Longmont Housing Authority Advisory Board Meeting – February 15, 2022


Video Description:

Longmont Housing Authority Advisory Board Meeting – February 15, 2022

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

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Unknown Speaker 0:03
call this meeting to order the llama Housing Authority advisory board. Erica, can you do a quick roll call first?

Unknown Speaker 0:12
Yes, definitely. So, board members present we have time to be Jean Christopher, Arlene Portman and Lauren Sally. Others present we have Harold Dominguez, Karen Roni, Molly O’Donnell, Kendra Daniels, Lisa gallon R and Sarah Arnie.

Unknown Speaker 0:33
Thank you. Next up on the agenda number two, approval of the minutes from the January 18 2022. Meeting. Can I get a motion? Motion to approve. Second. Alright, so the motion by Lauren or lean? seconded. Any discussion? Any changes? Yes, go ahead early.

Unknown Speaker 1:05
So, in Section five, a under the second bullet point. It’s just kind of a question for the understanding thing here. Conversation number two, under personal engagement, it says how can we ensure that all personal interactions are genuine and compassionate? And here, we’re just saying it’s between the lhsaa staff and residents. And I thought we talked about between resident and resident as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:35
Am I making sense?

Unknown Speaker 1:38
I believe so. So that was one bullet point. Was that sorry,

Unknown Speaker 1:43
the second bullet point? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:52
So you’d kind of you’d like to revise that to have read Lhh staff, interacting with residents as well as resident to resident?

Unknown Speaker 2:03
Yes, I think so. Because I think that’s what was one of the concerns was regarding gossiping, and everything like that, that the residential resident interaction needed to be nice.

Unknown Speaker 2:18
Yeah, so Arlene, this is Karen Arlene is correct. So that we can certainly make that clarification. Since it is a broader conversation. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:31
Any other changes? No. All right, seeing those, so we’ll just change that motion slightly to approve the minutes with that change to five a bullet point to to add, as well as resident to resident Let’s vote. For Approval, please raise your hand passes unanimously. Next on the agenda number four organizational updates for a revisit regular meetings date and time for any changes. And this is kind of my thing. I would if everybody’s okay with it. Tom, go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 3:21
We actually have to do the public invited to be heard.

Unknown Speaker 3:23
Oh, I’m sorry. Yes. Number three. Thanks for that. Erica, was there anybody from the public that wanted to be heard? I don’t have anybody now. All right. So now we’re going to florae? Uh, I am proposing if everybody’s okay with it at 9am Meeting rather than 8am. Does anybody have any conflicts with that? No. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 3:51
I’m good. All right, perfect. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 3:55
So I’m going to stay the same Tuesday of every month just

Unknown Speaker 4:00
to make it as easy as possible like I can, I can get my son to the bus basically. And then make the meeting at nine o’clock no problem. So if we just push it back an hour, we’ll give it plenty of time for that.

Unknown Speaker 4:15

Unknown Speaker 4:16
I move we change our meeting for the LFA advisory board to 9am. Same Tuesday as currently stated on second term,

Unknown Speaker 4:32
we got a motion and a second. Any discussion needed? Seeing none if approval of the motion please raise your hand passes unanimously. So next one for be proposed changes to process for interviewing Lhh advisory board members

Unknown Speaker 5:00
Tom, I’ll go ahead and take that one if that’s all right. So, the this evening on the council agenda his staff has, based on actually, council request is recommending a change in the process for how Council selects advisory board participants. And, and, in essence, what is, you know, what is being recommended. And, you know, the full document is is on the website for tonight’s council meeting, if, if you want to review that, and actually I can send a link to that, after the meeting is, is basically to have more current Advisory Board member participation in that process. So in essence, and and just pay for detail than this, but in essence, the what is being suggested that counsel consider is that there would be kind of a screening interview process by the the current board members for applicants who apply for so in this in this case would be for the llama Housing Authority advisory board. And and the recommendation would be there would be no more than two representatives from the board for basically for Open Meeting purposes, to, to, to work with the Advisory Board Liaison to do basically pre interviews of the applicants who apply for the advisory board. And and then at that point in time, the Advisory Board would make recommendations to city council about which applicants to, you know, to, you know, select or that that past that first level of of screening, if you will, and then my understanding is that at that point in time city council would would only interview those board members that are applicants that are recommended by the by the advisory board, they could certainly interview more they could interview let you know, whatever. So but but they would, they would consider the recommendations from the sitting advisory board in determining how they’re going to move forward with further interviews for those for those candidates. What I just sent you early this morning, because I didn’t put it in the packet was was the list of current questions that the council members asked of applicants for the llama Housing Authority advisory board? These questions were, I think, developed by the board and by some of the staff liaisons. And, and so we would have the opportunity if there are different questions that you would want to ask, you know, we you certainly can can do that. But what is being recommended is whatever we ask are those questions are consistent with each applicants. And and so for right now, you know, the questions really have to do with, you know, what do you know about affordable housing? What, what people, what applicants think about the key roles of a board member serving on the Lamont Housing Authority advisory board. And kind of the purpose of the alumni Housing Authority, the greatest strengths and skills that the candidates would bring to the advisory board. And and just some ideas about what they think some of the challenges might be today and moving forward with the with the advisory board, and

Unknown Speaker 9:00
and then ending with what’s the greatest hope that you have for the work and for the future of the law on housing authority. So those are the existing questions right now, it looks like we do you need to modify these because I think these were developed when counsel was interviewing applicants for the for the Governing Board, which is a little bit different. So so we’ll have opportunity to come back and maybe at our next meeting and and update and refresh those questions that you would want to that you want to ask based on if indeed Council provides that direction tonight to city staff about going for in this direction. They might say, heck, no, we don’t want to do this. So. So what we wanted to do is just to give you a heads up that this is in the hopper, and this will be discussed tonight at the council meeting. And if indeed we get the direction to move Word in this fashion, then then we will bring back some further conversation about questions and, and how you would want to organize the process based on the direction that we get. Harold’s I miss anything or

Unknown Speaker 10:15
no other than will will no more to tonight, we just wanted to let you all know this was coming. If they go with our suggestion for mid year recruitment, the board interviews will be the month of May, at some point based on the schedule the clerk’s put together. But all of this is subject to change based on what the direct my Oh.

Unknown Speaker 10:41
Okay, thank you for the heads up. And is this a kind of a hope just so that it kind of whittles down some of the applicants as well. So the city council does have to review as many that the whole

Unknown Speaker 10:52
thing is partially? Okay. Yeah. So there’s partially that I think it’s partially, they want a more in depth sort of recommendation from the boards and the staff that are going to be working with individuals to ensure that people really understand what the work is that are that they’re going to be undertaking and, and so I just think they want to bring more due diligence into this process to and for prospective applicants to hear well, here’s how much work goes into it. Or, here’s, here’s who you’re going to contact. So I think all of that there’s some best hopes all over this.

Unknown Speaker 11:30
Sounds like a good idea. Any other comments? All right, let’s go into for see overview collaboration between lhg and public safety.

Unknown Speaker 11:44
So I will also introduce this time if that’s all right. The you know, Lisa, who had a birthday yesterday, if you could tell on Valentine’s Day. She has a very festive office. And, and then. So this will be a discussion and presentation by Lisa and by Sarah Arne, who is worse with public safety. She’s one of our master police officers. He her background isn’t as festive. today. But But we thought we wanted to do is just to update the advisory board on on our the Housing Authority and the partnership with with public safety, and how that really has evolved over the past couple of years. And, and just for them to provide some just some updates and opportunity for the advisory board to ask any questions about about what we’re up to. So it’s been a really invaluable relationship and collaboration between lmha and the UN public safety and we wanted to just share a little bit information about that. So I would say take it away, Sarah, and Lisa.

