Unknown Speaker 0:01
All right, you’re live. Great.
Unknown Speaker 0:04
Welcome, everyone to the June 4 2020.
Unknown Speaker 0:10
Historic Preservation Commission meeting. This is our first meeting since I think January. And so this is actually the first meeting that I am officially chairing. And we do have some new commissioners and just to make it more fun, we obviously have all this technology. So obviously, hopefully patience with everyone and we can get through this. Susan, did you want to address exactly how we should be dealing with the public invited to be heard or do I just deal with that? Because there’s there’s note about the streaming and addressing everyone. Are we live streaming or is that still
Unknown Speaker 0:57
Yeah, we’re live streaming and I’ve got your instructions on the screen for everyone to see. The public can call in at the appropriate times during the meeting. So go ahead.
Unknown Speaker 1:09
Okay, great. And so I will, I’ll repeat some of this information as well when when the time is appropriate, but we will be posting this information up on the screen for anyone to call in. Again, patients will be appreciated. So these meetings are being held remotely due to the governor’s safer at home order that went into effect on April 27. You can watch the meeting, live stream on YouTube in the city’s channel, or on Longmont public Okay, so at this point we will call roll.
Unknown Speaker 1:50
Okay. Commissioner Carpenter fair.
Unknown Speaker 1:58
Commissioner Hardee’s Your
Unknown Speaker 2:03
Commissioner guy you? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 2:07
Commissioner lane. There.
Unknown Speaker 2:13
Commissioner Norton? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 2:18
Commissioner Goan here.
Unknown Speaker 2:23
Commissioner Bagwell.
Unknown Speaker 2:31
Can she hear me? Commissioner bear? Oh, thanks, Commissioner sib Sibley here. Councilmember Rodriguez
Unknown Speaker 2:41
Unknown Speaker 2:43
Thank you, everyone.
Unknown Speaker 2:47
Right. So our next meeting, agenda item number two would be approval of the January 2020 meeting minutes.
Unknown Speaker 3:05
I make a motion to approve the January 2020 minutes. Second.
Unknown Speaker 3:10
Okay, so I have a motion and a second.
Unknown Speaker 3:15
Maria do we have? Do we have who that was?
Unknown Speaker 3:20
Yes, I do. Okay. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 3:22
Yeah. All right. Okay, the motion in a second. So all in favor of approving the January minutes, please raise your hand. Keep it up a little bit so everybody can get the time to record. Are you let us Any opposed? None. So, Motion carries unanimously.
Unknown Speaker 3:50
So, item number three is report from the chair. So this is where we’ll get in a little bit more to the Public invited to be heard. So anyone that wishes to speak during public invited to be heard, or during public hearing, which is basically I am five that’d be any topics that are not on the agenda. You would need to watch the live stream for the meeting for these when that time comes, these instructions will pop up on the screen. The comments will be limited to three minutes per person, each speaker will be asked to state their name and address for the record prior to proceeding with their comments. And please remember to mute the live stream when you’re called upon to speak so that we don’t get echo.
Unknown Speaker 4:46
All right.
Unknown Speaker 4:48
If there are any troubles do we do I would just normally give out this phone number here for anybody to jump if there are issues.
Unknown Speaker 4:58
I know they should have received that private via an email. Okay, perfect. Yeah, they you can reach out to, I believe it’s Maria or Jade or via email to all of us on staff here.
Unknown Speaker 5:13
Okay, great.
Unknown Speaker 5:15
All right. So item number four is communications from our HPC staff liaison.
Unknown Speaker 5:27
All right, hello, commissioners and Councilmember Rodrigues. It’s nice to virtually meet you all. And I’m sure you’re aware that Karen Brian is no longer with the city and I’ll be taking over as the liaison. And just a few things since your last January meeting. We’ve given out two administrative seaways one for 250 came back for a heat pump and one for a new sign at the dickens opera house which if you’ve been downtown you might have seen already in place at the same time. was just to replace the old Tavern side. And my last note is that previously, we decided to host the July meeting on July 9 instead of the second given the Fourth of July holiday. And so from what I know, we will be having this meeting I’ve received an application already and and as of today, it should still be on zoom. So that’s all I have for you.
