Video Description:
City Council Regular Session – June 8, 2021
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 23:20
Just an acknowledgement to the land that we reside on So for us it would be the ute Arapaho. I’m just really acknowledging the tribes that have been in existence in these lands before before us. And, and so a lot of the meetings that I’ve attended to and things, presentations and trainings that I’ve assisted attended at throughout the nation, they’ve started any type of meeting or any type of gathering or training with the land acknowledgement, and the Longmont museum board wants to be able to present and move forward a little background on what land acknowledgments are, and kind of have that be a part of the norms in our in the city of Longmont. So we’re looking to start it with at the Longmont Museum, but as as to serve as a model that we really like to see it, you know, wide, you know, widely used within our within our city. So I’d like to bring forward to ask that to be put on an agenda that the Longmont museum bring forward the what we’ve the work we’ve been doing with this, and with the hope that we can have this be a citywide initiative to have a second. Second,
Unknown Speaker 24:50
all right, it’s been moved and seconded just as an aside to on September 18. is when we’re going to be doing the official signatory signing of The sister cities agreement. And there will be a resolution then presented officially not just a mere verbal, you know, land acknowledgement there will be a resolution acknowledging them that that I’m going to bring forward to council that we’ll be able to actually vote on and yeah, go into the go into the record is an official, you know, resolution.
Unknown Speaker 25:21
Absolutely. And we had discussed that as well. And our hope is that we can have the museum present ahead of time. So this isn’t anything that the staff would really have to prepare as the Longmont museum board is, is bringing this forward.
Unknown Speaker 25:37
Alright. I personally don’t have a problem with it. We’ll even if we voted down, I’ll still put it on the agenda, but I don’t think it’s going to be voted down. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, perfect. Thank you, council member dogs bearing saying no. And seeing nothing else. Let’s go ahead and move on to the city manager’s report. Harold, do you have slides tonight?
Unknown Speaker 26:02
All right. No, Mayor, I don’t have a report tonight. Okay, we’re still moving in the in the right direction and continuing to get more people vaccinated. All right, well,
Unknown Speaker 26:11
I don’t want to throw up the reading screen while I read. So next then let’s move on to a proclamation designating June 2021 is Pride Month in Longmont. And I’m gonna go ahead and read that let’s do not put up the first call screen because that way it’ll just be a distraction. I want I want to have this have the stage. So it’s a proclamation designating June 2021 is Pride Month in Longmont, Colorado, and it states whereas diversity is a community asset that enhances and enriches the lives of all community members. And city council and city staff have committed to making Longmont an inclusive and welcoming community for all including the LGBTQ community. And whereas the United States Supreme Court ruled in June 2015 that same sex couples can marry nationwide establishing a new civil right in our country. And whereas Longmont has a diverse LGBTQ community that includes people of many ethnicities, religions and professions includes those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transgender, trans gender, queer or questioning, intersex and asexual and all have the right to feel safe and live without the threat of harassment. And whereas the work of our Boulder County alliance with the city’s strategic objectives to co create a more inclusive and equitable community that promotes unity and honors diversity, and whereas the fight for dignity and equality for LGBTQ people is reflected in the tireless dedication of advocates and allies who strive to make this a more inclusive society. However, work remains in order to achieve Bullock however, work remains in order to achieve full equality, inclusion and acceptance. Now therefore, I Brian J. Bagley Mayor by virtue of the authority vested in me in the City Council, the city of Longmont do hereby proclaim June 2021 is Pride Month in Longmont and encourage all residents to participate in one of the many events honoring our LGBTQ community, organized by out Boulder County to show respect and pride in our diverse community. And it’s about to celebrate and build a culture of inclusiveness and acceptance. And before I hand it over to Marty more, I wish I would have made one change that I was reading that again, and that change I wish there was not a new civil rights established in June 2015. civil rights and human rights are in proposed they’ve always existed. They were recognized finally in June 2015. So big big difference I wish I would have used those that wording rather than the wording that’s in here. But Marty more I’m going to go ahead and hand it over to you and if you have some words to say we’d love to hear from you.
Unknown Speaker 28:38
Thank you Mayor Bagley and thank you Council for the proclamation once again this year, designating June as Pride Month in Longmont, Colorado, my home city so I’m very proud. I will say Mayor bag leave it on in 2015 it was a pretty big celebration so we can mince words, but there was some great gains made and let’s hope we can hang on to them. I want to thank you all as you know, I hope you know that your great city manager Harold Domingo’s is the Grand Marshal, for this year’s Longmont Pride Parade. And we couldn’t be happier or more proud because as mayor was reading, this is a partnership between the LGBTQ community and the city. And it is a active partnership in that Harold Carmen and their team are working with city employees city policies to make sure that LGBTQ people are seen and respected. So that is a really big deal and it’s quite the commitment. So I hope you’ll all be out on the street cheering for Harold and his family as he comes down the street in Kenny’s cool convertible. Kenny of catcher D. So that’s going on. I will also And I know you have a long night ahead of you that even though we’re we’ve combined boulder and Longmont pride together there is the special more motorcade, if you’re going to drive in the parade be around Roosevelt Park between eight and nine o’clock. We’ll take off shortly after that and head down Main Street. We’re also we have rented the Longmont museum for a fantastic movie. As part of our bipoc programming on Saturday night. I think it starts at 630. Everything about pride is free. So I think we have 40 people signed up and we can have 60 in the museum right now. So if you’d like to sign up for that, please do. I want to thank you, Council. You’ve always been supportive. I appreciate that. And the proclamation cements that for yet another year.
Unknown Speaker 30:48
Big Thank you, Marty, the you’re getting silent claps but yeah, thank you. And should the progress that was made, take a step backwards, I will be the first to stand with you to cry that we need to make sure that those human rights continue to be recognized and respected. So thank you. Thank you. All right, Carol.
