Senior Citizens Advisory Board Meeting November 4, 2020

For a transcript of the meeting, please read below:

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Well, I would like to call the meeting to order a roll call wise. I have she looked on Roy jack. Julie Hauser is our guest again today and I will mute Julie. Sarah prudence art Susan. Michelle wait. Michelle Krieger and Marsha Martin. It is my understanding that we are not being livestream today. So there should not be any Unwins.

The public is now invited to be heard. Julie, do you have anything that you would like to share with us today?

No, thank you. Again, I’m

just here to hear what’s going on and be up to date. Thanks so much for hosting me all the time. Well, we’re

very happy to have you and thank you. Has everyone had the opportunity to review the minutes from last meeting?


And are there any corrections or additions to the minutes?

I move that we accept them as written.

Do I hear it second?

I’ll second.

I’m sorry, who made that motion?

The motion was made by Susan and Michelle kriega. Second

Thank you.

Oh, business, um, board membership. Michelle, are you updating us on now?

Hey, um, I am and I’m hoping to get an email. At some point this morning. I’m the last I talked to Michelle Gomez and the City Clerk’s office we had one application and that was she looked Conroy Thank you, Sheila. And I had one inquiry, but that person lived in Lyons. And so that person’s not eligible to apply for this board. Um, we have a three positions to one of them is term limited, and that’s jack. So jack is not eligible to reapply. And then Michelle Krieger and Sarah berry are both eligible to reapply. And if you get our weekly email newsletter, you know that we put in a blurb last Friday, about both the friends board and this advisory board have openings. Only this board has the deadline of this Friday at five o’clock. So I will try and keep an eye on my email to see if I hear from the city clerk city manager’s office about any updates. But perhaps Sarah, or or Michelle or Sheila or others may have an update about that.

If you excuse me, I have lost my visual. And I think I’m going to have to go out and come back in. Okay.

I have a friend who said she was interested in position on the board and she said she had applied online I will double check because that was a few days ago.

So Sheila, I would recommend you wait until after this meeting and let’s see if I hear back from the city clerk because perhaps she did and I just don’t have the update. Okay,

thank you.

So I’ll just give you guys an update. I it’s my intention to to not renew my my commitment to this board but I’m very seriously considering a position on the friends board. So I’m gonna work with Michelle, I don’t know what the details are how that when when that comes up, but that’s my intention right now.

There are let me unmute. Okay, there are seven positions on the friends board that are available in 2021 and Ruth Walcott is sort of managing that process, that board does not have the geographic restrictions that this board does. And I did mention that to the person from Lyons, but she was really interested in something else. So I’ve connected her. I mentioned that AC to her, Sara, just so you know. But she had some other thoughts in mind. So that’s, that’s what I know. And great. Michelle, we’d love to have you on the friends board as well. So other comments, questions?

Um, I am thinking seriously of resigning as precedent that would be very interested in the ACC board.

You will see later on our agenda, that is something we need to talk about.

Moving right along.

With your permission, I’ll keep an eye on my email and get back with you about the application update, if that’s okay.

Any other input about board membership or positions for 2021?


I’m moving on to reopening the show.

Well as if you are following the trends, and certainly some of the warnings and messages coming out of the state, Department of Public Health, etc. And we’re not going in the right direction. So Longmont Senior Center will not be opening December 1, and we’re going to continue to sort of move on a month to month basis. And we are making last minute adjustments in our winter go to reflect that. Meals on Wheels is also not reopening. The restrictions on restaurants and dining has also been changing and getting more restrictive. So our staff is looking at doing another round of reaching out to folks who are not connected. Technologically we are going through our lists of folks and trying to catch back up with people. So we will not be reopening this year.

Any other old business to discuss? Sorry, you’re

on mute.

Sarah didn’t work. Did you have something that you wanted to share? Okay. Yeah. Yeah,

I muted myself because the phone is ringing. Anyway, but to go back a bit to the positions, or 2021. May I ask, when that those elections will take place?

