2021-05-12 Board of Education Regular Meeting

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
Yeah, okay. Yeah. Good evening and welcome to the St. vrain. Valley schools Board of Education meeting. Please join us in standing for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Unknown Speaker 0:11
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

Unknown Speaker 0:16
and to the republic for which it stands. One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty.

Unknown Speaker 0:29

Unknown Speaker 0:30
Good evening, Christy.

Unknown Speaker 0:32
Good evening.

Unknown Speaker 0:32
It’s nice to have you with us this evening. We are ready for the roll, please.

Unknown Speaker 0:38
Mr. Arens present. Mr. Berthold here, Mr. Garcia, absent. Dr. martyr, present. Miss Pierce, here, Mrs. Ragland, absent. Miss Seacrest here.

Unknown Speaker 0:51
Thanks, Christy. And were there any addendums or changes to the agenda this evening? No. And to my knowledge, nobody signed up for public participation. Is that correct? That is correct. Great. Thank you. We don’t have any visitors this evening. So that very quickly brings us to our superintendent report. Dr. Had out is not with us this evening. But we do have Dr. capetian, our deputy superintendent who will provide an update for us.

Unknown Speaker 1:22
Hi, Jackie. Hi, thank you, Miss Seacrest. So I will give just a brief COVID update and let you know where we are with our numbers this week in our county. I’ll also give you just a brief overview of some really great things that happened in our district last week, and some upcoming events that you might want to hear about. So in Boulder County, the one week cumulative incident rate is 78.9. The one week average is 3% 3% positivity. We’ve had nine straight days of declining or stable hospitalizations. In weld County, we have a one week cumulative incident rate of 169, a one week average positivity rate of 6.7%, and eight days of declining or stable hospitalizations. in Boulder County. 69.2% of all ELL eligible residents have received at least one vaccine. So that’s moving in the right direction. In St. Brain. We have 47 current active student cases and two current active state staff cases. We have 556 student quarantines and six current staff members who are quarantined, so that’s less than we had at the height of quarantines. But we’re still managing those in schools, as well. So some of the things that took place last week, we had a just a great week. Last week, we had some really, really fun events. One of those was our day of champions in which our students with disabilities had really a very large field day at Longmont High School, our principals and some of our athletic directors were in the dunk tank and our students had a blast, putting them underwater. I’d like to thank Chase, McBride, and all of our high school athletic directors for their support, as well as our Special Education team. for their support of that event. It was really, really positive and such a great thing for our parents to be able to do with their students. Also, at the Innovation Center, we had students do a presentation on the hospital room of the future. And they have been doing that work with UC health for a number of months, and had just a great presentation. To provide. They had an audience that was able to ask some questions and see their presentation. So that’s a positive partnership, as well. We are wrapping up season C for sports. Meet a high school volleyball has made it to the semi finals, they play tomorrow at two o’clock in Colorado Springs at the world Events Center down there arena. And we are starting season D baseball track and field lacrosse, a lot of our outdoor activities. And we’re able to have more spectators in for those activities. So that’s been really refreshing and fun to see the students in the community gathering back for those events. We celebrated a couple of weeks ago, our tribute to teachers and it was just very touching to be able to recognize our teachers and some of our top teachers at every school this this year. This This was a year like no other and they did what they were called to do. And they did it beautifully. And so that was just a great virtual event. We look forward to that being in person next year. And then also this Thursday or tomorrow evening, we’ll celebrate our retirees again that will be virtual, but we invite the community and all of you to join us for that virtual event so that we can recognize those who have given a lot of their lives to this profession and st brain this weekend. We have proms on Saturday evening. And we also have car parades for each of the high schools. I believe Miss Seacrest is going to get those dates out to you so that you can see when the schools will have the car parades. And we invite you to attend those on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. And I believe skylines is on Tuesday evening, in conjunction with their senior sunset. And then we are busy over and Laureen services doing a lot of planning for our summer programming project launch will start on June 7 and go to July 1, and that’s for the middle school and the elementary school students will have a credit for high school algebra one launch for our eighth to ninth graders, and many of our transition days for students transitioning into kindergarten from fifth to sixth or from eighth to ninth grade. So we’re busy planning that work and excited to keep our schools open in June, for most of the most of the month. And then also, we are have been working very closely with Boulder County Public Health, to expand our graduations a little bit further, we are now able and have been approved for six guests per graduate, that will cause us to have to take up we still have to follow the distancing, we’re under school guidelines. And so we’ll have to follow the distancing protocols between pods of families. And by expanding to six guests per per graduate, we are really using the entire length of the football field. But we’re also very excited for our students that they get to have more guests watch them graduate will also have those graduations streamlined

Unknown Speaker 6:49
live through the web. And then the last thing is we gave an update to our parents yesterday who are part of our COVID Parent Advisory Group. And we let them know that unless something really drastic changes over the summer that we look forward to having our students back in person five days a week for the next school year. And we do will, we will also have the launch dead option for any family that wants to remain fully online. But we are really, really excited about having our teachers and our students back in buildings five days a week for the start of the school year. And that’s my update. Thanks, Jackie.

Unknown Speaker 7:31
You know, I have one question for you. And I wonder if you can cover a common theme I signed on for the portion of the parent meeting yesterday. And certainly parents are very appreciative. But a question came up there and then I’ve also received a couple emails. Can you talk about masks next year and how the district is approaching that please?

Unknown Speaker 7:51
Yes, that that is a great question. We’ve been getting questions about both quarantines and masks for next for the start of next school year. We don’t know the answer to that many of the guidelines that are being loosened up for the general public. The schools are exempt from that loosening up for schools through the remainder of this school year. We have not received notification as to whether masks or quarantines will be required for schools in August. But we will stay in very close communication with our local health departments and cdphp as well as the governor’s office. And Don will be communicating with families throughout the summer as we know more. Great,

Unknown Speaker 8:36
thank you. So it’s safe to say that the district will communicate with with parents as soon as as they have more information. And as we get closer to the school year.

Unknown Speaker 8:43
That’s exactly right. And that is not a district decision. We are under the guidelines of cdphp and our local health departments around masks and quarantining.

Unknown Speaker 8:53
Thank you. I appreciate that clarification. All right. Agenda item six brings us to our reports. We have one report this evening. 6.1, which is an equity update. And Jackie, I believe that you’re introducing this as well, and that we have some student visitors, which is fantastic.

Unknown Speaker 9:16
We do we’re excited to share this information with you. So Good evening, again, President secrest and members of the board. This evening, I’m pleased to present to you three of our groups here in St. vrain, who have been working to ensure that equity, diversity and inclusion, dei as it’s becoming is, is being known now as dei because we have to have an acronym for everything in education, diversity, equity and inclusion in many facets of our work across the district and our schools. Each of these groups and many others in our system, attend to our dei priority in slightly different ways. But all with one goal To educate each student in a safe and accepting learning environment so that they may develop to their highest potential, become contributing citizens and graduate with a strong competitive advantage. Tonight, you will hear from educators in our departments of curriculum and instruction, and student services. And you will also hear from a group of high school students who began working with our curriculum and instruction team in January to learn more about the long term and ongoing work that our team does to ensure that our curriculum is representative of our community, and our nation. And these students have will also provide some have also provided some suggestions from their perspectives. So with that, I’ll turn it over to Mr. Charles, who will introduce his team.

Unknown Speaker 10:50
Thank you, Jackie.

Unknown Speaker 10:52
Welcome, kale. It’s nice to see you.

Unknown Speaker 10:57
It’s nice to see you.

Unknown Speaker 10:58
Thanks for being here.

Unknown Speaker 10:59
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 10:59
Yes, it is.

Unknown Speaker 11:01
I actually we’re going to do I’ll introduce Mr. Johnny terell, assistant superintendent, and his team is going to be going first to give their report on out of the Office of Equity and community engagement.

Unknown Speaker 11:11
Fantastic. Great, thanks. Hi, Johnny. You’re just keeping me on my toes, right? Yes, yes. Hi, Olga. And Lulu. It’s good to see you.

Unknown Speaker 11:25
All right. So first of all, I want to make sure that I’m going to be the primary speaker, but I want to make sure that you can put your eyes on the individuals that really on a day to day basis, make makes it happen in the Office of Equity, and community engagement. And that’s Olga Cordero. And Laura, this book, okay, and so we’re going to start off with a bit of a presentation here. I am the Assistant Superintendent of student services. And just as a brief reminder for some and introductions others, and our office, our sole mission or in our department, our sole mission is to serve students and families and community and support schools, you often heard me say strong schools, equal strong students and strong communities, and are to win and to ensure academic success. And so to that in, we had an office, several offices, 14 offices, and processes in our department. And that department is under the division of Learning Services. And one of those offices that seeks to remove barriers that impede students from being successful in their school experience is the Office of Equity and community engagement is our team here. Our team of the Office of Equity and community engagement is comprised of Olga kodaira Cordero, he’s our Director of equity and community engagement, Lord is we affectionately call her Lulu buck. She’s our coordinator of equity and community engagement. Savannah Bingaman, who’s one of our family outreach liaisons. And then also Alberto Rodriguez Jimenez, who’s our bilingual family outreach Ali Elisa. Overview, not only do we work specifically on the issues of equity, we also, they also support in a variety of of ways, family engagement, our family engagement liaison team, provide help to provide housing assistance and basic needs medical assistance. They do have a variety of referrals, they help families connect to resources, especially during this time of COVID. We saw a lot of families in need of those, those resources. They’re also members of our district threat assessment team. We meet each Wednesday as a team of about 14 on a on a bad day and 20 on a good day of professionals who come together to evaluate and analyze threats throughout throughout the district. So we have a strand of equity that’s looking at those, those threats or potential threats from that lens. And then we all they also members of our interventionists and crisis teams. And so anytime there’s a crisis out at school, we call on often Olga Cordero, and then also to Nisa hinder, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention her name, to help lead that and support the schools. And then they also are now certified Title Nine district investigators. And so they were just certified this past summer, and they help us with Title Nine. So you can see that equity lens is pervasive throughout a variety of processes and our throughout our district. Very proud of the fact that we’ve put together a definition of equity with a group of stakeholders, a comprehensive group of stakeholders throughout our district, and just wanted to give everyone an opportunity to sort of read that instead of reading to to yourself, there’s some words that I’ve highlighted here. So I’ll give you a brief Like inquiry.

