Planning and Zoning Commission – January 19, 2021

Video Description: Planning and Zoning Commission – January 19, 2021

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:05
and it is up.

Unknown Speaker 0:08
Okay, thank you. Welcome everybody to the Longmont Planning and Zoning Commission meeting for January 19 2020. To the first thing is I’m calling this meeting to order in the next item is the roll call.

Unknown Speaker 0:23
Vice Chairman Polen. Here, Commissioner flag here. Commissioner Polen. Oh, sorry. Commissioner Goldberg. Here. Mr. hight present. Commissioner to catch here. Commissioner teta. Here, Mr. Boone.

Unknown Speaker 0:49
Mr. Boone here. Thank you, Councilmember Rodriguez here. And I’m not sure did I miss Commissioner flake? No, I sit here. Awesome. Thank you, Vice Chairman, you have a quorum.

Unknown Speaker 1:06
Thank you. Anyone wishing to speak during public invited to be her which are IDs four and 10 or during any public hearing item will need to watch livestream of the meeting for instructions about how to call in to provide public comment at the appropriate times. Instructions will be given during the meeting and displayed on the screen when it is time to call in to provide comments. Comments are limited to five minutes per person. And each speaker will be asked to state their name and address for the record prior to proceeding with their comments. Please remember to mute the live stream when you are called upon to speak. And remember that items four and 10 are for items that are not before the commission today. The next item is communications from planning director. Yeah. planning director Where are you, Glenn? And Nim widgeon.

Unknown Speaker 2:04
Very good. Thank you Vice Chairman Poland. The only thing I wanted to remind the commission of before you start your formal agenda is I think it was back in August. We decided to stay virtual but we would address it in the new year. And we’re in the midst of another spike in the pandemic. So what I would suggest is we’re going to talk about the electronic participation policy under nine and then if if the commission chooses maybe you want to make a motion and act on whether we’ll continue in a virtual mode. That’s the only reminder I have

Unknown Speaker 2:45
a thank you. The next item is the public comment to be heard. The information is being displayed on the screen for those viewing from home

Unknown Speaker 2:55
inhabit displayed. Give me just a moment

Unknown Speaker 3:03
please dial 1-887-880-0992 for United States. When prompted enter the meeting ID 82003562100. When we are ready to hear public comment will call you to speak based on the last three digits of your phone number. Each speaker must state their name and address for the record and will be allowed five minutes to speak. Please remember to mute the live stream when you’re called upon to speak. And remember this is for naught items before the commission today. We will take a five minute break to allow people to call in

Unknown Speaker 8:09
chair, we are approaching the five minute mark. I am currently seeing new callers in the chat. Thank you. Excellent. Once I see everyone’s back, I will lower the slide alright, and you’re good.

Unknown Speaker 8:33
Okay, thank you. There were no callers so we will close the public comment. The next item on the agenda is the 2022 new business New Year business items. This is some housekeeping we do at our first meeting. And the first item five, eight is the election of chairperson and Vice Chairperson. So at this time, we will take nominations for chairperson. Mr. hight, our commissioner. Hi.

Unknown Speaker 9:05
Thank you. I’m having inquires whether I’d be willing to serve, but I’d like to nominate Josh Goldberg for the chairmanship position. So I could nominate you, Vice Chair poen to continue in your position as Vice Chair, if you’re so interested. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker 9:26
Commissioner Goldberg?

Unknown Speaker 9:28
Yeah, thanks, Chairman. Vice Chairman. I’m flattered at the offer and the faith by Commissioner height I’m happy to accept being considered and at the same time I’d like to nominate Vice Chairman Poland for the position of chairman.

Unknown Speaker 9:45
Thank you and I’ll accept that nomination. Are there any other nominations?

Unknown Speaker 9:49
Okay, so

Unknown Speaker 9:55
we will hold a roll call vote for this. When a call the And you can indicate either Commissioner Goldberg or Commissioner polling

Unknown Speaker 10:03
or for chairperson. Would you like me to do the roll call vote? Yes, please. Awesome. Vice Chairman Poland

Unknown Speaker 10:27
Michael Poland for chairperson,

Unknown Speaker 10:30
Commissioner flag. Michael Poland for chairperson Commissioner Goldberg Polish calling for chairperson. Commissioner height here muted Commissioner height

Unknown Speaker 10:49
aebischer GOPers gonna vote for chair Vice Chair, polling so alive.

Unknown Speaker 10:57
Commissioner Tokaj vice chairman of Poland for Chairman, Commissioner teta. Michael Paul and for chair then Commissioner Boone. Michael Cole. Vice Chairman point it is unanimous that you are the chairman for 2022 for the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Unknown Speaker 11:21
Thank you for the honor and for the confidence. The next item will be then to elect the Vice Chairperson. Are there nominations?

Unknown Speaker 11:37
Commissioner Goldberg,

Unknown Speaker 11:39
I’d like to nominate Commissioner hight for Vice Chair.

Unknown Speaker 11:44
So noted.

Unknown Speaker 11:47
I would like to nominate Oh, Commissioner how you

Unknown Speaker 11:51
would decline? Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 11:56
I would like to nominate Commissioner Goldberg for Vice Chair. Are there any other nominations? If not, let’s go ahead and do a roll call vote Jane.

Unknown Speaker 12:25
Sorry, I was muted Chairman Polen.

Unknown Speaker 12:27
I’ll vote for Commissioner Golder Commissioner flag.

Unknown Speaker 12:31
Joshua Goldberg, Commissioner Goldberg, Joshua Goldberg, Commissioner height. Fisher Goldberg. Commissioner to catch that national gold Commissioner teta.

Unknown Speaker 12:46
Josh Goldberg, Commissioner Boon cash Coburg Chairman Poland that is unanimous that Commissioner Goldberg is the vice chairman for 2022 for the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Unknown Speaker 12:59
Thank you very much. The next item is approval of the bylaws item five be at this time. Is there any discussion? Any questions? Any comments? Commissioner Goldberg

Unknown Speaker 13:16
Oh, yes. Chairman Polen. Are the bylaws in any way impacted by the electronic meeting? discussion that we’re currently reviewing or is that separate?

Unknown Speaker 13:30
I believe that is separate but we will check with city attorney GMA.

Unknown Speaker 13:39
Commissioners Eugene Bay City Attorney, they would be supplemental to the bylaws. And separate

Unknown Speaker 13:47
right. Thanks, Eugene. Then with that I move to approve the existing bylaws.

Unknown Speaker 13:54
We have a motion to approve the 2022 bylaws for Planning and Zoning Commission. Are there any seconds? Mr. hight?

Unknown Speaker 14:03
I would second.

Unknown Speaker 14:05
We have a motion and a second. Do we need to take a roll call vote for this to Jane. Would you do that please?

Unknown Speaker 14:13
Door. Chairman Polen. I proved Commissioner flake high. Commissioner Goldberg. High Commissioner height. All right, Commissioner to catch High Commissioner teta high. Commissioner Boone, aye. That passes unanimously Chairman pullin.

Unknown Speaker 14:32
Thank you. The next item is five c approval of the 2022 meeting schedule. Are there any questions comments or discussion for this? Are there any motions? Commissioner height?

Unknown Speaker 14:49
I would move to approve the planning Zoning Commission 2002 being scheduled.

Unknown Speaker 14:56
We have a motion to approve. Do we have a second Commissioner flag.

Unknown Speaker 15:01
I will second that.

Unknown Speaker 15:03
We have a motion in a second. Jane, can we take a roll call bow?

Unknown Speaker 15:09
Chairman Poland approve. Commissioner flag. Approve. Commissioner Goldberg approved. Commissioner height. All right. Commissioner cut. I Commissioner teta. Commissioner Boone, aye. That passes unanimously.

Unknown Speaker 15:29
Thank you. The next item is Item five d approval of the 2022 Posting locations. Once again, are there any comments, questions or discussion?

Unknown Speaker 15:47
Commissioner Goldberg

Unknown Speaker 15:49
Oh, yeah. Chairman I move to approve the existing posting locations.

Unknown Speaker 15:54
It has been motion to approve. Commissioner loot

Unknown Speaker 15:57
patch. I second the motion. We have the motion

Unknown Speaker 16:01
to approve in a second. Jane? Roll call vote.

Unknown Speaker 16:06
Chairman Polen. Yes, Commissioner flay aye. Mr. Goldberg high. Commissioner Heights High. Commissioner thought I missing Arteta high. Commissioner Boone. I, Chairman That passes unanimously,

Unknown Speaker 16:24
thank you. Next item is item six, which is Approval of the minutes of our December 15 2021 meeting. Any questions comments? Commissioner flake,

Unknown Speaker 16:37
I move to approve those minutes.

Unknown Speaker 16:41
We have a motion to approve. Any comments any seconds? I’ll go ahead and I was commissioner height.

Unknown Speaker 16:53
I just had a small disclaimer on page when the gratisversion came out. A week ago. There were some corrections noted that I noted I believe on page five of the minutes. I spoke with our executive recording secretary Jane Madrid and she made those corrections that are reflected in this version. Just wanted to make sure everybody understood that

Unknown Speaker 17:22
I will go ahead and second the motion.

Unknown Speaker 17:29
Chairman Polen approve. Commissioner Lake High Commissioner Goldberg

Unknown Speaker 17:36
gene I need to abstain.

Unknown Speaker 17:38
Commissioner height All right. Commissioner couch stain Commissioner teta high. Commissioner Boone abstain. Chairman that passes for for the minutes and three abstentions. You

Unknown Speaker 17:58
The next item is a public hearing item is Item seven eight it is modern West preliminary subdivision plat PCR 2020 to one principal planner Brian Schumacher presenting

Unknown Speaker 18:14
well thank you commissioners. Dallas, would you mind starting the staff presentation on this?

Unknown Speaker 18:25
Probably Well, good evening commissioners, Brian Schumacher with planning and development services. And tonight is the public hearing for the modern West preliminary subdivision plat. So I’m hoping to be fairly succinct with my comments. I’m expecting probably about 10 minutes or less if I can, and the applicant representatives and gas will provide a bit more detail regarding the proposal as part of their presentation. So expect that presentation to last maybe about 15 to 20 minutes. Next slide please. So this slide notes staff that are available for questions this evening, in addition to the applicant representatives. So that’s me for planning related and process questions. Hannah’s available for any environmental or sustainability questions. Caroline is here for traffic related questions. Doug is available for street utility drainage design questions. Rocco is llama power communications is available for electric infrastructure design questions, Susan. Also with MPC is available for questions regarding energy efficiency and or the energy grid pilot program staff has been discussing with the applicant that was referenced in the applicants cover letter. And then after the presentations and public hearing comments, the applicant representatives, guests and staff are available to respond to questions. Next slide please. So this slide just shows a few notes regarding zoning on this property in the surrounding area. So the modern West property is in southwest Longmont. It’s shown with the red star on this map. The Vance brand airport is the parcel in blue to the northwest of the west of airport road. There’s also the airport influence overlay District, which is the area encompassed by the oval on the zoning map. It’s a little bit faint and hard to see, but you kind of see an oval on this on this diagram. And then the modern West property, as I mentioned, is zoned mixed use employment. And there’s also surrounding properties, as noted on this map, that are currently annexed and zoned as mixed use employment or there’s a few parcels to the South that have not yet been annexed generally in this area, but those also have a mixed use and planet land use category. So basically, the modern West property is surrounded by properties that will be zoned mixed use employment when they are all annexed into the city. So the alcohol provide more details regarding zoning and land uses as part of their presentation. Next slide please. So this is just a brief summary of some of the prior planning and actions by the city. So the property has been part of the Longmont area comprehensive plan and that dates back to the original same brain Valley plan was adopted in the 70s. But this neighborhood was part of a planned urban development since the 1980s. The modern West property was annexed into the city and 2019. At the time it was annexed the concept plan was approved with the annexation included only light industrial uses. So when we were approached by the applicant to do more of a mixed use project, they submitted a concept plan amendment and that went through our DRC and public hearing process that was reviewed by many of the same commissioners are here this evening. That was actually reviewed by the planning Zoning Commission of December 2020 and was approved by city council in January 2001. Next slide please. So the next few slides outline topics that were reviewed during the DRC review prior to the tonight’s hearing. The land use mix and layout of the preliminary subdivision plat is totally consistent with the approved concept plan amendment from 2021. The mixed use employment zoning allows for secondary use of high density residential and live work uses and then the introduction of residential uses in this project will help create more of a diversified walkable and sustainable project. And as noted on this slide, you can kind of see the the land use mix by percent of land area covered by light industrial, commercial and residential uses. Next slide please.

