Housing and Human Services Advisory Board Meeting – April 8th, 2021

Video Description:
Housing and Human Services Advisory Board Meeting – April 8th, 2021

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
All right, then we will call this meeting to order for April 8 2021. For the long term housing and human service advisory board.

Unknown Speaker 0:08
Our first item on the agenda is public invited to be heard. And I don’t believe that we have anyone

Unknown Speaker 0:17
waiting to be heard.

Unknown Speaker 0:21
No, we just had the one gentleman who wanted to observe and hopefully he’ll pop in. All right, so our second item is approving the minutes from the march 11 meeting.

Unknown Speaker 0:38
We will check that we have both Karen and Brian here.

Unknown Speaker 0:43
Because we may not be able to vote on

Unknown Speaker 0:46
I’m here the organizer apparently is turned off my right to have the video with me speak to my appearance. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:00
As you walked away, I turned off your video in your I forgot that. Again. Still the cute co host with the power.

Unknown Speaker 1:09
It went to my head.

Unknown Speaker 1:14
Okay, do we have a motion to approve or it any questions about it? Deanna? I was just gonna say I actually wasn’t at the last board meeting. So I was going to abstain from voting to approve. But does that cause an issue with quorum? No.

Unknown Speaker 1:29
I moved to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Okay. Do we have a second?

Unknown Speaker 1:37
Okay, Karen Phillips is seconded. All those in favor of approving the minutes from last meeting? Please raise your hand.

Unknown Speaker 1:47
Okay, so we’ve got five. All opposed?

Unknown Speaker 1:52
Zero, any abstentions? Deanna is abstaining.

Unknown Speaker 1:58
All right. The minutes are so approved. Yes. Deanna?

Unknown Speaker 2:03
You’re muted.

Unknown Speaker 2:05
Sorry, I should have phrased it usually. But the minutes did reflect that. No members were absent at the last meeting. And I was absent. So they should be amended to reflect that I wasn’t there, I think.

Unknown Speaker 2:17
Thank you for that.

Unknown Speaker 2:20
Karen, we’re good there. Do we need we don’t need to do anything else I assume. Yeah. Well, we didn’t include her but we didn’t indicate that she was absent.

Unknown Speaker 2:30
You know, good help these days.

Unknown Speaker 2:35
Make that we’ll make that correction.

Unknown Speaker 2:40
Thanks, Karen. All right. I’m done. The next item on the agenda is the site visit matrix review and the site visit report.

Unknown Speaker 2:52
I believe that starts with you. liberto.

Unknown Speaker 2:56
It does in a second to get the site matrix up so I can share it. Sure.

Unknown Speaker 3:05
Give me one second.

Unknown Speaker 3:10
Juggling your many roles on this meeting, including technical advisor.

Unknown Speaker 3:18
Right? It’ll be one. Okay. Almost there.

Unknown Speaker 3:25
I just want to share that I the million dollar idea in my life that I’m not going to do is making t shirts to say you’re on mute.

Unknown Speaker 3:35
I’m pretty sure somebody has done that already. Yeah, I believe that’s

Unknown Speaker 3:40
alright. Somebody else? Can you just about a year late, but that’s a ride.

Unknown Speaker 3:46
I will wish you were on mute.

Unknown Speaker 3:50
Oh, oh, my. I will say that it’s been a while since we’ve had anyone join with a very interesting name put by like a child or someone that they share a zoom account with.

Unknown Speaker 4:01
But, you know, a friend of mine joined a 500 person company wide zoom the other day and had had the name that was put in place by her seven year old son.

Unknown Speaker 4:13
So she

Unknown Speaker 4:15
I’m not actually going to repeat what it was. But I’ll leave it to you because we’re we’re recording you. No, no. Yes. I know you all to imagine what that was. Well, Ellie barito finished is getting his presentation, right? I’m good. I’m gonna get get the matrix up. Okay. Here we go. Can you all see my screen?

Unknown Speaker 4:36
Yes. And it’s, it’s really what I’m asking the board is any input. I mean, we talked about this is what we think we want.

Unknown Speaker 4:47
And I put it together. The question is, is this really what we want? Are there other things you want me to add at this point is pretty basic. But I wanted to start with something and I did

Unknown Speaker 5:00
Start with the two agencies that we have done site visits. And Deanna is going to share about her site visit that we did.

Unknown Speaker 5:10
But just wanted to start there. This is the site visit matrix. And basically,

Unknown Speaker 5:15
the board had asked for is they want to know, what was the funding amount? What do they get last year? outcome measures that they that they contracted for this year? And if we had them, what, prior years? Now, interestingly, the first two agencies that we have, did site visits, are new agencies or newer agencies that have not, so we don’t have any prior year’s outcomes to for them.

Unknown Speaker 5:41
But I’m just wondering, is there anything else that you all want

Unknown Speaker 5:46
to see on this or that would be helpful for your site visits?

Unknown Speaker 5:51
Is? I have a quick question before, Brian, is the intention here for this to be what the board members use when we do the site visit, or to fill it or to present when they’re presenting to the group or know,

Unknown Speaker 6:09
the use case for this matrix? I the way that I took the way that I took it killing when we first talked about it, is it the board wanted

Unknown Speaker 6:18
some specific information besides the application? Right? They want to know what what did what were they found in the past? How had they done with their contract? What you know, what outcomes had they had they reached or achieved? wasn’t necessarily about presentation, it was

Unknown Speaker 6:39

Unknown Speaker 6:41
background information was my understanding. But again, that’s what I understood that could be wrong. So background information, where essentially you would help fill in this information before the board member does the site visit? I that’s what I’ve done. I’ve sent it before the board member has done the site visit. And so the board member goes into the site visit with this information. Got it. Okay, Brian, you had a question or comment? Yeah, thank you. One thing that I think would be helpful are any staff notes that could be useful for us to follow up on during a site visit or ask about I know that in the past, we’ve had agencies that maybe had like long standing board issues or diversity kinds of questions, and I think the site visit can be a good time just to learn a little bit more about what kind of steps they’re taking.

Unknown Speaker 7:37
So I will say that that type of information, typically, if there is an issue, is in and I do send this as well to the board members is my desk audit.

Unknown Speaker 7:49
Because it does ask about so if I have if I have concern,

Unknown Speaker 7:54
then I many times I’ll put it in in the in the desk audit typically has been more on the documentation side, for example, a lack of a grievance process or just, you know,

Unknown Speaker 8:07
no, or a lack of a of a board nomination process.

Unknown Speaker 8:12
or other things are missing, or and sometimes I’ll even put things that I think are really good. Like, for example, somebody had a really great for the plan, they’ll say, I’ll put in the notes. This is a really good strategic plan. So

Unknown Speaker 8:25
okay, thank you,

Unknown Speaker 8:28

Unknown Speaker 8:30
it was just wondering if the number of individuals served would be in the prior year’s outcomes? Or is there another document that would share that like the number of people affected? I could add, I could add, I could add that to this document, too.

Unknown Speaker 8:45
I’m not sure if there’s a more appropriate place, but it would be nice to know they’re there in order.

Unknown Speaker 8:50
Yeah, that’s a good place where I can add it. Um, along those lines, I think it might be interesting if the funding amounts and the prior year funding amounts

Unknown Speaker 9:02
to things I’ve thought of is, if it’s possible to pull it easily is their annual budget overall. So we can understand like, how does the city’s funding play into their overall budget, we have somewhere the city funds a good percentage of what they’re doing. And, and somewhere The city is like,

Unknown Speaker 9:23
little tiny amount of their total of their total programming budget. For me, it helps seeing that context of where they’re getting their funding next from and then the second thing I was thinking of is we have some agencies who there’s not going to be prior year funding amounts or prior year outcomes, but they have applied in the past and then they they were rejected, and then then they were accepted.

Unknown Speaker 9:49
We I don’t know if there’s any thing that would be useful from the fact that like they previously hadn’t been funded or they had and then they weren’t again and

Unknown Speaker 10:01
I don’t know if that’s helpful information for other board members that might be getting a little too, like granular to be helpful for a site visit.

Unknown Speaker 10:08
So so the budget one question is easy to answer, because that’s you could always just pull up the application or I could I could download the application from the SD impact site.

Unknown Speaker 10:19
So we could do that. Because their budgets are there.

Unknown Speaker 10:22
Right. And so are their financials from the application?

Unknown Speaker 10:28

Unknown Speaker 10:30
Yeah, the I would question how do you want to go into this? I mean, yeah, we changed, we changed the safe is it to be less.

Unknown Speaker 10:42
It was very structured. And then we kind of went the other way. And then it feels like the pendulum swinging back, which is fine. I’m just, that’s fine that the board has discretion. To do that, I’m just pointing out that the pendulum swinging back to a more structure

Unknown Speaker 11:00

Unknown Speaker 11:02
in this case, I’m thinking like having structure for the information a board member has going into it. And then we also talked about having a structure for the four board members presenting out to the rest of the board. So that or some like, you know, way of sharing that information other than just an oral report where it can be hard to train track, like, what information there was, um,

Unknown Speaker 11:25
I don’t think I mean, my personal opinion is that I don’t think we should like say, oh, board members should be asking about XYZ, like, I would like to use everyone’s sort of knowledge and experiences and perspectives, different perspectives, because I think that we all bring different perspectives to the site visits, and I’d like to lean into that. But having enough information that board members would find helpful,

Unknown Speaker 11:50
I think is that that strikes me as what we’re trying to do here is have sufficient information. So board members can be prepared going into those and not just

Unknown Speaker 12:01
the flailing?

Unknown Speaker 12:03
Which is what, you know, I do if I don’t if I don’t have information sometimes, so.

