Video Description:
Longmont City Council Study Session – April 20, 2021
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
And then if you want to stop your your camera and mute yourself until the item that would be great.
Unknown Speaker 0:07
All right, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 0:12
I’ll help you.
Unknown Speaker 0:19
All right, I will rename.
Unknown Speaker 0:30
We’ve got Harrison Lisa Knobloch and Francine all ready to go. Yeah, I’m working on Sandy. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 0:37
Dan Wolford
Unknown Speaker 0:48
said you should be good.
Unknown Speaker 0:53
Next, you should be good to check your mic.
Unknown Speaker 25:08
All right, let’s go ahead and call the meeting to order. May 11 2021. This is a regular session meeting. Can we please start with actually we’ll just recognize that everyone is here. I’m going to ask, however, that Councilmember Christianson audibly. Are you still here, Paulie?
Unknown Speaker 25:23
Yeah, I can hear you. But I have no video on this either. Right. So just general Take note that we’re seeing that all council members are present.
Unknown Speaker 25:33
I’m hearing a roll call recognition from Councilmember Christiansen. So we’ll go ahead and start without the Pledge of Allegiance. I’ll lead it. Councilmember double fairing you look perplexed. Are you hearing us okay?
Unknown Speaker 25:46
Yes, I’m fine. I’ll just check in just right now. But you probably see you.
Unknown Speaker 25:54
Alright, so we see on both, we see you and we hear you. So that’s good. All right. So let’s go ahead and say the pledge.
Unknown Speaker 26:00
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty, liberty and justice for all. thank Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez for his participation in the pledge. And those who lipsync Well, next week, you’re going to lead it was a joke, Marcia, you can smile. Alright, so let’s go ahead and remind the public that you should be watching the live stream. And when it comes time, we’re going to flash up a meeting Id like the following slide. Call in Wait, and then it will call you by your last three or four numbers, your phone number, you’ll be given three minutes. So that’s the slide you’ll see. We’ll leave it up for maybe 10 to 15 seconds right now. So you can jot it down now if you’d like. But in the meantime, while we keep that up, do we have a motion to approve the minutes of April 27 2021, which was a regular session. So moved. I’ll second it. Can Dr. Waters moved? I second? The motion is to approve the April 27 minutes. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay? All right, Motion carries unanimously. Do we have any agenda revisions or submission of documents motions to direct the city manager Councilmember pack? Thank you, Mayor Bagley. I have two. The first one is I moved to direct staff to add an agenda item either in late June or early July for council to address and revise the council’s Rules of Procedure.
Unknown Speaker 27:36
Is there a specific issue that you’d like to address?
Unknown Speaker 27:40
Yes, the rules of procedure. I would like council to
Unknown Speaker 27:44
look at it, address it and revise if possible, or if warranted, and I guess I’m just asking. Okay, is there a second?
Unknown Speaker 27:53
Because Mr. Christiansen
Unknown Speaker 28:01
the poly unmute yourself on the other computer.
Unknown Speaker 28:08
Okay, can you hear me now? Yeah, Yes, we can. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 28:14
Okay, I would second that. And I also have something I want to bring.
Unknown Speaker 28:20
Alright, so there’s a motion on the floor to bring forward in late June or July a motion to revise council Rules of Procedure.
Unknown Speaker 28:32
Do we have any debate on this?
Unknown Speaker 28:36
Kazmir Martin, in given how crowded our agendas are becoming? I would like to understand what the issue is with our existing ones before I vote for it.
Unknown Speaker 28:50
That’s we’re back. We have discussed this Mayor Buckley and Councilwoman Martin about a year and a half ago now.
Unknown Speaker 28:59
It’s been discussed several times because they’re 20 years old. And we just bring them up to date. And if this council has anything they want to add or revise. I think it’s time to do that.
Unknown Speaker 29:12
All right, Kazmir Christiansen
Unknown Speaker 29:16
you’re seeing me wave.
Unknown Speaker 29:18
Yeah, we really need to upgrade these before the next election. And so this is
Unknown Speaker 29:26
a timely
Unknown Speaker 29:28
thing to be discussing.
Unknown Speaker 29:32
Those were waters.
Unknown Speaker 29:35
Yeah, I don’t know that I was inclined to vote for this motion. I mean, without having any idea what the problem was. But now to put that in relationship to an election. I want to say I would need way more information. Before I would support a motion to chase a problem. I have no idea what it is. And it’s somehow related to an election. So so I’m gonna vote no. Without more information.
Unknown Speaker 30:02
Unknown Speaker 30:04
Thank you very badly, I don’t think I’d be inclined to put this on a normal agenda for the City Council, rather as more of something of a pre session where we can, you know, get together and review and discuss the
Unknown Speaker 30:20
council procedure,
Unknown Speaker 30:22
but not for in a normal agenda as far as city council is concerned. And so that’s kind of where I stand on that. That’s my pick up. Thank you very badly. Mayor Pro Tem, would you like to amend this motion? Because I think that’s a good idea, actually.
Unknown Speaker 30:41
Sure, I propose friendly amendment that a meeting be scheduled prior to city council, such as a special special session to review
Unknown Speaker 30:57
the council
Unknown Speaker 31:00
Unknown Speaker 31:05
And may I say one more thing there was I mean, these posted, sure, but these proposed an amendment? You
Unknown Speaker 31:12
know, I accept that. All right.
Unknown Speaker 31:16
I’m gonna vote against the only because I don’t like having meetings for meeting sake. And I’ve not heard anything about our rules of procedure that need addressing. So I don’t want to like everybody here is free to read it. I mean, if you want to review it, go read it. And then if there’s an issue, let’s bring it up. But sitting there and having staff give a presentation on what they are.
Unknown Speaker 31:36
I can read I don’t need a pre session with with everybody here to to address this. So if we have a concern, tell us if not, let’s don’t meet please. Counselor Christiansen.
Unknown Speaker 31:53
We have been trying to have this discussion for well over a year. It has to do with clarifying what form of government we have, which is a council and city manager system. And it also has to do with clarifying what, sir, what members of city council do and do not do.
Unknown Speaker 32:15
So what what issues we have, we need to have some agreement on this. And we need to discuss this before we have another whole bunch of city council members coming in. And I guess what I’m just asking straight up, what is the concern? What is city council or me? Or what are we doing to upset someone?
Unknown Speaker 32:35
council member back. So um, I just think it’d be a really good idea to review them. I’m sure we’ve all read the rules of procedure, make sure they’re in line with Robert’s Rules of Order and see what is working, what isn’t working. We did discuss this about a year and a half ago. And it’s, I would have brought it up a lot sooner. But because of the pandemic we’ve been, as everyone knows, that’s been our focus. The good news is we don’t have to go to all the meetings. We don’t want to so unless I hear the reason why I won’t be there. But the good news is miracle testimony. Dr. Waters.
Unknown Speaker 33:09
Yeah, the only
Unknown Speaker 33:12
the only conversation I recall,
Unknown Speaker 33:15
that had to do with rules and procedures, takes us back to the events that unfolded
Unknown Speaker 33:22
in November and October, November of 2019. Is that the context for this? I mean, I’m down with that conversation if we want to do it.
Unknown Speaker 33:33
But I it would be helpful to know, I do not recall in the last year and a half any agreement that we need to go back and change rules and procedures, unless we’re talking about how we hold one another accountable for ethical behavior. That’s it. Let’s do it.
Unknown Speaker 33:50
But But let’s do it when we’re all you know, in in public space, and we can invite the public in.
Unknown Speaker 33:57
I call the question.
Unknown Speaker 34:01
Motion fails. Lack of Second. All right.
Unknown Speaker 34:05
I didn’t really get a second. We should act quicker. But that’s my referring.
Unknown Speaker 34:11
I don’t have a comment. I was gonna second it. But I didn’t make my finger. Okay, this second. All right. Great. All right. So let’s go ahead and vote. I will not be there passes. Alright, fine. That’s right. All in favor, say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed.
Unknown Speaker 34:29
With this is the vote on the call to question first. Yeah, sure. Well, the question. Sure. Call the question. That’s gonna be a fun night. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. Hey, hey, all right. That was that an eighth from you? Councilman Martin. Yes. All right. Motion carries five to two with Councilmember waters and Councilman Martin opposed. So there’s a motion on the table and that table is we should have it was amended to should we have a pre session to discuss
Unknown Speaker 35:00
To review
Unknown Speaker 35:04
the council Rules of Procedure.
Unknown Speaker 35:07
So on favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. Nay. Opposed say nay nay. All right, so Raise your hand if you’re Aye.
Unknown Speaker 35:20
All right, the motion fails. With Councilmember waters Martin Rodriguez and myself a post. Alright, Kazmir Christians actually CUSTOMER PICK. Did you have something you want to do? address? No, no, I’m fine. Thank you. Okay. Councillor Christiansen.
Unknown Speaker 35:43
Councilmember Christiansen did you have something you wanted to? Um, we have in I want to just amend
Unknown Speaker 35:55
Amanda, amen. Something that is in our inclusionary housing to amend the phrase that occasionally appears although I cannot find it in the actual ordinance. The phrase is land donation colon, donate land. And this refers to the city developers under land donations, donate land to the city, or a nonprofit housing developer, I would like to just strike that wherever it appears,
Unknown Speaker 36:26
strike out or a nonprofit housing developer. And here’s why.
Unknown Speaker 36:32
Private deals of which no member of the public or the entire body of city council or is not present lead to lack of transparency and accountability and they leave.
Unknown Speaker 36:44
They leave the situation right for the moral hazard of corruption. They don’t allow the city to determine what the city needs. We have we the city does a needs assessment every five years before and after that, we were told that the greatest need is for 40% ami and below. But the greatest building, according to Kathy fetlar, in our presentation of several weeks ago is at the mid tier for sale 120% and above, and rental at about 60%. So this is not meeting our needs. And it is true. We’ve only had this, this sort of deal goes through twice so far. But I don’t want it to continue. It’s our city, we need to have the land donated directly to the city. The developer doesn’t get to decide who builds how and when and where.
Unknown Speaker 37:39
So the my proposed my I would direct staff to amend our inclusionary housing to amend the phrase land donation colon donate land to the city or a nonprofit housing developer to land donation colon donate land to the city period, wherever that appears. Do I have a second? I’ll second.
Unknown Speaker 38:05
All right. I’m just a little confused. And so the this is the only thing that we do at this time is to direct staff to put it on a future agenda. Yes. So you’re saying that you want to put on a future agenda? Yes. And amendment, an amendment to con llama at the current affordable housing ordinance that would strike specific language, which I don’t understand to recall. I don’t have the bill in front of me. But you want to put that on a future agenda, correct? Yes. All right. Does everybody understand the motion? Go ahead.
Unknown Speaker 38:45
Consumer Krishna Christiansen, you were saying,
Unknown Speaker 38:49
Unknown Speaker 38:50
this was put in because it was considered but it was put into play as one particular developer and it was put in because it was said that it was convenient. And I have no doubt that it is more convenient for the developer to talk directly to
Unknown Speaker 39:07
the builder. However, the let the whole purpose of the inclusionary housing is to give us land or fees in lieu or built housing. This undermines the entire ordinance and that’s why it has to be eliminate. So it doesn’t happen again.
Unknown Speaker 39:26
Councillor pack? Thank you very badly. Um, I agree. This because now that we are the LA che board, if if developers or land owners want to grant land in lieu, and it is granted to the city directly to the city, then the city can develop it in the way that we know we need housing, and it won’t have to be it’ll be a cleaner deal to be quite honest. And then the city would like to
Unknown Speaker 40:01
Have habitat for
Unknown Speaker 40:04
Habitat developent or any other organization, then our planning and zoning department and that developer has a better control over it. If it’s under le j, then we then we also might be able to get certain grants for it through chafa through HUD. And, and I just think it would be a cleaner development, it could be in any tear, whatever the city needed, but
Unknown Speaker 40:31
I just see it since we are the board of the lhsaa that that would be a good way for us to get land to develop the way we need etc. and get the end get the landowner or the developer out of that project. Before I call in Councilmember line, you can put your town down does my right and your next and then Councilmember waters your next I believe that that yellow hand is to raise your hand.
Unknown Speaker 40:54
And he was first I know but I didn’t see it. So but we’ll go Dr. Waters, then we’ll go calcium in mind. But could you please read? Kazmir Krishna said I want to give you a fair shake. I didn’t I I could you please read how it currently means? And then read how what read the language you want to strike?
Unknown Speaker 41:16
Sure, I just did that. But I know I know. I know. I’m not I’m not. I know you did. I’m stupid. I’m hard of hearing. I admit it. If you just read it, that’d be great. Anything but stupid. Um,
Unknown Speaker 41:30
it the phrase that has that appears on information on the city’s website and also on Kathy Butler’s slides, say that a land say land donation colon, let donate land to the city
Unknown Speaker 41:48
or a nonprofit housing developer.
Unknown Speaker 41:53
You want to strike just strike for a non non profit?
Unknown Speaker 41:59
Yes, I just want to donate it to the city period. Okay, is reading five words wherever they occur, that I have looked through the inclusionary housing ordinance. And I did not find this anywhere. But we have already done this several times. I don’t want us to do it anymore. I want us to be the decider. And as Councilwoman Peck said, The reason for this is partly that if we are if it goes to the city, we can bet we can land bank it as we have in on North Hanover Street. So that we can wait until we have the appropriate financial stack to develop it the way we want to. Or as Councilman repec said, we can get a lot of we can leverage this to get grants from the federal government, the state government, this the county government, we can get much more out of this if we are in control of it. And that is the whole point of this quick, quick question. And that is Harold. The I don’t know who on staff would know the answer to this. But if they donate land to the city or nonprofit currently, does that not have to come to Council for review and approval?
