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Water Board Meeting – June 21, 2021
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
It is three o’clock. So I’d like to call the June 21 2021. Water bond Water Board meeting to order. Heather, can you please start with a roll call? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 0:13
Todd Williams. Here. Alison Gould
Unknown Speaker 0:18
Unknown Speaker 0:20
Kathy Peterson. Here.
Unknown Speaker 0:23
Scott Hall wick is absent today. Roger Lang here. And can you sing your Nelson Tipton? Yeah. Wes Lowry. Here. Kevin Bowden. Here. fritzie Jaffe
Unknown Speaker 0:43
Unknown Speaker 0:45
Jason Elkins here. And Heather McIntyre is here.
Unknown Speaker 0:51
Councilmember Martin.
Unknown Speaker 0:54
Unknown Speaker 0:55
We we’re good to go. Okay. We have a quorum for the meeting. Yes. So, the next item is approval of the April 19 2021. waterboard meeting minutes. Are there any questions comments on the meeting minutes?
Unknown Speaker 1:17
And I’m sorry, I’m trying to get to where we get to gallery view. Sorry.
Unknown Speaker 1:22
I am not seeing any hands up. And I know Alison is on her way to a screen. So I can’t see your but if there are no comments on April 19 2021 waterboard minutes, we need a motion to accept those.
Unknown Speaker 1:40
Kathy is making the motion to accept Is there a second? Roger is making the second. Any further discussion.
Unknown Speaker 1:49
Here Hearing none, all those in favor say aye. Aye. Hi.
Unknown Speaker 1:55
Okay. The minutes are approved. The next item item four is the water status report. Nelson. Yeah, Chairman Todd I’ll go ahead and
Unknown Speaker 2:05
give the water status for June 21. So the flow on the st. Bryan Creek today at 10am was 321. Our 351 CFS with the historical average for this date at 545 CFS.
Unknown Speaker 2:22
St. Bryan Creek peaked on June 7 data flow rate of 1120. CFS
Unknown Speaker 2:32
There is currently no active call in the st Brian Creek but I
Unknown Speaker 2:38
I kind of change could probably later in this week could happen so
Unknown Speaker 2:43
but early no call and say brain Creek calling the main stem of the South Platte River is Sterling number one canal bs you admin number 14154 priority date of 10 118 88. So we had a on the main Sim. There was free river for quite several weeks and over the weekend it went to the senior this more of a senior.
Unknown Speaker 3:09
So at the beginning of June, the st brain basin storage was at 86%. So I figure they’ll the water Commissioner will give a end of June beginning of July and I I predict that number to go from 86 to somewhere in the 90 percentile for storage. Mr. Lamont is Rob pike reservoir at
Unknown Speaker 3:33
what rock reserve is hauled at full between releases in the spillway or lease in a total of 250 CFS union reservoirs also full and were released at approximately eight CFS and birch lake is full, like macintoshes cool. So for the majority ownership along months based on reservoir burn, we’re in pretty good shape. We had a really good wet spring which really helped us push as much as I’m sure you guys all noticed the oligarchy ditch was running full for several months we were had to push as hard as we could to get that bowl and and with some reposition a button rock water into union and push it as hard as we could we did get a full so we’re water resources as a group was pretty, pretty happy that that occurred.
Unknown Speaker 4:20
And that’s all I have. Is there any questions?
Unknown Speaker 4:23
Any questions for Nelson?
Unknown Speaker 4:27
On the report? I’m not seeing any. Okay. Thank you, Nelson. You bet. All right. item five is public invited to be heard and special presentations can are there.
Unknown Speaker 4:40
Or I guess may start with Heather. There is no public invited to be heard. Is that correct? We do not have any That’s correct. Are there any special presentations today? No special presentations. Okay. All right. We’ll move on to item six, which is event agenda revisions and submission of documents. I know
Unknown Speaker 5:00
Allison has one item she’d like to bring up. But before that, can, are there any agenda revisions or submission, submission documents?
Unknown Speaker 5:10
No submission of documents. I would like to note for the record that I general business item aid a needs will be postponed until the July waterboard meeting, although I would like to make a few explanatory comments on that particular item that you that you will be reviewing in July. Okay. Thank you can. Alison, I know before the meeting you mentioned you want to maybe add an item to this agenda with regards to cyber security? Do you want to mention what you’re thinking there?
Unknown Speaker 5:45
Yes, thank you. I would like to add an item concerning cyber security to the agenda for discussion.
Unknown Speaker 5:55
Do we want to can maybe make that item eight see on the agenda? Does that work?
Unknown Speaker 6:03
Um, that would be fine. Yeah, I don’t know that will. If you’re, if there’s planning to take action, we can do a C otherwise we can put it under items from board. Either spot would be fine. Maybe? Maybe that makes more sense. So we’ll make a 10 C, which will be that that item? That makes sense.
Unknown Speaker 6:28
Unknown Speaker 6:31
that sounds good. Well, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 6:33
I guess with that,
Unknown Speaker 6:36
in my right West, there’s under seven, there’s no development activity this month. You are correct. Okay. With that we’re on to eight a. So can do you want to give a quick overview of the Irwin Thomas water supply agreement?
Unknown Speaker 6:52
Yes, thank you, Mr. Chairman. What we have is
Unknown Speaker 6:58
we had a proposal to bring a water supply agreement before the board unfortunately, we were not able to get all the parties to the agreement.
Unknown Speaker 7:10
To get comments and finalize that agreement get it ready for you. Essentially their own Thomas property is is a part two parcels of property located
Unknown Speaker 7:22
east of the harvest junction. As you may know, just immediately east of the harvest junction area is where lefthand Creek is flowing kind of southwest to northeast crosses Ken Pratt Boulevard
Unknown Speaker 7:38
and then
Unknown Speaker 7:40
flows into the same rain Creek and just east of that area.
Unknown Speaker 7:46
There’s a undeveloped parcel of property both on the north and south side of Ken Pratt Boulevard. property in the north side of Ken Pratt Boulevard is open is owned by the city Longmont and is what we refer to as a golden farms open space area. And the property South I can probably Ward is the main hall or own parcel. The prop both properties are scheduled for a gravel mining operation that really predates annexation into the city. That was those were were gravel mines that were permitted through Boulder County, prior to annexation of Longmont. Well over two decades ago.
Unknown Speaker 8:31
The property owned by the city of Longmont is it’s owned by open space department, but
Unknown Speaker 8:37
the mind gravel resource is still owned by the golden farm company, the predecessor of the Golden golden sand gravel company. And it has always, you know, it’s always been planned for my gravel mining.
Unknown Speaker 8:55
More recently.