Unknown Speaker 31:08
Mayor, I just wanted to thank Marty for asking me to do this. Marty, and I’ve had some personal conversations. And this is for my son as well and supporting him. And so I really appreciate this honor, and want to thank you, and thank you for being there when I needed someone to talk to you. You’re a good parent want to make sure that was pointed out to but I didn’t want to do it for you. Thanks.
Unknown Speaker 31:36
He’s a terrible parent, but for other reasons, for other reasons. All right, let’s go ahead and sorry, before I forget, I was supposed to do this earlier, the Juneteenth celebration. They’re going to do it virtual on Monday at 11 o’clock. Council is invited to come to the city hall. They’re going to be raising the American flag and raising the Juneteenth flag as part of a video that they’re going to record it to. just just just part of the presentation they want. They want the Juneteenth flag being raised on on cities Hall, they want that that shot. So I’m going to be there and count. They said, well, who else should we invite? And I said, Let’s invite all a council. So everyone is invited. Mayor Pro Tem. Let’s clarify. That’s the 21st or the 11th. This Monday, the 11th. May 11. Thanks. Why prior to June T cell or 90 All right. Councilmember Christiansen
Unknown Speaker 32:35
the rest of the event is happening online. And you can register through Eventbrite and it cc so it should be really interesting. Terrific. Thank you Pauline. Johnson memberi Lago fairing
Unknown Speaker 32:50
so I wanted to clarify, the 11th is Friday, the 14th is Monday 14. I’m sorry for it’s Monday,
Unknown Speaker 32:58
whatever day is this Monday. 11 o’clock, the 14th 11 o’clock. Okay. So confused you all. It is Monday, 11 o’clock City Hall. And we have a flagpole. And we’ll meet there and take down the flag and act like it’s the first thing we’re doing so that they can they can get their shot. So all right. Anything else on dates? Juneteenth pride month or my days? All right, cool. Thank you. All right, well, Mayor, you’re muted. Let’s take a brief break for three minutes and then the first caller will keep it open. So we have a six minute window. And we’ll be back in three. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 34:01
Okay, folks, for those of you watching the live stream, if you’d like to call in for public invited to be heard, now is the time you can call us toll free 1-888-788-0099. Again, 1888780099. When prompted, the meeting ID is 8336215740383362157403. If you’re prompted for a participant ID press pound. Once you’ve connected and you’ve been led into the meeting, please make sure to mute the live stream. Otherwise you’re going to hear yourself speaking and they’ll Via 20 to 32nd delay. So you won’t hear my instructions to unmute. So make sure that you listen for instructions through the telephone. All right, how many people do we have in the queue? mayor, we do not have any callers that have called in at this moment. All right, let’s just wait. Let’s just wait 60 more seconds. And then we’ll move on. All right, that was a little over three minutes. show about 330 right now. All right, it’s about four minutes 30 I’m going to drop the screen and let our live stream get caught up. All right, thank you. And we still don’t have anybody. We did lose one of our staff so we’re giving them just a minute to try and log back in.
Unknown Speaker 38:31
All right, well, let’s let’s go let’s let’s cut off the public invited be her line lets you guys work on staff. In the meantime, can you do can you start reading the consent agenda while we wait? On?
Unknown Speaker 38:41
We can do that. Mayor. Let’s do that. All right. item nine a is ordinance 2021 dash 30. A bill for an ordinance amending chapters 1502 1504 and 1510 of the Longmont municipal code regarding accessory dwelling units, public hearing and second reading scheduled for June 29 2021. Nine B is resolution 2021 dash 58 a resolution of the Longmont city council directing city staff to process an application referral for extra territorial sewer service for the single family residents at 9190 Jada drive nine CES resolution 2021 dash 59 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city of Longmont and the Colorado Department of Transportation for federal funding for traffic signal improvements. 90 is resolution 2021 dash 60 a resolution of Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city of Longmont and the mountain Brook Metropolitan District regarding the mountain Brook development nymi is resolution 2021 dash 61 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the city of Boulder for the use of overdrive downloadable digital media. Nine F is resolution 2021 dash 62 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and Boulder County Public health for personnel to support vaccine equity work. Nine G is resolution 2021 dash 63 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the city to accept a grant from the Colorado Department of local affairs for grant funding for the peace officer mental health grant program. And nine H is resolution 2021 dash 64 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the city two Oh, sorry. Resolution Lamont city council approving the and intergovernmental agreement between the city and the Colorado State Patrol for a beat auto theft through law enforcement grant. memorandum of understanding.
Unknown Speaker 40:34
All right, Councillor Martin? So I’d like to pull Item A for just a quick question. Okay, anyone else? helzberg pack was not a
Unknown Speaker 40:47
I was just gonna move the consent agenda minus item A.
Unknown Speaker 40:51
I’ll second that. All right. All in favor of moving the consent. Agenda minus Item A say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, consent agenda passes unanimously. But for Item a, but actually, and that’s that’s six of us. But with Councilman waters absent. Alright, let’s move on to we don’t have any ordinances on second reading. So let’s just go ahead and move right to ordinance 2021 dash 30 also known as item nine, a councillor Martin?
Unknown Speaker 41:26
Um, yes, on the matter of if it’s a complete new building, the if the adu needs to go through or renovation of, of really old building like a garage needs to go through a full full process rather than just a plat review. How, how can you estimate how much more that’s going to cost the homeowner to do that? Good evening, Mayor
Unknown Speaker 42:02
Bagley, council member Martin Aaron fosdick. With the planning division. Currently, site plan waivers do not have a cost associated with them. site plan review would be what have a cost. So that would all take a look at the development handbook. It wouldn’t change the permit fees necessarily. So it’d be a more nominal fee. And I’ll take a look at that. We do it by number of units. But I just need a second to take a look and look that up.
