2021-12-08 Board of Education Regular Meeting

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:03
Good evening. Welcome to St. Green Valley Schools Board of Education Meeting. Please join us in standing for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Unknown Speaker 0:14
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

Unknown Speaker 0:34
Christie, can you please call the roll this evening? Yes, Mr. Bertel. Present. Mrs. Brooks. President. Mr. Garcia. Here, Mrs. Franek here, Dr. Martyr here, Mrs. Ragland. Here, Miss Siegrist. Here. Thanks, Christy. Were there any changes or addendums to the agenda this evening? No.

Unknown Speaker 0:56
Great. Thank you very much. I

Unknown Speaker 1:01
do want to welcome everyone to our meeting again, it’s fantastic to see you. Thank you for taking time to join us. As the board convenes this evening, I do want to emphasize that the district’s mission statement is this board and Dr. Haddad’s North Star, we make all decisions within the context of educating each student in a safe learning environment, so that they may develop to their highest potential and become contributing citizens. We do not take this mission lightly. Our focus is on each and every student having access to the very best opportunities, and an environment that is inclusive of every child. A few housekeeping items, if you could just check your cell phones, please and make sure that they’re not going to ring. And then just a reminder that this meeting is being recorded and streamed, and you may access it on the district website beginning tomorrow morning.

Unknown Speaker 1:56
Dawn, I think Agenda Item three is our visitors in 3.1 is a superintendents Excellence in Education Awards. And then after you hand out that awards, then with the board’s agreement, I would like to go ahead and move the Longmont High School free to report up.

Unknown Speaker 2:15
Great, thank you. Great, thank you. I appreciate that. I would

Unknown Speaker 2:22
like to invite

Unknown Speaker 2:25
Mr. Both Mr. staffs to come on up.

Unknown Speaker 2:29
Clinton, Brian,

Unknown Speaker 2:32
and if we’re going to have you just because we’d like to be able to hear from you too. But I want to share a few things. One of the things that I really enjoy to do is to give superintendents Excellence in Education Awards. And we really do try to identify people, whether it’s a student and adult, anybody within our system or the community that just has gone way above and beyond in their efforts and also in their, in the performance and the results of their efforts. I

Unknown Speaker 3:03
had Clint when I say had I was the principal at nyuad High School when Clint was the quarterback of the nyuad high school football team, and an outstanding student, an outstanding athlete, and just an outstanding person all the way around. And Brian is his older brother, and Brian was a student at Longmont High School. And also everything that I said about Clint would hold true for Brian except at a different school. And both of them have the two of the most wonderful parents you will ever meet, and art and Debbie, and they were on our education foundation when I was at nyuad High School. And instrumental if you know where the weight room is at nyuad, that separate building. They were instrumental in making that happen for our students, our physical education classes and our athletes and students who aren’t athletes but have classes in there every day. They also were very instrumental in putting up the scoreboards, those electronic scoreboards at nyuad High School and when I say instrumental, they actually did it. They funded it and took care of the whole project. And then also if you go to Everly Montgomery, and you see the

Unknown Speaker 4:18
the stadium scoreboard there that has the video and everything that’s also been donated by staff. And they also donate approximately $65,000 a year to our school district that allows us to spend additional money on things like robotics and academics and athletics in the music programs and a whole host of other ways that benefit our students. And most recently, and you know, I could keep going on and on but most recently, they were really the catalyst for bringing the Toyota tech program to our career elevations Technology Center and I’m always

Unknown Speaker 5:00
A little bit later, because we haven’t named it new. So I’m not sure if I’m even saying it right right now. But it’s that wonderful building where we have all of our career tech and head programs. Anyways, this is one of only two programs in right now in Colorado, in the district. And they can talk a little bit about it. But really stab Toyota, which is out on the interstate, they have a big,

Unknown Speaker 5:25
you know, big screen that you can see from the highway. And sometimes they’ve even put up things like st rainstorm up there. So everybody driving, and this is the kind of support that they give us, and serves on the Education Foundation, and always donate to our Education Foundation, which then turns around and gives funds for our tribute to teachers and scholarships for students. So the list of things that these two and their families have provided for st reign is just way too long to keep going because I know I’ll forget something. But I want to sincerely thank you both. And just ask you to share a little bit because

Unknown Speaker 6:05
truly, that words, can’t thank you both enough and your family.

Unknown Speaker 6:11
I think both of us are products of the St. Green Valley School District, and there are very few things in your life that you can contribute to that will help you really give back to those who gave to you and hopefully leave this world better than we found it in the st. Green Valley School District is by far one of the most passionate things that we could ever imagine to do. Our teachers are incredibly important to us, our district is very important to us. And again, motivating young adults to try and find their passion, whether it be through academics, athletics, or even through the Career Development Center. With respect to the new Toyota program, we’re very excited to be a part of that. With the new Toyota program, like Don had mentioned, there’s only two of them in the state. And conceptually, again, as you have these young adults who are trying to find their path in life, to be working on an automobile that perhaps is 2030 years old on technology that is obsolete doesn’t necessarily give the children the motivation that we’re looking for that will light that fuse. But with the Toyota program, they bring in new vehicles for these individuals, they bring in new technologies, new computers, new scan tools, hybrid technology, we’re gonna also start talking about hydrogen and battery electric vehicles for these young adults as well too. And to be able to give them the information of what the next generation of transportation is going to be, is an investment we really excited to bring to the district as well. So on behalf of our family, thank you for, you know, turning us into who we are today. And thank you for turning the students of tomorrow into the ones who are going to take care of us as we continue to be a part of this community. So thank you all very much.

Unknown Speaker 7:47
When he talks about this tech program, and this will give our students the opportunity to get their education, to have internships, and then go right into jobs making a considerable amount of money. And I had an opportunity to visit during one of the presentations, and we had our students there, they are very, very, very excited. Also, when you see that huge mobile lab driving around the community that delivers books to everyone, the you know, the winter readings, the summer readings, all of that staff, Toyota was instrumental in funding that as one of our corporate partners. And so again, if I sit here another five minutes, I’ll think of something else. But it’s just that kind of support that we’ve received. And I know, Clint, you want to share anything. Thank you very much for having us tonight. This is a an honor to be here. And thank you for the recognition. But we truly look at this as a partnership. This is something that we want to be a part of, for a long time to come and supporting the district and the students and the teachers and the administration. And it’s a it’s an absolute pleasure to be involved with that. And Brian said it but we were both very lucky to grow up within the school district and very excited to be a part of, you know, helping students and teachers and administrators in their pursuit of of excellence going forward. So thank you for having us. It’s a it’s a pleasure. And I look forward to many more years to come. So

Unknown Speaker 9:16
very small token of appreciation, but it comes from a very sincere place. Thank you very much. We appreciate you both more than we can say for sure. Thank you very much. Thanks a lot. Thank you

Unknown Speaker 10:02
Thank you

Unknown Speaker 10:22
Alright, we’re going to move now to agenda item 6.1 was which is the Longmont High School Student Advisory Council feeder reports with the intent of letting the students get home early and do some homework.

Unknown Speaker 10:39
Finals writes.

Unknown Speaker 10:42
Hi, Christopher. I just want to come up to

Unknown Speaker 10:49
members of the board, Dr. Head, thank you for allowing us this opportunity to feature the lawn mowed feeder program, and to talk about all the wonderful activities that we offer for our students like to introduce principal lineman high school who’s taller than me. Most people are, Mr. Jefferson very

Unknown Speaker 11:08
well, thank you so much. Thank you to the Board of Education. Thank you, Dr. Hunt, dad for giving us a few moments of your time tonight to share all the great things that are happening within our theater system. I’d like to start by thanking Miss Deanna Dykstra system principal online high for putting together about a 10 minute video for you to see and step into our schools and hear some of the great things that are happening within the superstars of the evening. We have three of them here with us tonight we have a laundrette woovina Perez. We have Grayson Hubble, and we have Nigma ruziak. And they’ve gone through our feeders from all different angles, and they will be here for some q&a After the 10 minute video. If you have any questions for them, they have so much to share. So I would highly recommend a question or two. And then I’d also we don’t get these superstars without the amazing work that happens within our feeder system. So I would like to introduce the principals that are within we have Miss Renee Collier from hygiene Elementary,

Unknown Speaker 12:05
Jennifer McCone from Mountain View Elementary LouAnne LouAnne Tolman from Central Elementary, Laurie peoples from Sanborn Elementary. Deanne dikes from North Ridge Elementary, Sandy hyzer, from Long’s peak middle and Mr. Mark Spencer from Westview Middle School.

Unknown Speaker 12:25
So without further ado, I’ll show you our video and again q&a at the end if you have any. Thank you so much.

Unknown Speaker 12:37
Walmart feeder includes hygiene Elementary, Sanborn Elementary, Northridge elementary Mountain View Elementary central elementary Westview Middle School Long’s peak Middle School and Longmont Hi, we proudly serve families in our vibrant community

Unknown Speaker 12:59
Hi there I’m Deanna dikes the principal here at Northridge elementary school and I want to show you our after school future engineers club Come on inside.

Unknown Speaker 13:13
This school year we are offering an after school future engineers club for third, fourth and fifth graders. The primary goal of this club is to empower elementary students as they develop an interest in solving complex problems through an engineering lens. The topics that are feature engineers will explore include the engineering design process, biomedical and civil engineering, windpower, polymers and structural design materials for club activities and projects were purchased with funds from an implement engineering grant that our school received last year. We are also grateful for a long standing partnership with the CU Boulder pre college Engineering Education Team, which provides lesson plans and guidance for our club.

Unknown Speaker 13:54
Hi, I’m Lorie Peeples as the principal of Sandburg Elementary, I am so fortunate I get to work with such a wonderful learning community. Our staff, students and families relish the chance to take advantage of learning opportunities that extend learning experiences. Here are just a few examples of some of those awesome opportunities at Sanborn.

Unknown Speaker 14:16
Students at Sanborn not only get to participate in the district wide robotics program, but also have opportunities to expand their experiences in the school Innovation Lab. In this space students engage in learning to expand their creativity to design solutions and innovations. Students in Student Council expand their leadership abilities to help advance the learning community as a whole. Our aid program allows primary students to access explicit intentional instruction to help with their Academic Advancement. Students at sandboard continue to show excellence through the various engaging educational and exciting learning opportunities.

Unknown Speaker 14:54
Hi, I’m Luann Tolman, the new principal at Central Elementary. It’s a wonderful school

Unknown Speaker 15:00
We’re small and we can take the time to get to know our children. Well. We’ve been an IB school for 10 years. We believe in the principles and values of IB and look forward each year to our fifth grade exhibition, where they get to show us their actions in their world.

Unknown Speaker 15:16
Welcome to hygiene elementary home of the Hawks. I am Rene Collier, the proud principal of hygiene and please come on in and see what hygiene has to offer.

Unknown Speaker 15:31
Hygiene is a steam focused school where students can imagine innovate and inspire with confidence and passion. We are a recipient of the giant Award of Excellence in governor’s distinguished award. We offer a variety of opportunities for our students that include the 100 mile club, Student Council, Spanish robotics and choir. We also offer triple A, which is a program that allows our students to have multi sensory explicit instruction in literacy and math. We also traveled virtually worldwide engaging our students in the study of an annual topic. This year is the 12th year of hoc air, and we are traveling to Italy. Go Hawks. Are they insane Italy via Hawks.

Unknown Speaker 16:13
I’m Jennifer Pavoni. I’m the proud principal of Mountain View Elementary, we are so excited to share some information with you of some of our after school and academic extensions. Currently, we have over 78% of our student body engaged in enrichment and extending their learning through our triple A program, increasing their health and wellness through running club, as well as robotics. Mountain View has provided a rich tradition of excellence in the heart of lung lung for nearly 65 years, we create a standards based bounce learning community which each child will reach their academic, social and emotional potential. Our students have the opportunity to extend their learning through programs like project launch, simple a robotics and 100 ballclub just to name a few. We have a robust parent leadership team recognized by CDC and Governor polis, recognizing promising practices for their work to foster family and school partnerships in education. A connected student community creates a successful student community and we strive to achieve that each and every day.

Unknown Speaker 17:21
We are so excited to show you all the last peak has to offer at Long’s peak, we’ll have to say that we are college ready, career ready and RAM ready.

Unknown Speaker 17:32
Long’s peak is a pre AP focus school that puts the whole child front and center from our pre AP curriculum geared towards preparing our students to succeed and rigorous advanced placement classes in high school to our outstanding selection of electives, including sketchnoting, a research based tool to process new learning, make connections to information and help with memory. We offer the only semester long elective course in sketchnoting. In the District. At Long’s peak, we collaborate with students at the Innovation Center who mentors CyberPatriot students who are learning cybersecurity concepts that the students in high school are also learning Long’s peak is a place where every child can write his or her own story.