Unknown Speaker 15:10
And the words that stand out, at least for me, is this this concept of every student. Okay? Every student has the opportunity, we use the words encompass, but you can also replace that word with surround are surrounded by a wide variety of resources, spaces, models, program strategies, and highly skilled staff that they need in order to graduate prepared for success after school. And that’s regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, socio economic status. And so many school districts around the state in the metro area actually don’t have a statement like this. And so we’re very proud of the fact that we have this statement and really looking at this as our anchor as a definition of how we support students in our in our school district. A brief overview of the work, we provide district wide support, equity collaborations within our district and specific offices. We provide district wide training, as a matter of fact, our department is tired department this past Friday, went through level one training, level one equity training, and we’re proud of that school support, many of our schools have reached out to receive that specific training. We provide training, we’ve provided training for our preschool team, our Student Services Department, several schools throughout our district have reached out to receive that training also. And I believe there’s a training coming up this Friday,

Unknown Speaker 16:42
who’s that will reschedule Innovation Center itself on Wednesday.

Unknown Speaker 16:45
Okay, so. So the training is going to take place next Wednesday with the Innovation Center staff. And then community and family and student partnerships. We’re very proud of the partnerships that we boasted over these past few years. And we’ll talk about that a little bit later. This, this is not an exhaustive list of our community partners. But these are the the groups and some of the individuals that are really become partners with us, and walking alongside of us with this work with equity, ranging from a queer endeavor, CSU Salut, clinic, and we meet with them on a regular basis to talk about talk about these these issues related to to equity, and not just talk about the issues, but to really think about what our next steps are, as a as a community. And as a school district as it relates to the topic of equity. We’ve proud of the website that we have now. That’s our outward facing web page. So there, as I’m going through this pretty quick here, if you want to know, a few more details, a lot of that work that we’re engaged in, as you can find here on that equity page. And then some specific examples of some of the work that we’ve done this year, as we’ve highlighted the commitment to equity by way of training, some of the tools that we use, and what we’ve communicated specifically, new teachers orientation, we partnered with the Office of professional development, to really look at new teacher orientation. So as teachers, new teachers come into our system, they understand that that is truly a foundational piece of what we believe in, in San Green Valley School District. As soon as they walk into the door, that equity is a concept that we not just a concept, but a principle that we hold near and dear and our school district. And then collaboration with community organizations. We talked about that earlier, great deal of partnerships, that we have strong partnerships that we have, throughout our district, regular teacher training that we initiated this year, and intend to continue next year in the years to come. And then in terms of evaluating and problem solving. Often we’ll get questions from schools, questions from administrators about a particular issue, and how to handle that issue. And Olga and Lulu do a fantastic job of consulting with those schools and our team. They do a fantastic job of that. Okay. And then, I think I shared some of this in an earlier board meeting some of our successes and challenges. Very proud of the definition of equity. As I mentioned before, we love the fact that this concept of equity is not just an event, right? It is a concept that is embedded in the fiber of what we do on a daily basis. Everything from our board policies to how we treat our how we treat our students, how we treat our personnel, even to the point of how we recruit and look for personnel. When we couldn’t find individuals out there that really fit that mold of equity and diversity. We went ahead and started looking at our own in developing our own to ipth program. And that’s an example of how those concepts are embedded. And that value is embedded in what we do on a daily basis. One of the challenges, like many of the challenges that our schools and all of our departments have is how do you engage in the conversation and training in a virtual setting during the pandemic? Right. And so we’ve been very creative with that. And now as things are beginning to loosen up, we’re able to stand up a lot of that training in person. That was fast and furious. But if you have questions, please let us know. We’ll answer those questions collectively.

Unknown Speaker 20:42
Right. Thanks, Johnny. BOARD MEMBER questions or comments this evening on on this portion of the report, Dick.

Unknown Speaker 20:49
Thank you. Thank you, Mrs.

Unknown Speaker 20:53
Mrs. President. That works for me.

Unknown Speaker 20:57
Oh, well.

Unknown Speaker 21:01
JOHN, I just wanted to say how important it is that equity is, as you are doing is integrated as part of really part of what we do and how we go about our work. And it is so tremendously encouraging to see the organization and support that, under your leadership, we’re building in a way that will have an impact on all of our students, whether they are, regardless of the programs they’re in, regardless of the locations of their schools, that it’s a systemic, determined progressive focus on providing for equitable education outcomes for each and every student. And that, I also would say that inclusion of the every student is, is is tremendously important for us to embrace that. And to be very clear, that this is what we’re about. So I really appreciate the fast report, I am happy that the equity program is on the cover page of our website. And I’ve enjoyed reading through that and really appreciate the work of you and your staff. Thank you,

Unknown Speaker 22:27
thank you.

Unknown Speaker 22:28
And please do that work as a river and not a lake. And what we mean by that is constantly evolving. We are constantly adding material to it, and probably will add a lot of the material that you hear tonight to to that site.

Unknown Speaker 22:44
Thanks, Johnny and Olga and Lulu, thank you also for all of your work. Oh, God, please,

Unknown Speaker 22:50
if I may, I just want to thank you all for this conversation. I know we were here a year ago, I think it was last summer. And we began a very emotional conversation, I think and we ran over to have an opportunity to highlight pieces of our work is really, really important. And this couldn’t happen without our community partners. And the work that we have collaboratively, collaboratively done together. And also with with our leaders here, we have a dynamic team. We are committed, we don’t always agree, but we can agree to disagree, because we are doing what is right for students. And so thank you for this opportunity. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me to Lulu or to Johnny. We want to be as transparent and as thorough in this work as we can to make sure that equity is embedded in every single one of our departments. Like you said, Johnny, you said it well, it’s it’s the river. It’s it’s not a lake. So we know that this is fluid work, and it evolves and it changes. And we’re excited to embrace embrace this work. So thank you.

Unknown Speaker 23:57
And the time is getting short here. And so I want to turn it over to our Assistant Superintendent of assessment, curriculum and instruction. That’s Mr. Kale Charles. Great.

Unknown Speaker 24:07
Thanks, Johnny. Appreciate it. Thank you for all of your work.

Unknown Speaker 24:15
I’m not that short.

Unknown Speaker 24:21
So following along with the themes of diversity, equity and inclusion, we for many years and st brain have been working to include these things and associated themes to embed them in our curriculum. That’s something that I report to the board over the summer. And we’ve made strides from them, as Johnny corral said that we this is a river it’s constantly evolving, and we’re continuing with the work. So that embedment embedding our curriculum, that’s very important part of what we do in st frame. The other one is is alignment with state standards and statutes is something that we really look at as well. One of the key requirements of our standards for reading is that all students must be able to comprehend texts of steadily increasing complexity. And by the time they complete their schooling and St brane, students must be able to read and comprehend independently and proficiently the kind of complex texts that they would need to go into either to post secondary education, or into the workforce. So we see a lot of the reading and the writing piece as something that we want our kids, our students to be able to do at a very high level. And so let me give you one example of a standard. This is a 10th grade standard, determine two or more themes of Central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another, to produce a complex account and provide an objective summary of that text. We also know that our students have a lot of interests. And they do want the very, as you’ll hear in a little bit, they’re very impassioned about these subjects. And they also want to see persons that they can relate to in these texts. Not only the authors, but the characters, the plot the setting the problems with this. And so we use these materials to build students who are problem solvers, complex thinkers, along with the inclusion of diversity, equity, and inclusion. I have, we have two coordinators here that will talk about their work one, you heard a couple of board meetings ago, Mr. Zack Chase, our secondary language arts coordinator, and he’s going to give a taste of what we’re doing in elementary language arts, and then Jenny pennant has some exciting work that she’s doing along these things as well. So, Mr. Chase,

Unknown Speaker 26:44
I’ll let you go first. Isaak Welcome.

Unknown Speaker 26:46

Unknown Speaker 26:48
thank you, everyone. It’s nice to see you again.

