Video Description:
Longmont Housing Authority Meeting – January 19, 2021
For a transcript of the meeting, please read below:
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Well, it’s eight o’clock, no one. None of us have any titles or authority. So shut me up if you want me to stop talking, but just in the interest of getting this meeting rolling, I’m going to call the meeting to order and ask Olivia to do a roll call.
All right, llama Housing Authority advisory board members present. Our Cameron grant, Tom to be Arlene zortman more in Sally and Jean Christopher. We also have Harold Domingo’s Lisa gallon, or Karen Roni, and Kathy Butler.
Well, I think the first item of business probably isn’t on the agenda would be to appoint someone to chair this meeting. I used to be the chair of this old organization called the Housing Authority. But this is a brand new organization. And I’m not going to presume that that anybody wants me to do the job. So I would suggest if anyone is interested in running these meetings, I’ll step back really quickly.
Cameron, you have done so well, I think that you need to continue on.
I was afraid of that. All right. motion. Second. All in favor, raise your hand.
Okay, I’ll continue on. Item number two agenda revisions of mission of Donald should have received an agenda and packet from Olivia last week. Do you have any changes or additions? Or documents? Harold Cameron, do
you need a vice chair?
Oh, yeah, man.
I would like to nominate Tom to be our Vice Chair.
I second up.
We have a motion in a second. Any discussion or frantic backpedaling by nominees?
No, there’s no there’s no backpedaling.
All right. All in favor. unanimously approved. Welcome. Thank you, Harold, for that reminder. So now we’ll move on to item three. All right, two agenda revisions and submission of documents. And then we’ll lump it in with item three, the approval of the agenda. So if you have any revisions, let us know. Or Karen might have some input.
Cameron, I have a question. So. And is anyone looking at a different agenda than what Cameron is? Reading?
I might be looking at the wrong one, then I might?
Well, it’s not Oh, yeah.
That’s right. I was like,
Well, there you go. So so you don’t want to rethink the election of the chair of this committee?
Let me get back into my actual agenda here. Sorry about that.
I think all is good. And you’re on to number three, which is discussing the meeting.
Ah, there we go. So right now I’m on the right script. Meeting date and time any changes. So we’re meeting today on the the regularly priestly regularly scheduled meeting of the housing authority, which seemed to work for all of us when we are on that board. But this is a great opportunity to adjust that if we want to consider a different time or a different day. But we will continue to meet monthly on a fixed date. Any discussion of other options beside besides continuing on with the the eight o’clock Tuesday schedule that we established with ellijay. So I see no discussion or of that. So I would suggest that we continue on with that. We might as well do it formally. So do we have a motion to continue with what is this the third Tuesday of the month at 8am.
I move that we continue with a third Tuesday of the month at 8am. I can second that.
motion in a second All in favor. Then actually approved. So let’s roll on to item number four. designation of the 2021 Longman Housing Authority advisory board meeting, posting location and I can’t recall where we posted lhsaa notification, but my thought would be continuing to post in the similar location would be helpful. But, Karen, do you have thoughts on that?
So thank you, Cameron. So I believe that because this is now as an advisory board that that advises the city council as a board of commission. I would say that our now that our primary posting of all advisory board notices is on his on the city’s website, we now have a prime Gov designation for each of the advisory boards. And so, so I think the recommendation is that the this the city website is the primary designation, and then you absolutely can designate other locations, which you might want to have be the, you know, the Lh a website, as well as the and the notices on the on the Lh a admin building, but that’s really up to you.
So one option would be that we designate three locations for posting notices of our meetings. One would be the LA office building, a second would be the LA website. And the third would be the city’s website for posting notification of advisory board. If that’s acceptable, Kathy,
I just had a question. If you if you identify three, then are you locked into all three? And every single one has to be or do you want to do a primary and then we’ll work as hard as we can to do the other two are on?
Yeah, we did that. But the option would be designating the city’s advisory board meeting location as the primary location. And to the extent we can get it done, just for informational purposes, we’ll we’ll post it and other locations, which might include the LLC building LLC website. Tom,
could we just also just have a link over to the city on any of like, say the Longmont Housing Authority, just
say, hey,
all all meetings will be posted on the on the city’s website? Here’s the link, as well.
I think it’s a good idea. I think the issue Kathy raises is, we want to make sure that if something goes wrong with that link, that doesn’t jeopardize proper notice for the meeting. So I think we definitely should strive to do that pretty consistently. But the key would be let’s just get it on the the city’s advisory meeting, notification less than than anything else we add is just expanded notice. So I’d entertain a motion to designate the city’s advisory board website as the notification official notification location for posting meetings of the LA County advisory board,
I summer. Second,
we have a motion by Jean a second by Tom, any discussion. All in favor, raise your hand move unanimous approval. And then number five, approve the minutes from the December 15 2020. Meeting. I suppose since we are no longer the Longwood Housing Authority. We probably don’t have the official authority to rubber stamp these but since we were the group meeting, we it’s incumbent upon us to make a recommendation that lhsaa approve those minutes when they have their next meeting will be my guess. procedurally. Those were in our packet. Are there any discussions or revisions to someone have a motion to approve?
If there is one misspelling on item eight, the word violation and the last sentence of the item eight, if that can be corrected, and then we can approve them as corrected and recommend to the city.
Either comments or changes. If not, I would recommend a motion to or excuse me, I would entertain a motion to recommend approval of the minutes of the December 15 2020. Meeting.
Some of second
There’s a motion by Jean seconded by Lauren All in favor, raise your hand. Motion carries by you And this approval. And now we’re on item six public invited to be heard. And looking at our packet looks to me like this information was published. And if anyone wanted to join us publicly, they did contact Nicole to confirm their interest. So, Nicole, do you have any information about people that want to speak? No camera? And I do not. Olivia, did
you get any notice it might have been her name on the agenda camera.
That’s why I’m just double checking with her.
I didn’t I think it did say, Nicole. So I think we should be good to go. Yep, I
got nothing. But I do have my email up in case anybody wants in during the meeting.
Great. Well, with with no public requesting to be heard, we’ll roll on to item number seven. Review, consider recommendations for the following policies. And we have three and I will do them one at a time. One is the reasonable accommodation policy, another tenant selection policy. And the third is the physical alteration policy. And I’ve read through these, but if there’s somebody in the meeting that has a little more versed in what we’re doing here that wants to discuss this, that would be helpful, Kathy.
So these, if you remember are the policies that were required to be updated as part of the voluntary compliance agreement with HUD. So we have been working since early 2020. To pull these together with our legal firm, they’ve gone back and forth to head a couple of different times at least two or three times, HUD has finally approved them. So the next step, then is to have this board, make a recommendation, and then we’ll have the lhsaa board, do a final approval. And then we are required by the voluntary compliance agreement to send these out to all of our tenants, as well as make them available to incoming tenants. And there’s some reporting that goes along, particularly with the reasonable accommodation policy as well, that will have to do to HUD for I don’t know how long, a couple of years a year, it doesn’t state. But these are the first three policies, there might be a couple more that are coming to you, I think we still have to do a grievance policy. And I’ll go through all this when we get to the last item, which is a review of the voluntary compliance agreement, but basically had to revise these three policies to meet had compliance has reviewed them and approved them.
