HHSAB Meeting – May 13, 2021

Video Description:
HHSAB Meeting – May 13, 2021

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
So this is a case study in logic models. And she, she used birdy her dog, as the case model. So basically, you saw the dog is unhealthy, and she needs to lose some weight to be healthier. And her goal, the large goal is for her to get to a healthy weight. And she needs a plan or program to get there. And she needs a way to measure progress toward that goal of getting to a healthy weight in a way to determine what is working and what isn’t. And so this is a program design, evaluation and use of a logic model in everyday life. So basically, the logic model works like this, it does it, it documents what our activities are, what the agency’s programs, whatever projects do. And she lists some there. And, and then it says what we did. So this person read a couple of books, she walked the dog. So the, the outputs are about what actions we took, and how output measurements is how we measure the actions that we took, in this case, you know, on the education piece yet, then the output was the reading of the books. And the measurement was that they wrote something about what they read, whether it be a report or whatever. They kept daily logs of what they have, what they fed the dog and exercise and fried dog. So these are all output measurements and the the activities that we do, but outcomes is what changes because of the activity that we have done. Right. So in this case, since they read a book, The outcome is somehow I have learned more about how to keep my pet healthy and keep them at a healthy weight. And because my activity was to feed them right and to exercise them, then the outcome should be that my pet will be at an ideal weight. Then they talk about time, we don’t usually do timelines in Ireland, because we do one year contracts. So the idea is what happens in a year. But, you know, they can talk about how long it’ll take for it to happen. Some programs are longer than others. And then how do we measure the outcome. So for example, you in the first one, it’s hard to measure how much you learned the lesser is, unless the program you were doing did pre and post exams to see how much you learned about pet health and weight. But the second one is pretty easy to measure because you can can wait a dog, you can see the dog. So I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time. But these are the activities piece. But here’s some measurements of so if you have an activity, how many people the old saying butts in seats, right? That that’s an output, how many people attend a session, how many people take the walk kind of do the actual activity, that’s the output. A lot of our agencies, this is where they struggle. For them butts and seats is an outcome. Right? And that’s not that that’s just getting people to your program. The outcome is what happens because of the program. Are they more self sufficient? Are they healthier? Are they you know, do they did they resolve their legal issue, etc? Do they feel safer. And that’s, that’s really what we want to get to and that’s the outcome. So, these are these are good outcomes 75% of those who attend the session one in show increased knowledge right and you and or will have attained certainly represent one and attain their ideal weight. Those are the the outcome we’re seeing what has changed because of the activities, outputs, measure what the activities are, they measure how they work, but outcomes measure what happened, what change happens. And, again, the timeline, it just depends on the program. Some take longer than others. But we contract for a year. So we want to try and find out what their outcomes are within that year. And we measure them. So they’re here they’re using. I love my pet assessment tool. And hopefully most agencies will have created or use I mean, this is where the best practices piece comes in. The lies best practices should have some type of assessment tool or agency should be able to create some and of course in the dogs case Is your weight at all. And there’s a dog

Unknown Speaker 5:05
in a much healthier state and their ideal weight. So, any questions about that? I hope this makes sense. But any questions about outcomes? Or I’m gonna stop sharing. But how we use outcomes or how what we’re looking for and outcomes? Yeah, Brian.

Unknown Speaker 5:26
I really liked that presentation the the logical way, it just kind of goes through it, I think it really helps differentiate the outputs and outcomes. So I don’t have any questions. I do have a protest that they’re two different dogs. Bertie has a black nose, the dog at the end as a pink nose. But you know, we will have accurate outcomes on ours.

Unknown Speaker 5:51
Your attention to detail, Brian is one of the reasons why you’re a great board member. Are there other questions for liberto? I have a question. liberto is? Aye. Aye. I think this presentation is actually really well done, like Brian said, and is a it’s easy to follow, regardless of like, how much knowledge you have about this type of thing? Is this something that can or could be made available to our agency partners like, or something along these lines?

Unknown Speaker 6:33
So it is on so for those agencies when they apply it is on the resource page has been on the resource page since we did it. Yeah, it is made available to them. Great.

Unknown Speaker 6:52
All right.

Unknown Speaker 6:54
Thank you very much. Seeing no other questions or comments. We will move on to the next item. I’m reviewing and commenting on the human service agency funding application to provide input to the funders collaborative.

Unknown Speaker 7:13
So Ellie Bartow had a question. And Caitlin, so did we want to discuss anything about the bout the outcomes?

Unknown Speaker 7:22
I thought we were gonna talk about the outcomes? Okay,

Unknown Speaker 7:26
we were we’re not? I thought we were because yeah, so did you want to pull up that because we did include that in there in the pack

Unknown Speaker 7:33

Unknown Speaker 7:34
a packet? So, so continue on liberto.

Unknown Speaker 7:38
Tonight, the only better show? Sorry,

Unknown Speaker 7:40
it is the alfabeto show? Some the backup band?

Unknown Speaker 7:44
That’s right. Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 7:45
So I’m gonna what, and you’ve all seen this before, this is not nothing new. But I’m gonna pull up the the outcomes that came out of the work that Brian and I did in what I added to it this time was that was the was the actual outcomes that are currently in there called goal areas that are in the application for our for our agencies to select. It’s a drop down list for them, they don’t they see it in the in the instructions, but then when they get to the application, it’s a drop down, I can show you all when you go through the application where it is. But right now, the background or the context for this is the city of Boulder is also doing this work to I think their their committees meeting tomorrow to talk about because the city of boulders kind of doing their new human services master plan. And so they’re, they’re kind of doing the same thing. So Karen, I thought this is the perfect time for this board to provide input. And so they’re going to provide input and then the collaborative will, you know, we will decide what what are the goals that we want to move forward in our collaborative application. So we thought this is a, I thought this is the perfect time to just get input, they might, you might be fine with them. And that’s okay. Or you might have other ideas, and this is the time that we want to capture those ideas and then share it with our partners. And so I’m going to start backwards, I’m going to have it up, but I’m gonna start. I’m gonna there’s gonna be last growling really quickly here. So I apologize for that. But I’m gonna start with what is on the application right now. So apologize for the screening for the Okay, so can everybody see these? All right. So these are the current goals on the right. That and they didn’t copy over really great. Sorry, I can see at the top one of the different blue but those right ones are are the actual goals. And you’ve seen them in our goals because you know, when Brian and I did this, I shared these with Brian and you know, we just we we copied some of the more we have some other goals too. And there may be some new goals that we want to add. And this and on the left is how they fit with our priority areas, right? You’ll see all our priority areas there, and you’ll see some, some have more than others. But that that those are the goals and these are our priority areas.

Unknown Speaker 10:28

Unknown Speaker 10:31
So I’m gonna start scrolling up, and then we’re gonna, we’re gonna see. So I think, the

Unknown Speaker 10:35
certo real quick, these are the goals that are in the current funding, that the collaborative as a whole, allows folks to choose. So this is essentially the goals that are agreed upon by everybody in the funding collaborative, right in us, the city of Boulder, and

Unknown Speaker 10:53
Boulder County. Okay, thank you for County Community Services. So just to again, just to set context, our collaborative right now is made up of Longmont Community Services, City of Boulder housing and human services, and boulder Community Services. Boulder County cleaning services, Boulder County housing, Human Services, has a separate funding process. Outside the collaborative. They do it differently because they have different pots of money, and federal dollars they got to deal with. So they have they do it differently than we do. But these are the 16 goals, there should be 16 of them, that an agency can select from when they’re selecting their programs or when they’re when they’re in the program section of the application. So I think the first one is safety and RCR safety net. No self sufficiency came up first for me. Okay. So the subways of course are in. But for example, we have now reserved and we could rewrite this Brian bridge, the digital divide, or we can say increase access to increase digital access or increase access to devices or internet or something. But just want to get folks as input. So don’t worry about the blue, or the green. It’s really about the orange right now. And to see if these are these are the outcomes that we want to propose to the collaborative.

Unknown Speaker 12:40
Certainly bertos the outcome. synonymous with a goal?

Unknown Speaker 12:45
Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Yeah. In the in. So Graham in the application is called goal area. But basically, yeah. Yeah, I don’t know why they call it that. But that’s what they call the goal area.

Unknown Speaker 13:01

Unknown Speaker 13:03
how much in the weeds is are we allowed to go into with the orange? And a clarifying question, but I don’t know if it’s over analyzing. Okay, the question is, is under program outcomes. At the bottom of that first box, it says increased ability to earn livable wage? I guess my question would be, do we want to increase access to positions that offer livable wages? Or do we want to increase educational opportunities so people can be applying to positions that offer higher wages? I don’t know if that’s too detailed. But there’s a real difference there, in my mind is

Unknown Speaker 13:43
what I don’t think we can increase access to positions that’s not out of our control. Right. That’s we don’t have the kind of control to say you need you. We want you to create positions. And we don’t we don’t give that amount of funding. We don’t have that level of funding to do that.

