Longmont New Tech – Enterprise Robotics, beyond the hype.

Video Description:
Longmont New Tech is back! Topic for this event: Enterprise Robotics, beyond the hype.
Discussion will be held between Dave and 2 industry startups who will share what’s happening after the setting down of the buzz around robotics. The business models that don’t work are now flushed out – the markets are consolidating. Funding is everywhere. The promise of AI and robotics wasn’t what we thought – but in certain industries it is now real – and bigger than we imagined. Especially with COVID. It has accelerated the adoption curve.
Moderator: Dave Taylor.
Boulder based award winning author, entrepreneur and public speaker.
Dave has moderated New Tech events previously and keeps things moving with his wit and thoughtful questions.
Jalali Hartman – Director, Sharpspring Ads, Founder-Robauto
Jalali is a proven thought leader and engineer in the field of innovation and new technology. He is credited with creating breakthrough technology products, companies and lasting IP in eCommerce, A/B Testing, Social Media and A.I. and Robotics. Since 1999, he has conceived, tested, brought to market (and failed) with numerous technology products. He has lead teams of up to 15 people in first-to-market attempts which have yielded many millions in funding and more than $1B in new revenue.He has co-founded or been the founding outside executive of 4 successful technology companies including Infopia, MECLABS, Yovia and ROBAUTO.
Caleb Eastman- Chief Technology Officer- Winter Winds Robotics
Extremely agile technical leader proficient in developing rapid solutions to really difficult technical problems. Avid researcher of new technologies and techniques as a hobby. Intrinsically motivated by autonomous systems/robotics in industrial and space applications.
Thank you to our hosts/sponsors and Partners:
The Times Collaborative Co-Working Space
Louisanna Glynn- Caterer
Longmont Public Media

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