Unknown Speaker 26:49
Yeah, thanks for joining us again,

Unknown Speaker 26:52
as caled said, I’m gonna give a brief overview about diversity, equity and inclusion, look in our K five la curriculum first and then touch a little bit more. And then touch a little bit more on the secondary piece that I spoke to last board meeting as well. Within the elementary ela curriculum, it’s a strong tie. It’s one of the the pieces that first attracted us to the curricular resources, a strong tie to social studies. So throughout the K five experience, we have a strong, embedded component of building background knowledge, because we know that as literacy skills develop, including background knowledge is is so deeply important. And so that speaks to and of all of the topics that we’ve talked about. So everything from ethnic to understanding, to historical understandings of famous figures, to also touching on some pieces of science that have some better understanding of inclusion and equity as well. And then as a piece of moving into secondary, all of our students are expected to read at least one extended text each nine weeks, an extended text, it would be to jackies words, we also like jargon. So it’s not an acronym, but an extended text would be anything that you would think of as novel length. So it could be an anthology, a collection of poems, those kinds of things, but that’s what we think of and then as well, two to three short literary texts and one to two informational texts each quarter, as well as conducting a piece of research and analytical writing. That’s kind of an overview of the tasks. But to go back to as we were crafting that curriculum, we wanted to look very deeply into the perspectives that were included in the texts. So making sure that historically marginalized and historically underrepresented, underrepresented populations were included from an authorial and protagonist standpoint. So that includes everything from gender, gender, identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, and age, religious representation, all of those pieces, to really kind of combat what was a very monolithic experience that we found in our previous curricula. And I would imagine, in the curriculum, each of us experienced as we were in school as well, to pull those pieces in. And so what as it stands now, remember, there is quite a bit of teacher choice in these components as to which pieces get activated. But there is at least one experience in each of the categories I named earlier, short, literary, short, informational and extended, that touches on many of those marginalized pieces. So it wasn’t a an attempt to kind of check boxes, but to say, how do we make sure that this is inclusive and representative, so that it’s not we wanted to make it as unlikely as possible. for a student to make it through any year of our secondary ela curriculum, and not have experiences with diverse perspectives, and inclusive perspectives as well. So with that, and the danger of going into too much of what I talked about last time, I’m going to hand it over to my colleague, Jenny Pettit. Hi, Jenny.

Unknown Speaker 30:22
Hello, good

Unknown Speaker 30:23
evening. I’m Jenny Pettit, the social studies coordinator and would just like to share with you the work we’ve been doing this year, highlighting diversity, equity and inclusion. So in 2019, Colorado passed a law which was House Bill 1192. And its title is inclusion of American minorities in teaching civil government. And it calls for the teaching of the history, culture and social contribution contributions of specific minority groups, including religious minorities. So CTE is starting the process of revising our state standards in social studies to address this bill, among other pieces of legislation. I will be co chairing this committee, and we start our work, actually this Saturday, and will go to the State Board of Education in June of 2022. for adoption of these new standards. This year, we’ve had an initial internal audit of our district’s adopted resources to identify the teaching of minorities and marginalized groups using texts written by these populations. Our goal is to create a sustainable and equitable system, where teachers, staff and administrators feel supported, and have access to high quality resources that are inclusive, diverse and accessible to all. So to do this, we put together a leadership team of 20 teachers who will begin this work this summer, this leadership team will curate a list of texts in K 12, that will be linked to the unit plans, they will refer to the list generated by our diversity by our narrative student group, as well as other resources. And the goal is to have these resources available and linked to the unit plans by August 21. So we have specific criteria that we’re going to use to choose these texts and resources. First of all, they have to address the standards. For example, in history, this includes analyzing events from multiple perspectives. We are using the National Council for the Social Studies c three framework as a guide. We have several rubrics and tools to identify bias, as well as evaluate diversity. We are looking for age appropriate texts as well, not just for reading level, but also for content. And we really want to focus on a balanced approach by including positive and uplift uplifting stories, along with stories, highlighting struggles. And for courses that are taught regionally in the social studies, we want to include texts that are written by authors from that region of study. So this leadership team will also begin creating model lesson plans this summer, that will include diverse narratives, as well as inclusive pedagogy that will be linked to the unit plans for all teachers to use in the fall. This leadership team also will then start leading professional development, starting in the fall open to all social studies, teachers who want to participate, and the professional development will focus on how to best teach these diverse narratives. So that’s just a quick overview of what we’ve been working on this year. And our continued work for the next several years. So thank you for for this time.

Unknown Speaker 33:32
Thanks. Do board members have any any questions or comments? For Jenny zacher? kale deck?

Unknown Speaker 33:45
Thank you, Madam President.

Unknown Speaker 33:49
I like madam or Mrs. I’m

Unknown Speaker 33:51
good with you.

Unknown Speaker 33:55
I just had a question about the social studies piece is is this a an opportunity for the district to identify kind of one from column A one from column B? And that addresses each of the areas and the teachers will choose between them? Or say, a set of lists that every teacher will do?

Unknown Speaker 34:19
Yeah, great question. This is this will be a list of diverse texts that teachers can choose from. So there’s a lot of choice in there for teachers and for students that will align with the standards and also the content in the unit plans.

Unknown Speaker 34:34
So every every book or source on the list would meet the criteria and the teachers will choose among them.

Unknown Speaker 34:42
That’s exactly right. And each unit will have a list associated with it.

Unknown Speaker 34:46
Thank you. That’s wonderful. Yeah. Thanks, Jenny.

Unknown Speaker 34:50
I want to thank you for serving on a rougher co chairing, actually that committee. I appreciate it. And then I have a question, I guess for all three of you. And this is going to show my my ignorance a little bit I understand. But But how does somebody in your position with your responsibilities? How do you make sure that you’re your current? Right? And your understanding? You just have this? How do you? How do you make sure you’re an expert?

Unknown Speaker 35:20
Well, part of it is we have a great team behind us. And you heard from Olga and Gianni and Lulu, we, we lean on them a lot to keep us current on what’s going on, too. We also this is a very something that’s important to us as well. So we we study, we work with groups, the list of groups that Gianni put up on his slide, we also work with those groups. And we’re also going to start some more community forums in the fall. So we hear from our community to about this as well, we think that’s very important in these groups. And so in that way, we stay current with it. Both Zach and Jenny have served on the state boards. For many years, Zach was a co chair of the English language arts standards for the state of Colorado as well. So and that goes across the board, Greg, George, we, so we want arch our people involved in the state level committees to know what’s going on. And not only to know what’s going on, but helped lead those as well. Right.

Unknown Speaker 36:20
And I just add also with this work that we’re doing, we have partnered with several professors at Metro State University to help you think partners throughout this whole process as well. So we’re trying to find expertise outside of what we’re reading, and and know ourselves. Great, thank

Unknown Speaker 36:36
you very much. Did you have a comment? sec, I’m not putting you on the spot. And don’t feel like you have to have one either.

Unknown Speaker 36:43
Now, I don’t know what to say. Yes. So is it talked about last meeting, we’ve built review and revision into the curriculum this year. So starting next year, we’ll have two grade levels that go through and we’ll be asking the teachers of those grade levels. What are some other texts? So if I tried to read every young adult and adult novel that came my way, we would never have anything in the curriculum. And so we’ll be leaning on the teachers to say, what have we read? And how do we evaluate it? And what do we look for? And, to a piece of that, we’ll be looking, working closely with Jenny’s team, but also looking at the National Council of Teachers of English for their standards and recommendations on how to evaluate those texts to ensure that we’re, we’re meeting our own our own goals.

Unknown Speaker 37:25
Right. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I’m not done yet. No, I think, you know, as you all were talking, my wheels are, are turning. And this is yet another example of St. Raina. And we don’t have silos in St. Brain, each department, you know, works with every other department. And if equity and you know, if dei is going to be embedded into a system, right, then you must collaborate with partners. You can’t have silos, and you must make sure that you have experts at the table. And so thank you for being our experts and for collaborating and bringing in outside groups as well. I appreciate that. Thanks, john.

Unknown Speaker 38:10
Thank you very much. He kind of danced around the question. I was thinking, I know, this is a conversation that we’re having within St. Ryan. And I think we do a good job of nurturing and really embedding it into our fabric. But I’m just curious, I do believe that this is a conversation outside of St. Rain, and you’re drawing in terms of outside support, and is it pervasive in other school districts as well?

Unknown Speaker 38:41
it? Well, the work that Jenny’s gonna be doing is statewide. And this is the that house bill passes law. So all the districts, and that’s why I’m so proud of the work she’s doing is she’s she will be leading that for all the districts in the state of Colorado, that will start this not only start the conversation, but then provide resources. And you heard the the level of complexity she’s getting, they’re going to get down to the lesson level, and provide examples. And we’ll share those examples with districts across the state effect. We do that already. You know, all of our stuff is front facing, and we love to share with other districts.