Unknown Speaker 43:15
That’s what I’m trying to look at right now in terms of that process.
Unknown Speaker 43:20
The answer to my question that answer that question, when will the decide whether or not I vote yes or no to put this on the agenda. So let me point out that before we let them go through this, because they had already made the deal, and we can’t, we’re not going to back off and say oh, no, okay, we’re not going to fund Habitat for Humanity. But we want to point of order Mayor Bagley
Unknown Speaker 43:43
So, you know, and yes,
Unknown Speaker 43:47
point of orders are always taking precedent. What are we are we debating this tonight? Are we gonna just we’re just this is this is just to determine whether or not we’re putting it on a future agenda. Right.
Unknown Speaker 43:58
Well, it sounds to me like we’re making the case tonight for a change in an ordinance and I as opposed to putting an ordinance on an agenda. And that is true, and I will limit discussion, but you are up to Dr. Waters. Is that what you wanted to say? Or do you want to know, I would like to say something addition. In addition to that I
Unknown Speaker 44:15
have a motion. I didn’t know that. We were arguing the case tonight. And that sounded to me like what was happening.
Unknown Speaker 44:23
We just went through the approval of, as I recall nine amendments to our inclusion housing inclusionary housing ordinance two meetings ago.
Unknown Speaker 44:34
We were told by the staff and in those materials, that in June or July, we would return to the next two of the of the issues, big ones. In the context of that conversation. Councilmember Christiansen expressed a concern about the donation of land, I have no doubt that that would be an appropriate time for that conversation to occur. I’m just wondering why given what we’ve what we did, given what we heard from the state
Unknown Speaker 45:00
If given what we know they’re bringing, why we’re going to create another agenda item, since it’s already scheduled in either June or July to go deeply into the bigger issues. This is one of them. When it comes to that, to the issue of donations, and when we do, I assure a sec want to hear from the United Church of Christ, I want to hear from Habitat for Humanity, those nonprofits who have been the beneficiaries, and I want to hear from them what’s more or less complicated? And and what is in the interest of what they do since they they are the ones who understand affordable the building of affordable housing, not us. They do. And I’d like to hear from them when the time comes.
Unknown Speaker 45:43
Unknown Speaker 45:46
Thank you, Mayor Bagley I’d also like to point out that in in
Unknown Speaker 45:51
untangling several
Unknown Speaker 45:55
permits permitting applications that have come before given come into the city recently and have not come before Council on that some additional anomalies in the Ico have been uncovered. That I hope the staff will,
Unknown Speaker 46:15
will bring forward in the next tranche. And so I think that this specific
Unknown Speaker 46:25
point is is too small. And it would it would not be effective. We should we should
Unknown Speaker 46:34
at least do number 10 and 11. This and the discussion of why there is no
Unknown Speaker 46:42
why there’s why the
Unknown Speaker 46:46
law is so ambiguous on what happens when someone exceeds
Unknown Speaker 46:52
the required number of percentage of affordable units. And and I think there are a whole whole lot more. I don’t think the first tranche really covered it. So let’s do a big one. You know, I don’t have any problem with with
Unknown Speaker 47:10
reconsidering the ordinance because it’s new. It’s complicated and it needs work.
Unknown Speaker 47:16
But not something so small.
Unknown Speaker 47:20
That’s Councilmember Peck.
Unknown Speaker 47:24
Thank you, Mayor Bagley. Councilwoman Christiansen, would you consider an ordinance, I’m sorry, a little amendment to your motion to say that
Unknown Speaker 47:36
we direct staff to add this I’m not sure that this specific issue was going to be on the amendments that they were going to bring back just to include this issue in the amendments that they’re going to bring back up the next.
Unknown Speaker 47:53
I forgot when Council, Councilman water said that they were going to be bring back in June or July. The other amendments
Unknown Speaker 48:03
Can we just ask them to bring make sure they bring this amendment back with the other ones.
Unknown Speaker 48:11
To change it.
Unknown Speaker 48:13
Keeping in mind, just just keep so just just jump in by if it fails, it’s over. It’s dead. I would be more than willing to discuss this when it comes up on the agenda in the regular course of business. I so I so Councilmember pack is saying this might pass in a couple months, but it might die tonight.
Unknown Speaker 48:36
I just would like it to come back. Instead of making a specific agenda item out of it, bring this issue of land donation in lieu
Unknown Speaker 48:48
with the other amendments that you have scheduled. Make sure that that is added on to those.
Unknown Speaker 48:58
All right, I will amend it to do that. But meanwhile, we have four months that we will be losing land.
Unknown Speaker 49:08
Right There’s a motion to the amended motion is to instruct staff to make sure that this particular issue adjusting making it so that you have to give land donated to the city rather than the city or a nonprofit that this issue is put on the agenda when it comes back in June or July this summer whenever that may be. So all in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay.
Unknown Speaker 49:37
All right. The motion carries six to one with Councilmember Martin post. All right. Was there anybody else that wanted to do anything?
Unknown Speaker 49:47
No. Okay, that said let’s move on then to
Unknown Speaker 49:52
city manager report update on COVID.
Unknown Speaker 49:56
Would it be possible Harold Can we go ahead and ask the public to call in
Unknown Speaker 50:00
The public invited to be heard now while Harold gives his presentation and COVID is that can you can I’m going to show a slide. And so, Okay, nevermind, then we’ll go show one slide. And then Liz gonna join on with me to then talk just give you an overview of masking. That’s fine. What? If we do it then? Well, no, no, well, we’ll just do it when we read the consent agenda. Like last time, that’s all right, go ahead with my slides are going to be working
Unknown Speaker 50:28
on screws in in dinner, because I didn’t have time. So if you’re wondering what I’m doing and eating well, I direct this meeting. So so so basically, just wanted you all to see the
Unknown Speaker 50:38
this is the 14 day moving.
Unknown Speaker 50:42
Alright, 14 day moving average hospital admission rates by county, I’m not going to show you all all the counties again. But if you look at the north, if you look at the metro area, you can see where that was, we were talking about how everyone is kind of concerned about this, you can see it dipping. But the good news is, is when you look in Boulder County, you can definitely see that the hospital admissions are decreasing in Boulder County. So that is a
Unknown Speaker 51:09
good step in information that we would like. See.
Unknown Speaker 51:14
I’m just wanted to say they’re continuing to make a lot of progress in terms of the vaccination piece.
Unknown Speaker 51:21
To give you a sense, they’re starting to correlate case rates to those that are vaccinated. So I know that question came before. Um, occasionally they do see what they call fake breakthrough cases, breakthrough cases, are those for somebody who’s already been sick or vaccinated that do get the disease. It’s a rare occurrence in terms of the information we’re getting out of that question was asked, Are they tracking it? Yes, they’re tracking, it’s rare. But to give you a sense of where we are, and just generally with vaccination rates, the 7575 plus category with at least a partial course of vaccination, it’s 91.7% 65, to 74 91% 55, to 64 72.5 45, to 54 72.4 35, to 4477 23, to 34 62.7 18, to 20, to 37.7, and 10, to 17 12.8. So definitely, those numbers are continuing to come to move up. We’re also seeing that we’re making progress in our,
Unknown Speaker 52:34
our underserved communities, we know we still have a lot of work to do. But those numbers are going up as well, I was looking for that percentage. So basically, right now, the numbers are clearly showing cases that have higher vaccine rates or are starting to show lower case rates.
Unknown Speaker 52:52
And, and that that correlation on the data is coming together as they continue to evaluate it. So we’re continuing to make progress. Still, you’re still really focusing on ensuring that we can get everyone that we possibly can vaccinated. And carbon is really doing a phenomenal job.
Unknown Speaker 53:11
really working with the county and leading that effort to increase vaccines for underserved populations. What I also wanted to have lis do is to give you a quick update in terms of the masking order staff is preparing to
Unknown Speaker 53:29
bring you all back together in June in terms of in person meetings. And these masking orders have changed and are allowing us to do it. Depending on how it continues to move. We may still need some form of a hybrid option for the meetings.
Unknown Speaker 53:45
But we also wanted to get your your feedback on this. So Liz, will you go over the masking where
Unknown Speaker 53:51
we thank you, Harold. Good evening Council. So Boulder County has a new masking order that went into effect for 30 days from May 5. It’s actually very similar to the state’s order that went into effect on May 2. For the purposes of what we’re talking about asking order. When I vaccinated I mean fully vaccinated, which is two weeks after your last shot, whichever whether it’s for Madonna, Pfizer, or one for Johnson and Johnson. And when I say public indoor spaces, that is defined as all enclosed areas except for a person’s residence, which include cars if that is your residence
Unknown Speaker 54:30
for the city for our general purposes. The biggest change in the masking order is that there’s now a distinction between public indoor spaces and government buildings, where the public is allowed, and spaces where the public is generally alap. So in any area accessible to the public masks must be worn by everyone, regardless of the group size regardless of the vaccination status except
Unknown Speaker 55:00
instead of always applied are still there. If you are 10 and younger, if you have a medical
Unknown Speaker 55:06
exception, those still exist. Now for areas the private spaces in our government buildings, masks are not required when the group in the room for a walk in the door is nine fewer, regardless of vaccination status groups 10 to 49. Um, at least 80% must be vaccinated in order for masks to be taken off.
Unknown Speaker 55:33
If the group is 15 out, it’s still the 80% threshold. But at that point,
Unknown Speaker 55:39
so 50 or more people in a room, they have to have proven vaccination status and by proven that means you’re showing your card or medical record showing that you are fully vaccinated.
Unknown Speaker 55:51
for transportation, the CDC guidelines still control and they are incorporated in Boulder County’s order. So for mass transit, ride sharing, etc. Masks must be worn for everyone regardless of size or vaccination status. And the CDC requirement that those two and over wear a mask also applies. So in general, Boulder County, Colorado, it’s 10 and under are exempt. But if it’s mass transit, we’re talking about two and under two are the only ones exempt by age.
Unknown Speaker 56:25
For government facilities that are government owned, but not traditional government. The exceptions can’t apply. So if we’re having an event that we rent out to the Callahan house, they may be unvaccinated. If 80%.
Unknown Speaker 56:39
They may be unmasked 80% are vaccinated. And then there are other places throughout Boulder County that a mask must be worn again, regardless of their vaccination status or regardless of numbers, retail personal services, congregate care facilities, jails, those all require masks to be worn. And Boulder County Public Health still recommends that all individuals aged two years and older who have not been vaccinated, they should still practice physical distancing of six feet, hand washing and wearing face coverings whenever they’re with members of other households.
Unknown Speaker 57:15
That is a quick version of the orders. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 57:19
So Mayor Council, you obviously have seen the different tiers and how we have to approach it and what we need to go for. Um, and you all said once this was available, you are interested in coming back to in person meetings in this arena. And so the question that I have for you is based on what you’ve heard, you know, for under 49 in the room, we can still going at this unmask and we know what the requirements are. If we’re over 50, then we have to have proof of vaccination correctly is
Unknown Speaker 57:53
the public is allowed. It will have to be masked for everyone. Oh, that does not change regardless of vaccination status.
Unknown Speaker 58:05
That may change in early June, we’ll be in clear by then.
Unknown Speaker 58:09
We just don’t know yet. So if the public’s not allowed, but you all want to meet in person and IT staff, we can do the hybrid format that we’re doing with zoom now. So you all can be in the room. But we would still need the hybrid in to zoom for the public to come in for public invited for your comment on ordinances, that’s assuming it doesn’t change. If it changed, there may be a derivative in this or we can come in, in person meetings in June. So I just wanted to get Council’s thoughts on this in terms of how we bring you all back together. Really looking mid June so we can get all the technology situated. If we have to do a hybrid version, we probably will still always have to do some form of hybrid until it clears up.
Unknown Speaker 58:58
Kazmir Christiansen
Unknown Speaker 59:02
I can you hear me?
Unknown Speaker 59:05
I don’t know what I’m doing on that. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 59:10
It’s the public that I think we all want to see. We don’t need to see each other. We can see each other right now. But I think it’s being able to interact with the public and have them come up and speak. Being able to give petitions being able to interact like human beings, like, you know, for years to I think the value we’re supposed to be representing the public and if they can’t speak then
Unknown Speaker 59:38
it makes it very difficult for us. I think we all feel that way.
Unknown Speaker 59:48
Anyone else?
Unknown Speaker 59:50
Unknown Speaker 59:52
just heard back.
Unknown Speaker 59:57
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
Harold, is there any way. For example, if we meet in person to have maybe 10 people at a time for public invited to be heard to come in, someone would have to monitor that. Because I do think that it would be beneficial for the people speaking to see us to interact, but but there would be really no reason to pack the chamber with people who just want to listen to the meeting.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:29
If we could figure out a way to do that,
Unknown Speaker 1:00:32
I think that would be helpful.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:35
I think that’s what we’re trying to figure out. Because part of it is we know that on a hybrid format, there may be some technology issues. So I probably should have been more clear on my questions. One question is, if they completely changed the rules, where it’s more open for people to come in, do you all want to come back in June? That’s one question. If they don’t change the rules, where we still have to have some hybrid? Do you all want us to figure out different options for people to participate? So you can come back in session? Or do you want to stay in the virtual format?
