City Council regular session – July 28, 2020


Thank you, Councilmember Duggal faring. Here. Councilmember Martin. Here. Councilmember Peck. Here. Councilmember Rodriguez. Here. Councilmember waters here. Mayor, you have a quorum.


Tim, you lead the pledge yet?

No, I haven’t. All right back to the school days, my friend. You deleted.

All right.

I pledge allegiance, allegiance to the flag of the United

States of America

and to the republic for which it stands,

one Nation under God,

indivisible, with liberty and

justice for all. All right, great.

Thanks, Dr. Waters. All right, quick reminder.

Anyone wishing to provide public Comment during first call public invited to be heard, will need to watch the livestream of the meeting. And when the call and information is displayed on the screen like they’re seeing right now, please call that number. And then we’ll call on you. After, after. After, after it’s your turn. Calls will be. callers will hear confirmation they’ve entered the meeting and they’ll get you’ll be told how many people already participating in the meeting. callers have been placed on hold and muted until then, until it’s your turn. And you’ll be called out according to the last three digits, your phone number. So all right, let’s move on to approval of minutes. We have a motion to approve the July 14 2020. regular session minutes.

So moved.

It’s been moved and seconded. Moved by Councillor Martin seconded by Councillor Peck. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. All opposed say nay.

All right, motion passes unanimously. All right. Um, it looks like

Do I have any agenda revisions? Anybody else?

Oh, sorry. I saw. I see that there’s a revised ordinance right on 10. A, regarding the dismount zones. There you go. Thank you guys. I see that but right now, just there are their agenda revisions or submission emotions to direct city manager and in staff to bring back future agenda items. That’s really what I’m asking for.



A while back. I requested a

the police department to report on their use of force that was mainly to educate the

public. But in the meantime, the housing and Human Services Advisory Board began a discussion that went over well, we had many meetings on it. on whether we should defund or divert police funding by 10% to housing and Human Services. I just wanted you to be aware that this was happening, but they decided not to go forward with it. However, it is a concern.

But I would like to amend. I know that

the city manager and the police department is working on that use of force statement. I would like to amend it to include

whether they whether our police

department ever uses medical injections such as was used on Elijah McCain, who was given an injection that was twice as large as his bodyweight could handle, which resulted in a heart attack for a 23 year old. And I think our community needs to know whether we give injections to people or not. So I would like to amend or add on to that. That that statement of whether what kind of medical

whether we use medical injections to

call them

arrestees. Do I have a second?

Do I have a second?

All right.

There is no second. But, Harold, when are you When? When does that when is the use of force policy coming back?

And we said we hope hope to have in a couple of weeks. Rob is getting me the data this week to review as part of that we’ll have that put together as well as an update on that issue.

And Councillor Christiansen, you are still free to ask that question and they’re presenting Well,

okay. Thank you. Perfect. Yep.

Thank you. Um, I agree with a console integration. concerned but I would like to have this in this report. Not Not only do the police use into any type of injections to call them a an arrestee or do the EMT, people use any injections. So just how has that worked? Do we use it? included in the report? Thank you.

We don’t need to take a vote. Do we just include something there? Just let me know.

I can, I can answer part of it. We do use Narcan for individuals that are overdosing on opiates, opiates. In terms of fire and police. We have paramedics and so depending on the health condition, we have protocols that we followed by physicians in terms of what we use, but that’s driven by a different set of medical protocols. But we’ll have that in there.

Are there any other questions? Okay. That said let’s move on to city manager’s report and update on COVID-19.

apparel. Mayor Council. So one thing that I want to touch on is not technically not COVID related, but it is this year. So I did want to report to you all that based on our mosquito trapping, we are going to be spraying on Thursday evening, we are following our policy and notifying this folks that are requesting the shut offs. For the sprain. We do have our our city’s mosquito control contractor, it’s vector disease control International. They have some informational dashboards, folks can request shut off service in front of their house. We also have a willingness to investigate potential larvicides and we provide email notifications adjacent to the applications on that we’ve been traveling with Since June 15 in 12 different locations to determine the transactional numbers and we’ve been looking at our wet and standing water areas for mosquito larva production. They had the first West Nile positive mosquito identified in three county reading region, which is boulder weld and Larimer. We had individual neighborhood traps exceed 150 adult female mosquitoes. We’re going to be just spraying will generally take place in neighborhoods after 9pm. The reason we wanted to bring this out to council tonight is because we have been in conversation with Boulder County Health. Obviously they are encouraging the spraying of mosquitoes based on the fact that we are continuing to be in the covid situation. They want to reduce the likelihood that we add people who develop West Nile disease on top of it So this is a two fold situation that we’re getting into. But I wanted to let you all know that we’re doing that the press release will be going out soon as I update Council on this. So people can request the shut offs, but this is related to the broader issues that that we’re seeing in terms of managing other diseases at this time. So that’s what we’re going to be doing. I wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone about the four DS that we stress, dusk to dawn limit your outdoor outdoor activity. If you’re out there, utilize an insect repellent with DEET. During dress in the appropriate clothing to avoid being been if you have any areas and around your property that retain water, make sure that you don’t you do something to alleviate that problem. So that’s where we are just another piece in the puzzle not directly related to it but wanted to reiterate basically In our conversations with Boulder County Health, they are encouraging us to do this to limit you know, dental and someone contracting less now.

Any questions on that?

Look like it. Thank you, Harold. Appreciate it. Thank

you just going to go really quickly over the numbers. If you all want to see the graphs, I can show you the graphs. They call that up. Generally, again, you’re seeing the three day average in Colorado. I’m going to show you the counts if my computer responds. I’ve been having issues here. Okay. And you can see a decreasing This is really echoing what the governor talked about today in his press conference. We’re trying to get those slides but if you look at it, one of the I think the important components on that is they certainly They had a red orange in green diagram. Boulder County was actually one of the few counties in the front range that was in the orange. As soon as we get that we will provide that to Council. Again, I’m pointing this out because this is really where a lot of the targeting of the conversations coming in. And when you see the chart associated with Boulder County, you’re going to see a significant difference in terms of the age range of people that are testing positive again, higher in the 20 to 29 year old population and statewide you can see this general decline. This this diagram is the one that the governor was referencing today on his on his press conference and what you really see is what’s happening in other communities. When we were at the peak in April for us you can see a 25% positive rate. That’s really what they’re seeing in some of the locations in the in the states that are considered the high spots today and in Colorado 4.56. So we’ve really been hovering around this 5%. Recently, even with the the increased number of positive cases in Colorado,

Boulder County,

again, as I said earlier, is doing

fairly well. As we look at the rest many of the counties within the state.

Again, you can see the high points in Boulder County.

And you can see again, as we watch trends, you’re seeing the graphs move in a very similar fashion. The difference in this is I am going to again, call attention to the y axis on this one, when you see many places talking about generating hundreds of cases. You know, our high point in Boulder has still been 45. But you can see the movement in the graph that mimics what we’re seeing at the start level, the last few days have been pretty good. We’re still probably a few days to week out if seen what the impact is at the new masking order, and the closures of establishments after 10pm. But hopefully the data will continue trending in this direction. This is the five day rolling average percentage COVID-19 positive PCR test. Again, you can see the difference. We’ve really been trending in Boulder County below 4% in those tests, and then when you look at the number of tests that that are being done, again, you’re seeing, remember the 500 number, which was the Harvard study that indicated what we needed to try to do on a daily basis to get a look at what’s going on in our community and you’re really seeing here that they’re they’re moving above that number and we’re we’re not hearing have any issues with testing. I know driving today at one of the drive thru sites. on Main Street, there were a number of cars there with folks getting tested. But again, large number of test, few positives below the 45 range is what we’re seeing. This is the graph that I wanted to show you when when you looked at the state graph in terms of where the positive tests are being generated. You know, the state had more of this gradual incline like this. What we’re really seeing in Boulder County is again in this 20 to 29 year old population, and that’s where you’re seeing a lot of the work being done in terms of communicating with with the public information that they’re putting out, especially as the university is getting ready to go in session the county has work to they are creating situation where they work or program where they work with individuals from the community and I know they’re really focused on trying to get some college age students on that group so they can you know, increase the communication in this age range. Once again, five day average number of new cases. Again, you can see the movement the high peak down up and then you can see it’s starting to vacillate we hope we can continue on this trend. Residents This is per hundred thousand. Again, want to point out what you’re seeing is Lafayette moving up and the per hundred thousand even though they don’t have 100,000, saved for Lewisville. But when you look at the actual number of cases, Boulder is now at seven and seven were at 626. Again, that is really directly you can really start seeing the age demographic starting to play in the community numbers and then people protesting positive. And then this is the demographics in terms of white, non Hispanic, Hispanic Latin x in the different communities. If you remember last week I talked to you I think it was 36. I can’t remember Phil’s with council or with the city wide WebEx. At one point it was 36.8. Another point 36.2. Now 35.9%. So you’re actually seeing this numbers start to drop, which then is starting to correspond with where you’re seeing the age demographics in terms of who who is testing positive.

This is a good one. Again, this talks about what we’re seeing in long term care facilities versus not associated with it. I think the good news for us as we continue working in this you saw we were really hit hard in long term care facilities early on in this not necessarily seen that at this point. And then this is where we stand in terms of hospital services in Boulder County. Again, I do have access to some other data sets that gets more detailed in terms of what’s available, but we’re still in pretty good shape. A lot of people will will draw attention to this available med surge beds. Again, I put the caveat that we are still doing elective procedures and other normal hospital work so so that will adjust this but in terms of ICU beds available, non critical events and critical events, we’re still in really good shape in terms of the hospital system. As of yet I haven’t heard of anything locally in terms of us being at capacity. I have had that question recently based on what people are seeing

in areas

and other states stopped

So we’re still in pretty good shape in terms of hospital capacity. And I haven’t heard anything we’re individuals are getting concerned. Now. I think the big thing that if you look at the takeaway from what the governor said today, this really is about, as you’ve heard me say before keeping our numbers down so that we can continue moving forward in terms of supporting everyone in our community, but especially our business owners and the people that are employed by these businesses because they are making decisions based on the numbers. What the governor did indicate today in his press conference is that if they see surges in counties where there are variances, they will reach out and contact them. And they have to have a pretty aggressive plan to minimize those surges that will watch it. If they’re not able to do that, they’ll actually remove some of the variances that the counties have already have that they have in play. So again, really important for To now manage three things, wear masks socially distance and wash your hands. I may have mentioned it to this group, there was a really interesting medical study out that said if we do those three things, it has a potential to be almost as impactful as a vaccine. So those are the things we need to do. We obviously, now internally within the organization, we have opened up the library, which is good. Most of our facilities are now opened up to a certain extent where they’re not fully open. And I know it’s frustrating to some of our residents where we have to register for things we’re not normally used to registering for. I know there was an email regarding swimming pool, use at sunset and you know, we do that on a 14 day period. We know people are almost waiting for that next 14 day cycle to come open to register, that we’re watching that pretty close to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to use it. But it is a registration format. And that’s how we’re going to work on a number. That’s how many of our programs are working. You may hear another question about the library because we are requiring mass within our library and you go, Well, what about the health exemptions? The difference in that is because we’re providing alternate options for individuals like curbside pickup and some of the other things, it actually does allow us to have a slightly stronger stance on that. And that’s also part of what we have to do in terms of the requirements that we have in terms of sanitation, sanitizing, the number of things people touch, and so on and so forth. So we’re continuing to move forward. You know, we are continuing to really watch our staff in terms of people who get sick. You know, before I was saying we have no more than 15 people in our staff have a positive actually the number was seven That I got last week. So as we’ve started this, I believe we’ve only had seven of our staff members test positive for this, again, really important that, you know, I think that’s a trip credit to them, and what they’re doing, you know, we’ve had at least 400 people working through this, working with people who we know or positivity or public safety. And it’s a matter of really following those protocols, and really wearing the mask and socially distancing when you can and moving through those systems. So, you know, thus far we’re, you know, we’re, again, we’re continuing to move through it continuing to monitor what’s going on staying in contact with our colleagues. The big piece that’s associated with this now is really, the work that we’re doing on our budget also managing are 2020 numbers. So we’re doing a couple of things. We’re managing 2020 and really looking at what the revenue streams look like, for this year’s budget, and we’re watching this Same revenue streams to develop next year’s budget. And so fair amount of work right now coming in on the financial side, you all will be hearing more about that in the in the next few weeks. But again, continuing to move through it. And thus far I haven’t really seen anything in the last week or so that is a significant change or anything that is concerning me. You’ll have any questions? I’ll be happy to answer those.


