City Council Regular Session – February 8, 2022

Video Description: Join us live for this week’s City Council Meeting – City Council Regular Session – February 8, 2022

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:07
Thank you Dallas. Good evening. I would now like to call the February 8 2022. Long month City Council regular session to order. meetings are being held remotely due to the ongoing novel Coronavirus pandemic to view the live stream go to Longmont forward slash agendas or the city’s YouTube channel. Longmont, public or Comcast channels eight or eight at May we start with the roll call.

Unknown Speaker 0:39
Absolutely. Mayor back here, Councilmember delgo Ferring. Here, Councilmember Martin, here. Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez. Here, Councilmember waters here, Councilmember Yarborough? Here. Mary McCormack?

Unknown Speaker 0:57
Thank you, Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez, would you lead us in the pledge please?

Unknown Speaker 1:04
Absolutely. Thank you. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America of America

Unknown Speaker 1:13
and to the republic for which it

Unknown Speaker 1:17
stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Unknown Speaker 1:28
That was pretty good. As a reminder to the public, anyone wishing to provide public comment, during public invited to be heard, must watch the live stream of the meeting and call in only when I open the meeting for public comment. callers are not able to access the meeting at any other time. Anyone wishing to provide comment on second reading or public hearing items should call in at that time and not during first call public invited to be heard anyone calling during first call public invited to be heard. With comments about second reading or public hearing items will be asked to call back when second reading and public hearings are announced. The toll free calling number is as you can see on your screen 87880099. Watch for the instructions to be displayed and write down the meeting ID when it is displayed at the beginning of the wait for the mayor to open public comment and direct callers to call in. When I say to call in dial the toll free number. Enter the meeting ID and when asked for your participant ID press the pound sign. Please mute the live stream and listen for instructions on the phone. callers will be called upon by the last three digits of their phone number. And Comments are limited to three minutes per person. Each speaker must state their name and address for the record prior to proceeding with their comments. Once you’re done speaking, simply hang up. So um, what I need now is a motion to approve the January 25 2022 regular session minutes. Why the motion moves? So I will I will make Mayor Pro Tem de second and Councillor waters the first. So all those in favor of passing this please raise your hand. Those Those denied in opposition? No one this passes unanimously. We don’t have any agenda revisions and submissions of documents. Is that correct?

Unknown Speaker 3:44
That’s correct. Mayor. The only reminders that we have the tabled item for you to take backup tonight that’s noted on the agenda. Okay. It is Slaton item and that will come up later in the agenda.

Unknown Speaker 3:55
Great. Thank you. Do the councillors have any motions that they would direct the city manager to edit agenda items to future agendas? Seeing none, we can go right to city manager’s report. Harold, do you have a presentation for COVID-19

Unknown Speaker 4:12
Oh yes, Mayor. I have a brief presentation if you give me a second I have to move some things around my screen. Sure so

Unknown Speaker 4:22
it will work Share Screen.

Unknown Speaker 4:37
Can you all see it?

Unknown Speaker 4:40
Now we can Yep.

Unknown Speaker 4:43
So I’m just wanted to this is going to be a much quicker presentation. Key Messages. cases continue to climb. We still remain in high transmission or hospital numbers or start we’re starting to see that decrease deaths continue to run And you’ll hear me talk about the lagging indicator component. And so everything tends to be moving in the right directions, and the vaccinations are over 300,000, we are still seeing data gaps. And there are some therapy shortages. When we look at the numbers, I guess this is what you’re gonna tend to see in the trend is, we’re continuing to move down from where we were at the high point. We’re now at 300. On this sheet 390.9. In the seven day cumulative cases, if you can see this, we’re tending to see the decreases throughout the Colorado and counties that they’re looking at. And then when you look at this number, obviously, all the age categories are continuing to move in the right direction based on what we’re seeing. So that’s really good news. So when we look at our wastewater, so you know, you, you’ve seen us talk about this number, this really is the only leading indicator that we have in terms of what we can see in the future. And we’re definitely seeing, you know, the same curve or the same trend and the line on our wastewater testing. And so that’s continuing to move in a positive direction, I think our numbers are probably as low as for at least in wastewater going back to where we were August of last year. Again, positivity rate three 13.1%. But continuing to decline with the cases. When we look at hospitalization. I think the key points on this one is ICU bed availability, still averaging about nine, it’s at 9%, that’s holding steady from the last data set we had med surge availability is 7%, improved one percentage point. And then the seven day average of pediatric patients is 31 55% of those are between the ages of zero and four. And so that, again, seeing all the movement in the right direction. This is just another graph that really shows what we were talking about on the hospitalization side. And then on terms of hospital of operations, if you remember, we were at tier one. And so they have lowered the truck, the hospital Transfer Center plan to tier two. And then they’re starting to show us some flu hospitalizations and they’re still low compared to the pre COVID world that we were in. One of the things that they talked about is the deaths are still increasing. And you can see that in this chart, we are seeing some associated with long term care facilities. And one thing I really want to talk about this is this is the lagging indicator. So this is everything that we’ve seen, that occurred from the high case counts that we’re coming out of. So this is obviously going to take more time to come down comparative to what we’re seeing on wastewater in the case counts. But they are still seeing that. And I think that’s what what we’re seeing is still with some of the hospital numbers, the 9% and 7% that we talked about on the previous slide. And so that is all that I have to share with you. I guess the trend today is that the numbers are good. What we know is that the Boulder County Public Health Department, they have a meeting on February 14, and that’s where they’re going to discuss what that looks like for us in the future. And as soon as we get any of that information, we will provide that to the city council and let you all know where they’re seeing the trend and what it looks like for us in terms of any health orders. I’d be happy to answer any questions. Your protein

Unknown Speaker 9:15
Thank you Mayor Peck. I think as many of us have heard many counties including Denver, I believe obviously Douglas and Adams and a few others are letting their mask mandates expire. And I do remember that Boulder County specifically was to allow for a 20 day straight beneath high transmission, I believe was the the previous you know metric that was provided to us. Do you have any concept if there are going to be a little bit more specific especially also considering that the state cdphp is also starting to look to transition more endemic versus pandemic concepts as they’re looking for, I believe private contractors.

Unknown Speaker 10:09
So I know that’s what they’re going to talk about in terms of getting any, knowing anything in terms of what we’re hearing, we’re really not, I think that’s when we’re all going to really be looking for the 14th. Because you’re right, that that’s what everyone’s starting to see is these other counties move into that endemic component of this. And we’re going to be trying to figure out what you know, what we think is going to happen, but you’re right on the first piece under the Boulder County or order, you have to be below the high transmission rate. And then you have to be there, below the orange line for 20 days, and we’re not there. So it’ll be interesting to see. I know that been the topic of conversation, but it’s hard to get a sense of what that’s gonna look like.

Unknown Speaker 10:57
Alright, thank you. I was just saying if you had any other knowledge that we haven’t necessarily heard from, so

Unknown Speaker 11:03
now, we’ll be digging in and see what we can find.

Unknown Speaker 11:08
I think that’s also going to determine whether or not we go back live with the counselors stay on Zoom, because we had said we would we would look, we would watch the trend, and then take direction from from staff in Boulder County. So we’re all interested in what is the future look like for us as well? Exactly. Yeah. Counselor, Hidalgo. Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 11:33
So thank you, Mayor. So has Have you heard any word about? What Boulder County? So I remember when we when they came to speak with us last time? You know, they one of the recommendations was that if you can meet online to meet online, what is going to be the criteria? Or do you know if they’re going to discuss this? Or can we advocate to have that discussed and looked at what would be the criteria to move to in person?

Unknown Speaker 12:03
Yeah, we can definitely ask them to give us some guidance on that. And I think that’s the point of that’s what we’re trying to figure out. meeting today was a pretty wasn’t very extensive. And so I know that, you know, everybody’s really looking to Monday to see you just see what what’s going to happen. Yeah. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 12:22
Thanks. Keep us posted.

Unknown Speaker 12:24
Yeah, we’ll do that.

Unknown Speaker 12:27
Any other comments?

Unknown Speaker 12:29
Let’s see. None. Thank you, Harold. That’s always good and important information. It doesn’t look like we have any special reports or presentations to give. So we’re going to move right along to first public invited to be heard. It’s time to call in now. The information is being displayed on the screen. Please mute the live stream and dial in now. We’ll take a five minute break together to give everyone time to log in or dial in. I mean thank you

Unknown Speaker 12:58
see in a bit. Mr. Peck, we are at about the five minute mark right now. I am not seeing any callers.

Unknown Speaker 18:19
In Dallas,

Unknown Speaker 18:20
I saw 201 of them looks like they dropped off. But looks like we have one in the way. There it is. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 18:29
sorry about that. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 18:31
I saw two as well. Interesting. Maybe,

Unknown Speaker 18:33
maybe they’ll call back. Maybe they just had a cell phone issue. I don’t know.

Unknown Speaker 18:37
Okay. Why don’t we do have the one. I’m going to drop the slide now that I’m seeing counts.

Unknown Speaker 18:42
Yeah. First person you Sure thing?

Unknown Speaker 18:45
All right caller with the last three digits. 511? Caller 511. hit star six to unmute. And when you unmute, please state your name and your address for the record please. E collar 511 I see you there.

Unknown Speaker 19:08
Yes. Hi, my

Unknown Speaker 19:09
name is Clark Talon. I live in the green. And the reason I’m calling tonight is to talk a little bit about the proposed logging industry that that Boulder County is suggesting should be placed just west of our city. Barring the additional increase in noise and the amount of additional truck traffic that will put stress on our roads. I think we need to take a real hard look or I would like to suggest the City Council take a real hard look at this industry. Because if you know anything about traditional milling operations with this is one an A B and they do allow burning on their site because they indicate that they will allow their waste to be burned. It’s done with a traditional TP or High burning, and they’re, and that’s the usual way they dispose of the waste wood in the logging yards, and sand dust are accelerated. They’re done open air, all ash and smoke are allowed to go directly into the air, which means basically it continues to contribute to por el quality, as well as having that Ash potentially spread throughout the city. My biggest concern here is less than noise, and plus the additional traffic and more the burning. We saw what took place south of us, that was a terrible tragedy. We have bad enough air quality in this area. And we have enough problems with wildfires that we don’t need to introduce another business that’s going to have the ability to burn in an open air situation and potentially caused the kind of disaster that went south of us. I’d really like recommend that you take a strong look at this. For many reasons, and specifically the one of public safety and the safety to our community. As it relates to having an open air burning facility near us. You can see an article that was written in The Times call and I do believe it was also written in the daily camera. Thank you very much for your time, and I hope you all have a good week.

Unknown Speaker 21:20
Thank you, Clark.

Unknown Speaker 21:23
Do we have anyone else Dallas?

Unknown Speaker 21:25
Nope. I left it open a couple minutes longer. But if we did have a second color, they must have dropped off. So we have no one else right now.

Unknown Speaker 21:33
Okay, thank you. So, uh, Don, would you mind reading the items on the consent agenda into the record? We’ll go on to the consent agenda.

Unknown Speaker 21:45
Absolutely. Mayor were there so fast I wasn’t. Item nine is ordinance 20 2205. A bill for an ordinance making additional appropriations for expenses and liabilities of the city of Walmart for the fiscal year beginning January 1 2022. Public Hearing and second reading scheduled for February 22 2022. Item nine B is ordinance 20 2206. A bill for an ordinance amending chapter 14.20 of the Longmont municipal code on service charges to service charges to create an AMI electric meter opt out program. Public Hearing and second reading scheduled for February 22 2022. Nine C is resolution 2022 Dash 12 a resolution of Lompoc City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to analyze influent from the wastewater treatment plant for SARS CLB. Two COVID-19 Nine D is resolution 2022 13. A resolution of alumni City Council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and Boulder County for a Voter Service and Polling Center. Use agreements for the 2022 election. 90 is resolution 2022 Dash 14 a resolution of Longmont City Council naming the neighborhood park located at 50 Quebec Avenue as the Nino Gallo Park. And nine F is resolution 2022 Dash 15 a resolution of the lung Matt City Council authorizing an amendment to side letter agreement among diamond G concrete company Costco, wholesale Corporation and the city of Longmont in furtherance of development of a Costco membership warehouse facility, affordable housing and additional commercial retail uses.

Unknown Speaker 23:22
Thank you. Do councilors want to pull anything off of this consent agenda? Seeing none, I would like emotion to pass the consent agenda. Councillor Martin?

Unknown Speaker 23:39
I move the consent agenda.