Unknown Speaker 1:01:17
Jasmine waters.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:20
Thanks very badly. Girl, for me, as soon as we could get back to being in person, I’d like to do it. I share the concern that for us to be without the public kind of misses the point, if June 4 is the date. I mean, we’re we are a few meetings away from June 4. If we’re if after June 4, we can meet in chambers with the public without masks up to whatever that number is assuming people have to give us some indication whether or not they I don’t how we would monitor that or or man is that. But But I, my my preference is to get back into chambers meet in person, but to but to do that with the public?
Unknown Speaker 1:02:06
Is that where all the council is? Back in chambers meet in person with the public? Yes, that’s fine. Councilmember dogberry?
Unknown Speaker 1:02:17
Um, you know, I do I have some concerns. And I think part of it is a lot of it has to do with, you know, my line of work where I’m at. Currently, I have all my kids in quarantine, except for with the exception of one. Um, over the year, I’ve had students who’ve been hospitalized.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:37
One in ICU.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:40
You know, I’m I’m really concerned. I mean, we’ve had now our fourth grade is wiped out, my class is wiped out, first rate is wiped out. And we had up until
Unknown Speaker 1:02:52
the last month had been doing fairly well. And what’s changed is people are getting more laxed people are getting, you know, our kids are still not vaccinated. So the ones that are going to be I mean, for me, I’m vaccinated, so I’m still in my building, but I’m just teaching them online from school. I’m the ones that are going to be hurting if we are not careful, our little ones. And so I am wanting to approach that with a great deal of caution. I do want to have meetings in person, but and with the public. But if it’s not safe to do so I would just consider going staying online. So that’s kind of where I’m coming from.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:42
I’m i guess i guess i so if so, was the consensus I heard was that consensus. I heard six and I also heard Councilmember level fairing. Alright, I’ve heard five then I also heard Councilmember dog appearing before the five of you saying you prefer to meet in chambers, no masks with staff, keep the public below 49 and rotate out the public invited to be heard. And in addition, have a zoom meeting that people can watch and attend that what it is that what everyone’s saying? Or am I misunderstanding?
Unknown Speaker 1:04:17
Councilmember waters? Yeah, that’s not exactly what I was saying. I wasn’t if we have to rotate people in and out. I don’t know that that’s a good plan. But I my assumption is that we would have better clearer guidance after June 4, if we’re in the clear status, the prospect that we could have
Unknown Speaker 1:04:36
members of the public with us. I don’t know what that limit would be. But the idea of rotating people in and out kind of a cattle call doesn’t appeal to me. That’s not what I had in mind. So when I heard mayor, if I may jump in what I heard, what I thought everyone said was, if we can come in if we can bring people in where you’re interacting
Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
With the public, you’re interested in doing that you’re not as interested as if there’s this hybrid format and people coming in and out. But really having the public there with you all, that’s what you want to see done. That’s how I understood it
Unknown Speaker 1:05:16
in the direction and then obviously, the safety issue on anything we do, we’re going to be talking to public house to bring that to you on what you know, what the what the numbers are looking like. I personally want to go back to the public and be there. Not. In the meantime, we can do zoom. Okay, that’s what we’re saying. That’s what I thought I heard everyone’s Okay. All right.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:39
So hold on one second. Harold Kazmir Christiansen, did you have something to say on that topic? Yeah, how are they doing this? I haven’t been to the movies yet. But I hope to go soon. Are they just sitting six feet apart? You know, leaving two seats between them? We could do that. That would at least give us quite a few people.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:01
I’m not sure how they’re doing it, we can definitely look and see what they’re doing there. I don’t know.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:08
I work at my sister’s church. That’s what they do. They just try to sit six feet apart. But even if we did that, based on what I heard from the governor’s order, we still couldn’t do it, if we ask right now. And that’s.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:24
And that’s what we’re waiting to see what happens in May 16. on that level, clear in the masking, Lawrence’s because I also want to be clear, level clear. And where we can go is disconnected unless correct me if I’m wrong on this is disconnected from the masking orders. So we could theoretically move to level clear, but they’re still imposing some type of masking order honest. And so we have two different things that we’re watching in this process. It ends on June 4, and we may have more clarity there. But if it tends to work, like it’s been working, we won’t know until June 4
Unknown Speaker 1:07:10
was a you know, I thought counselor button.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:13
Um, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:15
This is we don’t know whether this will ever be a scheme that’s allowed or not. But I think it would be fine to have
Unknown Speaker 1:07:26
the people on the Dyess and speakers be unmasked and the audience behind mask except when they’re called up to speak, which, you know, would certainly be safer. It’s similar to what the governor does when he has his Vince.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:43
So if that turns out to be possible, then I think that that would be a good trigger for returning to the public.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:53
In the meantime, let’s keep doing zoom calls. Remember by referring, I have a question. So what would happen in the event that we have a big Hot Topic item where a lot of public want to be there? How would we be able to mitigate? And I mean, are we allowed them to say, Hey, we can’t have any more people and send people away? The other problem that are the other thing that comes to mind would be how would we manage people who are hanging out in overflow?
Unknown Speaker 1:08:24
So I think that’s the challenge and understanding what the mask, you know. So today, if we wanted to do it, we all would have to wear a mask in there. Because that’s a rule in public areas.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:33
We’re not sure what it’s going to look like on June 4. And that’s what we have to wait and see.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:39
Because I think that’s part of the challenge with this is you’ll see all of these formulas, and you really go How in the world can you operationalize these formulas.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:49
And I think that’s what people are struggling with.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:53
I think the direction you all gave us, though, would satisfy that because what you want to have is people and I want to make sure I’m saying it again, essentially an open forum, where people, you all can be there the community can be there people can be in mass, they can have the conversation. And if we’re not able to do that, then we’re gonna stay in the zoom format. So I think to your question is, the orders will be pretty open. And if you have those big issues,
Unknown Speaker 1:09:23
we would probably still be in a zoom format based on the direction I heard from counsel, because that masking order is going to dictate talent. When am I misunderstanding council direction on this?
Unknown Speaker 1:09:40
You got an error.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:43
All right. So
Unknown Speaker 1:09:45
what else do you have for the COVID update arrow? That is it
Unknown Speaker 1:09:49
until June 4. All right. So let’s go ahead and let’s go ahead and open it up for first call public invited to be heard. And let’s
Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
Go ahead in the meantime, john is not here. But Michelle, are you going to be meeting?
Unknown Speaker 1:10:05
Her? I think Sandy is going to step in. All right, Sandy, let’s go ahead and read the consent agenda. Consent Agenda, please.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:14
You got it, Mayor
Unknown Speaker 1:10:17
of nine a bills. Sorry, ordinance 2129. A bill for an ordinance authorizing the city of Longmont to lease the Real Property known as the band spraying Municipal Airport hangar parcel sh 90 the premises to Western airport development, LLC, public hearing and second reading scheduled for May 25 2021.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:38
Resolution 2021 48 a resolution of the Longmont city council authorizing loans from the fund balance of the city’s fleet fund to the DDA construction, and DDA arts and entertainment fund providing for the repayment of loans from the DDA Tax Increment Income Fund.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:55
item nine see resolution 2029 49. a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city of Longmont and the Colorado Department of Transportation for state funding for State Highway 118. And sunset street intersection improvements.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:12
item nine D resolution 2021 50. a resolution of the Longmont city council approving intergovernmental agreement between the city of Longmont and Boulder County concerning asphalt chip seal on North 75th Street and 90 resolution 2021 51. a resolution of the Longmont city council approving an intergovernmental agreement between the city and the division between the city and the city of Colorado Springs for an internet crimes against children program grants offered through the US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Justice, juvenile and delinquency programs. And I believe that none of these items need to be formed by the staff.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:57
Try Okay, there we go. Does anyone want to pull anything?
Unknown Speaker 1:12:01
All right, then what we’re going to do is we’re going to go ahead, it’s been two here. It’s been one minute and 45 seconds. So let’s go ahead do have anybody in the in the queue yet.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:12
Mayor, we have two callers. So let’s go ahead and keep the line open for another three minutes during the the first call that’ll put us well beyond five minutes and and then we can close it off. Okay. Sounds good. So mayor, the first caller, I’m going to ask to unmute your phone number. And in 643, color 643. I’m going to ask you to unmute
Unknown Speaker 1:12:49
caller 643 Are you there? try hitting star six on your device that might help.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:01
Nice should call.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:03
Hi, we can hear.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:05
Okay, I am here for a proclamation. This is Diane grace.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:10
So I don’t know when I should call in for that.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:16
This is the public invited to be heard opportunity. Sandy, are we aware of a proclamation
Unknown Speaker 1:13:25
is Councilwoman Christiansen
Unknown Speaker 1:13:29
Oh, I believe that that’s on the agenda for next week. Oh, I’m so sorry. It is on the agenda for the 18th is the plan. Great. Then Nevermind. Thank you. Sorry, evening. We’ll see you next week. So call in during public to be heard.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:47
So we’ll make sure that we set up some time with Yeah, yeah. So so you’re getting so Councillor Christiansen This person will be receiving the Proclamation. Right.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:58
Okay, so so next week, just call in and we’ll put you on the agenda at the beginning of the meeting. You can just kind of wait.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:06
Now that would be best we don’t miss you will have to reach out to her unless she’s still listening.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:13
Okay, well, customer Christian said if you could just make sure we we get in contact with that person. That’d be great.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:19
Yes, you’ll need your muted created. Paul, you’re muted. We can’t hear anything you’re saying. Sorry.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:34
Okay, yeah, it’s different on my.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:39
Anyway, I’ll take care of it. Yes. Thanks. Okay. Thank you. Alright, we’ll go on to the next caller. Then. The next caller is your phone number ends in 659. I’m going to ask you to unmute 659
Unknown Speaker 1:14:57
Are you there? 659
Unknown Speaker 1:15:06
Please make sure that you’re listening to us through your your telephone and not the live stream because there is a delay. So in a few seconds, you’re probably going to hear my instructions.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:20
Call her 659. Can you hit star six and unmute?
Unknown Speaker 1:15:42
caller 659.
Unknown Speaker 1:15:45
Are you there?
Unknown Speaker 1:16:04
Mary, either they’re unable to unmute, or they
Unknown Speaker 1:16:08
don’t want to speak. I’m not sure. Is there anybody else in the queue? No, sir. There’s not. We only had two callers. The first one as you know. Yep. And they just hung up the second caller. So all right, then let’s go ahead and close out public invited to be heard and, and we’ll move on. Very good. Okay. Let’s move on to the consent agenda. Do we have a motion for the consent agenda? I move approval of the consent agenda. Second, all right. Consent Agenda has been moved by Dr. waters and seconded by Councilman Martin. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. Aye.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:46
Opposed say nay.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:49
All right, we’re gonna I think Councilmember Peck said I that true, Councilmember back. Right. So the motion carries the consent agenda as passed unanimously.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:58
All right. Let’s go on to ordinances and second reading and public hearings on
Unknown Speaker 1:17:04
on the matters we have on the agenda tonight. Let’s go ahead, actually take a break for three minutes and then allow people to call in should they want to speak at any of the public hearings pertaining to item 10 a 10 B. Or in other words, ordinances 2021 dash 27 an ordinance 2021 28. So we’ll be back in three
Unknown Speaker 1:22:14
All right, that was about four and a half minutes
Unknown Speaker 1:22:21
and Mayor will give the livestream just a few seconds to get caught up right and we do have one caller
Unknown Speaker 1:22:41
all right looks like our live stream is
Unknown Speaker 1:22:44
has dropped the call and slide and I can go ahead and make it live and we will still wait for council members though fairing and I’m gonna grab a cinnamon bear. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:13
Alright, let’s go ahead and move on to ordinance 10 at ordinance 2021 to bill for an ordinance authorizing a farmland lease agreement between the city Walmart and Ellen sea wall the tenant on the Adrian open space property.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:26
There is not a staff report. Councillor Christiansen
Unknown Speaker 1:23:39
while you’re muted, we can’t hear you.
Unknown Speaker 1:23:49
Unknown Speaker 1:23:52
reading through this packet, I would like to try with these attention to the fact that on page three
Unknown Speaker 1:23:59
and establishing the boundaries of any F
Unknown Speaker 1:24:03
in establishing the boundaries of any area proposed to be annexed if a portion of a planet street or alley is annexed, the entire width of said street or alley shall be included within the area annexed. So that means that not only if we annex this thing is a piece of property, we would also border
Unknown Speaker 1:24:26
all the time out. There’s a point
Unknown Speaker 1:24:29
there’s a point of order muted but it’s not. Can you hear me? I can hear you. Okay. I know where you’re going with this Mayor Pro Tem. I just like to point out that we are not talking about the annexation proposal at this time. Right. We are on a bill for door. Yeah, we are currently on a bill for an ordinance authorizing a farmland lease. Not normalization. Oh, you’re right. You’re right. I’m getting ahead of myself. All right. All right. Anybody else want to make comments on the farmland lease. Alright, let’s go ahead and open it up.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:00
public hearing.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:01
All right. We have one caller, your phone number ends in 659. I’d like to ask you to unmute and let us know if you want to speak on this item. I’m asking you to unmute now. Are you there?
Unknown Speaker 1:25:14
Yes. Can you hear me? We can, would you please go ahead and write your name and address for the record? And you have my name is Ben Bishop 1763 Montgomery circle I couldn’t get on earlier during public comment. And I think it’s too late for that. So I should drop the line. I think I was the one that couldn’t get through that. Well, we will. Yeah, we right now we don’t i don’t allow people to talk off topic on this only because then everyone. But if you could call back in I don’t know. I don’t think this leading meetings gonna be that long. If you want to stick around and call we’re going to have a second public invited to be heard. So can you call that and Thank you. All right. Thank you, sir. Yep. Thanks.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:54
All right. We’re gonna go ahead and close public the public hearing. And can we have a motion?