Unknown Speaker 42:36
Hillsborough Martin, would you like to make a motion? Well, I don’t know the answer fits my vote. All right. You might have Councilmember Christiansen makes your comment while we’re waiting. We’re not at all. Casper Christiansen?
Unknown Speaker 42:52
Sure. I have a question about I’m sorry about that. The Council also directed staff to investigate ways to dress architectural compatibility for new structures within the original town. Someone needs to define original town. And someone needs to define architectural compatibility. And who would be defining that because frankly, if something is in your backyard, unless you live in a historical building, I don’t really see why we care too much about well, we need to define architectural compatibility. And we either need to set up a group of people who would like the historical preservation commission would maybe oversee that. I mean, that’s just it’s just awfully vague. And we can go on and on and on with trying to do this. The other thing I
Unknown Speaker 43:58
All right. The only this is the only sort of building that in which we only have to notify people within 150 feet, which is really just the length of your property. Why not just make it 300 feet like everything else because an adu actually does affect more than just you and the people in on each side of you. And I think we should just make it consistent 300 feet with everything else. Mayor Bagley, Councilmember
Unknown Speaker 44:36
Martin and Councilmember Christiansen I have a few follow up answers to your questions. Thank you for your patience while I looked up the information I’m sure if Ava were here she would have it read off the top of her head but a site plan review including amendments for up to five dwellings is $500. So that would be the cost for new new To use and detached structures. Councilmember Christiansen with regard to your question. Original town is defined. That’s the original square mile of Longmont. And so that’s from Bowen to Martin ninth, down to just south the first. And so that does, that’s essentially the, what we call the original town subdivision. And is, obviously contains our historic districts, as well as what most people refer to as kind of the historic core of Longmont. And in our previous conversation with Council, it seemed like that was the area that that Council was most interested in those additional protections. What we’re proposing, as you noted, from the council communication is, the changes that are before you in the ordinance tonight are much more straightforward. From a staff perspective, there’s still quite a bit of work to be done with architectural compatibility, and potentially enhanced design standards for original town. And so the ordinance sits in front of you on first reading tonight does not actually address that staff needs to do some additional work and as you mentioned, needs to engage with some, obviously, with our historic neighborhoods, as well as potentially some experts in the field of Architecture and Planning. And so this is something that we’ll need to have a little bit more time to accomplish. And as part of that go through some of those questions that you raised in terms of what constitutes compatibility, I know that we’ve had lots of input from the historic Eastside neighborhood, and they have some ideas about things we could look out. So that’s one group, for example that we’d want to reach out to. But you’re right, there’s still some work to be done, which is why that information is not included in this ordinance. I think that was I think that was everything.
Unknown Speaker 46:42
I still have the floor Mayor Begley. Yes, you do. Okay, thank you. So I like ad use, and $500 was kind of my worst fear about how much the site a full site review would cost. And it Aaron, can you confirm that? If if it was a full site review for from one to five new houses would be $500? Is that correct?
Unknown Speaker 47:15
Councilmember Martin, that’s correct. For our site plan application, we have four different fee structures, that’s the lowest one. And that’s for either up to five dwelling units or 5000 square feet for whichever is greater. And then it goes up to 25 dwelling units. 100 dwelling units are more than 100. And the fee increases with each of those levels.
Unknown Speaker 47:35
Okay, to me, it seems that $500 is quite a deterrent for an ad you. Do you think that an Edu really costs the city as much as as five new houses to review?
Unknown Speaker 47:56
Councilmember Martin, I couldn’t speak for any individual property owner. You’ll recall that the code now allows us to do site plan waiver, which again, doesn’t have that cost associated with it. I will say that $500 is pretty nominal in terms of the amount that someone would pay with regard to the building permit and potential impact fees associated with that. So it’s, it’s less than the building permit would cost but certainly more than more than zero. So I we would have to ask community members that have gone through the process on if that fee would be a deterrent, that I’m not certain enough. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 48:43
Mayor Begley, a matter of parliamentary consideration, if I vote no now, is is and and this and we fail on first reading? Is there never a chance to make these changes these other changes?
Unknown Speaker 49:02
If it theoretically, I’ve talked to Eugene about this, and if this dies tonight, because it doesn’t pass, it’s off if it’s off our agenda until November when a new council comes in
Unknown Speaker 49:13
and it and things stay the way they are, and things just stay the way they are? Yep. Okay. Um, I’m not going to vote for it. But I would say that if if the site review fee were less considerably less than I would support it on second reading if it goes to a second reading.
Unknown Speaker 49:41
And just one thing to add Councilmember Martin sorry, Mayor Bagley, if you don’t mind. It just for councils information to change fees. For example, to reduce the site plan fee, we would that would also require a resolution by Council and so you know, which To make sure that our fees cover the cost of our reviews, which I’m not sure that they, they always do, but that would be something that if we still wanted to use our site plan process that would require a separate resolution to change the fees. Thank you. I understand.
Unknown Speaker 50:16
We could also pass the night and then and then tonight or on a future occasion offered amendment, meaning we can also make changes. Alright, Councillor Christiansen? Paul, you’re muted. I’m sorry. I was gonna move ordinance. 2021 30. I have a second,
Unknown Speaker 50:55
sir, I guess. But I have a question. Also.
Unknown Speaker 51:00
Cosmo repec. It’s been seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez, Councilmember Peck for years.