Unknown Speaker 9:00
Yeah, Costco
Unknown Speaker 9:04
approached the city about the development and construction of Costco store and on the very north west corner of the whole Irwin Thomas property, so I’d be immediately east of lefthand Creek and then South can prop Boulevard. In addition, the Longmont Housing Authority is in the process of purchasing eight acres of the corner of that property for an affordable housing development. And then there’s there’s about
Unknown Speaker 9:39
another 15 or so acres, that the golden
Unknown Speaker 9:45
farms company is planning on having for future development of commercial and
Unknown Speaker 9:55
possibly mixed use development. But basically in essence
Unknown Speaker 10:00
The very north west corner that property will be developed. As far as the overall development process, the gravel mining needs to occur so that it can be done and kind of hopefully it’ll be done and well on its way before
Unknown Speaker 10:18
the other developments
Unknown Speaker 10:20
are completed and opened up as part of the overall package for the Costco.
Unknown Speaker 10:26
The actual property underneath the Costco site, and the affordable housing site was going to be mined. And so there’s there’s kind of ongoing negotiations between aggregate industries who who purchased the gravel resource from golden farms and golden farms about how to make aggregate industries whole and also how they’ll be able to mine. So it’s quite a bit of activity going on out in that area right now in terms of planning and developing projects and processes. So it’s in long, much interest to try to keep all of those projects, both affordable housing and the cost co development. Moving forward. One of the one of the aspects of that is to
Unknown Speaker 11:19
get a lease back of some of the historical water, especially the bonus ditch irrigates those properties
Unknown Speaker 11:28
the property on the north side of Ken Pratt Boulevard, going all the way back to the late 1990s when originally the county purchased that property, and then the county sold it to the city’s open space in that original county purchase. The shares of the bonus ditch over there were contemplated to be by agreement to be used for the mining operation. And then the historical bonus on the south side until that property actually develops would naturally be leased back under historical leaseback currently it’s a field and they’re using it to grow pay
Unknown Speaker 12:11
by eventually, but eventually when they might
Unknown Speaker 12:14
struggle leaseback we’ll be able to use that and tell the development occurs. And we’ll need that water. Ultimately, that water needs to be transferred and used for development, we actually do have a current change case, filed for the bonus ditch that includes all of those shares of water.
Unknown Speaker 12:36
The two shifts to shares on the north side are being changed only for the augmentation plan 34 shares on the south side are being changed for municipal use as well. So that just kind of wanted to give you
Unknown Speaker 12:50
a heads up on you know, this is a fairly big important water supply agreement. We had hoped to be ready, but it’s not quite there yet. But we expect to bring it to the July meeting, and will give much more information and maps and actual numbers to waterboard at that time. But just wanted to give you a heads up so you can kind of anticipate that coming before you at the July meeting.
Unknown Speaker 13:20
Happy answer any questions? If not, we’ll bring it to you enjoy. Okay. Are there any questions for Ken on the overview of the
Unknown Speaker 13:32
agreement that will be brought in July?
Unknown Speaker 13:36
I’m not seeing any. Okay. I guess we’ll revisit that in July. Thank you, Ken.
Unknown Speaker 13:43
Item eight B is a cash in lieu review. Wes.
Unknown Speaker 13:48
Yeah. So
Unknown Speaker 13:50
yeah, the board has in their packets and information on cash in lieu and I’ll draw your attention to page 14 of your packet.
Unknown Speaker 13:59
What’s new, in in the packet
Unknown Speaker 14:03
from what you’ve seen in your prior quarter quarterly review
Unknown Speaker 14:09
is the cost for new water supplies.
Unknown Speaker 14:12
And that’s where I was going to focus my attention on for the most part today.
Unknown Speaker 14:19
And even more so towards windy gap firming project. So we’ve updated those costs, primarily due to driven by the
Unknown Speaker 14:30
increased requirement for the federal lawsuit.
Unknown Speaker 14:35
So there was a payment that’s going to need to be made for that. And so we’ve adjusted for that as well as some construction cost index adjustments. And so the new windy gap firming project cost is shown is $18,528 an acre foot and as you’ll recall, it was currently at $17,683. So it went up
Unknown Speaker 15:00
Almost $850.
Unknown Speaker 15:03
And so we’ve shown the average cost for the four different
Unknown Speaker 15:10
items, water conservation, windy gap, Union enlargement and button rock enlargement, and then a weighted average, which is, is the
Unknown Speaker 15:20
as it relates to the firm yield. But just to remind the board in the past, you’ve chosen to look at cash and lose it most
Unknown Speaker 15:30
represented by Wendy at firming. So those are the that’s the adjusted number at $18,528. We did also include quarterly information for CBT
Unknown Speaker 15:43
transactions. And that information is given the sum for the quarter average acre foot cost on CBT was $76,853 per acre foot. So that’s right around $58,400 per unit. And that range of as you would see in the following pages ranged anywhere from 54,000 units to 62,500. So there’s a pretty good range that seems to be stabilizing a bit, but it’s still considerably higher than the cost for new water supplies.
Unknown Speaker 16:23
Other than that, I really don’t have a whole lot to, to share. But I’m happy to answer some questions if you have any.
Unknown Speaker 16:31
Thank you, Wes. For Are there any questions for Wes?
Unknown Speaker 16:35
So I’ll go ahead. Roger.
Unknown Speaker 16:39
You’re muted. Roger.
Unknown Speaker 16:44
The numbers on the far right. on the chart.
Unknown Speaker 16:49
Thank you. They’re off the screen. Now. I’m trying to ones in parentheses here. There’s bold.
Unknown Speaker 16:56
What is the difference between the 79 990 versus 16 660? So the the bolded number, the $17,999 is simply the arithmetic average of the four. So if you took the, if we took the sum and added them up and divided by four, you come up with
Unknown Speaker 17:17
roughly 17 999. Okay, the bracketed one is a weighted average based upon the
Unknown Speaker 17:29
firm yield. So there’s a or the so what we’ve done and it’s got we haven’t kind of footnoted on the number one, it’s further down in our in our thing, but it says that the weighted average construction costs for new water supplies is based upon the respective dry yield. So we’ve, we put more weight towards the dry yield on some than others. And so, but again, I think the emphasis is the project that we’re looking at moving forward with is windy gap firming, and that’s higher than the two which is that 18,005 20. Okay. Alright, thanks. You’re welcome.
Unknown Speaker 18:11
Okay, are there any other questions?
Unknown Speaker 18:14
So as was mentioned, I guess we’re going to be consistent with what we’ve done previously, which is to set the cash in lieu with the current cost per acre foot. When you get firming, we would go from the 17 683 to 18 528.
Unknown Speaker 18:31
I don’t know if there’s any discussion by the board of that.
Unknown Speaker 18:37
If not, we we would need a motion
Unknown Speaker 18:41
to go ahead and adjust the I guess the recommendation
Unknown Speaker 18:46
to city council to go from the 17 683 to the 18 528.
Unknown Speaker 18:55
So it looks like Roger just made the motion. Is there a second?