Unknown Speaker 1:26:01
Move approval of ordinance 2021. Dash 27.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:06
I’ll second it. All right. The motion is to pass on its 2021 dash 27. On second reading all in favor say aye. Aye. Aye ay. Ay ay ay ay.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:16
Alright, the Motion carries unanimously. Is there anybody else in the line? It was the only was that the only color? Yes, Mayor. That was the only colors there’s no one else here. Okay, so ordinance 2021 2810. Be a bill for an ordinance approving an amendment to the Vance brown Municipal Airport, hangar parcel each desk 41. lease.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:35
There’s no staff report. We’ll go ahead and open it for public hearing. There’s nobody on the line. So we’ll close it. We have a motion
Unknown Speaker 1:26:44
of adoption.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:47
Second, all right. It’s been moved by Councilmember Martin Martin and seconded by Councilmember Naugle fairing was that that was
Unknown Speaker 1:26:55
right. All in favor of ordinance 2021 dash 28. say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:03
ordinance 24. That’s 28 is adopted and passed unanimously. All right. There’s nothing that we remove from the consent agenda. Let’s move on to general business, which is I believe, Counselor Christiansen, how we’ll have some questions, which will be 12 A and annexation referral regarding 150 Francis Street. There is a presentation we’re going to turn it over to Aaron fosdick.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:27
Hello, Aaron. Hello, good evening. Mayor Bagley members of council actually do not have a presentation tonight. You’ve gone through my other annexation referrals so quickly. I did not prepare a presentation. But I will address Councilmember Christensen’s question and I can certainly provide an overview of this item if council desires. This is a pretty straightforward referral of an annexation of 150. Francis.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:51
In looking at the notes that public work, Public Works provided the applicant when they held a pre application meeting, the applicant will be required to annex Francis street in the existing alley fronting the East property boundary from the southern property line to spruce. So should council refer this property through the annexation on to the full annexation process, we would be asking them to annex all of that that right of way.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:18
And I’d be happy again, if you’d like me to go through this. I’d be happy to I’d be happy to answer any questions that counsel may have. We also have the applicants on the line of counsel has questions for the applicants. Does anyone have any Will you need a motion on this?
Unknown Speaker 1:28:34
Yes. Okay. So do we have any questions? If not, we have Councilmember Christiansen.
Unknown Speaker 1:28:44
Okay, so
Unknown Speaker 1:28:48
we I realized that this is just to make sure that it is open to be being annexed. We’re not voting on the annexation. But the truth is that once it goes into this, it never goes back. It is always annexed and we are turning it into automatically. It is automatically going from suburban residential to mixed use. This is on a small, dusty little dirt road down the street from me.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:18
And I’ve talked to all these people for the last 30 years. I don’t think anybody else on this road actually wants to be annexed. And yes, they have the opportunity to be heard at a neighborhood meeting if they get the notice, but they probably won’t get the notice and if they do, they will just sort of
Unknown Speaker 1:29:37
they will accept defeat, which is what we usually do.
Unknown Speaker 1:29:45
This has one exit and one entrance. It is not at all suited for being turned into mixed use. It also was completely underwater. Maybe FEMA thinks that it will not be underwater next time there’s a flood
Unknown Speaker 1:30:00
They will, they will be underwater. This is a man who lives in New York. He does not live on this property. This is an investment property for him.
Unknown Speaker 1:30:10
And he’s interested in working with the adjacent large landowner, which has been working on his property for the last 10 years and has not broken ground. I am not voting for this because I don’t see that it in that it enhances that neighborhood. I don’t see that the possibility of turn turning it into a multiplex down a small little road that only has one entrance and exit is an advantage. I think that’s a very dangerous proposition. I’m not voting for it. That’s all I’m saying.
Unknown Speaker 1:30:51
Right, I guess I guess it’s just remark. Yeah, I’d like to ask the applicants why they want to be annexed.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:00
Tanya and Mark, are you on the line? If you you should be able to. Hi, Mark. Hi.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:09
Well, we were we want to be annexed into the city.
Unknown Speaker 1:31:14
For two reasons. One, that the the proposed development that was going to be happening in north east of us, that was mentioned by the Council woman, that they’re going to be developing that property, and that the sewer is going to be coming down our our
Unknown Speaker 1:31:37
property line, and then we’d be able to get off our septic and get into that sewer line. We are not planning to develop this property. That was never part of our proposal. Our proposal is to get more environmental in terms of getting off the septic we’re surrounded by people who have homes that are on sewer. And that’s that’s our main reason. You know, it really is we have no plans to develop this property.
Unknown Speaker 1:32:08
And I should add, Thank you, Mark. I should add just for counsels information that the concept plan. Obviously we would review this in detail, if counsel refers this through to the annexation application process, but the concept plan submitted by the applicant, as Mark noted, does not include development. The zoning that’s requested is residential mixed neighborhood and that is in alignment with the Envision Longmont multimodal and comprehensive plan which is why they’re requesting not zoning because we would require them to request that zoning. Certainly if development were to occur at a later date if a concept plan was approved, that didn’t show development that would need to come back through counseling. Obviously these are multiple steps down the road assuming this referral is this property is referred the property is then annexed a concept plan amendment to allowed development would also need to occur because the one that they’ve submitted as part of this referral does not show any development as the applicant noted. So I just want to make make that clear. And as Councilmember Christiansen noted, annexation is a major development application. So prior to them submitting an application, assuming counsel refers it again, we would host a neighborhood meeting, we would notice all property owners within 1000 feet of this property
Unknown Speaker 1:33:27
and post the property.
Unknown Speaker 1:33:31
All right. Can we have a motion? Regarding controvert? back? I’m sorry, did not see that big yellow hand. Yes. Thank you. Actually, I have another question. In the letter from Mr. Wagner. In our packet, it stated that the Spalding Peter Spalding wanted to go through his property, which is the reason for part of the annexation to her to the sewer. So my question to staff, is there another route that the Spalding Peter Spaulding could take other than going through the Wagner’s property to hook up to the sewer for his development?
Unknown Speaker 1:34:10
Is there another path? Councilmember Pac, I have not evaluated that and I’m not certain that there’s anyone from public works that worked on that project that could evaluate that.
Unknown Speaker 1:34:22
So we would have to get back to you on that it’s not necessarily critical that a property be annexed in order for them to grant an easement. But certainly, as the applicant noted, it does provide an opportunity for them to hook into long months wastewater system, which is one of the goals, and I’m sorry, one of the policies identified in our comprehensive plan eliminating septic systems within our planning area. So there may be another alternative. I’m not certain of that. I can certainly see if there’s someone from public works that worked on the bond foreign property project that could answer
Unknown Speaker 1:35:00
But what we may need to get back to you on that. Okay, I thank you, Aaron. It just seemed to me that when I read the letter that
Unknown Speaker 1:35:11
that this was a joint conversation in order to facilitate the bond farm, so I won’t be voting for this until I see if there is another path for that sewer line for bonfanti. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:35:26
Councilmember waters, gonna move. Approve, I guess the proper motion is I move that we refer this for further consideration.
Unknown Speaker 1:35:38
And for it to come back to us at the appropriate time. Second,
Unknown Speaker 1:35:43
it’s been moved by Councilmember waters. And Councilmember Martin. I guess my only thought is, the one thing that comes to mind is we there’s a tension here, I always see between
Unknown Speaker 1:35:56
no growth and wanting affordable housing. And I think that just whenever an annexation comes up, you know, the default Should I mean, we have a Longmont area comprehensive plan. And as law that’s been adopted by this council, and moving forward in alignment with that concept, I don’t have a problem with it. So I write and especially when we’re just referring 150 friends of street for for referral for annexation. So I’m there’s motion on the table. Let’s go ahead and vote. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. Nay. All right, motion carries five to two with Councilman perspec and council members, council members packing Christiansen opposed. All right, thank you very much. Now minors and we’ll see what happens.
Unknown Speaker 1:36:42
Alright. 12 b airport advisory boards 2020. Annual airport report, Mr. Slater?
Unknown Speaker 1:36:50
mayor, Mayor Pro Tem and council members David Slater airport manager. Also with us tonight is
Unknown Speaker 1:36:59
your airport Advisory Board Chair, Mr. Harrison Earl.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:03
He may have some additions once a kind of go through this and also here to answer questions with regard to the report and any other questions regarding the airport advisory board.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:16
You have the full report in your packet. But I just wanted to go through some of the items and just highlighted I know there’s a couple of other items still on the agenda tonight.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:29
So we didn’t make a formal PowerPoint presentation.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:33
But we did have five goals in 2020. The first thing is to provide community service and border protection. And under that category was in response to the camera peak wildfire. There were a couple of council members that had asked me if we had provided
Unknown Speaker 1:37:52
any kind of response.
Unknown Speaker 1:37:55
We were the staging operation. Initially for building spying service out of Billings, Montana. They have a ch 47, which is a civilian version of the military Chinook helicopter is a twin rotor helicopter.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:10
And they staged out of here during the initial
Unknown Speaker 1:38:14
stages of fighting the Cameron peak wildfire. The second goal was to continue developing partnerships with surrounding public agencies.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:25
Every year we work with the National Guard, Boulder County along fire departments and the wildfire training exercises. This actually came a little bit before Billings Flying Service showed up but they did have several Blackhawk helicopters, some Lakota helicopters and Shinola helicopters as well.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:50
And it it just helps them prepare for when they do have to go out and actually train the fire.
Unknown Speaker 1:38:57
Go out and fight the fires the wildland fires. So we’re happy to be in partnership with with those agencies and protecting our community.
Unknown Speaker 1:39:09
Our third goal was to attract additional airport use and development.
Unknown Speaker 1:39:13
During 2020. We had some responses to some requests for proposals for land development. For hangars, we actually developed eight hangars total.
Unknown Speaker 1:39:26
Seven of the eight were for private aircraft storage and the eighth one will be used for aircraft as an aircraft maintenance facility
Unknown Speaker 1:39:36
which will bring
Unknown Speaker 1:39:38
four to five jobs. Once they move in. They are just working on their final
Unknown Speaker 1:39:46
certificate of occupancy at this time.
Unknown Speaker 1:39:51
Our fourth goal was to maintain the airport in a safe and efficient operating environment. Really important tech ditch cross the runway safety area on the west
Unknown Speaker 1:40:00
to the airport, the FAA provided a 100%. Grant the they typically do 90% or 10% 5% is matched by the airport fund and 5% by the state in the normal environment. But because of the cares Act, the FAA issued the full 100% grant to relocate the Peck ditch outside the runway safety area for a safer operating environment.
Unknown Speaker 1:40:26
And our fifth goal was to increase revenue generation for the airport to be
Unknown Speaker 1:40:33
self sustaining as possible.
Unknown Speaker 1:40:35
So those eight new leases
Unknown Speaker 1:40:40
brought right at $20,000 additional to the airport fund that we weren’t getting before. And another additional increase of about 20 $100 for the CPI, or consumer price index increases the existing leases for a total of $80,000.
Unknown Speaker 1:40:59
For Tony, Tony’s increase in revenue,
Unknown Speaker 1:41:04
we also received an additional grant
Unknown Speaker 1:41:09
from the FAA under the cares act for 69,000.
Unknown Speaker 1:41:14
Due to things slowing down the first part of the year, and to mid year, to help with operations and
Unknown Speaker 1:41:23
at the cost of maintaining the airport operating the airport. And so we did get another 69,000 on top of that 26,000 we saved
Unknown Speaker 1:41:35
in the runway safety area project.
Unknown Speaker 1:41:38
Ultimately, we really realized approximately $95,000 savings, or
Unknown Speaker 1:41:45
increase in the airport fund.
Unknown Speaker 1:41:50
Moving on to some of the other activities at the airport that we think’s really important is how the flying community gets back out here. There’s 11 pilots locally here that participate in pilots and pause. And they fly to different locations to help relocate and rescue animals.
Unknown Speaker 1:42:14
There’s a father son team that in 2020, made numerous flights and in total rescued a total of 56 dogs and 11 cats from Texas and Oklahoma. And their largest load in one hole so far is about 15 puppies.
Unknown Speaker 1:42:33
We think that it’s been really great having our local community involved and things like that.
Unknown Speaker 1:42:42
And then arrow angel
Unknown Speaker 1:42:45
is an organization that gives gives hope to families that or have children that can’t typically travel on commercial airlines because of what they’re going through. Whether it’s a weakened immune system,
Unknown Speaker 1:43:02
cancer treatments, things like that. We have a local businessman, Mr. delk attaches that owns foenum 300. And his manager and pilot Mr. Wade tag who is vital to his operation, and both just really great guys and very giving giving people
Unknown Speaker 1:43:22
they’ll donated his aircraft and Mr. Tag donated his time to fly. And in 2020, they left long lat with a patient went to California and then traveled back to the east coast on another trip from California before coming back to Longmont, as well. And some of those articles were covered once in the Longmont leader and another one in actual flying magazine. So we thought that that was very noteworthy.
Unknown Speaker 1:43:57
Some of the other organizations are like Hawk conservation flying
Unknown Speaker 1:44:02
and Angel Flight West, who has a similar mission to Aero Angel, but they aren’t focused just on kids.
Unknown Speaker 1:44:13
And then, of course, search and rescue and things like this done by the Boulder County Sheriff, they use some of the helicopter pilots that are based here on the airport, as well
Unknown Speaker 1:44:25
as the Civil Air Patrol.