Yeah, the question so early on, but I didn’t want to interrupt you. We were taught you were talking about the positivity rate in Colorado and Boulder County. So at one period, I thought we were at 7%. I mean, it changed it fluctuates so much, but where are we at currently,

um, for Boulder County or for the state, both. This day positivity rate is July 27 2020, was 4.56% 4.56

Uh huh.

And the county

percentage was

got it on a different slide. Let me pull that up.

I should have just interrupted you.

3.3% Let me show you this screen.

Okay. And typically if you are can see this is a 5% or less Is that correct? Pardon? Opening

you know opening businesses schools.

I don’t know if if the states really used a percentage point I know early on we were talking about that as being a threshold if well, if you remember beginning of this we’re talking about dipping below 10% positivity right then we said we want to move below 5% positivity rate. And as the governor was was talking about it today, when you’re about at one or 2% positivity rate that that is where you ideally want to be. And Boulder County, I just received this from Jeff today. I haven’t had a chance to really look at it in depth. But if you can see the current five day average percent positive is 3%. On July 1, we are at 3.3%.


All right. Thanks, girl. What else?

Oh, one more thing. I’m

good. Susie.

Oh, sorry. I we had to do with a twofold question. He was going too fast. The sunset, the pools Typically on Labor Day, but given that we are limiting the amount of opportunities for people to get out there, is there talk of extending the closure date for the season.

I know the gym that Jeff is looking at a number of these things. I think it changes a little bit with the way schools are opening as well. Because normally we close about that time because it actually costs you more because it’s pretty much dead for a few days. But Jeff is looking at that and I will follow up with them and see where he is in terms of what he’s evaluating your comms. Karen, do you have an answer to that?

Yes, Karen Varney Community Services record so the answer is yes. A death and recreation staff aren’t



They Thank you

All right, anything else? Doc waters? Here? Oh,

I keep kind of rolling the data or testing around from week to week. The 500 number that you’ve mentioned tonight in the just talked about, from an epidemiological standpoint, given the size of the population is a sufficient sufficiently large n right number of participants to determine whether or not there’s community spread, that’s the lower than 5%. Correct? Yes. tells us whether or not we’re getting community spread. It doesn’t really tell anybody to tell us anything about a specific population. No. So if if some subset of the population in Longmont wanted to get tested, a church group, an athletic team, to make certain that you know that they were that none of them were infected. Are all them his areas? It may stay this way. Is there anybody in Longmont who wanted to be tested? Not able to get a test or on the positive? Everybody wants one can get one. First question Second, if the if the answer is yes, what’s the turnaround time in terms of results?

So, hard question. So yes, there are the public testing sites here in Longmont. I believe solute is one that does that. I know that the hospitals are also doing that, and working with and what I mean hospitals, and UC health, I believe, and valuate are working with Boulder County Health. There are also private labs that are that are doing the testing that you can pay for. And so to answer the question, there are multiple venues for people to be tested. In terms of our case with our staff. What we do is we run them through our insurance providers To ensure that they can get tested, we are in daily contact with them. And so what I would say anybody that has a business or has insurance, that’s also what they need to do to ensure that. And Joanne knows generally the turnaround time, so it could be anywhere from 24 hours 2448 hour period to three to five days depending on where they go. And so it varies by location. So it’s kind of hard to say, here’s the number.

So if groups of people in the community whether it’s a church, a youth sports team, or an adult sports team, for wanting to go to adopt a protocol, not unlike we’re seeing with professional sports, right, we want to make certain work tested on a regular basis to make certain that no one in this mix is affected. Can they go through the drive in clinic or for site?

Those that are through this state that are free that you hear the governor talking about. I believe they can do that.

And you know what that turnaround time is?

I don’t know, off the top of my head what that one is.

Okay, so that I’ll let it go. That raises two questions for me about, you know about other decisions that get made based on testing, availability and kind of the rigor of testing regimes. What do we know about tracing?

So right now, I know Boulder County has probably the most capacity in terms of tracing as those positives are coming into the system. So early on, we were talking to Jeff about providing staff if necessary, they haven’t had to request that from us. So they’ve done really well in terms of bringing that tracing capacity forward. I know that they also have IGA s with all of our surrounding counties where if any one of them Got it excessively hard that the other county health departments could come in and support on that tracing. But, you know, based on what I’ve heard, they’re doing really, they’re doing well in terms of tracing capacity. Right.

So we’re in Boulder County, we’re tracing every, every positive result.

That’s what I’m aware of when they come in when they’re made aware of those, they’re working on the tracing component. And to give you an example, we actually had a situation where that occurred on one of our adult sports teams. So when it occurs and something we’re doing, we’re also simultaneously we’re also reaching out to the county and talking to them about this, and then they’re advising us in terms of what we need to do in the broader sense of that, that event, whatever that event is, and so we work closely with them on the tracing

and let my last question I’ll shut up if the I know that the test Center on North mains a drive thru right? Yep. Is that also true a salute?

I don’t know how salutes doing it. I can find out and get that information to you.

Well, yeah, just cuz cuz that would if it is then you have to have a car to get tested. And we have a bunch of residents without cars. And they’re kind of left out of the testing opportunity if they need one. So it just would be helpful to know.

Yeah. And what I can do is I’ll get Joanne to put all the testing information together, because she’s really the one that does it for all of us. I learned today on something else that she said, Well, if we can’t do it here, I want to send this person to here or here and this is a turnaround time. So I’ll have Joanne, aggregate all of

that and send that to Council. Very good. Thank you. That would be nice.

All right, what else? Well,

that’s all I have for today.

All right, great. Let’s go ahead and

Let’s move on to so there’s no special reports, right?

All right, let’s go ahead and move on to first call public invited to be heard them. So if you are listening to this, please call 1-669-900-6833. And when prompted, enter the meeting id 81795915872. So we’re going to go ahead and take a five minute break and we’ll be right back. All right.

Mayor we will

give our guests just another few seconds to get logged in looks like we’re holding at eight.

Mayor we’re ready when you are

those guests that we’ve just led into Give us just a minute, I will be identifying you individually by the last three digits of your phone number. I will call out that phone number and let you know I’m unmuting you. And if you can please state your name and address for the record. You will have three minutes. Let me know Mayor when you’re ready.

All right, we’re ready.

All right. The first caller, I’m going to unmute your phone number ends in 274. I’ve unmuted you Do you hear me?

How many total? We


One moment. Mayor, we have eight guests that I’ve let in. All right,

perfect. I’m sorry. Let’s go ahead and start.

Thank you. So color, please state your name and address you have three minutes.

My name is Susan summers. My address is 1418 Galilee lane. I’m here tonight to address some serious concerns with a curry dog extermination permitting process. Recently a landowner was caught red handed, violating our prairie dog ordinance. exterminators were on site ready to exterminate without a permit. When thankfully prairie dog advocate Jeremy Gregory witnessed the violation was able to stop it. Discussions then kind of ensued a little bit with a suggestion by some advocates to amend our ordinance to allow for a 12 month hold on applying for a permit when someone has so very clearly violated this ordinance. Obviously, that has not happened. And so this landowner

is now applied for a permit

applying for his permit, a prairie dog extermination permit. The application for this permit shows a very obvious attempt to stay below the 1.5 acre threshold for a major permit. I emailed each council member With I apologize Councilmember Hidalgo I did not have your email address. I did email, an image that shows a ridiculous 68 sided polygon encompassing 1.34 acres of a 2.85 acre parcel. There are very clearly open burrows just outside many of the edges of this absurd polygon. And that has been verified today by Jeremy Gregory, who will also provide more information later. It does anyone actually believe that when the exterminator arrives on this parcel does they will follow the boundaries of this 68 sided polygon? I certainly don’t think so. The exterminator will hit every borough on the 2.85 acres. advocates are requesting as allowed in ordinance language to have city staff review this property we are asking tonight for council to direct staff to place a hold on this permit. These dogs are scheduled for extermination this Thursday the 30th. as advocates, we have all of the burden in finding relocation sites, we should not also be required to verify information submitted with an extermination application. It is very easy to see the issues with this 68 sided polygon within what is really a 1.77 acre active prairie dog site. Less permission I’ve never had been issued.

Another major, we’re over over well over the three minutes but thank you.

All right, next.

May or the next caller, your number is three to eight. I’m going to unmute you. If you could please state your name and address for the record.

It’s my name is Chris Wasik. I live at 1609 19th Avenue here in Longmont. I’m calling tonight to speak about the bike dismount ordinance as it’s currently written. I do think that there’s some merit in the overall idea. However, I vehemently disagree with the fine structure that will ultimately either go unenforced, or disappoint disproportionately affect our lower income residents, all in the middle of a global pandemic. Tragically, there was no real discussion on the last reading by council members or city attorney that instead of the murky assumption that quote, the courts will figure it out. The fine should have been spelled out in a structure within the ordinance, something more akin to a $25 first offense with increases for repeat offenders makes far more sense than a $300 maximum fine on first offense, that could potentially be more than violent offenses, and could very well mean the difference between contempt of court and food medicine or housing expenses for impulse residents. In addition to this, the way this ordinance is being implemented is only serving to say the bikes are unwelcome in the downtown area. At a time when we desperately need all the visitors we can possibly get while the restaurants may be doing Better on the weekends do the street closers. The retail establishments are generally bemoaning the lack of street parking during the week for less foot traffic, please do not harm them further with a disproportionate fine that will potentially scare away the bike riders as well. If council would like to enact something far more imperative, please pass a facemask or unit and direct lpd to actually enforce it. We seem to be currently sitting around 60 to 70% compliance but we can need to do better. Longmont could very well be the beacon for Colorado and enforcement and public health orders and the example for other cities as we try to be coated. Thank you for your time.

All right, thank you. Thank you very much next

May or the next guest your phone number ends and 470 you are now unmuted. Can you hear me?

I can. Can you hear me?

Yes, we can. You may begin.

Good. This is hi reading folks. Michael Belmont 841 tenacity drive to Longmont I want to tackle the fracking issue which is coming up a little bit later in, just make a couple of comments on which I’m extremely concerned, in February of 2018 and fracked. Well, it was kind of an inconsequential well or not a huge one in Ohio had a casing failure blew out gushing methane for almost three weeks, resulting one of the biggest leaks in US history. Greater than many come country’s entire years leakage by the entire industry. casing failures are on the rise in this industry for a number of reasons, including operators cutting more corners because of acute financial distress. It’s just now pervasive in the industry. Well, more importantly, wells are much longer now requiring far greater pressure. And whereas four or five fractures was common in the past, as recently pointed out in the Journal of petroleum technology, they now have something Do 150 to 200 fractures, closely spaced together, which puts far more stress on casings than ever before. So longer wells require greater pressure to blast the fracking fluids greater distances. And since the shale industry has consistently lost money on the shorter wells, they now bet on much longer ones, which is clearly a dangerous gamble, given the recent history of failures, and I need an elaborate on the dangers of failed casings to groundwater and even leakage of methane in the air as happened in the Ohio incident. The US monitoring which can be a tool pointing to these dangerous leaks, whether below or above ground is more important than ever. And accordingly, I would strongly urge the city to retain Detlev helmet, the monitor our air quality based on his vast experience knowledge and expertise in this critically healthcare arena. And I just kind of want to emphasize or express my fears and as has been a fears of many citizens involved in in the fracking issues. That who’s going to play it pay the cleanup costs of these spills and leaks. They can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars if not way more, whether it’s from operators leaving incomplete work, failures of non plugged in properly plugged or very old plug wells operator, carelessness, errors, cutting costs, inevitable accidents, technical failures, abandoned wells, passage of time, failures. I mean, we as taxpayers will be left holding the bag and the $7,600 we are paying terracon to police top in cubs. cleanup of the recent stamp well leak is a pittance compared to what may be coming.

Alright. We’re over three minutes but thank you very much.

Very good. Thank you. All right.

All right next.

Our next caller is your phone number ends in 630

I have unmuted you can you see and hear us? I mean, can you hear us?

Yeah, I can hear you. Can you hear me?

Yes, you may begin.