Unknown Speaker 13:07
All right, Lisa, do you want me to start? Go for it? Great. Well, thanks for inviting me today. I wanted to start off with hygiene. It’s been some time since I’ve seen you. Good to good to see it but not not really on the computer. I wanted to give you all a background on the crime free housing program. That’s what really enabled this relationship. And this may be 12 years that crime free housing programs then in Longmont that’s a that’s incredible, in my opinion, in the strides we’ve made and the things we’ve done, but really this is a this program is based upon relationships in the housing industry itself. And it’s a very best industry, as you all know, I assume. So how we collaborate with la ha, really is through several several avenues, whether that be property safety, you know, residents that might have some behavioral issues, community meetings, ensuring the folks that live or living in these properties have the information they need regarding any public safety issue. And in really working with Lisa as a regional manager, intricately with every property regarding and all these different different things that come up. I can get into more specifics, but I would like Lisa to be able to chat about what her thoughts are and give you guys some examples of how how we’ve made some positive impacts.

Unknown Speaker 14:50
I’d say um, first, our relationship with the police department has gotten so much better from what I’ve heard having the police presence on site Sara visiting these sites walking the sites interacting with the residents being part of these coffees and conversations we had. And having that positive relationship with the residents has really gone far the last year. Sarah has been a great asset along with Dave and the crime free program as they’ve been able to assist us with evictions, helping us navigate how to keep these people off our properties, once more of their evicted, working through welfare checks, working through different agencies, even within the public safety department. I just drew a blank on all this. But it’s been a great relationship. It’s come far, all of our properties have now been inspected for the crime free so we’re we’re moving that way, all of them should be completely cept head certified. Probably here, by the end of spring, we just have a few minor things to do at a couple of the communities that we are working on.

Unknown Speaker 16:06
Lisa can i button and maybe explain that piece a little bit better. So when she says CEP Ted, that’s an acronym that stands for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. And that is it’s actually a certification that Dave and I have, that we have to keep up. And it’s not. It’s really not rocket science. But what what it comes down to is having the education and base knowledge of security of property. We’ve we’ve done assessments on schools, we’ve done assessments on churches, so it really doesn’t, if it’s a bill structure, we can we can basically do our conduct accepted inspection we call it so all all of the crime free properties in our program, which are about 230 have been inspected. You know, our, our relationship with the manager is to ensure that those those things that we look at, like lighting, landscaping, few things on the internal side, like what kind of window locks you might have, on the on the new builds, all these things are really just built in, it’s the old properties that they have to go back and, and basically, you know, change out a few things like the locks, or maybe it’s time to upgrade and get new windows. So really basic stuff like that. And so all of all of the FHA properties have been inspected. And I also sit on the DRC for the city and review the plans Prior to

Unknown Speaker 17:46
there, you might want to say what that acronym stands for,

Unknown Speaker 17:49
oh, I’m sorry, Development Review Committee. So the city has staff, that development review committee that reviews all planning for new builds. And I don’t that’s a full time job if I were to do that full time, but I do all the multifamily properties that are coming in, which are quite a few. So it’s really nice to meet these folks ahead of time, be able to give them some of a public safety perspective and some suggestions on you know, what, what are we seeing as far as current current trends and issues on properties? We aren’t fire code, which that means a builder doesn’t have to do anything that we asked but our our city staff has really embrace this, you know, what we’re doing and what we’re trying to do. So they’ve actually helped out tremendously. Planning and Development help our programs tremendously as far as you know, making this a very high, high, you know, priority so to speak, as far as when they start to build so I just wanted to touch on that real quick. So when the the new building next to the suites gets built, same with Chrisman. I’m a part of that. And that’s I think, I think for as you know, police officer city staff member I, I really embrace those opportunities, personally because I I feel like I’ve got you know, a seat at the table so to speak.

Unknown Speaker 19:31
Okay, Sara and Lisa, both are the managers still attending the crime free training that we used to have every other year? Okay, that’s still going on. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 19:47
Jean, and I didn’t break down requirements but real quick. Every This is a free program to anyone that wants to join. It’s it’s not mandatory. Some cities and municipalities make this They make this program mandatory and it does change rental properties across municipalities city wide, Longmont hasn’t pushed for that. Needless to say, we have a lot of folks that are in our program, and they have to come to an eight hour training. And that’s a long day for folks. But super valuable. Jean could probably attest to that, as well. Yes, so everyone on the lmha staff has been to our training except Adam. He’s new.

Unknown Speaker 20:29
Okay. Oh, also, soon, what about? Are you still doing landlord tenant? That meetings once a month?

Unknown Speaker 20:41
We aren’t. That’s now going on? 12 years as well. So, okay, at the second Wednesday of every month at 630. And that’s still online.

Unknown Speaker 20:52
Okay. All right. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 20:57
So part of it to just say, you know, Friday meetings, Sarah is giving her report in combination with Lisa, they’re talking about what they’re doing. So every Friday, we’re getting briefed on what’s going on and all the properties. And it lets us kind of dig in a little bit on issues and, and sometimes there may be issues that are not necessarily police related, but touch police and code enforcement. And so then Sarah is facilitating a conversation with other groups as we’re moving through. And so completely different operational profile now versus what happened. But it’s basically highlighted with Lisa and Sarah constantly communicating with each other, and staying on the same page. And so really more of our Fridays have now shifted to here’s what we’re dealing with. And here’s what we’ve come up with to solve the issues. And then we ask a couple of questions versus, you know, truly digging into it. Or it may be another issue we’re aware about that we dig into, then we push to them. And so the communication has been phenomenal in terms of how we deal with situations.

Unknown Speaker 22:12
And for those of you that aren’t familiar with the program itself, property managers and Lhh specifically get any calls for service that may happen on property, they’ll get that the next day. So if I’m at work, which Monday through Friday, pretty much and paying attention what’s going on with the radio, if it’s like a fire or something like that, I’m calling right away. But as far as like just noise disturbance, or maybe a trespassing issue, those are notifications that folks get every every day. So that’s that’s, I think, valuable to Lisa, and the lmha managers. And then we can we just touch base and follow up on next steps.

Unknown Speaker 23:03
You back off that because we’re getting the calls for service daily. So I’m keeping kind of a list of who’s even for situations that like the sweets, ask them that as neighborhood other properties. If we start seeing the same household come up multiple times, then Sarah and I are having deeper conversations do we need to get cor involved? Do we need to refer to Adult Protective Services, depending on the situation, and we’re walking through these situations, trying to avoid bigger situations and kind of being proactive on these. And I think a lot of this has shown in our calls for service. I think when I started the Swedes was having 20 plus a week. Now most of them are just welfare checks, maybe two or three a week.

Unknown Speaker 23:45
Yeah, the cars, I would say have gone down tremendously. So I I’ve been working with lmha prior to the city taking over, I can tell you the relationship. Obviously I’ve worked, you know, work with some of the city staff for a long time. But I just think that where la che is now I mean, this is kind of an outside perspective where it is now versus where we were, I think I’m I’m I’m being utilized to the extent that I knew that LA che had had the capacity to to use if that makes sense. I think there’s more to properties and people living in in rental properties than just, oh, well the police were called here. I I think that you know what, what we also carry to with us is a very vast knowledge in in landlord tenant law and for police. Police don’t study civil law. I’ve really had to wrap my brain around civil law in its ever so changing especially with the state and a lot of the things that they’ve done in the last two years. So keeping up on that, whereas, you know, if you’re going to call patrol and ask for a welfare check, or something that that may seem like it’s a little bit out of the ordinary. Dave and I can come in and really assess that, to the extent of what what’s legal, what can we do. And I think that that’s very important as property managers to understand that and I think that’s where they also gain value in in utilizing and being a part of this program.

