Longmont City Council Regular Session – May 26, 2020


council session to order. It’s a regular session. Please start with the roll call.

Good evening Mayor mabley


council members, Christensen.

She’s here. She’s

here. I see her council member Iago fairing here. Here. Councilmember Martin here. Councilmember Peck here. Councilmember Rodriguez here. And Councilmember waters.

Yeah. Marion quorum.

All right, great. All right. Let’s go ahead and say the pledge.

Who would like to start us out?

Aaron, why don’t you start us with the pledge, buddy. See how hard it is going first.

I did that last week. But that’s

your let’s go ahead. Good. All right. I pledge allegiance to the flag United States of


is amazingly hard when those when those different cadences are in your ear. All right, just a quick reminder anyone wishing to speak during first call public invited to be heard, will need to watch the livestream of the meeting and the instructions for how to call in right comment will be given during the meeting displayed on the screen if appropriate times during the meeting. Comments are limited to three minutes per person and each speaker will be asked to state their name and address for the record prior to proceeding with your comments. So let’s go ahead and approve the minutes of may 5 2020. Do we have a motion?

I’ll move. All right. Councillor Peck?

All right. Councilmember Peck is that emotion? All right, Councilmember pack and head through head nods has moved. approval to make the 2020. regular session, city council minutes. Okay, all moved again in Councilmember pickle second day. All right, great. All right. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed. say nay. All right, the Motion carries unanimously. Do we have a motion to approve the minutes of may 12 2020. So moved. Second Second. All right. It’s been moved by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez and seconded by Councilmember Christiansen seeing that there’s no further discussion or debate. All in favor say aye. Aye. All opposed say nay. All right, Motion carries unanimously. All right counselor packet sounds like you have a motion to make. But are there also other motions that anybody has? All right? Yes, I have. Okay, let’s go with Councilmember Peck first and we’ll go with you. Councilmember Christiansen Is that okay? All right, john floors yours.

Thank you, Mayor. This isn’t a particularly easy motion to make. And in no way do I cast aspersions on the kids and parents who built the BMX trail on the riparian area at left hand Creek. My motion is about the code and the ordinance, which is law to stay on the designated trail. So Susan, can you put up the sign? This is for the parents, the people watching. This is only one sign that is on that. Left hand Creek there’s another one behind it. That actually has the municipal code on it. So whether or not a person agrees with this ordinance or code, we still have to comply with it. And there is a process if you want to change it. So therefore, I moved to direct staff to reverse the decision to leave the BMX trail on left hand Creek open through the summer, per municipal code 13.2 0.0 to 0.8. This motion is also a directive to the kids and parents who built the BMX trail through restorative justice to meet with city staff for education on codes, ordinances, the process to change laws, and a plan to work with city staff to locate a site and the possibility of building a trail within the city of Longmont.

Thanks Second.

All right. It’s been Moved and seconded by Councilmember Martin, any this is just to come back for discussion at a future meeting or not not making a decision tonight.

Any further discussion?

mayor, Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez.

Thank you, Mayor Bagley. When we do bring us back for discussion, there’s two things I would like to see one, that the restorative justice be specifically for those who can’t uphold or follow the municipal code, as in any future violators, if you will, would be subject to UNESCO retroactive to anybody that may have expressed opinions on it. And then also, we be specific about working for a future trail in the same part of town, not just any other parts, because obviously we’ve seen a need in this part of town specifically.

Thank you.

Councilmember Christiansen

I would like to emphasize as Councilmember Pac said that this isn’t to punish kids who just want to have fun and are being very creative. It’s to help them work with city staff to do exactly that. And city staff has done this before. If we can find, as Councilmember Rodriguez said, if we can find a place that they can use in their own neighborhood, that would of course be preferable, but we already do have three bike parks. And if they, it seems, from their comments that they found them less than desirable. So if they work with city staff, everybody to learn something. And that’s what I would like to see to his work. Have the kids who are very Energetic work with city staff to try to improve the bike parks we already have, and but also work with restorative justice because two acres and $10,000 worth of damages is a lot for the city. And you know, we have to balance everybody’s interests. And nobody wants to stop kids from having fun bikes or freedom, but we have to balance the interests of the city. That’s our job, and we often also have to uphold the law. That’s our job.

That’s my back.

Thank you very badly. So the whole point of restorative justice is that I know that when when a laws broken, there is some there is some disciplinary action and I I specifically don’t want to necessarily slap the hands of parents or kids on this, but to actually educate them them with through restorative justice so that we don’t start setting precedents that wherever there’s a sign that says stay on the trail or this is off limits that people start ignoring that we need to we need to pay attention. And that is my hope, with the restorative justice part.