They may be stepping back for those of you who didn’t have the pleasure of sitting down with HUD to talk about their assessment of the Lh a and Lh as compliance with rules regulations and and statutes. They came in did an audit of the housing authority, which they do have all agency agencies that they fund, they don’t do it consistently. So it’s, it’s like an IRS audit, you hope you never get one. But when you do you hope you stand up. They did identify a number of areas that weren’t where they thought we needed to increase our proficiency in in following the rules. Basically, I said here, you’re out of compliance in these, these areas. So we entered into an agreement called the voluntary compliance agreement, which is later in the agenda, which outlines the issues that they identified that they would like us to improve our performance within where where they’d like to improve our performance, and then a plan for how we would roll that out. And then included a schedule, which was ambitious at the outset, and then COVID came along, which made it even more difficult. But sticking to this reasonable accommodation definition and ellijay policy, the Longwood Housing Authority is obligated to follow the rules under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Whether we have a policy or not, we’re obligated to follow it. This policy is just a description for the general public and for HUD, which provides money to us that describes how we will ensure that we’re following it. So that’s the rationale. It looks pretty comprehensive to me and my understanding, Kathy is that this has been back as it’s been back and forth with HUD. Yes. So in our HUD says this is okay. Our counsel say it says this is okay. And so at this point, I’d entertain a motion to recommend that Li j prove this. I actually have discussion after that. Okay.
I’ll move to approve
a second.
favor motion in a second. And now we’re right for discussion.
Um, I do have a couple of comments on on this. And they’re more like clarifying. Under a, it’s on page two of six, the term structural and feasibility infeasible should that be structurally infeasible?
Is that the Bible for the reasonable accommodation policy?
It’s on? It’s on a reasonable accommodation policy. Yeah, I
to Jean, I cut that too. And that was kind of gonna be my question. If there are, there aren’t many. But there’s a couple of edits. And then we need to change Kathy, your email address, that those those items that really aren’t substantive, just some minor edits? We probably can. I’m assuming we can do that.
Yeah. All right. There’s an item seven, I wanted clarification. If Lh a receives a request that can be approved immediately thereafter, it will approve the request. The implication there is that we’ve received this kind of request before so we know what’s going to be approved. Is that why the word they’re after is in there?
Where are you?
It’s item seven, page four.
So to me, the comma should be after approved.
it I think it’s just trying to say that we will do this in a timely fashion. And we do this as soon as I get it. I review it. And unless there’s some other follow up, that has to happen, we approve it if we can, immediately.
Okay, I just wanted clarification. And then on item H. If additional info cannot be provided within seven days, the resident should pull it up. But it has the word please contact the city or the community manager. And I think what we need there is to keep the language system instead of saying please contact the resident. She must contact you did yeah. And then items 910 and 11 all seem to be talking about the same thing. Is that the intention here? The interactive dialogue?
It’s the To me, it’s the evolution of the internet.
Okay, which is why it’s three separate items. Okay. In the grievance process. I’m glad you’ve had this back and forth with HUD. I was looking at you have an informal hearing. And or that complaint with HUD? Would there be any benefit of putting a request for mediation before the complaint for HUD with? Well, so
part even though HUD approved this, they also in the VCA follow up have said we need to submit a separate grievance policy here. Which I assume would go into more detail. Yeah, so had la must submit a grievance policy or an amended grievance policy that contain complaints pertaining to any action prohibited by 504 blah, blah. So I think they just want this broadened a little bit or more detail around this and so that it stands separate. So we’ll be working on that next.
Okay. Thank you.
And I’ll note the email needs to be changed.
All images, some comments.
They’re really sort of more of a clarification on page two, under reasonable accommodations where it talks about the disability access, if the accommodation is denied, how many of them if any of you guys done any alternative accommodation is available? Or how many of them have you actually had to deal with? If any, I mean,
that we have had to deny or that are, how many in total, have we dealt with this year?
Well, it’s saying if the requested a combination is structurally infeasible causes undue financial administrative burden, Li che will engage in interactive process to determine if an alternative accommodation is available or appropriate. We haven’t come up frequently.
No, we haven’t had any so far. Since I have been here that had been around this, I think that was the thought process behind when the former director was here, and some tub replacements were denied. And that we ended up having to pay the clients to to replace those. So it has to be pretty. Unable to be modified to to deny something, but we haven’t had any that I have had to deny for being structurally infeasible or too expensive or anything like that. It’s the ones I’ve denied had been around, the letter didn’t support the disability, or they asked for more information around it and never got it kind of thing. So,
okay, then under a notification of policies on that same page, I noticed that it doesn’t list other languages. Are these listed in other languages at all? Or are you relying on interpreters to deal with that?
Right now we do not have our policies or documents translated into Spanish, that is something we’re going to work on in particular Spanish, because that’s our primary and minority language. As we get more stable and move forward, we’re going to start working on that. But there is ability to translate verbally for anyone.
And you feel comfortable with that, is that done by interpreters you hire,
it is mostly by city staff, or LA staff when we had that, though.
So what we have in place is we have different tiers of Spanish language interpreters in the organization of tier one, two, and three, or tier three, will typically be involved in the translation, sometimes on legal documents, we actually have a contract where we farm that out for them to do it. But in the event of someone needing assistance, and we definitely try to get into that structure and a person based on the need at the time.
Okay, so if a person is not can’t read, how is that handled? If they even will admit it?
Are you talking Spanish speaker or
any other event? You don’t even have English? Because you’re currently
this one? Yeah.
I think that’s where we have to just inform. I mean, we have to just go through and have that conversation and work through the documents via the staff member.
Yeah, the Housing Choice Voucher specialist in particular, are really good at that. And they interpret, if you will, the legal lease, sometimes that’s in the voucher program. They do a lot of explanation around why we need certain documents and what why we need this document versus another document kind of thing. So they’re pretty well versed in, in figuring out if somebody is having problems or an issue around that.
Okay. All right. On page 300 examples of reasonable accommodation, how do you determine under the service or assistance animal a service or an emotional support animal is appropriate.
If a doctor or a some somebody who knows them is willing to write a letter says that they have a disability and that this animal will assist with that. We do have to accept it.
I’m getting to the end here. What do you know? I’m on page five, under requests fair? Well, actually, it’s, it’s the last paragraph in that first section or 11. What is considered a reliable third party? It says documentation of reasonable accommodations goes on. And it says, you know, a doctor, physician, whatever, or a reliable third party what is considered a reliable third party, it’s
really somebody who knows that person. So it might be, it could be a pastor, it could be, you know, a member of their family, it could be somebody that is knows about the disability and what they’re against our agency and working right.