Unknown Speaker 1:44:29
moving more into the data of the airport, we did see a decrease in operations, flight total flight operations
Unknown Speaker 1:44:38
due to the COVID pandemic.
Unknown Speaker 1:44:41
Typically we’re above 80,000 over the past year or two, and we did dip down to about 66,000 total operations this year. And of course, that hurt, hurt our fuel flow edge. Those are some of the things that the FAA grant help help cover the cost on is because we did see a loss of revenue
Unknown Speaker 1:45:00
fuel flow and fees
Unknown Speaker 1:45:06
are total airport revenue and 2020 was
Unknown Speaker 1:45:11
$521,216. And total airport expenses of 316 370. That did not include the grant numbers that I mentioned to you before the FAA grant amount was for 545,000. In addition to that $69,000 Cures Act.
Unknown Speaker 1:45:31
And then finally, just touching on the noise abatement review and noise complaint data, we actually decrease the total number of complaints
Unknown Speaker 1:45:43
by 16, from the previous year. So we, we had a total of 77 complaints this year, which 16 less than last year, even though the number of people complaint went up about 10 people
Unknown Speaker 1:45:57
have that. Typically, the majority of the complaints had been over skydiving, but we noticed in 2020, that it was almost half and half.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:09
Most of it was skydiving, but not by my general aviation increased significantly. And in looking at it, and based off of the review that I did, most of it seem to be because during the COVID pandemic, most people were back at home or working from home. And of course, the majority of the complaints that we did receive, or a significant amount of them were from near the airport, either under the airport traffic pattern or close to it.
Unknown Speaker 1:46:44
So we, we had a total of 77 complaints by 34 people
Unknown Speaker 1:46:51
for 2020. And this point, just open it up to any questions anybody has and also reminds you to Mr. Earl is here from the airport advisory board to represent the board.
Unknown Speaker 1:47:05
Alright, let’s see any I’m going to go ahead and say thank you for the report. And Councillor waters.
Unknown Speaker 1:47:12
I was I wasn’t thinking I thought there might be a number of questions from council members. Go ahead. Um,
Unknown Speaker 1:47:20
I first of all, I appreciate the report. I appreciate that the
Unknown Speaker 1:47:25
the the level of commitment of our of our volunteers and the on the advisory board. But I’m also mindful of lldp Longmont Economic Development Partnership with their initiatives. One of their major, I guess focus areas is connectivity. In the in under the banner of connectivity in the context of Longmont
Unknown Speaker 1:47:49
economic development 2.0 there is serious work being done by some folks who who bring a fair amount of expertise to what an overall connectivity plan for long might look like. I know that there is interest in that work in in in our airport as part of a connectivity plan Regional Transportation solution. And it seems to me that if part of what, you know, we reviewed the Longmont Economic Development
Unknown Speaker 1:48:22
Partnership, we saw the we heard the report from just in the last meeting.
Unknown Speaker 1:48:29
If If you look at the deliverables that were obligated to lldp alignment of our goals, with their goals, becomes critical to their success, as well as the city success. And I don’t know that this is a motion, I’m happy to make it. It’s more of a suggestion. And I’d be curious how others think
Unknown Speaker 1:48:51
that I it seems to me, we’re gonna miss an opportunity, a huge opportunity, if we don’t make certain that our library advisory board and David are tightly connected with what’s happening with that connectivity plan. I know Councilmember Martin is involved with that with Councilmember Peck as the liaison, it seems to me that this list of goals and I am David I, I won’t comment on the goals for me if I was going to look at goals, I’d want to see something a little more a little different than what I see in this report. But I’m not going to pick on that. It seems to me that whatever we see next year, ought to be aligned with this bigger community initiative in our airport as part of a regional transportation solution, economic development initiative. And I have to say, I think much of the interest there is the vision there is really about our airport as kind of the vanguard leading edge of where the western states of green aviation research, development and manufacturing and all that comes with that. And I surely would like to see a year from now. This progress report reflect not only what
Unknown Speaker 1:50:00
What we’re doing with our airport but in the context of this larger, broader, robust initiative occurring under LDP as an economic development initiative. Yes, sir.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:16
Councillor Martin?
Unknown Speaker 1:50:19
Thank you, Mayor Bagley. I have two small questions for Mr. Slater. And then one for Mr. Earl.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:28
Unknown Speaker 1:50:31
David D. What is the total acreage for Vance brown Municipal Airport? Roughly?
Unknown Speaker 1:50:40
You’ve caught me off guard.
Unknown Speaker 1:50:43
Councilmember Martin,
Unknown Speaker 1:50:45
want to say it is around 270 acres, but I’ll have to double check to make sure I’m not giving you bad information. Okay. And I I didn’t need a precise number. I needed a ballpark. So that’s, that’s probably fine. I will observe that is that we’re seeing a a staggering increase in land prices in in Longmont in general, you know, mostly residential with low land prices.
Unknown Speaker 1:51:17
Unknown Speaker 1:51:20
you know, the the question that we need to lead on leading to is, is for that much acreage, in in kind of a landlocked city plan?
Unknown Speaker 1:51:35
Is is half a million dollars an appropriate amount of revenue to be associated with that land? Does it seem to you that maybe we should, we should be looking to expand the amount of revenue that the airport enterprise brings in?
Unknown Speaker 1:51:56
Mayor Bagley, Councilmember Martin Yes, I think at this point, that’s a fairly generous revenue stream is depends on what you’re comparing it to keeping in mind that most of that is North Side development. What I mean by that north of the runway, you still have a significant amount of property on the south side, that we’re looking to develop and
Unknown Speaker 1:52:26
utilize that property to generate a significant amount more.
Unknown Speaker 1:52:33
And also that total acreage, you’re you’re looking at unreasonable areas such as the runway and the taxiway infrastructure. So for the amount that is least I believe that it’s a fair amount.
Unknown Speaker 1:52:47
But it’s, it’s definitely something that we can look into as far as doing a
Unknown Speaker 1:52:55
little research on what the surrounding Front Range airports are, or getting their fair market value and their demand. This is what this is what I always tell the Platte River Power Authority. We don’t want to be equivalent, we want to lead.
Unknown Speaker 1:53:11
Unknown Speaker 1:53:14
yeah, it may be a fair amount of revenue in terms expressed in terms of hangar leases. But
Unknown Speaker 1:53:21
Mr. City Manager, would you like to chime in there? Yeah, I think I think when you look at we’ve talked about this with council before, when you look at an airport, and you look at the broader what you want to accomplish out of that, obviously, because of the grant assurances that we have, we have to do everything we can to maximize the revenue we have at the airport. And so we have talked about really the available land that’s on the south side, south side of the runway in that open area, is the land that we really have available to develop to generate additional revenue for the airport. And, and we’ve talked through that. So I think what David was saying is if if we’re going to maximize it, that’s one spot to maximize it, because it’s and that’s where we took the to kind of close the loop. That’s where we did the work on the infrastructure master plan, and working on the rates to start getting that infrastructure in the area. So it it is more developable property. So yes, there. And then I think, as we look at the north side, we’ve often talked about the infrastructure we have in place the cleanup that we need to do in that area in order to make it more developable as well, and really, you know, take advantage of what we have.
Unknown Speaker 1:54:34
And then we’ve we’ve also talked a little bit about the unique opportunity at that airport in terms of the property that is just to the south of it. That’s owned by a private company, but does present some opportunities in terms of through the fence access that is unique, when you see airports and so
Unknown Speaker 1:54:53
so yes, I think as we look to the future and we want to do more, I know council members have said how can we get additional staff and how can
Unknown Speaker 1:55:00
Can we do more, you know, to assist David in this, it really is about increasing revenue in that enterprise fund. And so to answer your question, yes, we definitely need to do more, so that we can increase the revenue and in in in, you know, continue to make that a viable location and look at different opportunities as they present themselves.
Unknown Speaker 1:55:20
Thank you. Um, and I would, I just would like to, you know, point out that there are sort of sort of more more revenue dense kind of developments in building more hangars.
Unknown Speaker 1:55:33
And we need to be looking at those.
Unknown Speaker 1:55:37
for Mr. Earl, I’d like to ask on behalf of yourself and the board, do you? Do you have any interest in sustainable aviation?
Unknown Speaker 1:55:48
Thank you, Councilmember Martin, good evening, Council and Mayor. You know, I think I can speak for my own particular opinion. I don’t want to represent that of the board without having been on the agenda. But absolutely, I think, you know, worst looking at any valuable development, particularly for aeronautical purposes at the airport, both to increase the utility of the airport and to drive additional revenue, and would absolutely love for the Vance brand airport to be on the vanguard of kind of that new sustainable green aviation, where it makes sense with those other goals.
Unknown Speaker 1:56:22
I certainly agree with you. Thank you. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:56:28
For waters.
Unknown Speaker 1:56:30
Katherine Patrick had her panned up, I’ll follow her. I did Sorry, I got I said to use the I told polity use the orange chant or the yellow hand. But I’m still not looking for it. But Councilmember pack. Go ahead. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, council minute. Councilman waters.
Unknown Speaker 1:56:50
David, I have a question for you. Um, I have seen this what we refer to as the beachfront property that is there for development. On we’ve seen that several times, actually on Council of what it what can be developed. And a couple years ago, you and I had discussions about that infrastructure that needs to go in for the development. And I was hoping it would be a year earlier than it was. So I’m, what I’m wondering is, would it be possible to bring the advisory board up to date on what what the city sees? Bring that PowerPoint, showing our new board really these some of these new members?
Unknown Speaker 1:57:36
what we have for development, what our land looks like, what where the infrastructure is going.
Unknown Speaker 1:57:43
So that everybody is really on the same page, when we talk about development and what land is actually available? Do you think we could have that on an agenda for the advisory board? Mayor Bagley, council member pack? Absolutely. Don’t have it for this meeting. However, if that’s something that can put together between now and Thursday, then then maybe the the board can do an amendment to their agenda so that we can take a look at that for May.
Unknown Speaker 1:58:17
for June, the sooner the better. Okay. Thank you for considering
Unknown Speaker 1:58:24
us my waters. Yeah. So Councilmember Martin’s question about revenue generation. For me, I just want to say, what would be helpful for me or meaningful for me, I see a goal to increase revenue generation. So I would look for a goal what’s and I don’t know if revenues per acre is the right metric. But I don’t know what a better metric would be. It’d be interesting to me, David, and I don’t know about any other council member, but a goal that would state something like the goal is to generate X dollars per acre, if that’s the right metric. And over the next three years, we’re going to increase that by X percent, to you know, some number per acre. And here’s how it compares to the, to the best, the two best in class 10 airports, serving municipalities of comparable size, here’s how it compares, right?
Unknown Speaker 1:59:18
No one aspires to be average, we’d like to be as Councilmember Martin suggested best in class. But that would be a meaningful goal, right? It’s measurable, it could be time bound, and it would be meaningful. And if it’s not, revenues per acre, give you a better metric. But that’s the kind of goal that I’d like to see. And, you know, I could do the same thing with these other goals. And I think that’s the kind of metric that would be useful in this broader context of economic development and what we expect led Pete to do for us, and what we expect to do with them on behalf of the community.
Unknown Speaker 1:59:54
All right, before I make the motion to accept the report, do we have any other questions or comments?
Unknown Speaker 1:59:59
All right.
Unknown Speaker 2:00:00
That I offer our thanks on behalf Council. And I’m going to move that we actually accept the report as presented. Second. All right, all in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, the report is accepted unanimously. Thank you, Chairman Earl. And thank you, airport manager, Slater. We appreciate your time tonight. All right, let’s go on to 12 c sustainability plan and climate change update. We have a presentation by the famous Lisa Knobloch.
Unknown Speaker 2:00:29
I believe Thank you so much. Yes. So, Susan, can you pull up the presentation for me, please?
Unknown Speaker 2:00:37
Unknown Speaker 2:00:40
All right.
Unknown Speaker 2:00:42
So Mayor Bagley and members of council and Lisa Knobloch sustainability Program Manager with public works and natural resources. And I’ll be providing an update on sustainability and climate action work for you all tonight. Next slide, please.
Unknown Speaker 2:00:56
Unknown Speaker 2:00:58
We lose the slides. I’m not seeing them anymore. Sorry, it didn’t. It didn’t like going into full screen mode for some reason. So give me just a minute. Okay. Start this over.
Unknown Speaker 2:01:20
No. All right. So you can move it to the next slide, please, Susan.
Unknown Speaker 2:01:25
Thank you. So I’ll be doing an overview of the sustainability and climate action goals and how they overlap and support one another. And then we’ll go through where we’re at to date with our metrics and progress underway. I’ll be focusing mostly on climate action, but I will be highlighting some supporting work as well. And I have quite a bit to get through. So it just requested if possible, if you could hold questions till the end, that would be really helpful. Next slide.
Unknown Speaker 2:01:52
So just as a reminder of the sustainability plan has 10 topic areas which you can see listed here, each of which has objectives, targets, strategies, and timelines, all of which align with and support the guiding principles, goals and policies of envision long month, as approved in 2016, and updated in 2018, to include targets and strategies from the greenhouse gas report, which I’ll touch on a little bit shortly. And in 2020, the Climate Action Task Force and just transition plan committee developed recommendations in the six topic areas that you see in blue, many of which were overlapping with the sustainability plan, and contain goals and targets that support and expand those within the sustainability plan with equity based recommendations to be applied to climate action. Next slide.
Unknown Speaker 2:02:37
This slide just highlights the objectives and strategies that were identified in the greenhouse gas reduction report. And the stars indicate where climate action recommendations overlap with previously identified greenhouse gas strategies. So you can see in some code areas benchmarking energy efficiencies, smart grids, EBS, and multimodal transportation. Next slide, please.
