Museum Advisory Board Meeting – May 19, 2021

Video Description:
Museum Advisory Board Meeting – May 19, 2021

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
So like to call the meeting to order, please 430. And we’ll do a roll call. And since I can see all of your faces rather than calling your names and having you wave or whatever, I’m just going to run through the list if that’s okay with everybody.

Unknown Speaker 0:17
I see Dale bryden, Thomas, myself, Ria, Kelly, Kim,

Unknown Speaker 0:26

Unknown Speaker 0:29
Eric, Jared, and Megan.

Unknown Speaker 0:33
So, with that said, I don’t think we have a public to be heard tonight. So we’ll just jump right to the approval of the minutes from last month.

Unknown Speaker 0:46
hope everybody had a chance to look at that.

Unknown Speaker 0:50
Is there a motion to approve those minutes?

Unknown Speaker 0:57
bryden is there a second?

Unknown Speaker 1:02

Unknown Speaker 1:04
So we have bryden as and

Unknown Speaker 1:09
all in favor of approving the minutes, please raise your

Unknown Speaker 1:13

Unknown Speaker 1:16
Okay, so all of the members

Unknown Speaker 1:20
vote to approve. And are there any

Unknown Speaker 1:26

Unknown Speaker 1:28
No, so that passes?

Unknown Speaker 1:31
You know, unanimously.

Unknown Speaker 1:37
Okay, moving right on to accessions. Then, Eric, if you would.

Unknown Speaker 1:43
All right, I will share my screen.

Unknown Speaker 1:51
So you should see the May 2021 proposed accessions to the museum collection.

Unknown Speaker 2:00
First item up is a double stroller.

Unknown Speaker 2:06
This was originally purchased in Biloxi, Mississippi. 1955. The family did move to Longmont in 1959.

Unknown Speaker 2:18
And the stroller was probably used for their their youngest child born in 1961. But one of the reasons why we did take it is because it really does document a part of women’s domestic life 20th century childcare and these are areas that we’re certainly wanting to continue to develop and document.

Unknown Speaker 2:42
Any questions on that expression?

Unknown Speaker 2:49
love the name

Unknown Speaker 2:51
older Rola.

Unknown Speaker 2:57
Yes, is a cool piece and in good condition.

Unknown Speaker 3:04
All right, next up is actually one you have seen before as a Do you think we should take this

Unknown Speaker 3:12
a settled city bottling works bottle Longmont, Colorado with the stopper. We discussed this in March, because we had similar ones but without the stopper, and at that time, the board felt it was appropriate to collect this one since it was more complete. So we have now actually received it into our possession and so we can officially bring it to the board for a vote.

Unknown Speaker 3:44
Next up is a little bit larger donation.

Unknown Speaker 3:49
And this comes from Longmont Public Safety Department.

Unknown Speaker 3:53
Public Safety does always request a condition normally we don’t accept conditional donations, but because it is another city department. We’ve we’ve made an exception in past donations from public safety. And it is a condition that if museum ever d accessions. any part of the collection, it must be offered back to the departments specifically the leadership of the Department for their decision before we can move to any other disposition.

Unknown Speaker 4:28
The actual donation, there’s a number of digital photos from Florida 2013.

Unknown Speaker 4:37
And then some hardcopy photos, one pumpkin pie days. I don’t know exactly how they ended up with it. And one of a police car at I believe it’s fifth in Baker Street, and and probably the 1950s as well as a newspaper that

Unknown Speaker 5:00
Interestingly enough is about an air raid siren that is in our collection. So it seemed appropriate, some evidence and non evidence tags and emergency preparedness plan. And it’s hard to see this little silver thing here is actually a measuring tape that was used at crime scenes.

Unknown Speaker 5:20

Unknown Speaker 5:22
if this object could talk type of thing.

Unknown Speaker 5:26
Any questions on that donation?

Unknown Speaker 5:33
Seeing none,

Unknown Speaker 5:36
we will move on to the first of what will be a number of these. This is the only one for this month, but as part of the Longmont 150 exhibit, we are collecting glasses from all of the active local breweries, distilleries and cideries in Longmont.

Unknown Speaker 5:57
So this one is from a very small and only very infrequently open brewery in prospect called primitive beer. They use wild yeast to create their beer. And so they’ve donated this Bordeaux glass that they use. Are there

Unknown Speaker 6:22
any questions on this? Or that sort of whole concept of accessioning all of these glasses from local breweries?

Unknown Speaker 6:37
How did you decide on doing glasses, Eric, as opposed to cans or something else.

Unknown Speaker 6:44

Unknown Speaker 6:46
part of it was we wanted something that we knew was clean and didn’t have, you know, residue in it. So that was that was one thought. And then it’s just a little more unusual, I think, you know, a lot of people collect cans and bottles doing the glasses. And then history Colorado did a similar display of all of the paint glasses from from breweries throughout Colorado. So we thought that was kind of a fun thing.

Unknown Speaker 7:21
Any, anything you can share what how they’re going to be shown in the exhibit.

Unknown Speaker 7:27

Unknown Speaker 7:29
basically, they’ll be, I believe in one plan is to have them all in one case, I think sort of on a tear display system.

Unknown Speaker 7:50
Alright, nothing else.

Unknown Speaker 7:54
last item is one that when we sent it out was pending delivery, it did arrive. So Monday, May 17.

Unknown Speaker 8:03
steam engine, the bundle wagon. And these butter making tools all arrived at the museum. It’s a little hard to see sizes on these. The steam engine is about three feet tall, three feet wide.

Unknown Speaker 8:20
The wagon is about two feet long. And this box is about 18 inches square.

Unknown Speaker 8:33
And the nice thing about about these which again, are something that we did discuss in a previous one is previous advisory board players that they all do have very strong local connections they were made in hygiene used in hygiene so we’re actually planning on if the board approves it, displaying the steam engine and the wagon in Longmont on 15th. Well,

Unknown Speaker 9:01
any questions on that expression or any?

Unknown Speaker 9:08
I have one quick question.

Unknown Speaker 9:12
That may not matter. But um, you have you said cideries? Indeed. Did you say you are including distilleries as well?

Unknown Speaker 9:21
Yes, yes, the plan is to include all of the alcohol producers in Longmont assuming they make glasses. If not, we’ll use some other piece of collateral. Hey,

Unknown Speaker 9:34

Unknown Speaker 9:38
If nobody has any other questions, then is there a motion to

Unknown Speaker 9:44
to accept all of these proposed exceptions?

Unknown Speaker 9:49
A motion to accept all of the proposed expressions. Thank you Maria. Is there a second

Unknown Speaker 10:00
Right in a second.

Unknown Speaker 10:04
All in favor of accepting of these proposed accessions. Please raise your hand. Okay, that is all of the voting members. Opposed. Anyone opposed? No. So that is a unanimous approval

Unknown Speaker 10:24
of the proposed expressions that have been presented today. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 10:30
And, Kim, would you like to give your report?

Unknown Speaker 10:38
Sure, as soon as I can find my mute button.

Unknown Speaker 10:43
Can you all hear me? Okay.

Unknown Speaker 10:45

Unknown Speaker 10:47
So I did. We’ve got a lot of things going on in tonight’s meeting. So I thought maybe I would just

Unknown Speaker 10:56
go over a few items on this report if I can get my computer to work for me.

Unknown Speaker 11:04
And then, of course, chime in with questions if if there’s anything on the report that you want to know more about.