Okay. All right. That’s it. Thank you.
Thank you those. Those are both great sets of comments.
Thank you for reading through it.
Any other comments on the reasonable accommodation policy? Hearing none, do we have a motion to approve? The Longmont housing authority? reasonable accommodation policy?
I think Jean already moved in Arlene approved.
Oh, yeah. We did ever get a motion and yeah. I haven’t had my full cup of coffee this morning. So
I would just add that that we move to to accept it with a minor changes that need to be made that were addressed.
To you Okay, with that amendment?
I’ll second Yeah.
Okay. All right. So we have a motion in a second. With that modification, all in favor, unanimously approved. The next item on our agenda would be the tenant selection policy. Kathy, your cameras want to be like to give us a little bit of background on that?
Well, this is another one, that we didn’t have a clear policy on how, who’s eligible to be in the different properties. We had a lot of information on the Housing Choice Voucher Program, as that’s required by HUD, but not as much on each individual property. So again, this was part of the voluntary compliance agreement that we have this in place, again, had has reviewed this a number of times we’ve been back and forth on it. And so this is the their final approved
for that.
Do you have a motion?
Yeah, I’ll I will move to approve. In order to have discussion.
Emotion by teen and a second by Tom, any discussion?
Yes. Item 4.4. mentions the hlm II units at Briar wood. But they don’t mention the hlm units at Aspen meadows and Aspen Meadows neighborhood. Because
both of those properties have hlm. Shouldn’t that be included in this document?
As long Actually, I mean, we have that information as long as the am eyes are appropriate. I think that’s the more important thing that we have to follow.
Yeah, it was just the reference was made for Brian Right. Yeah. And hlm is one of those other considerations for those two properties. So, but if it’s, you know, if if it’s okay not to not to mention that, that’s fine.
I’ll check and see I think that we probably could make that adjustment here.
By the way, I will say it is awesome to see a policy on this. That’s one thing that’s been sorely missing. I do have another question on unit transfer. The I think it is, where is it?
Yeah, when we’re talking about a household that’s been offered just an accessible unit, even though the household does not have disabilities, and then someone comes in that needs that unit, and moving the household that doesn’t have disabilities to another unit. The comment is made that the household that does not have disabilities will move at their own expense. And I’m wondering, considering Under Item 17, when you when there’s a transfer, there’s no longer a required new security deposit. So moving at their own expense of simply moving from one unit to another unit in the building. Scenario we’re looking at?
So it’s really that they would be responsible for moving their own furniture and everything.
Yeah, I just didn’t know if that it, I was pleased to see that there isn’t going to be a new security positive charge for justice transfer. So I just wanted to make sure those when it says, at their own expense, it’s simply the moving from one unit to another. Okay. Thank you.
And the way the way I read this, Kathy, is that if that situation arises, that household must agree to move so they’d be notified in advance that they’re moving into one of these units and that it’s subject to potential relocate relocation before they sign the lease and move in.
Yes. It’s Yeah. The lease. Yeah. It’s it’s in the in the lease for all of the disabled units, right. Yes. Okay. Awesome.
Tom, I don’t know if everyone else is hearing this, but your audio is pretty jumbled on my end. Yeah.
Yeah. Tom, you may have to, you may have to log out and log back in.
Oh, well.
Unless we have a lip reader in the group we can. Okay, maybe not.
is Nicole still on?
Yeah, yeah. Harold on here.
You’re gonna have to catch him again.
I got him.
So Gina, sounds like you’ve wrapped up. Arlene, do you have some comments or questions?
Surprise, surprise. I’m on page 14, where it talks about non discrimination. My question is, is sexual orientation not included in non descript and non discrimination at the federal state and local levels?
Trying to find where you’re at?
Well, it’s number two non discrimination. And it lists all of the different. We forbid discrimination based on it goes through and lists a whole bunch of them. And I was under the impression sexual orientation was also that but I didn’t, but yeah, yeah.
I think sexual orientation may be state only.
That’s what I’m thinking or local.
Although it does say state,
state and local.
Right. But these lists only the federal. Okay, I can check into that. That I do not know why. If it says state and local, why those aren’t listed as well and maybe identified as state and local. Not that I don’t think we have anything extra but I know like city of Boulder does, but
I think you might be right, in my recollection is that during the Obama administration, there was an executive order that that added sexual orientation as a protected class. So that wouldn’t be shocked if that executive order might have changed in the last four years.
I’m not sure. Okay, ask us again tomorrow afternoon, it might be different.
Okay, um, do you at all ask for immigration status? Is that even allowed?
Yes. They residents have to be legally present. That is something that’s required with federal funding.
Legally, okay.
All right. On Page Six, under 5.3, social security number requirement, you’ve listed all of the units there with the exception of Spring Creek is spring, the Spring Creek not require that.
Yeah, that’s just an oversight. Thank you for catching that.
On page 17, under 6.5, where it new hire reports where it talks about report changes in income, when the households income changes, increases by 200 or more per month? I guess my concern is people who have children who want to actually get some part time jobs, is that going to be a significant change that they have to report? And is that going to cause a problem with their payments?
Anybody in the household over 18? Is what is it is income anyone under 18? Is not?
that answers that. That’s it. Thank you.
Any other comments? or discussion? Excellent outcome.
Can you hear me now?
All right. Yes. I had a question on a 4.1. It’s kind of weird. The last check mark there says must be household only resident. And it says, you know, elderly households of no more than two persons with at least one person who is 62 years. It’s just I’m kind of confused on why that language is in there when it says must be household only resident
is it. They can’t own a house somewhere else or be renting a house somewhere else.
Okay, so it’s not the residence that we’re talking about. Okay. I see. All right. And then the other other part, too, is kind of that the criminal background check. No, I understand felonies but like drug related misdemeanors. Were, and we’re looking at the last five years. Is this kind of standard with HUD? Or
are you looking at?
Alright, this is under 3.1 under criminal background check.
And Lisa might have better knowledge of that then than I do. But, you know, drugs are not allowed in federal property period in a story?
Nope. I understand. But if you know a person is trying to get clean and all that stuff. We’re looking at the last five years. I mean, is that pretty standard? Yes. That’s
just the industry standard that had makes us follow, especially Crescent enemies, and felonies?
Yep. Okay.
I know it seems kind of harsh. But bcha has dealt with quite a few deaths. Smoked in and cooked properties. And the cost to remediate those units is astronomical, especially with the share a track and shared walls. Because then you’re displacing other residents. So while I agree, it seems kind of harsh for people who are trying to live a better life. It’s kind of unfortunate, but it’s kind of just how it goes.
Do we have this la have a policy around methamphetamine remediation where you try to go after residents even though we know that that’s useless for financial reasons.
It’s a written policy, but we’ve dealt with this quite a bit, actually, and try different approaches and I think settled on an approach that is reasonably effective.