Unknown Speaker 2:03:02
I wanted to review our emissions and establish climate action goals. So we talked about where we’re at and where we want to go. And our first greenhouse gas inventory was done in 2017. With 2016 data and identified our three primary sources for emissions, this chart is reflecting is updated to reflect 2019 data. And you can see those primary sources in the inner circle there. So the bulk of which is electricity, the dark blue shows are delivered electricity. And the orange section shows our additional equity share or long lunch share of PRP is additional energy. The outer circle shows the breakdown of sectors that make up those emissions. So you can see largely, our emissions are in in energy use in buildings, as well as on our transportation with gasoline powered vehicles.
Unknown Speaker 2:03:52
And next slide please.
Unknown Speaker 2:03:57
In December, a council approved the proposed implementation timeline that staff put together based on our evaluation of the 27 recommendations, and identified 12 recommendations for near term implementation, which is the 2021 and 2022 timeframe, and those are listed on the left. And earlier this year, we met with needs of all the near term recommendations to identify implementation timelines, metrics, budget needs, and the application of the equity checklist. And there’s work underway in the majority of these recommendations, and I’ll detail those later. Next slide please.
Unknown Speaker 2:04:32
The greenhouse gas report identified 11 strategies which I showed in a previous slide that had both greenhouse gas reduction potential as well as significant community co benefits, such as improved public health and utility affordability. And then those strategies were modeled to determine an ambitious but achievable greenhouse gas reduction target, which was the direction from council at the time. And those targets were as we talked about before the 66% reduction by 2030 and 16.
Unknown Speaker 2:05:00
percent by 2050. The bulk of which is that transition to 100%. Renewable by 2030. That’s why you see a pretty big drop at that point in time. This does also include projected increase in emissions based on population growth. It does not include electrification, as I mentioned to you before, there wasn’t a lot of support for the for that at the time. However, we’ve done some initial modeling that we’ve actually shown included here in the hash mark section at the bottom.
Unknown Speaker 2:05:28
That that could, that shows that we could increase our reductions by an additional 5% or so. So by 2030, if all new buildings were all electric, and we were able to retrofit 25% of our existing buildings, and an additional 15 ish person, by 2050, if we were able to retrofit the remaining 75% of existing buildings. This is just for reference. It’s a it’s a rough estimate. But just to give you a sense of the impact in the natural gas area, we anticipate more detailed information to come from the electric electrification plan that’s underway. The Climate Action Task Force identified recommendations that support our ability to meet these overarching goals. And I’ll get into those details in the coming slides. Next slide, please.
Unknown Speaker 2:06:18
So I just want to touch on the three primary sources to show our progress today. With regards to electricity, we have the overarching goal that I just talked about. And we have two primary objectives with regards to energy which is 1%, electric energy savings through efficiencies, so trying to reduce the amount of energy that we need overall, in the transition to 100%. Renewable by 2030. So as you can see, our emissions were doing pretty well on these metrics, our emissions are down about 8%. This is from 29 or 2019 inventory. That’s due to both activities as well as some changes in methodology. We’ve met our 1% electric energy savings goal, and I’ll talk a little bit more about that on the next slide. And our 2020 energy mix was about 43% renewable for delivered energy and 33%. For PRP is total energy mix. And based on prps most recent AARP as you all are probably familiar, we are on track to achieving 90% by renewable by 2030. With comparable rate increases. However, they have committed to two additional RFPs between now and 2030 to reevaluate our ability to be able to meet that 100% target. The Climate Action Task Force identified five additional recommendations the dark blue ones listed here are the near term recommendations, and the light blue ones are mentioned recommendations that will focus more on beginning in 2023.
Unknown Speaker 2:07:46
These are primarily tools and strategies that will be skillfully used together to reach our 100% by 2030 goal. The green arrows indicate progress in these areas. So you can see we’re on track to meeting our aim. Our aim my target butters work is underway. And even though the hems work is a midterm strategy, we’re currently working on a demonstration project with Habitat for Humanity.
Unknown Speaker 2:08:09
The taskforce also identified recommendations that support the efficiency target, but I’ll talk about that on the next slide. So you can go ahead and go to the next slide please.
Unknown Speaker 2:08:18
So as mentioned earlier, the natural gas emissions come primarily from commercial and residential buildings. The initial inventory noted the need to address electrification because it is a big chunk of our emissions but didn’t set specific targets recommendations for location. It did, however, focus a lot on energy efficiency, which we know helps to reduce emissions from natural gas as well as electricity. The sustainability plan also called for decreasing the utility cost burden through efficiency measures, although we didn’t set a specific target for them.
Unknown Speaker 2:08:49
As I mentioned that we did meet the 1% electric energy savings target and the task force called for increasing the efficiency existing efficiency target to 2%, along with a number of recommendations that support that target, which is focused primarily on expanding existing efficiency programs, but you can see a number of which listed here also included two recommendations directly supporting electrification, the electrification plan, which as I mentioned is underway, and incorporating electrification provisions into code updates. Again, the green arrows indicate progress in these recommendations. And you can see there’s a lot underway. The yellow arrows show that work is underway, but there are limitations largely due to resources and staff capacity. And a couple of things I want to highlight here, the low income Energy Efficiency Program, which is the care program, taskforce calls for setting a specific target of 400 homes per year by 2025. And that’s increasing from our current average of about 40 homes. So that’s a pretty significant increase. That program got hit pretty hard by COVID. So we’re kind of stuck in the status quo for 2021. We will likely need additional resources to
Unknown Speaker 2:10:00
to ramp up to achieve that goal in the building codes, we just got our code books pretty recently, and they’re underway with initial review. One component I want to note is that just by nature of adopting the most recent code cycle, which in and of itself this year is estimated to improve efficiency around 10%. In this upcoming code cycle, we may need to stagger the inclusion of additional provisions largely due to staff capacity. And as I mentioned, the electrification plan is underway, it’s set to be completed mid to late 2022. And it will likely make more sense to wait until that’s completed before including additional electrification provisions. In the building, folks will be circling back with council to discuss progress on this item. And so we’re really looking forward to the completion of the electrification plan to help identify the path forward and making significant greenhouse gas reductions in this area. Next slide, please.
Unknown Speaker 2:10:56
Transportation, we have targets of reducing 40% of our transportation emissions by 2030 and 100%. By 2050. We have two primary objectives to achieving this goal, which is increasing vehicle electrification and increasing mode share.
Unknown Speaker 2:11:12
We’re doing pretty well on the motor component, you can see our 2019 data here, although I will note that this took a pretty big hit in the wrong direction and 2020 due to COVID. So it’s going to take us some time to recover from that. And we have quite a ways to go in terms of vehicle electrification.
Unknown Speaker 2:11:30
taskforce identified four recommendations that you see here in the light blue, which were all identified as mid term for monitor over time strategies. However, we have a lot going on in the realm of transportation that support these goals which are highlighted in the green a wolf. We recently completed the transportation roadmap, which was presented to you last month. I do want to note that although that roadmap didn’t set forth new goals, what it did was help us to prioritize the many transportation based initiatives that have been identified through a lot of different plans and efforts to help us achieve our emissions reductions will in an equitable way that benefits our communities. So it really helped take all of those recommendations and distill them down and prioritize them so that we can meet this transportation emissions reduction goal. In addition, we are aligning our C IP request to ensure that our transportation infrastructure facilitates our ability to meet these goals as well. A couple of highlights there are Bus Rapid Transit infrastructure and bike and pedestrian improvements through some of the Boston Avenue projects and the Kauffman street busway improvements, system reliability and grid modernization, distributed energy resources, innovation and solutions, an Eevee charging infrastructure, which looks at both city fleet and strategic public stations. I know, Jimmy said and Phil Greenwald’s are planning to return to Council in the coming months to discuss the transportation of the future, and policy priorities in that area that will help further our missions reduction schools. Next slide, please.
Unknown Speaker 2:13:08
In addition, the taskforce identified recommendations in these three other areas that also support mitigation as well as adaptation, adaptation and resilience as a precursor to the public health plan that’s called for we are underway with a climate risk and vulnerability mapping project that’s supported by the Boulder County sustainability tax funds to help us identify areas and populations within our community that are at greater risk to climate impacts. There’s some complimentary work happening at the county with regards to that the composting recommendation will be incorporated into the waste diversion work that councils directed. And we’ll be bringing an update to you on that in the coming months. And we launched the climate lecture series as part of Earth week and I hope some of you were able to attend some of those events. It was a great week it was in collaboration with the museum, kg and you and sustainable resilient long line. And over the course of four days, the museum presented a series of four programs, each of which was dedicated to one of the four elements earth air, fire and water, and featured a diverse panel of experts. The series was live streamed, it’s still available for people to view and today the series has been viewed over 5000 times and counting which is pretty impressive. Next slide please.
Unknown Speaker 2:14:25
As we as we’ve discussed with y’all adjust transition plan committee is continuing to meet and has since changed their name to the equitable Climate Action Team and have identified actions they want to focus on in 2021. They co presented a special conversation on climate change and equity with the museum for the combination of the earth week events that I just mentioned. That program was offered in both English and Spanish and has since been viewed both 841 and 108 times respectively. we’re utilizing the equity checklists and discussion guide and the implementation of climate action recommendations.
Unknown Speaker 2:15:00
And we’re working with a collaborative countywide effort to share and support this work. Next slide, please.
Unknown Speaker 2:15:07
So in addition to direct climate action work, we have some supporting efforts that I want to highlight because they’re really fundamental to the equity component and the relationship and capacity building within the community that’s really integral to the success of our work. The Sustainable Business program continues to increase participation. And as recently launched the sustainability Ambassador effort in which to be Latino businesses provide leadership to pure businesses connecting them with resources and information and services in the neighborhood impact granting program in partnership with Community Services and the Longmont Community Foundation awarded $15,000 to community sustainability product projects.
Unknown Speaker 2:15:47
And we’ve secured over a million dollars in grant funds to support projects that advance sustainability goals including $500,000 for the carbon footprint reduction project at the city’s wastewater treatment plant.
Unknown Speaker 2:16:00
Next slide, please.
Unknown Speaker 2:16:02
In addition, we launched the Sol program, which you know, there was some questions about recently, and the Sol program is a partnership between sustainability and community and neighborhood resources to promote sustainability of the neighborhood resident resident presidential level. It’s a really unique approach to engage and empower residents as partners in achieving our broad sustainability goals. It was launched last summer but put on hold over the winter due to COVID and just recently resumed. We have initial goals in 2020 of doing 20 household visits, and the visit includes an assessment and installation of eco upgrades like LED lighting and Water Conservation fixtures. It also connects the household to qualifying city resources like the cares program, and provides sustainability tips, resources and education. We had to revise that goal to 10 households due to COVID. But we met that goal we did 11 households in 2020. We also trained for volunteer technicians, which are the folks that go into the homes to do the work. And this year already have trained five additional volunteers. So we have nine today, in 2021, we’ll be expanding the program across the city. We want to conduct more than 40 visits, and we already have 25 households currently on the waitlist for assessments. We’ll be recruiting additional bilingual volunteers and increasing our outreach for that program.
Unknown Speaker 2:17:23
And although it’s early to assess broader impacts of the program, or provide metrics really beyond program participation, we are establishing a protocol now to under to understand additional impacts such as utility bill savings, resource conservation and greenhouse gas impact as well as other quantitative metrics. A participant feedback so far has been extremely positive.
Unknown Speaker 2:17:46
Next slide, please.
Unknown Speaker 2:17:50
So a lot of this information is contained in the new progress reporting form format, which you received in your packet. This progress was reviewed by the sustainability advisory board at their March meeting. And overall, they were really pleased with the progress to date. And a reminder that you can always go to the Longmont indicators website to see progress on envision and sustainability metrics. It’s updated annually, although that’s somewhat dependent on data availability for some of those metrics. Next slide, please.
Unknown Speaker 2:18:19
So we’ll continue to bring you periodic updates on specific initiatives. And we’ll bring you a mid year report later this summer.
Unknown Speaker 2:18:28
Next slide, please.
Unknown Speaker 2:18:30
And I’ll open up to questions.
Unknown Speaker 2:18:42
Unknown Speaker 2:18:47
council member whose first customer back
Unknown Speaker 2:18:51
thank you very badly. You’re
Unknown Speaker 2:18:53
Lisa, thank you for this report. I do have a couple of things. I would like to ask, first of all, are you going after any of this huge budget from the federal government
Unknown Speaker 2:19:05
for some of this climate action?
Unknown Speaker 2:19:08
We have been in conversations and a lot of the folks so obviously, it’s not just that sustainability folks from LPC, folks from public works in natural resources. We are all in conversation about how we can be in alignment with regards to what we’re going after for federal stimulus funds and how they can support climate action work and working with Peter Gibbons on that, but we have not identified as yet any specific projects for funding.
Unknown Speaker 2:19:34
Um, with that in mind, you mentioned with several of your projects, that staffing is a problem. So perhaps getting funding for some of the projects you want to move along for staffing would be a good idea. And I’m wondering, have you heard of GRID Alternatives or worked with GRID Alternatives? I’m familiar with them. I haven’t worked with them as yet. I know recently the county has a contract with them to do
Unknown Speaker 2:20:00
workforce development program that we bring use. And I met a couple a month or so ago to get some more in initial information on that. But that’s as far as I’m familiar with them. I think that, for me, I would like to see us move faster, to be quite honest, 40 homes for the size of our city isn’t very, isn’t very much to be quite honest, if we’re going to meet our goals. And when we talk, talk about electrification.
