Longmont City Council Regular Session September 22nd, 2020


Good begin.

All right. I would like to go ahead and call the city council meeting. It’s a regular session in order to start the roll call please.

Absolutely. Mayor Bagley Derby. See you’re here. Councilmember Christiansen here. Councilmember Duggal fairing, here. Councilmember Martin. Here. Councilmember Peck. Here. Councilmember Rodriguez here. Councilmember waters. Your mayor. You’ve got a quorum.

Right? Great. I’m Harold member that data that week, if not three weeks ago, where you didn’t say the pledge and you decided to go on mute. Would you please lead us pledge to me?

I was not on mute last time.

I know. But I remember that. Remember, I had to lead it off course.

I pledge allegiance to the

flag Flag of the United States


America there and to

which it stands. One nation

under God,


justice for all.

All right, good job, girl. Thanks. All right. Quick reminder, the public, if you want to call in call in when you see the sign on your screen, just follow the instructions, that one right there. So dial the number and then just wait for him to call your your the last three numbers of your phone number. And you’ll be limited to three minutes and I’ll have to cut you off. Unfortunately, if you go longer than that. And that’s pretty much it. We’ll get there shortly. All right. Can we have a motion to approve the September 8 2020. regular session minutes, please.

So moved. Second.

All right. It’s been moved, I think by Councilmember offering was taken by Dr. Waters. Let’s have a vote. But there’s no changes discussion or input. All right on favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, the motion to approve the September 8 2020 minutes passes unanimously. All right agenda revisions and submission of documents and we’re motions to direct the city manager to add agenda items for future agendas. You don’t have anything at this time. Sweet minor miracle. All right. update on COVID-19. Herald we still live.

Y’all meet Harold. Know

Harold now. Now Harold? No, go ahead. I’m sorry. Having computer Okay, there we go.

Yes, Mayor Council, I do actually have a couple of things to go over regarding them. COVID. And I actually have a few things to go over tonight. I’m going to start off with


There we go. Let’s start off with the the dial that the the state has put up some share my screen on this one at first. And then from there, we’ll go to information that the county has provided us. So if you look at the dial, I’ll click on Boulder County. And then it’ll it’ll bring up where we are. A couple of things that I want to point out on this is so if you see it in terms of the two week cumulative increase in cases, you can see that we’ve all we’ve gone into the pink category, which is equivalent to this one. But if you look at the average positivity and declining or stable stable hospitalizations in Boulder County, you can see that we’re actually in the green category here. And so those are two important things. To to keep in mind as we’re going over the data. They look at a number of components when they talk about where you fit on the dial, it’s really not just the number of cases that you haven’t played. That is also very important in working. Talking to Jeff Zack today we’ve had a number of questions regarding what’s happening with the University of Colorado. And what that means for Longmont Council has also talked about questions about what does that mean in terms of where we’re moving in terms of safer at home and so, Jeff and I had a chance to talk to Today, he would love to have been here today. But he hasn’t he’s not able to. Based on conversations that they’re having regarding this very topic, I want to make sure that you all can see the slideshow that says School District COVID-19 indicator framework. Jeff provided me with this slideshow and we went over a couple of things that I’m going to speak to. And then I’m going to transition into their website, to go over the data and also show the community where they can go to get some of these graphs. The first graph that I want to talk about, and you’re going to see this twice tonight is they have actually been collecting the data in terms of what’s happening within Boulder County as it relates to the cu students and staff versus all other cases within Boulder County. In talking to Jeff, one of the things that when you see the dark blue, which is all of their cases, you see 2820 1823, when you really look at the life of COVID-19 in Boulder County, that is still within the range that they’re comfortable with. And consistent in terms of what we’ve seen over time in this. What isn’t consistent is obviously the increase cases that we’ve seen within the student population, the student and staff population at the University of Colorado, one of the things that he did want me to talk about is really when you look at what’s occurring in the numbers, they’re treating this actually as an outbreak. And the reason they’re treating it as an outbreak is that it’s a geographically a very narrow area. And when they see it, they’re seeing it at the University on the hill. And most importantly, what they’re what they’re seeing when they look at the data is that they’re not seeing the number of cases from the student population spreading into the general population of Boulder County. And that’s a critical point to remember when, when we’re talking about their their data and what they’re trying to do. If you look at this graph, this is really showing us something that’s really important, really important, as I was discussing it with Jeff. So when you look at the 30 plus category, relatively flat, in terms of what we’ve been seeing 23 to 29, you can see the blue line and it’s remaining relatively stable, zero to nine and 10 to 17, you’re seeing a similar move in terms of what’s been happening recently, you’re looking at 18, and 19, to 19 and 18, to 22. And you’re seeing those very steep curves that we talked about before, in terms of where those cases are growing. And so that that obviously is again, you know, pointing to what they’re they’re dealing with at the university.

This slide, it has broken it down into people who are associated with cu and people who are not associated with cu. So if you look at the 18 to 19, not associated with cu and 18 to 22, not associated with cu, again, their their curve is pretty flat, there is a slight increase, but not in terms of what we’re seeing in the data. When you look at those associated with cu, you’re seeing that same steep curve that we saw on the previous slide. So once again, as you’re as they’re working through the data, and really understanding what the impact is, what the potential impact is to the county, or not seeing that community spread, if it’s not associated with the university. Um, this slide you will see again, and this is really the positivity rate that you can see, you can see at this point where we’re at 1.7. Right now, I think we’re at a previous version, we’re at 4.1. It may be a little bit higher, as the slides updated. But again, we’re watching that as it moves through it. What’s important to see when we’re looking at what’s happening in Boulder County, if you remember me talking about they look at the number of cases, but they also look at the number of hospitalizations. All of these variables come in to determine where we are Boulder County we’re at a 62.5% hospitalization rate. The state average is 100 or 129.3. And the national is at 107 70.4. So we’re really in good shape when it comes to hospitalizations. A lot of times I also get the question, how many people do we have hospitalized in Longmont right now with COVID. Based on what I heard this morning from Dan Eamon, we had zero patients in our local hospitals with COVID. So again, that’s all information that we have to take into account. This graph really shows the hospitalizations starting in April In where we are today. So again, you saw a peak in August went down relatively level. And so that’s continuing to move in a positive way. And then also, it’s really important that Jeff and I talked about when we look at what’s happening within the university, and what that really means to our community, in this is really goes out to the residents of our community in terms of the effort that they’re doing in terms of wearing masks. If you look at Longmont, they surveyed eight locations, 522 individuals and 98% of the people were observed wearing masks, if you can see, we’re only second to Erie, and we’re a much larger community. So all of that comes into play as they’re evaluating where we are, and in terms of safer at home. And as we’re moving through the process, I’m going to stop sharing this screen, then I’m going to get out of this one. And I’m going to open up the website to once again just show you all what’s happening on the website in terms of the data. So we have 3963 positive cases, you can see the increase in the cases that were associated with the university. Once again, you’re seeing this slide that really represents that information. And then when we get into the testing, let’s what I really wanted to cover with this is again, you see that 4.1%. And where that really starts moving through is on this chart. So one of the questions that I had today was what we’re seeing a lot of cases we are. But what you really have to watch is also the positivity rate. Because if you look here, when you see the positive cases, on the last couple of days, and the data on Jeff slides was from yesterday, this data has been updated. But you can see in the date, this is from

17th or 18th, somewhere in that range. When you see that growth in cases, what’s also important is they almost conducted 1200 tests. So when you conduct 1200 tests, you’re obviously going to see more cases. But in terms of the positivity rate, we’re still below 5%. So that’s an important piece, as folks ask questions of the positivity rate is, as is probably more important to watch than just the number of cases. And I know we talked about 500 being the magic number in terms of tests that you wanted that they wanted to perform, you can obviously see that we exceeded 600 tests per day, on a number of occasions, when you’re starting to look in this world. They opened up two locations in Boulder, one was on the hill, and that’s a walk up testing location. And talking to Jeff, Jeff is working both with the governor’s office and cdphp as they’re having this conversation. They wanted a testing location close to the student population where they could walk up and get tested. And the other one, the other testing location, I first got the name of that location that Ezio Tazio field. So that’s the other one where they can where they can go and get tested. So they’re really putting a concerted effort to test the student population, so they can see what’s happening. When we when we look at transmission source, you’re on it to go in the numbers a little bit. So you can see here again, what we’re seeing within the community. This chart hasn’t been updated. Again, you saw the increase in the five day average. But this is where you’re seeing it again. 852 in Longmont 1930 in Boulder, and then when you look at it based on where they base it on 100,000 population so you can see how we’re doing. You know, once again, we’re pretty close again had a question about how are we compared to Lewisville and Lafayette you know, we’re still in in that range with those other communities. So as we continue to move through one of the things that we’re also seeing you remember this was getting higher. We’re now at 31.2% in the Latin x population. Again, that doesn’t surprise me when you look at the student population generating the majority of cases. And in terms of long term care, you can see some occasional hits but for the most part it really doesn’t look Like it did at the beginning. And that’s really good, because that’s what tends to stress the medical system out. The hospital status on this webpage, is something happened. But earlier, everything was in yellow. And when you look at med surge beds, you know, it had been in the red. Earlier, it was in the yellow at this point, which really makes sense when you when you hear how many people were hospitalized, that we didn’t have any in Longmont, and you can definitely see that improving. So as we talk about this again, I want to reiterate reiterate a couple of points. Um, I know I’ve had questions about Am I hearing about any change in our status at safer at home? What I can say is, I’m not hearing about that, that’s related to the fact that they are treating this as a very specific and focused outbreak that’s occurring within a narrow geographic area within a narrow population ban. They are not seen at this point. And everything I’m saying is preference with as of today and at this point, but they are not seeing the spread of cases really, outside of that environment. And again, Jeff wanted me to reiterate that he wished he could be here today, but he is working with the university and the state and others in terms of evaluating the situation. Are there any questions regarding the data that I can answer?

counselor with all the fairing?

I was gonna let council member pet go first. But, you know, I had a question around the reporting. So when people report so a couple of questions, actually, one was around when people see, you know, we saw that percentage of mass usage on this, there was a slide I don’t think you shared it tonight. But I’ve seen it before we’re in the parks are outside, you see lower compliance or lower, where people utilizing masks? And I think there’s kind of a misunderstanding that we had a conversation around this as well, around people, you know, what happens? What constitute a person to have to wear a mask in a public open space? As opposed to not? Does that make sense?

Yeah. So there’s actually there’s actually two masking orders that’s in play. One is the governor’s order on masking, which says that if you’re inside, you have to wear a mask at all times. The governor’s order doesn’t really relate, doesn’t touch on masking outside, outside. So in that case, we have the Boulder County masking order in play, which states that if you are unable to socially distance from others, six feet, then you need to wear a mask. But the example that I gave you is that if I’m out with my son, because we’re in the same household, we can be within six feet, because we’re in that in that household. You’ll also hear pods or quarantine buddies that are in play and things like that. So that’s a different situation. So there are different regulations related to masking. The other thing that comes into play is, you know, a question I often get is, so if one of my kids were playing, if they were playing softball, do I have to wear a mask? Well, if I’m sitting with my family, I don’t have to wear a mask, because we’re getting in that cohort, as long as I’m six feet away from another family or another cohort that’s in that process. And so that’s a lot of times the differences that you see in this, I think the thing that we also have to be really cautious of, is really understanding the broader definition of family in many cases. You’ve heard us talk about this throughout COVID, that early on, we were seeing a number of cases in multi generational households. So households also look different. And the example I would give you, it could be a possibility that let’s say if my mom and Aunt lived here, and on the surface, it wouldn’t look like we’re from the same household. But the reality is that we are and so that’s something else that we have to keep in mind.

And then the next question I had was around when people are reporting instances where there’s non compliancy, I guess, just kind of walk us through the process. What does that look like? comments that I’ve heard from constituent colleagues, is that they felt like there was no follow up. And I’m wondering, I’m wondering if some of it has to do with me. Maybe if people aren’t, are filing a complaint anonymously, you can’t, you know, they will be able to find that person to follow up with them. But I was just wondering what what the process is.

So so I’ll speak to the process. In terms of the follow up, I think you are correct in that depends on how that complaint comes in. Whether someone wants to wishes to remain anonymous, but generally what happens, those complaints go into Boulder County Health. Now I can say, We’ve even had calls on things that we have within our system. And so they called us and they said, here’s a complaint, here’s what we’re looking at. And we have to respond, we have to tell them what the situation was with. And so they dive into it to see what was going on. And then they monitor it, I was actually one of the locations with one of our golf courses. And I was actually out there when they were doing a follow up call. So I know, as a manager of a facility, we’ve received those calls. And again, that’s one of those interesting dilemmas, because the golf course has to operate in one person per cart unless you’re in the same household. And so a lot of times are that family structure, a lot of times it can look like they shouldn’t be, but they are. And so we do ask people, if what category they fall into as we’re moving through that. On the other side of it, we know that they do. You all were made aware of the situation with magic fairy candles, and I see Jean getting ready to jump on. They notified us about they received a complaint, they began interacting with that business. And they eventually had to take legal action to deal with that. So I know that they’re also having those conversations with the private businesses in our community. The one thing that I can’t speak to is whether or not people leave their information. I think the other thing people I think we all need to be cognizant of this is when you look at this and you look at the number of people that it takes to do the contact tracing the number of people that it takes to process these claims. You know, they’re constantly coming in. So I don’t know what their availability is to even respond back to the group. But that’s probably question that I can push that to Jeff, and see what their processes are.

Because we’re back.

Thank you, Mayor Bagley. I have two questions for you, Harold. One of them is similar to what Councilwoman Hidalgo firing was saying and I was just curious if you have had any complaints about literally eggs and soccer players who are are they wearing masks on benches when they’re in the dugouts? And and I’ve had some questions about that from residents. So I was wondering if those are some of the types of complaints that you’re getting as well.

Um, I have not had any of those come to my attention. I will tell you when the league’s have their operational plans. They the league’s and Jeff’s on tonight for another item but the league’s have to get there. They work with Boulder County Health Department in terms of getting their plans approved. Okay. What I can tell you the only thing that I have heard with regard to us sports and plane is actually the opposite side of it. It’s been from the players where they have gone to other counties and have participated in sports and they have not been required to wear a mask. But they are required to required to wear a mask here in Boulder County. In the questions I’ve received have actually been regarding that, why? Why do they have to wear them here when they don’t have to wear them when they’re playing in county x or city x. But again, I do know that they’re following up on that. So I would encourage if someone has concerns they need to let them know. I can say that. We have had situations with leagues that haven’t necessarily operated appropriately and other communities. And so when they come here that is in our mind in terms of how we move forward with with those situations. So we’re being mindful of it. And we are working collectively as municipalities in terms of what our experiences with various groups.

Okay, thank you. My second question is we got an update from Governor policies conference this afternoon about the American Indian population being over overly being more infected or I didn’t see on your charts that we had any kind of measurement for the American Indian I just see the category, but I didn’t see a measurement. So could you kind of let us know what you know about the state population of American Indians? Are they being overly affected?