Unknown Speaker 6:28
Okay, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 6:30
Okay, so item number five is our public invited to be heard. So this is if there’s anyone out there in the audience that would in virtual audience that would like to speak on a topic that is not on the agenda. So we’ll have the communication information up on the screen and we’ll all sit here for a few minutes to see if there In fact anyone wishing to speak
Unknown Speaker 7:04
to an alternate item?
Unknown Speaker 7:11
Susan, you’ll just tell us when you’re reasonably sure that no one is
Unknown Speaker 7:18
out there.
Unknown Speaker 7:19
Yes, Mayor. Sorry, chair. Chair just
Unknown Speaker 7:24
getting my meetings confused there.
Unknown Speaker 7:27
Yes, we’ve got a couple of viewers. I know I am one of them. So I don’t know if other staffer also viewers or if we actually have the public so we’ll give them say three or four minutes here to see the information because there is a slight delay in the stream. Anytime I display something
Unknown Speaker 10:14
Chair that’s been a little bit longer than three minutes. So I will leave the room unlocked for just another 30 seconds until my slide disappears. Okay from the livestream and I do not see anyone that is called in yet. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 10:34
Unknown Speaker 10:37
We’ll will it’s fairly rare for people to just come to the HPC. So I think we’ll move on to item number six, a new business, which would be a state income tax credit application for 917 Fourth Avenue. So we Cooper, do you have a staff presentation for us?
Unknown Speaker 11:04
Yes, I’m happy to give an overview. And so 917 Fourth Avenue as a bungalow style home built in 1912. And the work that Mr. Piller is proposing is fixing the garage door and the metal supporting the door broke and this past February and he fixed it immediately after, and then he was wanting to start repainting the exterior of his home and, and I believe the date for repainting was supposed to start on May 15 and be done by the end of May. So this is completed work. And the home is more than 50 years years old and is of course part of the historic West Side district. So it was listed in 1987. I am in my staff recommendation I approve our I recommend approval of preliminaries. state income tax credit. And for both parts of the work upon further research, though, I found that the garage was not added to the home until 1995. And which therefore would make the work on the garage not eligible for the tax credit. So I would still recommend the credit for the painting of the home, but not for the garage door.
Unknown Speaker 12:27
Great. Do any of the commissioners have a question for staff?
Unknown Speaker 12:39
Um, I do.
Unknown Speaker 12:41
It was my understanding that painting alone might not be applicable for state tax credit that it only if painting was done in conjunction with repair or replacement of siding or something of that nature.
Unknown Speaker 13:02
That was not my understanding and perhaps I miss understood that though I’m happy to ask and history Colorado and confirm that there does not need to be any addition with with that.
Unknown Speaker 13:22
Yeah, I would recommend asking the tax credit staff liaison at history Colorado. I believe there’s also a financial consideration I think they have to spend a certain amount and above $5,000 in order to make sure it meets that tax credit. So I would double check the Joseph salad bar history Colorado.
Unknown Speaker 13:48
That is correct. There is an amount that you need to surpass in order to be eligible and so I i do you need to confirm that with without the garage that the painting would still be on.
Unknown Speaker 14:01
In addition to confirming that
Unknown Speaker 14:08
commissure Bagwell,
Unknown Speaker 14:15
Commissioner one moment you need to unmute.
Unknown Speaker 14:20
point of clarification for staff. In the past, we’ve overridden it several times. But in the past, we usually ask the applicant they need permission from us first before they actually do the work and receive the tax credit. And and that usually, you know, we then those problems are resolved before
Unknown Speaker 14:47
before they actually do the work.