Unknown Speaker 12:11
Yeah, that’s fine.

Unknown Speaker 12:13
I think I most of the stuff you’re asking for is pretty immunex. The applications are they’re the ones about being rejected, and then I can go back, but because I can get to all previous funding round applications. You know, I, as I said that and talked about it, I don’t think it’s necessary. I don’t think that’s as useful. So it’s a lot of work for logain. So let’s set that aside. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 12:42
I’m Deanna.

Unknown Speaker 12:45
So the only thing I was going to add is that, you know, for like a new agency, this matrix, you know, that we can’t really plug any of this information in for a really a new agency. Right. So I don’t know if we.

Unknown Speaker 12:58
And maybe it’s just not possible, but I don’t know if we need to think of some additional ways to sort of measure some of this stuff for new agency. I mean, I felt like I sort of I mean, you were talking about floundering a little bit in terms of coming up with the the site visit matrix for the site visit, it was hard to conceptualize this for me, because it’s a new agency, and there’s not really a lot to plug into it.

Unknown Speaker 13:21
So I don’t really have a suggestion for that. I guess. So that’s maybe this is not entirely helpful. But I’m just saying that I don’t know that this matrix is really very useful, necessarily for new agency, well, would still have the current funded amount and the outcome measures that yes, from their current application, right of what they say they’re doing, right, like visit is an opportunity to check in on whether they’re like how those things are going and what’s happening. I guess, Deanna, to your point, do you think that

Unknown Speaker 13:52
pulley any I mean, if if we have just a copy of their application, where they explain, like going into that site visit,

Unknown Speaker 14:01
I feel like now that I’ve seen applications, I have a better sense of what agencies are doing. But when I did my first site visit, I was like, Sure, let’s talk about it. But I didn’t fully connect what they were doing with what I was asking. And so maybe even just having a copy of the application, plus this matrix is enough to help me formulate questions. Yeah, and Alberto sent me the desk audit for two. So I had some some background for it. I mean, it may just simply be that for new agencies that there’s not necessarily a great matrix that we can even develop. I’m just saying it was a little conceptually especially because because as a first one, it was conceptually challenging for me to figure out how to plug this stuff into this.

Unknown Speaker 14:42
Got it.

Unknown Speaker 14:45
Councilwoman Christiansen

Unknown Speaker 14:49
rolling around here while you were talking.

Unknown Speaker 14:53
not ignoring you, but

Unknown Speaker 14:55
we have an

Unknown Speaker 14:58
associated with our way

Unknown Speaker 15:00
website, we have a really interesting project prioritization

Unknown Speaker 15:05
page that shows you for those of you who think visually shows you exactly how our budget is broken down in little colored slots. And it’s interesting because of course, everybody else has big giant colored blocks. And housing and Human Services has little tiny little bits of very many different different colors, products. But I just sent that link to Karen and Alberto, and they can pass it on. But if you type in the year you want, and you want to look at how our budget is broken down. It’s a, it’s really interesting, and it’s a interesting tool to play with. You can see how everything is allotted. But you can find it to yourself by going to the finance department and got budget prioritization on the city website.

Unknown Speaker 15:53
Thank you, Karen, Ronnie.

Unknown Speaker 15:57
So one, one logistical thing. So Alberto, do you want to stop sharing your screen? So So Michael has now joined the meeting? So would you let him in? And then?

Unknown Speaker 16:10
He did. Do I mean, and he is muted, and his video is on? Got it. Thanks. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker 16:16
So then my second thing is,

Unknown Speaker 16:20

Unknown Speaker 16:22
And this in this gets back to what?

Unknown Speaker 16:28
You know, what Deanna was just kind of, you know, thinking about as far as what else to include for agencies that are newly funded? And I don’t know, Caitlin, if this would be helpful, but maybe, maybe for new agencies, that this might be where any kind of comments that the advisory board made in the in their evaluation process,

Unknown Speaker 16:53
you know, of that agency, maybe that’s where that information could go. Because if there were some, you know, concerns or if there were comments that advisory board members made,

Unknown Speaker 17:04
you know, that that could be information that would be helpful. I don’t know, just just throwing that out there. Yeah, we don’t really use the comments in other in when we were doing the, like, the evaluation of them. So I could actually see that being useful for all of the agencies. So if we, when we do the, if we get a copy of the application, Deanna, when you got the copy was just their application? Or did we also have the evaluation of it? Well, there’s, there’s 10 of you evaluating so individually and get the comments and put them in a document. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 17:42
So, but maybe for new, I mean, even just getting overall scores.

Unknown Speaker 17:47
So we have a sense of where they fell in, in things could be helpful. I don’t know, they’ve all been funded, but they were all high at the highest scoring. And of what we got so so. So I guess my question, yeah. Go ahead, Ellie. Gotcha. I guess my question, Caitlin is what?

Unknown Speaker 18:05
What is it that we want? From this matrix? what? what what’s, what’s this? I’m gonna, I’m gonna steal that thing from Karen. What’s our What’s our tragic unmet need that we need to

Unknown Speaker 18:19
to meet? Cuz? Cuz Yeah, I’m fine doing whatever you want to make sure that, that we’re we’re providing you as board members, that which you feel you need to do this job. best way possible.

Unknown Speaker 18:33
And Deana, you mentioned not being sure what to plug into these. But this looks like, to me, this looks like stuff that, like liberto is going to provide to us. So you wouldn’t be plugging information into these necessarily. But my question to you is, are is what you’re looking for something to help, like, guide the questions you’re asking or information to bring what information you need to bring back to the board, or something else. So when I had talked to Alberto about this agenda last week, he and I had talked about sending something out to the board that I had prepared. And I frankly, just didn’t get it together, because I wasn’t exactly sure what to put together. And that may simply, as I say, just be a function of the fact that it’s really the first sort of time, because I looked at the matrix and I was like, man, I have no idea what to plug into the some of these categories, right. So

Unknown Speaker 19:26
but maybe once we do a couple of these, it’ll be more obvious, but I sort of, I wasn’t sure what to include in the packet. So I kind of got bogged down and didn’t do it. So

Unknown Speaker 19:37
does that answer your question? Caitlin? Yeah, so it sounds to me like so. It would be helpful probably to have this whatever this matrix is filled out. When? When? After board. So bla bla, okay, I’m going to there’s two uses for this particular matrix. One is helping the board member who is going to the site visit to have some background information for asking questions.

Unknown Speaker 20:00
The second would be to include it with the board packet when that board member is presenting on the organization, so that the rest of the board members have some context for any comments. Additionally, it sounds like and for forgive me if I’m wrong here is, it would be helpful to have a couple of questions or some kind of template that board members fill out after a site visit with information that they would want to share with the rest of the board that would also get sent out in the packet when they’re presenting so that there’s sort of some written information as well, as, you know, a board member presenting on that site visit.

Unknown Speaker 20:35
Does that

Unknown Speaker 20:37
seemed like it? So I’m hearing like two different needs that were one is for board members going to the site visit and one is for board members receiving information about someone else is someone else having conducted a site visit? So there are two different things to solve for.

Unknown Speaker 20:55
Grant Graham?

Unknown Speaker 20:57
Yeah, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 20:59
I appreciate the casual nature of the site visits. And I think that any background information, such as this matrix, is really just gonna help.

Unknown Speaker 21:11
In cases where, you know, let’s say an agency is applied year after year, and they fail to get funding or they get less than great funding, because there’s some issue that that they they’re constantly failing on. And it just, it would be a missed opportunity to have one of us meet with them and not address that issue if it’s long standing. So maybe a matrix isn’t appropriate for every agency. But, you know, if agency x just constantly is not working on board diversity, then maybe that’s something worth bringing up when you’re doing a site visit and talking about that.

Unknown Speaker 21:48
But I don’t know, I guess maybe I’d be interested to hear from staff what kind of conversation is had post, post awarding or non awarding to these agencies reach back out and really want to understand why they didn’t get the full award and what it is they really need to work on and own that or is it just like, oh, like a report card where you just sort of throw it in the trash and on with your life?

Unknown Speaker 22:16
At least that’s what I did with the report cards.

Unknown Speaker 22:23
Councilwoman Christiansen, did you have a comment on this section? You still have like the electronic hand raise, but I’m not sure if it’s still up from the previous time? No, I don’t have a comment. Okay. Thanks for asking on zoom, can you? I think there’s something to like unraised your hand? Maybe?

Unknown Speaker 22:44
I’m not. Okay. liberto?

Unknown Speaker 22:49
Yeah, no, um, I think this is really helpful. This, this last piece was really helpful, because it gives direction on is not just about the background information, I can provide applications, I could, whatever, but it’s really the the need also is or that needs to be met is giving the board the tool, a tool to help present.

Unknown Speaker 23:14
And so I could I could come up with some

Unknown Speaker 23:21
some want to call them either questions or, or aspects of this, that you find most valuable that we could plug into this matrix. So it’d be like a two section matrix. Right. The first part is my information to you. The second part is what the board what the board member wants to share with the with the board.

Unknown Speaker 23:45
Yeah. And it could be as simple I mean, for that part, it could be as simple as saying, like, you know,

Unknown Speaker 23:53
you know, were there. Were there any highlights of the visit? Were there any concerns in the visit, were there any particularly compelling stories or pieces of information that came out during the conversation like we could leave it there, the idea would be to be very broad.

Unknown Speaker 24:08
And just support folks in bringing that information to the board. I think one of the concerns folks had was I did a site visit, and then I present on it four months later, and I don’t necessarily remember and if we have just a little bit of process, like it doesn’t have to be a ton. To Graham’s point, the casual nature of these is really allows us to establish some of those relationships with it. And then just giving folks a little bit to share that with the rest of the board. Some people do very well with just an oral presentation. Some people really like to see a couple of notes written down. And so I think having both is is helpful.