Um, so the native populations are being disproportionately affected by the virus, and the state is working with those organizations to address it. Um, so they’re really working in that arena cdphp with with the with the various organizations, I think where they’re seeing it, maybe on more on you know, we saw this in Arizona early on in northern Northwest New Mexico, in the reservation setting. I know they were seeing it. So I think I can’t speak to that in detail. But based on what I was briefed on earlier today, I think that’s where they’re really focusing because that’s where they’re seeing the growth, but

we don’t have anything measurable in our county for American Indians.

No, it’s like point 3% and trying to see COVID cases is

it’s less than a percent in Boulder County.

Perfect. Okay. Thank you for that.

Okay, the next thing I would like to go over with you, I’m gonna introduce Peter Givens. This is what I talked to you all about last week, and that we were putting together and trying to take guns in terms of cares funding and CDBG CB funding. We’re going to go over that with you all today. When in then, when we get to the end of the presentation. We’re gonna open it up for questions. But we’re at the point now where we need to move with some pace because of spending deadlines and some of it. So Susan, if you will go ahead and start bringing Peters presentation up. You will. Peter will start it. You will see me jump in on a couple of points within the presentation. Peter.

All right. Thanks. Hello. Can everyone hear me?

Yep. Okay. Thanks, Harold. Good evening, Mayor and members of council. I’m Peter Gibbons on the Recovery Manager and emergency management coordinator for the city. The purpose of my presentation tonight is to brief you on our recovery funding budget from two funding sources. The record the coronavirus Relief Fund, or cbrf for short, and HUDs, CDBG and CDBG CV funding, all of which were provided by the cares act. I will cover amounts available some of the rules for spending and how we aim to spend this fun toward our recovery needs in our community. Next slide please.

And next slide, please.

cbrf is funding provided to the states from the cares act. In our case, the Department of local affairs, or Dola is the primary administrator. Boulder County is our local primary recipient and Longmont is a sub recipient for this funding. Next slide, please. So Longmont received two allocations of cbrf, totaling $4.3 million. This was determined on a per capita basis and Boulder County provided one allocation and weld county provided the under the other allocation due to Longmont residents living within the weld county jurisdiction.

Next slide please.

The coronavirus Relief Fund rules are flexible but require careful navigation to ensure long term funding retention. Through the eventual audit by the Office of Inspector General or ID. There are three primary rules for spending in a web of eligibility language that we are navigating to spend this funding completely and safely. Next slide please. So the three primary rules include all expenses being necessary and directly due to the covid 19 pandemic they could not have been budgeted for in the adopted 2020 budget and all expenses must have been incurred between March 1 and December 30 of this year.

Next slide please.

cbrs additional rules for spending include costs incurred to comply with public health orders supporting vulnerable populations provision of economic support to local businesses and the activities related to protection of public health. In public facilities, some payroll expenses related to response and recovery are eligible and other activities that support the functioning of local governments through this event. Next slide please. Unfortunately, the Coronavirus Relief Fund cannot be used to fund cannot be used to fund revenue shortfalls or replacements for local governments. As in we cannot use it to fill a budget caps in bulk.

Next slide please.

As this Coming to see and disaster recoveries we’ve established four primary categories to serve in the recovery from this event. The first is individual assistance or I A, as I will show in future slides, business assistance, partner assistance and the city organization recovery in this framework is just a simple diagram of that information. Next slide, please. So moving into the Coronavirus fund recovery spending plan section, we’re applying a basic theory of spending to expand this fund safely and completely. We aim to spend to apply the funding to clearly eligible activities, so we ensure the funding stays in Longmont. Additionally, we aim to provide as much of it as possible to support the community. As we balanced the spending budget across all recovery categories. We aim to remove barriers to access and create adaptations whenever possible. And we aim to spend all funding by the deadline, which is the end of this year. Next slide. Looking at a mid level view of recovery spending, the table shown includes actual amounts already spent on response and recovery activities. items we know exists in the organization and community. an unmet needs across all recovery categories. In breaking the list of expenses and needs and categories, Harold and I noticed that the split across recovery categories happen to land very evenly across all. Next slide.

So if we can back up real quick, Peter,

couple of things, you obviously see telework in this, that’s a big piece, I want to do want to go over the numbers. So you can see that we put 170,000, there are costs associated with the event, digital divide, I think what’s important is the 1.1 million for the business assistance grant, I do want to point out the restaurant voucher program. So there’s 20,000, there tend to to refund what council use for the first program but another 10,000 to create another round in the restaurant voucher program, the LDD, a bigger heart stronger streets initiative, that’s really the work that we did downtown and the cost associated with that we did talk about last week childcare being an important component of that. And we have 705,000, the utility billing assistance. So that’s really what we know in terms of what people need at this point in terms of managing their utility bills. And then you can see housing services support 126,000. And then 254,000, moving into our Health and Human Service Agency funding, help support those organizations. What I want to say is, this is just the CV RFPs. We also have another piece coming in that I will talk about. So what we were trying to do is balance both funding sources to have as wide an impact as we could have in our community, and really hit all of those needs. And we were really going at what are the rules and what we can spend? What are the needs. And what was interesting is when you see the next slide. So when you approach it for rules and needs, this is where we ended up. And so we were actually pretty close from a percentage basis across all four of the categories are the top three, you can obviously see the partner assistance is or sorry, going, Peter?

Oh, no, you’re good. So I think what that leads us to is basically just to summarize, we’re, you know, we put these categories together so that we can make sure that we were bolstering each of those recovery categories throughout our community. I think I’m ready for the next slide.

There you go.

This is this is my slide now. So as you will remember, we came in on the front end of this and we repeat, we repurpose CDBG funds, we then have the CB funding come into the organization and then we had a another round of CV funding hit us. And so as Peter was working on the cares piece, we were then trying to understand what we needed to do with the CV funding. Now one of the key components of the CV funding is that you actually have more time to spend it than you do on the cares funding. So we’re going to have to balance that piece out. But when you look at the CDBG world, they do give you 20% administration cost that is because the requirements associated with this program. There are a lot of requirements in the cares funding program but the requirements associated with the CDBG piece there, they’re more stringent and so it takes more work to get that done. We have then also put in Out of that CDBG funding 657,000 or individual housing assistance, and so that individual housing assistance is actually rent assistance mortgage assistance. We also then have to look at the 400,000 that we have for utility assistance in play. So I know we talked about some other items regarding rent and mortgages. We weren’t really sure what we could how we could pull these fundings, but we actually have a funding source that is dedicated for that within our community. You’ll see a common the Coronavirus Recovery Center, that’s a common component with between this and the corresponding think we had 30,000 cares 70,000 in this level, there is a chance based on some other funding that this may free up. And so we’ll have to figure that out as well. And then you also see the Aspen Meadow rehab relocation piece. So that is obviously a housing authority project. But one of the things that happen based on the timing of that rehab project is because of covid, there were more restrictions in play in terms of how we had to go in and actually move through the construction process. And those restrictions accounted for and then an additional hundred and $50,000 in cost for that project. So we’re also recommending that out of the CDBG CV funding, it goes to it goes to supplement the rehab of Aspen meadows. In total, we’re bringing in 1,096,000 in this area.

Next slide. Sorry, Peter.

So when you combine the or when you look at the CDBG CB allocation, you can see 60% of that funding is going into individual assistance 20% and the partner that’s actually with the Housing Authority, and then 20% going into the city organization, and that’s the administrative costs associated under hood rules. Excellent. I think this one’s your sphere.

Yep, that can be mine. So when we combine these funding sources, and across and soar across the different funding, recovery categories, you can see similar distributions of funding across each of the categories of recovery. So it retained that integrity of how we distributed the funding across each each of those across each of those funds. Next slide, please. So the next steps in our recovery include continuing to evaluate unmet needs in the community in the organization and to ensure eligibility by following all funding guidelines. Since these funding sources are tied directly to the covid 19 pandemic, all recovery expenses need to also be tied to the pandemic response and recovery. We will prepare documentation for the eventual Office of Inspector General audit. And we will continue working with the city’s partners on business and individual assistance options. Finally, we will continue seeking funding options for the 2021 year and our long term recovery goals. Next slide, please, please. And I believe that concludes our presentation. My name is Peter Gibbons, please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for the opportunity to present tonight.

Thanks, Peter.

Yes, tough waters.

Like do we get to ask questions now? Or we would you would? Peter? Harold prefer we follow up?

I’m good.

I’m gonna go ask the question now.

So I get this has to be spent by the end of the year, I also sell the $705,000 for childcare. Gimme, gimme what share with us, would you what you how you thought that money would be best spent by the end of the year? And by the way, I’m curious, are any of our childcare providers aware of the fact that there’s going to be $705,000 available?

So there were there were conversations trying to establish what so we did a survey to understand what the needs were within the childcare providers. And we were moving through it. So so we were basing our decision on that on different data sources. I think there’s there’s two things that we’re looking at first and foremost is a scholarship fund for families who need child care who can’t afford to pay child care where they would come into our system. That is a very clear use of the funds under under the process and Peter ranked it five to one and that’s like four or five. I think the other component will be to balanced that versus what we need within the the the childcare centers we’ve obviously been providing them support as we’re moving through The process. So first and foremost scholarships and then the next level is earned are there needs that we can fold into this amount.

So families could basically bank time for a child in a childcare center by receiving a stipend or a grant grant that they could then move over to the to the center would that would be one approach. Correct. And ideally, the

way we would want to do that, and this is going to be a little bit different in two categories. So in terms of childcare, because of the rules, and because of the clawback provisions that are associated with, with all of these rules, we’re going to be very, we’re going to be managing these programs, because the clawback comes to us. So we’re working on this is why we wanted to have this conversation today. So we can finish up that process. So we can immediately get the funds out on the street. Something that’s a little bit different when you look at business assistance grants, because of the restrictions on the funds and again, clawback versus us going to another organization, we’re going to manage that as our organization because of we need to have Peter lockstep with that program that really working through what we do.

That makes sense, I just need I know, there’s gonna be a keen interest on the part of lots of people on being able to make the highest and best use of that amount of money between now and the end of the year, to provide as much as we can



Some of which I assume, might include helping to cover expenses, where providers are up against it in terms of being able to maintain space, acquire PvE, the kinds of kinds of materials that they had not otherwise budgeted for this year, and are going to be pushed to budget for it in 2021. With those those examples of things that they might be thinking about,

could be and I know we’ve put some money into PP for childcare already. And so it would be that the other thing that’s in play that we also need to touch on because of the deadline, if we see things that are all of a sudden falling into an ineligible criteria, or they can’t be spend, they can’t be spent, then we’re gonna have to sweep them into categories that can be spent very quickly. And this may be one of those categories or Health and Human Service funding may be one of those categories in terms of the sweeping process.

Yeah, well, I hope you get a bunch of questions after tonight, from our childcare providers and in parents desperately need this kind of support for a seriously underfunded enterprise. That’s fundamental to our economic recovery. So good on you for making that a high priority. I’m glad you were listening to the lots of input. So thanks,

Councillor O’Meara,

near Bagley, um, it wasn’t clear to me whether the distribution plans for these funds and as Dr. Waters has been saying, especially the childcare, whether the distribution plans are all mostly in place, and some new distribution plans have to be made, or whether this is money that doesn’t have an avenue out of the city’s funds yet.

So they’ve been working and looking at what that distribution plan will look like. We’ve had to work within the rules to understand what it what it can be used for and how we can use it. We wanted to take the numbers and the recommendations were making the council tonight of Council says we like where you’re going, then we will begin that implementation process. So there’s some fine tuning they have they have to work more on it to get those funds out on the street.

And is this what we have to go on that you’ve just finished presenting? Or is there going to be subsequent information later tonight that that breaks down some of these funds? A little farther in terms of what goes where

I’m This is the presentation based on what we have today. If you have specific questions about where they go, I can we can pull that, that presentation up and go into it. So in terms of the city funds, what you’re going to see there as telework, you’re going to see pandemic response funds. So related to where we had people that we had to send home and weren’t working, but we were paying. I’m trying to think what else we had our direct expenses associated with Lexie glass PP, those types of things that’s in the cities that’s in the city component. I don’t know if there’s a specific question I can answer what we can bring back to you all.

I was thinking more in terms of the childcare and also utilities are a little assistance.

So the utility plan is in place. So we are working with our center. And we have a plan in place that as that is being implemented as we speak, because the our center received $100,000, from the state for utility assistance. And so our plan would be on utility assistance to just piggyback on that program, and continue working our residents through that program. On the childcare piece, that’s going to take some more work, and we can update Council in terms of where we are.

So in the utility assistance, that means that they’ve already got a distribution path, yes, which is funnel more money into it, and it goes out their path. Correct. And

then on the rental assistance mortgage assistance path, we have that built within our system in terms of how we work with people in that world, in, in Kathy fendler and Karen’s world in terms of CDBG program, so so that’s a no and things that are we’re still working on. embedded in the cities cost is our digital divide program. And there’s some nuances we have to pull together on that piece. And then the childcare piece, obviously is going to take a little bit more work. We didn’t want to get too far down the road and get a different direction. On the business assistance side, council directed business assistance dogs installers out of the CDBG fund early on in that process. And so Molly O’Donnell and Aaron Wozniak had built something based on the CDBG funds, because we got the amount of money we did and cares, we’re just going to our adapter process because it had a lot more requirements in it. So we’re gonna reframe their worksheet, and then put that money out. So that process is further along in terms of development. Okay,

so I was called sister pack cost per pack, no idea where that one came from

neither. So thank you very badly, going back to the child care funding piece. I also want to thank you for all the work you’re doing on this, Harold and Karen and Kathy, but is that funding also available to licensed daycare homes, homes that are licensed to Boulder County? Or is this only for daycare centers.

So my thought is, is if somebody needed to go to daycare, with licensed daycare in that in that world, they would have to demonstrate why they need the funding, and then who they’re going to utilize. And then we would take that approach there. One of the challenge, actually, that we’re seeing in home daycare right now that we saw based on the survey and the conversations is that if we’re losing spots in one location, that’s kind of where we’re losing spots. Because Because of COVID, people aren’t necessarily wanting people in their homes. So that world is changing pretty quickly, in terms of what we like, but my idea is, if it’s a licensed provider, and a home or building, they let us know, and then, you know, we work with with that group, because the reason we want him to come to us and then we fund to the group is is so that we can ensure the chain of the money and that it’s paying for the spot so that we don’t get caught in a clawback provision. And that clawback provision is 15 years 15 year window, okay, with Li Jie. And so that’s why you’re seeing as being really careful in terms of the categories we’re identifying. The one thing I also need to add is on the CDBG portion, we’re going to have to come back with a program amendment to where we moved the funds that were designated for businesses, we move those into the housing rentals and mortgage assistance and utility assistance world because we have funding available and business assistance on the other side. So we’re going to have to come back with the program amendment. They did change the rules. So it’s a five day posting as we can move through that. Okay, we want to bring that so I presented this to you all.

Okay, that was the marketing piece that this funding will be available, also being marketed to Boulder County licensing, daycare licensing people.

We will work on that. Again, we want to work with the residents of our community because we’re we got four. So a piece in this other thing we need to work on is working for our residents, because every community in Boulder County received funding and so we’re actually going to be marketing to the community in this and that’s the other piece that we have to very quickly spin on and move on. They have been working on that as well. Okay, that makes sense. Thank you.

