Longmont Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Special Meeting – February 26, 2021

Video Description:
Longmont Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Special Meeting – February 26, 2021

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
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Meeting Transcription Disclaimer:

Note: The following is the output of transcribing from a video recording. Although the transcription, which was done with software, is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or [software] transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the meeting, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.

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I would now like to call it February 26 2021 Longmont Housing Authority Board of Commissioners special meeting to order. Can we please start with the roll call?

Absolutely chairperson Bagley, your Commissioner Christiansen, your Commissioner, Duggal fairing here. Commissioner Martin. Here. Commissioner Peck.

I see her she’s there. Commissioner Rodriguez. Here. Commissioner waters here. Chairman Bagley, you are ready to roll. You have a quorum. All right, cool. Do we need to take roll call? Can we just look and say We hereby observe and all realize and recognize that we’re all here?

I think we need to take audible roll call for the record. Yes. All right. Just Just curious. Alright, just a quick reminder, anyone wishing to provide public comment during the public invited to be heard must watch the live stream of the meeting and call in only one

When it becomes open, you’ll dial that toll free number, you’ll enter the meeting ID. And then you’ll press pound and you’ll be called on according to the last three digits of your phone number. It’s not time to call in yet only calling after the chair indicates and I guess today I would be the chair. Okay.

We don’t need agenda revisions or submission of documents, but

we do need to approve on a second here. Do we need to approve the minutes of January 5? I was not there was somebody there.

Mayor, if I may explain, these are the minutes January 5.

That was at a council meeting you adjourned as the council and convened as the Lj so you, you need to complete your own record. All right. Do I have a motion? I’ll take So moved. All right. Council Councillor Christiansen has moved it and Councilmember Martin upon drinking her drink is seconded it, Marsha. All right. So all in favor of approving the January 5 2021 minutes say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, the Motion carries unanimously. Let’s go ahead and take a two to three minute break for public invited to be heard.

Be back in three.

Harold, do we have a resident on this meeting?

Well, unless someone calls in know that you have a resident on the advisory board, and that’s Jean Christopher is the resident and Tom to be is on the advisory board. Cameron can be here. So Tom, it can if you have any input on that from the residents. He can talk about what we’ve heard or what gene has brought forward. And then Polly’s in the those of our Commissioner Christiansen is in those meetings as well. Okay, great. Thank you.

While we’re at it, while we’re on break, once once the day, when’s Costco set to open its doors? You know, I don’t know they’re still going through the development review process. So, Joanie, is

there still moving the construction schedule? So I don’t know. There’s just there’s a Facebook thread thread that people were asking. So just ask

me. I don’t I do not know that date either. But I can look and see I know they just don’t Don’t worry. Don’t worry about it is that I’m just if you knew you knew if not moving construction schedule. As soon as I heard that, I get it. Don’t worry about it. Well, they’re gonna hear that the land gees Herald I don’t recall it. If it closed on time in July this summer. Without it, we had good weather and there weren’t any any other delays. It was as as early as Christmas time 2023 or December 2023. In as late as 2000.

December 2024. Isn’t that somewhere, but I think I’ve also heard they’re trying to pull in

timewise. So like, go faster? Yeah. But let us check.

Share, I’m going to go ahead and drop the slide and then wait for our live stream to get caught up.

All right. Do we have anybody in the queue?

There we go. We just got caught up. No, we do not you make a run you. Perfect. Thank you very much. All right, let’s go on to the new and old business.

Let’s go ahead and do the Overview The role of counsel as the LLC board commission or the elder law, Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. Harold, do you want explain that to us? Well,

no, it’s actually Karen that’s going to do this. Okay, Kevin. But before we do that, chairperson Bagley, I want to take the opportunity to introduce you to members of our housing authority team that are on online today with this.

You may all you will, you probably have not engaged with him to this point. So I just saw Lisa gallon or pop on the screen. Lisa is our regional property manager.

And I will let Lisa introduce herself and and give you a brief overview of her background.

Good afternoon. Yes, I’m Lisa, new regional manager. I’ve been in property management for 16 years, including development, affordable housing management, worked with probably seven to 10 different affordable housing programs over the last 16 years of my career. recently moved to Colorado. We love it here. And I actually really excited to be part of this organization.

Excellent. I’m Kendra Daniels Kendra’s actually been part of our city organization for a while So Kendra was doing a lot of work on the CDBG Dr. Work as part of flood recovery during that time lease. As we began this transition, Kendra jumped in and really took over a lot of the financial work alongside our accounting staff of Dan Hanson and Susie McGinley, and then obviously, Jim golden in this realm, so but Kendra just, we opened the job of senior accountant, and seeing and Kendra was the one that we selected for, for that position. Kendra, do you want to add anything?

So I’m the accounting supervisor.

Oh, no, that’s okay. So yes, I took that role, um, January 25. And I am learning lots, which is a lot of fun.

Because I’ve been doing Dr. Worked for a really long time. And that was coming to a halt. So I’m actually really looking forward to assisting the housing authority and getting them to a place where they can succeed and, and thrive.

And then we have Olivia and Olivia want to de Vere is that? How is that? How it’s

easier. And so, Olivia,

I don’t remember exactly what your title is. I know we’ve changed it. I live coordinator, administrative coordinator. Olivia is one of the individuals that was working with the Housing Authority.

Prior to us actually coming in and becoming involved in the process. Olivia with along with Andy and everyone else has really done a good job getting us up to speed. And and has really helped us keep our lives together in many ways and chase down things. And so we really appreciate it. Olivia, do you want to talk a little bit about yourself? Oh, I’ll just say, you know, in the time that I’ve been with the Housing Authority, about a year now, I’ve learned a lot. And I’ve really been in the thick of kind of seeing things turn around. And it’s been such a pleasure to do this work.

Thank you, Olivia. Thanks. Thanks, chairperson for allowing us. I don’t see anyone else from the Housing Authority that’s logged on right now. If there is send me a chat, and we’ll catch you at the end.

I’m assuming I’m seeing this. But thanks for allowing us to do that. We also have Tom to be on with us today. Tom is the vice chair. And and Cameron’s not able to join us and we want Tom here to kind of help bridge the gap as we move forward and provide any input from the advisory board to you all. Well, I just want to I want to point out that we’re now the lhsaa board where you keep referring to titles and asking if that’s what they want to be called. We could change them to anything that I like commander to be. Yeah. Or princess Galvin or, or we could we could just change them and have fun with the whole thing. Exactly.

Tom, do you like shut up badly? Okay.

Nobody likes my jokes this time in the morning.

I just been on the I was a board Commissioner now for about a year and then now we’re the advisory board and got elected to be vice chair.

Yes, really all I have to say. Yeah. Yeah. And I want to say a big thanks to the folks that have been involved in this process. So it was well it’s still Commissioner waters but he was saying

There is a council member and council member Christiansen Roland liaison and Tom and the other board as we’ve really gone through the last six to seven months through this transition, they have been there with us, as we’ve been moving through this and having any number of special meetings. So I did want to pass along that to the current commissioners, and also to Tom, and that we really appreciate the work you’ve been doing with this. So thank you.

It’s been great, you know, all the change. And then the we appreciate the City Council for stepping up and taking on the role of the housing authority. No.

All right, I’m a, okay, great.


just want to take a couple of minutes and

and just talk a little bit about you know, what you have taken on so you want to become the board of the Longmont housing authority and and what that really means. So Olivia has ordered a primer for all of the council members, there it is, Harold is is holding the Oh, you got it. Yay.

So, so we’re not going to have a book report or anything like that. But I what we really would encourage you at your, at your earliest convenience to read through the information that’s that is in that book, I think it gives a great overview of a really what your role is, as the Board of Commissioners for the Lamont Housing Authority. And, and the end the book really has is kind of his talks about some of the five or six main areas that that the commissioners really have responsibility, you know, for and and that’s really about understanding the the mission and the purpose and the programs and the financials just really kind of the overview of the of the llama housing authority

and to be familiar with agency’s policies and procedures, and there are a lot of them, you know, I think it’s it’s, we’ve all learned a lot it’s a it’s a pretty complicated operation, at at the Housing Authority between the voucher program managing our developments, staying in compliance with all of the, the HUD regs with the financing agency regs, there’s there’s just a lot to pay attention to so

so we’ll spend some time trying to provide an overview of what some of those major policy issues and procedures are.

I think the other thing is really to understand all of the different developments, that the agency that the lhsaa owns, and, and operates and, and the properties. There’s a section in there that really talks about what it means in terms of open meetings and those kinds of things. And you all have that down so so we’re not going to go into how to how to operate that way. Because you you you know that you’ve been operating that for four years, and then being familiar with some of the major federal and state laws and regulations that really dictate the work that we we have have to do. So.

The and the other thing we’re going to spend quite a bit of time doing is really

outlining some of the the, the finances the financial monitoring, in one of the things that you’ll see it says in the book is that really doing good management as a as a Board of Commissioners is is certainly really focusing on financial information and sharing that and understanding that the finances of the organization. And so

we are and and Harold and Kendra have been spending an enormous amount of time trying to figure out the the finances of the Longmont Housing Authority. And and really getting that financial information, you know, back on track. That was one of the challenges I think that we we had. And and we certainly have understood that that is really key for us to do great agency management work is to really have an incredibly good handle on our finances, as well as following all of our rules, rules and regulations. So, so what what we envision I think Kara will talk about this at the end of the meeting.

