Longmont Planning and Zoning Meeting – November 17, 2021

Video Description:
Longmont Planning and Zoning Meeting – November 17, 2021

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:01
Echo. You must have a tab open somewhere where you’re watching the live stream. If you’re currently unmuted Chairman Polen or Commissioner Polen he’s muted right now. Sorry. That’s what I meant.

Unknown Speaker 0:16
Yep, I got it. Yep. Yep.

Unknown Speaker 0:20
I have that closed. Awesome. Thank you so much. I’ll continue that.

Unknown Speaker 0:25
Commissioner cuts here. Commissioner Boone. Present.

Unknown Speaker 0:30
This Napoleon Here. Commissioner teta? Your chairman, you

Unknown Speaker 0:35
have a quorum.

Unknown Speaker 0:37
Great. Thank you, Jane. Anyone wishing to speak during public invited to be heard, which is items four and eight, or during any public hearing items. Agenda Item six A, B and C will need to watch the livestream of the meeting for instructions about how to call in to provide public comment at the appropriate times. Instructions will be given during the meeting and displayed on the screen when it is time to call in to provide comments. Hang on I just went to full screen for some reason. And last my

Unknown Speaker 1:17
document. Sorry, folks, okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:36
Um, instructions will be given during the meeting and displayed on the screen when it is time to call in to provide comments Comments are limited to five minutes per person. And each each speaker will be asked to state their name and address for the record prior to proceeding with our comments. Please remember to mute the live stream when you’re called on to speak. Next on our agenda are communications from planning director Glenn van Inwagen.

Unknown Speaker 2:05
Good evening, Mr. Chairman and Commissioners. I’ve got a few discussions on the agenda tonight public hearing items six A which is the appeal of the short term rental decision will be will not occur tonight, we will put it on the December 15 agenda. And we’ll complete the RE notice of that item. Also, because Commissioner height was involved in in drafting some changes to the electronic participation policy, that is the last thing on your agenda. We’re recommending that we put that off till December 15, as well, so he can participate in that discussion. And then believe it or not, that will be our last meeting of the year, which just remind the commissioners, you’ve made a decision to remain virtual until the end of the year. So think about it. Or you can tell us right now if you want to continue in a virtual mode into into the new year. So that is the only thing I have to brief. The Commissioner.

Unknown Speaker 3:21
Thank you, Glenn. I think we’ll vote Commissioner polam.

Unknown Speaker 3:25
Do we have to make any motions for 68 or 60? Or is that already handled by the city?

Unknown Speaker 3:35
Right, you do not have to make any motions on six A It’ll be just like it’s not on the agenda. So six C also is not a public hearing. So you don’t have to do anything on that is either? Well, 60 is that electronic participation?

Unknown Speaker 3:56
No, no. The electronic participation is Item seven on the agenda. Alright, seven

Unknown Speaker 4:01
a. Right.

Unknown Speaker 4:03
So six C is a is a public hearing item because it’s a PUD.

Unknown Speaker 4:08
Yes. Okay, that is occurring tonight. Yep.

Unknown Speaker 4:11
But, um, just to be clear, I think we’ll, we’ll save any discussion about whether to extend our electronic meetings into the next year until we get to Item nine on the agenda, which is items from the Commission on and that’s when we can have a discussion about that. Good. Okay. Okay. Thank you, Glenn. Um, next is a public comment on this is for anything that’s not on the agenda tonight. So if anybody wants to call in and speak about anything that’s on their mind, that’s not on the agenda. We’d be glad to hear that. And Dallas’s put the instructions up on the screen. I’ll read this for you. The information is being displayed on the screen for those viewing from home, please dial 1-888-788-0099 toll free from the US. When prompted, enter the meeting ID 86546705309 When we’re ready to hear public comment will call on you to speak based on the last three digits of your phone number. Each speaker must state their name and address for the record and will be allowed five minutes to speak. Please remember to mute the live stream when you’re called upon to speak. To do this, we need some time on the back end for the technicalities. So we will take a five minute break we’ll be back at 713 Alright, Chairman,

Unknown Speaker 10:34
I’m not seeing anyone in the feed. We’re about four minutes. 30 seconds. Okay. Okay. In that case, let’s wait until the live stream catches up. And then I’ll tell you in just a second and we are good to go. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 11:02
Thank you to us. So nobody has called in. So seeing no one we will close the public comment. There will be another one toward the end of the meeting, in case anybody’s interested. Next on the agenda is approval of our August 18 2021 minutes. Any discussion amongst the commission comments, motions to approve? Commissioner porn.

Unknown Speaker 11:27
I move that we approve the October 27 2021. Meeting Minutes.

Unknown Speaker 11:34
Oh, yes. I’m sorry. My script here said August 18. You’re right. It is October. The October minutes. So do we have a second? Or discussion? commissure flag. Oops. Oh, you’re still muted? No, you’re still muted. Oh, no.

Unknown Speaker 12:09
I was just wondering,

Unknown Speaker 12:11
can we unplug? Okay, thank you. I second the motion. Okay, thank

Unknown Speaker 12:17
you. We have a second from Commissioner flag. Um, Commissioner lowcost. You had your hand up.

Unknown Speaker 12:23
I was going to second so thirds.

Unknown Speaker 12:28
Okay. So let’s do this by roll call. Commissioner Polen.

Unknown Speaker 12:39
Or Ye yes.

Unknown Speaker 12:43
Commissioner Boone?

Unknown Speaker 12:44

Unknown Speaker 12:46
Okay. Commissioner teta.

Unknown Speaker 12:49
Yay. Yes. Mr. Lucas? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 12:55
Commissioner flaig?

Unknown Speaker 13:04
Oh, Commissioner flag is your Did you unplug it again? I guess it should be up.

Unknown Speaker 13:13
I’m sorry. I’m not doing anything with my button except trying to unmute when I need to. And it just is locking me out.

Unknown Speaker 13:23
I’ll keep sorry about that. Yeah. You need to give her co host. Oh, did it kicker. I see. There should be yes.

Unknown Speaker 13:34
Yes. This reflects Yes. And Commissioner Goldberg.

Unknown Speaker 13:39
Chairman I need to abstain.

Unknown Speaker 13:41
Okay. And I will say yes. And so, Jane that passes. Five Yes, zero now and two abstentions. So we have passed our minutes. Now we move on to our public hearing items. As we all heard at the start of the meeting from director Glen van der Morgan item A has been moved to the December meeting so we’re skipping six A are moving to six B which is the Longmont climbing collective cus P A P zr 21 Dash 11 With as the Associate planner Zack Zack Zack

Unknown Speaker 14:24
evening everyone, can you hear me? Okay? Yes. All right. So Dallas if you could pull up the staff presentation for this item that’s the applicant presentation. We need the staff presentation. Thank you

Unknown Speaker 14:59
Here we are Thank you very much. And with that, I will go ahead and get started. So my name is Zach basic associate planner planning development services and I’m here this evening to present on the Longmont climate collective conditional use site plan 1000 voted for side. Thanks much. So this is in the yellow line, you can see the outline roughly of where the property is located. It’s at the intersection of peak Ave and state highway 119. You’ve got brutal kitchens and Smuckers up to the north and sandstone ranch park to the south. It’s about a 12 acre parcel zoned non residential primary employment and currently it is vacant. Next slide please. So here we have kind of a zoomed out, you can see the whole perspective of the site and the proposed development. The proposal is the construction of a commercial health facility or club private use or development providing facilities for exercise or sport. So this is a proposed rock climbing facility. And as you can see, the construction is proposed in the northeast corner of the site just west of Pinnacle street where Pinnacle and colorful meet. You can see there’s two accesses from Pinnacle into the site with parking surrounding the Proposed Building. Next slide please. Here again, we just have a more zoomed in version of what I just described. So we can go to the next slide. So on this in the next few slides, I’ll give a rundown of the proposed elevations. This is the east elevation which you can see from colorful and pink have. Next slide please.

Unknown Speaker 16:36
Here, this is what we’ll see from the south side. And that’s pretty much what it will look like on the north side as

Unknown Speaker 16:43
well. Next slide please. And then this is what we’ll see from the west elevation. So this portion here you can kind of see it’s a roof in outdoor climbing wall enclosure type of area. It’s all underneath that roof and again if it’s the West. Next slide, please.

Unknown Speaker 17:04
So the proposed

Unknown Speaker 17:05
use falls into the category of commercial recreation facility. This can be permitted by conditional use review as the secondary use in the primary employment zone district with the specific standard that shall not exceed 25,000 square feet. The review or the use, excuse me is subject to the review criteria in Section 1502 for all application types, as well as 1504 for secondary uses. Next slide please. For my part in the review, the project meets the land development code requirements for conditional use site plan in the primary employment zone. So reviewing things like maximum height setbacks, design standards for the building and architecture, exterior lighting for the metric, circulation and pedestrian linkage, we’ve been through three cycles of the review process and at the conclusion of the most recent review, we do have some minor remaining staff comments pertinent to environmental sustainability planning, utilities, drainage and stormwater design. Now none of the remaining comments are anticipated to affect the layout of the site or outcome of the overall project. So we’re bringing it forward to you now with a few staff comments remaining. Next slide please. As far as community input, we had a neighborhood meeting at DSC on February 4 of this year with no attendees from the public. We notified the usual list of referral agencies and only received comments from Excel with general comments in nature. On June 17, staff sent out the notice of application with no comments received from the public. And I sent out the notice of public hearing on November 1 with again, no comments received from the public. Next slide, please. So with this conditional use site plan, it’s a little different than we may have seen the previous USPS where traditionally the planning Zoning Commission is the deciding body council passed an ordinance in March of this year, which states that any conditional use Site Plan Review adjacent to city owned property being taken a planning Zoning Commission, it actually goes for recommendation rather than decision. So this site being directly located adjacent to spring Gulch number two, we’re here this evening for a recommendation rather than a decision. Next slide, please. So with that, you have three options to consider, we can recommend approval of the climate collective CUSD application binding review criteria have been met, you can recommend approval with conditions or you can recommend denial of the CSP. Next slide please. With that I bring forward the staff recommendation that you recommend conditional approval of the Longmont planning collective conditional use site plan with the condition that the applicant completes all outstanding red lines in the site plan and obtains approval from the DSC. Next slide please. With that, I will go ahead and turn it over to Brian with the climbing collective and he will present followed by a second presentation from the design team.

Unknown Speaker 20:10
Thank you Zack. We’ll go on to the applicants

Unknown Speaker 20:27
Alright, I think I’m unmuted. Do you need my video won or just unmute?

Unknown Speaker 20:32
Yes, please, if you could turn your video on, that’d be great. All right.

Unknown Speaker 20:38
So as as stated before, my name is Brian hilinski. I’m one of the owners and founders of the Longmont climbing collective what we affectionately known as the LCC. Personally, I’ve been a climber since the mid 90s. I’ve traveled the globe personally for fun climbing as well as professionally as a sponsored athlete. I spent nearly a decade in South Korea, my wife and I started a nonprofit that fixed up local climbing areas as well as developing new safe climbing areas on the Korean peninsula. And while building that nonprofit, I met my current partner Matt Khmer, as well as as well as a gentleman named James Naam, who Mac and I started our first climbing business alongside which was couture climbing shoes. That business was based in a warehouse and Kimbark over from 2016 through 2020. The success of that business is what we are leveraging started leveraging in 2017 to open our first climbing gym, which opened in March of 2018. So can you go to the next slide? So we launched our gym in 2018 There are three local families. McNamara myself and my wife Shawna, Aaron to Aaron and Heather to lear. We all live here in Longmont combined, we have over 100 years of climbing experience. My partner Aaron has 30 plus years of experience in marketing for Fortune 500 companies as well as our own businesses. And our team at LCC is sort of an amazing mix and compilation of coaches and route setters, yoga teachers trainers and a variety of other folks and right now we have about 25 people working for the LCC. Next slide please.