Unknown Speaker 23:03
This project will be required to comply with airport related regulations. I O as part of the concept plan amendment. That was one of the main focuses of the discussion by both the planning Zoning Commission and city council was to take a look at the proposed mix of uses particularly related to residential uses. And just to make sure that the plan Zoning Commission and city council felt comfortable with the proposed residential uses in proximity to the airport and based on the approvals by planning Zoning Commission and city council have the concept plan amendment last year that the Commission and the council felt that residential uses approximately the airport in relationship to this particular proposal were appropriate. So as I mentioned, this project will need to comply with airport related regulations. Both including city related regulations in the airport influence overlay district as well as the FAA regulations. And there’s a variety of different aspects to those regulations including restrictions on things such as electrical interference, impairing visibility, and otherwise creating a hazard or endangering aircraft as well as height restrictions as part of the airport airspace plan. And then as also noted in the communication and we also discussed this as part of the concept plan amendment process as well. The property owner will grant and navigation easement over the entire property that’s acceptable to the city and the navigation easement will run with the land. And I’ll acknowledge the activities and noise associated with airport operations, the rite of passage over the property and also restrictions regarding the height of structures and other objects on the property and will also I’ve been discussing with the the applicant regarding potential noise mitigation techniques such as building construction design that could be incorporated into the project to help address potential noise issues associated with aircraft fly over the property. And we continue planning to continue to have that discussion as part of the final subdivision plat and site plan review process. Next slide please. So in terms of environmental protections, and habitat and species conservation plan was submitted with the application, and it did not identify any threatened or endangered species or habitat or wetlands or Waters of the US subject to federal regulation. In summary, staff agreed with the plan recommendations, and additional details and notes will be provided with the final plans including bird nest mitigation procedures that would be followed prior to construction.

Unknown Speaker 25:57
Next slide please. The variable site

Unknown Speaker 26:02
assessment included with the application indicated that there was no evidence or of environmental conditions on the property that would require additional investigation.

Unknown Speaker 26:13
Next slide please.

Unknown Speaker 26:15
So in terms of traffic and roadway improvements, the development of the property is not expected to have an adverse impact on level of service and are expected to meet the transportation benchmark. roadway improvements will include connections of the bomb broke collector street that’s on the north side of the property. They’ll connect mountain Brook drive to Anderson Street to the east as well as Rogers road to the west. And then mountain Brook drive will eventually extend which is partially under construction right now to a traffic signal at hover. And then there’s also a north south local street called Imagine Street on the west side of the property though, eventually connect to Nelson road with future development of properties to the south. The modern West property will also participate in future traffic signal improvements at the intersection of Rogers Road and Airport Road. And also want to note that there was a note added to the plan that the property owner will dedicate right away or an access easement across ala B, which is that narrow parcel on the south end of the property that connects down to Nelson road. And so the intent of that is to provide access for those two other parcels to the South that are currently are not annexed to the city and then when they come in for future development. Having the ability to have additional rider and access easement across outlot V will allow those properties to facilitate development of those properties in the future. And then any additional improvement requirements will be addressed at the time of final plat and Site Plan Review.

Unknown Speaker 28:06
Next slide please. And then for other

Unknown Speaker 28:10
infrastructure and services future development will be required to comply with municipal code requirements, including multimodal and pedestrian connections, utility improvements, including water sewer Electric Gas communications and storm drainage and water quality design. In general, you could utility capacity as intent and anticipated to be adequate for this development. Emergency Response times will comply with the city’s benchmark a fire station five is nearby at airport and Nelson. And then there are more details and the communication on each of these topics.

Unknown Speaker 28:46
Next slide please. This house

Unknown Speaker 28:50
This slide outlines instances where there have been opportunities for public input on this preliminary subdivision plat process. And this is an addition to the public review as part of the annexation process in 2018 2019. And the more recent concept plan amendment was approved last year. There also be additional opportunities with notice through the final subdivision plat and site plan reviews as well. Next slide please. So throughout the public process on this luminary plow, we’ve only received one public comment. And that was during the neighborhood meeting that was held back in June. And that was from a property owner that participated in the neighborhood meeting. And that neighbor lived, I believe on the south side of Nelson road. And they had some general questions about kind of the land use and infrastructure improvements definitely impacts the rural character of the area, how the project is unique and fulfills the need for Longmont and to some just general logistic and and scheduling questions as well. Aside from that comment received as part of the neighborhood meeting staff has not received any additional public comments in response to the notices that have been sent, either as part of the notice of application that was sent out in June and or the notice of the public hearing for tonight that was sent out a few weeks ago. Next slide, please. So as part of the review process, a number of outside agencies were contacted to see if they had any concerns or comments on the proposal. The school district did confirm that none of the schools at this time was that was service development or near the school capacity benchmark. US Fish and Wildlife Service indicated no concerns with luminary plans but did request a separate review during the final applications. Next slide, please. The northern Colorado Water Conservancy District indicated that the subdivision and design will meet the fall the IGA between the city in the district and the district easement over the impacted area. So there is a fairly large transmission line just to the west of this property that would include the right away area are part of the right away area for the imagined street alignment. And so that’ll be reviewed. Those final construction plans will be need to be reviewed and approved by the district as part of the final subdivision plat and site plan review. So the FAA provided an initial determination of no hazard air navigation based on the applicants preliminary airspace analysis, and that was submitted as part of the concept plan amendment that the Commission and the council reviewed back in 2020 and 2021. And that determination is subject to additional reviews and confirmations during the site plan review process. Next slide please. Xcel Energy indicated that the applicant will need to coordinate regarding placement of easements and dry utilities during the final application as well want to coordinate that. Also with our llama power and communication staff. In terms of placement of electrical facilities. The applicant will also need to coordinate and reach agreement with ditch lateral honor prior to final approval. And then Boulder County also provided some comments recommending compatible land uses on site and with the airport and with an IR also recommended that a multimodal transportation system be incorporated in the surrounding area. Next slide please. So this slide includes a few procedural notes. The applicant is responsible for demonstrating that the application meets the applicable review criteria municipal code standards and as part of the applicant’s presentation they will address their criteria in more detail. Planning Zoning Commission is the decision making body on the plenary subdivision plat and the Commission’s decision is appealable to city council. Next slide please. So based on staffs analysis of the review criteria, as noted in the staff communication, staff found the application to meet the criteria as recommended approval as noted in PC resolution 2022 dash one a Next slide please. So the next steps tonight, include an applicant presentation. There’ll be a public hearing after the applicant presentation. Be an opportunity for questions by the Commission of the applicant or staff based on the public hearing comments and or general questions from the Commission. There’ll be commissioned deliberation and discussion and then a commission motion and both.

Unknown Speaker 33:40
Next slide please. So thank you, commissioners and Alison. Dana. That concludes my prison comments, presentation comments and the next step would be for the applicant presentation, and I believe Barb Bronk will start that presentation for the applicant. Thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker 33:59
Alice, could you show the our applicant PowerPoint presentation, please?

Unknown Speaker 34:06
Here we are. Good evening. Thank you, Brian. Good evening, Chairman, Poland, and commissioners. I’m Barb Bronk with resource conservation partners, LLC, Pl box 1522 in Longmont. I am excited to be here again, to help to tell modern West story this evening, Derek Rossio has assembled a team of professionals to develop and implement his vision for a unique, sustainable, energy efficient, integrated mixed use community. Here with us this evening are Derek irazu, who’s the landowner, the applicant and the holder of the vision for the project. And key members of the design team, including Frank Romero, architect was art, our DW architecture, and nice to lock from who’s a carbon fee but building expert at RMI Santi plus with the National Renewable Energy Lab Leslie UEP the city this group, Leslie is working on all things drainage on our project, Todd Borger PE with TJB consulting, Todd did the utility design and preliminary plat as part of the process, Peter Vitaly with who is a development director with modern West and Chris McGranahan with LSC, who is our transportation engineer. This talented team of design professionals is working together to implement Derek’s vision. Next slide, please.

Unknown Speaker 35:34
So you’ve seen this, you saw this picture before, I think the one that Brian put up showed the zoning. So again, we’re here to do a preliminary subdivision plat. And we’re located in the middle of this mixed use neighborhood at the intersection between airport and Nelson road. The vision is to create a new high quality and energy efficient mixed use development that will provide a transformative space for community benefit within the city of Longmont. Next slide please. We are located within walking and biking distance to major and minor centers with access to transit, and ideal location for mixed use community based on sustainability. Next slide please. Brian kind of talked about this integrated network of existing and proposed streets, you can see the modern West property there in the colors, and the other things that are going on in this neighborhood lots of activity in this part of Longmont. So the site will have that connection over to mountain Brook. So there’ll be a connection across from hoever to Rogers road, and then south north south on imagination Street, consistent with the development of the South, and then that dotted line down the middle. That’s where the cross will happen for that future land use connection so that I know the last time we were here, we talked about a concern about cutting off those properties. So we plan to make sure that that the those side properties could get across this piece of property. Next slide please. This is the approved concept plan. Some of you were here in 2020. To look at this same mix of uses same areas. Commissioners approved it in December of 2020. And the City Council approved it in January of 2021. Next slide.

Unknown Speaker 37:31
So the uses

Unknown Speaker 37:32
as proposed this evening are consistent with the concept plan amendment, and they include em up land use designation uses including employment office flex, flex space and commercial use, and secondary offices, secondary uses of retail cultural facilities, the high density residential and live work. And this mix of uses is consistent with both the Envision Longmont land use designation and musc zoning on the property. Next slide please. We’ve talked about lots of discussion at the Commission about primary and secondary uses and how they fit in fit into the mixed use employment district. So this shows our land use allocation on site. And so on the site 62% of the site is committed to light industrial and commercial and 38% is committed to residential. We also looked at the gross square footage of allocation on the site. So the site also meets the secondary criteria from a gross square footage 51% is other and 49% will be residential. Next slide please.

Unknown Speaker 38:49
So these images were also included in your packet. I think that this is really about the soul and the vision for the project. And in Longmont, we are very, I think blessed to have something for everyone. We have the best of everything here. It’s beautiful. We have wonderful people, and we’re committed to diversity and inclusion. Next slide. Again, the gift of living in Longmont is we have our community and access to the more urban services of Denver and Boulder, and modern West is located again in the heart of that area of Longmont. Next slide.

Unknown Speaker 39:36
Modern West will be connected and close to city of Longmont amenities and the trail system and a broader trail system within the community. So when we have bikes and feet, we have a good way to get people around and use bikes and feet and transit and then all of the wonderful amenities in this part of Northern Colorado. Next slide.

Unknown Speaker 40:02
Sustainability has been at the heart of this project since the very beginning, Derek enlisted in REL and Rmi, at the very start of the process. So it’s not an afterthought. It’s integral to the design. And we’ll actually use this project as a case study in their guide to energy master planning of high performance districts and communities. And the link is here and in your packet, and I would encourage you to go look at the study. It’s wonderful information. Shanti plus and initial initiative will be here this evening, to talk about RM I’s role in the project and enrols role in the project, they’ll have speak a little later. Next slide, please.

Unknown Speaker 40:44
The heart

Unknown Speaker 40:50
of the vision for any project is really about placemaking. And placemaking is a very elusive quality. In order to make a special place, the design team has to keep the vision in the lens of our eye so that every decision supports that place so that as we move forward, we have the energy components, we have the architecture, we have the landscape architecture, we have the mix of uses, all of those things come together to support a beautiful place where people want to live and work and thrive. Next slide please. Again, this, this really is the poster child for mixed use integrated mixed use. So the guy the goal is to create Makerspace creative space, and a wonderful place to live. And for those things to be woven together, so that people want to live here and work here and recreate here and they will thrive. Next slide. Again, culture connection and community, a place for artists a place for musicians, a place for entrepreneurs and small businesses, a place for all different age groups and incomes as far as housing, next slide. A place to build community, we believe that the way this site is designed will bring people together who want to participate and belong. And that gift will feather out into Longmont so a place for people who live outside the community inside community to come together and thrive. Next slide. Again, a place for everyone, Sam Lee’s, we have some urban architecture, our food, we have greenhouses on the side. So it’ll be a place to grow things, a place for families, a place for individuals, a place for old people and a place for young people just starting out. Next slide please. Again, I think dwellers include both the people who dwell in the units, and those who spend time in the businesses and in the community facilities and the cultural facilities on this site. We’re going to have big places to gather and small places to gather indoor spaces and outdoor spaces so that as people come together and dwell on this site, they are again contributing to that placemaking and spirit of community. Next slide. And then we’re back to creators and makers. And I think this is really about art and music and entrepreneurs, we are going to have the ability for small businesses to start and small businesses around the rest of Longmont to grow and thrive. And so that piece will bring those creators and makers into a place where they can thrive and grow. Next slide. I’m going to ask Frank Romero, our architect to talk through the components of the site and where they’re located within the project. Thank