Unknown Speaker 24:51
Do you feel like we’re in a good spot on this le barito. Does anyone else have any other comments about this matrix or what we need for site visits going forward?

Unknown Speaker 25:02
Okay, we’ll move on to the next item on the agenda. Hi, Madeline. Welcome.

Unknown Speaker 25:08
Hi. Thank you. Thanks, Karen. Yep, you’re welcome.

Unknown Speaker 25:13
The next item is the housing and Human Services Advisory Board role in the city budget process and increasing funding for Human Services set aside. I am not sure who is speaking to this.

Unknown Speaker 25:27
That That would be me. Okay. Great.

Unknown Speaker 25:32
You are up then Karen to I see, I see that intro here. So, so this

Unknown Speaker 25:41
this item came off of the

Unknown Speaker 25:44
list of things for

Unknown Speaker 25:49
the workplan list that we generated back in?

Unknown Speaker 25:54
January? I believe so.

Unknown Speaker 25:56
So this is really twofold, I think, one just to talk about the upcoming budget process. And

Unknown Speaker 26:05
and then to to find out what else the board had in mind regarding this, this topic. So I believe, when we were having this conversation back in January, there was also some, you know, some comments or some questions about, you know, can the advisory board have roles in, you know, like, when

Unknown Speaker 26:28
the city is considering grant funding, or do basically to have input in other

Unknown Speaker 26:37
budget kinds of issues or other financing for human services, beyond what you have direct control over, if you will. So that’s kind of the the second part of this.

Unknown Speaker 26:50
So yeah, in in the next couple of months, staff will be working on the 2022 budget. And,

Unknown Speaker 27:02
and, and so just a reminder, for those of you who have been on the board, and also for new advisory board members is

Unknown Speaker 27:14
two years ago, we went before the City Council,

Unknown Speaker 27:19
and had a discussion about basically, different strategies or approaches for increasing the amount of general fund revenues that are set aside for human service agency grants that you all, you know, manage the

Unknown Speaker 27:37
at that point in time, when we had the conversation, the amount, the percentage of general fund revenues set aside for human service agency funding was 2.05%.

Unknown Speaker 27:52
And the advisory board had a recommendation that we wanted to move that percentage up to 3% 3% was

Unknown Speaker 28:06
there there was some, it wasn’t just necessarily something we pulled totally out of the air. But but it, it was actually it was a

Unknown Speaker 28:16
it was a goal that the

Unknown Speaker 28:18
that in 2007 2008, that we were pursuing, we were pursuing at that point in time, and increase two to 3%. And we made it the first year with the with the City Council. And then

Unknown Speaker 28:35
as you recall, what was happening back in 2008 or So was that we, you know, we had a pretty significant recession. And so we were just trying to

Unknown Speaker 28:48
we were just trying to keep our service levels with decreasing revenues. And so, we did not pursue a further increase, we increased it for one year, but we did not make it up to the up to the 3%. So, a couple of years ago, we decided to to try that again, the the the trigger for that if you will learn once a trigger the compelling reason to, to, to consider that again, was that we had

Unknown Speaker 29:22
also the previous year, we had

Unknown Speaker 29:26
allocated which took us a second significant amount of dollars that used to go into the competitive grant process. And we we allocated about $700,000 or so for our homelessness and, and homeless prevention services. So we took that off of the of the amount that we had available for human service agencies. So

Unknown Speaker 29:57
So it helped us to address a compelling need.

Unknown Speaker 30:00
in the community, but we did so if you if you will, on the, on the backs of the agencies that had been

Unknown Speaker 30:09
counting on and relied on city grant funding to fund basically our, our social determinants of health services.

Unknown Speaker 30:20
So, so our reason two years ago was to go back to city council was to say, you know, hey, we would like to

Unknown Speaker 30:28
keep the, you know, basically keep the funding that we have available for addressing homelessness and, and for homeless prevention services, we’d like to keep that amount, but we would like to be able over time to build back up the amount that’s available to the human service agencies through the competitive grant process. So

Unknown Speaker 30:55
so that was a direction actually, that we, we gave council several scenarios. And what council landed on was that we would work over a three year period to, to increase the,

Unknown Speaker 31:10
to increase the amount of set aside funding up to up to 3%.

Unknown Speaker 31:17
So we made a jump in 2020. That went up to I think, 2.37%. And then, of course, in the 21. Budget, we were dealing with COVID impacts. And it’s like any, anytime we try to increase human service agency funding, we have a financial disaster. So I think we should maybe not do that anymore. I don’t know. But anyhow. But but the council was committed to continuing to increase the funding, because obviously, you know, they were able to see the, the value of the services that we fund and and that our community was relying on a lot of the services that we fund, particularly during that economic crisis. And so

Unknown Speaker 32:05
we’d asked to go up to I think 2.7%, but what council did do is they did increase the percentage of satisfy funding to 2.52%. So we did have an increase, it wasn’t as much as we asked for, but we got, but the Human Services did receive more an increase in funding, more so than a lot of the other services that basically were at a, at a flat maintenance level. So so

Unknown Speaker 32:39
so this year in the in the 2022 budgets,

Unknown Speaker 32:45
you know, I think what what, what staff will do is, is to go ahead and

Unknown Speaker 32:52
crank that request up to the up to that 3%.

Unknown Speaker 32:57
So that we will continue to have, you know, so that we will build back up

Unknown Speaker 33:04
funding that, that the agencies would have had that basically, I was looking for the amount, it basically would restore,

Unknown Speaker 33:18
restore funding to the, to the level that we had in I think in 2019, before we put for 2018

Unknown Speaker 33:29
or more 2017 pre 2017 numbers, cuz that’s what Okay, that is that in dollar amount, you mean that it would be just in dollar amount, right to get it back to that level. And then with again, with, with this, the percentage of set aside as revenues increase, or say, you know, decrease, you know, the, the funding will, you know, will go up or be reduced based on that. So our goal was to get it back to the amount that that was available through the competitive process

Unknown Speaker 34:03
2017, pre 2012 and 2017.

Unknown Speaker 34:07
And, and then be able to continue to build it from there. So.

Unknown Speaker 34:13

Unknown Speaker 34:14
you know, so that’s, that really is the the background. And and I guess if the Advisory Board has any other thoughts about that, do you think? Well, just want to throw that out there. So what we would be requesting in the 2022 budget was to bump that up to

Unknown Speaker 34:36
up to that 3% set aside, unless the advisory board had other thoughts or ideas that you would want to provide around that.

Unknown Speaker 34:49

Unknown Speaker 34:52
Thank you, Caitlin. So I’m fully in support of asking for that increase. I think the economic projections for

Unknown Speaker 35:00
2022 are looking pretty good at this point.

Unknown Speaker 35:03
And if they’re not the money’s needed, which is the the conundrum that we live in is that when the economy’s good, the funding is better. And the need of slower and when the economy’s bad, the need is higher and the funding

Unknown Speaker 35:19
isn’t as good. So I certainly support asking for it. And I think at some point, we should also entertain discussions of other potential funding mechanisms that are dedicated to Health and Human Services, specifically, health.

Unknown Speaker 35:39
Councilwoman Christiansen

Unknown Speaker 35:42
I’m certainly in support of this. And I

Unknown Speaker 35:46
don’t know, but I really do think that maybe everybody but one person would, maybe all of them would support this. So I hope we can do this. Because really, just to bring it up to what it was five years ago was kind of

Unknown Speaker 36:04
kind of sad. But you know, we really have had a lot of

Unknown Speaker 36:08
difficult times over the last eight years.

Unknown Speaker 36:12
So anyway, I hope we have a good chance of getting this past.

Unknown Speaker 36:17

Unknown Speaker 36:20
I’m definitely in support as well. And I’m curious, just to know, per capita, how the funding compares between 2017 and the 3%. that’s being proposed for 2022. If we’re maintaining the per capita, over time when we compare those two years, or if it’s dropped, just just curious, because that might be something to consider in the future, hopefully, as the economy strengthens.

Unknown Speaker 36:47
We certainly could look at that until we could pull those numbers together. If if maybe that’s a, we didn’t talk about that as a per capita basis. But if that’s a that’s a measure, we want to consider, to be glad to put that information together. That’s a good point.

Unknown Speaker 37:03
Um, one other thought that I had that, that you mentioned that we don’t see as much of and this sort of goes into the other I think we’ve talked about, quote unquote, other areas where the board might be involved or provide input is you’ve met, you mentioned that some of the funding in the past got shifted from the competitive grant process into services provided by the city for homelessness. For example.

Unknown Speaker 37:31
Councilwoman Christiansen mentioned earlier that there’s some of the budget breakdown and kind of scoring around which budget areas, different things within the city budget fall under?