Let’s remember Christus

Thank you very badly. Um, Harold, I know that the city has been giving daycare providers, some of our masks and things like that. Which is wonderful because they have such a need for cleaning things. And it was good that we could help them out. Is that part of this funding? Or is that a separate thing?

Peter, I think part of this funding correct.

So the wonderful thing is that it can be part of this funding, we’re actually working with some other potential funding sources to port into that as well. So the the amount that’s written into this particular line for things like PPP and cleaning supplies, is really more of a backup plan. And to just guarantee that we that we will be able to provide those kinds of materials to daycare providers going forward.

Yeah, that’s wonderful that we can be so flexible, because I can’t imagine doing daycare or having to deal with a right now. Anyway, thank you for all you’re doing both of you.

And so in the in the, well, it’s a huge team. So I’ll pass that on to him. What I will point out and Peter touched on this, this is cares. And this is CV CVS and Kathy’s world cares is in this other world. And Peter’s also aggressively working other grant opportunities, and connecting people with different grant opportunities associated with COVID COVID. And you will see some of those moving through the system. And so he’s also supporting our organization, but then our partners through this process with coming up with these additional funding sources that he’s finding. At this point, I really want to his counsel. Okay, moving with this process, and the dollars we have allocated, and then we will keep you updated on the processes that we’re developing in our public information campaign.


All right. Let’s go ahead and move on to first call public invite got one more? No, no, no, no, we moved on. You didn’t say

no, no, no, no, this is a different item. Go ahead. One of the things in this actually is related. We wanted to give you all an update. I have Tyler stamen. Here. I know you all have been having a lot of questions regarding the pike road project in South, often Street. And so I’ve asked Tyler to come in and give you all a brief presentation. So you all we’ve sent you some information via email, we wanted to give it to you really quick because we know you all are having questions about what’s going on.

So just just know that that’s right down the street from me, the light is in there. There’s zero percent chance that lights come out. Let’s Let’s spend two minutes on this.

I’ll do my best Marin Council. Hi, there’s Damien transportation engineering administrator. Thank you for the opportunity to provide information on South coppermine tonight. Next slide, please. First and foremost, I want to touch on South Kaufman itself. It is a local street. It’s not a collector. There’s no plans and no discussion to change it from a local to a collector designation. The street is really determined by the City’s Comprehensive Plan which to make a change that requires an amendment and that council action to do so. It’s great classifications that we have we have locals collectors and a couple different versions of arterials. arterial classification is really a determination of function. What does it do access first mobility local streets really provide more access or pure arterioles are really focused more on providing mobility. So when we look at South Kauffman street in the south Moorpark neighborhood, it’s a built out neighborhood, it has access for each of the houses that’s built along the street. It doesn’t have a lot of connectivity. It has connectivity from bike up to Missouri Street and then down to plateau. And it appears to really be functioning as a local street as it was intended. Next slide, please. I pulled some historical data we had on this section of roadway. The old the oldest data I could find was from 1995. Back in 1995. We had about a little more than 450 cars a day on this section of roadway. We have some additional data points since 1995. Until now 2012 2018 2019, you’ll see that it’s relatively stayed the same. It hasn’t really grown hasn’t gone down stay the same, which is really indicative that it is really functioning as a local street. It’s not a collector, it’s not providing access to new destinations, despite growth that’s happened around it and to the south of it. It really hasn’t had much of an impact on South Kauffman street

Next slide.

Up here, why are we talking about this, the pike road project was really the impetus for change and why we’re doing this. Back in early 2019. We sent letters to each of the households in the highlighted areas, you’ll see several different colors. On the map here, those were just for identifying the neighborhoods. And each each household got a letter they got, they were invited to one of two open houses, we had quite a bit of turnout to those open houses. And we read quite a bit of feedback from what we initially proposed at that open house meeting. Based on that open house, when we went to the drawing board, we made a lot of changes to our proposed project. And we sent a follow up letter after that the same properties again, and notified of the changes that we were going to make based on the feedback we heard primarily, one of the big things is the addition of the traffic signal at ICANN South Kaufmann, we also sent a letter in February of 2020, to these same properties again, to provide information Hey, the project is kicking off this this year. It also does include the traffic signal, the intersection of bike and South Kaufman, next slide. So the traffic signal, again was really impetus from what we heard from the public feedback at our open houses we needed. We heard very loudly and clearly that we needed to do more you can South Kaufmann, really this is started the impetus for this as a safety project. It’s it’s a tied to a safety project that I can Maine which has and continues to be a high crash location. And as that ties in that project there is adding a second northbound left turn lane to get that large volume of northbound left traffic through the intersection. And when we look at this intersection,

this will provide the safest

the safest improvement for this intersection based on the information we have. We checked it against warrants in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, it did meet warrants. And I also want to talk about signal spacing. So are in a vacuum, if we were dividing or designing a new city with perfectly designed arterioles optimized for traffic flow, we’d be looking at spacing of our traffic signals on a grid half mile spacing. That’s really where you get your best progression on on an arterial system. When we look at the interaction of these two particular intersections, and why we’re comfortable with the location of this signal, is really the traffic patterns we see here the northbound left from pike and main is the big movement in the morning. And so that can be progressed with the westbound through I can compliment alternately in the pm we see the big movement is that eastbound traffic coming the other way back to Main Street. And that’s primarily eastbound right turns at Main Street. So those two, those two movements really aren’t aren’t going to be conflicting with each other, they don’t really need to be progressed. So when we talk about the signal spacing, the half mile being preferred for arterial design, when we look at this particular system, the interaction of these two intersections, we’re comfortable that this is the best solution for these two intersections and how

they work together.

Next slide, please.

We’ve met with I’ve talked with several of the residents on South Kaufman in the past, one of the things that we’ve directed them to is we have a neighborhood traffic mitigation program for dealing with traffic on neighborhood streets. One of the criteria in that program says in order for physical devices, which would be your speed tables, permanent radar signs, we’re looking for a minimum daily traffic volume of 750 cars a day. Now, if you remember that slide from earlier, we’re seeing in about 500. So we’re below that threshold. So historically, the street has not been eligible for that type of physical mitigation. I also met with a handful of neighbors on South coppermine Street at one of their homes. It was June 10. This summer, we met and talked about the history of South Kauffman street discussions we’ve had in the past and how they how we can work with them to move forward. One of the options is they need to submit an application we have it’s a relatively straightforward application require five signatures, quick description of the problem. They turn it in and we can move forward. We also said one of the things that they can ask for is an exception to that 750 vehicle threshold. Hey, look, we’ve got we understand that there’s some changes here there’s a signal going in a large project that could be justification to support that potentially. The person that or the position that has for the policy, the person that could make that decision on the waiver is the Director of Engineering Services has the ability to make that decision to waive the 750 requirement. And today, we’ve not received that application, we provided a both physical copies to many of the residents that were in attendance. And we’ve also emailed PDF versions and asked for them to sign those, turn them back in and we can get moving. And that’s all I have for tonight. I’m trying to keep it as quick as I could for him if you have any.

Thanks, Tyler. You’re awesome ppreciate it. All right. Let’s go ahead now take a two minute reg X’s three or four minute breaks to get people in line for public advice to be heard. So just call that number right there on your screen and wait patiently and we’ll call you into the room. You got three minutes. Thank you, Jackson.

Alright folks, welcome to all the callers that we have tonight. Please make sure that you have muted the live stream, and that you’re listening through your telephone for directions. We will be unmuting you one at a time, when we come back into the meeting, we will call on you based on the last three digits of your phone number. So again, please mute the live stream so that you can hear who we’re calling on. Thank you.

Hi, folks, welcome. I’ve let a bunch of folks in to join the meeting as we return. We will be calling on you one at a time. Please make sure you’ve muted the live stream so that you can hear the instructions and you can hear when I call on you. When we do we will ask you to unmute and we’ll call out the last three digits of your phone number

Alright folks, once again for the callers that have just joined us, we will be getting started here shortly. Please make sure that you’ve muted the live stream that you were watching previously. And listen to the messages and instructions through the phone. We will call on you one at a time and ask you to unmute by calling out the last three digits of your phone number.

All right, Councilmember, can I have the screen back so I can see who’s here? To have us. The rest of us there. They owe me

an error. There we are. Alright, let’s go ahead and start calling me how many are on the list?

We have quite a few mayor.

Okay, how many?

Last I counted was over 10 maybe 15? Something on that.

I cool. Let’s start it.

All right. Our first caller, your phone number ends in 984984. I’m going to ask you to unmute. Would you please state your name and address for the record and you have three minutes


I’m going to move on to the next caller. Caller 125. I’m going to ask you to unmute 125

there you are there. Yes. Can you hear me?

We can you may begin.

Okay, great. Hey Mayor Bagley Council and staff. This is Shannon Fender, Director of Public Affairs made of roots cannabis. And I am also permitted to speak tonight on behalf of Sarah Woodson, who is the Executive Director for the color of cannabis. In the they ran the social equity legislation at the state this spring. To color cannabis and other organizations are advocating for opportunities to diversify the cannabis industry ownership through marijuana delivery in jurisdictions across the state native roots who serve the Longmont community since 2014. And we serve both patients and adult customers at 19 South sunset Street, which is one of the Boulder County enclaves in Longmont. And I just want to say thank you, we really do appreciate Council’s desire to move delivery forward this evening. We do recommend the current draft be amended to reflect the written comments that we submit to Council and staff by email. And that includes amending the definition of marijuana delivery business to be a state regulated business. And that will allow for native roots to serve the community and for all businesses conducting delivery to US state regulated transporter services as well. And these recommendations also include removing the body camera requirement which is excessive and unnecessary for deliveries. The state has provided robust rules governing marijuana delivery including mandatory ID checking GPS tracking of vehicles and video monitoring a product in the vehicle. Currently you can have food, alcohol and even prescription pain meds delivered to your house by mail or courier with these requirements and marijuana delivery is the most secure product to be delivered in the state. And with that, I would encourage you to adopt these amendments on first reading and move the forward, move the ordinance forward tonight. I do appreciate your time and then I am available to answer any questions.

Sorry, next caller.

One minute, Mayor.

All right, the next caller is 563. I’m going to ask you to unmute 563

There you are. Can you hear us? Hello? Yes,

can you hear me? We can please state your name and our can address for the record. Thanks.

Thank you. My name is Leah Wilson Valentine I actually live in Firestone. But I am here to speak in support of the resolution to name swim beach at Union reservoir after my father Fred Wilson. I’d like to take a few moments to talk about what union reservoir meant to my dad and why I think we should name the beach in his honor. When I think of the beach at Union, I think of my dad sitting on a picnic bench with his raggedy old shorts and sandals waiting for the wind. We talk about Happy Places a lot these days. And I can tell you with absolute certainty that the beach at Union was my dad’s happy place. Another thing I can say with absolute certainty is that my dad was the driving force behind what union reservoir is today. My family first started going to Union reservoir in the late 80s when it required a membership that had learned to windsurf on some other lakes in the area and he was quite possibly the first person to windsurf at Union. When he became mayor. He was passionate about making union a weightless Lake so that he and other wind surfers would have a safe place to pursue their sport. In the years since the union became a part of the city of Longmont. He spent a huge amount of time out there windsurfing, sailing, kayaking, swimming and more. He built himself a rowing shell some time ago and rode that thing around the lake at least 100 times. right around the time he got tired of rowing, he heard about the crazy new fad in California. stand up paddling. He repurposed one of his old windsurfers built himself a stand up paddle and set out on the lake becoming quite possibly the first person ever to stand up paddle on union. People thought he was crazy. I’m sure that if dimentia hadn’t got it hold on my dad. he’d still be out at Union these days pioneering some new sport, reviving an old one playing with his grandkids or just having a good time waiting for the wind. Please approve the resolution tonight in honor of my father’s service to the city of Longmont and his love for union reservoir.

Thank you.

All right, thank you. All right, next caller.

next caller mayor is 722 the last three digits is of your phone number are 722 I’m going to ask you to unmute

722 can you unmute yourself

there you are okay.

Hi, my name is Lynette McLean and I am a resident in Longmont. The air quality in Longmont is poor primarily due to fracking notwithstanding the recent fires, but this is the fracking is causing our air quality to be poor on a consistent basis. The American Lung Association has given the area an X rating for ozone. harmful chemicals produced by fracking such as benzene toluene, carbon dioxide and FA and often spiked late at night and at Loyal companies are illegally flaring. But these chemicals have also been measured at high levels during the day. And then reminder that there’s no known safe level children for pollutants such as benzene, which is a known carcinogen. Well, this knowledge could hinder long lives reputation and economic both growth and development might be tarnished with this publicity. Residents should know what is in their air. hiding the truth about longlines air quality is an irresponsible stance to take llama resonance news. To know the truth about mom’s air quality so that they can protect their children, their medically fragile, medically fragile family members. We need a daily Emergency Response System, warning our residents when the air quality is at dangerous levels. But your warning system could be done with the current air monitoring and union reservoir and is already in place in Bloomfield. The city only has to ask Dr. Helmick to provide us the same warning emails that are being provided in Broomfield. We also need our city leaders to take a more proactive stance to improve our air quality by engaging in hearings at the Air Quality Control Commission and the Colorado oil and gas Conservation Commission. Also Mayor Begley and David Hornbacher Hornbacher, who are both directors at the Platte Valley Power Authority need to support the city’s climate resolution by voting not to use carbon fuels to electrify Longmont this week. In addition, we need to offer a contract to a doctor at that lab that allows him to speak to the residents about our dangerous air without having to wait for 48 hours. Thank you.

All right.

Next caller.

I’m gonna go back to caller 984. I’m going to ask you to unmute 984

Hello, can you hear us?

Hello? Yes,

we can please state your name and address for the record. Do you have three minutes?

