Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting – March 8, 2021

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Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting – March 8, 2021

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Unknown Speaker 0:00
I’d now like to call the march 8 2021. Parks and Recreation advisory board meeting to order. Can we please start with a roll call? So all Berg here.

Unknown Speaker 0:13
Scott Conlon Jeff Ellenbogen. Here. Manoj Kanwar here.

Unknown Speaker 0:26
Paige Lewis. Here.

Unknown Speaker 0:30
Nicholas Novello here. Dan Alston? You’re and council liaison, Aaron Rodriguez.

Unknown Speaker 0:45
Great. Thank you. Our first item of business is approval of the agenda. Hopefully everyone got a chance to look at it. Does anyone have any proposed changes to the agenda?

Unknown Speaker 1:00
Number six, it says old business it there’s a typo. Just on that title. Oh, well.

Unknown Speaker 1:08
Yeah. We’ll get to the minutes in just a second. We’re just looking at the agenda. Right.

Unknown Speaker 1:12
I apologize. Sorry. That’s okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:15
Yep. So any proposed changes to the agenda, if not, on the motion to approve the agenda.

Unknown Speaker 1:26
I move we approve the agenda.

Unknown Speaker 1:29
Thank you, Sue. Can I get a second? Thank you, Scott. All in favor? Aye. Okay, Any opposed? Great. Thank you. Now, we will move to the previous month minutes. So Scott, if you wanted to point out where that was? Again?

Unknown Speaker 1:50
Oh, yes. It’s number six. On the minutes. It just the title. Has the letters it attached to old business?

Unknown Speaker 2:01
Yes. Got that is a typo. I noticed that

Unknown Speaker 2:03
after I send out the package.

Unknown Speaker 2:05
So yes, it is no big

Unknown Speaker 2:07
one. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:10
Thanks. Any other proposed amendments to last meetings? minute? Okay, great. Can I motion to approve the minutes, please.

Unknown Speaker 2:26
I move we approve the minutes from the last meeting.

Unknown Speaker 2:30
Thank you. Thank you, Dan. All in favor? Aye. Aye. Thank you. The minutes are approved. Okay, we’re now at public invited to be heard. So Aurora, I’ll turn it over to you.

Unknown Speaker 2:54
So we do have a member from our public who would like to participate. And I will ask you if you can please state your name and address for the record. And you have three minutes to comments.

Unknown Speaker 3:18
Yeah, howdy everybody. hope everyone’s doing well. Everyone’s safe and sound. Thank you so much for giving me the invitation to join you all. My name is Kai belkis. I’m at 2281 water song circle. Here in lovely Longmont, Colorado. I am part of a development group with St brain FC, and just wanted to reach out and say hello to everybody and make the connection to all that we’re out here. We’re doing the best we can with the circumstances. But we are looking forward and looking ahead to a really wonderful new year and a really wonderful going forward program here in Longmont and elsewhere and just wanted to say hello and that we’re looking forward to working with you in the future hopefully to to identify some opportunities for us to work together and collaborate so that we can continue to bring our many years of volunteers and in soccer, love to future futures kids in Longmont and elsewhere. And we just wanted to say hello and thank you for the opportunity and look forward to working with you all moving forward. So thank you so much for the opportunity. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 4:33
Thank you. Aurora, do we have anyone else?

Unknown Speaker 4:42
We do not at this moment.

Unknown Speaker 4:46
Okay, great. Thank you. We will move on to old business. I don’t think we had any old business. Right? Okay. So that’s easy. We’ll move on to new things. Yes. And hopefully you saw on the packet. A lot of our focus tonight is on the impending budget process and particularly thinking about the capital improvement projects. And I just wanted to say thank you for the background information in the packet itself, that was really helpful. So I’ll turn it over to you, Jeff, I think to kick us off for this one.

Unknown Speaker 5:23
I think Steve is gonna lay this off.

Unknown Speaker 5:26
Steve’s gonna, okay. Yep.

Unknown Speaker 5:37
Sorry that my light is not so good in this office. But I’m in a second office. But Hi, Steve rands Wyler, Senior Project Manager for natural resources. This is always an exciting meeting. For me, I love talking about projects we have coming up in the next four or five years. As I think a lot of you know, the Capital Improvement Program is the city’s device where we plan for the next five years of capital infrastructure projects. We do it for all of our utilities, our our transportation system, our park system. certain criteria for becoming a capital improvement project is the minimum cost needs to be I can’t remember five or $10,000. But there is some sort of limits what’s not the smaller things 10. Thank you, Dan.

Unknown Speaker 6:28

Unknown Speaker 6:31
sum, some of the capital improvement projects are ongoing maintenance, you’ll see that we have some pool maintenance, some pumps, irrigation pump station, and then CIPS. Those are sort of an ongoing project over the that we do year to year, but we want to make sure we’re capturing dollars. So we have the resources available to maintain our infrastructure on an annual basis, outside of the general OEM budgets that we set. The other portion of that are capital improvements, which are either new improvements to our park and transportation system, and utility system, or maintenance of the existing infrastructure that we have. We have different ccip projects in place. And I’m happy to go through what is in the so what we included in your packet were the projects that were funded in the 2021 tip, as you know, is five years tip. So the last one that was approved by city council in october november of 2020, was for 2021 to 2025. But when the city approves the budget, they only approved the budget for 2021. It’s a planning document, but there is nothing funded outside of that first year. We continually at we annually asked counsel to update the Capital Improvement Program each year, based on the you know, the plan leave plans we set forth, but things can change. 234 years out as priorities can change. So sometimes you’ll see changes in the ccip. And future years, as you know, different priorities change across the city. So before I start going through this program, I wanted to see if there’s any questions from the board, things you want me to hit. I’m not sure how deep you want me to dive, I have Google Earth up, I’m happy to take you fly you to every project that’s in this tip. I’m happy to give a light overview I’d really like to hear from the board what you’d like me to speak with you about tonight, knowing I want to get give enough time at the end of the presentation for ample conversation and questions from the board. You want me to run through

Unknown Speaker 8:57
thanks to up to a couple of placeholders out there and then call in others. I’d love to hear more about Dry Creek Park and also Roosevelt Park day saw them both mentioned with a variety of projects. So those are a couple areas I’d be interested in. And I thought you had your hand up to out. And go ahead. You’re on mute dance. That’s good. Thank

Unknown Speaker 9:26
you. What’s the difference between the list on page six, which is parks, open space and trails, versus page 27, which is a way that was paid 27 parks open space and trails and Page Six says something different parks or parks recreation and open space. And it’s confusing to me is there two different there’s clearly two different lists.