Unknown Speaker 11:12
And we are working with senza architects, we talked about this last time we met that they’re they’re working with us to do the master development plan. And we actually

Unknown Speaker 11:25
launched a community feedback event last Saturday. And then there’s going to be another members event that happens on June the third from five to seven. And of course, you are all invited to this. If you’re interested in seeing the the boards and in in person, we also are going to be launching these on our engaged engaged Longmont website, zoom. We’re just getting some edits done for that process to happen. But it should be. But I would think by the end of the week, we should have it up on engaged online. And we can go over I can look at the we can share them tonight. But I don’t want to spend that much time on them, since there’s going to be some other opportunities for you guys to take a look at them. But basically what has happened, and what I want to make sure you all know about is that in this process, Harold Domingo, as the city manager instructed us to include the 500 seat Performing Arts space, that was part of the phase two of the feasibility study. So Tom, if you recall from your question last time,

Unknown Speaker 12:36
and I wasn’t at liberty to say last time, but now I am that, that essentially, we’ve been asked to look at the phase two part of that feasibility study to see if there’s any chance I mean, we don’t even know for sure if it’s possible given parking restrictions and code and that sort of thing. But the city manager really just wanted us to be able to take a look at it while we were in the process of doing our master planning anyway. So to take advantage of this moment, when we’re working through these, these planning processes with an architect to just see if there’s any way we might be able to accommodate that 500 seat facility. So we don’t really know the outcome of possibilities yet. I do think that one of the things that we have landed on is that the only way we will be able to accommodate a 500 seat facility at our site is if we do a parking garage, which sort of adds a whole other level of expense to the project. So we’re we’re kind of working through all of that right now.

Unknown Speaker 13:47
So we’ll see there, the event that we had last Saturday was actually there was a lot of very, very positive response to the idea of including a performing art space. So we’ll see, you know, kind of how that plays out with our additional community feedback. And of course, we want your feedback as well. And I want you guys to be honest about it. You know, like, just tell us what you think.

Unknown Speaker 14:12
And I’ll share those drawings with you guys soon, too. We’re also working on another part of our map, our strategic plan, which is the interpretive plan, and I think that that process is is moving forward really nicely with Beth Kaminski. And big thing for us, given the last year plus that we’ve been going through is that we’re going to be moving back to our normal hours, June the first and so that’s Monday to Saturday nine to five and then Sunday one to five. And we had actually chosen that date long ago based on when we were starting our summer camp activity, but it ended up jiving nicely with the new mask orders and moving to clear and with a Boulder County Public Health order so

Unknown Speaker 15:00
We’re still waiting on Final

Unknown Speaker 15:03
determinations of mask wearing in public spaces. But in private spaces, we’re actually able to go on mass at this point in time. And so

Unknown Speaker 15:15
I have a feeling these things are gonna start moving pretty quickly that that will see less and less restrictions around this. And I included the language from the public health order, if you were interested in seeing that as well. So we are opening back up slowly. But surely, we don’t have any pending events scheduled for the auditorium, which is kind of the big thing that we deal with when it comes to these different

Unknown Speaker 15:43
capacity limitations and mask wearing and all of that, because it’s a 250 seat facility. But we will be dealing with that when it comes to the fall. So even when it comes to our rentals, that’s that’s kind of what we’re looking at as is fall is going to be the big time where we start making some decisions.

Unknown Speaker 16:04
We’re going to introduce Megan here in a minute. So that shows up next on the report that she started on May the 10th. And we are unbelievably excited to have with us. So we’ll introduce her and have you all introduce yourselves to her in just Just a minute.

Unknown Speaker 16:24
You may have seen that our seasonal newsletter is back in print. Hopefully you all got yours in the mailbox, I know that we’ve gotten some feedback already that people are excited to see that back in their mailboxes again. So that’s exciting.

Unknown Speaker 16:39
During this time of the impressions of exigence, eight memberships and either sold or renewed 38 memberships, and then we’ve also sold or renewed for giving club memberships. So that’s great, we’re starting to see some uptick and see some decline, of course.

Unknown Speaker 17:02
and expect we saw some decline with that during school district, the Innovation Center elementary STEM program that we’re working on, and then also with their mobile lab. And so those are some things that again, we’ve been working on for some time, but they sort of took a backseat during the pandemic and we’re trying to get those moving again.

Unknown Speaker 17:24
So the shows are underway, my pewter is being very slow. So I apologize as I’m moved to page two.

Unknown Speaker 17:36
We do have great sales in our some camps. In the report, it says 26 of 30 have minimum capacity. But in fact, I think it’s even more than that. Now, the only ones that we’ve had trouble selling are the ones that are virtual. So clearly, nobody wants to do virtual programming anymore. So that’s actually I think, a very good sign as well. So doing really great. And I think we’d set some limits based on our

Unknown Speaker 18:05
being very conservative about the number of you know, like socially distancing, and that sort of thing. But I think in fact, given some new orders, and deciding mandate, probably will open those up to even more people. So that’s going to be great for our revenue, just FYI.

Unknown Speaker 18:25
We’ve also awarded all of them or camp scholarships, so that’s really good as well, making sure that we reach some people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford it, we’re always glad to do that, to expand that more in the future with itself, of course. And then one of the things also in our strategic plan is some inclusivity work. And so I am in our education department started an internal idea group that we have come to prefer this acronym of idea to for our inclusivity diversity, equality and accessibility work, you might see this in a lot of different ways a lot of Dei, or you might see ID a, it comes up in a lot of different ways. And the and the one that we come to really embrace is idea of, you know, it’s got a lot of other connotations, so we like and so we really are trying to figure out how we can embrace this better at the museum and go from beyond just welcoming people but also creating a space where people feel like this is where they belong. And so we’ve started that a lot of ways already, you know, we’ve done Spanish translation in our rotating exhibitions, and of course, the work that Anne does with some of the outreach, but we got some things we could do in addition to all of that, so we’re gonna keep moving that forward.

Unknown Speaker 20:00
And then maybe in the same vein, in the virtual tours that we’re doing, Eileen has been working on one that centers on women of online. And so that should be working shortly. I don’t know, Eric, if you’ve got any updates on that, but I think that that’s just about ready.

Unknown Speaker 20:21
And then I’ll move just a little bit further on that, you know, we’ve been getting loads of loans and donations, and for the long run 150 exhibit. So, again, Eric’s been really pounding the pavement to try to get some representative collection to tell a really great story and that one, not 150 exhibition. And then he’s also started an internal data and Evaluation Group. That’s part of our strategic plan. So I think that this is all really great timing, especially with Meghan starting with us, because a lot of the work that she’s going to be doing is going to really center on trying to understand, you know, donor data and revenue data and evaluation data, all of those things for grants. So this is this feels like it’s all coming together rather nicely.

Unknown Speaker 21:15
And then, we also include a bullet point here about the questions that we’ve been getting pretty frequently lately around the KKK. I don’t know if you might have seen that the history long mine recently published, if you will, they made public, the journals that they had in their collections that document members of the KKK. And it’s that and the, you know, the political climate that we’re living through, at this time, have really prompted a lot of people asking questions about the history of kkk and Colorado, the history of kkk in Longmont. And so we’ve actually received a lot of questions about it. And Eric’s had to rewrite some things. And I think that we, as you know, to try to be responsible, at the same time, as not kind of

Unknown Speaker 22:14
I, I’m not exactly sure how to how to characterize this, but we just we want to be the most responsible historical institution that we can be when it comes to these questions. And so

Unknown Speaker 22:26
we’ve committed to acknowledging that long Mott, a coat, you know, was controlled by the Klan for years in the 1920s. And that we don’t take a position on whether local historical figure was a member of the KKK. And last, at that time, they publicly aligned themselves with a clan there, there actually is a lot of that. I mean, this is tricky history, you guys, I don’t, again, don’t know if how aware you might be about this. But essentially,

Unknown Speaker 22:58
you know, the 20s, there were, it was a social group like this basically showed up in your books as like a social part, you know, like, everybody got together, and they weren’t part of the social kkk, blah, blah, blah. So it’s really difficult to untangle members of the KKK, that were doing nefarious things, from people who joined because they thought it was a good social thing to do. So it’s kind of a tricky line to walk. And we are trying to be responsible historians when it comes to this. And so we’re trying not to be, we’re not going to we’re not hiding this history at all. But at the same time, we want to be responsible caretakers of it.