Unknown Speaker 37:44
I would find it, I would, I would love to know to see sort of over time. Even if this grant money has gone down what the city funding has looked like for things like homelessness, anything around like boulder community, like the healthcare, the Boulder County, you know, health and mental health and those things that that I think that the city helps fund, but not necessarily through this competitive grant process. Because it’s easy for us to sort of like silo in on this competitive grant process as how the city is funding, what our community needs. But it’s really clear that there’s a lot of other things that the city is doing. And so helping us contextualize in terms of what the city where the city is spending on similar types of services, but that are not going through the competitive grant process would be super helpful. Because I also think I think about even having conversations with folks in the community. You know, it’s easy to say, Oh, you know, we had $800,000 that we gave to community partners, but the city is also funding other programs, and being able to have a perspective of like,

Unknown Speaker 38:55
you know, that accounts for 15% of city’s fun. I don’t know what the percentage is. But you know, getting a sense of what that is. This also strikes me in light of our conversation. Last summer, we had many conversations around, you know, funding of

Unknown Speaker 39:13
police versus community services, and this idea that those are opposed. But

Unknown Speaker 39:18
in many in some of those conversations, it was really comparing this competitive grant process to that funding, and not necessarily the entirety of what city was spending on it. And I think that it would be good for us to see that as well. So, I’d love I can pull this spreadsheet, but if it’s something that staff can help us get a picture of that would be great. Councilwoman Christiansen

Unknown Speaker 39:47
I can help you with a little bit of that I sent the

Unknown Speaker 39:51
link to that

Unknown Speaker 39:54
breakdown to Karen and ella barito. So they can forward that but um,

Unknown Speaker 40:00
I don’t think the city on that page has quite the granular

Unknown Speaker 40:07
breakdown you’re looking for in terms of exact

Unknown Speaker 40:12
agencies that they’re giving money to. Because the budget itself is like, orders, really.

Unknown Speaker 40:21
But it does tell it does tell you on a department level, for instance, you could look down and see how much the Department of the police department is spending on school resource officers on homeless outreach on

Unknown Speaker 40:35
restorative justice on

Unknown Speaker 40:39
body cameras, I think that might be things like body cameras might be a too granular that would just be in the budget. But

Unknown Speaker 40:51
anyway, it gives you an idea. For instance, there is this huge thing that says electricity. That’s like, that’s Moby Dick. Housing, the image services is the little minnows swimming around. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I download I don’t believe between that. That’s the krill, you know, the specific areas, because it is very, I really think this is a very helpful way of understanding exactly how the the, it was prioritized. And at the top of the page of this, it explains how the city prioritizes things, and how the skidded city scores these things. So that is this something that as a mandated a federally mandated program, then we have to fund it, is it it’s something that is mandated by the state, it is something that is critical to not having people die,

Unknown Speaker 41:47
things like that. And so there is a scoring system that helps with the prioritization, but there are also areas that we, the city did a huge survey, from 2013 to 2014, to find out what the city that the residents of the city actually wanted. And while I have like issues of surveys and all that stuff, I do think that generally, these are, these are the things that morally and principally, the city wants to see. And so that is our prioritization. And so it’s a very helpful way I think of looking at a budget, which is not just numbers, it really goes to people, especially from housing and to human services to people that makes a huge difference. So, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 42:40
yeah, I downloaded the spreadsheet and saw, for example, you know, 250,000, going directly to conflict resolution facilitation, you know, which, which, when you consider even just that amount, as compared to the amount that we’re doing in the competitive grants, that’s a significant investment in that type of program for, for us, and for like children, youth services, you know, 150,000, towards these youth services that help provide resources for under resourced communities in our city. And so that’s those are fairly significant, you know, the city budget is huge, but we also are having significant investment in those areas that are not just where we are. So, Karen?

Unknown Speaker 43:31
So I guess the question is,

Unknown Speaker 43:34
you know, so we can certainly put together some information, you know, as, as Councilmember Christianson talked about, I mean, that there’s a priority based budgeting, which is the process that she’s talking about. And some of that is very self explanatory. Some of it really isn’t. And so but So, I mean, I think I think Alberto and I have a pretty good idea of, of what, you know, really, what you’re interested in is, is that there is a larger city investments in, in, you know, Human Services, beyond what we offer through the grant program. So there’s a lot of direct services that we provide,

Unknown Speaker 44:17
or maybe even contracts that aren’t part of this process. And so I think we can we can gather that information. And and I guess it’s my it’s similar question to what Alberto asked before is so and, and the purpose of having that information would be what? So just just for understanding, so because we can gather that and

Unknown Speaker 44:41
just just wondering how that will be useful. So I’d welcome thoughts from other folks on this, but my, my first thought is one helping board members understand the context that we’re working in, because I think that helps us understand the job that we’re doing this

Unknown Speaker 45:00
Though is so you mentioned that staff is going to go. And I think that we’re all supportive of staff requesting the increase to 3% of city general funding. I think that there’s the potential over time to see like, okay, maybe the city starts increasing this, but then does the does funding for some of these other things start decreasing, but we’re not seeing that, like, so it looks or is funding across those going up. And so that looks like what we think it should be. I think that folks on this

Unknown Speaker 45:33
board have an interest in these housing and Human Services, not just through the competitive grant funding. And so

Unknown Speaker 45:43
folks have talked about going to city council and requesting, you know, we sent a letter to city council last summer, suggesting more investment in, you know, alternatives to policing for the community. I think we all have an interest in that. And so being able to understand that context, could also help us advocate for, hey, we’ve only got, you know, Grant requests for $200,000, related to housing, the amount for housing that the city council has allocated hasn’t changed in five years. I don’t think that’s true. But like, give us that context, because then we could say, well, maybe it’s not that we need to do more grant funding, maybe it’s that the city needs to support more directly, instead of grant funding, because we don’t service providers that are meeting that need. So that’s my that’s my thought is that, in particular, we have seen an imbalance in some of those areas in terms of grant funding, and being able to say like, Okay, well, that need isn’t being met. Does the city need to do it? Or do we need to find another way to to meet that need? Because we don’t have enough community partners that are doing X, Y, or Z?

Unknown Speaker 46:56
Um, Brian, I think you had your hand up first.

Unknown Speaker 47:01
Thank you. Yeah, I agree that I think it’s good for us to understand our role in the ecosystem. And that kind of information can help us understand how we can add the most value.

Unknown Speaker 47:15
I also think it helps us be a more responsible supplicant, if we’re going to go and ask for more money to understand what else is happening so that we’re not just I don’t know, you know, like, Hey, we want more, I don’t care what else is going on? We want more. It’s nice to know what else is going on and be supportive of that work.

Unknown Speaker 47:39
Councilman Christiansen

Unknown Speaker 47:46
you took your hand down, but you didn’t unmute.

Unknown Speaker 47:51
I can’t be expected to do everything.

Unknown Speaker 47:55
Yeah, well, you’re certainly everybody is welcome to call. I wish we could meet again. But

Unknown Speaker 48:03
I’m hoping in two months, we’ll be able to actually meet again,

Unknown Speaker 48:08
because it’s it’s just been horrible.

Unknown Speaker 48:12
But you can always come as an individual and speak. But you can also write a letter as a group. And even though it is Navy seems

Unknown Speaker 48:22
not to be directly concerned with

Unknown Speaker 48:26
what this board is doing. If it is in any any way related, for instance, anything having to do with housing, or any of the human services, you can certainly advocate for that. And I think that that’s exactly what you guys should be doing. And

Unknown Speaker 48:42
counsel would love to hear from you. So please do you know.

Unknown Speaker 48:49
Thank you, appreciate that perspective. Do any other comments about

Unknown Speaker 48:56
the board’s involvement, and then the request for additional grant funding this year, or anything else related to the board’s role in the budgeting process?

Unknown Speaker 49:10
Okay, and then we are on to our next item on Oh, so let’s

Unknown Speaker 49:19
go ahead, Karen.

Unknown Speaker 49:22
So I just

Unknown Speaker 49:25
I guess I would like to go back and ask Brian about his comment.

Unknown Speaker 49:31
Not the most recent one. But the one where you said, you know, you mentioned about pursuing other funding,

Unknown Speaker 49:40
particularly for health services. So I’m interested if you would, you would expand a little bit on that thought.

Unknown Speaker 49:50
Yes, well, I’m disappointed that you asked because there wasn’t much behind that.

Unknown Speaker 49:56
Try to fill it out a little bit. Well, I just didn’t know what to do.

Unknown Speaker 50:00
Listed or you know, so I just I didn’t know what pursuing other funding Yeah, what that really meant.

Unknown Speaker 50:08
So in your mind when I think of other communities that are able to spend more dollars just in general,

Unknown Speaker 50:17
sometimes that’s because they may have a special tax in place, for instance, that helps provide funding, or

Unknown Speaker 50:28
they they’re getting money from the Colorado Health Foundation to run a program. So it’s really, it this is about as shallow a pond as we’re gonna get them by asking me, but there’s just like this, this kind of nagging sense of, maybe there’s other money out there other than asking for a percentage from the general fund. Right. Right. So that, that that’s helpful to understand Brian and I would say,

Unknown Speaker 51:02
you know, certainly as

Unknown Speaker 51:05
you know, as as staff, and Alberto, maybe we can, we can figure out how to capture that is we do go after

Unknown Speaker 51:14
a variety of grant resources. So we we have private foundations, we have state money that we, you know, we pursue our federal grants, so,

Unknown Speaker 51:27
so we do a pretty good job of pursuing other resources that will, you know, will help us and most of the time that is about

Unknown Speaker 51:38
helping us maybe establish some new programs, and then what we need to do is to figure out, alright, how are we going to have a sustainable funding source for something that we try, and we find out that that’s pretty effective. So

Unknown Speaker 51:51
but you know, and what we, what we really haven’t pursued would be, you know, some very specific targeted, you know, tax. And so that happens quite a bit in like city of Boulder has it, obviously, there’s their,

Unknown Speaker 52:08
their sugary beverage tax was

Unknown Speaker 52:11
big time, generates quite a bit of money. That that goes directly to fund a variety of services. But but we haven’t necessarily pursued that. Very often as I don’t think as a, as a community. Obviously, we’ve had, we’ve had open space, targeted taxes, as well as for supplemental public safety services. But yeah, we do pursue grant opportunities for sure. And and thank you for that. It’s I think this ties back to Caitlin’s request for some of that other information. So then, yeah, we have contact You bet. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 52:51
Councilman Christiansen?