Unknown Speaker 9:56
I can tell you Jeff or I’m sorry. That’s the list on page six was the list that Jeff put together. From a recreational standpoint. The list on page 27 was the list that Kathy Crone and I put together from the Capital Partners, project management, and encompasses all of the ccip, where I think Jeff was hitting the high points.

Unknown Speaker 10:19
Got all the detail?

Unknown Speaker 10:21
Yep, the ones ice included are all the first pages of all the CIPS that are funded, which includes some of those that are on Stephen Cathy’s list.

Unknown Speaker 10:33
I noticed some overlap. Thank you. Yeah. And

Unknown Speaker 10:36
one thing to remember is that the the list that starts on page 27 of your packet, talks about projects that were funded in previous years, we do spend some projects spend their dollars from January 1 to December 31. And then move on to the next year. Some projects or multi year projects, sometimes staffing. available, says roll projects from year to year and try to get some better light on the board. And and so it’s what we Kathy and I tried to do on the page 27 is really let you know, all the projects that we are working on, just because it says it’s funded in 2021 does not necessarily mean we’re going to expend all those dollars in 2021. We do all over when we roll funds over from year to year. David, I don’t know if you want expand on that at all. No, I

Unknown Speaker 11:35
think you do a good job. See, this is an idea that Steve mentioned that that counsel funds that one year, but we still have dollars. And I really want Steve and Kathy let you guys know that we are still working on projects that were funded years previous that have carryover dollars that take a lot of their time to work on those as you look at these projects are funded, there’s their their work plan is bigger than that. So that’s really what we’re trying to do is make sure you see that. And again, I think I don’t have that document for you. But sometimes the projects that fall under Parks and Recreation, open space, we’re also working on ones that fall under drainage projects and streets too. So that that gets captured I think Steve’s longer list as well. So thank you.

Unknown Speaker 12:14
Yeah, as an example, I can tell you the spring Gulch two project that we’ve recently opened are going to be celebrating in 2021 was first funded in 2011. takes time, sometimes things change

Unknown Speaker 12:27
by page.

Unknown Speaker 12:30
Are there other areas of interest for board members things you particularly like to hear more about? that you saw in the project list? Yeah, Dan, go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 12:44
I made a list of was six different ones that caught my eye little details, but I don’t know, you want to how we want to go through this. That’s what you’re asking, should I just go through my list?

Unknown Speaker 12:56
Or do you recommend James?

Unknown Speaker 12:59
I was just gonna say How about if I just jump into the projects, and feel free to interrupt me. That includes other staff, Kathy, Jeff, Dave, and I’ll try to capture at a high level if you want more detail about any of these projects. I’m happy to dive into them either at the end or as I’m going through. Does that sound good?

Unknown Speaker 13:20
Sounds great.

Unknown Speaker 13:22
Okay, great. Um, first project isn’t long term project that’s on page seven of your packet is p 005. b St. Brand Greenway. As you can see, in the it’s been first shown the C IP in 1992. That even seeds my time here. What we’re working on right now with that project is the eastern and western extensions of the st. Frame Greenway. We have funding for the trail extension from golden bonds under Airport Road up to Westview Middle School. And we are waiting for land acquisition, which shouldn’t be as cumbersome as it has been, but it is as taken me several years to get the land acquired. I’m hoping to have that done in the somewhat near future and start design gets design started this year and build that project next year. That’s phase 12. of the same brain Greenway. Phase. 13 is the extension from sandstone ranch east to st brain State Park. Danielle Devine is the project manager for that at this point and she is working on if you remember we received a $1.5 million grant from C dot for that project. And she is working on the C dot needs to approve a request for proposals for design services and so she is working for has the RFP to see dot for their approval. We’re working through that approval right now. Timing anticipated timing on that is construct or I’m sorry, design starting this year, with about a 12 to 15 months design period, construction likely starting in 2023. Any questions on that before I move on?

Unknown Speaker 15:24
Okay, and go ahead. dance. Yep, there you go.

Unknown Speaker 15:27
I have another one. It’s kind of a general question. In this one, for example, 1.3 million is in 2021. That’s funded, I presume, and away we go. And you have 3.6, etc, a million in 2022. What would you guess is the likelihood? And I don’t mean necessarily for this one. But as we go through the list, can we just assume that these are all happening like you project?

Unknown Speaker 15:55
You know, it depends on the fund. Historically, city council has directed staff that the same brain Greenway project is the most important project that we are using our conservation trust fund dollars on. That is not the only project that counselor could direct staff to use conservation trust funds for?

Unknown Speaker 16:13
I will, this one in particular is twice as much next year as this year, or even more. And so it’s like, yeah, is it really gonna happen or not? I mean, I just don’t know how to judge this.

Unknown Speaker 16:24
Well, it’s it’s I would say, it’s likely because counsel, if they were to defund this that project for 2022, they will be walking away from the $1.5 million

Unknown Speaker 16:33
at sea that make sense to me. I get it. Yeah. Right. Okay. So, you know,

Unknown Speaker 16:37
I can never speak for city council. They’re the ultimate decision makers, and they have different strategies and different. I’m not even strategies just priorities pop up. I get it. Sometimes we have to, you know about doing about Facebook did that about seven, eight years ago, and had to really change the way we looked at our capital improvement program. I don’t anticipate that happening for this project in the near future.

Unknown Speaker 16:58
But your strategy is to be realistic about each year, you’re not putting a whole bunch of stuff in next year that you’ve that, well, we’re not going to have it this year, but next year, we’ll kill it.