Unknown Speaker 19:00
Kathy is seconding that motion?
Unknown Speaker 19:04
Welcome, Alison. We can see you. So glad you could patch in there. Is there any further discussion on on the change or the recommendation to Council on the cash in lieu? I’m not seeing any. So all those in favor say aye? Aye. Aye.
Unknown Speaker 19:25
Unknown Speaker 19:27
Okay, that Motion carries unanimously.
Unknown Speaker 19:32
All right. So now we are on to Section nine. And nine a is a water monthly waters play update. Wes, are you going to handle that? Yeah, I really Nelson did a pretty thorough job of capturing what’s what we done and what’s going on. I’ll just reiterate that.
Unknown Speaker 19:51
Button rock and union are now full. Those were those are two pretty large vessels that were important for Longmont to fill
Unknown Speaker 20:00
We use button rock in the winter, and we use union reservoir
Unknown Speaker 20:05
in the summer, and so quite an accomplishment. And I appreciate everyone’s help to make that happen. We,
Unknown Speaker 20:12
again, as Nelson said, We peaked on the seventh, the average peak usually happens around the 10th. So right right around what you maybe consider a normal peak time.
Unknown Speaker 20:24
The last time we seen flows over 1000, CFS and the peak that would have been back in 2017. And then
Unknown Speaker 20:37
there was a few years before that we had it again. So it’s kind of I went back and just looked at the last 10 to 15 years and we’ve been over 1000 CFS, probably a little little over half that time, but it was refreshing to see the higher flows compared to last year where we didn’t even get into the 500 CFS range. So
Unknown Speaker 21:00
again, we’re expecting Well, if you were to look at the snowpack, there’s really no readings for that right now, for all intents and purposes, most that’s ran out.
Unknown Speaker 21:10
And that’s, that’s why we’re expecting a call in the same rain to occur probably later this week. The Highland will be probably the call for quite a while, as you guys may recall, that are the largest ditch in the same rain basin. They’re taking
Unknown Speaker 21:30
over 250 CFS of the river right now. So it takes a little while for the
Unknown Speaker 21:37
Highland to drop out. But
Unknown Speaker 21:42
we’re just thankful that we were able to put as much into storage as we as we did. We think that when we get the
Unknown Speaker 21:50
State Water commissioners report for the year or for the month, and we’re going to expect to have nearly everything full in the basin. So other than that I really don’t have a whole lot more unless there’s a couple questions.
Unknown Speaker 22:06
Any questions for Wes? Wes, I do have one. Where did you guys end up having to move any water from button rock down into union? I know, you know, obviously it went real wet for a while and maybe you had moved some prior to that. Just curious what you ended up? We did? Yes, we did back in May.
Unknown Speaker 22:26
From about may 1 to the 22nd 26th.
Unknown Speaker 22:31
We put some water in there. roughly around 1000 acre feet. We on the 27th of May, some of our decrees start coming in. But we had done we had ran the numbers and realize that had we not done that we were probably going to have enough capacity in the oligarchy ditch to get that filled. So preemptively we move some water into button rock is the border we call with button rock being a non channel reservoir. It’s easier for us to fill back quickly than the off channel reservoir of union. And so
Unknown Speaker 23:06
we essentially moose and clover basin decree that was water that was eligible to be stored in both button rock and union. And
Unknown Speaker 23:17
we got that filled and then now we’re we’re storing some of that same clover base and water back for until it was full up in button rock. So to answer your question, yes, we moved about 1000 acre feet in there.
Unknown Speaker 23:31
Okay, thank you. Any other questions for Wes?
Unknown Speaker 23:36
I’m not seeing any. All right, we’ll move on to item nine B, which is the monthly legislative report. Ken.
Unknown Speaker 23:45
Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Unknown Speaker 23:48
Honestly, the best report is the legislature’s done. So
Unknown Speaker 23:54
they’re you know, there really weren’t a lot of real interesting water bills this year.
Unknown Speaker 24:01
There were a couple other bills, I thought I would highlight in addition to what a little bit of water bills there were.
Unknown Speaker 24:11
Just Just go through a couple of them that
Unknown Speaker 24:15
ended up being passed. The first one was House Bill 1008, which was the forest health project financing. That bill, essentially a lie now allows special forest health districts to be formed. It requires
Unknown Speaker 24:35
the owners of the property and the county
Unknown Speaker 24:40
Corinthian to approve it before it can go but it’s kind of an interesting
Unknown Speaker 24:47
it’s an effort to try to get force bills for forest health projects built more closely to to where they’re needed up to up in the mountains.
Unknown Speaker 25:00
Not a lot of impact there.
Unknown Speaker 25:03
Probably the biggest water bill was House Bill 1046.
Unknown Speaker 25:09
Everybody calls it the turnback bail. But that was its title was the water share, right municipal ditch Corporation bill. them who named that? That was the bill that that originally was intended to allow.
Unknown Speaker 25:26
Turn back into the ditches into the
Unknown Speaker 25:29
minority, I’ll call a minority shareholders in ditches.
Unknown Speaker 25:34
Especially in the case of a change case, where say, exam for example, Longmont will change part, half of the ditch out of the ditch one long months not using it, we couldn’t allow our shares to be used by the other shareholders in the ditch. The courts have not been allowing that more recently. And so there was a bill that went through,
Unknown Speaker 26:03
really to allow, turn back and to tell,
Unknown Speaker 26:09
not put basically limit on the remaining shareholders in unchained shares, or least minority shareholders who are still using their shares within the ditch for historical irrigation.
Unknown Speaker 26:23
That bill was probably one of the more hotly contested bills. And
Unknown Speaker 26:30
honestly, it
Unknown Speaker 26:34
is not a little bit of a lot of pushback, primarily by users downstream on the planet mainstem on the planet who wanted to see water
Unknown Speaker 26:46
go down, they’re both both historical irrigation ditches. But also,
Unknown Speaker 26:52
in my estimation, a lot of the entities that are looking at water on the lower plat
Unknown Speaker 27:01
in the metro area, you know, wanted to see more water down there. So.
Unknown Speaker 27:06
So the final bill that came out, essentially says that
Unknown Speaker 27:14
shareholders can
Unknown Speaker 27:18
use a mutual ditch
Unknown Speaker 27:21
can can take
Unknown Speaker 27:25
mutual ditch company can allow the water to be distributed as it sees fit, that you don’t have to do it. pro rata based on the ownership in the ditch. As long as it’s, you know, through some rotation scheme, that’s really how the disk companies have historically worked for 150 years.
Unknown Speaker 27:46
So that really didn’t change anything, just got to
Unknown Speaker 27:51
put that into into statute language.
Unknown Speaker 27:56
The parts though is that said if you change it, case out of the ditch,
Unknown Speaker 28:02
you can’t let that water go back in the ditch that was in the original bills and was struck and so so the bill really doesn’t do much. But it doesn’t hurt any either. It doesn’t prohibit it. It will now be up to each individual case, which is what many argued that that should be, you know,
Unknown Speaker 28:27
adjudicated in every single change case.
