Transportation Advisory Board July 20, 2020

Roll call if that’s okay.


Roll Call Milani here.

Pedro’s here.



Courtney Michelle.


Sandra Stewart. Here.

Councilmember Peck.


Can you hear me? Yes.


Good. All good. All right. So do we have a motion to approve the meeting minutes from? I guess that would be the March meeting.

I make a motion to approve the minutes.

All right. Second, David has for the motion there and court. Michelle offers a second and any comment on the contents of the minutes.

All right, hearing none, all in favor of approving the minutes say aye.

Aye. Aye. Aye.

Any opposed?

Hearing none, meeting minutes are approved.

All right, Tyler and Phil’s communication from staff.

The court is yours.

So thank you all for coming here tonight together in this new virtual environment. I’d spent a change of life for everyone. I think I don’t think we all figured learner thought we would adapt like this. But this is quickly becoming the norm. I appreciate all of you taking the time to figure out the and download the WebEx and being patient with us as we work through this. Really, it’s it’s thank thanks to Jane and Stacey for getting this set up. They put a lot of work on the back end, and getting all this going. And I think one of the things that we’ve learned as an organization is it’s kind of shifting duties of a lot of staff. And that’s where I see Jane and Stacey have both stepped up really big to fill a role and kind of the running the meeting, meeting portion. That thanks to them, and James on call here. Anything you wanted to say in terms of process, the meeting minutes, smoothly raised, raise your hand talk one at a time. anything you’ve ever done that sorry to put you on the spot, but I want to give you that opportunity.

Now, it’s fine. Thank you.

Yeah, I think just as we move through the meeting, it’s great if we could all meet ourselves during the meetings, so we don’t hear a lot of background noise.

What I’ve seen that most meetings is the best way to do it is people who raise their hand when they want to speak, Neil is the chariots of notch and See whose hands are up.

Other than that, I think that just makes the make the meeting run a little bit smoother for everyone. I’m back here on the back end recording the meetings. This meeting will end up on

in the next couple days. So we can go back and watch ourselves again and learn from it. But thank you all for participating. And if anything, I’m back here. Thank you.

So now other housekeeping stuff. So Melanie, her term ended in June, she decided that she did not want to, to apply to be on TV again, and she decided that she was looking to pursue other opportunities. Understand Council is looking to make board appointments in July. So, Joan, I believe that’s coming up pretty soon from from you guys. So we’ll have hopefully two new board members at that time. Over the last couple of months, we’ve really made an effort to try and just give information like I mentioned, it’s putting, running these meetings is kind of a new dynamic for staff. And so we’re really trying to take I’m trying, I’ve been trying to share all the information, a lot of the information, we would provide a TV meetings as an email update. So hopefully those have been valuable for for this group. And if you have any questions about any of this stuff that we’ve sent out, I’m happy to hear any feedback you have on that, or anything you’d like to see come back to you guys in any further detail. Please let me know and we can we can do that. Following up on a couple items from last month’s meeting, we had buzz Feldman came public invited to be heard. The two questions that I had written down from him one, Ken Bratton, Sherman, he asked a question about a traffic signal at that intersection. That’s a very busy intersection there. One of the things that we’re looking at there’s one of our CFP projects is Ken Kratz widening that would go from Nelson to South Pratt Parkway to continue That piece of widening we did five or so years ago, as part of that, what we’re looking at wouldn’t be a signal, it would be more along the lines of restricting some of the movements at that intersection. Some of the issues with the signal that location is the spacing is not very good for progression along there. And c dot initially has not been super excited about that location. It’s also really close to the railroad tracks. So when we look at how we’re stacking traffic through that area, definitely have to be cognizant of trying to not stack carbs on the tracks. So that’s one of the big factors that we’re looking at in terms of infer how that could be signalized. So the reality is probably access movement restrictions would be the resolution there it would solve the crash problem. It doesn’t necessarily make it easier to get out of there. The other comment that buzz had left was westbound clover base and approaching Fordham there’s a lane drop sign and there was Some question about is it right and can be sort of confusing. So the sign in the sign is correct. And I can understand how it would be confusing. And one of the things that we’re going to do in addition to the sign is add some additional pavement markings, the lane drop pavement markings. I’m sure you’ve probably seen them driving around before they’re kind of angled arrows on the pavement. So we’ll add those to hopefully try and resolve that a little bit more. So two things that we’re going to do there. A handful of other things to talk about. Phil, did you have a couple things you want to chat about too?