Unknown Speaker 51:05
I just want to first of all, thank you, Aaron, for reaching out to these dorky side. But I wondering Are you reaching out to the west side as well, for their input because we have some of the same concerns about AD use. And I think I’m not sure but it is. I’m think it’s Lonny. Dooley, that is the one. If not
Unknown Speaker 51:27
if you don’t know who that is, I can find it for you. Mayor Bagley, Councilmember Peck we haven’t actually reached out to anyone yet. The historic Eastside neighborhood has been very active, and has sent information to the our historic preservation planner Jade Kruger, as well as Historic Preservation Commission. So we haven’t actually begun any outreach yet. But certainly, we would reach out to, frankly, everyone in original town, and we’ve already gotten some some great feedback from them through the survey we conducted, but we would do additional outreach, as part of any additional standards that we that we brought back to Council. Okay, thanks, Aaron. Councilmember, remember, you have a fairing?
Unknown Speaker 52:10
So I’d like to make a suggestion. So as you know, we received a lot of emails, updating our calendar for coffee with counsel, would this be a good time during our coffee with counsel to invite folks in those areas? You know, so rather than you trying to do that outreach on your own, that we kind of coordinate those two, those two ideas, those two events into one, so we can see, you know, through coffee with counsel that, you know, for any folks who are interested or wanting to know, or wanting to share their their views that they could do it during that time? So that that is more of a suggestion that a question? And what the topic would be what you’re really just collecting input on, on the changes we’ve made to the ad use ordinance?
Unknown Speaker 53:09
I guess, I guess my I mean, first of all, there’s a motion on the floor to vote for on first reading. And so I think it’s I mean, that that’s, that’s kind of like, I mean, it’s here now. So we’re gonna vote on it. Not because I say so. But just because motions on the floor says we have to vote. And the other thing is, nobody showed up. For the count coffee with kiddo. Actually, there are two people that showed up for coffee with Council. Last time, it’s been pretty sparse while we’ve been on zoom. And usually in person coffee with councils are the same people that show up and they they just enjoy it. And talk about, you know, there’s always since it seems to be the same crowd. So I don’t know how good it would be. Let’s talk about it. But in the meantime, we get to vote on it tonight. And then we’ll vote on it in two weeks on on second reading. So if
Unknown Speaker 53:59
my hope is that if if the city can reach out to folks in any kind of committee on the historic west side, the historic East that say, hey, coffee with counselors coming on these dates, if you have any concerns about this particular topic, please come forward. So that’s maybe as far as messaging goes that, hey, these are the dates if you want to have a say so in the matter. So just so it’s out there in public knows. So that’s all that was all that was suggested.
Unknown Speaker 54:30
All right, thank you. All right. Um, we need four still, it’s three. This is dead forever. I’m gonna vote for it. All right. All in favor say aye. Aye. All right, Mayor Pro Tem, for Sorry, buddy.
Unknown Speaker 54:46
I feel that you’ve already forecasted this vote unfortunately. But I would just like to address a couple things, in the sense that, in my opinion, based on what I do for a living Anybody that adds an ad you to their property is adding significant value to their property. And much more than $500 is really going to be an issue for as well as if you are actually adding an ad you to add to our rental stock in this community, you’re going to more than probably make your profit off of the rental property. If you use your Edu what you do not have to use an au as a rental property, might I make that clear, as well. I understand their concerns about architectural compatibility. And as staff has stated, they will be addressing those because it’s a little more tricky when you get into what they call as original town. In real estate parlance, we either call it old town or central Longmont. Just Just as an aside. My point being is that this council, while I voted against it, in our last meeting, as far as the way it was structured, was was generally for adding rental licensing and inspections, which again, is, you know, an addition of certain fees in licensing. So to me, this is no different in that concept is so I don’t know why one would be for that. And against this, because the general median housing value in specifically Old Town, if not generally long amount as well about $500,000, which $500 is a mere pittance in that concept, when trying to improve your property for significant value, which I guarantee you in 80, you would add significant value to any property that is allowed to have one. So I do not find $500 as onerous. And so I will be voting for this in that concept. and would like to hear when the staff has the information available, the architectural compatibility component concerning original town or Old Town. But $500 when your properties damn darn well near definitely more than half a million dollars is not onerous. Especially to go through adding an entire dwelling unit, which if you look at it as a vacant lot, a new house is one dwelling unit and they’d have to pay that $500. So adding a dwelling unit sounds like it should cost $500 at least to go through the process. So that’s where I stand on this, I will be voting for it. All right, Councillor Martin,
Unknown Speaker 57:47
I’m just going to concur with that I was coming at it from the other end and thinking, you know, people are complaining about a 60 or $70 inspection fee and how heavy that is on their rent prices. And I remember a lot of people talking about permit fees in general, being really onerous to them when they wanted to add a unit above their garage and stuff. And so I was thinking $500 was a lot and it was going to deter people from adding an ad you. But um, I’ll defer to Aaron’s expertise, and if he doesn’t think it will deter anybody, then I’ll go ahead and vote for this.
Unknown Speaker 58:33
All right. So let’s go all in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. Looking at six. Oh, Councilmember waters, absent. And so thank you very much. That concludes our consent agenda items for this evening. Let’s go on to general business. Let’s go to 12 a, it’s an annexation referral, the peschel open space and Quicksilver road annexation.