Unknown Speaker 28:31
We’ll see. I think that’s, you know, Longmont has historically had language set if we’re not using our water, it can be used in a ditch, although once a year, we have to declare whether we’re going to use our water as a changed water or irrigation water. We can’t go back and forth. But we, you know, for our use, you know,
Unknown Speaker 29:00
on the historically irrigated land, but for the ditch itself, you could but now, now you can’t, so
Unknown Speaker 29:08
that I expect that bill to come forward in the future. Again, I expect there to be a push for that particular concept, as the water court is really prohibiting anymore on cases.
Unknown Speaker 29:25
And that was really about the only two water bill we had here. So we did have a related bill which was House Bill 1052.
Unknown Speaker 29:37
Water related, it basically defined pump hydroelectric as a renewable energy source.
Unknown Speaker 29:45
There have been many people over the years wanting to
Unknown Speaker 29:52
have hydro power, defined as renewable energy because it
Unknown Speaker 30:03
Well, it is, in my mind that
Unknown Speaker 30:07
it’s never counted as a renewable energy source. And
Unknown Speaker 30:13
so there was a bill, the bill 10 452 came through to
Unknown Speaker 30:19
allow that.
Unknown Speaker 30:22
Because it didn’t define
Unknown Speaker 30:26
how you could build that project, there was a lot of opposition and opposition wanted to make sure. And basically, it was it was those who don’t support
Unknown Speaker 30:38
storage reservoir, water storage reservoirs. So so they’ll basically, while it defines it,
Unknown Speaker 30:47
it says, as long as it’s the reservoir that’s
Unknown Speaker 30:52
constructed as part of the height, the pumped hydro electric system is not located on natural waterway. So that really kind of left that, you know, left that long term argument about Ornstein street on Channel story.
Unknown Speaker 31:13
But it does open it up. If you build a completely off stream, Hydro Pump story tied or like project, it does allow that to be count towards renewable energy. So it’s maybe a step in the right direction, trying to get us, you know, in one of the solutions for for renewable energy is is pump storage. So, it really starts that,
Unknown Speaker 31:40
again, not directly a water bill, but related water bill is was House Bill 1226.
Unknown Speaker 31:48
It was a bill which
Unknown Speaker 31:52
allowed for more robust aquatic nuisance species testing. You know, if anybody’s ever driven a boat to a reservoir any more, you have to have your boat inspected for aquatic nuisance species, quagga mussels, zebra mussels,
Unknown Speaker 32:09
snails are those milfoil all kinds of plant species. And this bill just
Unknown Speaker 32:20
actually allows
Unknown Speaker 32:23
officers who are doing those inspections, to physically require vehicle to stop. Many people didn’t realize they had this check station and you didn’t have to stop at the check station. You could just drive right through, there’s nothing they could do.
Unknown Speaker 32:39
Now, that’s $100 fine, still not a big fine, but in my mind, I think that was a positive bill.
Unknown Speaker 32:46
Anything you do for aquatic nuisance species control, in my mind is positive for the water, water industry. And I always support that.
Unknown Speaker 32:58
And then
Unknown Speaker 33:00
House Bill 1260 was
Unknown Speaker 33:04
just kind of continuing support for the State Water plan. And they appropriated some about $20 million for moving the the current state water plan, update as well as some money for the base and roundtables to implement the State Water plan update as far. So again, just kind of peripherally related. And then finally, again, this one is again, it’s fire, but it’s related. It’s it was set up Bill 240. Which watershed restoration grant program, and that actually I do believe is positive for us. He had appropriated $20 million to put out for grants to do watershed
Unknown Speaker 33:52
restoration primarily
Unknown Speaker 33:56
for grant funding of for stewardship,
Unknown Speaker 34:00
to prevent wildfire, future wildfires, and we are doing some efforts in the st. Rain basin to try to look at
Unknown Speaker 34:10
wildfire prevention instead of always, you know, just reacting to the wildfire afterwards. And so we believe some of that money might be available locally in our basin for the forest collaborative effort that’s going on right now, between the US Forest Service Boulder County city Longmont and other entities in the in the same rain basin. So we think that is that is positive. So really, that’s all I have on the legislation. And I think it’s probably good news or not a lot of water bills because nobody was trying to do anything crazy with water this year. So I think we made it through the
Unknown Speaker 34:50
this session pretty well escaped from the water standpoint.
Unknown Speaker 34:55
Okay, are there any questions for Ken on the legislative
Unknown Speaker 35:00
items. The only thing I would mention is I think that Senate Bill 240 also allows that part of that 20 million to be used with the current recovery efforts.
Unknown Speaker 35:12
And the Northern District is the sponsor for the upper portion of the East troublesome recovery. So they’re able to access that as part of their matching funds, or their contribution is the sponsor with NRCS. And since Longmont obviously is a owner of quite a bit of CBT. Water, I think that’s a positive development, the issue is ultimately going to be how much money can NRCS come up with on the federal side
Unknown Speaker 35:41
to match the sponsors portion. So there’s going to be there’s still a question as to the scope of the East troublesome recovery. But northern is moving forward with a portion of the money they’ve been allocated with NRCS. And having that grant money to the extent they can get some of that from the state will help to offset what would have to be used directly out of northerns budget. So anyway, just another kind of additional item on that one. Any other questions or comments for CanAm? on anything? I’m Allison?
Unknown Speaker 36:16
Yes, thank you. Um, I just wanted, I was wondering if any of our planned activities were affected at all, are delayed because of the failure of the gap water bill?
Unknown Speaker 36:32
Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t quite hear that. Can you repeat that? I was wondering if we had any planned activities that were affected at all by the the gap water bill that was kind of contemplated, and then ultimately went nowhere?
Unknown Speaker 36:51
Yeah, we really we don’t we haven’t, at least on long nights, and we haven’t postponed any projects on that.
Unknown Speaker 37:04
Okay, are there other questions that that could? There’s quite a bit of detail behind the scenes with regards to the what’s defined as gap water. And I think the issue is there is federal regulation, which was kind of conflicting in the state was maybe going to take jurisdiction over what they called gap waters, in the context of wetlands and permitting. So
Unknown Speaker 37:27
anyway, that that’s kind of a in a nutshell, what Allison’s alluding to and the state decided not to, at this point, take over create.
Unknown Speaker 37:37
I guess they still took jurisdiction, but they have not created
Unknown Speaker 37:42
within the same thing with CD, Ph. D. They were going to create staffing to help administer that which they have not done the date. So there’s kind of some questions as that ultimately, if they are going to take jurisdiction, how they’re actually going to administer that. So anyway, there’s there’s a lot behind the scenes there.