That’s good. Okay.
And it’s a lease violation that they violate the lease, they’re they’re obligated to pay the damages. We just have some situations where they may not be able to ask a question about that same criminal background check. What it does, it doesn’t say applicants shall be denied residency if this is the fact this This happened. So they may be denied. So there’s still some discretion on the part of the lhsaa, which part of me thinks is nice, because you can look at the facts of this specific situation. But the attorney and me gets a little nervous about discretion and how we actually apply that discretion. That’s more of just a comment without a suggestion. And I don’t know if anyone else has a concern about that.
Well, I mean, my thing is to is, I mean, the documentation to so if we do have somebody that, you know, does have, say, a drug related misdemeanor within the last five years, I’ll be documenting why we’re allowing this person in? Or is it you know, most time? If it’s a May, but we’re following the rules 100%? Then there is no, no need for documentation, obviously. But like, what, so if we do have an exception that we are allowing, is there a documentation in place?
So again, Lisa might have a better take on this, and that she is the overseeing the properties. But My take is that we are pretty much following the letter of the law, and so that there isn’t additional documentation. I don’t remember any that had been led in as an exception for that, unless we simply didn’t know about it.
Kathy is dead on.
We basically this is what we follow it since I’ve been here, I haven’t seen any, I’m writing all the criminal background checks for LA now. So if there’s anything they’re being denied,
if I can come at our biggest problem has not been on criminal background checks. It’s been on people who have violated and have used drugs. And there was no sign in a criminal background check that they had been ever caught at it. And we got stuck with cleanup bill. Yeah.
Good. Any other comments or discussion? All right, well, we have some suggested cleanup items. We have a motion and a second, I guess I would suggest a modification to the motion that include the cleanup items that we’ve discussed today. And with that, all in favor. Any opposed? We get unanimous approval. So we’ll move on to the third policy, which is get back up to my agenda, the physical alteration policy. And I think this is part of the same process that we’ve been going through with the Wii VCA. Although it’s a much shorter one, so I’m guessing our discussion might not take quite so long. We have a motion on this. Do we need any preamble to this? Kathy or Karen? I would guess not. So
I don’t have anything.
I move that we accept the physical alteration policy. I second
We have a motion by Tom. Take Arlene by a nose. The second. Any discussion? Seeing no discussion? All in favor? unanimously approved. Excellent. So now we are moving on to item eight discussion of potential advisory board work plan items for 2021. And as if you’ll look at section eight of the Longmont Housing Authority bylaws, which were approved, I believe at the January 5, city council or Housing Authority meeting. There is a section that describes us what our our committee is supposed to do. And at this point, I think we ought to talk about how we intend to operate what we might want included in our work plan and any other comments or suggestions you have for him. I just
noticed that article seven and article eight are both titled article seven. Miscellaneous should be eight.
I just noticed that too.
Because I was turning to
it. I’m like, wait, that’s not right. Yeah, yeah.
We will we will correct that.
There’s a lot of details that we had to pay attention to better.
I know it’s so hard, especially when you’ve looked at a document for like, weeks and weeks.
So Cameron, I, you know, I think we put this on there is yes, so in Article seven, there are an in Section three, there are, those duties hopefully reflect the direction that that you all gave us, when you were still the Housing Authority Board. And so really, this is an opportunity if if you all have want to have some discussion, or you have some other ideas, in particular, or maybe Harold or Kathy or Lisa, have ideas about anything this particular year that you would like to see us place on, you know, kind of, we call it a work plan. It’s really the schedule of activities, things that you want to make sure that that we address the staff bring back to the advisory board. Anything with more detail in regard to those particular duties is really what we’re looking at. And if you don’t have any, that’s okay, too. We just wanted to open that up for conversation.
I like the list of duties. And I think at least for the near term, while we’re figuring out our role and how best to support the Housing Authority, I might suggest that one thing we do is we we serve as a body that can provide a little more focused evaluation of things that that you all as the staff think it would be helpful for that Lh a board to have support on. So if there’s something that you want us to dig in and make a recommendation that might be helpful when the board gets to consideration, I would suggest we just defer to you on what ought to be on our list, in addition to these issues that are outlined in section three. Well,
so one suggestion I might make, because we’ve had some discussions around this is what role might the lhsaa begin to have as a partner, or a nonprofit possible partner in inclusionary housing projects. So becoming familiar with the inclusionary housing program, and how la che might position itself to become a plight of a bigger player, I guess, in that, in that program, there is a substantial amount of funding that’s likely to come in there are opportunities to partner with the developers at the front end. And you guys have been in the past a large recipient of land donations, that you have been able to provide a lot more affordable units at a lot lower incomes than we would otherwise have gotten by being able to take those land donations and sit on them for a while, and or develop them right away, depending on the funding. So really starting to anticipate where are we going to do development next? Or where should we be looking at development next might be something to more immediately start thinking about? That would just be a suggestion I would have to throw out.
I like that, Kathy and as you were talking about that I was thinking back to the several times that Harold made his presentation to us as to LA and to City Council on this whole concept of the city getting involved in it. I think there was a section five remember right on opportunities, you know, what, what are some of the things that might might happen in the positive stemming from this collaboration between Elijah and the city or this combination? And so maybe it’s it’d be helpful for our group to focus on those and put some some thought and suggestions in front of the llj that might, you know, help further some of those objectives. I think one of them Kathy is exactly what you were talking about with the inclusionary housing process and, and others, I think are just general ways to identify operty opportunities for affordable housing in the city and means that LA is an organization might collaborate differently than it has in the past.
It’s a slight change your focus if which is refreshing, but I think we’re a little out of practice, we’re very practiced at dealing with crises, and reacting to the situations that pop up unexpectedly. And so we’ll need to stretch our wings a little bit on some more big picture. Proactive thinking and planning. I really like that camera versus a draft.
I was just gonna say I really, I really like that, what you were saying and, and kind of the second half of the duties being more involved in the community input. It reminds me of when I started working with bcha, and the county attorney’s office there, I don’t know if you guys are familiar with the Twin Lakes property, but there was a lot of community engagement that was direct between residents and bcha. And and I feel like, if there had been more of a mediary, you know, community representing those community members, it would have probably been a little less contentious, I don’t know. But I kind of see that that’s how we could could be a role is to really work with communities. And like you said, looking at opportunities, sorry, I’m having a lot of pain right now, because I’m very pregnant.
That’s really bad heartburn.
So trying not to choke on it soon.
11 weeks,
but working, you know, working on future goals and opportunities and kind of take some of that responsibility off of the board. Because you know, they’re not going to have a lot of time to look at these things. And they’re not going to be as involved with that. And I think we really could help the city staff in looking at those things, especially with the community engagement, because we we aren’t the board anymore, and we don’t work for the city. So we’re kind of in the middle. So I kind of like that that idea.
We’re in that nice, no pressure role where we don’t have any, we’re not actually responsible for implementing any of these things. We just throw out ideas, and then critique people who don’t follow them.