Unknown Speaker 23:41
Thank you do have a second. Okay, thank you, Councillor waters. It’s been moved by Councillor Morton seconded by Councillor waters. All those in favor, please raise your hand.

Unknown Speaker 23:51
Mayor Peck if I may. Pause you just for just a moment. Dale’s chiming in. I believe step wanted to pull nine be oh a breeze entation. My apologies.

Unknown Speaker 24:00
No, that’s okay. Thank you for stopping us right there.

Unknown Speaker 24:05
If we can amend your motion, my apologies. Thank

Unknown Speaker 24:07
you. All right. We’ll amend the motion to we will pass the Consent Agenda minus nine be that okay with everyone everyone who agrees, please raise your hand.

Unknown Speaker 24:21
All those posts.

Unknown Speaker 24:22
So that passes unanimously because consent agenda minus nine B. All right, we’re already going on to the ordinances on second reading and public hearings on any matter. It is now time to call in to speak on any of the second reading and public hearing items. There are two on tonight’s agenda. The information again is being displayed on the screen. Please mute the live stream and dial in now. We’ll take another five minute break to give everyone time to get dialed in.

Unknown Speaker 29:48
Mayor Peck, we’re about 15 seconds out from the five minute mark. Currently there are no callers in the chat.

Unknown Speaker 29:56
Okay, let’s close that down then and Move on.

Unknown Speaker 30:01
Sure thing. Okay, great.

Unknown Speaker 30:03
So we’re on second reading now. The first one is ordinance 022022 dash O two, which is a bill for an ordinance conditionally approving this late and commercial center rezoning from in the non residential primary employment to PUD planned unit development, generally located at the northeast corner of state highway 119. And Slayton drive public hearing tabled on January 25 2022, to February 8 2020, to tonight’s meeting. So we did have a presentation on this January 25. But I was wondering if ever do you have any comments or any more information you would like to give?

Unknown Speaker 30:52
I don’t have anything additional Mayor picking council members. Just a reminder, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended they had a recommendation that the applicant work with staff and the historic preservation commission to develop a plan for the how we would you know, recognize the property. And if Council wishes to adopt that recommendation, you could make a motion and add that condition. We didn’t put that in your ordinance because we didn’t know which way you would like to, you know, proceed. But that specific language in that planning commission resolution is in your packet leave it’s when attachments three or four. Or you can just direct staff to adopt the same language as the Planning and Zoning Commission condition

Unknown Speaker 31:49
and work with him. And did you say the historical just the Planning Commission and the staff work together? Is that correct? Mayor

Unknown Speaker 31:58
Peck that actually has gone through the planning commission process. So the the the specific language says the applicant shall develop a plan for preservation of the site’s history through incorporation of appropriate references to be included with the development of the site with implementation in accordance with the historic preservation commission and city staff. And that’s in attachment four.

Unknown Speaker 32:22
Okay, great. Thank you. Now I need to open the public hearing on ordinance zero to 2202. Dallas, there is no 1am I correct in that there is no one waiting in the call in room. That’s correct. Thank you. Is there? How about Council? Are we have any comments from Council on this Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez.

Unknown Speaker 32:46
Thank you. I’m sure that other council members have received the same communications that I have over the past week or two. So just a few questions first. My biggest question is the distance of the proposed fuel tanks from Spring Gulch number two, which would be a riparian area for those folks who, you know, want that 150 foot setback, right? And so what is the distance not just from that setback? Because I know it’s gonna be even further than the 150 feet. But do you happen to know the distance there?

Unknown Speaker 33:27
Mayor Pro Tem I will need about one minute to grab the PUD plan. I don’t know I know that the fuel tanks. There’s the few 100 feet of Greenway did excuse me Greenway dedication, and then the 150 foot riparian setback, and then the fuel tanks. And you’re wanting to know the distance of the fuel tanks to the riparian setback, correct?

Unknown Speaker 33:48
Yes, because some folks think that those fuel tanks are going right up there at the 150 foot if not closer to the right parents setback, which is obviously not accurate, but I just would like to know that because I didn’t see a specific footage when I was reviewing the documents.

Unknown Speaker 34:07
Sure, if you’ll give me just one moment. I’m pulling up the document right now and we’ll do that but to assuage anyone’s concerns, I will say that the fuel tanks are nowhere near there several 100 feet away.

Unknown Speaker 34:23
And then the other thing that I saw, this is not necessarily a question. The only thing I saw in the communications I received was that folks didn’t think this was adequately placed towards more commercial uses. And I will point people towards the fact that across the street is Walmart. Very near is Smuckers as well as the burrito kitchen I believe I saw as well as what used to be one point, concepts direct. I don’t know if that’s still the same usage of that property. over there. But that was also another commercial usage, as well as what was already cited in the report of the hospital, as well as McLean. And so to say that this isn’t in close relation to commercial usages is just incorrect. So those were my two worries. And so I wanted to state something about the adjacent commercial usages. And also just to clarify the setback, especially when it comes to the fuel tanks.

Unknown Speaker 35:36
Thank you, Mayor Pro Tem I’m looking at the plan now appears to be over 200 feet away from from the edge of the riparian setback,

Unknown Speaker 35:47
so that would be 350 feet away from the actual sprinkles number two. Correct. All right, thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker 35:57
Thank you, Mayor Pro Tem. Are there any other comments from Council? Seeing a Mayor Pro Tem would you like to move this ordinance?

Unknown Speaker 36:06
Absolutely. I moved this ordinance forward.

Unknown Speaker 36:09
I can. Do we need we need to have that comment in there. Also, though, don’t we about working with the planning department for environmental

Unknown Speaker 36:25
I move this ordinance forward with the same conditions that planning and zoning has attached to it.

Unknown Speaker 36:31
Perfect. Thank you. All second. Okay. This has been moved by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez and seconded by Councillor Martin. All those in favor, please raise your hand. All those opposed? That passes unanimously. Thank you, Ava. So our next one is ordinance 020 22 Dash 04. It’s a bill for an ordinance conditionally approving the river annexation number two, generally located north of Boston Avenue and west of Francis Street, and zoning the property in Dash PF public public hearing and second reading scheduled for February 8 2022. Josh, Mr. Sherman, do you have any comments or information that you would like to give counsel on this?

Unknown Speaker 37:24
Good evening, Mayor, pack in the council are Sherman. Civil Engineer with Public Works Natural Resources. I really don’t have anything to add on these parcels. They’re really just some remnant parcels that the city obtained from Boulder County. And we’re just cleaning up some property that’s owned and bring him bringing them into the city via annexation. These parcels are located immediately adjacent to Boston Avenue along st. Bryan Creek. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 37:53
and just just to answer some questions. This property is not going to be developed it’s it’s they’re just small remnants. Is that correct? Is why it’s been about

Unknown Speaker 38:06
correct. And that’s correct. In fact, one street right away. And the other one is Greenway. Thank you say bring Greenway.

Unknown Speaker 38:15
Alright, I would like to open this up to the public hearing on ordinance 2220 22 dash O for Dallas. We still have no one in the waiting room.

Unknown Speaker 38:24
That is correct.

Unknown Speaker 38:25
Thank you. Do we have any questions from Council? I’m sorry. I kind of butted in there before I asked you. Seeing none, we will I need a motion please to move this ordinance. I will move ordinance zero 20. Zero 22 dash O for a second. Second. Thank you, Councillor waters. It’s been moved by me. John cat, seconded by Councillor waters. All those in favor please raise your hand. All those opposed. Thank you. That motion passes unanimously. Now we come to the items removed from the consent agenda. And this is Dale ramakers. Cue to give us a his presentation on nine B.

Unknown Speaker 39:15
Dale, Mayor Peck, and members of council tonight we’re going to hax rich Schmidt, who is working for us on the AMI project to come online. He has a brief presentation to go over some of the details of the ordinance that you’re being asked to consider tonight. Before you take action on that ordinance on first reading. So go ahead, Rick.

Unknown Speaker 39:43
Okay, thank you, Dale. Let’s move right to the agenda slide. Next slide. I want to just quickly walk through the agenda. We’re going to start with just a quick update on where we’re at overall with AMI program, just to bring everyone up to speed, walk through the opt out program. And, and really where we’re at why it’s been created, and how the staff created the the kind of the rules and and, and structure for the plan. Next, next slide. We the AMI team has been very busy, you can kind of walk through here we signed our contract January 11. We then starting to work towards the implementation, you know efforts, we have the the infrastructure for the initial deployment area ordered, as far as the purchase order activity. We are now completing various planning workshops working with our vendor Landis and gear, those will continue really through April and beyond. For our meter installation of vendor, we, of course issued an RFP A while ago, our project team narrowed it down to a preferred vendor, we now are in a contracting stage with them. So we’ll have a third party, you know, vendor installing, really the bulk of the meters. For us, given the level of effort that’s involved. We’re expecting a delivery of our our equipment in that April May timeframe. So we can begin our initial deployment area, we plan to issue the the order for the full deployment with the new Rebello meters, which are expected to be delivered at some point late second quarter. So in the possible June timeframe of this year. And then we kind of go into the full deployment, or entire really process you can see there’s quite a bit of activity is it’s really starts with kind of a walk, that kind of evolves to a jog and then eventually we’re going to be into the run stage as we get into the full deployment. But there’s so many procedures to work through and processes to to fine tune. That’s why you start slow, and then let it build. Next slide. You’ve probably remember there was quite a bit of discussion in some of the council meetings early last year, and and the public really spoke out and about desire to have a possible opt out program councils gave direction to to staff to develop a program. We worked on that throughout 2021, we issued the ordinance. And that really the the program we looked at is, you know what, what has some successful opt out programs been around the country as well as some of our neighbors. How, what are some of the rules they had, what did they learn from their efforts, if you will, or we could apply possibly to our program, we created a kind of a cost of kind of a higher level review of what kind of class we’re expecting, we had to make estimates in in without knowing the quantity of opt out subscribers that we’re going to have. And then we proceeded and developed a set of rules and guidelines. And now the ordinance for the opt out program. And it really is all about is giving a customer a choice. If they don’t want to participate. For whatever reasons they have, they have an option now to elect to opt out of AMI. Excellent. The cost structure when we begin the deployment window, the customers being deployed in a given kind of cycle of time will receive a letter

Unknown Speaker 44:10
and the letter will state that AMI will begin there’ll be a mention of the opt out. And if they respond within that two week window and they want to opt out there would be a $50 you know one time installation per meter fee. If they elect to opt out after that window, then it would be the the $125 fee as well. And then the ongoing costs to read that meter manual to process that meter manually. And to to then have a non smart meter a non wireless meter installed and read every month is $15 a month and this is for residential accounts. Again, our class structure was the best we could find forecast with with the data we have on potential opt outs. Based on as close as we could to come to actual costs. Some of the other communities in the area had about a little less of between a quarter to a half percent of their have their customers subscribe to opt out. So we had some basis of what that percentage might be for us in the city. Next, next slide. You know, our service reps in the office, you know, the staff in the field will be provided some, some talking points, if you will, when they’re asked, you know, tell me about AMI, what, what are some of the difference between AMI and what we have today? And if I would have an opt out, what do I gain? What do I lose, those meters are read about any time between three to four to five, maybe up to 10 seconds at some point per hour per month, per hour. During the day, the data isn’t set up. As a couple This is probably the third time we had some mention of opt out some in our various council meetings. And I’d like to just kind of open it up for any questions. And then there would be a vote taken. This is the decision point. Today as well. Any questions?

Unknown Speaker 46:31
Any questions? Councillor waters?

Tim Waters 46:34
Oh, yeah. Rick, could you go back to slide six? Sure.

Unknown Speaker 46:40
One moment.

Tim Waters 46:53
Could you just talk a bit about 4.1 Time of Use, designed for EB customers, there’s a second reference to time of use in what what that means and what the implications are.

Unknown Speaker 47:09
What it means is at at some point in the future, as we get the AMI installed, as we get our new CIS installed, we’re very likely will develop a rate program for customers that would want to optionally to subscribe to a raid program that might have a lower rate in the evening, lower weight at late at night, that would be an appropriate time to charge their Eevee electric vehicles were at a time is also when our system demand is lower. So our cost structure from our power supply is at a lower point where our we have a a lower demand period, then we offer a rate correspondingly that is lower, so the customer can take advantage of that. It’s been fairly popular at the utilities as that Evie growth has increased to offer some form of a time of use. A smart meter will be bringing back really intervals of how much energy is being used every 15 minutes around the clock. So our systems will have access to that data that has all algorithms and to rate different different rates at different time buckets. So a customer with an AMI meter would be able to subscribe to this type of rate program. And it’s probably highly likely that we would have an offering like that, as we get AMI behind us we get our new CIS in.