Unknown Speaker 14:55
Thank you for that clarification Commissioner. I believe that the reason The work went ahead of when when the garage needed to be fixed because it was not operating as functional and the painting and given the time of COVID in the pandemic, it’s been challenging to get people to do any kind of work and scheduling has been a challenge.
Unknown Speaker 15:20
Understand, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 15:26
And the paperwork actually says the repainting is
Unknown Speaker 15:29
10,500. So I think
Unknown Speaker 15:31
we’re above the 5000 there.
Unknown Speaker 15:41
Okay, we can certainly discuss this further as we move on, but I think it might be appropriate for us to take the any information and presentation from the applicant.
Unknown Speaker 15:57
Can we get that set up?
Unknown Speaker 16:01
Neil, can you unmute yourself and turn your camera on?
Unknown Speaker 16:06
There you go. Can you turn your camera on sir?
Unknown Speaker 16:10
I’m trying
Unknown Speaker 16:18
the video thing
Unknown Speaker 16:25
it’s alright sir if you can’t find it because it looks like the camera is active but it’s black. So you may have told your system not to use your camera. So if you want to go ahead, you
Unknown Speaker 16:41
are not very good looking anyway, so
Unknown Speaker 16:43
it’s all right sir.
Unknown Speaker 16:45
But as far as the rankings concerned,
Unknown Speaker 16:48
we just have it under contract it has not been started or completed.
Unknown Speaker 17:00
People hear me. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 17:05
So, okay.
Unknown Speaker 17:09
The other any commissioners that have a question for the applicants?
Unknown Speaker 17:22
chair, I see none.
Unknown Speaker 17:24
Okay, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 17:27
Okay, then I think we will move into the public hearing stage of this application. So if there’s anybody out there
Unknown Speaker 17:40
that would like to speak
Unknown Speaker 17:43
to this application will now open up the public hearing portion of this meeting. And again, appreciate your patience, but instructions will pop up on the screen and then go ahead and call in if you’d like.
Unknown Speaker 20:21
Chair it’s been a couple of minutes and I see no one has entered our waiting area.
Unknown Speaker 20:28
Okay. Well then at this point we will close the public hearing.
Unknown Speaker 20:35
I have a couple of thoughts or questions, but I’d like to hear from if there are any other thoughts, statements, discussion items from commissioners.
Unknown Speaker 20:52
Let’s see anybody.
Unknown Speaker 20:54
So now that my only question I don’t necessarily have a problem with the
Unknown Speaker 21:01
Tax Credit. And I think that we ought to be able to make it conditional upon
Unknown Speaker 21:09
it actually complying with state guidelines. My only question would be if the painting hasn’t been done, then the paint colors that are on the house, obviously, not the intended colors. And I don’t believe that there were intended colors submitted as part of the package. And I would feel more comfortable if we, if we were approving a tax credit application that had proposed colors in them so that we were pretty sure that we weren’t approving an application that was going to paint them, you know, Bronco, blue and orange or something like that. That would be not that. Not that I’m suggesting you’re doing that. However, do you have the colors selected? And can those be shared with staff? Mr.
Unknown Speaker 21:58
Chair, it looks like another person needs to be admitted from the family there. So I’m going to do that. They may be having audio technical difficulties here. Okay. We’ll give Cindy just a minute here to get connected.
Unknown Speaker 22:26
Cindy, can you hear us? I can. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 22:30
did one of you want to respond to the chair?
Unknown Speaker 22:41
Yes, we submitted pictures of the house.
Unknown Speaker 22:46
With the application The house is gray with white and green trim and we’re keeping the same colors.
Unknown Speaker 22:57
Not Christmas green.
Unknown Speaker 23:01
Okay, why I did go swing by the house because the application had released the our copy of the application looked like more mostly black and white pictures, but, but if it’s just a question of keeping the same colors.
Unknown Speaker 23:15
I don’t have an issue with that. Yeah, no changes. Okay. Wonderful.
Unknown Speaker 23:22
Well, then
Unknown Speaker 23:25
it would appear that we’d be ready for emotion. Again, I think it might be wise if that motion included some language about this being conditional upon states approval of a tax credit applications for painting.