Thank you, Cameron. I want to I agree with everything Lauren said. But I also want to follow up on something you said. I would like to see specifics come from staff at our next meeting on and as, as Kathy mentioned, getting involved with the inclusionary housing program. Are there other things within the city that staff is aware of where we can be stepping out and getting more getting more informed and more involved about? So I would like to see that come to us at the next meeting?
Yeah, even like some subcommittees that we’ve talked about initially, and then doing some community engagement, unfortunately, COVID sort of put the nail in that coffin. But you know, it would be really nice if that’s part of the reason why I joined is I wanted to get involved with community and and do some of these things and die. Gene. I really agree. And I like that, that idea.
So there’s a couple of things that we can bring forward next time. One is the the Boulder County Regional Affordable Housing Partnership plan, which I think you guys have seen a long time ago where we have mentioned, but they have an effort called the home team, or home together now I think it’s called where it is advocating for community outreach and how to talk to your elected officials about the housing needs in the community. And then a group called echo which is East County, housing something or rather, I forget what the last stands for, but they’re doing a series of webinars. So I’ll send a link to that to you guys because they are providing really interesting information about housing needs in Boulder County as well as advocacy types of efforts around that. So that might be Something just to keep in the future. And the next one coming up i think is February 8. So and I’ll send a link to that one before your since it will be before your next meeting.
That would be great.
Any other discussion or suggestions on the work plan? Great. So well, I presume we can, we can come back and revisit this as we get our, our feet under us a little better in this form of the organization. But let’s move on to item number nine, the city report. Herald.
I’m having issues I’m having to come in and out. So can you go real quick, I’m trying to I don’t know what’s going on.
So I’ll make a couple of comments. And then maybe Harold is coming back in so because we have several different items here. But I do want to let you know that we have we are bringing new staff members on board at the at the Housing Authority. So we have hired a new Housing Choice Voucher specialist. Her name is Rhonda Hill, she will be starting her position next Monday. We also have hired a new accounting supervisor. And that is our own Kendra Daniels who worked with the city she’s did not scare her away.
does, she’s taken on the role of the accounting accounting supervisor. And so we have now the accountant we have the accounting supervisor, both hired Kendra will actually start her official position on next Monday, also, I believe is her official start date. And we are still in the process of of hiring an account technician. But we do have several applicants that have we received applications and and are going through the process for that, that hire, I think the the property staff members that we have hired, I will defer that to Item b and Lisa can talk a little bit more about that she’s been active in, in that hiring so. So we we were feeling we’re feeling encouraged, we are bringing on some staff members who are contributing right away. And, and are really, really helping us to move forward. And kind of how we have talked about this internally as staff is that, you know, 2020 is really the year of stabilization and, and, and growth. And and something else that Harold’s gonna say.
and one more thing. Yes. We won’t talk about what 2020 was. But yes, 2021 is, is as of certainly stabilization and growth. So. So that’s those comments I wanted to make. And Harold, you might want to get ready to add.
I don’t know what was happening. I think I was having the same issue Tom was I kept coming in and out and losing everything. So if you can’t hear me just somebody raised their hands. Uh, so first, yeah, I think 2021 year of stabilization. I think there’s a few things that are going to be happening this year. Karen and Kathy and I talked about this a little bit, and I’m going to get them more into their normal world. In terms of what they do on a daily basis, you may have heard me talk to Lisa earlier saying and need to get you on my calendar. Now. I think we’re all moving into this stabilization point. And I think the the good news is and what I’m excited about really are the hires that we’ve made. You know, Lisa, in the work that she’s been doing has really helped a lot in terms of really getting this to the point of stabilizations already given us some really good ideas, advised us and we’ve now made the appropriate change on simple things like you talked about it earlier background checks, and it’s amazing to learn the differences you find in these different systems and, and so the you know, that’s really the nitty gritty that we’re working in. The one thing I did want to talk to the board about is as we Get this shift. And as we look at really trying to then stabilize and get everyone more focused, and what they do on a daily basis, is also really looking at moving staff into the Civic Center with us, because it’s, it’s incredibly difficult, especially for Karen and Kathy, to have these two worlds and try to go back and forth. And in then as we transition into them getting more into their normal world, and it’s going to be incredibly difficult for me to do that. And when we look at the number of people that we really will have in the building, it makes more sense for us to bring them closer to us in the Civic Center. And I think that’ll make us more nimble, efficient and effective. As we look to the future. As part of that, it does give us some ideas in terms of looking at the facility. I will tell you all, I’m having conversations with veterans community project, I don’t know if you’re aware of that group, they work with housing, homeless, veterans, and providing resources in terms about the feasibility of them potentially leasing the building. And for us, that does a couple of things. A, it stays within mission in terms of what we’re doing. B reduces our operational expense. And C, it increases our revenue, opportunity increases revenue for us. And so that really helps position I think it is in a really good spot, both financially, and helps us reduce some of the I’m not reduced, but really, you know, work more closely with groups that we’re all touching the same folks that we’re trying to help in our community. I’m bringing this up today, because between now the next meeting, some of this may be moving from an operational perspective more quickly. And we may have folks in there, I just wanted you all in in our building just wanted you all to know that as we continue to look to the future.
Let’s move on to Oh, I didn’t have one more thing to report. I actually
do have one more thing. The other thing that we have chatted with the Housing Authority Board on and we’re going to be bringing this together to is is really the employment. And we’ve got to talk to staff, but bringing folks more into the city. And being in that city piece. And I think that’s we’re still working through what that’s gonna look like that may be something that we talk to the Housing Authority Board on probably before we get to the next meeting of you all, but it will it’ll be what we’re looking at as they actually become city employees. And we’re still working through some of those details.
Yep. What’s the district distribution of staff between the Housing Authority building and the city? Are there’s other folks in both places now? Or is it everybody’s?
I mean,
obviously, COVID people are working from home in that, but yeah,
I think it’s, you know, what I see is Kathy and Karen moving, you know, we already contracted for the financial services to be through the city. Right? Oh, you know, having those folks Jason to the other accountants, in COVID, worlds much different, because, you know, everybody’s working remotely. But so accounting will need to be with accounting, as we’ve talked about in terms of efficiencies. So what we really get down to then is we have three HCV people, individuals as budgeted. Olivia. And Lisa is going to be working in different places, really remotely and working in different facilities. So then you have Lisa. So we can have like five or six people in that entire office. And for us, that’s when I would rather them be closer to me, especially as we continue evolving, but I think there’s only gonna be six people in that office. Nope. Go ahead cast.
I was just gonna say there’s probably been five or six city staff that have been pretty much over the LA all the time as part of the time. So we’ve had as many times more city staff at the LA building than la staff a couple of different times. So
yeah, yeah. I mean, it’s the ugly tracing you had kinver and you have Suzy and you have Deanne and he had Karen and he had Kathy, those are all city staff that were over there, and then, you know, just managing it in the world and when they were supposed to have there. So I think there’s just more efficiency, if we can just move on to six people over then have this continue working forward.