Tim Waters 48:40
So in the last coffee with council, and council member Hidalgo very may may remember this differently than I or she could confirm we had a co ed a color and a question about as we deploy the AMI time at a time of use rate scheduling. I understood the question and I may have misunderstood the question. I think the question was asking, were we going to upcharge use time of time of use in and variable rate structures to charge more at certain times of the day versus less at certain times in the day. And what I’ve just heard you say is this is to help, for example, the charging of an electric vehicle during low usage periods and you might structure the rates to be lower during that period of time. Is that fair? Okay, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 49:35
We have any other questions from councillors? Mayor Pro Tem Murray.

Unknown Speaker 49:42
Thank you, Mayor pack. So I noticed that the rates were specifically set on a projection of how many people would opt out. I don’t think I saw that exact percentage maybe that was projected. So that’s my first question. I might have missed it in the previous entation or in the document providers? Counsel, could you provide that projection for us?

Unknown Speaker 50:07
The projection is the only data source we have is what has some of the other utilities done in the in the area. And they have shared with us what percent of opt out accounts they have had. In one of our earlier council meetings, we provided a kind of that statistic by some of the neighboring utilities, and an average anywhere from a quarter percent, I think the highest was somewhere between between one half and in point seven, five, so less than 1% of the subscribers, and probably closer to just under a half percent. At least that’s what they had. So what can you do if we have a similar a similar price structure? We have similar demographics. It’s it’s a ballpark, it’s all you have for data until we actually find out ourselves.

Unknown Speaker 50:58
Sure, and I probably would not argue with that. Even if you increase that to 2%, which is extremely high compared to what you just said, I think that we are in the best position to go forward with AMI, and also with the fee structure that was proposed. And so I would move forward, I’ve moved to continue forward with the fee structure as proposed by staff.

Unknown Speaker 51:31
Okay, they need that emotion. Do we need a second? Second?

Unknown Speaker 51:37
Are you are you moving to? Are you moving this ordinance? Mayor Pro Tem?

Unknown Speaker 51:41
Yes, I did. Yep. Okay. Sorry. I said, I move forward. I move you forward. Structure. Sorry, I’ve moved the ordinance forward. My apologies.

Unknown Speaker 51:53
No problem.

Unknown Speaker 51:54
And I still Second.

Unknown Speaker 51:55
Thank you. Um, I do have a couple of questions. If no one else on council does. My question has to do with the, with the installation of the $125 and $50 installation fee. And this has to go, you may not have this yet until we actually get to the billing part. But is this going to be a one time payment on a utility bill? For the residents? Whether they opt in or opt out? Or is it going to be scheduled as a payments throughout the day?

Unknown Speaker 52:31
My understanding is that this good question, what is is the 125? Or the 50? Is that a one time payment or recurrent? That’s a one time payment. And I believe we’re going to charge it with a one time versus prorating that over several months, it’ll be one one line item for either 50 or, or the 150.

Unknown Speaker 52:53
Yeah, that’s going to be tough on on some of our residents. So I just wanted to clarify that. And I do want to clarify how they can opt out. Because I think that’ll be a problem for some residents to understand how they get out of this program. If they don’t want it. Can you go through that one more time?

Unknown Speaker 53:15
I can. And we are working through the details of the specific steps, but there is a letter, they will receive the saying, when the AMI meter would be installed with a lot of two week notice. They have an action to contact the office. Okay, the form, there’s a form they have to fill out, it describes it even further in the form, they have to sign the form and return it to the office in and then we we remove their account from the AMI installation. There’s a step there that we have to address. And then we get the group of of opt outs into the into the non wireless, you know, non smart meter installation window. Or they were we can read that meter manually. And so there’s there’s a form, basically that they fill in. Great.

Unknown Speaker 54:09
Harold, did you have a comment that you wanted to make?

Unknown Speaker 54:12
Yeah, I think one of the things I want to have him do is especially when we take the social equity component in this is working with our cultural brokers as we move into areas where we know we’ve utilized those individuals before to make sure that the communications there obviously we’ll be have Spanish communications where we need that and really focus on all of those issues. And then in terms of, you know, anytime we have a utility bill, and folks if they’re in the cares program or something like that we work with individuals based on their needs. So those are all things we’re going to be cognizant of, and we already know who’s in the cares program and those things. So I think there’s more details that we have to develop as we’re doing that but have, you know, the neighborhood communication, working with neighborhood services, making sure we’re getting that information in the most appropriate format is going to be incredibly important in this.

Unknown Speaker 55:11
Good. Great, thank you. I know the city is really good about working with socio economic people on their utility bills, but it never hurts to keep saying it. Because every time it comes up, we have people wondering, so thank you for that. So m, nine B zero 20 2206 has been moved by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez, seconded by Councillor Martin, all those in favor of passing this ordinance, please raise your hand. All those opposed? Passes unanimously. Thank you, everybody. So good presentation. Thank you. So we are now at the final call for public invited to be heard. Once again. It’s called it’s time to call in right now for the second one. Councillor Martin. Oh, I’m

Unknown Speaker 56:02
sorry. Other presentation.

Unknown Speaker 56:04
I’m sorry. You’re correct. Thank you. I’m just moving way too fast. We have a presentation from the Longmont powering communications, which is an update on the climate action recommendations. I think we have Susan Bartlett here for this presentation. Hi, Susan.

Unknown Speaker 56:25
Yes, I’m air pack and council members. I’m Susan Bartlett. I’m a key account manager with LPC and my colleague Debbie Seidman and I are going to share a few updates on a couple of the climate action recommendations that we’ve been working on and Dallas, I’m going to wait for you to very Oh yeah, we can go to the next slide. So I want to give everyone a reminder of what some of the near term climate action recommendations are, and then focus specifically on three that LPC has been active with. And you’ll hear more about all of the climate action recommendations from Lisa Knobloch when she gives her biannual update later on next slide. So in response to City Council’s climate emergency resolution, and then the subsequent Climate Action Task Force work that was completed in 2020, there are these 12 near term recommendations that the city is working on. You heard about AMI earlier, which we’re all really excited about. And I was glad that Rick had a chance to talk a little bit about that and the opt out, we’re going to continue to see communications rolling out about EMI and while am I is going to be beneficial in a lot of ways and influential and some of these things we’re working on. The other recommendations have been moving kind of independently of Amye. So we’re not currently affected by that effort or its schedule. And wanted to point out that commercial efficiency as well as low income, residential efficiency, those are ongoing programs, so we’re not going to spend any time on those tonight. What Debbie and I want to focus on are the beneficial building electrification, distributed energy resources, and then commercial building benchmarking. Next slide. I want to start with building electrification. Our task here was to convene an advisory committee and to identify sound policies and programs to help us reduce using fossil fuels and buildings. So think space heating or water heating, and other electric opportunities. We want policies and programs that promote efficiency and electric equipment upgrades, but we want those things to happen without negatively affecting the vulnerable folks in our community, or creating kind of untenable economic impacts. This really isn’t an easy task, but it is one that’s necessary to help us achieve our climate goals and, and also provides benefits relative to safety and health and comfort in buildings and could potentially reduce utility costs over time. Next slide. The the purpose of our advisory committee is to guide plan development so that we’re thinking about community priorities. And so we have some diverse perspectives as we’re working through the planning process, and also to help us identify potential vulnerabilities in our potential plan. The the committee is comprised of rubber City staff from these departments you see here. We also have two Council representatives. So Mayor Peck and Councilmember Martin are part of the committee. We have representatives from Platte River Power Authority and Boulder County, we have to resident at large community members. And then we have representatives from the real estate sector as well as the development and construction section, sectors. So far, that committee has identified community priorities, providing some important feedback on policy and program best practices that are out there for us to take a look at and they’re going to weigh in on policy and program recommendations over the next few months. Next slide.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:52
Our overall approach to developing a plan for building electrification began early in 2021. We did some initial electrification market research, looking at technologies that could be installed to help us move away from fossil fuels. We did this with Fort Collins utilities, we mostly focused on residential heat pumps and equipment that would go in homes. And we’re also currently supporting Platte River Power Authority that’s wrapping up some work that considers the additional electric load from building electrification over time, what that you know what that additional load is going to mean for generation but also, for our distribution grid. As I mentioned, we convince we convene the advisory committee over the summer of 2021. And we’ve drafted a preliminary communication strategy to help us talk about what it means to electrify buildings, and then how a shift away from fossil fuels will affect members of our community. And the combination of all this work will be a phased electrification plan that’s going to recommend those policy and program strategies, you know, education campaigns, equipment, incentives, code updates, workforce training, the things that we need to advance electrification in a way that that ensures equity and economic viability. And we’ll have that plan completed by August of 2022. And it will include that communication strategy as part of it. Next slide. So our next steps include convening the stakeholder groups and key areas of our community, we’ve already got these underway. We’re talking specifically to developers and those in the construction industry. We’ve recently had a workforce development focus group where we talked with educators and contractors and try to identify what the needs are that are going to be associated with some of these equipment upgrades, we’re going to talk with property owners and managers, we’re also going to talk with local businesses, both large commercial and small business. And then we want to be sure and have a conversation with those that are involved in affordable housing and equity, before we’re done. We’re continuing to look at best practices and do some ranking of those relative to our community priorities. We thought we’ve also had a chance to do some impact modeling. And we’re gonna continue to meet with our committee through this this spring, as we build out the plan. Another thing that we’re doing in addition to kind of keeping you up to date is we’re meeting with the sustainability Advisory Board, the equitable climate action team and also other interested organizations that have been asked to they’ve asked us to keep them in the loop. Next slide. So I want to move on. Get storage. And a lot of this is related to the increased renewable energy that’s going to continue to come on to our system in our supply and learning how to manage our load in line with that dynamic supply. And to share with you is just some experience, we gained over 2021 As a member of a community solar work group. This was organized by the American public power Association. It was also supported by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, which does a lot of work in solar of, you know, a wide variety of work in solar. We were one of seven municipal utilities that participated in this workgroup. And it was specifically focused on kind of the unique challenges that are faced by Public Utilities looking at community solar. So the the work group looked at projects citing environmental and land use policies, how to make community solar equitable and accessible to all the, to all the folks in our community that want to participate, participate, and then

Unknown Speaker 1:05:24
also dived into some of the particulars about, you know, what size systems make the most sense? How do you price them? What kinds of choices do you give customers to participate. And the results of all that work is just a lot of information that’s helpful. There’s a workbook that’s actually already been produced, it’s not coming soon, it’s available now. And then we have access to some of the modeling tools that have newly amended features from enroll that consider the customer component as opposed to simply the developer component. We’re going to be able to apply what we learned, we also have direct access for additional technical support through an IR L. And we have CIP dollars set aside for 2022 to help us embark on a community solar project, that we’ll be able to, you know, design using these tools that we’ve acquired these these resources that we’ve acquired. Next slide. So finally, we’re going to implement a smart thermostat demonstration project, this really gather that the data from all of these events, both for participating customers, as well as those that aren’t participating, kind of look at that data to determine does it meet our expectations as a demand response program? What What kind of opportunity would there be if we had a more broad scale program? So we’re going to look at that data kind of after the cooling season? And then we’ll be able to come back to city council with some recommendations on you know, first, is it does it merit further effort? And what does that look like moving forward?

