Transportation Advisory Board Meeting – May 10, 2021

Video Description:
Transportation Advisory Board Meeting – May 10, 2021

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:01
So I’ll be your host for this presentation. But we have Tyler Stanley for Greenwald and jimang set on the line who might be able to answer questions that I won’t be able to answer.

Unknown Speaker 0:13
So tonight’s presentation will first showcase projects planned for constructions in 2021 are under construction followed by those that are planned for design. The end of the presentation will include a summary of all projects that

Unknown Speaker 0:28
we currently have ongoing in 2021. And then we’ll have an opportunity to an opportunity to address any questions you may have at the end. So with that, we’ll go ahead and jump into the presentation.

Unknown Speaker 0:43
So this first project is perhaps one of the most critical annual projects in our program. And while it’s not necessarily the most glamorous, the our annual payment management program ensures that previous investments in roadway infrastructure are maximize as much as possible. The intent being you need to maintain what you have. So this project includes asphalt overlays, concrete repairs, preventative maintenance in the form of chip seal, and crack seal. All of this fallen, all of those items fall under this asset management project. I did want to note that the photos you see here are not current year projects. This is just an example of what this project generally represents being a new asphalt overlay.

Unknown Speaker 1:25
This project will start in May of this year and is intended to last until September and will cover approximately 319,000 square yards or roadway resurfacing in addition to crack seal as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:43
Over next projects under construction is the county line road improvements, which is from ninth avenue to 17,000 infill on the east side of town. This project falls under the umbrella of our transportation system management or TSM capital project. The primary improvements will expand access to multimodal transportation and also improve user safety. The roadway walk roadway widening accommodate bike lanes as well as a two way left turn lane that will serve existing cross streets and private driveways up and down the corridor.

Unknown Speaker 2:15
sidewalk is also going to be installed on the west side of the roadway and there will also be pedestrian refuge islands that will be installed at 17th at the intersection of 17th Avenue.

Unknown Speaker 2:27
This project does include similar Asset Management component as our pavement management program. And that the existing condition of county line road is in fairly poor condition. So this is also addressing that at the same time.

Unknown Speaker 2:40
So this project is also on track to be completed in June of this year. So it’s fair to come along fairly well at this point.

Unknown Speaker 2:51
In that same vicinity of Canyon Road we have the recently completed spring Gulch number two phase two project again on the east side of the city there and alongside channel improvements that were in complete completed with this project and also provided much needed trail connection from Steven de Park down to Union reservoir. And one key feature with this project was the addition to the pedestrian refuge island as you can see in the photo there crosses underneath countyline roads so great addition to the trail connections through the city. This project was completed earlier this year.

Unknown Speaker 3:34
And also planned for construction later this year. And also falling under the TSM umbrella is the 19th Avenue multimodal improvements project. This project is actually a continuation of

Unknown Speaker 3:48
ninth Avenue.

Unknown Speaker 3:51
I’m sorry, getting ahead of myself there and IPE Avenue multimodal improvements project so this was a continuation of their project in 2020. For added on street bike lanes from nine Airport Road to over Street. And so for this year with this project, those bike lanes will continue heading to the east and will be added to ninth Avenue between Hoover and Kauffman Street. So in order to accomplish this, the existing roadway sections that are have wide travel and parking lanes as you can see in the photo there. Those will be converted to

Unknown Speaker 4:27
this will be converted to not only provide bike lanes but also a two way center left turn lane, as shown in the example photo here that just showed up. So these improvements do require the on street parking will be eliminated in some areas on ninth Avenue and we do have a public meeting scheduled for the 20th later this month.

Unknown Speaker 4:48
The striping changes will occur alongside a preventative maintenance chip seal project that is scheduled to occur a little bit later this year.

Unknown Speaker 5:03
So for our next construction project, we have the First Avenue and Emory street project or intersection improvements. And this project provides improvements to a challenging intersection at the city. And these challenges primarily stem from a unique situation or unique scenario where there are three separate railroad tracks across Emory street just north of First Avenue from the photo there, you’re actually looking north up Emory street, and going to see three sets of tracks there.

Unknown Speaker 5:34
So he’s proposed improvements will include the installation of a traffic signal at this intersection pedestrian improvements in the form of sidewalks,

Unknown Speaker 5:45
track crossing upgrades from the current really fairly dilapidated crossing that was there previously, and it’s also trying to include include upgrades, or to eventually make this a railroad quiet zone. I did want to note though, point out that this crossing will not be able to function as a fully operational quiet zone until adjacent crossings,

Unknown Speaker 6:11
particularly Main Street Third Avenue, Terry street also have quiet zone features installed.

Unknown Speaker 6:19
So this project actually just started, I believe it was last week, and is expected to finish in September of this year, so just getting started on this one.

Unknown Speaker 6:35
So move on from projects under construction to those under design in 2021. The can Pratt Boulevard and South sunset street intersection improvements project is our third and final project that falls under the GSM umbrella that we have for 2021 at least one of the major ones. in its current form. Sunset street crosses can Pratt Boulevard at a skew angle with just two thru lanes in each direction. There are no dedicated no dedicated left turns which can frequently result in long queues, vehicle queues waiting for a safe opportunity to cross traffic on to get onto Ken Pratt Boulevard. There are also no bike lanes along the segment of sunset street from Kansas avenue to Nelson road. So this project aims to remedy all of those issues and through minor widening of the roadway and reconfiguration at the intersection. There will be dedicated right and left turn lanes that will be added to sunset street that will be installed alongside bike lanes as well.

Unknown Speaker 7:37
pedestrian connections crossing the tracks will be reconfigured at that skewed crossing so that

Unknown Speaker 7:47
pedestrian users and bikes that are using that sidewalk, can you cross the tracks at more of a perpendicular angle

Unknown Speaker 7:54
than the current skew angle that exists right now. So these improvements will also include features necessary to eventually make this crossing railroad quiet zone.

Unknown Speaker 8:05
As far as funding is concerned, the city received a $1.2 million grant for this project, we did want to point that out.

Unknown Speaker 8:11
That comes alongside a local match requirement of $300,000 for the project. So its project is currently under design. And we’re looking to have an anticipated construction start of the springtime of 2023.

Unknown Speaker 8:30
Our next project to take a look at is the second phase of the Boston Avenue connection project.

Unknown Speaker 8:38
For those who want to where the first phase of this project completed a new connection of Boston Avenue from South Main Street to South Martin street in 2016.

Unknown Speaker 8:47
That’s actually east of the map that you see here. So off to the right.