Sure, um, maybe I’ll steal some of hate to steal Taylor’s thunder, but it’s been kind of exciting project for all of us at the city and within city council, and I think JB as well as the main street closures or the main street lane closures that you’ve seen out there. So we do have some preliminary which has been kind of exciting, but it’s not Carmageddon as we say. It’s a, we’re actually seeing relatively minor delays. Typically on a regular time of the day, we’re seeing about maybe 10 seconds of delay for people trying to get through that section on Main Street during the ANP going southbound,

and somebody has a lot of feedback on that connection,

your volume, maybe too high, but, um, thanks.

Anyway, so we’re starting to see that the volume going southbound is probably an extra 20 seconds, maybe 25 seconds, maybe going southbound in the mornings. And then in the afternoon, that this one, we’re seeing some backups. And we’ve had some issues, but they’re not been very major. They’re about we’re saying about a minute, a minute and 10 seconds delay through that whole intersection, you know, compared to what we used to when it used to take us to go through that section of mainstream from third, basically second. up to six is taking us an extra minute, maybe an extra 70 seconds to get through that section of Main Street. So really we’re not seeing these 15 minute delays that people were gonna we’re kind of worried about. So that’s been exciting. Again, I sorry, Tyler, if that kind of took away from what you were saying, but I’m sorry.

I’m sorry, trying to find my email here with her my list of topics to cover his intelligence. But yeah, so what was the next one? We’re measuring the travel times between first and night. So it’s a little bit further than I think the extensive we’re saying. So the little bit longer length when we were looking at the travel times over that measure week over week and day over day increases in that we’re also measuring volumes. We did a lot of traffic data collection on Main Street, Kauffman, kimbark, Terry and Emery to try and really see how that traffic is going to move around. Where’s it going, if it’s not on Main Street, where’s it going, and to be able to quantify that and really have a good picture of what happened while we close these lands. So For fun, it’s an interesting project to see how it works and how how the public reacts to it and where they go and impacts to the system.

The question there, David after that,

okay, so you kind of took my question there Tyler, about wondering where the traffic is going then. But I was wondering, are you also looking all the way over to say Hoover to see if maybe we’re seeing an increase during rush hour times.

We’ll look at Hoover as well. For volumes we have a couple intersections where we have counters, detectors in the ground that we can use as counters and we can get a daily count on that. I think I’m set up to where I can do travel times there. I’ll double check on that as well. If we can see a difference measure difference in travel time on that.

We’re looking those up factors


if you had any feedback from the businesses along third that have the extended frontage.

So I think initially, there’s a handful of businesses that are pretty excited about it. There are some that have moved out there. They’re doing seating areas, I’ve seen some bike racks out in space, I think there’s still opportunity for a lot more to come out. We’ve been working Phil and I have been working with Kimberly at LDA to try and figure out how to better use that space or communicate to the, to the businesses that that’s available to them.

I would say there’s also a handful of folks that are not really excited about this closure yet. And so we’re certainly working with those folks to try to figure out what we can do to make this little less painful for them if you know there’s perceived pain and then there’s no real financial pain, so we need to kind of measure L, which is which here and what and what’s happening. So we’re working with folks. And I think a lot of that has to do maybe with the perception that on street parking is really kind of the be all end all. Oh, you know, that’s really, the front door service is really critical. So

council member, jump back.

Uh, hi, Phil, have you had any or Tyler, have you had any feedback from the cyclist? Yep. Is it working for them? as well as for them motorist?

Well, I think I’ll take this one. If you don’t mind, Tyler and just kind of talk about he has, the cyclists have enjoyed getting into this closure area, but I don’t think they’re seeing the benefit of really being able to travel very quickly. I think the alleys are still providing that, that function when they’re fully open, and I think we’re having some issues with that. Maybe like some of the alleys closed on the weekends, so that they’re sitting out there as well. But there’s plenty of space for bicycles still. So we’re working through those issues as well. But I think once the bicyclists get to Main Street, you kind of reach their destination and then the bicycle on Main Street is more of a novelty than it is a practical, practical way of getting around. So it’s been fun for people to kind of bike in those areas, but with the liquor laws the way they are to the alcohol sales, there has to be a certain way to fence off the seating areas. And that’s good to keep bicyclists out of there. But it also inhibits people from moving through their as as quickly as they like. So we’re working on that as well.