Unknown Speaker 1:07:21
Next slide. So the next

Unknown Speaker 1:07:27
steps for this demonstration project are to complete our contracting with our vendors, both eagleby and our data analytics vendor, we’re going to get some training on the EOB platform and how to call events and how to gather data off of their platform, we’re going to test some of that functionality. We’re also going to start recruiting customers, then over our summer months, when we have our summer rates, we’re going to manage and call those demand response events over time, gather that data, do some analytics, and then come back to Council at the end of 2022. Next slide. And at this point, I would like to hand off to my colleague, Debbie Seidman and she’s going to get you up to date on commercial building benchmarking. Okay, thank you, Susan. Can you hear me? Yes. If you could go back to the agenda slide please. Coming on, hello. Yep. Give me just a second. Oh, okay. Is this the one? Yes. Thank you. All right. Good evening. Okay, good evening. Thank you very much for your time, and I will continue to talk about additional efforts that we’re taking in energy efficiency. My name is Debbie Seidman. And I’m a licensed engineer. I work for Longmont power communications here at the city. And my background is primarily building systems heating, air conditioning, energy efficiency, and I’ve done a lot of work in high tech facilities. So our agenda for today is to talk about near term actions and recommendations on Next slide, please. Next slide, please. Oh, oh, I’m sorry, 1415.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:55
We’ll be on slide 14.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
There we go. Thank you very much. All right. So we are going to talk about recent action. And then currently what we’re doing with building energy benchmarking. I know I’ve introduced this to city council before. So thank you. And next slide. So again, and I know this is a review for most of you. But benchmarking in general is a comparison of something relative to a baseline. And typically that baseline is an average. In this case, it’s a rating of energy use. And this is a rating compared to similar type buildings. So this is similar to miles per gallon reading for a vehicle. Similarly, you can get an EPA Energy Star score for a building, here is an example of a building with a score of 71. And that’s on a scale of one to 100. This is done using an EPA software that software is free, it’s secure, it’s online. And the benchmarking is actually done by building owners or their representatives, such as a property manager. Next slide, please. So as I mentioned, this would be comparing a similar type building to a similar type buildings to an office to an office, medical to medical, large retail to large retail. And I’d like to also emphasize that the software itself doesn’t save energy, it is a tool used to build awareness of how efficient your building is. And the intent is that building owners will then take action to save energy, therefore reduce their energy use and improve their building energy score. Next slide, please. So we do have an established program here, we’ve put a lot of effort into this, we have a lot of training materials, we have a help center, and a webpage. So we really have made a lot of good progress. Next slide, please. And, again, these are just a handful of the participants that have signed up, have have benchmarked their buildings. And so we’ve got healthcare, high tech, school district. Next slide, please. Manufacturing municipal buildings and office buildings as well as a not shown but a lot of retail has also participated. So we you know, you see here that we have a really good cross section of different types of buildings, and all of these customers were really good to work with. So next slide, please. So what are the proposed actions? Well, we want to continue with community engagement. With that we will continue to solicit input from our valued businesses in Longmont. We will include looking at the program from an equity perspective as applicable, we are investigating what it will take for resources, personnel and our monetary to ramp up the program. And then at this time, we would like to get input from City Council on a pure supportive of this program. And if you would like us to proceed and continue working on benchmarking of energy use in buildings.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:11
So Debbie, are you wanting that feedback? Now? Are you done with the presentation? Yes. Yep. So the Hey, thanks to counselors have any input that they would like to give back? Counselor Martin?

Unknown Speaker 1:13:23
Yes. Debbie, have question for you too. But I would like to go back to the ecobee. Slide. Certainly, yeah. So, huh?

Unknown Speaker 1:13:39
Nope, too far. earlier? Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:41
Yeah, well, that’s an equal b slide that one will do. This, what you’re talking about is a program where homes have a communicating thermostat in them, and they get an alert on their mobile phone, their smartphone, and they can then control their thermostat to reduce their energy usage. Is that a good approximation of the way it works?

Unknown Speaker 1:14:10
Um, it’s close. Except I think it’s even better than that. Councilmember Martin, it this opportunity or the way you gobies platform or is it removes the decision making for the customer? So it’s not a signal that the customer gets on their phone where they decide hmm, shall I? You know, shall I kick my thermostat up? It simply happens automatically. So you go be talks to the device and the device, adjust the temperature setting. Now you can opt out it’s, you know, it’s certainly not as complicated as opting out of AMI, but you can opt out of an event. You will get notified that event an event is is happening. And that could happen for a variety of things. it just could be a bad time you’ve got a house full of guests or whatever. But what we understand from other programs is that most of the time, people don’t opt out, they simply let the event run its course. And many times don’t even know what’s happened.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:21
Great. Okay. I’m very happy that you’re using that method, because they’re more effective than one were ones where the customer has to get in the loop all the time. Good job, my app. My question is actually based on other experience, I, I understand why you would begin a trial program using Eco B thermostats, because they’re the cheapest, and they have the widest customer adoption. Anyway, um, but in other cities, it’s been demonstrated that people like to choose their thermostat or their smart home system. And so they may, um, if you if you are specific to a certain vendor, they may fall out of the program, just because they were down at the hardware store and decided to swap thermostats, eco B, and I think about at least six other vendors right now have a vendor independent protocol for communicating with utilities. So when you go full bore on this, or is it your intention to be vendor and independent as opposed to using a proprietary protocol?

Unknown Speaker 1:16:46
No, I think you’re absolutely right there. Councilmember Martin, our should we choose to broad broaden the scope of the program? We definitely want to be device agnostic, if you will. The reason why we focused on ecobee for this particular demonstration is because they agreed to work at this scale with us. A lot of other vendors won’t. You know, they they agreed to a demonstration project costs that seemed reasonable for us to get the information from the experience that we think will inform then how we could go to a broader program that’s agnostic. And that would require a different platform offered by a third party aggregator, and you’re right, there are established communication protocols that are already out already out there. We don’t want to recreate those, certainly. But, but that that would be that’s my objective is to get to that point.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:55
Okay. And they are a vendor that supports the that. So yes, people who bought them in the beginning would not have to switch out to stay in the probe in the full scale program. Okay. That out there.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:08
No, I it’s a valid point. And I’m glad you brought it up. Our efficiency works store for customers through Platte River. They offer ecobee thermostats, as well as, you know, nest and hangout. So So we’re already kind of encouraging folks to install these devices, not necessarily just ecobee Thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:49
I can talk all day, but if I don’t unmute, it’s not going to do any good. So um, were there any other comments from councillors? I have a couple of comments that I would like, first of all, thank you so much for this presentation. And for all the work you’re doing. It’s incredible. But I do want to know, two things. First of all, I think it’s important to realize that if we want p RPA to go 100% renewable, the even though we’re all electric, the energy that’s being pushed through P RPA. is still going to be coming from great gas and coal. So are we in our city doing in parallel or Indiana looking at solar as our energy source within our city, because we need to be pushing solar energy to PRPs so they can push that out? Not necessarily solar, but wind, whatever renewable energy that we have. I did see that you had a renewable energy committee is that am I reading that correctly? Or are we looking at that at all within our city?

Unknown Speaker 1:19:57
We we are considering Solar within our city limits, there are a variety of ways to think about solar. You know, there’s folks that install solar on their homes, there are businesses that install solar on their rooftops. And what what we were involved with was a working group is a collaboration of other municipal utilities talking about how to deploy community solar. And at least for my thinking, community, solar is something where there is an installation that is off site from people that want to participate. And they can subscribe or somehow have access to that solar without actually having to have their own system. And so we’re looking at that we’re also we’ve done a feasibility study, I believe it was completed in 2019, or 2020, looking at city facilities, so So those are things that staff is continues to look at, and having some of these tools available through an rel and other you know, other communities that are demonstrating projects that work for them gives us additional information to make informed decisions on what we want to do first here in

Unknown Speaker 1:21:25
Longmont. That’s great. Thank you for that because I really am concerned that we have a lot of electricity but we’re still using Rawhide coal plant and gas to create that energy so that our customers are using. The other thing on your next step slide. We have the funding for 20 to 2022 through the CIP is there an LPC anyone that is looking at the dollars coming down from infrastructure and hopefully the BBB for this renewable energy climate action. Because when I look at AMI, when I look at what you’re doing through LPC, I think it would be a huge this is a huge opportunity for us to get some of those costs taken care of through with the dollars that are coming down from the federal

Unknown Speaker 1:22:26
legislation. Well, I’ll jump in on this. Yes, please, Harold. Sandy just we’ve got a list of they called it build nightmare grants, but it’s actually it’s the infrastructure program grants not build back matter. Different thing. And so we’ve got a list of 25 that I just got, and Sandy’s gonna send that to everyone right now. Oh, our Oh, so we get that gets to all the departments. And it’s not just about power. So that list is going to include everything from brownfield grants to you name it. And so we’re going to start parsing that out in the organization to figure out who’s going to work on what great this

Unknown Speaker 1:23:09
is exciting, if I might

Unknown Speaker 1:23:10
add to that to Harold is that. Also, we’re in the process of hiring a full time grants coordinator in the PW and our LPC next like area that we you know, broadly utilize, but that gets some individuals at the forefront of not just monitoring these things, but being able to organize within, you know, city of Longmont to really present 10 of these grants, Grant presentations in the move those forward.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:40
Thank you. This is an opportunity that we have once in a lifetime. And we want to move forward with our vision and it looks like we might have some help out there. So that I just want to make sure that we’re we’re all pushing for that. So thank you for that. That’s That’s all I’ve got. Three have any other comments? It looks like we don’t. So can I have a motion? No, we don’t this isn’t this is just presentation. But you do want direction you said to continue this program. So I see. I see your hands but a Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez but I don’t know what you’re pointing at.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:28
Councilmember Martin on my screen is to my left, but I don’t know where she is on your screen. So

Unknown Speaker 1:24:33
oh, I don’t see her at all. So Councillor Martin Do you have your hand up? Did you want to say something? Councillor Martin? Go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:45
The host muted me I don’t know why. But anyway, what I did want to say was that, although we did have a discussion about distributed energy resources, which means a local generation by Longmont for Longmont, right? But lest anyone be frightened, this does not.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:06
David is making a frightened face over there.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:10
This doesn’t exempt P rpa, from still meeting their goal of 100% renewable energy by 2030. And so by the time we are fully electrified, they should be fully D fossils. We hope. No, that’s,

Unknown Speaker 1:25:26
that’s the vision. But if we can help them along, that’s what I would like to do.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:31
Yeah, we’ll help them along by shifting our peaks and stuff like that. And hopefully, they’ll be shifting their peak to. But let’s not forget that we have that and that coal and gas need to go away fast.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:44
That’s what I’m saying. Thank you for reiterating that. So the direction that you want to do you want to tell us once again, the direction Susan, is it to continue on the path you’re going on? And continue this work?

Unknown Speaker 1:26:01
I think Debbie was looking for direction on the benchmarking program. We’re kind of proceeding with the things that I talked about, but she’s been underway for several years. Now with benchmarking and kind of one set thumbs up on how to proceed.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:17
Okay, so we don’t really need a motion. But let’s give direction thumbs up on if we would like Debbie, to continue on the benchmarking. Perfect, thank you. Thank you, Debbie. This is great to

Unknown Speaker 1:26:29
thank you. Thank you, Mayor Peck and council members.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:34
Keep up the good work. So we have another presentation, this time by Carmen Ramirez to update us on the Lanyon Park initiative.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:44
Mayor Council, I’m going to go ahead and like Carmen and Sarah, Arnie. And who else is joining us, Karen, there’s a team that’s really working on this, but I’m going to start this presentation off today. Dallas, can you bring up Carmen’s presentation. So when I talked about this, really, we’re going to start with the neighborhood impact team, because people are probably going what’s a neighborhood impact team. It really is a team that we brought together from across the organization so that we can work collectively on issues related to neighborhoods. It really is us working to utilize a systemic approach for say, sustained community change. And that’s what you’re going to see. This impact team is really based on a center of excellence model, if you’re familiar with it from the private sector. I’ve got a whole series of slides that I’m going to use because we’re going to really shift more global globally to this as an organization. But basically, it optimizes the way that we do work as an organization. In addition to what we’re doing internally with the Center of Excellence team, we are also then incorporating the collective impact model and social equity principles as we move forward on this and and what does that mean, that really means in this case, in the land, new park project, how do we work with a neighborhood, in the businesses in the area, so we’re all working together to address the situation? Next slide, please. Next slide, please. There we go. This looks crazy, right? This is. So when you look at this, and you look at the unsheltered in the middle, and you kind of get what were we seeing at the parks and what were we having to deal with? Obviously, we were seeing bad behavior that was impacting the neighborhood, people engaging with other individuals trying to use the park inappropriately, a lot of monopolizing the facilities where the neighborhood can see it. We were seeing mental health issues, use of drugs at the park. And in many cases, use of drugs in front of people utilizing the ball fields. And during baseball games that we had there, litter and we could go on with this. But what really this is showing was why we created and really went to the neighborhood impact model because there was a bit of chaos in this when it was coming in. And so what would happen is somebody would call and it may be a call that came in and it was police about an issue. And so then police was working the issue and then the neighborhood would call and we would get a call into lead and Corps. And so then we have all of these people working on these other these components of this. And in many cases we were chasing each other as we were moving through this and it was one of those cases where we said this isn’t going to work, which is why we then brought in the neighborhood impact team and really started rooting ourselves in the center of excellence model Next slide, please. Um, when we talk about this, this is not something new, in terms of the Center of Excellence model and how all of this works. It’s something that we have done as an organization. We do our best work when we’re in this model. And what I mean by that, and when we do our best work is really how we work together. And we keep a couple of core principles front and center one, this is about our community. into second, this is about the organization and how we work collectively as a team to support the community and to the best of our ability. We do this on occasion when we do it. And we have big problems, we’ve been very successful things that I’ll talk about that you all are aware of is the LA j, the Oyj work that we had to do, we built a team similar to this, where we can come together. And we’re just not as intentional as we need to be. And so you all will see some things for me in the future about how we’re going to be more intentional in this model, moving forward, but you can see these three components, a center of excellence is really focused internally to the organization. And that’s where we bring the right people together to deal with the issue that have the expertise, the knowledge and understand what we’re dealing with. And then our equity principles in our collective impact model, both work internally and externally, as we’re working with the broader community in in, in addressing whatever challenge it is that comes before us. Next slide. So how all of this comes together.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:41
Is is basically in this and you see community stakeholders, you see our residents, and then you see city divisions and departments. And you see that neighborhood impact in the middle working with neighborhood impact team working with everyone, as we’re dealing with whatever issues is going to come before us in the future. So in this case, I think they’re going to talk about this a little bit later. But I’ll go ahead and go into this. The executive team is myself, Zach artist, and Karen Roni. The the leadership of the neighborhood impact team and the Center of Excellence is Carmen Ramirez and Sarah Arnie, again, Carmen’s experience in working with neighborhoods, as you heard me say earlier called cultural brokers, Sara’s experience in the crime free multifamily housing program. And the work that she’s been doing was doing with us on the FHA and they both really know the community. They then have brought together a broader team, folks that are representing pretty much every division, every division within our organization. As we continue to move forward with this, and we’re going to continue to bring in more

