Video Description:
Museum Advisory Board Meeting March 17, 2021
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
Okay, so I’m going to call the meeting to order. And for a roll call, I’ve got everybody except for Brighton and Suzy at this point. And including Kim, Eric, Eileen, Angela, Joanne, and Justin. No public today. So the first thing is if we could look at the minutes from February. And if I could entertain a motion to approve these.
Unknown Speaker 0:35
I move to approve the minutes from February.
Unknown Speaker 0:38
Thank you, Chris. Is there a second? Second? A second. Oh, sorry. That you Rhea.
Unknown Speaker 0:45
Unknown Speaker 0:45
Thank you very much. All in favor of approving the minutes as presented, please sit a wave your hand
Unknown Speaker 0:55
since we don’t have our eye thing going. And opposed. Okay, so the minutes are approved in a unanimous fashion.
Unknown Speaker 1:14
Great. Okay. Um, Eric, if you would like to share your screen with us then we will look at the proposed accessions Hey, Brian. Hello.
Unknown Speaker 1:39
So we have three exceptions this month. First one is from the Longmont high class of 1970. Includes yearbook, scrapbook, clippings, photos, and as well as some items from their 50th reunion in 1967. One interesting thing about the yearbook is that the face of one boy has been removed, cut out on two different pages. We don’t know why that was the donors grandmother that that donated that had been in the class 1917 it was not someone she would ultimately be married to or anything. So I don’t know was an ex boyfriend or what the story was, but that is our first expression. Any questions on that one? And I can’t see everyone. So just go ahead and speak up. If you do have a have a question. Right, we will move on to the next one. So this relates to our ongoing COVID collecting initiative. These are items that were given out during the 2020 Boulder County elections. So we have a mask, a face shield and a poll book training book. So this is significant both for for reflecting the COVID situation as well as the 2020 elections. Any questions on that? Hearing none, we will move to the last exception which is a crate of 24 glass bottles and the crate itself from the Red Rock Bottling Company. The bottles are rocket beverage. And they do actually say it’s a little hard to read but the crate does actually say Longmont, Colorado and the bottles also say bottled in Longmont, Colorado, so definitely a local company. There were apparently Red Rock bottling companies in other communities as well. But they this particular one documented well, Manuel, so any questions on this or really any of our, our accessions we’ll go ahead and pause here. Before we talk about the last slide. So we can move to acceptor have any further discussion on the accessions
Unknown Speaker 4:52
I have a question Eric.
Unknown Speaker 4:53
Unknown Speaker 4:54
So, um, if we accept taking these bottles, you indicated that there we have one in our collection already? Would it be something that then would be considered that individual bottle be
Unknown Speaker 5:09
considered for D? Perhaps? Or
Unknown Speaker 5:13
it’s it’s possible? Honestly, we usually look for bigger or things in, you know, poor condition for deaccession right now. So, but yeah, at some point, if we’re, you know, looking around for other things to be accessioned, that would, that would certainly be an option since we’ve got a much more complete collection and that single bottle.
Unknown Speaker 5:39
Yeah, that was kind of my question on the fifth slide, too, was if we have, you know, something similar, but it isn’t as complete.
Unknown Speaker 5:47
You know, does it put itself out there as a possibility to deaccession? Yeah, so
Unknown Speaker 5:53
I think we’ll, we’ll open that up for discussion once we’ve had that. vote on.
Unknown Speaker 5:59
That’s fine.
Unknown Speaker 6:00
Is there a motion to approve? These all of these accessions?
Unknown Speaker 6:07
Dale, is there a second? Sorry, I can’t see everybody. Second, Chris. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 6:21
All in favor of accessioning. All of these items, please. Can’t see everybody but Wave your hands.
Unknown Speaker 6:33
Great. All upmost
Unknown Speaker 6:34
care. I can see that that is that all did put their hands up.
Unknown Speaker 6:39
Oh, thanks very much, Angela. So the expression of these items is unanimously approved. Thank you very much. All right.
Unknown Speaker 6:52
So then we’ll move to the donation for review. So this is actually something that we have not yet received. The potential donor, I forgot bit by a dog and so had to postpone it, but I thought it was a good opportunity. Because this is a case where we have, again, very similar items. In this case, it is a one to one, one bottle, we have one bottle almost identical in the collection. So wanted to bring it to the board. As Eve raised, it’s always possible for the museum to deaccession an existing bottle, but it’s not a quick process, we have to do a lot of documentation, we bring it back to the board and requires a higher a two thirds majority of the board to approve. So it’s not as simple as just, Oh, we’ve got a better one, we’ll get rid of the old one. So it’s one of the reasons why I wanted to kind of bring it to the board and just sort of see your general thoughts on these situations where we might get something that’s a little better condition or a little different example, but very, very similar.
Unknown Speaker 8:13
I think it’s cool that it has a lid, you know, that’s the kind of stuff that’s always lost, or often. So I think it’s it’s very cool.
Unknown Speaker 8:24
Other thoughts on anyone?
Unknown Speaker 8:29
Looking This is Tom and looking at the two models, is there clarity of one better than the other?
Unknown Speaker 8:39
It’s a little hard to tell, we just have the photo of the one so I can’t compare them side by side. The one that we have was taken against a blue background. So it may appear more clear than it actually is because because the background is actually a pretty darker blue than it appears in the photo. So I would tend to say that that they’re probably pretty similar in sort of glass clarity. Rs is definitely still still dirty. You can see the dirt down inside of there, which obviously we couldn’t wash out
Unknown Speaker 9:19
if we ever
Unknown Speaker 9:25
was it special dirt.