Unknown Speaker 53:02
Yes, she got it.

Unknown Speaker 53:04
So um, yeah, our

Unknown Speaker 53:09
Oh, you got muted somehow. I don’t know if it was you or somebody accidentally muted you.

Unknown Speaker 53:16
were shaking his power.

Unknown Speaker 53:20

Unknown Speaker 53:22
you don’t want to cut off our Councilwoman

Unknown Speaker 53:26
sense. Okay, I get cut off all the time.

Unknown Speaker 53:31
So, yeah, our staff is incredibly good about trying to do that. But it helps it really, you know, when I first started doing this, I had no idea

Unknown Speaker 53:41
where all this money came from, or how it worked at all. And so we get, for instance,

Unknown Speaker 53:49
long run Housing Authority, which is now the City Council, which

Unknown Speaker 53:55
gets money from HUD or used to before, well, five years ago.

Unknown Speaker 54:02
Now it might get money again, from HUD, we get money from the state and in terms of chafa. Colorado housing and

Unknown Speaker 54:10
finance. Yeah, good phrase as

Unknown Speaker 54:14
we get money from Dola. Department of local affairs, we get money from Dora department of regional affairs. We get money from all kinds of different private grants, but also public grants and

Unknown Speaker 54:29
nonprofit grants. And believe me, staff just is running around looking for every bit of money, but it does help to know that there really are a lot of resources out there. But it takes a huge amount of time to write those grants. And you have to really have people

Unknown Speaker 54:49
who who are familiar with doing that, to do that, because if I tried to write a grant, I’m sure I wouldn’t get a penny but there are a lot of people

Unknown Speaker 55:00
are in our city government who are very good at that.

Unknown Speaker 55:03
So, yeah, we do try to, it just helps to know what other people are doing and how this city functions. It’s it’s very complex, we have hundreds of people, and they all have.

Unknown Speaker 55:19
They are all doing something useful. So

Unknown Speaker 55:22
but yeah, Grant mining is a huge part of running the city for every department.

Unknown Speaker 55:30
And, Karen, any other questions you have for the board? Do you need anything for us to say like, yes, we support asking for additional funding this year or anything like that.

Unknown Speaker 55:42
I think we have some good direction, about moving forward with the original plan and coming back and providing some some supplemental information that, you know, you might come back and say, and, you know, we will do our best to have that ready for the

Unknown Speaker 56:02
May meeting. And, you know, because it wouldn’t be too late in May to change our path in terms of what we’re requesting. So. So I think we’ve got what we need. And I think Brian’s virtual hand is backup. I see that. Yes, Brian. Just real quickly, Karen, I don’t want to add too much to your workload. I have been made aware that the state of Colorado is not as prolific as some other states and pulling down federal funds and in various areas. I don’t know that that at all relates to this area that we’re talking about. But it may be helpful to know whether it’s the city of Longmont per capita, or it’s the state of Colorado as a state, how we do in securing funds that are available from a federal level. You know, what’s our performance look like? And, and what would it take it let’s just start there. And I don’t know if you have that, but if you do amazing.

Unknown Speaker 57:06
If not, don’t add a whole lot to your workload to get Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 57:11
Because I I’m I see that question. I’m like, oh, if you have it, that’s really easy to pull in. If you don’t, that could be like, that could be quite the rabbit hole for someone to go down to try to quantify. Well, we won’t go down a rabbit hole. But if that’s something we can grab, we’ll do that Brian, but okay.

Unknown Speaker 57:30
All right.

Unknown Speaker 57:32
Yes, Councilwoman Christiansen

Unknown Speaker 57:37
it’s probably it’s the Polian Brian showed him.

Unknown Speaker 57:41
So a lot of that depends too on our state representatives and state senators. So as you know, we do not always get some shining stars to represent us.

Unknown Speaker 57:53
And I have personally, one of the other ways we get money is to send,

Unknown Speaker 58:00
send people like me to Washington, DC to go around and beg from our senators and representatives give us the money. So if you’ve ever tried to get money from Ken buck,

Unknown Speaker 58:12
it’s not easy.

Unknown Speaker 58:14
So it really depends upon I mean it that’s when it becomes very,

Unknown Speaker 58:19
very political, is they have to ask for that money. And they have to advocate for that money. And we have some excellent representatives and senators and we have some less than stellar representatives. So you know, that is a big part of it.

Unknown Speaker 58:39

Unknown Speaker 58:42
All right.

Unknown Speaker 58:45
Then our next item on the agenda, since I don’t see any other hands at the moment, would be the quarterly update on home study. believe that’s you liberto.

Unknown Speaker 58:59
And I have that ready to go.

Unknown Speaker 59:02
Let me just get to the slideshow.

Unknown Speaker 59:09

Unknown Speaker 59:15
All right. Can we see this? Can we see a slideshow?

Unknown Speaker 59:20
Looks good. Okay, so yeah, I think we wanted to and and, you know, the our center, my first report that I sent to you was pretty slim on data. And so I went back and said, Hey, you know, what, can you get me

Unknown Speaker 59:36
so I can get a little more robust report to the board. And so they they went back and got for sure. 2020 more but you know, more of us 2020 data. They should be 2021 is, you know, the first quarter just ended on March 31. And there’s still some of those clients because the program can last more than three months. Some folks are still in the midst of the program, receiving funds and working on their on

Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
Their their housing strategies or remaining house strategies. So, um, so the, the bulk of this will probably be much more year end or 2020 data.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:13
And you see some of it in October, I did this,

Unknown Speaker 1:00:17
you know, first year data are first part of 2020. And so they just, they just sent me the rest of the data for 20 2020.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:27

Unknown Speaker 1:00:30
so really, as part of so why I say 2017 2017 2016 were big years for the Human Services funding.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:39
It really when we change in home study was a part of it.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:43
Yes, we broke about 50% of the the set aside to go to homelessness and homelessness prevention. And that was because it was a, it was very much prioritize in the 2017 Human Services needs assessment. As you know, it continues to be even our 2020 assessment has housing and state stable housing as one of its it as its greatest priority. So that has not changed between 2017 and 2020.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:17
So that’s why things change in 2017. So basically, here, just Just so you know, so the Art Center gets 120,000 is it’s a total $200,000. contract. 120 is meant for

Unknown Speaker 1:01:40
direct Client Assistance. And so in 2020, they spent 117,000 of that.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:47
And then they

Unknown Speaker 1:01:50
the majority of it usually goes to rent, that’s just the way it is.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:58
And then utilities deposit, usually it’s not sustainable to keep someone’s house where they are housed, then they can use this funding is pretty flexible funding, they could use this to help someone find a new location. And we do have landlord incentives. So

Unknown Speaker 1:02:16
either way, if this, if we can help the landlord keep the person house, then we have funding for that as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:24
And so that’s how they use that I believe that was used for water, water brake, to help them ensure that they could stay in housing. So

Unknown Speaker 1:02:36
here’s the at the end of the program. So this is exits when they actually finished the program. So this actually doesn’t cover the whole 46 baggers, because not everybody, the whole for us weren’t done in 2020. There are some plans that came in in December, and maybe they’re you know, they’re still there, some of them may still be in the program now. But these numbers represent only those that finished the officially finished the program. And basically 97% were remained house and 3% loss housing. And typically what what that happens is because folks,

Unknown Speaker 1:03:16
you what has, when it when it has happened is because folks are non compliance. In other words, they haven’t followed through with the program. And the requirements have to you know, to

Unknown Speaker 1:03:27
take the financial literacy classes or to you know, work on a housing plan that kind of meeting with their case, man with the house, home study case manager. So but only 3% last year housing.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:42
This, I showed it to you last year, this is really important to me, it’s an interesting data point. It says how many clients at program exits still return to the our Center for services. And you can see that 39% were still accessing food 18%. So this is a really important 118 percent when it says return for financial support. That’s actually for housing. So they came back later and said we still need housing support. And then the 43% those folks have not come back to the auction over a day they

Unknown Speaker 1:04:20
Well, we don’t know what happened. Because we you know, it’s hard to track them. We can assume that they either a are still house and are doing better financially or have left the area. Something that but they’re not active, they’ve not continued to access services.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:37
And this is what we know of those that exited

Unknown Speaker 1:04:44
57 remain at the same address. 29% moved out of the area and 14% moved in with another family.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:57
So you know it’s your

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
The folks, the majority stay housed at the same address, or they help or they or they find more affordable housing elsewhere. And we’ve heard that before. I’ve heard it from

Unknown Speaker 1:05:15
the same brain liaison for homeless families, we strive, as we talked about this before, in the past how, you know,

Unknown Speaker 1:05:23
people are just leaving, because they can’t afford to live here. So it’s this is this, This to me is, is just verification of, of information that I’ve heard before.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:35
So and then there’s just some household types, you can see, and this has been the biggest percentage of single parents. And there’s a lot of data that talks about single parents being typically more likely to be living in poverty.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:53
That is just

Unknown Speaker 1:05:55
that is the reality.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:00
So here’s 2021 data. So far, there’s been 15 people. And again, some of these 15 may have been changed, I’m sorry, just didn’t change it. Somebody 15 may have come over from 2020. I’m a big thing. And as you know, I didn’t talk about that, in 2019. A lot more people reached this the saving goal of one month’s rent. As you can imagine, 2020 has been very difficult for people to save one month’s rent, it has been.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:29
And I can go back and get the data and bring it back to the board. But that has been and so far, nobody’s done it this year.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:38
They spent 20,000. So far, primarily, again, rent being the

Unknown Speaker 1:06:44
the big number, I will say that

Unknown Speaker 1:06:47
the utilities piece, there has been a lot of money for utilities. So people are accessing those funds outside of this program. So utilities are less of an issue this year, because it there’s just been a lot of funding, both from Colorado nationally, from the cbrf. From the cares act dollars, we spent a lot of money on on utilities. So there’s been a lot of funding for it. That’s why I think it’s so low.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:15
And here’s what we know about hospital types.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:18
Again, so far, single parent, they’ve been the ones that have been accessing the program the most.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:28
So that is it. I will stop sharing and answer any questions that anyone we have

Unknown Speaker 1:07:38
liberto the

Unknown Speaker 1:07:41
those demographics of single, single parent, single adult, do they collect additional demographics around? For example, I know one of the things that came up during our funding round was and the latest needs assessment was particularly support for seniors.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:00
That we know, do we have a sense of, among single, the single adults is that skewed towards seniors, for example?