All right, I guess I guess, I guess, well, I’m gonna vote against it. I’m here. My thoughts are that again, we are allegedly and then admits to the pandemic that is world changing, and designating city resources to deal with this particular issue at this time, I think is wholly inappropriate. I think that waiting till the fall would be just fine, which is what we’ve already decided on which we already talked about doing. Did we take a vote on this before? We didn’t vote, right? Yeah. So but we discussed it that’s what that’s what city staff had suggested. Having a 1314 and 16 year old group of teenage boys. Oftentimes we talk about how hard this quarantine slash safe shelter at home issue has been for adults. Our kids as so often as the case gets, I think it’s lost and all this. They’re dealing with depression, they’re dealing with things to do that are not having things to do. They’re stuck inside playing fortnight and Xbox and arguing with their parents and not seeing their friends. And it’s it’s bad. It’s bad time for everybody. And so yes, I agree that this shouldn’t have been built there. But it’s been there for a while, and I would question the timing. And then but that’s just my opinion, but I also vehemently object to a city council anywhere, in this case ours dictating to the city manager, the chief of police how they should enforce a law. I think it’s inappropriate if someone breaks down Law, it’s up to the city that it’s up to. It’s up to the chief of police and how they go about enforcing it, whether they press charges, whether they do restorative justice. I don’t think city council should have anything to do with how how chief butler decides to move forward with this. All right, Councilmember waters.

Thanks for your Begley just to unclear. Our voting on is to bring something back, right. What happens? Yes or no on restorative justice and however much guidance there is and what the timing is, all would be determined when this comes back on an agenda. Yeah, we’re not debating anything other than bring this back. for consideration. Is that correct? Is that true? Hmm. Okay. So all that can be decided. Right. So the speechifying in the in the rationale we’re going to hear again, but that it’s when it’s on the agenda is when I would think we’d want to be drilling down on the issues.

All right, there’s a motion on the floor. All in favor say aye.

Aye. Aye.

All opposed say nay nay. All right, the motion carries six to one with myself dissenting. All right, Councilmember Christiansen.

I want to bring up something that was. We have talked about for several years I’ve been unhappy with for since I’ve been on Council. Councilman waters was very unhappy with it since he started. And this has to do with the way council deals with board and commission interviews. I think we need to have a Saturday discussion or an hour and just sit down and discuss what we would like. What we cannot do is simply ignored and not come because our job is to come to city council meetings. do all the things that city council members are supposed to do. But we do need to have a far more organized methodology, as Councilman waters has talked about. And as I have talked about, we need to codify some questions that we ask each candidate for the same position. And just as is usually done in any kind of hiring process, granted, these are these are volunteers serving on boards, but nevertheless, they do work and they are, they should be treated with respect, but they also need to be have a fair process. So everyone’s getting the same question. And then we need to afterwards be able to sit down and talk briefly about our opinions rather than just show up at City Council, four weeks after we’ve interviewed them and vote on something That’s, that isn’t the way normal people hire people or choose people. And I just think we should we should have that discussion for an hour or an hour and a half. Let’s limit it. Otherwise we’ll go on and on and on and on. Just have a discussion Saturday morning coffee and donuts and hash out what we want. Because what Councilman waters says is exactly right. We This is not this is not a normal hiring process. And when I was at sea you we did this any number of times to hire people and and we’ve all been hired, and we never went through this. So I think we need to have a discussion about how to evaluate it. So I would move that we have a Saturday morning discussion of no longer than one and a half hours on discussing the protocol for

board and commission interviews. Do I have a second?

Second? I have a remark. Okay.

Just real quick. Harold. Is this currently set for city council agenda? Because I know I asked it to be put on the agenda. And if so, when?

Don, can you come in on that one? I know it is. I just didn’t know when.

Mayor Bagley, we were going to put that on the six to agenda. So next Tuesday next week.

Right. I personally would rather just get it done on Tuesday rather than wait, especially since staff is managed to squeeze it into our regular time rather than a Saturday but I’m only one. Councilmember Martin.

Yes, thank you, Mayor Bagley. This would work on a Saturday meeting. This suggestion I’m about to make would work on a Saturday meeting, but not necessarily. On Saturday at a council meeting a regular council meeting. I was wondering If we could ask the the chairman or, you know, someone from each board to comment on the process, and let’s hear their suggestions

that need to be does that need to be a motion and amended to amend

or something? If you want us to do something it needs to be a motion the right now. All right. There’s a right currently there’s a motion on the floor, and your motion would be to amend the motion.