Unknown Speaker 17:08
We have an anticipated fund balance that projects five years out for all of the different funds that we have. We do not go into the ccip with approved funded project exceeding that fund balance.

Unknown Speaker 17:21
Okay. Okay, fair. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker 17:23
Does that make sense? Yep. Yep.

Unknown Speaker 17:27
Just steer? I have a question. This is just, this is sort of a extra. Is there then a connection from saying brain Park over to that Firestone area, the connector trail? Is that something to state is doing or what is going on there?

Unknown Speaker 17:45
And David, you can jump in. We’ve met with St. Frame state park staff, and they have been working with the Firestone folks. And I believe that they have funding in 2021. To make the connection from Firestone over to St. Brain State Park. There’s also state funding, State Park funding for improvements within the state park to make improvements between between those two trails. You know, city funds wouldn’t necessarily go toward connecting over to Firestone, but we are coordinating with the different entities to work toward, you know, this is the Front Range trail. We’re trying to get this from New Mexico to I’m sorry, down here in New Mexico up to LA. And so we will do everything we can to support other municipalities and other efforts to make trail connections for the frontline trail. Okay, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 18:35
Yes, sir. The only thing I would would add is that, as Steve mentioned, we’ve been out to look at the park connection that the place right now with this trail, we connect with state parks is at the underpass there at highway 118. If notice a brain river goes under there, there’s a potential for the connection there. Steve has looked at it evaluated. Our bosses looked at it evaluated it. And we have some questions how that might work. We’ll also look at some at grade crossings where we can still come into the park because there is a signal light down there too. So the goal really would be to tie into the state parks when we do this and they’re looking to make that happen. And then the State Park does tie in to a weld county trail that goes under I 25. That trail system was taken out in the 2013 floods weld county is working on putting that back together. So Steve talked about being excited about his projects. And I’m glad he is but this is one that I think that he and staff are working on. That will be pretty exciting once we get these connections out to the State Park State Park out beyond that. So it’s an exciting project. And Steve will talk about the other end of it here in a minute too.

Unknown Speaker 19:42
If anybody wants me to bring up Google Earth, I can show you where these are. What I would recommend is that we wait until the end of the conversation I can go back and show a couple routes because it’s going to simplify Aurora sharing screens back and forth. So but just let me know The next project that we have in our queue is the sandstone ranch phase four. And we currently have that funded for 2022 for design and 2023. for construction, that is for a. The completion of the master plan that was approved by our adopted by city council in 1999, I believe shows another three ball fields, a sports court, playground, scoring, booths, restroom shelters, parking, that sort of stuff. Since we’ve built that projects, there, you know if you can believe that the originally built projects back in 2001 are old enough now 20 years old, where some of that equipment needs to be replaced. So it’s anticipated that into this project, we’ll roll into it. replacement of expiring playground equipment if we don’t get to it beforehand, as well as reassessing ADA accessibility throughout the park. And board member Caitlyn just creatively sent me an email last week, which is a great concept. When we build sandstone Ranch, we did not anticipate the spring Gulch to trail in the underpass underneath our 119. We are planning a connection. And hopefully the board members have gotten a chance to get out and look at the new trail between Steven de Park and Eden reservoir, it’s a great improvement for the city, we’re working to try to connect made that connection from union down to highway 119. Once you get under highway 119, you’re in the sandstone ranch. And to get to the same brand Greenway. It’s not a clear route, what the best way to get down there is,

Unknown Speaker 21:50
you know,

Unknown Speaker 21:51
if you remember back in 1999, there was no land north of 119 that was annexed into the city, except for concepts, concepts direct. So it was just it was it was nothing we anticipated. So I think we’ll look with that phase four project, we’ll look at improving connectivity from highway 119, down to the same brand Greenway in some way, shape, or form. And so you’ll see a change to this tip, when I submitted for this next round, to try to accommodate some of the possible costs associated with that. I’m going to keep going unless there’s questions. Jeff, I’ll let you speak to swimming and wading pool maintenance. But it sort of speaks to what I referred to at the beginning as far as just annual maintenance for our facilities.

Unknown Speaker 22:43
Yep. And just to give you a little bit of an idea of what we’ll be working on, we’re going to do a number of replacement pumps and motors at the various pools, including valves. We’re going to do work on the water slides both at direct center and at sunset pool. And then we’ll also resurface the leisure pool at the Rec Center. Any questions on that?

Unknown Speaker 23:19
Question? of page can see my

Unknown Speaker 23:21
Go ahead. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 23:24
Those slides or anything be noticeable or is it just upkeep? I mean, will it be something where you’re like, Oh, it

Unknown Speaker 23:29
looks physically different? No, it’s all upkeep we have to gel coat them every so many years otherwise they get too rough and start hurting people when they go down them. Great. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker 23:45
The next one on your screen is going to be Park irrigation pumps, systems systems rehabilitation, PRL 113, and add again, timber is not with us to believe. But it’s really just operations and maintenance. We have 31 raw water irrigation systems systems around the city, pumps fail, diversions need work, drop structures need replaced, they need cleaned out, all that sort of stuff is outside of what the typical operational budget can handle. And so we put money in to the C IP to make sure that we have the funds available in order to accomplish that work. Well not taking away from maintaining all of the rest of our infrastructure. Park bridge replacement program is

Unknown Speaker 24:35
a quick question there. Is it only a Macintosh Lake like your map shows it’s clearly all over the city. Do you have a map there showing Dawson Park and McIntosh lake?

Unknown Speaker 24:47
It is all over the city? Yes, I’m

Unknown Speaker 24:48

Unknown Speaker 24:49
map snuck through which should just be various locations. All right.

Unknown Speaker 24:54
So my guess was Thanks. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 24:56
I have a quick question. Again on that So is this a common occurrence for us to put in these types of maintenance projects into the capital improvement plan? Because there’s, you know, lack of funding for the jet from the operation from general operations, or is this something that’s a one off?