And the other thing I was just going to add is that it also provides the opportunity for some of our existing city staff to provide additional administrative support to some of the housing authority functions, especially with the Housing Choice Voucher Program. And, you know, so we would be able to provide reception assistance, direct phone answering just just some other kinds of things that aren’t that we don’t have available and funded with the Housing Authority right now. So it does provide us an opportunity to provide enhanced services with, you know, with staff that is certainly part of their, within their scope of work to be able to support.
Yeah, we didn’t even get into public information, web services in the sense of transitioning the website over so we can make sure we keep it up to date, and we have all the relevant information. Yeah, I didn’t even get into that piece. But that all comes with proximity to.
If there’s nothing else on operations, should we roll to the regional property manager report, Lisa?
Good morning again. Well, it’s been a busy six weeks, all I’ve done is eat, sleep and breathe lhsaa. You can imagine, I’m excited to say that we have hired two property managers one started last Friday, Andrea, who will be at the hartstone Lodge, she’s going to be there full time between those two properties. And then we will be bringing on Corrine Lindsay, and she will be starting approximately February 1, and she will have the suites and the Aspen Meadows neighborhood and Aspen Meadow senior.
Let’s see.
Over the last six weeks, I’ve been working on updating policies and procedures working closely with the staff trying to make sure each property is doing stuff the same way and consistently. We’ve brought in a new credit and criminal background check software that’s giving us a better detailed oversight, an outline of the criminal reports of credit reports that I don’t think we had with the previous company, which gives us a better scoring model as well for new tenants and existing tenants.
and one thing I just got to say that I’ve been really excited to see over the last six weeks is with working with the city employees and some partnerships that we’ve been able to form, moving tenants moving people and prospects in and having the senior center be able to assist us with funding for our new residents or emergency situations that they’ve been able to partner with us and help us and just make the quality of life for some of our residents even better. And it’s amazing to have that support in the city. So I just want to give that shout out. I’m blown away by how seamless that has flowed. Then moving on to the attached reports. As you can see on the gross rent potential, I just gave them some notes about our vacancies. for Spring Creek. I’m excited to say that the one vacant that has been vacant for 165 days actually moved in on Friday. So that’s great progress. We are working on a lot of these Aspen Meadows neighborhood. One has already moved in the PBV waitlist is being called for and we have another vacant that has a lot of brand new, almost new, hardly used furniture that we’re working with Habitat for Humanity to come pick up this week. To get that donated and then get we can get that unit rented the heartstone we have a couple of vacancies over there we’re going to have a transfer from the lodge to accommodate a resident. The suites we are have the seven vacant units once the managers unit which the new manager will be living on site for a couple of months to help. Make sure that property’s running well that she has a presence. Get to know the residents get to know the community and work on that. We are working with mental health partners and who are contacting 20 names for their waitlist for their four vacancies and then we have Li j has two vacancies of our own that we will be working on once we get some full time staff there. village places had three vacancies one was occupied. On Friday, we placed a Craigslist. And we think we rented the studio Friday as well. So leaving one, two bedroom unit to rent, we did lower the deposit from a full month’s rent down to 500, to kind of make it a little bit more appealing to those looking. And then Aspen Meadows senior who’s going through the renovations, we have five vacants, one has been renovated and is ready for moving. So we’re going to start leasing that one. And the other four will be worked on as the units come available.
Great, thank you for that update. Questions for Lisa. Let’s move on to go ahead, Karen.
You know, I just wanted I just wanted to reiterate, I think what Harold talked about, you know, what, what an incredible what incredible contributions that Lisa has made in her short time here. We we love that she’s living and breathe in LA, that’s probably not a sustainable path. But for right now, it is a much needed path. And, and I think, to just reiterate what what Lisa commented on the vision that we had, for how the resources of the city and how the resources the LA j could really come together to optimally serve the residents of our communities, our ellijay communities, we we have seen that in action in several ways. In just as we had hoped and had envisioned, you know, not everything is perfect. But you know, but we also found that when we have and encountered, you know, challenges, we we are able to bring together the resources of both entities, you know, to really do our best at, at at problem solving and turning things around. So we are seeing evidence of what we had hoped for actually coming to fruition and, and we just can’t thank Lisa enough for all of the extra effort she’s putting together in the first six weeks.
And there’s more to come. But we will work it to death. So thank you, Harold.
Yeah, I forgot to say too. I know we’d had some conversations and concerns regarding some security of different facilities. We did meet with security company and we have a proposal for village place that we need to finish up on but I also am planning on proposal for Aspen Meadow based on the renovation, I think part of that is because we are looking at cameras to that’s going to need to be more toward the end of the project. Because you don’t want to do it and then have to take it off because of exterior work. And so I’m you’ll be hearing more the security piece as we continue to move forward. Thank you.
I do have a question for Lisa. And probably Harold, I’m not sure who to direct it to. You mentioned that Karen is the new manager at the suites and at ama and mn. And I’m just wondering why that got coupled together that
she, um, she’s coming from a larger community of 380 units. She’s worked with seniors for the last eight years. And since the neighborhood and the suites are both kind of a family comparative properties. We figured that would be a good pairing and with Aspen meadows. Senior right there. That would be
that fits. Yeah, it just sits
back there between Aspen Meadows senior and Aspen Meadows neighborhood.
Aaron is Yes, she’s there as a full time body now. Oh, okay. Awesome. Okay.
Yeah. So think of IT manager, Assistant Manager sort of team as that broader oversight. We’re finding that’s gonna work more and we’re gonna look at
a broader framework.
Okay, and I’m only talking from being unsheltered in the hotel now. Cuz it’s my wing that’s being renovated. And I didn’t know there was a shift in managers. So I’m assuming there’s been some communication out there. There will
be because this just started on Friday as Andrea came on board.
Stay level orange. Michelle and I are working together to put together some small meetings for the residents that we will kind of do introductions at each of the communities so that you guys can see the faces in small groups of like six to seven residents. Okay, cuz it’s
just confusing with all the construction going on. And then they have a change in, cuz that’s twice now it’s changed. But I’m glad to hear the reason for it. And it sounds very good. I’m just feeling a little out of the loop. And, and and I just want to make sure everybody knows what’s going on. Because it gets it gets a little. What is it? And with construction that we’re all kind of what next? Okay, you understand?
I understand. Yes,
yeah. Okay, thank you.
It was a good points. And Lisa, I will echo that. I’m glad that you’re living and breathing the lhsaa. Although these days, I want to make sure you’re wearing a mask when you’re doing the breathing part. Oh, yeah. That makes me nervous. Like it didn’t used to. Let’s roll on to nine. See. Good luck. Little more of an update or Tom, did you have something?
What was nine? See, I just had some other
90s report on the Aspen meadows, senior apartments rehab.