Unknown Speaker 59:00
Aaron back. Hello, Aaron. Hello again. Mayor Bagley members of council. Susan’s bringing up the presentation. Thank you so much, Susan. As you noted in your introduction, we have another annexation referral before council today that Michel, property and Quicksilver road annexation referral if you go to the next slide. This is an overview of the referral you can see here the right of way Quicksilver road which is between 100/19 and county line road south of the river, south south east of Ken Pratt Boulevard. The Michelle property is just on the east side of county line road. These are both shown on our envision Longmont future land use and transportation system map. The Michelle property is shown as protected lands outside of our planning area. I do want to note that it is within our coordinated planning area with weld County. This referral is slightly unique and a little different than some of the others that Council has seen recently in that no development is being proposed as part of this. So there isn’t a concept plan included. So you didn’t see that in your packet. There’s also several intergovernmental agreements that come into play and we’ve attached those with your packet. I’m happy to provide more information. But generally, there’s a couple agreements with Boulder County that talk about the shell property, which was acquired several years ago, the original agreement established an agreement for mitigating damage caused by the floods this agreement was amended last year Council approved resolution 20 2082, which really provided some additional detail and really stipulated that the city should annex the property. So this is the next step in the agreement, again, approved by Council. And really the reason for that is it’s in the long term best interest for the management of this property. Quicksilver road is identified as a local road on our comp plan map, it’s part of the st. Moraine Valley planning area, rather than the Longmont planning area. There’s also a few ideas that come into play with this road. Most recently, Council approved an IGA in December of last year, that concerned use maintenance and repair of Quicksilver road. That agreement again is attached for your reference. And there’s numerous items in that IGA but one of the items in the agreement is that city council should pursue annexation of this roadway. And again, this referral is the initial step in that process. So generally, these are consistent with our long range planning goals and consistent with the resolutions that Council has approved most recently in 2020. If you go to the next slide. This is familiar to council because i’ve i’ve been before you several times in the last few months with annexation referrals. This is the point at which council determines if annexation is within the public interest and if you want to consider an annexation request. So again, your decision tonight is to refer this annexation into the process. It’s not approving the actual annexation itself. If council refers this tonight, we will go through an annexation application. And you can see the steps here. These would need to go through DRC review and then again, council would see this ultimately for the decision with two readings of an ordinance and public hearing. Next slide, please. So Council has a couple options, you can authorize staff to move forward with these referrals. And then we would go through and initiate the process for for this major development application. Again, just to note this doesn’t the referring a property does not obligate council to approve the annexation, but it does allow us to start start that application process. Obviously counsel can not authorize staff to move forward with the referral as well. Next slide please. With that, I’d be happy to answer any questions. I want to know that the city is really the applicant in this application. So I have a couple of folks from public works that have some additional information that probably also spoke to you as you were working through the ideas with them last year, so I may defer to them. If If depending on how technical your questions get.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:37
Councilmember Beck back. I read your lips, Marybeth. Aaron, thank you for that. And my question is actually, for the public that’s that’s listening because I know this is in our packet. Was this not the road that there was dispute over the mining operation?
Unknown Speaker 1:04:00
Council for packet looks like deputy city manager Dale Rademacher would like to address that or maybe Eugene. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:09
Mayor Bagley and Councilmember pack. You’re correct. You’ll recall back in December of last year, we brought to you a series of agreements associated with the Costco development, one of the one of which was an intergovernmental agreement with Boulder County that would provide for and allow for quiksilver Road to be the haul route from the Erwin Thomas mine and you’re correct in that recollection.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:43
Okay. So my other question is, and I will refer I’ll vote to refer this. I just am curious about the IGA with Boulder County. If we annex this and it belongs to the city of Longmont. How does that affect Or would it affect that IGA with Boulder County for maintenance and upkeep? Or is that a question for another time when it comes back to us?
Unknown Speaker 1:05:15
Mayor Bagley and council member packs it could be for a later time once annexed. Okay. Thank you. That’s fine.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:26
Well note, Councilmember Peck that the IGA is included as attachment five, and cover some of those specific items.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:34
Was that emotion? Councilmember Peck? No, but um, I thought you said you’re gonna make a motion. That was my way of saying, Well, I’d be glad to but I think Councilwoman Christensen had a question. All right, you can go ahead and make the motion which then would get them then we can go on and talk. Oh, okay. Discussing.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:54
So I move that we refer the annexation refer the property to for annexation.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:02
Second, all right, it’s been moved and seconded. Moved by Councillor pecks has been the customer Martin. Councilmember christison.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:10
I think this is a good idea All in all, but right now it is jointly owned by Longmont. Although it is technically although it is actually in Longmont and Boulder County, although it is actually in weld County. So if we annex it, doesn’t that become fully weld County, the weld county part of Longmont?