Talking about the President and Secretary Sarah. Yeah. So those usually take place in January when we have our new board members. You’ll notice we kind of went through that a little quickly. But um, Michelle, you are still on the TRG through March. Yeah, that’s

a funny way it doesn’t sink. But yes.

Um, so I think that if you had something happening January, February or March, we’d ask you to report somehow God or to the board about that. And then I will follow up with Kathy fetlar. About what happens after March. So I will do that. That aaac position is Sarah’s been that represent representative for you all, um, Sarah, I don’t know what your term is on that. But you and I are going to have to probably follow up with Lindsay or somebody about that.

Okay, I’m sorry, I don’t remember either when that term ends,

okay. Well, I think that if you Sarah, if you continue in that role, and then we in your role and your terms With the AC which you can do as long as you live in Boulder County, or if you have to resign and or if Lindsay just reopens the Longmont advisory board role. I will email her and copy you on that, Sarah so we both get kind of what what’s happening there?

collection is because I’ve been through this once before is that I have to resign or Well, you have to indicate to the board position is open. And then if I want to continue on AC, I have to reapply and be reappointed as a member at large.

Right, or if you move representing your new community or however that unfolds. Okay. Um, then jack, I don’t know about sustainability. where you want to go with that Janine had been our alternate, but do you need to officially resign? Or are you going to stick with the sustainability committee? What are you thinking about that jack?


up, you’re muted.

Let’s try it now.

There you are.


Um, I might apply to the sustainability board. I’m not sure yet. I have a couple days to think about it. But that’s about it. Michelle.

All right. Thanks, jack. And then, Susan, if you want to continue on as the liaison to the friends, you would that you would do that. Okay. And then our, if you are interested in continuing to kind of be that Latino coalition connection.

That is fine. I will continue.

Okay. And then the other note is that Janine would be interested in the AC position, depending on how that all shakes out. Is that right? Janine? Yes. And so we’d be looking for a president and a secretary in 2021. We don’t need to make those decisions today. But but by December or January at the latest, we probably need to have that figured out. Um, any questions, concerns comments about this? Okay, I guess that wraps that up. Janine.

You’re on mute to me. Arden. There you are.

Okay. Uh, under new business, t care.

So I’m very excited about this. t care is a program evidence based program came out of the University of Wisconsin, the state of California has really adopted t care as a platform for case management for people who are caregivers of older adults. And the evidence base piece is really tied to reducing or eliminating caregivers, a dip, use of Medicaid to pay for long term care. So the idea is by providing case management for caregivers who are caring for an older adult, you can reduce the use of Medicaid dollars for long term care. So that’s the evidence based piece of that. So Boulder County aging services, their agency on aging, received a several free licenses for the t care program and there’s several Area Agencies on Aging in Colorado, who will also be going with a t care approach for caregivers. There is an assessment that the caregiver completes and then they are provided with a case manager. I’m brandy Queen and Melissa was seen on our team will be getting free licenses and will be participating in the program. Along with the Boulder County area agency on aging staff, as most of you know, Senior Services isn’t, hasn’t really been involved in evidence based programs to this degree. So we’re actually very excited to have the data to really demonstrate what are the services that education, the support, that really make a difference for family caregivers. So this is not for paid caregivers. This is for family, friends, non paid caregivers, this program. So we’re excited to to get involved to be a part of the data collection and see the results. For me personally, I am hoping that we get some other evidence based data, besides the fact we’ve reduced Medicaid expenditures, but will, will unfold that, I guess, as our data comes in, so very excited to do this in partnership. So yeah, questions, Michelle. Yeah, um,

so let me just like from a 30,000 foot level, right? Understand. So the idea is, if the spend money to support caregivers, ultimately, it enables seniors or older adults to live independently for longer, right, is that kind of