Unknown Speaker 1:08:09
Or, you know, do we do we know anything else on this? We do and and I could I could find out more? I will say one of the changes that happened in

Unknown Speaker 1:08:20
Yeah, I can find out more. I’ll leave it at that. There’s 2020 has been a very unique here.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:28
But yes, I can I can definitely ask her more demographics. Like, since the all going to BCC I’m sure that they have a lot of NBC Stanford, Boulder County.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:39
Boulder. County. Yeah. Which is

Unknown Speaker 1:08:43
that database.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:46
Okay. Madeline? Yes. Um, I

Unknown Speaker 1:08:52
have a question. In terms of,

Unknown Speaker 1:08:58
well, a lot of things. A lot of issues have come up

Unknown Speaker 1:09:04
with in other ethnicities, since

Unknown Speaker 1:09:10
the tragedies that we have recently

Unknown Speaker 1:09:14
experienced, witnessed or

Unknown Speaker 1:09:18
experienced. Oh, specifically.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:22
The one that concerns me the most right now is I have a family,

Unknown Speaker 1:09:30
friends that are Asian after the situation, the tragedy in Atlanta.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:41
Oh, well. Everybody knows what’s been going on and what has happened and is happening that

Unknown Speaker 1:09:53
we didn’t hear about it. It wasn’t at the forefront. It wasn’t the top of the list. Prior to that situation.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
happening. And what I know that they have I have tried to help specifically with housing. There is a family of approximately eight people. And

Unknown Speaker 1:10:16
there is basically one person that’s providing for the mall.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:21
And we just happen to be talking and she asked me, she said, Well, do you know of any way I can go to get help? And, of course, what kind of help.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:31
And she said, Well, housing, my brother is handicapped. And he has three children and the wife and we have no resources we, we’ve struggled, I mean, have been given the runaround with just trying to get a COVID shot, it called the shots for us. So of course, I reached out, and I’m just wondering,

Unknown Speaker 1:10:57
I made connection with them, because I actually went there to just offer condolences, you know, for from what happened. And so

Unknown Speaker 1:11:08
I want to I want to know, if any of you have had your friends, family, or others that have had attention brought to them since those kinds of situations happened. Of course, we all know with

Unknown Speaker 1:11:26
George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter situation.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:32
We all know about those but how do you guys what is the what’s been your experience

Unknown Speaker 1:11:40
in terms of demographics?

Unknown Speaker 1:11:44
I’m curious to know

Unknown Speaker 1:11:50
Councilwoman Christiansen

Unknown Speaker 1:11:57
put the little hand up your violin Are you asking about anti Asian discrimination in Longmont? Are you asking about trying to get the this disabled man housed? Both I’m curious as to what others what you know about or others on this board in terms of your relationships? What have you heard of what do you know of that has been on the rise since that situation? And are your friends under attack like mine are? Um, I felt Oh, I was so upset to know that I’m the mother is 62.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:42
And she was given the I mean, they’ve been given absolutely given nothing but the run ran. And so I called I did make some calls for some very, very helpful people in Boulder.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:55
And in the city of Longmont, I talked with Adriana Adriana made a big difference. And so today, just get a this started about two and a half three. Well, as soon as that other situation happened, then this happened with them. And so I yeah, I started I started in in Longmont with L Mac. And today they all got the first shot.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:23
Right, good. Yeah, exactly. I was like,

Unknown Speaker 1:13:28
but the situation still remains that need housing. And I know Veronica over at the senior center. I don’t know. I don’t know any of the details though. I’m gonna help them through it. So let me hush and let you

Unknown Speaker 1:13:43
Well, what I what you’re asking. Okay, well, I have a friend who’s Japanese American. We’ve known each other for

Unknown Speaker 1:13:51
30 years. And, you know, she’s a very quiet person. And she doesn’t complain. But

Unknown Speaker 1:13:59
she’s made she has made a very, she has mentioned many times lately that she is very uncomfortable.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:07
Being out on the street, people glare at her people. And of course, there’s the the example of the 68 year old woman in San Francisco who was attacked

Unknown Speaker 1:14:22
jack as well. Yeah, of course, she doesn’t really seem to understand. I mean, he didn’t he’d never run into

Unknown Speaker 1:14:29
Chinese grandmother’s in Chinatown like I have. You don’t mess with them. Right. She had a big stick in there and she sent him out on a gurney, which is good. I don’t advocate violence, but that’s exactly what he deserved. But it’s really disheartening to me that Julie, my friend Julia has lived here for as long as I have about 32 years and now, in her own neighborhood, she finds she does not feel safe.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:58
And so and she’s too

Unknown Speaker 1:15:00
That her friends also feel that way who are Japanese or American or Asian American? It’s, you know, it’s this legacy of our previous president who made hatred. Okay. Made it fashionable, right? Yeah. And so we really, I’m glad you brought that up. And please do bring it up with illmatic. Because it’s not it’s not somewhere else. It’s here to it is it is it is unacceptable. I mean, we just have to not tolerate it. I mean, it’s very disheartening. It’s very upsetting for me, and, and I said, Well, yeah, okay, john, the Kuru group, it’s not new to me, or else, but at the same time, that does not make it anywhere close to being okay, for anybody. It’s just roll, you know. And so I saw them yesterday, and, and they were in tears, they were so grateful. They were so grateful. And so I tell them, we’re gonna stick with you. Tell them about you guys. And tell them about people. You know, the boards and people that I know, are, are seriously wanting to help. Just that. We just want to help you. And so don’t be embarrassed to ask for help. Oh, but Madeline Have you tried talking to the disability center?

Unknown Speaker 1:16:26
I have not. I have not yet. No, I have not. But I will. I’m writing it down right now. Yeah. Okay. Yes, I will. Yeah, I’ll ask questions. You know, that’s only you get information because they’re not going to clearly tell you. So, yes, but I appreciate you guys listening. It’s just very frustrating.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:49
Yeah, it’s very frustrating.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:54
Absolutely. Um, if there’s other ways folks can help. Do let us know Madeline, please, please do.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:03

Unknown Speaker 1:17:05
I just wanted to respond to Madeline’s point and say that I think there are a lot of communities really afraid right now. And I think my friends in the transgender community are terrified right now. There’s a glut of anti trans legislation happening. There’s a lot of

Unknown Speaker 1:17:23
anger in this country right now. And it is very disheartening. I agree with you completely. Madeline, it is upsetting. And it’s very difficult. And I really, really feel for those people who are not feeling safe in their own homes or walking down the street.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:41
And, yeah, that’s awful. And I don’t know how we can help that. But I just wanted to say that I recognize your point that you’re raising and see it in lots of other communities. I believe, too. I appreciate that.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:57
It is very, it’s very hurtful, you know, I know you probably hear that my voice but I get so

Unknown Speaker 1:18:05
upset because they they’re just hard working people. You know, they’re not trying to hurt anybody. They just want to live a very decent basic life have food. And of course, I sent them to our center in places, you know, Bobby’s places. They didn’t know anything about. So, um, yeah. But thank thank you. Thank you very much.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:32
Are there any

Unknown Speaker 1:18:34
new liberto presented on the home study program? We had Madeline’s question around demographics. Deanna? Did you?

Unknown Speaker 1:18:43
Yeah. I actually had a question about the our center demographics and some of the figures. I have no idea if you can draw any conclusions from this, but I was looking at the data for 2020. The totals for rent were like 115,000. And then the totals for rent for the first quarter. Slightly less if you’re averaging it over four quarters, right. So can you extrapolate that the first quarters better than the end of last year? I mean, maybe I’m just grasping at straws or being hopeful. Like, I can speculate, I can extrapolate. So a couple of things. And I wanted to tell Madeline too, is you know, as far as housing is concerned, there is so much resources, we you know, in the first resource is really the housing helpline.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:34
And I know, knows that well, and she’s part of those resources of the housing helpline. So, man, I can send you that if you don’t have it, please, please do. But that housing housing helpline is really a huge help. It is it is the conduit for millions of federal dollars that are coming down the pipe and there’s a lot of state dollars as well. Like I said at the end

Unknown Speaker 1:20:00
is actually a one of the service parts of that, because he provides a mediation for it. Yeah, no. Yeah. So on that side, I think the end of the day, and that’s the speculation that I would say, I think that part of it is. So wait, I talked about this before, and I’ll bring it up part of it is that what the our center was seeing

Unknown Speaker 1:20:22
is when in the middle of 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, they realize that so homesteading is really meant to help people stay house and make sure it’s a sustainable situation.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:37
And people were losing their jobs. And there was no expectation of those jobs coming back in the near future.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:48
In the midst of 2020, the our center changed there.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:56
The criteria basically saying you really have to demonstrate that, that you

Unknown Speaker 1:21:05
that a participant is going to once again have some sort of gainful income coming in.