Unknown Speaker 18:15
Hi, my name is Mark Spencer and I’m the principal here at Western middle school where we say expect the best.

Unknown Speaker 18:23
Westview is a STEM school where in addition to rigorous core curriculum, students experience an unmatched array of additional learning opportunities. We have the largest and most successful intramural sports program, the top robotics program in the state, a top notch competitive math program, stem block classes such as planes to the park and W TV, amazing music programs and a variety of art classes. Add to this numerous clubs and CO curriculum opportunities. And you see why at WestView we say expect the best.

Unknown Speaker 18:55
Hello, my name is Jeff McMurray and welcome to Longmont High School. Thank you for taking a moment to hear of all the outstanding work being done within our entire feeder system, celebrating our diversity and our unwavering commitment to community and connection. Now let’s hear from a few of our students.

Unknown Speaker 19:12
Hi, my name is Alondra Amina, I am a junior, I’m on my high school. I am currently in the high school business program. And I think my memory that I have in my high school business is when we did a fundraiser for Baldwin High School for a more humane society where we did a competition between classes. This was my freshman year and it was so fun. I got to meet new people doing new thing. And it was just like a way to experience how being in high school business program. Now it’s just so fun.

Unknown Speaker 19:40
Hi, my name is Nicholas Mercia. I am a junior here at Loma High School. I have gone through high geometry Western middle school and now Loma High School. I have some great experiences through all three of the schools up to this point. My most memorable one at high geometry was in fifth grade during hot air, which for those of you who don’t know is a

Unknown Speaker 20:00
organization that we do. We bring in volunteers and we go to different places around the world such as China, Venezuela, we’ve been to so many different places. One in fifth grade, we went to the planet Pluto. And the most memorable experience was going to in front of the school board

Unknown Speaker 20:17
of the district and talking about healthcare and what we’ve done for healthcare that year, ourselves a great experience at hygiene as WestView. My most memorable experience was going to the geography be in eighth grade. So I got to go with a couple of classmates and meet people around the district and compete in the district try to be which was awesome. And so far this year at Loma High School, in four AP classes, so very busy schedule, but learning a lot. I’m meeting great people, and had a great experience, even though the couple years has been a little tough with the Coronavirus pandemic, but we’re learning a lot and having a great time meeting new people and looking forward to having new experiences with new people and going off to college soon.

Unknown Speaker 21:05
So I’m guessing travel. I’ve been on smart team. Now this is my fourth year. I’ve been since my freshman year. And it’s been an experience that has allowed me to explore bioscience and all sorts of other fields in a way that I typically wouldn’t. The, you know, the wide range of topics that we cover, and looking at papers and all sorts of things. It’s just super cool. But one of my favorite memories was we got to go thanks to the board to the ASB MB conference in Orlando, Florida in 2019. And go present our poster and look at a whole bunch of other smart team and maps posters and, and see, you know bioscience presentations and from companies and all sorts of stuff. But my favorite memory in particular was the night before we were going to present we got together as a big group out in the out in the hallway of the convention center. And every person had to know the material so that they could present. And so we went through with our mentors, MISS CHOW, Miss Luqman and Dr. martyr. And they helped us go through and understand the material and critique what we were saying and how to refine our

Unknown Speaker 22:14
our words and the material itself and how each person can specialize and the groups that we’d be set up in. And it’s it’s a skill that I use still today, you know, just from the little tips that they gave me about how to talk to people how to present and

Unknown Speaker 22:30
you know what details to focus on and all that. So not only was it you know, so impactful for our presentation, which you know, went awesome, but it’s something that I then took away and still continue to use.

Unknown Speaker 22:58
So again, thank you so much for giving us an opportunity to give you a little glimpse, again, from the high school perspective, all of that hard work that is done within our feeder, we see the combination of these great students and their research abilities and their ability to critically think with some of the projects that they are doing extensions along with traditional classroom setting. So we’re just so proud. We do want to honor your time tonight. But we also do have a few moments if you have a couple of questions for our students as well.

Unknown Speaker 23:27
Thanks, Jeff. It was a fantastic presentation. Jim.

Unknown Speaker 23:34

Unknown Speaker 23:36
so I moved here in 93 from DC into Longmont feeder system. And my daughter was already in high school, my younger daughter went through Mountain View and long peak and all on high and works there and all of them now but

Unknown Speaker 23:54
I’m just so impressed with the various programs that they offer. I’ve been through

Unknown Speaker 24:01
just about all the schools. A little tough with COVID be moving around too many we’re all closed down for my whole first year.

Unknown Speaker 24:11
But I’m anxious to hear from the students that are here tonight on what how they’ve gotten to where they are where they plan to go.

Unknown Speaker 24:21
And thank all the administrators I think I’ve spent time with just about everybody

Unknown Speaker 24:28
some time or other and

Unknown Speaker 24:31
it’s the schools are so active and so vibrant when you’re in there and that

Unknown Speaker 24:38
was it. Last weekend nice little guy shooting basketball I was we were working on his shot and stuff like that and just just to see that just to see the energy and all the all the opportunities that you have and

Unknown Speaker 24:54
hope that we are able to support to continue the growth of our show.

Unknown Speaker 25:00
Other schools especially,

Unknown Speaker 25:03
especially the ones that are in my feeder system, you know, alpha Skyline but this is the main one I live a block away from large Long’s peak middle school and

Unknown Speaker 25:16
I see now out there in it in the grass plains CrashPlan I see to

Unknown Speaker 25:21
the Read section after learning stop by and talk to them.

Unknown Speaker 25:26
I hear the drumline from my front yard regularly all summer long.

Unknown Speaker 25:31
The energy that disk is the whole neighborhood I you know, everybody talks about this is really cool. You just cried Sidon and listened to the drumline.

Unknown Speaker 25:42
So it’s so much there’s so much that you’re all

Unknown Speaker 25:47
having come into you, and what you’re going to be able to do after you get out of Loma High School, and as you move through our system, and I just appreciate the effort that all the holder staff puts in.

Unknown Speaker 26:02
I know I’ve been was there when

Unknown Speaker 26:07
you know in the high school when I went through different changes in the food court area where that was in there. And I knew a lot of those teachers because my daughter was in high school and I was always in there. And I was probably in there more when I was a parent and when I don’t have anybody to get into now. So

Unknown Speaker 26:22
and I like you know, I think that

Unknown Speaker 26:25
the future is is booked last year three, and every all your other students. And we appreciate you being here tonight. Spend some time with us.

Unknown Speaker 26:35
Thanks, Jim. Did you have any comments? I do i i have to say I am tremendously impressed with the diversity of programs that are offered that you we we heard a little bit about

Unknown Speaker 26:50
through our our elementary schools and our middle schools and it really culminates in each of you here. So I’d be interested in

Unknown Speaker 27:00
your own pass. So what Yolanda Yura

Unknown Speaker 27:06
you’re a freshman at this point.

Unknown Speaker 27:09
I’m Rhonda and I am a junior currently, I’m in the 11th grade.

Unknown Speaker 27:16
We need i Sorry, I couldn’t say.

Unknown Speaker 27:19

Unknown Speaker 27:20
Uh huh. And, and were you always interested in business? Um, ever since I was little I’ve been really interested in business. Yeah, I’ve had some interest in science and like math and all that. But I think business speaks to me, like overall. So yeah, business has like spoken to me recently, ever since freshman year. I’ve kept growing him and being business. And I think it’s just what I’m hoping to do. Later on. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 27:51
It’s wonderful that you have an opportunity to explore that while you’re still in high school. And prepare yourself for the future.

Unknown Speaker 28:00
Nicholas, what, what brought you to where you are? What are your got you here and what are your plans moving forward? Oh, yes, I’m Nicholas. MERS Jack. I’m also a junior at Loma High School. And

Unknown Speaker 28:12
I just want to say my mom and my sister are here today. They really all my family has really kind of helped me to where I am today. My mom who also works for the district, she works at hygiene elementary school. So she she just she knows kind of the path and everything like that now, this call your my, my elementary school principal and Mr. Spencer, Mr. MacMurray, everyone has just has been so great and so willing to help out and they’re there for you. And that’s one thing that I love about, you know, all the schools that have been is they’re there for you and they’re there to push you forward into the future. What probably what I want to do after high school is I want to go to college. I’m also in the High School of Business program with Alondra as well. I’m super interested in business. My dad is a is a commercial banker up in Denver. So I kind of wanted to follow his path a little bit. But something that’s really cool to me is aviation. I think being commercial pilot is something that I would really like to do. travel all around the world, meet new people. That’s kind of one of the things that I love most is meeting new people and being able to experience new cultures, new ethnicities and things like that, just people all around the world. And being being able to do that through the theater program is something that has been unbelievable to me and I couldn’t be more thankful for Miss Collier, Mr. Spencer, Mr. MacMurray, Mr. Extra everyone who has pushed me to my limits and continue to push me to my limits. I’m so grateful and thankful for them. And I know with them in mind, the sky’s the limit for sure.

Unknown Speaker 29:47
It is indeed and Grayson that brings me to you. i You and I know have known each other for the last four years and it’s been a true joy to see you grow and

Unknown Speaker 30:00
and develop and I know that the foundation that you got before you came to Longmont high position position to well, what are your observations about that? The path that you followed? So yeah, I’m Grayson have I’m a senior. And really the foundations for me have been in, you know, the staff and the diversity of people throughout the schools and the teachers. And I mean, of course, Dr. Martyr and MISS CHOW, and Luke come in all of this Marty mentors, and then, you know, throughout the actual writing, who’s, you know, I work with extensively and have at the innovation center. And then, you know, going back further, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Hernandez at WestView, Mr. Klein at WestView. So, really, just such wonderful people who have really encouraged and kind of driven driven a fire of this, you know, all these opportunities are available. It’s, you know, an all you have to do is take them. And so that’s just been wonderful. And just to have, you know, the the diversity of programming edition that’s been provided, you know, through robotics and through technology, and with the Innovation Center, which you know, it I do in addition to smart team in school, and it’s just, it’s just awesome the diversity of experience and people that I’ve gotten to meet and go through with.

Unknown Speaker 31:19
Thank you so much. You’re all three of you, and many more besides her true inspiration to, to those of us on the board, but I’m sure to your fellow students and your teachers as well. So thank you.

Unknown Speaker 31:32
Thank you tick. That’s what I was just going to ask if we have parents, if you have family members, loved ones, friends that are here this evening. We’d love to have them stand so that we could recognize them.

Unknown Speaker 31:54
Right, thank you. It was a wonderful report. Thank you for being with us here this evening, Jeff. Thank you, to you. And to all of the building leaders. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to Don. Yep, yeah, no, I just wanted to share a couple things and I can reference the high school but I know that it’s the high school that is the culmination of all the way from preschool on up. So this is really information that applies to all of you. You know, Longmont High School has one of the top business schools in the country. For high schools. They also have one of the top medical and biosciences programs in the country. And they have one of the top and early on advanced placement programs with well over 20 advanced placement courses and then concurrent courses so that a lot of their seniors that graduate are graduating with a full year of college, under their belt, and this year, they saw another nice jump in their graduation rates. And obviously I just got an email from David Merrill, who is the drumline, one of you mentioned the drumline and they’re getting ready to go compete again, for the nationals, they’ve won the Nationals for several years. So you’re talking about just one. And the beautiful thing about st reign is, I could say much of this to each of the feeder systems. But we’re here to recognize Longmont tonight. And you’ve not only you know, outpaced the state, but the country in many ways too. And you saw one of your earlier graduates, Brian stamp here

Unknown Speaker 33:26
is just another example of the great work that you all are doing. And that goes all the way down through the system. If I were to talk about Westview, and their robotics teams, West US robotics teams, beats all the high school teams in the state. And they do they do actually and kids that have graduated from Westview are now ranked fifth in the world, at the high school level. So it’s that thing and you look at Long’s peak with their their recent awards in their pre Advanced Placement Program, and then all the great work that you heard from each of those elementary schools. They could have gone on and on and on. And I could to I’m really proud of you guys. So great work. Thank you so much. And I’ll just I’ll just end with we feel the support from the board each and every day and from Dr. Hood dad. So we truly appreciate you very much. Thank you

Unknown Speaker 34:21
thank you again everyone.

Unknown Speaker 34:24
Agenda Item four is audience participation.

Unknown Speaker 34:36
The Board of Education values community perspectives and feedback from our parents, teachers, staff and community. During board of education meetings, the board will hear up to 30 minutes of public comment on non agenda items and 30 minutes of public comment on agenda specific items. To allow for the greatest number of community members to participate. Each person will be limited to three minutes of public comment at

Unknown Speaker 35:00
The end of three minutes, I will thank you for speaking and invite the next speaker to the podium or move to the next agenda item.