Unknown Speaker 25:20
It’s not a one off, I don’t manage the operation side of it. But it’s my understanding that they meant they budget for general maintenance. These are anticipated one offs, if that makes sense. These are things that they know are going to happen that they know are going to need maintenance. So they don’t always spend this amount of money each year, sometimes they exceed it, if we have things that fail in multiple locations, I think we had a bad year, three or four years ago with our pump systems. And so it’s just a matter of having money available to be able to react quickly to failures in our systems, rather than having to scramble. And, you know, if you think about it, if you put an irrigation system down, you’re scrambling for money, that plant material doesn’t really care. It’s dying, if there’s no water to it. So this is a way and it’s this is not just for Park operations or pool operations. This is the same for our sanitary sewer, storm water water systems, where they all have operational C IP projects within the Capital Improvement Program.

Unknown Speaker 26:26
Does that make you want to add something?

Unknown Speaker 26:30
Yeah, as I say, That’s that was a good overview. Steve, it is a question. It is a great question. It was a great question. Because we internally had these, with the city and other organizations kind of struggle to that, when you have these sort of like, projects that come up in those high dollar pieces that need that criteria of his tip, because, you know, we want to make sure we’re not just shifting on M, O and M over to C IP. But I think there’s a very conscious decision. That is these are very similar projects that come in that that meet all those definitions of the expense that there has been that decision over the years through the city to take some of those and bundle them into into CIE projects that we just make sure that for one piece that we received that have those dollars, but also we keep them on track, that we don’t get behind that there’s gotten to an end, and maybe that chance that they could slip back. But this actually keeps them on our radar and keeps them moving forward. That is a great question is a question that Steph often Hall has about? How do you look at like projects and then determine their own M or their CRP? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 27:31
or is that the park system is not an enterprise fund. So we do not have incoming funds from utility rates, where we can generate funds to cover a catastrophic loss. So we you know, the public improvement fund where this money comes from is very highly competitive with other departments and divisions throughout the city. And so we just need to make sure that we have money available to manage our infrastructure, knowing that things things fail, they inevitably do. In our operations folks looks at these numbers annually, to gauge whether or not they need to increase or decrease based on what they’re anticipating happening.

Unknown Speaker 28:11
Got it? And I can tell that the numbers are very even around 75,100. Because we don’t really know the exact costs. It’s kind of ambiguous. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 28:23
exactly. I’m gonna let Cathy talk about the park bridge replacement program because she’s, I think, a little bit more familiar than I am with.

Unknown Speaker 28:37
Okay. Hi, I’m Kathy Crone. I’m another Senior Project Manager in parks and natural resources. And so PR, o 136. The park bridge replacement program has been a program for a while now. It’s based on some assessments that we did with back in 2012. To identify high priority, you know, safety needs, if there’s undercutting meeting code, you know, some of our bridges were just were installed so long ago. This project, what’s funded is intended to replace the garden acres pedestrian bridge over the old garki. We do have a bridge salvage from the st brain project that can be used for that bridge. And then the other one that’s funded is there the cash it’s at the end of Long’s peak Avenue, again, over the oligarchy that one may not need to be a full replacement, but again, there’s some it there’s some undercutting, so we might just need to do some structural repairs once we start looking at that one. And then we have some funding further out for potentially, we’ve identified the bridge over the former bonus ditch south of Dickens and so on. We get that far out, you know, we’re not quite sure we’ll take a look, we’ll see if it’s a high priority. Um, basically what happened with this one, though, is we did have funding for the two bridges at guard makers and Oleg archy. Prior to COVID, we had carry forward funds. And part of the COVID budget reset was just kind of looking at, we kind of end up having a lot of carry forward funds piling up. And so we were sort of asked, you know, are you really going to get to this project, or can that help us kind of right size our budget, be conservative. So instead of just continuing to carry that money forward, we just re entered it into the C IP in the years that we thought we could do the work. So we didn’t lose the project, we just kind of right sized it in terms of that. The other project I’ll mention, is the Spangler Park bridge replacement is a project that’s on my work plan for this year, to be replaced. It’s a small pedestrian bridge over spring Gulch, that heads kind of goes to nowhere right now, because there’s nothing east of it. But there is a development coming in with that with townhomes on Baker Street. And that that bridge doesn’t meet code, it’s got some safety concerns. So now that we see that it’s going to be more used, that one is funded, but again, you don’t see it in the ccip, because it’s carry forward funding. So that’s another bridge that’s being worked on. And again, we do have a salvage bridge, the smaller bridge that was at the sundial is going to be used for that one. So it’s great that we’re able to use some of those bridges from the same brain project. So let me know if there’s any questions on this one.

Unknown Speaker 31:59
Good. Yeah. I thanks, Kathy. I glad that I was able to convince our city leaders to hold on to those bridges. I think it’s a good investment for us to hold on to those and we will reuse them as we have the funds and available staff ability, availability to do so. Kathy, I’m gonna let you roll right into Roosevelt Park improvements. I think you speak to this one as well, please.

Unknown Speaker 32:25
Yeah, so this particular tip has a new idea for Roosevelt Park, there’s been a lot of talk for several years now. A lot of it coming from the senior center and friends of the senior center for an outdoor fitness area at Roosevelt Park. And those can take a lot of different forms. They’re getting really creative. Sometimes they’re called adult playgrounds and things like that. So that is what you see funded in this ccip. Um, this tip could also fund in the future. There’s, I don’t know what phase It is at this point. But the Roosevelt Park master plan has not been fully implemented. Either that that that big storage, open areas storage, guys, it’s east of the ice Pavilion. That goes away, parking gets expanded. So there are some improvements there that aren’t completed at Roosevelt Park, but those are not yet funded. We’ll continue to kind of look at this tip, when it’s time to kind of pursue total completion of the Roosevelt Park master plan. The other things I’ll mention at Roosevelt Park, though, is with this project with the outdoor fitness Roosevelt Park. We’ll talk about Park renewal in another tip, PRL 186, but we do know that the Roosevelt Park playground is ready for replacement. And so I really do hope to kind of jive those two projects that the outdoor fitness with the playground replacement, then we could kind of look at those together and see what works. So we’re looking at that further out. And then I do think that that the concrete for the pavilion is also in the CIPS. So in terms of Roosevelt Park, there’s kind of three CIPS working together for improvements at Roosevelt right

Unknown Speaker 34:23

Unknown Speaker 34:24
There is a separate tip for the concrete Pavilion.