Unknown Speaker 44:09
you, Barb. Great job. Um, I think you’ve vision the goals are there right. So thank you, Bob. Good evening, commissioners. I’m Frank Romero, the Master Plan architect and principal at our DW architecture. I’ve been working on this project with this incredible team since 2018. Today I’ll quickly review the land use framework for the project and provide you with the intent and goals for the community as the project evolves to final plat. The site and uses are designed as a sustainable mixed use community which I’ve talked about because we have immune zoning and allows her body a variety of uses. We have industrial office, multifamily dwellings, urban agriculture, and arts and entertainment facilities. Next slide, please. industrial use See we’ve located the light industrial buildings in purple on the plan. These are located to the east in the south, there to keep the truck track of traffic away from the residential blocks. It was important for us to keep the truck traffic around the perimeter. And so that the light industrial buildings which have storefronts on the west, and North sides that face the residential blocks are protected. These storefronts will have bioswales community gardens and public art. There’s also a street that runs north and south. It’s located in red. On the plan here, we’re gonna call this our Green Street. It’s green because that’s where our innovative water quality design creates a natural buffer and gathering spaces for the community. Our intention is to call this the soul stream at some point because it really connects all the uses within the site and the community. Next slide please. This an office the buildings are located to the eastern South we have one large gateway office building. Let’s plan for the northwest corner. These buildings are intended to highlight the views provide adequate daylight for the tenants and to be a modern contemporary style to attract today’s innovative creative office companies. Next slide please. The multifamily dwelling dwellings we have two residential lots. They’re located on the west side of the site. These are to capture the views to the west. These buildings are stepped from the street to allow for a better residential experience allowing daylight and views to be accessed throughout the whole site. We’ve worked closely with our talented sustainability team and RMI and inro to position the buildings and create building massing, which allows for optimum daylight and also as much rooftop and facade space available for solar panel energy. Next slide, please. Amenities it’s really important for us to provide community amenities. These amenities will be located for easy access within the site. These possible amenities might be rooftop pool, fitness facility, cafe, coffee shop, art venues, galleries, projection art dome, or an anchor restaurant tenant. Next slide, please. Research nursery and greenhouse. So it’s always been very important to Derek, that we are conscious about health and wellness in this community want to provide the opportunity for the community to have gardens learning gardens, greenhouses, and local agricultural partnerships. It’s really what’s gonna make the modern West neighborhood a real community. So this quickly sums up the general land use framework for this project. You’ll see this this variety of building types create a dynamic neighborhood within the city of Longmont. We’re very excited about it. We’re working really hard for the for a while now since 2018. So we’re really happy to be here in front of you. And with that, I’ll give it back to Barr Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 48:10
Thank you, Frank. Now we’re going to have a nice talk about RMI as part of the process, and talk us through the collaboration that’s happening with LPC as we go forward for, again, a more sustainable neighborhood. Next slide, please.

Unknown Speaker 48:26
Thanks, Barb. Hi, everyone. My name is Denise tilaka. I’m a manager in the carbon free buildings program at Rmi. We’ve been involved with this project for two plus years now. And I really want to emphasize that we’ve been engaged in the project from its conception, which was really exciting because sustainability can be seen throughout the project. So up front, we had a number of goal setting and energy visioning workshops to develop what ambitious goals we wanted to achieve with the with the development. The diagram on the bottom right of this slide also shows that it’s not a one dimensional sustainability concept here. We’re looking at a holistic vision so it addresses not just energy and carbon, but aspects of travel and transport, land use sustainable water and etc. So, you know, we’re really excited to be involved with this project. And I’ll speak in more detail about the energy and carbon vision which is an area that NRL and RMI have been working in detail on and collaborating with LPC as well to go to the next slide. So our energy and carbon vision is organized into four overarching themes. We’re really striving for a low carbon commute to achieve a really low carbon community. And to achieve this, we will put An ambitious energy efficiency approach. We will aim to electrify as many end uses on the site as possible. As we know that electrification will enable the use of clean renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. So we’re looking at electrifying space heating, hot water and residential cooking. Building on the efficiency and electrification piece of the project concept. We also want to achieve site net zero energy, which will require on site renewable energy. And finally, which is a really innovative aspect of this project is looking at opportunities relating to demand flexibility. So when we have a netzero energy site, what does that mean in terms of pushing and pulling from the utility grid? And how can we achieve a carbon free outcome not just for ourselves, but contributing to the overall goals of Longmont and the region in general. And so we’ve been in close coordination with LPC to develop a feasible path to achieving this ambitious energy strategy and have had some really exciting conversations along the way to go to the next slide. So we’ve been focused in our conversations with LPC on aspects of the onsite renewable energy concept and demand flexibility. So we’ve been discussing topics like how can solar installations be implemented successfully at a community scale? We’ve had some really good conversations around virtual net energy metering, which will allow shared solar installations across multifamily property. How can grid interactivity support LPCs decarbonisation goals? So looking at that 10 to 20% of load that we can flex on site to use more of our on site solar energy, and also use energy from the grid when it’s the cleanest, which we think is a really important aspect of of decarbonisation. And, you know, finally looking at what, what aspects of our on site solar, Evie charging, and electric heating loads can be shaped and shifted, and managed so that we are working in coordination with long one power and the electric grid rather than sort of an isolated project sitting on its own. So I’ll pass it to Shanti. Just speak a little bit more about enrols work on the project as well.

Unknown Speaker 52:48
Next slide, please.

Unknown Speaker 52:49
In next slide. Yep. Thanks, all. Yeah, thanks for having us. My name is shocky plus on a zero energy and zero carbon buildings, researchers down in Golden Colorado at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. I focus a lot on my research on innovative business models and energy systems planning and approaches as well as the tools necessary for other developer developers to do something similar. I mean, there’s over 180 cities now the United States to have 100% renewable goals and our role at NRL on a national scale is to partner up with leading projects to really understand how to get there, so that we can then write about it, we can publish about it and do case studies and publish it in our documents here, like this, that are national examples of how other developments how other cities can reach their 100% renewable energy goals. And so the example here, you see, it was an early engagement and really getting the site to respond to to the sun on the south side to enhance solar access across the multifamily in this case, in particular, that really early on right and so and wrote a case study about that, that is on page 90, I believe of the guide so that all the other districts out there that are trying to learn from leadership project like this, have good examples of those that are doing it. So I definitely bring the national scale perspective on how to move move the our country and an R on the cities with 100, discernible goals closer to their goals using developments like

Unknown Speaker 54:21
this. So thanks for

Unknown Speaker 54:22
having me. Next slide, please.

Unknown Speaker 54:29
As Brian said, two things Enrile in Rmi, will continue to be involved with the project. So as we go forward into final site design and start figuring out how we get the utilities to work on site and real energy. They will still be part of the project team as we move forward. As Brian said, it’s our job to show that we meet the review criteria. So I want to two things I want to make sure that the staff communication which outlines compliance with the review criteria, and your letter cover letter from the app. applicant, which outlines the review criteria are included in the public record for this hearing. So, those pieces have a lot of detail about how we meet the criteria. I would like to go through at like a higher level, and we’ll be here to answer questions about it as we move forward. So, again, here we are in the middle of a mixed use employment neighborhood, consistent with the comp plan and the zone. As we move forward, this site will comply with all the city standards for utilities, transportation, and services. Next slide. Again, this poster child for mixed use employment meets many of the Envision Longmont goals that we kind of talked about when we did both envision Longmont and updated to code about higher density more compact urban form and integrated mix of uses. The site is located in an area of change meets the standard for primary and secondary uses. And if you look at the rest of Longmont, it seems like it’s the middle of the farm field, but it is an infill project surrounded by other development in the community. Next slide. Some more of those goals that we meet. This is our multimodal transportation plan. So the site is in a really good location for connectivity for transit, for bikes for feet, and also for vehicles. So, again, integrated transportation integrated land use, looking at the natural resources, Leslie is here and can talk about a really innovative way to use that Green Street that Frank talked about as a low act, low impact development way to help treat water quality on the site and create a real natural, sustainable landscape that doesn’t take a lot of water, but it’s still beautiful. Next site.

Unknown Speaker 57:02
Next slide, please. Again,

Unknown Speaker 57:06
we believe the site is designed bakwan meets the criteria for compatibility with the with the surrounding neighborhood, we have the transportation network that’s connected we have again, the site is surrounded and will be buffered and and meet the standard as we go forward to cite the plan, because this is all surrounded by mixed use employment, that level of intensity is contemplated. And we believe that the connections both along the edges of the site and the internal connections will meet that standard for compatibility and interaction with the adjacent properties. Again, transportation multimodal connectivity, all of those things are included in the preliminary plat documents. Next slide. So preliminary subdivision plats also have their own set of criteria. So and one of those is not limiting the adjacent properties from being integrated into the system. So the site has been designed to connect the streets, the utilities, the drainage, and be integrated into the northern piece, the Western piece and the southern pieces. And again, Brian talked a little earlier about that access easement across that our pole for our flag on our piece of property. I know last time we were here, we talked about that connectivity to make sure that as this property develops, those properties are not left out as they come in and annex in the future. Next slide, please. There’s also a consideration of phasing. And you can see by this diagram that the lion’s share of the improvements are going to happen in phase one. And I think that the kind of the key element about a phasing plan is not to leave behind a piece of property that’s undeveloped bubble because or too much infrastructure to build to get it up and running. And so you can see from this diagram, that the again, the lion’s share of the infrastructure will be at front and we’re not leaving behind pieces that won’t be integrated and developed as the site is completed.

Unknown Speaker 59:06
Next slide please.

Unknown Speaker 59:11
We also have that criteria for secondary uses. So we kind of talked about the land use area and the and that less than half kind of designation for both land area and gross square footage. I think the other thing that those secondary uses are very pointed about is integrating the uses. And Frank kind of talked about that as we move through his discussion on the property. But the goal here is to have people be able to live and work and play integrated onto this site. And as all of you know, when we have playing v li sites, the sidewalk rolls up and it gets quiet in the evening by bringing residential uses into a mixed use neighborhood. It enlivens the site and make sure that we’re making good use of shared parking shared amenities and all those things that make mixed use important in our community.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:06
Next slide. The other piece is the

Unknown Speaker 1:00:12
airport and the airport overlay zone. And those of you who were here before we talked a lot about this in the last meeting, we have had ongoing discussion with the FAA and staff about making sure that as we move forward to develop the site, we will be compatible and meet the criteria. What Shanti didn’t tell you is it part of his task will be to help us design buildings that are quiet so that people who live inside will have some extra protection from any perceived noise issues. We also believe that because this site, these residential units are integrated into an active site. The ambient noise level is a little different than being in a residential neighborhood out in the middle of Novia mixed use, generates activity and generates a level of activity that is different from a simple quiet residential neighborhood. So we will comply with the standards for the airport, overlay zone and FAA. Each structure will get an FAA review as we more move forward through the site design process. And we know we’re in compliance with those height restrictions and those those areas that that make sure it’s safe to take off and land from the airport.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:25
Next slide, please.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:32
That’s our story. Our discussion this evening, and the application materials in your packet demonstrate that the application is presented complies with the applicable criteria for approval, as outlined in 15. Oh, five five common review criteria 15 Oh, 2060 D. Preliminary plat 15 Oh 403081 secondary uses and 15 Oh 3050 A five overlay districts. We want to thank the commission and the staff for their time and attention this evening. And we respectfully request that you approve the modern West preliminary plat. Our team is here to answer your questions.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:19
Thank you Bob Bronk um at this time this is a public hearing item. We are going to open this up for public comment on this item. Dallas, can you go ahead and display that Thank you. The information is being displayed on the screen for those viewing from home, please dial 1-888-788-0099. When prompted, enter the meeting ID 82003562100. When we are ready to hear public comment, we will call on you to speak based on the last three digits of your phone number. Each speaker must state their name and the address for the record and they will be allowed five minutes to speak. Please remember to meet the live stream when you’re called upon to speak. We will now take a five minute break to allow people to call in

Unknown Speaker 1:07:18
chair, we’re about 15 seconds out from the five minute mark. There are currently no callers in the chat. Thank you. All right, I see we’re at the five minute mark. I am going to trump the slide once I see you guys here and you’re good.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:55
Thank you. There are no callers. So at this point, we’ll go ahead and close the public invited to be heard for this item. The next part is for the commission to discuss question on it. So we’ll open it up for discussion. Are there any questions for the Brian or for the applicant?

Unknown Speaker 1:08:28
Commissioner Luke patch? Thank you, Chairman Paulin. I do have two questions for the applicant. You know, as a public health professional, I definitely appreciate the not only the environmentally friendly plaid, but it’s environmentally sustainable. So I appreciate that. So speaking of solar energy and carbon free site, have you considered I don’t know maybe I missed an all the pages from from the applicant, you know, bike repair stations, probably since it’s so close to the green way. And since you have solar energy and its clean energy, have you considered Eevee charging stations

Unknown Speaker 1:09:22
and I know these are minor details that, you know, may not be included in here, but just I just wanted to know if you have been looking into this. Well, we definitely Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:09:32
Derek. Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:33
Yes. No, that’s okay. Derek. Derek Graziosi 6185 Brigadoon court in Longmont. Thank you for hearing our Spiel again. Everyone and we’re excited to take it to the next step. Yeah, we have considered on the a bunch of different uses potentially on the flagpole I guess we’ll call it bike repair stations. That’s one of them, actually, because that is going to be a main connector to Nelson road for all the people that are living and working there. And potentially community gardens in that space as well. What was the first part of the question?

Unknown Speaker 1:10:24
Evie charging?