Thank you. That’s


Great just along the lines of comments and communication from staff. Since this is the first meeting we’ve had in quite some time. Can you just comment On from a COVID perspective, pandemic perspective and budget perspective, to what extent are you seeing significant impacts to the projects that we’ve talked about here the transportation advisory board meeting? Are you finding that that’s more impacts for next year’s budget?

Should probably turn that over to Jim for if Jim has a chance to answer that question.

All right, thanks, Phil. Appreciate that one. So

the covid 19 epidemic, as it kind of swept through or came into Longmont and the closures of restaurants

and impacts to bars.

Kind of the the biggest hit that

that we see in in public works and natural resources is the impacts to the street fund which is funded through the sales and use tax. It also hits the general fund hits public safety

as it was unfolding.

The city took a kind of a

bit of a conservative stance, we held off on

any position shifts.

We pretty much for the street fund cut back a lot of our capital for this year.

Until we saw what,


over time, how it impacted. We had some projections of the downturn downturn in April and May as Jim golden has been tracking the budgets, it’s turned out that has not been as bad as as we thought it was going to be. So we’re still waiting for what we’re looking at currently is may num numbers for May They come about a month late. But early projections don’t show it as bad as what we anticipate. So we’re starting to get kind of back into the regular routine. One of the other components of kind of our current or future budget is we’re anticipating that we will see that downturn will be a little more drastic than we originally projected in our revenues. So our budget reflects that. We don’t show we show less or less funding, sales and use tax coming in over the next 12 months. So we’ve adjusted our board our budget accordingly in the street fund and are coming up in blue in August to present the capital budget to Council and it reflects some of the we kind of got hit in the street fund a little bit sideways. Not just a reduction in revenues, but example of his The with the advent of a $4 million grant, we now have to had to accelerate the the railroad quiet zones. We’re hoping to spread that out over about over about four or five years. We had to accelerate that to about a three year timeframe. So it’s a little bit different. But we are weathering it. still continue with our safety programs or some of our smaller scale projects. We’ll still be doing our road resurfacing curb work. We’re a little more selective in some of our capital projects for the next five years. All right,

thank you very much, Jim.

I’m sorry, I

was a follow up.

Yeah. So first off, Jim, I feel your pain

based on what I’m going through, similarly.

I was curious, I know I went through We had like a list of all these projects. I don’t know if it was the tip or maybe it was just the tip that was wondering At what point should we expect to see kind of a revised schedule? Like what’s kind of the new plan, so to speak? Is that something that you’re going to get to see in a month or two? I

certainly I think that’s something realistic we can put together for a quick presentation for the next meeting. Show you kind of where we’re, where we’re going, what we’re proposing for next year’s budget and then for the following four years beyond that, for what impacts will be and then you know, we approve council be approving next year’s, you know, funding. As I always like to say a budget is should be a flow document. That’s the dog behind me. I’m always fun to work from home, but it’s a fun document so as as those revenues if the revenue situation changes, taking a more conservative approach if we get good news, there’s always an avenue to change things throughout the course of the year. So we could certainly put something together. We’re gonna be doing for council we certainly put bring it together for run through ta be at the next meeting.

Okay, that’d be great. And I’m also

because I imagine once you start going conservative, it does take time to ramp back up. And so I was thinking you might have impacts to this year, or is it not the case so much?

When there were a few things mostly in design? We can as part of the presentation to you, we can show you what we’re doing this year. We have a lot out there in capital. Okay, we just started countyline road project, which has kind of been been dragging along floating. We’re still working on pike road. Okay, we’re finishing up a drainage project on 17th in Maine. We’ve got the The painting programs is is going hot and heavy this year. Tyler’s working on traffic signal at

Alpine Mountain View. So we’ve

got quite a few things currently going on right now. That will take us well into the fall. So we’ll we’ll we’ll we can include that. Here’s what we got now. Here’s what you know, kind of short term what we’re looking at for, you know, into the fall and next winter under design and then going through and carrying forward with construction and next summer.

Okay, that’s great. So it sounds like you know, what we’re feeling right now, but what might be down the line?