Unknown Speaker 1:32:54
could go to the next slide, Carmen Demetrius community and neighborhood resources, good evening, mayor and council. So as Harold kind of already outlined, the challenge that we had was with a very large group of unhoused individuals setting up camps, monopolizing the shelters, and just the increasing conflict between regular park users and neighborhood residents. And so we wanted to really work on a focused impact so that residents could start to feel comfortable in using their park and safe in their neighborhood. Next slide, please. So our focus really was to ensure that public space was identified and used as intended that we diminished the use of alcohol and drugs use, the park shelters were available to all and then we increase resident activity and recreational use in the park because that wasn’t happening anymore, because neighbors did not feel safe, going to the playground with their children or having baseball games there. Next slide, please. So we started working with community partners to connect people to the resources, those individuals that are experiencing homelessness, wanted to make sure that they knew where the resources are and how to connect. We wanted to make sure that we had this balance of compassionate intervention where we needed and we went out and had conversations with groups of folks and talk to them about the impact of their behavior, the kind of occupying and monopolizing what that impact was on neighbors. And we also ask that of our community partners. Their focus is a lot on the individuals but we ask them to also consider the impact on the neighbors. And then we set up some communication strategies to ensure neighbors businesses, partners, and even those experiencing homelessness were aware of resources. We set up a voice mail and an email specifically for Landon park so that neighbors could either call us and Leave us a message with comments or information or they could send us a email with that information. Also, in the next slide, Sarah, Arnie is going to come on and talk about that.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:20
Sarah? Sarah, you’re muted currently.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:32
Can you hear me now? Yes, thank you. Okay, sorry about that. Good evening, mayor and council, ceremony, public safety. This slide is just a dynamic kind of organizational chart showing you the next few slides that I’m going to talk about. Next slide. So, our planning and organizing the last, when we started, this did start in July, Harold appointed Carmen and I to lead this effort. We identified our core leadership group, which Harold identified a little bit. We create an action plan, including roles for city staff, to get pulling those those right people together to make this happen. And then started planning a resource fair a national night out in Lanyon Park. Next slide. In July, we had a resource fair, and we incorporated national night out with that National Night Out is usually the second Tuesday of the month in August. And it’s a nationwide event, we’ve had actually a few times in line in park and it was very successful. So we wanted to bring that back, and also included a resource fair with that. We’re also holding meetings currently and have been with elder and hope. And we did meet with the folks that were currently in Lanyon in October to talk to them about their concerns, and just really just trying to listen to what’s going on with them experiencing what’s going on with their their situations, established communication tools and systems for the neighbors. We we’ve hung up door hangers, I think we all had an effort in doing that landing Park, specific in email and voicemail so that folks in the neighborhood have the direct contact and a direct email so they weren’t calling different numbers such as police or Carmen’s office or whatnot. So we set up a centralized location for that communication. We did change the lane new park hours temporarily to operate from dusk till dawn. So those folks that were deciding to stay in the park after hours were moved along by by us by public safety. We did look at the park from the septet principle Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. And we installed additional lighting in the shelters which helped drastically I can tell how much that did help with just the lighting in the sidewalks and you could definitely have that. That vision through the park in being able to see. And we also cleaned up the shelters and they were paying it and that was all due to our to our partnership with our parks department. And currently developing right now the communication plan that addresses these complex complex issues around the homelessness. Next slide. The initial impacts from July and ongoing. At this point, we’ve received about 30 emails and voicemails. I think that number is higher. We just got more today, Carmen. We are pretty much on top of those and addressing those as they come in, involved in productive meetings with outreach partners and working to strengthen those spark partnerships. That’s a weekly thing that we’re doing. And I think it’s it’s helped drastically for folks understand what we’re what we’re doing and in our purpose, have received positive feedback from the folks around Lanyon Park neighborhood. And we’ve created a request for quotes or an external console to help implement the collective impact model and establish evaluation protocols to measure our success moving forward. Next slide.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:37
That me

Unknown Speaker 1:39:37
before you go off with this slide, Sarah wanted to make this one a little bit. So I think one of the things we look at can you go back Dallas, can you get back?

Unknown Speaker 1:39:52
Is it showing the slide 11 Nope.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:01
All right, there we go. So this request for quotes for the external consultant, I think you look at this and you go, how do you know you’re successful? When I think some council members asked that question, when we’re going through this. And I think at a very high level, what we said originally, when we came in this, we said, we know we would be successful when the neighborhood feel safe using the park again, where others could utilize the park, we could have folks working together, we didn’t have the same issues. That’s pretty high level. What we’re really finding in this conversations is there’s layers to this that we also need to understand and that’s what we really want to dig into with this consultant. Because it’s not only how are you successful when the park is there, but it’s also how both unhoused individuals in the neighborhood can also collectively utilize the park. How do we know when we’re successful and trying to house individuals that we’re engaging with in this conversation and, and really getting into a more granular level, so we can really measure our success. So that when this moves, and we have this issue at another park, where we merely replicating what we’re doing here, and that’s a core principle at the Center of Excellence is building a system that you can replicate. And and so I really wanted to point that out, because Are we where we want to be in terms of how we’re measuring and what we’re assessing. Now. We want to bring this group in. So we can really refine that and take it to the next level in terms of what we’re looking at how we’re looking at the situation. So I wanted to jump in and just kind of let you know More to come on this bullet point.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:45
Dallas, next slide. Mayor and council that Carmen damnedest. So what we’re hearing from neighbors are, that they appreciate the curfew, that that really worked, the lights help, they feel safer. And the extra patrol was very important. And then we have really been working on cleaning it up, I will say not only have I gotten emails from folks saying I took my kids to the park. And it was great to be able to enjoy the park, when your city manager goes by the park and says there’s a family having a picnic at the shelter. That really is an indication that we have shifted things. But I also will say that the neighbors are saying, please continue to sustain this effort, because we know that these efforts need to be sustained over a period of time. So we are seeing improvements. We also have increased communication with our community partners. And we’ll talk a little bit about that if we can go to the next slide.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:54
And then, as See, Harold mentioned who the executive team is, which is Harold to fart is Karen, and then Sarah and myself. And then we’ve got interdepartmental teams that are all working with us if we could go to the next slide.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:14
Wanted to make sure that you knew that we are communicating regularly with our community partners, we work with hope. We’ve done some business outreach and education. Public Safety really has been in the forefront of that mean at grassroots efforts of involving I’ve worked with have gone out and met with folks that are out there feeding folks and really have talked to them about their impact and the impact on the neighbors and how could we align things so that they’re helping to look after the park so that the park is welcoming for all and also with the residents. And then if we can go to the next slide, and Karen Maroney is going to talk a little bit about the outreach efforts. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:01
Thank you, Carmen, and good evening, mayor and city council, Karen Ronnie with community services. So the So Carmen mentioned in the previous slide about the the community partners that we are working with as part of this Lanyon Park effort and the neighborhood impact team. And, you know, one of the things that we have been really trying to ramp up is our, our outreach efforts through homeless solutions for Boulder County, because we know not everyone just, you know, shows up and decides that hey, I am, you know, I’m ready to receive services, I really want to access resources. And so one of the things that we were able to implement in 2020 and still in 2021, and into 2022 is what we call The L there, which stands for long line targeted homelessness engagement and referral effort. That’s why we call it L there is that it’s a, the through a state grant that Boulder County received, we were able to fund a three person team, someone with lived experience, someone that is a mental health counselor, and someone who is who does outreach to kind of specializes in outreach strategies. And that three person team is working pretty closely with, with the neighborhood impact team to continue to reach out to to people who are who are unsheltered who are not stably housed, and that just aren’t necessarily ready to focus on their well being and, and stabilization. And so our efforts are to continue to reach out to can you continue to connect, to build relationships, and to hopefully open the door one day for, for someone who might decide that, hey, you know, I’m really ready to try something else. And really to focus on my well being and stability. So, so the grant that we received was a one year grant that was through, we were able to fund that through 2022, we submitted a subsequent grant, and did get some additional dollars, but not enough to continue to fund us for the remainder of 2022. And so, as counsel might recall, is that we had some unallocated funds from the 2022, Human Service Agency grants, and, and what the housing and Human Services Advisory Board was to recommend that the first priority for utilizing those funds would be to extend the L there.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:15
What we do have in place, and what we find it is cameras, and cameras that are parks in order to monitor our facilities because we were having this is all over, we’re gonna end up doing it all over because of the impact that we were seeing from vandalism and things like that. How do we use some of the smart technology? Personal example I was there one day and people were wanting to use the restroom. And they couldn’t get in. The neighbors couldn’t get in because someone locked themselves in there. How do you like a technology that doesn’t allow that to hack. And those are other things that we’re going to be doing. But I wanted to kind of throw the curfew thing out there. And then add on to what Sarah said about the shopping carts and to be honest, code enforcement, people camping behind people’s fences and things in dropping stuff behind fences that as a homeowner, we’re going to get written up for if it’s there. And so it’s it really is managing all of these issues. But in we know to be clear carpark is the next the next step. And so we’re getting ready to start the same, you know, how can we replicate this? Start the same process we did with Laney. But it’s not just about city, you’ve heard us say this a lot. This is about us, the city, the city organization. It’s about our partner agencies. It’s about the neighborhood. And it’s how do we collectively come together to continue, you know, facing these opportunities. And interestingly enough, I had an organization come to me today that brought me an interesting solution. It’s not ready. But they’d heard what we’re doing. And they said, Hey, we want to be part of this. And it’s not something any I never, I never would have thought of this. But we’ll see what happens in the next couple of weeks because it’s an interesting opportunity. And so I just wanted to add that to say probably what works, you kind of can see what works, what’s counsels appetite in terms of, you know, this broader conversation on dusk to dawn, not unique. We do it on the Greenway now and we do it in other places. And then we’re going to continue on the lighting the cameras and some other technology questions, comments?

Unknown Speaker 1:49:50
Milko Tim Rodriguez.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:55
Thank you, Harold and thank you for Peck first of all, I know that on Social media, we get a lot of flack about our homeless population here, which is not entirely the city of LA months fault. The Front Range is very expensive. There are different policies amongst our partners on the Front Range, they kind of also lead to this issue for us. At the end of the day, my question is, what is the percentage of folks that are really not able to get into service if he will be at one service or another be addiction service, you’re getting into housing, things like that, as far as the city of Longmont specifically is concerned? Because I’ve already put it to our state legislators see what the state was doing much less what we’re doing reasonably in just Boulder County. So as far as the city of Longmont is concerned, what percentage would you put that at?