Unknown Speaker 1:06:38
Yes, but Boulder County still owns the land, just like we did with the other land we own out east to put on conservation easements and that kind of stuff to keep the land open and that kind of stuff. It’s just that boulder already owns it with us. So welcome. Well, the county can’t tell us what to do with the land. They can force us to develop it or or do something.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:59
But I thought that if we add, so if we annex that it doesn’t change our relationship with it being jointly owned? No. Oh, okay. That’s fine. I think it’s a good idea, then.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:12
They’ll do want to add anything else. I get that right. You want to say something else? Okay. All right. Okay, then Seeing no further discussion or debate. The motion is to direct staff to move forward the annexation referral, the official open space and Quicksilver road annexation? All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, that motion passes unanimously with the six of us president with Councilmember waters absent. All right, let’s go on to the wastewater collection system master plan. Dale automaker, Is this yours? Or do you have a member of staff john Gage, big dog, senior civil engineer is in the house for the presentation.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:51
Mayor Bagley and members of council I’ll just make a few opening remarks. And then I will turn it over to what was his name, big john is actually and counsel. The document that john is going to talk with you tonight is it’s important work that the city does routinely to evaluate the the status and the condition of a variety of you know, the aspects of the city’s infrastructure. You probably probably recall, we talked with you about treated water master plans. And we talked with you about storm drainage master plans. And so tonight, the focus is on the sanitary sewer collection system, which again, is another integral part of the infrastructure that the city is responsible to own and maintain and operate for the benefit of our citizens and probably equally important for the protection of the natural environment. And so with that, I’ll turn it over to john, and he can give us an update on what the latest master plan has indicated for us, john.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:15
All right. All right. So Mayor Bagley, members of council My name is john gage. I’m a civil engineer and our engineering services division. Next slide please. Just as a reminder of where master plans fit in and the planning process, so master plans consider the goals and the comprehensive plan but but the findings from master plans typically trickle down into our utility plans, CRP and budget so that’s kind of where it falls and why it’s important for you guys to see the results of it. Next slide, please. Well, we’ll cover covering the presentation is a high level overview of our collection system. We’ll review the findings from the master plan and the recommendations and then finally, the the engineering program. hamzeh you’ll see as part of the CRP program. Next slide, please. Pretty basic. I think most folks know what a what a collection system does transports waste to the to the wastewater treatment plant. But there’s lots of ancillary benefits that come with collection systems. There are methods to protect public health, as Dale talked about protecting the environment from from overflows into our water bodies. And they are tools that we can use to help support local industries and businesses as they discharge our wastes. And as a node just to kind of delineate where, where our line of responsibility falls. So the city’s collection system consists of pumps, sewer mains manholes, but the service lines which are from homes and businesses are privately owned. those are those are by homeowners. So next slide, please. I like showing some of these slides on on the actual pipe materials across the city, it gives you kind of an idea of the history of the growth in the city from a different perspective, as well as how pipe materials have kind of progressed over time. So for those of you who are familiar with old town, lots of clay pipe there, we use that kind of VCP vitrified clay pipe, you can see it on the map there in orange, lots of Old Town around Main Street, and then some progression through the the south and northwest part of Longmont. Next slide. So the VCP was installed between the 1920s and 70s. And then the 70s and 80s. it progressed into specialist cement pipe, as best as we all know, is a hazard in the construction world. So we moved away from asbestos cement pipe in the 80s. Next slide, and move towards PVC, which makes up the majority of our system about 60% of the pipes that we own and maintain our PVC, at about 25% of those are the old vitrified clay pipe. Next slide please. In the red, there might be a little bit hard to tell where that gets filled in across the board. But that’s CPP or CPP both acronyms are used, and in a Stanford cured in place pipe. And it’s a trenchless way to repair pipes. And I’ll talk about that a little bit later. Next slide. And that’s the full gambit of pipes pipes across the city. And a lot of those other materials that are highlighted and other colors that we didn’t talk about make up a much smaller percentage of the actual pipes across the city, but but it does give you an idea of the complexity of maintaining a system this large with so many different materials. So next slide. All right. So what do we do as part of the master plan, I like to break it down into three goals. We wanted to assess sewer capacity. And we wanted to look at our current assets and how we renew or rehabilitate those. And then finally identify some of the major C IP projects that we wanted to put into the five year CRP. Next slide, please.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:05
All right, assessing sewer capacity. So so the questions we look for when we’re talking about capacity is, you know, do we have any areas in the system that are currently under capacity, or, you know, when we look at build out or future conditions, planning horizon, that type of language, do we have potential hydraulic capacity concerns. And so we evaluate that looking at peak flow in the system. And whether a pipe is about 80% full, just a little cross section of pipe over there on the left to kind of show you what a 80% pipe full looks like if that was kind of hard to visualize. And and so to orient you to the map, now, all the shaded colors across the city are kind of what we call sewer shit. So if you’ve heard the word watershed used before, it’s very similar. A sewer shed basically collects sewage flow from across that contributing area and brings it to our wastewater treatment plant. And what you see in the purple lines, there are the sewer trunks that we have included in our hydraulic model. Now those purple lines that you’ll see they’re definitely don’t encompass all every single pipe that we have in the system. And there are a couple of reasons for that we don’t have the elevations of every pipe in the system and running a hydraulic model with with that many components can be really cumbersome. So we reduce it down to what we call the trunks which are some of our larger diameter pipes more significant and pose the best benefit when we evaluate them. Next slide please. So the important thing about these hydraulic models is that they are models right so they are a tool. It’s not a crystal ball. It’s not one for one saying these are the exact pipes we are going to upgrade in the future. What it does tell us is where we need to start, you know address or where we need to start investigating. And started monitoring so that we can see if these pipes are going to want to get close to our capacity. And and so some of the areas that were identified as potential capacity improvements in the future are highlighted in red there. And I just want to talk through those briefly. in the southeast part of town, we call that trunk nine in that box. And so that that’s been on our radar for a while that trunk nine was constructed in the 80s as as a temporary pipe when we were considering improvements and building a wastewater treatment plant, a new one down in the southeast part of town. And so it wasn’t sized for full capacity, we currently have a flow monitor in there, making sure that we’re actually watching the flows and seeing how they are, where they’re at. At the peak flows. Right now they’re at about 60% pipe capacity. And, and so about 70%, you need to start considering considering replacement or your options moving forward. And so what what causes pipes to become more full? Well, down there in the southeast part of town, we have lost lots of multi families developing as well as that sugar mill development, which is a little bit of an unknown in terms of timing, but but that’s what’s kind of causing capacity issues in that part of town. And then the box towards the north part of town, we call that truck one. And this was not something that we had seen in the past and other hydraulic modeling efforts. But due to some changes in envision Longmont and land use changes and really redevelopment taking single families and dispersed commercial and putting more dense, dense development does lead to higher flows than were originally designed. So so these are some areas that we’re going to be placing flow monitors to, to really track. And then on the west part of town there, we call that trunk four. And so those are in contrast to development driven capacity issues, these this area is more driven by infiltration and inflow. So infiltration being groundwater inflow being some pumps directly connected to the sanitary sewer, or roof leaders directly tied into their next slide, please. So what do we do now we kind of know where these problem areas could lie. We have done temporary flow meters in the past, just to kind of get snapshots of time, but but we think it’s time to start investing in permanent Flow Meters around the system, so that we can really verify growth and understand whether or not the changes due to envision long lat are having the same impact as the model is showing. And so there are competing, you know, things that happen there you have development causing maybe some higher flows, but also water conservation that could reduce flows, which is why we want to install those boulders. Next slide.