Yeah, and I wouldn’t go quite there. So if you, you take the caregivers would take this assessment, and they determine kind of a risk level, okay. And then they are provided with case management and in Longmont, that would be brandy or Melissa, or providing case management to those caregivers who hit that threshold. And that evidence base piece is that they are not using Medicaid for long term care. I either not putting their family member or their friend they’re caring for into a long term care facility, which is very expensive. So by hooking those caregivers up with other resources, in home services, education, emotional support case management, by surrounding the caregiver, right, those kinds of services, the hope is that they can continue to provide that level of care without putting that person into a care facility. I

got it. So it’s really supporting the caregiver and Okay, it’s really focused

on the caregiver. Yeah, yep. Yes, prudence. So,


reduction in Medicaid dollars. Okay. I guess my question is, is why would a kid I wonder if they’ve answered the question, why would a caregiver not want to be paid through the state to give care but would do this


Um, in order? I mean, I just don’t understand that.

So the caregiver in there are, there are some programs where family caregivers get paid by Medicaid. Um, and to keep that person at home. This is really about placement in long term care facilities. It’s delaying or eliminating families from placing a loved one in a long term care facility, which is the highest expense for Medicaid.

Oh, Mr. Oh, how does this fit with the mmunity based services program?

Right, it actually will, I hope, increase the use of in home supports. So using Medicaid to pay a family member to keep that person at home using other dollars, including our personal care dollars through the county and through the friends to help people stay at home. So hopefully, that’s where the dollars are going is into remaining at home. But the evidence base piece I just want to be clear is about the reduction in long term care placements. And Janine, and then Sheila and I want to circle back to prudence because I’m not sure I answered your question fully. So Janine.

My question is basically, how many

you fade it out, Janine?

How many clients are we looking at that this might be

total for? So that’s a great question. And I do not know the answer to that. What we have our approach has been is we’re serving a lot of people with Our caregiver education programs now with our caregiver support groups we offer to there are others in the community. We are really hoping to reach those caregivers who perhaps have not already availed themselves of services. What we know and what we heard from caregivers in 2018, is they really didn’t think that a senior center was a place for them to go for support in caregiving for an older person. So we recognize and we’ve been talking about our county about the marketing we’re going to have to do to reach those people. And we’re doing this as a pilot, and we’ll see how that unfolds. But I do not have a numbers guess. But the assessment itself will limit the pool, because you have to hit a certain threshold of risk to get into this program does not mean we’re not going to serve you in another way. But for this program, there is a threshold. Sheila, and then I want to again, circle back to prudence.

Sophie, the Medicaid dollars being saved on purely on long term care with somebody has to go into a nursing home. Exactly. So Medicare dollars will still be assigned as they are currently to a caregiver.

Yeah, hopefully that through the state Area Agencies on Aging, we gather enough data that we might be able to influence how those Medicaid dollars are distributed at the state level. But right now that that’s the evidence piece. Clearly Clara, California has done some things. And we’ll be learning more about that.

So it’s to keep people at home with possible loss possible.

pretence, again, I just want to make sure I, I got your


I think that, um, I just can’t, I’m gonna look at California’s numbers. Yeah. It just makes sense to me that you as a caregiver are getting paid, and you’re getting paid to take care of your loved one. Settling, you’re not going to get paid?

Well, we don’t know that yet. We don’t know that. Yeah. Okay. So it’s really about placement in a long term care facility. Right. And there are so many caregivers who are providing care who are not in that program where they get a stay

in home support services, correct. Right. Right. Yeah. Okay. I understand that.

Okay. Yeah. All right. Aren’t and then Sarah.

And my understanding then, that this really does not, is not primarily for those individuals who are already caregivers and are getting paid. It’s more for those individuals that need the assistance, but are not getting any of the services. Am I correct on that? Well, let

me let me just say back up a little bit. So there are caregivers, through homecare agencies, etc, who families and individuals pay to come in and help with care. There is a specific program where a family member can get paid through Medicaid to take care of someone, right,


that those those programs will continue. But someone who makes their career who makes their primary employment as a paid caregiver is not who this program is for.

And if someone is not receiving care, but neath that, then we just go ahead and refer them to promote this, or

Oh, yeah, absolutely. Yeah, those referrals will continue. Okay, program is really focused on family caregivers. So Sarah, and then Marsha. Yeah, Sarah.