Unknown Speaker 39:18
Thank you. Yeah, thank you. Thank you for the presentation. I really just had a couple of comments. And one is just Olga kind of touched on it when, last summer we came together and started talking about this, because it was you know, we’re at the point of almost a national crisis, talking talking about equity. And even at that time, and a year later, the fact that we were not caught flat footed or surprised, is very impressive to me like this has been ongoing work for years. The fact that you guys are all in these positions that you are subject matter experts in your in your field, you’re working at the state level. So I just I just want to thank our leadership. Jackie. You Dawn about building a system that has had an eye on this for I want to say a decade or more. So we were, you know, when the national spotlight was was put on it, we were ready, we were ready, ready to talk about it. And continue working, working through it. So I appreciate that as part of our system, and then also the comprehensive nature of your work and that it’s so multi dimensional everything, you know, top down from the state level, we obviously have to comply with, with state standards, bottom up from the community level,

Unknown Speaker 40:32

Unknown Speaker 40:33
you know, who are we locally? What is happening here, let’s identify our issues and identify our specific problems. What is the experience of our students the experience of our parents, and then all of the resources like, who are valid influences who are not, you know, like, there’s, there’s so much out there that I really appreciate you guys being those eyes and ears and professionals that can and essentially do that filtering for us. And then we can really develop it and hone it to fit our community, which you’ve done through just last month, when we approved the high school language arts curriculum that we you developed that you developed from, from our experience and from the needs of our community, and the Ph. D. program that was mentioned. So it’s just so incredibly impressive. The work that’s been sort of silently been done all this time. And then you like now it’s, it’s we’re talking about it a little more publicly, but it’s always been there. And we’ve always been prepared to deal with it. And listen, the key to the whole thing is, is listening is listening. I think that’s primarily what you guys do. And then you actually create a product out of that. So this was quick, but I we’ve you know, we’ve been sort of evaluating it in my ears and the board. So I just so much appreciate all the work. That’s, that’s gone into it. Thank you. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker 41:59
All right. Thank you appreciate you being here. Brian.

Unknown Speaker 42:07
Amy, can you sell presidency, Chris, you made a great point about bringing in expert groups. And I would like to introduce a expert group that we’ve been working with through the throughout this year. It’s been part of our students. And they have been a group that has offered a lot of suggestions to us. They are very talented group of students very passionate about what they do. Rocky, would you like to bring your team up here. This is a group that we’ve been working with, with Olga with Dr. competion, myself and principal fitness dead has been part of this as well. And they’ve provided some invaluable suggestions on this topic, not only to about texts, but down to less than levels as well. And so I’m gonna have them introduce themselves. And I’ll clean off the clicker for you guys. And they have a presentation of the work that they’ve been doing in St. Brain. It’s really quite remarkable.

Unknown Speaker 43:26
Wonderful. Thanks, kale and welcome. We’re excited to have you join us this evening.

Unknown Speaker 43:32
Thank you so much for the introduction. Hello, everyone. I’m rocky the tire. My pronouns are she her and I’m a junior at Silver Creek High School. I’m the founder and district lead for diversify our narrative spvs deep into the outside of school. I’m an intern for the diversify our narrative national team. I’m involved in many environmental and social justice related organizations and I’m passionate about STEM.

Unknown Speaker 44:00
Hi, I’m Reese transpiler. And I use she her pronouns. I’m a junior in the IB Diploma program and I left high school and I’m the communications lead and outreach lead for Don. I danced professionally and I try to find time to read and write whenever I’m free.

Unknown Speaker 44:15
Hi, everyone. I’m Lilia Elisa and I’m a junior at Silver Creek High School and I’m a member of the curriculum committee at dawn SP VSD. Aside from dawn, I am an intern up through the social justice organization at the boulder Museum of Contemporary Art and the Longmont firehouse studio. Thank you guys so much for having us here. We’re really excited to be doing this. And we really appreciate all of the time you’re taking out of your days. According to the Oxford Dictionary, diversity is defined as the practice or quality, including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds, and have different genders, sexual orientations, etc. Our definition of diversity is similarly aligned with the dictionary definition. We believe that diversity is an essential part of society, because it’s important to celebrate our differences while creating a unity within them.

Unknown Speaker 45:07
diversify our narrative or Don for short is a national organization committed to changing school curriculums and the education system to promote a diverse and anti racist narrative. Currently, we have over 800 different district chapters 6000 students participating in our cause 76,000 signatures on the national petition in an ever growing social media presence, all with the intent of improving the American education system starting but certainly not stopping at the high school level.

Unknown Speaker 45:40
The SPV SD Don chapter has 14 members with four different committees, one team which works with our district to help diversify the curriculum, one which manages our social media accounts, one for outreach and one for internal communication. We’re here today to discuss the changes being made in sb vsds high school English curriculum as well as go over specifics why and how this curriculum should be implemented. diversify our narratives mission statement is to be anti racist and to encourage a productive dialogue on race and identity among our student bodies through the inclusion of racially diverse anti racist texts in USA schools, to work towards racial justice, educational equity and community power.

Unknown Speaker 46:21
In light of recent events across America, there have been multiple instances of police brutality against black communities. Yet the main issues facing society today are not a topic of discussion in St. vrain Valley school classrooms. This problem is directly rooted in a history of anti blackness in America. So the question is, how can we all work together to be anti racist and encourage a productive dialogue on race and identity among the student spvs the body, the foundation of a student’s mindset is shaped through the educational process. The education system is an essential factor in the lives of spst students. And while the curriculum in our district has been very, very successful in many of its endeavors, has also been drastically underutilized as a tool to combat racism. Oftentimes, within classrooms, students are misled, including myself to believe that racism is either non existent or scarce within our country. However, racism is still incredibly prevalent, not only in many individuals day to day lives, but on a systemic level. This type of generalized ignorance became even more evident to me this summer during the protests, and then again before the presidential election. Many students within our district that I’ve spoken to regarding these issues were completely clueless and relatively insensitive about important and pressing issues in our country, including racial discrimination, LGBTQ plus rights, trans rights, health care, and more.

Unknown Speaker 47:48
pressing issues such as police brutality and violence against black Americans are becoming more and more prevalent each day, as we actively try to combat these disparities. If our students aren’t equipped with the right knowledge and history, for more than one perspective, the future of our country will be uninformed in relevance to decisions that can hold not only the foundation of our country, but the lives of many minority groups. This is why it’s incredibly important to give students an accurate impression of current and past events regarding diverse groups. Many of our members have seen the lack of representation in our curriculum firsthand. The main reason I started the SV SC dawn chapter is due to the hateful stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding my culture. As an Indian, the majority of our representation is to this stereotypical smart kid or a whitewash representation through things like yoga and Ayurveda. But in the classroom, we have virtually no representation.

Unknown Speaker 48:41
This lack of representation has dismal effects on the classroom. I’ve always learned about our world from literature and when the world or more importantly, the people I see everyday in my school isn’t reflected through our curriculum. It’s easy for misconceptions and stereotypes about groups of people to form. These stereotypes have negative effects on fully accepting one identity and true self. Being a member of the LGBTQ community. I know how important it is for people to see themselves represented in the classroom, not only on edge, not only on an educational level, but also because it provides a sense of identity and inclusion that is so often difficult to obtain.

Unknown Speaker 49:16
This is why dawn chapters across the nation are fighting for representation and diversity in their education systems. Many chapters haven’t had the acceptance we’ve had an SV VSD we are truly grateful to have been welcomed in with open arms and are overwhelmed by the support from educators, the equity department and the curriculum department.

Unknown Speaker 49:37
spvs this demographic show an overwhelming majority white population was 62.6% students. This means that bipoc black indigenous and people of color, students only make up 37.4% of the student body in a predominantly white school district. Many students aren’t exposed to the harsh realities many minorities face. Students need to learn about racism from bypass author’s from bipoc lenses instead of the current tests, which are mainly written by white authors.

Unknown Speaker 50:08
Additionally, there are many achievement gaps between minority students in comparison to other white students in this district. For example, although there has been a decreasing dropout rate among Latino students, which is wonderful, and a great example of how the efforts already been executed have been extremely effective, there are still a significant difference in dropout rates between Latino students and white students. In order to combat these disparities, rather than placing the blame on students themselves, we must reflect on the issue of the on the issue of the matter. curriculum is one of the key aspects in implementing progress, positive and progressive change, both within our society and our educational system. diversifying curriculum will not only benefit society as a whole, but will help students with their own educational achievements and mindset.

Unknown Speaker 50:53
We have been working with the equity and curriculum departments these past few months to help diversify the curriculum and our district, as well as having the student perspective in English and social studies curriculum as we are being taught. We’ve classified her goals for curriculum in two different categories, diversity and anti racist literature. Starting out with the goal of diversity. For years, educators have acknowledged that representation is essential for students individual self acceptance, and love of learning. Even though we’ve seen an expansion of inclusivity. With advocacy for female heroines literature, simple gender inclusivity isn’t enough.

Unknown Speaker 51:32
There have been many instances in which the progressive nature of our district has already served us especially in terms of literature. For instance, thus far in my high school career, I have read books written by black authors, like the color purple by Alice Walker, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou and the hate you Give by Angie Thomas. Even books written by white authors, such as To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee that reflect on segregation in America can be extremely educational about the dynamic of race, and the history of America. However, books such as the ladder can only be beneficial to a student’s education of major problematic aspects of the many novels. Like the white savior narrative throughout To Kill a Mockingbird are thoroughly reflected on and thought about by students and teacher throughout the lessons during and after reading the book. No matter their age, it’s imperative that students see people like themselves in a non historical context, as a majority of history taught surrounding bipoc is filled with brutality and oppression. by attempting to understand more about diverse characters, characters differing from the reader and race, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status, students may be exposed to narratives and gain positive insight that help create a more inclusive and accepting environment within SP VSD schools. These texts can also help students find something to connect with, which is rare with most of the books currently in our curriculum.