Unknown Speaker 1:18:02
So switching gears over from, from capacity to asset renewal, I want to give a shout out to our own M. Crowd. Crowd because they are doing a fantastic job of collecting lots of data about the condition of our existing system. And what you see here is is actually much more complex than than what is really shown. So on the left, there is a structural index that which is really easy to understand from a layman’s perspective, zero to one being the pipes in Good, good condition four to five being in this asset really needs to be renewed, ASAP. And so what those structural indexes are is actually an aggregate of a lot of individual pipe deficiencies and put into a score and so you can quickly see exactly where we need to start rehabilitating pipes and where we need to focus our efforts. So as part of the master plan, we identified 80,000 feet of pipe that we want to rehabilitate in the next just about 10 years. And so we’ve planned for that appropriately, we have about 8000 feet per year of citp planned and that is that trenchless type of rehabilitation where you don’t have to dig up a street. Over on the left there is an example of an old VCP pipe that has been lined with this citp plastic pipe. Just a great great tool for us to use to quickly get in and repair pipes. This rehab program will continue to to replace and repair manholes. And then when we can’t use the citp will still do open cut or move on replacement in some areas of town. Next slide please. Finally, the C IP projects this is a going to be the big one. You’ll see this as part of this five year C IP. So near our wastewater treatment plant. We have two major trunks that come down from the north, there are the orange lines on the top of that plan view. Yep, perfect. And so those currently cross underneath the BNSF railroad tracks and the dashed orange. And, and so these pipes have been identified for a number of reasons as a as a tip project, one there, they’re the future capacity concern, their condition is not great. There’s lots of redundancy issues in this area, being that it’s conveying all the flow from those trunks right near the railroad tracks. And then obviously BNSF permitting time takes quite a while. So all of those combined into a high risk project that we want to try and attack in this five year plan. We’re currently working with the design engineer on it as we speak. Next slide, please. Here are the engineering programs and wrap up. Based on the the master plan, we will continue to calibrate our hydraulic model over time to make sure that those predictions are accurate, and will facilitate that through flow monitoring. We’ll do infiltration and inflow strategies moving forward as we assess, you know, capacity issues that were identified in that Trump four area. And then the CIPS you will see will be SW r 53. And SW r 128. Those are asset renewal programs and system improvements. And next slide. I think, Dale, you can jump in here too. But I think in the past Council has accepted master plans that were presented. So they’ll I don’t know if you wanted to add anything to that.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:46
Not really, other than thank you for the presentation. And of course, counsel, if you have questions. I know john has all of the answers. And so he deserves a few hard questions. But after that, if council desires it is typical that council would it accept the master plan as presented, so that we we know we’re ready to follow it. Thanks.
Unknown Speaker 1:22:14
That was a wonderful, wonderful presentation about how our basically how our toilets are connected need to make sure they keep working. So thank you. All right. Councillor Christiansen, you want to make a motion?
Unknown Speaker 1:22:27
I move we accept this and I have a few more comments. But Do I have a second? I’ll take it.
Unknown Speaker 1:22:35
Oh, it’s been moved by Councilmember Christiansen and seconded by Councilmember Martin. Okay, Kazmir Christiansen, go ahead.
Unknown Speaker 1:22:41
Okay. Thanks, john. I think this was a wonderful report. You know, it is. I only have five more months on City Council, and I am so gonna miss these reports, because we’ve gotten so many good ones. And you said, Oh, I’m sure people know about sewage, I don’t think so they people don’t want to think about it anything past the toilet. If it works, that’s all they care about. They really don’t want to know about it. But we do wind up knowing about it when it doesn’t function. And this, this was such a terrific report to explain a lot of the complexities it’s very expensive. We I have a friend who lives up on altos Street, in a little house, it’s more like a tent, and her Sree, her sewer system is hooked up to all of her neighbors. So clearly the city’s got to do something about that at some point, but it’s it’s very expensive. It’s very time consuming. And so I’m glad you explain the different kinds of piping to but you know, people under undervalue civil engineering, which is really, since for 1000s of years now, getting water into a place and getting sewage away is the heart of civilization. Without that you really don’t have any kind of commerce going on any kind of civilized life going on. So thank you for for making civilization possible. Right. Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez.
Unknown Speaker 1:24:17
Thank you, Mayor Bagley. I realize this isn’t the most glitz and glamour, subject of you know, council meetings. But it’s one that I very much care about. I talk about infrastructure all the time. And so I would I’d like to ask that. I saw, you know, that huge map, which is actually a lot of information, if you will, and especially when you rank it on the zero to one one, you know, two, three, whatever. What do we see as the larger forecast? Because we do have some aging infrastructure in this in this town. And so are we going to see like in the next maybe five years a much larger proportion of the system that will need to be replaced versus the ones that are more critical in the next couple of years. Just because like I said, we have some larger neighborhoods, such as the one I live in right now and melody Valley slash South Moorpark, if you will, which I saw, outline that there’s a mixture of infrastructure there that’s either ADP or, you know, not necessarily PD. So I’m just curious, is there going to be a much larger ask in probably the next five to 10? Just to, you know, to get out of the way, let’s let’s call it how it is?