Unknown Speaker 23:44
And it’s coming up over and over again. And so I just wanted you all to be aware of that.

Unknown Speaker 23:50
I’ll let Jared talk about Longmont. 150, the next section of the report, we had a very funny staff meeting the other day was like, What are you up to? What are you up to and nobody answered 150 my quantity bomb out 150. So that’s kind of what he’s working on is along about 150. Um, and then moving on.

Unknown Speaker 24:16
onto our, the auditorium programming and special events.

Unknown Speaker 24:21
I’ll let you guys read through this. I know that a lot of you pay pretty close attention to the different programs that we do. And so they’re listed there. And then Justin includes that kind of snapshot, which includes the winter and spring, we had 50 programs, 66 program participants, 12 partner organizations and collaborations and 1800 views. That’s through our website, Facebook, long on public media and the Comcast channel. So we’re getting tons of views through those different outlets is pretty amazing. And then we’ve got a couple of different entries here.

Unknown Speaker 25:00
For our rentals, which, since we wrote this report have actually ticked up even more, we’re starting to get a lot of inquiries about rentals at the museum. And that might be expected that, you know, as people are starting to kind of re enter, they’re also looking at events and things like that. And there is one kind of pending thing in terms of how we navigate this, which is, we don’t quite understand what eating and drinking looks like at the museum, as as it relates to our rentals. So we’re working with the city attorney’s office to try to navigate that and have a strong kind of solid policy about it as we re enter, if you will.

Unknown Speaker 25:47
So that’s good news, actually, because that means more revenue for us as well. And then we’ve got the visitor services entry there, you can see that we’ve got 108 141 visitors in April. And then our free day, on April the 10th, we had 111 visitors, and then about 20 $700 in sales at the gift shop. So all of those are great numbers in terms of kind of ramping back up to what might be normal. We did do a program that we hadn’t done previously. And it’s it’s turning out to be quite successful, which the which is that essentially in that first block of time, you know, we’re doing time tickets right now. And so in that first block of time, we’ve reserved those for assisted living groups, and reached out to them to try to see if anyone was interested in so we’ve we’ve been able to get some groups in during that first time period. And I think it’s been extremely successful. So I think that we this is one of those things that we will probably take forward even after the pandemic passes that we can kind of learn from these lessons going forward. And then we’ve got some some new people coming on in order to ramp up for more people in the building and more events going on in our facilities. In terms of the work that Angela is doing with aipp, they have been working through a task force to try to select the executive committee. And so working through nominations for that. And then also working on the

Unknown Speaker 27:30
I’m trying to read through this quickly. So we have

Unknown Speaker 27:35
the just like with the museum advisory board, the art in public places Commission has some open positions. And so if you know anybody who might be interested in either the advisory board or art and public places, then please let us know all about that. Because the we all need those positions filled. So and we find that the grassroots efforts are often more effective than some of the other postings that we can do. So let us know if you know any of your friends that might be interested in joining these boards.

Unknown Speaker 28:10
And then Angela also did a presentation at the Front Range Community College Latino excellence achievement and Development Series, which is

Unknown Speaker 28:21
the acronym is leads. And these are a group of students that represent folks from the Latino community. And I think that they are, I mean, the work that they do there is amazing to try to build these sort of leadership skills in the students in the Latino community. And I think they’re a great resource for trying to be able to serve pipeline professionals. And so I’m I’m very excited that she was able to make that connection and we we hope to be able to partner with them even further into the future. So that was super quick. Is anybody got any questions for me?

Unknown Speaker 29:06
Okay, I am available if you do find any questions. So let’s see.

Unknown Speaker 29:14
What’s next on our agenda? He,

Unknown Speaker 29:18
um, did you want to introduce Meghan? That’s why I was asking. I would love to introduce Megan at this time. So what I would love to have us do if you guys don’t mind is everybody can turn on their microphones and you can introduce yourselves, but first, let me let you guys know that Meghan Peters started with us on the 10th. She is our fund development manager, which is the city’s terminology for basically, you know, raising money and we adore her already and we’re so excited to have her on our staff and to be able to help us really put a lot of energy in some private

Unknown Speaker 30:00
fundraising. So Megan, tell us a little bit about yourself, and then we’ll have everybody else introduce themselves to you. Sure. Hi, everyone. Like Kim said, my name is Megan Peters, and I’m so excited to be here with you all, thank you for having me and letting me come to this meeting. Um,

Unknown Speaker 30:19
let’s see about me, I have been in fundraising

Unknown Speaker 30:23
for a little over 10 years now, which is hard to believe. But um, I’ve most recently was working in child welfare. But before that, I had a lot of experience back east with an arts and cultural organization, the greater Hartford Arts Council, where we served as an umbrella organization that helped fund and support a lot of different

Unknown Speaker 30:47
arts and cultural in our community. And so I’m thrilled to be back. And it’s my first time working for a museum and a city. So it’s a lot to learn. But it’s been really wonderful. And I’m just really excited to see where this all goes.

Unknown Speaker 31:04
Thank you so much.

Unknown Speaker 31:07
If Do you want to take people off? Or do you want me to take people off to introduce you guys louder? All right, well, what will you introduce yourself first, okay. I’m Eve Lacey. And I’m the chairman of this board. I do a lot of volunteer work at the museum. I’m including the memberships. And that’s about all there is to know.

Unknown Speaker 31:30
It’s so nice to see you. I was in a meeting with Joan yesterday, and she was singing your praises. So I’m very excited to see you. Well, thanks. If I can help you let me know. I will say she’s being very humble Eve is our volunteer who puts in the most hours every year for like, ever. So yeah, she’s fantastic. We adore her. Cali. It’s your turn. You’re up.

Unknown Speaker 31:57
Hi, I’m Kelly Cordova.

Unknown Speaker 32:01

Unknown Speaker 32:02
I’m the newest board member.

Unknown Speaker 32:07
Day two, by Megan welcome on Dale Barnard. And

Unknown Speaker 32:13
I’m just finishing the first term and applying for my second. So which has to be done by May? By the end of this month, may 28.

Unknown Speaker 32:27
And we’re also pleased to have you. Thank you so nice to see you.

Unknown Speaker 32:33

Unknown Speaker 32:35
I’m Tom Kurtz. I believe I joined this group last summer maybe August.

Unknown Speaker 32:44
I haven’t met any of you directly.

Unknown Speaker 32:48
That made me Sunday, but we will give you Megan I’m a retired hospital CEO of about 45 years. Wow. In total.

Unknown Speaker 33:03
Wow. Nice. Really? Yeah. I started when I was one.

Unknown Speaker 33:09
I just assumed that Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 33:15
Maria, you’re up. Hi, Megan. Welcome. I am Rhea Moriarty. I am not sure exactly when I joined the board. I took over someone’s

Unknown Speaker 33:26
term who had left. So I joined sort of off of the regular schedule and I’m now in my first

Unknown Speaker 33:37
actual My turn. So maybe maybe two years. Anyway.

Unknown Speaker 33:45
It’s it’s been a joy to be on the board. So welcome, I’m sure. Thank you. So nice to meet you.

Unknown Speaker 33:52
We I tell us where you work. I work for the Longmont Humane Society. Oh, yeah. I’m the Director of Operations over there. So nonprofit is very nice. My thing kinda.

Unknown Speaker 34:06
I’m very, very familiar with the need to fundraise. Yeah, yes. That’s great. Brian.

Unknown Speaker 34:15
I, um, I’m Brian cook. I’ve been on the board since 2016. And I guess I’m the Vice Chair too.

Unknown Speaker 34:25
I’m a writer at a technology company in town. And I just loved the museum. Very nice to meet you.

Unknown Speaker 34:36
Susie, are you here? Do you mind introducing yourself?

Unknown Speaker 34:41
Did she? Yeah, here I am.