I guess my question is, does the person who is receiving care have to be Medicaid eligible do they have to apply for long term care under Medicaid?

So you know, as with most situations, um, people start out not eligible for Medicaid. Um, so, I’m caring for my mom, she has assets, there’s no way she’s Medicaid eligible. And we often hear about families having to spend down in order to become Medicaid eligible so they can then place someone in a nursing home. So hopefully, we might interrupt that cycle to some degree, right and really help caregivers utilize all the resources that they have, perhaps in a more meaningful and lengthy way. Did that answer your question?

So the family would, I guess my question is coming out of my concern that so many people who are family caregivers or friends taking four pair of a friend who,

you know, don’t

know anything at all about services, and they think, well, we just got to wait until, you know, we spend the person’s assets to a point where they can be eligible for Medicaid, and I’m not sure how they’re gonna find out. This is like before, if you went in and you applied for social services help, and it’s clear, you’re probably to a point where you need long term care. They make an eligibility determination for long term care that IE nursing facility, send you to somebody to be assessed for HCBS services, right. So is this totally separate?

Um, well, this is focused on the caregiver, not on the person who needs the care and is doing the eligibility. So so when we are doing case management for the caregiver, there’s going to be an array of resources that we’re going to be talking with that caregiver about, including the information about HCBS and long term care and Medicaid. I mean, that is a resource, right. And some people are eligible right now for that without having to spend down. So that is one resource and an array of resources that we will be supporting the caregiver with. Yeah. Okay, Marsha, and then back to prudence.

Yeah. So just to see if I’m the right idea. I’m sorry. Um, I’m thinking that this is a little bit analogous to the homeless services coordinated entry program where it seeks to connect people with services that they may not have known about. And the objective is to see whether that delays putting people in full time Medicaid care, correct idea.

Pretty Pretty good analogy. Yes, ma’am.

Okay, thanks.

That’s okay. So we know that the one evidence is reduction in Medicaid dollars, right? Do we do they have any measurement of both the person the caregiver satisfaction, as well as the person receiving kizz satisfaction with the services that were developed under this program?

So they’re the data on that I haven’t seen the analysis of? And I can, I’m pretty confident it is focused on the caregiver, not the care recipient. I’ll be curious to know more about that. And the other piece that we have a lot of questions about is how culturally relevant is the assessment tool? And because we want Melissa, to work with our Spanish preferred clients and families, and so we are really pushing them on an assessment tool that’s culturally relevant. So we’re, we’re working on a couple different things prudence and, and we’re digging in to some of that other data. The primary evidence base piece is the Medicaid dollars piece, which is not the whole picture, obviously, I don’t feel like it is and so well, we’ll see how this shakes out. And and and we want the culturally relevant component. There are some caregiver programs nationally, that have not just translated their material into Spanish, they’ve actually done a deeper dive into Make the programs more culturally relevant. Sure.

Yeah. Again referring to, I’ve been frustrated for years, at my inability to convince friends that I know our caregivers and would be eligible for and benefit from lots of services, the site, they need them. And so they don’t go to the senior resource specialist. They just think, you know, I can handle this myself, right. And it’s only when the money gets high, that they start thinking, maybe I better find out what’s available. So seems to be the success of this object is going to depend a lot on outreach.