Is that for for a little while, maybe two three, you know, we don’t know how long but but not too many, but but we felt it was important to have some some dedicated meetings of the Board of Commissioners of the of the housing authority to really help

with getting established some of that that grounding, particularly around some of the important areas around the policies, the property management and agency finances just to help help you in your role of helping us to monitor what is, what our performances, and how we continue to move forward as a housing authority. So we envision that there probably would be two or three more of these dedicated meetings. And then beyond that, what we would hope would then to be incorporate some of the regular business of the Longmont Housing Authority Board of Commissioners into into your regular business of as a city council. And you know, and do like you have with,

with the

general improvement district where you were at the end the general business part of the meeting that you you convene as the Board of Commissioners for the Housing Authority, and in take care of some of the main main business that we would have to

deal with. And we would hope that that might happen on a monthly basis. Again, we will get a better handle on that in the weeks to come. But we want to schedule that a time where we can bring back any any issues or recommendations from the advisory board, the housing law Housing Authority advisory board, as well as provide the opportunity for the Board of Commissioners to provide any direction that you might want the lhsaa advisory board to to take on so we’ll figure all that out. But the do, do read your primmer when you have a chance, and we will obviously bring forward some documents and some information that we think would be it really important to help you be successful as a commissioners. And I know if Kathy or Harold have any other comments.

I do real quick. I see Marsha has a question as well. We I am putting an item on the march 30 agenda. Just FYI, that is a

adoption of our five year plan. So I’m getting that ready. So you will be having one integrated within your March 30 meeting. And then the other thing I wanted to bring up is that Olivia has found some trainings, online trainings and stuff like that as well. We’re in the process of vetting those. And as soon as we have those ready, well, we’ll share those as well.

Marcia looks like

Commissioner Martin.

I just wanted to shoot this handbook coming to us in the mail, or do we need to pick it up somewhere?

We’re gonna I don’t know how you all are getting your the mail that comes into the office, but it will be with the mail that you get from our office. Okay.

Perfect. So mine will be on my desk. I hope. All right, great. And then just just on behalf of counsel, we’re all aware of how much you guys are working and what this all means. So as much as I don’t want to be here at two o’clock taking on extra work. It’s nothing compared to what you guys have had to deal with. So

thank you, Karen, Kathy, Harold and all the other faces that are currently not being shown on my screen. All right, let’s move on to the update on transition planning, planning, specifically the structure, the budget, the staffing, which is needed. And we’ll need a motion to direct staff to convert the LA staff members to employees of the city of Longmont at some point, but let’s go ahead and start with that update.

So commissioners, I’m homeless.

I’ve got to enlarge you all on this screen? Because I’m sharing my screen. Do you all see the screen which says 2021 budget overview? Okay, great.

Got to do a couple of things. There we go. So, one of the things that we wanted to do is talk to you about the budget for the housing authority and go over it at a pretty high level. Kendra, as we talked about Kendra and the work that we’ve done on this Kendra is going to be available we depending on the questions that you all have, we have a very detailed budget worksheet that we can talk about in this as we get ready to start through this. You will see

you know there’s some other items that are specifically talking about budget and what we’ve had to work through as we’ve been moving through the process. And and so you will you will hear me kind of pivot off certain budget points in this conversation to talk about some of those issues and then we’ll wrap it back up as we’re moving forward. One of the things that

and Karen alluded to this in her comment that we really had to work through as we were moving through this process is

To really understand and dig into revenues expenditures, where folks were taking money to pay for certain things, because it is a different budgeting process than what you all are used to. And, and and we had to, and we are still going through different levels of adjusting expenditures. And so as we were moving through evaluating 2019, shifting into 2020. And really the work in 2020 was really, Kendra and Susie and Deanne spent a lot of time reconciling expenditures, making sure that things weren’t double booked,

in making sure that things were costed out appropriately, one of the examples that I can talk about is, so when when you have an issue in one of the units,

it’s not necessarily so if we had a flood, or let’s say we had something breaking, we have to replace it. What we were seeing at times is some of those expenditures were being driven into the maintenance accounts.

But in the in the properties that are in play, they have a replacement fund for some of these expenditures. So we were seeing things that could have been allocated to in a replacement fund actually brought in to the expenditure budget, which then if you you know, and we’re not going to go over 2019. But when you looked at 2019, you would see where they were overspent and in some cases in the negative, because those were allocated to the operating budget versus the replacement funds. So we’ve spent a lot of time working through those issues. And so we’re gonna go over the property budgets first. And this also gives you a sense of how we’re structuring some of the properties. So we call it the Aspen Meadow campus. And the Aspen Meadow campus is Aspen meadows, senior apartments. And it’s also the Aspen Meadow neighborhood, which is adjacent to it.

And you can see in 2020,

they had they projected a net income of $87,000. With total revenues coming in at approximately 469,000. You can see how the expenses were broken out total expense of three at one to give you that net income,

some things that we actually had. So we went in and really fine tune the revenue component on this, but what you will see is you’ll see some of the admin expenses adjusted and that’s

salaries that came into play in this because what we also did in this process, is really look at the expenses associated with salary. And we re benchmarked all the positions. Because when we look at the compensation approach for the Housing Authority, it was really hard for us to tell how they were establishing market rate salaries. And so we went through with all of the staff members and and really took them through the same process that we do as a city that you’re used to seeing is in the budget process. So that’s part of it, you can see that the rest of the numbers here are fairly consistent until you get to maintenance and operations. And kyndra spent a lot of time really going back historically to understand what we are really spending in the maintenance world and what do we need to budget so we feel more comfortable just across the board in those categories.

And then you see something at the bottom called financing expenses. And those are expenses associated with the debt on each one of these properties based on how we financed it through

you know the different programs and how we’ve set up

the the accounting on the capital side of these

facilities. And then how we also account for as we dig into a deeper depreciation starts coming into play and some other things.

And and then on Aspen Meadows neighborhood, obviously, it’s a smaller property. So it doesn’t generate the same level of revenue that we have at the Aspen Meadows apartments, you can see the same expenses. Obviously, in terms of the net income at the end of the day, you can see that’s reduced.

One of the things again, we’re where you’re really seeing some of that difference is $9,000 on maintenance and operations. And so again, we’re really trying to

express what we really anticipate those expenses to be as we continue to move forward. One of the things and we didn’t show it on this slide. But one of the things that we saw in 2019 is we had a number of budgets in in in this list that they were actually budgeted and budgeting in a deficit. And so the one thing that we’re actually proud of in terms of the work that we’ve done for 2021 is we’re not budgeting for a deficit in any one of these categories. Correct? Correct, Kendra?

That is correct. Yes. So the other

campus that we’ve talked about is we’ve talked about the previous

College campus. And so you have two facilities there you have Spring Creek and Fall River.

One of the things when you look at the Fall River apartments, you can see a net income of 316,000. In 2020, the big piece of that is there there, there’s revenue that spins off of when you when you finish the construction. So Fall River was actually completed in 2020. So that’s what you’re seeing in that budget amount. When you look at 2021.

You know, that’s really where we’re looking at what it’s going to look like in terms of ongoing operations.

And you can see what the net income of 61,000, Spring Creek has been open longer on the other side. And you can see, at the end of the day, a net income of 52,060 8000 52,020 20 68,020 21. Again, in these facilities, Spring Creek, the the maintenance and operation numbers are close. And and I think that’s just because it’s a newer property. And, and we really are confident that you can see the change, there’s a significant change in maintenance and operations and Fall River. And that’s as we continue to move forward.

Then we get into the downtown campus. And so the downtown campus is in two facilities. One is the village police department. So for those of you that may not be familiar with it, it’s a facility located across the street from the pump house. That facility, you can see the work that we did in terms of the total revenue, one of the things we also did in this process was really evaluate

our revenue stream, what we needed to do in terms of potential rents what that was going to look like you can see a $34,000 variance in this as we continue to move forward. Again, many of the same things, although in this category, again, I’ll point out maintenance and operations with a $23,000 increase. And that was really based on the experience that we were seeing in terms of what we were having to put into the property on an ongoing basis.

And and this is a good example of what I was talking about. So

I’ll talk more about it in our in the operational report. So one of the things that we were seeing is, we had some issues at this property with people breaking in. So we started evaluating what we needed to do from a security perspective. And so we were actually able to use the contract that we bid out as a city and bring that on board. And so the capital costs on that was 27,000.

What we did is actually go immediately in the replacement reserves because of the security system that was there.

What would what could have potentially happened before is it would have just expanded that to the operational line item here, which would throw it into a different world. Another example of where we saw that was,

we had some I believe it was insurance repairs that were in operation and maintenance. But on the revenue side, we only had 50% of it there. And so we had to track down to go what was really happening on that insurance category. So that’s a lot of the work that we had to go through into this. And so village place was a good play area to describe it, Briar wood, that’s actually the apartments that are located behind the LA office. And so this is the budget just for the units, you will see. And as you see about when we talked about the office on another agenda item, there is a briarwood office budget account that comes into play as well. And so this is a smaller facility, obviously a smaller revenue stream. And so when we start looking and working on the expense side of allocating the cost of some of the other services that we provide, this one’s a really good one to use as an example, when you look at the margins are in play. And and how it becomes more difficult to start costing out some of these expenses to these agencies. And that’ll start tying in a little bit to are the expenses associated with the LBJ general fund. That’ll tie in when we talk about that and some of the decisions we had to make as we continue to move forward.

overcrossing overcrossing is a little bit different. And so overcrossing is a 202 property

that is is associated with HUD, Housing and Urban Development. And so when we go through on all of it, let me back up a little bit on all of these budgets when we prepare them and present them to you all. We also have to present them to the investors in the property and they also

have to sign off on it. However, crossings a little bit different because we had to submit the budget to HUD, because it’s a 202 property. And so one of the things that we did in overcrossing is when it’s in the 202 world, you can actually raise the rents on those property because properties because HUD covers that in the process. Correct Kendra?