Unknown Speaker 1:10:25
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, I think I remember us talking about that recently. There’s actually a consultant that we’re going to engage to help design the infrastructure for that. That whole system and Shanti is, you can maybe speak to it in more detail, but it’s definitely a priority as vehicles are becoming electric. So

Unknown Speaker 1:10:51
yeah. Yeah. And this Ashanti here, then I’ll add to that, um, it’s definitely any new parking for sure. As well, I think I include a minimum amount, whether it’s a couple spaces per layer, and on the along in the industrial side, or for the multifamily parking as well, right in the middle of the range of, of charging opportunities, I imagine.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:20
And those are site plan details. So. Yeah, but but the intent, that’s part of the intent. And, you know, that’s the first thing I’ve heard about a bike repair place. That’s a good idea.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:33
Yeah, very bad notes. Yeah. Yeah, I think there’s some right on the Greenway, not too far from there. But you will have, you know, a big community there. So I’m sure they will appreciate that.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:46
Yeah. Gulch trails, just so just north of us. And we anticipate a lot of E bikes. And you know, it’s such a growth sector as well. Now, I’d say most of the multifamily apartment buildings we’re doing these days, they’re included as part of the infrastructure for the tenants. So there’s going to be bike repair, amenities in those apartment buildings. And bike racks. Lots of bike racks. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:21
Great. And my second question was regarding with the pedestrian path or multi use path to link with the, with the trail on the north side? Is is that already there coming from Rogers road? Or are you going to build it? I know, it’s not part of your land. So is that a done deal? Or is it already existing?

Unknown Speaker 1:12:47
So the nyuad Ditch corridor is designated as a greenway on the comprehensive plan. So that the piece to the north when that piece develops, they’ll put in that Greenway in the short term, there’ll be bike lanes and and on the mountain Brook road, that will get us over to the likens Gulch trail, so that it will be an on street connection until the property doesn’t North develops, and then it will have both.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:12
Okay, great. So the property to the North will do that. Brian?

Unknown Speaker 1:13:18
Yeah, I mean, I just add, you know, to kind of depends on the timeframe, we’ve been having discussions with the property owner to the West as well develop plans on their site. And so in terms of the timeframe, who installs the infrastructure first, it kind of depends on actually who starts construction first. So I have those discussions as we kind of continue through the final application process.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:44
Okay, well, but it sounds like it’s going to go through. So I appreciate that. Thank you. That’s all for now.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:52
Thank you, Commissioner flank?

Unknown Speaker 1:13:57
My question is in regards to energy used on the site, does it it appears that you’re going to have solar energy, and passive solar energy. And so then your heating is through electricity. And with all of your appliances and everything, what is the load on the site, per apartments, for example? What does that do to the affordability of those units? And then and I know that the site plan detailed to certain extent, but what happens gifts, the source of energy, electricity, somehow isn’t enough. What will you do this supplement? And have you a provision for that somewhere on the site? As far as an area in the subdivision for that? Sean T.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:55
Yeah, I think I’ll get started here. I think the idea of net zero emissions or net zero energy is that with generation when it’s sunny, that we would produce electricity that could be used in all those loads, heating and appliances and such. And when we don’t produce enough, then the utility that is there will be there for providing that, you know, that electrical load. And so it works in concert with the way that it’s connected to the utility. And so that’s that’s how, you know, it’s envisioned to work, I believe that there are a range of surfaces, rooftop and, you know, covered parking, and such that they are all options for where that solar might go. So that’s definitely part of the the planning process, you know, the, the, the design as the design moves forward.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:52
And it May I follow up. So then, if, for some reason the grid doesn’t function, what do you use for backup? I know that batteries are not huge at this point. And there is a storage issue. Gotcha.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:12
We are definitely looking to others that are on are figuring out how to integrate backup batteries for exactly that purpose. And so it’s an emerging emerging technology that’s quickly becoming cost effective for a lot of solar systems. And so it’s on the list. It’s been discussed with the LPC as well, in terms of how that might work, I think, but it from from a backup power perspective, right. And as well as a kind of a grid services perspective, don’t believe Aneesha enough, or the folks from LPC if we have anything, kind of for sure yet on backup power, or our battery integration, but it’s on the list for sure to be technologies that are being evaluated.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:02
But what else we’ll have our alternative energy and LTC internet, so there there will interact. So on a cloudy day, Longmont, it’ll come out as a long month power grid,

Unknown Speaker 1:17:14
I believe what she was asking about was more for backup power, if the long power goes down, will the community what will the community use for backup power purposes?

Unknown Speaker 1:17:25
I’ve lived in Longmont for 40 years, and I’ve been without power for probably two hours and 40 years. So you know,

Unknown Speaker 1:17:32
yeah, and I guess this, it’s a good time to kind of emphasize the energy efficiency aspects of the project, you know, the thermal envelopes that these buildings will be designed to achieve will also enable passive survivability, which is really the concept of if you don’t have electricity, and it’s a cold day, you can stay comfortable in your home, you know, until the power is back up. So it’s a combination of sort of the building’s themselves working as a thermal battery, and then, you know, actual electric batteries, working with our on site solar and the grid to provide that, that resilience.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:13
And how will that affect the affordability of the various units?

Unknown Speaker 1:18:23
That’s a good question. We’re, we’re working through that right now. As part of the project design, I think it’s sort of very early on to really understand the applicate the full implications, but I think the on site renewable energy, and the mostly efficient design of the buildings will reduce the load the electric load that people are the consumers will be demanding. So this isn’t sort of an inefficient building that’s just using a ton of electricity. So we anticipate that the efficiency aspects of the project will reduce the the utility bills for ratepayers.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:07
Thank you. Thank you. Are there more

Unknown Speaker 1:19:12
comments questions? Commissioner height

Unknown Speaker 1:19:26
you’re on mute. To get off with my alphabet now. Yes, sir. Disappeared which is unfortunate for me. Of course, I have a bunch of questions. First of all, are you still on the property? Are you are you leasing it out?

Unknown Speaker 1:19:48
No, I still on it.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:50
Okay. In a environmental site assessment BSA, I think is attachment 15 of our materials. There were some photographs one was hilarious. Some picture of a phone booth. Superman’s closet ended up on your an extra ditch. There was reference to two shipping containers that were locked. We know what was in them, or isn’t them.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:15
Just we actually farm the land. So we we’ve got a tractor out there and we farm hay and just tools are that. Yeah, great. Yeah, for

Unknown Speaker 1:20:27
sure. The FAA is assessment rated you at 55 feet or you are going to be below 55 feet? Is that kind of like how high you think the rest of natural structures might get? Or any of the other structures?

Unknown Speaker 1:20:41
I think that’s, yeah, I think we’re four storeys and 55 Max, is that correct? Frank?

Unknown Speaker 1:20:47
That’s correct.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:53
Okay, okay. I think I think the Zone allows for fine, we can do five storeys, but we’re, or 20 feet below that threshold line.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:05
That’s kind of what I was getting at, you know, you’re at that threshold, you’re not going to go higher. Okay. As well, too, you’re going to be in that navigation. Aviation realm with a navigation easement. And you’re going to put solar panels on, we’ve talked about this before. I don’t know anything about solar energy and the materials that are used, but I’m assuming that you have a glare proof, nine airplane, distracting type of material that you’re thinking about? That really my issue to raise here, but I thought of it, but I’d say it anyhow. One issue I do have here, though, is the configuration of your lot. It’s interesting to me, I think it’s page 12 of your materials, applicants materials, which show how the now I’m going to get lost. You got like one commercial five and six are going to be residential. Why don’t you break five and six the way you do? Is that just the way your buildings are gonna be?

Unknown Speaker 1:22:13
And in terms of instead of having one large lot, or

Unknown Speaker 1:22:17
Yeah, kind of like that? Oh, it

Unknown Speaker 1:22:19
would just I think it would be too big of a building. If we had just one large residential lot. We’re also concerned about fire access around the building. So you know, work with fire department and access around the entire multifamily building.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:34
Okay. The same question for I guess it’s lax, two, three, and four, which I think are all going to be light industrial. And the way I looked at it looked like the sketch for a building crossed both three and four, why would you break three and four in the middle of that building?

Unknown Speaker 1:22:59
You know, if you are going to sell one of those buildings and have a zero lot line, you might want to be able to have the opportunity to have distinct bots under the buildings, as opposed to a condo kind of a situation would be one reason. I think also it’s so you can build them in pieces. So that, you know, even though it’s phase one, it won’t be like they come up out of the ground together. It will be a sequence in phase one where you build one you add one and you add one in the add one and at some point, separate lots help with that process as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:30
Okay. What is it? Maybe Bob, this is a question for you and lack to look like they might be entryways off of Brook drive. Is that correct? I don’t know why lap two is configured the way it is.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:48
Could we look at slide 33 in the applicants presentations, we can be looking at the preliminary plat together,

Unknown Speaker 1:23:57
that’d be your thing.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:58
Give me just Alice Well, that helped Commissioner height? I think so. Yeah. It’s hard to talk about it without a map. I’m just, you know,

Unknown Speaker 1:24:05
I’m looking at it. From Page 12.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:08
It’s the hands you know, I can’t talk without my hands or something to write on. So, in this virtual situation, if we could at least have a map to look at together this helps. Okay, so

Unknown Speaker 1:24:21
I can’t help can you

Unknown Speaker 1:24:22
see it? Not worth a darn but I think it’s gonna be the same thing that I’m looking at. So that is fine with me. So

Unknown Speaker 1:24:31
it’s these the outlets here that you’re asking about.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:36
So to the north, a lot a and then that one

Unknown Speaker 1:24:42
outlet and then give which looks like it has road going through the middle of it then like to what what is that too? I saw a picture of a geo dome. Is that where that?

Unknown Speaker 1:24:53
Yes. Short answer. Yes. And so frank, or Leslie, do you want to talk about those lots of things. functions are gonna have.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:03
Yeah, sure, I think I think let’s let’s Alessi start with the reason why they’re there for water quality, and then I’ll describe the functionality of them. So

Unknown Speaker 1:25:17
was there Good evening, Leslie,

Unknown Speaker 1:25:20
you eat this netus group, civil engineer for the project. The two lot outlot. A, it looks like it’s divided into, that’s actually our stormwater detention pond. The pond is designed in such a way that is two parcels or to pieces on either side of the entry drive to the subdivision of the pond to set up to be more of a dry pond with water quality occurring upstream, so that that area can be used for gathering space and events and etc. The curvature that you’re seeing for lot two is the dome. And I don’t know if it would be appropriate, Frank, for you to speak to that or Derek to speak to the dome.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:05
Well, I’ll just piggyback what you said about the two.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:09
Oh, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:12
Thank you, Leslie, a two hour lots. You got to think about this as a gateway entry sequence as you come in. These aren’t your traditional attention, water quality areas, these are nicely landscaped. They’re more natural landscapes. So you enter in this community. And you have this really lush, natural landscaping and these places for people to gather. I think Derek, maybe she talked a little bit about the function of the dome and the division here.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:44
But that entry sequence is a it’s a buffer. Yeah, it’s kind of hard to tell on this on this

Unknown Speaker 1:26:54
engineering plan, division, but really, this this whole area lot to a lot, a lot. Our a both, both of them are. It’s kind of a community plaza area. So there’s boardwalks and it connects the the community dome, which is really an art dome for various uses for the site and for the larger community. And we’re just starting to do some sketches on how all this connects, it actually connects to lot one as well. On the on the east side of Lot. One, it’s activated to connect to this whole plaza area. So that’s the intent. And then the the it’s kind of like a hashed kind of line that’s going north and south there below the outlets. Those are icy back. Yep. Yeah, though, that’s water quality rain gardens, that are also planted in a organic, natural way. So we’re trying to really bring in soften this architecture in this, this site with kind of native organic landscape that the water quality actually feeds the landscape. And there’s some some projects in Denver that pulled it off really successfully. And we hired a firm out of out of Denver to do our green infrastructure. And it’s pretty unique. And it’s I think, the the city staff has reviewed it quite extensively, and just to make sure that the site drains and it’s just a different more urban approach. That looks really beautiful, and it’s done.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:45
Appreciate that. Thanks for the explanation. Next question I have for you, Derek, what kind of housing mix are you contemplating

Unknown Speaker 1:28:58
one two and three bedroom units we don’t know about lease or sale yet. We’re you know, a lot is kind of hinging on getting through this preliminary plat phase and then we we know kind of where we are with things and we can move toward what the markets demanding.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:17
Okay, Barb, my next question is for you. I was looking at the uses primary and secondary and was following along with a math where the residential was 38%. And the rest of it was something like 62%. But then you looked at a square footage number that showed residential, I think it bumped up to 49%. I didn’t follow that math.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:47
So we use there’s two ways we looked at it. We looked at the land area, on the property, property acreage, acreage and and that and the land area under the buildings and then because other forms storey residential buildings, we also looked at the square footage. So we were trying to make sure that the developable, the develop site will meet that secondary intent both in the in the area of land area and develop square feet, that those were the two numbers.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:16
Appreciate. That’s a different perspective. Thank you. Trying to

Unknown Speaker 1:30:20
cover all the bases, I listened to the conversation you guys had a few months ago about secondary and primary users, and we’re just trying to make sure we were looking at it holistically.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:29
Somebody some folks have pet peeves. I appreciate you paying attention. And then finally, again, commercial McCosh raised it, like be it’s 80 feet wide. What’s his purpose? Now? I mean, Derek, did you buy this property with the straw?