Unknown Speaker 8:53
The second phase addresses an important East West gap and connect connectivity on Boston Avenue between Boston and price road. And with this project that you see right there that just filled in that would be the gap that would be filled, which could create an unbroken connection of Boston Avenue from over to sell. Martin street

Unknown Speaker 9:16
does technically extend all the way to Airport Road, but at that point, it’s Rogers road so essentially would have an unbroken connection for an airport road all the way to Martin Street.

Unknown Speaker 9:26
So once completed, this project would support the planned route for bus rapid transit that Phil has mentioned in the past as it enters Longmont from the diagonal highway.

Unknown Speaker 9:36
Bus Rapid Transit would come in over street from one night from the diagonal highway and then head east on Boston Avenue and then use this connection to eventually make its way to

Unknown Speaker 9:49
Kauffman street which we’ll talk about here in just a moment.

Unknown Speaker 9:52
So design is currently underway with this project as well with construction also planned in 2023.

Unknown Speaker 10:05
So as a quick review of our next project here, for those that aren’t aware of the city’s enhanced multi use corridor plan, or embc, you may have heard it referred to as identifies specific roadway corridors with the goal is to bring a trail like experience to the right of way. One such quarter that was identified in that plan was 21st Avenue. And for that particular corridor, the MDC plan, offered a conceptual idea and improvement that would include buffered bike lanes for this segment, so these bike lanes would be designed from as to be added to the roadway from Main Street to at least, the garden acres Greenway. At daily drive. There would be no widening that would be planned with this project, which means that one vehicle lane

Unknown Speaker 10:53
in each direction of 21st Avenue would need to be eliminated to accommodate the bike lanes. Currently, there are two lanes in each direction on this segment of 21st Avenue. traffic volumes on this segment of 21st Avenue are currently and projected to remain low enough to support elimination of travel lanes.

Unknown Speaker 11:11
And then with respect to sidewalks There are currently not any improvements planned for sidewalks at least with this current design effort for this project. However, there is an existing eight foot sidewalk on the south side of 21st Avenue now, which is in the nature of the mec plan at that location.

Unknown Speaker 11:29
This project will start designed later this year and is expected to be completed alongside and asphalt rehabilitation project in 2022.

Unknown Speaker 11:45
The last project that we’ll take a look at under design is the Kauffman street busway project. This is a large project that will add a number of multimodal improvements to Kaufman street from First Avenue to ninth Avenue through the downtown area. These improvements include the addition of separated bike lanes, wider sidewalks, either center running beside running transit lanes to support and bus rapid transit, and all while maintaining the general traffic through the corridor and character of the corridor in that area.

Unknown Speaker 12:18
The added transit lanes would eventually support the bus rapid transit project

Unknown Speaker 12:23
in the vicinity of long line which will then eventually tie into the future developed development of the first and main station at the corner of First Avenue and Kaufman Street.

Unknown Speaker 12:34
Kaufman’s repository project is in the early stages of design, and we’re currently developing various concept options to take a look at and evaluate. public outreach is just beginning which will help inform some of the specific design elements about the project as well. With this project, with this project, being part of the larger BRT Bus Rapid Transit plan, funding for this project is largely coming from federal and state sources. With only $150,000 local match of the total design and construction estimate of $6.9 million.

Unknown Speaker 13:08
Design is expected to continue through the rest of 2021. And as well as 2022, with construction happening in 2023.

Unknown Speaker 13:20

Unknown Speaker 13:22
so there are other active design and construction projects beyond what I reviewed explicitly this evening. Specifically, those include the state highway 66, improvements, required zones, missing sidewalks, Boston Avenue Bridge replacement, and St brandchannel improvements. We can certainly get into those a little bit more detail. If there are questions. We do have staff on hand to be able to answer questions about those projects, or any of the projects listed here. So with that, I appreciate your time. And feel free to ask any questions you may have at this point.

Unknown Speaker 13:56
Hey, thanks so much often appreciate that.

Unknown Speaker 13:59
We have any questions?

Unknown Speaker 14:10
Sorry, it’s just a little tricky to

Unknown Speaker 14:13
all, Alton. If it’s okay with you, can we go back to full screen instead of screen sharing and that way we can make sure we can see

Unknown Speaker 14:21
all the different folks there. Oh, wonderful. Hi, Liz, when you go first. Thanks. I was just wondering about the meeting for the ninth Avenue.

Unknown Speaker 14:31
Do we have I assume it’ll be online? Is there a link? And where will that be published?

Unknown Speaker 14:39
It will be online as far as where it’s going to be published as far as advertising attendance for the meeting.

Unknown Speaker 14:48

Unknown Speaker 14:50
What we’ve done is we’ve sent direct invitations to those residents that are along the frontage in the area of ninth avenue that would be impacted by the parking

Unknown Speaker 15:00
With the project, we’re also going to be posting it on local media outlets in the city website as far as inviting general public to be able to attend that meeting as well.

Unknown Speaker 15:12
Thank you. We can provide a link to the board, if you’re interested in attending as well.

Unknown Speaker 15:19
Thanks, Tyler. That sounds great. It’s David. And we might have covered this last time and I forgotten but the the railroad bridge

Unknown Speaker 15:30
replacement. Is that is that entirely complete? Or are we nearing completion with that project?

Unknown Speaker 15:40
Mr. Gable to chime in on that one real quick? Yeah, that be the

Unknown Speaker 15:46

Unknown Speaker 15:48
City reach to be the railroad has been replaced, believe they’ve established reestablish the trail under the bridge, as well as the bridge that is just to the west of the

Unknown Speaker 16:04
railroad bridge.

Unknown Speaker 16:06
As the project continues to move upstream, we started this second phase or the next phase up Isaac Walton. So really, we have a detour for the trail right at the pet bridge. That goes up price. And then I think down Boston.

Unknown Speaker 16:23
But the so that section of the trail should be or will be open shortly.

Unknown Speaker 16:29
But again, the next section up I left and brewery has closed now and will remain closed for several years.

Unknown Speaker 16:38
One of the other projects that we have coming up,

Unknown Speaker 16:41
you can see a lot of activity.

Unknown Speaker 16:44
on the north side of Boston, we’re working on the called the Isaac Walton utilities, relocation of wasps. We’re currently right now. And then later this year, we’ll be going out to bid to replace the Boston Avenue Bridge. So it’s gonna be a lot of activity over the next two years in that area.

Unknown Speaker 17:05
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 17:08
Thanks. Other questions?

Unknown Speaker 17:16
What is the timeframe for the Kauffman street project? I know we discussed that earlier. But I didn’t see or hear when they’re supposed to stop.