Unknown Speaker 9:28
That’s what I was thinking. How old is the dirt?
Unknown Speaker 9:35
Right. Dale, did you have a comment? You need to get off of mute first. You’re on mute. There you go.
Unknown Speaker 10:03
Sorry. I had a question. I’ve heard a lot, you know, on and off about the Walmart bottling works or whatever they were called, what Eric? Do you know? Did they bottle a variety of things? Or were they all I mean, for instance, these bottles look fairly small to me. I mean, I would guess they’re, what? five inches? Six inches high, maybe? Yeah, probably about right. Um, but did they bottle different? Did they have different kinds of buttons? Did they bottle a lot of different substances or
Unknown Speaker 10:43
every bottle, I mean, all the 12 that we have are almost exactly the same size. They have different markings on them. But they’re all pretty much that same volume. We know they did bottle a lot of different substances because we have a photo of the interior of the bottling works. And there were things like pine Apple soda, and pine and Apple are two different words. So I don’t know if it’s pineapple soda or Apple soda. There’s also birch beer and a couple of other flavors of soda. So they they bottled a number of things. But every bottle we’ve ever acquired is this size.
Unknown Speaker 11:30
And they all say Longmont bottling works or what whatever.
Unknown Speaker 11:37
So this this particular these two say city bottling works Longmont, Colorado, some of the other ones say just Longmont bottling works or
Unknown Speaker 11:47
but they don’t they don’t actually have any identification of what’s in the bottle.
Unknown Speaker 11:56
No. Now, I don’t know if Originally there was a paper label that’s gone. Or if you’re just surprised when you took a drink?
Unknown Speaker 12:09
Well, I don’t I think we should perceive getting that bottle that has the lid. Personally, I don’t know. I don’t know if that’s really something for us to vote on. But are there other thoughts?
Unknown Speaker 12:20
Oh, I feel the same way. I you know, it’s like, a cup without a handle or something if you don’t have the stopper. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 12:36
That was to say, I agree. I mean, philosophically, it makes sense in that, if we’re going to be trying to have things like this, we should have the best ones.
Unknown Speaker 12:46
Wonder if this knoppers got lead in it. Sorry.
Unknown Speaker 12:52
I don’t know.
Unknown Speaker 12:53
Just wondering how I can’t. It’s hard to tell what the stopper really looks. You know how it would have worked?
Unknown Speaker 13:00
Unknown Speaker 13:00
I’m not sure till I actually see it. All right. Great. So hopefully, if if the donor is able to come in next month, you’ll see this as a regular expression to the collection. I am going to stop sharing.
Unknown Speaker 13:22
Thanks, Eric.
Unknown Speaker 13:28
Unknown Speaker 13:30
Kim, would you like to give us your report?
Unknown Speaker 13:34
I would be delighted.
Unknown Speaker 13:35
Oh, good.
Unknown Speaker 13:37
We have to vote on that. On that last model, I just wasn’t sure.
Unknown Speaker 13:46
I don’t think so. Okay, if I’m wrong, I think it was more of just looking for interest.
Unknown Speaker 13:56
Since we don’t actually have it in our possession yet. I prefer to wait until we’ve physically got it in hand. Just so if something happens. person ends up not donating. We don’t Sure. On the record.
Unknown Speaker 14:10
It was just a technical question. I was wondering.
Unknown Speaker 14:13
Thanks, Tom. That’s good. We don’t want to don’t want to miss stuff. Susie. Hello, welcome. So, Kim
Unknown Speaker 14:24
All right. Um, um, um, I am going to go you guys got a copy of the Director’s Report. So I’m going to go through it quickly. And as usual, if you have any questions, please just stop me along the way. We have contracted with a new architect to help us complete our master development plan. We’ve met with them as a group in once and then they did a site visit today at the museum. And they have on their schedule to be complete with the master development plan in early June, so we’re looking forward to having that document and there will be a For this architects that we’re working with, there will be some opportunities to provide feedback for all of you. And so they’ll they’ll plan some sort of public outreach events for that process as well. So I’m looking forward to that. We also have our fundamental manager was approved recently and said, that position opened. As a reminder, that’s a position that’s funded by our scfd. dollars. So there’s going to be ongoing dollars. So we were able to get that position approved, it closed on March the fifth. And so we’ve selected seven candidates that we’re going to be interviewing, starting on Friday. So that process is moving forward. And I hope to have somebody on board sort of ASAP. We also completed as you know, the community and audience engagement assessment. And in in that process that we did with our peer reviewers. And one of the things that came to the kind of rose to the top was to do an interpretive plan. And I’m this was many, many meetings ago. So I will remind you, and and maybe inform some of you that we got a donation from the Stuart Family Foundation of $60,000, I believe it was in late 2019. And so you all approved us having part of that money pay for the interpretive plan. And so part of the money is playing for the master development plan. And then part of the money is paying for our interpretive plan. And so I am working with the woman that we received a proposal from and we’re trying to figure out best timing for that, given all the other things that are going on at the museum. So we’ll be engaging in that as soon as we can. I thought I heard a question. So just stop being yell at me. If you do. We’ve got a lot of marketing going on for our exhibit. That’s up right now the enduring Impressionism enduring impressions exhibition, we are also seeking sponsors for Longmont, 150, that one opens on August the seventh. And so if you have any great ideas for sponsorship for that exhibition, please let us know that would be great. The museum also raised $25,000, from 150 individuals as part of our year in annual giving. And that really was aimed, the pitch really was about COVID recovery. And so we had a lot of very generous This is more money than we’ve ever raised for our annual campaign. And it was clear that people were being very, very generous to us in in the wake of the pandemic. So that was that was very nice to see. Our summer camps opened on March the ninth and so we’re getting a lot of registrations for that we have basically, kind of got three prongs of summer camps that we’re offering in person socially distance, we’re doing some outdoors