Unknown Speaker 52:57
Our second curriculum category is anti racist literature, which is much more direct. Not only are we encouraging schools to implement diverse literature, but also use literature that questions the systemic and systematic racism that has been built into our country, a system that has been existed since America was founded. We have to combat current bias and racism in schools, while simultaneously combating future racism. We would like to foster an actively anti racist classroom environment focused on understanding the perspectives of others.

Unknown Speaker 53:31
We are hopeful that with more and more exposure to diverse to the diverse literature stated in our curriculum, our country will truly reach the standards of acceptance and equality we’ve always aimed for. By implementing these texts and lessons, students will hopefully be less prone to racial bias and become more educated and surrounding in areas surrounding the bipoc experience, specifically in the US. And to reiterate diversify our narratives overall mission statement is to work towards racial justice, educational equity and community power.

Unknown Speaker 54:02
Some of our first steps when our districts Don group was created was to gain support through the National petition calling for schools to implement diversified texts. Through the use of our Instagram, we were able to reach a total amount of 333 signatures as of April. These current and former students, parents and faculty signed our petition to show support for our causes, including the importance of acknowledging the recent instances of police brutality against black communities, the issue of anti blackness in America and to move forward with anti racist practices. As stated in the overview of our petition the impact education has on a student’s mindset is crucial. Hence, it is important to encourage productive and progressive dialogue.

Unknown Speaker 54:47
Our Instagram account has near 500 followers, and we plan to expand our reach even further. Every week. Multiple educational posts are shared to spread awareness, educate and gain support for our goals. Presently, we hope To move forward with your help to implement a more diverse curriculum and educate both students and teachers creating a more inclusive and safe space for all.

Unknown Speaker 55:11
Our subcommittee for curriculum planning has been working for weeks to produce a list of state approved texts for Social Studies grades six through 12. Along with refining the provided booklet from Don national, these numbers compat, a list of literacy and learning requirements for each grade level, found sources for students to analyze and learn from these texts coincide with gradients, essential questions, and overall requirements by the Colorado standards.

Unknown Speaker 55:37
Each approve text has important content regarding diverse characters, settings and messaging, or is written by bipoc authors. Not only are these texts educational, but they include important values which correspond to the content for each grade level. For example, certain grades emphasize the importance of building on the skill of analyzing primary documents. Hence, these texts reflect that and are primarily first hand sources. Each text also includes variances and other literary elements, such as vocabulary, complex language, poetry and literary devices.

Unknown Speaker 56:12
The Don national team has also created a lesson many lesson plans to aid educators in the process of anti racist teaching. The link to our recommendations will be shared at the end of this presentation.

Unknown Speaker 56:24
Our next steps are to lead in a session at the district’s equity summit this summer, we have proposed to do a lesson on the importance of representation in the classroom as well as a small etiquette training. We also have to see your text recommendations in action, or reaching out to teachers to pilot these texts in their classrooms. In the upcoming school years.

Unknown Speaker 56:44
Teachers within our district have already come forward. Often in order to ensure the comfort, safety and inclusion of all students, we simply find it important that this type of positive and respectful approach be mandated. As a community, we should constantly be working to improve our awareness, inclusivity and sensitivity to both the way we implement our education and the content we’ve and the content we provide our student body. Our district’s equity and curriculum staff has already done an incredible job implementing diversity into the district website. And as a detailed plan to accomplish these goals.

Unknown Speaker 57:19
Again, we would like to reiterate our profound acceptance we’ve had thus far from teachers, the equity stuff and the curriculum stuff. Not only have they been incredibly supportive, but they’ve created an environment where we as students do not need to fight for equality within our curriculum, but rather get to work and collaborate with those in our community in order to achieve it. Thank you to the Board of Education on all of those who have supported us in this endeavor. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to have our voices heard. there’s still work to be done and but in diversifying our narratives, we will take a monumental step forward.

Unknown Speaker 57:54
We deeply thank you for your time and continued support for our goals and hope to move forward with the diverse anti racist curriculum and teachings within SV SDS future. We’re very proud to be part of such an inclusive and progressive district. You can scan this QR code with your phone’s camera to access all of our contact information, social media texts, recommendations petition and link to a feedback form. The feedback form is optional. But we would greatly appreciate it if you could fill it out. We will also be sending all of this out in an email in case you would prefer to access the document that way we would like these, we would like to use the remainder of our time to answer any questions you may have. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 58:31
Thank you very much. That was a very informative presentation. And before I open up to questions, you were gracious enough to recognize all of the district’s hard work on equity and their acceptance of you coming along, you know, joining them. But I really want to appreciate the three of you and say thank you for being passionate about something, reaching out getting involved, and being a part of the process. Thank you very much. I appreciate that. I think since I have my mask down if it’s alright with everyone. I’m going to start with a couple of questions. Rocky, one of the things that you touched on and I’m curious, what, what brought this to your attention personally? Was it something that the three of you experienced in St. vrain? In the classroom? Did you have friends that experienced this conversations? Was it what you know what was happening across the nation over just just curious? What led you to dawn?

Unknown Speaker 59:32
Well, I’d been following the national Instagram account for a while. And they had a series of posts, discussing experiences other people have had with the lack of representation and curriculum, and I really resonated with those experiences. And I was like, What can I do in my community to help make sure that other students don’t feel that way? So I reached out to the organization, they’re like, Oh, we have all these chapters across the nation and we were hoping to expand at first they were Only based in California. But then they began expanding nationally, because like, maybe I’ll get started. And then it’s become this amazing program with a wonderful students and amazing support in our district.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:17
For me, it was a combination of things, it was a lot of seeing things that my peers had been posting about this, and also conversations I’d had with other peers who had differing views from me. But I realized that a lot of their views stemmed from a place of ignorance. And I wanted to find the root of that problem. And that’s from the education system. And that’s how I got involved with Don, when I saw rocky had started our chapter, I was really excited because this is something that I’m very passionate about. And I just found a place that perfectly fit in with those values.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:56
So I found out about dawn through social media. And then when I I applied over the summer, and then when our chapter started getting up and running, I joined this chapter I really initially joined after, and just started thinking about this conversation in general, after I came out a few years ago, or like a year and a half ago, I realized that there was no representation of my experience in the classroom, and through our education system. And I know a lot of people had a lot of fear around coming out because of the lack of representation they saw in their everyday life. And so I think anything we could do to change that would be wonderful.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:36
Thank you for sharing your individual stories, I appreciate that. And I do want to open it up for board members for comments or questions. And, and I think you found through your experience, and we’ve heard tonight that that equity is absolutely embedded in throughout St. Brain. And if we don’t view it, as an event, it is is something that’s a part of the fabric in the everyday life. But that that also means that that the district is continually striving for better and for more each and every day. And so I want to recognize you, and thank you for your part and playing the part you played in, in striving for that better and more and sharing your individual perspectives and and bringing your knowledge to the table. Thank you very much. Any other board members have comments or questions this evening? JOHN,

Unknown Speaker 1:02:28
thank you very much you are representing exactly what education is about. And that is using your heart, your head, your voice, and also your ears. And I couldn’t be more proud of what you’ve brought to the table. The equity is a national conversation that we’ve been listening to for quite some time, I do think saying brain has kind of wrapped itself around equity. And this might not have been represented as well as it should have. So thank you very much for bringing it forward. And I appreciate you sharing your stories. So thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:14
Thank you, Madam President. Our country was founded on A dream that no other nation in the world is successfully achieved. And that dream was we were a place where it could become truly a multicultural society. And our definition of multicultural is pretty narrow. And I I think that it remains the existential threat to our democracy. If we are not successful in embracing diversity in all its forms, and helping to transform through our education system first, but also our governmental structures. The experience of our citizens to be both informed and open to the experiences of others. I think that the work that you are starting so early and join in becoming part of his I believe it’s critically important to the survival of our country. And I applaud your both your focus and your passion but also your intellect and commitment to the cause. It’s one that you’ll find many allies as you lead the way we’ll join your parade as you help us see ourselves for what we are and what we can become. So thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:05
Thanks, stick, Paula.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:09
Thank you all for coming. I definitely appreciate hearing your experience as like my comments when the when the staff members closed, I think their job is so multi dimensional. But really the key to the whole thing is, is listening, and then building a product out of that building a system out of that. So my, my question for you is when you were involved in dawn, and you already answered for Joey, kind of why you were brought to that, and kind of the research you did through that, that avenue. And then you approach the district and meeting with the staff?