Unknown Speaker 35:08
If you are speaking to a non agenda item this evening, please limit your comments to matters of public concern about the district. If you have a concern about a specific individual or personnel matter, please reach out directly to a board member Dr. Haddad, or the HR department and we will assist you with next steps. It has been the long standing practice of the board to not address or respond during the public comment section of the agenda. But please know that we are listening and greatly appreciate and value the perspectives of our community.

Unknown Speaker 35:44
I do have a list up here of community members who signed up on the website to speak. Is there anyone in the audience this evening that would like to speak that has not signed up?

Unknown Speaker 36:00
Okay, that brings us to our free first speaker this evening and green. Hi, I am.

Unknown Speaker 36:09
And you’ve been here before to speak. And you heard my introduction. So I’ll ask you to go ahead and state your name and your address and you can begin. Okay, thank you. So Ann green Erie.

Unknown Speaker 36:20
So thank you for the opportunity to speak. And thank you all for your service to our district. I decided I want to speak again tonight because I’m continue to be concerned about

Unknown Speaker 36:33
some of the divisive content and curriculum that I see creeping its way into our district.

Unknown Speaker 36:40
First, the first thing I just want to read you a little bit from my daughter’s AP Language and composition syllabus, she deliberately avoided taking AP seminar. She’s a 10th grader this year, but she reviewed the description of that class on College Board and she just said mom, it sounds political. And I don’t. I don’t she hates anything divisive and political. And she avoids it like the plague. So she got permission to take language and composition instead because she thought, you know, there was nothing in there that concerned her at all. But when she brought home or syllabus, it raised some concerns for me because

Unknown Speaker 37:17
I’ll just read to you. So objects of study will include texts that function within the following thematic ideas, social action, identity, systems of oppression, and gender and race are specified. It says our extended readings for language include but are not limited to the following texts. We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Between the World and Me by Tallahassee Coates.

Unknown Speaker 37:44
They also explained that the texts were selected because they present orbiting topics and ideas. And they’re not not intended to manipulate the students, but to help them understand how arguments are made to achieve a purpose and to serve as a model. And because they are good. So I took the time to read both of those books. And I would not use the word good to describe either of them, I found a lot of divisive content in both far more in the second book. So I didn’t even mention anything about the feminist

Unknown Speaker 38:14
book to her at all. But when she came home with the first excerpts from that book, she was extremely, viscerally upset and said, Mom, I don’t want to, I don’t want to write about this. And I, I want out of this and she was so upset. She said, I want to do an independent study next semester.

Unknown Speaker 38:33
And, you know, I asked her if anybody, I mean, she’s very introverted, so she didn’t talk about it with her fellow students. But I said, Did you, you know, did you hear anybody else? And she said, Yes, I did. I heard other people commenting about it. And I’m not going to repeat it because it was too vulgar. So she knows that this stuff is really divisive. She doesn’t see herself as a victim for being female. And

Unknown Speaker 38:58
well, before I run out of time, I also wanted to read the description of another course that’s offered to 10th to 12th graders who want to be teachers in the P teach section. This course explores the relationship between language identity, oh, by the way, I guess I should

Unknown Speaker 39:15
mention the title it’s it’s called language power and identity. And the description is that it explores sorry, but yeah, I just I don’t think I appreciate your time. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 39:30
Next up this evening is Lorena Garcia

Unknown Speaker 39:41
Hello Lorena welcome

Unknown Speaker 39:44
witness that was

Unknown Speaker 39:46
good evening everyone. Is it not good as he has probably become this past you? Thank you very much for giving us this space. I mean Andres marinara sauce here. My name is Lorena Garcia. So you know mama Latina participant, group comunitario

Unknown Speaker 40:00
I suppose I am a mother part of the impossibles community group three group three healthcare system analyst squilla in the stipulation brain, I have four children attending St. Marie ballet school system.

Unknown Speaker 40:13
Though they use in preschooler, no they’re using pre Marissa, a novel is simply

Unknown Speaker 40:19
in Skyline High School. Two of them in elementary and one in skyline. Maria.

Unknown Speaker 40:26
Preschool is awesome and to impress

Unknown Speaker 40:30
me I will listen to the skyline as the name Grupo Keitech. My student from Skyline she is part of the group P TECH. This was intercambiar most recent get to this intellisync dividend is El grupo and after exchanging about our concerns between the group as he como con otras personas la comunidad and with other members of the community get the in any who’s escritos and Leslie scholars in these three they’re also have students enrolled in same brain even typical Moscow numeral significantly was to the aunties, Asian no Camarilla scholar, we noticed that a significant group of students are chosen not to eat food from the schools or urine to prepare comida or they take their own foods on cuando some purple programa the elemental gratis are LC those impressive, and this is despite the fact that they are part of the free and reduced lunch program and have the most Quinta Kalama yellows minnows because you have resin analysis Squillace we realize that the vast majority of the Manaea suffered in schools as a component elementals processors are processed foods correctly resell those products, those containers they sell as Sucre Kimiko see concern. And the biggest characteristic of these foods are that they have a high content in sodium salt, sugar, get born in embryos well as well as Nino’s Ebola centers that I put a you know our children’s health at risk. Yet it goes on a formula, this comorbidity that they have with this pressure nelta and through others, because it counts a

Unknown Speaker 42:00
variety of illness like diabetes, or Cymbalta. So we multiply both pressure so we must kill this distrito Frezza vara insularis eCOGRA sentimental Nacho cambios en la Coronavirus po erase. So we know that the school district has made some changes to the school menu and that they’re offering more beef and chicken and they must serve in Moscow el distrito complete cholera Kizito nutritionalist del departamento de la cultura de los Estados Unidos and we also are aware that this school district is in compliance with the requirements by federal regulations. So number one is to requisitos so no minimum necessary accomplish, but these requisites are the bare minimum is equivalent Maharaja colossally Mentos processor, Gaussian lapels, and they can be improved because canned foods and processed foods the ones your own alternativa should be an alternative in no Lavasa element as you and the reason was to seahorse and none the main source of food for our children loss effect to the los elementos process although similar Salou infantile, all the negative effects in the health of children. So not the medical no see those are very known and my Yograj the processor miinto Power SL perfil nutritional element

Unknown Speaker 43:12

Unknown Speaker 43:15
pay what is it Delfino regional elemental, so the more that foods are processed, the worse nutritional facts they have and it represents them worse Minosa see that in my uterus boys, Douglas EMIC it also produce higher glycemic index look appealing to see income use metabolic Coccinelle organismo which can produce metabolic changes in the organism as a must numerosos studios and the most radical consumer elementos processes. And numerous studies have demonstrated that the high consumption of processed foods within omen terrifics units Chronicles Komal trastorno profuct Attention, a productive user can increase certain infections like a DD and hyperactivity elucid elementos processor versus conveniente para el distrito por su presupuesto. Sin embargo is necessary a priori sir Laureus was the consumer elementos processor was in excess of

Unknown Speaker 44:13
yes, the use of foods highly processed foods is very convenient for the district because of their low cost. However, it is necessary to prioritize all the risk in the consumption of these foods. Eat promo Verona limit as your natural or the processor mean to meaning and promote a better

Unknown Speaker 44:31
food and with the bare minimum process. Most resellers get to the losses to the actors in these three tours Even elementary schools. Our wish is that every student in the district can receive fresh foods. You could come Alfresco significant comparison, because eating fresh means eating healthy, but I said my sufficient is what kisses you on the conoscimiento or we lead others by Loris EFP toys to make that acquisition of knowledge abilities.

Unknown Speaker 45:00
values in attitudes more efficient, which is thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker 45:05
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 45:10
Monica Pulido?

Unknown Speaker 45:14
Is Monica her the Sydney Hello Monica. Welcome

Unknown Speaker 45:25
when I started this, Agra this quest oportunidad me numberous Monica Polina so MLRA Tracy has those I use them he says to the and this is done in El distrito Tomlinson membre Grupo el Paso’s gaming everyone I am very thankful for this opportunity. My name is Monica Pulido. I am the mother of three children two of them attend St brain Valley. I am also a member of El Paso boss in December those mill buy into both LogMeIn solicit all these three cambia Los Alamitos process hours for elementos for us because you saludables and December of 2020, our organization as disco district to change the foods that are offered that are very processed for fresh boots.

Unknown Speaker 46:12
But also this era instalaciones Casola annual the conversation this con el distrito estamos en es para una respuesta positive, were requested for foods that are prepared from scratch and it’s been almost a year of conversations and we’re still waiting for a positive answer manthra Santo Kunti normal desarrollando actividades versus Orientals in constant desire continuum interesado yonder actividades versus Paragon.

Unknown Speaker 46:42
Meanwhile, we are trying to develop new activities, all of them oriented in you know, bring conscious in the community about

Unknown Speaker 46:52
the in the community of St. Bring

Unknown Speaker 46:56
government they stumbled upon the aduna questa. Yesterday Aveo, Mo Shakopee level sienta noventa Pyramus and Napoleon was repetition all these three taka constantly will see and respond because right now we have been distributing a survey and up until today we have gathered 290 signatures. That is, that are all of them supporting our petition to the district and this petition has the following points numero uno system so stay tuned. Robin mental Solomon postprocessor was in Latos for elementals for his cause in authority was a Purtill delving into those point number one, gradually substitute all the process foods and canned foods for fresh foods in nutritious foods starting 2022

Unknown Speaker 47:45
No matter those guitar little choco latte per container the Marcella suka number to take out from the menu chocolate milk because it has a very high sugar content. Numerator is Skinner alone plan the axiom particles with enticing couple percentile was plati yes principalmente. A companion to separate it was Sam Perez because he say La Warren does this era and assist Allah see on the summary. Number three, generate an action plan so that the 75% of the foods are the main dishes offered in eight sides are fresh and they’re made from scratch in st Grand Valley Schools installations, middle quadrum contra township profesionales aka forbartha The list of the services and nutrition number four hire professional chef to be part of the staff in that is part of the services offered by nutrition or nutrition services.

Unknown Speaker 48:45
Numero cinco Carlos Manos para para was no containment conserve Bantus co Laurentiis authenticity was slavery Santas Harare, my use delta for those eager assistants that all the menu prepared doesn’t have any preservatives, colourings

Unknown Speaker 49:05
additives artificial flavors high fructose corn syrup and trans fats

Unknown Speaker 49:13
no middle say Skillen menos para para was contingent carnist the animals the animals elementals concomitants Victoriana equals Omana mintes in antibiotic was seen on or Manasa vidas there all the menus are prepared what using meat from cattle that has been fed with vegetarian food in raised humanely with and without any antibiotics and hormones. No middle seat the incremental consumer verduras fruit the sichern but also the synchrotron because the LogMeIn is already number seven increase the consumption of vegetables, fruits and beef produced in the farms, in Longmont and this

Unknown Speaker 50:00
surrounding areas conocemos case the subprocessor Largo Largo Plaza eek inclusion importante this appears financieros parallel the street. We acknowledge that this is a long term process that includes very challenging many challenges as specifically financial challenges for the district fin embargo up until the lawyers will toggle encuesta either the funciona law petition.

Unknown Speaker 50:26
However, given the survey results and the diffusion of this petition,

Unknown Speaker 50:34
Mr. reconocido Kayla in seguida, alimenti alimentaria kayvan DRM into los alumnos.

Unknown Speaker 50:42
We have acknowledged that the

Unknown Speaker 50:45
food insecurity that is being experienced by some of our students is in some time a priori TARIO either grant Prochlorperazine para la comunidad is a topic that should be prioritized because it’s a big concern for the community. grasses. Yes para mas container trabalhando canoe service parama Hora lol Minta si en el el distrito. Thank you and we hope to continue collaborating with you to improve them food in our district. Thank you Monica.

Unknown Speaker 51:17
Carla Cardoza

Unknown Speaker 51:19
Hello, Carla. Welcome

Unknown Speaker 51:28
when is that risottos Muchas gracias por esta oportunidad

Unknown Speaker 51:32
they have our condo Steris el dia de la mi nombre es Carla Cardoza So Mama letter is Nino’s. He saw Yama the Casa. Good evening, everyone. Thank you very much for this opportunity to talk with you today. My name is Karla cabasa. I am the mother of three children and I am a stay at home mom.

Unknown Speaker 51:52
Growing alert Chiara las personas para cambiare Claire Sue’s progress oportunidad A’s paramiko Dr. Seuss because I believe in the energy that people have to change in create their own opportunities to improve their lives. Miss company errors yo somos parties are Grupo el Paso’s K significant Espanol, Paris Latinos compra Amity those olive answerers hotels escaleras

Unknown Speaker 52:18
my friends here and I are part of the group in festivals which means engaged Latino parents advancing student outcomes.