Unknown Speaker 2:20:30
I see it as a double path. Because when we electrify we also put a lot of strain on the grid. So
Unknown Speaker 2:20:39
if we could work with somebody like GRID Alternatives, get money from the federal government to do solar, in conjunction with electrification, especially in the marginal communities, start up the bottom and work up. That that’s just my suggestion, I think there, there is a way that we can do this. And it would be very exciting to
Unknown Speaker 2:21:01
it would be very exciting if we could do it on a double path so that we’re not overloading loading the grid. And at the same time, increasing our decreasing our dependence on anything but alternative energy. But thank you for this presentation.
Unknown Speaker 2:21:22
And then
Unknown Speaker 2:21:24
someone needs to just a quick reminder tells me Martin at some point, someone needs to make a motion to accept the report. Go ahead, Counselor more. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 2:21:32
I have a few questions. And then I’ll go ahead and make the motion.
Unknown Speaker 2:21:38
Unknown Speaker 2:21:43
I have so many questions that I had to
Unknown Speaker 2:21:46
take notes.
Unknown Speaker 2:21:49
Unknown Speaker 2:21:53
we talked about distributed energy resources,
Unknown Speaker 2:21:59
Unknown Speaker 2:22:03
carbon intensity signaling as well. And it looks like
Unknown Speaker 2:22:14
we don’t begin carbon intensity signaling. Until distributed energy resources are already a significant number of D RS are already deployed. So how’s that supposed to work in the sense that
Unknown Speaker 2:22:32
Unknown Speaker 2:22:36
I mean, distributed energy resources are, are intended to be used for load balancing demand management. And if you don’t have carbon intensive signaling, how do you know how to use them?
Unknown Speaker 2:22:51
Mayor Bagley and Councilmember Merton I will first note that the carbon intensity signaling protocol was one that was identified as a midterm strategy. But I’m also going to tap Dave Hornbacher so he can hopefully step in and better answer your question on that.
Unknown Speaker 2:23:08
Unknown Speaker 2:23:14
Hi, good evening. Good evening, Mayor Bagley, Councilmember Martin and other members of city council.
Unknown Speaker 2:23:21
So Councilmember Martin.
Unknown Speaker 2:23:24
Yeah, I, you know, I’m glad Lisa pointed out that get the carbon signaling is is sort of a midpoint. It’s not delayed till like the end of this decade. And as we start to get more tools on this grid,
Unknown Speaker 2:23:38
we’re going to move through stages from where we currently are to start shaving the peak to start reshaping the load to where we really have to match up signaling from our renewable energy resources to the distributed energy resources, and really how that all works together. And so what I anticipate, especially, you know, even starting this year, we’ve got the demonstration project with Habitat for Humanity for the home energy management systems. So we’re trying to work into those spaces as we talk at small scale, but it’s, it’s trying to start to get down the information protocols and the staff experiences to do that. But I definitely see pushing stronger into those spaces over the next couple of years, especially after we have the distributed energy resource strategy document done. And frankly, I am also as you’ll later see in the budget for 2022. I have proposed increases in some of those key ccip errs so they can be more responsive and have more programs and offerings and so forth that we currently have within our current budget. So I don’t know if that answers your question, Councilmember Martin, but if you’d like to add to that or go to your next question, I’ll be more than happy to
Unknown Speaker 2:25:01
It doesn’t, but we’ll go on.
Unknown Speaker 2:25:05
We have a project. Now. That is
Unknown Speaker 2:25:10
that is a solarization plus battery on city buildings. I believe the funded one is at the waste treatment plant. Is that correct? Yes. The nameplate rating of that project is three megawatts roughly. Am I correct in that?
Unknown Speaker 2:25:31
I’m that I’m not sure of council member Martin, I would have to check with,
Unknown Speaker 2:25:39
with Peter gage or others just to confirm that sighs Yeah. Okay. Because, you know, I’m thinking is probably it’s, it’s not that large, at least for the battery size. I think it’s under a megawatt you. Platte River has a two megawatt battery, right now that they’ve purchased with solar that they’re currently operating? and testing? Yes, I remember one megawatt is the battery size as well. But apparently, you may be able to try me, like I said, this was this is more done by Bob Allen, because it’s a facilities thing.
Unknown Speaker 2:26:12
But the solder the silver worm acity? Yeah, I think the solar, I think it is three, and it may be a solar capacity of two and the battery capacity of one is what’s sticking in my mind. But we’ll need to look at that. But this is really run by wastewater, because it is a wastewater project that’s attached to that facility. And so john Gage, is the one that did the work on reuse. That’s his project. But that number sounds familiar. But what to look into it. Yeah, but I thought I looked it up previously, but I didn’t do it tonight, you know, so the numbers don’t necessarily stick. But
Unknown Speaker 2:26:53
the reason that I am concerned about that is because I was rereading
Unknown Speaker 2:27:02
the PRP organic contract, and also the
Unknown Speaker 2:27:08
power purchase or not power purchase agreements, energies, whatever the other contracts initials are.
Unknown Speaker 2:27:16
And it appears to
Unknown Speaker 2:27:21
limit our outside the meter generation to 1.7 megawatts.
Unknown Speaker 2:27:33
And in that means that we would be exceeding that. And while there is language in the contract that says that they will negotiate relaxation of those limits. I’m wondering whether we actually did that. In the case of this project.
Unknown Speaker 2:27:51
Councilmember Martin, I’m not aware that we have that that was something that was pursued. But I will follow up on that and get you more specificity to it. And give you an update as soon as possible. And that’s okay, that’d be good. And, and, Lisa, I am really for beneficial electrification. And I am also
Unknown Speaker 2:28:19
for conserving consumption, especially, of electricity before we reach the goal of, you know, high, high percentages of renewable and I think we’ve, we’ve just concluded a deal that will will bring us seriously to 50% within the next couple of years.
Unknown Speaker 2:28:39
At which point beneficial AI for vacation becomes really, really beneficial. But you stated that you were looking for a decrease in electric electrical consumption. And yet
Unknown Speaker 2:28:56
the our current consumption of natural gas is very close to our consumption of electricity in terms of, of
Unknown Speaker 2:29:09
the source of emissions being a source of of greenhouse gas emissions for a long month. So if if we begin curtailing our use of natural gas domestically, well, that create a significant increase in demand because people aren’t going to stop cooking or heating their homes or the heating their water. They’re just going to start doing it with electricity. So there’s your reduction in consumption,
Unknown Speaker 2:29:39
account for a corresponding increase. Councilmember Martin, Mayor Bagley, it does account for that. So in the greenhouse gas modeling that we do, it accounts for both
Unknown Speaker 2:29:52
projected increase in electric use through electrification as well as savings from those efficiencies.
Unknown Speaker 2:30:00
measures and just to clarify that goal, in particular, the 1% to 2% electric energy savings is specifically savings through energy efficiency measures. So that that all of that does get accounted for. Yeah, okay. So but but but it gets accounted for because we don’t have very aggressive electrification goals in terms of of reducing natural gas consumption. But I because if you go be to use to be to use it doesn’t make sense that you’d be able to reduce that much.
Unknown Speaker 2:30:34
On my on the back of my envelope, it doesn’t. Um, I might see a francy can jump in and answer that she’s on. She’s the one that digs into all the data more deeply. But my understanding is that that all of that is incorporated the projected increase in electric electricity use, whether it be through increased vehicle electrification, or building electrification is all accounted for in terms of our in terms of our modeling? That 1% number is calculated through LPC? And I’m not sure if you know, I don’t think inludes is on she’s the one that manages that. And I would have to otherwise follow up with her to ask her that question and work directly. Okay, I yeah, I would, I would appreciate that. At some point in France, did you have something to say?
Unknown Speaker 2:31:22
Yeah, it as Councilmember Martin, mayors of city council francy Jaffe, water conservation sustainability specialist. As Lisa mentioned, we do factor in I think, even in 2030, there’s like the smallest amount of negative impact, but it’s essentially negligible. So we are factoring in that increase in electric load. How we have in the past modeled our, our projected savings comes from a number of different objectives from increases in building code and commercial building benchmarking, the increase in the commercial efficiency from 1% to 2%. is calculated
Unknown Speaker 2:32:16
that that numbers looking specifically at our efficiency works projects. So based on how our modeling is set up, it’s not an exact one to one of, we’re expecting to to increase our commercial efficiency projects by this percent by one to 2%. is it’s not an exact one to one model and how we are projecting out currently based on the projections that were made in when in our original modeling report, we do factor in items like retrofits and improvements in code. But so it it’s a little bit the difference of the increasing 1% to 2% increases in efficiency is more of what we’re seeing now and how we are doing our efficiency and why our projections is looking at a couple of different strategies that integrate efficiency works in a couple of different ways. So I realized that maybe doesn’t fully answer the question, but it’s not as a direct comparison between those, the projections versus what we’re actually seeing in how the modeling setup. Okay, I was actually not concerned. I mean, building efficiency is the thing off to the side, I was concerned about replacement, where is you know, you’re heating 50 gallons of water with electricity resistively instead of with by burning natural gas.
Unknown Speaker 2:33:46
And, and that seems to me to be a a larger factor, then, especially at the present rate you’re going to get with building efficiency.
Unknown Speaker 2:33:57
So I mean, I don’t know whether you’re, you know, not there yet with the model. But since we are looking very happily, I would have to say at building codes that that are going to at least stop the installation of new natural gas.
Unknown Speaker 2:34:13
I wonder if the increase in consumption from those sources needs to be accounted for better than it is.
Unknown Speaker 2:34:21
Councilmember Martin my understanding is that the increases in consumption were accounted for. And that recently our electrification model was updated by the consultant based on new data they came from electrification and and better understanding of heat pump efficiencies, and other information so they are continuously working to to generate the most accurate
Unknown Speaker 2:34:46
data and assumptions on the transition from natural gas to electric that full working out is not in our packet, is it?
Unknown Speaker 2:34:57
No Council, no council member Merryman
Unknown Speaker 2:35:00
Fair Bagley it is not but that that’s something that we can share with you. Or we can schedule a time to sit down and really dig into that. dig into that data. Because if let’s Yeah, let’s start with sharing. And then if it’s if it’s opaque, we’ll, you know, have a meeting. Thank you. That’d be great.
Unknown Speaker 2:35:23
Johnson, lender council member offering? Thank you. I have a couple of questions. And this is kind of circling back to that additional staff needed and I believe it one of them was in the area of expanding the low income, residential efficiency. Where it is where you had stated it was stated in there that additional staff funding would be necessary to to achieve that to meet the goals. So I guess I wanted, I wanted to know what that would look like, what you know, is, are their figures, the numbers of staff, what would they be doing?
Unknown Speaker 2:36:02
And where would the funding go to?
Unknown Speaker 2:36:06
I’ll go ahead and jump into that. So the way that that’s going to work is those requests will come to us via the budget process. And so then we will go in and evaluate that to look at what the cost is, what the impact is, and how we’re going to approach it. So that’s actually what you will see from us as we move through the budget process to deal with these issues. And it’ll come to you later in the fall with all of those specific answers into that question. Okay, like is an amended budget or?
Unknown Speaker 2:36:40
Well, no, it’s for next year, it’s, so it’s for next year, and when we look there, but then at the same time, as we look at some of these, we always look for efficiencies and different things that we can do to bring more efficiencies to bear so we can do more work as we’re doing this. And so those are some things that I will probably start seeing within the next month in terms of those budget. Next month. Okay. And those budget requests. Okay. Yeah, I mean, I, you know, I without having to look at the whole budget right in front of me right now. You know, I just I feel like this is in, you know, this is or this is urgent, this is a priority, we as council all agree that this is, you know, a top on our list that we want to address. So I, you know, I do, I do want to voice my, my support in, in just putting in the funds that are necessary to make, make our goals happen. And the other question I had was around the composting, so I received a call in an email from a constituent concerned about and he had kind of heard that we were going to be talking about raising rates for trash, I think it was trash usage. So if you bought if you had a trash can, you would have to pay more than composting that they were going to. So he would they were really concerned about about that piece. And I don’t know how that kind of got out there. I don’t, I don’t know unless I missed something. I know that we had discussion and kind of went our way around. But it almost sounded like maybe a rumor mill was kind of picking up and people were concerned that their trash rates were gonna go up. But you know, to my knowledge, we’ve had discussion and throughout ideas.
Unknown Speaker 2:38:25
But what is I guess what is coming down the pipeline for us to be voting on in Council? In regards to composting and trash collection?
Unknown Speaker 2:38:36
I was trying to simplify my question.
Unknown Speaker 2:38:41
So I guess it could go to Lisa or anybody who has the answer.
Unknown Speaker 2:38:46
So I think the Genesis from that question may have come from the conversation that counsel had with Bob Allen and Charlie cannon meetings talking about how we move in this. But you all have, you know, we said various things that they were going to work on and evaluate. But the council has not voted at this point on raising any of those rates or doing anything more than that. That’s what we would as they continue doing the work that they’re doing, we would bring that back to the city council and discuss those issues with you. And obviously be posted for a public conversation. So I would be happy to if you want to have that individual reach out to me or I could do that. Yeah. Or I can send it back. I just I thought you know, what was I asleep at the wheel? Did I miss something? I always have to double check my myself. But I really think it was our it was coming from conversations that we had on Council. That was one of the conversations about that and the next step. Okay, thank you to go back and look at that conversation. Perfect. Thanks.