Unknown Speaker 1:51:07
So yeah, so, um, so that is a that’s a, here’s how I will answer that question, or give a shout out in LA Berto just popped up. Mayor Pro Tem. So, you know, I don’t have a percentage to offer. But in terms of your question about services that are available in Longmont, you know, we do have many services available in the Longmont community. In terms of our our short term and long term sheltering services, our navigation shelter that’s operated by hope is rarely full, every, you know, every night, there’s plenty of space there. We do have a variety of other services, we have housing resources, we have more housing resources available than we have ever had. And our challenge is, is I think, what what Sarah and Carmen talked about is that we aren’t, you know, we aren’t, we can’t force people to, to access services. So. So for folks who are interested, that want to, you know, engage in resources that want to get into treatment that want to get into some stable housing situation, there are resources, you know, available, not ever and you know, not there’s a finite and now, but we, our resources are underutilized and we can serve more people. So the the interest in terms of our outreach work, is really continuing to try to connect with people and try to open that door so that whenever someone says, you know, Hey, maybe I am, I’m tired of living on the street, I’m tired of what this is all about. And I really want to try something different. We want to be there to to help open that door, but we can’t force people to get to take services.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:19
Thank you, Nancy

Unknown Speaker 1:53:19
answer was to say, thank you very much for that, I understand that we are very resource rich. My question really is more about those folks, again, that are not interested in the resources, right. And so I think Paramount is, might have been starting to say something. And then officer Arne, I assume, would have some more, you know, boots on the ground kind of experience with that. So that’s what I’m interested in.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:49
When we in the numbers they gave us. We have a site, that activity log that that’s part of what we’re doing is data collection. And there’s going to have to be an evolution to this where we start cross in touching the other data sources. I want to say there were about 17 encounters that probably included approximately 30 individuals that were we documented that we told them about coordinated entry. In that list, there were only, I believe, two cases where those individuals indicated that they were interested in coordinated entry and moving forward.

Unknown Speaker 1:54:39
And if I could add to that, I think some folks have utilized coordinated entry in the past and for whatever reason, they didn’t move forward. They might we have some circumstances where they’ve been kicked out a shelter that could have caused them some setback. So those those numbers are accurate. And like Carol said, we’re collecting that data as we speak. Thank you so much. Uber.

Unknown Speaker 1:55:12
You’re wrong. Sorry, Mayor, Peck and councilmembers. I do know that, you know, I just got this data today, because I’m working on a CBG update. We had 376 unique individuals use the shelter in 2021. I got that data from Alice. And I’m still getting data from the shelter as well, that have long been folks that are using the boulder shelter, as well. So, you know, I think that to Harold and Sarah’s point, we do have a lot of folks that are utilizing services, I think it’s a smaller portion that are not

Unknown Speaker 1:55:51
it’s a different population, I want to be very clear on this one. And we’ve tried to distinguish in this different population. So when we talk about the issues that we’re dealing with it Atlantean Park, it’s a much different conversation. In so the numbers I gave you were just the individuals that landed Ark. And if you all have heard my onion analogy, and the different layers, this is a group that I mean, literally. Especially when it’s called we we try to get them in shelters. I’ll give you a real world example of Sarah in in Carmen, we were there one day, there is an individual that had any number of issues on the phone with hope, trying to get to go to the shelter. Sarah is running across Lanyon part is to stop an RTD bus to see if we can give the individual ride at the end of the day didn’t want to go. And so when we say, the challenges, it’s a different population, it’s a different set of challenges. Because we have a lot of folks that utilize the service, we have a lot of folks in our community that are unhoused. And we’re not seeing the issues. This is a very different issue we’re dealing with in some of these locations. And to be perfectly frank, we were told, you’re going to chase us all over the place. And, and in in, but it’s a it’s a subset. And I don’t want this to set the narrative about unhoused in our community, generally, because this is a very small subset. And we want to be very intentional when we talk about that, because I think we tend to generalize a times. And it’s really not. It’s a very focused issue. And I wanted to point that out. I’m Karen’s been in my ear on this.

Unknown Speaker 1:57:52
Councillor waters.

Tim Waters 1:57:54
Thanks, Mayor pack. Harold, I’m gonna interpret your last comment to be the like the 9010 principle or the 8020 principle that you got a small percentage that that create disproportionate noise or work require disproportionate attention or interactions.

Unknown Speaker 1:58:11
Is that fair? That’s fair assumption.

Tim Waters 1:58:14
Could you go back to slide 11? Or let me just you don’t need to go to the slide. But that’s the slide that make specific reference to measurement. And I think slide six, that that offers the desired outcome would be the answer or finish the sentence. We know we’re successful when I go to Slide six, it may be an edited version of that, is that fair? What we see captured on slide six, or offered on slide six,

Unknown Speaker 1:58:51
are used as intended and are welcoming and say for all Reza Yes,

Tim Waters 1:58:54
yes. Yes. And, and, and you can certainly measure, you can collect feedback and measure user perceptions or you know, reactions. But if when we bring in the experts from outside there, it would be useful, I would think that we could offer them some of what we think to be the objectives we have to accomplish to get to that desired outcome. Right. So Harold, you mentioned curfews, and there’s a reason you’re we’ve got curfews, you mentioned cameras, there’s a reason we’re using cameras, I, we could go down and list a number of the other activities, right, whether it’s a strategy or a tactic. But it seems to me that if those are the things that we think we need to do to get to those desired outcomes, we could get a bit of a head start if we could articulate some time bound and measurable objectives aligned with that desired outcome that reflect the work we’re doing now. And then whatever else we need to do, and part of the reason for me to think that’s important, is when we get the budgets. You know, Karen mentioned that the LTL their team, I’d made it Notice, we were going through the presentation. She answered the question about funding for the L L their team this year. But when we get into that discussion, I’m going to make the note, you know, in terms of my list of budget priorities, when we get to that time, to make certain at least we, you know, we spend a lot of time get we know, are we gonna fund the other team into 2023. And the decision to do that would be an easy one, I think it would be made easier if we had the data, right, some of the some data specifically to as evidence of the effects they’re doing and what they’re doing in relationship to desired performance targets, right, that are going to lead to those desired outcomes. So I appreciate all the efforts. I appreciate Sarah and Carmen, what you two are doing I know you’re out there every day with other other officers in court in, you know, the court, court teams. And, Elektra, you’re out there. I mean, I know it’s an all hands on deck initiative, I can guarantee you the residents around Langdon Park, appreciate it. I appreciate it. I know, you know, everybody in town does. And we have to do this as a full court press we need to keep we need to stay focused on this it requires it’s worthy of our time and attention. And I appreciate what we’re doing with it. If you go can you go back to slide three.

So Harold, I’m gonna assume if I were to peel off center of excellence, I would, I would replace it with laying in park initiative or whatever, whatever. However, we would label this right now. Is that fair?

Unknown Speaker 2:01:42
Well, neighborhood impact team because I think what we started off doing was laying in park. But then early on in this, we said this is different. And it’s neighborhood impacting because in that we want to, you know, create the systems of process resources. And so it can be replicated anywhere in our community where we have these issues.

Tim Waters 2:02:04
So what the only it when it comes to equity and collective impact if if I peeled away neighbor to impact team and I replaced it with any one of the other Centers for Excellence that I know that you’ve kind of got on your whiteboard? Would I What would I see change in the equity and collective impact? Spheres, you’re

Unknown Speaker 2:02:25
not much

Tim Waters 2:02:27
that those would be pretty consistent. Correct? What would change would be based on what’s in the center of the collective impact? What do we what do we construct here? What are we talking about? How are we label these?

Unknown Speaker 2:02:41
Yeah, it would be so

Tim Waters 2:02:42
schema schema? I don’t know.

Unknown Speaker 2:02:44
Yeah. It’s the it’s the topic. There. It’s the opportunity. That changes, but this doesn’t change,

Tim Waters 2:02:54
but the collective impact behaviors, the activities and the equity principles don’t change. Could you go to the next slide? I think it’s the it’s the Venn diagram of, of partners, residents, and, yeah, and the city. So I get in this case, who the neighborhood impact team is, what are we what can we say to residents, when we if we’re gonna if we’re going to achieve that desired outcome and our objectives that lead up to it? Here’s what we need from you. Here’s your role in this. And are the community stakeholders in this case, the partners that the Carmen mentioned, or Karen mentioned before? Are those some is that somebody else?

Unknown Speaker 2:03:47
I remember what car I’ve got my thoughts, but I’m like Carmen and Sarah jump in and, and Karen and Natalie Berto.

Unknown Speaker 2:03:56
And Councilman waters, so the community stakeholders, our partners, our neighbors, our businesses, some faith communities and nonprofits. So those would be the community stakeholders.

Tim Waters 2:04:09
And the residents in this case around if it could be residents around Lanyon Park car parks, those who are directly impacted by this?

Unknown Speaker 2:04:17
Yeah, I see, as we move to car park, we’re definitely going to have to connect with the school that’s right across. Yeah.

Tim Waters 2:04:23
And I and I can I think you’ve been clear at least I heard it, clearly in terms of what we need from the unhoused. Right to make this work. Did I did I miss it? Or is it in the in the slides? What we need from residents? I know I saw what you’re expecting in terms of phone calls, emails, to communication works both ways that they’re letting you know what’s going on in a different way at a higher level. Is there are there other things we need from residents?

Unknown Speaker 2:04:54
Yes. And so the other thing that we need is not only that communication, but we need them to be part of of returning to the park. And I’ve gotten already communications parents taking their kids back, we are hoping to have kind of a mini resource city Resource Fair, which we’ll let Council know about. So we can come back and then also plan some activities with recreation use services, because they’ve been asking about that. So we wanted to kind of clear the ground. So they feel safe in returning, and then they they continue to really use the park as it’s intended. And I’ve already communicated that to several folks. And I think they’ll be excited, hopefully come this spring in April, maybe if we do a mini city resource fair, and then have some other planned activities, either thanks.

Unknown Speaker 2:05:46
Versus Well, at that point, this is where you are met the center of excellence because you don’t have everyone in at the same time. But we will add to it and we will bring Jeffrey’s inner and we’ll bring Christina Christina Pacheco in. And we’ll bring other team members in to take that next step to do exactly that.

Tim Waters 2:06:05
Thanks. Appreciate it.

Unknown Speaker 2:06:08
We have in the Pilsen, Martin.

Unknown Speaker 2:06:12
Thank you, Mr. Peck. I have three questions. The first one I think is easy. I think it was Sarah or Carmen. I can’t remember. I’m sorry. One of you mentioned an acronym Septate. septet, can you? Write out that acronym? It seems to be something that I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about and talking with? David Bell. And so could you tell me the acronym and what it’s stands for and means?

Unknown Speaker 2:06:40
Sure, it’s Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. And we actually have been conducting septet surveys around the city for several years now. And then working with with parks, especially when we’ve got ongoing issues. We, David Kennedy and myself have been through all the crazy training to have that certification. So we’re called upon them to even do churches, schools, it doesn’t really matter into any any building or structure, or we’ve worked a lot with natural resources on on rebuilding of the parks, etc.

Unknown Speaker 2:07:20
So it does mean things like toilets that aren’t made out of porcelain, so you can’t smash them. Okay, and it’s CP, Ed.

Unknown Speaker 2:07:32
Is that right? Prevention Through CP T. P.

Unknown Speaker 2:07:36
Ed. Okay, through a miss. Okay. Thank you very much, because I will look it up. Um, I was hoping for something that we didn’t see tonight, although this is very useful information. But I, you know, what you have said is that you have found a core population that does is not interested in coordinated entry, or drug rehabilitation, or any of the local services that we have in fair supply. But what I didn’t hear about is how many people there are, and what the, what the barriers are, you know, so I mean, some of them just won’t go to hope, because they can’t take their puppy. And others of them won’t go to hope, because they can’t take their substances with them. So what’s the breakdown? And what’s the quantification of this? And if you don’t have it now, how long is it going to be before we have it?

Unknown Speaker 2:08:49
We’re gonna have to cross some data sets. We don’t have all that information. In terms of the why. Part of it is is you can’t compel either sorry, go back to what Karen said. You can’t compel them. You know, what we can tell you is out of the list I gave you we mentioned coordinated entry, we know told us they were interested. But in terms of getting in and actually finding out why didn’t you do this or why didn’t you do that? It’s up to them to tell us

Unknown Speaker 2:09:24
Sure. You know, yeah, can’t make them tell you even even just as much as you can’t make can’t make them go You also can’t make them say why

Unknown Speaker 2:09:36
councilmember Martin what I would what I would add and Le Berto you and I can maybe work on this. So I would say the best source of the why is is going to be the the members of the elder team that are really out there engaging with the individuals in in those areas. And so we can go back. And so just to see what kind of data we have a lot of anecdotal information, but we’ll go back and try to get some more specific. Alberto, do you think that is doable? Because because they, they are certainly talking to folks, and they probably have the best information to try to answer the question that you just asked about the why and the barriers.

Unknown Speaker 2:10:23
And so do they, I’m gonna let Roberto talk. But I wanted to ask, do they have direction now that we’re looking for quantification, as opposed to anecdotes?