Sorry, I was having some mouse issues.

Yes. So um,

they hadn’t really requested increases. And when they did it were very nominal. So they weren’t really covering a lot of the maintenance expenses. So we were allowed to present our budget. And then HUD approves and gives us an increase. Usually, it’s 5%, they actually gave us 14% this year.

And that was just because we just have historically not seen that. So when you go through that process with the 202 property, you actually have to notify the residents about a rent increase, even though they’re not going to bear that increase, it’s going to be associated with HUD. And so we had really had to work the public information strategy on this and how we communicate with the residents in this location, they granted us a 14% increase. One of the big things that we got via this process is supportive services dollars from both of these facilities, which we haven’t asked for in some time. And so we’re working through right now in terms of the supportive service position, how we do that and how we blend it in to our broader structure, because it is a property for older adults, what we’re looking at is really contracting that service with our senior service division. So that we can again, take advantage of the efficiencies in the economy of scale as we’re moving forward.

And in so then you can then see how the net income has changed from 2021 to 2020. In this case, it’s actually increased because of what we were able to do with HUD. And we need to be more focused on that as we continue to move forward. One of the things that we submitted as part of an increase was actually to try to see if hovered, HUD would cover the cost of internet at this facility

into a bulk agreement. Unfortunately, they didn’t approve it. But we’re going to still continue to work through this. Because we know that

we have digital divides in our older adult populations as well. One of the things that and I’m going to say this to get this on your radar screen 202 properties also can be more difficult to move through compared to our more traditional properties. So we’re gonna go through a staff analysis on this to really determine whether or not that’s where we continued, where we need to be as we look to the future. So more to come on those properties as we continue to evaluate it,

the suites and sunset campus, so two different budgets here.

The suites, obviously, is the facility. And you can see that the suite is really performing well in terms of revenue.

And then you can see some adjustments in here. So

we had two intendant services, you see a differential of 76,001 of the things that we found out when we were reviewing the budgets, we actually had a supportive cert, we have a supportive service position associated with the suites. But they were actually charging that to the general fund, not the suites. So we actually move that expense out of the general fund into the suites budget where it needed to be. And then that a lot that created some adjustments on the admin side, again, you see the adjustment and maintenance and operations. And then the total differential is that 71,000. And that’s really associated with getting the position in the appropriate budget line item. And that was creating some issues, I think, on the general fund side as we started trying to figure out what we needed to do there. The sunset land, Kathy, that’s the land. What piece of land is that? I just dropped it.

That’s by the suites, this land that surrounds a suite. Campus. Yeah. And you’ll see some of that conversation where it’s on the side when we talk about future development opportunities. And you can see that the net income on the suites is higher. Because of that net income. There were a couple of things that we were able to do in this budget process. And this is the work that the previous commissioners approved, we did actually create a bulk contract with Next slide. So now all of the tenants of that facility have access to next slide and they’re not paying that charge right now. And, and so that’s something that we’re continuing to evaluate in other facilities. We’re currently

In the process of evaluating television service, so we have a boat, we have a boat contract.

With Comcast, we literally just had a meeting a couple of hours ago to to look and see if there’s some other opportunities in that because all in let’s say it’s in the neighborhood of 32 to $40,000 expense, we’re trying to find a way to see if we can lower that. Because if we can lower it that allows us to do more for the property, and do more for the residents there.

As you know, this is a fully supportive housing project. And so some differences in the suites compared to the other facilities, mental health partners has a number of vouchers in this location. And and so as we’re fill as we’re filling units, that’s not always specifically available to that’s not something we can just do, like we do at other properties, we have to work with mental health partners and filling those units. We’ve had a meeting with them about speeding up that process, because we have some vacancies there that we need to get filled. And it does impact our revenue stream as we move forward. So we’ve made some fairly significant adjustments here. And and we’re continuing to see how we, how we can continue to provide more services for the residents at this location.

HCV. So Housing Choice Voucher Program, this is the other primary connection to HUD.

And and this is where we get the funding for, to provide housing for individuals and

for profit, other for profit areas and, and that can be multifamily, or it can be rental of housing units as well. And so you see two budgets amount, you see two budget amounts here. We saw 4.83 in 2020, in the same in 2021. This is really the number that goes to the community to cover those rents for the people that have Housing Choice vouchers. On the other side, you see the administrative cost associated with this.

And the bulk of those expenses

are associated with the staff that we have improved in managing that voucher program. And again, because of the connection to HUD, you have to be very specific in terms of how you’re going to expense to this category. And you have to be providing that service to you have to it has to be directly associated with the Housing Choice Voucher Program. And I’ll talk a little bit as we talk about structure, how that’s going to come into play on this one. So left side of the chart. That’s the voucher dollars, right side of the chart is the administration of the vouchers. We are currently also going through the process to really understand what we have, in terms of available vouchers.

It has been a bit of a moving target. And even when we’ve engaged with HUD on this at one point, we thought we I think when Jillian was here, we thought we had maybe 80 vouchers we weren’t using then it went down to 20 vouchers. And so it’s moved around. We’re continuing to work through that right now with

H is it h2 forward Kathy?

It’s h forward, right? That company because they have experienced in it. We think it’ll take us about another month to really figure out you know what that voucher number is going to look for us. That’s also important because when we talk about future development opportunities, the vouchers will will connect to that as well.

Lh DC, so Lh DC Longmont Housing Development Corporation, that is a separate business unit

that had a that has a separate board of directors

that really focuses on the development project. So when you think of Fall River and Spring Creek and the work we went through that was associated with Lh DC, you can see in 2020, they had approximately a net income of 486,000. And then you can see that in 2021, they had a net net income of 6.8 million in this budget, we actually had to use a fund balance of 150,000 to balance it. That is because their revenue streams are really dependent on development and construction of projects. And that’s what makes up their budget. Now we know obviously, we’re still working on accounting to determine what that fund balance looks like. But they have a healthy fund balance at this point. If you will remember when we talked about the report that we had from Betsy Martens, one of the things that was involved in that is really the

Potential look at combining Lh DC and Lh a, so we can strengthen the final the financial position of both organizations. that’s becoming a slightly more complicated conversation right now just because of the liability issues that we’ve talked about. But we have a couple of folks working on that we have Chris gunnlaugsson, on the Lh DC side. And we have been dwell on the LA side, Tim halls here, and he’s helping us manage that, to really work through the options in terms of how we move forward. If the commissioners will remember one of the challenges that we had on the

development side, the Corporation was the board wanted to disband. Based on that there wasn’t a lot of development going on. And so that’s what accelerated the review of this budget associated with their, what we’ll call their operational budget, and you can see the administrative expense that really is they pay a master management fee to the Housing Authority of 150,000, to manage their properties. And you’ll see that come into the revenue line item on the Housing Authority general fund, you can see the overland This is another piece of land that was purchased. It’s actually to the west of the lodge in Hearthstone behind the Walgreens off of hoever. That’s actually land that can be developed for additional affordable housing opportunities.

We needed to actually use fund balance in this to cover it because you can see we’re not generating any revenue here. But we have maintenance and operation expenses. And that’s really Hoa HOA fees and mowing fees for this property. And so when we talk about development opportunities,

we need to move on some of these properties for any number of reasons. But one is there’s no revenue, and we have expense associated with it here.

Now we get into the lhsaa accounts.

So I’m going to need

Kendra to jump in here with me because I routinely mess these two items, I get these two items bought backwards. So we have Kendra, the single room occupancy account and 615 main, can you help me go over that with this group? So I don’t confuse the issue. Yeah, so the single room occupancy is similar to a voucher program. That is vouchers that are given to the in between. And it’s also on a budgetary structure process with HUD as well.

The in between sends us a budget, we submit it to HUD, and then they approve the budget that is allowable for those vouchers for the eight units that they supply. For those. The 615 main is the building next to village place. And it is currently has a nonprofit, the Center for Disease Control I think


disabilities, so so they rent that space out. And that’s where we get that funding from. So in this one. So as we look at property issues, 615 main is one that I think we’re going to need to look at over time in terms of does this need to, I think one of the questions, does this need to remain in the housing authority portfolio? Where do where do we see ourselves going on this. And so this is something that we’re going to need more time to evaluate, just know that it is something that I’m trying to think through right now to see if that could help bolster the overall financial position. But we also know we have a tenant in there. So we need to be cognizant of that as well.

Briar wood office, this is what I was actually talking about earlier. So this is the building. This is the office space in the front of the units at Briar wood where the LA staff set today. And you can see that they have revenue coming in. And then you can see the expense with minimal net income on this property.

A big portion of this is what Lh Lh, DC and HCV pay in terms of rent for this facility. So there are expenses and other budget, the budgets that we’ve covered. That are that’s covering the revenue in this line item. And so when we talk about the options on the facility, this is what we talked about in terms of the impact that it will have on some of the other budgets.