Yes. So I would like to ask Councilmember Christiansen if she would consider that a friendly amendment.

I would I would consider asking them however, remember, these are advisory boards to provide public oversight of most of these boards. And so we don’t want the advisory board to be choosing the advisory board. But I think that’s a very good suggestion Councilwoman Martin, because they’ve seen things come and go. And I think all of them could offer helpful, helpful suggestions. So I would consider that a friendly thing and there isn’t a rush on this. I do think it would be better because to for us to each come with the board that we are the liaison with, with some suggested questions.

That way we have some stuff

already there rather than to try to sit down and from scratch off the top of our heads try to rehash this stuff, which I think we’ve tried to do before a little bit, and that doesn’t work very well. So um, yes, I think that’s a good suggestion. So we can send out I’m not sure how we would word that. Just say to the Heads of these boards and commissions. We are considering redoing, we are in the process of rethinking our analyzing our protocol for how we select boards and commission members and we would like any input you have.

So okay, did you get that one?

Yeah, cuz she doesn’t need to because Okay, she was her. Friendly she Okay,

there you go. Dr. Waters. Okay.

Thanks man Bagley so does Councilmember Martin’s amendment need a second? Oh, no,


So it’s no secret how I you know what my feelings are about this because I’ve expressed it to council members. here’s the here’s the, and I’m down with a Saturday morning meeting I if it’s an hour and a half, we’re gonna put an hour and a half time limit on it. I don’t know how you get a squeeze 22 more commission members into the conversation. Now it creates an issue for if it’s going to be this Saturday in the next 48 hours for.

So it’s not the Saturday. Okay, well, then we got to be clear on what Saturday I guess. But it’s

Saturdays from now.

If you’re going to put 22, board commission members into that conversation, it’s going to be a it’s going to be a long session. Now that said, I guess for me whether or not it’s a Saturday session or a Tuesday evening, second session, for me, the criteria would be which is more likely to enjoy some public scrutiny where applicants for these positions might be likely to tune in and listen to our conversation. And I’m guessing that Tuesday, not that we have a huge audience on Tuesday nights, but my guess is they’re more likely to do it on a Tuesday night and on a Saturday spin out on a Saturday. But I do think we owe it To the applicants, for them to hear the conversation to know what’s expected, or what they could expect of us what kind of stay in and we’re going to hold ourselves to the criteria in the protocol we’re going to use, especially if it’s virtual interviews. And that that should enjoy as much scrutiny of applicants as they would like to bring to it. And so the question is that more likely Saturday or Tuesday, and then, you know, how much time are we willing to spend listening to input I I’m certainly would be rich and invaluable input. We don’t have very many options here. And I, for me, it’s not a big puzzle about what I think we need to do to raise the standard and approach this in a way that that demonstrates the respect for the people applying and the work they do in the boards on which they serve. That what we do honors that and I think how we approach this should reflect that respect for that process. And I don’t think the big question about what that means for us. So what I’m saying is, whenever we do this is fine. I think Tuesday night would make more sense Saturday morning, especially if we’re going to spend a half a day in it, which we likely would with 20 to 40. commission members participate.

Councilmember Peck

Thank you Mayor badly. I’d like to tweak marshes amendment just a bit because Councilman waters suggestion made a lot of sense about with the board’s even be interested in doing this. So how about if we as liaisons contacted the chairs of the boards were on and ask them to write to send us rather than appear in person send us their list of what they would see like to see in a In a liaison or a board member, I mean not only is on because I bet you will see duplications and that many people would have different boards would would want the same things.

All right. So the chair, let’s let’s do this. Let’s break out the tube. It’s just officially got a little too complicated issue number one is we’re going to get on Tuesday or Saturday. We’ll vote on that. And if it passes, then we’ll talk about who we invite and how, whether it be written or if that’s okay. So let’s just vote real quick. Anybody have any additional comments on Tuesday versus Saturday, Councilmember Christiansen?

I, I would prefer Saturday because this is really straightening out protocol that has to do with this city council board and how we do things it has. It’ll be a public meeting, of course, and it’ll be on zoom, but I don’t think we really need to take up public You know that the entire city’s time talking about things that really have to do with the six of the seven of us? I think it needs to be a separate meeting on a Saturday. And that way it will also be limited in time. And my idea is not to have every single person discuss from every single board discuss what they want to see in a in an advisory report. As I said, these are to oversee these these city entities, not to create little groups of cronies. So I’m not interested in them talking about what they want to see in a board member. I’m interested in them commenting upon our process of selecting them. Okay.

Miracle john Rodriguez.