Unknown Speaker 14:05
So the educational opportunities that increase your ability to earn a livable?

Unknown Speaker 14:11
Yeah, I think we could we could change it to that. And it’ll Karen’s take notes, which is great. So yeah, that that we can we can change.

Unknown Speaker 14:17
I think that I I like that question can really because the other thing I’m thinking though, is that some of our agencies, in addition to providing education to employees, also actually provide information to employers to help them because we did we had one applicant, or we had one. Yeah, one applicant last year that was talking about ways that they worked with, like smuckers I think it was they told us where they were basically helping identify specific skills that like smuckers was looking for to then help match people like they were helping them with like language and having people that could do interviews in Spanish or provide information to the Latin x community in Longmont about those jobs. So that seems to me like, we’re not finding them providing those positions, but things that help can that help employers do that better? I would say is, would be fair game for this and I think would be helpful.

Unknown Speaker 15:36
It seems to me that those are exactly the right questions only because the semantics matter, right, the these outcomes should be a really effective filter for us to say, for instance, does this program does the Spanish translation increased the ability of a Longmont resident to earn greater income? Or whatever the language is? And my recollection is that these, these boxes are filled in from the needs assessments? And, you know, so it was kind of parsing the language primarily in those needs assessments. And then part of the idea was understanding like, is this really what like, what does this actually mean to the community on the ground? Like, how do they translate something like this? How, how did they think about something like this, but I think probably some of these can be simplified. But in terms of representing what was found in the needs assessment, they seem to me to be accurate. I guess the question is, is there? You know, as the needs, are there changes were the needs assessment, maybe, you know, some things need to be modified a little bit, or is there just so much language that it’s confusing, because we’re, we’re parsing different ideas, and regrouping?

Unknown Speaker 17:10
Maybe on this one, I think it is, like kind of pursuing that. But I think, looking at the beginning part of that, that first outcome, one thing I’m seeing is increased earnings employment or eligible benefit, like increasing the number of livable wage jobs in the community fits within that, but maybe it’s a, that outcome is really improving overall, like number of community members that have like that have access to livable wage jobs. Like or, you know, benefits and steady employment, like any one of those things kind of fit in there. Because that, that addresses both, like the supply of those jobs, as well as like the employee side of it.

Unknown Speaker 18:05
So in that context, Caitlin on sorry, Karen, go ahead. Yep. Go ahead, Brian. I’ll be quick in that. It’s almost like there’s a header. And then there’s the tag line or the subtext. And because I look like, when I look at the one below, there’s a general idea, and then a lot of the texts really kind of paints a picture of what that idea looks like in practice or in more detail. So yeah.

Unknown Speaker 18:43
Karen, so I just wanted to clarify. Caitlin, while you were saying, because I think in terms of, you know, having access to jobs that pay a livable wage, I think I think elbow to address that. So So our our focus isn’t necessarily on making sure that on the the the supplies type, but you know, the plight end of supply into things that, that there are, there are livable wage jobs for people to be able to access that is in the whole economic development. arena. That’s really not we that that’s really not our, our role. So. So I just need to clarify because it sound like that, that you were suggesting that that would be part of this outcome. And I really don’t think that it is.

Unknown Speaker 19:45
I think that’s actually really useful to to recognize to say that that even if we have an applicant that comes in and that’s what they’re doing, that that’s not the role of this funding, that this funding is really about that self sufficiency and resilience and sort of sort of helping the employees,

Unknown Speaker 20:04
it’s really helping people to prepare and to be successful and have the training and education kind of what, you know, Kim, Kimberly talked about.

Unknown Speaker 20:18
Yeah, I think having I think that’s a really good question can really and I think obviously, it creates a lot of discussion here. But like, understanding that, like, that’s not what this funding is for, like we talked about last time there. There’s a whole lot of other funding areas that contribute to some of our overall goals. So

Unknown Speaker 20:38
so we’ll carry on, I can update the outcome based on what we just had discussion, but I want to make sure that we continue. Yep. Moving on to the next. The next pillar

Unknown Speaker 20:57
too fast.

Unknown Speaker 21:01
Arrows don’t work. I hate when my arrows don’t work. Alright, here’s health and well being.

Unknown Speaker 21:20

Unknown Speaker 21:21
sorry to be the one to speak again. That’s fine. It’s just a, I guess, wording here prevent, maintain and improve, they don’t seem to be the same kind of direction towards physical health and behavioral health. So I would love to see prevent poor health cut health outcomes, and then maintain and improve physical health and or behavioral health. Just because I think it’s confusing. The word prevent, doesn’t really state what it’s preventing. And it works against the other two verbs. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 22:01
Prevent poor health outcomes, and maintain and improve physical and or behavioral health.

Unknown Speaker 22:09
That sounds great.

Unknown Speaker 22:11
Okay, is it?

Unknown Speaker 22:12
Does it make sense on this one to actually split it into two different ones? Because there’s physical and or behavioral health, but then there’s increased mental, increased crisis mental, like there’s mental and physical health here. wonder if we should just like have those be two separate things in this. Like all the things that go under mental and behavioral health, and all the things that go under physical

Unknown Speaker 22:37
health? Maybe access deserves its own, too. So one thing is so and I see your hand, right, but so let me just finish this thought. And then. So one thing is to maintain and improve physical health. So these are folks that are engaged in with a program already, but then there’s also the increased access piece, which would be a separate a different outcome. And because that’s more around, how do we increase engagement, and that’s how you would measure that is increased services or increased engagement in those services. So those could potentially be separated as well.

Unknown Speaker 23:19

Unknown Speaker 23:21
thank you. I I agree with that. And I think, you know, one of the challenges here is it gets very loopy. And I mean, that like in a looping sense, right, because improving access as a means of improving physical and or behavioral health. So is it you know, some of it’s just semantics. I mean, I think at some point, there’s probably some of these where we just say, well pick that one because it’s six, a one and a half a dozen, the other, but

Unknown Speaker 23:59
that’s a good point. We Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 24:02
To me, access almost reads like an output is not an outcome. So we maybe want to focus in on what are the why do we care about access because it improves, you know, physical and mental health prevents, you know, we’ve got increased prices, mental health services, therefore, we see a reduction in XYZ, you know, we have suicide prevention, or we have, you know, reduction in HIV transmissions in in the county or those types of things. So, phrasing our outcome as an outcome and not an output might also help our, our agencies

Unknown Speaker 24:47

Unknown Speaker 24:50
Yes, thanks. I have, I guess two concerns about separating and off into two. If we do separate it, then I think we have to assign different weights and different programs might fall into different categories and thereby, you know, achieve a potential funding cap or percentage based on those weights, right? Or am I misunderstanding that? I guess that’s one issue. And then the second. Go ahead Alberto’s me,

Unknown Speaker 25:16
let me ask Yes, I think so the weights. And we and this is part of the work that we continue, and we need to do we have you know, that, but the weights, in my mind grant really come at the activities, not necessarily the outcomes. Or at least that’s the way that we did it last year, it was around the waiting piece came around activities. The outcomes are more of the filter, right? In other words, if they if their outcomes fit, the programs had to fit the outcomes or had to be aligned with the outcomes to get scored, but the weighted piece was in the activity level. Does that make sense?

Unknown Speaker 26:02
It does, yeah, thank you. And then I guess my other concern is, it’s, it’s not always clear to me, where the line is between the physical and the mental, and thinking of like substance abuse or for mental health problems. It’s, I don’t know. And there’s not just like an anti dualist, you know, Boulder County sentiment, it’s like, I don’t know, it’s also intertwined. It’s hard to separate.

Unknown Speaker 26:29
And, Kimberly, I

Unknown Speaker 26:30
think I saw your hand.

Unknown Speaker 26:33
It’s a shy hand.

Unknown Speaker 26:35

Unknown Speaker 26:35
I think identifying the fact that there are providers specific to mental health and providers specific to physical health is important. So I definitely agree, Graham, that there is that you can’t have you know, behavioral health without some level of physical health, but the providers giving those services are often very separate. So I think that’s important to note, depending on who’s applying for the funds.

Unknown Speaker 27:09
Okay, Karen, do you do we got what we need to?

Unknown Speaker 27:14
You’re on mute Karen. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 27:19
Ellie, Berto, I had one quick question. For the outcomes when they fill out the application. I’m just mystery. I’m just not remembering when I was looking over the applications. Did they pick one outcome? Or can they pick multiple outcomes?

Unknown Speaker 27:31
Well, they can pick one outcome for program. So if they’re applying for multiple programs, they can click multiple outcomes. Yeah, but it’s one outcome for program. And that’s hard sometimes for some agencies, because some agencies do multiple things. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 27:49
Yeah, my thought there was just like whether the the separation because providers do tend to do tend to do one or the other, but keeping them together allows a little more flexibility for the for areas where maybe it fits under mental health, maybe if it’s under physical health. So no, I don’t have any strong opinions about that. But just was wondering if that was that filter is basically you pick one of those and then you’ve got to Okay,

Unknown Speaker 28:15
great, thanks.