and then we’re doing some virtually so that everybody kind of has an opportunity to engage at their own comfort level. And we’re hopeful that that’s going to be a good combination for people to be able to find some opportunities for their kiddos for the summer. We’ve also got some discovery days kits that are going out in the final month. And as I’ve mentioned to you before, that is been a very, very successful program during the pandemic that basically, parents are picking up these kits for their kiddos and being able to do those sort of as as they want to. But they can also get on to the sort of moderated virtual with Miss Lee. So it’s been it’s been very, very successful. So we’re pleased with the turnout for those. The art and CIP programs are also going well. And we’ve been able to, we actually got a big compliment. During the city manager’s meeting, he does the weekly meeting. And someone actually sent him an email to say that they were really enjoying the art and CIP program. So that was nice to hear through our city manager. Let’s see. We’ve
Unknown Speaker 19:16
got members registrations. I mentioned summer camps. So member registration opened last week, and then the registration for the general public is this week, so we should see those enrollments bump up pretty quickly. And then as far as the collections go, Eric helped kick off the celebration for a long lot. 150. And it was very, very cool. I hope that you guys had an opportunity to log on for that virtual program. And if you haven’t had a chance to see it, I would highly recommend going back to find it because it was a very heartwarming program that birthday celebration, so you can log on to our website, and Find the Facebook page for that. It’s very, very cool. And to do, he opened the time capsule from 1996 as part of that program, and then there were a lot of other festivities, including the symphony, doing a rendition of happy birthday. So it was really fun. Eileen has been working with our digital communication specialists Scott Yoho, to work on the next tour for our mobile app. And this one focuses on Latino history in Longmont. So there, they had some consultants helping them with that project. And so we’ll be rolling that out soon. Scott’s been a really great asset to the museum, he was the person that we were able to hire with our NEH grant, to help with digital and virtual programming. So we’ve been really, really lucky to have him with his has been a real asset to us. We’ve also been able to have volunteers back into our lives. So you know, changes on the dial have allowed that to happen. And so we’re able to do some cataloguing that have been has been kind of backing up. So all the things that you guys have been approving, they have been gone uncatalogued, so we’ve been able to have some volunteers in the archives to help with that now, so that’s really great. And then in exhibitions, we continue to develop and design Longmont 150. Included in your report is a photograph of a low writer that the shop is designing and building with the assistance of our cu intern Ainsley. And so you can kind of get a glimpse of what they are able to build with the shot bot and with the tools that they have in the workshop, which I think is always very impressive. And then brackets researching and designing a model railroad layout that’s going to be part of the exhibition. And then Eric is helping with the layout and the design of the exhibition as well. We’ve also got a section of the exhibition that’s going to be looking at racial equity. And so Eric’s been working a lot with a committee that is helping develop the whole exhibit. But this has been a particularly poignant aspect of it, since there’s just not a lot to collect for that. And so they’re, they’ve been very helpful in trying to help tell the story about racial equity among lap. But if you’ve got any suggestions about objects, again, let us know because that would that would be a great addition to the exhibition. We are going we’re also doing five different satellite cases that are going to be around two different city buildings that are going to also include aspects of the the anniversary and you can see those at the senior center of the Rec Center, library, civic center, and Safety and Justice building. Then we’ve also got Eric Zimmer’s pieces are in the atrium, and we’re going to keep those there, those tiny little paintings, have you seen them on the way back wall and the atrium. So those are going to stay up? I think until September, they’ve been very good sellers. So it’s been good to have them. And then we continue to work with the boulder Museum of Contemporary Art on an exhibition that will pair artists with farmers to do some installations. And so there’ll be an installation piece in in Boulder, and then at in Longmont, and then hopefully, satellite sites along in farms between our two institutions. So we’re looking forward to developing that exhibition even further. And then we’ll be doing some internships starting in the fall. And we had some money in the budget that were that was earmarked for
Unknown Speaker 23:44
installation, help hired hands for installation help for long at 150. And what we were able to do is have the city manager actually approve that money to be used for interns, which is going to be super helpful, because the there’s a particular program that cu has that is Oh, I probably totally forgotten the name of it and went Oh, yeah, Environmental Design. And they have the students in that program are just really well trained. And so they’re kind of perfect for to help Jared with the work that he does and exhibits. And so we’ll be able to pay them, which is also going to be a really big deal because, of course you attract better candidates and it’s much more equitable if you’re able to do that. So we’re we’re pleased to be able to get to that place that we can pay them. And then of course, we continue to get requests for fabricating Plexiglas barriers in various departments through the city. And so Jared continues to do that for Coronavirus prevention. There’s a big section here about the auditorium that I’m actually going to reserve for Justin so he can kind of talk about some of those things. And then we’ve got a couple of sections here for visitor services. So our exhibition and during impressions is brought in Almost $7,000 in revenue for the first six weeks of the exhibit and Saturdays are selling out as you guys, I think, no, we’ve got time tickets for that exhibition. And so we’re basically selling out all the time tickets for Saturday’s and we’re coming close on a days. So we’re doing pretty well for the exhibit attendance. Let’s see we’ve had 12 170 people view the exhibit since it opened. And this is as of the date of this report. So that’s probably about a