Unknown Speaker 23:44
Anyone would have a commissioner that would
Unknown Speaker 23:48
propose a motion.
Unknown Speaker 23:50
I’m happy to propose that motion since I’m the one who brought it up in the first place. And I do have the Colorado Revised Statutes up on this and we It talks about exterior work. It does not talk about painting. But I would prefer to have some confirmation one way or the other on that. So I make the motion that we would approve this if it meets state statue and is confirmed by history Colorado stuff.
Unknown Speaker 24:20
The motion got a second.
Unknown Speaker 24:22
A second that.
Unknown Speaker 24:27
Okay, we have a motion on the floor and a Second. All in favor of approving conditionally, the application for the address
Unknown Speaker 24:39
917 Fourth Avenue
Unknown Speaker 24:42
for the house only correct.
Unknown Speaker 24:46
Then please raise your hand and say Aye. Hi.
Unknown Speaker 24:51
I’m up there for a minute.
Unknown Speaker 24:57
Any oppose
Unknown Speaker 25:00
So it looks like we have a motion carried unanimously.
Unknown Speaker 25:05
Thank you. Thank you, Mr.
Unknown Speaker 25:12
Neal, we’re gonna let you stay. If you’d like to continue, if you just want to unmute yourself and hide your camera, that would be fine or you’re welcome to leave the meeting.
Unknown Speaker 25:21
Okay, we’ll probably leave the meeting.
Unknown Speaker 25:23
Okay. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 25:24
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 25:29
Okay, so the next item on our agenda is item six be a certificate of appropriate appropriateness for 1005 Third Avenue.
Unknown Speaker 25:41
Again, was covered the other staff presentation for us.
Unknown Speaker 25:46
Yes, I’m happy to give an overview. And so this was a home the Kistler Ghanian house was designated in 1995. And the applicant submitted their narrative saying that after the last hailstorm You know, there was quite a bit of damage done to the roof, so it needs to be replaced. And in addition, they’d like to repaint a few areas and also fix some of the downspouts. So as you can see he submitted really great images of where all the painting will be done. We’re all of the downspouts and gutters will go. In I believe on page 41 of your packet is the photo report. So the colors are supposed to match and all of the all of the work
Unknown Speaker 26:35
should preserve historic character. Nothing will change.
Unknown Speaker 26:45
Thank you. Do any of the commissioners have a question for staff?
Unknown Speaker 26:56
Commissioner Bagwell
Unknown Speaker 27:03
Is this in preparation for a tax credit application?
Unknown Speaker 27:09
From my knowledge and discussions with the applicant, most of the fixing will be covered by insurance. So they’re not seeking a tax credit application.
Unknown Speaker 27:22
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 27:26
Any other questions for staff?
Unknown Speaker 27:30
Mr. Hardy? Yeah, in a couple of the photos, there are some fairly noticeable stair step cracks and I just wondered if being dressed in this application in any way or just dealing with the reroofing
Unknown Speaker 27:49
and the painting associated with
Unknown Speaker 27:51
those cracks in the brick were not brought forward by the applicant at this time.
Unknown Speaker 28:04
Okay, commission back. Well, did you have any more questions or?
Unknown Speaker 28:09
No, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 28:12
If we don’t have any more questions for staff, we’ll give the applicant an opportunity to present any information that they would like to
Unknown Speaker 28:23
think the certificate of appropriateness pretty much says it all. We were instigated to do this because there are chunks approximately one inch large chunks of the reel falling into our breakfast area on our porch. So I’m, I’m fairly convinced of the soundness of the plan. Now, the original shingle will have to be taken off because in order to do code, we’re told that you have to do a single layer of the new tar tile So we’re following the company’s recommended procedures. And I understand the companies that do this work, their procedures are aligned with the procedures that are already pre approved in the workflow here. So that’s the roof and then all of the rest of the work is sort of cascading from the roof, the soffits. And the downspouts and the gutters, all are consistent, will need to be taken out and put back in. And so that’s why we’re redoing those. And yes, insurance does pay for everything except for the except for the deductible. So everything is sorted financially.