I had some other other questions. So you know, previously, we had gone over that we were getting yardie support in yardie training. Is that still ongoing? Or?
Yes, it is through the end of this month. Employees up on a yardie training system as well.
Okay. Kendra, I’m assuming have had that previously, when she was helping help helping out the LSI. At least some
she’s still working on that as well.
And then the The other thing that you mentioned, the we have a Housing Choice Voucher person coming on board is one of their first tasks going to be looking at the available Housing Choice vouchers that we might still have sitting on the table.
We’re actually still working on that with Kendra and our consultant, accounting consultant. So apparently, some of the data that had been entered last year was not accurate. And so HUD and the accounting firm are working on reconciling everything. And that’s what we’re waiting on. And then everything has to go into the two year tool, which HUD requires. And so we are hoping to wrap that up here in the next month or so and and have a better handle on what we’re able to do.
Right there no other comments, let’s move on to the update on the rehab. It matters.
All right, that’s me. So do we, the interior work is about 60% complete. As Jeanne mentioned, the third floor South Wing move out was completed January 11. We have now renovated the North Wing, and have started on the South Wing work during the next three weeks, we’ll include those units on the third floor south, the second floor gathering room and continuing work on the first floor lobby. We should be hearing about the elevator work schedule very soon, we’re anxious to know when that’s going to happen because some residents are going to have to be relocated, likely again, we were trying to align it with the majority of people who would be out that have disabilities or that are in wheelchairs or have mobility that they are going to have to be out during the elevator and it’s just a little bit behind where we thought it was going to be. We did. I do want to report though, that while the entire elevator isn’t going to be replaced, the majority of the components of the elevator going to be replaced in should, according to the company leave us running smoothly for the next 20 plus years.
So we’re looking forward to that and being done with that. Exterior work today includes the substantial completion on the roof, but most of the exterior work including window replacement, and siding will be march through June. Speaking to Harold’s thoughts about the security system, we don’t want to put that out and then rip it off with the siding. The full job is about 36% complete in terms of contract billing. We have used only about 18% of our contingency budget. And because in interior work is where most of the need for contingency was expected, we are thinking that we are going to have quite a bit of that contingency money, we can reallocate and add value to the project. So some of the things we’re looking at right now, exploring the pricing and options, is doing a full parking lot paving, only two thirds of the lot was originally proposed to save on budget. So this would put all of the asphalt into the same life cycle life cycle, which would be better, we have an opportunity to improve safety at the entrances and exits by changing directional striping signage. To one way if feasible, so that is something being explored. The common area furnishings package, we are looking at replacing that that was not called to be replaced. But with the new look of the rooms, it’s the furnitures gonna look really outdated. So we’re looking at that and the cost for that. And interior signage package to update the look of the directional signage and unit numbering is something that is, is could be looked at and needed. The security video security system that Harold mentioned, we’re getting pricing on that and what that would take. And then potentially, this is the bottom of the list. But in case we have extra money, maybe some landscaping upgrades. And then one thing that Molly wanted to report back that she realized that Councilman waters had asked about the slip factor on the new flooring that’s been installed with the vinyl. What she has said is what they the new floors have more groove to them than what normal vinyl does, or the vinyl that was in place in the past. And the new vinyl flooring that we’re we’ve installed is acceptable for you fast units, which takes that into consideration as well. So it is pretty safe. We haven’t had any complaints about the vinyl once the residents have moved back into their units. So we’re thinking that we’re we’re pretty good with the vinyl, at least at this point. So that’s the report on that. there any questions?
Questions. Go ahead. Arlene. Go ahead.
I just wanted to comment, Kathy, on you guys replacing that common area furniture? I agree with you that it’s definitely going to be outdated if we don’t do something.
All right. Well, thank you for that update. It sounds like things are moving along nicely. It’ll be excited to see that project come to conclusion. Let’s roll on to something less exciting. A phrase that I was the one thing positive thing I can think of that COVID brought was I didn’t have to hear the phrase voluntary compliance agreement for a while. But I knew it wouldn’t go away. So let’s have a report on the VCA. With all that we’ve talked about it quite a bit.
Well, I did it kind of went in the background for y’all. But we’ve been working on it. moving things forward, although some things did get suspended, like the inspection and the plan and that kind of thing. So just trying to do a real quick update here. We have completed our trainings for staff that was required. So that we were in compliance with we just have to ensure new staff are trained within 180 days. And that’s really on the Fair Housing and the fiber for compliance. We have to request an additional extension to the unit accessibility obviously, we haven’t been able to get in and inspect the properties with a third party architectural firm to go through all the common areas and all the units and all the properties to provide feedback on what we need to do to get into accessibility compliance everywhere except for Aspen meadows, senior apartments, so that will be requesting an additional extension there for that for the common areas. And for the needs assessment and transition plan. The third party certification of the MSA units, ask them as apartments is underway, as those units are completed. And then we have complied with the future alterations policy which is the policy you Just recommended for approval, the 504, reasonable accommodation policy, and the tenant selection policy. So those are all in compliance and considered completed. There is a 504 tracking component that I do have to send a report in on that, which I’ll get done here in the next couple of weeks. Let’s see what else is outstanding. The grievance policy, I need to get that completed and submitted. We’ve already complied with the assistance, animal policy. As part of the 504 accommodation, we’ve already updated the application and that’s all complete. The maximum utilization of accessible units has been completed, accessible housing list has been completed. So it’s really some record keeping and the annual report that needs to be submitted within probably the next month and a couple of extensions around the the unit analysis and transition plan for that. So I’d say we’re pretty about halfway done halfway not done. And then I’ll just see how long we’re gonna have to keep reporting once we’ve completed everything and how long we’ll have to do that.
that’s obviously a huge that’s a huge task. And I do recall when this first came in, and we were digesting it and ldj staff were running around with their hair on fire, trying to figure out how the heck we were going to do this. So, you know, it’s it’s it’s not, it’s far from complete, but it’s comforting to hear how much progress has been made. So thank you.
Gina. Yeah. Put an explanation point behind that it is a lot of progress. The only question I had is at one point, we were looking at revising that 25 page lease agreement. Is that in the works on some level?
Yes, that’s actually
I have, they’ve given me all the leases from all the surrounding housing authorities. Okay, all the current leases in use, and that is on my list of things to go through
and revise. Okay, great, great.
I will just add that we have found had to be very accommodating. I don’t know if it’s just because of COVID. And knowing that there’s a lot that we we simply can’t get done or whether they are putting their money where they said they were going to or walking the walk I guess, where they said they would be fairly reasonable about moving us forward through this and if there were glitches or things that needed to be accommodated, but they have been so far, extremely workable with us and giving us extensions and helping etc. So that has been a very pleasant change from the tone that it took from the beginning. And and where we started, so
Jackie, I do recall that as we were approaching the plan for this collaboration between LA and the city, that HUD did ask a few questions. And was was I won’t say concerned but curious about what this meant. Has there been any further discussion about that? And what’s their their take on where we are now?
do you want to feel battery?