And then we get into the llj general fund management and administration. And so

you can see that this one has changed quite a bit as we move through this. One of the big changes, you see the 73,000 intendant services that we reduced the budget by that’s the position that we moved to the suites.

You can see that we reduced our general account, and then the financing expenses. The the adjustments that came into play on the admin expense side are all of the issues that were associated with the IGA that you all have voted on. And the restructuring of the positions and, and how we’ve looked at this. And when we talk about the accounting positions, and the 300,000. That was in the IGA, that’s part of this, although that’s, that’s also pushed out into some of the other accounts as well.

And in the big issue that we had to get into this is really associated with structure. And when I finished going over this, I’ll talk about the structural adjustments that we’ve made to date, and what we’re continuing to work on. And so this is really more akin to the city’s general fund. But this is where all the majority of the body set outside of hc well.

This is where

the executive director, the Chief Financial Officer, the accounting positions,

all it really set the the other positions in terms of community and regional property manager, I believe in this one, the community managers, the maintenance positions, those are all attached to the facilities that they serve. And so those are embedded in those budgets.

So that is a

high level overview

of the budget and where we stand and what it looks like for 2021. As you saw in all of those, we didn’t have any deficits budgeted in this case, we’re going to spend a lot of time this year really on budgetary discipline, and really fine tuning and bringing all of those accounts and ensuring that we’re booking those expenses. I know went through it in a hurry, I would be happy to answer any questions you all may have on this piece.

Before I call him customer christison. Do we have a that was the that was great on income. But do we have a balance sheet? for the for the for the entity?

Like how much cash do we have on hand? What’s the liabilities versus assets? Where’s our where’s our money come from that we currently have? Cuz I know that when I thought that there was when I hear that there was a problem with the finances.

I’m glad that we figured out cash flow, but I’m just curious is money there is money missing?

Those are all the questions I had. And then we’re gonna go Councillor Christiansen and Councilmember Martin so.

So let me start on that. So the audits that we had. So we’re going through the audit process right now. And I think that’s going to be really where we pull all of that information together.

As Kendra Deanne and Susie have been working through this, we have seen a lot of cases where

money was double booked, both on the revenue side and the expense side. And so they have really been going through and pulling that in. And we’ve been mindful of those questions.

Is it missing is a double booked those types of issues because we they have had that occur. Kendra, do you can you add anything to that?

Yeah, so I don’t think that we’ve necessarily found anything missing. But what we have found is that things are getting deposited in the wrong accounts. So as we work through each property and send these properties for audit, we are finding these anomalies that happen. And we’re getting them fixed as we work through each property. And then the last, the last piece is actually looking at La che we did find that revenue was overstated, and it’s it a lot of it was knowledge wasn’t transferred or given

from the prior CFO to let the staff know where are they needed to code these transactions? And how and how close are we to actually I mean, like

checkbook savings account, accounts payable, accounts receivable, I mean, when will When can we get that? I just like to see the I mean, like we I just want to know what is the health, the financial condition currently of the Lh a that’s what I was expecting today. I see that I see the revenues. And I sir, projected budgets of how much we’re going to bring in and how much is going out. But as it stands right now, I’d like to know, what are our property’s worth? How much money do we have on hand? Do we have enough cash to pay to meet and pay our expenses, all that kind of stuff? And so what I’m hearing is that we don’t have that answer yet because we’re still doing audits. So

Go ahead and join. So we have cash to pay, the only properties that are that seemed to have problems. And because they are very low rent restricted is the hartstone. And the lodge, because there’s only, like last year, there was only you could only get 496 period for the lodge.

And 470 something for the hartstone. It made it really hard when they weren’t doing budgetary restrictions. They were spending more than then

than we had in cash. Right.

Right. Well, that is what it is. And I think that’s great. I guess I don’t want an explanation. I guess I just want the I just want the sheet if you give me the you give me the balance sheet. I’ll be good. I just want to I mean, so I don’t I don’t I mean, that’s great that we have cash that comes in Jim, I just want to I just want to see it. I just want to not the just my brain. If I see it, I’ll have all the questions answered. If that makes sense. But here’s Jim, Mr. Golden, Chair, members of the Commission, I will get you an answer of question right now and to Deanna, I’m pretty sure we do have balance sheets perfect.

That’s really my question, which is, Hey, can I get a balance sheet? Not not? I don’t need an explanation. I know you guys are on it. I mean, if there was a problem, you’d tell us, I just I just want to put eyes on it. That’s it. So yeah. And so you know, I wanted to start off with a budget in this way first, so you could see all of the different components so that, then it makes sense, because it is different part of the challenge. And so there’s there’s some really, there’s some logistical issues, that Jim and we’ve had conversations on that that’s associated with this, multiple bank accounts,

at multiple banks, that really makes it difficult in some of these cases. And so they have really done a lot of work. So you’ll see that in when we have the balance sheet. But the other thing that we’re looking at is really consolidating into a single bank to really helped manage this, this overall from an operating perspective. So structurally, where we are today, as we as we got into this process, and we were hoping to have some org charts, I just didn’t have a chance to finish those at this point, because they’re changing.

The big thing that came into play in this one was that when we really started looking at the budgets and and what we can do

my analysis on this was that what we had is we had an executive director position and and I will also Tom and Commissioner waters and Commissioner Christiansen and other staff can jump in on this. But when we really started looking at the budgets and determining

and and looking at the operations and really trying to assess what we need to do and what services we need to provide, and what capability we actually have to provide those services.

And I think there were more questions. Sorry, let me start. Let me hold there and let just go to your questions. Mayor. I think we missed that piece.

Or chairperson

All right. Councillor Christiansen?

Sort of simple questions. Because I know what a giant hauling yarn. This is to untangle it’s

it’s amazing. And I thank you, Harold and Kendra and Olivia and Kathy and Karen and Jim, all the people who’ve worked on this because I I have known for quite some time what a

problematic thing this was. So I am wondering, when if I heard right, Harold, when you talked about the overland and you said that there were HOA fees. Did I get that right? Correct. This has doesn’t have a building? No is there? The area has commercial HOA fees associated with it. And so that’s associated with the way the land the land itself. Oh, okay. Oh, all right. Yeah, that’s, that’s problematic. Um, and here’s a very stupid question that I have had for years. But

what is the difference between the

Aspen rivers

Aspen Meadows

there are two different designations.

There are two different other two different buildings because I don’t understand what why. That’s classified as the Aspen Meadows Community and the Aspen meadows.


Are you talking the neighborhood?

department? That’s right. Yeah. It’s two different properties. Two different Yeah. Oh, okay. They’re both called. They’re both called aspirin centers apart. I’ve never heard about that. Okay. But they’re next to each other. Yes. All right. All right, I get it. It’s okay.

I would like to talk some more at some point about the disability center because I don’t want them.

That was property that was sort of somehow leftover from a village place. And we rented it to them for a very good price. But I don’t want to see them.

turned out I want to, if there’s a better place for them, that’s fine. But

you know, what? I want us to preserve that at all costs, or to preserve a place that they can get a discounted fee.

Yeah, that’s what we said. We just need to look at it. We just need to understand that down the road. Yeah. Right. So how were they funded?

How is the disability center funded?

That’s all right. Okay,

fine. Okay. That’s all I have right now. Great. Thank you. Thank you, council member. All right. So just a reminder, let’s stick let’s try to stick to the structure, budget and staffing needs because this particular issue, we need to make a motion to direct staff to convert the LA staff members to employees of the city of Longmont. And then we have we unfortunately, I think as a as a board or as a commission body.

We have a lot a lot of ground to cover in the near future. Councillor Martin?

Thank you, Mayor Begley. I’m trying to stay almost close to income versus expenditures.

But there was a little digression into the HUD relationship and the missing vouchers. And

so you’re shaking your head is that too far afield? Because it’s not it’s not missing vouchers. It’s the

what’s the program called? Coffee?

Which one? Sorry, the program you go through with HUD to determine how many vouchers you have. The Housing Choice Voucher Program. Yeah. But there’s like a, there’s a process they went through what is the it’s the it’s the two years? Yeah, two years. Okay. And so but there there was a question. I have heard this figure many times before, or at least several times before about 800 vouchers that are somehow not accounted for. What’s the story with that? Yeah, I think Kathy can address that. Yeah. So long line Housing Authority has had budget authority up to 509 vouchers for years and years and years. But as housing prices, increase rents increase the budget authority, and how many vouchers we can actually issue has decreased. So even though we have authority to go up to issue up to 509 vouchers, we don’t have enough money to do that. So right now we’re at like, 420, I think we are trying to determine

and work through as they have indicated, our numbers don’t align with HUDs numbers. So we’re trying to get those reconciled to see, do we have additional budget somewhere that we can issue some new vouchers, or are we kept it for 20? Right now? And can we apply for additional funding kind of thing, so we’re just trying to get a real handle on it. And haven’t haven’t got a full reconciliation yet. But we have always had around 500

there have been so I think where the 800 might be coming from Is that who several years ago, we did a survey of all the housing authorities and where all the vouchers were located.

And there was probably 800 some in Longmont. Now, because we only have budget authority to you know, upper force to five. That means at least 300. We’re coming from some other communities and what we found was that a lot of Boulder County housing authorities vouchers, were serving people in Longmont and even some of Boulder housing partners vouchers were doing that in Longmont. So that might be where the 800 figure was coming from. Yep. They have to go back into the recording because that was pretty sure I heard it today.