Unknown Speaker 34:31
Yep, that was one of my questions. It looks like it was TBD if I remember. Do you think that that work will be funded and done this year?

Unknown Speaker 34:41
Well, let’s find it. We are not sure who’s going to do it yet. We have to have that conversation with all of our different staff members to figure out who’s gonna handle that. As

Unknown Speaker 34:52
engineering had indicated they were going to take the lead in it

Unknown Speaker 35:00
So yes, it’s to be determined. But yes, I wouldn’t say

Unknown Speaker 35:05
this, but

Unknown Speaker 35:06
it is funded. It’s an it’s been funded in 2021. So the funds are there and available. And so we will have to figure out how that’s going to happen in 2021. Before the ice rink opens in November. So the other thing that I

Unknown Speaker 35:30
yeah, yeah, I’m sorry. I just wanted again, I think these are good things for the board to kind of understand, too, as we look at some projects, there are questions about a project in a park and who managed it who’s the best skill set. So sometimes it’s facilities, sometimes it’s Park operations. And so Steve and Kathy, Jeff has people that can work project. So Caiman funded is a piece of that how that works into different work plans work. But I think using the right skill set, Jeff mentioned engineering, I think those are great opportunities when we can capitalize on that to get additional work done. But those are definitely conversations. We’re constantly being sure we’re all working together as we work in these these parks. But it’s a it’s just a piece, I think they want to make everyone aware of that just because Steve and Kathy are doing more than they could probably manage in one year right now that we have other opportunities and time to try to leverage this work and get it done.

Unknown Speaker 36:21
The only thing that I would add that Kathy didn’t mention was there is also a storm drainage, there’s a major storm drainage pipe that runs through the center of Roosevelt Park, sort of, from north, west to Southeast through the center of the park, that storm, that pipe does need some maintenance over the next four or five years. And so there’s a storm drainage project that is pushing funding for that work in the park. And so you might see some disturbance, where you will see some disturbance to the park at some point in the future based on that project. And we’re coordinating with engineering on that as well.

Unknown Speaker 37:08
The next project that’s that’s shown in the ccip is funded in 2024. And that’s for the completion of the ultra Park master plan improvements. That does not include the playground replacement, which is scheduled for PRL 186, which Kathy will describe in detail here as we get to it, but it’s going to be adding the unisex restroom, lighting and site improvements to complete that master plan. that’s currently scheduled for 2024. Getting back to how I opened the open the presentation. So public improvement fund, here in 2021. We’re saying in 2024, we’re going to spend $423,000, at Ulta Park, you know, priorities could change for that public improvement fund. That’s where we think it is needed at this point in time. That’s the plan. plans do change as we get into 2022 and 2023. But that is what we’re committed to at this point in time for that amount of money within that fun. Does that make sense?

Unknown Speaker 38:16
Yeah, and Steve, I would just add that, you know, out of these projects, we have a lot. We have master plans that were done with community and neighborhood resources, and so many other parks, we didn’t have master plans when they were first installed. And so back in this era 2010. And a little earlier, there was a lot of work done with Park development, combined with community and neighborhood resources. So look at how can we revitalize neighborhoods, and a lot of times they looked at their parks. So Kensington Park, this park, some of these other parks master plans were created with a lot of neighborhood involvement. And, you know, in terms of funding, we had to fund them in phases. And so we just have these phases of these master plans that aren’t quite complete, and we want to make them whole. So we try to look for places in the ccip and time in our work plan to go back and really complete those master plans. So that’s one of our, our goals in the C IP is to try to do that. And this is this represents one of those.

Unknown Speaker 39:22
Now you really want to reward the community input that we received during that, that whole process and you don’t want to wait too long. I’m Paige, you mentioned Dry Creek, county park, Menlo Park. Gosh, I think that master plan was adopted in 2008, seven or eight. So it’s been almost 13 years and we’ve done one phase. And so do we need to relook at what the community needs in that area of town before we move forward with that, implementing the rest of that master plan and that’s something that we’re always asking ourselves, how long is too long, versus how long To How much money do you want to spend to reinvent what you’ve already had accepted? So that’s what we’re trying to figure out as we move forward with some of these things. I don’t think I think all the parks are always going to want to restrooms. So I’m not concerned about that. But some of the uses in dry creek community park may have changed and or proposed uses, I should say. And so some of those trends may have changed, we might need to relook at that. That’s why it’s sandstone was the best that we’ve accomplished in my time here is that because we went in and knocked out the first three phases pretty darn quickly, over a seven to eight year span, and implemented, what the community the community vision that we were all trying to work toward. And so that’s always a struggle with funding and resources.

Unknown Speaker 40:48
All right.

Unknown Speaker 40:51
The next project up is Roseville pavilion concrete replacement. And as Jeff mentioned, that is funded $270,000 this year for for replacement. And I think that is has some weight to it because of the safety issues associated with it. And so, once the ice thaws, we’ll get in there and figure out how we’re going to get that accomplished with the different workgroups we have within the city. The next one is montgomery farms land acquisition. That’s an exciting one. That’s the property at the southwest corner of weld county road one and highway 66. And we’ve been buying over a five year period from Boulder County. This is our final payments. So we will own that property outright. By the end of this year, once we make this payment, I think, David, you mentioned that we’ve already made it. I’m not mistaken. Per the purchase agreement, Boulder County will continue to manage the agriculture on it until we want to move forward with any sort of improvements on that. That site, just got a question from the public last week talked to a woman who moved in west of there and wanted to know what the schedule was. And there isn’t anything in the five years tip that says we’re going to do anything at that site. That being said, council can always direct us to change that. If you remember when we did the pool and ice facility ballot initiative. One of the sites that we were considering was Montgomery farm. Well, we weren’t, we were not going to just throw a nice facility in the middle of the park, we were going to do master planning for that whole park site if that were funded. And we were that was the site that was selected. So you can see how we would just have to change our approach to that site, if Council, the public board of directors to put some sort of facility there that we’re not currently anticipating. But right now we don’t have anything in the five years tip to do any sort of master planning or design development for that site.