Unknown Speaker 1:05:46
What did you learn from that? Like,

Unknown Speaker 1:05:47
were you were you pleasantly surprised? Were you disappointed? Like, what like, Where are you once we the curtain was pulled back for you when you can assault the mechanics behind what it takes to build an education system, and you know, implement curriculum and lesson plans and hire teachers and train them? When you kind of learned more of those mechanics? And what it takes. What was what was your reaction to that? And then the second part of my question is, is there a feedback loop in Don, where you can share your experience good, bad or ugly, with your other chapters around around the country and kind of compare where we are.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:23
We first started by distributing our petition, and we got emails from some principles that were like, We can’t share this, you have to get approval. And we were honestly kind of scared to like, what will happen when we get in like big trouble, will we get suspended or something. And then we met with equity and priests and departments as well as Mr. finisterra. In, I want to, say January of this year. And surprisingly, they were so accepting of what we were doing, and were willing to work with us to help have our voices heard in our curriculum, as well as expanding the reach of our curriculum and including representation and diversity, to use the curriculum as a tool to expand students acknowledges and their diverse perspectives of the world around them, which was a pleasant surprise. And would you mind repeating the second part of your question? Well, I’m

Unknown Speaker 1:07:15
happy to hear um, I’m surprised you were surprised. You shouldn’t be surprised. Like, we’re all I mean, they’re always willing to, to listen, that’s the name of the game like that’s, that’s how we’re going to create a system that can deliver the best education to our students. But so I’m glad that was a positive experience for you. But my second, my second question was, are you able to turn around and share that experience with your other national chapters of dawn, like, because because I’m sure there, there are some kids that are running into brick walls, there’s some they’re having a lot of success? Is there a way that you guys can kind of share your experiences with the other chapters? Yeah, I’m

Unknown Speaker 1:07:51
an intern for the communications team and diversify our narrative. And we have like a discord chat, where we talk about what we’re doing. And it’s like a place for supports not only, like business related, I’d say. And then as a communications intern, we work together with other chapters, provide them support, and then connect them with other chapters that are having successful experiences, such as our chapter, which is clearly having an amazing support system within the district. So in doing that, we help provide other chapters who are just starting or are not having as much of a momentum as we’ve had. And like other interns are also helping with that. So just creating an inclusive space, not only in our own districts and communities, but like cross nation, in different districts, and even in private schools. And we’ve recently expanded internationally. So we have some chapters in Japan, and Canada, and we hope to get more global reach. Do you do anything? Thank you. I mean, I’m

Unknown Speaker 1:08:56
glad to hear. I mean, I think whenever you’re approaching a really complex issue like this, you have to, you have to do the best you can to identify the problem. And again, it’s complicated, it’s complex, it’s historical. It’s, we all bring biases to the table, every single one of us every single organization. So we need to do the best we can to focus to focus the problem and it sounds like your input and then the input of our, our staff, through our equity people through our curriculum, people are really doing a good job of that is really trying to harness the problem as best we can. Because that’s always the first step from there, you grow. We can’t just keep spinning around, you know, kind of trying, not identifying what our baseline is. So, so I again, thank you, thank you for coming. Thank you for the months of work that you’ve put into this. Thank you to our staff for for giving it the attention it deserves. And I really look forward to the continue productivity from All this conversation.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:01
Thanks. Thanks, Paula, Rocky, Reese, and lillia. I do want to give Dr. capetian a chance to have some closing comments also to wrap things up. But before Dr. competion comments, I saw what I believe assume as a family member taking pictures. So do you have any important people in your life that are with you this evening that you would like to introduce that I have a second Hunter, probably very proud of you. Back there,

Unknown Speaker 1:10:32
my parents and my sister.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:35
It’s nice to see you. Welcome.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:42
Today introduce them.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:45
Nope. I think that’s good. Yes. That’s perfect. That’s exactly what we’re anticipating. Anybody else have have visitors.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:52
I just have my family watching the

Unknown Speaker 1:10:54
live stream. Oh, great. Smile, say hi, family. All right. Hello. Wonderful. All right, Jackie, any closing comments?

Unknown Speaker 1:11:03
Yeah, I really just want to thank our students, as well as our staff, who really have put their heart into this work for for quite a while our students are wise beyond their years, we pride ourselves on having avenues for student voice. And this is what it yields when we take the time to really listen to what our students are hoping to achieve. And Rocky and lillia. And, Rhys, I’d like to just thank you very much for reaching out to us earlier in the year for coming alongside us to do this work. And, and really being very, very honest, in your perspectives. We will grow from your perspective. And I hope that you’ll grow from ours and that we continue to do this work into next year as well. So thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:02
Thank you for being here. We appreciate it. Principle finished said thank you for joining us as well. And once again, you surprises us. You didn’t surprise us. But you prove to us that you’ve had fantastic students at Silver Creek High School. Yeah, Kal, did you have any closing comment? You were getting your computer? Great. We want to give everybody who wants to talk and opportunity to speak right. So all right. Yes. All right. That brings us to our consent items this evening. And Todd, I believe you have three special guests to introduce.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:53
Thank you President secrest members of the board. Tonight we do have three guests joining us our new administrative hires. I’m gonna start with our first administrative hire. We want to introduce to you Mr. Christopher Shu, who will be joining us as the area’s superintendent to join Dr. potions team alongside with Dina perfetti. Dini and Brian Krauss flow if you want to come up with a load breathe a little bit about you, Christopher. Mr. Xu graduated from the University of Minnesota twin cities with a bachelor’s degree in history and Spanish. He continued his education at the University of Phoenix, where he received his master’s degree in Educational Counseling. Mr. Xu also received his principal license from the University of Phoenix. For the past eight months, Mr. Xu has been the interim superintendent for Jefferson County Public Schools, where he is responsible for the in person and remote education, mental health, safety and inspiration of 80,000 students. Prior to that, also in Jefferson County Public Schools, Mr. Xu was the deputy superintendent for eight months in 2020, the chief of schools for secondary from 2017 to 2019, the achievement director, community Superintendent from 2013 to 2017, and the principal of evergreen middle school from 2008 to 2013. And also understand he was a Spanish teacher. Correct. So, Mr. Xu, this is the Board of Education and alternate revenue.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:29
Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:30
It’s nice to meet you. Welcome.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:32
Thank you for the introduction. I appreciate I just wanted to say thank you for this opportunity. And I also just wanted to let you know how incredibly welcome I’ve felt here in St. vrain. And the process started a couple of weeks ago when I applied and nearly every day since I applied I’ve gotten an email or a phone call from some wonderful individual here in St. vrain. And I wanted to come here and tell you that and I will be thanking I just I’d met Olga, she was on my interview committee and email back and forth, I just met her in person. And this is kind of what’s been happening to me. And same brain. I spent two days last week, one visiting number of schools that I’m going to be working with and supporting, and then met a number of people in all the district offices, and one after another, I felt incredibly welcomed. And you need to know people are so excited to be working here at St. vrain. supporting students, and been so exciting and to meet me and gracious, and I am covered with gear from all the different schools gonna be supporting. And if you walk into my house right now, the when you walk in the front door, I’ll just aligned along the doors, stuff from not the nyuad area in the long run area. So I’m covered with gear, believe me, it’s gonna be good to go. Which is good, because you can imagine I’m covered gear and Jeff gal, so I’m gonna have to make some room with all that. But that’s why I wanted to come in and just say hello to all of you, and meet all of you. And thank you for having such an incredible School District. I’ve gotten to know Don headed over the past year, and he’s been my primary mentor, as I was the interim superintendent jeffco public school. So I learned a lot from him. I’ve learned a great deal about Jackie cusion. And I’ve gotten to spend some time with her as well as along with other great people. So thank you for this opportunity once again, but I want you to know, most of all, what an incredible school district This is, and how welcomed I felt on a daily basis. And once again, people reaching out phone call my phone numbers out there now so I’m getting phone calls, which is great too. But thank you for this opportunity. I’m excited to become a member of St. vrain Valley School District.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:37
Thank you. Welcome.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:47
Next I want to introduce to you Miss Carol Oliphant as the principal for prairie Ridge Elementary School in Dr. proportions feeder area. Mr. Oliphant graduated from the from Regis University with a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts. She continued her education at the University of Northern Colorado, where she received her master’s degree in educational leadership. For the past year, four years, Miss Oliphant has been the Dean of Students at Centennial Elementary School, where she assisted with the development of systems and structures to enhance student safety, and well being Ed led the design and implementation of numerous initiatives. From 2012 to 2017, Mr. Oliphant served as an instructional coach and Thompson, the Thompson School District. Prior to that, she had a principal internship at Prairie Ridge elementary school, from 2010 to 2011. And this Oliphant also served as a reading specialist, summer school administrator, and second grade teacher in Arizona. So

Unknown Speaker 1:17:49
hi, Carol.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:51
Thank you so much. I just wanted to say what an honor it is to be able to join this strong visionary leadership at St. Brain. I’ve been, you know, in the fringes of it as a dean for the last four years and gotten to know a lot of the, the principals and the district leaders and been to several board meetings. And so I know all your faces, and it’s just a wonderful privilege to join these ranks. And to, to join in this work, I’m thrilled to still be in the Frederick feeder. And to be actually prairie Ridge is my neighborhood school. And so I already know lots of the families and I am so excited to be able to continue to help the rising generation to have that really great foundational start as they grow into be those type of young ladies that were just here speaking to us. And so I’m excited to have that impact on our community. And I’m very grateful for this opportunity. So thank you very much. Congratulations.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:53
The man if you want to come up, I’d like to introduce to miss Amanda Ferguson as area’s special education coordinator and she is joined today by executive director Laura has some special ed so if you want to come stand next to Amanda, let me read a little bit about you. Miss Ferguson graduated from the University of Northern Colorado with a bachelor’s degree in biology education. She continued her education at Western Governors University, where she received her master’s degree in special education. Miss Vargas and also Reed received her EDS degree in educational leadership and special education administration from the University of Northern Colorado. For the past two years, Miss Ferguson has been a special education department lead teacher and a coach at area High School, where she collaborated with building administration district leadership and the Special Education team to advocate develop and implement inclusive programs that maximize student learning through innovative and strength based opportunities. From 2011 to 2013. Miss Ferguson served as a special education department lead teacher and school wide intervention specialists and coach at Wellington Middle School in the pooter School District. Prior to that, she served as a special education teacher and science teacher at Cedar, cedar edge High School in the Delta County School District from 2006 to 2011. Miss Ferguson also served as the athletics intramural and recreation program coordinator at the University of Northern Colorado from 2001 to 2006. So