Yes, ma’am. My name is Brian Ortega. I am my address is 9830 I live in. Sorry, I wasn’t. I didn’t think I’m going to call again. I live in Denver, Colorado. Thank you for holding this meeting and thank you for allowing me to speak. I get to the point. My name is Brian Ortega. I am currently the Director of logistics for shark solutions. We are a courier service here in Colorado, focusing in business to business delivery. We’re trying to transition in business to consumer God Willing trying to get patients on medicine. I’m also the former director of veterans for natural rights. But today, today I’m speaking as a patient 100% medically retired combat veteran, also a productive member of the state of Colorado and above all else on father. What I want to speak on is there’s a mental health crisis facing our nation. For quite some time. It’s been the suicide and opioid epidemic of mostly facing our veterans. I believe delivery will provide desperately needed access for a struggling community. I’m 100% medically retired combat veterans and cannabis refugee from the state of Texas. Like a majority of our veterans, I came back from war with a lot of issues that didn’t lead with mental health issues, chronic pain, and multiple brain injuries, degenerative and slipped disc in my lower lumbar and upper spine. I was given a cocktail of prescriptions. They just cause more problems given to lithium I had my blood check once a week so that they make to make sure the government can make sure my levels weren’t toxic. They max me out on psychotropic medications, pain meds, and all the plethora that comes with trying to fix what elements those cause. Cannabis saved my life. The great State of Colorado afforded the access to this medicine that replaced over 10 prescriptions for me, cannabis opened me up to receiving help. I became more active, enrolled in therapy, both physical and mental. Then I went to college, I got into engineering at CU Boulder. The government told me I had a 40% Global function rating out of 100 that I was going to be on the couch for the rest of my life. I was using a walker for the better point of 2009. When I got here, luckily I had a spouse that was able to go get me my meds. Majority of the veterans that I’ve met in my advocacy and activism don’t have that luxury. A lot of us have mobility barriers. A number of us have reasons to include mental health that keep us from access. Even though they live here in Colorado. I believe opening up home delivery will not only improve the quality of life for so many but save the lives of so many more. I like to end here with a couple of statistics from the Disabled American Veterans website. To be FDA notes considerable interest as well as clinical resources force that interest in treating medical conditions to include but not limited to glow bakoma Multiple Sclerosis unknown therapy induced nausea

Although certainly not to cut you off, because because we’re well over three minutes, but I do appreciate your comments and coming in today. Okay. Thank you. Alright, next color.

mirror the next color your phone number ends in 949. I’m going to ask you to unmute 949

There you are. Hi. Hi, Ruby Bowman 1512 love 10 Dr. Mayer, Bagley and council members. Why does the city of Longmont need to hire an environmental planner? A couple of good reasons are one, the planner will ensure that developers who are looking to build in Longmont have a good understanding of what is required for code compliance. And to the planner will also ensure that developers are aware of the city’s important wildlife and natural resources that need protection. We are blessed to have habitat in the city that is of state significance. We have the st bring Creek, a one of a kind transition stream running through our town. A cpW biologist stated in a letter to the city that city reach at the same brain has meant aquatic conservation value to the state of Colorado because of the rare native fish inhabiting the stream. Boulder County reiterated this back in its scoping comments for RSVP. We have Eagle habitat in our riparian areas including an important winter Roos and we also have union reservoir. Audubon has stated in the past that the wetlands the riparian woodlands and the grasslands surrounding union reservoir, comprise one of the most productive habitats for nesting and migratory birds in eastern Colorado. In 2003 107 or more Eagles were recorded at the at the reservoir when there was a shad die off. Some reported the number as high as 150. This sighting was documented in the old wildlife management plan. And Audubon representative reported that people from all over the over this from all over the state came to Longmont. To catch a glimpse of this amazing occurrence. We need to plan or with an educational background and experience to focus on wildlife and sustainability issues during the development process. Especially during these times of dire environmental changes due to climate change. The environmental planner position was approved by Council in the 2020 budget. It is in the proposed 2021 budget. It is important for our community and native species that the city releases and fills this position as soon as possible. We also need more park rangers in 2021 to patrol our greenways parks and open space. Thank you.

Alright, the next color is color that ends in 323323. I’m going to ask you to unmute and then Next up is 060.

Thank you Mayor Bagley and council members Jamie Fimo 525 East 16th Avenue. On September 8 City Council approved several revisions to the municipal code chapters dealing with the protection of streams and creeks, wetlands, riparian areas and habitat and species protection based on comments brought up by Longmont resident, Ruby Bowman. In reading through their version of the code presented to council tonight, I don’t see those revisions reflected. Will these revisions be added prior to publication? Again, I’d also like to reiterate the need for Longmont to fill the environmental planner position that was approved in the budget for this year. In addition, Longmont should allocate funds to hire additional park rangers to enforce regulations regarding our parks and open spaces. I also strongly consider strongly suggest you consider hiring a full time volunteer coordinator. Thank you.

All right, the next caller is 060. I’m going to ask you to unmute and the caller after this one is 065 Hi, I see you’ve unmuted sir. Yes ma’am.

Mayor Bagley and city council. My name is AJ Ramirez and I live at 2319 Billys lane in Longmont and I am calling about the cannabis delivery. I have been a patient since 2014 after misdiagnosis and a botched spinal surgery with a defective implant caused me from living The life of a professional athlete to that as a physically handicapped and disabled individual. I am here to advocate for patients that are physically handicapped and disabled of all kinds. Regardless of our handicap accessible a dispensary might be it does not atone for the amount of traffic that could be there at the time that a disabled person shows up. Delivery would heavily mitigate these issues and also help negate COVID transferences. So what I would like to do is also speak up for native brutes and ask that you allow them to deliver to Longmont. through trial and error I have realized that they are the most patient friendly dispensary in the city of Longmont. This is coming from someone who’s done patient advocacy in multiple states. And I implore you guys to please think of the patients during this decision making process.

Thank you.

All right, next caller.

next caller is 065065. I’m going to ask you to unmute and the next caller is 119 after this caller 065. There you are.

Can you hear us? evening? Yep. Hi, my name is Abby Driscoll. I live at 15 or for the Frank court. I’m here tonight as chair of the board for sustainable resilient Mama. I wanted to let you all know tonight that this week is National drive electric week. Sustainable resilient mama is celebrating with two events that I wanted to make sure you know about. First we’ll have we’re having a live webinar this Thursday the 24th from six to 8pm. We’re excited to have Christine bird from the state of Colorado, Elise Jones from Boulder County and fancy Jaffe from the city of Longmont to present about the steps they’re taking to transition to electric vehicles. This event will also feature a virtual tour of three different types of electric vehicles, a Fiat Tesla and even an electric motorcycle, and an Eevee owners panel to answer all of your questions about what’s involved with owning and driving an Eevee then Saturday, where we’ll be hosting an Eevee motorcade down Main Street, starting at 5pm. at Roosevelt Park, we’ll have stuff on man and take a U turn at third at Special thanks to the Longmont Police Department for assisting us with this. In addition, we have sent council a copy of a draft resolution declaring long ago Evie city. This is a critical step forward for our community to combat climate change, since carbon emissions from transportation represent one third of total greenhouse gas emission statewide and in 2020, outpaced electric power as the number one contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Colorado. We must be bold about our approach to mitigating climate change. And electrification of transportation is a key part of how we get there. The goal of this resolution is a vision statement with a set of goals to support Long Walk moving as rapidly as possible to electrify our transportation. Other localities have already taken action including the city and county of Denver, Boulder County, the city of Boulder, and resolutions are underway and summit and Eagle counties. You can find out more at go Evie city, that org and of course on our website as our long lat org. I urge city council to adopt that go at cities resolutions commit to 100% Electric and zero emission vehicles and make long ago Evie city. Thank you and I hope to see some of you later this week at long electric vehicle week.

All right, next caller. Thanks Abby.

All right, the next caller is 119. I’m going to ask you to unmute 119 next after this call is 373. So I’m calling on 119. Please unmute.

There you are. Hi.

Hi, this is Karen dike 708. Hayden cork, mr. mayor and council members. There’s a lot in the news the last few weeks or the last week about whether there is a prophecy when federal judges are named and confirmed. I think we can bring this discussion front and center here in Longmont. This week trpa will be discussing whether to sanction a plan that includes building a gas plant for electricity generation. This will commit us to practice gas over the next 40 years or we will be left with stranded assets. In early 2017. The Longmont City Council passed a resolution that says they are committed to 100% renewable energy back in 2016. Candidates for the City Council, including many currently on the council stated support for 100% renewable energy. Now there seems to be waffling by peer RPA because it won’t be easy. It is okay not to be easy. It isn’t easy to fight the forest fires either. It is time for this council to state that they meant what they said in 2017. And as long not PRP a directors Mayor Bagley and David Hornbacher to vote against committing to a fresh gas plant, they can tell p RPA. To go back to the drawing board and submit a plan that will meet the commitment of 100% renewable energy per Longmont and the other cities involved. We have to say no hypocrisy is allowed. Thank you very much. Thank you, Karen.

All right. Actually, I’ve got I’ve got somebody online. They couldn’t get through. So I’m going to call them now. They’re on my phone. So hold on one second.

The I don’t know this person. She got somebody.

Hold on one second. Are you

there? Ma’am? I’m still

here. Yes. Thank you. All right, hold on. You’ve got three minutes. If you can go ahead and say your name and your your address for the record. Go ahead.

Thank you, Mr. Mayor. My name is Jerry shepherd. I’m an attorney from really my office address is 710 11th Avenue suite. 203 d really 80631. I am also in longtime member of the normal legal committee and on the board of directors for Conrad normal. Thank you to Ashley Webber for connecting us and connecting with all of you. I’m actually calling about the proposed cannabis delivery Bill and I am encouraging you all to adopt it. I mean, it would certainly be helpful for patients, especially people who can’t get out or concerned about COVID would also facilitate the socially distant deliveries. I would I would ask to omit the portion that talks about some sort of camera thing. It sounds more like an invasion of privacy and civil liberties. I give mad props to the Longmont City Council for trying to facilitate people being able to use cannabis as appropriate. And I would ask that you continue with that trend. I’m open for questions. But thank you very much for your time.

All right, thank you very much.

All right, next caller.

next caller in our list, your phone number ends in 373373. I’m going to ask you to unmute. There you are.

Can you hear us? Hi. Yes. Hi, good evening. This is Amy sharp, CEO of sharp solutions career. In today’s environment, patients find it necessary to have faith, discreet and reliable home delivery. It is extremely necessary that you allow this service to your constituents. Sharp solutions was founded to provide this type of service to patients. As a member of rulemaking to the House Bill 19 dash 1234. I have a thorough understanding of the compliance and regulations required to safely implement these services in your jurisdiction. I respectfully request that you opt into this service for the benefit of your constituents. Thank you for your time and consideration.

All right,

next caller.

How many we got left about what six seven?

Let me count. Just out

of curiosity.

We have five left. All right. Next caller.

next caller I’m going to unmute is 418. Caller 418. Can you hear us?

There you are.

Yes. Great. This is on speakerphone. So I don’t know how. Well I sound on it. My fairly clear.

Yes, sir. We can hear you. Can you get your your name and your address for the record, please.

Okay, I’m Stan toll. I live in kind of the northern area of Longmont. And the reason I’m calling is kind of like what Mark Twain said, you know, the law treats everybody equally.

Both the rich and poor, are prohibited from sleeping under bridges.

What are the issues I’m talking about caught calling about is that there’s a certain number of residents that really aren’t being allowed to participate in putting input their needs into the community. One of the things that happened with this pandemic is that there’s a certain number of our community lost the access to bathrooms, showers, and places where they could get shelter during the day. And one of the things I did is I worked on tried to get some of the restrooms opened during this time, and sometimes I go around relatively late, and try to make sure that there’s some sort of restrooms accessible late at night. And, of course, like, earlier this week, I found a couple of young women in a guy, basically camping in one of our restrooms. And this is because the city really has been looking to make sure that people have something even so small as like a restroom area that they could probably get shelter in. Now, you know, we say, well, they have a shelter here, well, maybe there’s a considerable number of people who are not being allowed to use the shelter. And then there’s the problem is a shelter is not necessarily a good place to congregate, you know, for a probate situation. So my suggestion is to allow people input into city policies that are tend to be presently excluded. Because a lot of this is city policies, because small places like that used to be available when I first moved into town, reasonably cheap, like 10 $12 a night, you could get a simple hotel rule. These same places are 80 to $100 a night. And this is causing people even though they could probably get some money together. They can’t get a place that they can afford. And this is my thinking policy because the shutting down of all sorts of restrooms and showers and other stuff is actually appears to be being directly directed at these people stand

stand. I’m in touch. I’m gonna have to cut you off. That’s almost three and a half minutes, but we appreciate your

Thanks, Dan.

Thank you very much.

All right, we have another caller that got dropped off and I’m going to go ahead and call them at this time. Hold on a second. All right, Ashley Webber, are you there? Yes. All right. If we go ahead and state your name and address for the record, you got three minutes.

All right. Good evening there Bagley and councilmembers of Longmont. My name is Ashley Weber and I live on February Avenue in Longmont. I’m executive director for the nonprofit organization Colorado normal. Our mission is to move public opinion by working with government officials to progress the growing cannabis community. to want to assure cannabis consumers have access to high quality cannabis that is safe, convenient and affordable. We’ve helped draft Longmont hunger ordinance and want to thank the council. So much input in this cannabis delivery discussion aren’t we’re going to support the proposed marijuana delivery code and would respectfully suggest minimal changes which have a significant impact on both dispensaries and consumers. caspo 1234 signed into law in 2019 treated framework and the regulatory system for cannabis on delivery of harmful mitigation. By establishing marijuana delivery of significant medical patients who cannot access their medicine especially those people who are homebound or most harmed by not providing what’s appropriate delivery without saying COVID-19 its impact extends to the need for delivery of cannabis so much as it extended for many other essential businesses. As you’re aware, kind of assistance assistance rates were deemed essential. And we see our population specifically those whose life experiences improved with their proper medication. This language should include courier or transporter services, who partner was dispensary’s for safe deliveries to consumers in an unincorporated areas or other counties. This helps both dispensaries consumers and will create revenue. Residents of Colorado and residents of Longmont can currently receive food, alcohol prescriptions narcotics directly did front doors without videotaped interactions, Id checks or signatures. Requiring this for cannabis delivery seems a bit intrusive. We would ask body cameras be removed some code of state regulations already mandates GPS tracking cameras both inside and outside with a 360 view around the delivery vehicle. in constructing this language, let’s be thoughtful beginning 2021 recreational cannabis delivery will begin and it would be helpful to have in place guardrails and guidance to start January 1 2021. As called upon Colorado will continue to contribute services just language provide support including education, reliable information, invaluable support to help Longmont cannabis delivery be a success. Colorado normal offers its full support for the proposed code changes to allow for marijuana delivery. Thank you for your time and consideration.

All right, next caller

may or the next caller. Then I’m going to unmute your call your number ends in 956956. I’m going to ask you to unmute.

There you are.


My name is Courtney stiles and I live on independent street in Longmont. I’m just calling to advocate for medical delivery. Here in Longmont. See, I feel that it’s an important step to aid in proper care for the medical patients. I’ve seen the results that native roots Danny Lyon has done in Boulder regarding the medical delivery. I’ve seen nothing but the best results haven’t written them. reviews on how medical patients have the ease of not having to drive to location as essential, since most of them have serious medical conditions that make small tasks become very large a painful ones. I’ve been a patient at Adafruit format for over five years and have any sensors start doing medical delivery. I think native routes would be the best. They’re extremely compliant with all their laws as well. I have a lot of care knowledge for their patients. And yes, that’s thank you for your time and is off.

right thank you next call.

The next caller, your phone number ends in 002. I’m going to ask you to unmute 002 and the last caller after that will be 975. And you can get ready 002

Yeah. Great. Yeah. Hi.

Hi. Hey, thanks for allowing me to comment. Mayor Bagley and distinguished city council members. My name is Michael song, and I think I have a unique perspective on in this area. My background is as follows. I’m a graduate of West Point, I was a federal prosecutor in Washington, DC and pretty much all we did was fight the war on drugs. I was the chief deputy da in Denver. But most notably, I was the first marijuana attorney for Colorado at the attorney general’s office. As such my job in 2014 was to train all law enforcement officers on the new laws of cannabis. I also served as the liaison to shareholders which included the governor’s office, legislature and marijuana Enforcement Division and town and city officials. Now I’m in private practice in service a lot of campus clients. As the city manager noted in these times, public safety is of the utmost importance, and this holds true for the cannabis industry. Thus, I strongly support cannabis home delivery. Bottom line, this is a safe way for consumers to receive cannabis products at their homes when they cannot or do not want to leave their home, agree with it or not medical and adult use cannabis has been deemed critical and essential across the state. Thus, it is of the utmost importance that cities offer this type of service. I know there may be concerns regarding the safety of the service, but I can assure you from my dealings with law enforcement officers and the marijuana Enforcement Division. The industry has not only embedded the individuals working in the industry, but also has ensured the security of the process. Proper record keeping.