Unknown Speaker 22:27
So our gym is now one of about 650 gyms in the US the climbing is now in the Olympics, and the passion and love for the sport sort of growing daily across the country. So people need a place to train and get involved. We offer all of these options for the climbing community here in Longmont and I’m sure if any of you have ever climbed or in the fitness or just love the outdoors, you’ve probably stopped by the LCC. Next slide. So our existing gyms only about 20 feet high we primarily offer bouldering options, which is the ability to climb to 15 or 20 feet and then you’ve dropped down onto the mats. But this new facility is going to double our square footage. More importantly though, it triples our height so we can be Longmont premier climbing destination as well as its first full service gym facility. On top of the typical fitness amenities, like fitness equipment fitness rooms yoga, we host a number of unique features including hot tub, sauna tap room, and a seven acre event area off the west side of our business, which we’ll be using for outdoor fitness challenges and various events.

Unknown Speaker 23:35
Next slide, please. So

Unknown Speaker 23:42
this slide just sort of highlights a few of the items on the site plan we have a rear patio designed to host outdoor classes. As you all know COVID. Having the ability to do things outside is quite helpful. We also have a big showpiece, which is our outdoor climbing wall, which faces west there. The West envelope of the building, as you saw in previous pictures, extends out the sidewall and roofline over the building, but it remains open. So we can have a western view as well as open to those seven acres. The wall will host events from USA climbing for youth and collegiate athletes training to go to the Olympics, as well as offer daily climbing options for folks like you and me that are just trying to get a quick session and in between work but want to remain outside. We also have additional room for either increased parking in the future, or potentially another lot altogether. Finally, as many as you know, as many of you know, the public Greenway goes right through the western edge of this property. So we’re looking forward to working with other businesses along the Greenway to create some sort of cooperative experience involving running, walking or biking along that thoroughfare.

Unknown Speaker 24:53
So that about wraps up

Unknown Speaker 24:54
my time i If you have any questions or if we want to move on to Matt Let him take it from here.

Unknown Speaker 25:02
Thank you Mr. Highland ski. I think we’ll just go straight to Matt’s presentation and then we’ll do the public hearing and then we’ll do q&a.

Unknown Speaker 25:11
Okay, all right. Good evening. to you guys. Do you have our presentation up as well as it’s, it’s in the applicant presentation, we need to pull that back up. It’s just the next slide. Oh, gotcha.

Unknown Speaker 25:25
Thanks. Alright, that’s it. My name is Matt Potter lodestone Design Group. I’m the project for the LCC. We worked with Brian to help design and develop his previous current facility and he asked us to work with him on this exciting new facility here. You get a good view of the South perspective view of the building on the cover sheet here So next slide please. The design intent here is to bring the Longmont climbing collective or LCC and have them use this as a primary fitness center for the all the members in the community area. The new facility is scaled and structured to help bring the LCC or bring regional events to LCC as well as to Longmont and put long one’s name on the map and climbing. Next slide please. Here’s the building elevation south elevation there’s the top one blows the West Elevation that’s an open ended portion with the climbing wall. Next slide. Again the North elevation and the East which is the primary street facing facade and the review criteria analysis the proposed use of this vacant developed land is for the health facility we find is consistent within the NE zoning district. We’ve made minimal site changes and to make sure this property remains substantially consistent with prior plots or developments. As well as the preserve of existing wildlife corridors and areas are the greatest extent feasible. We push the entire building into that northeast corner of the the property there and left as much as we can undeveloped. Next slide please. The new interior drives and utilities are proposed to tie into existing streets you can see the main entrance there is off of colorful Avenue. Adequate utilities are already provided on the property and interior drives are designed to facilitate free movements of cars, trucks and emergency vehicles. You can see the turn around they’re down at the bottom. Utilities coming into the northeast corner water electrical tests and sanitary sewer running underneath the parking area on the front their storm drain collecting and going down to the south there’s a detention pond near the southern edge of

Unknown Speaker 28:17
the property. Next slide please. In developing with the character of the neighborhood, we made a similar scale and building materials of Thank you sweet sorry, my daughter’s.

Unknown Speaker 28:37
The current develop is proposed for the northeast corner of the property to provide the greater perceived choose in this development and preserve the existing wildlife areas which would be along the western edge of the property line there you can see the 150 foot riparian setback we stayed clear away from that. And the site access lines with all the existing intersections Brito kitchens to the north there and Smuckers building to the further north and then the church property to the east. Next slide please. Because the overview of the site in general, the red outline shows you the property outline. Brito kitchens is slightly to the north and white fields Community Church to the east and then a smoker plant directly to the north there. We propose it will have no adverse impact on the natural environment surrounding properties, city facilities or utilities. The site has been designed to help preserve wildlife corridors and areas to the best extent. Next slide please. Proposed interior drives and walks are connected to the existing streets and pedestrian walkways along Pinnacle Street. pedestrian crossings are Generally perpendicular to the routes encouraged highly visible and safe interaction between various transportation types, accessible walks and parking areas are provided on site. At this time, no connection has been made to the Greenway trail. But we do, we leave that open to any future development. Next slide please. This application is being submitted as a concurrent conditional use and site plan review. And efforts have been made to ensure that the proposed development has minimal impacts on the neighboring properties or the native environment. No further conditions seem appropriate at this time. Next slide please. Contingent conditions for time limits reviewed due to the minimal impact of the proposed use. For this property no further Conditions of Use seem appropriate this time further, no concerns were presented at the neighborhood meeting or by neighbors that would warrant a time limit or further review after initial approval conditions of building approved binding approval bindings. Any conditions developed through this review process shall be recorded as required. So we’ll take care of that. If a conditional uses extinguished, or discontinued over a period of year that conditional use permit shall automatically lapse and be null and void acknowledged. And same with the conditional uses. will take care of that. Next slide please. For particularly the secondary use, the proposed structure is in a similar scale to the Brito kitchens facility and the white fields church and is significantly smaller than the Smuckers facility. The building design is highly compatible with the burrito kitchens design, and the massing of the neighboring structures we determine that will fit in nicely with the neighborhood. The secondary use is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose and intent. All of the proposed future uses of the facility on this site are consistent with comprehensive plan and the intent of the zoning district. The secondary use as proposed will not substantially diminish the availability of land within the underlying zoning district for primary uses, or reduce the availability of land for primary uses below a minimum level necessary to meet the intent of the district. The proposed use use utilizes a portion of the 12 acre lot and allows for the future subdivision of the property along Pinnacle Street, this future may use may be fully in keeping with the intent of the zoning and comprehensive plan. That’s that small section just to the south of the building along the parking lot. Next slide. Here are some perspective views that we have created, the different elevations.

Unknown Speaker 33:19
Just nice pictures to look and get a good idea of what we’re looking to do. Next slide anytime. A couple other of the western end in that opening part.

Unknown Speaker 33:39
Next slide please. And a couple of interior shots so you can get an idea of what we’re doing on the inside of bouldering walls climbing. It’s mostly a wide open building taken up by the climbing floor. And I think we’ve got one more slide in there a couple other interviews with that, I believe that wraps up our portion.

Unknown Speaker 34:17
Great, thank you Mr. Potter. We will go next to the public hearing. publican better to be heard on this on so Dallas if we could put the instructions up on the screen right. If somebody would like to comment on this particular project, now’s the time to call in. Please dial 1888780099 When prompted, enter the meeting ID 86546705309. When we’re ready to hear public comment, we’ll calling you to speak based on the last three digits of your of your phone number. Each speaker must state their name and address for the record and will be allowed five minutes to speak Please remember to mute the live stream when you’re called upon to speak to do this we need five minutes we’ll take a five minute break and be back at 743?

Unknown Speaker 39:47
Chairman we’re approaching 420 or 743 I’m not seeing anybody in the chat no callers calling in right now.

Unknown Speaker 39:57
Hey, thank you Dallas. Let us know When the live stream catches up and

Unknown Speaker 40:02
what. And we are back

Unknown Speaker 40:31
already. Thank you Dallas. No one has called in for the public invited to be heard. So we will close the public hearing part of this. This particular item will go to questions and discussion from the Commission. I’ll kick us off with a question on, I believe it might be for Mr. Potter, or Mr. henskee. Can you explain a little more about the seven acres which was mentioned, which is going to be used as an event area? And for fitness challenges? Is there any strip any structures, any paving anything going in? Or is it just, you’re just going to leave it natural grass? What’s going on? So

Unknown Speaker 41:14
the idea here is to leave it as is for now. We’re gonna start with some small events that we’re comfortable with climbing on the outside wall, potentially, some parking where we might have a gravel lot where we can park some food trucks. But at this point, we’re going to just take a step by step with, you know, simple event permits, just to see what what the capacity is for that area, because we know that people can park and walk there, they can ride their bikes, but having an event that’s quite larger building.

Unknown Speaker 41:50
Hey, Brian, sorry to interrupt you. Do you mind turning your camera on for me? Sorry, no, that’s okay. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 41:57
So we’re just gonna take it in smaller steps. We know that there are some other facilities around there that might allow us for might allow us additional parking. But at this point, we just want to see what the capacity of the primary space is on its own. But we don’t have any intention to build any permanent structures down there. There may be some temporary obstacles for say an obstacle course race, but those would be able to be moved in when the fact of floodplain regulations.

Unknown Speaker 42:27
Okay, great. Thank you for that. Other commissioners questions? Oh, Commissioner couch.

Unknown Speaker 42:40
Thank you, Chairman. My question is probably for staff. It’s related to this bring gold to Greenway. I know. It comes from south from sandstone ranch. And there was a plan to connect it to connect to Union reservoir with the other part of this spring gold to trail. So is that going to go around it through this property? I don’t know who has more information about that. What’s the plan? Is it still in the works? Is it different now?

Unknown Speaker 43:22
Looks like it’s Steve Rance rather.

Unknown Speaker 43:24
Commissioners Steve rands, Wyler, project manager with Public Works Natural Resources. We do have funded in the this project, which is phase three of the spring goals, two projects is funded for 2022. That being said, we’re still working on finalizing the design, this trail would but the east, the western edge of the climate collective property, and would travel on that western edge connect connecting up to Union reservoir. So I would imagine if things go right, that’s sometime mid to late 2023, that tray would be open to the public. So it might, excuse me might be built at the same time, probably or

Unknown Speaker 44:08
not knowing the climate collective schedule. I have no idea. But right now, we’re hoping to bid that project, probably third quarter 2022, realistically.

Unknown Speaker 44:17
Thank you. And another question about the Greenway with the connection with the underpass there. And in the presentation, there was a slide where it looked like there was a connection to the climbing collective. But then later on, it was said that there was there was no connection to the trail in the works right now. So if someone could clarify that.

Unknown Speaker 44:44
Yeah, we we had a conversation with the city. Initially, we were going to build just a temporary gravel path that allowed folks to access the trail, but there were some there was a conversation with the city about the requirements on what we had to specifically build So we decided to just suspend that until we get open and then decide from there if we can attach to that or not based on the requirements, so you may have just seen a slide that was old that mistakenly got in there, but the plan right now is to not connect to the Greenway.

Unknown Speaker 45:18
Okay, but there will be. You said there will be sidewalks right along a 119. Right along can Pratt or you don’t touch on that actually.

Unknown Speaker 45:28
We won’t access that we the sidewalks are already there. But they have nothing to do with us. We’re not accessing those.

Unknown Speaker 45:35
So how would someone connect from the south from the sandstone arranged? Do they have to go to the light,

Unknown Speaker 45:41
they would go under, it wraps around up to the sidewalk and they would walk the sidewalk back down 119 And a pinnacle to our front door.

Unknown Speaker 45:52
Okay, so there will be a sidewalk going east from the underpass? Because I don’t believe there is one right now.

Unknown Speaker 46:01
I think there is but maybe there’s not that I’d have to check on that somebody else would probably answer that. Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 46:09
I know. I know. The trail it goes along 119 goes through the underpass goes to sandstone Ranch, but there is no at least a year ago when I when I walked in. There was no connection going east from there. So that’s what I’m looking for. What’s the connection going to be? If anyone has an answer, maybe from staff who might know how the plan looks like right now,

Unknown Speaker 46:39
Chairman, commissioners, Chris Hopper with Public Works and natural resources. You’re correct that the trail along Highway 119 does not connect right now to what was Pinnacle that was constructed with Smuckers. But that will be a future connection that will be made at some point in time. We don’t have a date for that yet. But right now this the spring Gulch trail that Steve mentioned is the main north south connection. There is a secondary Greenway connection north of burrito kitchens, which burrito kitchens is the property just north of of this property that will connect. So there is a until that connection is made on Highway One it there is somewhat of a secure this route to get through and around from the properties to the trail. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 47:36
thank you. Mr. Boone. Thank you,

Unknown Speaker 47:46
Chair. Sure. My question, I guess was directed towards Zach. Will the city have any restrictions, any lighting restrictions put on this project, and most specifically, the outside climbing wall, which is 60 feet high, according to the plans has a lot of floods, while washing floods, etc. And the lack of a better description. I fear that it might look like Top Golf. Everybody know what that means? In that it’s just a really bright surface. And it’s overlooking the Greenway. So perhaps Zach can answer.