Unknown Speaker 17:27
Yeah, so design is going to be we’re in the early stages. So it’s going to be ongoing for the rest of 2021 and a large part of 2022. An ideal scenario we’d like to go to bed in 2022, late in the season for a construction start in the spring of 2023.

Unknown Speaker 17:46
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 17:53
See, that’s questions. So real quick, just to add to that,

Unknown Speaker 17:59
well, we will be working

Unknown Speaker 18:02
on coffin Street and that

Unknown Speaker 18:04
basically reconstruction of it in 2023. We will be the city will be undertaking some other projects on cutting the coffin corridor, head of the busway project, we’re going to be working on the sanitary sewer in that area, we’ll be doing some lining of that. So it won’t be it will be less invasive than an open cut, probably doing some small scale water line replacements so that we are ahead of the the full blown section. So over the next couple years, you’ll see a lot of activity in that corridor.

Unknown Speaker 18:43
One core question for me, and then we’ll go to david

Unknown Speaker 18:46
Alden. I was wondering for the one of the projects you mentioned, was the intersection between Kim Pratt Boulevard and sunset

Unknown Speaker 18:57
when that project moves forward, do you know is there going to be some sort of overlay on Sunset that will kind of smooth things on I know, when the utility lines were dug for some of the areas a little farther to the north?

Unknown Speaker 19:12
There are some patch jobs there in the bike lane there, which is certainly writable there, but is there a sort of a longer vision to be able to kind of smooth it out there with with a fresh layer?

Unknown Speaker 19:24
Yeah, absolutely. So the the improvement project itself at the intersection is actually going to extend to include an overlay

Unknown Speaker 19:33
from Ken Pratt all the way up to Nelson road.

Unknown Speaker 19:37
So that segment will receive a full overlay alongside of this project.

Unknown Speaker 19:43
This year in 2021, actually, we’ll be doing limited asphalt patching on that same segment. So for their for the areas that are really falling apart that may not quite make it until the time that the overlay can come through or we’re going to have to address those in the meantime so that we do some large scale law

Unknown Speaker 20:00
patches this year with the eventual overlay happening with the construction of the project at the intersection. Beyond that further to the north Nelson road to Boston Avenue, that segment of sunset is not quite ready for an overlay.

Unknown Speaker 20:16
So right now, that is not included in the project. But I specifically manage the pavement management program throughout the city. And I do have that segment on my radar to potentially add relatively soon to our five year program, since there are segments of it that are starting to deteriorate more quickly.

Unknown Speaker 20:36
Thanks to David,

Unknown Speaker 20:38
regarding the Kauffman project, what what are the plans for RTD? In during that time period? Just stay off a coffin? And in particular, what will happen near Roosevelt park where there’s the park and ride?

Unknown Speaker 20:56
Yeah, I’ll take that one. Yeah, go ahead. Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 21:02
We’re thinking we’re really going to try to phase that project block by block. So all these can speak more to that. But I think as we get closer to the

Unknown Speaker 21:12
actual Ethan Kaufman, where they are that 700 block, where the station is currently, we’ll need to figure out how we phase that back with first and main, are first in Kaufmann. It’s, it’s only going to face on the first domain. So I’ll still have that front facing Main Street facing aspect of the of the station. But most of the action for the buses will happen in the back there with Arne Kaufman. So

Unknown Speaker 21:37
what we hope to do is as have some ability to start staging that piece

Unknown Speaker 21:44
early on and be able to handle buses, if not, if they want to, if we want to go the other direction and start from the north and go south, we’ll just need to, we’ve done this in the past where we’ve moved those buses in and the bus operations over to Main Street, and just had to be on Main Street and have people walk over from the transit piece there. We’ll just need to figure out how to be able to safely cross the street, we might have to do some temporary control for that. But it’s a great question.

Unknown Speaker 22:12
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 22:16
Any last questions before we jump to the next information item?

Unknown Speaker 22:24
All right, well, thank you all. And I appreciate it. Well done.

Unknown Speaker 22:27
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 22:29
Alright, so why don’t we bring you back for discussion around state transportation funding proposal, and Tyler to. And here I will attempt to share again. So see how this goes, I need all done on my side here. He’s like, he’s the master of this stuff.

Unknown Speaker 22:50
I’m going to make this fullscreen here.

Unknown Speaker 22:53
So we don’t typically bring this this kind of information to this board. And I just wanted to say that this is we usually let the legislative stuff, we make recommendations of staff. And then the staff recommendations all kind of get aggregated into one message two, or one piece to city council. And they typically take it and then they move on with it as far as what recommendation they want to have,

Unknown Speaker 23:19
as compared to what the staff recommendation was. So

Unknown Speaker 23:23
those things are gonna happen tomorrow night. So tomorrow night, the city council will talk about this specific thing. But we wanted to bring this to your attention. And I hope I don’t ruin the day that I’ve decided to do this. But I

Unknown Speaker 23:38
wanted to bring this to your attention just to say that there’s a lot going on in transportation right now. And transportation is very popular at the federal and state level. And so at the state level, and we know we know a bit about this, just from the bill that’s been introduced, is that there’s a new proposal out there in the state legislature to

Unknown Speaker 24:00
try to provide a new funding source for transportation, we haven’t had really a good funding source for transportation in the 30 years that I’ve been working in the transportation field since 1991. I think that was the last time are 92 was the last time they increase the guest tech. So it’s been a while before we’ve had any kind of revenue source for this. And so that’s why this is kind of a generational piece. And we wanted to bring it to the attention of the transportation advisory board.

Unknown Speaker 24:26
Just to give you some indication of what’s going on maybe answer some of your questions. If you don’t want to act independently and take this on or if you want to just have that information in your back pocket when you’re talking to neighbors or whatever. That’s kind of why we provided this to us. I i preface it with that and I’ll try to go quickly because this is an incredibly incredibly detailed and and involved topic as as Councilmember Peck can tell you that she’s done a lot of research and been in a lot of these presentations, but I just wanted to go over relatively

Unknown Speaker 25:00
quickly with you and just try to answer some questions if you have them. But it’s gonna be really difficult for me to answer questions because it is a convoluted, pretty convoluted bill, but it is, I think what we’re saying is there’s a bigger picture here. And it’s about funding transportation statewide, for the first time in about 30 years where we actually have real dollars, or there’s a potential for real dollars to spend. But I don’t want to advocate the bill, I just want to kind of present it to you and and let you know. But that’s kind of the bigger picture piece of this is this is this is once in a generation kind of thing. We’ve obviously tried to go to the voters, or they’ve tried to go to the voters in the state has, with different tax proposals and different proposals to raise revenue. And it’s all it’s all failed.