Thank you so much for your comments. You have no idea how you’re obviously very, very What are your three minutes is up but we really appreciate your insight and your input we do. All right. Next caller

May or the last caller is 975. I’m going to ask you to unmute 975 Are you there?

Hi, can you hear me? We sure can you may begin.

Great, thank you. I just wanted to call in and voice my support for homeowners in the area being able to utilize Airbnb as a as a means of alternative income. The young homeowner in Longmont. You know, it’s hard to afford things. And it’s nice to know that if times get really hard, we can make a little extra money. And I know that there is some talk about some problem Airbnb properties in the area. And I would say that’s probably the minority of what’s going on. I just am a big supporter of property rights. That’s all. Thank you a lot for your time.

Could you state your name for the record? I apologize.

My name is Steven. last names altman. And I live in South Moorpark.

Thank you.

All right. Thank you. All right. That concludes first call public invited to be heard. Let’s move on to the consent consent agenda. Can you go ahead and read that for us?

Yes, I can. Mayor. item nine is ordinance 2020 dash 39. A bill for an ordinance amending chapter 6.70 of the Longmont municipal code permit medical marijuana delivery. public hearing and second reading scheduled for October 13 2029. b is ordinance 2020 dash 40. A bill for an ordinance amending chapters 2.68 on local licensing authority 6.70 on marijuana stores and chapter 9.6 on medical and recreational marijuana, public hearing and second reading scheduled for October 13 2029. c is ordinance 2020 dash 41 a bill for an ordinance authorizing the city of Longmont to lease the Real Property known as Vance brand Municipal Airport hangar personal h 74. To best deal LLC public hearing and second reading scheduled for October 13 2029. d is ordinance 2020 dash 42 bill for an ordinance authorizing the city of Longmont to lease the Real Property known as advanced brand Municipal Airport hangar personal age 32. to Georgia Neverland grill, public hearing and second reading scheduled for October 13 2029. Is ordinance 2020 dash 43. A bill for an ordinance conditionally approving the vacation of access, utility and drainage easements associated with the Highland subdivision. Generally located north of highway 119 and west of county line road, public hearing and second reading scheduled for October 13 2029. f is resolution 2020 dash 93 a resolution of Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the University of Colorado. For socio technical design for a middleware information exchange of nine G is resolution 2020 dash 94 resolution of the Longmont city council authorizing agreements between the city of Longmont and reverse that LLC for the purchase of real property for the resiliency and brain project. Nine H is resolution 2020 dash 95 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the Colorado Department of Transportation for grant funding to support the main street revitalization project. Nine is resolution 2020 dash 96. a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the 20th judicial district for a victim assistance and law enforcement grant. Nine j is resolution 2020 dash 97 resolution of Longmont city council approving the grant application for an intergovernmental agreement between the city in the Colorado Department of Public Safety. Division of Criminal Justice Office for Victims grant programs for grant funding for victim services. Nine case resolution 2020 dash 98 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the regional air quality Council for grant funding for electric vehicle charging stations. Nine L is resolution 2020 dash 99 a resolution of Longmont city council approving the city to apply for a grant from the Colorado Department of local affairs for grant funding for the peace officer mental health grant program. Nine M is resolution 2020 dash 100 a resolution of the Longmont city council name in the Union reservoir swim beach in honor of former Beaumont Mayor Fred Wilson nine and approved $25,000 grant from the temple hoyne Buell foundation to support the Longmont early childhood bright eyes initiative. Nine O is approved amendment to Boulder air contract addendum and nine PS approved one Capital Improvement Program amendment.

All right. I’d like to pull

in the ray Martin.

I would also like to pull

a letter F

All right, I’m gonna actually move the consent agenda up Councillor Christiansen.


I would also like to pull items g, k and HGK

Ah, no, no, no, just go have a pen. I’m gonna


Yummy sorry, step also in your script staff would like to pull nine M for a very brief presentation.

All right, so I’m going to move the consent agenda less a. f. Holly helped me please. GDK

h h.

And I believe Don wants to pull em.

All right.

And minor, mostly just comments. Not.

Alright. Just real quick. You want to second that?

Yes. But first of all, I don’t have that list up in front of me. So I just want to ask, is the air quality monitoring one being pulled? And is the marijuana one being pulled?

Yes, I pulled that one. I think Marcia Martin pulled the pull the other.

So thank you, then I will second that. All right. I apologize.

Councilmember Peck is asking about item nine. Oh,

the boulder here. Sorry. Let’s go ahead and pull up and pull

out 123. All right, all in favor of not passing the consent agenda? No, just Just kidding. All in favor of passing the consent agenda? mightest those letters and we’ll go through them one at a time. say aye.

Aye. Aye.

Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, we’ll get that we’ll we’ll figure that all out in a second. All right. 10 a ordinance 2025. Or sorry, August 2020. Is 35. an ordinance authorizing the issuance the city of Longmont, Colorado open space sales and use tax revenue refunding and improvement bonds series 2020. Is there a staff report or is not correct? All right. That’s correct. Any questions, counsel? All right, seeing none. Let’s go ahead and open it for public hearing. We’re going to go ahead and take a two to three minute break. And if you’re going to comment on any of the public hearings on ordinances on second reading, you need to call in now and then wait on line as we as we hit him back in three

pined for the color that we just live in, we will get started again shortly. And when we’re ready, I will ask you to unmute by calling out the last three digits of your phone number.

Make sure that you’ve muted

the live stream and that you’re listening to your, your telephone for directions. Thanks.

All right,

who’s here still?

Okay, so let’s go ahead and open the public hearing for ordinance 20 2035. Is there anybody in here?

mayor, we do have one caller. I’m not sure which item they want to

give us.

Can you ask? Can we see what what’s what they’re talking about?

Yes, we can. Mayor. Caller 198. I’m going to ask you to unmute if you could please tell us which item hearing item under the agenda that you would like to speak on.

Hello? No, this is Yeah.

Sir, what item Are you gonna speak on? I’m guessing I want to join.

Yeah, I was gonna speak about the the smart meters issue and the the renewable energy.


so no specific ordinance on second sec. No, no, no, no, a second ordinance tonight.

I’m not sure which which ordinance? It would be. I understand that the Longmont is wanting to have a sustainable energy grid for the future and

so wireless.

Right. So can we have so right, so we had the first call public invite to be heard. And it’s a regular session, meaning we’re going to we’re going to have public invited be heard at the end. Right now. We’re we’re asking for input regarding reading ordinances on second reading, meaning specific issues. And I’m going to ask and I’m going to ask the callback at the end of the meeting regarding just for the public invited to be heard and we can hear your comments for three minutes. Is that okay, sir?

Yeah. All right. be fine.

All right. Thank you say thank you.

All right, I’m seeing nobody else. Let’s go ahead and close the public hearing on ordinance 2020 dash 35. All right, any discussion from council? Seeing none. Can I have a motion? Councilmember waters,

I’m Move approval of ordinance. 2020 days. 35

Plus, look at that. All right. It’s been moved and seconded. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, ordinance 20 2035. passes unanimously. All right, August 2020 to 36. So they’ll put an ordinance making additional appropriations for expenses and liabilities of city one month for the fiscal year beginning January 120 20. Any questions from council?

Dr. Waters?

Sir, you’re muted.

You’re muted.

Now I’m unmuted, I think.

Am I unmuted? Thank you. You’re muted. Thank you for coming on me, Mayor Bagley and my apologies for continuing to mute myself, I guess. Teresa, I know you’re on the call. And you’re probably ready to answer questions about this. But this I asked a question last week when we were you were doing budget presentation. And this is a perfect example of where I just need more information. So when you with your coded with the way you’ve coded the expenditures, those with the two asterisks. Are the our new funding or allocate or appropriation of new funding? It can I assume that that was money. That was budgeted for something in 2019. But not this, its budget balance from 2019, that we’re now appropriating for expenditure on these items in 2020.

So mayor and city council Teresa Malloy, budget manager, Councilman waters, so so fund balance could be, like you said, funds that were budgeted in 19. And not used for that or not spent and not and not needed, they could have been budgetary savings, they could also have come from really any year prior to 2019 as well. It could also have been revenue that came in greater than what our, our budget was set at. So So yes, it was it’s fun balance from operations from prior years,

is compared to carry over which was budgeted for a purpose carried over for the same purpose. Core was part of an appropriation correct. Yeah. All right. Thank you, Teresa. That was just that was just my question. I just wanted to clarify, that’s what I thought I heard last week. I apologize for you know, being such a knucklehead on this, but I just want to be clear what we’re doing. Thanks.

All right. Um, let’s go ahead and open the public hearing but nobody’s online. So we’ll go ahead and close the public hearing. We have motion. Dr. Dr. Waters, you want to unmute yourself and

I will I will move approval of ordinance 20 2036

just for Christmas and

you almost did it. All right. It’s been moved in second move by Dr. Water second by Councillor Christiansen. Seeing no further discussion. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, orders. 2020 is 36 passes unanimously. What is 2029 37 a bill for an ordinance repealing and reenact from chapter 15.0 5.020. The Longmont municipal code on protection of streams and creeks wetlands, riparian areas and 15.0 5.030 and habitat and species protection and amending chapter 15.0 8.070 on non conforming structures and 15.10 dash o two o on all other terms to find Councilmember Christiansen

a few weeks ago, I thought that we voted to include in this rare native fish and rare wetland songbirds, wetland and songbirds. And I don’t see that anywhere in the in the revised ordinance. Can somebody is David here. Can somebody point that out to me?

Or did we not approve that?

I believe, I don’t know. I thought it was redundant.

And then No, not really.

No, no, no, no. I think I just get anyway. I don’t think I don’t recall. Joanie, your face popped up. Are you gonna drop Joining

Mayor Bagley members of council. So I have just discovered Eugene and I, that the ordinance revisions that were made for your comments on the eighth, in fact, are not the ordinance that are in your packet. That ordinance was published, we believe, and I’ve sent down a message to check on that. But that is not the correct ordinance in your packet tonight it is missing that council member Christian sins wording.


real quick, then So does anyone have a problem waiting two weeks so we can get the, the the actual, I mean, the actual ordinance into the packet so we can vote on what’s there. Right. Okay, so I’m actually gonna suggest I’m just gonna let’s go ahead and pull it and then we’re gonna wait. Okay. All right. Great.

Thank you.

Yeah, cuz let’s, let’s get them in there. All right. Okay. Let’s move on to ordinance 2020. s 3838. s 10. Or item 10. d a bill for an ordinance organized in the LFM business improvement district providing for an election of the board of directors of the district and approving the 2020. There’s 2021 operating plan and budget for the district.

Is there are there any questions from council?

All right, seeing none, let’s go and open it for the public hearing, although there’s nobody on the line. So go ahead and close it. Let’s have a motion if we could, please. JOHN, you’re unmuted. Why don’t you but you make a motion? ordinance. 2020. There’s 38.

Okay, I move ordinance. 2038.

I’ll second it. All right. All in favor, say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, great. That let’s go ahead and go through the consent agenda. Starting with a only I pulled that one. I guess the only question I have is, Eugene, when I talked with you? Is Eugene, here. Eugene reservoir. Hey. So when we were going over the agenda, I had asked you to prepare some language. First of all, are you ready to is a draft language available in order to include body to remove the requirement for body cams?

Yes, there is. And actually I’m gonna invite Tim holder to join in on this conversation. He has language drafted and looked at certainly

suggested amendments are perfect. I’m going to move that we actually adopt that language and remove the requirement that we have body cams. Right. It’s been moved and seconded. Any other? Anybody disagree with that? All right. All in favor say?

We’ll get the hand up dog waters. Come on. It’s like I mean, we’ll come on. We got business to conduct. Go ahead. Dr. Waters. Thank

you, Mayor Bagley.

The language you made reference to language that we haven’t seen, I think I think I support the idea. But

yeah, so I guess what I’m saying is I’m not saying the language itself. I told Eugene to be ready. So it’s already done. And so I’m just George’s directing him to come up with language to ruins the body to use the body cams. So on second reading, it’ll come back and he there won’t be a headache. Councilmember Christiansen

moving that bullet, the entire bullet?

Well, I’m just making sure Eugene said he was going to draft the language. So okay, so it’s not it’s going to be it’s technically easy. So it’s I don’t know if it’s easy, but it’s already done. Councillor Martin.

Thank you, Mayor Bagley. Thinking about the comments that we have received over the past several weeks, it seems like with this, with this ordinance, we’re going right down the middle and adopting what nobody wants. That is we had a strong push for native roots and normal to include out of city services to be allowed to deliver. And I believe that’s not in the ordinance unless it changed. So Martin Marshall timeout.

So we’re right now we’re taking comments on this one motion? Because I think we’re gonna get to what you’re talking about in just a second.

Oh, I’m sorry.

But that’s right. So all in favor of man made seven really quick.

Oh, there we are, Jim.

Yes. Good family and members of council 10 policies and city council, city attorney, I drafted the language the mayor requested. In preparation for this hearing. For the body cameras subject. It would just be deleting the entire sub paragraph. So that would be 672 30. I four would just be deleted in its entirety. And then I’m going to withdraw the motion and actually move that we just delete that section.

All right. All in favor, say aye. Aye. Hi.

Sorry, Counselor. Martin. Give a comment.

It’s my I. Okay.

All opposed say nay. All right, the motion passes unanimously. I’m also going to move that we allow like Casper Peck.

Actually, I would Excuse me, I would like to thank you for removing that. And just to address that transporter

question. That’s what I was gonna do next, but go ahead.

Okay, after reading the, after reading the legislation on it. I was going to ask for it to be deleted as well, because it looks like the state does not require body cameras for transporters. They have have to be licensed and permitted through the state. And the reason I wanted it removed was that it would if we had body cameras, it would probably hamstring any transporter that any marijuana dispensary that wanted to use home delivery would be able to use because they already they’re already licensed through the state they’re already available, but they don’t require cameras. So if Longmont requires cameras, that limits the transporters that any dispensary can use. So that was my reasoning for wanting it out.

All right, great. Thanks, Counselor back, but I’m actually gonna move that we instruct the city attorney’s office to prepare draft language, which I think they’ve already prepared. That would enable a dispensary to actually contract with state regulated

delivery services.

that emotion,

yes, emotion. Right. It’s been moved and seconded. Anybody opposed to that idea that want to talk? All right. All in favor, say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, that motion passes unanimously. Then last but not least, I was gonna actually move that we instruct the city attorney’s office to parrot draft language, which I think they’ve already done in order to permit those dispensary’s in the enclaves of Boulder County within our city or adjacent to our city and within our city to be permitted and included in the delivery service.


all right, it’s been moved and seconded. The reason why I’m making a motion is a there’s only one native routes. And then the second thing is we’ll get sales tax. So on anybody opposed to that? All right. All in favor, say aye.