Unknown Speaker 48:42
Yes. Commissioner Boone thanks for your question. And it’s a great one. So I did perform the review and apply the exterior lighting requirements in Section 1505, one for outdoor lighting to the outdoor portion of the site. So I did have them direct their lights, you know, in such a way that it would not shine outwards at all, because I shared the same concern in my review. So that will conform to our lighting requirements for exterior lighting.

Unknown Speaker 49:15
And will there be events or use at night? Obviously,

Unknown Speaker 49:24
yeah, I’d put that one back to the applicants. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 49:28
At this point, we don’t have any events planned for the evenings. We’re starting with what we’re comfortable with, which is some basic events in the beginning, but the hope is that as we learn more as we build the building, and as we get more into what event permits are required for what type of events will will broach that topic, but right now we’re we’re sticking to mostly daily events that we understand and know. Okay, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 50:03
Mr. flaig?

Unknown Speaker 50:05
No. Okay. Actually, Zack, I have a follow on question from Commissioner Burns. Question about the lighting. So if if the if the applicant is applying to the city for a temporary event permit or a special event permit? Are things such as lighting considered? For a permit like that?

Unknown Speaker 50:33
Yes, Commissioner Schoeneck? We would? Yeah, that’s something we’d take a look at. It kind of depends on what the proposal would be. So not getting too far into hypotheticals. You know, if they’re if they were doing something specifically on the wall itself and lighting it in such a way that was different from how it currently is planned to be. That’s something I’d probably asked take a look at. I’m also the planner who typically takes a look at those kinds of permits. So that’s probably something I go ahead and ask for.

Unknown Speaker 51:02
Okay, thanks for the clarification. Check them. Commissioner Goldberg. You’re still muted?

Unknown Speaker 51:22
which right now is any better? Yep. Oh, yeah. Thumbs up my favorite signal. Thank you, Chairman. Oh, yeah. And thanks to the other Commissioners, I appreciate some of the questions that they were kind of slowly checking off my boxes. But it didn’t have too many bosses or too many questions. I think high level, I think this is a really neat project. I think it’s a really neat project to have in long run, I think it’s a really neat project has kind of a gateway to long one. And maybe it brings a little bit more flair and character, then another really large property out there. You know, and that side of town, who I know you give your own. But I think this is really neat promoting health and wellness, and really could, as the applicant suggested, really put Longmont on the map for such a cool sport, like rock climbing and good health activity. So those are some of the reasons why I like it, but also, you know, per city or city staff, you know, meets the review criteria, and meets the review criteria as a secondary use. The African seem to be to continue to be responsive, I think there was three rounds of reviews and revisions, and I appreciated the city and the African, coming, you know, aligning and getting some more together. You know, I just think it’s a cool place a cool project and a nice, neat private town that could use a little bit of character. And I appreciate the feedback from our city staff about connecting the dots. And it’s great to hear that there’s planning or funding to connect the paths and the sidewalks down the line. I recognize those things don’t happen overnight, but it’s good to see that it’s kind of in the planning. And as we’ve already discussed, concerns around lighting will have to meet our to meet our code requirements. And yeah, there’ll be special events from time to time, I hope. And I’m sure they’ll have to follow the special event permanent regulations that you know, they and every other business in town need to follow when they do you know, a one off special event. So I think for those reasons, I’m really supportive of this project and we’ll open it up for the rest of the team.

Unknown Speaker 53:55
Thank you Commissioner Goldberg. I would also add that I I appreciate the fact that the the building and all of the parking has moved as far away as possible from the from the floodplain and from the Gulch. And and even if there are events happening in that seven acre area, it’s still well away from the from the floodplain. So that’s that’s good planning in my opinion. Commissioner Polen

Unknown Speaker 54:23
Yeah, this sounds like a really good plan. I don’t see any issues with it whatsoever it seems to meet the review criteria and it also seems to meet the review criteria for secondary uses. 15 Oh a ones see, especially when it comes to the fact that it doesn’t take up a lot of the secondary uses that leaves a lot of the primary uses available in a lot of the primary uses have been already used for that area. And then given the fit, I think fits in well with that area. It’s across the street from the park. That area is vibes really well with that area. So I would be for this. And matter of fact, what I will go ahead and do at this time, is I’ll go ahead and move that we approve Peasy our 2021 11 B, with the city’s stipulation that set application meet all of the existing redline issues that they’ve noted in the conditional use plan.

Unknown Speaker 55:36
Okay, we have a motion to approve tzr 2021 Dash 11 B, which is the conditional version of our PCRs. Do we have a second more discussion? Commissioner Goldberg?

Unknown Speaker 55:54
Yeah, I’ll second that. Chairman.

Unknown Speaker 55:56
Okay, so we have a second by Commissioner Goldberg. Any more discussion that this? There’s only one comment that I’ll make. Um, I don’t know if y’all notice that the parking lot is in the shape of a question mark. Not sure. But, I mean, I think it’s gonna be great, because that’ll put us on the map on Google satellite images. But I mean, it’s just an interesting artifact from the design and how they use the land. So alright, any further thoughts? Let’s go ahead and take a vote by roll call. Commissioner Polen.

Unknown Speaker 56:38

Unknown Speaker 56:40
Commissioner Goldberg? Yes. Commissioner Boone.

Unknown Speaker 56:45
Yay. Mr. teta? Yeah. Commissioner Luke arch. Yay. Mr. Flag. Yay.

Unknown Speaker 56:55
And I will also vote yes. And so that passes unanimously Seven to zero. And let me find my notice that I need to read. Okay, this item will now be forwarded to the Longmont City Council for action. If you’re unfamiliar with council procedures and intend to appear before Council, please contact the Planning Division for further information at 3013036518330. Mr. Highland ski and Mr. Potter, thank you very much for your presentation for answering our questions. Good luck with your project. Zack, thank you for your presentation and walking us through the project. And we will move on through our agenda to our next item. Which is Thank you. Thanks again which is Item six C which is this Layton commercial 711 fueling station rezone preliminary plat and overall PUD plan, PCR 2021 Dash 12 with the principal planner of a pair Jetski.

Unknown Speaker 58:08
Good evening Chernick. And commissioners gave a package escape Planning and Development Services. Dallas, can you pull up the staff presentation please? That is the applicants presentation it would be the one that says staff presentation.

Unknown Speaker 58:40
Here we go. Thank you so much Dallas. Great. So again, this is going to be a kind of a lengthy item, we’ll try and taper it down. I’m going to give you the nuts and bolts of the application materials. And then the applicant will do a small presentation as well. I believe they also have a video and they’ll go over the review criteria and and the details. Next slide please. And so, again, I’m going to orient you this is just next door to the project you just saw a minute ago. This is to the west of that. And this is located at the northeast corner of skews the typo state highway 119 in Layton drive. Right. I don’t have my mouse, but it’s that highlighted part right there. It’s an 11 and a half acre thank you so much is the 11 and a half acre parcel there. As you can see, it’s an oddly shaped parcel. It was annexed in in 1997. And it was brought in with a zoning of business light industrial, this general area here, sort of east of County Line Road in Weld County, had all been kind of annexed in slowly as as sort of light industrial type businesses. And then again As you may recall, we did a large rezoning of the whole city back in 2018. To align with our Envision Longmont comprehensive plan, and we rezoned it, we just changed the name to primary employment with the allowable uses were fairly similar. And it’s also primary employment in our comprehensive plan. Again, we rezone it to align with the comprehensive plan. And briefly on some challenges, you know, through the years, I’ve looked at a number of proposals on this property, and this site is really challenged. As you can see, it does have an unusual shape, which makes it difficult for development. There’s also topography issues, lots of slopes. The park property is partially in a floodplain as well on the east side. And then we have spring Gulch, just to the east of the curved property line there on the east. And so our development code says that if you develop anything, you know, in a, in a next to a green to city Greenway, you’ve got to do some land dedication. And due to this property’s adjacency to spring Gulch number two, you know, once you cut out some of the property for the Greenway dedication, and you take into account the fact you can’t build in the floodplain and its shape and its topography, needless to say, This site has been difficult to develop over the years as a primary employment type of land use because of the challenges. Next slide. And, and so the first there’s three applications here you’re looking at the first one is a request to rezone the property. So what I’ve done, I have challenged