Unknown Speaker 2:10:33
Where there is in an alley partner might be able to answer that. So there is there is data that we have to respond to and are provided in terms of the grant. So so we can we can dig in and see and figure out and get the data that we have available and respond back. Albert, did you want to add to that?

Unknown Speaker 2:10:52
Right. So custom car, Marcia Martin? Yes, they do. They do track through HMIs, which is the homes warehouse management information system that is a statewide run by MDH. I, the Metro homeless district, I forget what it stands for all of it. But yes, they do track they do have some final file databook. But to Harold’s point, they may keep track of the numbers interact with the referrals they make, but they may not know how many of those actually take them up on the referral. And this the folks themselves self identify as having gone through the referral. And some may just refuse to answer. You know, completely so but yes, like we can get, we can talk to them about getting more quantifiable data of their outreach efforts.

Unknown Speaker 2:11:42
Thank you, Mayor, Council, Zack artist, public safety chief, gives me Martin to your question. One of the things that we started early on in the process is public safety without engaged our folks that are challenged with the unhoused, as we began to collect data to try to find out what services they needed, what resources they needed, whether or not they wanted those resources. And so something to your point, I think we can probably go back and look is tried to gather additional data of why they didn’t want the resources. And so I think that’s something as we continue to collect that data for public safety, to help build really information on how we can address the needs and resources of the unhoused. Certainly, I think that’s something that Sarah, Carmen myself can discuss, and try to add to our really our documentation of when the officers have contact to try to get you that information.

Unknown Speaker 2:12:34
Thank you, there is a natural a national literature on this subject. So, you know, we have some ideas of what the barriers might be, even if we don’t know, in our particular local case, what the barriers are on. And then the last question I have is about chasing people from Park to park, and you’ve already mentioned the next Park. Um, what are your ideas for changing that dynamic so that people don’t congregate in parks?

Unknown Speaker 2:13:13

Unknown Speaker 2:13:15
we’re gonna let them jump in, I think so the first thing we have to reconcile in this is everyone has a right to go to the park. I mean, so we’ve got it, we’ve got to start there. It’s then what activities and what occurs at the park. That’s what we’re really focusing on. And so I think it’s a replication of what we’ve learned thus far land. And that’s when I said, the team and the impact working collectively, on the other park, the lighting, the improvements, the cameras, the dusted on curfew, those are things that we were pretty sure will be impactful in terms of what we’re in terms of the situation that we’re managing here. I think we’re still learning through some things, and we will learn more as we continue moving forward. But I think that’s where I would start. Rest of you all.

Unknown Speaker 2:14:18
Mayor and Councilwoman Martin, I think the other piece to this is our grassroots effort and that constant communication, and the effort of seeing that we’re all working together, not only to connect people to resources, but the expectation of their behavior in the park, the expectation on the impact on our neighborhoods. I think that’s an important piece of this, that word gets out and it says you can hang out at the park, but not use drugs, not create violence or vandalism. And that message will get out as we move even if we have to move from Park to park and also that community will be into share that message. As newcomers come in, we know that during the summer, we have some travelers that come through. So it’s really about being consistent of that message of their behavior and their impact on the neighborhoods, we all have the right to enjoy our parks. And we should also be respectful of others that are visiting their parks. So I think that’s going to be very important message that we’re all going to have to collectively work on sharing that message.

Unknown Speaker 2:15:31
And then if I could add, Martin really quickly, I think, on the on the on the HSBC service side, it’s, it’s really that and Karen has been a champion for this for quite some time. And that continued in case management outreach, trying to help folks feel the self worth that they that they are worthy of receiving the service, that’s, that’s another piece to, and trying to work with them to be open to accessing these services and moving closer to housing. And ultimately, our goal is always to provide opportunities for permanent stable housing for folks experiencing homelessness.

Unknown Speaker 2:16:13
will throw another one. And this is rooted in what I’m talking about, and center of excellence and, and where where we are in will go as an organization. Intentional, we work with each other. We support each other, and we’re all on the same page. And and we’re all saying the same message. Because I will say that there’s been some hiccups there. And that’s what we’ve really done here is bringing together the where if you’re in a police, I say but if you’re if you’re in code enforcement, or you’re if you’re in working in lead, or you’re working in sanitation, or you’re working in parks, we’re all collectively, on point working together, saying the same message doing the same thing where we’re not creating different messages within our own structure. And that’s part of bringing this together. And, you know, I think we’re on the path there.

Unknown Speaker 2:17:12
So just as a parting remark, if somebody wanted to case manage me, I wouldn’t like it either. And, you know, one thing I am hearing here is that everybody ought to want to be housed. And, you know, I wonder if we should get over that.

Unknown Speaker 2:17:35
If I could add just one thing. I think really what was been critical, and different about the process that we’ve taken with this, this, this kind of initiative excellence, is we’ve really brought the Partnership for both things that Karen is doing and has resources to, along with public safety resources and bringing them together. To to understand that this is a long term project, this is a long term issue for our communities as a long term. There’s going to be solutions along the way, the challenges along the way, but to the point that everybody has said it’s really about continue to have conversations, to establish those expectations. And those expectations lead to self accountability. And so to your point, Councilman Barton, we understand or recognize that there there is a group of folks who are unhoused to do not want to be housed. And so it’s again, trying to find that balance within our community of how do we coexist and live together. And so I think this group and what we’re putting together, that is our initiative, to approach it in a way that’s almost humanistic, that finds compassion, but yet gets compliance through education and using the resources that we have, and holding folks to that standard. So I think really, that’s what this group’s mission and direction has been, since day one under under the opportunity to Harold created this and put it together. And that really is our vision and direction we continue to drive to address this issue across all of Longmont.

Unknown Speaker 2:19:04
Thank you, Chief. Um, are there any other comments by counselors? I see Councillor Hidalgo fairing and then counselor Yarbro.

Unknown Speaker 2:19:14
Okay. Thank you. So I do I have a couple of questions and a couple of comments. Some of them were kind of addressed. But let’s see. So and actually going back to the slide, and I didn’t see it in my packet, it just kind of skipped over to the from the neighborhood impact team to the equity principles, but there was one that looked like a web of all these.

Unknown Speaker 2:19:39
Yeah, we added that at the last minute. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 2:19:44
Okay, so um, if you know in in that slide there were different. You know, you have the lead team, the core team public safety, different organizations, and departments and programs that kind of cross intersect depending on the problem. Um, you know, so but you have one individual who might be dealing with a myriad of issues and having, needing to receive resources and communication with different entities. So I, you know, I want I want to know, the line of communication between each one has that, you know, has that been consistent? Has it been a challenge? And what are the opportunities for the these different departments and organizations to kind of come together and address, you know, individuals.

Unknown Speaker 2:20:38
We’re in the middle of, we’re in the middle of that right now. And it’s how do we cross in work datasets, it’s also, you remember the building a caring community work that Alberto, and Karen, and we’re in the top middleware, but the connecting the data sets, that’s part of this, that will eventually come in, but we’re working through it and in Sarah and Carmen are doing yeoman’s work right now, in going to these other groups and saying, We need to talk, we need to work with each other, we need to share datasets, and in to know how this works. When they’re having the conversations, it is equivalent to me. And it’s not an option, if we’re going to share, it’s, here’s what we’re going to do. And so are we where we want to be on that right now. Are we making progress on that we are in it’s really to bring it together? It’s a much different conversation than it was on day one. And this one, it’s like, trying, you know, you’re just seeing fireworks go off, because you’re trying to figure things out. It’s now very focused, and but we’ve got more work to

Unknown Speaker 2:21:46
do. Do you think that now as people are seeing this play out, I mean, even within the departments, um, you know, that they’re able to conceptualize, to visualize that it’s making it easier for people to, you know, to buy in to the program to be, you know, to making those efforts to communicate with one another? And, you know, or? Or is it still a work in progress? Sarah, I think in some areas, we’ve got folks that are quick to adopt in their areas, it’s just kind of looking at the big picture and understanding their part in it. And then collectively, we can really have an impact. So I would say that we have progress in some areas and some other areas, we need to continue to work on it. Okay. And, you know, I really want to emphasize, you know, just because, you know, having a child with a disability, and in the school system, and then having him work with all these different entities, and then they’re not cross communicating. And so it’s been very difficult for the one individual to make sense of anything, when they hear when he you know, he’s hearing message, different messages from different groups. So, you know, I really want to emphasize that, you know, I don’t know if it’s like a whole group meeting or, or however, but there is does need to be a consensus that comes together, so that the same messaging is coming, going to two individuals about this, and that they’re, you know, people are talking to one another.

Unknown Speaker 2:23:26
So councilmember Hidalgo fairing I’d like to add, that’s the, the basis behind the neighborhood impact team. I mean, we’ve, we’ve been doing this for a couple of yours. And that’s what’s been so successful in solving some of these problematic issues we’ve found in our in our community. And so we’ve identified those staff members, I think it’s the outliers that we weren’t really working with all the time that we are seeing in and we’re working through it, and I know we’re going to get there.

Unknown Speaker 2:23:56
Yes. It’s just any other takes time and you know, as it should, any quality program will, will need that time to, to Figure Figure it out and work out all the kinks is privacy or constraints been an issue with having to share. So that’s, you know, how are you know, they’re talking about how even to get around that?

Unknown Speaker 2:24:22
I know le Berta is working with the data set in terms of getting a data sharing agreement, you know, depending on if it’s if it’s mental health issues, then you have HIPAA protections in there. And so yeah, it’s a significant issue. And I think that’s, that’s one of the data challenges and I think, ties into the work that Becky Doyle has been doing in slaying the day a dragon and how do you bring these data sets in the middleware project? This is one of those and in some cases, we may not actually have it, but it may just be called Person X and You’re just connecting to the person, but you don’t have the data. But yeah, it’s a huge challenge. Now we Berto get tomorrow forever on this issue?

Unknown Speaker 2:25:08
Well, and that’s gonna be one of the people that inhibit us from getting real, real numbers about what, you know, accurate percentages of what’s happening out there.

Unknown Speaker 2:25:17
So I have to say, because a real offering, um, you know, we can get aggregate data pretty easily. It’s, it’s where it comes to those individual folks. That’s where it gets very, very tricky. We maintanance cannot get data that could be very useful because of privacy issues. But, you know, we can get some aggregate data. But yeah, it does. It is, to Carol’s point we’ve been talking for, since I started with the city have long been about a data sharing agreement with the county, it’s, it’s been an ongoing challenge.

Unknown Speaker 2:26:00
Yeah, yeah. Well, no, I thank you for your efforts and keep trying. So and then, you know, the other thing I heard some talk about, you know, moving to car park, and that was one, you know, even as we were listening to this, I got a text from a friend who lives near car park and say, Hey, I took my grandchild out there. And we saw, we saw we, you know, we saw a needle and, you know, so it’s I wrapped him up and took them took them home. So, you know, so these things are happening throughout. And so have you noticed since you know, the work is being focused on Lannion. Park, have you seen an increase of undesirable activity in neighboring parks?

Unknown Speaker 2:26:47
I can go ahead with that. Councilmember Hidalgo fairing. Yes, we’ve seen that. And we address that from the beginning on the public safety side. We actually, you know, land and Park was the number one priority, but we also didn’t want to get behind at the other parks or even along Main Street. So that’s a totally different conversation that I but I wanted to bring up the public safety was very aware of the fact that we would be going to these other locations and, and we have been so public safety side have been, we’ve been tasked with doing you know, number one priority is land and park number two priority has been car park. Okay, I can say in the last three weeks, because of the weather, we’ve had pretty much zero activity until yesterday. Okay. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 2:27:39
And what’s coming on is the information we get from our parks team members day, you know, timber, David and our folks out in the field. And then as they get the Rangers online, then the Rangers are going to become part of this team. And so it’s also getting that real time information from the field.

Unknown Speaker 2:27:59
Okay, okay. Well, thanks. And, you know, one of the things you know, to also, you know, throw out there to the public, is if you see things, let you know, needles or, you know, report it, call report it, don’t touch it. But, um, yeah, so, you know, everybody has a role to play as well. So, but thank you for your efforts. I’m really, I’m supportive this this work. And, yeah, you know, if there’s way that we can figure out how to get, you know, some follow up with, you know, why folks didn’t follow through and kind of navigate some of these HIPAA constraints. You know, I’d like to see some of that data as well. So thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:28:40
Councillor Yarbrough?