week ago now. We’ve got, again, this discovery days, kids are being picked up at curbside, so the front desk is helping a lot with that and getting it out the door. And then we’ve got gift shop sales for the Impressionism exhibit that are really doing quite well as well. The attendance so far for I don’t know, I’m sorry, the attendance for 2020, which is interesting, in my mind is was actually really good. So our typical in person attendance is about 60 65,000 annually. And given all the virtual programming that we did, the total attendance was 126,000 people. And so that’s, that’s pretty amazing. And we hope to keep that that kind of momentum up, there were 111,420 people doing the virtual programs, and then about 15,000 in person, people. So so we will, I think it’s it’s a given that, that virtual programming has really reached a lot of folks. And so even even once we get to a place where we can seriously meet in person, I think we will continue to do some virtual programs. And then we also, of course, have the auditorium outfitted with cameras and new equip meant that were funded through the city manager’s office with their cares dollars, so So now we’ve got great equipment for it too. And then in art and public places, there’s some projects going on over at the Civic Center to try to kind of coordinate with, you know, the the development that’s been happening there, the construction that’s been happening over there. And so hoping to get some art in public places, installations happening with that aipp and the LDA. slash the creative district met with the creative lab to discuss a trying to get a creative cultural plan off the ground. So this is something that we’ve been talking about at the museum for quite some time, trying to really integrate just some planning and some strategic partnership that for the whole of Longmont to be able to try to understand kind of what creatives need what people in the city are willing to pay for what the people in the city are willing to attend and support. And so this is an effort now that includes our public places, the museum, and the creative district, el de da. And then I think the city manager’s office got a little bit of money board as well. So we’re really hoping to get the wheels cranking on Creative cultural plan that’ll probably get kicked off in the next probably three or four months. And then we’ve got shock art calls that are out the call for entry voting strategy and the digital and in person marketing in museum newsletter and social media and in local newspapers. So that’s it for my directors report. Anybody got any questions?
Unknown Speaker 28:30
Alrighty, thank you. Always.
Unknown Speaker 28:32
You’re welcome to contact me.
Unknown Speaker 28:37
Great. Thanks, Kim. I don’t have a report today. But as we talked about, I think maybe Last time, we are going to have various staff doing presentations for us so that we have a better idea of the things that they’re doing at the museum. So today, we have Justin Veatch, who’s the auditorium and events manager for the museum. And I don’t know if I have your title, right, Justin, but okay. Anyway, so he’s going to spend, I don’t know, 1015 minutes and tell us a little bit more about what he does and what’s happening at the auditorium. And then we’ll have some time for questions after.
Unknown Speaker 29:20
Hello, I am coming at you live and direct from the museum’s marvelous steward auditorium this evening. It’s great to see you all thank you all for having me. And thank you for all that you do for the museum. We’re really glad to have your support out there in the community. And I haven’t met a lot of you. So this is a first time first time meet up for me for a bunch of you. I’ve been here for going on three years, next month actually kind of went fast and slow at the same time like really fast and also seems kind of like aeons. This last Especially, I have a background in nonprofit kind of an extensive background in nonprofit arts and cultural institutions. I’m really a contemporary art guy, contemporary art, theater, dance and performance with a solid foundation and in literary arts programming as well, so author events and that kind of thing. I did my undergrad at Naropa back in the 90s and sort of cut my nonprofit arts teeth at B mocha. I worked for the B mocha theatre. Back when they had an 87 seat theater there. I worked with Judy Hussey Taylor, who went on to run who’s the Director of dance space project in New York, which is a big deal dance organization. I did my master’s degree at California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, California. And I’m an Angeleno, and a diehard Laker fan third generation Angeleno, so I’m just another displaced California out here. I’m really excited about this space, this is a really beautiful, gorgeous little space. And this is actually I think, maybe the fourth venue that I’ve been associated with or worked for, or worked with, of this size. And I really enjoyed this size, it allows for a lot of it’s like a little race car, or sports car or something you can, it’s a lot more maneuverable than like a big, giant, bulky behemoth of a performing arts center, something you can get away at, you can have, you know, 35 people in here and it feels pretty good, which is great. When I first started here, I really wanted to focus on kind of diversifying our programming and to really reflect the multidisciplinary nature of the museum. That’s what I’m not really trying to increase the flexibility of this space. Because it’s mainly built as a recital hall. You know, Laila Stewart was a big fan of classical music, the US are a gorgeous Shigeru kawhi piano that she donated for us in addition to this space. So it’s not it’s, it’s, you know, for theater, it’s not ideal. For amplified music, it’s not ideal, so I added curtains, which is helped. And we continue to work on ways to kind of improve flexibility so that we can support a myriad and a real variety of Performing Arts activities beyond just classical acoustic music. So, you know, we’ve done some stuff with what we had been port theater up for, for a weekend from Denver, they’re really great kind of contemporary Theatre Company, down in Denver. They’re really kind of kooky, and a little experimental and very smart. we’ve, we’ve, you know, we’ve had all of the local folks in you know, including the centennial state ballet and said, Shinto, Baroque ensemble and other Performing Arts groups. One of the things I really one of the things that I rolled out was something called Museum presents, which is, which is this kind of programming. So instead, we have our Thursday nights, and then we have more elaborate or more more expensive, bigger ticket performances that happen over the course of a weekend. And hopefully, these will happen over the course of perhaps several weekends. At some point, but these these are, these are bigger scale productions. And really focusing on on a variety and diversity of programming. In the first two years that I was here, pre COVID, we saw a lot of