Unknown Speaker 25:37
So, Lisa, with you mentioned, core was a program that you refer them to what is what is that exactly?

Unknown Speaker 25:45
I’m gonna take that.

Unknown Speaker 25:47
So core is our and that’s an acronym CRI. And I, I butcher it all the time. Basically, it’s a it’s we have two teams in public safety, and it consists of law enforcement officer, a paramedic, and a mental health clinician. And those folks respond to right here right now crisis for folks on in Longmont. While they’re there, you know, having a mental health problem, whether I mean, they respond to things outside of the box to maybe there’s a kid in school that has really caused some problems. And it’s escalated to the, you know, the awareness of the school resource officers, for example, they’ll a lot of times called core core is used, often, and they respond to properties often. And they’re, we’re building a third team, and I know our chief wants to move to a fourth team eventually. So we have 24/7 coverage. Right now, we don’t have that. But is that is that pretty much the gist of it?

Unknown Speaker 26:56
So then, do they respond then to the welfare checks as well, then to the units? Is that typically does it or is

Unknown Speaker 27:04
it? It depends it that’s, that’s a situation that like, if we have if we have knowledge that there’s mental health history, you know, if do we have knowledge? It really is situational dependent, but they oftentimes will respond on welfare checks.

Unknown Speaker 27:23
In terms of this certification, is it on an annual basis as has to be done? Or is it your gift for five years? How does that work?

Unknown Speaker 27:32
What certification are you taking?

Unknown Speaker 27:34
This was a certification for the three Oh, the crime for it yet.

Unknown Speaker 27:40
They are as being in the crime free program. You know, yeah, they have to the property managers have to attend a eight hour and then every other year, they have to come to a four hour. And that’s really, really about legal updates and trends in Longmont and working with police, that’s the last four hours of our training. And then as far as the properties themselves and the residents, we require a community meeting every other year, I have some some folks that like to have them every year. So it really we leave that up to management, but we we have to do it every other year, you know, property properties are very rare, you know, rentals are very transitory. I know a lot of La che properties, we have some long term residents there. So that’s fantastic. But most of the time, we, you know, we experienced the fact that people move out, we want to get in there, we want to have the relationship built with them, build that trust, and they see our face, they have a contact if there’s a problem, and they can move forward knowing that they they’re confident in the fact that man management’s working with these folks. I and Jeanne might be able to speak to that a little more, because she’s experienced both sides of that of that coin. But that’s, that’s really the basis of it.

Unknown Speaker 29:07
So So, Tom, I think the one thing that I would add is that you know, one things that we really have been trying to focus on is the successful tendency of, you know, abolish our residents, because it is certainly it’s good for our residents. It’s good for the housing authority. And, and so, you know, so I think through our enhanced partnerships with public safety and other collaborators that we really are looking at, how do we how do we notice things first, how do we notice things early and oftentimes they’re they are behavioral, on kind of behavioral health issues. So how do we how do we get things on our radar quicker and are in a position to you know, respond in a way We can intervene and maybe have helped people be successful in their housing, or prevent things from escalating. And, and also, I think our, our consultation with public safety is around. I mean, at some point in time, you know, we we have, we’ve we’ve gone, you know, we do have to, you know, terminate, you know, someone’s lease, if, again, if things have gone, it’s gone, you know, too far. So, so it’s really a good consultation relationship. We tried to bring the skills and expertise of, of property management and behavioral health, you know, together to really try to help folks be successful in their tenancy. And I think the other thing that public safety helps us do is to, you know, navigate, so if we need to, so who do we need to bring forward to address this particular thing, or to make an improvement that we want to make? You know, Sarah, and then she’s mentioned, David, that’s David Kennedy, who’s also in the, you know, an officer with our crime free program that, you know, they can also help us with with that, navigation. So. So I don’t know if there’s any other questions, or if Sarah and or Lisa want to, if there’s a particular success or story that you want to share that illustrates how this how we work well together? Or not, don’t have to just just

Unknown Speaker 31:41
know, yeah, Karen, I’ll pick up on that. And one of the things that I experienced from when I was managing was that most the majority, vast majority of residents, were comforted by the fact that we had a relationship with Sarah, and there were a couple of other police officers at the residence got to know by name, and it was it really increase the comfort level, knowing that the police are approachable, and, quote, unquote, on our side, as opposed to Big Brother is ism. And there were a couple of times, probably more than two, you might remember Sarah, where our video cameras actually helped. And solving issues, let’s put it that way. Okay, but the partnership is strong. And I’m glad to see it developing again, I’ve been a little concerned over the past three years, because management’s been so patchwork. And I’m glad to see this developing and, and coming on board because it it really is a very important arm of maintaining a good stable and safe resident environment.

Unknown Speaker 33:25
I can just bring, it’s not really an example. But one thing I can say, li ha, when I was talking earlier about how they could utilize us more. I see, like, Karen was talking about this collaboration and really consultation piece. You know, I always try in it. And this is, you know, work work smarter, not harder. And I see that a lot in the folks that I work with in law enforcement, it seems like they it’s all about, you know, let me just run this myself, versus let’s getting everyone at the table. And so I’ve seen LH a really utilize me a lot more in, in, in every situation, really. And I think that’s just invaluable. Whether it be me or someone else, just the knowledge that we can pass on and some of the experiences that we’ve seen in in properties in the last 12 years is I think it’s just going to help all ha grow to what I see becoming, I would say I don’t want to, you know, put every at the heart of the cart before the horse but I see so much opportunity for LH and the residents here in Longmont much more than I did before. So

Unknown Speaker 34:48
it’s great to see that yeah, you and Lisa have a great relationship and you know, like Lisa said earlier Canada, the proof is behind this, the number of sweet calls that we were getting in In the past compared to now, and being more proactive than reactive situations, and like Jean said, it’s really you know, public safety is for our residents is one of our core goals as well. So any other comments? Anybody? Alright, let’s go on then to number five development and project updates, assignment with alignment with goals. A is proposed ARPA investments.

Unknown Speaker 35:35
Care Health.

Unknown Speaker 35:37
So I’ll start this. So and then Harold can finish it. So so what I did include in your what we did include in your excuse me, in your your packet is the the recommendations that Harold brought to the Lamont City Council in in January of this year with how to how to spend the city’s 12.9, almost $13 million in, in in ARPA funding, as well as then what what amount of dollars would the city leverage from its other resources to bring forward some of these goals? So I think what we wanted to do is we don’t have to go over into in detail necessarily, unless you have questions for Harold. But we wanted to, to just bring that forward. Many of those, particularly the development projects, so a huge investment in in the city’s ARPA funding, nearly $8 million dollars of the $13 million is is to address the city’s and certainly the llama housing authorities affordable housing goals. And so, so I think we, and we got the Go ahead, you know, from city council to move forward. And so I just thought it might be good to confirm, you know, where we’re headed. And so then take it away, Harold, and Molly.