Unknown Speaker 2:28:43
Thank you all. Thank you, Mayor Peck, I just want to say thank you for all that you’re doing. And it means a lot, all my fellow council members have already brought up concerns, I think that we all have had, I just want to make sure that from from my perspective and listening to you all, that we make sure that if you are not the expert in those areas, that we make sure we get the right people to do what needs to be done. I don’t want to lose the area of what we’re supposed to be doing. This, these are community parks, in our residents in our community members are concerned about, you know, what’s going on in those parks. So we do I love the fact that you all are directing to the directing to those other components of the city and who are experts in those areas. I just My concern is I don’t want our city staff that are not experts in mental health that are not experts in those areas that are trying to resolve those issues. So then I think we take away from what the original the original objectives were, or are right. So that’s my concern. And the other thing is I want to make sure that what we do and One Park, we should probably really look at all the other parks in our city. I know we can do one park at a time. But if there’s some way we can have evaluations that other parks where there aren’t, you know, we don’t have those lighting, that lights where we, like I know a park by my house, they have the tennis court. So they have that light lightning out there. So I think it’s important it is some at some point, when you all have the capacity to go out to all the parts within the city of Longmont and maybe have some type of system, you know, ready? Like, what’s the next part out a car park? off the car? So it’s important that you know, I think it was Karen who said no, I think it was Carmen, you all said so much tonight, I’m sorry, just been listening. That you know, when other other people come here from other cities from Boulder, and that are unhoused they know that Longmont is strict, we don’t need them to keep moving from Park to park the park because all the requirements are there and all the parks and all the parks, we’re going to have lightnings going to have the doors, the locks everything on the same. And I think that’s that’s important, we shouldn’t just have one or two parks in the city that they know they can’t go to because we really strict in those parks. But then they’re gonna move going more South right to those parks. So wherever. So I just want to make sure that we keep that in the back of our minds or at the forefront and think about how do we utilize the same resources for for laying in car for the rest of the city. So I just want to say thank you for all that you all are doing. I really appreciate it and I understand the services, I just want to make sure that you all are not trying to be everything because they are experts that are what they’re so that’s their job. So thank you so much.

Unknown Speaker 2:32:00
If I can, one thing that comes into play in that conversation is the ARPA funds on the neighborhood resiliency and the work that we plugged in for there, and how we can use those to augment it so we can do more.

Unknown Speaker 2:32:14
So I think this has been a great conversation, and the team can see how invested Council is in helping find solutions. I know that homelessness is never going to go away completely, it is just part of the thing. But when I had this conversation with Harold, I think we talked about it in December, and then you pulled the group together in January, a lot of work has been done in just a month, five, five weeks, basically. And so hats off to you. What I’ve heard tonight from the counselors is we need data, education both from the public as well as to me, this has been an educational conversation. We need to have mental health and she Keita just brought up the equity lens, which I really appreciated. So the mental health that’s why I made that motion to use the other half of the marijuana funds for mental health, not knowing how it’s going to be used. That’s not our decision. But that’s out there for you to use. To you know, for counselor yarborough’s comment about bring in the experts. And don’t, don’t let staff deal with things they shouldn’t be dealing with, that might be dangerous for them as well. So that’s really good. But we’ve only had a month, five weeks that you’ve been collecting data. So I think that to councilor waters point, when we do the budget, where are the where’s the need, after we do this for eight or nine months, I personally would like to have a quarterly conversation like this, so that we can see our the different areas whether it’s the public safety, whether it’s housing, whether it’s the our center, or hope or recovery cafe, if everybody can enter their data and see where perhaps the same person is going from place to place to place and having the same issues, then we’ll know what to address. I don’t know if that’s what you’re working on. But um, I would like to have more updates, both with successes and failures. Because that’s how we can help you. And I always feel like Council are the liaisons between the public and the staff. So we need to know what’s going on so that everybody is giving the same information and especially if we Need the public the residents input to help us? We need to, we need to continually have these. I think it was a great conversation. Thank all of you. I think,

Unknown Speaker 2:35:11
um, if I can ask one question just generally, in terms of looking at dusk to dawn, other parks? Where’s counsel on that one? And I don’t need a definitive answer. But is that something you want us to continue to look at and bring back to you all?

Unknown Speaker 2:35:30
This? Before I answer, I see a thumbs up for Councillor Martin.

Unknown Speaker 2:35:38
Mayor Pro Tem? Oh,

Unknown Speaker 2:35:43
thank you very much. I think we need to be consistent in our policies. Yes. And so just till dawn policy for all parks seems prudent to me. In general, to be honest, regardless of our unhoused population,

Tim Waters 2:36:00
you know, it’s

Unknown Speaker 2:36:01
a bigger issue than just that it’s vandalism. It’s everything that we have,

Unknown Speaker 2:36:05
it is. But I also know that just from my own sons, that in the summer, they would love to go out like, eight o’clock at night when it’s cooled down and shoot hoops with their friends, or with if we have tennis courts. Because people after dinner, sometimes they get together and go play tennis or, or pickleball. So, so just do we have timers on those lights. So for example, if you’re going to play, you can, you can set it for an hour, or an hour and a half and reset, and they’ll go off automatically. But maybe their pay timer. So take a quarter or something so that unhoused people don’t have a model light.

Unknown Speaker 2:36:56
That’s the word to what we were looking at is a different set of criteria for areas that were lighted. Because, again, you have the intended use for those facilities. And so it wouldn’t be car parks a good example. So where you have the basketball courts, the hockey court, the tennis courts, that would actually be carved out of it. But if there’s a very specific use, it has to occur, and that we would have to carve out to deal with your ploy in, in really in the summer. Dusk is much later in the evening. And so, um, but that’s how we would have to deal with that issue.

Unknown Speaker 2:37:33
Okay, great. Um, do we have a consensus on moving forward with the dusk to dawn and and just having the staff bring back what they found with the different parts and to let them continue to work on that so that all parks are consistent in some manner? Let’s just everybody raise your hand. If you think that’s a good way to go. We’re not going to make a motion. We’re just going to give direction. Okay. Does that give you the direction you need?

Unknown Speaker 2:38:02
You can’t ever councilmember Henry’s.

Unknown Speaker 2:38:04
I do. Which one is that? Oh areas, Councilor waters,

Tim Waters 2:38:09
it would be just falling on that if we could get that criteria, Harold. That applies to the lighted the intentional use lighted parts that would be useful for when we get emails or calls, right that we can we have a you know, a response that’s consistent and grounded in what those criterion might be.

Unknown Speaker 2:38:31
And the reason why I asked the question, I didn’t want to go much further and spend time on it if there was an interest, and we may get down the road and oh, boy, but we will we will do that. And then we’ll obviously do our convenient community involvement process on like we deal with everything else.

Unknown Speaker 2:38:49
Okay, great. Thank you very, very much for all your hard work. This is not an easy subject. Through the heavy lifters, you are heavy lifters. Okay, I think we have one more left presentation but assistant manager of Sandy teeter is going to talk to us about some legislative bills that she’s recommending.

Unknown Speaker 2:39:14
Thank you so much, Mayor Peck Sandy, senior assistant city manager, we only have one bill today and I think you’re gonna like it. House Bill 22 Dash 1051 concerning modifications of the Colorado affordable housing tax credit, extending the time and yearly amounts of credits that can be allocated. So currently CHAFA under the affordable housing tax program can allocate income tax credits, and an annual aggregate Oh, thanks Dallas amount up to $10 million for the years beginning on January 2020, ending in 2024. But this bill would do is extend the period of time to 2034 and would add would increase the cap to $15 million. So this obviously is a huge resource and providing affordable housing. And so following the pandemic and the increasing pressure faced by the housing market, there’s no more important time for Colorado to unite its support and strengthening affordable housing policy. This also completely aligns with the city council’s work plan. And so staff is recommending that you support House Bill 2210 51.

Unknown Speaker 2:40:20
Sounds good. Raise your hand if you want to support it. There you go. That was unanimous.

Unknown Speaker 2:40:29
Thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker 2:40:31
Thank you for that. Now we have the final call for public invited to be heard calling now. If you are interested in having a comment. The information is going to be on the screen. There you go. Please mute the live stream and dial in now. We’ll take a five minute break to give everyone time to get dialed in.

Unknown Speaker 2:40:51
Thank you Mayor packing Council we’re coming up onto the five minute mark. As of right now, I am not seeing any callers.

Unknown Speaker 2:45:53
Okay, let’s, let’s cut it off within five minutes

Unknown Speaker 2:46:05
still nobody may or Peck.

Unknown Speaker 2:46:07
Okay, let’s, let’s close that down. And we’ll move on to Marin Council comments. We have any comments from counselors? Oh, I do have one. Oh

Unknown Speaker 2:46:26
yeah, I’ve got an under waters. You know what,

Unknown Speaker 2:46:29
you know what guess what is your hand goes up right by that wall. It’s kind of the same color. I’m sorry. Okay.

Tim Waters 2:46:37
I’ll just cover my face. Good. Yeah, that works. Okay. earlier. Thank you, Mayor Peck. Earlier this evening, we got a call from Clark Allen about what he labeled as a logging operation was to town. I think we all read the same article. I don’t know if Mayor pack or any other council members have any more information about what the county is proposing to do. But it would be helpful, Harold, if you have that information, to share it. Because Because what I read was a bit different or thought bit different than what we heard from Mr. Allen, just what is proposed in one of the implications for Longmont. And is this this something that the County, the county conferred with us about or no information? What’s the status?

Unknown Speaker 2:47:30
Let me get with Bob Allen and David Bell and Dale on this one. I know at one point there were conversations it’s fine, remember, is more of a lay down yard. But let me get with them to get the information. It just so count with council knows it is on county property, it was county zoning that they went through. But let me get that information.

Tim Waters 2:47:52
Well, I think what I read was a tree sorting operation, right, and then chipping, right. So those things that don’t go to lumber or whatever, would go here and get processed into biofuels, as opposed to being burned. But I but I just think it’s worth learning a little bit more before we get into something not unlike the commercial compost discussion. So

Unknown Speaker 2:48:17
yeah, we will get that and that’s the way I understood it was chipping, not not not burning on site. So we’ll get that information to you.

Unknown Speaker 2:48:25
Thank you. Good point. I had a conversation with Aldo Bermudez and Christina Pacheco Sims this morning, we’re going to start up the mayor’s book club. And I think this kind of relates a little bit to the park issues that in the summer, we’re thinking about holding the book breeding sessions for the little kids in different parks. So we can hit different parts of the city and in their neighborhoods, basically, which would make it easier and a little bit more equitable. The other thing is that Do any of you have any interest in being part reading on Saturday morning to kids? Because if you do, I would gladly I think it’s really important that we all show our face, not just the mayor’s book club, but also because we have such a diverse Council now. I would like the kids to see the different faces of you know, the people in on council. So if you if you would like to do that, you don’t have to but I think it would be I don’t know. I like the idea. There’s just so we’ll let you know. Counselor doctoring

Unknown Speaker 2:49:53
and going back to the book club. So that is different from the the one that Laura Lewis. I think that Yes about Read Across America. So that is, so lat was it last year or maybe the year before? We, you know, in the height of the pandemic, I was actually the start of the pandemic, when we were trying to navigate everything. And we’re switching to virtual. I did do some read aloud books that they recorded for the kids to see. So I’m really excited that now we’re going to in person, yes, at a park, because that will be more impactful. It was just he knows hard. I don’t I don’t like videos. I don’t. I know. I know. First. Let’s call it good. But yeah, there’s nothing better than interacting with little kids. Exactly. Exactly. So I it was a lot of fun. Even if it was just video, but you know, if you can on a Saturday morning, I would highly recommend and for folks to bring their kids. It’s fun.

Unknown Speaker 2:50:50
Exactly. Exactly. So. Okay. Thank you. Oh, I’ve got Sure. Now, Harold, do anything for you,

Unknown Speaker 2:50:59
Mayor Council. I know Don sent you some emails regarding the election, the special election, we’re actually going to place an item on the agenda next week. I just wanted you to know to have that conversation with you all. There’s a lot of moving parts we finally had. Some of them come together late last week, but that’ll be on the agenda for next week to talk to you all about. Okay, thank you. Oh, are you another man, I would be remiss. I was gonna tell you I’d be remiss on behalf of my wife to say go Bengals this weekend. She’s from Cincinnati. Other than that, no comments. Mayor Council.

Unknown Speaker 2:51:39
Thank you. Eg

Unknown Speaker 2:51:42
no comments, Mayor.

Unknown Speaker 2:51:44
Thank you. With that. I think we are done. Can I have a motion to adjourn? So moved. Thank you. All those in favor, raise your hand. All those opposed?

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