Unknown Speaker 28:17
All right. Moving on to the next one.

Unknown Speaker 28:53
Moving on, if we don’t hear anything,

Unknown Speaker 28:56
anyone have

Unknown Speaker 28:57
comments and wait forever. Only Bergdahl by

Unknown Speaker 29:11

Unknown Speaker 29:12
thank you. This one’s fortunately, compared to the others relatively straightforward. I think the you know, there’s some question about the details underneath. Again, those are more kind of, like descriptive. Adding a little more color to it. seems somewhat straightforward.

Unknown Speaker 29:35
Okay. So

Unknown Speaker 29:38
I, some of these outcomes read to me like outputs, again, and I wonder if the outcomes would be more like, you know, because I think we’ve had folks say we have fewer people. You know, fewer kids coming to school hungry, fewer families. Reporting, you know, not having sufficient nutrition, we have an increase in families saying that they are not having, you know, food or nutrition related health issues. So I wonder if we could pull out some of the specific outcomes, because providing a larger volume of health food, higher quality food, high quality prepared food, those are like, that’s what we’re giving. But what why do we care about that? We don’t want kids, we don’t want families to go hungry. We don’t want anyone to sort of be in, you know, have food insufficiency. Because we know that that has impacts on mental and physical health as well as you know, overall ability to work and educational outcomes.

Unknown Speaker 30:53
Caitlin, thank you for that. I think that makes a lot of sense. I’m wondering if it’s something like increase percentage of total days family has adequate access to healthy and nutritious food or something like that? No, not I’m trying to get away from the access, but basically, they have enough food healthy food on the table to meet their needs.

Unknown Speaker 31:20

Unknown Speaker 31:21
you know, don’t whatever that

Unknown Speaker 31:22
looks like.

Unknown Speaker 31:23
Oh, so I think that’s, that’s good. And here’s, here’s the challenge with that. Because these, this this area. So for example, you’re saying, you know, how many kids came to school hungry for it as a great outcome reducing number of kids, but unless the school districts applying whose would measure that? Who’s gonna? So the challenge is that who’s gonna measure that outcome?

Unknown Speaker 31:50
Well, we had several, we had several applicants last year, indicate that they did before and after surveys, and one of the questions we saw was, you know, you know, how, how many days this month? Did you go? Did you have insufficient amounts of food for your family, I think was like one of the questions. And they did like pre and post. So. But I don’t know if all the programs can or could do that. Right? And maybe on the output is okay, because we know that this output is like, in and of itself, we know it has effects that sometimes we just can’t even measure because we know that it impacts so many things when, when people go hungry. Kimberly,

Unknown Speaker 32:42
any of our county partners like WIC or snap would have information around food insecurity of the clients that they’re serving, which would definitely be a more measurable outcome. I also think rates of obesity among the population would be another measurable that would directly, you know, address some of the outcomes listed her here in terms of healthy food. I don’t know if that would be appropriate for this.

Unknown Speaker 33:12
I think the challenge is as you you can provide all the healthy food, but you can’t control what people eat. Those larger community ones are great, and they’re hard to measure. That’s been my experience is that the you know, they’re probably the best outcomes that we could have. But they’re hard to measure when they’re that when they they’re so all encompassing of the whole community.

Unknown Speaker 33:40

Unknown Speaker 33:45
So I think just so Alberto, I just wanted to clarify. So we are gathering this input, which is great from our advisory board members. And then and then you’re going to have a, you’re going to discuss this even further with the city of Boulder and Boulder County Representatives. So so just a reminder, so this is great input. And we’re not done talking about this. We we. So you know, we don’t have to come to resolution, but it’s really about these are great ideas. we’re capturing those and then there’ll be further discussion which we will come back.

Unknown Speaker 34:24
Right and negotiation. Ultimately we can we’re This is really wonderful stuff. Yeah. There has to be agreement from the other partners because I don’t know what boulder is going to bring to the table. Come Friday, right? come Monday, Wednesday, because they’re meeting tomorrow night to talk about this. So but this is wonderful. And I think those larger ones are great. And maybe to Caitlin’s point. Maybe we add them as potential outcome, but we keep this one. We keep this one available, but we think about adding those, those outcomes that you mentioned to Kaitlyn

Unknown Speaker 35:00
Yeah, I mean, I’d be interested in what the others have here like to think about, like, what are the outcomes that we’re that we’re wanting folks to measure other than just like, Oh, we gave a bunch of food away? Like, cool. If you gave it to a bunch of people that already have access to healthy food, is that helping the community? What do you measure? How are you measuring that this is going where? where it needs to be and creating the outcomes from it. So but that’s

Unknown Speaker 35:32
okay. Okay, that’s great. That’s great. Oh, this was huge.

Unknown Speaker 35:41
This is the biggie. This is

Unknown Speaker 35:43
our has been always has been the biggie. Yeah. And this came out of a lot of the, the needs assessment.

Unknown Speaker 36:17
Any feedback? Oh, go ahead, gram.

Unknown Speaker 36:20
The second one relevant Still, we think since I think schools are reopened or are reopening?

Unknown Speaker 36:27
That’s a great question. I don’t know.

Unknown Speaker 36:31
I mean, I think that we’re going to continue unless or until, you know, I think we’ve still, from what I’m hearing, what I’m seeing is we’ve got two to three years before COVID is like, completely. And, you know, I think we’re still going to run the risk of kids being really, you know, having to quarantine for two weeks, the impact on them, as well as their classrooms and their families. I also think employers, you know, many employers, closed offices, may have to move because of, you know, economic impacts, and so forth. So I think we’re going to continue to see some level of impact from these

Unknown Speaker 37:13
for a while yet.

Unknown Speaker 37:18
And going into the next school year, we may see impacts on educational outcomes for kids who are out of school for a year, or not doing very much. So.

Unknown Speaker 37:30

Unknown Speaker 37:33
I think the last one maybe, is more of a tier three. Okay, box than a tier two. And it’s it’s really broad any, it’s basically the reiteration of the safety net pillar tier one in some way. I don’t know, doesn’t seem to be at the same level. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 38:02
A bunch of these focus on kids and like, trends, you know, we’ve got like school achievement, schools being closed. readiness for kids. That last one is really in decreasing unhealthy and risky behaviors, and educating and training the workforce are the only two that like, address adults in some way. And I’m kind of curious if there’s some broad thing that we can bring in that would address some of the like, that education and skill building or if like, that ends up falling? I think that the very first one, we had things around, like, how do you prepare for jobs and so forth? So maybe most of them fall in there, rather than this education and skill building section.

Unknown Speaker 38:53
That makes sense.

Unknown Speaker 38:54
When you look at the activity that’s linked to decrease unhealthy and risky behaviors, I’m guessing that’s also oriented at children.

Unknown Speaker 39:05
Yeah, I mean, the the interesting thing there is I feel like some of the stuff around health also falls into that decreasing unhealthy and risky behaviors. So I think about like, we had the organization last year that wanted to provide that was basically providing,

Unknown Speaker 39:26
like resources and education around like sexual activity and teen pregnancy. That would be that’s an activity, but that’s also like, that’s health, but it’s also decreasing unhealthy and risky behaviors. So I think that falls into the Alberto’s comment that some like this can be really hard on some of our some of our applicants because

Unknown Speaker 39:53
it’s both

Unknown Speaker 39:56
life is never neat. But I do agree that that the bottom one for sure should either probably be a tier three or should be somewhere else.

Unknown Speaker 40:18
I would suggest otherwise, I think they are pretty straightforward. It would be it having gone through this, you know, once before it, it just like, there’s always an output that leads to another one person’s outcomes, another person’s output, you know, and it just keeps going down the line until we’re all dead. And that’s the final outcome. And, you know, it’s so it’s some point, it’s like, it’s just gonna be imperfect. But they seem logical.

Unknown Speaker 40:57
Other comments or questions on the outcomes for the safety, this education and skill building?

Unknown Speaker 41:05
Okay, I think we’re ready to go the next one liberto.

Unknown Speaker 41:14
Safety and Justice. One outcome, I don’t see here that I think we talked about that I would propose adding

Unknown Speaker 41:37

Unknown Speaker 41:40
services or programs that are designed to

Unknown Speaker 41:47
reduce recidivism,

Unknown Speaker 41:49
and provide support to folks coming out of the criminal system in some way. Because we, there’s really clear indications that recidivism is reduced when there are sufficient supports, and reduction in recidivism has, you know, basically helps provide more safety to a community as a whole. So, I would propose some an outcome that is geared in that direction, that would account for things like, you know, well, courts are not meeting in person making sure that people have access to phones, so they can show up to their hearings, you know, because if folks are not dangerous, but are can’t attend to their hearing, like that just does not that ultimately doesn’t make our community safer. So okay.