Unknown Speaker 37:16
So the, you can see on the list the different types of projects, a couple of things. You see next slide, book agreements, it’s something we’ve been working on to get internet access for everyone, obviously, not construction. But what we’re going to do is we’ll see money this for three, three years, and then we can gradually build it into the rent structure so we can have these book agreements in place for next slide. Want to take your two the first few projects on the affordable housing side sunset heights, Chrisman development, sunset heights is the project adjacent to the suite? We are in for the tax credit component with doh and Jaffa we’re in that process now. Molly, we should know by what day,

Unknown Speaker 38:08
we’re the it should be April ish. The application went in February 1 for 9% tax credits.

Unknown Speaker 38:15
So that’s a 9% tax credit program. So we put 1.3 in, in the event that we don’t get the 10 9% it gives us some options to essentially recreate that structure, the investment in the financial model. We also put 800,000 into Chrisman development, the numbers tend to be moving all over the place based on construction cost. And so we are back in front of doh asking for some additional assistance. Hopefully we will hear something in the near future. But we are finalizing the loi, we actually were a meeting yesterday. That’ll be finalized tomorrow. So our goal is really probably by the end of the year to have those two projects under construction. And they’re a little bit different. I would say sensei heights is probably a more traditional organic Chrisman there’s, it’s less traditional terms of how we’re structuring the agreement so that we can take over management responsibilities and some other things. And so hopefully those two are going to continue moving. I was trying to explain someone else they go it takes so long what’s going on. It’s kind of this back and forth thing when you’re moving in the development cycle and the development world. In terms of you come in, you put your plan together, you understand what your capital stacks going to look like. You start building it, they change the tax credit component on you a little bit so you have to back up kind of figure that out or pricing changes on you as you’re moving forward. So then you have to back up and figure that gap. And so when you’re really moving in this development stage, it’s a lot of this as you’re trying to resolve these issues, but you continue to move forward. Couple of things in here, we did put 1.7 million in seed money to try to find a partner for an affordable assisted living component, and then 1.5 million for an on House option of which we don’t know what it is, we just know that we need it. So if you look at this year, and you see sunset heights, Chrisman, you also see the recent occasion a village place, three pretty big projects coming forward. Once we get the first two done, we’re really going to be looking at the development of the hoever property, which is adjacent to the lodge and Hearthstone. And that’ll be hopefully working with some of these manufactured housing groups to get that work to get that done. So nd dwell is the one that I know Molly and I visited were pretty interested in it’s kind of hard to get that one started, because we need to get these first two done. And then you you can obviously see the project Mustang, we we purchased the nine acres for affordable housing, we will begin conversations on the housing component once we actually get the Costco piece closed and everything which should be in a couple of weeks. And then the owner of the property is the remaining parcels wanting to talk to us about how we’re going to look at our nine acres for affordable housing, but how he’s also interested in attainable housing. So that’s going to be pretty large project that we’re going to be working collectively on that with with Reggie golden. So you can see a lot of projects starting to really pick up steam, draw your attention to the bottom staff development finance, that staff and that that’s positions that we need. Because obviously, we would like to move more quick, more quickly, but or quicker, but we still have the bodies right now. I mean, we’re just in a body deficit. And so we can do what we can do. So we put about a half a million dollars in here for staff development and finance position, or positions depending on how we structure and then it’s something that between Housing Authority and the general fund, we’ll look at how we put how we basically fund those positions in perpetuity via general fund and Housing Authority dollars and partnering on that. So a lot of work coming. The thing you can also see is purchasing mobile home, the Royal mobile home park, which was adjacent to the same brand part of our flood recovery, we did get the money in there to do that for 3 million. So we’re also acquiring a lot of property as we continue to move forward as well, to get these projects going.

Unknown Speaker 43:09
I’ll just add on that we do have the we have a development, like a development specialist position has been posted. So we’re accepting applications. So if you know anybody share it, we do have an account halftime accountant onboard specifically to handle arpa. So we’ve made a little bit of progress. But we need a good applicant to come in to help with the development and really speed up that process.

Unknown Speaker 43:37
I had a question on the Chrisman side of it. Is that also included in there, we would take over management of their other facility as well. Yeah, so and that’s part of what we’re having to work through. We

Unknown Speaker 43:50
spent some time yesterday with some attorneys, in terms of where we say it’s still a moving target, because I think we had it earlier in there. But the investor essentially said, we had it pretty close to stabilization in our initial agreement. And the investor said now you need to stabilize and then go out in time. And I think they said, what, five years and then we’re going to push back with three years to Christmas one we’re trying to hold to take it over the original date, which would be in a couple of years. In terms of the management piece. And so those are the things we’re still working through based on what the investor said in terms of Christine to but yes.

Unknown Speaker 44:37
And then just those the staff development, finance, those are brand new positions that we don’t have budgeted for correct.

Unknown Speaker 44:42
Well, they’re budgeted with ARPA money. And so there will be new positions that we haven’t had money for that we do, but that we will then incrementally start bringing in ongoing dollars so that we can keep those positions in perpetuity.

Unknown Speaker 45:00
But and they will be established right now is fixed term positions given that ARPA funds are one time investments, and as Harold mentioned, that gives us the opportunity to build in ongoing funding for, for, for that position unless we decided we don’t need it. But we’re not thinking that’s good. We’re thinking probably that will be a need on an ongoing basis. But for right now, there’s stablish is fixed term.

Unknown Speaker 45:29
And so really this year, I mean, you could see three major construction or rehabilitation projects going at the same time. And then once we get those going, we’re gonna start on the next set. And so if you remember the goal of six development projects, and for four years, so at some point in this, we’re probably going to have probably four projects going at once, four to five at one time, just in different stages of development. So there’s there’s a lot of work coming. As Molly takes a deep breath.

Unknown Speaker 46:17
Molly, I feel for you, because like at BCHA, we’ve got three projects and various stages. And then we’ve got three project managers and and it’s a lot of work. So I hope you guys are able to get this position filled. We’re having a hard time getting positions filled to it’s across the board. But yeah. I feel I feel for you, I get it.

Unknown Speaker 46:39
Yeah. And we may have to pull some of our project managers that we use generally from the city. But yeah, so now we’ve got 1234. We’ve actually got five going right now. Yeah, different stages. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 47:01
Well, luckily, in the way that we’ve set up the partnerships and son about in some of them is that really were heavy, heavily in right now on the financing negotiation, but then they are going to do the heavy lift when it comes to design and construction. So so it’s not it’s not as much as doing the full full project management. But it’s still it’s still. Yeah, the

Unknown Speaker 47:29
financial part hard that construction and design is the fun part. Yeah. Hopefully, you get to help out on the fun stuff, too. Eventually.

Unknown Speaker 47:40
Mobility place does offer the opportunity for that. So

Unknown Speaker 47:43
do you know if if any of these projects are going to apply for worthy cause funds from the county? First?

Unknown Speaker 47:53
No, well, no, probably not. We don’t like the terms. Honestly. The county has in terms of 99. What is it?

Unknown Speaker 48:03
Carrying? Like a 99 year term?

Unknown Speaker 48:06
Yeah, for it just that’s sort of our last resort if we need to make a capital stack work. And so to give you a sense, on, on, it was Christmann. Actually, that was something they threw out. And when we have the ARPA dollars, it’s like, yeah, no, we’re not going to do that, because we’re gonna want maximum flexibility in terms of what we need to do. And so it’s there, but it’s typically our last choice. Though first statement here

Unknown Speaker 48:46
this is very exciting to see. So it’s all gonna be happening within the next couple of years. Any other comments on that? We can go on to village place re syndication,

Unknown Speaker 49:00
I can go ahead and take this one. So the current status is we have our property conditions assessment report in it looks like the the capital needs are in the range of 5.4 million, which actually, the building itself is in quite good shape for its age. And then the the parking lot does need a lot of work. So the next steps here are to amp ramp up our finance comm start coming up with budgets, and work on getting our architect on board. So if you recall from what we reported after the kickoff meeting with residents in early January is the next big residential input opportunity that we’re going to do is as we have that architect on board and we’re getting started on design and and in coming up with our wish list and our needs list. So that is the status They’re generally the Yeah, the building is that, you know, the brick is in good shape. Overall, it’s not a huge, huge project on the building other than doing some reconfigurations to make it more useful for residents, but not necessarily structural problems and kind of the big ticket items aren’t aren’t in dire need. That doesn’t mean that they’re not going to be part of the project, because we’re looking for the 20 year horizon. So, but generally, that’s what our capital needs assessments showing. So we’re really going to push forward on financing now is the next step.