Unknown Speaker 1:20:32
thank you very much. That was a mouthful. Just making my way across the state over here. I just want to thank everybody, the board and the leadership team of St. Rain Valley schools, it is a true honor to be here. I am very excited to get started in my leadership quest, especially with having such amazing mentors in the in the district and honestly, learning from the students, especially those that we had here tonight, amongst others. But I was listening to a podcast recently that talked about creating opportunities for our students to be victorious. And I truly believe that this opportunity is our next step in in making that happen for our kids. And that’s why I’m here at student first, and that is very clear across the brain. So thank you very much for that opportunity. I am excited to get started.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:21
Congratulations. All right, Todd, I can’t help it. But think we were talking earlier with kale in the previous discussion about experts. And we as you were reading the information about each one of the new hires this evening, clearly they’re experts. And clearly they’re dedicated to what’s best for children and public education. So thank you for your, the part you play and in bringing those amazing people to St. vrain.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:45
Absolutely. What’s the team? I know we they went through a long process instead of a rigorous process to be selected. And we really do as we put positions out there. Really wait and patiently patiently for the the right person to come along when I think we got some good teammates coming in and colleagues to our leadership team. So we’re excited.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:09
That’s certainly how it appears. So welcome to all three of you. Congratulations on on your new role in st frame.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:23
Alright, and with that, we will make it official. Do any board members wish to pull any consent items this evening?

Unknown Speaker 1:22:32
I just have a general comment about consent items that particularly the material that we got from Brian. So is now the time

Unknown Speaker 1:22:44
is it going to change how you vote no. So why don’t we go ahead and vote and then we’ll we’ll discuss. Okay, great. All right. With that then I would entertain a motion for approval for agenda item 7.1. Staff terminations leaves 7.2 staff appointments 7.3. Approval of minutes for the April 14 2021 regular meeting. The April 21 2021 study session and April 28 2021. regular meeting 7.4 approval of recommendation to hire area Assistant Superintendent 7.5 approval of recommendation to hire principal of prairie Ridge elementary school 7.6 approval of recommendation to hire area Special Education Coordinator 7.7 approval of quitclaim deed to the town of Frederick 7.8 approval of change order to to construction manager general contractor contract for Centennial elementary school renovation project 7.9 approval of amendment to design builder contract for mead High School artificial turf field and track replacement project. seven point 10 approval of water tap fees at Highlands elementary school and seven point 11 approval of purchase on Microsoft software licenses.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:05
so moved

Unknown Speaker 1:24:06
by Jim and a second by john oh my gosh Christy. Barb just about came out of my mouth but it’s Christie.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:19
Mr. Aaron’s Yay. Mr. Berthold. Yes. Mr. Garcia absent. Dr. martyr? Yes. Miss Pierce. Aye. Mrs. Raglan absent. Miss Seacrest. Hi.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:34
Thank you, Christy. And apologies for that. My brain went blank a moment’s dick.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:42
Thank you, Madam President. Just the I just wanted to make a general comment about the our consent items, although we pass them in one vote. I wanted to express my appreciation to staff and in particular, the information we Get about the various property transactions from Brian, and the use of the bond money. The information provided in that in your documents gives me great confidence that you have crossed every t dotted every I. And it’s sufficient for us to make good decisions based on the comprehensive information you’ve provided and responsiveness to questions. So although we don’t we spend like a heartbeat, approving it, which is appropriate, it is possible for us to spend a heartbeat doing it because the staff is spending so much time ensuring that the work is well done before it ever comes to us. So I just wanted to say thanks, particularly to Brian but really to the entire staff, with the Karen, which they that the items that are in the consent agenda, and the responsiveness to questions before and after the meeting.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:06
Great. That’s a good point deck. I appreciate you bringing that up. Thank you. Alright, agenda item 8.1 is an action item and it is a recommendation for the adoption of the resolution accepting the fiscal year 21 2022 student fees, which is also board exhibit Jq II. Hi, Diane.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:29
Hello, madam president. Welcome. That proportion members of the board. Thank you so much for having me here. tonight. I am seeking a your recommendation to approve this resolution of student fees for the 2122 school year. And as you can see from the memo with the extension of one to one iPads, and our elementary schools, we’d like to extend that optional miscellaneous fee for insurance to our elementary families. We also would like to include a new instrumental fee for rental. This will help us be able to maintain the instruments that are rented out and clean them and make certain that they are in tip top condition. And then finally the last fee that we have. Going along with our new poll, we will be able to have a course in lifeguarding and there is an $85 fee for students who are seeking that lifeguarding certification that will go directly to that organization so they can get that lifeguarding card pretty awesome. Any questions?

Unknown Speaker 1:27:47
Dinah I have one question. And I I believe I already know the answer. And I’m going to ask it anyway. You’ve added the the fee for the lifeguard course, as well as the instrument rental fee. How do you handle those situations with we have other fees? And if if finances are an issue for any student? Will it prohibit them being able to participate in the life The lifeguarding course or in playing an instrument?

Unknown Speaker 1:28:15
It’s a great question. We have different categories of fees. And so the lifeguarding is a course fee. So anyone who is free or reduced lunch, that course is completely waived. for miscellaneous fees, we have an internal process where we have a prorated fee. And so it goes on down on a reduction base. So that will apply to our instrumental rental and also our technology fee.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:42
Great, thank you. So just like all of the other fees, it will in no way prohibit a student from participating.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:51
That’s absolutely true. And our school principals are always willing and desiring to work with students and families to help accommodate any of these fees to make sure that every child who would like to participate in extracurricular or, or athletics or other programs and accessing the technology, we’re here to make that happen.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:11
Right. And it’s been my experience that the principals really are experts in knowing the students in their building and knowing what teachers to go to to get additional information and ensuring all children have access to those opportunities. So thanks, I appreciate it. Any other board questions or comments stick? Did you have something?

Unknown Speaker 1:29:34
Yes, thank you. You’ve addressed one of my comments already that the that there now exists and has for some time provisions that allow students to participate in all of our fee based activities, regardless of their ability to regardless of whether the fees would become a hindrance for them out of participate. So that’s, that’s fundamentally important. I think that it not only be working from classroom to classroom and building the building, but really a systematic directive that all of us are eager to apply. So that that’s very helpful. I am more, I’m also interested in a sort of a strategic overview of the role that these course assorted fees play in the work of the district. And the degree to which if there is a, if it does have an impact, or even an impact in discouraging participation in those experiences, although the Financial Peace might be accommodated, but presenting a potential disproportion of enrollment in it, for example, advanced courses, or arts and music programs, or athletics. If, if there is a unintended bias, that is part of the way in which we approach those offerings, I would just be interested in in exploring that as an organization, and possibly as a future study session topic.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:40
Yeah, let’s start with a conversation. You and I can have a conversation with Don and see how it evolves. From there. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:47
Yeah, absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:49
And, and I also wanted to say thank you for the fees that we have now are really based on substantial reductions that we made you made your staff made across the board two years ago. And you have held the line on those reductions, which I was happy to see. And I certainly understand the rationale for the new fees that are present.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:12
Absolutely. I would agree. And that actually piggybacked on I don’t see any increases just additions because of increased opportunities for children. Right. Yeah. Okay. And I’m going through, you know, in all honesty, pretty excited to see the the lifeguard certification work. Same rain has a pool, almost. Yeah. So that’s wonderful. All right, Diane, any closing comments? No additional board member comments? Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:32:42
just john.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:42
Yeah, thank you. Um, I’m really glad to see that our instruments are following the same sort of plan that we have with our technology. There was talk of reducing the cost of the technology. I’m just wondering if the full implementation of having every student having an iPad, did that impact our ideas of maybe being able to reduce that? And then secondly, the lifeguards are great. I’m just hoping that we’re going to be able to hire some of those students to be lifeguards at our pool.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:15
That’s a great question. The first one is, yes, we are very fortunate. And I appreciate Michelle bourgeoise work in technology. She’s always looking at that. We have made a reduction already. Once Originally, it was in the $40 range. And so we’ve we’ve almost cut that in half. And I think we’ll continue to look at that our students truly take care of their technology. We have very low rates of breakage or loss. And so with their continued care, I know that that department will continue to look at this fee this as they have done in the past. And yes, I do think that is the intent that we will grow our own lifeguards in St. Rain,

