the years of being long my resident where those goes? So I, I think these questions that you’re asking Are, are very appropriate, and ones that I think, you know, for staff to be able to be held accountable and make as these questions, I think we’re, it’s time to do that

Unknown Speaker 1:40:16
Councilman waters

Unknown Speaker 1:40:25
are there. Since you’re there. Are there any other related questions you think we should address when we follow back up on this?

Tim Waters 1:40:32
Like you’re spot on? I, you know, I’ve talked, I’ve talked with Jeff and David, about these issues. And I just want to make certain, you know, just as I run kind of a parallel path to where you’re headed, that when by the time we get into budget discussions, I’m well informed to support the kind of priorities that the your recommendations and what I know their needs are. So it’s helpful to hear this conversation, just in terms of I think, as I think about my own preparation,

Unknown Speaker 1:41:04
so. Okay, well, I think that’s a good start. I appreciate you guys. Bringing preparing some information to share in response to the questions and hopefully we can follow up on that conversation. Are there any other items from board members, any other questions? Or errands sitting outside? I hope you’re not freezing. Okay. If there’s nothing else, I think we are ready to adjourn. We have a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:54
Notes and you should the motion to adjourn. meeting today.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:02
Write a second.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:06
Best. Great. All those in favor. Aye.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:14
Thanks, everyone. The meeting is adjourned. And we’ll look forward to seeing you in person at the next one.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:21
Thanks, I appreciate your time you

Unknown Speaker 1:42:22
do thank you

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