Unknown Speaker 50:45
Are we going to carve out the piece that is the that we lease out the to remember the nonprofit to do? I think it’s disability services over there.

Unknown Speaker 50:56
So that is part of our financing discussions that we need to have, because we need to talk to CHAFA, about the possibility of splitting that off, because that’s that’s what the goal is to try and split that off and be able to separate the two, at least when it comes to the CHAFA tax credits. And then I want to there’s, I want to let anybody else has questions on the process. But I do want to turn it over to Lisa to give an update on a parking discussion that she had with residents yesterday, yesterday. But if there’s any other questions on the syndication process where we are, I’d be happy to take those.

Unknown Speaker 51:38
So yesterday, I had my first meeting, which I’ll touch base on a little bit more in the property updates, because we’re bringing on a tow company slash parking lot monitoring company, which is going to really play heavily for village place, because for years, they’ve had issues with people visiting downtown parking in their spots, and all that every resident currently has, well, those who have vehicles have assigned parking spots. So we started the discussion yesterday, letting them know that these parking spots, the assignment of their parking spots are going to slowly disappear over the next six months, as we start bringing the contractors in as we start working with architects, contractors, so that they are aware that they won’t have that permanent parking spot forever. We know we planted that seed yesterday, because that has been their biggest concern because they some of them have had assigned parking spots for 12 years. And they’re like, Well, I’m losing my parking spot where like you are, but you’re not you’re still going to be able to park back there. It’s permit parking only. So if you don’t have somebody parks Becker, who doesn’t have a permit, their car will be gone.

Unknown Speaker 52:47
So So overall, Lisa, how did it how did the residents respond?

Unknown Speaker 52:53
Very well, I was actually really surprised because they are my most vocal bunch when it comes to standing up for their community and their pride in their community. But most of them, I’d say 95% of them who attended which was probably about 40 residents were okay, we understand yes, we need more handicap we know we need to work on this parking lot, if this is going to make it better for everybody that I’m in so and we’ve come up with some solutions we’re working with LDA to possibly make a motorcycle parking lot or a parking space out front in the U shape between the spoke and as we have a little weird parking spots. So LDA is open to our discussion to make motorcycle parking so I have two residents with motorcycles who would like to park upright and can share a spaceman sorry.

Unknown Speaker 53:46
So I think it’s feeding into their recent vacation process because we the first of all, this is the only property with assigned parking. And so in generally we cannot be assigning handicap spaces without a reasonable accommodation process is not not the correct process. So we’re just really going to get the eventually when after the construction, we want the property to be operating similar to the others when it comes to parking. And of course reconfiguring the parking to add more we just it’s all all cycled together, including LDA. Who did confirm for us that the parking spaces that are a part of the construction zone for the spoke are going to be reopening in April. Did she say Lisa? April,

Unknown Speaker 54:38
end of March early April okay they get CFO

Unknown Speaker 54:42
and we did get some feedback from yesterday that we do we might have some residents that are interested in covered parking at the spoke so are in the parking garage associated with it. So we’re gonna at first we were the feedback that we originally got that was like, maybe not. But we’re going to be including that and part of our residents surveys anyways, but we’re going to be using all of this information to come up with, you know, our plan for, for how to address the parking that was placed as part of the project.

Unknown Speaker 55:19
And to be, so this area, part of what we’re gonna look at is also the drainage. And so we know that there’s some drainage issues coming in, that creates ice issues in the winter. But to be clear, this is also going to be corresponding with the Kauffman Street project that we’re going to be going under construction on from basically, was it long speak to first in the coffin project. So there’s going to be a lot of construction in this area over the next two, probably two, three years.

Unknown Speaker 56:03
Any, I don’t see any questions. So let’s go on to item number six items for input to elect a board of commissioners as property tax exemption policy.

Unknown Speaker 56:16
So I will take this one as well. So I’m on February 24, we’re planning to take the property tax exemption policy to the Board of Commissioners, basically, the it’s it’s been common practice for housing authorities to extend property tax exemptions to partnerships that they work on with in developing affordable housing. But the the point of this and is becoming more more solid or more common practice is to really leverage that to benefit affordable housing more overall. So what this property tax exemption policy essentially does is develop a calculation for what the fee should be to participate in the tax exemption based on the number of a highly affordable units if there’s support permanent supportive housing involved, basically having a scale to provide those benefits to affordable housing developers. So, the scale that calculation is shown in here, I will just just to ground the discussion, the the two projects that we have going forward, the sunset heights project and Chrisman will, will be they will receive a tax exemption as part of their projects. And so they will fall into this calculation formula. And specifically sunset heights is permanent supportive housing. And they are FHA is partnering in both projects. So then the application fees, we can consider waiving those. So that’s just kind of how the first two upcoming projects could could be. Have their tax exemption applied in this case? So is there any questions on this? Is there any feedback on it?

Unknown Speaker 58:15
Go ahead, learn. I think you’re on mute Lauren.

Unknown Speaker 58:33
Okay, can you hear me now? Yes,

Unknown Speaker 58:35
when my headset dies, then it all gets wonky? I’m sorry about that. Are we only looking at an acting like an FE to replace the lost revenue? Or are we looking at other development terms like, you know, a right of first refusal or a right to purchase or to take over management, something that would get us in the door in an ownership capacity down the line?

Unknown Speaker 59:02
So I think this is for this is for development partners that he is working with. So that’s kind of earlier in the process. So at that point, those aspects might mean negotiated separately. I think this is really just this is an incentive for affordable housing developers, obviously. And this is just trying to incentivize more affordable units or more highly affordable units. So I at this point, it’s definitely not part of the right of first refusal or other aspects such as that are not included in this property tax exemption policy. Is there is that A, is that something that you’ve seen in the past? Are we thinking creatively? What about how this could

Unknown Speaker 59:56
just no BCHA has has partnered with private developers before to lend their tax exemption. And as part of the terms, you know, we might have a right of first refusal or right to purchase later down the line so that we can take over either in or step into the investor, investor shoes, or take over property management, just ways to make sure that the affordability stays in perpetuity, because some of these can come out of affordability down the line. And one of our goals is to make sure that doesn’t happen and right tool is for us to eventually take it over. So that if the people who build it the private developers, if they want to get out, right, have an option to do so. And then we have a way to keep it affordable. I’m happy to talk to you more about that later.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:48
Yeah. So I’m thinking that this policy is for, it’s when la ha is extending the tax exemption policy. So it is not explicitly in here in that form. But that assumes that we are partnering in some way. And then we do we have that opportunity to do that. But let’s, let’s chat about that. Okay. Karen or Harold, do you have any questions or input on that?