Unknown Speaker 25:47
Maybe because there were more than one things on one, one issue on the ballot, and they kind of convoluted the ballot. And it confused people. And I think that was part of the part of the strategy, quite frankly. But

Unknown Speaker 26:00
this one is at the legislative level. So they’re talking about fees instead of taxes. And so they’re trying to get around the idea of taxation, and the Tabor bill, or the Tabor law, with this specific language in the legislative and we don’t even know, at this point, you know, how much of this is legal and how much of that is not. So again, I just want to go through this quickly, I was gonna just skip through this first slide. But then I started really reading it. And there’s some pretty good information here. And it just talks about, and this is obviously from the people who kind of put the bill together. So I just want to preface that that we don’t have too much information from the opposing side. Except that these, what I did say about fees being used instead of taxes and people not being able to vote on this, specifically. So that’s, that’s kind of the big con, to this peaceful, I don’t want to say con but pros and cons. This is the this is the other side of the issue is that,

Unknown Speaker 26:54
you know, this, this is being seen as a way to get around taxes and having people vote on taxation. So that would be the biggest issue. I think that’s that’s going against this bill.

Unknown Speaker 27:06
But you know, the number one safe hold on his money and time spent on the roads. Obviously, we spent a lot of time kind of in traffic. And this is going to try to try to work on getting us getting some congestion relief, besides just adding lanes to highways. But there is that aspect, especially in the rural areas of adding,

Unknown Speaker 27:27
you know, having the better concrete or their pavement type as all dimensioned for long haul we already do that a lot because we have a specific sales tax for roads, in Longmont and for transportation in Longmont. And so we’re able to go out and fix our local roads, that the state’s not able to do that at the statewide level. So you’ll see a lot of roads, when you’re driving around the state, obviously, they’re in pretty bad condition.

Unknown Speaker 27:51
also create a transportation system that supports a dynamic economy while improving air quality. So a lot of this is really meant to

Unknown Speaker 27:59
really invest in the electric vehicle market.

Unknown Speaker 28:03
And trying to push electric vehicles as being a possible solution to the greenhouse gas emissions that are happening now. And as the state’s goal to get those down in the next

Unknown Speaker 28:16
15 2025 years. And then also trying to get improve air quality in the, what’s called our non attainment area, which includes much of the Front Range, the northern Front Range, I should say. And we really are in non attainment at this point for ozone. And so there’s a lot of things that are going to happen a couple years. And we we probably should get a presentation to you on that as well. But there’s a lot of things happening in the next couple of years that are going to be voluntary at first, and then they’re going to be mandatory if we’re not if we can’t get our ozone levels down below those federal standards. So and there’s probably people on this on the in this meeting that know a lot more about that than I do. But just to give you a heads up, there’s some things coming our way that we need to start working to mitigate some of that ozone production and those those different things. Because we are we are not meeting the standards, because the standards have been ratcheting down. So that’s a piece of this as well. And then establish a sustainable funding source, which we just really haven’t had in the last 30 years. Again, because the gas taxes that were implemented were straight, you know, 22 cents per gallon kind of things. They weren’t meant to index with inflation or anything like that there was no percentage. As gas prices increase, there’s no percentage. So we don’t really have a sustainable source of funding right now as well. So just kind of wanted to go through that. Really quickly. This is talking about

Unknown Speaker 29:43
a lot of money produced 3.78 4 billion and new fee revenues to be produced in that 10 to 11 year timeframe, the next 10 to 11 years and then $1.4 billion 1.5 or more

Unknown Speaker 30:00
In general funds and stimulus dollars that would go into the plan. So the new plan would have that 5.26 8 million billion dollars as part of it.

Unknown Speaker 30:11
Just to give you a sense,

Unknown Speaker 30:13
these go into different funding sources, we currently have this highway users Trust Fund,

Unknown Speaker 30:19
which is the way that they allocate dollars to the state government, to the county governments to local governments. So we would get a share of that.

Unknown Speaker 30:27
And I just wanted to kind of go over some of those more,

Unknown Speaker 30:32
those dollars in in greater detail as they apply to Longmont. I’m kind of skipped over this, but I did want to kind of talk about those.

Unknown Speaker 30:44
Well, I don’t even want to talk about this slide as much either, because it’s a lot of detail, that’s probably too much at this point. But there is some

Unknown Speaker 30:53
there’s some information that talks about the different kinds of fees. And if you’ve had a chance to go over the different summaries that we sent out, I hope you were able to see that there’s some different fees that are gonna be charged. And kind of on the far right is with a new draft bill language is going to show us so they’ve changed some of this in this original proposal column, which is much easier to read, quite frankly. But they’ve changed it into this lighter column, which is much more difficult to read. But this is the new proposal. And it talks about increasing the

Unknown Speaker 31:24
fees a little bit

Unknown Speaker 31:27
slower level, but just as much to get to that eight cents overall, for road route usage fee, two cents to start for, for every gallon of gas, up to eight cents in the next 10 years. So the clean truck fee. This is really more about diesel. And I’m taking some money from the diesel gas piece of the Eevee equalization fee taking dollars, or actually putting a fee on top of the existing $50 electric vehicle fee. So that there’s some form of what they’re what they’re feeling is like electric vehicles do not pay their share, obviously, and gas taxes because they don’t pay anything. So the idea is, how do you get

Unknown Speaker 32:16
V’s to pay their share of usage on the roads without actually tracking their mileage. And so this is the best way they could do it

Unknown Speaker 32:24
on the TNC is really a transportation network company fee. So your Uber Lyft would pay 30 cents, or 30 cents per ride delivery fees will be 25 cents per delivery.

Unknown Speaker 32:38
And that would be for any kind of packages we had delivered to our house. So you can see that these are going to be probably pushed on to the consumer, right. So these aren’t going to be things that Amazon pays for directly without passing that cost on to the consumer. So these are part of the issues that are going forward as well, you can see the rest of the rest of these as well.

Unknown Speaker 33:00
Some of these personal car share. That’s those different car share companies that are really doing good things by sharing by sharing rides and cars. But they still do use the roads. So there’s a way of trying to get some money from that they currently have that exemption. So they’ll be lifting the exemption, rental taxi and autonomous vehicles that we talked about earlier. So

Unknown Speaker 33:24
just to give you an idea, again, the local, the local fares as 40%. So this, this new bill language would have almost 995 or $950 million

Unknown Speaker 33:38
allocated for local governments. So I think that’s been a big question of how the locals access this money. Well, we get this, we get these automatic payments that are done through this formula funding this highway users Trust Fund. And so those kinds of things happen as well. And then the Front Range rail that we talked about earlier

Unknown Speaker 33:58
2.5 million in the first year to study alternative routes. So to really figure out which route

Unknown Speaker 34:04
environmentally gets chosen from that Front Range rail.