Unknown Speaker 1:30:49
Yeah, yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 1:30:51
think, I think when I think it’s there because the original farmer, who actually deceased, who I bought it from kind of, you know, plan on it somewhat needing access to the site off of Nelson, I don’t think that they ever envisioned mountain Brook being there. So yeah, that’s how it’s a second parcel to. And,

Unknown Speaker 1:31:19
yeah, do you need it? Now for access to Nelson as a secondary access point until metal use? Metal Brook is done.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:30
I mean, that’s our access to the site right now. So that’s how we, we use it, you know, and historically, it’s been used that way. So until you know, we we will develop it as an emergency access for the fire department. So when we, when we build out phase one will actually have an all weather surface, tying to Nelson as a secondary access.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:56
What the long term plan is for that to be a pedestrian connection, a combination of community gardens, and other uses that would complement the neighborhood. So, you know, we’ve talked about all kinds of different uses that that would have to happen as part of any site design process. As we move forward in the property.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:16
I looked at plat notes, 11 and 17. And 11 really interests me, insofar as that anticipates possibly giving it or donating it or I would anticipate possibly selling it to whoever develops the properties to the south. And you commit at final plat to last you

Unknown Speaker 1:32:42
did you really lost you can hear me?

Unknown Speaker 1:32:47

Unknown Speaker 1:32:49
Okay. Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:52
That was me, my speakers went out.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:54
Okay. So, again, I appreciate that, that possibly you could get rid of this site, then footnote or no 15 identifies that you would provide necessary easements, be they cross easements, or whatever. Out of the laundry list. an easement for utilities appears to be missing from 15. So I suggest possibly you think about allowing whomever might need it. The ability to put a utility easement across outside B as well,

Unknown Speaker 1:33:31
that would go with the access and again, staff asked us to include that as an option. It wouldn’t be our first choice mean it crazily enough that skinny little piece fits into the overall mix of uses. And so it’s fairly wouldn’t be gifted. It might be sold at some time in the future to the people on the South but right now it’s integrated into the mixed uses. And I think it’s Derek’s intent to keep it and function and use it. That’s why we wanted to make sure we they could get across

Unknown Speaker 1:34:04
somehow it was subdivided that way I guess, by the and and showing in all house have an 80 foot separation between the two of us. It is what it is but it and I appreciate that you are being sensitive to the fact that now that you’re part of Longmont and this becomes the property this art becomes part of what we need it to be able to be incorporated in developed appropriately. That’s all I have. Thank you. Thank you,

Unknown Speaker 1:34:35
Commissioner flake.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:38
I am it occurs to me that in lieu of superior and Lewisville spires that have having another access for firefighting is not a bad thing, even if it’s not paid is some kind of an access in there. I just bring that up because it seems that it’s ready made. And one must get to all areas of a site, just saying.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:11
Yeah. And yeah, we’ll leave that with the initial phase of construction. Until you know that Madison Street on the west side connects down Nelson Road, we’re going to need another means of secondary access for emergency vehicles.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:29
And you know, every trail in Longmont can can pretty much function for emergency access in a pinch. So, it you know, it’s not ideal to send a firetruck down a bike pass, but if there’s an ambulance, it has to get someplace they do it all the time. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:48
Any other questions? By Carrie Goldberg? Thanks, Chairman bone.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:56
Yeah, first, I want to thank Chairman heighten Chairman the cash for their line of questioning that was really helpful for Chairman flag as well. But respect, my fellow commissioners will guess where I’m headed with this, which is that I just think this is a really neat project and a really neat use of the land that we’re, you know, I think we’re fortunate as a city to have this kind of innovative project put before us, we see a lot of it, applications, a lot of projects, and they’re not all this well thought out, or not all tying in partnerships with Enrico Rmi. They’re not all as focused on sustainability. And so there’s a lot of really strong attributes to this application that are really desirable. You know, I don’t think we need to look at the review criteria to deep but Brian Schumacher did a fine job on his apple on his presentation, reviewing, you know, each of the review criteria, so I feel confident that they’ve met the burden there. And there’s a few remaining, you know, situations where they need to comply or cooperate with, you know, partners, whether it’s Excel or Peck ditch or FAA or, you know, comply to the, what is it the airport influence overlay, efficient wildlife, things like that, yet, they have some boxes, they need to check. But big picture, I think, given the way that it serves our needs, you know, mixed portfolio of housing, live workspace, you know, use of solar and innovative use around electricity. You know, there’s just so many desirable components of this, that I find it hard to object. I think, Commissioner Hite does a good job, you know, checking, making sure that we’re meeting the burden, you know, as far as like, oh, we actually, you know, are we approving projects that may, you know, that we’re allowed to approve, you know, and make sure we’re not, you know, missing the mark. But my sense is that this is really neat, and well presented, and I’m favorable to curious to hear about the rest of the commissioners. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:26
Any other comments? I’d like to come in at this time. I think the first go round. I did have a concern about the building heights in closeness to the proximity of the airport in rereading the FAA notes regarding this and the fact that they have currently found that there’s no hazard to air navigation. Even though I still questioned putting a four storey building so close to the airport. I do trust the FAA as discretion on this. And so, and given what the other Commissioners have already said, it is a very good project I’d like to use for it. I like the fact that they have partnered with and REL and with the Rocky Mountain Group on this. So I am also in favor of this

Unknown Speaker 1:39:23
are there any

Unknown Speaker 1:39:24
commissioner or vice chair Goldberg?

Unknown Speaker 1:39:28
Yeah, thanks. Um, I didn’t want to leave in for BB. We definitely have spent a considerable amount of time about secondary uses and whether the square footage or footprint needs to burst. I appreciate you staying tuned and tracking. But yeah, I guess with that feedback from the chairman and the rest of the commission, I’d be inclined to recommend approval of PCR 2022 dash one a the first production Project of the Year.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:01
We have a motion to approve PCR 2020 to one a. Do we have a second? Commissioner Lou patch?

Unknown Speaker 1:40:10
Thank you Chairman Polen. I agree with the Vice Chair Goldberg. And this looks like a really neat project. And I think with with the city’s goal of renewable energy and being carbon free by I don’t know 2030 2040 and the sustainability plan that we review just months ago and well, last year sometime I second the motion to approve this project.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:42
We have a motion we have a second error. Is there any other further discussion for the comments? If not, can can we go ahead and do a roll call vote on this then?

Unknown Speaker 1:40:57
Absolutely. Chairman Polen. Yes. Commissioner flake. I Commissioner Goldberg high. Commissioner height high. Commissioner Kotch High Commissioner teta high. Commissioner Boone. I, Chairman that vote is seven to zero. Thank you very

Unknown Speaker 1:41:19
much that has been approved. I will now read the appeal process announcement. This item now and there’s a seven day appeal period. During this time any aggrieved party may appeal the Commission’s decision by submitting a written appeal letter stating why the planning and zoning Commission’s decision should be amended or reversed by city council. All appeals must be in writing and must be received in the city clerk’s office and the planning office within the seven day appeal period. The appeal period begins Thursday, January 20 at 8am and it ends Wednesday, January 26. At 5pm.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:59
Thank you Barb and saying

Unknown Speaker 1:42:01
you Derek for the presentation. Thank you Brian and the rest of the group but with the city for your part of the presentation. Thank you,

Unknown Speaker 1:42:10

Unknown Speaker 1:42:14
Okay, that was our public hearing item. We do have two other items of business. They are listening to other business. Item number eight is the steam and Sugar Mill presentation. Aaron Fosdick principal planner. Oh, I should ask, do we want to keep going? Or does anybody need a break at this point? Looks like everybody’s okay. We’ll keep going. Aaron, go ahead with your presentation.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:42
Thank you chair, Chairman Polen members of the commission. My name is Aaron Fosdick. And I’m a principal planner with the city of Longmont. Really nice to see some of you for the first time in a while. Happy New Year. I’m joined tonight by Glen van and Wigan planning director Tony to cone redevelopment manager and animal Roy I think might may or may not be on the call. It looks like she’s still on the call. These folks are working closely with me on the sugar mill and steam project that we wanted to give you an update tonight on Dallas, if I could have you pull up our presentation. I have the presentation pulled up on my other screen but then realized you guys aren’t actually looking at second screen. So give me just a second while we start that. Great. And if you could just go right to the next slide Dallas, I’ll mention is we’re switching slides. We’re working with a really great consultant team led by Stantec. They’re obviously not here. You’re stuck with us tonight. But rest assured they’ve they’ve helped us put together this presentation. We gave counsel a version of this back in December, but felt it was really important to share some information with the commission. So we just wanted to show you their faces, they will likely be joining us at a future meeting to talk with you. And we have some more substantive discussion, you know, alternatives to talk through. But our project manager is Rhonda Nancy is our principal urban designer. And then we have a great team with trestle strategy led by Danica Powell who’s helping us with our engagement and David Starnes, which many of you know who’s helping with our market strategy. And he’s with struct. So we are working closely with these folks. And again, as I mentioned, I have a number of staff people that I’ll be drawing on if you have hard questions for me tonight. And with that, we’ll go to the next slide, please Dallas. So we started this sub area plan late last year, and we are really excited to do a detail sub area plan for about 250 acres in southeast Longmont. You can see our project area outlined here in pink. It’s a unique sub area in that it’s really comprised of kind of two distinct areas but I do want to take a minute to note that we think it’s important to plan for both of these areas cohesively although that it’s little likely, the resulting sub area plan will have, you know, special character districts or different nodes that may have different treatments. But there are some opportunities, which we’ll talk about tonight, which do span the study area. And so that’s why we’ve chosen to look at it as one. This study will really focus on a number of things, obviously, we’re going to be looking at opportunities and challenges within the stub area. And there’s a number of different things that we’ll be building on, which we’ll talk about here in just a second, we’ll be looking at urban design for this area. It’s a tremendous opportunity, you know, to look at areas south of downtown to look at areas around the sugar mill, which we’ve talked about with this group, we’re going to be focused on multimodal connections. So how do we connect not only within this site, but to the rest of Longmont, and frankly, to the broader region, we’ll also be looking at phasing public and private infrastructure, utilities and investment. There’s a lot of development interest, which you’ll see here in just a second. And we really think it’s important to understand what the role of the public and private sectors are, to support that development really help us achieve our community vision. If you go to the next slide, please Dallas. We’ve developed a number of high level goals, again, based on some of the existing planning guidance and early conversations with council in the community. And you can see those five goals here. This is sort of a highlight. We think housing is really important. We know that this continues to be an ongoing conversation in Longmont. So we’re really interested in how can we encourage meaningful housing options with a range of types and price points. And this would include, you know, affordable and attainable housing ownership, housing, rental housing, so we really want to look at all options. Again, transportation comes up here I mentioned, we want to look at both regional and local connections. And again, for all modes of transportation. There’s a lot of development interest. And so we want to make sure that there’s kind of a cohesive development strategy and connectivity between parcels within the study area, but also to the broader community. There’s a real opportunity here to build community and place and so we want to think about how can we incentivize and encourage arts facilities, community hubs, creativity, innovation, and then finally, sustainability, there’s an opportunity to really weave sustainability and resilience throughout this sub area plan, building on the work that we’ve done with Envision Longmont and the sustainability plan, but really thinking about what should our long term efforts be in this sub area around sustainable building sustainable development practices, green infrastructure. And so that’s the focus of this plan. Next slide, please.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:31
As I mentioned, we’re not starting from scratch. And this is not news to any of you. You’ve worked with us many of you for a lot of years and are familiar with a lot of these documents. These are really the the documents that we’ve provided to our consulting team to help establish that foundation for this planning effort. Many of you may be aware that the city has engaged in some feasibility studies for arts and cultural centers. This goes along with the building steam visioning process that was really initiated by council a couple years ago. And that study is ongoing, if you have questions about that, Tony and Glen can certainly elaborate. Many of you also know that we conducted an Urban Land Institute Technical Advisory Panel or tap in 2020. We obviously did this virtually. But we had a panel of diverse real estate professionals that gave us some great feedback on the sugar mill site itself. And so one of their recommendations was to conduct more detailed sub area planning, and that’s why we’re here tonight. Obviously, many of you were involved in the Main Street corridor plan, you participated in the Envision Longmont multimodal and comprehensive planning process. And some of you may even remember back in 2012, when we did the first and main revitalization plan that really created that strategy for our to D site at first in Maine. So these are sort of the main documents that we’re building on. We’re trying to take high level guidance here, listen to what we heard from the community kind of vet that and build on on these previous efforts. Next slide, please. Just to kind of go into a little more detail on the ULI tap and the steam visioning process to refresh your memory. This document is available online. And I believe I provided a link to you, again, some really great recommendations from regional development and kind of economic development professionals centered on really five high level recommendations around site remediation, master planning the site, using this as an opportunity to create an Agra hub. So recognizing long months agricultural history, and how we might be able to capitalize on that, thinking about developing this as a pioneering example of a sustainable community. And I think that fits in really well with the presentation that we just heard. And then obviously really important thinking about financial strategies that we might use to not only redevelop the site, but also to assist with some of the cleanup. And so you can see the key takeaway here, key takeaways here that the panel came up with. I’m not going to go through those. You can certainly read the report but This is sort of a basis for us as we start thinking about the sugar mill, there’s a few developers that are interested in this area. And we’ve been able to pick their brains and work closely with them. And so I think this was a really great document to start getting people thinking a little bit more seriously about the sugar mill, which, you know, we’ve all been talking about Longmont for a long time. Next slide, please.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:23
In addition to the tap