Unknown Speaker 29:43
Thank you. Are there any questions for the applicant by for many of our commissioners?
Unknown Speaker 29:54
I don’t see anyone.
Unknown Speaker 29:57
All right. Thank you, sir. So at this point, we will again, open up the public hearing portion of the meeting for anyone
Unknown Speaker 30:10
outside that would like to speak on this particular topic. So again, the instructions are on the screen and we will wait around for a few more minutes to see if there’s anyone that would like to speak regarding this application
Unknown Speaker 32:33
Chair there are no individuals or guests in our waiting area. So I would say well give it just a couple seconds here for the slide to disappear from the live stream and then you can begin. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 32:51
All right.
Unknown Speaker 32:54
Great, thank you.
Unknown Speaker 32:56
Okay. We will close the public hearing for
Unknown Speaker 33:02
Is there any further discussion or comments from our commission? I
Unknown Speaker 33:12
don’t see anyone.
Unknown Speaker 33:15
And so I will entertain a motion.
Unknown Speaker 33:21
Mr. Bagwell.
Unknown Speaker 33:30
Thank you. I move approval of the certificate of appropriateness for 1005 Third Avenue kissed organic house
Unknown Speaker 33:40
as proposed
Unknown Speaker 33:43
a second, second.
Unknown Speaker 33:46
Second by Commissioner Ortiz, right. All in favor if you can raise your hand and say Aye Aye.
Unknown Speaker 33:53
Unknown Speaker 34:00
Any opposed?
Unknown Speaker 34:03
None. So again, our Motion carries unanimously.
Unknown Speaker 34:10
Thank you, sir.
Unknown Speaker 34:12
Yeah, one final question. Absolutely. So now that the certificate of appropriateness is approved, do I need to do anything further to initiate work? I need a copy of that or posted or any either any procedures or is this a sort of? Is this the trigger point right here?
Unknown Speaker 34:33
The school did you respond to that?
Unknown Speaker 34:38
I’m Matthew, once we have everything finalized, we’ll send you the formal document with signatures for the CIA, and then you’re free to initiate work as soon as you have that.
Unknown Speaker 34:52
Okay, so if I schedule work to begin and say, 10 days, is that a reasonable approach?
Unknown Speaker 35:02
Yes, I can get you the document in time. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 35:12
Okay. Well, we will move on to item number seven. Our information and discussion items are added to the agenda. We have a presentation on this Ergo Dudek, preservation planner history Colorado.
Unknown Speaker 35:30
Welcome. Thank
Unknown Speaker 35:35
you. What’s everyone doing this evening?