Unknown Speaker 42:54

Unknown Speaker 42:57
Kimberly, I’m

Unknown Speaker 42:58
trying to make you feel better about the three times you spoke up, and you don’t feel bad. So I wonder if the top one again, thinking about outcomes, and this term access, if access actually is more of an output than an outcome? If it’s more like increased utilization of advocacy, and legal representation resources, or something, you know, where like, just opening the door may not be enough, you may have to actually pull people through the door or make sure they know it’s open. Because what we really want them to do is be able to use these resources. So

Unknown Speaker 43:41
I like them. Yeah, and I like that. Right. Because I mean, so I want to tell you, the ones I’ve had the hardest time with this one. And and the health one. These a lot of times it’s about, it’s about getting people to the service more than about what the service does for the people. You know, for example, when I talked to several legal of our legal pricing, you know, we don’t we don’t know, it takes a long time to do a case. So it’s hard to measure. You know, where was my was my situation result? I think that’s the best outcome for legal representation, right. There’s resolution of the legal situation. But you know, maybe it’s, yeah, maybe it is utilization and saying increased utilization of legal representation. And it is a sort of a button seat type of thing, but it focuses on the, the resident side of the equation. Right. So it’s not just that there were open more hours, it’s that more people are using them. I don’t know. That’s, that’s always a tricky one.

Unknown Speaker 44:58
Yeah, I mean, that This one does feel like in many ways, access is the barrier for things because, you know, non criminal things people don’t aren’t entitled to a lawyer. But we know like, for immigration, I think there’s something like, if you have a lawyer, you’re 10 times more likely to be successful in like appealing an immigration decision, if not more than if you don’t have a lawyer. So like, like, literally just accessing it is enough to make a difference in the outcomes, so

Unknown Speaker 45:38
do you want to leave it as access? Or do you want to use it when you want to add utilization to it? I think they have some choice.

Unknown Speaker 45:49
I think adding utilization would work here.

Unknown Speaker 45:53

Unknown Speaker 45:55
I think that’s great. And I think by extension, the second box increased participation in programs that provide protection and support. I think that’s a big barrier survivors of child abuse, and domestic violence may not actually utilize those services or participate. So that would be the true measure think of success. By the same extension of access versus utilization.

Unknown Speaker 46:24

Unknown Speaker 46:25
yukito raised her finger, not her digital hand, but heard

Unknown Speaker 46:30
Okay, Chiquita. Um, what I found a lot of times is, I know you’re talking about utilizing legal, legal services, but a lot of times people can’t afford legal services. Right. I think that is, for me, that will be the key thing. Like, I know, there are attorneys out there that cannot afford those attorneys. You know, and then the eternal, the attorneys that are providing pro bono services are always booked up. So you’re talking years down the line before you can get a pro bono attorney. So what happens then, you know, Yeah, I know. Everyone knows there’s legal references that representation, but can you afford it?

Unknown Speaker 47:17
And that’s what that’s what increasing access is about.

Unknown Speaker 47:21
So but maybe it’s less about like act, maybe access isn’t the right word there. Maybe it’s improved affordability, increase in number of cuts in client served, increase in number of cases that they’re able to take off something like that, like, so that is like access, but it’s like access is not maybe not the right word, because everyone technically has access. It’s just whether can they afford it? Does the person have time and so maybe we just tweak that slightly to be increased affordability, number of people served number of cases able to be serviced or something like that.

Unknown Speaker 48:08
And that may be in the program activity, if it’s said provide affordable legal support, that would presumably, then support the outcome of increased utilization. So maybe it falls more on that side.

Unknown Speaker 48:31

Unknown Speaker 48:33
Anything else on the Safety and Justice pillar?

Unknown Speaker 48:40
Okay, on to the next one,

Unknown Speaker 48:43
I think was last one.

Unknown Speaker 49:07
Questions or comments on these outcomes? Yes, Brian.

Unknown Speaker 49:19
I think you’re going for the prize.

Unknown Speaker 49:21
Oh, my God, I’m

Unknown Speaker 49:24
gonna hear myself talk.

Unknown Speaker 49:26
I’m gonna give you the zoom crown.

Unknown Speaker 49:30
I’m going to try to make this the last comment, but we know that’s not going to happen. So the I think this is an excellent example of how interpreting the needs assessments can be really challenging. Because then the top box we have a specific target audience, which is at risk families, individuals and youth. We know what we’re looking for housing stability like that, that statement to As a really good outcome, the bottom one is kind of vague. It doesn’t, you know, it’s just generalized. And the yet I know they were both expressed in the needs assessment in some way. So I wonder if, are they actually different? Do we have a different audience? or different customer base for the top than the bottom? We do? We do.

Unknown Speaker 50:32
So typically, the ones in the bottom are not housed. The ones on the top, our house, and we’re trying to stabilize them.

Unknown Speaker 50:42
Got it? Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 50:45
And for the bottom one, I again, I wonder if this is just instead of increased access, it’s maybe increased capacity for transitional housing or shelter, and increased utilization. Because we, I mean, more transitional housing and shelter, like some of our partners provide transitional housing. And if they’re able to provide more beds or more locations for that, that’s better. And, you know, folks being able to utilize that.

Unknown Speaker 51:22
I like to utilize for this funding. I don’t like we don’t this funding doesn’t fund building of more beds are I think this is more on the program side than the capacity in the construction or the capacity side. On this, the capacity is that we’re going to increase case management and transitional housing. Right. But I don’t think we’ve with this money we fund

Unknown Speaker 51:51
well, but like I think of like hope one of the things they funded was employees to be able to keep their shelter open additional days, which increased the capacity that they could do. Right, like, because they couldn’t do it unless they had someone who was in employed who could work the desk. And so it wasn’t necessary, and it was very specifically shelter for them.

Unknown Speaker 52:19
Right. But

Unknown Speaker 52:21
yeah, I just want I just don’t want to be confusing. So I mean, that’s, that’s kind of Cathy’s.

Unknown Speaker 52:26
Yeah. room. This one might be interesting to see what the other collaborator, collaborators say, as well, of like, how, you know, what the outcome is there, you know,

Unknown Speaker 52:39
because it’s a daily dose point, you know, this particular pot of money is more for operational support. And we use our CDBG, our home our affordable housing funds to really work on the rehab, acquisition and construction of, of units.

Unknown Speaker 53:00
So what if, for this one, it’s we’re actually not even looking at increasing access to it so much as increasing support, like operational, because you mentioned like, we talked about, like caseworkers and folks that provide those and so it’s like, maybe providing operational support to reduce transitional homelessness or, you know, or something like that, like, reduction in number of people on the street, or something like that? Well, there’s some outcome right there that like, reports is doing.

Unknown Speaker 53:45
I’m thinking that that clicks something in my brain. So maybe the outcome is increased housing exits,

Unknown Speaker 54:07

Unknown Speaker 54:10
clients in transitional housing and shelter, for increased successful as a house a successful exit, because that’s really, when they think about the agencies we fund. That’s what they use this money for, is to help people move out of

Unknown Speaker 54:30
the transferring situations.

Unknown Speaker 54:32
Right, right. They use the money for typically. Right?

Unknown Speaker 54:38
Yeah, I think I think Alberto, you’re you’re on it, we can figure out the the language but yeah, it’s really about it’s, it’s a different level of stabilization. It’s moving from either unhoused or temporarily housed into more permanent stable housing. So I think we probably if I’m understanding that which I think makes make sense. And well, I think we have samples of language from that with our homeless solutions. And so I think those are good distinctions. I’ve noted it.

Unknown Speaker 55:13
Okay, awesome. Great.

Unknown Speaker 55:16
Anything else on this pillar? Karen Phillips.

Unknown Speaker 55:24
You know, I feel like I’m a little bit of a simpleton here. But the reason that we’re doing this, the purpose of this is for organizations to pick an outcome to get their money. Is that the purpose of all this?

Unknown Speaker 55:38
That’s exactly right. It’s really about. So I think, I think it’s twofold. Okay, I think it’s one, we want to share our values or our what we feel are the goals or outcomes that we think are important for our community, with our agencies, and then to it’s, it’s them, sharing with us how their work aligns with what we feel with the board and where the collaborative feels is important for our community. Maybe that’s the way I look at it. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 56:11
Okay. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 56:15
It’s not just what we feel it’s also linked to the assessment.

Unknown Speaker 56:20
Right, right. What what we what we learn from

Unknown Speaker 56:23
the community is Yeah, experiencing.

Unknown Speaker 56:26
So they pick one of these and then go for it. Okay, got it. Yep.

Unknown Speaker 56:34
Yeah. And I can show you where they pick it in the next. The next part, there

Unknown Speaker 56:37
you go, it’s coming up. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 56:42
Moving along, then liberto, it is still your show. So take us away.

Unknown Speaker 56:49
I almost stopped sharing here. I want to go to the next one.