Unknown Speaker 1:01:48
topography skills here, but if you see on the map on the top, this is the gray and this is the primary employment zoning district. As you can see, it’s everything north of Kim Pratt, and then right where you see the red, and the gray kind of boundary there. That’s County Line Road there. And so to the east of that is, you know, right there on the corner is the big McLean Western food distribution facility. And so all of this gray is zoned for primary employment. Of course, if you look on this aerial map below it, you’ve got the Smuckers plant. You can’t see it there on the aerial map because it wasn’t quite built yet. But just south of Smuckers is the new burrito kitchens food manufacturing plant as well. And so if you look at the top, its primary employment, they are asking to rezone this parcel, which you see on the bottom on the shape of this parcel to PUD, which if you can envision this map, it would be all great, except for this parcel, which would be pink and I Sorry, I wasn’t able to draw squiggly lines with pink so you can imagine that’s where the rezone could take place. And the reason for the rezone according to the applicants materials, is that while they are proposing to do a 2000 square foot restaurant and retail convenience store, both of those are permitted uses in the primary employment zone. However, gas stations are not an allowed yet land use in the primary employment zone. And so, in looking at this site, we kind of tried to figure out how it could be developed. And one way to do that or achieve that goal is through PUD zoning, which doesn’t have any limitations on any specific land uses. As long as it’s part of an accompanying overall PUD plan that comes with a rezone, which we’re going to touch on next. And so if you look through the review criteria, PUD rezoning is allowed in instances to help the city achieve a balanced mix of land uses and tax base to really achieve our overall economic development goals. And so we kind of talked about in the staff report, and I’m not going to get into the review criteria here, but the applicant will. But my review criteria talk about those challenges with this site I just showed you in the previous slide, the floodplain, the Greenway dedication, the topography, the you know, the the shape, it really only lends itself to about two acres of developable area right there along Highway 119. And that size of a parcel for development is not really consistent. When you think of an office park or a primary employment type of campus. You really need more acreage and so the site’s been challenged. Next slide, please. So the second application we’ve got if it’s You know, so the rezone for PUD. The second part of the application is a preliminary subdivision plat. And what they’re hoping to do here is is kind of break this into four pieces. The first part is the developable lot, which is two and a third acre. And that’s right there, as you can see at the corner of highway 119, in Slayton drive, and that’s where they want to build this development. The other part of this preliminary plat includes three and three quarters acre open space parcel, that’s going to be owned by the property owner, and that is depicted on your screen in the light blue and the green, the green is part of it is just showing you where the floodplain is. And so that light blue really has some topographic issues, you really can’t develop on this. So it’s going to stay as open space. The third parcel being, you know, created out of this is 4.7 acres. And that’s the Greenway dedication, as you see there on the dark blue on your right. This is the property that’s adjacent to spring Gulch number two, and that’ll be going to the city of Longmont. And then finally, just shy of an acre of right of way, dedication, and that would be in that beige ish area. On your left side of your screen. Where’s Layton? Dr. Leighton drive. Currently, there’s an intersection here, but it’s it’s a gravel road. And there’s, you know, homes to the north of it, and it just kind of leads up there. And so the proposal is to actually dedicate this right of way up to their property line to the city of Longmont. And the road won’t be fully developed all the way up. But I’ll get into that in the next slides, excuse me with the PUD. Next line.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:47
And so this is their PUD application, I don’t have the architectural elevations, because the applicant I believe is going to put those up on their slide. But generally speaking, this PUD plan is for this two, two and 1/3 acre piece that’s on the corner. And it would be for a gas station with a 2000 square foot convenience store and a sit down restaurant that’s depicted in that sort of rectangular box there in the middle. And so the gas station will have 12 fuel pumps and it’ll have 35 parking spaces to serve the restaurants in the convenience store. There will also be an electric vehicle charging station. There will also be some bike racks in front of the convenience store, again to provide different types of multimodal access to this property. And as you can see on all sides, there will be landscape buffers on all directions, and be a total of 80 trees and 250 shrubs in this development. One of the land development code requirements, when you’re next to a greenway is not just to dedicate the land, but to also design and build the Greenway improvements. The applicant in this case, has been discussing this with the city’s Natural Resources Department because, again, we’ve got some topographic issues out there. And so they have proposed to pay a cash in lieu rather than construct the Greenway. And Natural Resources is on board with that. And we do have staff from natural resources if you have questions about that. Um, this proposal, this property is has an old farmhouse and some outbuildings related to agriculture on it dating back I believe, to the 1800s. And so um, they would all be demolished as part of this plan. And so that proposal went to the historic preservation commission this summer, early fall couple times to talk about that, that material is in your packet. And ultimately the commission recommended that the applicant provide an enhanced preservation plan prior to demolition. And then lastly, the applicants PUD plan states that this cash payment which there you know, which was mainly toward the Greenway improvements would also include funding for historic interpretive signage for that farm property per the hpcs recommendations. Next slide. So again, in terms of community outreach, we had a neighborhood meeting in July of 2020. It was virtual, because that was in the midst of our lockdowns last year. We had two callers and those were from the adjacent neighbors who live up on slate and drive but north of this property and their general concerns. Were regarding you know, noise impacts traffic and potential homeless Congress At the 711 store, and then we once the applicant submitted the application in September of 2020, we again re notified all the neighbors and posted signs. And then we also received this the same two callers also wrote in objections to this, those materials are in your packets, same concerns that were raised at the neighborhood meeting noise, traffic quality of life issues. And lastly, we sent out a notice of public hearing and posted signs two weeks before this hearing on staff hasn’t received any phone calls or written comments, since we sent those notices out. Next slide. A couple of us wanted to go over some of the concerns from the neighbors. You know, the first one was concerns that this development would bring about some noise to what’s you know, relatively quiet area right now other than the state highway traffic. And so the we had the applicant turn in an acoustic study, and that’s in your packet. The acoustic study concluded that this project would not create violations of allowable noise levels. You know, there’s already a lot of loud ambient noise from the State Highway.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:18
The study recommended an A sound attenuating material for a fencing along the north property line of budding, the residential home to the north. And so we’ve recommended conditional approval that this fencing material be added to the PUD plan on the north property line. It’s just slightly thicker, more noise attenuating than say, you know, a vinyl fence. And lastly, there’s the landscape plan in the PUD. And it proposes going beyond the required 20 foot landscape buffer and it provides more trees and shrubs than required by code to hopefully, again provide a little sound attenuation. The applicants also have parapets on the roof for their, you know, AC equipment. And lastly, you know, this proposal includes undisturbed open space on the northern and eastern portions of the site. So you know, there wouldn’t be noise coming from those areas on this property. Quickly in terms of lighting, they’ve cited the building in the parking lot over 300 to 300 feet away from the north property line, the closest light fixture is over 300 feet away. The photometric plan does not show any light impacts to the adjacent neighbor to the north. No light spillover. And then in terms of traffic, there were concerns that there might be cut through traffic, you know, once Layton street sort of resent and drive sorry, is extended north. However, if you look at the PUD plan, what they’re proposing to do is only pave it up to the end of the convenience store building. And then it stays gravel. So it kind of alerts drivers, you know, you really don’t want to keep going north. There’s nothing up here for you. And additionally in the PUD plan, we have signage in there that says no outlets that they be putting at the edge of the road so that drivers understand that’s not a through street. Next slide. And so this one’s a little tricky. Preliminary plants are approved by the Commission and they are the decision making body but rezonings and accompanying PUD plans, and this is I think one of the first ones we’ve done since we changed our code in 2018. Those go to city council for final approval. So we’re recommending conditional approval, we’re recommending that the condition commission conditionally approve the preliminary plat contingent on council approval of the rezone and the PUD and then the condition is the acoustiblok fence. But also, if the commission would like to add additional conditions regarding the historic preservation commission recommendations, you can also do that at your discretion. And then we’ll put this on the city council agenda potentially in January. Next slide. And so with that, I’m going to turn it over to the applicant but very briefly, I do have our team here to answer any questions that you have. You recently just met Steve brands Wyler from natural resources. He’s here to answer your Greenway questions. We have Jade Kruger who’s the historic preservation liaison. And so if you have questions about the HP C’s, you know, recommendations, Jade’s here, we have Hannah mall Roy and she does sustainability planning for us. So if you happen to have any questions about their conservation plan, Oh, we lost the slide. Thank you. We have Caroline Michael from traffic engineering if you happen to have any traffic questions. And finally, last but not least, Doug Gossett and Chris Huffer from Public Works Engineering. If you have any questions about the floodplain or utilities, things like that, they can certainly answer your questions. Next slide. All right, and so with that, we will turn it over to Charlie or Apollo, who will be presenting for the applicant and Dallas if you want to queue up Charlie, do you want to start with your video or with the PowerPoint?

Unknown Speaker 1:15:40
So I believe Alicia, will actually be presenting.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:47
Okay, Alicia, do you want to start with your movie or the PowerPoint? I would start with the movie first. I think it’s important to kind of walk them through the complexities of the site. Alright, so I’ll introduce this is Alicia Rhymer with U properties representing 711 and Dallas if you could cue up the video it’s it’s the applicants video