Unknown Speaker 1:25:49
Yeah. Mayor britam. Rodriguez, it’s a it’s a great point. And, and something we’re actually doing on the streets ends and the things is, is doing that projection, looking at failure models, right? How, how soon will some of this infrastructure fail? And at what point will that happen? So some of the challenge with buried infrastructure is that it takes a lot of time to compile information compared to a street, right. So on a street, somebody can drive by and kind of tally defects where we have to drive cameras through underground pipe. So it takes a lot longer to compile information. But what I can say is, you know, I’m new in this role, and that is going to be my goal is to bring a failure model to this VCP pipe, which to me is the biggest challenge that the city is going to incur as part of a maintenance program. So these VCP pipes are getting on to be almost 100 years, right. And, and so not all of them are installed at the exact same time. But I think we can start to see how many of you begin to fail over time and not have a reactive program, or we’re just trying to fix broken pipes, but have a more proactive program. So I don’t see that being substantially different in the next five to 10 years. But I do think in the next 10 to 30 years, it will be something that we’ll have to be investing more heavily in.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:08
Well, thank you very much. Because I mean, I think most people get really concerned about new construction and new development in Longmont and not realizing what it takes to maintain and upkeep and make sure that it’s safe and sound for all those properties that have been built here over time in history. So thank you very much for for considering that and as well as looking forward to doing that work. But thank you, Councilmember Peck.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:37
Thank you, Mayor Bagley and I know what Dale’s answer is going to be to this. But I just want to put it out there that to keep our eyes on the infrastructure dollars coming down the pike hopefully that some of this can go toward heading off some of the failures we’re going to be seeing in this infrastructure and get ahead of it. Hopefully, we’ll get some of those dollars.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:00
Actually, if I could interject real quick, I appreciate that. Councilmember back. Certainly, wastewater collection systems are eligible for infrastructure dollars, and we’re hopeful that that that will come forth, I would I would add to what john mentioned earlier, I believe Trump nine, the the interceptor coming in from the east side of the city, is likely going to be one that we’re going to be faced, probably over the next five years to 10 years, needing to parallel it with another line or otherwise increase the capacity. And it’s a fairly substantial project. We are looking at our cash reserves, as well as our rate revenue. And as you know, we’re also balancing this every year with the need to continue to modernize and update the wastewater treatment plant. And so it is a continual effort to keep all these systems working. And I do believe we we’ve had a reasonable history of maintenance of these systems. That really is evidence by the lack of significant failures in our community. Of course, I shouldn’t say that as soon as they say that something’s going to fail, but I think long run is done, has done a good job of keeping ahead of the situation. But there’s certainly more work to do and I’m sure john will be gray headed by the time he gets these all fixed. So thank you for that.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:55
All right, Seeing no further discussion debate, we have a motion on the floor directing, they’re basically just acting The collection system master plan. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right. The plan is accepted unanimously with Councilmember waters absent. But let’s go on to final call public invited to be heard. Let’s take three minutes. See what happens back in a few. All right, does anybody is anybody in the queue?
Unknown Speaker 1:34:50
Yes, Mayor, we do have one caller so I just dropped the slide. Okay. And we’ll give it just a couple of seconds here to clear. I’ll go ahead and call on our guests. We have a caller here with your phone number 772. It ends in the last three digits 772. I’m going to ask you to unmute. Are you there? There you are. Hi.
Unknown Speaker 1:35:19
First off, just want to say thank you for holding us meeting
Unknown Speaker 1:35:23
open before you begin. I’m sorry. Could you state your name and address for the record? And you have three minutes?
Unknown Speaker 1:35:29
Oh, absolutely. My name is Sabrina blank. And my address is 13 36/9 Avenue. Thank you so much. Oh, sorry. You may continue, then. So yeah, first off, thanks for holding this. It’s been very educational, to sit on these two what Polly Christensen said, you don’t think about your sewer issues until you have some and my computer making noise over here, and I definitely know I have some some sewer line issues. And my I know that the service line is, you know, the the residents responsibility. But what’s been sort of interesting development that came up is that I had the sewer line scoped a couple of times. And the last time I got scoped, all of a sudden, we saw that there was water rushing into it, which I worked with the city a little bit. And we kind of figured out it is actually probably coming from the from the storm drainage. So that might be some of that infiltration that that john was talking about. So I was curious. One, you know, where we could find like, the maps with more detail, right, so I can zoom in to see sort of what are the plans, you know, for that sewer line that’s right by my house, and then to, you know, who is the right person that I should connect with, at least to, you know, share some of that information regarding the storm drainage issue. I’ve already talked to Daniel Grillo a little bit, but I was just, it seemed like something that would affect possibly the project that john is working on.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:31
All right, thanks, Rodney. I know that we usually don’t respond. But once somebody on counting somebody on staff, we usually say do you want to go out and find that person and answer their question at some point. So thank you very much for calling in. Anyone else in the queue? No, Mayor, that’s it. All right. Let’s go on to mayor and council comments then. Anyone? All right, cool. City Manager remarks. Lost my mouse. No comments, Mayor Council. All right. You may you got anything. Comments, Mayor. All right. Perfect. Can we have a motion to adjourn? Councillor bed? Okay. Councillor Martin? and seconded by Councilmember pack. Yep. All right. Cool. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, the motion to adjourn passes unanimously. But Councilmember waters is absent. Alright, guys. 820. That’s a record. That’s awesome. So we will see you not next week. Actually. I will see you all we will see each other at 530 in a week for board interviews and appointments or board interviews, and then no council the next week, and then we will literally see each other in person on the 29th seven o’clock council chambers at 350 kimbark Street as the slide says so thanks, guys. Bye