Unknown Speaker 35:41
So Jade asked me to come and talk to you guys about tax credits for a couple reasons. Just to give you this brief overview of the program, the different types of credits and the ins and outs of them. Also to I think we’ve had some discussions about whether or not Longmont wants to continue reviewing tax credits locally. So that decision is up to your city council. But obviously, they would, I think, take a recommendation from you as the Preservation Commission. So I’m just going to go through this really quickly. I should also mention that I’m also at this meeting for your quadrennial evaluation. So fortunately, you guys had two public hearings. So that was easy. And I’ve already done so I’ll get together with Jade after this. And, and we’ll have a discussion and hopefully get you guys your evaluation completed soon as well. So let’s go ahead to the next slide. So hopefully you guys are already familiar with what a rehabilitation tax credit is. So it’s tax credit. it directly reduces the amount of tax owed to the state government. So it’s $1 for dollar tax reduction based on a percentage of the total project cost. So for instance, if you had 100,000 Now a project with hundred thousand dollars qualified expenses, it would be 20% credit would be $20,000. And I’m not even going to explain what rehabilitation is because I think you guys already know that as well. So next slide. So there’s basically three types of credits. Um, there’s the federal credit, which is managed by the National Park Service and partly by our office, and that is only for income producing properties, commercial properties, but here in the state we have the commercial and the residential credit. So as a CLG you guys are welcome to review the residential credits as you guys have done tonight, and then the commercial credits are reviewed by us at the state. Next slide. And so like I said, the commercial credit is for income producing properties so that can also be you know, rentals that are used for housing. That can be commercial storefronts, industrial buildings, all types of residential that Going to be your owner occupied housing. So if you have an owner occupied residence that is also being used, for instance, maybe part time as an air b&b, or a VR Bo, that’s when you’ll want to give us our give Joe a call, I should say and discuss, you know, that situation before you would want to issue a tax credit. Next slide. So obviously, you’re not going to read all these because you guys already know these. The Secretary of the Interior standards for rehabilitation are what we use to decide what is qualified expense are what can be approved as a qualified expense for the tax credit. And so I believe you guys already use these for your when you’re reviewing properties for your certificate of appropriateness. So hopefully you guys are familiar with these already. Next slide. And so qualified rehabilitation expenditures there’s two different definitions depending if it’s a commercial or residential property, the for commercial properties It follows the IRS definition. for residential it is specific to the state credits. So that’s exterior improvements and interior improvements, undertaken to restore, rehabilitate or preserve the historic character of a qualified property. That’s a pretty broad definition. Next slide. So here’s some examples of what is allowable, not allowable, um, essentially materials and labor used on the historic building are going to be allowable for for key parties. not allowable is purchasing the property adding an addition to the property, landscaping and site work, there is some some wiggle room on that, but again, that’s when you might want to give us a call so we can discuss personal property. So basically anything someone can take and remove from the property that can be included, just like removable fixtures, and then legal fees as well. Next time So here’s a lot of information on one slide. And I have a few of these for each of the tax credits. So this is just a quick overview of the Federal one. So again, you guys would not be dealing with this, but you might have, you know, property owners in the community that are interested in that. So it’s great to, to be aware of that. It’s a 20% credit, again, only for commercial commercial properties. And a good thing to keep in mind if you’re talking to someone about this is that these credits cannot be sold. Like we’ll get to with the state credits. So you want to make sure people are aware of that difference.
Unknown Speaker 40:36
And that they can only take 20% per year for the first five years. So you can’t take it all in the first year like you can with the state tax credit. Next slide. So the state commercial tax credit again, great to be familiar with, if you have business owners in your community that would be interested in this. The property will need to be listened to On the national state or local register, it also needs to be 50 years old. The let’s see, we have two different pots of money available for the commercial credit, both for projects over 2 million and projects under 2 million. So that’s really nice. It protects those smaller projects, make sure there’s still money leftover for them. There are some bonuses available if your county has been declared a disaster area in the last six years. And then 10% for rural, but obviously you guys wouldn’t apply there. And then there’s 1 million per year property cap, and 5 million per year for each of the different levels. And so these credits can be transferred or sold. And sometimes we see nonprofits also getting these credits for their projects and then selling them to either fund the project or, you know, provide funding for the nonprofit’s so that’s also something to keep in mind when you’re talking to community members. And there’s no recapture period for these, and they can be taken up for up to 10 years. Oh, no, you’re good. Next up. So same thing applies for eligibility for the residential needs to be a property owner or a tenant with a five year lease. Again, we have those bonuses depending on the disaster area, or if they’re located in a rural area. Um, I think you guys no longer have the It’s been more than six years since the flood, right. So I think you guys are down back down to 20%. And as you discussed earlier in the meeting, there is a minimum of $5,000 that needs to be spent. And there is a maximum of $50,000 per property that resets after 10 years or a change in ownership. So you could get your $50,000 in credits and sell it to someone else and they could get another $50,000 the next year. Um, there’s no limit on how much money is available. For the residential credits, that’s a really nice thing. You can also take that for up to 10 years, but they can’t be transferred, they have stayed with the owner. And again, there’s no recapture period. Next slide. So hopefully you guys are pretty familiar with the review process. For the state credits, it’s very simple. We just have the part one, which is what you guys reviewed tonight. And then part two, which is when you approve the work that was completed to make sure it goes along with what they said they were going to do. The Federal one is very similar. Part one is just where we certify that the building is historic part two, where you say what you’re going to do part three, where you prove that you did what you were going to do. But you know, the the main part of these applications are just providing photographs and written descriptions of the work being done so that you guys can make a decision and knowledgeable decision based on those photographs and descriptions. Next slide. So that I mean, that’s basically it. That’s the tax credit program. In a nutshell, obviously, as you guys know, and as came up at your meeting tonight, there’s there’s a lot of intricacies a lot of questions. I can only answer the easy ones, all the difficult ones you need to send to Joe. And that’s his email address there. So you can write that down. Um, but you know, I did, and I have a lot of conversations and emails back and forth about tax credits all the time. So yeah, if you guys ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. That’s what we’re here for. we’d much rather answer your question, then have something go wrong. So yeah, that’s all I have.