My name is Angela Rebus and I Live at Four or 501 Nelson road in Longmont and I am calling with regards to the furry dog colony that’s slated to be poisoned on Thursday. as Susan mentioned, when she was speaking, the polygon that was drawn around to in order to take to take the acreage count is just a crazy gerrymandered polygon. I mean, who does that it looks like it was drawn by a drunk having a really hard time walking around the wild plane Ring around the prairie dog colony. so absurd. And it’s obvious with what the intentions were. So I am calling to request that the permit be pulled immediately until the property can be reviewed. And also, I wanted to mention that the signs need to be changed to make it to include the location, I had seen a sign that somebody had posted to Facebook, it turns out it was that sign, but I couldn’t tell where it was. And I wasn’t sure who had posted it. So I didn’t have a way to find easily finding out where it was. I just knew it was somewhere along month so took a little time. You know, I gave the information to Susan who was able to figure it out. But that information should be readily available. It shouldn’t have to be something that we have to hunt down. It should be very simple to see the sign regardless of you know, if there’s an image taken other posted somewhere where it where it is what the what the parcel pertains to it. Thank you. Thank you.

All right next.

Our next caller, your phone number ends in 882. I’ve just unmuted you. Can you hear us? Yes.

Yes, you may begin.

Mayor, sorry, it’s common 1014 Fifth Avenue allama. They’re a city council and staff. Monday bicycle on my board members, including myself, met with city traffic planner, Phil Greenwald and LD da executive director Kimberly McKee to discuss on the proposed mandatory dismount ordinance. That’s on tonight’s agenda for second meeting. We discussed the bicycle committees, concerns with having a safe and reasonable place to ride to and from downtown. Since we’re down to one lane on Main Street, and obviously we don’t want bikes on on the sidewalks

in, we listened to the concerns that the LD D had as long as the city heads for safety for people in town, and as we said before, bicycle Longmont and our riders are for the dismount zone, as long as it’s one enforced correctly in to that there is a safe and reasonable place for people to ride in and out of downtown. So in the end, we came up with a compromise on the ordinance which is in your agenda tonight. proposes 10 a one and we outlined some several work orders which I emailed you earlier this week. That I’ll go over as well. First in the ordinance change

itself reflects that there is no alley on the east side of Main Street South of second where the apartments are, as well on the west side of main south. And third, there’s a bus stop. And there’s a detour that is exist between second first now, which doesn’t make sense to have a dismount. So we’re proposing that the dismount zone is from third to Long’s peak on the west side and second to Long’s peak on the east side.

Second, with enforcement, we love science to be up the new science to be up as soon as possible. But due to the lack of Rangers not starting until 2021, on see that enforcement, Directorate enforcement will start later in 2021. This will give us space and time to educate the public and to intervene with those who are riding on the sidewalk now, which comes to the third point. So let’s direct if we could have city council direct staff in VBA to develop occasional materials.

In terms of handouts, posters, bus advertising, and that that sort of thing about the new bike routes, that it that we went over, as well as the mandatory demand zones, we would be all for that enforced. We asked that the council direct staff in VBA to develop positive signage to direct riders to the bike lanes using the alleyways in support safe crossing of the avenues midblock with proper signage. So thanks a lot for all your time and effort. And I know this has been a long time coming. We’ve been working on this for five years as well. So thank you, take care.

Thank you.

All right. I’m where do we gotta go two more,

three more sir.

Caller your phone number ends in 119. I’m going to unmute you and then the next caller. After that Is 332 and you can be ready?

caller 119 you’re unmuted. Hi, this is Karen dike. I’m at seven oh, a pagan cork, mr. mayor and council members. First I want to request that Dr. helmink contract be renewed when it comes up for renewal less next month. I use that data almost every day. I have asthma COPD, so knowing the air quality is vital to understand whether I dare spend extensive time outdoors. As when benzene and toluene are high mean that I can’t spend much time outside. The data from long not monitoring is much more reliable than waiting for the ozone alert for regional data which comes in at 4pm. Between the ozone and air pollution from fracking I spend much of my day cowering in my air conditioned home. I do worry about asthmatic children who might not have air conditioning. I work I urge you to study the information Dr. Helmut gives tonight. Consider how we might make sure residents especially those at risk of health concern utilize this data. Second, I note that there’s a brief update on the cleanup at the stamp oil site to be given later. I urge council to follow the spill cleanup closely. Form 27 filed with the CEO GCC on July 10 reveals a lot about this site. It’s 700 feet from the union reservoir, their domestic water wells within a quarter mile. The spill was produced water which is a tight toxic byproduct of fracking and extraction operations. Top operating states that they will install monitoring wells and do additional sampling of water and soil. soil samples taken at the site exceed the B text limits listed on table 910 dash one in the CO GCC regs one water sample was taken it is also listed as exceeding those limits. As an FYI v Tex is better polluting ethyl benzene and xylene surface water was not tested. So my question is for the union reservoir is contaminated, we need to make sure that adequate testing is completed. My request is that you carefully consider whether this company that potentially contaminated this wonderful water source should be allowed to drill at another site so close to the reservoir before a total cleanup of soil, groundwater and surface water is completed. They need to clean up the mess that they currently made. First, thank you very much. Thank you.

Our next guest your number ends in 332 you’ve been unmuted. Do you hear me?

Yes. 332 I’ve unmuted you. Yeah.

Hello. You may Hello.

My name is Mitzi Nicoletti. I’m At 1261 button rock drive Longmont, Colorado 80504 and I wanted to express how I’d like Dr. hemlocks testing to continue through the quality monitoring sites in Longmont. They’ve been extremely helpful. I have a history of bronchitis. So I do check them every day. And I’m very concerned about the air quality in our city. I’m on union reservoir probably four to five times a day, excuse me a week and then I also live maybe five minutes from union. I’ve been monitoring the stamp wells site every since February. And I’ve noticed recently if I’m going past it on my boat that there’s some type of chemical smell coming off of it, which concerns me and I know mitigation is going on. I did witness three weeks ago when I was on my panel. bored, that smoke and something was burning out of that site. And several people on the water were really concerned. what was really happening. I noticed yesterday there’s still a lot of activity out there. So my major concern of course, as always has been to protect that area. A lot of families use that area people fish and need to fish out of there. There’s children, swimming, and just expressing overall concern of air quality and also the contamination of water. Thank you for your time.

Thank you.

All right.

Our last guest your phone number ends in 972 I’ve unmuted you could you please state your name and address for the record you may begin.

Jeremy Gregory here 238 sweet Valley court Longmont, Colorado. hope everyone’s doing well and they Some madness. And obviously speaking of badness, as Susan and Anna has shared, we have a situation going on here and build village where we have individual has already been in violation of the ordinance once before I caught them in the act of actually poisoning.

And this needs to be stopped come Thursday, you guys.

I would even go as far to say that this individual now needs to be given a one year sanction due to his history. That developer, he’s coming in. He’s now falsifying information to cut corners.

When you look at the crazy app

and it goes To show that this guy is willing to do whatever he can to save and just get the parade

to take he has anything slated to be built there. So by the right What?

rip a big colony. He doesn’t have any, to my knowledge set to be built.

But last but not least, to have an amendment that is going to give this ordinance teeth. This is, I think now the fourth time where an entity or an individual has come in and arrogantly and flippantly broken this ordinance, and there’s no enforcement. This is ridiculous. This is like sitting on the effort and energy that you all in to drafting ordinance and for me, especially living in this community. It’s get results. So I’m really hoping that you guys will stop this experimentation from happening on Thursday because we have concrete events, that disguise coming in and willing to meet men or citizen advocate. And we already have a crazy luck with this pandemic turn into state. All that. So I implore you to consider putting a sanction on this guy, at least stopping this thing on Thursday so that we can get a handle on some enforcement’s subordinates that we’ve all put so much time and effort and energy into.

So thanks for considering and

yeah, that’s, that’s where I’m at. Thank you so much, guys. Appreciate it.

Yeah, that’s exactly

three minutes, Jeremy. Thank you. All right, let’s move on to the consent agenda and introduction reading by title of first reading of ordinances.

Mayor item nine a is ordinance 2020 dash 29. A bill for an ordinance amending chapter 14.5 to Section 14.5 2.030 of the Longmont municipal code on compensation for disposition of open space property. public hearing and second reading scheduled for August 11 2029. b is resolution 2020 dash 65 a resolution of the Longmont city council authorizing the transfer of a portion of the unencumbered appropriation balance of the Employee Benefit fund to 24 individual operating funds. Nine C is resolution 2020 dash 66 a resolution of the Longmont city council to approve the Colorado communities for Climate Action 2020 policy statement. Eight D is resolution 2020 dash 67 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city of Longmont and the US Forest Forest Service, Boulder County and other entities for forestry, health and community protection collaboration. Nine E’s resolution 2020 dash 68. a resolution of the Longmont City Council, approving the second restated and amended intergovernmental agreement between the city Boulder County and the city of Boulder for cost sharing for the COVID-19 Recovery Center. And nine F is approve amended council Rules of Procedure rule 27. Regarding boards and may are the only one I’m more that staff would like to pull is F for a couple of clarification questions.

Councilmember Christiansen F.

Okay, we’ll pull f

Would you like to make a motion Councillor Christiansen?

All right. It’s been Moved by Councillor Christiansen that we passed the consent agenda except for F and I’ll second that. I lipread. All right. Seeing no discussion. Let’s go ahead and vote All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. All opposed say nay. All right, the consent agenda minus f has passed. Let’s move on to ordinances on second reading, specifically 10 A ordinates. So we would encourage the public to call in now. And so we’ve only got one item. So if you can go ahead and there we go. So, go ahead and call in public comment for this issue. Go ahead and call in for the public hearing. So 10 eight ordinates 20 2028 bill for an ordinance amending title 10 chapter 10.2 creating 10 point 20 creating a new section 065 along with code creating dismount zones. So is there a staff report? I presume? No.

This has been our TC llama event. Hi. Well, since the first reading of the ordinance city staff in the ltpa work with Form a couple of changes to the ordinance to make it a little more bicycle friendly. Susan, would you be willing to pull up the slide highlighting the changes?

One minute.

Thank you.

So specifically, there are two changes that are being requested and the first is a change is to actually change the dismount zone. So instead of the dismount zone being from first long to eat, it will be different depending on which side of the main street run. For the west side Main Street, the dismount zone would be from third landscape, and on the east side of Main Street would be from second mount P. and this change was requested because there’s no alternate route between the first and second on the east side of Maine. And on the west side of Main Street. bicyclists likely have arrived ride between second and third backs his three year old bus stop just Ave, we also added an effective date of January 1 2021. And this will get staff time installed bicycle riding signage and pavement markings to help bicyclists navigate around just notes on. Also, since the community Rangers won’t be available until 2021, we can delay enforcement.

And on the January effective date will also give staff the opportunity to do an educational campaign in advance.

And that concludes my presentation. You have any questions? I’d be happy to

try to answer them.

All right. Do you have any questions on this particular ordinance? All right, thank you very much, Mr. Ortiz. We have a motion from Council.

Mayor I think we need to do

I guess I guess we could. Yes. Let’s go ahead. Please. Everybody in the queue.

No mare there is not.

Alright. So we’ll go ahead and open Close the public. Sorry.

We’ll go ahead and open the public hearing on ordinance 2020. That’s 2018 and go ahead and close the public hearing. So do we have any motion motion from council place?

Anybody want to make a motion? I will move ordinance 2020. That’s 28.

A second. All right. Moving, seconded. All in favor say aye. I’m sorry, Counselor Christiansen.

I’m glad that Scott Conlon called in and then they had the opportunity to talk to Mr. Ortiz and Mr. greenwall. I do think that there are a couple of things that I would personally like to see changed. I think that it’s we are conflating this with the restriction of 287 right now, it’s not the same thing. And I think that the dismount zone shouldn’t be the same for both sides of the street or it’ll be confusing to people. So I would just make it from second to Long’s peak all the way. Otherwise, I think it’s very confusing. So that’s number one. Number two, I do think that the,

the fines

I think that should be codified a little bit more, because when it’s up to $300 I just think it would be good if we would put in there. The first time somebody violates that it’s a warning the second time they get a $25 fine. And they may be fined up to $300. Otherwise, it’s a we’re gonna get a lot of angry people thinking we’re going to find them $300 for not dismounting on the sidewalk. So I was To offer friendly amendments to those two friendly amendments.

You can’t do a friendly amendment on on on a second. You got to make a motion or, or not.

Okay, well

I think this is very confusing to have it a different dismounting zone on one side of the street than the other.

Paul Paul, what you could do is you just need to say I move that we amend ordinance 2020 is written as follows. And then we can

okay i amend

this amendment, or I amend this ordinance to

make the dismount zone consistent of going from second

to Long’s peak on both sides of the street.