Unknown Speaker 1:16:17
Give me one second it’s been a bit stubborn but I’m doing it.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:21
Okay, so I think you can put up the presentation and just move to the second slide so I’m Alicia rhymer, I’m with United properties. And we actually have our full team here traffic engineer, civil engineers, Environmental Consultants and representation of 711 With our architects, so to answer any questions that you may have, but Eva did a great job and kind of presenting the overall complexities or challenges of this project. And I’ll dive in just a little bit further. But you know, as she’s indicated, this is an 11.5 acre piece of property. And from the previous video that you can see, it pretty much stems from that concrete trail that you saw all the way east, or sorry, west until you get too late and drive and heads north kind of in fingers up towards actually Smuckers drive as you can see there. So then what you’re seeing this odd shaped is actually the entire parcel itself, that entails the property. And the blue area is really the spring Gulch dedication that is required, because that’s the Greenway and I think that really completes the missing piece that you guys were talking about. And they can activity of the trail that would be able to take place for a rock climbing facility that presented here earlier. The light blue area is actually the riparian 150 foot riparian setback requirement that is required from the spring Gulch. So it’s non developable area. The green is the existing floodplain area. And so as you can see, we’re really left with over creating a 2.3 acre parcel. Actually, only 1.57 of that is actually developable. So the primary employment designation on this property is challenging for this particular piece, which makes us really a prime candidate for the PUD. And so we believe that this route, you know, really meets the review criteria where it presents a unique opportunity for the city for inappropriate site for a particular type of land use development to help city achieve a balance of land use or tax base consistent with City’s overall Planning and Economic Development Goals. So it allows us really to activate development input, you know, the highest and best use of the property and activate a prime corner in the city. If you can go to the next slide. This just dives in a little bit deeper. So it kind of shows you here more specific to the 2.3 acres that we’re using really every bit of this development or the developable piece of property, with the exception of there is some additional spacing on the north side of the actual parking rent. But that little square that’s up there is actually Mr. Bolen residential. And so this development allows not only for us to utilize this limited space for development and this to development to move forward. But it allows for additional buffering from from the residential. If there was a primary employment user, they would really hung up to that residential property line, which isn’t favorable for them. So we feel the PUD zoning really provides a developer in the city of creativity to work through some of the unique challenges this parcel has, while ensuring quality and value added development on this prime corner.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:25
We could go to the next slide this just kind of shows the overall development from an aerial dropped in in relationship to the site in what it will look like you know along Highway 119 and in relation to Mr. Bolton’s property to the north there, as well as the riparian buffer set back in Spring Spring Gulch. So you know, this is an area that this is a site that 711 has targeted for quite some time. You know, there’s no immediate food or convenience services available within five miles in either direction for the surrounding development as well as the highway 118 traffic that travels to and from in front of the site every day. And so we believe that it does meet the criteria because it allows for sales tax generation to activate this corner and it’s complimentary to the overall development within the limitations that this particular parcel has. Next slide. And you know your properties has had a lot of success. So we’ve completed four of what we can kind of consider these next generational mixed use developments across the Denver Metro area in the past five years. There’s one in Lewisville one in Broomfield, one in Aurora and one in Stapleton. This particular project is an example of what we were able to do in Aurora, Colorado at 38 and towers. So we created three pads of retail across the front one of those 711 in Irani’s in the slums chicken, and industrial in the back. So we were able to actually attract very national credited top tenants like Sealy and sprouts, because of the immediate access to food and convenient services. So typically, these types of primary employment users really like and value the immediate retail services for their workers. And there’s a lot of synergy and complementary between the two. So we found huge success in that and we feel like this doesn’t take really away from the primary employment, it will be a value add and actually act as a catalyst in order for that to sort of develop out. The next slide is just another example of what we did at Stapleton. So we put three and a half acres of retail on the hard corner there to support really the industrial development. And so the retailers benefit right from the workers. And the workers really benefit from having those immediate, you know, 24 hour services. And so we’ve seen huge success in this. And so we think that this is just a really unique opportunity for the city to allow activate development on this corner, but in the meantime, also encourage and continue to have the primary employment vision for ish. Next slide. Staff has indicated, we agree, we believe that this is consistent with a comprehensive plan for many reasons. One of the primary reasons being that, you know, the city, in a comprehensive plan intends to create little centers, corridors and neighborhoods that have a balance of mixed employment, retail, commercial services and residential, with a focus of trying to bring immediate services and amenities to those areas. And so we do believe that this is really complementary and compatible with the community that’s surrounding this particular site. You have UC Health Hospital that is obviously right there to the west and county line, McLean and smackers and future primary employment that will be coming on the north Walmart, which is retail to the south, the apartments and the sandstone baseball complex. So many of these users are actually, you know, more 24 hour type users are coming in very early in the am and leaving in the evening. And so having those immediate, you know, food and convenience services, right there in their community, I think will be significant for everybody. Next slide. We also believe that it, you know, supports the comprehensive plan by creating and allowing for the Greenway dedication, so 4.7 acres will be dedicated, you know, to the city and the Greenway, and you can kind of see that there. It creates an integrated Greenway and open space system as well, which is also meets the criteria.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:07
Section 15.050 40 of you guys, this code states that the following existing natural areas shall be preserved, preserved or dedicated to the maximum extent practicable. That includes floodplains, rivers, stream corridors, wetlands and riparian buffer. And so this particular parcel encompasses all of those. We have it all. We have the spring Gulch, we have the 150 foot riparian buffer setback, we have wetlands that are established, as you can see identified there in blue. And we have some typography issues. So we believe that we can activate this corner and develop what little area is eligible, but provide a significant and buffer, you know, more than what is required, and well beyond that, while preserving the natural state of the area. And so in addition to that, although we’re asking, you know, we are dedicating the Greenway with for typography purposes and challenges with the residential group, there’s to not wanting to really access or encourage access on the west side of the screen Gulch. We feel that it’s better served to make those improvements in the trail connection and focus on the east side of this ring Gulch. Where, you know, smokers as well as the rock climbing facility can really benefit from that trail connection. And so instead of actually, you know, messing up this area, we want to preserve the native natural state of it. Not impact the wetlands stay away from the spring Gulch. On the west side, we are contributing and 140,000 Approximately a cash contribution to the city as part of the project that can Go towards the spring Gulch improvements on the east side and completing that trail connection. And we feel it’s better installed by the city with kind of a holistic, comprehensive plan that, you know, is well thought out. So that’s part of the overall benefits to the city as well. Next slide. We believe the application it proposes development that is compatible with the surrounding properties in terms of land use site, and building layout, design and access. We believe that because it obviously meets the 150 foot riparian buffer setback requirements, but it goes in a bar in excess of that. So we are enhanced buffering beyond 150 foot requirements. As you can see there, we have additional buffering from the resident. So we’re over 300 feet from Mr. Bolen and we have been working with him as well. You know, we plan to do some significant landscaping, which I’ll go into that in a minute on the north side there. And we’re dedicating point eight one acres of lighting right away to the city as well as building that out and realigning that intersection to make it more functional. And the development creates open space system which is outlot aim that will remain that way to ensure and preserve the riparian you know, setback requirements and spring goals. Next slide.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:31
Please, that happens application complies with city standards, including Street and utility design and layout and then adequate utilities are available on be provided. We also believe that it’s compatible, as we said with the surrounding properties, and puts together a kind of a well vetted transportation plan and utility system. So we don’t have any adverse impacts to the surrounding neighbors. But we’re not only just mitigating those impacts, but we believe that we’re truly improving existing transportation facilities, utility services, and overall infrastructure. So we’ll be adding as you can see here, a dedicated right turn lane, so that would be a huge improvement to traffic flow on highway 119. In addition to that, we’re going to extend the sidewalk connection. So we’ll take from the existing eight foot detached sidewalk that runs along Highway 118. And we will run a six foot attached sidewalk all the way up into the development along Layton right away. We’re going to realign the intersection. So currently, right now it’s not lining up with what’s happening on the south side there. And so we’re going to be moving the traffic signal slightly to the east and putting it in a actual you know, section there and then we’re going to create and be put placings lighting right away out, which will include a you know, northbound lane and then we’ll have a left dedicated left turn lane and a through and right turn lane that’s heading southbound where the development will also require and be providing bicycle parking and a bicycle repair sand. So those individuals that are by biking along this corridor will have an opportunity to come in to the development if they need to and make repairs as necessary. We have an outdoor seating area that is proposed that would like to encourage because of the restaurant component that and the workers in the area. Not only can they come and get food, but they have an area to actually sit and eat inside the building as well as exterior or seasonal months. We are providing an AVR charging station. So we will have an electric charging station available to customers as well, so that they can charge their vehicle while they’re eating. And then we are preserving or proposing to preserve there’s 23 existing trees right now. I think we’re maintaining 10 of them. Most of them are actually in the creek and then the riparian setback, but we’re going to maintain there’s three existing kind of evergreens that are pretty established and beautiful, as well as a cottonwood that is along Highway 118. And so we are preserving those as part of our overall development. Next slide is something else it’s kind of important to point out because this is something that actually shrinks the developable area as well as it’s a high dollar cost to the overall viability of this project, as well as you know a benefit for future development or for the primary employment on the north side. We actually have two waters not available on the north side of the city of Longmont of highway 118 Currently, so we are going to be boring underneath highway 118 into sections as you can see there in the blue, and we have about 1950 feet of linear water main extension that has to happen. A portion of that reason being is one that you know, the the utilities are on the south side of the street, as well as because we cannot get access to highway 118 Because CDOT access code will not allow it. For fire code, because we have one point of egress off of Layton drive, we actually have to put in a fire suppression system. And so that requires the completion of the loop which requires them to go across highway 119 twice, we also have to go 1695 feet as well as across highway 118. Again to get the gravity fed sanitary sewer option. And so as you can see the mains it further challenges or further limits the developable area for this particular parcel, as well as a very expensive cost which requires, you know, to generate a high traffic user on this particular corner to make sense of it. And by pulling those to the north side of development, we are obviously also setting up future opportunity for primary employment to happen on that North West corners the city envision so I think it’s an improvement to the overall situation and value add that this development greens. Next slide.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:36
We did complete an enhanced landscaping plan. It was important to us you know that this is a very quality development fits into the overall character and it’s a gateway into the community as well as we’re mitigating impacts to to residents for their Mr. Bolen to the north. And so 65% of the site is actually landscaping and that’s including the out lot. So I think this is going to look really nice as you had you know, westbound into the city. For for everyone, you have a 50 foot landscaping buffer along Highway 118 developments going to provide 40 trees for and 17 shrubs, 80 grasses and 16 perennials on site. As we discussed, you got 200 feet of buffering from Mr. Bolen to the north, which will include a six foot wooden soundproof fence. So we’ve been working with him personally as to where he would like that fence located and, and working through some things with him on the landscaping side of things so that he feels like you know, he’s part of the overall design, it’s important to us, you know, that we’re being a good neighbor. And so you can see we have an enhanced landscaping edge along that northern property line in addition to that fence, then we have significant distance of just mitigation. And then in addition, we kind of wrapped those parking spaces bear with enhanced landscaping as well, just to make sure that you know, we’re being a good neighbor, this just kind of shows you visually what it looks like, you know, at the corner, next slide. So we also enhanced the architecture of this particular building, from what’s kind of typical, no, just one to kind of fit into the overall character of the community kind of taking a mix of what you see how it was doing versus, you know, Walmart across the street and just kind of trying to give it a more type sort of rural field since, you know, we’re we’re out into that particular area, we just employed a 360 degree architecture. It has consists of cultured stone and fiber cement, decorative panels and stucco. And it’s going to feature some wood trusses and shed style roof awning over the customer entrance and other windows, which is going to enhance the depth of these elevations. The maximum height of buildings can be 26 feet roughly and a standard parapet parapet height of 18 feet so it’ll completely screen the age back units, which will help for sound barrier as well as just aesthetics. And there’s a pitch in the pair of button the front elevation. The trash enclosure is gonna be the east side of the site and it’ll be constructed with similar building materials so it’ll be very complementary and kind of tie in to the overall development. And then the fuel canopy will be located internal to the site in front of the convenience store where the columns are going to be wrapped with the culture stone that will match The overall materials of the convenience store and really draw the visual eye to the building, which is really the intent here.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:10
Next slide. So we paid close attention to the lighting design on the development for many different reasons. One, you know, it’s a sustainability item for us. And it’s important, we wanted to minimize impacts, obviously, to the kind of native nature of the spring Gulch, but more importantly, to to Mr. Roll into the north and just kind of, you know, fit into the overall character. So we pay close attention to the lighting design to ensure that the receiver impacts to everyone that includes led energy efficient will cut off lighting, we zero foot candles of lighting within 300 feet of the Northern property line, the fixtures will are intended to light only the area that they are focused on and nothing more. So the foot candles were reduced significantly from standards. And these photometrics as you can see here, do not take into consideration the enhanced landscaping as well and the impacts of the benefit that will be from that. So this is a very clear picture of what it will look like at night. And as you can see, it lights only the specific area that it’s focused on, and then it drops off completely and it’s dark. So everything north of those parking spaces on the north side of that building are going to be effectively pitch black. And that’s not even taking into consideration, obviously, the landscaping that I just showed you. And then you can see it drops off pretty much from the curb line there as we head east towards the spring Gulch. So I think you know, lighting here will be visually setting so that it feels safe and inviting, but not impactful in a negative way to any of the surrounding development. Next slide. So part of the criteria that isn’t, you know, meet sustainability requirements for the city and so complies with sustainability evaluation, system requirements and mitigates impacts in the event development with the city’s riparian areas. So I think we’ve already kind of went over our effectively now not only maintaining the riparian, but we are enhancing and kind of preserving that some of the additional sustainability items that the development is bringing is that we do utilize skylights with an integrated daylight harvesting system that dams interior lighting levels when natural light enters this space, so we reduced the demand to keep the lights at 100% functionality. The bathrooms are equipped with low flow water efficient toilets. So that’s important to us. In water preservation. We did have the bike repair stand flow kind of multi modular development as we discussed, we have a rain garden design that’s utilized in our storm drainage system so effective, you know natural form of water quality. For the storm overall design, low VOC materials to promote indoor air quality and reduce construction emissions. The structural walls are actually sips package, which is a structurally insulated panel so that it provides insulation barrier between the exterior and interior space. So it has a heart like higher R value the law system so it reduces thermal transmission and ultimately, energy demand for heating and cooling. In addition to that we have an h back units that are that are tied into an energy management system. So that is electronically managed and monitored by the tenant to optimize energy usage during seasonal fluctuations. So we’re just ensuring that we’re only using energy as necessary and needed at any given time. We are providing the AVR charging stations to be utilized by customers and are designed for landscaping was really the forethought was low water usage and native and natural landscaping design all throughout. So at this time, I’m going to turn it over to Chase. He’s a 711 He’s going to talk briefly about 711 and Laredo taco and their new concept. And then we can wrap it up for questions and answers.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:25
Everyone still Lucy with 711 we’re really excited with the opportunity to potentially open our 711 store with Laredo taco here in Longmont. So really exciting, fresh, new concepts. Brief history on 711. We’re the leader in that convenience industry. Our number one number one focus is to make the Life Flight easier on the customer. We’re committed to making a difference in the communities. We have a grant called Project A game where we reach out to local nonprofits and schools and provide a grant food and drink, you know for events and things of that nature. Just a brief overview of 711 with Laredo taco company, also known as LTC, seven, Levin acquired the brand Sunoco in 2018. Little over 1000 stores and of those 1000 There was about 350 stores with this concept Laredo taco company that has a big following in Texas, and Oklahoma. And now in Colorado. We’re currently we’re operating over 500 stores throughout the country, and 10 today in Colorado. We opened three this year organically and remodeled seven. We actually opened up one tomorrow in Longmont. 2019 Garfield will be our third location we plan to open for in 2022 and six in 2023. This is kind of the new face of 711 no longer going towards the the franchise locations so this will be run corporate. So the idea is to have 711 with Laredo taco company, sit down restaurant for the convenience of commuters or workers in the in the area. I believe this location will support the community as a small grocery store. I know that there’s a Walmart across the street, but this will serve as a more quick and convenient service that also provides fuel and EB charging. And our we also pride ourselves on daily fresh foods. So we have baked good sandwiches, fruit salads, coupled with Laredo taco company. So we have a lot of different options to choose from for the local community and employees. And the the tortillas are freshly made and the tacos are actually very good. I think it’ll bring an exciting new concept to the community.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:11
Appreciate your time.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:27
Oh, this Reimer Mr. Say I’m not sure if I’m getting your name right. Um, that concludes your presentation at this time.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:37
It does. Yeah, we’re just available for any questions or you may have.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:42
Thank you. Um, we’re this is a public hearing item. And so I’d like to move to that before we get into q&a. And so, Dallas, if we could put the instructions up on the screen, please. And I’ll read the information. So anybody who wants to call in about this specific project, now’s the time. Please call 1-888-788-0099. When prompted, enter the meeting ID 86546705309. When we’re ready to hear public comment, we’ll call on you to speak based on the last three digits of your phone number. Each speaker must state their name and address for the record and will be allowed five minutes to speak. Please remember to mute the live stream when you’re called upon to speak. Yes, we need another five minutes. So we will reconvene at 856

Unknown Speaker 1:53:00
We are approaching the five minute mark. I’m not seeing any colors in the chat. I am gonna stop sharing and I can let you know when the live stream is caught up.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:11
Thank you Dallas

Unknown Speaker 1:53:44
and we’re back.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:46
Okay, thank you. We had no one call in for the public hearing part of this. So we will close the public hearing and we will go to questions and answers amongst the commission. Commissioner pullin.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:58
Yeah, um, I guess, in looking through the packet, and going through some of this, it appears that initially in October of last year, Mr. Bolen had written in a letter stating that he was against the development. It sounds like since then, the applicant has been doing work. Working along with Mr. Bolen at least trying to address some of his concerns. Eva, do we have any updates as to what Mr. Boland as of this and his talks?

Unknown Speaker 1:54:37
Commissioner Polen. I have not heard from Mr. Boland since that initial letter. You are correct. I think the applicant tried their best to mitigate any impacts with the lighting and you know, with the landscaping and so forth, but I haven’t heard from him since that initial letter.

Unknown Speaker 1:54:55
Okay. And then Ava, I do have another question and I didn’t go back to the original packet, that original information. Every single person started on this commission, whatever, seven, eight years ago, whatever it was, and it has the 2003 long month planning in it. And I’m just wondering how this group of individual residents, Mr. Bolen, and then that other group to the north, is I go back to the way at least the history that I have going back to 2003, it always looked like the city was always concerned that as some kind of special economic development in 2003 look like they actually have them as maybe some kind of special designation just for those two little I’m gonna come on please, can you give us any kind of history as to the zoning for this area and how they need to be kind of like isolated?