Absolutely. And, and a different kind of marketing approach, which we talked about in our meeting last week, when we reached caregivers, the most is when we use next door, as our platform, not the NGO, not the web not it was through next door that we reached caregivers. And so we really have to think about that outreach, and what that’s going to look like, I totally agree with you, it, it will look a little different than perhaps How else we’ve done some of our our outreach efforts. Because a caregiver of an older person, can be a 22 year old college student, a granddaughter, it could be me a full time working 61 year old, I think how old I am now 61. And so I think we have to think about that, and what is happening in their lives and who they are and where they are. So it will be it will be a learning. I’m excited for what we’ve learned from this. And the other exciting thing for me is that the county, aging services, and US law online, we’re really looking at the resources we put into caregiver programs and how to do that more efficiently and more effectively, which I’m, I really am excited about taking a look at all of our resources a little differently. So right now, for those of you who don’t know, this, the county Aging Services has two respite programs, one, a caregiver can apply and get up to $500, to use to give themselves respite from their caregiving role. And then there is a respite care volunteer program, where volunteers can come into the home and stay with the care recipient, while the caregiver gets a break. So you might want to go birdwatching at 5am, you might want to go out to lunch, with friends, whatever it is. So we hope to kind of real those programs and some of the others that are going on. So we have that a better understanding of who’s doing what, what’s available. And really look at the resources, the support, and the education from a kind of that 30,000 foot level, you know, what all is available? And how do we, how do we market it and make it more usable for our caregivers. Any other questions, more to come? I think, you know, you should next year, you should be saying, Michelle, if I don’t bring it forward, what’s the data saying? What’s the data saying? I’m serious, you know, what are we learning? So that’s Take care.

That’s what it’s called.

You can check out California or the University of Wisconsin? Because that’s where the merged was. Professor and team and in Wisconsin, yeah. Michelle,

do you have resort like,

what are you doing with the data? Or do you have someplace you’re sending it and they’re doing the analysis and spitting it back out? Or you guys aren’t being left to kind of make sense of it yourself? Right? Right. So

there is some algorithms within the t care software package that will do a lot of that. And then Carol cross from Boulder County area agency on aging is kind of our data guru. As many of you know, that is not my forte. And so between Carol Krause and Brandi who loves data, I think we’ll we’ll be able to start to put together a picture. Yeah, not I’m not good at data. I sorry. It’s just

you’re good at so many other things. No,

data is really important. And then my I have not, I’ve not been the best leader in that way. So I’m excited for this. So

yeah, they’re questions at all. Before we move on to any other new business,


All right. Next on the agenda is reports. Michelle, do you have any reports to share with us now? supervision.

So a couple of things, I got calls from several people, including Marsha, about making sure older adults had a way to vote. And so the Longmont Housing Authority properties, there is some really nice community there. And folks were taking care of each other, making sure people got to, to do their ballots got turned in or mailed or whatever. We put out information about free rides that were being offered. And so we’ve we, we did not get any calls this year, which is pretty unusual, from older people saying I need to go vote. I think that the folks were attending to one another and making that happen. So I want to say thanks, thanks to Marsha and to others, we, we kept pushing the word out. And we really didn’t didn’t get any calls about it. And and it looks like people showed up to vote. So we’ll see what those results are right in the

way awareness has been so heightened.

Yeah, it’s just like people are, you know, it’s kind of been magical. That’s great. And people are taking care of people, which is really great. So that was exciting. Um, that long on housing authority work continues to take up the vast amount of my time. And with the, I am still managing the community managers. And we are interviewing today, tomorrow and Friday for a regional asset manager as well as to community managers. So once we get that regional asset manager on board, my role will diminish. And that is probably a really good thing for a variety of reasons. So I remain absolutely in support of what city council and Harold and others have done in terms of stepping in in supporting Longmont Housing Authority. My staff have done an amazing job we are as a team, really supporting the remodel at Aspen Meadows apartments, we are moving people out of Aspen meadows and into a local hotel. While those units get refurbished and moving folks back, and what what has transpired to be the best option is Michelle works with tenant. So and So Amy works with tenant, a different tenant. And each of us are doing sort of a hands on approach to meeting that person helping them get what they need to the hotel, and then reverse that they will start moving back in next week. So we’re pretty excited about that. And that has really been a huge team effort and very hands on. And we’re learning a lot about what people are living with and what supports and resources they might need. In across the properties. Brandi continues to provide supervision and support at the suites, which is the long line Housing Authority property that is permanent supportive housing, primarily for people transitioning out of homelessness but with other also others who have been housing challenged. So brandy has been involved down there. And it has really been an incredible learning experience. And I believe we have been well placed as a team to do advocacy on behalf of older adults. And so and while it has been an unbelievable amount of work, it’s been good work and I think we were in the right place to do that. So that’s been happening. We have staff still doing some administrative support at lhsaa. Our custodial staff are still doing service, custodial work at Other recreation facilities while we are closed, and Megan and Larry are really holding down the fort in terms of programming. So everyone is very, very busy. And all of us want to be opened, and all of us want our customers back in the building. But that’s not going to happen anytime soon. But believe me, your senior services staff are really amazing and doing fabulous work. And that is my report. And we are well, we also really glad to have some volunteers back. Thank you, Janine, for coming back and doing some of that resource work. We are now trying to figure out how we’re going to do income tax. We are kind of up against what AARP nationally is saying to their income tax volunteers. So we’re trying to work that out. And making sure we can we can do that. So that’s kind of where we are. Any comments or questions? Okay. Oh, Susan.