We have a lot going on right now that that is continuing on. We’ve had some there’s some staffing challenges. So we’re trying to adjust here and there. Most of staff and we you know this whole fall into the Climate Action Task Force, most of the engineering staff through the whole course of this has been working remotely We’ve all you know, very few few of our staff come into the office, we’re all working, trying to work remotely as much as possible. helps a lot with greenhouse gases. People aren’t commuting as much anymore. So that’s a positive. Maybe the only thing the only positive thing coming out of this whole thing?

Yes, very true. killing your

puppies a little more time with the family. So

yes, yes, and pets, don’t forget the pet.

Awesome. Anything else on the communication from staff from any numbers of staff there?

We actually have quite a few more things, but I’m just gonna save them till the end of the meeting. If you guys want to. We probably need to progress and get to the big item on the agenda tonight. It’s gonna take a bit of your time. So we have other things that if you have questions, we can probably answer those two for the items from TV members.

Okay, Sandy, do you have a question or should it be till the other comments from board members

well, just was wondering about RTD because they presented before we left our last meeting. And due to COVID, they were making changes. How is that impacted our bus service here? that change times changed? just general stuff like that? And the answer can wait, but that’s what I wondered about. Thank you.

I can answer that at the items from TV members at the end because I do have something on that.

Okay, sounds good. Duly noted.

All right. Well, marching forward. Do we have any members of the public to be heard today?

I haven’t seen anyone call in. I don’t recognize all the names and the participants list so I can’t honestly say for sure we don’t have somebody waiting in the list. Tyler, Bill, maybe you know all that. The names on the participants list.

I don’t know the T RA and Taran is that somebody from the consulting team?


Hey, Phil. This is Sarah. They’re not with our our consulting team. Okay, so they might be just listening in. Okay.

Oh turn is there a tease? Nevermind. Terry. Terry, I got it.

Hey, Ben, good to have you here. Okay. Do you

have audio so

fair enough last call for any members of the public to share their heard the comment now.

All right, hearing none, why don’t we turn it on over to Lisa and Francine team

Great, thank you so much. Thanks for having us and giving us some time on your agenda. I’m gonna jump right in and hopefully all this technology will work for us.


course I tried this earlier before everyone got on and it worked fine and now are you guys seeing anything on your side?

Yet Lisa, but now we can. Yep, there it is just popped up.

Okay, you can see it now. Yep.


And I put it in here.

I’m so used to zoom that As I think somebody else was saying, trying to do the transition back and forth from different technologies take some getting used to for sure. Okay. All right. So as many of you probably know, we’ve been working for the last six months or so after the council declared a climate emergency in back in October and called for the convening of a Climate Action Task Force. So that kicked off in December. And we’ve been working along developing our recommendations report and then obviously, profit hit so that kind of postponed things for for a couple of months there. But we got back on it and just presented our recommendations report to City Council of the beginning of July in city council wanted us to take the recommendations to the advisory boards and get some feedback from you all to bring back to them. So we’re going to run through that tonight and I’m going to run through The so there are six topic areas that we’ll talk about. I’m gonna run through the non transportation one related ones pretty quickly, but we’ll spend most of the time on the transportation recommendations because those are obviously most relevant to all. And in the meantime, feel free to holler if you have any clarifying questions or anything like that. Um, so if you, for those of you don’t know me, I’m sorry, I’m recent, I’d like the sustainability program. So this just provides you a brief overview of what the report itself covered. It ended up being quite a substantive document around 150 pages or so. So if any of you I know you got the link to that in your packets, I don’t know how much how many of you actually read it from cover to cover, but there’s it goes into the background of a Climate Action Task Force recommendations. Also some recommendations from the just transition planning committee which fancy we’ll be talking about in a little bit. Community Engagement and then just a ton of resources that were provided to that group. The taskforce came up with six primary topic areas that they wanted to focus on to develop recommendations. So it was adaptation and resilience, building energy, youth education and outreach. vandusen wastes met with waste management, renewable energy and transportation. And then equity was also identified as a really integral part of climate action. And rather than having its own section with really specific recommendations, they wanted to leave equity throughout all of these topic areas. And then also lead into the work that the Climate Action Task Force did with the just transition Committee, which again, fancy Oh,