Unknown Speaker 1:50:25
that was conducted around the sugar mill, so kind of on the east end of the study area, we also engage with the community. And this was really led by city council in the city manager’s office initially, on high level visioning for what was termed the steam area. And so this is really the western side of the study area. Some of you may have participated in that. Certainly I know councilmember Rodriguez is highly aware of this. There was some massing and building plans that were developed sort of to test what could be along that portion of the steam area, which again, run sort of east of Main Street, north of Boston, south of First Avenue. And so seven narratives were developed by a number of community members and city council around transportation kind of building and design, businesses land use arts and culture, the natural environment and education. And so we’re really taking a look a deep dive into those notes and what was created as part of that vision to sort of build on that and think about how can we move that to the next level. So that’s been incredibly helpful work for us as well. And those documents reside on Engage Longmont. So if you’re interested in what that advice, there was three advisory panel meetings, if you’re interested in more detail, I would encourage you to take a look at the link in your packet. Or we can also provide some more information tonight. Next slide please.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:42
So we’re gonna go through a

Unknown Speaker 1:51:50
couple maps. And I do want to note, these are still in draft form, meaning staff hasn’t gone through these with a fine tooth comb that we that we will go through them with prior to putting them into a final report. But it’s just illustrative of sort of the existing conditions that exist in the study area. And so this is obviously a parcel map. And you can see there’s over 60 different property owners here and certainly in the in the steam area in the downtown area south of Third Avenue, lots of small properties, lots of different ownerships. As you move further west, fewer owners, but still a pretty diverse set of of ownership. And so we’ve been reaching out to property owners, we did a mailing we’ve been meeting, we did a couple virtual meetings with property owners and interested developers in this area to sort of ask them what their vision was, what their plans for their property are. And so really trying to engage folks that you know, own property in this area, and you can see there, there are a number of them. Next slide. As we think a little bit about zoning, the western portion of the study area is largely zoned mixed use downtown, there’s a little bit of public as well. As you move further east on the east side of Martin, it’s important to note that there’s a fair amount of the study area that’s not actually annexed to the city. So it is in the LPA. In the Longmont planning area, meaning again, we fully intend that at some point it would annex to the city but it hasn’t happened yet. And so that’s why it doesn’t have zoning. Obviously, if you look at the Envision Longmont future land use map, you will see that this the majority of this area is designated for mixed use employment with a small area around the historic sugar mill itself designated as Neighborhood Center. We would anticipate that as a result of the sub area plan, we will want to have a conversation about what appropriate land use and zoning looks like. Especially following up on the discussion we’ve been having with the Commission about secondary uses. I mentioned for example, that housing is a goal. We know that there’s some desire to do different types of cultural and innovative facilities, those those may be secondary uses today. And so we want to make sure that we have a plan that as developers come in we’re we’re able to support we’re able to move them forward in an appropriate process. So that’ll likely be something we look out through the sub area planning process. So sort of stay tuned for those discussions. Next slide please.

Unknown Speaker 1:54:18
Also, you’ll see

Unknown Speaker 1:54:19
when we talk about opportunities that access to open space is is a real opportunity. There’s also some challenges based on location of the rail of the river and crossings but you can see here that there’s a really great spine of parks and open spaces nature areas along the southern area of this project area and so we’re really excited about that it provides a an amazing amenity for the project area many of us already know that this is an amenity because we spend time there today, but you can see there’s some more passive open space we have the relatively new Dickens farm nature area that’s a real community jewel as well as an extensive trail system right in proximity to this project. Next slide please.

Unknown Speaker 1:55:13
Our street network, you’ll see a theme as I go through the next set of transportation slides, the western area has a little bit more conductivity and porosity of streets. As we move east, it’s a little bit more limited. And so that’s obviously something we’ll be looking at. You can see here, the signalized intersections, how the project area is accessed. And then really what the types of streets that serve this study area are all the way from arterial roadways down to our local network. And again, pretty robust in the western portion. Although there are some areas that we know we need to improve connectivity. And so that’s obviously one of our big goals. But that’s even more true as we move east. Next slide, please Dallas. If we shift a little bit and look at pedestrian access, not super different from what we just saw with streets, there’s a pretty good network of sidewalk side paths and trails, in proximity to the western portion of the study, or it’s a quite a bit more limited as we move to the eastern section. And so in terms of placemaking, and providing opportunities for folks, this is something we’re really going to need to take a look at. And so we’re working closely with our Transportation Planning and Public Works Engineering folks. And we will be working with the community extensively to make sure we get a network that serves not only vehicles, you saw on that previous map, there’s, you know, vehicular access, but we also want to make sure that we’re providing access for pedestrians and bikes. And so that’ll be something that we really spend a lot of time when we’re doing our connectivity analysis. And if you go to the next slide Dallas, you’ll see that there’s similar opportunities for increasing connections with bike infrastructure, obviously, we’ve got a pretty good connection down Martin, but there’s not a lot of East West connectivity, if any really through the site. And so this is something that we’ve heard is going to be important for the study area. But there’s also some real opportunities to connect the established neighborhoods, to the north to connect to the existing core of downtown, and then also to connect to the Mill Village neighborhood to the south east. And we know there’s a real need and a real opportunity to better integrate that neighborhood into the fabric of Longmont. So we think from a bike and ped standpoint, that’ll be a real focus of this project. Next slide. transit access, similar story, obviously, on the western side of the project area, we have quite a few local routes that serve the study area. Third Avenue does have some some local routes as well. And then obviously, as the first and main transit station gets developed, we’ll have even more robust transit access. But figuring out what that access looks like into the eastern portion of the study area will be something we take a look at. And so that’s again, something that’s going to be important, particularly at if residential uses and employment uses are included in this portion of the study area we want to make make sure that it’s served by all modes.

Unknown Speaker 1:58:28
Next slide, please.

Unknown Speaker 1:58:32
Another item that we’re looking at related to transportation is railroads. Obviously, there are a number of railroads here, the city has been doing some projects to improve crossings, you’ve probably seen the one at Emory and First Avenue, they did a great job with that first stage of a quiet zone. But there’s a number of other crossings in and adjacent to the study area that we’re studying. And our consultant team has some questions on what does it really mean to relocate a crossing? Can they be reconfigured to maybe be a little bit more easily crossable? You know, the railroad is sometimes can be a challenge to work with in terms of new crossings. And so obviously, our transportation folks are working closely with our consultant team to figure out what options are because it is going to influence you know, how we connect other modes into and throughout the study area.

Unknown Speaker 1:59:25
Next slide, please.

Unknown Speaker 1:59:38
So I just want to take a minute to sort of orient you and this is not news to you because you’ve seen some of these projects, but there is an incredible amount of development interest in and around the project area. And so we’ve had a couple preamps within the study area itself in the last year or two we have more scheduled there’s certainly some change challenges from a timing standpoint in terms of, you know, properties that aren’t annex to the city properties that still have some, some cleanup issues or floodplain issues. And we’ll talk a little bit more about that. But certainly there are some developments underway, again, in and adjacent to the study area. And so you can see, there’s a number of multifamily and mixed use developments, particularly in the more western area. And then there’s obviously development that’s occurring out around the hospital with the residential that’s being constructed residential to the south east near Mill Village, as well as the Costco and associated or when Thomas applications to the south. And so we’re taking a look at, you know, how that’s going to change the climate in and around the study area, and trying to make sure, again, that we’re making sure the development is integrated and planned well, so that it serves the overall vision for the sub area plan.

Unknown Speaker 2:00:54
Next slide, please.

Unknown Speaker 2:01:05
So talking a little bit about the opportunities for the site, some of this I’ve mentioned, I’ll just highlight quickly, we’re in a great position, because we’re not starting from scratch, we’ve had a lot of community conversations we’ve had direction from the community and from Council and Planning Commission has weighed in on a number of these. And so we’re able to really mind that existing work and use that as a basis and figure out how we build on that. And so again, these are the things that we’ll be really taking a look at. There’s also incredible opportunities. From a location standpoint, this site sits in the middle of Longmont. It’s an amazing opportunity to connect portions of long month it might not be well connected. Now. There’s you know, really if you if you come into Longmont from the east, this is the site that you see, right, it’s got incredible views. It’s got incredible gateway potential from a historic standpoint, you know, the sugar mill is something that people really identify as Longmont. So there’s a lot of visual cues there. We obviously think there’s some real opportunities for including diverse housing in the center of Longmont. I’ve mentioned the open space access access to the Greenway and the river, access to open space amenities. This is also going to potentially increase as some of that Mining and Reclamation work goes on south of the site. So additional opportunities for open space connections. And then we also think there’s some opportunities to pilot concepts and show best management practices on the site, in particular with complete streets. One of the things that the consultant team has has posed and we haven’t really done a lot of analysis yet, but looking at Third Avenue as a complete street, and could could the nature of third change to really create more connectivity to the neighborhoods to the north. One of the items that we’ll be looking closely at is green infrastructure, and how can we really come up with regional drainage drainage solutions that will allow us to do more of an urban infill redevelopment project that isn’t sort of held hostage by individual drainage requirements. And so we’re excited to take a look at green infrastructure, low impact development. And then again, you know, there’s a lot of amenities in and adjacent to the site. And so how can we build on those assets? Next slide, please. There are also some challenges, and we’ve talked about a few of these access obviously continues to be a challenge. There’s limited signalization. And certainly the site is surrounded by arterioles, which have, you know, their own access and signal requirements. As you may recall, PACE Avenue is there’s an extension currently shown on our comprehensive plan, but because of the great changes in the nature of of that roadway, we don’t actually think that’s probably the best option. And so thinking about what what might be a better option. There’s also some safety challenges, you know, there have been crashes on certainly on East Kampot Boulevard, serious injury crashes. And so we we really want to take a look at that, you know, people people do need to cross that street. And so how can we do that safely there and in other locations? And then of course, I’ve mentioned how do we connect these two sites, both within themselves and to broader Longmont? I’ve mentioned the railroad crossings. That’s something we’re going to need to continue to look at open spaces and amenity but there’s also rail that’s prohibiting access to much of the river. And so how can we work around that? And then certainly, there’s some environmental constraints. Phase two sampling has been completed. The phase two is not entirely complete yet. But Tony has been working closely with the Stantec team, and has submitted a grant application to help plan for some of that brownfields cleanup. And then there’s some significant floodplain issues obviously, the city continues to work on the resilient St. Vrain project, and ultimately much of this area will not be encumbered by floodplain. But there are still some floodplain issues that are impact Acting development in this area. And so as we continue to work through the FEMA process, and through that rebuilding process all the way upstream, that is a potential challenge with the study area.

Unknown Speaker 2:05:12
Next slide, please.

Unknown Speaker 2:05:16
I’m going to take just a second to go through some of the market observations. And this is work that sort of structed for us. And it’s really informing what the possibilities are for the study or study area and what those highest and best uses could be. Obviously, this isn’t going to be real news to you, because we’ve talked about this with the Commission quite a bit. But there’s demographic shifts that are underway not only in Longmont and across Colorado, but frankly, in the nation as a whole. We’re aging as a society and our household composition is really changing. And so this is having a significant impact on our housing demand going forward, preferences are changing. And so that’s why we really see opportunities for more diverse and missing middle housing. The share of households without children are really gaining in terms of their overall share. And that is certainly true. And along the front range, you can see some of the statistics here that more than half of all household growth will be headed by older adults, a lot of that housing growth is happening in more non non traditional households, so to speak. And this is really helping us figure out what we have in terms of our existing stock, and then what we need to have in order to balance that there’s also decelerating growth again, nationwide, fewer, fewer births, overall, the birth rate is declining. And then there’s also slower migration. And so we are watching this to see what impacts that has for Longmont. I know it doesn’t doesn’t seem probably to a lot of people like we’re having slowing growth. But if you look at our growth rates over the past several years, this is a trend we’re watching. Next slide, please. In terms of the economy, you know, COVID has disrupted many, many things in, in the nation and in in the world, frankly, and the economy is no different. David did find that there is recovery obviously, going on. But there’s still some challenges that are threatening sort of that recovery, not the least of which are labor shortages, supply chain issues inflation. And so as we look forward and look at this study area, we think that there are still some possibilities for major growth. And Longmont is well positioned because we do have concentration in some of these target industries that have been doing well such as manufacturing, data, biopharmaceuticals, warehouse storage, so you know, Longmont is well positioned to continue to capture growth. It is interesting as we look at that growth, Longmont seems to be growing households faster than we’re growing housing units. And so that means we don’t necessarily have enough housing units to accommodate the people that are coming out of those. So you know, households or people that live in houses. And you can see here that we have a, our ratio is a little bit off, and it’s off from what it was historically. So this is not a problem unique to Longmont, you can see the Colorado average is what our average is now, which is about 1.1. So that to me says, you know, we need to add add households to accommodate the folks that are here already.