Unknown Speaker 38:02
with questions. So anyway, any other questions? Actually, the follow up question. And yeah, you’re absolutely right. That I guess where that question came from, as I was just wondering if any of the fire, forest fire mitigation activities, as far as doing some of the cleanup would fall within the gap water and would, you know, create any delays for us trying to remediate? So that’s kind of where that question was coming from. But it sounds like that’s not necessarily a concern for us.
Unknown Speaker 38:35
But the second question was, if there was anything, and I saw the
Unknown Speaker 38:40
interim committee was posted this morning for the water for the General Assembly, and I was just wondering if you had any word on whether or not there were any big water bills that were going to be passed before the interim committee that would be kind of coming up early and hot and the upcoming legislative session?
Unknown Speaker 39:00
Yeah, the
Unknown Speaker 39:03
I haven’t heard that the interim committee water committee has taken up any discussion on any bills, and of course, they can’t pass anybody can only recommend it. And then it becomes the first bills essentially, they get introduced in January, for for water bills.
Unknown Speaker 39:22
Come out of the interim committee. You know, we have heard that there’s real strong talk about it.
Unknown Speaker 39:31
A summer session being called by the governor, but if they do that, it’s only it can only they can only act on a limited number of bills that are pertinent to whatever reason, the special session is called. And I would be really, really surprised if there’s any water
Unknown Speaker 39:55
bills. You had a special session
Unknown Speaker 39:59
this summer.
Unknown Speaker 40:00
I would I would think if there was a special session would
Unknown Speaker 40:05
revolve around COVID or economic recovery or items like that. But financial items, but I wouldn’t see any water bill. So I really don’t see any water bills coming before next January. But we do we do track we do follow the
Unknown Speaker 40:26
interim water committee actions, because that’s where you really do need to be listening to those and giving the input so that come January, the bill looks like you want it to look like you know, it is always harder to amend it in January if it’s gone through the interim legislative committee first. So yeah, we’ll continue to track those.
Unknown Speaker 40:53
Great, thank you, Ken. Any other questions?
Unknown Speaker 40:57
Okay, looks like we’re on to item item nine C, which is a windy get firming project update, Ken?
Unknown Speaker 41:05
Yeah, quick update on windy gap, there’s probably not a lot more since our last meeting, just to refresh the federal lawsuit was settled, signed the first installment It was a $15 million settlement, and that first installments gone forward and
Unknown Speaker 41:26
not 100% sure if the money’s actually been transferred, because
Unknown Speaker 41:31
the grand county foundation that’s going to receive it and then disperse it.
Unknown Speaker 41:36
They weren’t, weren’t quite ready for this big chunk of money. And, I mean, you know, they’re they’re sure they’re, they’re a great organization. But this is this is real big time with you have a lot of people looking at it, you know, as compared to more of a local entity that works within grand County.
Unknown Speaker 41:57
So they’re still working a little bit to get that down. But without process it, you know, it’s now been signed by the courts, everything’s done. And that that funding will come. The first 5 million now, remainder really 10 later on, as the project proceeds.
Unknown Speaker 42:14
All the participants are on board.
Unknown Speaker 42:18
Right now the probably the biggest push is the financing portion of it.
Unknown Speaker 42:25
The municipal sub district is looking very hard at trying to get everything done and ready for the pooled financing.
Unknown Speaker 42:33
bond issuance.
Unknown Speaker 42:36
Probably the biggest new item coming out of the financing, is that the city of Broomfield city and county in Broomfield
Unknown Speaker 42:47
they have since they’re a county in additional city, their county, their process takes a little bit longer to go through financing.
Unknown Speaker 42:57
For one thing, Longmont,
Unknown Speaker 43:00
we’ve already we’ve already gone to our voters, we’ve we’ve had the bar the issuance of the bonds approved by the voters. So at this point, we just need council to authorize staff to actually sell the bonds. So that will be occurring in July, and then we’ll be able to go out solid bonds and we’ll plan on having our money up to miss subdistrict early August. Unfortunately for the city and county of Broomfield, they have they have to have like 30 days between a first reading and a second reading of an ordinance the issue bonds. And then instead of long ones case when when we do an ordinance take we have a 10 day waiting period where anybody in the public can actually petition against the ordinance.
Unknown Speaker 43:52
The insert county they have a 30 day. So they’re going to have a first reading early July 2 reading in early, late July, early August. And then there’s like a 30 day waiting period, then they go out and so on. So they won’t have their funding available till September. So that’s going to slightly delay the payment by Bromfield.
Unknown Speaker 44:16
But all the other participants, I think will be ready to go and moving forward.
Unknown Speaker 44:22
That Broomfield has signed an agreement that allows them to bring their money few weeks later than they otherwise would with acquiescence of all the other project participants. But kind of the flip side of that to kind of make sure that we’re all comfortable that Renfield is serious about going forward. They weren’t going to bring 22 million in cash. They’ve already brought 2 million last January. So they they were told you need to bring the remainder 20 million
Unknown Speaker 45:00
have cash cash to the project right now. And so they have actually already done that. And those funds have been transferred up to Northern to go into an escrow account, similar to the escrow account that we set up for long months money when we send it up. So they’re for, you know, right now we’re comfortable with row fields, Council,
Unknown Speaker 45:24
and that everything’s moving forward smoothly, they’re just kind of a timing issue. So that’s a little bit of a timing issue still, still plan on once the pooled financing will sell.
Unknown Speaker 45:39
early August, our financing will sell late July, and the funds will be available early August. So the bulk of all the money of pooled financing and other participants, cash financing will all be out there early August. So getting really close to ready to issue the notice to seed for the contractor. I mean, that’s really kind of already happening. They’re, they’re getting ready to
Unknown Speaker 46:08
construct a staging area. And they’re, they’re, you know, fully ready. So
Unknown Speaker 46:16
looks like we might actually have a good groundbreaking probably sometime in August, and certainly would want to invite waterboard members to attend that. groundbreaking, if you’re interested in going. I think it’ll probably be pretty big. A lot of people there, I hope and a lot of excitement about getting the project moving forward. So
Unknown Speaker 46:42
that’s really where we are right now. Nothing on the ground yet, but we’re getting really close. And you feel like we’re moving, moving forward in a positive manner. So the happy to answer any questions, if there are any, on that arena.
Unknown Speaker 47:00
Great. Are there any questions? Where can I?
Unknown Speaker 47:04
Can I do have one question? So, you know, the when we did the cash in lieu, it looks like the costs have gone up, just under 5%? Is the increase in the per acre foot cost?
Unknown Speaker 47:16
I assume with the bond issue, I think you gave yourself enough room that if the cost went up, it would still fit within the bond issuance? Does it also, you know, I think the other question was, is if the cost goes up, was that due to rates? And, and you know, maybe the the amount would be the same, but there’d have to be redistribution or prioritization of work within the overall use of the money from the rates? I have you been working through that is in terms of what that means, from a practical standpoint, in terms of, you know, are there certain projects, did you have enough contingency? And there were covers this increase? Or is there having to be a shifting around the money to cover that increased cost? Just curious? Sure. That’s, that’s a great question.