So does it look like income tax? We’ll make it back in the spring.

Yeah, so AARP volunteers came and got all of their laptops that we store for them. And the last word I heard Susan is it’s going to be virtual, they will be providing assistance, but it’s going to be virtual. We are hoping that AARP allows some window, because we definitely had people who needed to meet in person. This last year, so we’re waiting to find out what that window might be. Okay. And and obviously, it could be the kind of thing where we push the income tax deadline out to May, or something depends on our leadership at the federal level. What happens with that, but um, we doubt though we’ll be we don’t know, I shouldn’t say we doubt where we’re concerned that they may push out what in person interviews to perhaps March, which will be really tough if to try and get everybody in and in a month. So that’s kind of where we are. Okay. Yes, greetings.

How many people come in person

to do income taxes?

Mm hmm.

Do we know?

Oh, my gosh, almost 200 in past years. And so for some folks, they don’t have the computer link. And many of them have hearing difficulties and different reasons, they really need that in person. So we have offered to get face shields for the volunteers. We were trying to support that in different ways. So they meet in person, you can read lips. The other? Yeah, go ahead.

Well, face shields really don’t do anything. However, I just read yesterday, that, um, they’re all masks that are clear that were invented by a woman who was deaf. And they are medical grade.

And we’re

interesting, because some of them are in medical grade. But these actually she has medical grade and non medical grade.

If you have information you can send to me, that would be great. Yeah, great. Um, we also have the plexi glass we’re using. So I know yesterday, we had a meeting with a family, a couple people and our resource staff. Everybody had masks, some people had face shields, plus we had the plexiglass in between. So, you know, folks, you’re trying to do what they can do to minimize or reduce that risk. And we’re also really ramping up our technology program. We’re going to be buying Chromebooks. We have a list of four people so far, who responded to the last newsletter, folks who would be interested in getting technology and we’re looking at Chromebooks. And we would provide those to individuals that would not be shared they would they there’ll be an application they would get that and we’re also looking at making Wi Fi available in some of the very low income Longmont Housing Authority buildings. So kudos to the city of Longmont for that, that effort. So we’re trying to work the technology and go and still allow for those in person needs as as they arise. So it’s kind of where we are. Aren’t you had a question? You’re moving You did? Yes.

At what point do we start? Can people start making appointments, if you will, for that is that right after the first year.

So Larry, Larry is working with the AARP tax people right now and there’ll be a write up in the winter go. Usually we start making appointments about the third week of January. We don’t know if we’re making appointments for telephone appointments or what we’re doing. And if it ends up going that route, then we will definitely make space in the building for the income tax volunteers to come here and use our phones to make those calls. So we’re still trying to figure out what those details are going to be. Thank you. Yep. I think that’s it for me, Janine. Hey,



yeah, there was no city council meeting last night. Thankfully. We have the forethought to pick election night is one of the nights that didn’t need to have a city council meeting.


outcomes of both the local and the state ballot measures I’d like to point out we’re by and large, very favorable to the city. So the to the to the to city ballot questions both passed. And I’m, I’m still not sure about some of some of the ballot measures at a state level, but it’s it’s looking pretty good. So you know, other than that, I don’t really have much news. Is anybody have any questions?

No questions.

Sarah, do you have any?