Unknown Speaker 52:30
Both BNA they like their looser noiseless voices parama horror LBN estado de la comunidad and these group voice comes from the idea to use our voices to improve the wellness of the community. El Paso was low mon cinquanta trabalhando is the same as the una ano in FMR. elementa Seon

Unknown Speaker 52:53
el escuela solicitous color, there are some brain Bali. El Paso’s in long one has been working for a little over a year in this topic of food in the st. Barry Valley School District schools

Unknown Speaker 53:08
in modular those meal bearing TacoMan Somoza investigar less comida anger at the end this case is eternal as eskwela CMR le sol in revistas. CO nutritionist us CIF agricultores introduce especialistas but at the neuromas conoscimiento eltima.

Unknown Speaker 53:26
Since May of 2020 we started investigating the foods and their ingredients of the foods that are served in our schools and we did some interviews with nutritionists, chaps, farmers and other specialists to have a better knowledge on this topic. mentiras said that their model element as Jonas color Percoco zero kilos Manos Casa physiognomies equals no saludable is in Sunway procesales he created machine from Formosana respecto.

Unknown Speaker 54:00
I found the interest in this topic because I consider that the this is them. The many that is offered in the schools is not healthy and is very processed.

Unknown Speaker 54:12
Data sources to us Misako San Diego la casa con Dolores Tomago porque en ocasiones Malaysia the choco latte is Thai chopper their usual mentor young canola cabeza porque no common none other than a TM book a person in squalor in acquire representar cuenta por ciento el tiempo totaal Alia during the study their studies My children have arrived home with a stomach egg because sometimes the chocolate milk that is offered to them has been rotten. And usually they come home with a headache because they don’t eat anything during the day. And they actually spend 40% of their time in in the school.

Unknown Speaker 54:57
Lamoriello basis no survey most kids

Unknown Speaker 55:00
Look at containing los elementos de la escuela Sequana someone was in Vegas UNESCO el Paso’s upper India cerca de los ingredientes el tipo de la Renta Seon cassava. In La squealers Elise Rita, most of the times we don’t know. What are the contents of the food that is offered to our children in the schools. And when we started our research with El Paso’s, I learned about the ingredients and the type of food that has been provided in the school district. You didn’t if you go Masekela Maria, the Los Manos case your presence component, the elementos processor those essential maintain in comida Coachella has K solo sekali Anton Perkins Maria is preparada comprar lactose, the lattice we found that the great majority of the menus that are offered are

Unknown Speaker 55:52
from a processed foods specifically frozen food that is you know, just warmed up and served to our kids and or it also that the big majority of the food is very highly processed or comes from cans,

Unknown Speaker 56:07
less personas because element and our say the elemental processes when attalos DNA known by your riesco the palisade informado This is core to largo plazo. The people that has a dietary intake of

Unknown Speaker 56:22
highly processed or canned foods has is at a greater risk of suffering from illnesses several illnesses in short and long term install Reaper cote NLB and estar. No solo physical No, no solo physicals you know tambien economical las familias, and this has repercussions not only physically but also in the finances of the families. Noise repetition is careless Rita Camila comida processor girlfriend Cydia ramen magic in Cemil is to the artist, what elemental frescoes re CNHC para para todos en una Cosina escuela what we’re asking is that the district changes the process food that has been offered daily to more than 15,000 students for fresh foods, freshly made and prepared in a kitchen in our school district.

Unknown Speaker 57:17
Good I suppose within soon thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker 57:20
Thank you

Unknown Speaker 57:26
Kimberly Mouat.

Unknown Speaker 57:31
Hi, Kimberly.

Unknown Speaker 57:35
Kimberly, you’ve been here before name and address. My name is Kimberly Matthew 1131 Petro Street in Erie.

Unknown Speaker 57:50
My name is Finley Mo. I’m a fifth grader at erio Elementary. I’m coming to talk to you about snow days tonight and ask you that you ask that you please give us notice back. For me a snow day means time to relax, chill and drink called chocolate. Now I can’t do that because snow days gone taken away. I also like to sled play video games sit by the fire and water moves my family. Instead of getting snow days we have to do online learning. And I do not online. I do not like this because if you need help, it is harder to get. Also I miss my friends when we’re online. Online learning is hard for me because the activities are hard for me to do. Many of the schools in the state of Colorado still have snow days. Before COVID We had snow days. So why can they come back? Back now that we are to a more normal year snow days don’t happen a line color. So it’s nice to have them every once in a while. So please give us us notice back.

Unknown Speaker 58:52
So I have a few questions to add. On top of that. I did recently learned that the state of Colorado will only allow five snow days to be used for virtual learning. I mean, it’s very rare. We get five in a year. But what’s the district’s plan? Should we have a six snow day? You can only according to the Colorado Department of Education, only five may be used for virtual learning. Also, there are built into our school calendar. Where are those snow days going? Are you going to give them back to us? Are we going to shorten the year? Because these children have worked hard over the past two years. And they deserve to be getting back to a more normal year. Instead of oh, sorry, get back on the iPad. Not to mention. What about other children that don’t have iPads at home? Because preschoolers no longer have iPads at home. There’s no way I’m going to put my preschool on iPad for school.

Unknown Speaker 59:40
Online learning if we’re so far behind and the only way to catch up is to move our studies online. Is that not proven itself that online learning did not work for a lot of children. This this not equal chance for these children when they cannot learn online. He spent hours on a simple five minute project because

Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
That’s choices. And he cannot choose without the help of somebody sitting there with him, and helping narrow it down. So please let our children be children, stop letting COVID take everything from them, and go back to the districts like everybody else who’s allowing snow days, or the first days is no day, and then assess a situation like Denver Public did last year. Boulder Valley allows snow days for crying out loud. And they’re one of the strictest districts in the state. Yet we sit here and throw your kids online, I understand I could call him out. But that adds additional work if he’s required to make it up. And that in itself, is even more detrimental. So please give our children there’s no days back.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:44
That’s all. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:49
Thank you, again, to everyone who spoke this evening from the audience.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:54
Done agenda item five is the superintendence report.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:03
First thing, just kind of a logistical thing. I serve on this committee for Chiesa. It’s a budget committee. It’s an advisory committee. So don’t make a lot of don’t make decisions necessarily for them. But I did receive a form and Jim signed it as a secretary. And I shared that with you, Joe and Karen, that it’s just as part of a superintendent, they had asked me to serve on that,

Unknown Speaker 1:01:28
as in an advisory capacity. And part of the responsibility is to let you know that that’s a group that I will be working with as part of my superintendents responsibilities. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:43
Second thing, wanted to recognize Michelle boos Wah, she is our

Unknown Speaker 1:01:50
Chief Technology Officer and Infotech research group was a which a very highly respected group awarded her their 2021 Infotech CIO award for the visionary leader category. And that’s,

Unknown Speaker 1:02:06
you know, the work that she’s done, along with Joe mcbreen. In the past and that entire team.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:13
They’ve been recognized a number of times, they were recognized at one point by ISTE, which is the International Society for Technology and Education, which is the largest technology and education organization in the world, as one of the top three organizations for further work with the iPads, the one to one initiative, all of the types of things that they’re doing to supplement support education. So we recognize Michelle and when you guys see her have a chance to to let her know. I wanted to

Unknown Speaker 1:02:45
share with you some information about our nutrition services program. There are four regulatory agencies with

Unknown Speaker 1:02:56
Colorado and others that regulate the health and nutrition of the food, Boulder in Weld County Public Health Department. And they have identified that St. Brian meets and exceeds the nutrition standards. Colorado Department of Education has also identified a meet and exceed nutrition standards. The Colorado Department of adult child feeding program has indicated the meet and exceed the nutrition standards. And the United States Department of Agriculture has also identified St. Brian is meeting and exceeding the nutrition standards. And we’re very glad to work with parent group. So I’m very happy that we’ve been having these conversations and we’ve been looking at ways in which we can continuous improvement because that’s what we do with everything that we do in the system. And toward that end, I want to just share with you some other missed facts about the program. The all the meals are at no charge. The September count for meals increased by 123,500 more meals than any other September on record and nutrition services. So and part of that’s you know, we’re growing as a school district. And part of it is just more no charge meals due to some of the pandemic issues and the struggles that families have had. Columbine elementary recently participated in Colorado proud day, with a picnic in the park and a Wellness Fair with local farmers and the district’s Future Farmers of America, students and their animals.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:30
Saint brain schools received a grant from the Colorado Department of Education to continue their partnership with the district’s future farmers and schools and providing st brain raised local meats and local food in the garden to school cafeterias.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:47
We received local apples peaches and pears from western Colorado and additional apples from the Iowa farms in Longmont and all the fruit was organic.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:57
We’ve implemented a chocolate milk program

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
I’m in partnership with Dairy MAX, which has only two grams of sugar and designed to support the district athlete nutrition program. And it’s one of many choices of drinks to have in the in the lunch rooms.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:17
special meal modifications, we offer special meal meal modifications daily for 253 students. We currently have over 2000 special diet needs district wide based on religion preferences, allergies and special made modifications. So we do accommodate those requests for students individually if they don’t want their student to have a certain food.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:41
With our AAA program, that’s our after school tutorial program that we have we have provided over 2000 Snacks daily on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. For the students at no cost.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:54
The food rescue program we’ve implemented food rescue stations in elementary schools, which will increase in additional 13 schools this school year. It completes all of the elementary schools in collaboration with eco cycle and the Zero Waste program and grant.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:10
The professional development pilot in collaboration with RMC health and st brain health and social emotional coordinators continues to work with us. One thing we are experiencing supply chain issues. And so there has been some foods that we’re not able to access as a result. For example, crispy Cheetos is one of the foods that now is not able to be transported. Because of supply chain issues, we may revisit that at a later time.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:41
meals provided in the 2021 school year, for free. We provided over 4.4 million meals to students and their families during the pandemic, we were not obligated to, to provide them for families. But we felt like we wanted to do that to help avoid the struggle. So 4.4 million meals to the students in the 2021 school year. As a result of you remember we had the resource centers where students and families would come in and we were scheduled to give one to each student, but many would come to the line with needs for five or six for a family. And so we decided to go ahead and and do that.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:23
meals provided in the district 21 summer program, which is project launch and we are not obligated to even offer the you know our project launch but 286,000 and we we provide transportation and meals throughout that entire program in the month of June for students and that gives them an opportunity to, you know, work on I think you saw some of it with their academics, their math and their literacy and things like that. But we felt like in order to do that we wanted to make sure to provide food and then also to provide transportation.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:00
In partnership with Cooking Matters. We’re providing online cooking classes for parents and students for six weeks. And all district student families K through five were able to participate

Unknown Speaker 1:08:12
the Longmont library is providing new books to families that are picking up at curbside meals. And so that’s a good program and a good partnership that we’ve got with them. City of Longmont Community Food share or partnership providing breakfast and lunch to some of our elementary schools countryside and Fall River communities. Daily during COVID all sites were considered food cites the outdoor classrooms were providing support and funding dollars from school wellness grants to several of our schools. The Dairy MAX grant we received a $38,000 grant increase in support curbside meals and breakfast programs for our students.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:54
We have a birthday unbundle classroom catering program, which creates menus to offer healthy alternative options for parents for typical classroom celebrations. So when you have you know cupcakes and things to replace those with more nutritious foods, the Colorado education initiative Healthy Schools summit presentation that presented a summit at a breakout session on the collaboration between wellness and nutrition services. The live well Colorado School Food Initiative and scratch cooking.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:24
The decrease food insecurity grant we partnered with the city of Longmont youth services to apply for funding to expand even beyond what we are doing with our summer meals programs. We connected with three community meal sites to offer student adult meals as well as partnering with Weld County Food Bank because you know we have four different counties in in St. brane.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:47
Healthier us School Challenge Award presentation recognize 13 of our elementary school principals for their dedication to making healthier school environment

Unknown Speaker 1:09:58
that move fifth

Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
To 10 challenge we partnered with UC Health to recruit elementary schools to take the 50 to 10 challenge. Eat five fruits and vegetables. Limit screentime to two hours get one hour of physical activity and drink zero sugary beverages every day for a month.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:17
The United States Department of Agriculture gives out a once in a melon award, and it’s an award for administering and exemplary Farm to School program. One school district per state was selected for the award. And that was st brain by receiving the most public nominations.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:35
Wellness Policy updates, updated our Wellness Policy created wellness policy, procedural documents and Wellness Policy assessment documents and changes were made based on the well LSAT results.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:47
Whole child whole school whole community wellness plan we worked on with Paige Jennings our physical activity and grant coordinator.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:57
We do have a couple of newsletters that will be helpful for parents we sent over 1600 emails ongoing, an ongoing subscriber list that talks about a wellness and wellness alive employee newsletter that

Unknown Speaker 1:11:12
sent over 200 Nutrition Services sent to over 200 Nutrition Services programs.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:18
Some of the initiatives the Colorado proud School Meal day plan a menu featuring local Colorado to highlight Seth St. Rain Valley school districts Farm to School program which we have