Unknown Speaker 34:09
We’ll kind of skip over this, I know it’s really going on a little bit longer than we had hoped. But this kind of gives you a breakdown of where all those different allocations of dollars go from those different fees, and how they fall into like this gas fee would go to the highway users Trust Fund, so the state and the local. So those would be direct payments to state roads and local street and local roads as well and go right to the city of Longmont not that six, not that full amount. Obviously we get a portion of it. There’s a there’s a formula that determines what each locality gets and a portion of that.

Unknown Speaker 34:48

Unknown Speaker 34:50
there’s been a lot of talk about making sure this is a transparent piece of legislation. And there’s some very good

Unknown Speaker 34:59
information that’s going

Unknown Speaker 35:00
into that. And, you know, I think what I’ll try to do is just see what kind of questions you have at this point, or what kind of comments you might have. And it might help for Councilmember pack as she’s going into the discussions tomorrow of, you know, what’s going on with these different with this legislation and other legislation, but with this one, just to maybe hear some thoughts on what the transportation advisory board feels about this legislation.

Unknown Speaker 35:29
Sounds good. Thank you, Phil.

Unknown Speaker 35:32
Excellent. presentation, a lot of information in there. Let me just kick it off with one question that was top of mind. See what other questions we have out there.

Unknown Speaker 35:44
Want to make sure her correctly there. So for the two cents

Unknown Speaker 35:49
fee that was associated with road usage fee? Is that being collected? Is your understanding that the intent would be to collect at the pump

Unknown Speaker 36:00
or gallon basis there and clearly for the

Unknown Speaker 36:05
Evie equalization fee? Is your understanding? What’s the understanding of where that would be collected that is that done through our Premier Li or investor owned utilities, their excel in Black Hills energy? Or is that being collected through some other mechanism?

Unknown Speaker 36:20
So to answer your second question, first Evie fee would be through the registration is my understanding. So as you every year as you get your new sticker, your new tag for your car, your Eevee would be charged with that new rate as part of that registration. I believe that the road usage fee is collected at the pump. Correct. So it would be that two cents of every gallon initially would go toward that trodat v.

Unknown Speaker 36:52
Thank you,

Unknown Speaker 36:55

Unknown Speaker 36:58
So much information in those slides. I think my head started spinning there.

Unknown Speaker 37:03
But it’s good.

Unknown Speaker 37:04
Let’s see a couple questions. Once you mentioned the legislative has the bill been introduced? Or is it something in future years? So that’s one question. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 37:16
Sorry, it has been introduced. I was gonna say not in future years, it’s been introduced at Senate Bill 21 dash 260. So 60 or a Google that on online? And you’ll find a lot more probably details than you ever want on that. But maybe some good summaries too. Yeah, it hasn’t crossed my desk yet. But that doesn’t mean somebody doesn’t know about it.

Unknown Speaker 37:42
The second question on the delivery fees and like the Ubers. I found it interesting that it was a fee without any sort of an exemption for E V’s for electric vehicles. So they started thinking a little bit about this going well, if we want to promote e V’s, maybe there’s some way we you know, if we’re going to get more and more delivery vehicles and shared Ubers in the community, maybe that’s something we want to promote. So that was the one thought that came to my mind is that would be a good way to try to address maybe some of the emissions that come out of our delivery vehicles.

Unknown Speaker 38:22
That has been one of the questions that’s come up is what happens when

Unknown Speaker 38:26
somebody is doing an Uber

Unknown Speaker 38:31
deliver, taking somebody in an Uber across town, and so they’re an electric vehicle. So they have to pay twice? And what if they’re like Uber Eats? So they’re delivering something to you? Do they have to pay three times? You know, do I pay the delivery fee, the TNC fee and the electric vehicle fee? So those questions are out there. So it’s a it’s a, it’s a good indication that people are talking about that. Good. Good, but I think it’s a great proposal coming from previous states that figured out how to fund their transportation needs. I think the way Colorado’s growing, it’s something that we need.

Unknown Speaker 39:12
Good work. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker 39:15
Now that I’ve done anything, but

Unknown Speaker 39:19
you summarized Well,

Unknown Speaker 39:22
yes, David, this is this is not directly related to the bill. But I think when I was looking at the notes that the plan is to present this to the board or to the council, just to kind of get their, you know, to have them state of position, or is that is that the ultimately the goal?

Unknown Speaker 39:43
Well, we were wondering well, like I said, we’ve never really done these legislative items to tip before so

Unknown Speaker 39:51
I may get pushback quite a bit on this for doing this. But from your from you the board as well as from staff and and others.

Unknown Speaker 40:00

Unknown Speaker 40:01
just the idea that we were just wanting to get this information to you. So we didn’t make it an action item. And there’s already something in the council packet for tomorrow, showing staff support for this with conditions. One of the conditions is, and I didn’t talk about it at all, is that there’s the idea of a regional trade or Regional Transit Authority, or Transportation Authority. That is that authority is given to like Dr. cog or the North Front Range, so that they can tap the taxing entities. And we, we really came out against that group quite strongly last year when it came out the council did. So we’re, our recommendation is staff has to kind of pull that piece out. It’s a whole section. It’s called section 34. And our recommendation is to support with that removed. And obviously, there’s some other questions that we have about like, like we just talked about. So those different things will be considered by city council tomorrow night, as they discuss it. But we, we realized we didn’t have time to get a formal recommendation to council from this group. But again, we did want to take this as being a pretty major transportation item to the transportation advisory board. So you at least knew what was going on. And, you know, could ask some questions, if you if you had if you cared about how this kind of move forward. But you know, I don’t again, I don’t know if it’s the board’s purview, whether they want to take this on or not. Or if you want to make the recommendation to Council, you could certainly state that tonight. And Councilmember Peck would have that to relate to the council tomorrow if she needed to. Yeah, I guess I don’t know whether I, like I like I like the least I like what I’ve heard and read about the bill.

Unknown Speaker 41:51
My only comment, and that I mentioned this before is that I have an electric vehicle. And that when I was looking at the bill and seeing all these fees, I was thinking, geez, you know, there’s this is not, this is not encouraging me to, to buy one if I didn’t have one already. But But then I got to thinking that considering where our country has been for so long.