Unknown Speaker 1:21:17
Because what they’re finding is they weren’t really being able to help folks because they would run out of the money that homestudy provided, because not a ton of money. And so, you know, we’re in the past, they might have you ever been out of a job, or in a medical situation where they had a month off that they couldn’t, you know, and then home city would fill that gap. But it became very apparent that people weren’t getting their jobs right away. And we’re going to be long term unemployed. And so there’s other programs for that. And I think that’s what you’re seeing is that the our center is assessing the situation and then saying, you know, home study may not be the best program for you. We have this other menu of options to provide support. So I think that’s what’s happening.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:09
But then maybe the op, sorry, Caitlin, if I can just follow up. So then maybe the opposite conclusion here is that because these funds were used for stable housing, that people are so unstable, that they can’t access these funds? So maybe things are actually worse rather than better? Yeah, exactly. Sorry.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:30
To build on that. liberto. Um,

Unknown Speaker 1:22:36
I guess. I mean, I’m interested in knowing you know, you mentioned there’s a lot of other funding is the our center.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:44
They’re administering some other funds for folks that are in more precarious situations. They haven’t just sort of like up to the requirements for this one, but then turning, wait, okay, well, and the Art Center is a family. So the Art Center is part of the Family Resource Network. So it’s a huge collaboration county wide. And so the Art Center does have its own funding, but it also relies heavily on the housing helpline, which is run by Boulder County housing and human services. And they’re really the El for lack of a better word. They’re the deep pockets right now. They’re the ones that receive millions of dollars for stable housing.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:28
So yeah, but the listener can tap into that, but people can tap into it directly by just calling that housing helpline. Got it. Okay, that that’s helpful. And to see like that this home study program isn’t really like it’s meeting a very, this is really designated for a very specific need that may have lessened during because of the instability, like instability. There may be some folks who need obviously there are folks who need just like some short term stabilization, but more folks are likely needing longer term stabilization and are much larger amounts. I’ve heard I’ve heard 10s of 1000s. So I know. Other folks have their hands up. Okay. Donna, did you have something else or No? Okay. Karen.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:18
Yeah, so I think listening to this.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:22
I think Ella Berta, one of the things that we probably also should put together is

Unknown Speaker 1:24:29
is really an overview of of all the basically all the federal dollars that have that are coming into Boulder County and are coming into Longmont that came in through the cares Act, the money because, you know, millions of dollars have come in for rental assistance for utility assistance.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:55
And, and, and then we have the the next round which is

Unknown Speaker 1:25:00
You know, the

Unknown Speaker 1:25:03
the American rescue plan the Now recall the ARPA, you know, funds and so you know, the city of Longmont is estimated to get $15 million. And then there’s, you know, a large chunk of money, I think $50 million is coming into to Boulder County. So, so there there is, there are a lot of resources that are coming in to, to help try to provide some some stabilization to folks who have really lost so much during the pandemic. And so I think it’d be super helpful if we tried to put that information together. Just for the sake of the conversation we just had earlier about having seen some some context about what’s you know, what’s, you know, what’s happening? So I think that would be worthwhile to do you know, so liberto, you mentioned the housing helpline to Madeline, for some of those other funding pieces that are coming in. Karen, could we also get information about how, like different ways folks can access that? Or does the city have sort of anything, like a short thing that we could share it because I’m just thinking, I see a lot of folks in, you know, Facebook groups and like in our church community that may need support, and would love to know, like, you know, with that context of the money of like, Okay, I know Walmart’s getting money. I know it’s there, I just don’t know where to go. Right. So what are some of the places? In addition? I mean, we know that our center, we know some of these agencies, but are there other places folks should be looking or checking?

Unknown Speaker 1:26:43
You know, within the community? I don’t know, if the city has, I think, you know, the city sharing what, you know, we’ve gotten in terms of funds, and then also how folks can get help,

Unknown Speaker 1:26:54
you know, sort of marketing it in a way. Because I think Madeline’s experience where people don’t know that information, even folks who are connected are like, Well, I know, there’s funding there. And I know, you can get some of it through the our center, and you can call this helpline, but then there’s a feeling of like, Oh, hey, but we’re out. Like, should I be checking other places? Am I gonna miss out on something? You know, if I, if I’m, if I don’t qualify for that? Yeah. And I think I’ll just

Unknown Speaker 1:27:21
speak to that. That’s okay. Karen, is that?

Unknown Speaker 1:27:25
That is that is really a key issue. So we’re trying to figure out how how to make that how to make that easily more easily understood, and where do you go, so kind of that housing helpline is really been our

Unknown Speaker 1:27:42
kind of our go to source. And because they’ve hired some additional staff, they also can, you know, help to direct where other more families who go for other assistance, if it’s not, you know, if it’s not, or if it’s beyond, or in addition to housing, housing assistance. So, so, so we are we are absolutely trying to work on that.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:08
So to to, to really try to make it easier, and it is not easy. So, but we we are, we are doing our best around and I know there are so many I mean, we’ve talked about kind of starting with that housing helpline, but there is a funders collaborative that meets, you know, a couple of times a week. So we are trying to figure out how to make it easier for folks to access the resources that they need. Okay. I’m Karen Phillips.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:38
Yeah, I was just wondering, like if somebody called the city of Longmont and said they needed would they be able to direct them somewhere

Unknown Speaker 1:28:47
with some help depends on who they call that the city of Longmont? I mean, like the main number.

Unknown Speaker 1:28:54
Yeah, the call the main number, you know, probably not, I mean, so I mean, I think that is, so what we hope is that they would send them our way, you know, they would send them to community services. So they would either if it’s if it’s housing or human services, it’s usually Karen la Berto

Unknown Speaker 1:29:15
community neighborhood resources. But, but, but that really is the challenge. So there isn’t like a point person right now, for all of your needs in this whole arena. Here’s where you go in the city of Longmont to get every piece of information that you need.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:34
What we’re trying to figure out how to do that.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:38
But if I think if no one else if they don’t know where else to go, and they call in terms of city, it usually comes to community services. Well, that’s good. Yeah, that was a direction. So yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:29:54
Great. Thank you all. Um, are there any Is there any other feedback

Unknown Speaker 1:30:00
Oh, go ahead, Karen. I just had one one comment to say, last night I attended the Longmont

Unknown Speaker 1:30:08
on area dems, and they were talking, we had a great discussion about the police and funding and all that kind of thing. And they were talking about starting this citizen advisory board. And it occurred to me that I thought that’s kind of what we are. And, you know, they were talking about, you know, well, we need to start this thing and talk about homelessness and find housing. And it’s just like, you know, in my mind was like, Well, no, these people need to be told that, you know, you’re welcome to come to this meeting every month. And I mean, it’s already there, but nobody knows about it. So I don’t know, if someone could go to their next meeting and say, you know, it, instead of starting a

Unknown Speaker 1:30:52
citizen advisory board, you already have one, you know, I mean, I thought that’s kind of what we do, or are supposed to do. And people would participate by joining these meetings, but we never have anybody joining a meeting. So I don’t know, I just, it just struck me funny that they would talk about well, you know, if we need to address some of these issues with the police, and we’ve already kind of done that. And I just was like, Well, you know, you could participate in our group, you know, but anyway,

Unknown Speaker 1:31:22
Councilwoman Christianson.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:25
Karen, I think you’re exactly right. I,

Unknown Speaker 1:31:29
you know, every day, we get emails that have

Unknown Speaker 1:31:34
50 groups that all do the same thing. And

Unknown Speaker 1:31:38
I hear groups say we should stay up. I have a police Oversight Committee. We have a police Oversight Committee. We, you know, but they don’t know about it. And this is a problem, we have so much information. And yet, it is hard to sort through the information to see what’s relevant. And I think this is kind of a problem of our times. That anyway, I thank you for bringing that up. Because I it’s frustrating to me to people say, well, nobody’s doing anything about this, but they are actually it’s just you don’t know about it. Yeah, I feel like we’re a citizen advisory board. Kinda. I mean, don’t you think that’s what we are doing?

Unknown Speaker 1:32:20
I think that’s the goal here is to have community members providing that advisory. Yeah, I could mention it. I mean, there was 36 people that attended that meeting. And just to say, you know, instead of starting a advisory board, there’s already one existing and the meeting is the second Thursday of the month, and anybody’s Welcome to comment or participate. So that was kind of part of what we

Unknown Speaker 1:32:45
talked about doing in terms of making it known and, and making ourselves known within the community that we’re here.

Unknown Speaker 1:32:56
And, you know, there are people that

Unknown Speaker 1:33:00
know me with it.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:02
Within my circle,

Unknown Speaker 1:33:05
excuse me. And, yeah, that was

Unknown Speaker 1:33:10
kind of

Unknown Speaker 1:33:13
while we said we were going to do more marketing about us.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:19
We are what we do. So

Unknown Speaker 1:33:26
I think that can do nothing. Yeah, I think I think we’re on the right track. We just got to see it through. Okay. Yeah. But yeah, we were on the right track. And, yeah, we just got to finish it. Let’s all

Unknown Speaker 1:33:42
agree. Couldn’t Yeah, exactly. I couldn’t agree with you more.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:48
All right. Is there any other business that we need to cover?

Unknown Speaker 1:33:54
liberto Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:33:57
Don’t Karen I talked and Caitlin, you’ve seen this, and,

Unknown Speaker 1:34:01
and so has Brian, but I wanted to just let the board know that you know, after our last conversation

Unknown Speaker 1:34:09
you know, the Human Services funding matrix. I we have continued work and I wanted to show something to the board tonight. It’s very draft, which is why I didn’t

Unknown Speaker 1:34:19
In fact, I just created it last week after you know, after looking more deeply at what what Brian had created. I it in my mind it does may help provide a visual and about our our funding matrix and how we look at our goals and our activities, and I just wanted to share that with the board if you would be okay with that Galen. I think that’s fine.