Unknown Speaker 1:11:31
centralized office customer service survey which we distribute to just check in with people to see how things are going. Menus. We have 13 templates with the Harvest of the Month recipes and active living tips. The National School Breakfast Week celebration kickoff and assembly at Alpine elementary with the Western Dairy Association, Fuel Up to Play 60 and miles the Denver Broncos mascot

Unknown Speaker 1:11:58
the National School Lunch week, bring your parents to lunch and do a selfie contest to highlight the benefits of the school lunch program. Perfect Attendance program recognizes and rewards employees for their attendance on a quarterly basis. Perfect health inspection program recognizes and rewards employees for perfect health inspections. School lunch HERO program asks schools to nominate kitchen staff that go above and beyond to provide excellent customer service and put students first Trailblazers award relationship building between departments over 140 rewards were sent out to staff.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:36
Our student led Farmers Market school led Farmers Market utilizing school gardens and local farm partners, Farmer partners ran 10 markets and our website using department updating Department website with relevant information and restructuring the wellness tab and other changes as necessary.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:56
Five events were partnered with Olin farms to provide fresh and prepared samplings for students harvest bags to send homeless students social media promotion and classroom nutrition education tie ins.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:11
Spark preschool discovers fruits and vegetables we had 11 events Colorado proud day event with samplings of cooking lessons and shared reading, jumping juicer and Zumba class smoothie making and sampling Harvard of the month classroom stacks and more events coming. Our teen parenting program healthy starts we’ve hosted six events, Cooking Matters, nutrition education, and cooking lessons for 15 teen parents with more events coming. And recently we work with this with our group El Paso that we have partnered with El Paso for many years. And we’re looking forward to that continued partnership. And they’ve asked a few specific things that we are taking a look at some that we are looking at making adjustments and some that we are we won’t be making adjustments. But the bottom line is we look forward to our continued partnership and continued working. I think we all share the same thing in terms of what we want for our children and our adults and that’s their safety and their well being and their meals. And we will continue to work with the the four organizations again that oversee nutrition services throughout the country. That’s boulder Weld County Public Health, Colorado Department of Education, Colorado Department of adult child feeding and United States Department of Agriculture, which in each case we meet and exceed their standards. So looking forward to future work to getting even better and appreciate anybody’s feedback on the topic and I appreciate El Paso for their their work and their passion around this area. So

Unknown Speaker 1:14:55
I do want to give you an update on COVID

Unknown Speaker 1:14:58
and just

Unknown Speaker 1:15:00

Unknown Speaker 1:15:02
It’s really one of those things that just ebbs and flows all the time. So this could be, you know, good news this week, and then it could shift again. But our positivity rate did drop from seven down to 6.6. And then the hospitalizations are in Boulder County right now in the counties, 77 people, compared to 90 last week. So those are good numbers, it’s not great, we want to see it completely continue to come down.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:30
Boulder County has provided on their website, Weld County sites where if a parent wanted to vaccinate their child, they certainly could do that. And their parent themselves could get vaccinated. But we leave that decision up to parents.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:46
That’s a family decision. But those sites are active, people can look at those and see if that’s something that they want to do. And, and then we continue to meet with the county health departments at least once a week and sometimes more, and just go over all of our protocols. And you know, how we’re doing and right now, you know, we’re, we’re doing relatively well. And we will continue to stay in person, unless something dramatic were to happen, but, but right now, things are going very well. And I’m very appreciative of our teachers and our students and our parents, and our community for just rallying around everybody during a very difficult time. You know, one of the things that we have seen around school districts, that I, you know, I’m concerned about a number of school districts who have just canceled school, you know, at a moment’s notice and said, things like, you know, we need time to we have staffing shortages, the workload is intense, which it very much so is intense, it’s incredibly intense. When you as a teacher have to wear a mask all day, and you’ve got some kids at home, and you’ve got some kids here, families are struggling at home. And so you know, our teachers in my mind’s eye have been heroes, and our administrators and our building administrators and our parents have been too, because they have had to bear the brunt of a lot of the stress and difficulties that are children. And so you know, I just saw a school district today, one of the metro areas, school district saying every Monday, you talk about time off every Monday, they’re going to have a

Unknown Speaker 1:17:21
late start day for the entire second semester, because of staffing shortages and things like that. And, you know, schools continue to do these things that,

Unknown Speaker 1:17:31
you know, it’s concerning because our children need to be in school, they need to be connected to adults, they need to be connected to their peers. And, you know, in, in Colorado, we have

Unknown Speaker 1:17:46
very few school days, when you look at other countries and other states.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:54
Many of the school districts in Colorado only go to school four days a week, they don’t have Friday schools, and now we’re seeing this trend around Mondays. And, you know, what we’ve heard from an overwhelming number of parents is any way that you can keep our children connected, first and foremost in person. And, and secondly, if they can’t be connected in person, at least allow them to be connected in some way. And so

Unknown Speaker 1:18:24
you know, I’m just a firm believer that that kids need to be in school. And in Colorado, you know, they’re in school for 174 days when you when you think about three months off in the summer. Let me just think about this. And then and juxtapose this with his comments that we want to be able to compete and have healthy and children who have careers ahead of them. We get three months off in the summer. We have two weeks off in the winter break, and we have a week off and fall break, which a lot of school districts don’t do. We have a week off in spring break. We have some four day weeks in the weekends in there, and then Saturdays and Sundays. And by the time you get all that done, you’re in school for five and a half months.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:11
And so,

Unknown Speaker 1:19:13
you know, I I just I think that’s not a good thing.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:19
I think it has ramifications for our children in the future to be able to compete. I think it has ramifications for the United States when other countries are in school for 100 more days and we are

Unknown Speaker 1:19:32
and I just think we have to pay attention.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:36
Schools are fun places to be for kids with a lot of fun activities. And you see it’s not you know, the school is not

Unknown Speaker 1:19:45
intended to be negative. It’s really not so anyways, that’s that’s all

Unknown Speaker 1:19:55
thanks, Dan. Appreciate it. You know, um, schools great opportunities.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:00
I’d worry with so many districts going to fewer days or late starts every week. I think people, the pandemic really caused us to feel a lot of gratitude for schools and I worry of schools can’t be open that we’re undermining undermining the credibility of public education itself. So thank you, ppreciate. That

Unknown Speaker 1:20:26
next step is agenda item 6.2. And we’re, we’re quite a ways into our meeting. We do have two guests with us this evening. We have Tim O’Neil, who is going to be a new hire in the district. And then we also have Tom Dubai and Tom, I’m sorry if I said your last name incorrectly. But I wonder if the board would be okay, if we went ahead and jumped to those two agenda items, please. Great. So then Todd, you’re up next with agenda item 7.5, which is approval of recommendation to hire General Counsel. Thank you presidency. Chris, members of the board, Dr. Dad, it is my pleasure to introduce to you Mr. Tim O’Neill as our hire to General Counsel. He will be joining us effective January 3. Mr. O’Neill has graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a Bachelor of Arts in English. He continued his education and graduated from the University of Colorado School of Law with a Juris Doctor in May of 2006. Since 2006, Mr. Neal has held positions that include law associate with Kaplan Ernest, representing private clients and public entities school districts in litigation for the state and federal courts. Mr. O’Neill has also held a role as the assistant regular late regulation counsel for the Colorado Supreme Court office. And most recently, Mr. Neal has served as a special counsel with Lance Gaddis, who we currently work with as outside counsel, representing school districts throughout Colorado by advising school boards and other public entity governing boards on open records, immunity and other state and federal law issues. And so again, we’re pleased to have Tim O’Neil join us he has worked with our district quite a bit in the past and stuff like that. And I’m gonna turn the microphone over so he can say a few words. Thank you, Todd. Welcome, Tim. It’s nice to see you again. Yeah, thank you, I was going to say I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some of the board members. And I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Dad and the board for this opportunity for me, as a longtime resident, and a father of three children, obviously, who are all enrolled in the district. I feel very strongly about the district and what it provides for the community at large. We’re very committed to public education. I’m the child of teachers. And I really look forward to helping this district continue to do the excellent job it does. And in my years working with the district as attorney, Lyons, Gaddis, I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside of Dr. Her dad and his excellent team. And I really think that, you know, this is a great place for me to be so thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:13
Thank you, Doctor, do you do have you, you do have an excellent team? So I appreciate Tim recognizing not, did you have any comments, just welcome to our team. I appreciate it. It’s been a pleasure to work with you for a while and looking forward to this.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:30
Great opportunity for us. Okay, Tim, congratulations on your new position. Thank you very much. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:37
And then Greg, agenda item 8.1, is a recommendation for approval of appointment of Finance and Audit Committee member. And Tom did I completely muck up your name. It’s to be, to be to be, see not to be, To be or not to be. And in my mind, I actually to beat or not to be done, I went to bide so.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:01
Apologies. Welcome.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:04
So good evening. So the primary function of the Finance and Audit Committee is to assist the board in fulfilling its financial oversight responsibilities. So we need community members that are served on our committee that are critically aware of their responsibilities, they also have to be completely, completely understand them. And so we look for people with strong finance backgrounds. In some cases, we’re lucky enough that they have children within the district and are happy to serve and they reach out to us to do that. And so, you know, we have we’ve met Tom at a Finance and Audit Committee meeting. And I don’t know if Karen would like to talk about that at some point. But we’re asking tonight that Tom be appointed to the Finance and Audit Committee. I’ll let him talk about his background. He’s gotten. He’s the accounting director at the University of Colorado, he’s got children and he’s got that so all

Unknown Speaker 1:25:00
Let him talk and and we can. Yeah, sure. I’m a CPA. First of all, I work for the for CU, as an accounting director, been in that position for five years have over 25 years experience in accounting, also got my Master’s in finance probably about four years ago from CU.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:18
And I have five kids. And two of them have already graduated, but three others are still in the district.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:26
And just want to want to make a difference and help help out the school as

Unknown Speaker 1:25:36
well, we haven’t voted yet. But I’d officially like to welcome you. And thank you so much for joining us and the Finance and Audit Committee. We’ve just been so fortunate over the years to have such a high level of commitment from intelligent and diligent people like yourself to serve on that on that committee. And you’ll bring a unique perspective from the higher education space that I know will benefit from greatly

Unknown Speaker 1:26:04
as you share your inquiries and insights in our processes. So I hope you also find great satisfaction in providing this service to our community. And I look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:17
Thank you, Karen.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:20
Great, Greg, thank you and Tom, thank you. We appreciate you helping the the Board of Education and the district fulfill its financial responsibility to to our taxpayers. Thank you. Alright, with that I would entertain a motion for approval of action item 8.1. So moved. Second.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:41
Mr. Berthold? Yes. Mrs. Brooks?

Unknown Speaker 1:26:46
Yes. Mr. Garcia?

Unknown Speaker 1:26:49
Yes, Mrs. Puranic? Yes. Dr. martyr? Yes. Mrs. Ragland. I miss Seacrest. Bye. Thank you, Christy. Thanks again, Tom.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:01
Alright, agenda item 6.2 Is the October enrollment report. Hello, Scott. And welcome. Thank you for your patience this evening. Can I take this off too? Absolutely. Please do? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:18
Let me know if you have the screen in front of you.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:22
You got it?