Unknown Speaker 1:34:02
just like pay teach. There you go. All right. Thanks, Diane. I appreciate it. And with that, wrap up of that discussion, I would entertain a motion for approval of action item 8.1, please by john and a second. Second by Jim. Mr. Arens. Hi,

Unknown Speaker 1:34:27
Mr. Berthold. Yes. Mr. Garcia absent. Dr. martyr? Yes. Miss Pierce. Aye. Mrs. Raglan absent, Miss Seacrest II.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:37
Thank you, Christy. action item 8.2 is a recommendation for the approval of a request to grant an exception to board policy GB e a staff ethics conflict of interest. Fitzpatrick Hi, Greg. Hi,

Unknown Speaker 1:34:53

Unknown Speaker 1:34:53
Thank you. So we’re here. I’m recommending that book Board of Education allow an exception to the current board policy, which is, which states that no district employee or firm owned by a school district employee shall be allowed to sell to the district, or its schools or staff goods or services of any kind without the Express written prior consent of the Board of Education. We have an employee, she’s currently a substitute teacher in the district, but she also works doing yoga and mindfulness enrichment. And she’s been a contract with had a contract with the district prior to this through her the company that she works for, through our Community Schools program. And so they have a separate contract for that. In this case, she wasn’t on the conflict of interest before because she was not a substitute teacher. So now she’s moved into the substitute added on as a substitute teacher. We believe that she will continue to just work through the contract with the community schools will ensure that she’s not trying to hand out flyers or do any of those kinds of things, that she’s just really there to support the enrichment of the Community Schools Program.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:10
Great, thank you. Comments or questions? Anybody? Alright, with that, then I would entertain a motion for approval for action item 8.2.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:20
so moved

Unknown Speaker 1:36:22
by deck and a second.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:24
by john. Mr. Arens. Mr. Berthold? Yes. Mr. Garcia, absent. Dr. martyr? Yes. Miss Pierce. Aye. Mrs. Ragland absent. Miss siegrist. I

Unknown Speaker 1:36:39
actually am 8.2 is the recommended pardon me a point three is a recommendation for approval of the sale of surplus technology products.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:48
Good evening. So I’m going to introduce this but then I’m going to turn it over to Tim Wellman. Who’s our purchasing manager, and Michelle Boucher, who’s our technology.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:02

Unknown Speaker 1:37:03
Chief Technology Officer,

Unknown Speaker 1:37:05
all things technology.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:06
Yeah, exactly. And this is related to the sale of the iPads that we are, we are decommissioning as we was we put on the new Apple lease. And so this is the sale of those and kind of deciding who, who we’re going to use our vendor. So I’ll let them go through the process and and what they have.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:31
Hi, Michelle. Hi, Tim.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:33
Hi, good evening. So I want to give you an update on where we are with the iPad refetch project because it was just March that you guys approved for us the purchase of our new fleet of iPads with keyboards. And I’m excited to say that that as of today, all of our high school iPads have been delivered. And our schools are starting to actively refresh those. I had a high school student that I saw in my neighborhood, and she said it’s a game changer. It was her it was her statement to me. By this Friday, all of our middle school, iPads will be delivered. And so then they can begin refreshing. So Apple has been working really aggressively to help us get those those iPads here so we can get them out to students, which is really exciting. There’s really a pretty rapid timeline for us to get those in real quick. So yeah, so while our team’s been working on the new, Tim Wellman has been helping us think about how we can get the best value for the ones that we’re exchanging. If you recall, Dr. Had a chair that we anticipated getting about $4 million in revenue back to the district for that sale. I’m I’m proud to say that because of the hard work that Tim has done, we think that that’s a minimum number that we’ll receive as a result of the sale. So Tim has been working hard first to prequalify vendors that we know are responsible recyclers for any equipment that we provide them that isn’t resellable, as well as companies who will take care of our data. So do they have the right policies in place, and then to give us the best value in terms of price. And so we had four vendors who submitted a bid to purchase this set of 22,000 iPads. And our highest bidder came back higher than either I think Tim or I expected because of the work he did to pre qualify. Most districts have a vendor partner that they work with Tim, in his foresight, set up a process where we have multiple vendors who can bid because of that we actually gain revenue as a district in a way that other districts don’t necessarily see. So it’s because of his hard work. That I’m proud to tell you that that that number that you see in the board memo is the least that would mean that no iPads have gotten here this fall. I mean this spring and that fit 10% of our iPads were broken, when they were returned, that’s a, that’s a pretty aggressive minimum, we’re expecting our return will be probably closer to 4.6 million. Because we know our kids take great care of their devices. And we’ve gotten over half of them in to the district so that we can do that exchange before the summer. So because of that, I’m really proud to say that we’ve selected a partner in Second Life Mac has given us a great price, they’ve proven already to to be great partners, I would say, just in the pre planning that we’ve started to talk to them about, and they’re offering us like to come and be hand in hand with our team to make this happen as as quickly as easily as efficiently as possible. So anything, Tim, that you’d like to add? Sure.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:57
Good evening, Madam President and board. I didn’t think this would be a compliment session. So. So thank you, Michelle. Truly, it wouldn’t be successful, like Dr. martyr had stated earlier, without the commitment, the dedication, the collaboration of all of the departments, and the foresight by DTS, and not understanding but doing discovery work to figure out new and innovative ways to do these things, allowed this to be possible, and then working collaboratively. And putting all those tools together, really made it a successful project. So I think that’s about all that I have. She went over the bid process and the proposals, so thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:41:46
Thank you, Comments or questions from the board? Sure, john,

Unknown Speaker 1:41:51
thank you very much. Um, I just want to say, technology really showed its presence this year. And so I want to thank you for all you’ve done, my son got his iPad, and he’s going to re enroll as a freshman because he was so excited about it. But you know, it’s amazing to hear the the robust strength of our technology program, but the devices are certainly a big part of that and hear the low rates of breakage. And I just want to share, you know, I don’t really congratulate congratulate vendors, but I think our partnership in technology is really a North Star and have Apple as a partner to replace the products in 24 hours to have such a low breakage rate. And then to have them bought back at such a great financial gain for our district is just phenomenal. So I thank you for the hard work you’ve done just did want to recognize the strength of our technology program, which really was a game changer this year, allowed our students to continue on the road to excellence. So thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:05
Thank you. Right.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:08
Yep. Thanks to both of you. And and, you know, this expands it is about, you know, technology, of course. But it’s also about fiscal responsibility, responsibility. These are taxpayer dollars and a commitment that the district has made to to the taxpayers and St. Green Valley School District. So thank you, Tim, and Michelle, for helping the district fulfill that responsibility, and clearly very successfully. So exciting that kids have their iPads already. And I’m gotta be honest, it never occurred to me that it’s a good idea to swap them out before the end of the school year, because then you have a higher return rate. And this is why you all are the experts and I’m not in charge of those day to day details. But at the end of the day, thank you for your commitment and, and dedication. It’s gonna be an exciting school next school year, next year, isn’t it? New iPads? No pandemic,

Unknown Speaker 1:44:01
we hope

Unknown Speaker 1:44:02
it’s gonna be you know, when our teachers have gotten so good at using the technology that I just can’t wait to see what they do when they and the kids are back in person.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:09
It really is going to be a game changer. And that’d be fun in five days a week, right? Yeah, yeah. And we’ll have a pool and lifeguards.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:17
Not with the iPads,

Unknown Speaker 1:44:18
but not with the iPads, no iPads in the polls. Yeah. No, it’s, um, we are very fortunate and St. Brian, we have a lot to look forward to and in large part due to the dedication by by people like you, thank you. Appreciate it.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:33
Alright, so

Unknown Speaker 1:44:33
with that, I would entertain a motion for approval of agenda item 8.3. by john,

Unknown Speaker 1:44:41
second by Jim.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:43
Mr. Arens Hi, Mr. Berthold. Yes, Mr. Garcia absent. Dr. martyr. Yes. Miss Pierce. Hi, Mrs. Raglan, absent Miss Seacrest.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:55
I thank you, Christy. Appreciate it. All right. We don’t have any discussion items. This evening so that does bring us to adjournment. The board of education will be meeting again here in the boardroom for a study session on May 19. from six to 8pm. We do welcome public participation at each of those meetings. We will also have our next regular meeting on Wednesday, May 26. Beginning at 5:30pm with the April financials, I do want to remind everyone that there is the retirement dinner tomorrow tomorrow night and celebration retirement dinner Old habits die hard writes, but a retirement celebration virtually tomorrow night please tune into that. And then we have prompts coming up and parades, barbell leave the parade schedule with you and if you could get that out to board members that would be that would be great.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:44
With that

Unknown Speaker 1:45:45
I will ask for a motion for adjournment. Please.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:50
so moved

Unknown Speaker 1:45:51
by Jim. I

Unknown Speaker 1:45:51
was gonna say somebody has

Unknown Speaker 1:45:55
a second all right

Unknown Speaker 1:45:56
by Jim and a second by john. All in favor. Aye. Good night everyone. Be safe. Thank

Unknown Speaker 1:46:01
you. Good. Congrats. Well

Unknown Speaker 1:46:09
them. Super awesome. Begin. Yeah, I’m good. How are you Tim?

Unknown Speaker 1:46:21
It is should be quick,

Unknown Speaker 1:47:07

Unknown Speaker 1:47:13
and quick.

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