All right, the church the church is going to take that as emotion to amend ordinance 2020 dash 28 and which will basically state that both sides of the street from second prolongs peak will be dismount zones. Ben Ortiz is emotion but we have a second.

I’ll second that.

All right. It’s been Moved by Councillor Christiansen and seconded by Councillor peg Ben Ortiz

remembers the council when Phil and Scott Carmen had met with Kimberly McKee, the LDA is my understanding that they were

vlba was pretty adamant that the dismount zone

he maintained

or or be maintained in front of lF AIDS.

So from second to third Avenue,

but I think Phil could could possibly shed a little light on that as he was actually in that meeting. Fortunately I was able to attend.

Phil is participating and are listening and you’d have an opportunity to

on that as well. mayor, Mayor, members of council, this is Phil Greenwald, transportation planning manager with the city. I was in that meeting. I think what Councilmember Christiansen stating is that we should extend the discount zone down to second on both sides of the street. So I think that covers half phase and it also, I think, meets the intent of the LDA. It does go against a little bit of what the bicycle Longmont folks were asking for. But I think we’ve come up with other options that can make that work, using them using the alley. Basically behind Santiago’s is what we call it. So

that can be used and then also just being able to get from Kaufmann over to third main on the sidewalks that way so I think there are options

Alright, so let’s go ahead and vote on the ordinance. So, you know, for the dark waters, I set up the ordinance amendment, like waters.

I’m trying to go back and look at the original. The first version, the version we approved on first reading and I can’t because we’ve got that screen up that is going to record a vote. So as Susan are done, it’s a little frustrating cuz I think what Councilmember Christiansen is, is is moved it thank you is that we adopt the same ordinance that we adopted on first reading with the exception of the

implementation or enforcement delay till January 1.

So I, for me, what we got from the staff reflects the those who are bicycling the basic our bicycle bicycling community. I guess if they were if they were confused about how this would work, they wouldn’t have recommended this. They’re the ones that are the users and to help with clarity, or the, or what the agreements that I think we heard from Phil, or from Ben, about the late enforcement sign engine and an education effort, which is all consistent with what we got from Scott Conlon so I guess, um, you know, we approved on a first reading, we can approve it, I guess, on second reading, but, but it flies in the face, or it’s basically a message to the bicycle community, that that we know more about what makes sense to them than they do. And, and I don’t, so I’m not going to vote for the motion or the amended amendment, because what we’ve heard from is the community who are using this and I think well to listen to

Customer Christiansen

what we’ve heard from his members who

are organized who are bicyclists, everybody, I mean, most of us ride bicycles to when we’re not part of Mr. Collins group, which I have a lot of respect for, but I don’t care whether it’s second or third as long as it’s, I thought we were originally going to just have third to sixth. Now it’s been extended by Longmont downtown Development Authority to Long’s peak. And now it was extended one block south on one side of the street and I To me, that’s not very good policy. I, I would much prefer to have it just be third to Long’s peak. I think we are making policy based around one business and I don’t think that’s good policy. But you know, I I’m just talking about the public at large is not part of the bicycle community. They just ride bicycles. And when they see a sign that says you can write it on this side of the street, but not the other side of the street. To me, that’s confusing, but you know,

it’s fine.

Alright, so the motion was from second to long speak. Correct. All right. So let’s go ahead and vote. All in favor of the motion again on the table is making it bikes bicycle demands on both sides of the street from second to Long’s peak. All right. All in favor of that motion say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. Nay. Hey. All right. The motion fails two to five with Councilmember Christiansen and Councillor Peck for the other five against get that right.

I said Yay.

All right. So I chair wood, I just couldn’t tell. So if the motion still fails, but fails, three to four with Councilmember Martin County, Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez, Councillor waters, Mayor Bagley voting against the measure or the motion. All right, great. Thank you very much. All right. Someone like to make want to make a motion for the ordinance.

I’m moving approval of

ordinance 2020 dash 28 as presented in in the agenda tonight. All right. I’ll second that. All right. See no further discussions. Go ahead and vote All in favor of approving ordinance 20 2028. On second reading say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, the motion passes unanimously. Thank you very much. All right. Let’s, uh, hold on one second. Let me just fix this real quick.

Alright, let’s go ahead and go on to item F of the consent agenda. Ah yes.

I was gonna have him actually do ask but it might be inappropriate. So what he’s taken care of Drago this weekend so he came over over to meet him if you didn’t recognize former mayor combs is a great guy. Alright, so let’s go on to nine f staff. You’ve got it. You’ve got a you’ve actually got a presentation right?

No mayor, I did not have a presentation. We put pretty much everything in the council calm we just needed two points of clarification. One being did you want to do the pre interview screening process by to not interview applicants by a supermajority or just a majority vote. And our other question was regarding item l in the draft as it shows, the motion was to not interview those who had more than three absences. We just need a clarification is that three absences over a year, a calendar year over their term?

We wanted clarification on those two things. So I

believe I wanted a majority vote, but it was a super majority vote not to not to interview somebody. Am I right on that one, guys? Right. So we already voted on that one. And then as far as as far as clarity on missing three, I believe it was during their term was it not? Was your It was your motion counselor Christiansen? What was it?

It was Councilman pecks. All right, Kelsey, we’re back.

Thank you, Mayor Begley, it was during a during the year, one year, three absences within a year.

And would that be within the previous 12 months here or the or the current calendar year? Just to be exactly clear?

I think from when they’re term started because they don’t always start at the same time. There’s all

the time that there are.

So basically the previous 12 months starting babies, they start previous four months. Does everyone out does anyone object? One remember that correctly?

Okay, I’m gonna take that as a consensus vote just in case it’s not. So do you have any clarification on?

I do. It looks like Councilmember Christiansen has a question for

Christiansen. Go ahead.

That’s why I pulled it Can you hear me? Okay? That’s why I pulled it. I wanted to clarify that because it wasn’t clarified. And it could have been used as a term which, you know, sometimes it’s four years. So, you know, three unexcused absences in four years. It’s not really terrible. But you know, you should be able to make at least three fourths of the meetings in a year if you’re serious. So,


All right. Great. Thank you. Do you want to make a motion counselor Christiansen? You pulled it?

I move that we amend that to clarify that it is three unexcused absences within a previous year. The previous year?



All right. All in favor say aye.

Aye. Aye.

Opposed say nay. All right, Motion carries unanimously. I’ll make another motion. Councilmember Christiansen.

Mayor. If I could interject, go ahead,

Eugene. Mayor. council Eugene Bay City Attorney. My concern with the super majority vote on whether or not to interview a candidate is that the charter provides that council shall act only by ordinance resolution or motion. And for resolutions and motions the charter provides it shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of the members pressing. And so a super majority would appear to conflict with the charter direction that council votes by affirmative majority.

Okay, so I’d actually moved that we amend it to say the majority

of our waters Second. It’s been moved and seconded by Councillor waters.

So it’s just explained to me how it plays out.

The cat we would we would have a vote. I guess after reviewing applicants applications, we would we would cast a vote in a meeting to not invite someone for an interview for whatever reasons are are articulated at the time. Is that is that how this would work? I would I would imagine, I would imagine. So like, for example, let’s suppose that we’ve got

Katherine Frank Frank Johnson,

who’s done an outstanding job, you know, and we want to appoint her. Maybe we don’t want to interviewer maybe there’s just wait, just wait for a moment. Yeah. In that case, it would seem to me we would vote not to interview all the other applicants for that bore.


me if I could just interject quickly, and the way we would envision that working mayor and Councilmember waters would be the way that we did that this last time via the pre interview screening process, whereby we sent you all a sheet in and you indicated which ones which applicants you did not want to interview when there was four or more than we did not call that person in. We would not call that person in for interview if you went with a majority vote.

Well, that’s that’s pretty easy. It seems to me when you have more candidates, you have more openings, and you have candidates. Right? Right. In that case on that for that spreadsheet. My Personally, I indicated I didn’t need to interview these people, because it’s a no brainer, you have more openings or the same number of openings as applicants, just appoint them. But when you have more applicants than openings in the field, it’s I’m not comfortable, frankly, with, with expressing ourselves the way we did, prior to this interview that feels like a black ball. Oh, you know, without being public about it, and I’m not gonna I’m not going to do that, frankly, I’m not going to participate in that process. I’ll just remain silent if that’s the way it’s going to work, because I’m not going to blackball or prohibit somebody from being interviewed when we have more candidates than openings, in the way that we went about this last time. Last process, frankly,

I guess I guess, I guess in my mind, there’s just so many times when half the interviews we do, we don’t need to have them just because we either know them or they’ve served on the board before. It’s just a five to six minute interview. Most of the information we’re gleaning is off their written application. And I wouldn’t mind I just want to wait it just you know, if we choose not to interview somebody, in my mind, it’s been because why do we need to interview this person? We’re going to appoint him or her so why why mess around with it? So Caspar Christiansen


You’re You’re muted Polly. Okay, um,

I agree with Dr. Waters. I I really do think that we should be interviewing any everyone and I except for people who have this Serving but see this time. For instance, we have Suzy she’s new, she doesn’t necessarily know people. I just I think it’s disrespectful. And I think it leads to kind of a favoritism thing going on. And the only reason I would not want to interview someone is if they have any clear conflict of interest. And they’ve even stated it. And that’s the only reason I would not want to interview anybody. And I also disagree with the idea of just if we’ve only got two candidates and two openings, we just automatically appoint them without even talking to them. That’s not a very good idea either in my point of view, because you can get some really bad people that way just because nobody else applied. So


I don’t see why we would not interview anybody, except if they have already served and all of them have already met them, but that’s rarely the case.

Let’s go ahead and vote Okay. Sorry counselor pack.

Thank you, Mayor Bagley. Um, my reasoning is that not every board or commission meets every month, some of them are every two months, every six weeks. And if they if they’re not, if they’re not meeting every month and they have three excused absences and don’t bother to tell anybody Why then are they really going to the meetings? I mean, are they really a good applicant to be on this board? And that was my reasoning is that it doesn’t really matter. To me whether they’re there or not, unless they’re unless they really have an excuse. It would be like, one of us just not showing up two or three times without telling anybody why these boards To me are very important. And that was my reasoning. But if but if the majority of us don’t want it, that’s fine.

I bet we’re talking about we’re at this point we’re doing customer.

Well, I was just gonna agree with Joan. I think that if a person has unexcused absences, and that’s on the report, then we could say, we’re not going to interview this person. What I definitely don’t want to do is what we almost did with Katherine Johnson, which was not interview her because we all knew her. But she did wouldn’t have gotten a chance to defend her seat against more applicants than there were seats. So that we definitely cannot do. But and the other thing is about the same number of applicants or fewer than we have seats. It matters in some cases and not the others. You know, if it’s masterboard of appeals, we have to talk to them, no matter what What

I’m gonna I’m gonna go ahead and withdraw my motion. Therefore there’s no more motion on the table. Does anyone else want to make a motion that would. Dr. Waters.

Thanks, Mayor Bagley,

I just want to point out, my concern isn’t with councilor pack with the absentee issue. I agree with that, if I mean that, but that’s a clear criteria for somebody not being eligible. I’m talking more about the motion in the list. It’s the motion made by Councilmember Rodriguez, seconded by Councilmember Martin, to prohibit to choose not to interview somebody without a specified criteria. And that was the one relative to a supermajority. I voted, I voted against that when we were talking about it. And if that stays in here, I’m going to vote against that. So I’m going to move that we delete that section entirely. From this list of criteria, so I move that we delete from this set of

procedures or guidelines, whatever this is

the agreement that was made during our Saturday discussion about choosing not to interview, whether it’s a majority vote or a super majority people who have applied for a border commission when we have more candidates than we have seats.

All right. favor.

All in favor say aye.

I’m sorry. To seconded that. I apologize.

Okay. Thank you.

Sarah. Yes. Vote from your dog.

pd says that that’s the way it’s gonna be. So all in favor say aye.

Aye. Aye. All opposed say nay. Motion carries unanimously. Now well, now I’m Happy to move the rest of the guidelines. All right.

All right. All in favor say aye. Aye.

Aye. All opposed say nay. All right.

Okay, let’s move on to we’ll do an okay. We want to rock through these last thing only 30 I think five Are you guys okay? All right, let’s go on to the regional air quality monitoring presentation oil and gas update, please.

Shall I take it away?