Unknown Speaker 2:39:50
Alright, in the dark waters and customer mark. Yeah, I just, we in a study session with Charlie and Bob. That was part of the discussion. And there was they
Unknown Speaker 2:40:00
had an advisory group that was recommending pretty aggressive rate increases. Actually, by as I recall, Bob and Charlie said they weren’t ready to make that recommendation, they thought that the recommendation was too aggressive.
Unknown Speaker 2:40:12
You know, for the right reasons, but, but ultimately, all of the priorities they talked about, or none of the priorities they talked about, are going to be achieved without revenue, additional revenues, each either more, you know, pay as you throw, or it’s going to have to come from someplace, but they were not recommending those in that in that study session we had, at the end of January is when it was
Unknown Speaker 2:40:35
our first week of February.
Unknown Speaker 2:40:38
That’s where Martin, I would like to share with you will put to listen, but more should go there. We’ll go with you. Okay, I would just like to quickly add that somebody posted that on engaged Longmont under the climate emergency page. And they were really vicious about the rate the Pay As You throw rates that they were in, they were aggressive. So that could also be the source of fear. Hell, do you have something to say? Um, what I wanted to say.
Unknown Speaker 2:41:10
On the question that Councilmember Martin regarding said regarding the wastewater treatment plant actually found the application.
Unknown Speaker 2:41:17
2 million was the number of kilowatts that we use on the blowers and then we talked about the reduction to six or 700,000 kilowatts. So let us get all of that information and condense it into here’s what it’s going to be because it’s a combination of what we produce in solar, what we store in the battery, and then the reduction on that we’re also having in all of this in terms of this. So we will bring all that together in a pretty simple format to say here’s the number.
Unknown Speaker 2:41:49
I’m actually going to move that we accept the sustainability plan climate action update.
Unknown Speaker 2:41:56
I’m going to go ahead and say that we had weird several so I’m gonna go ahead and make the motion and guy tells me without a fairing, is that your second? Okay. Then we’ll go ahead. All in favor of the motion say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay.
Unknown Speaker 2:42:14
All right, the approval of the sustainability planning climate action update passes unanimously. Let’s move on to item 12. d legislative bills recommended for city council position.
Unknown Speaker 2:42:27
Hello, Mayor bagz, members of council Sandy cedar assistant city manager. I have two bills for your consideration today. First one is Senate Bill 21 to 52 concerning the establishment of a state grant program to promote projects and commercial centers throughout the state that will revitalize community spaces. This basically creates a grant program to be able to assist with blighted areas and areas that are underused. Obviously, this assists our development plans and our development hopes based on the council work, but it’s a city so staff recommends the city council support Senate Bill 21 to 52.
Unknown Speaker 2:43:05
Draft motion.
Unknown Speaker 2:43:08
I move that we follow staffs recommendation. I’m sorry, Counselor pack. I’m sorry. Let’s go with counselor pack. She had a little hand up. Sorry, Counselor pack. I will withdraw my motion. Go ahead.
Unknown Speaker 2:43:19
No, I was just going to make the motion. I know but I didn’t see your hand and it was rude. So I will second Councilmember pecks motion that we follow staffs support pertaining to this bill. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay.
Unknown Speaker 2:43:34
All right, the direction passes unanimously. All right, the next bill. Thank you, Mayor, the next bill Senate Bill 21 to 60 concerning the sustainability of transportation system in Colorado, and creating new sources of funding dedicated towards preserving improving and expanding existing transportation infrastructure. So this is the big transportation bill that everybody has been sort of waiting for. What it does is it pulls together all kinds of fees and added, you know, registration fees and things like that, and and aims to raise about $3.7 billion in new revenue to be able to use towards transportation, of course, the city would have a portion of that, which would certainly help our transportation goals. But I did want to point out that when I spoke with Phil Greenwald about this one, there’s a concern that in one of the sections that they are giving transportation planning organizations the ability to levy taxes, this is not something that the council has been interested in supporting in the past. And so his suggestion was that we support Senate Bill 21 to 60. If it’s amended to remove the section that grants the TPO taxing authority.
Unknown Speaker 2:44:43
So moved. I’ll second that.
Unknown Speaker 2:44:47
All right. All in favor, say aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay.
Unknown Speaker 2:44:53
All right, great. The motion passed unanimously. Okay, let’s move let’s let’s go ahead and take a three
Unknown Speaker 2:45:00
minute counselor waters. Yeah, I Sandy real quickly is a Senate Bill. It’s Senate Bill 199 that we
Unknown Speaker 2:45:11
on for which we passed. I’ve actually two bills. 199 remind me of the other number for which we passed a resolution
Unknown Speaker 2:45:20
in support
Unknown Speaker 2:45:23
the removing barriers bill.
Unknown Speaker 2:45:29
Danny, are you still there?
Unknown Speaker 2:45:31
I am still here. Sorry. Counselor wise. Can you repeat the question again? You asked me about status 199. Well, we passed a resolution supporting 199 and a companion piece of legislation. It was it
Unknown Speaker 2:45:44
was Bill 7070. Thank you. I know 199 has gone to the Appropriations Committee. And there is some concern that That bill has gone to the appropriations appropriations committee to die.
Unknown Speaker 2:45:58
And that the governor has signaled someone that he’s not interested in signing the bill. Do you have any knowledge of of that?
Unknown Speaker 2:46:06
I have not heard that it is moving very slowly. I will tell you that considering what it was introduced versus where it is in committee, and it was sent to state you know, and Veterans Affairs, which honestly does usually indicate that it’s not a favorite bill and that since that met doesn’t match per se, but I hadn’t heard about the governor’s veto or you know, any any any mentioned that he had said it is moving slow. I did check on its status today. It’s an appropriation so didn’t make it past eight Veterans Affairs. But I’d be happy to check in with current Municipal League see if they’ve heard something different. That would be great. The coalition supporting that legislation. It’s my understanding is concerned
Unknown Speaker 2:46:47
that the governors, the governor has signaled he’s not interested in signing the bill. That’s why it went to that committee because the governors and if the governor’s staff is listening this conversation, I hope they would clarify if I’ve got this wrong, that the governor’s interest is in supporting more investments in early childhood programming only for licensed providers.
Unknown Speaker 2:47:09
That has huge implications for us in Longmont.
Unknown Speaker 2:47:14
40% of our 60% of our kids today,
Unknown Speaker 2:47:18
zero to five are in unlicensed care
Unknown Speaker 2:47:22
in if if the governor is only interested in investing in licensed facilities will never grow the capacity we need to serve unserved or underserved children right now. And I don’t think it’s just this community, it’s going to be communities all over the state and I
Unknown Speaker 2:47:38
would, to whatever degree, if I have it wrong, I hope I have it wrong to whatever the degree CML could weigh in, we have a plan in Longmont to build our capacity to do it with high quality, affordable services. But we’re only going to get there. If we develop our unlicensed provider core in this community, our ffm network, and I’m concerned that bill, if passed, significantly increases the population of potential providers. That’s the key right? to step into trading opportunities and and you know, create their own business. And if that’s denied, we are we are going to be behind an eight ball forever, until until the governor or the new office of childcare, or early childhood education gets behind the potential of developing and sustaining unlicensed providers along with licensed providers. So I’m concerned about if you would follow up, I think we ought to know what that status is. And if if the governor is not interested or that if appropriations is going to just let it get die on the calendar that we ought to do some kind of outreach, and maybe just individual, you know, citizen participation is supposed to count to participation. But we ought to let them know that’s going to be a huge disappointment. And beyond that, it’s a disservice to 60% of the killed kid that children in this community ages zero to five.
Unknown Speaker 2:49:07
I will check on that and see if I can find out any more about that. I was surprised I did look up at status today thinking, you know, where where has that been? And so I found that it was still in appropriations, that does mean that it’s a pretty slowly being built, but I’ll see if I can find out more information. Just as a reminder, the official council position is support so feel free to share that far and wide individually and speaking, you know, speak for the council as well. So
Unknown Speaker 2:49:32
All right, great. So now let’s go ahead and let’s take a three minute break because we hopefully that gentleman is going to come back and have his three minutes at the final call public invited to be heard. So back in three
Unknown Speaker 2:49:58
Unknown Speaker 2:52:59
All right, is there anybody in the cube?
Unknown Speaker 2:53:04
Mayor we do have one caller. Good. I’m hopefully I’m hopeful this gentleman returned. Let’s go ahead and open it up.
Unknown Speaker 2:53:13
Alright, the callers last three digits are 659 I’m gonna ask you to unmute 659 Are you there?
Unknown Speaker 2:53:26
Yes, I’m here. Can you hear me? We sure can please state your name and address for the record and you have three minutes.
Unknown Speaker 2:53:34
Thank you, counsel. Oh, I’ll meet here. Good evening. I’m Ben Bishop, a resident of Longmont since 2006. My address is 1763 Montgomery circle.
Unknown Speaker 2:53:45
I saw that the airport’s annual report is on tonight’s agenda, and I wanted to offer a word of appreciation. The airport and the aviation enthusiasts who work and fly to and from the airport have had a direct and lasting impact on my family by providing access to high quality, safe air travel services for the citizens of Longmont, which is the airport’s mission.
Unknown Speaker 2:54:07
The airport and the members of the experimental aircraft association that EAA helped launch my 19 year old son Caleb on his career path. Caleb participated in the Young Eagles program when he was a Boy Scout were members of the EAA, which meets monthly it’s a long one airport provided free flights to kids. Caleb has wanted to be a pilot ever since that flight. Caleb went on to take pilot ground school classes on his own. And again during high school at the St. Green Valley schools Innovation Center. Caleb was also a member of the Civil Air Patrol here in Longmont and participated in both powered and glider fights flights at the Longmont and boulder airports. Caleb has gone on to join the Air National Guard and is pursuing a degree in aviation and a career as an airline pilot. After college Kindle also plans to apply to fly for the Air National Guard. Caleb and I were also invited to join a local private pilot for a flight during Christmas to observe Christmas lights.
Unknown Speaker 2:55:00
From the air, and we used to play in rented from the long run airport. And also the airport participated by bringing treats to the Innovation Center recently when my 15 year old son Josh made an attempt at building and flying a world record attempt to model airplane that was about 35 feet long. Today I have had and I continue to have the privilege of proofreading Caleb’s essays for scholar for college and scholarship applications. And those essays always begin with the love of flying, respond during the EAA Young Eagles flight Caleb received right here at the Longmont airport. So tonight as the council receives the airport’s annual report, I just wanted to say thank you for your support of the airport, and of the businesses and the individuals who use the airport. I hope you’ll continue to invest in the long one airport. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 2:55:46
Thank you, sir. All right. Is that it for callers? That is all right. We’re gonna go ahead and close the final call public invited to be heard. Let’s move on to mayor and council comments.
Unknown Speaker 2:55:57
would like to say anything else? So a lot, but All right, great. Harold, you have anything to say?
Unknown Speaker 2:56:05
Mayor Council, I did want to kind of give you an update on one thing that I saw today. And I take these opportunities to do this.
Unknown Speaker 2:56:12
Yesterday I was in a meeting, I was in the Longmont Economic Development Partnership. And we saw just the price increases that we’re seeing and would
Unknown Speaker 2:56:23
monumental price increases that we’ve never seen. I was in another meeting today looking at some project that we have in place. And it’s not only wood, it’s still it’s copper, it’s plastic, it’s anything in that arena. And so I wanted you all to notice that as we start talking about projects, and we’re looking at it in terms of what we’re bidding, we’re gonna have to really be watching these marketing the markets and what it’s doing to the cost of the projects and how we move forward.
Unknown Speaker 2:56:54
It is different. And I’ve now heard in one conversation today, bidders in some cases are holding prices seven days, and in other cases are already again, bidders are holding them for 14 days. So I just wanted you to know as we’re talking about these projects, and what we’re looking at, and I apologize, my dog is licking his bowl behind me, I got moved again,
Unknown Speaker 2:57:18
I just wanted to give you a heads up of what we’re starting to see this is going to be something that we’re going to be watching. And it may be that as we talk about some of the budget conversations, as we’re moving on, this may be something we bring up to present you all because it’s it’s definitely unprecedented times. The example I will give you if you try to buy a piece of furniture right now.
Unknown Speaker 2:57:39
And it’s not ready. I’ve seen it take two three months.
Unknown Speaker 2:57:45
Things are getting taught in ports. I heard the other day, I think it was a Port of Long Beach or Port of Los Angeles, where they normally have two boats waiting to come in there was like 30. And so COVID has really had an impact in turn and a lot of things that we’re now starting to see.
Unknown Speaker 2:58:06
And what that means is I think people were reducing production, based on the thought that people weren’t going to build, you then have various production facilities that are impacted by different regulations. And so as this is all changing, and as millions of dollars are coming into the system, various governments, it’s something we’re going to be watching closely. I just wanted to give you a heads up and we’ll be talking to you more about this. But this was a significant enough issue that I felt like I needed to just say this is on our radar, and we’ll be talking to you about this.
Unknown Speaker 2:58:41
That’s it.
Unknown Speaker 2:58:45
Great is Eugene, back and awake.
Unknown Speaker 2:58:48
It’d be Liz. Hey, Liz. Thank you, Mayor Bagley and council. Nothing from the city attorney’s office.
Unknown Speaker 2:58:55
All right, great. Thank you. Then in that case, can we have a motion to adjourn? So moved.
Unknown Speaker 2:59:02
That Kelsey Martin.
Unknown Speaker 2:59:05
Seconded by Councilmember waters. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, the motion to adjourn is unanimous. We’ll see everybody next week. Thanks, guys.