Unknown Speaker 34:44
Joining from my phone today. Um, so I am Councilmember Susie. They’ll go fairing and I’m served as the board as the council liaison. And I’m also still in my classroom.

Unknown Speaker 34:58
So I’m a third year I’m also a third

Unknown Speaker 35:00
grade bilingual teacher. Oh my goodness.

Unknown Speaker 35:03
A ton of free time sounds like yeah, nothing but free time.

Unknown Speaker 35:10
So nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Welcome. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 35:15
I have somebody on my screen that just says Community Services. I’m not sure who that is. But Angela, I think it’s Angela.

Unknown Speaker 35:25
Are you are you also?

Unknown Speaker 35:28
Then I have to facilitate Oh, no, no, no, nevermind. Nevermind. Nevermind. It went away when you turn your care on. Okay. Sorry. Okay. That’s all of us. So, does anybody have any questions for Megan? And

Unknown Speaker 35:46
All right, great.

Unknown Speaker 35:48
Okay, where are we next, Dave?

Unknown Speaker 35:51
Okay, so now it says you’re going to talk about the on audited statement.

Unknown Speaker 35:57
Okay, let me really quickly. Yeah. Is there a spot? I’m sorry, I don’t have the agenda open. Is there a spot to talk about the master development plan? Or? That’s done in a business? But you

Unknown Speaker 36:12
can get to that if you want? Yep, no, no, I will go, I will go to financials. I’m going to try to share my screen. Let’s see if this works.

Unknown Speaker 36:27
Tom, you had asked about this at our last meeting. So I thought it might be worthwhile to

Unknown Speaker 36:33
just, I don’t want to spend a ton of time on this. But if anybody has any questions about it, of course, just let me know. But I think I think it’s totally

Unknown Speaker 36:46
appropriate for you guys to understand the way our budget works a little bit better. And it’s a bit it’s it is a bit of a keishon. So again, if you have any questions, just let me know. Can you guys see the screen there that has the financials on it?

Unknown Speaker 37:04
No. Yep, you can. Great. Okay, so one of the first things I want to make sure you understand is that this is our 2020 year in financials, but it there are unaudited. So this is a draft, but in fact, it’s probably pretty close. The things that tend to change, before they finally get audited are very minor. So I would call this pretty darn close to final and the audit should happen audit should be happening really quickly. So these are gonna, these are going to be pretty close to the final numbers. But just so you know, these are unaudited figures. And I wanted to bring this part of the report, just to make it clear to you that, you know, we’ve got essentially four different funds that the museum operates. But in the general fund, those dollars are essentially use it or lose it, if you will, we don’t maintain any of that year over year. And so at the end of the year, that is zeroed out. But that’s not true for our aipp fund, our museum services Fund and the museum Trust Fund. And at this point, we are at about $2 million in the bank, if you will, and that the majority of that money really does come from the aipp fund. And so the way that that fund is populated is through capital projects that are over $50,000 and 1% of those projects hit that aipp fund.

Unknown Speaker 38:43
And so during the you know, after the flood happened and there was a lot of capital improvements that happened on the heels of the flood, this bounce balance really

Unknown Speaker 38:56
increased a lot. And so we’re still kind of seeing that and Angela is working really hard to try to spend this money so that I mean there’s no reason to keep your fund balance as high as it is.

Unknown Speaker 39:12
We should be paying artists is what we should be doing. You know, and so she she really is working hard to try to pick up that fund balance. But we we are sitting nicely I mean I don’t want to take these down to zero I want these I want to have a little bit of cushion because anytime we might go over budget, this is where we would rely on on a little bit of cushion. So I like having a little bit of buffer in

Unknown Speaker 39:53
truly the you know, the the way that the city is funded is through taxes and we generally

Unknown Speaker 40:00
Generally speaking, I get about a million dollars of subsidy through the general fund every year. And what you see here is what we receive at the museum as revenues. So what you’re seeing here is that basically,

Unknown Speaker 40:18
this figure, the total of our expenses, equals this figure, which is the total of our revenues, always, that’s always true. And so the amount of money that we would get that we get from our revenues is offset by the amount of money that we receive as a subsidy from the city. And then there’s, you know, always this sort of miscellaneous dollars that that show up as well. So basically, you know, our revenues that go back to the city, plus the subsidy that we receive from the city is our total revenues and the general fund.

Unknown Speaker 40:58
A IPP, as I talked about, essentially, is funded through these capital projects. And so generally, and Angela, you’re here, so you can

Unknown Speaker 41:09
correct me if I’m wrong, but I think we usually see about $200,000 in revenue every year, like I said that there was an exception after the flood, and there were a lot of capital projects. But I think generally speaking, this is the sort of revenue that we expect to receive every year.

Unknown Speaker 41:30
I think if Angela disagreed with me, she would tell me, so then me, Okay, thanks. Um, and then museum services is, that’s where we really see the grants hit up Fund, the charges for services, those are the educational programs, so our summer camps and art and sibs and that sort of thing. those dollars hit this cert this fund.

Unknown Speaker 41:58
And then we see our private grants, our private fundraising hit this fund. And then it kind of wonky thing, this one right here. When we were ramping up to be able to get scfd tier two qualification, we actually passed a number of resolutions through City Council, in order to be able to have our budget reflect things that were museum related, that other ways didn’t actually hit our budget. So for instance, building maintenance, and parks, mowing and things like that, that that are legitimately museum expenses, but actually showed up on in different accounts in city. And so when we were ramping up to try to get scfd, tier two funding, that was one of the things that happened is that there was a resolution several resolutions actually that happened. So that we could just essentially have a transfer in to rep to reflect those dollars, but then essentially an immediate transfer out. And I kind of think about is like we paid our bill, right? So we paid our bill for facility, facility maintenance, we paid our bill for mowing the lawn, we pay, you know. And so what you see is that this dollar figure, in essence, is countered by this dollar figure, there’s little, there’s a little bit of a difference, but essentially, they are a transfer in and then transfer out. But what it does for us is that those actual expenses, hit our budget so that we are able to achieve that scfd tier two threshold.

Unknown Speaker 43:46
So those are the things that end up in that museum services Fund. The music Trust Fund is a funny thing, because it’s a it’s kind of a relic from the olden days. And we’ve reserved it essentially as the fund where we do all of our transactions for the gift shop. And so

Unknown Speaker 44:07
we do it’s it’s that one is easy. That one is basically give shop expenses hit the expense category and gifts up gift shop revenues hit that budget. So that one is actually a really easy one to track. So with all of that said our total revenues for 2020 are about 2 million bucks. And we for just just this kind of as an aside with this little educational tutorial, but the threshold for scfd tier to revenue is about 1.7 $1.8 million. So what we would do, and this is kind of a white a wash but but basically what we do is we take that figure and we subtract

Unknown Speaker 45:00
The amount of money that we got from SC fd like that they don’t they don’t count their own revenue when determining that threshold. So essentially, this is CFD money. There’s a little bit different, but mostly This Is Us CFD money. And so it would be this figure the $2 million figure minus this figure that would tell us what our revenue threshold is for scfd purposes. So that’s a quick and dirty tutorial about our our financials. I am happy to take questions if anybody has any. I know that that’s probably a lot. And if you want to dig into this and ask me questions later, that’s fine, too.

Unknown Speaker 45:48
Okey doke. I don’t think there’s any questions. So Eve if you want to

Unknown Speaker 45:53
take us on.

Unknown Speaker 45:56
Okay, I do not have a report. So, Jared, would you mind giving us your presentation? And then I don’t know if you also want to address the things that you’re doing that were in

Unknown Speaker 46:10
the Director’s Report, all this stuff you’re doing for exhibits as well.

Unknown Speaker 46:14
Sure. Thanks for inviting me. I’m gonna start talking a little bit about my background, talk about what our exhibition process is.