But we’ll see. So, in terms of the the credit flow, you know, so you know, I

I hear from people who say that they are they have an application in a pool for a voucher. And I hear from people who are holding a voucher and are afraid of losing it because they can’t find a place that will accept it. Can Can you give us just a two second overview of, of the flow of voucher credit? Like when when something comes out of La Jays pool? Does it happen? Because there is an apartment available? Or

is it some other triggering event that makes a voucher get assigned to a person? Yeah. So we hold the waitlist, I think is what you’re referring to the people, they apply, and they get put on the waitlist for the voucher program. And as we pull folks off of that waitlist they get I think it’s 60 days to find a unit. And if they cannot find something they get, we can get an extension up to another 30 days, most people are able to find something within that 90 day period.

I’m not exactly sure if we can give an additional extension or not. Or if it’s a hard and fast and then we go to the next person on the waitlist. But

that that’s basically it when they when a voucher is available, then we pull off the waitlist for whoever’s next, and how does it relate it all to the openings in Lh a properties we’re not now the vouchers are separate. So the vouchers are the tenant base. So they they align with the tenant. We do have vouchers that are attached to properties, but those are called property project, project based vouchers. And that is

it used to be on a separate waitlist, we are now going to put them on the same waitlist with the Housing Choice Voucher so that we’ll go through that waitlist more quickly, as units are available in our properties as well.

So is there a waitlist for properties in the Lh a system that that’s separate? So they need a unique URL? Yeah, we maybe we could do a flowchart or something. Yeah, so there are the units that don’t have a voucher project based voucher attached to them. We keep a waitlist for that as well. So Fall River has 15 project based vouchers, but they have 60 units. So whatever that is there. 45 don’t have a voucher attached. So we keep a waitlist for any of those 45 units that come up as well. So if I am holding a voucher, can I use my

if it’s a tenant based voucher, okay, that one that doesn’t have property base, huh? Yes. Okay. So the one thing that I would love to add and Olivia’s on the call to is that so maybe what you’re referring to Commissioner Martin is that, you know, we we, we needed to clean up our our selection process and our, our, our waitlist for our our Housing Choice Voucher Program. And so So, Olivia and crew have,

they have been working really hard over the past several weeks and months to, to really to clean up our Housing Choice Voucher, waitlist. And so they, I am pleased to say that they they basically sent out letters to we had what roughly 900 folks that were on, still on the waitlist for when we last opened it, which was in 2018, I believe. And so they sent out letters, they got that information back, there was roughly around 120 folks that sent that sent their letters back. And, and so what Olivia has done is, has put all of that information. So those are 120 households that are still actively interested in a voucher. And that and she entered all that information into our yardie system, our database system. So that now we have we have current data in there we have a way to pull those those names. And and so she she and we had two people from our Senior Services staff that helped to support Olivia and and cleaning up the Housing Choice Voucher waitlist, and we’ll have some new structures and new processes put in place for when we open those. But now we’re looking at 120 versus, you know, 900, if you will, so and next she’s going to hit the properties and so, so that was one area that we really needed to to clean up and and Olivia has done a fabulous job in doing that. So

the people

That have that are no longer in the pool because they didn’t return their question.

Does that mean they’re just out of luck they or do we have we established that they have found other housing or

I don’t think we know what their situation is, you know, so it’s been two and a half, three years, you know, since they would have signed up on that waitlist. So you’re gonna hear from those people who knows better but we’re gonna manage that process in much more of a real time basis moving forward so we don’t get so behind. Or I’m gonna I’m gonna cut off the I’m gonna cut off this this this is great. Isn’t these are all things we need to talk about? I agree. But right now let’s focus on structure, budget and status the staffing needed and moving towards a motion to direct staff to convert the LA staff members to employees, the city of Longmont. This is literally the first organized second organizational meeting of getting going. Okay, Dr. Waters. I move we direct staff to convert ellijay staff to city employees.

All right, so we have a motion on the table. From Councilmember water. Sorry, Commissioner waters, seconded by Councilmember Martin, to direct staff to convert the LA staff members to employees of the city of Longmont. Do we have anyone who disagrees with this? Perfect All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay? All right, perfect. The motion passes unanimously. Harold, do you have anything else that you need to discuss regarding your staffing needs on that issue now that we voted? Yeah, I do actually want to just catch you up on some things. So when you see the budget, there were some significant budget changes that we made. Probably the two most significant changes is there is not the budget for the executive director, nor Chief Financial Officer. I’ve talked to you all about this, the financial side has moved within the city. And so that’s falling within our financial structure in Jim’s office

with Jim in that capacity, and then Dan, and then Dan to Kendra.

And, and the accounting supervisor, we have one vacant account position refilling, and then they were interviewing for the AR AP position. The reason why I’m bringing this out, is because when we started really evaluating the structure in the positions that we had in place,

what I saw with the previous chief financial officers, is that they were doing a lot of accounting work. But then we also just didn’t have enough bodies to do it. Which I think when you look at the previous audits in the organization, and you look at what we were seeing in what we talked about in terms of how things were being booked, we needed people who could just dig in and do the work. So that’s why we eliminated the chief financial officer position and created the structure which you see in the IGA. Same thing on the chief executive or the executive director position, I think the salary on that position was somewhere in the neighborhood of 150,000. And so what we did is we really took that out of the budget so that we could fund the regional property manager, do the benchmarking we need for the other positions. And to ensure that we actually had the staff in place to carry out what we needed to do on a regular basis, because what we were seeing as the, in that structure, they could just not keep up with it. And it wasn’t really putting people, as I like to say where the rubber meets the road. So that’s what’s embedded in all of these budgets, which is then when you looked at the IGA and how that worked out. And you all put me in that position as the Interim Executive Director that’s connected to that piece of the puzzle. And that’s why you see Kathy and Karen, and jumping in it, because we’re really, in different ways, filling different functions within this piece. Now, as we continue to go over time,

one of the things that I’ve talked about in that we’ve talked about, is I also have to, to get Karen Karen, back into her world, more and and, and so we’re gonna continue to evolve, evolve in this, she will always be part of this, but I need Karen to really work within her world as the city side. And help us as we continue to look forward there. And then when we look into the structure of this, Kathy will really jump into the HCV side. And then on the executive director side, I’m going to have even more engagement with Lisa, and the property managers and those folks as well as with Kathy on the HCV as we continue to look in the future on these positions, and so we’re going to continue evolving in this. But right now, from a budget perspective, we just don’t have the revenue to bring in. One of the sport charts we showed you originally was an assistant director position. It’s just

not there yet. And that’s going to tie into the development work that we have to do. So we’re going to continue to evolve in this process as we move forward. In terms of the position, you all have made the direction to move them and bring them over as city staff.

There’s still a lot of work that we have to do with this. And so it’s going to take us some time to really, officially bring this together. We have to work through

essentially the personnel policies, the onboarding associated with that. One of the most significant issues that we have to deal with and Jim’s working on this is the retirement plan issues that come into play.

reconciling benefits and cost. So

we provide

health, dental, vision, employee assistance. And I don’t know if council member or Commissioner pack.

Did you have a question? Okay, sorry. So we provide that the Housing Authority provides dental and health insurance only. We’ve run the preliminary numbers on that. And because it’s a small organization in the state plan, the insurance is actually the cost of the insurance is actually based on age. So as Kendra and I’ve run the first run on this, it looks like it’s still it’ll be slightly less expensive in our system. But we have to continue going through those details. But the big piece is really the

retirement component of this. And that’s going to take a lot of work. So while you’ve given us direction, I just want you all to know that’s going to take now more time for us to move.

That’s it on this item, we think. All right. And then Harold at this time, do we want to let’s let’s just move on to five see quickly.

Let me make sure I didn’t miss anything from Karen and Kathy Karen therapy. Did I miss anything?

I don’t think so. I think you’re good. All right. All right. So So that said, let’s quickly before we go on to the compensation approach, it sounds like you’re looking for our permission, or do you want to permission to explore permission to lease the LA administrative offices? So let me talk about that a little bit. I want to give you some overview on this as well, if I can.

So, because this ties into the operational conversation, if you want to move on to five see

what you wanted to do, Mayor or chairperson Yep. Yeah. So I mean, the Yeah. So essentially, I mean, I mean, I guess what I’m saying is I know it’s 320. And I’m just trying to be mindful of of our time. And I’m like council meeting at four o’clock, I’m gone. You know. So the I want me these are just administrative, just preliminary issues, I don’t think we need to really dig into the question is, I mean, it’s pretty obvious. We have some offices, we’re not using, the veterans community wants to use them. And it makes financial sense.

Correct. So if you want to give a brief overview of that, and then ask for a motion, we can, we can do that. So for me, the one piece obviously, I need to get the staff in those offices closer to us here in the organization, because that’s hard as people are moving back and forth. The reason why the veterans community project made sense in this case, and it was by default, that I heard that they needed property and they lost their property. The big difference in this is that they have experience managing properties and other facilities. And while they will not take on the units, they have the experience of being the conduit for us with the individuals in those units, and can help us eyes and ears on the ground and be the interface for the people that are in the units versus a group that doesn’t necessarily have that experience. And so for me, that’s why that opportunity really made a lot of sense. And then they’re obviously on the ground now working with homeless veterans. I know that Commissioner Pac actually engaged with them based on the content she had. And so there’s a lot of affinities in this, which is why I’m making this recommendation for the veterans community project.

Alright, so do we have a motion from someone Councillor Christiansen?