Unknown Speaker 48:01
The short answer is, yes, there
Unknown Speaker 48:05
wasn’t will be enough money in contingency in the project. So of that, of that increase, about one half of the increase is attributable about $400 per acre foot of the 800 acre foot increase in the cash in lieu was attributable to federal settlement, the Federal settlement
Unknown Speaker 48:32
is actually going to be so the first thing is, that won’t only the first 1/3 of that, for about 400,000 will be charged to us
Unknown Speaker 48:44
right away on on the
Unknown Speaker 48:48
on the next annual assessment.
Unknown Speaker 48:53
And then their main 1/3 will occur about halfway through the project couple years from now, the remaining 1/3 will occur at at the end of the project when when it gets completed
Unknown Speaker 49:07
and ready for you know, an accepted by the state engineer’s office. So that spreads that cost about half of the cost out quite a bit. It actually is not going to be charged against the initial capital. For the project, it’s going to be in the yearly assessments that we pay every year for windy gap, which is good for us because we will then be able to have future cash in lieu payments that the actual payment your review reviewed today, that those funds will be available
Unknown Speaker 49:46
to pay that off over time. And so there won’t be we won’t, we won’t need to go to either the bond or to any rates, the customers to for that cash that’ll that’ll be future cash.
Unknown Speaker 50:00
Unknown Speaker 50:01
which will be pretty easily covered that amount. The other half is
Unknown Speaker 50:07
project escalation costs primarily due to the delay.
Unknown Speaker 50:12
The project had enough
Unknown Speaker 50:18
contingency in it that that
Unknown Speaker 50:22
right now the project is not asking the participants to come to the table with additional funding to cover those delay costs. They’re basically being picked up by the contingency? Well, what that does is that narrows your contingency, which would be a cause for concern, you know, in year three or four, if you need those contingency funds.
Unknown Speaker 50:49
And, for us, we really have two avenues if if that were to exceed the contingency that is so so as a result, we’re not being asked at this point for that additional half of the of the costs increase.
Unknown Speaker 51:05
If the contingency isn’t enough, because we’ve eaten some up with this right now, a will have future cash in lieu available to pay that. But also our bond issuance of the of the amount that the voters approved, which was $36.3 million, I believe we only need about 34 to 35 million for
Unknown Speaker 51:30
to actually bring the all the cash the we need to bring forward. And we’re a little bit lower than we then we were looking at a little while ago, mostly because we’ve had additional cash in lieu come in between
Unknown Speaker 51:50
even though the even though the federal lawsuit cost us money. And unfortunately, the late it, during that delay, we had additional cash in lieu money come in. And so one of our financing strategies is we’re basically taking all our cash in lieu and putting it on the project as the first dollars in, then we’re using that high mountain dam fund as the next dollars, all of that. And then
Unknown Speaker 52:16
we had we had some cash in our cash reserves that we were going to use so. So in essence, the amount we need to bond is reduced by the amount of additional cash in lieu that we’ve realized over the last couple years. And so yeah, there is, in addition to all of the all of the above, there’s a little bit of money in the bond. So we got a little bit of money in the bottom, and we’ll have money.
Unknown Speaker 52:47
If for some reason, all the contingencies eaten up, then we would have cash in lieu. And we’d have we’d have a little more there. So there’s quite a bit of
Unknown Speaker 52:58
you know, I have to say, when we’re talking millions of dollars, I just say quite a bit. But yeah, there is funding there that that allows us we’re not currently at all concerned about where we are from the financial standpoint, because we do have that both of those gaps are there covered.
Unknown Speaker 53:18
Okay, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 53:20
Yep, it does. Alright, so no, there’s no further questions on that. Move on to nine D, which is the water resource engineering projects update, Jason.
Unknown Speaker 53:31
Thank you, Chairman. Yeah, I just wanted to give the board a quick update on a couple projects. So the South St. Brain pipeline, as you might recall, we’ve got two projects kind of going simultaneously. We’ve got the rehab project and then we’ve got the pump station project.
Unknown Speaker 53:48
We have Smith and loveless under contract to build the pump station. they’ve submitted their first engineering drawings and we’ve reviewed them and they look very good. We’ve we have we have comments, but there’s no no red flags, nothing that’s going to delay the project. So far, everything’s going good. And if anything, we’re making up for some last time. They submitted their first round of engineering drawings two weeks early, so we were actually caught off guard. We weren’t quite prepared for that. So they surprised us. So that was that was a good thing.
Unknown Speaker 54:16
So the pump stations moving forward and then
Unknown Speaker 54:20
knock on wood. We think we have the entire section of the entire South st green pipeline unclogged. Now we think we have all the material out of it from from the flood. We’re in the process of running a camera through to try to confirm this. And then try to identify any point repairs we’re going to need to make. But so far, everything’s looking very promising. We have
Unknown Speaker 54:45
a contract under a contract executed with CNL water solutions to get the liner installed. So that’s on order. That’s going to be about 12 to 16 weeks lead time, but that
Unknown Speaker 55:00
was expected and everything is on schedule. So
Unknown Speaker 55:03
I’ve been saying it for a while, I’m gonna keep saying it. I think the South st brain pipeline will be back online early spring of next year with maybe even a pump station. So that’s a, it’s going pretty good. So so far, it’s been it’s been a busy schedule, but everything’s looking very promising. And I’ll keep the board updated as things unfold. And hopefully, we’re kind of over the hump on some of this stuff. And it’s smooth sailing from here on out.
Unknown Speaker 55:31
Question, thank you, Jason was or any other that’s the update. Is there another project approved unless the board has specific questions, those, those are the two big projects I have updates on some of the other stuff. Not a lot of change. Okay. It is necessary. Alright. Are there any questions for Jason on a sauce named brain pipeline projects?
Unknown Speaker 55:52
I’m not seeing any great. Thank you, Jason. Yeah. Thanks, everybody. Okay, we’re on the agenda 10 items from the board. First off his review of major project listings and items tentatively scheduled for future board meetings. Are there any any board members have anything they want to bring up on this item?
Unknown Speaker 56:15
Okay, I’m not seeing any
Unknown Speaker 56:17
on 10 B, will have the item or the discussion item is future in person monthly meetings discussion? Ken, are you going to take that?
Unknown Speaker 56:31
Yes, be happy to start out there.
Unknown Speaker 56:35
So as as waterboard may recall, when we all went home, and that pandemic really took off.
Unknown Speaker 56:47
One of the things we started doing was having our water board meetings online. And we are allowed to do that during emergency
Unknown Speaker 56:59
when emergency declarations occur.