Unknown Speaker 42:15
I think that the the legislators that are supporting the energy, the current oil and gas producers, they are not going to sign up on a bill that doesn’t charge fees to electric vehicles. And so I think that the fact that you are concluding that are not new, but the fact that that’s in the bill,

Unknown Speaker 42:41
I think could help its likelihood of passing. And for that very reason, I would be in favor of it.

Unknown Speaker 42:51
Sounds good. It’s probably worth noting that my understanding the transportation bills is aiming to address both air quality as well as traffic congestion. The Eevee certainly helped with the air quality,

Unknown Speaker 43:04
from a long term perspective there. But the traffic congestion is still an issue that all vehicles have to be thinking about. And there is an enterprise fund that gets created with this bill that goes into providing more electric vehicle chargers around the state, you know, to incentivize that as well as incentivize the programs to maybe create greater rebates for electric vehicles as well.

Unknown Speaker 43:30
Yes, Andy.

Unknown Speaker 43:35
I just appreciate seeing this and hearing more about it, because we have gone for decades without providing any kind of revenue sources for our, our state and for our local governments to be able to have upkeep on our roads. Nobody wants to pay for the roads. And we see that congestion, the air quality is bad, or ozone levels are bad. And we need to bite the bullet and do something about it. And so I think that this, this proposal that they have out there is really touching on a lot of things that affect everyone. I hope that it’s going to be equitable for those that really are on the margins when you start looking at you’re going to be feed here and there and yonder. What if that’s what it’s going to take, you know, I see we’re not able to pass bills to increase our gas tax. And this seems to be a way around it. So I’m happy to hear more about it and see that the legislature is really looking at options for Colorado to move forward and be a improve the quality of life.

Unknown Speaker 44:53
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 44:58
Great. Thanks, Andy.

Unknown Speaker 45:01
Initial comments,

Unknown Speaker 45:05
says Joe, I’m generally against fee based revenue versus voter approved taxation.

Unknown Speaker 45:18
Thanks, additional comments.

Unknown Speaker 45:22
There’s a thought that, you know, the fee based piece will run into some kind of

Unknown Speaker 45:27
judicial review. If it if it does get passed, it’ll have to go through that legal review to make sure that it is legal. So great point, Joe.

Unknown Speaker 45:44
Great, I’ll just have one additional comment, which is,

Unknown Speaker 45:49
I’m not a huge fan of fee based mechanisms there. But I’m also a huge fan of making sure we can provide the transportation, air quality and congestion funding that’s necessary. And since all the other mechanisms have not been successful, this is certainly the best solution that I’ve seen so far and for without my full support. But

Unknown Speaker 46:12
Phil, thank you for be able to bring it to our attention and keep them folks in the loop. Thank you so much for your time. And I’ll probably take some more of it here with the next item. All right, back at you peak rail service you’re on.

Unknown Speaker 46:28
Okay, sorry, more slides. And I apologize, it’s,

Unknown Speaker 46:33
it’s probably getting a little much at this point. But thanks for bearing with me, appreciate it.

Unknown Speaker 46:41
I hope you can see these on your screen. Hopefully, it’s a little bigger than others. But

Unknown Speaker 46:47
I just wanted to give you another update. This is again, just more information to provide to us so that you have a better understanding of kind of what we’re doing at the staff level and what’s going on with your city council as well. And maybe ways to get involved. Also. So

Unknown Speaker 47:04
as you all know,

Unknown Speaker 47:07
it’s the broken record of Phil Greenwald, Northwest rail 2004, we voted for fast tracks, we were supposed to get a Northwest rail line, from downtown Union Station up to Longmont to Boulder, number of stations along that line. So just to give you, you guys all know this right, up and down. So nothing new, we just wanted to kind of share this with you. And then the idea is, this piece can’t be built by RTD at this point in time, so they don’t have the funding, they’re not going to, you know, they you can say whatever you will about what our T what happened at RTD, there’s a lot of things that have happened over the last 2027, almost 20 years,

Unknown Speaker 47:50
closer to 15, I guess, but there’s been a lot of things that have gone on.

Unknown Speaker 47:55
And a lot of it has to do with that rail line is BNSF belongs to them, it’s their property. Whether you agree with that, or not how they got the properties, you know, in the, you know, the way the railroads were all kind of built and how they

Unknown Speaker 48:09
found these routes or how they built these routes.

Unknown Speaker 48:12
And they’re basically given the land to do that. But they’ve put in all the capital investment and the labor to get it done. So

Unknown Speaker 48:20
these do belong to the NSF. So that’s a piece of it. So they weren’t going to charge a lot of money about half a billion dollars to to use their line. And that was a big part of the $1.5 billion cost that we’re at right now. For how much it costs to build this at 11 stations for unfunded stations, frequency of rail being 15 minutes, 30 minutes off peak, all the things that you see on this slide. What we said start and remember back was a major piece of this, quite frankly, was to talk about the peak service concept and is there a way we could do it for cheaper? And is there a way we could just get real started and just kind of get the idea and get get some feel of what real would be like. So we came up with this plan with RTD of doing three morning trips from Longmont to Denver, three evening trips from Denver to Longmont just really commuter only rail service. And I think this happens in a lot of other cities around the country and around the world. And the idea is that this would get us

Unknown Speaker 49:20
down to Denver Union Station using all the stops that we talked about previously under fast tracks, but it would be very far removed from the current from the original plan of all the trains all day long. So there’ll be there’ll be issues with that. still running on Diesel Technology. So that’s been an issue as well. But that’s the concept. Then on April 6 2021 was a pretty good day for Longmont, where RTD board supported a level two study which was really kind of this medium level of spending

Unknown Speaker 49:53
five to $8 million

Unknown Speaker 49:55
of spending from what’s called the fastracks internal savings account.

Unknown Speaker 50:00
The Pfizer funds to start moving on this study and start getting some real costs evaluated for the study level.

Unknown Speaker 50:10
So they supported on level two study, which was really to do that planning and environmental linkages study, which is is a little bit more environmental work to make sure that you are meeting all the environmental standards, make sure that we knew what vehicle technology and impacts there would be

Unknown Speaker 50:27
a little a medium level of community engagement along the way, I think the community wants to hear about this. So that’s a good thing. And a timeline from notice to proceed, the NTP would be 18 months to two years. And the funding needed again, is that five to $8 million.