I move that we

lease la che administrative offices to the veterans community project or leased some space. We’re not leasing the whole thing. Right, right. Anyway, I move that we do.

Second, I would like to discuss it.

It’s been moved by Councilmember Christiansen and seconded by Councilman repec. Do we lease the city Walmart lease to Lh a ministry offices to the better

community project. Do we have any one who opposes the motion to begin with?

All right, no one opposes the motion. I know. So I don’t know what discussion we need. But Councilmember Christiansen if you’d like to make comment,

leasing all of that administrative space, or some of it going to be for

context for the people who live in Briar wood? And would that be a potential place for the disability center to move? If we want that? So hey, I think we would have some structural issues for the disability center there. I think it’s better over the other location. What I, and again, I haven’t gone anything any further with VCP, other than the idea I needed to get you all to say yes, now we’re going to get into the conversation on the details of the contract, and that they will be the conduit for us to the residents there will still engage with maintenance and our property managers, but day to day, they will be there to help us.

Alright, let’s go ahead and vote All in favor of leasing administrative offices to the veterans community project say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, the motion passes and carries unanimously. All right, let’s go on to the review and approve that. Let’s go ahead and talk about the proposed compensation approach for the city staff working on the LA business, please. It’s the mayor Council. I Joanne couldn’t be here today. So when we started moving through this, you all may remember that you all talked about this in terms of the staff that was going to do the work. We also had

in Commissioner, the bees on here, we also had the Housing Authority Board at that time talking about this. And and also recognizing the fact of the work that we were doing, and and the fact that the Housing Authority needed to absorb the cost associated with that. One of the challenges that we had going into this, you may remember that we talked about, and I think the number at that point is we thought we had about 192,000 and savings. I’m saying approximately 175, because that’s as we made all of the accounting adjustments, you can see that, but then as we got to the end of the budget year for 2020, that number is closer to 300,000. And that’s also because they received a PPP loan, that’s forgivable. So that’s included in the amount of money that they have available for 2020 that they’re carrying over. As we also look at the budget, and we’re moving forward, we think there’s a problem, there’s approximately 100,000 available for ongoing compensation issues in there. Based on the work that we’ve done this week, we know there’s going to be some other revenue sources that will be available based on your direction on the property, that’s also going to add some additional revenue in the mix in terms of the ongoing expenses associated with the work that we’re doing as the city. As you all know, as part of the IGA you also authorize the 300,000 to go over on the accounting side. And so that has been built into the budget. You authorized funding

in this and I say you the commission it it was the previous group, not you all but you agreed to it on the council side, the the position associated with the network position on the IT side based on the work that we’re doing, all of that’s already included in the budget. So what we’re really talking about are those services that haven’t been specifically delineated and funded in the IGA.

So even as recent as the last board meeting, I think it was the advisory board member, Arlene zortman is it zortman

brought this question up. And the reason we haven’t brought this to you more quickly is because a, we needed to understand the financial position be we needed to understand the structure. And we really didn’t have a model for this. The compensation within the city was based on something different. So I asked, Chief Human Resource Officer, Joanne z is to put together a model for this. And the reason why it’s so different is our compensation system has been built on interim assignments within like operating groups and exceptional performance. We have no system in our structure that really talks about mergers and acquisitions. And that’s what this is, is essentially a merger and acquisition. So Joanne put together the options that you all see in the information packet. But generally at a high level, what it’s saying is for those staff who are required to take on a primary role, consistently more than one day a week for a period of at least six months. And you’re seeing who’s done that and in this case and you can see Kathy Karen Kendra in there some other folks in this case

But we have to really dig into it because there’s some other nuances associated with COVID. In terms of where they fall, Joanne’s recommended that the temporary stipend equal to 20% of salary. Part of this is looking in arrears based on the work that they’ve done over the last six to seven months. If you have a staff member who’s taking a moderate role, consistently more than one half day per week of additional work above a full time job that exceeds 40 hours, that’s within the 10% salary increase. And that’s consistent with what we have in our existing policy for the interim roles. So for example, if council member or if Commissioner Christiansen is in a job, and we have a vacancy, and we asked him to fill that role, we do that 10% increase as part of our processes. And then for those staff that really don’t fit in those categories, we would address that through our exceptional performance pay. And we have done that for a number of individuals as part of our exceptional performance pay in 2020,

based on the work that they’ve done, so the staff that we had from our ETS department, staff that we’ve had in finance department, they have received exceptional pay in our system associated with this. And so you can see

where we are on a one time. And the reason the number is probably lower is because many individuals have already received exceptional pay. This is for those individuals that haven’t. And so before I move forward on this, and this is really about the high piece that we’re answering to is I need you all to direct us is whether or not to proceed with this approach.

That’s member waters.

I’m a we approve the model that’s described in the enclosure proposed by the city’s HR director, and we include the interim director with the other staff members who have been identified who had been

committing their time to this transition. Second.

All right, there’s a motion you’re talking about Harold, correct.

That would be the NRA excited. I just want to I want to I want to make darn sure that everybody who’s listening.

We’re going to one so the motion is to adopt a proposal for compensation of Longmont city staff but also including the Interim Executive Director Harold Domingo. Correct. Okay. It was moved by Councilmember waters and seconded by Councilmember Christiansen All in favor say aye. Actually, anyone opposed this motion? All right. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay.

All right, great. Let’s move on to five. Can we take a two minute break? It’s been an hour and a half. Let’s just let’s just use the restroom come back in four or five minutes. Sounds good. Anybody opposed? All right. Great. I see Suzy they’ll go fairings like I’m used to a 60 minute schedule. I know. I need it. Yeah, I do, too. All right. Cool. Be back in a second. Thanks, guys.

Terrell Did you get some more coffee as hot water actually.

I can feel my legs now starting to twitch. So I was like, we need to make you a little care package.

How’s your mom? She’s doing well, actually.

Good. Well, yeah, I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you

in public. Yeah, but now she’s doing really well she

she has both of her vaccines. And so

that is provided a tremendous amount of relief for me.

Because she’s 90. And

she turns 90 this year and

you just, you know, it’s hard enough for me keeping her on. Yeah, I know, Susan.

She likes to do a lot of work around the house and stuff.

So but yeah.

Yeah, it’s hard to think of your parents differently.

Yeah, you know, she’s, she’s better now. You know, even when she was in her

late 70s. It was not uncommon to either hear her say

that she had gotten on the roof to do something.

Or get a call from

a family member going you need to talk to her?

Because we saw her on the roof. Yeah, my mother tried to make my father stay off the roof after he hit 85. But he would just wait until she went down to the store and then he’d be up.

Harold while you’re here. I have a question about the vouchers. Um, the vouchers that that you pay for from HUD. Are they different than the vouchers that you get from the COVID

subsidy that you can or is that money from the COVID subsidy just money that you’re using to buy more vouchers.

I’m confused

Now you’re getting vouchers through that.

So the HUD money in

the HUD dollars that you see for vouchers in that one line item is specifically the traditional voucher piece. Right. The money that you see associated with cares. That’s, and I think you’re talking about the grants that we received.

In I don’t know if Karen’s on, but the grants that we received as part of that bridge housing. Yes. That’s Care’s money that we’re treating as a voucher. Is that the right way to say it, Kathy?

Yeah, I think it’s more providing rent assistance as voucher. Yeah, it’s rent assistance. Yeah. Okay. Thanks for that distinction. And I was a bit confused about the terminology. Yeah.

Well, there’s vouchers all over the place. So that’s the thing that I’ve learned because you also have state voucher is its

state vouchers that come into play on property. So think of the sweets and the vouchers for mental health partners, but that’s through the state.

Very confusing.

I’m not I’m not sure what we’re talking about, but I’m glad I missed it. And that’s awesome. All right. Let’s go on to the voluntary compliance agreement. Update. me real quick. I do need to clarify ay ay. ay. Ay Ay, thank you, for the motion. Be the numbers on that on the fiscal impact are different, because the fiscal impact numbers I included, were for the staff that reported to me, so it’s gonna change a little, it’s gonna change based on your motion. I just wanted you all to know that.

Thank you. Because I just brought it for them. Yep. And now you’ll bring it back for you. Because we’ve directed you to do so. And you do what we say. Right, Harold? All right. Okay. Good, voluntary compliance agreement update.

So that’s me. So some of you may or may not know that, back in 2018.

It was this was signed 2019. The online Housing Authority was monitored by HUD specifically around fair housing and accessibility and was found lacking, to put it mildly, I guess. So what HUD does the Fair Housing and equal opportunity division of HUD, what they do is that they summarize where you are lacking and then work with you on a plan to get into compliance, and is called a voluntary compliance agreement.

I have to say,

so far, they have been very, very, very understanding of what we can and can’t get done, given what has gone on with the Housing Authority and the era of COVID, when we can’t really get into units to do inspections, and that kind of thing.

Basically, what they found was a couple of things, there was

denial of a reasonable accommodation for some folks to convert their tubs to showers. And so that was remedied by repaying the folks who were denied their reasonable accommodation. And that has been completed. The next big area is around fair housing training for staff and we have been addressing that as staff has come on by finding different trainings that’s acceptable to head within the time period that we’re allowed, which I think is within six months of, of when they come on, on board. So we are now in compliance with that.