Unknown Speaker 1:01:17
Yeah, I was kind of thinking through this, because, you know, we’re slightly different. We have the development side, but then we have what we’re doing, from the affordability side is the city in terms of the 12% requirements investments that we make. And so there’s a piece in there that we might need to think about is, depending on what it is, you know, we have a third of 30 year affordability clauses and things like that, we might want to see how we bring in the first right of refusal. But yeah, we do that definitely. From an lhg. standpoint, and on the ARPA funds, we’ll definitely have that as part of the agreements. But yeah, but let’s talk about that a little bit more. It suggested you had your hand up. Okay, you’re on mute?

Unknown Speaker 1:02:10
Yeah, yeah, I’ll just address my concern.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:18
So the

Unknown Speaker 1:02:19
value so the formula number two, it has that 7.15% update as needed? Is that like a set kind of percentage that is common in the sort of partnership fee? Or how is that calculated? Or determined?

Unknown Speaker 1:02:38
So I do have to refer back to our CFOs. specifics on the tax calculation piece on this. So I know that the let me look into that further, because I think my primarily my information from our CFO is on the mill levy piece that is already in the 2021 update is coming. Let me check on that. 7.15 and get you some more detail on that. I don’t want to miss speak on it without referring back to the you know, it’s not

Unknown Speaker 1:03:15
and then the other thing, so the partnership fee is then this paid over 15 years as well, kind of the compliance period. It’s kind of unclear, or is it a one year ago? Is it like a lump sum?

Unknown Speaker 1:03:39
So I know that the it’s going to be applied after the tax credits are in. Let me check on what makes most sense is that as well, because we don’t specify. So I wonder, I’m wondering if there’s an opportunity to do one or the other depending on kind of how, in some cases, that fee is going to be quite small, like for sunset heights, compared to if if it’s being extended to something else that has a different affordability range, they might be much larger. So let me see if there’s flexibility on that.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:16
Sorry, I thought we were trying to build flexibility and to do either or depending on the value. That’s what I remember from that conversation. So you didn’t want to lose a project. If that number was too big, right? Then negotiate payments on it over time. Or if it’s small enough, he just took it.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:40
And in full disclosure, I’m I’m inheriting from Kathy, so I do have to refer back to some of her prior discussions. So we’ll get your answers though. But

Unknown Speaker 1:04:50
and I think it’s good input in terms of what we do. So this is why it’s really valuable to bring these items to the advisory board before we take this to the Board of Commissioners. So, so obviously, that’s something that we’ll want to consider how to incorporate in the policy, if indeed that flexibility or how those payments will be made? And is this

Unknown Speaker 1:05:15
is this opportunity only for private developers who were doing 100%? Some kind of affordable? Or does this include developments that have a market rate? piece?

Unknown Speaker 1:05:28
Well, it could be either. However, la che is the the common thread. So it needs to be something that we’re la ha will be managing it eventually. It’s an LH, a co development project. So it’s not going to be extended to any affordable housing developer.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:48
Okay, so if element were to come in, and they were just going to do a straight, affordable housing development, and they weren’t partnering with us, anyway, they could not apply for this. Yeah. Okay. And then market rate, obviously, they’ll they have the fee and the option if they don’t want to do the affordability. Okay, so this is just another tool to try to encourage them to partner with Oh Ha, instead of going that route, okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:20
Yeah, I’m in leveraged position for LA chain in the future, whether it’s rent or whatever it is. I think they kind of bring you full circle. So if we were looking at a development project, similar to what we did, with Fall River Spring Creek, we would probably with our our PR dollars that we’re putting in probably only get what Molly one project, maybe. Based on ARV allocate, what we’re actually doing is leveraging like, hopefully six to seven projects with our ARPA allocation, in this, develop the this development model, where it’s a partnership with a private development entity of which we then take ownership in the future. So what we’re trying to do is maximize the value of the ARPA dollars, combine it with all of these things as we’re bringing in to get more projects. Okay. And then getting to your point, how do we leverage it? And we probably need to clear that up. Really good information from this conversation.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:37
Let’s go on to the next item. Number seven items, not part of the lhsaa Work Plan goals. This is the one that’s always on the agenda. Is that recurring?

Unknown Speaker 1:07:50
Correct. So this is one of the standard items and we didn’t have anything listed there. So but if indeed the at the Advisory Board has has anything, we are just as a FYI, is that we have yet to take those the LA Jay goals that you have provided input on to the Board of Commissioners for for final adoption, but that is planned to go on February 24. So that’s a standard item and we didn’t have anything to add more.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:30
I was just gonna say I’m just circling back to last month I get to stay gay. But I figured it would be there but inquiring minds probably want to know.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:48
Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:51
Yeah. So it was determined that since we don’t fall within the city charter, we’re so far of the law, my Housing Authority Board of Commissioners, we Lauren is able to stay even though she moved out of the city. I do.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:12
I do actually have something for other businesses that have to figure this out today and tomorrow the county Boulder County Public Health on Friday, February 18. They’re going to the mat universal masking ordinance ends on the February 18, Friday, February 18. And so it’s kind of interesting in

Unknown Speaker 1:09:57
there’s some connects. There’s some pieces in here that we’re gonna have have to look at, um, where there still may be some requirements. And it’s unclear based on the federal component because they still they said, I can’t start and things like that still have a requirement. So we’re gonna have to be looking into this this week and figuring it out by Friday cuz it looks like Friday, it’s all going to be lifted

Unknown Speaker 1:10:25
in the state border, about masking for non vaccinated persons 11 and older still technically, in effect. So,

Unknown Speaker 1:10:34
but how do you enforce it? Is the question.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:40
Yeah, cuz the state was kind of pushing it to the counties to which was creating a lots of lot of chaos because Denver dropped it county started dropping it. We know that it changes on Friday. So I will be getting communication out for all of our residents and arcing about what that means for us.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:04
Yeah, as well as St. Brain Valley School District is dropping their requirement as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:15
Harold and I got a question about that. Boulder County’s dropping the mask mandate. And I understand the glitch with the federal requirement. But if there is a case, that that a resident if a resident becomes ill, and we have the case of COVID here, I’d like to know what that procedure is going to be without the mask mandate. Would it be the same as you know, isolate, like the community areas? And I think