Unknown Speaker 1:56:01
Sure, Commissioner Polen. Um,

Unknown Speaker 1:56:03
and we could pull the old map up from my slide, but I think your question was the sort of remnant parcels if you will, north of this, they are also zone primary employment. So for example, Mr. Bolton’s parcel is actually zoned primary employment. It’s not zoned residential. It was his parcel was annexed in with the this parcel in the concepts direct annexation. And Mr. Bolen at the time was one of the signatories on the petition for annexation. So that property owner was presumably aware that they were well, obviously requesting to annex and but that they were annexing in as some sort of industrial zone.

Unknown Speaker 1:56:49
So what was the city’s thoughts about what would happen to these residents in 2030 4050 years, I mean, was the plan just to be eventually, for these properties to be part of a developmental, and I guess I’m looking at this. And if we don’t approve this, it goes back to the way it was, which is, it’s still part of the primary employment zone, which kind of means that the only thing left is almost for somebody to come in to the west and build something big enough, and then almost like totally encircle, I’m trying to imagine what other options are going to occur here. Um, okay, and we’ll see anything better than this? So I’m just kind of trying to get my head wrapped around of, of what other options could there be here? I mean, I guess, for secondary uses, you know, outside of the fact that we have to approve this because or we have to change the zoning because they want to put a gas station. I guess the only other thing is it would be something other than a gas station, like more restaurants.

Unknown Speaker 1:58:06
Yes, Commissioner Poland. So, um, there are allowed secondary uses in the primary employment, as you alluded to, and yes, a retail convenience store or restaurant could be allowed that would be an allowable secondary use. And it’s because of the gas station requests that that you’re here tonight with the rezoning. But I can’t remember what your initial question was, but it had to do with those parcels up north. And I, you know, again, you know, when we plan to city planners, we do comprehensive planning, we have our our master comprehensive plan. Now, it’s envision long lot before it was a long one area comprehensive plan. And we do try to give land use designations for whole districts or areas, right, because we want to be consistent. And so, you know, when we brought in this property over in Weld County, the intent was always up north of Highway 119, that this would all be sort of an industrial zone. And as parcels come in and the annex in you know, we say you got to be consistent with what we’re designating us. So Mr. Bowens property, when he asked to join in on the annexation, it was requested for business light industrial, which is you know what this the previous zoning was until we changed it in 2018. I hope that answered your question.

Unknown Speaker 1:59:27
It more or less does. Thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker 1:59:32
Mr. Boone.

Unknown Speaker 1:59:37
Hello, so my questions have to do with the historic significance of the site. And I’m a little bit unclear because, first of all, we had a couple of things in the packet, indicating that The historic preservation commission would like to not move forward until more assessment was done. And I’m assuming that means looking at the integrity of the buildings, basically, to see if they’re structurally sound, and see if there’s asbestos and those kinds of things. I don’t feel like the applicant address that although there was one statement in their initial letter saying that the buildings are unsound and full of asbestos, but there was no backup to that. And then in Ava’s presentation, she indicated that some of the money that was going to be given for the Greenway presentation was to be dedicated to signage relative to the historic nature of the site, is that correct? I’m just not clear how that historic nature is being addressed. The Dickens family obviously was an important family for Longmont. But they gave up the property a long time ago. So those are my questions. So I guess they’re both directly to Ava and to into Jake Kruger.

Unknown Speaker 2:01:30
Sure. So I’m going to turn it over to Jade. She’s our historic preservation commission liaison. She’ll talk about what the commission discussed and recommended.

Unknown Speaker 2:01:41
A Thank you, Eva. Commissioner Boone, those are great questions. The historic preservation commission reviewed this project three times in total, I believe, the first memo written back in July, had requested some some additional information. And the applicant did come back with with some of that additional information, they came back with a more detailed cultural resource survey and had some archaeological testing done, but they did not do the in depth kind of structural assessment that the commission was looking for. It’s it’s kind of costly. So it would make sense to do that at a later time, in terms of historic significance, you know, as the memo reads, it is significant at it meet reaches all four criteria for eligibility on the National Register. So it is unique. There, the applicant had mentioned at our last meeting, that they’d be more than willing to continue working with the Commission to come up with a better historic preservation plan for the property. But after three times, reviewing it, and kind of being at a stalemate, we really needed to move this forward. So you know, that is a possibility to make that a condition of approval is to continue to work with the Commission to come up with something better than just signage on the property. And I think I, I hope I answered your question, but please follow up if there’s more.

Unknown Speaker 2:03:22
Well, I would hate to just see the historical issue be dropped, and then nothing happened. And certainly would hate to see the buildings demolished before, at least, you know, extensive photos and things were done. But that’s my concern. And maybe the applicant would like to respond as well.

Unknown Speaker 2:03:47
Remember, you’re still muted.

Unknown Speaker 2:03:53
Alright, we actually did complete a pretty thorough structural assessment. I don’t know if it made the packet or not. Studio. Okay. So we did and there is a significant amount of asbestos that has to be abated in these buildings, and all of them were determined to be structurally unsound. And any sort of renovation or restoration type thing, it would never coming up to code and dealing with structural issues. They won’t look anything like what they are currently today. In addition, some of these buildings are in the floodplain. So that is also problematic. So I think the quote, if we were to restore these is going to be somewhere between three and a half to $5 million, and they won’t look anything like what they are and that’s just known cost. That’s not what you’re going to get into right once you do that. So along with the asbestos abatement, but we did actually reach out to the the museum, and we had it with Eric Mason and we actually had them come out to the site to walk and look at the bill. and see if there’s anything that they would want to try to salvage or maintain from them. Their response was no, there was nothing that they saw that they wanted to, you know, have at the museum. However, they did ask that once we get into the site and prior to demolition, they would come out with respirators, and there may be something inside the house that they may want. That’s a smaller nature. But we have looked for historical pictures as well that actually look better, it’s not going to photograph well, I think you can kind of see from the videos, there’s been Chris, quite a bit of vandalism, and, you know, graffiti and things like that. So we can try to take some pictures or provide those pictures, but I don’t think if we can find something historical, that would be better. So our thoughts were just put a placard kind of along the trail that’s going to be built, that kind of communicates to the public what the area was, and that it was owned by the dickens family at one period in time. And try to preserve it that way. But we are open certainly to ideas, if that doesn’t get us there. So

Unknown Speaker 2:06:12
Well, I think that’s a that’s a good solution, as long as it’s actually part of the plan and will be implemented. Sure.

Unknown Speaker 2:06:24
No, I appreciate that.

Unknown Speaker 2:06:27
Okay, that’s all I got. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:06:31
Commissioner Flynn, like, I’m just going to jump in with a quick follow up and and get to you, Miss Reimer when you were meeting with the museum representative? Were they at all interested in in the reports and the studies and the documentation that that you’ve already done? Because pretty extensive in what was in our packet with, like, title reviews, etc, etc? That’s not easy to recreate?

Unknown Speaker 2:07:03
No, um, yeah, it was a very expensive venture for us, they did not seem to be there actually, kind of, I guess, didn’t really view this as a particular like historical relevance or really understood that connection for this particular property. They value more of the dickens barn that’s in town, and you know, the Opera House and some of the things that’s being more significant towards the family, I think they viewed it as just as this as a farm, one of many farms that the family actually owned. And they, you know, sold it a long time ago. They really don’t want anything to do with, like, larger type items and things like that. So, you know, they they appreciated the phone call, and obviously the ask and that we were working with them, but didn’t seem like they viewed it, as I guess historically relevant. As you know, the report may have indicated so.

Unknown Speaker 2:08:02
Okay, Commissioner flake, thanks for your patience.

Unknown Speaker 2:08:07
Thank you, Chair, I still have more questions regarding the buildings and the locations on the site. Now, I assume it assumes that those buildings will come down. Is there a way to make it more interesting, you’re going to have a trail that comes along there, and you’re looking to provide a place where people can stop and eat and so on? And just in terms of historic preservation of the site concept? Would there be a possibility of actually kind of, I don’t know painting on the parking lot, are the buildings in such a location that you could do the foundations or leave something that represents them, and provide a place where people can actually walk on the land that isn’t in a floodplain area will even if it isn’t a floodplain area, but it would give people a chance to walk around major Crusher find path, I’m just thinking that it would still increase the interest of the site, you’d still preserve the homestead without having to retain the buildings. And still with your plaque, perhaps that’s a way of calling attention to the importance of the site such as it is just a thought.

Unknown Speaker 2:09:28
It’s a good idea. I mean, it’s a it’s a good idea. We actually I actually kind of tossed that around, like could we provide some sort of like I don’t use the beams and maybe provide some sort of mural you know, or something like a painting or something, you know, of what the barn was the challenge that we have as one Mr. Boland would like to see them all go away because of a grant, you know, issues and challenges and concerns that he’s that that we’ve had from a structural standpoint. point there really are a liability. So, you know, we don’t have any options there. But I mean, and we don’t really want to encourage people walking on that side, you know, west of the creek because of Mr. Berlin’s property, because of just the native, you know, preservation. That’s why we feel like the trailer is better suited on the east side where the connection is with the industrial. So, um, but we could maybe certainly take some of the beams or something from that, or maybe some of the, I know, you saw the video, there’s certain, like, smaller, you know, aspects of the farm that maybe we can kind of incorporate in that area, just out near the seating area, that certainly is a good idea, and just trying to find that balance between safety, you know, and the historical, you know, relevance.

Unknown Speaker 2:10:51
So yeah, I think my concept of plaques is that they’re great for the people that are really into history. But if you have something visual, then you draw more people into that concept of taking a look at why this site might have been of interest, we can certainly

Unknown Speaker 2:11:07
do something out by the seating area, you know, and probably incorporate something and you know, we could come up with some ideas. I mean, we’re open to it, for sure. So,

Unknown Speaker 2:11:18
thank you. I also have another question, more traffic. I’m wondering what changes are going to accrue to that intersection? And what kind of will it be a full movement intersection out there? What other kinds of changes will be done? Because the applicant just say they would shift it in some way. And I tried to hear from that.

Unknown Speaker 2:11:45
I’ll let, I’ll have Mike Rocha kind of I can just talk high level so that they’re the south into like South, I guess, northbound, you know, traveller coming out of Walmart that would effectively essentially cross over. It’s not lined up currently with what’s happening on the north side. So we’re going to expand that right away, build that out and actually create that alignment so that the two are, you know, safely talking to each other. And which will require us to slightly move that traffic signal to the east and put it in an island. But I can have my he’s on here, our traffic engineer may be talking a little bit more detail about the functionality of the intersection. So Mike, if you’re still out there, I’ll turn it over to you. Thank you. Good evening, everybody. My

Unknown Speaker 2:12:37
name is Mike Racha. I’m with sem rush out, LLC. We’re traffic and transportation engineers, located at 8703 eighths Drive, Suite 210 and Westminster, Colorado. So to answer to kind of expand a little bit more on what Alicia had said, you know, we just there are some planned improvements at the intersection on slate and on the north side of 119. These improvements are intended to better the operations of the intersection in terms of the through movements that we do have some, some through movements, we want to have them to align as best as possible. And then also to assist in the operations of the intersection. Some of the improvements are envisioned which will all be coordinated through the state and their permitting procedures is a right turn lane off of 119 so if you’re headed westbound on 119, you’re turning right at the Layton you will have a free right turn lane dedicated to help that maneuverability for access onto Layton and then ultimately into the site. And the site has to proposed for moving access points on to the lighting. So I hope that that answers your question. If it does not, I’m still available to to expand.

Unknown Speaker 2:14:08
So one follow up question so there would be a dedicated left turn lane from 119 north.

Unknown Speaker 2:14:17
So from 119 Going

Unknown Speaker 2:14:20
eastbound, to turn left.

Unknown Speaker 2:14:24
Yeah, so those those are already those are already in place. So those are existing there’s an existing left turn lane on 119 eastbound to turn left to go north on the lane.

Unknown Speaker 2:14:41
And there would be a light that that governs that motion.