Aye. Aye. Aye. Hi.

say nay.

All right, that passes unanimously. I’d actually move passes

Mac ban question.

Sure. Go ahead with the motion to just allow county enclaves to deliver in the city or any any licensed marijuana.

It’s the it’s the motion was specifically for those Boulder County stores within the city. That was the specific motion you want to provide? We are we’d feel more than more than happy to hear your suggestion on why we might enable other and talking with the city attorney and Herald their concern was that we wouldn’t be able to regulate it. We wouldn’t be having we won’t be able to collect sales tax etc. But I mean, I only made the motion because there was only one one dispensary that really was concerned. They were being left out. What what are your thoughts, Tim?

If I might Mayor real quick before Tim with his wisdom. That is how I captured that motion that you voted on as you capture it, that it was to permit dispensaries and enclaves adjacent to the city to be permitted to provide delivery in city limits.

Yeah, that was it.

Councilmember Christiansen

but that means that everyone can deliver not just the enclaves correct?

No, it was just the enclaves I was focusing on Native roots. But if somebody wants to make a motion and expand it, I mean, do we want Denver dispensary’s delivering in Longmont?

No, I mean, I thought that this motion period the ordinance would allow any licensed

anyone licensed within

the city will

walk Walmart and Boulder County pizza basically the little enclaves we the ordinance Originally, it was just for the city, and then native routes called civil Wait, what about us? We’re not okay. In the city. We’re in the county by now on cliff. So it was it was to get them to be able to deliver as well.

Yeah. It doesn’t mean that we’re not pitting them against each other they can deliver, okay, yes, yes.


This decision might need a little bit more research by the city attorney’s office. It’s not entirely clear whether the statutory authority allows us to pick and choose outside of the jurisdiction is clear that we can say either inside of our jurisdiction or not inside of our jurisdiction.

In the event that you determine that we cannot limit it in discriminates I moved We actually include all dispensaries and permit them to deliver inside the city.


all right, all in favor say aye. Aye.


Opposed say nay. All right, that Motion carries unanimously. Does that clarify your job, Tim? Sure enough. All right. Perfect. That I’m that I believe I moved ordinates. Did we already vote on August 2029? I don’t think we did. Right.

May I pause one second.

I just need to catch up. I can’t keep I can’t go that quickly.

emotions, we get work done.


Okay, now if you want to go ahead and do you know,

whatever we’re going to do, or I move over, and it’s 2020. There’s 39. Again, all right. It’s, I think it was, was that Moved by Councillor Christiansen seconded by Councillor Christiansen? Okay, well, I saw a hand. I don’t know who it was. But we’ll take Polly All right. All in favor say aye.


Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, great. Okay, now I’m going to need some help. We see here, we pull with the excellent was F.

Right? And if we could go to m? Oh, yeah,

I’m sorry. Let’s do that. So let’s do m next because we have a guest. So let’s go ahead to resolution 20 2100. a resolution renaming or just naming the swim beach after Fred Wilson, I believe.

Mayor Wang is here.

for one second, let’s

emphatically councilmembers. David Bell, Director of parks natural resources on staff pulled this night, basically, so we should could share. We heard from the for Mary’s daughter from the happy stories that we heard a little bit through this process and moving this forward in the naming of this one beach after former mayor

Wilson. So I never had the pleasure of meeting the mayor. But I did have the opportunity to talk to friends and family staff members have shared lots of their stories. So really, instead of me trying to retell those stories, we did ask former mayor Roger Lange to come on and talk about some of his memories and why he thinks is important to move this forward.

So if we can bring former mayor Roger Lange on he can share some of his stories with us. I think he’s here.

Can you hear me?

We sure can.

Alright. So

Mayor Bagley and city council members.

As you packet tells you, this is a resolution to name the union reservoir swim beach in the honor of former mayor Fred Wilson. As you heard earlier, his daughter did a pretty good job of describing his passion involved in this. And he spent many, many hours trying to do the right thing for you in your reservoir. And I think his family is very, very eager to see something done in his honor. And this would be something that we thought would be appropriate to present some signings down there that people would recognize that Fred Wilson has done an awful lot to make this happen. And as he said, the union reservoir was not the same Romina reservoir when he started this endeavor, and now it’s wildly popular. And so he’s he’s done a great deal. And we’re just trying to recognize him somehow. And I’m going to keep this fairly short. But I think you’ve heard it your packet has a lot of information that supports this also,

I just,

I just wanted to have a side note about Fred and I don’t know how many people know Fred, but he probably appeared to people to be rather serious person, but he really inside he. He was quite a prankster. I’ll just give you an example. And then then we can move on. But when I was sworn in, as mayor, Fred and I were on city council together, and he came to me and he said, you know, Roger, you got to understand the transition between being a council member and a mayor is a big step. And you might be struggling with this a little bit if you’re just like anybody else. And he said, I’ve got two tips for you. And you got to do both of them. If you’re going to have the transition. Really make make it full round. He said First of all, you got to act like a mayor. Well, alright, read that. It’s good information. What’s the second one? He said you got to look like a mayor. And I said, Well, that’s that’s interesting, too. And he said, I might not be able to help you much on how you act like like a mayor but he says I think I can help you look like a mayor and but with that he pulled out of his sack and he gave me

his hat.

He says if you can Look or act like a mayor, at least you’re gonna look like a mayor. And so I wish you the best going forward. And that’s a little bit of Fred Wilson. The maybe it knew and maybe didn’t know, but I would hope you look favorably on this resolution because he put a lot of work in the Union reservoir and I would, I would hope this move forward. So that’s, that’s basically the story I’ve got. Right there

that right Brian? Yeah.

I need one and a monocle, please. All right. With that, I’d like to I’d actually like to move. Resolution 20 2100 I move that we name the union was worse from beach in honor. Former Aloma Mayor Fred Wilson. back I can’t, it’s been moved in second customer Christiansen.

Fred Wilson was I didn’t know Fred Wilson personally, but I certainly we all heard a lot from Fred. And he walked this town, every single block of his town many, many times. He knew this talent, when up and down. And he was a really interesting man with many, many different interests. And he’s one of my favorite players. So when I look around, I see everybody’s smiling. And it’s nice to have something that we all feel really good about. This is a terrific idea. And I was really touched that

Mr. Lang mer Lang and

Fred’s daughter valent. And Miss Valentine called up. Thanks.

All right, let’s go ahead and vote. All in favor say aye.


Aye. Opposed say nay. All right.

Swim beach in honor of former mayor Fred Wilson. The resolution is passed. It’s done. So enjoy Fred’s beach. Thank you. Thank you, Marilyn. All right. Let’s go back up to the top. I believe that we were going to somebody pulled f Polly Was that you?

Yep, that was me. And let me see why.

Oh, that’s the middleware No, Marcia pulled that.

Marcia middleware?

Yes, middleware


So, um,

I feel like the the requirements for the outcome of this project are a little bit thin, in that it’s hard to tell, except for maybe from one report to the other, what the scope, the actual scope of work really is. I mean,


am for the general concept. And I think that I have I have respect for the principles of ARCA thought and think that they’re probably a good candidate. But I sure wish that that a little bit more was known about what was going to happen. No, I’ve I feel burned before in terms of asking for, for it enhancements. And I i bitterly remember being told, well, we don’t really do our own software development. And and now, you know, here we are contracting for essentially a custom middleware project. So is there any chance is there is there? Are there more requirements extant for this than than what we’ve been presented with? Because I don’t think it’s enough to make a judgement about whether this is going well, first of all, there is no statement of purpose other than, you know, General integration of different things that the city has.


you know, the requirements could start with a list of where the barriers are. And if the barriers if a numerating them is, is the is the job of the first report, then, let’s say that, and then we can make another appropriation decision after we’ve seen the first report and know what the concrete requirements are. But But right now, it’s really hard to hard to know what we’re buying for this hundred and $75,000.

All right.

So are you making a motion that we don’t approve it, Marsha?

No, I am asking. I am asking the question of the people who have brought this forward. Word or information available to us that we can learn to judge this, I’m not ready to move, you know, to upvote or downvote it yet

etern. Karen, that you had,

yes, Mayor Bagley and Councilmember Martin, I’m going to also invite we have Alberto Mendoza, and, and also our city manager has been heavily involved in this so and they’re going to speak more to the technical aspects, but this particular project. So we have been working on this project, since it’s probably been about two years. So your question about what is the nature of the problem, where are the barriers, we do have all that information in already prepared in a report, so we had a gathering that information over the last couple of years, it is not in your packet, we certainly can bring that back with more detail. But we have, we have identified we’ve had a group of probably over 75 stakeholders

that have met for

at least five or six meetings, we’ve had focus groups, so we have collected all of the, the challenges and the barriers of for, for the various providers that are serving some of the same individuals. And and that has really helped us to identify the the next level of this, which is really to to develop the software, the middle our software, that will allow for the exchange of information without integrating the databases. And so we do have all of that data captured. And we certainly can bring that back. And then I would invite Alberto or Harold to, you know, talk more about what this particular phase is going to provide? What we’re going to get for our hundred and 75,000.

Um, Thank you, Miss Roni, that is helpful. Um, I, I understand that the contractors, fairly, very long suffering in this.

So I have

I feel a little regretful about, you know, asking to see the requirements and then wait, bring it back on first reading and again in two more weeks. It I think this is probably a question for the mayor if we received the requirements. And we pass this on first reading with the understanding that the requirements would be incorporated to the work statement as an attachment. Could we take it as an amended second reading? Or do we really, really have

to this is this is a resolution means that it passes. It’s also an A, so it’s also an agreement. So we either pass it or kick it back. But

Eugene, okay.

What you said, Mayor, or we could continue and give us a two week block to come back with revisions.

I’m going to actually move that we have been Mark? Well, the thing is, well, first of all, you need to make a motion one way or another if you want to, if you want to do something, Marsha,

you know, okay, then I move that we continue the resolution.

But but

for what what do you want to do? If we continue? That’s great. But we have to we all have to agree, you

interrupted me before I said it. Mayor Bagley go ahead to continue to give us the opportunity to read the document that Miss Roni has referred to and make a determination as to whether it is adequately specifies the statement of work which what we have before us does not.

And then have the state have the have the

like method she refers to a incorporated into the resolution isn’t attached.

I guess I would second that, I guess my thing is that we’ve done that already. But what what specific change Do we need to make in order to make it qualify? This is this you know,

until we see the document because this document doesn’t really tell us very much.

Right? The

American night.


what would be helpful is that

mean there is a statement of work that’s attached to

as attached to this documents.

So that one,

so so not the scope of work, but the statement of work that follows. So, okay, so that is not adequate from your perspective. Okay, now,

just clarify.

Right? So I guess what I’m saying is Marsha that we have yet to, if we continue it, we need four votes to instruct them to do something. So what I’m saying is by saying the motion to read a battle mean to be stated is the motion is to continue it in order to make a determination whether it’s adequate. But if you feel it’s inadequate, what can they do to make it adequate?

Well, well, Karen suggested that there was a much more detailed document already in existence that addresses the things that I was asking for, which is specific enumerations of of the applications that need to communicate, and specific. I don’t know how to say this without waxing, ridiculously technical data interchange formats to be supported, etc, etc. That’s what middleware is, middleware has a definition, but without without an enumeration of that sort. It could be almost anything, and you could, you know, integrate it Asians and say you were done.

So, um, so your motion to include that detail? Yeah, the doctor might take your motion to be that your your The motion is to continue the resolution two weeks, so that city staff can can replace the current information with the more detailed document that you know,

Karen says, Karen says the document already exists. I just want it to be provided to us, and then we can review it. And And if it is, if there are questions about that document, then we can discuss whether to pass the resolution at that time. Perfect.

I’ll second that. All right. Kim dewaters, you had a you had your hand up first?

Well, I was just curious there in the background, we see that there’s been this project has been submitted twice, for funding, once to NSF.

Is it? Is it likely that

the specific there are tasks in that proposal that are responsive to the concerns that Councilmember Martin is writing? That maybe this could be attached? I don’t think I don’t think you’re going to get a proposal even reviewed by NSF without the kind of detail that she’s asking for. So even if we if you attach the core of the NSF proposal, cut out all the other extraneous stuff that you would have to submit, that might suffice. But I do have a kind of a related question. And I asked this a parallel earlier today. And I’ve since since it was pulled up, I wouldn’t have pulled up for this. But just in terms of the scope of the product, we’re talking about prototyping here. And I’m gonna assume that the prototype represents a five to 10% of the that investment of 175,000, probably five to 10% of the total cost of development. In that if we have proof of concept as a result of prototyping, then we would do one of two things we’d either see a proposal to to invest for us to invest with, with I hope, the intent that they would we would license use of this to other municipalities to recover some of our development costs. Or we would then have an opportunity to invite other municipalities that were part of the proposal to to invest with us to develop the middleware that multiple municipalities in Beaufort County could use. Are there those? Are those intentions part of this.

Yeah, so I’ll jump in. Yes, the intention is to fully integrate the multiple systems that we have within the city, the county, and then eventually the statewide structure. And so part of what I was going to ask Councilmember Martin is we also have a diagram in terms of the different systems that it needs to connect it. And I want to briefly kind of talk about what’s happening. The problem is that we do not have a system that connects our social service systems to our public safety systems to our utility billing systems. And so what we rely on is human intelligence, many cases that doesn’t catch things until we’re weeks if not months down the road with an individual. So what this has to be able to do in a HIPAA related environment, because HIPAA becomes involved is to connect the systems where at its most basic level, if we have somebody that has As a client that is taken to the hospital, there is at least a ping, that will connect the social service person to the emergency system to the hospital. So they know what’s going on. The the example of the problem that we’re having is we were working with someone on a tenant landlord issue, we have negotiated an agreement, the person was supposed to get back into the unit on day x, the hospital released them early. And it created an issue with the tenant but no one told our social workers that this was happening. And so what we’re trying to do is essentially create a technical component to bridge the gaps where we know we’re not catching things on the human intelligence side. And so we have a map of the different systems that we have within the organization. And how this will connect it internally. That’s the beta test. Because we know we’re not doing it internal, we then want to go to the hospitals and the other social services agencies within the community. So that they can see them proof of concept. So we can start integrating, and we’re working more closely to ensure the health of the individuals in our community. When you see the National Science Foundation application, this even goes beyond that to say people can opt into it. So I can opt into it if my mom lived in this community. So now not only are the agencies communicating with each other, they’re also communicating with the caregivers of those individuals. And so they’re made aware of these issues. So we have a diagram that lays all of that out if that’s what you’re looking for in a technical basis.

Well, that’s one component of

a requirements specification. That’s a context diagram. Right? And, yeah, that would be very helpful.

There are,

I mean,

the arc between each system has a lot of different interfaces on it, because there are data interfaces, there are event interfaces, and some of them have standard specifications. And some of them don’t, I am expecting, although I haven’t looked at this particular problem for something like a decade. But, um, you know, guess the picture by itself, depending on how decorated it is, may or may not be enough. But I think Mayor Bagley suggested that the technical specification of the NSF application would be a good addition. And then whatever the stakeholder comments that Karen has put together would be a good addition, it may be more than any of us wants to read, but we should at least have a shot at it. Especially if this is 10% of what the city intends to engage in over the next several years.