Thank you very badly. I guess I could see either way, the initial hash out of details and procedure amongst us as colleagues could take a while. But I do think that regardless of whether we do that hash out on a Saturday, or we hash it out on a Tuesday night, that we do have to on a Tuesday night, bring forward for clarity for applicants, whatever the final decision is of those details, and so we feel it’s more appropriate to spend that amount of time hashing out the details on a Saturday, we’re still going to bring on Tuesday, the final results of that, that, uh, you know, determination of procedure. And so, I’m not really, I guess, set on one Saturday or Tuesday, but either way, it’s gonna take a while but still on a Tuesday. We need to preserve the results.

Councilmember Martin,

I think the mayor Pro Tem has a good suggestion we will close our decision in the form of a resolution henceforth this has been due process, but we shouldn’t make the public who likes to watch on a Tuesday night sit through the whole thing. And that’s why I preserved

prefer Saturday.

I guess to me, it’s just, I mean, we’ve got the time on Tuesday. It’s a I don’t know about you guys, but I spend a hell of a lot. A lot of time doing this job. I’d rather just do it on a Tuesday night rather than give up another Saturday morning. But anyway, let’s vote on it. You have a vote that says we do this on a Saturday limiting it

what Oh, sorry, there you are down there. Sorry. You gotta move doc. Gotta move customer waters.

There you go. So we got to be clear about what Saturday

because because I honestly, I do have some obligations coming up oddly in this time of safe at home. So if it’s Saturday, June 6, there are times on that particular Saturday, I am already obligated and would have to work around that. I mean, I it’s it’s something that I’m committed to doing. And I under most circumstances, I would rearrange that for this. But that happens to be something I can’t rearrange.

So let’s be clear about which day we’re talking about.

Is there a Saturday dawn? That’s clear?

There, I think we don’t have much scheduled for the same reasons. Things are canceled. Yeah. And I just had a question about seconded that if you

right. What about the 13th? Don?

It looks clear to me. Double check

everybody. Okay with the 13th. I’m just counting votes here. I see hands going up. I know, but I’m counting votes and

Councilmember Christiansen Yeah,

I think the 13th is Fine, and that will way everybody right now needs to start writing a letter asking the boards that they’re the leaves on the on to

comment upon a procedure. Okay. And we should have then we should have those answers back by the 13th. And they should be writing them to all of us. Okay. So that we all have the same information.

All right? Anybody here have a conflict on the 13th?

All right. So that’s not part of the motion, but we’ll go ahead and make it the 13th. The motion is we can do this on a Saturday instead of Tuesday. And it sounds like we’re going to set up for the 13th. So all in favor say aye.

Aye. Aye.

Opposed, nay, all right. Motion carries six to one with Mayor Bagley, the lone dissenter, Councillor Christiansen.

How about if we have it around 930 in the morning, so it’s not too late. To find

less, we’ll figure that out. 930 10 o’clock. I mean, that’s not not too bad for me. So anyway, all right, other than was the other thing. Ah, yes. And then, um, it sounds like, it sounds like we might just be emailing and asking our chair people and staff members to give us their input on what they think is that we all Is there a consensus on that rather than inviting them to the meeting? And if they are to attend, that’s fine, but they’re just gonna listen. Alright, okay. We have consensus, unanimous consensus on that, Don. So if we get it and I guess instead of us, can we have the city? I mean, I guess would it be easier for Don to go ahead and just send out an email requesting their input. Customer Christiansen.

I think it would be better if we had one consistent Question. Just briefly, that way it would actually get done, it would get done on time because we can count on city staff to do it on time. And it would also be the same language instead of each one of us sending out different language.

Is that okay with you, Don, would you accept that task? Could you do that for us?

I will I just want to make sure I’m getting the right person. So you want that to go to the board chair, not the staff liaison.

Do we want

the staff liaison, the board chair,

maybe copy the staff, write it to the to the chair and then copy the staff liaison? Maybe?

I can absolutely do that.

All right, anybody? No idea. All right. Let’s go. We got consensus. All right. Any other agenda revisions? All right, great. City Manager. Do you have a report? I assume you do.

I do have a report today on changes that have occurred. I have Jeff Zack, here with us tonight. And so Jeff is going to give you all a presentation regarding what they’re doing Boulder County Health and some numbers. Jeff, are you online? If

Jeff, can you unmute yourself?

Got right

now it should be good.

All right, just tell me, Jessica start out, go over his information. And then I’ll cover a couple of points. Jeff, just tell me when you want me to change slides.