The big area that they found us out of compliance with was that our properties while they meet ADA compliant code standards, that’s required by our house our building code, they do not meet the more stringent you fast, which is uniform federal accessibility standards, which is a stronger standard. And this is a requirement that when you get HUD funding, or put HUD funding into a property that they need to meet the stronger Ufa standards. Now, when we were in the VCA, the voluntary compliance agreement negotiations had admitted that hardly any community meets these standards. Most communities don’t even know about these standards, that they have not done a good job of making them well known to communities or providing any kind of guidance on them but nevertheless, we have to comply

and it is things as small as just to give you an example.

A toilet has to be mounted exactly 18 inches from the closest sidewall. The centerline of the

Toilet, in one of our properties was mounted 17 and a half inches from the closest sidewall, so half an inch,

things like that the grab bar has to be mounted six inches from the sidewall and one was mounted six and a half inches, some of them are easy changes. And we could move that grab bar and have be compliant there. But moving the toilet might be a bigger issue. So for instance, in Fall River, if it was off center there, we’ve got radiant heating on the flooring, that would ruin the radiant heating to move that. So some things can be corrected, some things can’t. So what we have to do is go through all of our facilities, all of our residential units, all the common areas in every property, our

commercial buildings, including the main office, and do an analysis of what is off. So HUD when they did the report, they selected a couple of units, we have to go through every

unit in every common area to make sure all of the best standards are met, where we’re lacking, and then prepare a plan for what we can correct and what we can’t correct. And then we will meet with her and determine what do we do. It might be if we can’t correct something in an ADA compliant to make an ADA compliant unit you fast compliant, that we in our next project we have to do to you fast compliant units. So there’s, there’s a way there’s some work around that we can do short of renovate, tearing out everything and renovating everything. Some of the things like the slope of handicap parking space, we might not be able to correct until we get to the point where we’re going to do the entire parking lot. So for

the Aspen Meadow senior apartments renovation, because we were doing that anyway, we have added seven, you fast compliant units. So we will at least have seven units there when we’re done. And we are totally renovating that parking lot to correct slope.

considerations in that. So it is a costly and major renovation. It’s more than what we would have normally spent. But at least in this way we get to it all becomes part of the tax credit process for that particular project. So we’ll be working through that this year. That’s the biggest area that we’re not compliant with is having that analysis and the plan. And and then what we’re going to do about it. Can I Commissioner pack? Did you have something Sorry? Commissioner chairperson Bagley No, yeah, I was just kidding. I was you. You you. I did. But then you actually responded, because my question was simply what happens if we can’t? What happened? But you, you said that you’re going to report and now analyze, make two lists, when we can fix one, we can go back to HUD and deal with them about what what we can do. And that you even provided a couple solutions of providing, you know, additional, you know,

units that are that are

accessible, compliant, you know, ADA compliant. So you answered my question. So I went

great. So, right. Is there anything else, Kathy? Yeah, there’s another section. I didn’t know if counts. Commissioner pack had a question.

Section. Go ahead. I do. I’m Kathy, what happens if you cannot come up to the HUD standards? Is there with you they withhold funding? Or we find? How does that work? So I think what will happen is there are there are going to be areas in our property that we can’t have enough, you fast compliant units in them. So it’s the same percentage. So 5% of units have to be ADA compliant. We meet that by code. So we’re okay with our building code. But there may not meet you fast, and we may not be able to do anything for a long time. So what I think HUD will do is say in the next project that you develop, instead of putting in 5%, you need to put in 15%. You fast, then we would be compliant, overall, the whole portfolio is what I’m anticipating so the next several development projects that we get into we’re probably going to be doing above and beyond. And that way then portfolio wide. We’re compliant. Great. Okay, thanks.

So the other area that we were out of compliance with were some of our policies and procedures. So we have done policy updates, and these are all completed and approved by HUD for physical alterations and for a reasonable accommodation process and

Effective communication so that we translate things and can provide communications and other ways that 504 notice needs to go on a whole bunch of different documents that we, we do. So we’re getting in compliant with that the transfer policy. So if somebody wants to transfer from one unit to another, that’s not a reasonable accommodation, that we now have a policy for that assistance animals, we have a policy around that now. And then we have put into place a lease addendum for people who are in the ADA compliant units, but might not need it. So we are not required to hold those Ada units open until somebody with a reasonable accommodation or need goes in there, we can put another eligible person or family in there. But they have to acknowledge and we have to tell them, that if somebody needs to go into that unit that does have a reasonable accommodation, they need to move into another unit that’s comparable. So we’re working to put all of that into place. So all of those policies have been approved by HUD, the only thing we have to do now is put them all out to the residents and to new applicants, so they know about it, put it on our website, and do get all that

to HUD by April 15. So we’re in the process of doing that

we’re still working on the things we still have to do is we’re still working on the grievance policy that is to HUD for their review. And then we have to put together a list of accessible housing in Longmont. And that is really compiling a list of rental apartments that meet ADA requirements as well. We don’t have to know if there

they can or not are available or not just really I’ll have to get with Joanie, it’s really what they said was kind of a listing of the last several years of the buildings that have been built that we know have accessible apartments within them. So that is one thing we need to work on still, that and then getting that whole analysis done. So

it’s a lot. But I think it is something that we’re gonna, we’re gonna get done. We’re keep plugging at it this summer, we’re going to try and get in, hopefully, if COVID is lifted, at least to the extent where we can go into units and not freak our residents out by having people come in and look at their their units for accessibility, and be in their, their their properties as well. So All right, great. Thank you very much, Kathy. All right, let’s move on to the update on future development opportunities.

All right, I think that’s me too, to start out anyway.

So when we started taking over the operations of the housing authority, and as Harold indicated, the Housing Development Corporation was ready to just call it quits, they didn’t see an opportunity for for development. For a while, we didn’t see an opportunity for development for a while, except for the element property that did come in during all of this. And actually, when Jillian was still here had approached us for participating and being a partner, the Housing Authority being a partner in that development. So other than that particular development, we weren’t really looking for anything. We have had some opportunities come up, I think they are worth exploring. They would be not us being the developer, but being in partnership, kind of like the element project where someone else is actually the developer. But we come in and we provide tax relief or property management in particular is what we’re interested in. Now that we have good property management, people and staff and policies in place. Because we can charge a fee for that. And that can be a source of income that we provide for property. So

the other thing that as you know, the the Housing Authority owns the land on Sunset that surrounds the suites, there’s other room for other developments on it, they also own a two or four acre parcel on hover over an 18 right across from Hearthstone and Lodge. So there’s possibilities there. And then also, as

we get more in line more,

have processes more in place and cleanup in place and kind of have a better handle on where we’re going being a partner in some of the inclusionary housing developments that come forward is something that we’re also really, really looking forward to as well.

So I don’t know Harold, if you want me to go in more detail on on a couple of the developments we’ve been talking about or if vague is still good, I can jump in on some of this. So. So for example, in the element property, what we’re gonna see within our organization is Johnny’s on the line. So I’m going to slide in with Kathy and element on the development side. Johnny’s going to slide into what is the traditional city manager role if there’s development conversations, because we’re gonna wall ourselves off

for any number of reasons. We’re also Chrisman, the christmann development, which was a partnership with the Housing Authority, before North Main, behind Sonic in that development, we’re actually engaging in conversations again, prior to us becoming involved, we think there was they were they were interested in doing more affordable development, and timing just didn’t work based on where we were. So we’re now re engaging in that conversation with them. And looking at that project, obviously, the land that you all purchase the nine acres associated with Costco, we’re starting to think about that piece. What I wanted to say, and you heard me talk about the budget development and how that revenue comes in. Development is incredibly important for housing authorities in terms of their ongoing budgeting, because that’s what brings dollars into the structure. And and, and that’s what’s happening now, with the re syndication of Fall River. And the work that we’ve done on the revitalization there, there’s revenue that’s, that’s coming out of that project into the housing authority to us. We know we have that coming on village place in about three years, I believe, three years, Kathy.

So that’s in place. So developments important in in the MCs and how we budget to ensure that we’re continuing to bring revenue into the system.

It also puts affordable housing into the system, and then it creates ongoing funding in terms of the management fees. So on the element project that Kathy talked about, she may have said this, we said we want to be the managers of this project, the operating managers of this property because of that connection, what that does is create more capacity on the affordable housing side.

And I would have by partnering, we don’t have to do everything, right. We don’t have to do all of the

grant writing and all that kind of stuff. But like I was looking back at the Chrisman one deal, there was a, we did get some of the development fee by doing certain things by project based vouchers. And by providing the tax exemption, etc. So

in actually paying, there’s a payment in lieu of taxes to the school district for that project, because we felt that the school district was going to be impacted, since it’s families that are living there that they should get the taxes for that. So we we do that for them.

Right, tell us we’re back.

Okay, remind me of the address of the element property. Here is that 2007 set way. So it’s right next to the seats on the same property on the suites that you all purchase. So okay, connecting dots, when we had the issue and Fall River that we that we needed to deal with to move it forward. And you all agreed to purchase the property at the suites.

It’s that area around the suites that we’re talking about. So this is this is one that’s interesting now because the city when you purchased it was the majority owner of the property. And we had ultimates saying the development but now now it’s all one in the same. So that’s location. Okay. All right. Any other development opportunities, which you want to make us aware?