Unknown Speaker 1:34:44
Okay, and we don’t have to spend a lot of time talking about because it’s draft but I want the board to see it and, and just to be aware that we are we are continuing to work on that. So I’m going to share I’m going to find it and then I’m going to share it here. So just

Unknown Speaker 1:35:00
Just add clarity to it our last meeting, we talked about looking at the matrix, but also simplifying how we’re evaluating agencies when we get to the funding round, because we, I think there was we had quite a bit of discussion about how we were getting really, really specific and trying to measure things. But in in the end, a lot of the information was maybe not necessarily helping us make better decisions, that we want something that does help us be more objective. But we don’t necessarily want something so complex, under the idea that we’re somehow going to get it perfect. And complexity does not equal better, necessarily. And so we wanted to, to

Unknown Speaker 1:35:42
step back and think about how could we simplify this and really help folks understand the connection between the city’s goals, and what the agencies are doing and asking money for.

Unknown Speaker 1:35:54
Rather than trying to get into is, you know, and, and what, what the city’s goals are, but also what the human needs assessment shows us being able to pull both of those things together with the agencies recognizing like these agencies, some of them are really small, some of them don’t have grant writers like the city has that sort of thing. And so being able to have a better way of

Unknown Speaker 1:36:15
thinking about it, that everyone can wrap their heads around.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:18
Right. So hopefully, this is helpful to you all, I’m going to share. Again, we don’t have to spend tons of time on it, but I wanted to just show you what I’ve been working on. And we’ll continue to try and, and refine and get be more useful.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:39
So what you’re seeing here, I know it’s small, I can zoom in.

Unknown Speaker 1:36:47
So if we,

Unknown Speaker 1:36:50
the way that when Brian did his great work on the larger spreadsheet, he basically break broken down into three tiers. And this reflects that the first tier when we think about funding or importance of funding, is really is the application, does it fit under our safety net pillars? Right? So it’s also so for example, this is self sufficiency and resiliency.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:16
That’s tier one, they have to be they have to meet tier one, if they don’t meet tier one,

Unknown Speaker 1:37:22
then they’re not to be considered.

Unknown Speaker 1:37:25
tier two are what are our What did the What did the Human Services assessment, say, and what we what has the board considered in the past as our program outcomes, and Brian did a really great job. Most of this is from Brian’s work, to take everything that we had in the human needs assessment and really turn it into outcome language, not just philosophical, there’s some things that we talked about that we talked about last time, you know, the human needs assessment was a little broader. And so we brought this down to much more, here are the program outcomes of increased earnings, employment or eligible benefits,

Unknown Speaker 1:38:06
or to support a big secure steady employment increasingly to earn a wage. So those are outcomes.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:13
And so, you know, these are some of the outcomes that we talked about. Some of them are pretty simple, the the human services that we talked about the original digital divide, and bridging that.

Unknown Speaker 1:38:26
Then there is tier three, and this also came from the human needs assessment is what activities does the program need to be doing that we want to fund? Right?

Unknown Speaker 1:38:38
And we could talk about, you know, are there activities that that we didn’t capture, we could, we could send out the Human Services assessment again, you know, but here are just some examples of activities that were. So to reach these outcomes, we want to provide financial literacy or we want to provide English language acquisition,

Unknown Speaker 1:38:57
to provide the increased level to it really came one of the activities was people need reliable transportation. In other words, for them to stay and living independently.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:13
They need in this goes back to the to that no wrong door. The activity to that is provide information about available resources and reduce difficulties in finding a navigation navigating the Human Services system. So really, an agency can apply for if that’s the program they’re doing. So for example, I’m going to say CP WD

Unknown Speaker 1:39:35
does this right, because one, a big part of their activity is their information and referral process.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:42
So there were they help people navigate the system and they track it.

Unknown Speaker 1:39:46
And then there was another one about transportation, but it was in particular to car repair. Right. And so we may decided that activity is not something the city wants to fund. But I put it in there.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:00
For, just as an example, and then on the bridging bridging the digital divide, the activities are provide access to broadband internet or internet capable devices, increased digital literacy, or increased access to device charging outlets. Again, not necessarily, these are the activities that we want to fund. But this was in the human service needs assessment. And I think this helps us see it in a different way, I’m not going to go through, I did all six of them, and I can send it to the board. But I just wanted to share tonight, some of the work that I’ve done on trying to simplify it, but at the same time, ensure that we are still, you know, keeping fidelity to the Human Services needs assessments.

Unknown Speaker 1:40:47
I think this is really helpful. liberto. And I like the, you, you you phrase it as like tier two, tier three, but I the hierarchy of it, of like you really need to fit into tier one into like the tier one before we even look at tier two. And then before we look at tier three, because we want to make sure your outcomes are the outcomes, you know, if your outcomes aren’t there, the activities you do are almost certainly not going to be there. But also,

Unknown Speaker 1:41:16
if somehow those activities are what we say, but they’re not reaching the overall outcomes we want me you know, then maybe it’s not, it’s not what we want to fund. So I really like this. And as a is a mechanism for thinking about it. And using this is to think about how we do the scoring. So appreciate you and Brian, trying to give us another way of like wrapping our heads around how these pieces fit together. So, Deanna?

Unknown Speaker 1:41:47
Yeah, I raised my hand as soon as Ellie Berta finished to basically say what you’ve said much more eloquently than I would have said. So yes, just that I thought that was a really helpful way of looking at it. And I appreciate the reframing of that. But I think it’s really helpful.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:02
Thank you. Same here, Kimberly.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:06
And then general Phillips, thank you for putting in a format that so much easier to understand, especially as a new advisory board member, I would love to see something. And again, I don’t know the details of the rating system. But I would love to see something referencing

Unknown Speaker 1:42:24
health of children and youth. And I don’t know how specific it needs to be, I just feel like that’s something that’s important to address. And maybe it’s already been captured under the Human Services access piece that I saw, is written in that far right column. So I just have to do my part to promote Child and Youth health because I think that’s so important to our community and deserves a special note.

Unknown Speaker 1:42:49
Just to add, so I think Elberta, you showed one, the first slide, which is just one of the six pillars that we do. I think the first one was self sufficiency and resilience. One of the high level pillars we have is actually health and well being. And so when le Bircher sends it out, I think it’d be good to look at that, because I think it looks like we pulled that primarily from the human service needs assessment. And we may want to expand on what some of the outcomes are, or some of the activities are, that we know will help meet those. So thank you for that advocacy get really, as as a new member, it’s hard to like wrap your head around the fact that there’s like six of these and all these some activities fit into both. So I think liberto getting that sent out to post him see all of them will be really helpful.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:35
So Karen Phillips, I just wanted to say, I really appreciate the simplicity of it, it makes it very easy to understand. And simpler, the better as far as I see it. So thanks so much.

Unknown Speaker 1:43:48
Yeah, I mean, I even imagining like our criteria, like when or when we’re filling out the ratings of this is really being like, does it meet this first, which doesn’t meet the pillar that they say it does? Do we think it does? And then like, if so then add, like, does it meet these outcomes? How well does it meet these outcomes? And then activities to really get a sense of that?

Unknown Speaker 1:44:13
Because I’m like, that’s a lot easier than some of the, it’s a lot easier to map it into this than some of the ways I think I was trying to map it last year.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:24
Being able to map it to these sorts of things would be really helpful to say like, Okay, this one does increase access to dental care, but maybe it’s only like a six out of 10 on the scale. I don’t know how we want to do this. But there’s some different ways we could think about using this for scoring to help us score, how well agencies seem to be meeting our objectives.

Unknown Speaker 1:44:50
Other feedback or questions for liberto on this

Unknown Speaker 1:44:59

Unknown Speaker 1:45:00
I think folks would really love to. Oh, Brian, just Alberto, thank you for all your work that you did on that, because I think it’s it’s really helpful.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:12

Unknown Speaker 1:45:14
Okay, a guest Karen Roni.

Unknown Speaker 1:45:19
So just um, whoops. So to build on Madeline’s reminder about marketing ourselves,

Unknown Speaker 1:45:31
I don’t think that it maybe I have, or maybe you sent him to El Roberto. But I think those BIOS that we sent out in the last packet out, I don’t know if anyone has completed theirs. So, so we’re gonna send them out again. And, and we’ll we’ll provide,

Unknown Speaker 1:45:53
we’ll provide some additional instruction or required, you know, when to send those back to us. So. So anyhow, so I’m just building on Madeline’s reminder that we, we need, we need those BIOS. So we will, we will send that out again. Thanks, Karen. And I’m gonna put a reminder on my own calendar to do it. But I’m also going to add another reminder to ask Karen who’s done it and then I’ll, you know, I’ll give you a call. I might bring by like some cookies or something, if you get it done on time. I’m not above like a little bit of non valuable bribery.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:36
There, I’m not actually like giving you something of huge value or actually bribing you, I’m just offering an incentive to get it done. People are super busy. So

Unknown Speaker 1:46:46
we, we, we, we will, we will send it out again, as a reminder for sure. Thank you. Thank you, Karen.

Unknown Speaker 1:46:58
And good food is my love language, which is why I offered to bribe people with food.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:04
Is there any other business?

Unknown Speaker 1:47:09
Okay. In that case, I will entertain a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Unknown Speaker 1:47:16
So, okay, Deanna moves and Madeline, I’m going to assume that that’s a second. Yeah, absolutely. True. adjourned. See you all in about a month. Thank you. See you. Thanks, everybody.