Good evening Mayor Bagley and members of city council. My name is Jane Turner, and I’m the city’s oil and gas and air quality coordinator. I’m new. This is a new position just started in April. And I’m really excited to have the opportunity To present to Council, I’ve spoken with a few of you over email. But it’s nice to be able to have this opportunity to introduce myself to you as well as two long month residents. I’m a certified professional engineer and I have a PhD in air quality engineering from CU Boulder. And I’m really grateful to have this opportunity to work with a city that’s being so proactive about environmental monitoring and showing such an interest in air quality research. So you can bring up the slides now.

And I think I’ve introduced myself so we can go to slide two.

I’m going to be providing a brief update on some oil and gas activities. And that’ll be followed by a presentation on the city’s regional air quality monitoring by Dr. Detlef helmig of Boulder atmospheric Innovation Research. Slide three. The first update is regarding production activities at the stamp well Standard Oil is an oil and gas Well, that’s located on the northwest side of union reservoir, and some residents have expressed concerns about some of the production activities that have occurred particularly between July 2019 and march 2020. During that time period, a workover rig was observed at the site, and the residents have expressed some concerns about whether any of these activities have been in violation of the city’s agreement with cub Creek energy. As you’re aware, the city has entered into an agreement with cut Creek energy it covers a number of oil and gas wells, including the stamp well and appropriate certain activities including hydraulic fracturing staff to review the activities that occurred during this timeframe. We’ve reached out to our contacts with the Colorado oil and gas Conservation Commission the CO GCC because they regulate the activities at this site, and we’ve also spoken with our special oil and gas legal counsel Phil barber based on the reviews. It’s the current understanding and belief of the city staff that the activities were in accordance with state regulations, and that none of these activities have specifically violated the city’s agreement with cub Creek.

Next slide.

The next update is also on the Standard Oil and it’s regarding ongoing remediation activities there. This remediation is a separate topic and not related to the production activities I was discussing on the last slide. The remediation is happening because there was a spill leak of some fluids at the site. And that was identified on May 14 of this year. workers at the site found that the source of the leak was a crack and a fiberglass tank. This is a large holding tank hundred barrels. It was stored above ground and it was holding produced water. So that’s water that has come back up out of the well. In response to this to GCC has directed them Do a site investigation. And that means that they take soil samples to determine where any impacts from the leak are. And then they dig that soil out, remove it from the site, take it to be properly disposed. The Pit that’s left behind is then filled in with clean soil. And that backfilling process started on July 1, and my understanding is that it’s complete. The next step in the process is that SEO GCC will require a follow up report. That’s going to be due on August 7. The report will be posted on the SEO GCC website, it will be publicly available, and it will include more information about the total soil removed from the site, the samples, as well as plans for a groundwater monitoring system. So right now there are three groundwater monitoring wells out at the site. As part of the city’s program, we test those monitoring wells every year. cgcc is going to ask them to put in additional monitoring wells to make sure that If there are groundwater impacts, those are well understood and remediated if needed. There is right now no ongoing leak at the site, the tank that was cracked has been removed. There’s no threat to residents that we’re aware of. And regarding the code Creek agreement, the accidental spill out the site is also not in violation of that agreement. The last update I have for you is not about the stamp Well, it’s about the night wells. And these are oil and gas wells which are planned to be drilling 2020 outside the city properties to the north. The night well pad is located directly north of union reservoir but south of highway 66. Now the night wells are still in the planning stages, but what is happening is that we have received construction plans or an access road that will allow the operators to get to that well pad. Those plans are currently being reviewed by city staff in the development and review group. And it’s our interest Standing that cub Creek intends to begin construction of that road as soon as those plans are approved in order to keep them on their plan timeline of beginning drilling the night wells in September of this year. So if we unless we have questions, I’ll turn it over to our main event.

Councilmember Peck

Thank you, Jane. Can you tell me how much soil it was excavated that had been leaked that the ground

I don’t have the number right now the engineers are working on those getting the estimate to be accurate. I did reach out to cub Creek and they prefer to include that information in the upcoming report to see Oh, gcc and didn’t want to provide something that was inaccurate because they’re not quite done with the calculations.

Okay, thank you Is there going to be any surface water testing To see if any of that groundwater has actually leaked into our union reservoir.

Well, as you know, the city of Longmont has a union reservoir baseline monitoring study that we do and we just collected a sample there the last week of June, and there were no oil and gas compounds detected in our three union reservoir surface water samples. So that’s certainly a good sign.

And what do you sample for they for VLC? VLC v Tex.

Let’s see diesel range organics, a number of different

oil and gas related compounds. Okay, thank you and the tank that has been removed? Was the water still in the tank when it was removed? Or do Did you was the water taken out of that thing?

I believe the first thing they did was to drain the take and to take that water off site before they remove the tank.

Okay, so it was drained into a tankers and driven up away. Wasn’t put it in a pool or

I can’t say exactly how that water was removed, but there certainly are regulations that cover how they certainly cap it into the ground. They have additional tanks that can be used at the site as well.

Okay, but I would be curious as to what they did with that water.

Okay. I’ll be happy to follow up on that

would be great. Thank you.

I think Dr. Waters was next.

So much more politely than the mayor is.

Am I even supposed to be calling on you?

I don’t think so. But that’s really what the mayor does. He’s

trying to go nuts.

You got a PhD. You’re smarter than me go. You know, when Councilmember do Councilmember do that, too. It’s I find the humor in that as well. So anyway,

Jane, you may or may not be able to answer this but I do recall that on the stamp Well, up with the agreement we signed one of the contingencies was that the the gathering line or flow line that went from the stamp? Well, you know, South and then East again would be would be severed, purged, unsealed once the night site was productive, and that got accelerated, right cup creek or whoever I guess it was kept green. I did that a year ago, which for which we’re grateful and was a way and I think for all of us, but I don’t recall when the night well becomes productive. Are there other implications for the state of well, because I have in my mind, the standpoint would then be shut down abandoned, but I don’t maybe I just made that up. Do you remember? I do, I’m certain would know.

Yeah, that’s my understanding. But I think Dale would be a better person to answer this one.

And Councilmember waters, could you repeat that for me? I have a cat in front of me here.

Gotcha. knappen do

a cat now.

Do the is my recollection then the agreement we signed that once that I’m in this kind of is the connection between the night property access road in the stamp Well, when then when the night property starts producing that the stamp well is abandoned or plugged is that I call that properly.

That as a council member waters, it’s within a certain number of days of production of a well at the night sight that night as well as to be affirmatively plugged in abandoned, so you’re correct, but it’s tied to production. Yeah, yeah. Commencing

well at the night sight. All right. Thanks. I would just appreciate Councilmember waters it’s 90 days

within commencement of production to abandon the stamp. Well, all right, good. Thank you, Eugene.

hillsman Martin.

Thank you, Mayor Begley.


wondering though, what the point is of the commencement of the road construction being mentioned. Is this something new that was not in the original agreement about the night well, or we have easements in place and everything.

Councilmember Walker, Martin it is it

Oh, he’s frozen, Dr.


God is smitten him for not following procedure.


Oh, are you back, Dale?

Mr. Daley froze.

Let me try and answer it again.

Councilmember Martin, the construction of the

access road to the night side

was the condition included in the top cub create city agreement from 2018. All staff is wanting to do is to keep council informed of additional work as as Creek progresses towards the drilling of wells at the night side. So it’s nothing new. It’s going through the process as we anticipated it would. And I believe the staff is doing the

right thing to appropriately review the design of the road to ensure that it’s done appropriately.

Thank you very much. That’s come free.

It was Rebecca. Thank you.

You’re muted, Joe.

Okay, thanks. Um, so Dale,

is the access road to the stamp. Well, does it is it also in line to the night? Well, I mean, I’m wondering, it is not a total different location.

Okay. No, very locations. Correct.

Okay, thanks.

All right, Doctor, why don’t we go on with whatever’s next.

Okay. Just one more slide on introduction slide.

That’s slide five.

One moment. Okay.

Thank you. So now for the main event, we’ll be hearing a presentation by Dr. helmig on the city’s air quality monitoring study. You’ll recall that in 2019, the city contracted boulder err to conduct a study of Longmont air quality. And the study includes two monitoring sites, and each has a special focus. In the photo on the left you see the airport monitoring site on the west side of town and that was designed to gather data to help the city meet the greenhouse gas emission goals outlined in the city’s sustainability plan. In the photo on the right you see the union reservoir monitoring site, which is located near to oil and gas activities, which are predominantly located in weld County. The Union reservoir site includes specialized air monitors with the goal of identifying oil and gas air impacts to the local air quality. So Mayor badland City Council we’ve asked Dr. Helmut to Prepare a 30 minute presentation summarizing his findings so far. And that presentation will be followed by time for questions. So with that, I will hand it over to Dr. Hellman now.

Hi, good evening, everybody. Thanks for having me on the call.

So I think I need Susan’s help now with putting that presentation up,

that we are

good. So

those are the points I want to walk you through today. Your quick objectives of the study again, then the station developments, the websites that were created, and then most of the time will be dedicated towards showing you some of the data that you’ve been gathering. Next slide please. Okay, so I’m, Dr. Turn already nicely summarized this. There’s several objectives covered by this programs. The first one is to monitor greenhouse gases released from the footprint of the city with a goal to assess the city’s path towards sustainability. The second point was to monitor primary oil and gas emissions, and then to provide these data and interpretations to the public. And as well as to the research community, industry partners, and so forth. Next slide please. And we are monitoring quite an array of different atmospheric variables. Most of these are atmospheric gases, and I’ve listed them here again. So these include carbon dioxide, methane, a whole series of volatile organic compounds, so abbreviated is vo C’s. And we’ll see several of those further down. I mean, monitoring nitrogen oxides and monitoring ozone, also particulate matter or erosion. And then metrological variables and then the site’s also have webcams. And all of these measurements are conducted automated continuous, and get around it very high time resolutions two minutes to one hour time resolutions. Next slide please. It says, All of you have the timetable of the progress we’ve made. And the first phase was identifying sites, designing the website, identifying the type of buildings and structures we needed, and it took quite a while for the buildings to go into place and then be provided with power and internet. Then the first location the airport became available for us to move in in September, and we pretty much got everything up and running within a few weeks. And ever since the systems have been producing data, the second site at the union reservoir The building became available in December, took us about six weeks to get all systems up and running and ever since both sites have been reporting data continuously. Next slide please. Again, this is where the sites are located. And I need to familiarize you with the abbreviations we’re using here. lm A stands for Longmont Municipal Airport. You’ll see that presentations a lot. And that site is located on the this the south east corner of the airport where this Asterix there is. Oh yeah, thank you for pointing this out. So it’s within the fenced area of the airport. And it’s turned out to be really nice, nice location. Like that. It’s nicely protected and guarded. And the next slide, then I think shows again, the the the infrastructure it’s a trailer and measurement tower right next to that you saw that already. The tower accommodates metallurgical sensors in LEDs for the gas measurements. And then on the left you see the instrumentations inside the shelter, which in this case, monitors for ozone, methane, carbon dioxide, and then computers, communication systems, data logging and so forth. Next slide please. And moving on to the union reservoir. So we’re right there where there’s that star is put on the map. It’s within the park area. And again, it’s nice it’s a gated area so

the park staff are keeping an eye on it. So it’s in the south west corner of the Union reservoir and here the abbreviation we’re using is L u r for Longmont union reservoir. Next slide please. And again, that shows the the building itself so this is a hard permanent structure put in place, again with a tower right next to it. And on the right side. You can see the reservoir in the Background just gives you an idea about the distance to the water age, which is about 2030 meters or something like that. Next slide. There’s a much higher number of instruments in this facility since we’re doing far more measurements here. Air results are being sampled from the left side that shows the Arizona equipment that’s a sampling stack that goes straight through the roof of the building and then again, a tower with metrological sensors, gas inlets, and then the back the center picture, so the instrumentation and heavy monitoring ozone, nitrogen oxides, vo C’s methane, co2, and again, equipment for communication, data logging and so forth. Next slide, please. Okay, so there’s two sides, here with a double red circle. Those are the two long one sides. And what I’d like to point out is that There’s actually no part of a regional network. And what makes this really valuable and adds high value is that we have these comparison opportunities. And we’re doing simultaneous monitoring now in two sites in Broomfield as well it’s the Buddha rays awards in the upper left corner. And we’ve learned a lot about what’s happening in lamode by comparing these observations, and I’ll show you a lot of these types of comparisons. And it’s also of course, nice, this is all under one roof. So there’s this allows us to do this with very consistent measurements for these comparisons. Next slide please. And then we designed websites and some of you may have seen this by now. This is the site dedicated for the Longmont air quality observations and it has seven tabs that you can see at the top There, the webcam images from the two sides are updated every 30 minutes. Then there are tables that show the metallurgical data, the current data, the past eight hours, the maximum of the last over the last 24 hours. And there are tables that report the chemical measurements. And then at the bottom as the same for the union reservoir. Next slide, please. And besides that side, we also um, just over the last month, generated an assister side so to speak, that then provides these observations from all these other sites that are just showed on the map, side by side in one set of graphs. So this shows the methane the ozone and nitric oxide data, there’s there’s waste more of these plots on the same website, but you can see with the color traces, then how the data from the long run side so that’s LMA and l us Compared to the observations being made at the same time in these other locations, which you know, gives you an idea, or you experience high levels, low levels, average levels and so forth. Next slide, please.