I think we’ve covered a lot. All right. And then let’s go on to the Interim Executive Directors report. Is there anything? Yeah, so a couple of things I want to talk about. So I mentioned to you all earlier about the security system at village place and and so as we talk about this, you will as the board will be called on by people who live in, in, in our in the in the housing authority properties. And you all will be asked questions. So we’re going to

as I was thinking through it, we’re working on a different communication tool for you all in terms of here’s what’s going on. The reason I say this, you may have received emails, I received emails about

a break in at village place, and we’ve been having issues there. And so we had we were waiting on the city side to get the security contract completed so we could take advantage of that bid. That was completed. We did we’ve met with them. They’ve given us given us a proposal.

For a broader security system there and what we’re talking about cameras, security system in the office alerts on the doors that they’re left open.

And we’re getting ready to move forward on that project, we’re still waiting on authorization from chafta. And Kathy, I may need you, Kendra to nod yes or no, it’s either I think it’s chappa, maybe Dola. Because they have to authorize the use of the reserve fund in this to pay for that. And then we, not this year, but next year, we’ll have to include the operating expense on the security system in turn doing budget. At the same time, we’re also looking at the same type of system for Aspen Meadows rehab, and that can actually be worked into that project. But we’re also at this time, really focusing on when we go through this process, putting the same systems in place, so that it’s consistent across all properties instead of having different systems and so that a lot of work that were going on, but I wanted to specifically point that out to you all, in case you get contacted. We are moving on this. The other, we’re getting security systems. Yep. Good. Yeah. What else? second piece in case you have snow removal questions. The city has actually come in the, our golf, golf staff, we can’t work when it snows and our recreation staff and they’re assisting our facility, our maintenance staff, in clearing snow at the properties again, that’s in case you get called because those are calls that I’ve also had. And so I’ve checked the facilities a couple times we’ve done it, they’ve done a really good job in terms of moving through it and getting that work done.

You may have heard, I think we sent we sent an email to you all a week ago in terms of the pipe that break at the sweets.

Everyone is now in the facility. And Lisa correct me if I’m wrong, Lisa and Karen are really doing a fabulous job on getting that together. We did have to move someone into a vacant unit right now until there’s gets completed because there was a fair amount of damage in that. But compared to what we had at the lodge in Hearthstone when we had a sprinkler system issue, the timeframe is much more condensed. And when we got everyone back into properties, I think those are the major updates.

CHAIRPERSON Bagley we can slip with into Lisa on the vacancy report, and she can give you any updates if that’s okay. All right. Lisa, what do you got for us? Well, just to back up a few things that Harold said. I did talk a chapter with about village place today and they gave us the green light. I sent you an email earlier Harold. And then for Miss Dunn over at the suites. She is in a temporary unit and we expect her to be in there for about three weeks.

So occupancy we’re sitting about 93.5% occupied throughout all LBJ properties combined.

I believe you guys were provided a list of the vacancies currently, at a few of our properties. I’m not going to go into too many details, but we have extinguished all our current waiting list. And we have advertised the waiting list will open for village place Fall River in Spring Creek on March 5. So once we get those waiting lists updated, then we can start playing some of those vacancies.

The suites we’ve made some great progress since I came aboard. When I started we had about 10 vacancies we’re currently down to six out of those six, I believe three now are rented as of this morning,

village place who had three vacancies, they’re now down to two vacancies.

And Aspen Meadows senior who does also have six vacancies. One of those is using we’re using as a temporary office while our office goes through a remodel with the syndication and five units are empty, but they’re in some type of being turned renovations or something. So those we are trying to pre lease off of our waiting list.

All right. Anything else? Councilmember I don’t know got their hand up first. Let’s go to Caspar Martin, because I’ve called them Dr. Waters a couple times first already. So let’s go with Councillor Martin then Councillor waters? Yeah, um, where do we find the vacancy list? And how often is it maintained because people ask.

I’m not sure if this one was provided you Kathy. I think I emailed it to her and she was gonna try to get it out to you guys.

Is it posted publicly anywhere? Um, john, Don provided it to y’all and part of the packet so it was updated. So it is part of the public record here.

And it will be provided to you as part of every month’s meeting. So that’ll be available to the public as well. And in the packet, I’ll

go ahead and I think it’s also how is the waitlist being advertised

How’s the waitlist? Been? Is that what you’re asking for? I think I think I think that’s what it is. Yeah, yeah. So Olivia, so I think we’re where we are. So, so we send that out to all of our networks. So, you know, so to our, to senior services and all of the our networks, we also advertise that on our website, that it will be opening. So. So we try to get the word out and, and far and wide that, that the waitlist is, is going to be opening and for what properties?

So how is there an easy way to search for it? Cuz I often find that it’s on the website, but it’s not easy to find things in general.

Under announcements, yeah.

It’s right there. Yep. And we might need it to that point, we might need to think about changing the tab to say

waitlist opening or do something on the website where it’s easier, because I think that’s part of we’ve had it on our own website where those issues and so I’ll work with them on on that.

All right, Casper waters.

Thanks, Chairman bakley.

Lisa, we used

with along with the Housing Authority head on before we made this transition 97% occupancy rate was kind of the benchmark or the, you know, the the indicator that we were on track

through the year in terms of revenue generation. And, and as I looked at the numbers, and some of what you just shared and like, okay, those five units of Aspen meadows, if you take those out of the mix, because they’re in the rebuilding rehab, we we still aren’t quite at 97% is that number going to be still be relevant, given the transition that’s occurred, that’s still the number we ought to keep in mind when we look at that vacancy report. That is my goal. I think right now, now that we have managers in place at these sites, again, where we’ve had some temporary managers, part time managers, now that we have full time bodies at all of these properties, I think we will be able to obtain these quite quickly over the next 30 to 60 days, and maintain that because now we will have people in place to be calling the waitlist as soon as we get a notice and not waiting.

So we’re gonna continue to use that as as kind of the benchmark so we should bring good things. The other thing on this that comes into play, I’ll use the sweets as an example where we have mental health partners that have pretty good vouchers. And and what we’ve learned is the process of filling those is even more complicated in that how it goes through the state and what we have to do. Karen’s actually engaging in a conversation as part of a meeting with mental health partners, where the state said, Hey, if you can design a different plan that will allow you to more quickly do this. We’re willing to look on that. So she’s working on that now to also streamline that piece of filling units that are associated with other vouchers.

Karen and Lisa, sorry, Karen and Lisa. Yes. Yep. Councillor Christiansen? Oh, sorry. Commissioner Christiansen was that a white glove you just had on?

person? Here you go cleaning? Look.

I’m shy.

I wanted to thank you, Lisa, if you were the one who did that they can see chart because it’s the first time I’ve actually seen at the bottom and explanation of why these are vacant. And now that’s very helpful. And even when I looked at it earlier today, there were still six vacancies at the suites. And now it’s down to three. So I think it’s we’re definitely headed in the right direction. But it does help to know that the the

vacancies at

Aspen Meadows are because of the renovation and things like that. So thank you, all those things. those details are extremely helpful. Thank you.

All right. Anything else? Harold from the vacancy report?

All right, great. Let’s go on to Commissioner comments and reports. Anybody want to say anything that hasn’t been said already?

All right. I guess the only thing I would say is that, yeah, this whole, we’ll just we’ll just we’ll just roll with this until y’all figure it out. But the one thing I guess something to think about just now dawned on me when you set it, I mean, I’m more than willing to talk to constituents, but starting to field lhsaa complaints from our residents. Maybe we could come up with a process to funnel those complaints. Because I don’t want to be dealing with a dozen complaints every day because I just don’t have the time and the people are going to get upset with us. They need to that point they need to come to us to because of all of the HUD issues that are in play. And so you’ll be

work on a process. Yeah, if you can, if you think of a process because I I just don’t have the time to be a full time Lhh chair in that capacity. So cool. All right, seeing no additional comments or question. Oh, sorry, Counselor Christian said, waving the sunlit glove.

See, now I like totally.

I think it really we do need to filter it to the step through Harold in the staff because we don’t want people getting five fairly, what, six, seven?

on it. I’m not properly informed comments. We wanted to go through the staff who is really on top of what’s going on right now to Lisa and Harold and Karen. And, yeah, and Olivia. Anyway, I agree. Thank you, Polly. Cows Merlot, sorry, Commissioner Martin.

Yeah, until there is a published process.

Is there a point person that we can route institutions to or route the requests to either one. So I would say include Lisa, Kathy, Karen and me. So that we’re all just just if you send an email, just put our names on it. That way, it’s just hitting our radar, because depending on the nature of it, Lisa can handle and Lisa has been handling the majority of them. But depending on severity, and we do a really good job of getting it. But if you’ll just put it in the carbon line, the CC line, we’re good. I’ve just been given them Susie’s personal cell number and saying,

Can we go ahead and put up that number for Suzy again? One more time, Don? Not just kidding. All right. So thank you that that was my only concern. All right. And then when is the next special meeting? Are you going to tell us? Do we have it on our agenda? Do we have it on the schedule? We’re going to be working with you on scheduling that in, in our case already went over that then yeah, this was one that we just needed to catch you up on, especially the voluntary compliance agreement. And what we were doing at some of these issues, and we’ll bring that in. Jim did pull the about the balance sheets, but we need to

do some work so you know what they’re associated with. And so you’ll be getting those next week. All right. Well, I’m sorry that we’re at 409. I tried to push us as hard as we could in by four, but I’ll take 409 over 509 so Do we have a motion to adjourn? dark waters?

Nope. Council Member Martin has moved to adjourn. Dr. Waters threw up his hand as a second I presume? Yes. Okay. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. The Motion carries unanimously. The meeting is adjourned. See you guys soon. Bye.