Sounds good. Thank you, mayor and council members. appreciate being invited back in here. I’ll just leave it on this one for a little bit. I’ll probably stay here for about five minutes. In in terms of tonight, what I wanted to do is a couple things, just provide an overview of county trends and what we’re seeing in our data so that you can see

sees me one minute, sure we’re not seeing anything.

All right, thank you.

Okay, great. And again, you can Just leave it there for for a second for a second Harold. But what I want to do is go over county trends and show you the data that we’ve been tracking, and then talk about just do a brief update on the orders themselves and what’s changed. And then what I’ll do is I’ll just want to make sure that everybody is aware of these high level trends. So we are continuing to see very positive trends. Overall, we’re seeing decreasing cases in the county right now. And as testing continues, we do expect that cases will increase we we have not yet significantly expanded our testing. But we do have a community wide testing plan, we’ve been able to get some, some tests and test supplies. So we expect that that testing will start to expand as we move into the next couple of weeks. And when we do that, we’ll expect to see some increases in cases and we are continuing to see decreasing COVID-19 hospitalizations, and our hospitals still continue to have Great capacity for survivability, and certainly can meet all the current needs that they have. And I’ll go over a couple slides. Once we get into that, that demonstrates that as well. As I had noted testing capacity slowly increasing, appreciate we’ve been working with saluted UC health, Long’s peak is doing community wide testing. And we are really appreciative of the efforts that those folks are putting in place. And we do have some urgent cares as well doing some community wide testing as well. So again, from the data standpoint, we’re really looking pretty good. And I’ll go through again, some of those slides in just a second. until just a reminder until we have a vaccine or a widely available treatment, we’re going to continue to stress the need for the social distancing and face coverings where it’s hard to maintain that social distancing. And I would so much appreciate it and long lines have been great, but just continuing to share that focus and messaging. I know you all have Been working with our public information officer really closely, I appreciate that. And that’s going to help us make sure that we can continue to build back our businesses and our economy. And do that in a way that keeps people safe. The worst things that we can do is to have large gatherings, not follow social distancing. And we saw an example of that with what happened at Boulder Creek a little over a week ago, that we don’t want to do that, obviously, that that, again puts our society, our economy and our businesses as well as our most vulnerable people in our community at risk. So that’s the kind of thing that we definitely want to stay away from. And we have to remember too, that not everybody shows symptoms of this disease. So we could have people that are in a gathering like that, who are positive, who could spread the disease that could be spread to somebody who is more at risk, and they end up having symptoms and exposing other folks So it’s important to really focus on that social distancing. And it’s definitely up to every one of us to continue to, to push that and keep our economy and our in our society moving in the right direction. So I appreciate all the support for that as we continue into these next weeks. And then just a quick update on a couple orders. So the Board of Health approved an extension of our existing county face covering order that expires actually this evening. And we’re extending that to June 30. And we conducted a survey of 375 of our businesses gathered feedback on the face covering order to gauge the level of support we were seeing from businesses and what they were seeing on the ground in their businesses relative to social distancing and people wearing face coverings. So that was really helpful for us to see. We also conducted a sentinel survey where we have staff that went out and observed compliance with mass and social distancing, and grocery stores and other retail establishments. And we also asked all of our law enforcement partners about what they were seeing from a qualitative standpoint. So those were really the three things that we’ve done moving into making that decision of extending the order. We definitely, in general saw less. There was still challenges with finding social distancing happening, especially in areas of stores where it was crowded, or where there was difficulty maintaining that distance when they were going, let’s say through a narrow aisle or something like that. So we definitely did though see a really great adherence to mask wearing much higher than we had expected. So I so much appreciate those of you who are who are tuned in here tonight watching this, thank you for for following through and wearing the masks especially where it’s difficult to maintain that social distancing of six feet and continue to focus on again Finding the ability to maintain six feet of social distancing is an important thing to do as we move forward because if we can do that, then the disease can spread so, so again want to thank folks who are who are continuing to support that. The last order I wanted to just give a quick update on is the governor’s order and he issued an executive order, which is not an actual update to the public health order yet, which we expect to happen by June 1. But he he extended an executive order that basically made announcements yesterday that were related to restaurants, summer camps and camping. And we know that our restaurant guidance is out. So restaurants are have been encouraged to work with each of our municipalities and towns to try to create more ability to use outside areas as an example to create try to create more social distancing so that restaurants can continue to to open up and there’s adequate distance to keep it safe for their patients. So just wanted to share that. Also summer camps and camping were included in the executive order. And again, we extend, we expect that the state will actually issue revised orders around the currency for at home order and that we’re expecting to see that prior to June 1, which is when the existing order is going to expire itself. So I’m going to go now, Harold to the slides, if you want to go to the first slide, and I’m gonna, I’ll clip through these fairly quickly. But I did want to illustrate just the data that we’re seeing because it’s very positive. And we want to obviously keep this trend going. Just this this is a quick one total case count and Boulder County at this point. There’s 923 people 61 of those folks have deceased. Unfortunately, every every death is really difficult, especially for the people that are related and the families associated with those. And again, the majority of those deaths are in our long term characters. facilities at just a little bit less than 80%. As I’ve shared with all of you before we have liaisons working with every single facility that continue to support them as we move forward in these months ahead. Next slide.