Unknown Speaker 56:58
Bring it up.

Unknown Speaker 57:10
Okay, I want to share it. So the next piece, again, because we’re in the midst of getting ready, is looking at the actual application. So this is a 2021 application. The first piece is about the agency. So we asked for a description of what the agency, their purpose function of the organization, unique services.

Unknown Speaker 57:44
And their strategic goals. We asked him to upload a board of directors table.

Unknown Speaker 57:54
We asked him to we talk about inclusive board and staff practices, we asked him to describe what their plan to create, increase and maintain diversity and inclusive practices are. And then we give them a table to fill out to demonstrate that diversity.

Unknown Speaker 58:21
liberto Just a quick question I know we’re going through this is would you like folks to give feedback or suggestions as we go through this or ask questions? What’s how what’s the best way to proceed here? And what’s the goal, though, with looking at this?

Unknown Speaker 58:38
So I think if there are, if there are suggestions, I think those are fine. So we are going to be you know, to Carrie’s point, there’s further conversations, but I don’t know how this application is going to end up. I did have a meeting last week about in Boulder had some things they wanted to change already. So for me, this is just giving me helpful input that I can bring back to the next meeting.

Unknown Speaker 59:08
Yeah, I think I think it’s really about if there is an eye, you know, Alberto, I think we probably wanted to review his section and then stop and get feedback. So if there are, if there are tweaks in the language or if there is, you know, some question that you think we should add or something we should take away. If you can just provide that input to Alberto and then when and then he will take it again to the to the vendors and they’ll they’ll really kind of review that and negotiate what what, what changes are made and what needs to stay the same.

Unknown Speaker 59:51
Any any thoughts on the agency narrative piece?

Unknown Speaker 59:56
One thing I was gonna suggest is this inclusive board. And staff practices, it asks for your organization’s plan. It does not ask you to report on how your organization has already implemented anything. And what has been like whether you’ve tried something because I think we probably have seen many organizations that come in and are like, Oh, yeah, we’ve been talking about this, but you literally see no results. I’m like, I’d love to understand what their history is of like trying to do this. And they’ve been successful at it. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:40
We can do that.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:45
Other feedback or thoughts on this section, the, the narrative and other information here for the agency? Seeing none, I think you can move along. Yeah, liberto.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:01
They’re just tables, more tables, around protecting clients. We do ask them about it. And we don’t really get tons of stuff here, but any type of narrative.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:24

Unknown Speaker 1:01:29
but we typically don’t get a lot of data here to be honest. Then it’s the budget. These are the things you do the first start with revenue, where the revenue comes, there’s a lot of these you can drop down, you can add, you know, you can add things under these. So for example, under other foundations, you can add as many foundations as you have where you want.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:01
And just to clarify, this is the agency budget, the overall agency, and then the program for which you’re applying. That budget comes later.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:10
Right? It comes in the program piece.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:13

Unknown Speaker 1:02:13
Sorry, could you go

Unknown Speaker 1:02:15
back a page? With that demographics? Right now, it’s just a narrative? Would it be possible to provide sort of like a blank table where they can provide like, what demographics they track? So that we can see it more easily? I know, some of them don’t. But like, if someone does,

Unknown Speaker 1:02:36
we could definitely ask that we could definitely ask the group if we could, because it

Unknown Speaker 1:02:40
was hard to compare that. Just and to see that when they give a narrative of it. And they don’t actually like, put in, you know, hi, we serve, you know, only women or we serve the LGBTQ population. And here’s the breakdown by race or things like that, like it would help us at least see like, what, you know, what demographics are you tracking? And why is that important? And like, what’s the breakdown of the clients you serve? Based on the demographics you track?

Unknown Speaker 1:03:10
I yeah, we can ask for sure.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:14

Unknown Speaker 1:03:17
thank you on the budget. One thing that I’ve I’ve kind of always been confused by is the amount of degree that agencies should add, like, some agencies under salaries, for instance, will list individual positions for their agency budget, and then the salary and others will just say salaries, some have one number? Is there an intention of what the collaboratives looking for there?

Unknown Speaker 1:03:49
So I would say right, and Karen can may have other thoughts for me at the agency level. I don’t see why an agency would break it down by individual salaries. I think for me at this level, it’s all it’s just the overall personnel cost. Okay, there is a reason to do it at the program level if you’re asking for funding or a specific position within the project. So I think you will do it by blue by habit. But I’m not necessarily interested in at the agency level the breakdown I don’t care if you have thoughts on that.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:39
So I what I don’t remember le Berto is is what is in the instructions. is so it we’ve gone this particular advisory board not not you all here but in the in history historically, we have asked For an agency budget, we’ve asked for salary breakdowns of their of very specific positions. And and then sometimes we haven’t. So I, I think to Alberto’s point, I think the value when really understanding the the salary breakdown is at the program level, you know, rather than the agency level agencies pretty much pushback about putting that, that information in that in the application. And I and I would say, and in the past, some of our advisory board members have have made judgments about positions that either are making their price too high, or they’re maybe not making enough money. And, you know, and I don’t know whether I don’t think that’s really the purview of this advisory board. So um, so, I mean, that’s,

Unknown Speaker 1:06:14
that’s really good. I

Unknown Speaker 1:06:15

Unknown Speaker 1:06:16
historically. So I wonder if it could say, like, cumulative or something like that, where we’re really kind of giving some direction on you know, what level of detail

Unknown Speaker 1:06:26
I can look at the instructions and I can bold your sometimes asked for more than we do. So I can also I can bring that up with the with the collaborative tool, Brian.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:45
Great. Hi, Deanna. Welcome. We’re currently going through the application and giving feedback or asking questions about sort of a section at a time to so that liberto can take feedback back to the funding collaborative, since this is a shared application between Boulder City of Boulder County of Boulder in Longmont. Thank you, Sorry, I’m

Unknown Speaker 1:07:11
late. Everyone.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:13
Hope practice was good.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:17
Okay, go ahead. liberto Lin, the

Unknown Speaker 1:07:21
next piece, also within the budget, there’s always an accent, you know, you know, if you have a negative ebes, explain it. Or if you have an excess, you should explain as well. Most agencies tried to have an excess, there’s very few to try to zero out their sum to zero, but most try to have at least a little bit so that you can add to their operating reserves. But that’s what that that piece is and is a narrative question. And there’s also an important piece here, and that’s the agency’s reserve the agency reserves, because that’s part of what mean, Karen, our evaluation, we do evaluate reserves. And typically a best practice is between three and six months of reserves of the operating reserves. So I know I’ve, I’ve deducted points if an agency, you know, just doesn’t have reserves for you know, do something were to happen that they couldn’t continue. So that is an important one to us.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:41
It seems like that policy may bear some reconsideration for a couple of years following COVID imagine that’s a good point. That’s a good point. Drain their reserves.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:54
Yeah, I’m pretty sure many agencies did so may have to build more lenient on reserves, they may take a while to come back.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:02
Well, and I think it also is it provides the opportunity because they usually explain it. So it could be that what we learn is that agencies that have that have utilized a reserve you know, we’re we’re able maybe to come through and the the pandemic in a better place, and if they would not have had any reserves. So there’s a story to tell for sure.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:33
So then we now come to we come to where you all do most of your work. And that’s, that’s the program section. So let me show you the first thing that we need to see is the goal area of focus. So the work that we just did, this is where it’s reflected and it’s a drop down once The goal areas or the outcomes are decided upon. They will be they will be a drop down right here that agencies choose. And then we come into the this is really the bulk of the application, which we are asked about. So to some of those the conversation we were having earlier, this is where we ask that community change, right question. Knowing that it’s hard to knowing that it’s hard to track and measure community change. But we want to know, what community change, are they interested in addressing? Knowing full well, that they may not want to track? Right? All all how their program impacts, for example, obesity rates, right? There’s multiple variables to that. And their program may not be the only thing that changes that. But we want to know what that that’s what they’re trying to address. Does that make sense? Yep.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:06
Anyone have questions about that? Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:14
So as we go down

Unknown Speaker 1:11:16
here, so actually, I had them at the beginning, where we’re talking about the goal area of focus. I’m thinking we need to rewrite that intro just a little bit, because it says, what, what goal area fits the proposed program? So it almost like the program? Is it I think it should be flipped? I think we really want to talk about, you know, the goal area, what goal area, are you? You know, accomplishing? Because almost sounds like the tail is wagging dog. This is the program that I want to offer. And then here’s where it fits. I know it’s a detail, but I think it’s really about this is the outcome we’re trying to accomplish. And you know, and and how you are proposing to address it. So I just think it’s it’s tweaking that intro does a little bit.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:13
Okay. Makes a lot of sense.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:18
Kimberly, go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:20
I had a question. On that same area, it says that the program spans more than one goal, applicants will need to complete another program application, a logic model model. So I know that was referenced earlier, I’m just thinking back to the risky behaviors of youth and how that can be under education, but it might be more appropriate under health. So when an applicant has to do two applications for both of those areas,

Unknown Speaker 1:12:44
yep. You want to get one in one area for for application.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:50
And they, they could apply for the exact same program, and the same amount in two different goal areas. And we could choose to fund it under one and not the other correct?