Unknown Speaker 50:46
So how do we get there, and this is really that talking about really just the phase one piece of this is to start developing that operating plan or working with a consultant to develop an operating plan for that service, what that preliminary design would look like, again, back to those environmental impacts and identify those and how do you mitigate those environmental impacts, there might be some land that’s also needed, because you’re talking about some some places where you have to do passing track along this corridor. Most of it’s out there, quite frankly, but I think there’s some open space that might need to be purchased. And I think that would be a Boulder County question at that point. And so and then some key agreements that need to happen, and then the risk mitigation mitigation of the risk involved on this as well. And then we move into phase two is really kind of the next piece after we’re done with this piece of the study. As you know, that long term funding for O and M operations and maintenance of this line, actually acquiring the property, the operating rights with BNSF and get into those Creek key agreements. But we have to know those costs that are in this in kind of this section, we need to know those costs as we move into phase two. And then phase three would really be that detailed design, the permitting the construction and starting that revenue service. So you can see there’s a lot of different elements or three major elements to this need to move forward.

Unknown Speaker 52:09
So right now we have begun RTD has begun the whole idea of getting this ball rolling with the board recommendation on the board approval of spending dollars by year end of 2021, we hope to have a consultant on board and give them that notice to proceed so they can start working on it. And then get that phase one completed by 2023. And I know that’s way too much time to take to do this. But that’s kind of the way this all has to work in order to kind of slowly roll forward here.

Unknown Speaker 52:41
And the last piece of this is just what I talked about kind of earlier was the idea that this is kind of on top of the whole idea of this Amtrak service that would run more of a express service through our corridor, they would stop in Longmont. And we go up to Loveland and Fort Collins and would go down to Boulder and Denver, as well as down to Castle Rock, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, those different areas as well. So that’s the Amtrak service. This peak rail is really about the fast track service. But we do have all these different partners and regional collaboration. So we have all our communities along the corridor. BNSF is obviously a huge player in all this. And luckily, they’ve been very key to the Front Range passenger rail corridor.

Unknown Speaker 53:26
And that in that commission, so they’re on that commission, so working RTD is on that commission as well. So they’ve all been kind of working together to talk about the bigger Amtrak piece, but then also these smaller pieces that are important to us as well. And you’ll see these other ones here, see dots, obviously, big one, and then I talked about for manage passengers or commission. And Amtrak is on that as well. So I wanted to get that out to you. Make sure you heard about it and knew about it. And kind of what we’re dealing with at the staff level to make sure this is moving forward. So with that, I will stop sharing and take any questions.

Unknown Speaker 54:07
Thank you, Phil, any questions on what you just read there?

Unknown Speaker 54:14
Thank you very much for your time. appreciate you letting me speak so much tonight. And well, I will have to pay people off in our staff with doughnuts in Bali coffee, but thank you for listening. Phil, before you jump off.

Unknown Speaker 54:29
One quick question for me.

Unknown Speaker 54:33
For the last 18 years BNSF has been hesitant to want to commit to naming a figure on a firm figure on what they would be willing to pay for the right of way or shared right of way on

Unknown Speaker 54:51
the corridor that that you pointed out that that they own.

Unknown Speaker 54:56
Has there been any movement there that is encouraging and

Unknown Speaker 55:00
In terms of BNSF willingness to kind of be more forthright with with with the right away acquisition or or the sharing of the line costs were be or is it kind of like more of the same from from BNSF? And do you know, of any leverage that the community has over BNSF? Or is it? Is it something that is really in their hands?

Unknown Speaker 55:28
Yeah, I will just say that BNSF is a powerful organization that has a lot of control over their land. And I think I could get anybody on, on this call that’s grayed out right now, and not showing their face to agree with me on that one.

Unknown Speaker 55:44
And they’re all probably laughing as they’re on not on video. But it’s been a really tough time working with BNSF. But that’s not to say that, you know, they’re a business, right. So they own this, and they want to make sure that it operates

Unknown Speaker 55:59
for their business model, which is to move freight. And so Amtrak has some trackage rights, to be able to use those corridors based on that agreement from like 1971.

Unknown Speaker 56:13
And so Amtrak is able to do that. What we’re trying to do here with this program is provide that 30% level of design, so we can really go to BNSF, with some firm operation, knowledge and some operating details, to take the BNSF and say, Look, here’s all our cards, here’s what we know. And then they’ve, they’ve said that they’re willing, and maybe Tyler or Councilmember Peck can chime in here as well, because Tyler did go a year ago to visit with BNSF as part of a larger Front Range. We’re a north northwest rail contingent. And they did talk about and I think it was a very positive meeting a year ago, right before COVID.

Unknown Speaker 56:55
And they had a very positive discussion about, you know, if you can provide this 30% level design, we can give you actual costs, and we can be much more upfront with you if we know what you really want. And up until now, BNSF, has not had a good idea of what RTD or what this corridor wants, or what they need, and what exactly they’re going to put on the ground. And so 30% design gets us a lot a long way there. So Tyler, I don’t know if you have some insight from your meeting last February, but or February before last? Right, right, right before any travel restrictions hit.

Unknown Speaker 57:33
So I think one of the key things with that Bill mentioned the preliminary engineering agreement, it’s been a big one for BNSF. And that was a big change that they made about a year and a half or two years ago or prior they would review designed. And more or less, they would bill you back for their review time or their consultants review time through the construction of a project. And I think they were struggling with

Unknown Speaker 57:56
preparing fast, fast track plans for 1015 years and spending a lot of time and dollars to do that, and not really getting anywhere. So I think that’s one of the big changes that we saw is now there.

Unknown Speaker 58:08
If you want to work with him, you have to commit to paying them to review the product you’re putting in front of them. So I think that this is part of the first step is that preliminary engineering agreement,

Unknown Speaker 58:18
or RTD will be working on design BNSF will be reimbursed for their time for reviewing the plan. And so if it gets ultimately probably a better way to actually get somewhere at this point and get some actual numbers.

Unknown Speaker 58:31
Thank you. Thanks, Tyler. The life of a non fatal life of Monopoly if they hold the cards.

Unknown Speaker 58:41
Alright, any additional questions for Phil?

Unknown Speaker 58:46
Okay, do you feel appreciate it? Well, that

Unknown Speaker 58:50
all right, comments from board members will just go in the order that people just happened to be on my screen here.

Unknown Speaker 58:58
Joe, any comments in your site?

Unknown Speaker 59:04
Some ether, but looks like you’re saying no. So I’ll

Unknown Speaker 59:08
Sorry about that. No, no comment. Okay, thanks.

Unknown Speaker 59:12
Awesome. Sandy. You’re next on my screen here. Any comments in your side?

Unknown Speaker 59:18
It was a great meeting. I appreciate it all the information and the time and energy that staff put into giving us documents beforehand and presenting today. So thank you.

Unknown Speaker 59:29
Well said, David, you’re next on my screen here. Any comments in your side? I go to introduce you to my granddaughter.