Unknown Speaker 1:11:56
I think we got to see the order and see what’s in place. And we will we mean that, hey, we’ve gotten moved through that we will, we will notify you all the same way. We will say, you know, we highly, strongly recommend that folks wear a mask, and so on and so forth. But in terms of what we can and can’t leave open and close, we’re gonna have to understand these health orders. So I can’t answer some of it other than the notifications will still come as we’re aware of it. Not that we’re always aware of it, because they’re so far behind and processing tasks. Sometimes we don’t hear about it until much later.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:45
I think something like that to Gina, the Public Health Department for the county will reach out to that person individually. And this is assuming that they got you know, a PCR test and not one of the stay at home tests either.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:05
Alright, so let’s go on to number eight LSJ report a update on operations. One is Occupancy Report. You Luiza? Yes, it is.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:17
So I’m excited to say we finally reached 90% 97% occupied, which is the highest it’s been since I started. So we are working quicker to fill these vacancies. It’s help that we have more staff to help with these goals going through some of the properties just a quick update. As to Meadows neighborhood. Both PBV units that are vacant, do have people reserved on them, we’re just working through the process getting them qualified, and the one unit that’s been down due to meth contamination, we expect that to be back and available on for one. With that we’re going to make that a managers unit. So the manager for asking meadows and Aspen senior will probably be moving into that unit to have a presence on that site because Aspen Meadows neighborhood has now our number one calls for service even though we don’t get a lot of calls. They just it’s the family property, a lot of kids a lot more people in a smaller condensed area. So we figured having a management presence will help with those calls for service and then it will help her be more involved in that community. As the meadow SR is completely occupied Briar woods, we’ve had the two units sitting empty for the city funded voucher program. Both those units do have people working through the system to get qualified for that. So hopefully here in the next couple of weeks, we will have both those occupied. For river we have just one vacant from the eviction and we know that there’s going to be some damage in it. We’re waiting for maintenance to go And then actually pull up four boards and evaluate the whole complete situation for that one. The heart sort of the lodge they both have some vacancy. We are working through the process to open their waitlist we have moved through the complete waitlist we had opened later last year. And so we know we need to open it again to get more applicants. The suites we’re down to three vacants MHP has their two rented now and that will just leave the meth unit, which we have to we’re now looking to piece that together to get it completed. Because all of our construction bids were coming in, in the 100,000 plus range, which insurance won’t cover all of that. So I’m working with a few others within the city and we’re going to look to piece it do each item separately the drywall separately than the flooring separately, each back separately to get that in, completed and under budget hopefully in the next eight weeks. Spring Creek has for vacants working on a couple transfers one meth unit we’re waiting for testing on and we just reopen their waitlist along with village place they have one vacant and we reopen their waitlist. Any questions on the occupancy? We’re gonna move into the property updates. There’s quite a few this time. So we brought on a new maintenance tech for Aspen Meadows campus. So that’s asking meadow senior and Aspen Meadows neighborhood. He was in transfer from the city. He was a janitor with the city has a lot of maintenance experience and residents are enjoying him and he’s working out great. He’s actually been covering four properties. One of our maintenance texts, fell at home on the ice and broke his arm in multiple spots. So he will be out for six to eight weeks. So we are down to man. But Alvin who we hired is helping out in covering the four properties. And Molly did you want to know Sorry. So successful housing voucher waitlist. So we did open the section eight waitlist. About three weeks ago, January 26. We received over 1100 people who applied that day in person and via email for 150 spots. That was actually an amazing day, it went a lot smoother than we planned. We had multiple volunteers and repurpose people from other departments. The senior center came over and really helped me out because le J was down due to COVID. We had a lot of people out with VNL COVID. Sick. So Senior Center help stepped up, help us out and it was a successful day.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:53
On that one, actually, Lisa, so if somebody was on the waitlist previously for the housing choice voucher, or they they they get rolled over to this one as well or yeah, this is like once we open the waitlist, everybody.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:07
We had extinguished our previous waitlist we did do last year we had sent out letters to all those on the waitlist, let them know, you know, if you’re still interested in it, because it kind of got stagnant it was from 2018. So a lot of the information we had was not correct. But we did send courtesy mailings out last year, got the waitlist narrowed down to a manageable amount by doing that, and then we’ve reached out to everybody either qualified them, they’re pending a voucher, and it was time to open up and get that waitlist. Correct.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:45
And this is also lottery based, right? Correct. You’re correct. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:50
And so we only took 150 names for that waitlist because that is kind of what we anticipate we may be able to accommodate in the year. And then once that is exhausted, we’ll open it again. So hopefully we’ll be opening our waitlist annually. And we did notify all those who applied this time that it will be dumped annually and then recreated. And then as I touched on earlier, we have brought in a towing company parking lot management and this really has a lot to do with village place Aspen Meadows neighborhood and the homestead properties. We see a lot of vehicles from outside the community in these areas being parked in our parking lot. Sometimes being a banded village places a lot of the downtown traffic. So just taking up from the residents being able to park in their own community. We have 24/7 monitoring of these parking lots. They’ll do drive throughs daily, at nights after hours weekends just to keep and maintain that everybody who’s parking there does have a parking permit all Residents will be getting parking permits this weekend next week, we set up meetings with each of the communities to kind of go through the process. What happens, you know, if they lose their permit, what happens have they forgot to register their car, we have a lot of things that we can do to prevent a residence car from being towed. So if a resident say they forgot to register their car, or they registered it online, and they’re waiting for it to come in the mail, and their tags are expired, and they’re scared, they’re gonna get towed le J, all my managers have access to the system with this monitoring company to go in and put that residence car as a do not tell. So we can mark, if it’s expired by, you know, two weeks that they are not towed, because they’re waiting for it. They’ve provided documentation. It also helps us for when we evict the resident, if that resident has been trespassed from the property, we can put their license plate into as an immediate tow if it’s spotted on site, because they are trespassed from the community. So we have a lot of things like that, that we can do. And work with the company and the residents, we provided a list of all their license plates to the company. So say the resident forgot to put their parking permit or it fell down, the company will look for it, they’ll run the plate to see if it’s not to a residence if it’s in our system, and give them a warning the first time so and then we have it also set up that if they have a flat tire, they’re not automatically code, they get a warning notice if their registrations expired, and we didn’t put it as of do not tell because they didn’t notify us or they just lost and they don’t want to say anything. They also get a warning notice for 48 hours. So there’s a lot of things with this and then the managers will get an email as well. When somebody gets a warning. If it’s cars towed immediately because it parked in a fire zone. It was parked in a handicap without a handicap placard. Management gets email immediately letting them know when and why a vehicle was towed.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:06
Do they do we pay a fee for this service? Or are they just make their money from the impound fees?

Unknown Speaker 1:22:12
Correct. And they do other properties here in Longmont. They’re doing Roosevelt Park Centennial and a few other companies as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:22
Lisa, um, I, I like what I’m hearing in terms of the manager in this contractor interaction. And would I be in order assuming that if a resident sees a car in the wrong place, or a strange car, whatever, and reports that to the manager, the manager can have this company follow up. Okay, so it’s it’s a two way street. Okay. Yeah. So

Unknown Speaker 1:22:57
we’ll go through this in the resident meetings like y’all, I believe you’re sure tomorrow, I’ll be there. The returns can even call into the if it’s after hours, and they see suspicious vehicle parked on site, they can call the emergency maintenance line. And Dave and I have access to have a tow nights and weekends as well. Awesome. So

Unknown Speaker 1:23:17
okay, great.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:23
Next item is La che is expanding the revenue generating activities. So the city has an inclusionary housing plan. And a lot of these market rate communities don’t know how to qualify people to make sure they meet the 50% 60% or whatever designated AMI that they’re electing for that inclusionary housing. So FHA will be doing some of their file compliance and helping qualifying those tenants. For a fee. We’ve got our first company that’s reached out to us that we’re going to start qualifying tenants $100 a file so that we can, so we’ll be generating revenue off of that as well. It’s a new thing. Molly and I really walked through talk with them. Kathy was part of these talks. And I just think it’s an easy way for LJ to make some money off of something, all my staff is qualified to do. There you go. And it takes us a short amount of time.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:39
So the next one is working on a process to coordinate response when residents send multiple communications with multiple parties. Karen, I don’t know if you want to touch on this a little bit. This is when more of when residents reach out to board members, city council members, Harold, they’re not following the proper chain of command. So we have a lot of Not a lot, but a handful of residents who take the initiative to send emails call, try to go over the property managers head over my head over Herald, or other ways trying to get their and their items answered, were very minor things and we just we’re trying to really focus on pushing them back to the property manager, you need to talk to your manager, these are what the managers are here to do, go to your manager, if your manager doesn’t solve your situation, or give you, you know, what you need within a reasonable time, then come to me. And then the next step, so we’re really trying to educate them on those steps. I know Michelle, and others have been redirected most of your property manager.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:47
You know, and what I would add to what Lisa said, is that, so, these you know, we’re customized, so we’re bringing people together, as situations arise, so. So they’ll there’ll be some level of customization, you know, kind of depending on what the what the situation is. But when it gets to that point where again, there are just both could be advisory board members could be board of commission members, it could be a variety of folks. So when those kinds of things happen, then then we have this team that comes together and said, okay, so how are we going to coordinate? What comes in and and what that response is, so that we we do have a more coordinated response. So so that we’ve we’ve utilized that in a couple of situations, I’m sure we will continue to utilize that. But again, it’s really kind of bringing in folks that are involved maybe with this particular residents, to to come up with what would be the we want to respond obviously to the concerns, but how to do that in a way that is more coordinated than then scattershot like it’s been in the past.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:08
So at least I don’t know, because I know we are about at 930. So I don’t know if there, what else you want to indicate on point out in the report. And then I think we want to turn over to Kendra for the financials.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:21
Okay, and just to piggyback off that one of the items on the suites, we had a joint meeting with senior services, mental health partners, MHP. And all three agencies are working together when we have these types of scenarios. And MHP has agreed to consult on certain situations, even with non MHP residents so that we can have that United at the suites the United agree as of how to go about each situation. And then Spring Creek senior services provided some grief counseling, or a grief meeting to confer a residence they have had a couple of residents pass pretty quickly and suddenly all at once. So senior services did step in and provide some grief support. We also during one of the situations, public safety was a big thing. They had the chaplain come in, along with victim services just to comfort the residents. Because it was they lost a resident who was very involved in the community. It was a sudden, so any questions related to the properties, the occupancy items going on?