Do you go for it? And then I’ll jump in.
yeah, so our city attorney’s did meet with head and provided them with a copy of the IGA. We got comments back last week after we’d already passed it. So they weren’t very timely with their comments. From my standpoint, I don’t think it was anything that was too terribly off putting or things that can’t be can’t be dealt with. But it has been that has been probably a little bit more challenging just as far as the timeliness of feedback that we have gotten. And actually knowing how, how much leverage they have, I guess. With us, we have tried to follow past practices of other Housing Authority That have moved into the city or into a county. So some of the comments were a little interesting that they provided. So
yeah, I think I think part of the question is a first and foremost what Todd’s lane. And are they staying within their lane because I think some of the comments they were outside of their lane. So when you look at some of our properties, obviously, they’re fully in the lane for HCV. And how you’re moving through that, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to those areas that are not under head. So you know, the two sides you have the heart hearth and lodge that are under head with it’s different than Creek and Fall River, and so are seeing where they’re laying is, I think is something we need to do. And we need to have a little bit more work on it, because that was what, for me was unclear. The other piece on it is to what Kathy said, terms of what other groups are doing. I think we need to work a little bit on that. But I think it really just depends on me, we’re gonna have to dive into that a little bit. But in talking to Tim and Tim’s response to my email, there was only one thing that was there. But I think there’s different ways to handle that issue. In terms of who pays for what I think we just need to be more clear, in terms of where the money’s coming from, because I think they were unclear on that, and really show that it’s not coming from headphones, but it’s coming from the other funds available. Or, and or attaching the work that we’ve done specifically to the HUD piece. And I think that’s easy enough. I think the big issue that they had to was just in a position of where the the Executive Board Member concept with me can think created them some anxiety, because I was both a voting member in the executive and I think this came up because I’m not. And and so I think we can move through these pieces. I think they’re also being very accommodating, just to be honest, because they they know that. But for this, this probably falls on them eventually. And so they’re willing to work through this with with all of this as we continue to move forward.
Maybe that’s our leverage.
I mean, yeah, I think they really get it. Yeah.
So this, this last question is not on the VCA. But it’s this made me think about it. We also have an agreement with the ACLU that obligated us to adopt a policy relating to entry into units. And I recall discussing this with Julian, back kind of mid to late summer of 2019. And I but I don’t recall whether we actually adopted a policy or not, maybe we did not forgotten it. But I just wanted to put that on the list. If someone remembers that we’ve done it great. If not, maybe by the time we roll around next month or so we can just double check that we’ve closed that loop
as that settlement agreement.
I’ve got a copy of it, I’ll send I’ll send that.
That’d be great. If you can send it to us. So we can make sure that we’re hearing that I know that we are really strict with the 48 hour policy in terms of the notice that we’re putting on the doors. And Emerson. Just, it’d be good for us to see that too.
Yeah, as I recall, it was pretty We worked hard to make it fairly general where i think i think it said we will collaborate with the ACLU and adopt a policy regarding entry in the US something as simplistic as that, but I’ll find the actual document and send it to you.
Do you know Julian had any conversations with them?
So my last I just looked at my email. My last email was from mid to late summer where she asked who the point of contact was at the ACLU to start talking about that. And I gave her the information that I had and then I don’t know what’s happened to it after that.
So far, no other comments or questions on the city report. Let’s roll to item 10 other business.
I’ll throw out one item I’ve we’ve been doing this but the the bylaws, the bylaws that get And our operations say that, that we are able to adopt Robert’s Rules of Order for how we run these meetings, we didn’t actually formally decide to do it, I just kind of started going down that path. And maybe between now and next meeting, think about it. But my thought is that, that it’s a little formal. But that structure works pretty well, unless someone would rather have a more informal way of running these meetings. And if you haven’t, if you don’t want to be more informal, I would suggest that we just vote to implement Robert’s Rules of orders for the advisory board meetings moving forward.
I think it’s a good idea, just so that we can have a clean and accurate description of things that we decide on for recommendations that we make to the actual board. And there won’t be any confusion about what our intent was.
I agree.
I agree. Basically, in principle, and I like the fact that we’re getting motions on the floor, before we discuss, I think that’s helping to clarify, and comments and what have you. Robert’s Rules of Order can get very, very picky. So I think if we use them as a guideline, as opposed to adopting everything that’s in that, that delightful book, I think they’ll do well. Okay.
I that is a great suggestion. So maybe maybe what we ought to do is generally follow the the proceedings as outlined in Robert’s Rules, with some flexibility. And since we’re just generally following it, I’m going to say that we’re not going to need a vote on that, we’ll just, that will just be the chairs prerogative for the remainder of this year. And then if anyone wants to suggest a change in the future, we can do that. there any other business before we adjourn? Arlene,
I just have a couple of questions, kind of follow up questions. Has the 2020 financial year been closed? For the lhsaa? And if it has, have the city staff been properly compensated?
That is what we’re working on now. And so Joanne, just an I just finished, what that’s going to look like. So two points, what it looks like looking back, and what it looks like,
And so I’m going to be finalizing that. having conversations with new Lh a board in terms of this issue and understand as the executive and what that’s going to look like moving forward. So generally, what we’re what we’ve come to the conclusion of, is creating a new category of compensation that is a stipend for acquisitions and mergers. So mission and merger stipend, it’s still an X amount of time. And that lets Joanne didn’t look backwards and work to try and map that out on both ends to make up for the work that was done in 2020. And then what does that look like going forward into 20?
I just got the email last night. I needed to see what money was there too. That was the other piece that we needed to understand what that looked like terms of salary savings and work with Kendra on that. We finished that a couple of weeks ago.
And the other question I had was at one time a person from a Spring Creek called in or Springbrook, I guess is what it is called in and she’d had during the time that the lights were out in the parking lot her truck stolen and she was concerned about getting that back to you know if that was resolved.
was resolved in terms of I believe the lights getting fixed. I think the the question on that one was there were other issues there in terms of when they when they actually went out versus when the crime occurred. Dennis Dennis that information.
Did you get a truck back I guess is probably
that I’m not sure about. You on the police side. I don’t know if they ever Found the truck. Or if the truck was actually stolen or if it was just broken into.
I recall it was just broken into.
I don’t think it was I don’t think it was stolen.
It was just broken. broken.
I think our windows were broken because I was wondering if we if we had any obligation or if we should offer to pay, but nobody had mentioned that and I don’t know that we do
it any other business? Seeing none, I will consider us adjourn, since we don’t have to follow the rules. Exactly. Thank you all we will reconvene the third Tuesday of next month, which I think is the 16th if my math is correct, but whatever date the third Tuesday is, we’ll see you at eight o’clock that morning. Thank you all. Hi,
Lisa. I’m gonna call you real quick. Okay.