So we are we’re currently managing websites from these three different monitoring programs in Longmont in Broomfield and Boulder County. And they’re all shown here just with some screenshots. And what I’m listing here also other visits and the site visits will be of counters visit counters on these sites. And what I find remarkable is that actually right now Longmont has taken the first place and it’s the busiest site gets the most visits of all these other sites. I mean, they’re all pretty busy and being being well recognized. Just over the last two months, we’ve gotten 2000 visits the long one sites about 1000 thousand a month 30 a day roughly like that on average next month. Please. And then we just generated this this site, which is a data analysis tool. This is just a screenshot, give you an idea what you can do here, you can select in the left panel, the sites that you want to investigate and then on the right side, you can select the variable that you want to plot and you have a time window. You can select the start date and the end date, and then just click Go. And then it will generate graphs with these data all plotted together. And in the following, I will show you many, many graphs that are generated with this this tool. So let’s move forward to the next slide.

Okay, so

let me walk you now through some of the data examples. data you’ve gathered so far. And I want to start out with ozone. Again, ozone is of quite some concern in this regions and we are When the non attainment area for from the ambient ozone standard, and it’s a secondary pollutants, so again, it’s not admitted directly, but it’s found in the atmosphere during during the day. And you need sunlight for that it’s a photochemical reaction with atmospheric precursors of nitrogen oxides and VCs. And given the dependence on lights, you get more of that in the summer when you have more light and longer days and wasn’t as strong oxidant and it impacts your respiratory system. So elderly children, people with respiratory illnesses, even more so affected than the average person and the bottom you can see the data from February through just a few days ago. Ozone from the two monitoring sites in Longmont and you can see we’ve exceeded the this ambient National Quality Standards on quite a number of occasions and I will explain that Little bit more. So let’s move on to the next slide, please. And this is now zooming into one of these records. This is three days of ozone data. And again, what you see here are the data from the four sites that currently report ozone. And you can see it goes up and down, up and down every day. The lows are at night, the Heiser in the early afternoon. And, again, the dotted line is the standard. And just a few days ago on the 21st, you can see that ozone at all of these sites exceeded the standard and you see how similar wasn’t behaves at these different sites. So it goes on it’s a region approved to takes a while for it to build up. Yeah moves around during the time so it’s not like you know, you have a certain neighborhood or street corner was there’s much more ozone than a block away. It’s a regional pro pollutant and we all experienced very similar levels here. However, on average and the highest level we’ve seen so far at the Buddha reservoir, and Longmont airport, you can see that here as well. That’s where the awesome peaks on the on the 21st. So let’s keep going to the next slide. And what’s important to understand is that the health standard is defined as the eight hour moving average. So when you get awesome readings that pop above the 70 ppb threshold, it doesn’t mean that you violate the standard because this this event may be rather short. So in the top graph, you see the spikes that go over the dotted line, which is the standard and then the the smoother line and it’s enlarged in the bottom graph. That’s the eight hour average standard. That’s the eight hour moving standard. And you can see that during this time window in June, they were days where the standard was actually exceeded. So this is a real exceedance of the standard. Whereas, you know, you may have short term spikes over the line, that would not be considered an exceedance of the standard. But still, we put this line in the graphs to give you an anchor point where the standard is in relation to the current ozone level. Next slide, please. I want to also show you a very interesting, interesting situation we had to help you understand what’s driving ozone in this region. So this was in just a couple of weeks ago, early July, three days of data and you see ozone goes up goes down goes up, but boy, what’s happening on the 10th. What happened on the 10th was on goes up as usual during the morning, and then blowing it took a nosedive right around noon, bottomed out, you know, it was heading ways high to exceed the standard that day, but then it collapsed. So Let’s take the next slide.

And that shows you nicely the value of just the metrological observations. But I have here now in the second and third graph are the wind speed and wind direction measurements from that same period and that blue line and shows you what happened during this episode. When ozone dropped, you can see what happened. Well, we had really windy, the winds, you know, there was pretty mild moderate, one, two meters per second. That’s the second graph. And then Whoa, right around noon, winds got really, really strong. And now look at the bottom graph. The winds shifted, the shifted from in the morning switchboards, easterly winds, and very abruptly that shifted to the west. And then they flip back to the east, right? Yes, thanks for the cursor help. Perfect. Yes. So you know this this is actually really interesting because, you know, we we sometimes hear opinions out there stating that you know, it wasn’t his due to background High ozone background and ozone moving in from outside of the state. You know, as you can see here is the wind smooth West and transport come straight over the mountain. You know ozone drops down to 5055 you know we’re in a much cleaner environment and then all zones shift back to the east you get flow from east of the city and bang it goes ways up again and it exceeds the standard on the day it shows you how sensitive arose on conditions are to the transport conditions at any particular time of day. Next slide, please. Okay, so also in summary, what have you learned about ozone, so it wasn’t as monitored at both the airport and the reservoir. So far this season, we had had four days with exceedance of the national ambient air quality standard. The exceedances at the airport have been slightly higher than at the rest of the union reservoir. And most times there’s higher lows on an easterly winds than in westerly transport. So let’s move on to the next species. And that’s methane. This shows the methane results. And so again methane what’s the deal with methane so my friend is a very strong climate gas, it’s the second strongest warming force causing global warming and it has quite a variety of sources. They’re they’re indicated in these pictures up there. in the region here where we are appears that you know, oil and gas is really the dominant sources, the main source contributing source from a thing at the bottom now you see the graph of the methane data and it shows methane for the reservoir for the airport also and border. And then later, the spring was on came online in Broomfield and that’s the green data. So it can see it goes up in Up and down, up and down lots lots of spikes. And you see a lot, a lot of purple. And purple is the purple spikes are higher than what the spikes we see at the airport. And we see at the reservoir. And if you go to the next slide, think I have that blown up there. Yeah, yeah. So there you see now, maybe some 20 days or so. And you see, you know, it’s it’s the bottom of the data is always the same, because there’s a background and methane that’s very uniform, across the globe. But then on top of the background, you see these spikes, and they’re very short. You know, they’re just a few minutes, half an hour or something. And you can see most of the spikes on purple. So at the union reservoir, we see a far higher frequency and higher resulting concentrations and methane, then that any of the other sites. Next slide, please. And this is a comparison of six months of data Between the Buddha reservoir, the airport and the union reservoir. And you can see the green box whisker plots where then the middle line is the median, the boxes from 25 to 75 percentile. And the top of that, that whisker, that’s the 95 percentile. So you can see every month of the periods, Union reservoir at the highest methane, both the media and both of the extreme values.

The Lamont airport was in between and the boulder reservoir, the blue data had the lowest methane overall. And then the next slide. It shows the likely explanation for that, which is the proximity to the oil and gas development. So all these dots and they are on the map, all in gas wells and you can see the union reservoirs the closest the airport, possibly the second closes and the Buddha reservoir is about the first Just the way and that nicely correlates with these distribution in the method data we have seen. So next slide, please. And to show you how dynamic this can be, it’s a really interesting event. And this actually has been the highest methane spike we’ve ever seen both in three years at the Buddha reservoir. Three months in Broomfield so far. And this occurred on March 26. And within just a few minutes, methane went up from about two ppm background values all the way to 32 ppm, so 15 times as high. And you can see this just lasted 15 minutes, and then it came down again, and it was pretty much normal. So the spike word went up just like crazy, very short, short event. So what happened and let’s look at some other variables that were measured. Thank you. And so the bottom two graphs now show the wind direction and the wind speed during that same time window, and to see the These dotted lines. So this this this time we knows the wind direction from that the average across that 15 minutes was 33 five degrees, wind speed two meters per second, which is, you know it’s moderate, but you can really find a pretty well, pretty well of indirection and the transport. So, so interesting 335 degrees. Let’s look at the next slide. And that puts that now on the map. So the the star shows where the the measurement station is the monitoring station and the fat arrow in the middle is the 335 degree window and then I’ll put like 15 degrees, and certainly windows on both sides. So that’s roughly you know, where there’s the sector from which this methane was transported to the union reservoir. And then the circle gives you you know, how far the transport approximately is within the five minutes transport period, given The two meters per second wind speed we have.

Okay, the next slide please.

Okay, then we have these data are analyzed as wind sectors on the left, this shows the wind roses and on top of the rules as the color. So, you know hi the methane is depending on if the wind comes from one directions versus the other. We can also do these heat maps on the right side. So, let’s just look at the one on the top for the union reservoir. So imagine yourself the station is right in the center of the cross. And you can see that most of the methane the redder colors occur from winds to the north slightly to the northwest and a lot from the northeast sector, but there’s much lower methane when it comes over the city to the south, west and further away, or at higher winds from the south from the northwest. sector as well. So let’s go to the next slide. So that’s the summary on methane. So we collecting very fast data, five seconds, high resolution data and both sides. Using high abundance of spikes, they’re often very short and durations. The mean the median and variability are highest at the reservoir. And the elevated concentrations are mostly associated when winds are from the north and from East with easterly winds. So that’s the methane summary and let’s move on to the vo C’s. And so the vo C’s we started monitoring at the reservoir in mid February. So this this graph here, it shows in blue, the data from the water reservoir that had been ongoing for two three years. And then we turn our instruments on at the reservoir and said well what’s going on here we were really surprised because the levels we were seeing in February remarks at the reservoir where, as you can tell here, significantly higher than what we’ve ever seen at the border reservoir before. And so the component we’re looking at here, ethane is our favorite oil and gas tracer. Because there’s really no other significant sources for FAA. So you can see, you know, FAA was was was really high, lots of spikes, much, much higher than what we see at the border reservoir. And I think the next slide in largest this. Yeah, so again, the time frame for this very interesting observation, I would say, you know, it’s one of the most beautiful data sets I’ve ever collected in my career, because it’s such a stark change such a stark difference. In February and March, we see these spikes with 200 300 400 500 parts per billion of ethane. And then as you can see, as the season progressed, it became Came less than less than less. And the last part of this record, it’s really low. It’s about you know, as much as at the other side. So what happened? Well, several things happened during this window. We started slowing down with lots of our activities right around March 12. When the Corbett restriction came in place, on March 20, we started putting this data on the website, and everybody out there could see look, you know, here’s us, methane and other views is being monitored at the union reservoir. On April 13, there were articles in the local paper, reporting about this monitoring. And then in April 20, you know, the oil prices took a nosedive into the negatives, which then slow down production activities. So let’s go to the next slide. Again compares, you know, this, this, this whole window. And I’ve now added the very, very latest data and actually makes you almost suggest that maybe after a period of two, three months where it was quite moderate, the levels are picking up again, possibly.