Unknown Speaker 57:03
And as a result, we’ve we’ve been offline, you know, on remote ever since
Unknown Speaker 57:11
the city council has,
Unknown Speaker 57:14
is now ready to go back into in person meetings. They’ll actually be starting their first in person meeting, I believe,
Unknown Speaker 57:24
June 29. At the end of this month, I think everybody’s excited for that.
Unknown Speaker 57:31
As a result, we will, you know,
Unknown Speaker 57:37
I don’t know that there’s gonna be a declaration but essentially, you know, the emergency is over in that from from a legal standpoint of how you can and can’t have meetings, that pretty much kind of sets us into a situation where
Unknown Speaker 57:55
I think give Ward is still not quite comfortable yet. And having in person meetings, we can probably go for a little bit longer on remote, but but we’re getting you know, close to the end of the
Unknown Speaker 58:08
of the emergency. So I did want to pose to the board that we may want to look at an in person meeting.
Unknown Speaker 58:18
Go back to in person meetings in July to be consistent with what city council is now going to be doing. But when it opened up for the board, get your feelings and discussion on that.
Unknown Speaker 58:34
Okay, thank you can any questions, comments from the waterboard on going back to in person meetings?
Unknown Speaker 58:44
I guess I’ll give Roger Go ahead.
Unknown Speaker 58:51
You’re muted again, Roger.
Unknown Speaker 58:59
Sorry about that. If you have some comments, you can go ahead and type but you know, my general opinion is if
Unknown Speaker 59:07
everybody’s headed in that direction. I don’t know that I see. Any reason from my standpoint why we wouldn’t want to head there next month’s meeting unless there’s something that I don’t understand that it wouldn’t be delaying us from do that. But I’d be comfortable doing that. I’m just offering my opinion.
Unknown Speaker 59:30
In red drum on the same mind, I think
Unknown Speaker 59:35
my experiences I think I’d much rather have in person meetings. I think he gained a lot more from those than I like the zoom meetings. I think they’ve worked well in the given the situation but to the extent we can come back in person, I would much prefer that. So that that’s kind of where I’m at plus it gives me an opportunity to meet Allison in person and some of the board members we
Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
Added since
Unknown Speaker 1:00:02
that have been only virtual today, so, anyway, that that’s where I’m at. I don’t know, else if you have any thoughts or Kathy, if you haven’t thought
Unknown Speaker 1:00:12
I would. Second. Roger and Chairman Williams, your thoughts? I look forward to meeting you all in person.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:23
Okay. I also think it’s, you’d lose a lot. I mean, I think we’ve done the best we can, thanks to staff actually doing the zoom meetings, but you really
Unknown Speaker 1:00:34
think it was a lot of the nuance, when when it’s all it gets really dry when it’s all virtual?
Unknown Speaker 1:00:43
And is the father of three teenage boys at that school for however long? I’ll second that comment? Kathy, it’s tough to, to kind of stay engaged as much as when you’re there in person. So thank you for that comment.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:57
All right. Do you have what you need on that? Then can I think? Do we need a motion or anything along those lines to go back? Or do we just go ahead and set it for next month in person?
Unknown Speaker 1:01:08
Well, I do have one clarifying question I would like to ask, and that is,
Unknown Speaker 1:01:17
staff is comfortable having the meeting where we normally have it at the service center. But that’s a little bit smaller room.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:27
We’re usually not overrun with
Unknown Speaker 1:01:31
public invited to be heard at the meeting. But you know, a lot of public comment might get a little tight, their
Unknown Speaker 1:01:41
status, very comfortable. And it makes a lot easier if we can have it there. But we could also, if water board’s not as comfortable having a in person meeting but not comfortable having it here. We could look for other locations. But we’re finding doing that and yeah, if all I need is a consensus from the board, if you
Unknown Speaker 1:02:06
are so inclined. We’ll we’ll start those meetings next month.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:11
I guess my perspective is we’ve I think we’ve only had one or two public invited to be heard. And not more than probably one a meeting, since I’ve been on the waterboard, so I’m fine having it at the service center, as it always has been. Does everybody anybody have a issue with that?
Unknown Speaker 1:02:30
suggestion, that just keeps it simple as well, for staff, which I appreciate.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:35
Unknown Speaker 1:02:37
Okay. Let’s go that direction. And thank you. So we’ll move on to item we added in an item 10 C, which is cyber security. malleson, do you want to
Unknown Speaker 1:02:50
go ahead and get?
Unknown Speaker 1:02:52
Yeah, thank you very much. Um, as all of you probably have, I’m sure you’ve heard quite a bit on the news about the colonial pipeline hack.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:03
And as part of that coverage, one thing that I continuously heard is that there’s local governments are potentially going to be targeted as a part of those type of compromising cyber operations. So I thought it might be timely to bring that up to the waterboard and
Unknown Speaker 1:03:23
just ask some really basic questions to our
Unknown Speaker 1:03:28
the folks who would be overseeing that specifically, what type of cybersecurity do we use?