there we go. So we did endeavor to do some community engagement in this process. We thought we already working under 120 day deadline, which was pretty tight, but then COVID happened. And obviously all of our community engagement that was meant to be in person, which was really designed to try to get at that equity standpoint and get a more broad and diverse perspective from the community engagement standpoint was all really pretty significantly impacted. So we did, we were able to put out a community questionnaire and we got almost 400 responses to that. We did do a handful of presentations and tabling events before, um, lockdown happened. But we know that even through that process, we were pretty limited in terms of the engagement that we’re able to do. We did get some key takeaways. So there, at least from the folks that were able to participate in that. There’s general support for climate actions, incentives and overall changes from the city standpoint. In particular, there was strong support for increasing services. benefits, particularly for low income communities and addressing issues around affordability and making sure that any measures that we are taking from the Climate Action perspective, are taking affordability into account. On the flip side is out there, there was some current concerns definitely about the cost and the impact on affordability of climate action measures. And then a lack of stakeholder engagement as well. As I mentioned, we have some significant limitations. We’re working under a pretty fast timeline, the impacts from COVID, the questionnaire format was a little bit I would say constrained in terms of it, it really forced people to rank their options and didn’t provide people an option to say I actually don’t like any of these options that you’re giving me. So there was some limitations in that. And, again, we think that from, from the responses that we got, we know that there were pretty key perspectives and voices that were not able to get enough. So I’m going to jump into the recommendations and like I said I’m going to speed through the ones that really aren’t transportation focus, but if you have any clarifying questions, please feel free to holler fancies jotting down notes and we have kind of two separate documents. One that’s kind of a more formal document that will go to council saying this is what the transportation advisory board thinks about these recommendations. And then we can also take notes just on individual comments if you have comments related to some of the other recommendations and weapons. So we’ll review and record high level comments. Again, fancy we’ll do that and at the end, we’ll pull up that document so you guys can see it. And then we’ll go through each of the transportation related recommendations and have you all do kind of a thumbs up from side or thumbs down and then take the general agreement and then you will support in terms of how you want to support so the first topic areas focus on adaptation and resilience and this most of the recommended are focused on greenhouse gas reductions overall, which we refer to as mitigation. But we do also know that even if Longmont were to achieve 100% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, or whatever the way science works and the way the world works, we are still probably looking at some significant impacts from climate change. And so this section is really focused on how do we prepare community for those impacts. The one, the first one is focused on public health, and that’s looking at what are the impacts of a warming planet on the public health of our community. The second one is water conservation. And I highlighted this one in green. And we’ll discuss this a little bit more in detail later, even though this is focused on water conservation, and I highlighted it as being relevant to the transportation advisory board. Because if you see this goal, it’s a 35 to 40% reduction in overall water consumption by 2025. That could have significant impacts to the look of right of ways in particular. And so we just wanted to highlight that for this group. So that you all have an opportunity to discuss and provide comments on particularly around how that might impact the look and feel for the place. And then the third is focus on flood mitigation and preparedness.