This just shows the total number of new cases per day. And the orange bars represent our long term care facility cases. So a couple things to note here. Again, our general trend was up and then it’s starting to tail down the the sampling or the the number of cases that you’re seeing on the 22nd of May, there is a spike there. And that’s because our long term care facility, one of our long term care facilities was tested. So there was a significant amount of testing that occurred at that facility. There was as as would be expected, we identified more positives at the facility and that’s why there’s a spike on that one day, and that the majority of those cases actually came directly from that system. But in general, downward trend with new cases per day again, as we test, we expect that we will see more positives. And that’s actually what we do want to see. Because when we know and have identified folks that are positive, we can then help support and make sure that we’re isolating quarantine people and then supporting them in those in that isolation and quarantine and preventing the spread of further disease in the community. So testing and increased cases, is not necessarily a bad thing, when it’s associated with testing directly. Next slide. This is just the five day average for the general trend. So you can again see that we’ve peaked and we are coming back down. Next slide. This is the number of people who have tested positive or considered probable or who have deceased by race and Hispanic origin. And the unfortunate thing that we’re seeing here is we continue to see a high impact in our lives next time. population, we know that many of those folks are essential workers. They’re out on the front lines and has been throughout this entire, this entire COVID disease process and they are bearing the brunt of the impacts of this. So we are having conversations both within Boulder County and within the state to develop strategies to help reverse these type of impacts, which we know are significant and we’re seeing definitely higher, higher, not just higher impacts in people’s the number of COVID cases in this category. But we do not want to see increased decimus this category as well. So we’re continuing to focus on that next slide. This is the the the number of residents who have tested positive or positive events by a municipality, and it’s per 100,000 population. So there is Longmont has a high number here as I know you can all see I did a little bit of digging in because I thought you might have questions about this before I came to the meeting tonight. And what I found out from our epidemiologist is that several things are driving this. Number one, as I just said, we know we have a higher impact in the lab next population, we’re seeing a fair amount of household spread that’s occurring. So we have in Longmont, multi generational families. There’s lots of household members in those families. And when somebody is positive, in their back in their household, it’s really difficult to control the spread of the disease, and those types of scenarios and we’re seeing a lot of spread happen in that that type of scenario. The other places that we’re seeing spread is long term care facilities. Sorry, my phone is ringing in the background there. And I didn’t have a chance to break that data out by Longmont specifically, but I’m happy to do that and send it as a follow up To council members and to Harold. We also as I think you’re all aware saw an outbreak in the Walmart in weld county that has impacted some Longmont residents as well as insert circle graphics. Those are the places that we’ve seen specific outbreaks between long term care facilities of Walmart and circle graphics are really where we’ve seen some more of the outbreaks happening. And I want to give salute A big thank you here, because they’re they’re really doing a great job of providing testing and making the testing accessible to our Spanish speaking community. And we’re able to identify and support the folks in that community and salute has done a great job really focused on that. So next slide.

This slide just demonstrates where the impacts are, in terms of the total number of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 or a probable by age and although it impacts a lot of people in multiple age categories. The the orange that you’re seeing on the on the graph itself is the actual deaths that we’re seeing. And you can see that the highest number of impacts continue to be on our, on our older population that has underlying conditions. So we’re continuing to see those impacts in those populations. Hence, the fact that we have a high death rate and long term care facilities.