Unknown Speaker 34:18
it we said we saw serious increase in ticket sales, which was exciting. 2019 was kind of a was it was a record year in terms of ticket sales and then 2020 we were real 20 we’re really going off on we’re off to the races. And then March happened. But we’ve been increasing the number of number of events, number of programs. And that’s that’s been going pretty well. When COVID hit Of course, we had to completely change direction. The show had to go on line. The show the show must go on line. So We just switched to it online format and started blasting things out to Facebook Live that that started off with me in my den at home doing hosting conversations with people. You know, with Eric on collections, we did a number of inside kind of behind the scenes, museum programs, we did a tour of Terry makers, home and studio space. And then when we hit summer concerts, we decided to, to offer them all live live online, and and have them in produce them from the auditorium. So we switched from my my den which wouldn’t fit all those musicians to the auditorium. And we were we streamed from here, and we basically been streaming from the auditorium ever since. There are now cameras, we have a camera mounted on each side of the auditorium. I feel like a stewardess or something, and a one behind me in the center to all which are motorized and can be controlled remotely from our tech booth, where we have monitors, and we can it’s like a little we’re now a little TV studio practically. So we can capture all kinds of stuff more efficiently and with better angles. We work with Longmont public media, who is the city’s AV contractor, they also run channel eight, while I’m on channel 880. And through the museum’s agreement with them, their contract with them, they’re able to capture all of our programming, which is really, really special. So we have great video, people get to use our great equipment, and we’re getting a good product as a result. And you know, one of the great things about you know, Kim mentioned this one of the wonderful things about or the silver lining, if there is one to not having actual people in the space and live streaming is that we’ve we’ve really expanded our audience and touched many, many, many more people than we would through just you know, having having people in the audience. So that’s, that’s exciting. So we it makes me wonder what it will be like, when we do come out of this and whether whether our audiences will be even larger than they were before. That’s exciting. Um, I also manage rentals for the museum. And rentals have been not only a source of income for us, but another way to engage the community and support the community whether it’s a performing arts, like the Longmont Symphony, renting out the auditorium for concerts, or local nonprofits, utilizing the space for fundraisers or people people have in weddings, we’ve really focused on, you know, providing excellent customer service and really supporting people’s events. And and so much so that we have a stake in the success of what you do here. So we really try to bring our expertise in presentation to everything we do here, just like we do to our own probe for our own programming. And I think I think that’s I think that’s been evidenced through the Well, we’ve gotten lots of good feedback, and our rentals had been up pre COVID. Let’s see what else Oh, coming up. So one of the things we did, you know, our Thursday night programming was previously entitled views and brews, which was mainly film programming.
Unknown Speaker 38:56
And it was oftentimes themed around like, cold classics or some other thing. And I’ve really worked to diversify that. So pre COVID and then moving forward as we come out of COVID it’ll be less much less film, and concerts. Instead, we’ll be doing concerts and talks and readings and that sort of thing. One of the great things about this auditorium is it’s a vehicle for for engaging not only new audiences, but for working with other organizations and artists. You can get so many people through this space, right 365 day their 365 days a year. So that’s three practically 365 opportunities to to bring people through this space and develop relationships with them. So we’ve had Bobby Lefebvre the Colorado State Poet Laureate has done two programs with us. We we’ve We’ve developed a a, what are we calling it cultural spotlight? What am I calling it? Kim? Is it the cultural spot anyway, is basically we spotlight a local arts institution that’s been doing good work and present it to the people of Longmont. So we did that with Cleo Parker Robinson dance. And we celebrated their 50th anniversary and Cleo came down. They talked about she was in conversation with one of her young choreographers. And they talked about the history of the organization. And what they do with video clips was really great. And then we just recently did the same thing with Sue tatro. Down in Denver, which is Denver’s oldest Latino Theatre Company. So we had their, their executive director in conversation with Bobby Faber. And so every time we have a new program, we develop new relationships, and really expand, we really kind of expand our tendrils out into the Front Range in Colorado, which is, I think, very exciting. And each program leads to another program, it seems like to I’ve also, as a result of the of the of, you know, everything that happened this summer, and late spring with George Floyd and Bianna Taylor and that sort of thing. I’ve really, and through some, some, some, there’s a CU Boulder program, I was a part of where we read read the how to be an anti racist book. It was a dei study group through the CU Boulder with other arts and cultural institution leaders. And I felt very inspired and driven to really bring home dei related programming to the museum. And I know that’s a priority for us all here. And so we’ve done some programming, some panels on the history of race and social justice here in Longmont. We’re doing a panel discussion here tomorrow night on art and social justice. So diversity has really been been been key in terms of all programming that I’m looking at lately. So really, it’s a, you know, we are making it through COVID. And we think that we’ll come out even even better than we were, you know, this was a time for kind of some, some growth on our part. And my my own. My of the level of programming I’ve been doing since COVID. started here, has really increased dramatically. And I’m hoping that I can sustain that when rentals come back and, and get back to normal.