Unknown Speaker 44:43
Unless there’s questions.
Unknown Speaker 44:45
Great, thank you. I did actually have one quick question about
Unknown Speaker 44:51
Unknown Speaker 44:55
eligibility for either the state or
Unknown Speaker 45:00
For either the state, commercial or residential, for example, the application that we reviewed tonight was not listed on the register, but it was a contributing building in a historic district. And so does that. Is that applicable for the state tax credit? Either commercial or residential?
Unknown Speaker 45:21
Yes. If it’s in a historic district, and it’s a contributing, contributing building, then yes, it is considered to be listed and therefore is eligible for the tax credits.
Unknown Speaker 45:31
Okay, perfect. Great. Thanks for that clarification. Anyone else have a question for Mr. B?
Unknown Speaker 45:41
No, that’s anybody. Thank you very much for for taking the time to present that information to us.
Unknown Speaker 45:47
Thanks for having me.
Unknown Speaker 45:52
Okay. Right,
Unknown Speaker 45:56
well, then we will move on to our next item. Agenda. Which will be comments from the HPC. Commissioner. So do any commissioners have anything that they would like to share with our group?
Unknown Speaker 46:14
Krishna Bagwell.
Unknown Speaker 46:20
I would just like to welcome Jay tonight. Look forward to our new staff member. And I’d also like to, since we didn’t get to say goodbye to Karen Bryant, just to acknowledge in the record appreciation for her services for the past several years, and wish you well.
Unknown Speaker 46:48
Thank you, Commissioner.
Unknown Speaker 46:51
Any other HPC Commissioner comments statements? No.
Unknown Speaker 46:58
Okay. Then. Let’s see. Councilman Rodriguez, do you have anything that you would like to share with us?
Unknown Speaker 47:08
Nothing in particular, but thank you guys for your service in making yourselves available for these weird zoom meetings in commission. They’re just as equally awkward in Council, I assure.
Unknown Speaker 47:20
Good to know.
Unknown Speaker 47:22
Okay, well, I think all in all we did. Okay. Luckily, it wasn’t too complicated of a meeting. So thank you all for, for bearing with us. So given that that comes to our final item on the agenda, which is adjournment? Do I have a motion to adjourn?
Unknown Speaker 47:44
Oh, sure. I so move.
Unknown Speaker 47:46
Motion Second.
Unknown Speaker 47:51
All in favor, say aye. Raise your hand.
Unknown Speaker 47:54
Unknown Speaker 47:57
Oppose. I doubt it. Thank you. Much to all and have a wonderful month until the next time we do this. And thank
Unknown Speaker 48:09
you all.
Unknown Speaker 48:12
Thank you guys.
Unknown Speaker 48:13
Thank you Susan and Jade and Maria.
Unknown Speaker 48:16
Bye, everybody. Bye bye bye Thanks
Transcribed by