Unknown Speaker 46:24
And then talk about some of the upcoming exhibitions we’re going to have coming up. So I’m originally from Western New York, the Rochester area. I’ve been in color about 25 years. I’ve been working in museums for over 30 years now. And I’ve done been involved with like 50 or more exhibitions. I was a studio art major in college with a concentration in printmaking, and luckily got a job right out of school with a strong Museum in Rochester, New York. They were originally a museum of Victorian history. But while I was there, they switched over to more family friendly audiences. And it’s been incredibly successful. They’ve added on to their building two times and now they’re in the middle of a third edition. So it was kind of interesting to watch that transition take place, moved to Colorado 96 got a job with the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and their exhibition department doing design work in some exhibition, development work there about five years took some time off. Motorcycle through India, Southeast Asia, came back to America and found a job at Walmart museum. My original plan was only to be there about a year go to grad school. And 16 years later here, I plan.

Unknown Speaker 47:39
My roles definitely evolved over the years. I’m currently curator exhibitions, a role in which I wear many hats. I oversee all the gallery work and work with the exhibition team on what exhibitions we want to pursue. You know, I do exhibition development, design, fabrication, installation de installation.

Unknown Speaker 48:02
Korean shells from scratch, we work with guest curators. We also do rental exhibitions, it pretty much runs the gamut. One thing I really like about the Valmont museum is that we’re small enough that we can kind of decide what we want to pursue. And it’s also

Unknown Speaker 48:20
really a creative environment and a lot of really great people are passionate, passionate about their work.

Unknown Speaker 48:26
So our process we have about 2500 square feet of temporary exhibition space and about 2500 square feet for Front Range rising. And we do a mixture of in house developed exhibitions such as the lowrider exhibit Longmont 150, coming up World War One was in house developed on TP to tiny house which was supposed to open last summer if it’s going to open next summer. We do rental exhibitions. So there’s lots of companies out there that have rentals we can

Unknown Speaker 48:58
bring in house like examples of that would be ancillary items. The dinosaur exhibition treehouses, red grooms wasn’t really a rental, but we did borrow it from another Art Museum.

Unknown Speaker 49:09
Um, if we do do rentals, we like to make it relevant to Longmont. So we’ll sometimes add things locally. Like the dinosaur exhibit, we borrowed bones from dmns Denver Museum of Nature and Science or taxidermy animals for that treehouse exhibition. Red grooms, we borrowed rodeo items when a pro rodeo Hall of Fame.

Unknown Speaker 49:33
And then we also do guest curated shows such as the Impressionism exhibition that’s on there right now. But believe it or not, we can usually do the in house exhibitions cheaper than most of the rentals. And one of the advantages of doing it in house is we can customize it to represent our community. And what we’ll do is we’ll reach out to members of our community who have an expertise in the subject we are presenting and form a committee to help develop the content of the exhibition.

Unknown Speaker 50:00
And we also get to do the fabrication in house, which is kind of a rarity in the resume world these days, we’re really lucky to be able to do that and have the facilities to be able to do that.

Unknown Speaker 50:11
We’ve also started a paid internship program.

Unknown Speaker 50:15
So we’re working with students interested in exhibition design and fabrication, mostly from cu, the Environmental Design program.

Unknown Speaker 50:24
And I’ve been doing this for 30 years, and I just kind of want to pass on my knowledge on the next generation. So it’s nice to do that. And so far, it’s been pretty successful. We’ve had some really good interns.

Unknown Speaker 50:35
So we do have an exhibition team that meets twice a month where we discuss exhibition development, we’ll brainstorm what exhibitions we want to pursue.

Unknown Speaker 50:46
Get all these ideas together. And then we’ll do a visitor survey and just see what the visitors think just because we might have blind spots and what we think might be popular, what’s not popular, so it’s great to have the visitors chime in. And actually in that process right now of

Unknown Speaker 51:03
getting the visitors input on what we want to do next. Right now we are booked through 2023. So we’re looking for exhibitions for 2024.

Unknown Speaker 51:15
And once we do that, we have an exhibition development process, which I’m going to share with you guys.

Unknown Speaker 51:27
Which I believe it’s this one.

Unknown Speaker 51:33
So essentially, we’ll develop the initial exhibition concept, we have a program evaluation tool, which was something that came out of our last strat Ops, I’ll show you that real quick. So did that change to a new screen? Are you guys still seeing the original screen?

Unknown Speaker 51:51
In changed? Okay, so we call this pet program?

Unknown Speaker 51:57
What is pet stand for something? program assessment tool? So it’s 10 different criteria, and then it’s a matrix. So we see, you know, what does excellent look like what is adequate look like what is poor look like. And then we do a score based on that.

Unknown Speaker 52:15
And then we add it up in just, it’s a way we can compare exhibitions against each other through all these criteria. And we found it really helpful just to have conversations around the exhibition and how it’s going to impact different parts of the museum, like education or programming

Unknown Speaker 52:32
on the facility. So this has been really helpful just mostly for just having the conversations getting everyone on the same page of what this is going to look like.

Unknown Speaker 52:45
So after we do that, we’ll run some front end valuation visitors get gauge their interest. We’ve also done evaluation with what titles people like things like that, we’ll put it in the schedule. For a project team determined with the project leader is contact any community stakeholders, content specialists define roles. sponsibility, who’s going to do what will have meetings, brainstorming content we want to have in the exhibition, develop a budget.

Unknown Speaker 53:17
Talk about potential funders we might use and then it’s researching all of the content, determining loans, permissions conservation requirements, learning goals,

Unknown Speaker 53:28
programming plan, develop a marketing plan, how we want to spend our marketing dollars on design approach, we’ll do a quick bubble diagram. So what’s going to go where how things relate to each other? The exhibition look and feel colors, fonts, do we want to old we want modern, you know, what, what are we trying to get across in that regard?

Unknown Speaker 53:50
On developed a budget more, what’s everything going to crop cost, fundraising plan, I we’re going to need staff in the gallery, to determine what’s going to be done in house what’s going to be done out of house, shipping costs all of that.

Unknown Speaker 54:05
Then we’ll do an outline, which is everything that’s in the exhibition, all the objects, photos, text,

Unknown Speaker 54:13
determined determine loan paperwork, any contracts we might might need. Then we go on to design, we’ll develop the interactives.

Unknown Speaker 54:22
What’s going to go where create a 3d floor plan, we use a program called SketchUp. To do that,

Unknown Speaker 54:29
ADA accessibility review, and to plan life for components. So if we build stuff we want to know like, Can this be used elsewhere in the community so we just don’t have to throw it away after expanding our exhibits.

Unknown Speaker 54:42
We build prototypes and get these in front of visitors see if they’re using I’m using the interactive to the way we thought they would

Unknown Speaker 54:52
get any translation done. We are doing our exhibitions in dual language, English and Spanish.

Unknown Speaker 54:58
Then it goes on to print

Unknown Speaker 55:00
You know, the exhibit

Unknown Speaker 55:02
mount labels graphics,

Unknown Speaker 55:07
you know what’s gonna go in the case where it’s gonna go? And then it goes into install, and then D install. So that’s kind of it in a quick nutshell.

Unknown Speaker 55:18
Does anyone have any questions on any of that so far?

Unknown Speaker 55:24
All right, next, I’m going to show you guys what we’re going to work on, or what we’ve got coming up in the future.

Unknown Speaker 55:32
On Next, we have Longmont 150. So I’m going to share the floor plan on that.

Unknown Speaker 55:43
So Eric’s the lead curator on this, it’s divided into five categories.

Unknown Speaker 55:51
This first section will be technology, or no, it’s natural disasters. Sorry about that.

Unknown Speaker 55:58
This section is technology. This section talks about beer and water and the relationship, a lot of breweries located here, because of the quality of long amounts of water.

Unknown Speaker 56:09
This section is on transportation. And this section is on equity.

Unknown Speaker 56:18
So SketchUp is a really great program, it allows us to lay everything out 3d, it’s to scale. So I can take measurements off that determine what’s going to go where this is a cool Civil Defense siren in our collection.