Unknown Speaker 1:27:24
Yeah, we do. Yes. Okay, good.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:28
So I won’t take too much of your time.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:32
Your report is in your packet. And there’s a lot of data there, I’ll try to highlight some of the things that I see that are important or that are interesting. So

Unknown Speaker 1:27:43
we had a really strong bounce back from the COVID year in the pandemic, and I think a greater bounce back than many districts adjacent to us or along the front range. So we saw significant increase. So if you look at our growth and increases over the past few years, we had a drop of over 1100 last year, which is similar or maybe a little bit less than other districts. But our bounce back of 896 students is significantly stronger than many of the districts around us. So I thought that spoke well to same brain.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:22
As we look at feeder change.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:26
We had some slight decreases in the Longmont area feeder schools

Unknown Speaker 1:28:31
increases in the Erie, Frederick Mead. And then a big increase in the alternatives which included launch had this time.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:42
If you remember last year launch had was counted as part of their homeschool, so this year to its own individual school. And so they exceeded their initial target of 300 launched ed students and there are close to 600. So that’s some of the growth in the alternatives.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:05
These next two charts kind of give you an idea of what we experienced from 2019 to 2020 by grade. And this is moving from 2019 to the pandemic year of 2020. And we lost numbers at almost every grade level, with the exception of ninth and 11th. And you can see preschool and kindergarten took the largest hit as far as families wanting to stay home or delay entering into the school system. So we lost 580 kids from 19 to 20 preschool level. So if you compare that to 2020 and 2021. We’ve had growth at every grade level except a few small declines in fifth, seventh and eighth. And then you can see pre K

Unknown Speaker 1:30:00
kindergarten, some pretty good strong increase over last year. So we kind of saw a trend of kids returning, who had maybe been held out, or

Unknown Speaker 1:30:13
parents bringing them back into the schools. So that was one of the things that contributed to our stronger growth.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:23
This chart, it’s not a new report, but it’s something that we track every year. And that’s withdrawals during the summer leading up to the school year, and new students to the district. So, for instance, the new district do not count kindergarten, they’re just first through 12th new enrollees who’ve moved in open enrolled in, and we had a significant jump this year, up to 2700 new enrollees well above our usual trends. And so a lot of that was coming in from homeschool out of district, we had quite a few new move ins with new housing. So we saw a lot of kids coming in, above and beyond our average, and then a slight decline from last year of withdrawals over the summer. So those are students that had been in our system and had withdrawn to go to other states, other countries. Over the last four or five years, we saw quite a number, leaving for a variety of reasons socio economic, political. We had a lot returning to Mexico over a period of years, there was a lot of movement that we hadn’t seen in previous years.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:44

Unknown Speaker 1:31:46
fairly close across the board for neighborhood schools just a little bit over 1%. Air we came in above projection.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:56
And again, a launch had was one of the key big gainers with 273 over our initial estimate of 300.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:08
We continue to show pretty strong growth in the Erie, Frederick and made feeders

Unknown Speaker 1:32:15
some slight growth and nyuad feeder, a lot of that was at nyuad High.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:22
If we look over time,

Unknown Speaker 1:32:25
our estimates have pretty much mirrored our actual growth. On average since 95, we’ve had an actual growth of 545 and a projected growth of 535. So

Unknown Speaker 1:32:41
as I looked back over the years, it’s almost equal above or below projection the number of years.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:50
But this year, we had a pretty good bounce back, and so came in

Unknown Speaker 1:32:57
fairly healthy over projection.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:01
This is an example of some of where our students came from. We had an increase up to 1700 91 students coming in from outside of our district.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:13
So that rose almost 200 students from last year. We don’t have data yet for 2021 of students leaving some of that jump from 2019 to 2020. Was as we tracked it down was were some online programs in other districts. So we saw a lot of different options being chosen during that pandemic year.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:44
The areas that we draw some of these out of district students, the primary areas, Boulder Valley

Unknown Speaker 1:33:53
and so each of these three large kind of sending districts increased this year 539 coming from Boulder Valley

Unknown Speaker 1:34:03
360 from REI eight,

Unknown Speaker 1:34:07
and 356 from Thompson, and those dots represent students. So there is some proximity some you know, probably combination with jobs and connections with Longmont, but most of the students we draw are very close to our our our borders.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:30
Another area that we monitor is private school enrollment, and homeschool enrollment. You saw in 2020 that homeschool enrollment doubled from the previous year and this year is almost back down to the previous year.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:50
Private school enrollment in our district continues to decline

Unknown Speaker 1:34:58
a few things on our

Unknown Speaker 1:35:00
transfers within our district, we’ve had a variety of programs that we offer in different schools. So there’s lots of choice and lots of parents choose to make

Unknown Speaker 1:35:14
choices to attend other schools. So within our elementary schools, some of the larger

Unknown Speaker 1:35:22
open enrollment schools Alpine, Fall River, Rocky Mountain,

Unknown Speaker 1:35:29
soaring heights and Timberline are some that are 200 or, or there abouts, of students coming in from outside.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:40
At the high school level, long not high nyuad high draw the largest numbers. And, you know, obviously, that’s a lot with programming. nyuad has the IB program.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:53
And then at the middle school levels,

Unknown Speaker 1:35:57
we have Altona with tuner 31 Westview, with 336 and Trowbridge with 238 is some of the middle schools that draw significant numbers

Unknown Speaker 1:36:12
want to go touch on bursts a little bit because that’s a key component in future growth. And this is a quality heat map in our in our GIS system that identifies the strongest areas largest numbers of births, and you can see kind of the central area of Longmont is a very strong area, as well as Erie.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:39
Within this past year, we had Centennial with over 100 births,

Unknown Speaker 1:36:46
Highlands Elementary, the new elementary over 100 births, and then also Thunder Valley and Timberline. And some some of the reason that

Unknown Speaker 1:36:59
you know, the kindergarten classes don’t always correlate to the location is that some of these areas have a fair bit of mobility, you know, especially the central parts of Longmont and apartment units and that kind of thing. So we see a significant number of births, but they may end up in a different attendant Terry by the time five years comes along.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:23
So if you look at total bursts over the last 20 years or so,

Unknown Speaker 1:37:29
again, it’s kind of the central Longmont area and also Thunder Valley. So 2300 bursts and Columbine attendance area. Timberline is 3696 and then Thunder Valley 2248. And then the others are kind of round the 1500 number. But it goes to show again, some of the mobility we have in some of those areas.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:01
One other

Unknown Speaker 1:38:03
comparison is when we compare the birth year to the kindergarten year five years later.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:11
So the last few years we’ve been on

Unknown Speaker 1:38:15
kind of hit our low in

Unknown Speaker 1:38:18
2019 As far as which would have been about 2014 for births and gradually a slight increase as we’ve

Unknown Speaker 1:38:28
moved that birth year out. But you can see that a huge drop in kindergarten class Class compared to the kind of the increase in birth, and that was primarily COVID related. And then in 2021, pretty strong bounce back above our 2019 number.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:51
I have a few pages from the 2020 census in report, which is kind of nuisance. We have a lot of good data now based on 2020 census. And this was kind of an interesting piece of looking at ages zero to 17. And ages 18 and older in the state and by community. And most people demographers notice that Colorado is aging and that our aging group 18. And above it’s growing faster than our our younger population. So in 2000

Unknown Speaker 1:39:31
we had

Unknown Speaker 1:39:34
26% in the age zero to 17. And that’s dropped to 22% in 2020. Now st brain compared to the state as younger and you know some of it is our new housing our new growth areas, particularly Weld County. So we went from 28% so to 17 to 20

Unknown Speaker 1:40:00
5%. So not quite the drop of the state as a whole. So same rain kind of remains one of the younger areas, we can all look at ourselves and agree with that. I think, you know,

Unknown Speaker 1:40:16
no one’s laughing or the

Unknown Speaker 1:40:19
HR is live laughing. No.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:23

Unknown Speaker 1:40:25
I guess moving on to

Unknown Speaker 1:40:28
units that we’ve added that some of our new students are coming from.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:35
This compares enrollment growth to housing growth. So additional units. And you can see that it didn’t really match that well over the previous years, we were adding significant housing units. And our increases were a little bit smaller. And again, some of that goes back to some of the losses we had have previously enrolled students to other places, due to a variety of reasons. But it’ll be interesting now to see as we go over the next few years, what some of these younger families in New housing, and how this kind of strong bounce back year plays out in the next few years, and that would be something that I’ll be working on, is I developed projections and bring those to you in March.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:26
In the past four years, we track building permits by community.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:33
We’ve had over 1764 housing units added in our district. Most of those are in Longmont over this period, but I think key factors, a lot of those recently have been multifamily in Longmont, so student yield may be a little lower in some of those multifamily homes than a typical single family.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:01
If you look at some of the housing projects, with at least 200 or more,

Unknown Speaker 1:42:10
we have one in Broomfield palisade Park, we have two an area you’re probably familiar with call yours Hill and the highlands neighborhood where islands Elementary is in Firestone. We have barefoot lakes and the del Camino Center. In Frederick there’s there’s a couple there, Windham Hill, which is where Grandview is and Silverstone. And then in Longmont, there’s six projects, some of those are multifamily. And then there’s one in Mead Sorento, which is been adding quite a few houses over the recent months.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:48
And this map, you can kind of see how they lay out in our district. On the north, the red is Sorento, and as you move down to airy, you have call yours Hill and Highlands, and then the very bottom is the Broomfield section, palisade Park.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:10
And then I kind of like to close out with kind of our big picture. We continue to monitor this with comprehensive plans around the district.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:21
So we work with the city planners, update their planning documents in our information. And then every time we get a plat, for new housing, we adjust the totals to the actuals. So we have a potential of 104,000 more units to be built in our district. And there’s a potential ban of student build out of 73,000 students using the kind of the current yield we’re seeing right now.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:53
And if you look at that, across all the attendance areas, we have several that

Unknown Speaker 1:44:01
would that I’ve highlighted in red that are less than 50% built out. And so those would be areas of focus for new schools, new facilities.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:13
So Centennial Elementary, Erie elementary area, Grandview Highlands legacy.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:22
We have made Red Hawk, and then also soaring heights, Thunder Valley. So those are kind of the areas that have a lot of remaining growth potential subdivisions in the pipeline, lots available.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:40
And then final slide. This is a map that shows the current municipal boundaries, you can see those in the different color, shade. And then the red icons are future schools that we’ve identified.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:56
Most of these are also on city comp plans.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:00
So they’re aware of our desires for future school sites. And the green are already constructed schools.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:09
So, hopefully, that’s not too much data. But there’s much more in the book. But I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:19
Scott, thank you. Appreciate it. It’s hard to imagine, when I look at your numbers, we’re in our second calendar year of the pandemic, but it’s actually our third school year of the pandemic. It’s amazing how quickly that’s gone. I was surprised at the numbers for the Longmont area.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:39
And that’s just because I don’t know as much as you do. But I think our increase, we’ll see those increases later down the road. Because when I look at the births, and you look at the hotspots, and you look at the the building permits, I know that growth in my long run is happening because I see it right. But we’ll see that a little bit further down down the road. Right.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:00
You know, there’s a new neighborhood I’m pretty familiar with now, harvest junction, which has many new families, young families in the area. So

Unknown Speaker 1:46:12
those are, you know, Burlington new peaks area there, that they’ll start seeing younger children coming in. So there’s a number of areas like that in Longmont. The children are just younger right now. Right. So I just say that because I think it’s important to keep in mind that the growth isn’t limited to specific areas of the district, but that we are seeing it across the district. It just can be at different times. Yeah, anything. I only have one question this evening. Was there anything in the report that that surprised you? Or or caused you

Unknown Speaker 1:46:48
to kind of raise your eyebrows? Well, I guess the the big surprise was how big the game was this year.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:56
You know, I’ve been in conversation with a lot of the planners in other districts. And we are sharing what we expected what we thought we were seeing in some of our preliminary data.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:10
So many are still losing, so that their trend has continued the loss from last year.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:19
So it kind of led to too many of us putting together very conservative projection. So I was, I guess, pleasantly surprised to see how strong our rebound was, and

Unknown Speaker 1:47:34
probably a year ahead of where I was projecting, at least. So

Unknown Speaker 1:47:41
that was one thing.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:44
You know, there’s there’s still a lot of choice occurring. So that additional bump in open enrollment from outside was kind of maybe a little surprising. Another 200 additional from out of district.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:03
Yeah, though, I guess that was some of the main thing that I saw. Yeah. I was pleased to see see that big jump and how fortunate we are. When you’re right. Many districts are continuing to lose students. So Scott, these are actual numbers, and then you’ll come back to another meeting in March. And those will be your projections for the future. Yeah. So I’ll bring projections next five year projections based on this new enrollment. I think following me, I think Tony’s going to talk about FTE, which you know, this is primarily headcount K through 12.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:40
If you look at p K through 12, we’re 32,560. So when you throw in all the PK, it’s it’s kind of a similar jump in around the 800 gain. But Tony will have more to say about FTE, I believe. And Yep. Great, perfect. And love to see all those kids in preschool and, and kindergarten because like Dr. had said kids should be in school. Yeah. Yeah. Do board members have any comments or questions for Scott?

Unknown Speaker 1:49:16
I have a lot of comments, but I’m going to limit it to to.

Unknown Speaker 1:49:21
Scott, it’s always, this is my favorite, one of my favorite times of the year. And I really appreciate your

Unknown Speaker 1:49:30
presentation. And there’s a lot of information here that will be tremendously helpful helpful for us moving forward. I would say

Unknown Speaker 1:49:38
since the actual projection, the projected and actual numbers that you’ve given us this year is the first year since 19. Since 2015, that the actual has been higher than the projected and I appreciate that I know that it was a difficult year to project ahead and it’s it’s it’s really

Unknown Speaker 1:50:00
Good news that it’s even higher than we anticipated. So

Unknown Speaker 1:50:06
I do appreciate that. My question is, and you alluded to it, the open enrollment percentage that we have throughout the school district. Do you have a? Can you share with us what that number is? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:25
Let me see that’s just pull up the page.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:29
We’ve been in the 30, mid 30s. But

Unknown Speaker 1:50:38
so at the elementary level, at our, at our schools, it’s 34%.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:45

Unknown Speaker 1:50:47
what’s at

Unknown Speaker 1:50:49
page 17, and 19.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:52
And then at the secondary, it’s 29%. So that’s just our schools. If if you throw in charters, it’s higher, because all of their attendance or their attendance is open, enrolled, so to speak, but so we’re in the mid 30s, roughly, of our population is open enrollment. And I think that’s a particularly important number. What what that is, is an affirmation that

Unknown Speaker 1:51:21
the work that we’re doing at our schools, in terms of providing high quality programs at each of our schools, means that our pot, our school population, a student population throughout the district is taken advantage of selecting those programs that are dust suited for their students. And that in a way, I interpret 30% or 35%, as saying, every student can make every family can make a good choice from among the schools that we’re offering. And it really does affirm

Unknown Speaker 1:51:56
the important philosophy of having open enrollment for all of our schools. So I wanted to make that comment. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:08
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:10
Great. Thanks, deck. Scott. Thank you. I appreciate you being here this evening. And I would echo deck decks comment that he enjoys this report I do as well. Thank you. Thank you. We’ll see you soon. See you soon. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:27
Agenda Item.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:31
6.3 is the finalized October count reports. Hello, Tony. Welcome. It’s nice to see you. Thank you One moment while I get my computer connected here. Go ahead, take your time. And just a heads up to the board and to everyone in attendance that will be voting here shortly to extend the meeting by 15 minutes.