This is our This is our testing results for Boulder County, and its total test per day. And again, on the 21st. There are so there’s that big spike, I was actually Thursday and last week, there’s a big spike in the total number of tests. That is because of the tests that were done at that long term care facility. We’ve had a slow decline in tests per day. Part of that is because they’re not tests that are offered every single day. So You see spikes throughout the graph. And those are times when testing community testing is made more available. As I said before, we just received a large number of tests, we expect that those tests will go up in our community and that we’ll continue to see some more positives associated with that next slide. This just shows the total hospitalizations for the Denver Metro area, and boulder is down here in the red line we’ve made remained really relatively flat for a long period of time here which is great. That’s exactly what we want to see. And we the number is slightly taking up. That is partly because we have hospitals now who are able to do elective surgeries as well. So this is total hospitalizations. And the next slide going forward you’ll see the total number of COVID hospitalizations in Boulder County, and this is just for Boulder County specifically, but you can see that we’ve been on a downward trend for our hospital. And this is exactly what we want to see as we’re moving forward is for this trend to continue and stay down. Next slide. These next this slide and the two that follow this are really just a demonstration of some of the things that we’re tracking. Some of this data is available daily, some of its available weekly. But it’s it’s the type of data that we’re tracking for all of our hospitals across Boulder County to make sure that we’re in a good place that our hospitals are in a good place in terms of the surge capacity. So this one right here is the number of medical and surgical beds that are available at Boulder County hospitals. And as you can see, it’s fairly consistent even though we’ve opened up more elective surgeries, we still have a positive trend in Boulder County. Next slide. This one’s a positive trend and has been number of ICU beds available at Boulder County hospitals by date and then the last one is the number of adult clinical ventilators available for children. county hospitals. And again, you can see that it’s a drop down for a little while, but it has been a slow and steady increase since since that point. So our hospitals and we meet with our hospitals on a weekly basis. So we ground truth what you’re seeing here, we make sure we talk with them. They tell us if they’re having challenges or problems, we can look back and see if the data is is accurate. And if we’re hearing something different from our hospitals, but our hospitals are really in a great place. And again, we continue to meet with them on a weekly basis. And I think that’s my last slide. And I just wanted to again, take the opportunity to share with you that the trends look good for Boulder County, we want to continue to see those trends increase and it really does come down to each and every one of us and the folks who are listening to this. Following that social distancing guidance is really, really important. The virus can’t spread when when you’re when you’re more than six feet apart from each other. And if we can continue to focus on that, we’ll continue to move in the right interaction.

That’s all I have.

All right, thank you very much. Any questions for Jeff? Before He Leaves?

customer waters.

Jeff, you may have said this and I missed it, or four is more likely going to be in the June 1 updates. But any any speculation or forecasting about pool softball, baseball, other kinds of team sports when when there would be some movement in terms of what can happen and what the parameters would be.

There your job, thank

you appreciate that.

We have been asking about that over and over and over again because we’re getting asked about it. And what we’re hearing from the state is that we will hear some of those things if we could hear some of them are In the June 1 order, and if we don’t hear him in the June 1 order, we’re hearing that it’s going to be around in May. But those are the same questions that we have. We do have just so you know, how hard we’re working on this. We have a group of regional attorneys that meet on a weekly basis, we meet with the HHS Office involved NCD Ph. D, legal staff to continue to press on these kinds of questions. Because they’re questions that I know each and every one of you are hearing about locally in each of your municipalities. So we’re pressing on it, but I don’t know exactly when those answers will come.

If you said June 1 or or mid May, I think maybe you meant mid June?

Yes, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean mid mid June and the order will come out on June before June 1. So we know that will happen. But we may not have all the answers at that point.

Thank you.

Councilmember Peck.

Thank you, Mayor badly. Jeff, thank you for that update. Um, can you give us any reasoning? For not opening up the team sports in and softball the local, not the stadiums or the huge venues.

Thanks. And Harold, I won’t mute myself again. So thank you for releasing that, because the reason being is that that is prohibited at this point under the state order. So that is not our local order that prohibits that. We again have been I think that may come in the June 1 order. But we have been asking about that as well. I know that’s a big issue for both of our school districts and school districts across the front range. So that is a question that we have out to the state as well.

So the reason as to why it has not been updated is is what we have to understand the reasoning behind that one particular sport. Has Yeah. Am I missing something? No, I don’t

think so. And then When you say that one particular sport you mean

sorry, I’m sorry. Can you say that again?

Baseball locally?

Okay. My understanding

is from a team sport approach, in general is the issue. So it’s not just baseball, but it’s baseball, soccer. It’s any any team sport where you’re bringing a lot of people together, and potentially having close contact or even contact with people around that type of thing. So that’s my understanding from the state is that their and their concern is obviously that they don’t want this. They want to open things slowly. And they want to don’t want to move things too quickly. Because we none of us I know none of us on this call. None of us cross the state want to go backwards. So they want to make sure they’re taking things slowly and measured. And I think I believe that’s the main reason why they’ve held back.

Thank you.

I just so I guess what I’m hearing is I guess my so we’re still our hospital still remain clear, right? Yeah, ventilators, ICU beds, right that our hospitals here locally in Boulder County ever get overburdened see a wave of, of COVID patients that threatened overrun capacity.