Yes, Jimmy. Your sound is garble design getting it I have no report for the area aging council because we are not meeting in November. So there’s nothing that I have new since the last report.

Okay, is that any better at all?

Much better.

All right. Now I’m going to put the video on hopefully, things will stay. Sarah I’m sorry. Please continue.

I’m my report is that I have no report because November is a month when AC does not meet.

Okay. Susan, anything on friends.

We did meet. They’re trying to finalize transfer of funds between the old bank in our new bank. finances are healthy so they’re able to support Senior Services. The focus was on putting out a donation letter, the pandemic 2020 versions so that should be arriving to people shortly for the annual campaign. And the big item is all the vacancies that They will have to fill on their board, and how challenging it is when we don’t see each other in the senior center to recruit people, when everybody’s been charged with contacting friends who may be interested in filling the board positions. Your audio is well, okay, it’s there.

I don’t know what to do at this point. Um, does anyone have any other comment or question at all?

I just want to remind everybody, the deadline for applications is five o’clock Friday. I just checked my email, I haven’t received anything, but I will send an email update out to you all when I, when I get that information. So you kind of know where we are. In terms of board applicants. I will tell you that. As always, we do some special outreach, and we have reached out to some of our Latino community members, Veronica and I and so we we have contacted three folks specifically and hoping one of them at least says yes, and we’re doing some other you know, individual one on one invitations. So hopefully, we we can keep that moving forward.

I do have two people that I’m going to do door knocking on today.

Thank you.

Okay, um,

Michelle, do

you have anything to report for TRG?

I have nothing to report for TRG.

And art, anything on the Boulder County Latino coalition.

The only thing that I have to report on that as Pete Salas did send out a text to all the people that he is that he writes to or text to and informed him about the physician physicians also so I have to report on it.

Okay, a Longmont Economic Development Partnership. I have nothing to report I will be sending them another email reminding them that I am interested, please, in attending your quarterly meetings. I know they are going through some administrative transition. I don’t know if that’s their reasoning, but I will be contacting them again reminding them that we aren’t receiving notification of their zoom meetings and that I would like to be involved in those. JACK, do you have anything to report on sustainability?

Sure. Can you hear me?


Okay. The sustainability meeting took place on the 28th of October at 515. It was zoomed. They mentioned that some folks really aren’t aware but the Platte River Power Authority is the source for electricity for the city of Longmont. There was a guest speaker from Platte River Power Authority, a tryst a few gay. She talked about the resources plan for the new generating plan. They talked about a five year action plan. The goal by 2030 is to have no carbon used at the facilities that produce electricity. They talked about a problem with battery storage for wind and other energy. I asked if they had reached out to the German government, which I know has had pretty much excellent success and storing their power especially from power from Solar energy, they’ve done a good job better than we have and increasing their battery capacities. The city of Longmont the council is going to be meeting on the 17th of November to talk about climate action. They talked about recycling to decreased co2 in our atmosphere. They talked about trash programs, composting, and dumpster use for debris. And there were some talk about how are they going to use the we do have a tax sustainability tax and our taxes here in the city of Longmont and for Boulder County, and how that tax revenues was supposed to be used for staff and other things. Now, they did not send out a minutes for that particular meeting, but it’s forthcoming. So I should have it by next meeting, and I’ll be happy to distribute to the group. That’s about it.

I think the census is complete. Is there anything? In addition to that, Sarah, that you’ve heard?

No, no addition? Okay.

closing statements. Julie, you are invited to be heard or question?


None. Okay, jack?

Yeah. May I say something about COVID? There is two things that I’ve read recently from the CDC and mayo and john hopkins, that might be helpful to the group. Do you mind if I mention it?

Oh, please.

Okay, what they were saying is, some of the reservoirs for the covid virus is in our nasal passages in our sinuses, and also in our oral cavity. So what I’ve been using is something called a neti pot. And I use this rinse.