Unknown Speaker 2:14:46
Yes, there’s already an existing traffic signal at that intersection.

Unknown Speaker 2:14:50
Right. I was just concerned about the actual dedicated left turning because the traffic here is quite fast.

Unknown Speaker 2:14:59
Yeah, yeah. We’ve kind of had that similar conversation with the state. And so the the, you know, the state has the signal, they have the left turn arrow. And that’s all under their operation and their review. Thank you. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:15:22
Commissioner flag I just wanted to add we do have Caroline Michael, our traffic engineer here as well. But there is an existing traffic signal at this intersection. There is an existing left turn lane at this intersection for eastbound 119 into this site. If you have questions Caroline’s here as well,

Unknown Speaker 2:15:40
well, my concern really was more about is there the dedication of a, an arrow or something that allows the left turn to happen only a certain time

Unknown Speaker 2:15:51
there is an arrow, there is a dedicated left turn arrow. I use it often when I go up that road

Unknown Speaker 2:15:57
and into that street. Thank you

Unknown Speaker 2:16:06
Mr. Bolen

Unknown Speaker 2:16:09
to stay on this topic and since Carolyn actually popped her head up, Carolyn, what are the future plans? First is Layton going north? I know that there were some concerns expressed by the public about maybe somehow it going up to I guess it’s County Road 23. But what is the city’s plans pours Leighton going north.

Unknown Speaker 2:16:35
Um, so right now, what the applicants proposing is basically to build Slayton and pave it up to their kind of like property line. And at that point, they would add sort of no outlet signs in the road would remain gravel and on our Envision Longmont plan, there’s no further extension to the north, beyond what’s already existing.

Unknown Speaker 2:17:00
Okay, thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker 2:17:03
Karolina a quick follow up on that. So the paving, so it would go up to the applicants property line. Now, where where does the paving Sorry,

Unknown Speaker 2:17:17
I’m jumping in Caroline, but that’s incorrect. That was an incorrect statement. It’s paved up to, if you look at the PUD plan, they have a driveway into the convenience store just south of it. And then there’s another little driveway north of the building, and the paving stops right there so that you turn into the last remainder of the parking lot. And if you see on the PUD plan, the paving stops and it goes to gravel, everything north of that up to their property line. And that’s to keep you know visitors from keeping going nor thinking that Satan’s a through street.

Unknown Speaker 2:17:52
It’s as though the paving will not even reach Mr. Bolton’s property line his South property

Unknown Speaker 2:17:59
line. Yeah, no, I apologize. I misspoke. I know the property I realized was a property that actually goes further north but it’s really just serving the northernmost driveway.

Unknown Speaker 2:18:11
Okay, at the property. Okay, thank you. Um, one of Mr. Bolton’s concerns, of course has been the people camping out on the property and and in the abandoned buildings. And Miss Reimer you. You said that that by demolishing the buildings that helps solve some of that problem. Mr. Bolen is in favor of of that. But then we also saw in our packet that some members of the public said that okay, well, great, you you help deal with people camping there, if you get rid of the buildings, but then if you build a 711, it will attract people. Who are panhandling? And and shall we say being vagrant? How does United properties and maybe Mr. Abdullah, who say can answer how 711 deals with with keeping that sort of situation at bay?

Unknown Speaker 2:19:24
Yeah, and I don’t know. I mean, I haven’t. I’ve met with Mr. Boland quite a bit. You know, I haven’t heard him express that concern. So I’m not sure. There was another individual that was north of him that I think shared that concern but has actually since moved and is no longer owner of that property. From my understanding in our last meeting, so I’m not sure that he’s concerned about that. I know he was with the barn and if that was to remain in any of those assets would still be standing. However, you know, my response to that generally is, you know, is 24 hour open vibrate, you know, business where it’s a wash, watchful eye and it’s lit. So, you know, they’re going to kind of deter that. Obviously a lot more things happen when it’s dark, you know, in at night and when there isn’t an operating business there because people feel like they can. So I think it’ll actually alleviate the problems that are happening currently and be much better for the community. Chase can maybe add to that as far as you know, protocol from 711, and what they do to try to mitigate that. But that’s kind of my response.

Unknown Speaker 2:20:42
To add to, to add to Alicia’s comment, we won’t allow it to happen. But, you know, legally, there’s only so much we can do, you know, we have to do the humane thing, and we can’t force anyone off the property, but the same time we’ll, you know, do our best to make sure it doesn’t happen. But delicious point, you know, with having lighting and operating. I think it’ll deter I think, you know, some, some people kind of think of 711 is, you know, the old, you know, dimly lit franchise, just non gas store where they just loader and hang out or, you know, even if it’s in downtown Denver, that’s just not our store base anymore. But we work our best. We have cameras running around 24/7. So we work our best to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Unknown Speaker 2:21:38
Great. Thank you. More questions? commissure. locash?

Unknown Speaker 2:21:46
Thank you, Chairman. I just needed a clarification because we’ve been talking about the the Greenway and the trail for spring goals to my understanding is that the plan for phase three of this spring Gulch to trail is that it’s going to be on the east side of the Gulch, correct Not, not the west side, where 711 is going to be

Unknown Speaker 2:22:12
correct. Now.

Unknown Speaker 2:22:13
I mean, I think you could see on the video, how we saw like, how it’s coming under, it’s there, and then it’s not connected, you can sort of see it on that wetland kind of exhibit that we had, but it is not connected. There’s a gap between that and up by Smuckers. And I think the goal is with our Greenway dedication that we will be providing as part of this development, as well as the cast contribution, that that full connection will be made, which makes more sense for it to be on the east side and serving, you know, the, you know, spikers, the industrial, primary employment and now the, you know, climbing group in facility, especially if they’re having an exterior, you know, full development and kind of, you know, contributing to that, versus it being on the west side, where we’re not really wanting to encourage people back there because of the residential, you know, and the topography.

Unknown Speaker 2:23:12
Yes, yes. That was my concern as well. Yeah. Um, and then in the video, it looked like there was a power line, like some old poles power poles. Maybe they were crossing the Gulch or not, but are they going to be addressed? I don’t know if they were power or telephone poles. I don’t know if

Unknown Speaker 2:23:39
it might be power to, to the bike that will go away that servicing these existing buildings, or, you know, set up for the existing buildings. But that is what I think and yes, that will be kind of removed, and it’ll be all underground, you know, and coming off from Highway 118 is part of the development but, Charlie, correct me or Jeff, if I’m wrong in that?

Unknown Speaker 2:24:13
Yeah, that’s correct. Alicia, you know, with this, since this is PUD process, sometimes the coordination with the different electric departments occurs during the construction document process. So we’ll definitely for sure investigate to make sure there may be the case that some of these overhead utilities are actually providing electric to the residents to the north. So that’s something that we’ll just need to take a look at and confirm. Okay, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:24:54
Should Robert

Unknown Speaker 2:24:58
thanks, Chairman have a ton of work to add, there’s been some really good discussion so far. I think I’ll start with a quick plug to both the city and the applicant for taking what was a pretty complicated, you know, application the with the zoning, the PUD, the preliminary plat and kind of laying it out nice and easy and logically. So thanks to Eva and Alicia in both parties. But, you know, I see a lot of desirable qualities with this project in front of us, you know, we’ve very solution driven style to problematic lots, you know, you can tell there’s been a lot of intention by the applicant to maximize the, the given some of the confinements and challenges that it brings. Sounds like Ava’s been, you know, working to find a functional use of this space for, like you said, years, and the theory was something that seems to work. And not only does it work, but it’s serving a need, you know, what did we hear there’s not a gas station or convenience store for five miles either direction, right at the, again, the gateway to our city. So I think there’s a need for that. And that, again, is maybe just indicative of how the east side of town is going to continue to grow. You know, that’s, that’s kind of in our cards here. I think we’ve heard that this was the maximum use for the land, you know, given the thought and intention behind it, you know, we’re getting a lot out of a problematic space. Beyond that, and, of course, meeting the review criteria and meeting the core review criteria, the criteria for rezoning and criteria for the pre preliminary subdivision plat criteria for the PUD requests, so it’s kind of slowly checking all the boxes. And then, of course, we been going back and forth on some of the concerns from the neighbors, the responsiveness with the noise dampening fencing along the north side, and ensuring that there isn’t any light spillover, you know, we’ve seen some acknowledgement of the concerns. And then, and then addressing those kind of one at a time. You know, and then, again, kind of meeting the burden with paying for the Greenway improvements. I I find the discussion around the historic building to be compelling, you know, the historic nature of it, although it seems like we largely settled on a, you know, a cash payment and some upgrades, acknowledging our the historical relevance of the location and the properties. And they’re given an approval and acceptance by the city of the traffic studies. So, you know, I think there’s a lot of reasons to be supportive of the project and barring any concerns raised by the Commission, I’ll be supportive of it.

Unknown Speaker 2:28:17
Thank you, Commissioner Gilbert Commissioner flag.

Unknown Speaker 2:28:21
I agree with everything that Commissioner Goldberg just said. And I’ve looked through the various criteria under let me get it right here the number is PCR 2021 Dash 112 B. And I would like to offer an additional condition. Having read through the submittal of information and memos from the historic preservation commission, I think that the following would be appropriate to add. And I certainly accept any word smithing that somebody may offer, if mine are not clear. So I would add a number two under the number one under one point 10 Set application conforms the applicable requirements, etc, down to with the following conditions. And number two, in my mind would read develop a plan for preservation of the site’s history through incorporation of appropriate references on the site.

Unknown Speaker 2:29:38
Can you please read that again?

Unknown Speaker 2:29:44
Help I read it the same way. Develop a plan for presentation for preservation of the site through incorporation of references to the site. I think I left out a word Thank you everywhere I put that in,

Unknown Speaker 2:30:04
set the site history with the appropriate reference on the site. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:30:20
Okay, so we are not preserving the site, we’re preserving the site history.

Unknown Speaker 2:30:25
Correct, because the buildings have been found to be in a rather decimated condition. We have a new possibility of site development, that should be an improvement over what is there now. I would rather not lose the aspects of histories. I like to see references historically, in various communities. I in my mind, Longmont may not have enough of those. But we could start here and start identifying things that we aren’t.

Unknown Speaker 2:30:59
Right. One question I have would be if this were a condition, and maybe Ava can chime in on this, as currently stated, develop a plan, meaning the applicant would develop a plan, but with whom? And who would that plan go to?

Unknown Speaker 2:31:21
Church? Sure, Nick, we could add some language such as with implementation in accordance with HPC and staff or something to that effect

Unknown Speaker 2:31:32
if you’d like. I think that sounds good. Because it puts back on the staff and it’s not coming back to us to mull over the detail. The idea being that the development of the site is not held so tightly, that it’s not possible to do something. But given enough encouragement to make it so.

Unknown Speaker 2:32:00
Right. And Jade, you had your hand up? Did you want to chime in on this?

Unknown Speaker 2:32:09
My words were along the lines of what Eva just mentioned, you know that the historic preservation commission would be more than happy to work with the applicant, in addition to staff to better create and implement a plan for preservation. So thank you, Eva.

Unknown Speaker 2:32:30
So Commissioner flaig, are you making a motion to? Yes, move PCR 2021 12 B with two conditions? Correct. Can you restate the conditions? Please?

Unknown Speaker 2:32:45
Well, the one is already there. Okay, number two. And I think I said it best the first time develop a plan for historic preservation of the site. Excuse me, let me rephrase, develop a plan for preservation of the history of the site through incorporation of the references to its history. I’m sure I said it better before.

Unknown Speaker 2:33:14
Okay. But but we are close. And then and then did you want to add language about it being implemented with the HPC and city staff?

Unknown Speaker 2:33:28
That would be appropriate. I thought Eva came up with wonderful language. May we borrow from her?

Unknown Speaker 2:33:36
Yes. Actually, Jane, can you chime in please? Do you have Jane, do you have enough from this to understand what the condition would be?

Unknown Speaker 2:33:51
Yes, I can. I can go back and rewatch this video tomorrow morning with a clear head and piece it all together and I’ll work with Ava also. And we’ll get the wording straight on it.

Unknown Speaker 2:34:06
I appreciate that.