Unknown Speaker 56:34
This is a interactive we’re doing on the train crossing at Main Street. So it’ll be all these little cars and actual electric train going back and forth across Maine. And then you can re comment on your experience with getting stuck out Main Street by the train.

Unknown Speaker 56:51
After that, we have an exhibition called washi. Let me show you that one.

Unknown Speaker 57:00
And washi is it’s based on Japanese paper.

Unknown Speaker 57:07
And it’s nine. So this is a rental exhibition, it’s nine Japanese artists answer a really traditional method of making Japanese paper. But these are contemporary artists that are actually using it. To make sculptural things a lot of it is 3d, some of it is two dimensional.

Unknown Speaker 57:27
But I don’t know if any of you guys saw the above the fold exhibition, it’s the same company that we run it that from and it’s actually the same jury that worked on that put this show together. So a lot of really nice varied stuff. So we’re really excited to have this in the gallery. And this one will open on January of next year and will run till May.

Unknown Speaker 57:51
But just like this is incredible. Just it looks like lace work.

Unknown Speaker 58:04
So that’s washing

Unknown Speaker 58:07
next after that is the TP to tiny house exhibition.

Unknown Speaker 58:12
So that one we were supposed to stall it last summer.

Unknown Speaker 58:21
So we have this one about 80% built. Um, this is a family from the exhibition we want super hands on. So this is going to be a shepherd’s wagon. They use these in the late 1800s early 19 hundred’s for scheepers. So they would pull it to a pasture in the mountain, the sheep would graze and then once they’re finished grazing in that area, they could move it to another spot and the sheep herder would actually live in it. So it’s going to be full, full size, you’re going to actually be able to go into it. kind of see you know what your life was like. This section talks about log cabins on these are some actually historic logs that were from one of the early log cabins in Longmont. This will be tools related to that to building a log cabin. This is actually a log cabin made out of pool noodles. So kids will actually be able to build a log cabin and tear it apart.

Unknown Speaker 59:17
And this will be a pillow fort building area

Unknown Speaker 59:22
that’s kind of geared towards younger kids. This is actually a full size tiny house that this is actually already built. There’s a 53 foot trailer and me back museum parking lot on if you guys have noticed that but that’s actually where all this stuff lives right now. So we built it so it couldn’t come apart, go into a trailer and store it. So we’re gonna pull that out.

Unknown Speaker 59:46
Put it back together. Hopefully I’ll be able to remember how to put it back together because it’s it’ll be two years since we built it.

Unknown Speaker 59:53
This part talks about Native Americans and on living in TV and how they were designed

Unknown Speaker 1:00:01
The premise of the show is building a house is a conversation between humans and the environment. So you’re building based on your environment you’re trying to protect yourself against.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:16
This section will be an alternative building methods such as,

Unknown Speaker 1:00:22
like straw bale construction, or earthbag rammed earth. And we’re also working with CPUs architectural program to kind of brainstorm ideas of kind of up and coming types of construction methods.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:40
Um, this is a wind tunnel interactive, which we have built a prototype for that. So we have components where you build a house, you put it in the wind tunnel, expose it to varying degrees of wind, and see which designs hold up the best.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:54
So as I said, Before, we had this about 80% built, but there’s still a lot of work to do.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:02
Um, after that, we’re talking about doing a contemporary Native American art show. So for that one, we want to bring in a guest curator. So right now we’re brainstorming Native American curators, and artists that we know that we can work with.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:20
And what we kind of want to do is bring people of color in as guest curators to kind of give them access to curating in a museum and just curating shows and just kind of share the power. So we’re not putting, you know, Western lens on what we’re showing in the gallery. So that’s gonna happen in

Unknown Speaker 1:01:43
spring 2023.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:47
And then in summer 2024, we’re doing

Unknown Speaker 1:01:51
an exhibition in collaboration with a boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, where we’re going to pair artists with farmers.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:00
And it’s going to kind of focus on the land and their relationship to the land, and try to get across what the visitors relationship with the land is. So they’re going to partner with the farmers over a period of time, and we’re going to display the artwork that comes out of that relationship. We’re also going to have artwork on three off their off site, like farms in the area. So between here and boulder ohlman Farms is one of the farms we’re thinking about working with. So we’ll have our word actually on the farms. And we’re talking about possibly having a couple of weekends where we activate the farms and have performers and other artists and everything come out to

Unknown Speaker 1:02:39
have more things going on. So that’s kind of a quick, what we do. Does anyone have any questions or need clarification on anything?

Unknown Speaker 1:02:52
That’s great. Thanks so much, Jerry. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:57
It’s always interesting. I don’t know how you keep men, of course, you’re the king of making those. Whatever they call sneeze guards for everywhere in the city. Yeah, we got transferred to that once COVID hit is utilizing our CNC machine to make Plexiglas barriers for all the public desks throughout the city. And we ended up doing 75 to 80 of them, everyone custom just sheets and sheets of plexiglass, but it was good. It was good actually to you know, get back to work and feel useful after being stuck at home for so long.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:36
Anybody have questions?

Unknown Speaker 1:03:41
It’s not. Thank you. Yeah, I’ll just add that I think Jared is a total Rockstar, like he can design anything. He is so good at working with students. And being a mentor. He is such an incredible asset to the museum. So I, I sing his praises, often. And it is a team effort. We do have a really great exhibition team, which is nice just to get input from educators. You know, Eric’s a really great historian and his perspective, I lean that register our Joan is part of that. So we have marketing included, just just so we can cover all these different bases and look at things from many different perspectives.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:25
And it really helps also to have community members as part of the team too, just because we’re a small staff, so we’re not experts on everything. And there’s so many passionate people out there in the community that know so much about so many different things. So just to tap into that, and it also builds excitement within the community. When you do that. You know, instead of just being top down and saying these are what you should learn, it’s good to go out to the community and

Unknown Speaker 1:04:51
rely on their expertise and just see what they want and what they think is important. And we try to do visitor evaluation. It’s something we can do.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
A lot better and exhibitions, but hopefully, we’ll be able to get a position that can focus on that on a more consistent basis, but we do try to put it into our process.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:14
Great. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:19
Thanks, Jared.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:20
The only thing I wish is that you had shown us pictures of the shop.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:25
Well, if you guys are ever in the building and want to throw the shop, please let me know. I love showing it off. A lot of people don’t realize it even exists. But it’s really, for a small museum, we have a really nice facility.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:37
We’re really lucky in a very small space.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:42
Yeah, we do run into storage issues quite a bit. That’s why you see containers on the parking lot.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:49
That’s overflow.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:52
Well, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:57
Okay, so now, the next thing on the list is some old business, the land acknowledgement statement update.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:05
Looks like

Unknown Speaker 1:06:09
what I understand anyways, that we’re looking for approval of

Unknown Speaker 1:06:14
the draft as a starting point for them to be forwarded on to whether it’s city council or other entities here in the city for additional consideration and updating. And I don’t know, Councilmember Hidalgo fairing. Did you want to stick to it at all? I think Eric has a copy of the current draft that maybe he could put up for us wasn’t sure.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:51
No, and I think when we met with Carmen,

Unknown Speaker 1:06:56
something we had discussed was, you know, the idea of having something that is short.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:03
Um, and I can’t and Kim, correct me if I’m wrong, wasn’t there gonna be a space, I think on the website or something where we could

Unknown Speaker 1:07:13
where we would be able to have like a longer, more historical context, or maybe I don’t know, but that was something I had in my notes. Yeah, we had talked about that. Because I think that based on some of the inclusivity work that Carmen has been doing,

Unknown Speaker 1:07:32
you know, they’re they’re these sort of expanded statements, but but functionally, it would make sense to have something short, if we’re hoping that that city council will adopt it and and recite it with frequence. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:51

Unknown Speaker 1:07:54
Yeah, and I think for us, and this would be something that I would really heavily emphasize with