Unknown Speaker 1:13:02
You know, that’s a great question.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:04
I don’t know if we’ve seen people do that. But that would be like, theoretically possible.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:09
They can apply for more than one program. But I think what we’re trying to indicate is that they have to, even though there might be multiple areas that they try to address are outcomes. It’s it’s still it’s still really one, one program and one outcome. They can apply for more than one program. But they have to make a choice about what’s the primary outcome they’re trying to accomplish.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:39
Right. But this sentence doesn’t say that.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:42
So we need to have it more clear,

Unknown Speaker 1:13:45
right? Because I read this essay, the program spans more than one goal. Applicants need to complete another program application in logic model

Unknown Speaker 1:13:53
for that. I don’t think that’s what we are, what the so that’s a great question that we need some clarification. But I because that’s not how we’re doing that in practice, right.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:04
Requests also

Unknown Speaker 1:14:05
strikes me as like, we’re asking applicants to determine which have the outcome, like which of our outcomes it is, and trying to like pigeonhole it, like, you know, they might apply under health and education, because that’s where they think it falls, but like, when you look at it, it really does fall under housing stability, or something like that. And so, if they pick wrong, they might not get funded, because they picked the wrong category that it went in, because we put all of you know, 50, you know, 35% of our funds toward housing stability. So that’s one thing where like, we’re asking them to do it, but then

Unknown Speaker 1:14:49
we moved them.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:51
I guess I was gonna say

Unknown Speaker 1:14:52
we’ve moved them for that very reason. It says like, Well, you know, so it’s, it’s It has been a conversation, sometimes among the legal providers. So like Legal Aid, or Boulder County legal services, and said, You know, I shouldn’t be pigeon pigeon holed in legal services, what I’m really doing is I’m helping, you know, we’re helping with housing stability or blah, blah, blah. So. So we’ve moved entities. Okay. Got it.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:32
For that phrasing, one thing we might consider is like, which of the following program outcomes best fits what you’re trying to accomplish? Or something like that, with this program? Or which of the following like community needs? Does your program address? Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:59
We’ll definitely look at that. I don’t necessarily want to go through each of these questions as you get a chance to look at things

Unknown Speaker 1:16:09
just if people have if, if members have any suggestions, that would be great.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:19
Any questions or suggestions around these? These questions? Okay, I think you’re good to move on. liberto. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:35
So we go back to demographics. Here’s where we asked them. How many unduplicated clients are serving in Longmont their age, race, ethnicity?

Unknown Speaker 1:16:53
I guess this is more that part’s more important, really than what the agency the overall agency serves, since we’re funding the program and not the agency. Right? Right.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:04

Unknown Speaker 1:17:10
That one is the both on the board demographics. And here, that one’s weird to me. Because male, female transgender, like there are duplicate, there’s duplication in there, because someone may be male or female and transgender. And so like the totals, that one just is weird to me, and I think that it should probably be like, I don’t know if the funding collaborative, like anyone else has brought that up. But

Unknown Speaker 1:17:43
yeah, we take this from census. Karen. I forget. I

Unknown Speaker 1:17:48
don’t know, I but I’m imagining I think it’s a good question to bring up with the partners. Certainly, there’s been a lot of a lot of different, you know, language and how people want to be referred to so I think that is that’s one that will have to be we’ll have to look at and see what and what do we ask there?

Unknown Speaker 1:18:12
Right? Honestly, if it comes to like, federal guidelines, federal census or HUD, there’s, you know, one of those. Yeah, yeah, we can definitely look into that one. And then again, to your point earlier, getting If you want, we could try and add a table here to see if they, if there’s, yeah, graphics that they, you know, blank table. I don’t know if that’s possible in the system, the system is limited to a certain extent, but we could definitely ask,

Unknown Speaker 1:18:43
or is, I don’t know if that’s something they could like, attach something if they have other demographics. And encourage them is like, you know, if there are other demographics, you you track for your, you know, who’s being served, you know, please attach that so that we can see it.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:02
Okay, that might be easier. Oh, I’ll bring that up. Then the next piece is really the funding request budget. And this is where we’re asking them to provide program revenue. And this is always I always, always have issues with a few agencies here. And I’ll show you where the where the issues are. So it doesn’t last weird. It didn’t copy it, right. So you see, you’re seeing so this this basically looks like this basically look looks like the agency one you’re not seeing it but it just it has all these different for some reason it didn’t copy it, right. I just noticed it right now. But it has it’s a table and they can put all different sources of how that agency is funding. And then this table is where it gets tricky though the expense one, because we’re what we’re asking them to do is a, you know, up here, we ask them what their request is on that first column, right? So we want 15,000 from Longmont, right? What this is, this is a 15,000. And here’s all the revenue, this one has all the revenue from the program in, you know, everything from foundations, donors, etc. And then we want them to do is say, okay, so we want to list all your expenses, we know that we can’t cover all of your expenses. So we want to know how you’re going to use our money. And then we want to know how you cover the rest of the money rest of the expenses. That’s what the other funding sources are columns for. And there’s always confusion there. So that usually affects the excess or shortfall. But that’s basically how that works, is we want to know what other use come from for that program. And we know how you’re going to what your what your expenses are. But in particular, if this is, this is only for those that apply to long line, if you would apply to Boulder, you would have columns for city of Boulder and Boulder County. Right? There’s only for us at this point. But that’s how that works. And then they have an excess or a shortfall for the program.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:44
Any questions? Brian?

Unknown Speaker 1:21:48
Bear time I’m looking at the language. I’m going to pull up my copy here. So under funding award expenditure, the first paragraph makes sense. And then it says, second paragraph says please demonstrate how requested funds from each funder from each funder will be expended for the program. During the grant year, your program budget for each funder should total the amount you requested in the funding request section of this application. And I’m wondering if that’s a little confusing, because the funding request in my eyes is just what I’m requesting from city of Longmont.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:29
So Brian, this this application is not typical, because we’re we’re the only ones that did an application in 2021. So typically, you would have up here you have city alarm, I request city of Boulder request Boulder County request in that bottom column, that bottom row.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:51
Okay. And then other I assume there’s an other like, if you’re getting

Unknown Speaker 1:22:55
not no there. No, it’s only because you’re only applying to us.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:01
We’re asking for expenditures for the entire program.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:05
Right? And that’s where the other funding sources come that far right column. Right. And then typically, you would have two more columns, one for Boulder County and one for city of Boulder.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:18
For my if I understand what you’re asking, Brian, if you go back a page, where it has, like, has 2021 program revenue, so it’d be like the line item on the left. So it’d be like United Way $15,000 would go in that 2021 program revenue column. Right, there’s gonna be no funding request from anybody for that. But then you may have like city of Longmont and it will show up in the city of Longmont funding requests there. So generally, any line item would only appear in you know, you’d have the, you know, City of Longmont, you might have $15,000 is your total program revenue. And that’s what you’re requesting from Longmont to me.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:03
Exactly. Exactly, exactly. Right. It’s just that this, this application doesn’t have the others because we’re the only ones who had an application. So we removed the other two columns. Does that make sense? Brian? Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 1:24:24
think so. Yep.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:30
And I think and then, of course, there’s a budget narrative. And that’s it.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:40
All right.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:46
Any other feedback or questions from folks on that application? All right. liberto. And Karen, do you have what you need for for that?