Unknown Speaker 2:34:08
And and Commissioner flaig If if this were to be approved, would you want to see that wording first before I were to sign off on the PCR? Yes. Okay. All right.

Unknown Speaker 2:34:21
I will be available.

Unknown Speaker 2:34:23
Okay. Super. Does everybody on the commission understand what Commissioner flags condition? Additional conditions? Okay, I see nodding heads. Do we have more discussion? Or is there a second to this? This is just a motion at this time. Commissioner Goldberg

Unknown Speaker 2:34:52
wasn’t sure if this was the right moment to ask or one step ahead of the game here but can we just discuss enforceable already of Commissioner flags condition. I love it. I think it’s proactive and solution driven. I just want to make sure we’re not setting up Eva and team and the Historical Preservation Committee for and more equally important Alicia Rhymer and team for failure is what Jane will wordsmith tomorrow morning, enforceable, and something that Jane and T Avon team can act on. And therefore not hold up development or get into some weird gray area where we’re wondering if that box was checked or not.

Unknown Speaker 2:35:47
Yes, Commissioner go for good question. Um, it’s definitely enforceable on the planning department oversees, you know, the site plan the final approval before it goes to building permits. So we would enforce that the language at the end, talked about, you know, coming up with this plan and its implementation in accordance with HPC, and staff. So, you know, once the 711 team comes up with something, we could take it to the HPC. If that’s an acceptable alternative, we would then have them put that, you know, information or what their plan is into the PUD plan. And that’s really our teeth on that for site development. You know, we obviously wouldn’t sign off on, you know, certificates of occupancy, if you will, until all of those things in the PUD plan are constructed.

Unknown Speaker 2:36:41
Cool, thank you. That’s helpful. Do you think the only phrase in there that kind of sends up a red flag is if once the HPC determined it acceptable? I guess my question is, is that? Are they empowered to have that ability to prevent a project from moving forward is otherwise approved? I just, I’m not trying to deflect the condition, I want to make sure HPC has the power, and that that ability, and the city has it, and we can move forward responsibly, you know, so that no one is put in the position where they we can’t move forward.

Unknown Speaker 2:37:26
Right, Commissioner Goldberg, so the HPC is a recommending body, whereas the Planning and Zoning Commission? Well, you’re a recommending body in this case to actually, typically you’d be the decision making body. Ultimately, it’s up to the city council. They could take your requested conditions or recommended conditions that you’re sending up. And they can at their discretion say, No, we’re not going to do the HPC one, or we’re not going to do the fence one, you know, that’s it’s at their discretion. They’re the ultimate decision maker. But the HPC is really just a recommending body. And I don’t know if Glen wants to weigh in, or Eugene. I don’t know if I’m overstepping here.

Unknown Speaker 2:38:13
Well, I was commissioner Goldberg and Chairman Chernykh, I was just going to echo what Eva just said HPC recommends to the city council. And in this case, that’s just what you’re doing. So we hope we would reach a consensus with HPC and the applicant, but ultimately it would go to council for a decision.

Unknown Speaker 2:38:39
Care commissioned by Eugene Bay City Attorney, I’m looking at the code on powers and duties of the HPC. And one of those duties is to make recommendations to the council regarding the following land use development applications that affect historic properties. So I think it is well within their jurisdiction to make such a recommendation.

Unknown Speaker 2:39:02
Great, I appreciate everyone’s feedback here. That’s provided comfort to me. So thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:39:11
Commissioner flay

Unknown Speaker 2:39:12
Well, one of the reasons I chose the word references was to make it a little easier to comply, and that we’re not going after a building or structure or a wellhead or whatever references and then that gives I think the developer, lots of mobility, some room to operate within that. And I think it could be really interesting and creative. I don’t know. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:39:51
Jade. Could I ask you to clarify something you said a little earlier you had said that there was a stalemate between the HP See? And in the applica? And can you explain what’s gone on there?

Unknown Speaker 2:40:10
And, yes, Commissioner, I’ll try to give a little context. Initially, I think the first time this application came forward, we just ask some additional questions. And then the second time, more more information was brought forward. And we asked for an archeological survey, a very simple one, not not too in depth, which the applicant provided, as well as a structural assessment. And the applicant did provided I don’t think it made this report, as Alicia alluded to. I think the commission had helped to see the land use tied a little more to the historic structures, but they’re aware that it’s expensive to rehabilitate the buildings as they currently you’re sitting. So I think the sentiment was that a plaque was not enough, and that it just needed to be more detailed and more in depth.

Unknown Speaker 2:41:09
Okay, Miss rhymer, I have seen you shake your head a couple times. Would you like to comment on on on this potential stalemate that or what’s what’s been your experience so far with the HPC and their approach to the project?

Unknown Speaker 2:41:35
I mean, our experience hasn’t been that positive. I mean, we had to spend $20,000, you know, to get to where we were, and we, you know, it was a long process of delaying us getting to Planning Commission and city council just because of the availability of their actual board and when the board meets, right, so it was really what slowed up a lot of the development application, they’re pretty stuck, or we’re stuck on this whole idea of respirating the existing buildings and not tearing them down was my take, um, and that just isn’t a viable option and will never be a viable option. And we communicated that we’ve asked for ideas, we thrown out ideas, we threw out, you know, the placard, we threw out some sort of mural, you know, on the side of the building or some something inside the space, right, that memorialize what it was.

Unknown Speaker 2:42:33
And none of it was received well, or,

Unknown Speaker 2:42:37
or I guess, accepted or acknowledged that those were good ideas. But when asked for ideas, we we couldn’t really get any out of them. So it’s I’m not hopeful that if we go back to the HBC, you know, that we provide them ideas that it’s going to be a positive response or get us there. So we have we’ve struggled with getting some sort of commonality and ground there. I feel a lot better if we could just work with staff on a solution that, you know, and and move to council. But, you know, ultimately, I’m not opposed to presenting something to HBC. I’m just not hopeful that it’s going to be what they envision and, and that they’re going to provide any sort of, you know, positive feedback or something that we can do anything with other than keep the buildings right, which we know we can’t do. So that’s just my

Unknown Speaker 2:43:31
two cents. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 2:43:34
thank you. I’m Felicia Goldberg. You brought up the the question of is this condition, would it would it basically be solvable? Given what you’re hearing? What’s your opinion?

Unknown Speaker 2:44:00
I think what I’m hearing chairman

Unknown Speaker 2:44:01
is that this is well within the authority of the HPC. And we have protocols and organizations in place to manage situations like we have here and then include HPC making recommendations, the pnz making recommendations to the council in the end having final approval. I’m a believer in the system and if Eugene and Jim both Glengarry Glen both say that this is exactly what HPC is here for then I’m supportive and I’ll lean on the team, the city staff and HPC to work with the applicant to find that middle ground

Unknown Speaker 2:44:58
we don’t have a second yet on the Do we have a second? Commissioner Goldberg?

Unknown Speaker 2:45:07
I was like no Chairman. Okay. So don’t ask me to repeat it, but I’ll second Commissioner flags. motion to proceed with. Okay, number three with the two conditions. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 2:45:24
But PCR 2021 Dash 12 B with the two conditions which we’ve been discussing discussing any further discussion? Otherwise, we will take a roll call vote on this motion. Seeing no further discussion, let’s take a vote. Commissioner Boone? Yeah. Commissioner the cuts. Yeah. Commissioner pollen. Yay. Commissioner flag. Yay. Commissioner Goldberg. Yay. Commissioner teta. Yeah, I will also vote in favor. So, as unanimously Seven to zero. That is unanimous approval Seven to zero. So I need to read a statement here. Let me get to.

Unknown Speaker 2:46:37
This item will now be forwarded to the Longmont City Council for action. If you’re unfamiliar with council procedures and intend to appear before Council, please contact the Planning Division for further information at 303-651-8330. Miss Rhymer and all of the team with United properties in 711, thank you very much for being here tonight. Really appreciate all of you coming and spending time with us explaining the project. And walking us through all of your thoughts and concerns and plans. And good luck to you all as this moves forward through our process. Appreciate it. Eva, and Jade. Thank you. Thank you to all of the other city staff who’ve been here to answer questions on this. This was a complex one. So I really appreciate you being here. We do have more to our agenda. So if some of you want to bail out now now’s a good time.

Unknown Speaker 2:47:41
Great, thank you. Thanks, everyone.

Unknown Speaker 2:47:43
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:47:46
Okay, on our agenda, Item number seven was the electronic participation policy discussion. And back to what we talked about when Glenn gave his announcements. We because Commissioner height is not here. The suggestion is that we move this forward to our December meeting, we probably should make them if if people approve of that we should probably make a motion and vote on that just to be thorough. Any discussion about whether somebody wants to discuss this now? Or if if people are willing to move this to a future to our future meeting Commissioner Paul? We have

Unknown Speaker 2:48:39
only one more meeting. Um, and I know that I saw that the city council is actually debating whether or not they’re going to go back to remote. Um, I would like to just kind of hold this off, even if only for another month, just to see what really happens with COVID. What where where it’s heading as a heading worse, is it going to get better? I think at this point, we have the one month let’s just go ahead and bring this you know, talk about it then in December, I think, you know, see if anything changes.

Unknown Speaker 2:49:15
That’s my opinion.

Unknown Speaker 2:49:17
I mean, personally, I would like to be in person because I do believe we get better participation from the public. But I think we can wait to make that decision. Just see what happens and also see what happens with the City Council see which direction they go. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 2:49:38
Um, I’ll go ahead and make a motion that that that we move our discussion about the electronic participation policy to our December meeting. Do we have a second on that? commercial, commercial, Paula.

Unknown Speaker 2:49:55
I’ll second that.

Unknown Speaker 2:49:56
Okay, yeah, just I need seconds verbally so that Jane has it in there. Record rather than thumbs up. Okay, so we have a second let’s take a roll call vote Commissioner Boone? Yes. Commissioner Polen? Yes. Commissioner flag. Yes. Commissioner Goldberg.

Unknown Speaker 2:50:20
Just getting Yes.

Unknown Speaker 2:50:22
Commissioner teta? Yes. Commissioner Lucas. Yes. And I will also say yes. So that passes Seven to zero. We will move our discussion about the electronic participation policy to the December meeting. Next on the agenda is our final call for public comment. So Dallas if we could put the slide back up. I’ll read through this. If somebody is out there who would like to make a comment about something that was not on tonight’s agenda? We’d love to hear from you right now. Please dial 1-888-788-0099. When prompted, enter the meeting ID 86546705309. When we’re ready to hear public comment, we’ll call on you to speak based on the last three digits of your phone number. Each speaker must state their name and address for the record and will be allowed five minutes to speak. Please remember to mute the live stream when you’re called upon to speak. We’ll take a five minute break to do this and we will reconvene at 959

Unknown Speaker 2:55:34
chair, we’re about 30 seconds out from the five minute mark. I’m not seeing any callers in the chat right now.

Unknown Speaker 2:55:42
Thank you, Dallas. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 2:55:44
I will stop sharing. And I will let you know when the live stream is caught up. And it looks like we’re back.

Unknown Speaker 2:56:03
Great. Thank you Dallas. So we did not have anybody call in. So we will close the public comment section of our agenda. Next is items from the Commission. As always, I want to thank Jane and Dallas and Susan for running the show behind the scenes and making everything go smoothly for us tonight. Any items from commissioners Commissioner Goldberg? For some reason, we’re not hearing you. We can’t hear you. You’re you’re not muted, but we can’t hear

Unknown Speaker 2:56:41
you. about it. Okay, double meeting. I think what I was saying is I think I owe planning director Glen van wing in an apology because I chickened out. And I just called him Glen, because I haven’t said his name very many times out loud. And so, planning director van Milligan, please accept my apology for calling you Glenn during the meeting. Hey,

Unknown Speaker 2:57:10
and you said that very well. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:57:14
Anything else? All right. Um, our council representative is not here tonight. And then our last item is items from the planning director Glen van Morgan. Anything

Unknown Speaker 2:57:39
the only thing I was gonna say is again, thank you to the planning commission for all your work this evening. Made some good decisions and I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving.

Unknown Speaker 2:57:50
Well, thank you, appreciate it. And same to you and all the staff and everybody else. Hope you have some. Some good times that Thanksgiving. Next item on our agenda is a German. So have a great night. Take care