Unknown Speaker 1:08:00
our city council, and members of our staff is, we have to also put this into practice. Otherwise, it’s just words. So we have to kind of make that commitment. So I think when we had that resolution for the climate, the climate emergency, so taking concrete steps to address the climate emergency, so if we are going to move forward with having the land acknowledgement, a statement, recognizing the historical,

Unknown Speaker 1:08:30
you know, the land that we reside on right now, what

Unknown Speaker 1:08:37
would have been what’s what were the traditions of this of this land before we arrived, then we need to also show that in our practice,

Unknown Speaker 1:08:46
so you know, I want to make that so all

Unknown Speaker 1:08:50
right. So I’ll also share the list that Carmen shared with me that I think goes to that point that that ultimately, there is action behind this. And a lot of bit, a couple of projects that

Unknown Speaker 1:09:07
Angela has been working on, where we think that this is going to come into play that there are going to be collaborations within Northern Arapaho. So Arden public places is working on some relevant projects. The Walmart sister city is forming an official Sister Cities relationship with the Northern Arapaho, and that is the first in the country. You guys this is kind of been in the works for a while now. And I don’t know that people really understand the significance of it, because it really will be the very first time that this kind of relationship has been established with a sovereign, Native American nation. And so I don’t want that to go and noticed. And we also that Carmen is also working on an inner governmental collaboration with Boulder County city of Boulder and the City of London.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
To develop a co management of open space for indigenous use, so though that’s things like a sweat lodge, we’re talking about doing a sweat lodge at the sandstone ranch space. And so they are also working on additional space for traditional use at sandstone ranch. And then, you know, there are things like the quilt that is at the Civic Center that Jared actually helped a mountain install. And, you know, one of the other many things that he ends up doing, but I do think that trying to understand the bigger picture, and then

Unknown Speaker 1:10:49
what could be coming in the EU. And I would like to encourage us all to consider adopting this as a draft so

Unknown Speaker 1:10:58

Unknown Speaker 1:11:00
Susie can feel comfortable moving this on to city council.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:06
The other city council members.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:11
Anybody have comments? Or questions about it? Oh, sorry.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:27
I guess not. So, um, if no one has other comments or questions, then I guess I’d like to put it out there. Is there a motion to make this land acknowledgement statement that we have here?

Unknown Speaker 1:11:44
Something that the Longmont

Unknown Speaker 1:11:49
advisory board museum advisory board would like to approve as a draft for further review and use

Unknown Speaker 1:12:02
in the city. So if there’s somebody who would like to make a motion to do that,

Unknown Speaker 1:12:07

Unknown Speaker 1:12:10
Tom, is there a second? I’ll second.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:14
Sorry, Kelly. Okay. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:18
All in favor, please say I can’t see you. So. All right. Bye.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:26
Any opposed?

Unknown Speaker 1:12:29
Okay, so that is unanimous.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:34
Support of this particular draft. So thank you very much. Thanks for putting that up, Eric.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:46
So look forward to hearing back what happens in the next steps or

Unknown Speaker 1:12:52
the next reviews of that, and we’re where we’re gonna go from that point.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:59
As far as new business came, that’s where we had the master development plan schematics information, if you want to talk to that.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:13
One second, I’m trying to share with you guys can you see that?

Unknown Speaker 1:13:19
Okay, so these are the boards that are actually at the museum right now. And as we’ve said, there’s going to be another member event on June the third from five to seven. So you could see these in person if you want to take a closer look at them. And so I’m not going to go over these in detail, I just wanted to kind of introduce them to you and make sure you guys were aware of these opportunities to provide some more feedback. Basically, what the architects have done for us is that they’ve broken them down in terms of a site plan with an accompanying floor plan. And so on the outside you get a sense of kind of how it would occupy our portion of quail campus. And then on the inside, you get a sense of of what those different details look like. So this is what they are calling concept aid. So concept a ends up having all of this parking around, it’s got this sort of courtyard area in front of the museum so that that space that’s our current roundabout, that would go away. This is actually a new roundabouts that’s part of the quail campus master plan. And then there are these kind of connection points into the quail campus Park, if you will. So this is a this would all end up being

Unknown Speaker 1:14:46
hardscape here hardscape here in our courtyard with a more sort of purposeful courtyard in the back

Unknown Speaker 1:14:56
and then once we get into the

Unknown Speaker 1:15:00
floorplan what you see is that our

Unknown Speaker 1:15:06
loading essentially changes. So in this plan, what you see is that the kind of beige parts of this, that’s the existing building. And currently, what we have is that the lewd in is here, which is problematic from a number of vantage points, one being that we’ve got our back of house, basically in the front of the house. But also, it’s really difficult for trucks to get in there like this, just technically speaking, that’s difficult. So that would change to this portion of the museum. And in this version, they have added that 500 seat facility. So that’s what you see here. So we’ve got some loading, we’ve got a new gallery here, a new gallery, here, some new restrooms, here are some new restrooms here, we’ve got some, this turns into a bit of a cafe, and then out onto the plaza, we’ll be able to spill and have some sort of social space, we were dedicating some of this to the specific spaces, I wouldn’t pay that much attention to because all of this is movable at this point. But currently, we’ve got this as the children’s dedicated museum. And the entry then ends up being here, one of the things that we’re trying to address is

Unknown Speaker 1:16:29
the unit, I’m sure that you guys have experienced this, the ice that is in front of the museum because of our northern orientation. And so that would end up making this basically the entry point,

Unknown Speaker 1:16:42
I’m going to move on to the next one. This is the site plan for concept to be and that is without the performing arts edition. And so the entry ends up being here, which would give us even more of that sort of Western exposure and help us address the ice issue. And then the courtyard sort of expands out here that that that northern courtyard expands out here with these, again, these connections to the interior of quail campus. And then we’ve got the same kind of thing happening with witches that we’ve got hardscape here, and we’ve expanded what we’re doing in the courtyard, back here.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:30
And then on the site plan, what we’re seeing Oops, sorry, it’s touchy,

Unknown Speaker 1:17:37
is basically we’ve got a kind of similar arrangement with new gallery space here, new gallery, space here, new loading here, then we’ve got a cafe here.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:51
And new gift shop and all of these, we’ve got an expanded gift shop as well. And so the entrances here, with basically this sort of corridor to reach all of these other spaces. And then in Plan C, this is another kind of example where there is a the addition of the new auditorium space, except in this, what they’ve done is oops, there is that the auditorium is on the sort of northern side. And the thing that happens with this one is that basically, we create this nice courtyard that connects to this performance base with this performance space. And so I think there’s a lot of alignment there. And again, we’ve got the additional gallery spaces, we’ve got the reoriented loading space. And in this example, what they’ve done is they’ve got covered parking there, and upside covered entryway there. And so that’s what you see here. In all of these, they have been very mindful of loading, insert, some like bus drop off places, and that sort of thing.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:02
Also, in all of these examples, there is it’s under part in virtually every example. So the thing that we are considering if we do this is that we may need to do a parking structure. And what has ended up making a lot of sense is that the parking structure would go here so that we can share that with the rec center. So I don’t want to go into too much more detail. Again, I’m happy to answer questions that anybody might have, but you will definitely have the opportunity to look closer at these things and,

Unknown Speaker 1:19:40
and kind of dig into the details of it in all of them. The architects have included sort of benefits and trade offs to consider. And so you can kind of look at those in a little bit more detail.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:54
And so, let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to address them and we’re continuing

Unknown Speaker 1:20:00
This is a movie like all of this is evolving. So none of the drawings that you see here, should we consider final designs at all, this is all, you know, trying to receive some new information, trying to understand what the community really wants to see happen at this site, trying to understand how we might be able to fit it all in in that location. So I am open to any questions if you guys have any on the on the top of your heads now.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:32
We’ll be sure to let you know. Go ahead. Sorry, I just have one question. And I’m sure this is totally out of line, and then maybe not something that even have at this point. But do we have any ideas, costs on, you know, three versions, and then there’s the parking structure? And I mean, do we have you know, any,