So that was a thing. Let’s go to the next slide. Okay, so another voc I want to bring up is benzene. benzene receives a lot of attention, because it’s one of the view sees that it’s recognized as a toxic compound is and as a carcinogen, and I’m listing here for reference health thresholds that are set by different agencies. So there’s nine ppb standard for 24 hour exposure one ppb for long term. The World Health Organization claims there’s no really safe limit for benzene. So let’s keep those valid. mind when we look at some data that beyond the next slide, but before that, I also want to remind you it was a lot of the other Next slide, please. There was a lot of attention a lot of interest paid to benzene just a few months ago, because the you know, the observations of elevated benzene in the region, just a little bit northeast from Longmont. These measurements done by cdphp were 145 minutes measurement of 10.2 ppb was reported later, that was revised to 14.7 ppb. So that’s kind of the scale now to compare our data from the reservoir. So let’s go to the next slide. So this was the benzene from the union reservoir. And you know, it looks similar to ethane. In February in March, there was a lot happening was a lot going on. benzene spikes, many of them in the 12345678 ppb range and then come April may slow down a lot. And you know towards the later part now, it looks very similar to what we observe at the border reservoir and in Broomfield. So let’s go to the next slide. I think that’s compares that again on top and these are to zoom to the same scale top the benzene data from the reservoir union reservoir in purple in in February and the bottom in May, again compared to build a reservoir and brownfield site. The next slide please. And this is the very latest just the last few days weeks. And you can see you know, it’s it’s level down right now the benzene is very similar to what we see at the other locations. The next slide please. And so where is this Bazin coming from? Where’s the benzene coming from? Where was it coming from, in the earlier part of the record. So the four graphs here on the left that show the benzene measurements, these are four hours of data. It shows actually three measurements we have these were taken every two hours. These these blue did the green dots. So first it was low, then it jumped up to that’s the highest value 8.5 or something and then two hours later, it came down to two. And on the next graph to the right shows the methane plotted together with its which we can measure it my high, much higher time resolution, you can see the benzing p coincided right when there was a spike in methane. So right together in the same and then we did again what I showed earlier, we looked at the wind direction and the wind speed, and then the map on the right side shows were that spike roughly originated from in terms of wind direction. You know so this came from the northwestern sector. So let’s go to the next slide. And that now does the same exercise but the 10 highest benzene peaks we observed so far. So you know you can see all these arrows are Northwest North North East very consistent region. We’re consistent story here that very obviously these these elevated benzing spikes have some sort of origin that I would put in the north west to North East sector. Okay, and the next slide. So this is the summary on the view CS and the benzene. So we measure vo C’s and benzene hourly we actually increase the sampling frequencies since these spikes are so short, so frequent to hourly measurements at the union reservoir, we saw a very high abundance of elevated view season benzin you’re in February through March. And we saw quite a number of benzene observations between one and 10 ppb.

benzene at the union reservoir was much higher than at all other comparison sites, except the single measurements that revealed a couple three weeks ago. These elevated levels were mostly associated with northwest to easterly winds. And this is strong correlation of benzene with methane that indicates this, this methane, the benzene has likely an oil and gas source. And then levels dropped very steeply, April, May, June, and maybe just pick about to pick up again right now. And then I think I have one more slide. Correct. Oh, well, two more slides. So you know, in 30 minutes, I only could give you some snapshots. There are other things we measure other variables that I didn’t even touch on this presentation, but they are up and running. There’s some interesting interpretation and those as well. So what I didn’t touch today were the nitrogen oxides, the co2 as well as the particulates, which we measure into different particle sizes. So, personally, no to this sometimes later, or you can call me and we can discuss it offline. And then the next slide, the last slide is a summary that just summarizes everything we went through. And I just leave this up. And that’s the last slide I have. So I’d be happy to entertain any questions you may have.

All right, you have any questions?

Dr. Waters? Well, we’re just a really quick simple question

is the criteria for where the two sampling stations are located. Just to get on on either side of the city and monitor flows from the edges of the city to the edge of the city. Is that white union in the in the airport?

Yes. So, Susan, could you please pull up slide 51?

It’s a few ones down.


Give me just a minute. Did you want 5351?

Should be 51.

to, to a please.

Yes. Oh, back one. Yes. Yes, yes. So vitamin measure in two places. So the union reservoir serves two purposes, you know, as I showed in the map That had all the rare locations, the universal war is on the upwind side of the city, from where we expect the strongest influence from oil and gas industries, which are mostly equated to the US to the to the east of the side. So that was done an early preference to have a site somewhere in that general area, and then the western location. As you can see, it’s on the other side of the city. And the argument here is that we want to watch how air changes as it travels either east to west or west to east across the city footprint, and easterly and westerly winds are about the most the two most prominent transport regimes we have here. So this is largely driven by the motivation To monitor and watch over time, the amount of emissions that’s added to the air is the air travels to the city with the objective to watch the change in emissions, and here in particular in greenhouse gas emissions from the city footprint. So this is driven motivated by sustainability and arguments. And the city has set itself the goal to drive greenhouse gas emissions down. So how do you monitor if and how the city is moving towards this goal? So this is actually really difficult to do. But one of the things you can do is this, this map here, this this this cartoon, and by watching how much is added, as the air moves over the city. So we’re doing exactly the same measurements in both locations using the same instruments, the same techniques, the same protocol for the primary greenhouse gases which are co2, which I didn’t talk about at all really in the presentation, then methane, and also ozone. So in between those three gases, we have about 75 80% of the climate forcing gases that are, you know, contributed by, by human activities to global climate forcing. And so we’re watching all those. And you know, if the, the city achieves its sustainability goal and cuts all this greenhouse gas emissions down to zero, then we should see you know, the same behavior and very, very simple, similar levels in air as it travels across the city. And these are the PU two reference points that that would be used. For that comparison, we already have I didn’t show it but we’ve pulled data and compared data from the two sides. We nicely See, you know how levels change as the gets transported over the city footprint. All right.

I thought the information was really good Dr. W. Or Dr. Helmick. Thank you. Any other final questions or comments? Right, Dr. helmig. As always, your information and knowledge is more than welcome here in Longmont and we look forward to future updates reports and work from you.

Thanks, you want me to share this with your time?

Great. Thank you, sir. Mayor Bagley had one one quick comment as we end

as we mentioned in the council communication staff is also working with Dr. Helmut to look at an extension of this contract and we will We’ll be bringing that contract extension to you for your direction in action over the next couple of months, and so we want to also let you know that is in the works as well.

Right. Thanks, Dale. All right, let’s see if you guys don’t mind. Um, I was gonna go ahead, you have a new saying goodbye, Polly. Do you have a question? Okay, so, the Next on the agenda is actually 920. Let’s go take five minutes. But when we come back, I plan on just taking the list that we talked about, and I’ll just make motions as we go along. Based on just kind of the feeling that I heard from people on Saturday, if somebody has a problem, speak up and we’ll just get through the board appointments, but let’s take five okay.

So in five

All right, well back 1234567 looks like we’re all back. Right? Oh,

well, I might just leave council now I know some council members follow along and I have been using the voting tool, because we’ll move so quickly. I will not use that. I’m going to take notes. I just want you to know what I’m up to over here.

All right, she That’s great. That’s a short confidence there. All right. So let’s go ahead and start with our public places commission. I’m going to move that we appoint Aaron hildur. And Randy long to two of the five regular member terms ending June 30 2023. Second, all right, all in favor say aye.

Aye. Hi. say nay.

All right, so that the Motion carries unanimously. Just come when you’re ready, done.

I’m ready may or sorry, go ahead.

All right, then on the board of adjustment and appeals.

See here.

I move that we appoint Matthew mezcal and Linda witco. To the to regular member terms ending June 30 2023.


all in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay.

Okay. Then

I’m going to move. So then there’s Laura how this was the woman that also applied for the Transportation Commission as well.

But that was one where we talked about there were two regular member terms ending June 30.

So I’m going to move that we appoint Laura How is one unexpired alternate member term ending June 30 2022.


all right, it’s been moved and seconded. Is there any discussion or debate on this one, john? JOHN.

You’re muted jump.

Um, is this still for the board of adjustment appeals?

Yes. Okay. Thanks. Okay. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right. The motion passes unanimously. Just let me know when you’re ready.

Good to go here.

All right. library advisory board I move that we appoint Katherine Johnson to the to the one regular member term ending June 30 2025.


all oppose say aye. Aye.

All opposed are in favor.

I’m sorry. It’s already late. I mean, peanut butter and graham crackers for crying out loud. No, it’s I boo. Can we point Kevin Feige Johnson to one regular member term any June 30 2025. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. Oppose

nay. Nay.

Was that customer?

I’d rather have Carla lap.

So who is named customer back?

Yes. Okay.

So the motion carries six to one with Councilmember Peck opposed. A moment housing authority I move that we appoint Arlene zortman to one regular member term ending June 30 2023.

Okay, sorry.

And so I appoint we ratify. So I’ve been appointed or lean, but I move that we ratify. So second. Let’s go ahead and vote All in favor say aye.

Aye. Aye.

Hey. All right.

The motion ratification passes unanimously. I move that we appoint Jonathan elverum, element edelen and Andrew Omer to both of those to the two alternate member terms ending December 31 2023. For the master Board of Appeals.


Matthew edelen.

butts Jonathan edelen. Matthew mess call we appointed the board of adjustment appeals.

There’s a master Board of Appeals.

On favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay.

All right. Let’s move on to the museum advisory board. I move that we appoint Megan Arnold Thomas Kurtz to two of the three regular member terms ending June 30 2023.

All right. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay.

All right, Motion carries unanimously. Sustainability advisory board.

Let’s go back. Let’s go back to that one in just a second. So let’s go on to transportation advisory board. I move that we appoint Joseph long and Elizabeth are Osborne. to the to the to regular member terms ending June 30 2023. For the transportation advisory board.


All right, it’s been moved and seconded. All in favor say aye.


Opposed say nay. All right, motion passes unanimously.

What? And then I was going to

somebody want to make a motion for waterboard.

Alison ghoul and Scott hallway. I think Yeah, I know. Welcome to Martin. I’m Allison

Okay, it’s been moved and seconded by Councillor Martin and then seconded by Councilmember pack. I’m all in favor of appointing Alison ghoul to the one regular member term ending June 30 25. waterboard say aye. Aye. Opposed say nay.

All right, Motion carries unanimously. All right.

Does somebody want to make a motion for the sustainability advisory board? Looks like Charles Musgrave or Adam need

tells me repec

reappoint Charles Musgrave to the sustainability advisory board. Second,

it’s been moved and seconded. Just

go ahead. We there are two openings, one for an unexpected turn on fulfilled term in one for a full term. So which of these The chair is going to take the motion is being emotion for one regular member term, ending June 30 2023, the full term, correct. Okay. All in favor say aye.

Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, Motion carries unanimously. I move that we appoint Adam Reed to one unexpired regular member term ending June 30 2022.


All right. It’s been moved by me and was seconded by Councillor waters. All in favor

say aye.

Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, the Motion carries unanimously. I think that’s it. Right. Done.

That is it. Mayor The only we do have a couple new resignations. And as you can see, there’s still a few vacancies. Our plan is to hold those advertised for everything in the fall again.

Perfect. Well, we appreciate it. Good job, guys. That was all in all, that was a pretty easy vote.

Thank you very much. Thanks. All right.

Then finally we’ve got last but not least, we need to appoint the council liaison to the launch. Public Media advisory board who wants to do it?

Councilmember bat struggle. You

know, I want to I move that we appoint Councilwoman Christensen to the advisory board.

I’ll Second.

It’s been moved and seconded. Anybody else want to

do it by any chance? I don’t.

All right. All in favor say aye.

Aye. Aye. Aye.

Opposed say nay. All right, the motion passes unanimously, Councilmember Christiansen represent us. Well, I didn’t ask if you’re interested, but you’re doing it.


See? All right, let’s go ahead and do final call public invited to be heard. Let’s take just a two to three minute break and see if people call in

I got all kinds of texts tonight from our fellow colleagues in surrounding cities. They were tuning in during their own meetings to watch the good doctor give his presentation.

What were the comments? Just that they were watching. Oh, okay.

It’s a lot of interest.

Anybody in yet, bye

Mayor, we do have one so far

we’re at one minute

All right, let’s go ahead and close it off.

It’s been three minutes

let’s go ahead and put the put the person on.

So there we actually have two guests. It looks like the first caller is your number with the number ending 470 you’ve been unmuted go ahead and please state your name and address for the record. You have three minutes.

I Hi, Mayor councilmembers once again Michael Belmont 841 tenacity drive. Thank you. First, I want to complete a thought I could not because I went beyond my three minute limit before but given the massive financial difficulties Many operators are in the gas operators are experiencing now my concern is about who will pay the costs of cleanups for accidents and spills in the event an operator goes out of business. Presumably all of them must carry pollution liability limits, but my questions surrounding this are one do we know cub Creek limits and how long of a tail it contemplates? To do we have some authority and or control list as to the amount of insurance requirements and tail coverage and length of tail coverage? And three, if so, given the industry trends with operator financial difficulties, so widespread today, shouldn’t we require very high limits and long tail coverage. Next, I want to reiterate my urging to retain Detlef for our air monitoring which is so critical moving forward and of course thank him for an amazing presentation. Such incredible detail we get from his very high tech evaluation, it would seem from his presentation that when oil and gas activity increases, there are spikes and VCs and methane, a greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. It’s very good and important to know what is happening in that regard because we depend on that for our health and indeed, our very lives but we see consistently growing if, if we see growing and continuous severe spikes of dangerous compounds like benzene and methane, methane other than documenting our own demise, what options do we have to mitigate such a threatening trend, like compelling an operator to shut down or at least at least temporarily, but then the final question is, which is presented by all of that is can we differentiate between such emissions from wells subject to our contracts at Union reservoir, and weld county wells at large. So I think those are important questions. I would like the council to investigate. Because we’re a lot is at stake here. Thank you so much. Y’all. Go rest. Well, I trust.