Unknown Speaker 1:03:37
And what is our plan if we do have any sort of system compromised? And those are things that I’m sure we don’t necessarily want to talk about in a very publicized setting for security purposes. So I wanted to bring up with the board. If that is something maybe we could hear a little bit more about, but it may be a more secure setting. So perhaps in some sort of like executive session? If we do have that coming up at our next in person meeting.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:09
That’s all I had.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:12
Then do you want to? Is that something we could put on the agenda and then go ahead and set for an executive session topic? I mean, we can, I guess, would be talking to the attorneys at how much can we say in open session and then
Unknown Speaker 1:04:27
maybe, you know, obviously go into Executive Session for items as Allison references that are sensitive in nature or the attorneys feel like are compromising or can be covered under the Executive Session rules. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:44
That that that whole arena is a really good question. Really good subject because that absolutely is
Unknown Speaker 1:04:52
very high priority very on top of top of some of the things we’re looking at. That’d be unsaid. You know, we do have a
Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
Pretty good cybersecurity here. But as is obvious, it can hit anybody, you know, anywhere.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:08
The short answer for long mon elista water is that we are little bit lucky in that we basically run a gravity system.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:20
And gravity system can actually operate completely independently of skater control. It’s certainly harder and it certainly takes more effort, but
Unknown Speaker 1:05:35
parts of our system,
Unknown Speaker 1:05:38
our, our, our mock, manually operated. So we can do that. But there there is a lot of things that we’d be more than happy to, to update waterboard on.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:53
The nice thing about
Unknown Speaker 1:05:59
water system security is it were actually protected at the federal level,
Unknown Speaker 1:06:07
he caught me on a step above the state on on
Unknown Speaker 1:06:15
non disclosure laws at the federal level. So we’re able to not disclose a lot of things. In fact, we’re actually required not to disclose a lot of things about how I water system operates from the federal level, you know, based upon the clean drinking water acts. And so, yeah, that that would be if we do it, then what I would do is set up with our city attorney’s office, an executive session, for the July or August, I’ll have to check with them first. But probably probably one of those two meetings, I’ll set up an executive session, and we can give you
Unknown Speaker 1:06:58
I can’t tell you, I don’t even get a copy of the documents. So we do we literally hold hold a lot of that security stuff in a few people’s hands, and very tightly control. And as it should be, as you would want it to, as I think all it says is some will want it to be. But yeah, that is a great subject to look out. And because, you know, it is a good thing that waterboard would be concerned about. So if the board has a general consensus that they are very interested in, looking into that a little bit and understanding that a little bit be happy to do that. Either July or August, as soon as we can get it set up.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:43
Okay, so can you look into it in terms of getting you know how we get that information to the board, and then we can put it on the appropriate agenda so we can get information on that’s a Ellison. Thank you for bringing that up. That’s a good point.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:58
All right. So we’re on item 11. And I guess we’re I’m going to do want to bring up one item there. And unfortunately, this is kind of with mixed feelings. But I believe this may be Kathy’s last waterboard meeting, if I’m understanding that, right, I think in Kathy, I may let you speak to this a little bit. But I know you have other things that you’re spending your time on and wanted to maybe allocate a little more time to those items. So I guess I’m got mixed feelings, definitely sad to see you go, you’ve been a great member of the waterboard and have added so much over your tenure. But I understand that, you know, you have many things that you’re wanting to, you know, volunteer efforts that you want to put your time forward. So I’m glad you’re staying involved in those things. I know you’ve, you’ve done a great job, and he’ll do a great job in that other role as well. So I don’t know if you want to say anything, Kathy. Um, I really enjoyed it, actually. And I think it was
Unknown Speaker 1:09:03
I realized I was spending quite a bit of my volunteer efforts on water, which is what I spent my career doing. And I thought it would probably be a good opportunity for me to
Unknown Speaker 1:09:18
do some of my other interests and spread my volunteer efforts. Specifically, I have in the past and I would like to get back into hospice as a volunteer effort, not necessarily on the board, and but more on one on one volunteer effort there. So and then, of course, I’ve got nine grandkids that I haven’t seen
Unknown Speaker 1:09:47
during COVID and want to spend some time traveling although that still seems problematic as far as flying. But anyway, so I think it’s a good opportunity to learn
Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
Some other citizen who maybe hasn’t been knee deep in water for so long and could learn, you know, how important it is to the city, I’m very impressed with one month’s water system and always have been, but getting to know staff even more so. So I really appreciate it.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:25
Thank you, Kathy. Sorry, I was toggling on and off my mute switch there. So
Unknown Speaker 1:10:30
well, I just really enjoyed working with you. And obviously before when your left hand I did as well. But it’s been enjoyed being on you with being on the waterboard with you. So thank you for your service that the one other thing I guess I’ll ask the board is, if we get together in person, I’d like to suggest that we could maybe do a short kind of reception afterwards for for Kathy, if you’d be willing to maybe come back in for one more month. Moser. Thank you. And, frankly, we have you know, Renee, that left the waterboard and john Caldwell as well. So if we could, if if we’re willing to maybe afterwards, just say thank you to those who have given their time and efforts to the waterboard in the past. So, if possible, I’m going to try to pull you in one more month here, Kathy, if that’s possible, so.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:21
Unknown Speaker 1:11:24
Well, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:27
I guess that in I think that’s all I had, unless anybody else had any.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:33
And I’m sorry, my screen is freezing up on us guys. So females as item if they could just let me know.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:45
I’m going to move on to item 12. And that’s items tentatively scheduled for future board meetings. And 12. A, we’ll revisit the cash in lieu in June.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:58
And then under 12 B as discussed future water board’s agenda, agendas. I think the only thing with Kathy’s departure is we’re going to need to nominate a new Vice Chair for the waterboard. So we’ll need to put that on an upcoming meeting. Agenda. So
Unknown Speaker 1:12:18
Can Can we do that? Or Heather?
Unknown Speaker 1:12:21
Yeah, we’ll get that scheduled. Thank you. I think that, um, city council is doing their board interviews, or did them last Friday or something. So we should have a new board member for July as well. So.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:36
Okay, great. Yeah, actually, we interviewed them last Tuesday. We have not voted on them yet. So I assume that’s going to be on the upcoming council agenda
Unknown Speaker 1:12:49
for next Tuesday, which will be a first in person meeting. Yeah, I think I did see that on the pre agenda, as long as we’re working through things. So.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:02
All right. Well, that sounds good. Is there any other future items that need to be any future waterboard agenda items that anyone wants to bring up for discussion?
Unknown Speaker 1:13:16
And I’m not seeing any so. Okay. Based on that, we are ready to start again. Do you have something to say? Yeah, yeah, Todd, there was one item for future board meeting that I would like to throw out to see if waterboard is interested.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:34
As we’re getting closer to the windy gap,
Unknown Speaker 1:13:38
groundbreaking and started construction.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:42
The municipal sub district does hold tours for boards and councils of entities or participants special, you know, special tours just for the participants. And so I wanted to check in and now that we’re getting that close to see if waterboard would be interested in having a tour setup.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:08
could could do it a couple of different ways could do it maybe before,
Unknown Speaker 1:14:13
like noon to three or four before one of the board meetings, could do it on a separate day could do it on an evening. But just wanted to see if there was any interest on the board to have a special tour up there.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:29
And if you do have a tour, we’d probably even invite council to come along with us and see if anybody on council would like to go. We thought it might be an opportunity. Rather than go up to a groundbreaking that has 300 people and you know, you kind of stuck in one spot. We thought it’d be a lot easier to have one so no need to do it but just wanted to throw that out to see if the waterboard would be interested in setting up a tour.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:58
Okay, I got a
Unknown Speaker 1:15:00
Thumbs up from Allison. Roger, your thoughts?
Unknown Speaker 1:15:03
Okay, we got a thumbs up there, I guess my preference that we could do it would maybe even make it the same day as the board meeting. So then we could just do it and then roll right into our board meeting, if that’s a possibility for everyone else, but, and we need to make sure we got a spot for Kathy to come back and participate as well. So
Unknown Speaker 1:15:23
bring her back in and be great. So yeah. Okay. Well, I’d suggest go ahead and maybe get some dates for the upcoming waterboard meeting, see if you can run those by northern staff and there’s some something that works there, maybe then we could get it to the city council to see if he would want to participate on that end as well. So, but it’s a huge allocation of obviously of money and meeting the future water supplies for the city. So I think that’s a great idea, Ken, thank you for thinking of that. Okay. Cool. Thank you. Great. All right. With that, anything else for the good of the order here? I’m not seeing any so I’m going to go ahead and adjourn the meeting. And once again, thank you, Kathy, for all your time and efforts with the waterboard. Kathy. Thank you. We appreciate you. Thank you.