Unknown Speaker 42:52
Right. Thank you, Justin, would you mind just wrapping up? And then we’ll take some questions if people have specifics?
Unknown Speaker 43:00
Yeah, I you know, I would love I’m always interested in feedback. I’m always interested in ideas, suggestions. What have you. So I think I kind of ended, I think I think I could have reached the end. I could I could go on.
Unknown Speaker 43:19
No, that’s what I was afraid of. No, I’m just kidding.
Unknown Speaker 43:23
Put a cork in a beach. Anyway, feel free to shoot some questions my way.
Unknown Speaker 43:28
Does anybody have questions now that they’d like to ask Justin or? Okay,
Unknown Speaker 43:36
I just had a quick comment. Great. Um, Justin, my wife, and I’ve been friends of ours have been logging into Thursday night programming. And it’s just been, we’ve been really impressed. It’s been really great. So thank you for that. And the work that is going into it is certainly not being annoyed. It’s not unnoticed.
Unknown Speaker 43:58
Thank you, Brian. I hope you tune in tomorrow. It’s going to be real. It’s going to be a great conversation. Really.
Unknown Speaker 44:03
We’re planning on it. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 44:05
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 44:08
And I else? Thanks. Thank you very much. Justin says, this is a it’s nice way to start this off. And I think you know, each meeting we have, as we go forward, we’ll get somebody else from the staff to give us the lowdown on what their job entails and what’s what’s happening. So, thank you very much for being the first
Unknown Speaker 44:29
thanks for having me and have a good rest of your evening. Until next time.
Unknown Speaker 44:33
Thank you. Thank you. Thanks, Justin. Welcome.
Unknown Speaker 44:40
Okay, so the next things we’ll look at our old business and I have to tell you the land acknowledgement statement is the first thing up. And I know that Eric shared information with us about what’s been happening at least museum city Other places, and I don’t know that at this point, we really are in a position to do a lot more. Eric. I mean, you are Kim, if you have comments about that. I don’t know if it’s something that we need to try to set up a subcommittee or if at this point, there’s just too much going on. I’m not quite sure what the statuses as far as what our role in this is. Oh, sorry, Thomas, did
Unknown Speaker 45:41
you ever?
Unknown Speaker 45:42
I had a question. I just wondered if any other entities of the city I
Unknown Speaker 45:47
said, Thomas, and I wanted to see.
Unknown Speaker 45:50
I just wondered if any other entities of the city of Longmont heard of work contemplating something similar? And if they are, should we really be working in concert with them as a as an option. The
Unknown Speaker 46:12
kind of the way that this has happened is that, you know, the museums started looking into it as a result of the Longmont 150 exhibition. And then I was in a meeting with Carmen Ramirez, who is the director of the neighborhood and neighborhood resources. And she was like, Oh, well, we should be doing this too. So it has kind of started to spark a bunch of different people sustainability is now talking about it. Um, and so I, this really, I think, because we already had started working on this, I think the museum is well positioned to kind of be a leader. And I’m hoping to get, you know, Susie, to help us kind of take this up to the level of city council, so that we can do exactly what you’re talking about Tom to be able to have this be a kind of city wide endeavor.
Unknown Speaker 47:09
Okay, that’s just curious. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 47:12
Lots of people have been talking about it lately. And because we had already started working on it, we, we kind of became the default leaders, if you will.
Unknown Speaker 47:24
So, Kim, at this point, is there anything really that there isn’t really anything that this board can do specifically, like, particularly in this meeting? Um,
Unknown Speaker 47:34
I mean, what I,
Unknown Speaker 47:35
what I am hoping is that, you know, that we, we have the support of the advisory board to pursue this, Eric has drafted a statement. And it’s really just a draft at this point, um, based on the work that Montoya had done, which really, as you might have seen in those documents, ended with, you know, you really need an action item in there. And that is that it’s not just a recognition, but there’s actually an action item in there. And then Susie, if you don’t mind, I would, I would love your feedback, because we exchanged an email earlier. And it sounds like you’ve worked on these things before yourself. Yes, Yes,
Unknown Speaker 48:17
I have. And so, for the last three or four years, the National Education Association has adopted the use of land acknowledgments prior to any presentation that we that we offer for our members, other teachers and trainings. And, and so I had shared some examples with Kim. It can range from anything from a video, we’ve done things where it’s just part of a slideshow right before a presentation, something listed on a website, really, what in the areas of our presentation, so I had worked, I was part of an educators kind of zoom book study. And we we did, it was from the book, we started it with the book stamped, which is by the same author who wrote the how to be an anti racist, so is the same. And so it was a variation of that. Just another another book title. And I had worked with educators from New York, here in Colorado and California. And so we when we did our land acknowledgement, we actually pulled from recognizing the the tribes and the they had ancestry that was on these lands in these different areas. So we just see, you know, it’s almost like I kind of attributed because it you know, I’m Catholic, so, you know, before we have any kind of meal or anything, you know, we kind of you know, have a moment of silence, a moment of grace and thankful so I For me, you know, as I was kind of explaining it to people who had nothing, who knew nothing about what this was, I was like, well, I kind of almost like think of it as, like a prayer prior to, it’s that acknowledgement and appreciation and respect for the people that have been on these lands prior to us, and just offering that that bit of respect, and acknowledgement to and, and recognition of the histories that were here prior to us. Um, so, you know, there’s varying ways that we can, we can go about, you know, it could be something that’s presented on a website, it could be something