Unknown Speaker 1:25:01
All right,

Unknown Speaker 1:25:04
that I think we’re moving on to the next item on our agenda, which is city investment in human services, and other approaches for determining and amount, the amount of the investment.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:15
So this is you, Karen,

Unknown Speaker 1:25:17
you’re just continuing on, I’ll open it up. So um, and I don’t know whether I don’t know whether you, we need to pull this up as a as a something to look at. But I believe at the last advisory board meeting, we talked about staff talked about that we would be requesting and the 2022 budget a the, to increase the set aside of funding for human service agencies, to 3%, that the current what was what was allocated in the budget for 2021 was 2.52%. We have been, you know, we’ve been on a path to to basically increase the set aside amount to 3%. over a three year period, we didn’t get as much as we had hoped for in the 2021 budget because of the state of revenues, if you will. So we did go ahead and we’ve made a request the our budget process hasn’t closed yet it closes the end of May. But we did put in a request for for taking that all the way up to 3%. At this point in time, I can’t tell you what that means in terms of an increased amount of revenue because we have not our budget office has not yet projected what that amount of revenue will be for for the city of Longmont in 2022. Our revenues for the first three months I haven’t looked at march march just came in, but our revenues for the general fund revenues for the city of Longmont have been pretty darn strong, the first three months of this year. So for what’s up that’s worth that that’s a better that’s better than Oh, my gosh, we’re looking at a reduction. So. So I think the question that came up from the advisory board is so what is 3%? mean, you know, is 3% what other entities use? I mean, how what do we compare it to in terms of other other entities that fund human services? You know, is there is there a benchmark? And I think the other thing that and so that and the question was, well, should we be instead of saying 3% of the general fund budget, general fund revenues for the city? Should we be looking at some other metric to decide what what should be what we should be setting aside for human service agency grants? So I think it was like, should it be a per capita? What What, what else should we be looking at as a metric for an appropriate amount of money to be requesting from the city council to support human service agencies through this grant program? And so la Berto took us a stab at that, and also reached out to city of Boulder and Boulder County really to find out about, you know, what, what do they use in terms of determining the amount that they put in their human service agency grants every year? There also was a just a question about the acknowledgement that the city of Longmont also funds a variety of programs directly and a variety of services directly. So there is a broader base of support that our city council funds beyond the Human Service Agency grants. And so so that is what la barito put in your packet. Just and that really would just be for some, you know, discussion. It’s our it’s the it’s the beginning of that conversation. About a week ago, we said okay, it’s time to look at the agenda and put that together and we’re reviewing the the notes from the meeting in April and we’re like, oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:29:53
we said we are bringing this back.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:55
So, so bad on us. We’ve made it a point. Now to The week after we have the meeting, we’re going to look at what we made a commitment to so that we weren’t that we aren’t surprised by something we said we would do. And we didn’t allow enough time to do that. So, so we can continue to, you know, flesh this out what what we have in your packet, when talks about other human services provided by the city, what we can do is we can put some dollars to that we did not put dollars to that we have a priority based budgeting program in the city, and each one of these particular programs, we can pull out the amount of money that goes toward that. And we just, we didn’t do that. So we will put the dollar amount to two that for four pages of programs that the the city funds directly so that you can have a better picture of a bad investment. So I apologize that that we we gave us a partial presentation. So So anyhow, what would be great is any conversation that you have about, you know, is is this helpful? Are we on the right track? Is there some other information that you would like to see? So I’ll just, I’ll just kind of, you know, leave it at that and invite your, your your comments about what else would be helpful.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:42
Thanks so much, Karen Graham.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:45
So are these programs funded by the city because they’re staffed by the city or commissioned by the city where there’s city oversight in more detail than like the grant process? What like, why did they get money without this process and other nonprofit

Unknown Speaker 1:32:03
direct it would be it’s a, it’s a direct service that the city is providing. So it just would be like the police department budget, or the parks budget, or the firefighters budget. So those are services directly provided by the city. And they are, and they are directly funded by the city.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:30
And in their their funding, whether they get funded, how much they can fund is that is that all filtered through the same sort of community feedback loop and loop and prioritization that we do here? When we take we figure out what what matters to the community and then fun on the thing?

Unknown Speaker 1:32:52
Yes, I mean, that process looks different, you know, then we, then we do that in the then how we do that for our grant funding. So I mentioned and what we can and what we’ll do, Graham is send you a link. So, we and and actually many municipalities throughout Colorado, and I think out the country are using what we call priority based budgeting. So, so that is how we come up with the prioritization, you know, if if you will have the services and how much you know, different services do receive. So there is there is we have a waiting system for for the service that helps put that puts the service and either a priority 123 or four, tier, we, we do every so often. And I don’t it probably I’m just going to spit ball it here, it’s about maybe every five years that would go out and we do get input from the community, about about the community’s priorities. So that is all written up in and you can find that on the city’s website. So I we will send you a link. There’s a lot of and you can just at your leisure, go through that and see all the processes that go that goes into that. So so like in theory, if you if you are, you know, a level one program, which usually means it means a lot of things means like you have no choice but to provide that service. It’s a mandate to provide that service. There’s there’s very criteria, that then these each of these programs gets scored based on that criteria. And your overall score helps to determine in what tier that you that you’ve you’ve you fall, so to speak. And then what that should mean is that a city government should be investing a higher proportion of its funds in those services that are, say level one that are that meet that higher criteria of priority. And, and they and the city should be investing fewer dollars in those programs that are at level four, for example, not that you would never ever fund a ever not fun level for services, but but it should, if we say these are the highest priorities, then those are the things that probably should get most of the money. So, you know, example, public safety, right? Maybe not the good example, do you but you know, it is, that is the that is the role of city government. And, and so that gets a higher rating than say, many of the programs that we provide in community services where, you know, so it, it might be great that we have a, you know, a Lamont youth center that provides a lot of services that help youth development services. But but it probably doesn’t, that really is kind of more of a, a choice that the city makes, versus it’s a mandate that we provide for the safety of our community through fire and police services. Not the theater isn’t, you know, so, so, so clearly, children, youth and families isn’t, you know, there, they don’t have a special tax to special taxes lecture, they do have part of a special tax, actually. But they’re, they’re not going to be they’re not going to have a $50 million budget, as compared to say, you know, fire and police. Alberta, you’re smiling, how am I?

Unknown Speaker 1:37:33
I think you does protest too much.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:41
Kimberly, did you have a question or comment

Unknown Speaker 1:37:43
that hap Graham? That’s a long answer to your question. But there is a whole big process that we will send to you. And it will make more sense. Thank you. Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:56
I just want to thank you for putting this together. I really appreciated seeing the trends over time. And it was especially interesting to see the numbers broken down, based off of the poverty level two, which was really helpful to see how that changes the numbers. So thank you for all the time you put into it.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:18
Yes, agreed. One thing I thought was interesting was I just did like a quick search for what city of boulders 2020 general fund budget was to see how that like $2.7 million that they set aside compared to their overall funding. And they were at like 1.6% of the general fund, assuming that like my numbers matched up for the right years. So the fact that, like, yes, they put more into it. And but they also apparently had significantly higher, like total general fund revenue.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:58
What I found interesting is when I reached out to my colleagues, none of them knew how that number was in place.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:08
They just know it’s a number that they’ve been working with for years, but nobody knew how that number came about. I thought that was interesting. So yeah, I Dave said this is a number and on occasion we’ll ask for an increase. Boulder County in particular asked for cost of living increase. But yeah, nobody knew exactly how it originated. It’s just a number that they’ve been working with.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:36

Unknown Speaker 1:39:38

Unknown Speaker 1:39:40
I really appreciate you putting this together. And I love data. I think there’s always something to learn in it. So seeing the trend year over a year and kind of, you know, some of the aberrations that happen and being able to compare to other municipalities I think is really valid. Because it’s good to know like when we’re being perhaps a little unreasonable and what we’re asking, or, you know, taking for granted what we have for or knowing that perhaps we really do need more. So I find it very helpful, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:21
I want to echo that, like comparing it to the poverty rate, and then seeing sort of like the trailing, because obviously, what set aside for a year is like decided the year before, and then you don’t necessarily know the poverty rate until, you know, a year or two later, because of like, data collection, and so forth. So it’s interesting to see that like, 2017, the per capita based on the poverty rate was really low. But then the following year looks like, you know, there was more put aside, and there was, there was some effective work there. Like, it’s almost like, you see that the poverty rate dropped significantly between 2017 and 2018. So even though that was a low per capita number in 2017, there was a lot that, you know, whether that’s because it wasn’t all coming from the Human Services funding, or something else, like you just at the very least, you can kind of see that there’s, there’s an impact there. So

Unknown Speaker 1:41:30
So it’s, it’s, it’s data, I don’t know if it compels any of you or the group to think about our, our, our metric or set aside for human service agency grants any any differently. So, so absent that will last for 3%. And then we’ll continue to you know, you know, to massage this? I mean, he was a great question. I mean, it was like, so what’s what’s so magical about 3%? So it was it was a great question. And I think something that is worthy of our considering to look at that.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:19
Karen, I would add that, you know, it’s great to be able to compare to communities, and also recognize that I like Palm Beach. I don’t know what their per the per capita number is, because there’s probably not as much neat. I’m, and I, you know, I

Unknown Speaker 1:42:38
have no clue. I

Unknown Speaker 1:42:39
mean, people say the same thing about Boulder, so. But I think it can be helpful to have this kind of year over a year, because we largely know that it’s not enough. I mean, there’s still not enough affordable housing, there’s still too many people who don’t eat regularly, all of that, but we can see there’s progress being made. And, you know, then it becomes something that we can actually work with, rather than just hyperbole or an emotional reaction to a situation.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:12
Okay, great.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:17
So I think, Caitlin, that’s it for this one, unless we hear anything else. And then I think Ellie Bertha has one more show for today.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:31