Or I’m going to call him counselor Peck, just a quick reminder, it’s 945. And we have a lot to go through still.

So consumer pack. Um, you know, I’m very confused as to why we’re doing this. Our job really is just to make policy. And it sounds like we’re trying to micromanage staff. From what I’ve heard from Karen and Harold, they’ve got this under control. And we’ll be bringing it back to us.

No, I’m

sorry, Joe. Go ahead.

So I would like to move this without the amendments of the request.

There’s a motion already. I agree.

I got it. I got it. So yeah, there’s a motion on the table right now to continue with two weeks to allow Karen and staff in order to bring it back and allow counsel Martin and others who so wish to review the information.

Because we’re Martin, I would just like to say that I don’t think this is in any wise micromanaging the staff on every other expenditure that the council is asked to approve comes with the justification for why it should be made. And in, in the case of something that you can buy off the shelf, that expenditure is pretty easy to justify. But when you’re talking about a project that as far as we have seen here is very open ended. I think we need a little more boundaries than that or we don’t know what we’re spending our money on.

All right. With that, let’s go ahead and vote on this. Come back in two weeks is the motion with this issue. All right. All in favor say aye. Aye.


Aye. Opposed say nay nay.


All right, raise your hand if you’re an ace.

All right, the motion passes four to three with Councilmember daga Ferris Customer pack and customer Christiansen against the four of us for so we’ll see it in two weeks. All right, let’s go ahead and who pulled GE, somebody pulled GE

customer Christiansen.

I just had a question I

about what where this is my live meeting doesn’t work very well. And I was able to look at the map a few days ago, and now I cannot find it. But anyway, um, I do have pretty good visual memory. So I’m wondering if it is the little blue triangle to the south of the river. If if it’s just that section of the river set. It’s not the whole river set. It’s just that little section that we need access to. Is that correct?


Christiansen and Mayor Bagley. I’m looking at the vicinity map that’s attached to your packet. Yeah. The parcel of land is immediately north of Boston Avenue. And it is total of 19,000 square feet. So yeah, answer your question. No, it is not the entire river set area. Okay, but rather just that small. blue triangle.

Okay, thank you. That’s all I wanted to know. Yes. Oh, I was turned around about. Yeah. Okay. Thank you very much deal.

I would move.

I would move. Resolution 20 2094.

Second, Seeing no further debate, raise your hand and cut me off. If I say that. You really really want to say something. All right. We have a motion on the floor by Councillor christison I second it resolution? 2020 dash 94. All in favor say aye.


Aye. Opposed say nay. All right. Resolution. 2020. desk 94 passes unanimously.

Probably Did you also play ah

okay. Nobody pulled ah.

All right. Did somebody pull? i?

He was cooled.

Ah, well, yes. It was molded who pulled it?

I thought staff is gonna do a presentation.

That’s all right. I move resolution 20 2095.


on favor say

aye. Aye. Aye.

Aye. say nay. All right, resolution 2020 dash 95 passes unanimously.

I was not on the list correct.

J was not on the list k someone pulled K. Pulled k counselor Christiansen?


okay. Um,

I’m in favor of electric vehicles, of course, because everyone knows that this is this is what we’re going to have in the future. We had electric vehicles in 1910. In fact, we got rid of him. So let’s bring them back. I do have a problem. I have two problems. If we pass this without any amendment, we’ve just spent a great deal of time converting a lot of our fleet to the powered by powered by poo, or powered by you system. And which I think is is a very good use of otherwise wasted


I don’t want that to be interfered with.

And the second problem I have is that

I have a problem with subsidizing the infrastructure

for electric vehicles.

Why is it not? Why are these charging stations not being created by private enterprise, the infrastructure for gas vehicles was entirely created by the oil and gas companies. And I would rather see us put the money into to subsidizing electric vehicle stations into helping more people actually get electric vehicles because right now they’re very unaffordable. So what we’re doing essentially is subsidized upper middle class people with taxpayer money. And what we need is to get more people to be able to buy an electric vehicle so that the price will come down as we get more and more people into it. You know, that’s just how capitalism works. So I do have a problem with that I would pass this anyway. But I’m just stating my opinion that I don’t think that the cities should be providing the infrastructure for electric vehicles, I think we should be providing subsidies to increase the number of electric vehicles available, that people are able to buy.

Alright, you want to make a motion actually, tomorrow, Martin.

If it wants to make your motion First, we can discuss it under the auspices of the motion, I don’t care which

I’m, I’m gonna actually move resolution 2020 dash 97 on a second it we’re not going to second the resolution. All right, Counselor, Krishna says session to the resolution counselor Martin.

Okay, so two things. The first thing is that I have gone through a fairly extensive dialogue with the sustainability staff and the fleet staff. And there is a they have the intention of doing I can’t remember what this metal from this motion calls it right now. But anyway, the plan that is called for being developed

in the resolution.

They have have plans for doing that right after budget. And the other thing is that some of the recommendations that we have already voted, I’m not sure what’s going on there. already voted to incorporate into the cities were plan does involve things to help people get electric vehicles, such as group by programs have either used or down level model year vehicles that are not used, but that are not the current year. So we don’t necessarily need that in the plan. I’m there, when we’re displacing horses when we did the oil and gas infrastructure, so it was pretty easy to do it. Slowly, we’re looking at a much faster replacement. And that’s part of the reason why we need to subsidize the infrastructure, which is what the governor’s study from two years ago, concluded. So what the only reason this motion is before us now is because it’s Dr. Electric weak. And the staff was unanimous in in in saying we’re not ready to do this. One of the what just one of the of the problems that they brought up was that while we are happy to commit to not buying any more internal combustion engine cars, we are not sure that we can commit to retiring them on a schedule. And that’s kind of a important point. So I don’t think we should pass a policy that says you have to retire them on a schedule, when we’re as in as precarious a position as we are now. So my motion would be that we reconsider this resolution or amendments to this resolution on the timing of this, of the fleet and sustainability staff, which is probably four to six weeks, because it doesn’t have to be done because it’s Dr. Electric week.

So general problem with the resolution though.

Well, I don’t know because I didn’t have time to compare what the staffs rather lengthy comments with this resolution, which just isn’t the one that we got from SRL recently, or maybe this is the one from SRL recently.

did get a new one today damn Are you

timeout timeout, let’s go with Councilmember Peck. Then we’re going to go with Dale then we’re going to go with Harold Kelson repec

Thank you very badly this resolution is basically to get grant funding it is not to make any kind of a resolution about what we are going to do with E we Or it’s just to join. It’s an IGA to get grant funding for these charging stations. And I will vote for that.


Mayor Bagley and council. I believe Councilmember Peck has that correct. The item before you tonight is really to accept a grant that we have been awarded by the regional air quality council to install a single additional charging station. What I believe Councilmember Martin is referring to is the equitable carbon free transportation map that we intend to bring forward to the council for your discussion and consideration. It’ll probably be after the election now either late October or in November. And that is the item that tie toward your collars that call them this evening from sustainable resilient Longmont encouraging us to sign on to be an EB city. So those are two different issues though I think tonight is this this particular item is simply to accept the grant for a single charging station.

Okay. Okay. I was confused because we did have a speaker’s about go Evie. And then we also got an alternative go up. Resolution emailed to the council today. So yeah, I am being muddled I withdraw my motion. I’ll let somebody move to

our third there’s a current motion on the floor to pass resolution 2020 dash 98. I made it was seconded by Councillor Christiansen Seeing no further debate or discussion. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, the motion passes unanimously. Someone Paul L. No. Right. All right. Somebody pulled in bright eyes. No. Right. And then Oh, the prove amendment to Boulder air contracted denden. Counselor pack.

Thank you. I just pulled this actually for some clarification. And I talked to Dale earlier this morning. So he he knows some of the questions I’m going to ask, we had asked by majority to have the paragraph that basically stated that air bolder air had to give staff seven days notice before any presentation, etc, etc. And it’s been replaced with the two sentences that are that are in our packet, and in the resolution, stating that staff would like 48 hours before a presentation is made. So I in a couple of few of the residents had contacted me that they didn’t understand what this map so I have some questions for Dale, if you can, if you can clarify this for us and as well as for the public. When we ask boulder err to give us 48 hours before a presentation is made. Tell us why Steph wants that.

Thank you, Councilmember Peck and Mayor Bagley. So briefly, what you have in front of you tonight is an amendment to the amendment of the of the contract. And it’s shown on the first attachment. And it’s it’s striking out the entire portion of that task three that dealt with the city review and potential denial of Dr. helmet, being able to make a presentation and is instead changing that to simply say provide the city with written notice of publications and Republic presentations, where in the city’s data will be analyzed or interpreted at least 48 hours prior to the release of the information or at the earliest possible time. And so that is really in there in order for us to be alerted to a presentation so that we can alert the council and the broad community that a presentation is going to be made but the city’s information council you may want to listen to the presentation. It’s really just a heads up. It’s happening and so that there’s no surprise that a constituent doesn’t call you and say well what was that about? Or you know, the press usually gets involved and so we really just didn’t want to be caught sort of flat footed. And so again, it’s it’s looking for the 20 the 48 hours, or however much time he can provide us It’s less than that. It’s less than that. But that’s what we were wanting to accomplish.

So, Dale, thank you for that explanation. But when you say to analyze the data,


let me see if I can frame this the way I the way I’m thinking about it, which is it is not to deny regardless of what the data says it is not to deny boulder air, giving the presentation correctly to the council.

From the public,

correct Council, my repack, the staff is neither denying nor are we analyzing, we’re simply wanting to have notice that a presentation is going to be made, we do not intend to analyze it. We don’t intend to prove it. It really is simply Dr. helmig, sends us an email saying I have a presentation coming up on Thursday. and wanted to let you know, so here’s your here’s your heads up. We would then subsequently take that inform the council and the community to the extent that we can, because we think it’s important information that needs to be shared as broadly as we can, but the staff is doing no analyzing. We’re simply asking that we be notified that it’s happening. So no action of the staff, no action of the Council. Okay, prior to the presentations being made.

So in this notification from Boulder, err, you do not even need the interpretation of the data, correct? Dr. Helmick

correct, that we’re not asking for that

the date, the time and the organization that it’s going to be presented to

as much information as he can share, right to say, time and location, so that we can again, let the council know, let the community know.

Okay, thank you very much. And with that I move.

I’ll second that signal for the discussion. All right. Councillor Martin? Go ahead.

Um, I’d like clarification as to whether Councilmember Peck saying the date the time we’re giving the presentation to is the is intent me the whole of what Dr. Helmick has to pass to notify about because it seems to me that the original intention, which just had a promise that we weren’t going to stop it was so that the staff would have a chance to understand the policy framing that was intended because that the city should have a say about.

So I made before Hold on one second. I’m not going to call anybody as a point of order. But we have a motion on the floor. The motion is to approve the amendments boulder air contract addendum. Everything else in law, we call dicta meaning it’s all opinion. There’s a there’s an approved amount. There’s an amendment in our in our packet, and we are there’s currently a motion to approve that amendment. There have been no changes suggested donation motions to alter it. It’s as if the consent agenda is gonna pass. I believe we had some questions. They were concerned concerns they were addressed. The discussion that we could have right now is not going to matter. Thank you, Mr. Bagley. That was the question I wanted clarify. Okay. So there’s a motion in a second. So all in favor say aye.

Aye. Aye.

Opposed say nay.

All right, that passes unanimously. Now? I’m not sure but just to cover Eugene. I move all the consent agenda catch all If we miss something. It’s all passed a through P

to have a second

mare. You’re good. You’ve got them all.

Okay. All right. Good. Okay. Thank you. Thanks, Don, doing your job. All right. So dare I ask. Moving on to item 12. Jim, please tell me you decided to just bail. And now your guilt there is how long is this going to be?

Here? I think this could be done in a half hour or less.

Great. And let’s go ahead and take him just a brief break. Hit the restroom, grab a coke. And let’s come back and and let’s see how good you were. Well, let’s hope that you’re as good as you say you are Jim.

Well, Teresa, so I’m putting the pressure on her.

Okay, good. Good. All right. So we’ll be back in three minutes, four minutes.

Susan can we have our first presentation please.

And next slide.

Okay mayor and city council Teresa Malloy budget manager. So these are the topics we’re going to cover for you this evening. Jeffrey’s there will be joining us for that second topic. Next slide please. Each year as part of our budget process staff reviews and and updates our financial policies in your council packet was attachment L. And that is the complete policies and all of the revisions that we are proposing. We do have a few of them that we want to bring to your attention this evening that go beyond really just minor clarification. Next slide please, Susan. The first one on new policy is a policy around affordable housing. So this policy essentially lays out the different types of revenue. That will be put into the affordable housing fund for affordable housing purposes, including the transfers from the general fund and the marijuana tax fund. It also talks about the city accepting cash, land and property donations for affordable housing. Next slide, please. Two more new policies, one around the special marijuana sales tax, which will essentially say that half of that will go to the affordable housing Fund, and the other half will be allocated as council directs during the annual annual budget process. The final new policy we wanted to add is a reserve policy for the open space fund. When we were going through our COVID projections and such, we realized this is one of the funds that we don’t have currently a reserve policy for and so we’re proposing to set a 6% reserve policy for this fund. Next slide please. We do have a few policies that, as I mentioned are beyond just minor clarification. And the first one is in the oil and gas revenue policy to add that last sentence in blue, so that we can begin to establish a reserve in the general fund for oil and gas purposes. Next slide please. And the living wage requirement. This one, we are adding again what’s in blue to better align with the actual contract languages that will be part of the procurement contracts. Next slide please. And the investment vehicle adding again that section in blue, that one of the vehicles that the city can invest in is general or revenue municipal bonds. Next slide, please. And finally, the last one to bring to your attention is the electric utility reserve. The policy itself is not changing. Just a note on the implementation statement that the projections for 2021 are that that electric utility will not meet this minimum reserve requirement due to the broadband build out that will be paid back by the electric I’m sorry, by the broadband utility to the electric utility over a four to five year period, as well as the advanced metering ccip project. also wanted to note that it is staffs intention LPC staffs intention to review this policy and look at best practices. And likely we’ll be updating this policy during our budget process for 22. So those are the policies I wanted to bring to your attention. Certainly, if you guys have any questions on any of the policies that were in attachment L, we’d be happy to answer those. Jeff reasoner is going to be up next unless you have any questions on policies for me.

Nope. Let’s go ahead, Jeff.

All right. Thank you, Mayor, members of council, Jeffrey’s new recreation golf manager.

Here to talk a little bit about the proposed reductions for recreation. If, Susan if you could put up presentation number two, please.

Thank you.