Unknown Speaker 2:08:25
Next slide, please.

Unknown Speaker 2:08:29
I think this is the final market slide. And this is really, again, thinking more about housing and how we mix housing types tenure options, need to figure out what those opportunities are going to be in this study area. I think David has indicated the study areas position to be able to capture somewhere in the range of like 500 to 2500 households over its build out period. And those would really not probably not be single family detached home, obviously the land use that’s designated now wouldn’t support that. And, again, based on on what we just heard, probably not the highest and best use they’re really focused on more missing middle and thinking about diversified housing stock. So that could be single family detached housing, triplexes, fourplexes multifamily, maybe some smaller lot, you know, cottage type housing, not really sure. Well, we’ll continue obviously to look at that. Affordability continues to be on everyone’s mind. We know that’s important to city council. So thinking about big A affordable housing as well as attainable housing and how can the study area help Longmont meet some of our community wide goals? And then obviously, one thing that Council brought up that we think is incredibly important as well as trying to find that right balance between housing ownership and rental housing. So thinking about the growing demand for different types of housing based on the demographic shifts we’re seeing and and trying to ensure that our market is responding adequately. Again with those with those demographic shifts. Next slide please. Oh, sorry, you did you did change the slide. I’m not paying attention sorry, Dallas. This is the last market observation slide. So when David looks at our real estate market, I think other uses that are not residential. There’s a lot of demand for industrial rents are going up record low vacancy and there are some opportunities that Longmont is well positioned to capture in turn in terms of E commerce, flex space, research and development. Modern tech oriented space again, I think some of this, we saw on our last presentation, we tend to be continue to be a destination from spillover from Boulder, which is even higher costs than US office, I think, you know, continue to watch closely. There are implications with work from anywhere that the pandemic has showed us. Longmont is really well positioned for this. A lot of people talk about the rise of the small and mid sized city we have a lot of amenities and and the study area, frankly has a lot of amenities with a great downtown good multimodal transportation and so Longmont is well positioned to continue to attract folks, retail, I think there’s still a lot of changing environment. Some opportunities for Longmont in terms of micro fulfillment, experiential retail, we’ve talked a little bit in the tap report about Agra hub, and food and beverage type businesses, that this study area could be really well positioned to capture. Next slide, please Dallas.

Unknown Speaker 2:11:45
And so

Unknown Speaker 2:11:49
I’ll sort of close out here just talking a little bit about community and stakeholder outreach. Obviously, as you know, getting input from the community is critical to any good planning process. And so we really want to work with our consultant team to develop a good understanding of what the community’s needs and desires are, and build on the efforts that are already underway. So we have a lot of great information, but we really want to check, check that make sure it’s still valid, and then make sure that we bring new voices to the table. So we want to engage all stakeholders. And that would be, you know, residents, property owners, interested developers, businesses, folks throughout the community that we work with to incorporate all those community voices. And so we’ll be continuing to collect input and utilizing that to shape our final plan. We’ll be doing that in a number of ways. And if you could go to the next slide Dallas. Obviously, you know, November and December aren’t ideal months to do engagement, particularly when we’re in a pandemic. So we had a few challenges, we really focused in the latter part of the year on raising project awareness and getting the word out. So we did some publications, we had some information at Longmont lights, set up our website and engage Longmont and now we’re really starting to get out into the community. So I would encourage you to visit our site on Engage Longmont. We’re trying to do some surveying some polling, provide information to folks, we’re right now visiting with city boards and commissions. Obviously I’m here talking to you tonight, we’ve met with the transportation Advisory Board and the sustainability advisory board will be meeting with a number of other folks, we do plan to continue to engage counsel in this work to make sure we’re meeting their their needs as well. We do plan on doing some more general outreach, we’ve had some interest from specific groups focused around environmental and sustainability issues and housing. And so we’re trying to figure out how we can engage them. Probably virtually, frankly, at this point still. But we do hope to do some in person outreach potentially in the classroom working with growing up older and young students to think about what are their ideas, for example, for adaptive reuse and community space, we may be able to partner with a downtown development authority at a main street event that’s outdoors. And so we’re trying to kind of figure out how we adapt in this strange time to make sure we’re getting all community voices heard. Next slide. We do have, as I mentioned a website. We do have a page on envision Longmont so please check that out. We have a survey out right now. It’s just asking how people might prioritize ways to meet the project goals. And so that’s we think getting some great responses there will be out in the community doing virtual presentations. And so if you have folks that you think we ought to talk to please let us know. Are we would anticipate likely coming back to planning commission when we have some alternatives, a preferred alternative and certainly we anticipate coming to this group for recommendation prior to taking a final draft to city council which would likely be sometime late spring early summer. Next slide please Dallas and with that I would be happy to take questions or comments. And likely what I’ll do with any commentary you have is provide that to the consultant team. And then, you know, get get feedback that way from them. So I’m here to answer questions. As I mentioned, Glen, Tony and Hannah are also here. And we will do our best to answer whatever it is that you’d like to throw at us.

Unknown Speaker 2:15:21
I appreciate your time.

Unknown Speaker 2:15:24
Thank you very much, Aaron. So do we have any questions from the Commission? Any questions, comments?

Unknown Speaker 2:15:37
Vice Chair Goldberg.

Unknown Speaker 2:15:39
Thanks, Chairman. Perrin, good

Unknown Speaker 2:15:41
to see you, again. Been a hot minute. Thank you for that presentation. As always, whenever you’re presenting to us, my mind explodes. It’s comforting to know that we’re in good hands and scary to see kind of what’s coming down the pipeline, but it’s all good for sure. I have a very, really simple question that you may not need to flip to the consulting agency. I wonder if you know it off the top of your head. There was our our last project that we were discussing our last agenda item laid out, for example, a mixture of uses 50%, light industrial 12% commercial and 38%. Residential. I wonder, do we have a sweet spot? You You’re wanting your slides highlighted? You know, and you recurring theme about the need for housing need for housing for housing, affordable and attainable? You know, you know, so there’s this prioritization for housing, and you’ve mentioned some of the demographics around the aging community, and what have you, but also there’s an increased demand for industrial and commercial space in town as we become a cooler place to live. Thanks to everyone’s hard work here. So is there a sweet spot? Like, should we be should we be rezoning or reprioritizing space that’s currently zoned for industrial or commercial and make that allow greater emphasis for residential? Or like, where’s your head at when you think about where we should be prioritizing these uses?

Unknown Speaker 2:17:19
Thanks for your question. Commissioner Goldberg, I think there probably is a sweet spot. But I think that that’s also probably constantly changing. And so those of you who have been on the commission know that it does sort of seem like at points in time, we’re chasing the market, right? I recall many, many years ago, there was a lot of trying to change multifamily to single family, right, because that was really what was kind of the hot thing at that moment. You know, I think that’s one of the things that we try to do when we’re going through our comp plan update is try to take a look at our existing community profile, take a look at what some of those trends are. And we work closely with, you know, the Denver Regional Council of Governments, as well as the state demographers office to project out what what will Longmont look like in, you know, 2050 years? And and how might that help shape what our land use needs are? And so we can do some different scenario planning. I think we’ve actually taken a pretty good approach in that. We’ve tried not to be totally prescriptive in that. And I think with our last comp plan, update, and certainly with our code update, moving towards allowing for more mixing of uses, allowing for secondary uses helps us adapt to those changing needs. And so, you know, I guess it’s obvious that our population would age, right, because we all are going to get older. But I don’t know that if that that anyone would have necessarily been able to predict what’s going on with birth rates or what’s going on with immigration, right. And so there’s different things that occur that shape what a population looks like, certainly technology, obviously, the pandemic has up ended our need for retail and office space in the way that we’ve historically had it. And so, yes, there probably is a sweet spot. Will any community ever get that? 100%? Right? Probably not. But I think that’s why we try to have some flexibility, both in our plans and in our code to accommodate that for that. And then we sort of can do those double checks when we do scenario planning, for example, with a Comp Plan update. I think with this plan, we’ll take a look at some different scenarios and say, so say for example, we could have an alternative that maybe is more focused on housing and a greater percentage is dedicated to housing or maybe there’s an alternative that’s more focused on, you know, flex office and industrial space with lesser housing and kind of test to those scenarios and see, maybe what seems more correct, based on what we’re seeing in the market study. So that’s kind of what I would say. You know, it’s not, it’s probably not black and white, it’s probably gray. Right? It’s, you know, try to make our best educated guess. But we always are going to get it wrong. And right. And right,

Unknown Speaker 2:20:14
yeah, right more often than wrong. Thank you appreciate the thoughtful response here.

Unknown Speaker 2:20:21
Any other questions, comments? Aaron, I have one. Have you worked with any like state entities? Have they given any feedback and suggestions?

Unknown Speaker 2:20:34
So we were actually meeting with History Colorado tomorrow, there’s a lot of interest as you can imagine, not not new interests. They’ve had interest in the sugar mill for a long time. So we’ll be meeting with them. We’re certainly taking a look again, at the the cleanup and Tony’s been working closely with our consultant as well as the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment on sort of some of that brownfields cleanup piece. And then certainly any, any recommendations around changes to the transportation system that would involve state highways, which I’m not saying there would be, but certainly we would work with CDOT will, as I mentioned, be working probably with the railroad. So there’s, we’ll be working with folks kind of in those more limited capacities. But certainly, if you have suggestions on other folks, we’ve we’ve also worked with the state demographers office on sort of the regional projections for the North Front Range, and what Longmont in the sub area might be positioned to capture in terms of future growth. But if you have other suggestions on entities we should be working with. Definitely, we’d love to hear those.

Unknown Speaker 2:21:43
Any other questions, comments? Once going, Oh, Commissioner on the couch?

Unknown Speaker 2:21:51
Thank you, Chairman Poland? Well, you just made me ask a question. Now, Aaron, you were mentioning of other entities to ask or work with, and just to the east of the sugar mill across. Third, there’s UC Health, you know, it’s a private entity. So I wonder if they would be interested in participating in any way into into this redevelopment, of course, they might need housing for their employees, or they might participate in the agri hub, you know, sponsoring or anything, you know, doing health classes or anything. So I wonder if a private entity like like UC Health would be interested, or you want to ask them? That? Yeah, that’s a good suggestion. Yeah. Yeah. And I was like, Costco will be across the street, you know. So I don’t know if they would have any interest. But I assume you know, a hospital system that’s focused on health might be interested in being more proactive for the community.

Unknown Speaker 2:23:05
Yeah, that’s a really good suggestion. I’ll, I’ll think about that. And then potentially reach out. I know, we do have some presentations scheduled with the long run Economic Development Partnership. And I think there’s some folks that are from the hospital that are engaged there. So that might be a good inroads to sort of ask how they might want to participate. So that’s a great suggestion. Thanks for

Unknown Speaker 2:23:27
that. And if there’s, you know, you know, my pet peeve is bike and ped access. And I know you guys are looking into it. So you know, maybe down the road, if I can provide any suggestion, but it will need, you know, access whatever we created there.

Unknown Speaker 2:23:46
Yeah, and I think, you know, you you obviously have a lot of expertise in that area. You know, interestingly, there’s, you know, I don’t think a lot of people spend a lot of time within this site right now. But, but there’s really some incredible spaces here. And so, you know, if you have specific ideas, if you ever want to go out and walk the site, and kind of talk about some of those ideas, I’d be happy to, to set something up, because I think there is a lot of a lot of opportunity for better connections here.

Unknown Speaker 2:24:15
Yeah, yeah, let me know, you know, I’m, I’m available for you. And you mentioned growing up Boulder, and I do know some people over there that work with students to create spaces and, and in the built environment, or recreate the environment around them. So I think that’s a great idea if you can engage local students as well, right, and see how this can be a hub for them, or what would they want, you know, to see in the future because they will be the adults in a couple of years. Right. So that’s a great idea. I love it.

Unknown Speaker 2:24:49
Yeah, and certainly, just to clarify for other folks that may not be familiar with their work. The intent would be to engage Longmont students in the work although the you know, The group is called Growing up boulder. And they did they did start there. They do work, you know, rarely, I think maybe internationally, but certainly in a lot of locations. And so we’re really excited about that potential partnership, because to your point, getting youth voices to the table is incredibly important in long range projects.