Unknown Speaker 1:52:54
Great, I’m all ready to go. I’ve got my items projected. Hopefully they show up on the screen here in just a moment. We can see them now. At least on our screen, so we can. Awesome. So my name is Tony whitely. I’m the Executive Director of budget and finance. And as Scott mentioned earlier, I’m here to sort of translate the enrollment numbers that Scott has prepared that we’ve certified with Colorado Department of Education into the funding implications. And so what that would be called that is funded pupil count. Each of our kids that are enrolled in our schools may or may not be funded by the Colorado Department of Education in our total program formula. As a one point out, sometimes they’re partially funded, so we have to do is translate that enrollment into funded pupil count. So funded pupil count is the number used by CDE. To calculate the district’s total program funding. Put as simply as possible you multiply our funded pupil count times the per pupil revenue from CDE in order to get our total program funding. Total program funding is funded a few different ways, partially from local property taxes, specific ownership taxes, and the rest of state equalization. But ultimately, the total number is heavily influenced by this number funded pupil count. Now, as I mentioned, fund, a pupil count is almost always different from our enrollment counts since state funding can vary depending on the type of students as well as other factors. Here’s an example of some of the different ways in which students are counted from an enrollment perspective to fund the pupil count. Our standard full time first 12th grade student is a 1.0. Some students though don’t have a base on their course load may not qualify for full funding, and so we’ll get halftime funding for them. So they’ll add up to a point five and our funded pupil count for the kindergarteners since 2020. When the state implemented full day K. They’re funded at 1.0. But there are some kindergarteners who are funded at a halftime but there’s always been this little point oh eight that’s been added. So our our actual half day kindergarteners are funded at a point

Unknown Speaker 1:55:00
five, eight, strangely enough. So all of the kindergarteners that Apex for instance, they’re counted as a point five, but we get that point oh eight for them. So all they have to kindergarteners are point five, eight. Then some other students like our apex kids are point five, finally down in preschool and then normally a preschooler whose tuition paid, we do not get any additional funding from the state for those kids. Um, however, if the preschooler qualifies for the Colorado preschool program, the CPP program or if qualified as a special education preschooler, we will get a halftime funding for those kids as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:55:38
Alright, so let’s talk about the funded pupil count comparison for last year, FY 21. And the current year fy 22. I won’t go through each of these categories. But these are kind of broken down into some subcategories. The one I wanted to highlight, which looks kind of unusual here is launch Ed. As you can see, it says zero for 21 and 579, for 22. And the reason it’s zero last year is because at on that year, Launchpad wasn’t officially a school, it was simply a program and each of those kids were counted among their home schools. So there’s zero there for last year, from a technical basis, even though Launchpad was have 3000 or so kids last year. But this year, Launchpad has become a bonafide school. And the kids in that program are actually enrolled in that school from the Colorado Department of Education perspective. And so it gets its own holding place similar to apex now.

Unknown Speaker 1:56:28
As you can see, the funded pupil count increase was approximates the increase in enrollment, but again, because not all the kids are fully funded. We you see the numbers a little lower than Scott’s so our funded pupil count increase. That number in the lower right was 873.46.

Unknown Speaker 1:56:47
Now, do we get increased funding for all that 100 and 100 and change? increase in funding pupil count? The answer is no. And the reason why is we go back to declining enrollment averaging. If you recall last year, when we dropped in enrollment, the the public school finance act, am I okay with microphone do I need to move that up a little bit,

Unknown Speaker 1:57:09
excuse me, that hopefully should be better. So the public school finance Act legislation has a provision that helps when we have a declining enrollment that we don’t have to take that full hit that it can be averaged over the last few years. And so that applied, St. Brain pulls a lot of other school districts that lost funding, and lost, excuse me lost enrollment. And so even though our calculated funded pupil count, last year dropped to 30,195.7 CDE funded us our actual average funded pupil count was up to 30,007 36.7. So we actually refunded for 541 in funded pupil count more than what we would normally have been calculated at. So and then just to note, this year, we’ve re exited, we’ve gained enough in in growth that we’ve exceeded that averaging, so there’s no more averaging, that was only a one year thing for st Vrain. That’s not always the case. But for San Fran it is and so so this year’s calculated funded pupil count is actually where we’ll be funded.

Unknown Speaker 1:58:13
Alright, so what that means is because we didn’t dip as down down as low last year, we can’t grow as far this year. So even though our calculated increases 873.5, what will actually be funded, the increase will only amount to about 332, point point five, so you can see the difference there on the screen. And so that’s that’s going to be the real funding implication, year over year. So what does that mean in terms of dollars in our total program formula? What’s going what our current PPR, the number I mentioned earlier, per pupil revenue is about $8,742. Now, if we multiply that by this 332.5 increase, that’s an increase of about $2.9 million, but that’s year over year, I wanted to make clear that when we’re comparing against year over year, the number will be different when we’re comparing against what we budgeted what we anticipated for the current year, versus our actual. And so that’s this next number. Here, it’s a little bit more important in terms of how we worked with our budget.

Unknown Speaker 1:59:16
What we did was, we anticipated a slight decrease in funded pupil count at the outset, and therefore, budgeted accordingly. And so with that decrease on our books and planning for that revenue this year, that this increase is actually exceeds that a little bit more. And so when you compare to the budget, rather than compared to last year, we’ll actually see about 4.3 million. Now remember, this 4.3 million is the gross number. This is before all the adjustments, there’s allocations to charters, there are some allocations to our risk management cap reserve fund. So again, there’ll be some adjustments that you’ll see when we prepare the budget and present it to you in January, but this is the big overarching number of the impacts of that fund pupil count.

Unknown Speaker 1:59:58
Finally, just wanted to share a

Unknown Speaker 2:00:00
A chart that I I

Unknown Speaker 2:00:02
prepare each year as we

Unknown Speaker 2:00:05
finalize our funding people count. They mirror Scott’s pretty closely. But again, this is the funding implication rather than the the heart enrollment, headcount. One thing to note, you can see the the trend growth increase there. One thing to notice that pop in 2020 was due to the authorization of full day kindergarten, which increased our kindergarteners all from a point five, eight to 1.0. And so that’s why you’ve seen that big jump, then, of course, the 2021 decreases when we talked about that.

Unknown Speaker 2:00:37
That graph right there is the average. And so it would have been lower if it weren’t for declining enrollment averaging. And then finally, 2022 is as calculated. So there’s a few anomalies there in the past two years. But that’s all I got for the board tonight. But I wanted to afford any questions they may have.

Unknown Speaker 2:00:56
Thanks, Tony, on the heels of Scott’s presentation. With the averaging if you are a school district that is not growing, that averaging formula is going to be very challenging. So we’re very lucky. Yes, it definitely softens the blow, especially for a multi year decrease in enrollment for those districts. They have to it sort of lets them down easy rather than getting those severe, full impacts right away. Yeah, it’s unfortunate. Any comments or questions this evening? No. All right. Thank you, Tony. Enjoy the rest of the evening. Appreciate it.

Unknown Speaker 2:01:32
I’ll see you in a minute or two. Whoa, I guess you will sorry. You can’t leave. I take it back. Alright. We are approaching softly just a few minutes after eight o’clock. So I would entertain a motion to extend the meeting by 15 minutes, please. So moved by Karen.

Unknown Speaker 2:01:52
And a second by Chico. Christie. Do we need to formally vote or can we all do an AI? I think you could all do an AI? All right. All in favor? say aye. Aye. Great, thank you in the interest of time, six point for fiscal year 22. First quarter financial district financial statements. I can’t read this late in the evening, apparently, Greg, the Board of Education convened at 515 for a study session and heard a report from you on the district financial statements. Yes, so we did cover it fairly in depth. Again, some of the stuff is that we’re still working off the adopted budget. So we’re looking at the projected assessed valuation, the projected October account numbers. And we’ll continue to do that until we bring back the amended budget at the end of January. But as we looked at it, you can see that the some of the funds that we had concerns about in the spring due to the pandemic and what was happening in terms of participation and usage.

Unknown Speaker 2:02:57
If you look at it now, they are starting to come back and and they’re doing it well. And so a lot of what we talked about last spring in terms of where our concerns are, we’ll continue to monitor it, but they’re doing well. And so we will get that posted out onto the website and

Unknown Speaker 2:03:14
and available for anybody who wants to look at it.

Unknown Speaker 2:03:18
Right. Thank you. Appreciate it.

Unknown Speaker 2:03:22
Agenda Item Seven is our consent items do board members wish to pull any consent items this evening?

Unknown Speaker 2:03:29
Alright, with that I would entertain a motion for approval of 7.1 staff terminations leaves 7.2 staff appointments 7.3 approval of minutes for the November 10 2021 regular meeting 7.4 approval of 2021 scholarship recipient recipients 7.5 approval of recommendation to hire GENERAL COUNSEL 7.6 approval of purchase of creative Creative Curriculum cloud with Ready Rosie digital subscription 7.7. Approval of joint use agreement with the town of Lyons 7.8 approval of amendment GMP to CMGC jhL for Skyline High School football field turf conversion project 7.9. Approval of amendment cm This is a mouthful see approval of amendment, GMP two cm GC jhL for nyuad High School football field turf conversion project

Unknown Speaker 2:04:29
seven point 10 approval of contract award for innovation center expansion design AMD seven point 11 approval of amendment CMGC central elementary bond project contract G H Phipps and seven point 12. Approval of easement agreement for city of Longmont water line easement at Silver Creek High School show moved. Second.

Unknown Speaker 2:04:55
Mr. Berthold? Yes, this is Brooks

Unknown Speaker 2:05:00
Mr. Garcia? Yes. Mrs. Puranic? Yes. Dr. martyr? Yes. Mrs. Ragland. I miss Siegrist. Aye. Agenda Item 8.2 is the recommendation for certification of 2021 mill levies. Welcome back, Tony. Good evening, again.

Unknown Speaker 2:05:19
So this action is to certify the 2021 property tax mill levy rates for property owners within the St. Vrain Valley School District boundaries and provide some facts and figures to the board and the public and answer any questions the Board may have. As you know, our district is required to certify these rates to each of the four counties in which we reside each year by December 15. These millage rates are based on and apply to the 2021 assessed valuation amounts which the counties are required to certify to us by December 10. So this timeline results in a small five day window each December when we must calculate the mill levy rates based on these final assessed valuations, certify them and return them to the counties. Similar to last year, we do not have a board meeting scheduled that falls within this five day window. So the certification tonight, while anticipated to be final could potentially be revised if any of our counties revise their valuation certifications, which they’re allowed to do

Unknown Speaker 2:06:14
by the end of the day, this Friday the 10th.

Unknown Speaker 2:06:17
So compared to last year, the

Unknown Speaker 2:06:21
district’s overall net assessed valuation increased by point five 1% across the four counties and sits at just over $4.1 billion dollars. So I wanted to break that down across the four counties. So the Boulder County assessed valuation increased by 8.9% and now makes up about 59% of the district’s total AV Weld County decreased by 9.7% and makes up about 40 and a half percent of the district’s total AV. Now this large exceptional decrease of AV in Weld County was anticipated if that’s the impact from the broad cessation of oil and gas production in 2020 as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic. We talked about this in previous conversation with the board knew it was coming, but we weren’t sure the extent or magnitude of it. Since welds proportionate valuation in our district is lower than boulders. These two changes largely offset each other resulting in the small overall point 5% increase mentioned previously. The other two counties Larimer and Broomfield make up less than point 5% of our total AV Lammers AV increased by almost 15%, and the city of county of Broomfield decreased by 22%, mostly due to tiffs.

Unknown Speaker 2:07:31
Though these last two percentage changes seem comparatively large, the impact on our AV was negligible due to the fact that the area of these counties that fall within our district is very small.