Thanks, Michael. All right, next.

Our next caller, your phone number ends in 882. I’ve just unmuted you. Can you hear us?

Yes. I’m Scott Kohn in 1014 Fifth Avenue. Again, bicycle by my Mayor City Council. I understand you passed the

revised ordinance for 20 2028. Thank you for that. As presented by Ben Ortiz tonight, I would just like to reiterate. We’re also asking that council direct staff and other da help with development of education materials for the dismount zone, as well As direct staff and led to develop positive signage, to direct riders to the bike lanes where the alleyways are part of that discussion that bicycle Longmont, the LDA. And city had was designating the alleyways as a an active bicycle friendly zone is different than just saying, you know, bicycles are also allowed. We’re trying to make it. So it’s a positive experience. We want downtown to be bike friendly. We’re trying to encourage that. So I really would like to encourage the council to direct staff in the VA to work on this work on how to cross the avenues mid block. One of the issues we have is that we have these crosswalks in the side of Fourth and Fifth Avenue. That may not be specifically legal, but you need some way to us where I can have pedestrians and cyclists in the alleyways going in both directions. Some way to warn motorists That there’s traffic moving both ways, and so people feel safe. So like for you to consider those things.

And if you could direct staff and ltda for those. Thank you.

All right, thank you. Anybody else?

no merit. That was the last one.

All right, great. Let’s move on to Council and Mayor comments.

Anybody else? Mr. Christiansen?

Well, several things were brought up tonight that I think we should follow up on. Mr. belmonts comments about weld county and, you know, all the things that he just mentioned right now, I think worth following up on. I also think Mr. Collins comments are very worth commenting on we don’t want to redirect bicycles to the alley and have them competing with trucks and getting runoff. So I think we’re going to have to spend a little more time with that and talking to Mr. Conlon and the bike community. I am also concerned. I know we don’t want to hear this, but the prairie dogs. You know, we just got this notice today about this issue. And if the prairie dogs are set to be exterminated in two days, that gives us really

no time unless we can put a hold on that.

I looked at that map. It is not It’s crazy, and it’s obviously a way to wiggle around the ordinance. I find that disturbing if somebody else would like to make a motion that we

put a hold on that.

Moving forward, I would, I would support it.

Thank you.

Councilmember Martin

I would have to ask whether we have the authority to put hold on to permits instead is an operational task to the city staff. However, I will reassure council member Christiansen that the area which lies in in Ward two in my ward, I have have plans

to inspect the area to see whether

that very complicated polygon excludes any live holes because it seems like in the letter of the law, they may be within their rights if there are no active boroughs

outside the polygon.

But we can look tomorrow

So, just to let council know well that was going on. I was Bringing I was asking staff questions. Here’s where it hinges section 7.0 6.0 to zero in the definitions, says an active prairie dog habitat means a smallest possible area of the polygon encompassing all active prairie dog burrows on our property. That’s an important definition. I then went looked at Merriam Webster and Oxford, about the definitions of polygons. And so the reality is I’ve asked Don to the big issue is encompassing all active boroughs and so to what Councilmember Martin said, I’ve asked on to work with code enforcement and Natural Resources staff to evaluate the active area. That’s what we have to really look at.

Our waters

Yeah, on the same thing, I’m sympathetic as well. politest the concern here I just what’s the right way to get at it for me? Harold, I’m assuming you’re following up with Don and others on on the enforcement options on gene injuries. Yeah. One of the comments that was made tonight is this is a this is a repeat offender, if you will, or someone has had prior with him we’d have we’ve had prior issues relative to prairie dog extermination. I, you know, I don’t know that you know that that’s true. But But if that is true, what are our options for dealing with developers or anyone else? who simply ignores or looks for ways to work around the ordinance?

That’s what I have to talk to Eugene about, because I think the ordinance is silent to that. And so I need to work with legal to see what are the odds And do we need to look at bringing something like that back?

And do we have an insert option to the week? Is there are there means for us? Just to prohibit or, or delay? What is apparently scheduled for Thursday? Do you know that?

gene, you’re going to jump in and help me on that one?

Sure. Eugene May, city attorney, you know, I was discussing with Harold offline that we could contact the applicant, we could do a compliance check.

And, you know, verify the information in the application. I think.

I haven’t reviewed the application. I heard about this issue during this council meeting, perhaps.

I have so,

you know, it’s hard for me to say without having the basic information, like having reviewed the application

don’t know anything about the site.

So, you know, I saw the pictures too. I don’t know where those pictures are.

So I’m not going to give any opinion until I can determine what the facts are and then compare them to the ordinance. But certainly, I think it’s within our authority to do a compliance check if we have a complaint, that’s the way code works. That seems according to normal city processes. And we’ll look at the issue of repeat offenders. I looked at the prairie dog ordinance as this meeting was ongoing, doesn’t address that issue.

And I’m not aware of anywhere in the code that does. I think you just bring a violation and then they have a another incident. And we’re in municipal court we would, you know, argue that’s a aggravating factor for The penalty phase.

Is it fair to West to assume that the kind of follow up you described Eugene will happen or do we need to give direction on that is that what

will happen will happen? We’re going to examine the site. If you know, that’s the key, we’re going to examine the site. If if they’re active boroughs outside of the boundaries that they’ve defined, then that’s a different issue. And we have to act appropriately.

unrelated to that, but related to the bicycle ordinance, I thought I heard been acknowledged that the things that we heard from Mr. Conlon when he called in again, in terms of signage in education and delayed enforcement, that those things are all going to happen, and that we really need to give direction. Yes. The staff has already acknowledged this is what they’re following up on. Is that fair? That’s correct. Thanks.

Cows murder Peck.

Thank you Mira bakley on a different issue. I want to give kudos to LD da in the city of Longmont and our transportation planner field Greenwald on the downtown lane closures and extension for the restaurants. Phil gave a an update presentation at the native meeting last week. And it went over very well and there were a lot of questions from the the other elected officials they thought this was a great thing that Longmont did, and they were very impressed with how we got Not me, the city and Phil to work with see dotnet actually make that happen. So this is a very positive thing and it is the other cities and elected officials expressed a kudos and appreciation for Longmont and are probably going to see how they can make that work in their cities. So I just wanted to put that out there. It’s a good thing that they did. And we should be proud.

Councilmember local fairing

Thank you, Mayor. So um, last Friday, I went for a ride with a police officer

for just to kind of just uralla ride along, and I did it Friday night. And you know, we had some really good conversation. I think I was there for like maybe three or four between three and four hours with him. And we just kind of scoped around and I had the opportunity to witness or officers interact with the public under stressful situations and just casual conversation. I’m just, you know, seeing residents wave and you know, it was, so I’ve had family members, I’ve had loved ones who’ve had run in with loss, so nothing in there surprised me. Nothing was unusual. And everything that you know, my own assumptions or my own thoughts, it was like, yeah, that’s that was pretty much accurate. And I think that’s just from from my own personal experience. But in looking at and, you know, I want to get into my perspective of, you know, the whole notion of defending the police and what does that mean? Um, oftentimes, when I and you know, and I’ll be honest, what I’m hearing is, you know, morale for some, it’s, it’s very, it’s difficult. And I think being an educator for now, 26 years, it’s difficult for teachers who hear all the time, you’re terrible, you need this, you need that we’re going to take funding away and it’s, it’s degrading, and it’s demoralizing. And it’s, it’s, it’s a strain on the, on the psyche and the soul. And I see that happening with with our officers. And, you know, so, you know, I’ve been doing the work of social justice for the last 30 years. In Southern California, I marked marched with the Chicano movement. I’ve dedicated my last 30 years of my entire adult life in equity, institutional racism, looking at systems of oppression and dismantling those systems. And oftentimes when I hear people on both sides to either call for defund the police or, you know, or bashing that notion of funding the police defunding the police, you know, I asked them, What do you think that means? And oftentimes, it’s it’s not an accurate portrayal. So, you know, really when we look at defending the police, and I’ve asked our I’ve asked our state representatives, Leslie Herod, I asked, Representative Herod, I asked, you know, what define that for me? What does define the police mean? And it’s really looking at how we allocate our funding, is it more towards a criminal system or more towards a rehabilitation, where we have diversion, we have And we see I see it in our departments in this Public Safety Department, the core team leads the angel initiative. All these institutions are all these programs that we have in place. That is what we had been striving for. Since I first started, you know, back in the late 80s, early 90s. I mean, that’s what we want. We want to move away from this idea of just criminalizing people and throwing them all into jail, starting within the schools, the school to prison pipeline, moving away from that and providing opportunities for people to rehabilitate.

And then I’m going to throw in my own personal experience, and I share that with the officer I rode with. And what I have seen as a resident and a parent, who’s had to call police on their children.

My daughter when she was overcoming,

just suicide, suicidal ideation. There was a time we have to call the police. And this was back in 2013. And I tell you, they weren’t even in the house for a minute, before I realized I made a big mistake in calling. They had her pin down. It was it was frightening to see. And it was traumatic. And it took also years of therapy for us to reconcile that. Then we fast forward to about a year and a half ago, when my son was having he was having a meltdown. He was having a really hard time. My daughter and her roommate helped intervene. They took him to the apartment and and you know, he was he was getting really agitated and just very angry. And so they ended up calling the police. And I went out by the time I went out there because he was really mad at me. And so you know, I went out there after the police were there and they had somebody I believe from the core team. And they spent almost an hour with him and they talked to him and they talked him down. See de escalated the situation and the time and commitment where I was really mad. And I’m like, What are you doing? You know, I was so frustrated, but they took the time. So you know, what I see this department doing? This is on the right track, and I don’t want to dismantle a system that’s working. And I think we have to be supportive of that. And that is what, you know, the community is about when I’ve had a chance, I had a chance to meet with our interim police chief, Rob spend low and you know, and he’s acknowledged we’re, we have ways to go. And that’s always what we strive for as an organization is how we reflect, we look for ways to grow and we make the appropriate changes. So, you know, I think I think we are on the right track and I you know, when I, when I read, even use the term, you know, defunding the police, what does that mean? What I look at what my context of it And it’s really just advocating for opportunities for people to rehabilitate, and, and find other avenues for, you know, rather than going through the court system or criminal or the jail system. So that’s, then that kind of brings me into the next thing. I don’t know if some of you received an email from Bob Norris, about, you know, bringing up the language, language, language barriers. And this is something back when we had our retreat, we talked about, you know, I had talked, we talked about equity, one of the things that I really wanted to see was this, some type of commission or council around equity in human relations, and I want to bring it up again. And this is something that I saw that he included in the mail about are in the email about recommending some kind of board or commission to address issues of inequity and really looking at at the policy level, rather than Just Just a diverse the diversity level, because those are two different aspects. I think what the Mac is doing, it addresses that diversity inclusion. That’s its own set. And that’s a huge task to have one that really delves into policy of equity and how we as an organization, an institution can bridge those gaps of inequity. That’s what I think this is. So I’m pushing that again, but and I’m going to keep pushing it. But that’s that’s what I have to say. Thanks.

Anybody else?

Erica, before that to chastise

you for talking too much tonight.

I don’t have anything to say.

So city manager.

No comments, Mayor Council. Eugene.

He’s got no comments. All right. No comments mayor. Yeah, I already is. Buddy get off the screen. Oh, that thing with Mayor qubes. That was freaky. When he did what he

was supposed to do started giggling he was supposed to actually just start naturally saying, All right, let’s move on to item F of the consent agenda. But he was a crazy flashback. He would just started giggling like a goofball. So I was like, get going dentists Say something. But anyway,

welcome. You had another hand raised and so

who? Hey,

oh, Counselor back

to adjourn.

I’ll second that. All in favor say aye.

Aye. Aye. Aye.

Opposed? All right. Motion carries unanimously. See you next time. See Mr. Harold, dear

Brian, call

Transcribed by