It’s a

sailing rinse. And I also mixed it with eight ounces of water, preferably distilled water. And also put in about a half a teaspoon of better dine. You could put it in the microwave, but no more than about 20 seconds and let it cool down, mix it up again and put it in each nostril. And that’s been very effective against the coronavirus and your sinuses. And you could also use one of these it comes in a package, you could use that and each nostril for amateurs and for each nostril. The other thing they found out that is closer to my heart is you could use oral rinses that have alcohol in them only, not the ones that are non alcohol. And that seems to be able to kill some of the COVID-19 viruses as well. And the I won’t say bad thing, but you know, COVID is going to be with us for a while unfortunately. And the more we can do keep the reservoir of viruses within our bodies, the safer we’ll be, although the alcohol and the orense does seem to slightly affect the enzyme processes when we digest our food. But I’d rather be safer from the COVID thing worrying about my digestive processes. So anyway, I just hope that’s helpful. And I use it personally. So I put it up to you folks to use it for yourselves or neighbors or friends. And I think it is helpful. Thank you.

Thank you jack. I also use the Neal med system. I’m a plastic bottle fan myself. Good. But it is good stuff. I never thought you could put the beta died in it though. That’s new for me. No,

I unfortunately fortunately I had a recent EMT meeting with a physician and he suggested that and I looked it up and it seems to be a good product to use. It’s been used for years. I remember when I was in the service. They used to use it as debridement from for warmups and it’s been found to be safe to use for the nasal sinuses and I’m using it.

Yeah, that’s amazing. I knew it is a topical.


Great stuff. So we all learn something.

Thank you, jack. Um, if anybody has been to the dentist, um, during this time, and I’ve been, I think two or three times on, what they have you do is they have you wind your mouth for 20 seconds with hydrogen peroxide. And the first time I had to do it, I asked, I said, Why am I doing this? And they said, it kills it’s for their protection. So I have COVID-19 in my, you know, in my all current cavity, which is one of the ways you can get it, it’ll wipe it out. So that’s another thing that the dentists are using it. So they have you know, ama has really the ADA has really tested it.

Well, that’s why some of the toothpastes have peroxide in it as well. And that’s been an old thing for ages. So you can alternate and use both.

Right? You got to protect yourself and anything that one could use, I think is important. In the peroxide is another good one.

That’s good for wound still battling. Yeah. Oh, you’re welcome.

So I’m sure most of you are aware of the fact that the University of Colorado is doing a vaccine study. Actually, in Loveland, you have to drive to love one, I am currently a part of that study. And if anybody is interested in participating in it’s pretty intense, it does involve two years. Although you can stop at any particular point in time you feel a need to do that. I do have a website. And if anyone is interested, just let me know. And I will be happy to share that website with you. And as I said, it is the Oxford vaccine that is currently being studied. Instead,

I’ve got something important if people are allergic to iodine, better dynamism, and thingies.

Um, are there any other closing statements or any other things that we need to address on our agenda this morning?

Yes, I have a question. I’m going to shell, I know that the deadline for the senior board is Friday. For the friends board is at the same time also

know if someone was interested in the friends board. If they could get a hold of me. In the next two or three weeks, that would be ideal. And then on November 24, the friends will be talking about names of interested persons. And then through the month of December, we’ll be following back up with folks.

Thank you.

You bet. Thank you.

I should clarify, since some people talked about other boards that they might be interested in, that the Friday deadline is for all the boards that have to be interviewed and approved by the City Council.

Thank you, Marcia. I should have said something about broader than the senior center.

So I assume that those interviews are going to take place by assumes that correct? Yes. Yes. Yes.

One more thing about COVID-19. Colorado has an app called SEO notification exposure. You could download it either in your apple or your Android. It’s in the place in the Google Play Store. And what it does is that it informs you whether you’ve been in contact with someone who’s positive. Yeah.

Okay. Well, I thank you all very much for your participation this morning. Please stay well. And can I hear a motion? for the meeting to be adjourn?

I so move.

I second.

That was jack and shell

was jack and Susan.

Oh Susan. I’m sorry, Susan.

All right. All right. Take care.

Thank you. Bye

Bye, everyone.

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