that is done prior to a meeting or, you know, you know, we’re doing a lot of virtual programming, it could be something that that’s shared and displayed before a particular program. And it’s really fascinating to to know, especially when I was working with colleagues from different parts of the United States, what tribal? What tribes had been there in those areas prior to, you know, be New York or prior to, you know, being San Diego. And so it was, it was, it’s interesting, it’s, I think, you know, it’s very much in line with what the museum’s doing as far as education and, and historical context. So I think having the museum lead this is, is wonderful, I think, you know, it’s very appropriate. And so I think, for me, as a person on city council, you know, I could say, well, you know, this is something that the museum, the Board of museum is prioritizing, we want to see this move forward. So, so just to have, I guess, the consent of the board, I think it would mean, it would be more powerful as I as I bring this up. So it’s like, oh, God is that Suzy again, just read another thing. But it’s really something that’s driven by the community. So that’s, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 52:02
So in that vein, Susie, do you think that you? How would you feel most comfortable? Should we draft something for you to take to the rest of the council? Or do you want to just introduce the concept of it with our, you know, with the with the advisory boards blessing, what what do you think is the next step? So, um,
Unknown Speaker 52:28
so I think when I made the statement, when I put back with the George Floyd, so I had written that statement, I sat down or, you know, I talked to Harold, I spoke with Mariah and she kind of helped. So, you know, I brought brought brought forward, you know, the essential like, the skeleton part of it. And Morocco really went in and cleaned it up. For me, and I’m, so if I had something that was, you know, this land acknowledgement would be included here, and just kind of have like a skeletal of what needs to be included in these to make them authentic. Um, I think, you know, we could have city staff. Help us revise, and but you know, there if you have ideas of what you think, what we think really needs to be included on there. And then staff can kind of help rewrite and, and revise that polish it up. So but if I have something just to make my cake respond to Yeah, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 53:33
I think that’s a great idea. So, Eric, do you want to share Do you think you want to this is the time to share the draft that you put together?
Unknown Speaker 53:41
Sure, sure, I can just share my screen so people can see that.
Unknown Speaker 53:53
So again, very rough first draft, just basically trying to get the bones of it, that out there. But you know, saying we acknowledge that Longmont sits on the traditional territory of the Cheyenne, Arapaho, and you peoples. We honor the history and the connection that they have with this land. It is our commitment to face the injustice that has happened when this land was taken and to educate our children to ensure that it does not happen again. So a couple of the things is identifies the traditional tribes, there are other tribes certainly that that were in this area. I think the city of Denver actually acknowledged as 48 tribes within Colorado and their land acknowledgement statement, but these are the three that that have had really the strongest connection, I think, to to the area. So that’s, that’s kind of why why I chose those three and then wanting to do a call to action, wanting to not just to be a a We acknowledge this and go forth but but really have have something that then we can we can commit to doing. So that was that was kind of the last lesson as well. But again, really at this point, you’re the first people who have seen it. So it’s very much a work in progress that would love to have your thoughts on. What does this include? What is this Miss? What What should we be doing?
Unknown Speaker 55:30
So do we want to take take this back with us, and then come back to the meeting next month with with ideas or we could forward ideas to Eric between now and then. And then maybe at that point, or the next meeting, we have something to send with Susie, I don’t know how quickly, we want to move this through Kim.
Unknown Speaker 55:53
Well, so I don’t want to rush anything, because I think that we need to make sure that we do it right. But I will go out there as milestones that we may take into consideration, which is that in May, sometime the sister city relationship with the Northern Arapaho is supposed to be solidified. And so I ideally, ideally, we have the statement ready for the ceremony
Unknown Speaker 56:26
that will take part with that. Right, you know, the recognition of the sister city relationship.
Unknown Speaker 56:32
So, so, like I said, I don’t want to rush anything, because I want to do it. Right. But, but if we were going to aim for a target, that is probably the one to aim for. So if we if, if we were able to bring it back in April, well, you know, this time next month, does that Susie give you time to do anything?
Unknown Speaker 56:59
For me?
Unknown Speaker 57:01
Um, I think so. You know, and, and so we don’t we don’t meet as a council next week. And then the following week, I believe, I don’t think it’s a regular session. Although I don’t I don’t think it matters. I can bring forward things during the study session. But um, so no, I you know, I think I know with the George Floyd statement, it the turnaround was really quick. It was, yeah, it was within. So I brought it forward on Council. And then we actually all signed it by Wednesday and brought it like we expedited that because we were getting a lot of I think the city was getting a lot of public pressure for various groups. And so they wanted to expedite that. But I think it may what, um, that should give us plenty of time. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 57:57
And something that you wanted to add,
Unknown Speaker 58:00
actually did speak with Carmen Ramirez just yesterday. Oh, yeah. This for cities, Northern Arapaho, because the Northern Arapaho have been struggling with their COVID situation within the tribe. Actually, it’s quite extensive. And so the May data has been pushed to September. So that actually may assist you. And that’s very, that is quite literally just changed very recently.
Unknown Speaker 58:30
So hot off the presses. Okay. Well, I’m glad you’re here.
Unknown Speaker 58:37
gives us some time.