Unknown Speaker 59:40
I thought I was I was very interesting meeting thank you for all

Unknown Speaker 59:46
and I can’t remember the fella with the beard. But thank you. Thank him. One thing I would like to say

Unknown Speaker 59:59
this no

Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
Yeah, we’ve got a lot going on in this house these days, I probably won’t be applying. In fact, I know I won’t be applying for the, to fill this role Next go round. So the next meeting will probably be my last one. I think I’ll continue to sit in periodically, but I’m going to sign off the membership anyways.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:23
Thank you, David.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:25
Courtney, anything that you’re saying?

Unknown Speaker 1:00:29
Um, I was actually wondering if there is any plan from the city of when we might start meeting in person.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:44
I think we’re going to discuss that at council as well, because once city council opens up, probably, you know, the boards will as well probably an overreaching umbrella decision. So stay tuned.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:00
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:03
Thanks, Courtney. And thanks, john. Jacques, you’re next on my screen here.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:08
Thanks, Neil.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:10
Just one thought that I wanted to bring up. You know, we had a accident up here on highway 66. About a month ago, that was pretty tragic. A 16 year old lost his life. And it’s a section that I drive at least two or three times a day, from Main Street going east over.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:32
I would say county line road is probably the the segment that I’ve been driving. And even though it’s marked as 60 miles per hour, most traffic is only going 45 or 50.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:46
Excuse me. And so I guess that accident just kind of shook me up a little bit. And I would hate to see another one. And so I know it’s a state highway. And we don’t have much control over it. But I just wanted to bring it to the attention that when you have a difference in speed of 15 and 20 miles per hour, that can be a dangerous environment. So I just wanted to bring it up. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:17
Thanks, jack.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:20

Unknown Speaker 1:02:24
couple thoughts to go with what jack said. We didn’t talk about it today. But the I’m excited to hear the results of the design phase for the highway 66 project, because that really does need to be looked at. We haven’t gotten the state funding in the past, but it has to somebody is going to do something to improve the safety of that road. The part I drive the most is of course west of Maine. And it can get when people try to do turns and merge and all that. And there’s nowhere for pedestrians at all, we’re going to have a lot more building on the north side of 66. I’m very much looking forward to that. And then the other thing was,

Unknown Speaker 1:03:08
we had that chance during the past month to look at the county multimodal plans. And I noticed the spot where their plans didn’t match long months plans. I brought it to their attention. But I think we need to keep watching to make sure that we’re coordinating well, between what the city is planning to do what the county’s proposing to do.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:32
Thanks. And thanks to everybody who’s done all this great work.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:36
Thanks, Liz. Appreciate that.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:39
Yeah, sorry, I can happen real quick, a couple of things on 66

Unknown Speaker 1:03:44
pajak, I know you’d ask for some data. And we’ll get that to you.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:49
In terms of the speed study, and how he does methodologies for setting speeds. And to this point, they’re still really heavily based on the 85th idea that he has percentile speed. So we’ve got a couple of options we can pursue. The first one, generally, to change the speed limits on state highways, it’s the municipal the local authority makes the request that’d be me requesting Sita to do speed steady, posted speed limit based on the results of that.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:16
I heard you mentioned you think that the majority is at 45 to 50. If that is reality, if that’s what we’re saying and what we’re measuring that would be cause for adjusting the speed limit on highway 66. The other thing we can do absent, it’s it can be sort of a gamble, because they collect data and it says everyone’s going to 70 they may adjust this beating them up or down. So the other thing we can do is we can work with them on a speed check. And we can also collect some data on our own man to see what that looks like. And if that’s a request we want to put in and make at this point. If it does show in that 45 to 50 range. Yeah, maybe it may make some sense to put that request in right now.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:56
And then Liz to your point and the 66 corridor in general.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
We are

Unknown Speaker 1:05:02
that that is under design right now. And one of the assumptions we’ve had a lot of discussion with with the state on is we’re doing a whole new design project, we’re committing a lot of dollars to improving this corridor, both for mobility of all modes, we’re looking to try and improve the, there’s, there’s not a lot of pedestrian facilities. So improving the bike facilities, improving the sidewalks. And with that, we’re really pushing hard for a lower design speed. So we’re working with Pay, we’re investing a lot of dollars in this corridor, we’re going to for redesign reconstruction, error, some of the key critical elements for us, and that’s one that staffs really been pushing and working with seed on on in terms of how can we impact speed limits on this and at a time, rather than be reactive after the fact.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:55
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:57
Cool, it’s

Unknown Speaker 1:05:59
additional comments on my side.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:03
I know you’ve been having an extended detour on the same brain bike path, Greenway.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:12
You know, it’s, it’s, it sounds like it’s going to, it’s already been for, you know, a year and a half or so, give or take a little bit, it sounds like it’s still looking, you know, several years on out before it’s, you know, complete. And if that’s gonna be the case, there, I would really encourage

Unknown Speaker 1:06:32
our transportation staff to look at what we can do to keep on running extra sweeps of street sweeping in the area.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:42
And just continuing to train and look at, I know, there’s some new signs put up, that I haven’t had a chance to, to see the latest configuration there. So maybe the signs are super intuitive, maybe they’re not.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:54
But since it’s such a long detour, I think anything that we can do to be able to try and make it as

Unknown Speaker 1:07:02
intuitive and pleasant, whether it’s some temporary restriping, or anything else that can be done to make it really convenient for community members there that want to address, you know, continue to ride that that path and address that that missing link. So

Unknown Speaker 1:07:21
no specific no specific question there. But But that’s an important one there to be able to make sure that we can continue to ensure that that there really positive experience that people have in writing the rest of the same brain bikeway Greenway.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:39
With that I’ll turn it over to Councilmember pack. Any comments in your side? No, I really don’t. It’s was a really good presentation. A lot of information.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:51
Indeed, indeed. All right. Well, it looks like we have a meeting in 10 days on the ninth Avenue hope Street to Kauffman open house that was mentioned earlier. And

Unknown Speaker 1:08:06
looks like at the next video, we’ll be talking about the neighbor traffic mitigation

Unknown Speaker 1:08:11
program. So Tyler, thanks for being with us. And the rest of team thanks for being able to keep that up mind and looking forward to to hearing the latest and greatest. Is there anything else pressing before we wrap up?

Unknown Speaker 1:08:25
All right, well done to our staff. Thank you for the heavy lift today. Your presentation was excellent. So presentations, were excellent. So thank you very much. With that we’ll consider the meeting closed and we’ll reconvene next month in June. Thanks everybody. Have a great night.