Unknown Speaker 1:43:32
I don’t see I don’t see any other comments. Again, thank you for, for helping put that together and give us a context of what, you know, the funding that we’re doing, what context that operates in. I don’t think it doesn’t sound like anyone has a like, you know, burning need to change that funding request. But just being able to see that and understand the context we’re in. I think it’s really, really helpful. liberto back to you.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:06
Yeah, nice.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:11
Alright, so last thing, just because the board asked for an update on the American rescue plan, we can I presented this to the same brain Community Council a few weeks ago. And the truth is, we’re still we’re still working on it in the caveat is there’s a lot of conversations going on, about how this fund is utilized. I will say I did learn this week. There’s quite a bit of money coming in for rental assistance to the county. I think I heard around $17 million. So there that that’s good to know, there’s quite a bit of funding for rental assistance. But I’m going to go through this quickly. This is this is based off on something that was done for a city council previously. And I just, we just took the highlights of it. And there’s more more to come. We’re still working on figuring all of this out. So this is this this 15 point 3 million is the current that this what we call the cbrf, or the Coronavirus Relief Fund. Wait, no, sorry. This is this is the estimate that we’re going to get 15 point 3 million.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:24
Actually that has come down. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:45:27
see, I did know that.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:30
It’s probably about $2 million less than that is the New Revised estimate.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:37
So things are changing as we speak. And I think, having worked on the cvrs fund, I’m so happy, it’s more flexible. It was very difficult to work with that funding, it was very complicated. And we did help a lot of people with it. But it was it was challenging. And so we’re going to get 50% right away, and then we’re going to get more later. So that’s good. What can it be used for? Well, it can be used to respond to the public health emergency. And that means a lot of different things. But here’s something it can it can, it can help households. And we’re looking at that, in particularly around utility, we’ve we’ve learned that there’s a lot of utility assistance needs. And I am really advocating to see how we did have a program with the COVID relief fund to help with utility needs. So we want to bring that up. That’s been an issue. We can help small businesses, we did that with the with the first round as well with the cbrf fund. And we did help NGOs and nonprofits. We did help we didn’t. We had a lot of childcare providers too, when it comes to specific industries. I’m not sure we did much of tourism, travel and hospitality, we’ll see if we do it with this with this round of funding. And so we can provide grants to employers, we can make investments in water, sewer, or broadband speaking of the digital divide. And in fact, I think I saw something in the paper about new funding that allows for more help for network next light. It was in the paper this this week. And we can also fund our own services as well. So in particular, I’m sure there’s conversations around recreation and the fact that they lost a lot of revenue due to the lockdown, and people couldn’t access those services was different as it were last time it went through the county and then to us, this time, we’re getting it directly. And this time, instead of doing reimbursement, the issue is reimbursement is you’re gonna get ready for audits. And that has been I’ve been working on childcare stuff, since since we got done with done giving out the CVR f fund because we want to be ready for an audit. And that’s been a lot of work, getting ready for those audits. And it’s not over just yet. And that we were still trying to figure out what revenue replacement is. So we’re still going to be dealing with audits, but it’s gonna be different. It’s gonna be more real time than what we the way that we did it this time with the cvrs funds. Oh, sorry. Um, and then there is a project from the weekend work on capital projects. And we’re still figuring out what this means, at this point. For capital projects, I’m not sure is going to go to each state. And of course, the state will have a lot to do with it. I’m not sure if you know anything more about this, Karen, but

Unknown Speaker 1:48:50
I do. Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:48:53
So that’s basically all. Here’s some just broad categories, housing retention efforts, like I said, 17 million in the pipeline for that. providers, family, children, so we may be helping childcare provider some more business assistance. So like our boost grant that we give $1.2 million to local businesses, including some nonprofits, expanding of healthcare, and particularly around around vaccine work, and some infrastructure. And then here’s some specific examples. So we can do direct funding for local governments, grants for child care providers, grants for nonprofits, funding for mental health. So there’s a lot of money coming in, we’re still trying to figure out exactly how we’re going to use it. Karen are going to be meeting on Wednesday morning to get some some more information about this. And I invited our Recovery Manager to that meeting as well. So that’s it. That’s what we know, at this point.

Unknown Speaker 1:50:10
Thanks, Diliberto seems like I appreciate all that staff is doing to wade through the, you know, the eligibility, the amounts, what we’re allowed to use it for, where it’s going to go. It seems like you know, that’s a full time job in and of itself, just to figure that out. Not to mention actually like administering the funds. So really appreciate you being able to pull that together and, and sharing it with us. Does anyone have any questions or comments

Unknown Speaker 1:50:44
about that?

Unknown Speaker 1:50:49
It’s pretty exciting. This is a very unusual opportunity, it seems to get this level of federal funding with that kind of flexibility.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:02
I was thinking, rent stabilization, or like the rental assistance and so forth, that that amount, has the potential to be, you know, to really stabilize things for many people in our community, at a time when things have been very expensive. And there’s a lot of instability, both for tenants, as well as like landlords. Like just hearing that amount, I’m like,

Unknown Speaker 1:51:29
Oh, that’s it,

Unknown Speaker 1:51:30
that actually might make a huge difference, when, you know, eviction, moratoriums are not there, that we may not see the, like, the rush to foreclosures, and evictions, and so forth, that they could really destabilize the community for four years, really.

Unknown Speaker 1:51:51
You know, and I think the other thing that, that I will, you know, quickly mentioned is, is, is that, because we have done a lot of work collectively and collaboratively within the county, there are continued conversations about how we can leverage these dollars that each community is getting to really make a big difference in specific areas, because these are obviously these are one time funds. And, and we were talking about in terms of the the last disaster that we had, which was the the flood and and what we were able to do with all of that investment to help us in recovery was the the millions of dollars that went into housing, acquisition and building more affordable housing units. So out of that disaster, we were able to add over 1000, affordable housing units throughout Boulder County. So so we’re kind of looking at those big investments too. So certainly helping people recover. But if we are also looking at by 2035, Boulder County will have 12% of its housing stock be permanently affordable. Think about what this, what these dollars that are coming to all of the communities can do to help us really move forward in a huge way, you know, some of those significant goals as it relates to housing. So we’re trying to look at all of those kinds of things in determining how to, you know, really how to use use these dollars. We don’t want another pandemic for a while, we don’t want to wait, it’s good to have all of this investments. But we certainly don’t want to have we don’t want to have that level of investment if you know what I mean for for more disasters. So I think Karen had her hand up.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:54
Yep. Karen.

Unknown Speaker 1:53:57
I was just wondering, how are people going to know about these things? How are people going to know they’re going to be able to get money for rent and things like that?

Unknown Speaker 1:54:09
So I think so. There. The so a lot of the funding for rentals, going to the housing helpline and I know they’ve been doing and are planning more social media type of stuff. So that that’ll be happening throughout getting stuff out there. Of course, word of mouth is huge. But yeah, there is definitely something as to get the word out there.

Unknown Speaker 1:54:38
Yeah, I think it’s a great it’s a great point. So so there’s has to be lots of different ways of communicating that and, you know, it’s it’s not unlike what we’re seeing with the you know, with the vaccines and really looking at equitable access. So there isn’t one size fits all that will help Make sure that we’re connecting with all members of our community that could benefit from the resources that are available. So that is absolutely something that right now we’re trying to figure out what the heck we can do with it. And, but also, you know, we need to have our mind on how to make sure folks really know about this incredible resource. Great point.

Unknown Speaker 1:55:28
I really, I really want to thank you for also like highlighting the that housing helpline I’ve seen, I’ve seen questions multiple times on like social media over the last month, where I’ve shared the link to, you know, where people can call for that. And a number of people have been like, I had no idea this existed.

Unknown Speaker 1:55:52

Unknown Speaker 1:55:54
and it sounds like from what I’ve heard, it has been really useful for folks to get connected to the right place. So hopefully, hopefully, some more awareness of that will, you know, continue to increasing awareness for that.

Unknown Speaker 1:56:17
All right,

Unknown Speaker 1:56:18
any other comments or questions on this? And do we have any other business? Seeing none, I will entertain a motion. Oh, yes, Karen,

Unknown Speaker 1:56:33
I don’t really have any other? Well, I kind of do. It’s really the question that we talked about initially. And maybe we’ll we’ll put that on our June meeting is when we see what level clear is all about. We might want to have a discussion in June, if we want to, if we want to continue to meet virtually, if we want to start meeting in person, or what the heck, we want to start doing so. So anyhow, that will be on our radar. And, you know, we’ll we’ll bring back that conversation in in June, if that’s okay. You want to do another virtual meeting in June and we’ll

Unknown Speaker 1:57:20
we’ll talk about

Unknown Speaker 1:57:23
do we ever want to get together again. So that’s all great.

Unknown Speaker 1:57:35
All right. If there is no other business, I will entertain a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Unknown Speaker 1:57:43
Motion to adjourn.

Unknown Speaker 1:57:45
Seconded by anyone.

Unknown Speaker 1:57:50
Chiquita seconds.

Unknown Speaker 1:57:52
We are adjourned. See you all in about a month.

Unknown Speaker 1:57:56
Thank you, everyone. Have a great month. Talk to you soon. Bye.