Unknown Speaker 1:28:31
I don’t see any Thanks, Lisa. Kyndra, take it away.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:37
So I was hoping this month that when you got the AR receivable, it would like look like it was down. But it doesn’t, because we had a meth unit at NAMM that we ended up charging the meth costs for so that did bring it up. We did do an allowance for that at 75%. Because but one of the things we want to get geared towards is actually sending these to collections. Because the problem is even with us when we bring somebody in, if we’re not sending them to collections, it’s not on their background. It’s not on so we have no idea that this person completely ruined a unit with meth. So I know we are Lisa and I need to get together to find a collection agency that will take this on for us. And then I know this, this resident received the letter in December. So within the next I think it’s 90 days within our bad debt policy to make sure that we get them turned over to collections. And we’ll work on how that process looks. But most of the other properties look much better. We are going to start looking at the prepaid balances. And I know that community managers are reaching out to these individuals to say hey, your next payment reduce it by 50 bucks because you paid you know, overpaid in a previous period. But if If that doesn’t work, what we may just do is issue checks to the residents so we can get the balances cleared up, and then they can get that money back in their pocket. Some of this is still due to especially with the suites just being on the wrong Ledger’s. And I know Corinne is working diligently to get through all 70 Plus residents that neither letters looked at. Does anybody have any questions on the AR? side?

Unknown Speaker 1:30:29
So on Aspen meadow, Aspen Meadows neighborhood, the current is also high as well. 43,000. And the over 90 days is 39,000. Well, the

Unknown Speaker 1:30:39
current includes all the balances all and then it divides it out. Gotcha. Okay, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:49
I thought I thought it was current like it’s owed today is what it was just built currently.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:54
Yeah, no, no worries. I look at that report every time I’m like, Oh, wait, I gotta remember. Okay. So yeah, we will see some anomalies in the coming months for the hearthstone in the lodge, mainly because we just received the largest contract. So we just finally got paid for January and February vouchers, we still have not received the Hearthstone. Apparently, HUD is still trying to find funding. So they found funding for the lodge this last week, we got that taken care of. But we’re still waiting on the heart stones contract, which expired in January. So we’ll see some anomalies in the coming months that those will increase. But then once we get payment, though, go back down. So the financials. This is this is the end of year, look, the depreciation all the interest. So it looks like a big loss, which is actually what the investor likes to see on their side for tax purposes. But all of the properties had net income. And we have a pretty good cash flow, where I think almost every property is probably going to have cash flow surplus. So we’ll have cash flow payments. This year, on most all properties, whether it’s paying developer fees, or starting to pay certain loans down, we’ll look at the priority order to see usually its developer fees are first and then from there, it trickles down depending on the property. Um, does anybody have any questions on the financials?

Unknown Speaker 1:32:33
You know, I want to just give a big shout out to Kendra and the team and all the property managers because if you remember where we were two budgets ago was a kinder when everything was budgeted in the negative and we were struggling to find money and to see where now every one of the properties are, I mean, are cash flowing from a cash perspective, but from a depreciation, they’re in the negative, which is how the system built. The fact that we’re seeing this this quickly, is really a testament to the work that all these folks have been doing so and the future budgets easier. So great work kinderen team and Lisa and everyone doing this

Unknown Speaker 1:33:22
good job, and then just the LE che consolidated is that really like the administrative side, right?

Unknown Speaker 1:33:31
Um, Elijah consolidated consists of Briar wood, anything that’s wrapped into Lhh financial, so it’s Briar wood office to 615 main. It’s all of the Prairie Village, I think Prairie Village I get LH, DC and LH a mixed up unless I look at them. But it’s all of that consolidated into one. So it’ll include the briar wood along with the 615. And then, but I separated those out on the report. So you can see exactly how those properties are doing since they’re specific. But that might not have all of the balances, because we’re still working on actually getting those LHD C’s audit is next, which is the 20. So we have to get everything submitted by the 22nd. And then lhf follows suit after that. Okay, so we’re still working on going through the trial balance and making sure everything’s recorded. So those numbers will change.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:30
Everything else? Feeling Executive Director report? I think you’re on mute. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:34:42
I’m having all sorts of computer issues today. Um, no, I really don’t have anything other than, you know, what I talked about with in terms of the county health orders and how we’re going to work through those at this point. You know, we’ll tell you We’re making progress in hiring we didn’t announce, did you already announce our new addition? Molly? Karen?

Unknown Speaker 1:35:10
Not yet because it’s still in conditional status. Oh, okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:13
We’ve made a conditional offer. Yes. Yes. To our Housing Choice Voucher specialist.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:20
Yeah. So we’re, we’re moving through all of these issues. It’s it continues to still be an issue, but it’s an issue. Now, both sides of the house that’s sitting in the housing authority, but we’re making progress so slowly, but other than that, nothing really to report they covered it all.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:41
Okay, moving on to number nine. Any other business that we haven’t discussed already? Go ahead early?

Unknown Speaker 1:35:48
Oh, I have a question. I think it’s probably for Harold. I’m not sure. And this is totally off the wall. That sign that’s down there on the property at the railroad tracks and 21st. Now, I haven’t been by there today, but yesterday, it still had graffiti on it. I think that that starting to make the whole area look trashy, you know, and it, and I live east of there. And I think it reflects on all of us. So this is the second time that it’s been like that, is there a way to get them to either straight, you know, have a smaller sign, put a camera on it or do something about keeping that so it doesn’t thrash up the area like it is.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:29
Yeah. So we have to go through code on those issues, from a sign ordinance perspective and what they can and can’t do. So. Yeah, I’m just to the east. I’ve actually been out of town. So I’ll see it again, when I leave this meeting. And I’ll get with code enforcement. But in terms of requiring things like cameras, we can’t we can’t make them do that. But we can definitely call code and our graffiti removal program to look into this. Part of it is just so you know, we got a little behind, we had a pretty significant advantage. And so but we’ll get down into

Unknown Speaker 1:37:10
okay. Okay, we’re just seven minutes over. So we’ll adjourn at 937. And then next meeting is scheduled for March 15 at 9am.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:26
Oh, everybody. Hi. Thank you.