Building Energy, sorry, I know there’s a ton of text here. Um, that’s focused on probably things that you would expect. So building code, so that’s looking at the next building code cycle of expanding that one one is really good about adopting and implementing the most recent version of each building code cycle. But this one will be looking specifically at adding in solar readiness, Ed readiness and electrification also looking at creating an electrification feasibility committee to develop a plan for the city to transition from natural gas to electrification and buildings over the next 10 to 15 years. Yours, and that that feasibility committee would would really help develop what that plan looks like commercial energy benchmarking, and that’s a program that’s looking at evaluating buildings to educate building owners and how to reduce energy use commercial and residential energy efficiency, low income energy efficiency, and then establishing a climate action fund that will help, again particularly address the affordability issue of potential impacts to low and middle income residents and business owners to help them in that transition process. Education and Outreach This is mostly focused on a number of things to help just gain better awareness by the public and engagement in the conversation around funding issues and climate action. So there’s a lecture series and article series, looking at adding to the teaching exhibit at the museum range rising to average The climate and energy use establishing a community liaison program. So that’s setting up a peer to peer network within neighborhoods with folks that are like sustainability and climate ambassadors that can educate their friends and neighbors. And then the bigger piece one here is really developing comprehensive workforce development opportunities to train the workforce that we’re really going to need to accomplish our climate action goals. So that’s in those areas, particularly around energy use energy efficiency, weatherization, renewable energy. Plan, do some waste management. The first one is focusing on promoting and educating and changing code to allow for home skill agriculture, production and sales, expanding residential residents, residential and commercial composting, and then this is in the land use section. But this third one here is downtown pay for parking. I highlighted this one obviously Because of the type of transportation and parking as well, which I think Phil was talking about a little bit earlier, and that’s implementing a pay to park requirement in the downtown area to help encourage alternative modes of travel into and out of downtown. And this one, really so we started this process, as I mentioned before COVID happened. So this one also would really need to probably be put on hold or we need to really pay attention to what the impacts might be to our downtown businesses because we definitely don’t want to have any adverse impacts beyond what people are already experiencing. nubile energy. This is looking at accelerating the installation of smart meters, and then developing a number of programs that really help homeowners understand and mitigate their energy use within their own homes. And then a broader network that helps actually connect things like home energy management systems to our overall system, and how folks opt into programs where where they could actually say yes, I agreed for a long, long power communications to manage my energy use during peak times. And folks will get, you know, incentives or reduced rates for that behavior, carbon intensity signaling. So that’s providing real time information to customers to say, you know, hey, the energy mix right now is really heavy on renewables. So you might want to kick on your appliances, or Hey, right now the energy production power production is really heavy on fossil fuels. So if you can scale things back into so transportation, this is where I’m going to spend the most time and I’m going to have Phil, Phil was part of this process and developing these recommendations are one of the WebEx boxes right over some of my my strategy here So, but Phil, I’m gonna have you jump in in case I’m missing anything that anything wrong or if you guys have a question I can’t answer I’m gonna send them over Philips way. So the first transportation recommendation is increasing the effectiveness of the transit system through a checkpoint bus service. So that’s essentially a hike between

like a call and ride service and a fixed route service. A little bit more flexibility for users that would allow folks that might not be able to make it to a formal stop. The fixed route service will very much be the backbone of our of our transit system, but this would provide a little bit more flexibility for folks and help estimate those last mile connections fail Do you want to add anything to that one?

So sure, the so the checkpoint piece of it is that it would hit certain important points in the city at specific So it still have that level of reliability. So you would always know like at the hospital would show up at quarter past the hour, you know, and different places, different important location, different stops could be added into the network. But from there, it could deviate from a fixed route and go, you know, and come back to your, your front, not your front door, but tear to the carbon curb in front of your house. So if it has that ability to make that that run, it could do it that way. So it’s just a bit more flexible service. It’s something that was actually in a 2012 plan for first and Main Street. And it was never implemented by RTD, though they were very excited about it at first and then they kind of lost a little bit of interest based on some costs we throw back in here because they still think it’s a viable service.

Yeah, and the goal would really be to be at or below the cost of The current

like via or calling ride system, right, right, though.

Yeah, those are pretty expensive right now running about 25 to $30. In fact, Sandra probably knows more than or Sandy knows more than I do about that. But they run very expensive per, per writer. And we try to get those costs down quite a bit. So,

yeah, great, thank you. Um, the second one is focusing on establishing electric vehicle charging infrastructure, particularly in the downtown area. So that’s increasing 20 additional what are called level two charging stations. So that’s where you’ve been charged your car. If you were going from zero to 100%. It would take a few hours, but if you’re just doing some shopping for, you know, an hour or so it would help you get your get your car charge pretty quickly. It would help bring people to the downtown area that are looking to charge in long line and help from an economic standpoint as well as the third one is looking at connected bikeways And so that’s a longer term project that’s really trying to connect all the bikeways and interconnect all major nodes across the city so that you would have a complete and safe bikeway system where you don’t have to make any

at grade crossings build you want to add anything to that one?

Well, I don’t think we’re saying it any at grade crossings, but we’re saying definitely when ever you cross an arterial level Street, you know, one of the higher volume, multi lane roads, we would, we would be looking at trying to get some kind of grade separation for those for sure. And then it was just an idea this was critical from the group was that they really saw bicycling as being kind of that next level, and I think we’re seeing that even with COVID is bicycling has become that thing that people have turned to. If they can’t, they don’t want to use the bus necessarily transit. So bicycling is becoming part of that and we’re starting to see More and more electric bicycles and different types of bicycles like bicycles, electric bicycles. So it’s becoming more and more commonplace for people to be able to use these types of vehicles. And so this is the idea that we get them around the city in an efficient manner.

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