Unknown Speaker 58:39
Yes. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 58:40
That gives us some wiggle room. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 58:44
Oh, go ahead.
Unknown Speaker 58:45
I was just gonna say I think then the next milestone is probably the opening of the exhibit, which is in August.
Unknown Speaker 58:54
Yeah, it’ll be August 6.
Unknown Speaker 58:56
Yeah, it’d
Unknown Speaker 58:57
be great. Because we’d love to have it on the wall of the museum for that opening.
Unknown Speaker 59:01
Unknown Speaker 59:03
So what if we, unless we want to do it faster than that? What if we plan to have more an in depth discussion of this and with people’s input next month? And then we can whatever we kind of come up with then we could forward on to Susie to take to the council. Does that seem reasonable to everybody? We can make this a focus next month.
Unknown Speaker 59:33
Sounds great.
Unknown Speaker 59:34
So everybody can think about it.
Unknown Speaker 59:36
Yeah. However, Eric, are you going to send that statement out to us? Yeah. Oh, no.
Unknown Speaker 59:44
No, to the whole board.
Unknown Speaker 59:46
Yeah, I’ve been trying to copy it or really won’t do it. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 59:54
they also have some examples that I sent to Kim if you if anybody wants to see those as well. can forward you that email. Great, have different land acknowledgments. Great.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:09
I couldn’t forward your email to them. I probably have everybody’s email addresses. So thank you. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:00:15
no, no.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:16
Okay. Yeah, that’d be great. Thanks, Kim. So then we’ll plan on being prepared next month to work on this in more detail. Anybody else have any other comments about this particular topic before we move on?
Unknown Speaker 1:00:35
Okay, great.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:36
I just I do have one thing to add. I don’t exactly know the relevance of it. But just to note that in Denver, the Denver City Council adopted a statement and that came directly from a council member. And so the I think the actual statement came from that council member. And so the way that they do it is they do but before every single council meeting, they actually recite the the acknowledges. So I think that that’s probably one of the things that we should discuss is, you know, kind of where this will show up. And, you know, who, anyway, kind of kind of how it’s used, if you will. So that I think should be part of our conversation.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:27
And sometimes briefer would be better if we do read it,
Unknown Speaker 1:01:31
man. Yeah. There are some very long
Unknown Speaker 1:01:33
briefer than what Eric said. Something along those lines.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:41
Great. I agree. Okay, well, we’ll get that on the agenda for next month. And then one other piece of old business, I just wanted to mention, we had talked about the addendum that we were going to add in some form to the bylaws to reflect the fact that we’re doing this emergency kind of meeting virtually. So we are still finalizing how that’s going to look. So that will come up next month. Also. In addition, I assume you all have copies of the bylaws. But I’m going to ask Joanne to make sure everybody has a copy. Because I thought this would be our opportunity to review the bylaws that we have in case there’s anything else in there that anybody notices that looks odd or needs to be perhaps changed,
Unknown Speaker 1:02:34
or I
Unknown Speaker 1:02:35
don’t know, something to be talked about. So just so you know, she’ll be sending that to you. So we will look at that a little bit as well. Next month. So that is all that I have. Does anybody have other new business? or comments? Okay, well, great. Well, thank you all. And I look forward to working on some of these things next month. And thank you, Angela, for facilitating. And, Eric, thank you so much for making a start on the land acknowledgement statement. It’s one of those seems like it’s kind of hard to figure out exactly where to start.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:28
Unknown Speaker 1:03:29
thank you all.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:31
Yeah. Motion to adjourn.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:33
Oh, yeah. Sorry. Is there a motion to adjourn? Tom? Have to adjourn. Okay, we have Tom and Chris. All in favor of a journey. Opposed?
Unknown Speaker 1:03:49
Unknown Speaker 1:03:50
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:52
Anything, all of you? Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:54
Thanks, Joe.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:56
Thanks, Robert.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:08
Sorry, Joey. I
Unknown Speaker 1:04:09
Unknown Speaker 1:04:10
Oh, sorry. I tripped in.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:13
Oh, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:14
So 535 is what I get.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:17
Are you fine got it. So Angeles, so you’re the greats. You’re the Sabre of this recording.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:25
Unknown Speaker 1:04:26
am I Well,
Unknown Speaker 1:04:28
Unknown Speaker 1:04:29
I’ll be so I can be saver so let me just need moral support here.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:35
You guys don’t need me though.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:36
Do you know we don’t Okay. Very much eat tomorrow.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:44
Eat it.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:45
You have good tasting chocolate. Oh, good. I’m glad you liked it. You. It’s just very uncomfortable when you receive a gift from someone in the near like, I’m like saying things in person and I have a thank you note. Where do I put it anyway. So no, it’s hard.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:01
I’m sorry, but
Unknown Speaker 1:05:03
don’t worry
Unknown Speaker 1:05:05
about frizzier throughout this entire thing, but anyways,
Unknown Speaker 1:05:08
oh my god flatter. So see.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:11
All right, bye
Unknown Speaker 1:05:12
bye ladies. Hi.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:15
So I understand that this recording saves to the SAM account. And in fact we have to go and grab it and move it. But that was not a part of our formal training that both you and I attended. So I’m going I have the stop recording button. I can just push it and then put it if I if it like pops up, hey, you have a file, and then I’ll send you a link to where it goes. Most groovy Okay, so yeah, okay, so you’ll save it and stop it right now. Ready? Let’s see what happens.