Unknown Speaker 1:20:53
no ballpark at this point, even? Not at this point. So basically, what the architects are hoping to have happen is that we will get all of this feedback. And then of course, they’re getting a lot of feedback from staff as well. And so we’ll get all of this feedback. And they’re, they’re hoping to be able to, to narrow this down to a single design. And as I said, these are a high level conceptual design. So it’s not like it’s a finished product. But at least narrowing this down to a single design. And then once we get to a single design, that’s when their cost estimator is going to come in and really give this a thorough calm. And so we’ll understand what the parking garage would cost, we’ll understand what an additional 500 seat facility would cost. And so we hope to have the answer to that question by about mid June.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:50
Oh, that seems fast. Yeah. Since it’s past mid May, yeah, no, they’re fast. We’ve been doing this.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:00
I know, I can’t even remember, it seems like maybe mid January. And they they are sticking to schedule very well. And so I feel confident that they’ll be able to get that for us. Okay, and I know that we really probably don’t want to go here. But the extra 500 seat auditorium, that potentially is part of the other project.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:26
Does that just mean that we have more stakeholders involved in decisions on this? If we go that way? Yeah, yeah, definitely. If we go that way, they will very understandably want and need to be involved with the design decisions. It wouldn’t make any sense for us to build that and for them not to be able to use it. So we definitely want to make sure that their voices are heard in that process. And so yeah, you’re right. They we will, we will make sure that their preferences are heard it and it may be the death of the project, if to your point. I mean, if we can’t accommodate their wishes in these plans, then we move to other opportunities for that look for that 500 seat facility. Well, and then I would just hope to that if they’re going to have that much input, then they also could help provide funding

Unknown Speaker 1:23:26
plan all along is that they would help with that. Definitely that they would be part of the fundraising involved with that.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:36
Right. Thank you. Yeah, no, I appreciate the questions.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:40
I have just a small question for when I was looking at it. Plans ANC say that they one of the benefits is universal restrooms, does that mean that that would not be something that they’re considering for plan d?

Unknown Speaker 1:23:54
That’s interesting. I don’t think that that’s the case. I think that they are.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:02
I think that universal restrooms are in all of the plans.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:09
They just didn’t call it out and be. But I think that that universal restaurants are in all of the plans. Yeah. That’s really good lady.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:23
You looked at these Go ahead, Tom.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:29
Oh, we can’t hear you.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:33
You’re muted.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:36
You’re muted.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:40
Can you unmute? Yeah, I couldn’t get it. It was like frozen or something.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:46
When I went into engage long but the other night to look

Unknown Speaker 1:24:52
at the schematics. I don’t know what I was doing wrong, but I couldn’t find them. Did you say

Unknown Speaker 1:25:00
They’re yet they’re not there yet. We, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:06
No for you while you are not,

Unknown Speaker 1:25:10
you are not missing anything. We’ve just had some editing that we’ve been working on. And so I think it’s going to cross your fingers, I think it’s going to launch on engaged long lat by the end of the week. So we just was thinking that’s what you said earlier in your report, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t totally inept trying to get him No, I’m happy to let you guys know, at once it’s launched on engage longer so that you can get in and spend some time with it. That was one of the things we learned, I think, with the event that we had on eight, the Friday on the eighth is it actually does take some time to absorb this. And so I do think that engage Longmont is a great format, because you could just spend some time with it, you know, give give your responses. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:00
Okay, thanks. Yeah, I think one of my problem when I was looking at

Unknown Speaker 1:26:05
the drawings that are in the atrium right now, my big thing, some of it was trying to really visualize what the existing layout was, you know, because I was looking at the other and I’m like, okay, but where is what we currently have? I found that a little bit difficult to see, it is a little bit difficult, but I’ll share my screen again. And to point it out that essentially it is the bay, some of these colors are pretty similar to each other. But the bits that are drawn in this sort of gray beige represent the current building in all of these different

Unknown Speaker 1:26:47
that’s very helpful, because I don’t I didn’t see anywhere on the drawings where it actually called that out. I mean, I missed it. I noticed that and so when I had them put it up on engage Longmont, there’s a little key there. So it hopefully on engage Longmont, it’s easier to notice. Great, thanks.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:12
Any other questions about that?

Unknown Speaker 1:27:16
I look forward to seeing some of your feedback and hope that you share it with friends so that we can get their feedback as well. Thank you guys.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:26
Great, thanks. It’s exciting.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:30

Unknown Speaker 1:27:32
are there any other board comments? Anybody have? Anything that they want to bring up? Or? Comment on?

Unknown Speaker 1:27:43
No, everybody wants to go to dinner.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:48
Okay, is there a motion to adjourn the meeting?

Unknown Speaker 1:27:53
Eve? Do we need to talk about the board the officers positions now? If you’d like to? That’s fine. Sorry, about that. That’s okay. That’s okay. It’s not really, it’s not really my role. Do you want to? Oh, well, I guess the, as you may have noticed, my term is up. My final term is up at the end of June. So we’ll need to elect or you will need to elect I will be gone. You will need to elect a new chairman and vice chair. So

Unknown Speaker 1:28:32
you know, at this point, I mean, we have several people who’ve responded with the interest. If anybody is interested, you could give Kim a call. Like I said, That’s not coming up. And that’ll be the July meeting.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:46
bryden has has been great in being the vice chair. And so there will be both those positions.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:57
For the for the new term that’s coming up. So anyway, just give a thought to whether or not you’d be interested in doing that. It’s not a super hard job. And any of you probably would do better than I’ve done.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:11
I have a question. Sure. Is there any reason that we could not hold the election in June, for terms to begin in July, so that we don’t come to the July meeting without

Unknown Speaker 1:29:29
a leader?

Unknown Speaker 1:29:31
I don’t really know the answer to that question. I’m not sure. Joanne, are you still there somewhere? Do you know? I haven’t. I don’t remember seeing anything specific to that. I suppose if you’re electing people whose terms continue, I don’t know why we couldn’t do that. Let’s let me have Joanne check. If she does. I think typically what we’ve done is that we’ve just moved it to the top of the agenda. Angela. Hi.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:59

Unknown Speaker 1:30:00
different boards may do it differently. But we can certainly do what you suggested Dale, I don’t see why not.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:08
But typical, waited until July. I suppose that doesn’t take into consideration who is

Unknown Speaker 1:30:18
either new to the board or being renamed to the board, because you wouldn’t know about them, I suppose.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:26
So I just happen to think I belong to some groups that do it that way. Go ahead and have the election

Unknown Speaker 1:30:35

Unknown Speaker 1:30:37
a term to begin later, but

Unknown Speaker 1:30:42
it seems fair to the person who’s coming in as chair that they would know.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:48
They weren’t, you know, all of a sudden, okay, you’re the chair and you just found out five seconds ago.

Unknown Speaker 1:30:56
So whatever, I don’t, it doesn’t matter to me. So

Unknown Speaker 1:31:01
you guys can we’ll check into that. And we’ll just make sometimes appointments are delayed or not made also. So let us check into that and get back with you.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:13
Great, great comment, Dale.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:17
Okay, anybody else? Oh, sorry. Is that all you? Is that enough? Kim, do we need to Is there anything else specifically you wanted to address? Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:26
All right. So now

Unknown Speaker 1:31:29
Would anyone like to move to adjourn the meeting?

Unknown Speaker 1:31:33
So move. Thank you. Dale. Is there a second?

Unknown Speaker 1:31:37
I’ll second. This is Maria. Thank you, Maria. All in favor, please raise your hands.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:47
Thank you. Opposed. Okay, that passes unanimously. Thank you all very much. And

Unknown Speaker 1:31:57
enjoy the nice weather. And we’ll see you guys next month.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:02
Night, everybody.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:06
Take care.