Unknown Speaker 43:02
And then the next project PR Oh 201 is dog Part Two relocation that is the dog park that is on the south side of St. Bryan road, east of I’m sorry, west of Airport Road west of the Public Works maintenance facility. That facility does need to expand, though it’s my understanding from talking with our public works, folks that that need may have been reduced in the past couple years. So it might not be quite as urgent as it once was. But it still is an urgent project for the city. We have identified land the north east corner of Rogers road and Airport Road as a possible location for this dog site, dog park site. And working with the property owner for about 18 months trying to get the land dedicated to the city. I got an email from their lawyer a week or two ago saying he’s still working on it. So hopefully that will come to fruition. If that’s the case, we’re looking to do some design and construction there now. We can design all we want. But if we don’t own the land, it doesn’t do much doesn’t do much good. So we really probably need to acquire that land before we move forward. The dollars that are funded in 2021 for design and construction and 22. So those things, those are the types of things that may roll over based on the availability to get the land dedicated to us. This is all predicated on the land being dedicated to the city, not as purchasing the land. It’s a parcel that is somewhat unavailable. And so we’re trying to convince the property owner that to dedicate it to the city they get the benefit of the tax write off as a dedication. We get the land and we’re able to improve it into a dog park.

Unknown Speaker 44:53
The next project that’s on the list is prs zero 83. It’s a partially funded project primary and secondary Greenway can This is a project where we’ve been working on it. Well, we’re working on it since I’ve been here and trying to this is a project not only for the construction of new Greenway connections, but also for maintenance of our existing Greenway system where the infrastructure may be failing us failing the the public. And so we had a great meeting with a bunch of different transportation engineering and park staff a week or so ago, we’re going to be continuing to try to set up staff teams to try to prioritize which projects we should be moving forward with. I’m not sure if sure if Scott shared with you he shared with staff anyway, a bicycle Longmont survey that was asking about recreational and commuting transportation improvements that the city should pursue in the ccip. It was good information. And it was nice to hear that this

Unknown Speaker 45:58

Unknown Speaker 46:00
designated by that group the 137 responses as the most important capital project for that type of infrastructure, the off street infrastructure. We, we do have the Dry Creek Trail connection from the Sam’s Club built village at the Twin Peaks east to sunset street that is funded for design this year. And we’re going to be rolling that design into the design of the sunset street diet and the ken Pratt Boulevard sunset street intersection improvements where we received a grant for design and construction there. We’re anticipating construction of that trail connection in 2023. Hopefully, beyond that, we have some ideas about great trail connections that we can be making. We also have some identified trail systems that are failing, if you ride the rough and ready Greenway between just south of skyline between Mountain View and pay Street, that trail has been in need of repair for five years, we really need to look at our existing infrastructure and see how we want to spend our limited resources, limited dollars, and decide how we want to move forward with this program as far as expanding our trail system as well as maintaining what we already have. I’m expecting questions on that one. So I’m going to pause for a second.

Unknown Speaker 47:26
Yeah, Dan, go ahead.

Unknown Speaker 47:27
Yeah, so you just said we need to decide who’s the we here is that we this group? We you guys, staff, city council? How do you get input Scott’s bike folks? You know, how do we start? It’s a good way. I really like the one the south of skyline High School every year for the trap line. We tumble on that stupid path. That’s awful.

Unknown Speaker 47:55
Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 47:56
Yeah, no, it’s great. You know, and that’s a great question. Ultimately, city council makes the decision.

Unknown Speaker 48:02
So individually, each path is decided by city council. No, oh,

Unknown Speaker 48:08
no. Council funds, this projects. Now councils would certainly have the option of saying we direct you to move forward with ABC. Right now, this is just this is a budget. And staff puts together the priorities based on community input, based on staff input on staff availability, based on whether we have the $700,000 to build this 300,000 hours to replace this trail, you know, funding availability, we try to strategize the funding we have available to maximize the use of those dollars while keeping our system safe and usable.

Unknown Speaker 48:50
So do you have a on gets a dance? You have a list now that we could look at or we’ll show us in seven months or

Unknown Speaker 49:00
not seven months? But yes, that is one of the tasks that came out of that meeting last week is to put together a staff group to try to figure out what you know, what we want to do, how do we want to move? Okay, what is the best way to move forward and I anticipate that list coming to brab and ta b i think bicycle all months input was valuable and continues to be valuable. There’s no great rhyme or reason if I live in southwest Longmont, I could think that some trail connection underneath 75th of the city if I live in northeast Longmont, the oligarchy ditches the most important trail. If I live by surprise school replacement, that trail, it’s you can’t just listen to the public you have to look at the system as a whole try to make the best decisions that we can. City Council always has the opportunity to give direction. And so I would say if if there is a particular segment that the public or the board is looking to Get either replaced or built, using your ability to speak with council as a board member, as a board as a whole, or as a citizen is the best way to go about that. We certainly take that in that input as city staff, but we’re juggling a lot of different

Unknown Speaker 50:18
thoughts from a lot of different people a lot of different vantage points. So it’s never a clear science. As far as this, you know,

Unknown Speaker 50:25
I came

Unknown Speaker 50:26
up with a evaluation criteria A number of years ago. And as we got into it, my criteria failed. It just it was it was so it’s so easy to poke holes in the criteria depending on which vantage point you’re coming at it from that it’s really hard to come up with a firm system to prioritize which projects should move forward. It really is a funding, staff availability, and need based process.