Teresa just talked about financial policies. There is a financial policy for recreation fees. And it requires that we generate 80% self sufficiency through the fees that we charge for our programs and services. That policy excludes capital items over $5,000. So if we buy a treadmill that costs 40 $900, for example, we do have to cost recover it if it costs $5,000 we don’t. Free community events are excluded. Those are events like rhythm on the river and Longmont lights so as to compare us being compared to events like that. A triathlon lawn and on my turkey trot, those events we can charge for and those events are required to be under the policy. sports field maintenance is marking the fields maintaining the recreation part of those fields being ready to play, the athletic sports, the visitor center, and then our youth enrichment programs. That’s much like our middle school youth soccer program that we do in the spring in the fall. Next slide. So, we have found that there has been two major areas that have impacted recreation based on the the virus and people coming to the Rec Center. The first one is the guidelines that have been put on our facilities by the state and county public health agencies. Those requirements include a far fewer number of people that can use our facilities at any one time. The requirement that we do not allow a drop in use right now that it’s all done through the reservation system, you have to have a reservation to use the facilities, and then also the requirement to have face coverings. The second item is probably even bigger, is that many people are not feeling comfortable coming indoors, I had a number of emails that requested that we try to keep sunset pool open longer this year, we kept it open to our two weeks longer than we normally did. But as the weather gets colder, you know fewer people come to that facility. And and so we we did choose to close that this past Sunday. Just to give you an example, in a in normal times, the Recreation Center has 1200 people that come through the doors and use the facility each day. Right now we’re averaging about 250 people each day. Next slide, please. So with that recreation is anticipating that our revenues are going to be down 25% last year next year, just over a little over $1.1 million. We believe that the beginning of the year will start slow. But as the vaccine becomes available, our numbers will start growing again. Next slide. This slide gives you an example of how our revenue and attendance has been over the last several years. revenue and expenditure and attendance for this year is down about 33% as compared to last year. Next slide please.

So what the budget includes is a 25% reduction in all areas of the budget excluding regular in part time benefited employees in the benefits that match that. We also proposed 30% reduction in the number of hours that temporary employees would work. Those hours would be backfield by the regular in part time benefit employees. We didn’t make any specific proposed cuts. As far as program budgets. What we will do next slide please. Staff will start looking at how we can meet our budget and what programs we can offer. Based on the budget we would have available as programs can come back, we would come back to you and try and ask you to appropriate the additional revenues and start adding those programs and activities based on those that can generate the most revenue and would in turn also serve the most number of people.

Next slide.

So I know that was really quick, especially for a $1.1 million reduction but wanted I can answer any questions you might have.

All right, we’re good. Let’s keep going.

Thanks, Jeff.

Okay, Susan, if you wouldn’t mind putting presentation number three up for me, please. So in our general fund, we have one point almost $3 million of one time funding. Of that there is 186,810 that is funded through the tree mitigation reserve. Those are for the EIB expenses. And we also have a 63,000 of one time expenses that’s offset by one time revenue. So that is 60,000 for oil and gas, and 3000, from Boulder County, which is half of the cost of that armored vehicle windshield replacement. And all of our one time general fund one time can be found in attachment m, and we categorize them by the categories that you see on the screen here. So our net one time expenses in the general fund is a million and 1,040,000. Next slide, please. And in the public safety fund, we have a total of 775,000. At one time, again, we categorize them in the same categories, as you see on the screen. And the attachment in that was included in your packet is the complete list of all one time expenses in the public safety fund. Next slide, please. One of our financial policies that I didn’t cover with you this evening, but it is in the packet in our financial policy packet is the incremental development funding. And there is 756,756 building permits for new dwelling units in our proposed budget. Our financial policy states that anything above a base of 200 new dwelling units is considered incremental development revenue. And so that total amount of incremental development revenue in our proposed budget is $861,098. And that comes from essentially two revenue sources, building permits and plan review revenue. Next slide please. And this slide shows you what is covered under those incremental development revenue. It is all ongoing expenses at this point. So not no one time items are being used are being covered by incremental development revenue. And it is important to note that since they are ongoing expenses, they are subject to reduction at the point that our incremental development revenue will drop off. Otherwise, we would have to find another revenue source to cover them. So I know Joanie is is here this evening, if you have any questions on any of the incremental development revenue items, so or in any question on any one time, we also have other stuff here that can help answer questions. Should you have them on any other one time items?

Keep going.

Okay, so the last topic that we have for you this evening, then is our is our public hearing. So Susan, next slide. The the the announcement was advertised in the times call per city charter. And this is this the evening for our first public hearing on our budget.

We’re gonna go ahead and listen to Dr. Waters. Sorry, it’s

late. I’m looking at the computer. My eyes are watering. Dr. Waters.

Well, what do we I should have had my hand up when we asked if we had any questions about one time expenditure and I preach I don’t have questions about what’s listed. I do have a question. I don’t think I don’t think we’re we’re not finished seeing all the old proposals or are we

finishing all of what I’m

sorry, all the budget proposals for 2021.

We do still have one more presentation next week for you.

Yeah, so

whatever we will see you next week. We with this list, we will have spent all of our one time money

one time funding in 2021.

So So this list is all of the items that are one time in nature in the general fund in the public safety fun

So let me change the question just a little bit if we, if we saw proposals next week, where we said, we’d like to see more funding for x or y as a one time fund, those dollars are all spent

or allocated. I gotcha. So So I think what, as john had mentioned previously, we do still have potentially some property tax that could be used from a one time perspective.

Okay. Mayor Bagley, if I could jump in here as well, it also the amount of dollars that we recommended, go into the stability reserve, you could direct us to lower that. And use part of that for one time expenses. And everything you say that because I

made that note whether or not that’s even an option, but I appreciate you offering that up as a as well, not just something to think about her as, as an alternative. So thank you answered my question. And I’m satisfied. Thank you.

All right, let’s keep going. Let’s go ahead and take a two minute break and open it up for a public hearing. And we’ll come right back.

Aidan, are you on?

Of course.

So we got an email from somebody that couldn’t

stay for the public hearing. Do we need to read it? Or can we just provide it to you and the council as part of the public hearing?

We could do either whatever. Whatever. Whatever you prefer whatever mailbag. We prefers. We can read it or we can email it to Council.

I think Jim, is that the one about the you Creek? Yeah. So Jim did send that the council just FYI.

Yeah. Okay. Yeah, that’s, that’s good. And we don’t we don’t we’re not we’re not going to start reading things into the record. Because if people want to attend the public hearing, they can wait and attend the public hearing. But I don’t want to start the precedent of right. Having, you know, nor did I want to start the precedent of having people short circuit the final public invited to be heard by starting to call in during our public hearings. So

Hold on, I’ll just forward this to you.

I’ve already got it. Harold,

what are you doing? Okay.

So caller 198. I just admitted you into the meeting. This particular call in opportunity is for the public hearing on our

budget. So if that’s

what you’re calling about, you can stay on if you’re expecting the last public invited to be heard, that is still going to happen.

Shortly after.

This isn’t I’m just wondering if we could find out I believe this is the same color. That’s what I’m thinking from final call. We can just verify that I think it may be let him stay. Stay there because final call will come right up next. Okay. Thank you.

How many people are or

how many are we have? We have just one. I was just checking on this guest to see if they’re calling for the hearing on the budget or calling in for the final public invited to be heard portion.

Well, let’s go ahead and that’s fine. Let’s go ahead and let’s go ahead and get all the counsel back and then if somebody calls in by the time this gentleman is done talking, we will we will we will wrap up But he can stay on for a few minutes because we’re if even if he’s not calling in for the budget Where? Yes, close to the final call public invite Have you heard so?

Very good.

All right. We’re just waiting to Dr. Waters, then we’ll go.

Apologies. I diminished my screen and could not find a way back into this meeting. You know, Tim, you’re always you’re

always late. You’re just

Just kidding. All right. So let’s go ahead and open the public hearing on the 2021. budget. We have one person. If you’d like to go ahead and state your name and number for the name and address for the record. You get three minutes.

Yes, this is Scott coming. Am I apologize. I’m actually for the public hearing at the end.

Okay, then we’ll go ahead then. And just hold on tight for just a second.

That’s the only color we have there for right

then we’re gonna go ahead and close the public invited to be heard. And, Jim, if you don’t have anything else you want to thank you and your staff for for a wonderful job as always. Thank you.

We’re done. Thanks.

All right. Perfect. All right. Let’s move on to final call public invite. Have you heard the gentleman on the line? You got three minutes? Go ahead.

Okay, Hi.

My name is Scott Cunningham. My address is 3771 South Narcissus way, Denver 80237. So I’d like to thank you, Mayor, Bagley and city council members for the opportunity to provide input that I hope will be helpful with regard to the use of ami proposed ami smart meters. Can you guys hear me okay? Yes, sir. Okay, thanks. My comments concern, long months stated desire to develop a state of the art, sustainable and renewable energy grid to meet the ongoing energy requirements of the members of your community. I urge the council to be extremely cautious in recommending deployment of the advanced metering infrastructure wireless smart meters also known as ami smart meters for several reasons. First, the wireless ami smart meters are currently felt by leaders of the sustainable energy field to be much less effective in reflecting minute to minute, much less second to second fluctuations in energy supply and demand compared with the newer wired smart meters, which are inherently orders of magnitude more responsive. In addition, these wireless ami smart meters are actually guaranteed to require costly ongoing maintenance and replacement eventually as as compared with the wired smart meters. My last comments concern the demonstrated risk of of these wireless smart meters actually catching fire, which you’ve seen in multiple municipalities across our nation over the past over years. And again, I would suggest extreme caution, certainly studying this further but at at minimum, requiring the supplier to provide proof of insurance against fires caused by these devices and or certificates of safety. Certainly, the city does not relish the thought of being liable for fire damage. brought about what many authorities would say is inferior and even inherently unsafe equipment. Thank you very much.

All right, thank you, sir. See, I’m assuming nobody else’s in the queue. That is correct, Mayor. All right. Great. And let’s go on to mayor and council comments.

Councillor Christiansen

you’re muted counselor and Marsha Martin, you’re next. So I want you to

get off like pumped out on that arm.

Sorry, I know we got a

lamp in here.

So this is about things to do in Longmont. This weekend or last weekend on either Friday or Saturday, I went over to the museum, which was helping Tony Ortega paint five murals that are that are going to be installed. And Tony Ortega is a wonderful artist. You cannot look at his work and not feel delighted by life. It’s even when it’s a sad subject. It’s the beautiful, he’s done paintings and murals and children’s book illustrations and many things he’s been he’s one of Colorado’s best artists. Um, so I painted some blue bones which are going to be overpainted. This was just an under painting. This is a group project for a mural. And it was really interesting and really a lot of fun. A lot of nice people. And it’s just one of the many, many things that the museum does. And I also would urge everybody to go to the opening ceremony of the the the Dia de los Muertos. October 1 at the museum, it’s always a wonderful time to remember reflect on life. This is a particularly good year to reflect on life and death. And all the people who have died that you love this year, including some who are well known, like john lewis and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but we’ve also all lost our own. Our own family and friends. Um, the other thing that the museum is doing is at 730. On Thursday, they are having a talk by Cleo Parker Robinson. Cleo Parker Robinson has been this is a 50 year celebration of her work. She’s been one of the leading dancers, I mean, dance companies in Colorado and she has promoted dance, particularly African American culture for the last 50 years. She’s an incredible person. She’s delightful human being so I would suggest you tune into that. Anyway, that’s all I got.

All right. Um,

who else? kills worm? I’m

sorry. Like, go ahead.

Thank you, Mayor Bagley somewhat aligned with something Paul said, I think we would be remiss not to acknowledge that today the United States officially passed the total of 200,000 deaths from COVID-19. And I guess on a virtual meeting, a moment of silence is not all that meaningful. So let’s just all acknowledge that this has happened and acknowledge the people that are fighting against it, especially our local heroes, including our city service staff and our medical workers here in Longmont. So it’s a sad day.

All right, I don’t see any other hands before we get to you Dr. Waters. I was too late but and I don’t think anybody you guys know Rick rolling is I think Aaron’s anyway, I was gonna rickroll you guys tonight because he Patrick asked him died today. So I was gonna, like, throw it up in the middle of the meeting. But I figured that most of you guys like what are you doing? So anyway, Aaron, it would have been funny to you.

And maybe you’ve

been funny.

Alright, but anyway.

All right. Anybody else? Dr. Waters. Let’s give you the last word.

Thanks. So with apologies to council members, I’m going to I’m going to my last comments are going to be a little sharper in point pointed than then the council member Martin’s very thoughtful reflection. On the number of Americans who we’ve lost due to this pandemic, but I do want to start my my comments by asking you Sandy cedar. So on the call

number wires I Schramm

Sandy, you shared an email with us this last week. Reporting to us a recommendation from Boulder County, the Devolder county Democratic Party, relative to relative to the ballot question that will be on the ballot 3d to change or amend the Longmont city charter. And I’m just curious, because that what I saw was the Boulder County Democrats, encouraging people to vote against our local charter, proposed charter and then the change is that correct?

Yes, that’s true. That is what they publicized in an E newsletter last

week. And did you receive any inquiries from from them about our thinking the rationale, or or an invitation to make any kind of presentation to anybody?

I did not receive any questions or opportunities to

speak and I did check in with our presentation team and neither did they.

So a position they took without any input from us other than what they’ve heard or read in the paper or heard from other Boulder County Democrats. Is that fair? I would say that’s a

fair assessment.

Um, so I want to say to Boulder County Democrats, that your arrogance and disrespect of Longmont its elected officials is insulting, at least to this council member. Boulder County, Boulder County democrats clearly believe based on what I read. The long run city council members and the city manager are not smart enough to design public private partnerships that serve the interests of Longmont, residents, taxpayers and investors. I guess Longmont residents, based on the thinking of Longmont, or Boulder County Democrats, not long month Democrats should be grateful that Boulder County democrats want to save us from ourselves. Only county democrats not elected officials are not elected to folks that they are accountable to Longmont voters, obviously believe there fear. The council members lack the intelligence and responsibility to negotiate agreements with investors that do not award unnecessary subsidies to developers, while undervaluing city of Longmont own property are compelling reasons for partisan opposition to a non partisan ballot question to change the city charter. Boulder County democrats apparently also believe valid questions voted down by Longmont voters in one election cycle should not again appear on a subsequent ballot. If this thinking was sound, next slide would not exist since it was not supported by the voters of Longmont, when initially placed on a ballot and flying the Boulder County democrats rationale for voting no on the charter change. Would they would recommend that long months voters vote against the development of what is now acknowledged as one of long lunch great assets and the envy of municipalities virtually everywhere, including the city of Boulder. So Boulder County Democrats in the interest of an informed, balanced, respectful and non partisan, local election, reconsider your position.

Thank you.

Alright, then let’s go ahead and say Harold. Yeah, but he did say

real quick. I just, I missed this earlier. I know Sandy sent out an email talking about council coffee with Council on October in a virtual format. What we heard from Council is you would rather wait and consider that for January. Then try to stick that in in the last coffee with Council in October. Just wanted to confirm that with you on let you know that we will evaluate for January depending on where we are in this situation.


No comments, man.

All right, with that kind of a motion to adjourn.

I move that we adjourn. Thank you killed.

Okay. I was gonna second

it. And the ride has

been Oh by Councilmember Pac, seconded by Councilmember Martin getting out of here at 1040. It’s great for 11. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. All opposed say nay. And that motion passes unanimously. And I will see you guys at the latest next Tuesday. All right, later, guys. Thanks for your help. Bye.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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