Unknown Speaker 2:25:17
Absolutely. Okay, any other questions?

Unknown Speaker 2:25:26
Looks like not, Aaron, thank you and your team for the presentation. It’s very exciting to see what’s happening there. Looks like it’s finally getting some momentum. So look forward to future announcements for you on this. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 2:25:40
Thank you so much for your time.

Unknown Speaker 2:25:41
Good to see you all.

Unknown Speaker 2:25:43
Thanks. We’ll move on to the next item of business, which is item number nine, which is the electronic participation policy discussion at our last meeting, we asked the city to come back with a redline version. I do believe there are some questions regarding that. And Glen, who’s going to be handling this from the city side?

Unknown Speaker 2:26:08
That would be me and and certainly Eugene will weigh in as well. But Dallas, could you bring up the exhibit I gave you that is dated January 19 2022.

Unknown Speaker 2:26:26
Sure thing just a moment.

Unknown Speaker 2:26:32
And Chairman Polunin. Commissioners, what we’ve done is we provided in the packet, the redline version that you reviewed on December 15. That was the redline was improvements that Commissioner height had made. And you gave us direction to basically clean it up and bring it back. So that is what this version is that was in your packet. And I tried to eliminate all the red lines, so you can read it. But I wanted to highlight the areas that were changed. And at this point, the biggest addition was kind of defining what the timely notice would be if you remember we talked about in some cases, we’ll know what the delay what the reason would be why we’re meeting virtually, but then we could have acts of God or whether that might mean immediately, we have to go to a virtual meeting. So I’ve kind of defined that. I think that commission said, if we know well ahead of time, like a pandemic, should be like two weeks, we should give a notice or two weeks. So that’s the first paragraph where I state that when we can when we know we’ll provide a two week notice that we’re going to be meeting virtually. And then in other exigent cases where we don’t know until the last minute will provide a regular notice should be no less than 24 hours. But there are cases where we could have some flexibility there. And I think at this point, there still might be some changes that we’d like to suggest and talk to the planning commission about one of them is this to see. And that’s something that our city attorney has raised a question of all parties with a legal interest and members of the public who are testifying in a public hearing, are allowed to speak. And I think we’d like to add a little bit more clarification to members of the public who are testifying in a public hearing where the Planning Commission is the final, the final decision makers, so our code actually defines a difference between a public hearing where you’re making a recommendation and a public hearing where you’re actually the final words such as I think the preliminary plat that you heard earlier tonight. So that’s kind of change. I think Commissioner height might have some additional improvements as well. And, and any of the commissioners might, but for the most part, from there on it was pretty much easily just clarifying some of the ideas that was in the original policy and the additional improvements that were suggested by Commissioner height. So at that I’d be happy to answer any questions or if any of the commissioners want to weigh in at this point, and I think it’s a pretty solid policy at this point. And but we’ll certainly listen to improvements. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:29:56
So for the commission. Anybody have comments? questions I guess I did have a question on item two G. It looks like you added and this is for the public. And you added and seen to be heard and seen. Are we looking at people being able to come into this Zoom meeting? And actually where we would see them and rather than rather than them calling in on their phone?

Unknown Speaker 2:30:36
I think we were really, the intent was they can see us. I don’t know if we ever we thought about it as being two way. That’s a good point. That might need some clarification. I guess Commissioner height, I think this was something that you were recommending is was was that the intent or

Unknown Speaker 2:30:59
it was the intent that the condition BC and as well in section to see all parties with legal interests, members of the public who are testifying in a public hearing are allowed to speak.

Unknown Speaker 2:31:17
Obviously, the flip side of speaking is being heard. It’s I was suggested it see include that we actually be able to or the the other, the rest of the monitoring public

Unknown Speaker 2:31:32
can hear what these people speak to as well. But with respect to kosher Sure, sure, Poland’s comment about the public being seen I that’s not what we do. Nor do I believe that we have the technical wherewithal, word desire to allow that to happen.

Unknown Speaker 2:31:53
Okay, yeah, just when I read it, that’s, that’s kind of how I read that that sentence.

Unknown Speaker 2:31:59
And I think you read it correctly, but that’s not the intent. Okay, good.

Unknown Speaker 2:32:08
Any other comments, questions? So is it looking like if we maybe clean up that one to G and make it to see Yeah. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 2:32:29
We can do that. Bring it back. You can give the

Unknown Speaker 2:32:33
final Okey dokey,

Unknown Speaker 2:32:34
city attorney Eugene made? Did you have something to chime in on?

Unknown Speaker 2:32:40
Just on on this point, I think getting rid of seen is the way that the city has been conducting these public hearings. I think early in the pandemic, there was concerned with video inappropriate material being shown via video. And it’s a little more secure, I think if people just call in without having access to the video portion of the meetings. So I would concur with taking out the scene part for the public.

Unknown Speaker 2:33:12
More comment to with respect to reasonable accommodations for that will make reasonable accommodation to allow people to participate to the maximum extent all of us on the commission, luckily are blessed with our own technology that allows us to speak in BC. But there might come a time when there’s a member that doesn’t. And I don’t know if the city has a policy of providing computers to anyone. Justify I don’t know if Glenn, you have a position on that Eugene does if any other staff member has any insight to that, has it ever come up? Or am I just talking when?

Unknown Speaker 2:34:04
I don’t know if it has come up where somebody didn’t have access to the technology to participate? It’s good question. I kind of think Do we need like a kiosk or something? At some point. Hopefully, this is temporary and we can get back to more of a public meeting but I don’t know Eugene has had ever come up. Has anybody asked to have access for a city provided computer?

Unknown Speaker 2:34:40
Uh, it has not come up at city council. I think there are challenges if the city is being asked to provide computers for access. I think At least for the Open Meetings portion, you know, it’s just to be able to be observed. And I think our live stream does that. And would satisfy reasonable accommodation for the testimony, you know what it is by telephone. And we could make arrangements for reasonable accommodation, like give them a call for the timing of that public hearing. And so I think we’re in pretty good shape for satisfying our obligations to provide reasonable access.

Unknown Speaker 2:35:41
I will say this, Glen, when you mentioned key asking, and I know, there are probably health concerns with it in maintenance concerns. But when you mentioned that, it’s one of the things that I think we all have been, you know, we have been I know the city council have been kind of fighting with in the fact that it appears that our public participation is down from what it used to be. And I guess that’s probably just because it’s easy to show up, you know, be there for the meeting, and then be able to step up and talk, rather than going online having to watch then you have to call in, then you have to figure out the technology of how you’re going to you know, what do you have to do to be able to be heard? I do think there, though, we don’t need it immediately. Maybe you know, if this keeps going for a longer period, maybe it’s somehow to work out a kiosk that people can go to to be able to talk to us at meetings.

Unknown Speaker 2:36:43
Something to consider.

Unknown Speaker 2:36:44
Yeah. Any other questions? Vice Chair Goldberg.

Unknown Speaker 2:36:51
I think this is a matter of like, protocol or process. I heard. Glenn suggest that he would clean it up and come back next month. For Final.

Unknown Speaker 2:37:04
Okey dokey. I wonder like your full term. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 2:37:10
I wonder if there’s any way we can expedite that by saying, you know, approving the minutes pending final edits, you know, negotiated by staff and Commissioner height or something like that. Is there? Is that a feasible or is that a little nice?

Unknown Speaker 2:37:32
I think Yeah. I mean, I would be certainly comfortable. We’ve got it down to two points, really. And I think we’re all in agreement. Just have what the final words say. So, I mean, if if the commission wants to direct us to make those changes, and send you all a copy, then we would be certainly happy to do that. versus spending more time in another meeting on it? Yeah, I think I’m

Unknown Speaker 2:38:04
happy to have helped participate in this process. I know. The level of my involvement has been a little has been broad, and probably broader than should be. That said, I think we’re down the last two issues that that directive and then when nem weaken can take care of and present to us as part of our minutes package for next month that we can just approve that, as opposed to me working with with Glenn or others to rehash this thing, which becomes possibly a violation of Open Meetings issues, which we don’t want to go down that that rabbit hole. So I think we just make this spinal minor edit and call it good. And not have to have me for anybody else from the Commission get involved in it further. Does that make sense?

Unknown Speaker 2:39:05
That makes sense. Do we need a motion for this?

Unknown Speaker 2:39:08
I think Janelle might have a question.

Unknown Speaker 2:39:11
I don’t have a question. I agree with what you’re saying. Commissioner height? Because yeah, let’s not spend lots more time we’re there. Yeah, we’re there. And let’s add it into the minutes. I think that’s a good suggestion. So who have to say so moved.

Unknown Speaker 2:39:30
Eugene, do we need a motion for this? Or is it okay for the based on our conversation here?

Unknown Speaker 2:39:35
I think an

Unknown Speaker 2:39:38
emotion would be appropriate, specifying the changes to be made and that the commission would approve it. Subject to those changes.

Unknown Speaker 2:39:50
Mr. hight, would you care to go ahead and do that language for us?

Unknown Speaker 2:39:54
Certainly, um, I don’t really like I can go fine. I’m confirming what Glenn had discussed in In this draft January 19 2022, staff revisions of the electronic participation policy is approved subject to subsection two C. Reading that all parties with legal interest and members in the public who are testifying in a public hearing are allowed to speak and to be heard that in subpart, two g.

Unknown Speaker 2:40:28
The last sentence

Unknown Speaker 2:40:30
thereof shall read at any hearing involving testimony from the public, the city show us best efforts to provide to the public a reasonable opportunity to be heard, and strike and seen electronically. So in with those two edits, we approve this January 19. Version Version Version of the electron policy

Unknown Speaker 2:40:59
for flight.

Unknown Speaker 2:41:00
I would second that.

Unknown Speaker 2:41:02
Good. Hey, we have a motion in a second. Any other discussion? I guess Jamie need to do a roll call vote on this.

Unknown Speaker 2:41:14
Absolutely. Chairman Polen. Yes. Commissioner flag. Yes. Commissioner Goldberg, high. Commissioner height high. Commissioner to catch High Commissioner teta. High. Commissioner Boone. Aye. Motion passes unanimously. Chairman bowling.

Unknown Speaker 2:41:34
Thank you very much. That closes item number nine. We move on to item number 10 which is the public final call to be heard. Can you Dylan can you go ahead and displayed the message the information is for me. The information is being displayed on the screen for those viewing from home please dial 1-888-788-0099. When prompted, enter the meeting ID 82003562100. When we are ready to hear public comment we will come on. We will call on you to speak based on the last three digits of your phone number. Each speaker must state their name and address for the record and they will be allowed five minutes to speak. Please remember to mute the live stream when you’re called upon to speak. We will now take a five minute break to allow people to call in and queue up to make comments

Unknown Speaker 2:46:53
chair we’re about 20 seconds out from the five minute mark. I’m currently not seeing anybody in the chat right now.

Unknown Speaker 2:47:01
Thank you Dallas All right,

Unknown Speaker 2:47:17
that is the five minute mark. I’m going to drop the slide and still no callers.

Unknown Speaker 2:47:22
Thank you. We’ll then go ahead and close the public final call to be heard. We’ll move on to number item number 11, which is items from the Commission. Anybody have anything

Unknown Speaker 2:47:37
here? Commissioner Hi.

Unknown Speaker 2:47:45
Welcome Commissioner Mackay Shimbun. Looking forward to working with you. Congratulations, Chair Polen and Vice Chair Goldberg. We have a great year. Thank you staff to for your invaluable help.

Unknown Speaker 2:47:59
I will second that. And there was very good presentations today from the staff. And it’s looks like we have an exciting year coming up so and do we the next item then is I didn’t number 12 which is items from council representative Aaron Rodriguez. Great to see you back again.

Unknown Speaker 2:48:19
Thank you all so much for your service. And congratulations to Commissioner uKash and Commissioner Boone as well as the new chair and vice chair. Good work tonight. And I’ll see you next time around. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:48:35
And then we’ll go on to item number 13 items from planning director when Ben Wigan Oh, very good. Oh, I think if you don’t mind Commissioner Boone has something to say.

Unknown Speaker 2:48:51
Just to be clear, I’m sitting still as an alternate tonight. So I don’t think that the regular other seat has been built

Unknown Speaker 2:49:04
That’s correct. And maybe I can give you a quick update. So we will go back out and I think in April I think the council does interviews for the open position. So per the bylaws, we will just fill the open seat with the alternates as they come up as it’s described in the bylaws. The only thing I want to do is thank the commission but I did want to mention Susan Wallach helps us get these meetings going. I think this is her last Planning Commission meeting. So she’s done a stellar job and not only every Planning Commission and city council meeting but really helped the city pivot when we hit the pandemic and and move online so I did why recognize what she’s done to get us into the 21st century. And that’s all I have, Mr. Chair,

Unknown Speaker 2:50:09
and I will second that a very big thank you to Susan for pulling all this together and guiding us through this. And with nothing else we will stand in a German.

Unknown Speaker 2:50:21
Thanks Dallas for learning to see you. Awesome

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