Unknown Speaker 2:07:42
So we use these county assessed valuation numbers to calculate our mill levy rates, which ultimately determines the amount of revenue that is generated by local property taxes to help fund the educational programs and debt service for Seyfried Valley Schools. For 2021. We propose that the board certified the overall mill levy rate at 57.358 Mills, which is levied the same across all four counties. This rate comprises four categories as follows. So the first is our total program, mill levy, which when combined with state equalization funding and specific ownership taxes we receive makes up the district’s total program funding in our general fund as determined by the Colorado Department of Education. This levy rate had previously been locked per statute at 24.995. This has been since 2006. However, this year, as we talked about at previous board meetings, the Colorado State Legislatures requiring our district to increase our total program mill levy by one mill per year until we reach 27 mills.

Unknown Speaker 2:08:42
This certification complies with that new law and we have increased this levy by one mill to 25.995 Mills, next year will be 26.995 mills. And then finally in 2023, it will be increased once again to finally arrived at the mandated 27 Mills, you can see the table in the board memo and on the screen. For this the timeline for this anticipated increase.

Unknown Speaker 2:09:05
This total program mill levy will generate $107 million, which is an increase of $4.6 million dollars from last year. Now with a without that state mandated increase of one mill, this change would have only been about $500,000 as a result of the assessed valuation changes. So the remaining 4.1 million of that increase is directly related to that one mill that we mentioned previously.

Unknown Speaker 2:09:29
One other item to note because of the nature of the interaction of this mill levy with the school finance Act, and the state funding formula, this, the district may not directly see a proportionate increase as a result of this since the state rebalances. Its equalization amounts to arrive at our predetermined total program funding.

Unknown Speaker 2:09:49
Alright, the second mill levies our mill levy override, which are voter approved property taxes that go directly to our district to support additional educational needs as stipulated in the ballot measures for those both

Unknown Speaker 2:10:00
Have our ballot measures were passed in terms of fixed mils rather than fixed dollar amounts, which means those MLO revenue, they fluctuate in proportion with assessed valuation.

Unknown Speaker 2:10:09
So our mill levy override rate will continue the same at 13.59 mils, but the amounts will increase by 8.51%. Tracking with that point five increase in assessed valuation. The oh eight MLO is 7.32 Mills it generates about 30 point 1 million, the 2012 is it 6.27 Mills generating 25.8 Those two combined are what you see there on your screen of the 13.59.

Unknown Speaker 2:10:35
Combined that MLO will generate $56 million, which is an increase of about $283,000 Compared to last year. Now while that is a fairly small increase compared to previous years. The silver lining here is similar to what we did in fund a pupil count, we anticipated a decrease, and we budgeted for that accordingly. And so when we compare that to the budgeted revenues for the MLO we’ll see actually about 1.2 million more than what we are operating with our plan right now.

Unknown Speaker 2:11:04
The third mill levy categories are tax credits, rebates and abatement Levy. This results from property owners successfully contesting valuation assessments or otherwise receiving abatements from previous year’s property tax bills. When this happens, the expected property tax payment is not received by the county and thus by the district.

Unknown Speaker 2:11:22
And so at that point, it is recouped the following year by being reallocated to the rest of the tax base via this abatement Levy. abatements dropped by about 45% this year. From 1.91 point 7 million excuse me to the 900,000 you see on your screen. This results in a mill levy of about point two to three Mills down from point 407 Mills last year. The last category is our debt service Levy.

Unknown Speaker 2:11:48
That levee is strictly used to fund the repayment of debt for voter approved bonds that were issued for building remodeling and refurbishing schools. It cannot be used for operations, paying teachers or anything like that strictly for debt service. This mill rate is set at 17.550 mils, which is the same as last year. This will generate 72 point 3 million and will be sufficient to service the district’s current principal and interest payments for the upcoming year, as well as provide a contingency reserve. So based on these four mill levy rates, again is recommended the district set its overall mill levy to 57.358 Mills, up from 56.542 mils last year. That’s a different point 816 Mills, which again, is comprised of the increase of one mill in our total program, and the the decrease of point 184 In the abatement Levy, combined, this mill levy rate will generate approximately $236.2 million for the district across the four counties, which is up from 231 point 6 million last year. This time, It’d be my pleasure to answer any questions the Board may have. Thanks, Tony. This is what we anticipated. Any.

Unknown Speaker 2:12:54
anticipate any comments or questions? Quick? Yeah. Have you received any inquiries from the community? or had any notable conversations about the mill levy increase? Yeah, guess Thank you. Um, so there were some there was some feedback, I made a log that I could parse, I think to remind me of some of those conversations, I think there were probably approximately six or seven phone calls, that I was able to field. Some of them were just confusion about what that meant, what the implications were, because the letter went out right around the time of the election, some thought it was related to a ballot measure, it had to clarify that it wasn’t others were just concerned about whether or not we were advocating one way or another, it was mostly just informational to let people know that

Unknown Speaker 2:13:38
typically, we do a really good job with our community in terms of transparency and getting buy in for any changes to our mill levy rates, and that this was an externality, and that it occurred was basically forced upon us from the state rather than something that the voters approved or that our administration or board approved. And so just was able to relate some of that information to the to the community members that we’re trying to get some more information on that. Great thanks for being available.

Unknown Speaker 2:14:08
I have to I’m not sure the population of the district in terms of the families of Scott might be able to help with that. But But yes, it’s a very, very low percentage of overall people. Yeah. Thanks, Don. No, it’s I think you guys did a great job of communicating it and getting it out early, versus what I’m seeing a lot of people are now just getting information in other parts of the state. Right. So I think that is just a tribute to the way in which you communicated. We did. Yeah, we did get ahead of the curve. I know that the Colorado Department of Education has actually released some templates, just recently the other districts can use for communication and we took the lead on that and we went ahead and was able to craft that and send that out long ago. Thank you for that and also just for being available to our community if they do have increased Thank you. Glad to do it. Great to have the community engagement people interested in this

Unknown Speaker 2:15:00
So the district

Unknown Speaker 2:15:02
a great, thank you. Alright, if there are no other comments or questions, I would entertain a motion please for approval of agenda item 8.2.

Unknown Speaker 2:15:11
So moved.

Unknown Speaker 2:15:14
A second miasha.

Unknown Speaker 2:15:18
Mr. Berthold?

Unknown Speaker 2:15:20
Yes. Mrs. Brooks? Yes. Mr. Garcia? Yes. Mrs. tyrannic? Yes. Dr. martyr? Yes. Mrs. Ragland. I miss Siegrist. I thank you, Christy. We have two more, we have three Genda items actually left and we do need to vote again to extend the meeting by 15 minutes. I should have extended it by 3030 minutes. Apologies on that. I would entertain a motion please for for that extension. So moved by deck and a second second. by Sara. All in favor, aye. All right, Brandon 8.3. This is the second reading and adoption of board policy, Bg school board policy process. Thank you, Madam President and Board members. Board Policy BG is being revised to provide greater flexibility to make ministerial changes to the policies to keep them current. Non substantive technical items, such as titles or specific administrators website addresses statutory references, revision history and typographical errors may be corrected by the superintendent or designee as necessary to keep the policies up to date with that request, and I vote. Great. Thank you, Brandon. I don’t anticipate any questions or comments. So I’ll entertain a motion please. For Approval of action item 8.3.

Unknown Speaker 2:16:47
Some of

Unknown Speaker 2:16:53
Christie, Mr. Berthold? Yes, Mrs. Brooks? Yes. Mr. Garcia? Yes. Mrs. Franek? Yes. Dr. martyr. Yes, Mrs. raglan. I miss secret. Hi.

Unknown Speaker 2:17:07
Brent Brennan. Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Action Item 8.4 is recommendation for approval of the purchase partnership for athletic apparel, and equipment. Do you feel like you’ve been here? A really long time? I’ve gotten a lot of emails done. What have you. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 2:17:25
Madam president Board, Dr. Dad, thank you for having us tonight.

Unknown Speaker 2:17:30
First, before we get started, I want to give a special thanks to Greg and his team in the in the purchasing department for their their collaboration and working with us on the RFP process for for rebranding Frederick High School in their new mascot. We’re here to ask the Board for approval of the selection of the cooperating partnership agreement with BSN sports in the amount not to exceed 700,000 to provide athletic apparel, and equipment to support the mascot name at Frederick High School. I’m going to bring up

Unknown Speaker 2:18:01
rubber Russ Fox, and Ty Gordon from Frederick High School to to say a few words.

Unknown Speaker 2:18:08
Thanks. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 2:18:11
Good evening. Good evening. Thank you, Madam President, Dr. Her dad and the board. We’ve come and talk to you a little bit about our process before so I’ll skip past that part. And Ty Gordon is going to talk a little bit about the logistics of this next step. But I just just wanted to take a moment and and let you know, how appreciative I am of you and talk to your dad have you particularly have. And I know we’re late. And I know and we’re into our second extension. So I won’t share the stories. But I can tell you confidently that Frederick and st reign is in a position in this rebranding that many other schools are not in. And so we’re in you know, I’m really grateful for that. I’m grateful for that ability to make this change easily. And they also know that it’s not something that happens overnight or in one year. I know that Dr. Dad You were making decisions when the our current juniors and seniors were kindergarteners, that when we wrap around, we talked about the strategic priority of being fiscally responsible. This is one of the many reasons why that’s important. So I feel grateful. I’ll let Mr. Gordon talk a little bit about what our next step is. And then I’ll continue to come update you guys throughout the process as we go through this rebranding process so thank you doctor, dad, and thank you boy

Unknown Speaker 2:19:30
Madam President Board, Dr. Dead Again, thank you so much for your continued support through this process. It’s it’s fun to get new things right. But it’s also comes at an expense. And so through the great leadership that Dr. Dad and the board has provided of being fiscally responsible. Throughout the many years we are in this position to be able to do this. Like Dr. Fox talked earlier, talking to several other athletic directors out there and they’re calling me

Unknown Speaker 2:20:00
To see what we’re doing, and can’t believe how far in front of the game we already are. So thank you for that fiscal responsibility and being able to provide us with an opportunity for the rebranding, we’ve chose to go with BSN for a couple reasons. As we rebrand, one of the main things we want to do is really keep those colors honed in make sure we all look uniform, and it’s not mismatched. The one thing that BSN can do and provide for us is they provide rugs entry rugs to the school. So those match everything that we do, right there, wall mats, wrestling mats, uniforms, and all that stuff. So going with one central

Unknown Speaker 2:20:41
branding opportunity really will make the process and make it all stick out. So that that’s why we’ve chose to use BSN throughout this process. So again, thank you for your time. You know, I take this serious, please understand I know that that that this money, you know goes through me and all the spending, we’re going to keep a binder at our school. So if anybody’s ever there and wants to check out where we’re at what we’ve replaced the cost throughout the process, please stop by our office and check it out. Because I think it’ll be a fun transition. So again, thank you so much to everybody.

Unknown Speaker 2:21:21
Oh, with that, we asked for the approval of partnership for the athletic equipment with BSN sports. Thank you. Any board member questions or comments this evening? No. Alrighty. Then I would entertain a motion for approval of action item 8.4.

Unknown Speaker 2:21:43
Some of them did. I did. I said that wrong? Didn’t I? I thought I did it. Sound it out? No. No, you’re right. Am I right? Okay. Sorry, everybody.

Unknown Speaker 2:21:53
by Jim and a second. Second. I Dec Thank you. You gotta keep me on track, Christy. Mr. Berthold? Yes, Mrs. Brooks? Yes. Mr. Garcia? Yes. Mrs. Puranic? Yes. Dr. martyr? Yes, Mrs. raglan. I miss Siegrist. Right. Right. Thank you so much. Thanks for your patience. I know the meeting went long. And we appreciate all of your efforts, particularly as it pertains to the name change and the magnitude of all of the tiny details and just everything that needs to be tackled is pretty significant. Thank you. Thank you. Yes, enjoy the rest of your evening. That brings us then to our last agenda item which is 9.1 and a CASB. Update. I would like to ask the board if they’re willing to move that to our study session on next week on 1215. Just given the timeline the time this evening. Alright, great. With that, then the board will convene again on December 15. At 6pm for a study session here in the board room. And then after that, we will have our first regular meeting of 2022 on January 12 at 6pm here in the board room. I wish everybody a happy holiday season and I would entertain a motion for adjournment place. So moved by Karen and a second second by by Sarah Christie.

Unknown Speaker 2:23:20
Mr. Bertel? Yes, Mrs. Brooks? Yes. Mr. Garcia? Yes. Mrs. Puranic? Yes. Dr. martyr? Yes. Mrs. Ragland. I miss Siegrist. I thank you, everyone. Have a wonderful evening.

Unknown Speaker 2:23:43
Hard to catch seconds.

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