Unknown Speaker 50:57
But the process itself is not formal, it sounds like it’s pretty low key, we don’t as prab expect to really, I mean, I don’t remember doing this in the previous three years, things just happen. Because you guys know I get it, you are the ones on the ground. But it’d be great for bicycle Longmont or for individuals to be able to help you prioritize.

Unknown Speaker 51:19
We did a pretty extensive public outreach about eight, nine years ago, and I was talking with Tom Street, who is the engineering administrator for the transportation network. And he and I worked together on that previously, and he said, it’d be great to do that it’s not great to do that in the world of COVID. It’s nice to get a big map on the people, you know, so that I’m not going to use COVID as an excuse, because it’s only been around for a year. But I think we need to reevaluate how we engage the public. And this is not just for prs, zero 83, missing greenways, but it’s also for TRP, 105, missing sidewalk connections, and t 11. Different transportation connections, the eumc program that Council adopted about three, four years ago. You know, there’s limited resources, we all know that what’s the biggest thing for what are we what’s, and the only other thing that we’re talking about a city staff a lot right now is equity. You know, how do we make sure that decisions that we’re making are equitable for all citizens, not just those that, um,

Unknown Speaker 52:27
empty wheels? Right? Well, not

Unknown Speaker 52:30
necessarily that but Scott, you know, looking at the the map that you provided today and the document you sent me, and knowing the people who responded, it’s a little bit old, town centric, and users and so we don’t necessarily hear from the folks that are on the outskirts of the city, who are also, since we want to make sure that we’re making equitable decisions. So it’s, it’s tough, I’ll be the first to admit that.

Unknown Speaker 52:58
God’s got okay. Yeah. Steve, I think that was gonna be my, my point, as well as in our study, new shiny things, always beat out maintenance. And so and also, when you live determines where you want things fixed. So it’s hard to get to certain neighborhoods to get them to participate. We’ve done a lot of things with the why and, and that sort of thing. But really, there’s not a lot of feedback unless you’re really in those neighborhoods trying to get feedback from them. And so yeah, it’d be interesting to see if there was a better way to look at prioritization, because maintenance is maintenance. I think, to some extent, people expect if it’s going to be there, that should be taken care of. And that new, shiny things may be secondary to making sure those people in those neighborhoods are still taking care of my only comment about kind of like equity and those areas that seem to get missed on this tip, or the ones that we’re talking about here that have maintenance issues, and we’re already looking at, you know, for me, a great shiny thing is the village at the peaks connecting to sell sunset, but it’s near where I live, and it’s where I want to go. But on the other neighborhoods that aren’t being addressed. I think we need to look at those things that we that we have in the city that are just not the same standard as some of the new things that we’re building.

Unknown Speaker 54:33
Yeah, I was sort of surprised that that village of the peaks one was the top list from your group, I bet.

Unknown Speaker 54:39
Yeah, I was surprised, too. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 54:45
Kathy, anything to add, David, that this is a tricky subject, trail chairs really, really tricky.

Unknown Speaker 54:51
I do have just one quick thought that you all will notice when you look at our projects, more broadly, isn’t it right now. We’re starting, we do look at equity and moving our investments throughout the city. And right now I feel as though we’re doing it somewhat intuitively. We’re doing it through guidance with our parks, recreation and trails master plan. But if you look at this type of projects, where we’re trying to make connections and trying to go back into the city and look at the oligarchy, and you know, connections within the city, you’ll notice that we’re also trying to move out, you know, we just completed the spring Gulch number two connection out east, Stephen Daniel working on st brain connection, so we kind of, kind of try to go out and then in and so we, we are trying, I hope you see that in what we submit in the ccip, that we’re paying attention to that. And while it takes a while to get to some of these projects, we are trying to do that in in how we submit our C IP and try it and try to be equitably at least geographically, but also that becomes socio net economic and, and all of those factors. So we are trying to create that balance in our in our projects. So we might need to find a way to make it a little less intuitive and a little, a little more measurable. I think that’s our goal citywide. But we’ve always tried to do that. And we look to continue that.

Unknown Speaker 56:32
And Councilmember Rodriguez, I don’t know, if you have any thoughts on this. This is, you know, I know equity is a big goal of our council and how we try to distribute our limited funds to make a big impact for all residents.

Unknown Speaker 56:50
I don’t know how many people will see me because this is still set to apparently the shared screen. Anyway. Just a couple thoughts real quick in the sense that, you know, I think we start going through budgetary conversations probably around August, as far as timelines are concerned, and that if the body the crab body, or individual members of crab would like to make their their preferences known, that’s probably a better time to make them then say, Now, when we’re still months out from actually talking about the budget. Outside of that, you know, I also had another thought, based on the conversation I was hearing him. You know, I find that, generally speaking, a lot of the more affluent neighborhoods have future parks, as I call them, they’re undeveloped Park lands. And so seeing how refreshes and redesigns of parks are actually going into probably parks that I would say are more equitable in that concept. And then as far as General, like, let’s say, bicycle Longmont, which I just got that email today as well. Those kinds of suggestions. Again, I would suggest that they be recessed closer to budget conversations that the city council has to say. And that’s just my opinion from the council side of the the the conversation, because I don’t think I’ve heard anything that I would disagree with, as far as what the staff has said tonight. And I don’t think we necessarily, unless prompted by either a border commission, or by a good number of residents would look at certain CIPS above one or another, outside of just trying to see what our general budget constraints are based on this. And so those are my thoughts on it at this time. I’m sure that you know, I don’t know if there’s any questions about that. But it’s hard to say because the end of the day, I’m I’m one of seven. And so those are just kind of, I guess, my general read on it, as well as I can’t, necessarily provides you with a general consensus from the other council members until we’re further down those conversations.

Unknown Speaker 59:23
Yep. Did you want to add something?

Unknown Speaker 59:25
Yeah, I just wanted to mention looking at our calendar for the year, we have a comprehensive trail system on our agenda for June. So that might be a great time to lead us into what Aaron was just saying for August in feedback Council.

Unknown Speaker 59:47
Thanks, that sounds great, Jeff.

Unknown Speaker 59:50
Yeah, I appreciate that. And,

Unknown Speaker 59:51
you know, yes, I

Unknown Speaker 59:52
didn’t mean to put you on the spot there. Aaron, but I think you speak to the general consensus of the council is Far as the need for spreading the wealth. The next project in your packet is dry creek community park, which is a funded, community partially funded project. You’ll see it in 2021, we have money for the design of and 2022 construction of the replacement of the synthetic turf, or I’m sorry, replacement of the underperforming fields at the park that are not currently being used to their most intense community park level that we expected, partly because of the groundwater issues that are affecting the health of the turf. So what we’re looking at is either raising the fields or more likely replacing them with some sort of a synthetic field, synthetic turf

Unknown Speaker 1:00:56

Unknown Speaker 1:00:59
You’ll also see in 2024, we’ve had discussions internally about and as I alluded to earlier, as long The longer you wait to implement a master plan that you have approved, the less community buy in there is. So we have potentially funded in 2020, for the design of the balance of the community park, and then partial funding in 2025, for implementation of the balance of that park.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:29

Unknown Speaker 1:01:34
one of the things that and I mentioned before that maybe we as before we move forward with that later project, we need to relook at what is actually in that park and how the community has surrounded as evolved around that park. Trends change. Maybe we need to be doing some sort of public process to relook at what we include in that park within the budget that we have set. And so you know what, one example that I’ll give is that that sledding Hill, everyone loves the sledding Hill. Everyone loves the the the BMX are the biking helmets there, that hill was only there as a placeholder, we just didn’t want to spend the money to move that hill across the park to the western side of the park where it’s supposed to be. That’s where the sledding Hill for the masterplan is supposed to be. People have created a sort of a cycle track or BMX area on the western part of the park, because it’s not being used by anything. There are other master plans, facilities planned for that area. Do we need to relook at the master plan? And maybe there’s a higher and better use? I don’t I don’t know the answer to that. But that’s something that we need to be asking ourselves as a city as staff as the board. And figuring out how we move forward with that as we try to implement this master plan in in 2024, this would not be the first or last master plan will be updated within the city that happens all the time.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:03
He was part of my question. Yeah. Because I mean, I’ve lived here for about 1110 years. And that, you know, there that area has just grown exponentially. And you know, there’s a lot of families, a lot of kids a lot of potential uses for recreation facilities in that area. And it’s fairly undeveloped. In terms of what it could be. I mean, I don’t know if the vision is that it’s, you know, a sandstone ish facility or something smaller, I know, there was, at one time contemplated or, you know, at a recreation facility and building there as well. And so I just wonder if there is a way to sort of accelerate that process, if you feel like, you know, we need to revisit, and I think it would make some sense to do even some kind of expedited public revisit to that plan and see what kind of feedback you get. But I think it would be great to see, to see that move forward sooner than later. Because there is a lot of demand. And, you know, right now, it’s, you know, it’s kind of a big pile of dirt, and a lot of fields.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:17
I appreciate that. I think our most urgent need is try to get those fields to the point where they can be used and heavily used to support the infrastructure we built around them the parking and restroom and all that other sort of stuff. Um, the Rec Center, there is a very logical thing, but that is something that’s not going to be approved by. It’s going to have to come through a ballot initiative, it’s going to have to come through the efforts and and our staff worked on several years ago, and try to get the public to buy off on building some sort of recreational facility there because it’s going to be in the 20 to $30 million range that’s outside of our capital tip. capital budget. other amenities that are in the master plan for that park are another outdoor recreational pool just east of the I’m sorry, just west of the possible recreation facility that would help to relieve some of the impact on Sunset pool. Sunset pool was built in 63. Four or five? Jeff correct me somewhere in here.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:24
And 64? Four.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:26
Yeah. So that’s, that’s it’s it’s, I wouldn’t say it’s served its purpose, but it’s certainly up there as far as its use. And so we certainly as a town of 64, we were at 45,000 people now we’re 100,000 people, we probably need another outdoor pool facility. That was the location we selected for that. East of there were there were two or three ball fields. They were out outdoor handball courts, there was a maintenance facility, there was a sled Hill, there was a a interactive water area. I think with a decade’s worth of reflection, we could probably look at that and improve that. Based again, based on trends based on development around that area. With the creation of the synthetic turf fields, there is talk about creating those making those fields lit. Because you can program those fields 11 months out of the year, especially when it’s dark in the winter months when it’s warm enough to be playing on them. I feel as though there needs to be some sort of a public process around that just to notify the public that that’s more thinking because although community parks and on every document that the platform development plans for those houses, it does say that community parks typically have lit ball fields, we would want to make sure the public understands what we’re trying to do. And the lighting technology has come a long way. Since I think people can see the cut off technology is there where it’s not going to adversely impact not only the neighboring homes, but also the wildlife along the dry creek corridor. I’m confident we can we can overcome that. That being said, that might be a lead in to talk to the public about what they might want to see at this park. That’s different from the master plan that has already been adopted by city council back in 2007, or eight. So I could see that happening in the next 18 months that conversation. But as far as redoing the master plan, I think that’d be something that we would be we’d be pushing the 2024 when we have the funding and possible staff time to work on that. Does that make sense?

Unknown Speaker 1:07:50
What would it take to encourage that public engagement to happen? Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:07:56
well, we well.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:58

Unknown Speaker 1:07:58
aside, we would have public meetings. And we will invite the folks out to whether it’s on site, whether it’s at Silver Creek High School, one of the elementary schools or middle schools.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:10
We would

Unknown Speaker 1:08:14
do I mean, do you need is there anything we can do to make that happen, like encouraged the city to think about doing that on a faster timeframe? That’s my question. Or is it just it’ll happen when it happens?

Unknown Speaker 1:08:31
That’s not my decision. David, I’ll pass out to you. So with us,

Unknown Speaker 1:08:42
it’s so Paige I think recommendations, this board definitely help. And the thing that I think we’re always looking at is if we want to do that we can be encouraged to do that. But it means something else has to get pushed back. I mean with the staff that

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