The only time there was a concern was when our long term care facilities were starting to see a surge. And the reason for that, but no, we did not hit we never hit a point where we had to go to critical care standards as an example. That would have been an issue that was where you’re clearly in a surge. And the only the only challenge they had from a hospital standpoint was the concern that with so many long term care facility, people being hospitalized, they’re typically on vents longer, they’re in the hospital for a much longer period of time. And they were worried about that, but we never did hit a critical care approach. So we did not hit a search.

Right. And then another question. Like I said, we’ve had 61 deaths 80% happening in long term care facilities. Which would mean that 12 or 13? Were not in long term care facilities, right? That’s correct. Okay. So I guess my question is, what what were they practicing social distancing mass, etc in these facilities? Do you know?

Yes, they are. And part of the challenge is, early on some of these facilities, some of the disease got into his facilities early on before we knew as much about the diseases we know now. And once it was in the facilities, it’s really difficult to control which is why you see the state now saying they’re going to they’re going to test all the asymptomatic facilities, largest to smallest because they want to prevent it from getting in the facility itself. And that’s actually why they pass that the governor passed that order at the end of May to the end of April to require long term care facilities to make sure that they can isolate patients. Because it’s so difficult once it’s in there to stop it from spreading. Okay, they do have, they do wear masks. They are allowed to care facilities have worked really hard to try to come to try to control the spread. None of them obviously. Want to see this happen. Okay,

it counts for more.

Thank you Mayor Bagley, I wanted to know, in terms of the hospital’s never having exceeded capacity. Would that have been true if we had not deferred electric elective surgeries and other non critical admissions, or were we home free and we could have kept doing business as usual?

We would have been so if you look back that we have a little dashboard indicator. That’s not the graphs I showed you. But it’s like a little dial that shows Red, Yellow Green, if we had if we had elective surgeries in place, plus we had the COVID and we’re at the end of the flu season. When this started, we probably would have pushed some of those indicators into the red area. And it would have been, but I don’t think we would have hit a surge. I haven’t evaluated that data to see if that would happen. But we were on the verge we had it. We had a few that were yellow, and close to the red at times. And I think if we had elective surgeries happening, plus that happening, we would have been closer. But I don’t know that we would have been in a surge that we would have had to move to critical care standards on.

All right, Jeff, thank you so much. You did good work. We appreciate all your work and effort, and I wouldn’t have wanted your job over the last two or three months. So you’re handling it like champ. We appreciate it.

Well, thank you, Mary. I appreciate all of you and thank you council members.

All right. Good.

Job, anything else?

I do. So as you know, the governor has released some new orders. And and we’ve been working on those. The one thing I do want to say to Council is and again reiterate as you see, when you saw us coming into this and they were issuing orders and they were saying we were saying it’s changing constantly. But I will tell you unequivocally that it is even harder now, in terms of these orders, and how they’re removing them, just because of the nuances in each one of these orders and the work that we have to do truly understand what it means and communicate those and making sure that we’re following. So we’re really in one of those situations where coming out of the processes is, is harder and more time consuming than it was when we moved into the to the process and we’re moving through these things. So the two big things that actually came out tonight or over the weekend, and then was the governor talked about was restaurants. And then summer camps. I want to talk a little bit about restaurants and what we’re doing just to get some feedback from Council. So one of the things that we’ve been working on with our economic development business group that you all have met is really working through and taking the lead From the governor in terms of how do we work with restaurants to make spaces available for them to use, so they can actually add capacity to their seating areas because it’s been reduced by 50%. And so generally you have two issues that are coming into play. One is just the restaurant itself and seating capacity and we’ve worked with and this gives you a sense of how many people have to get involved. We had Miss court and the Liquor Authority City Clerk’s Office Planning and Development Services, legal, my office, and then a few others trying to tease through and really understand how can we move forward in this. So what you will see is take liquor completely out of it, is that if a restaurant needs to expand their business, and this is really speaking to areas that are near the public, and you’re going to see most of it in the downtown area, When they don’t have a lot of parking lot space and some other room, we’re going to run them through the GPP process for business expansion. And again, that’s going to be a temporary process that we’re going to use for folks following the governor’s orders. And Joanie can run that through her office administratively. Now, if you’re going to have to have a liquor permit extension into those areas, then you have to work with a municipal court judge and our Liquor Authority and Don and her office to move through that and talking to the judge. We’re going to move through those because of what they’ve done with the liquor Enforcement Division and waiving those hearing requirements. We’ve created a form or folks checkoff saying, we want to waive that requirement, and they’re going to look at those administratively and the whole attempt at what we’re trying to do is actually to move on move these businesses through the process as quickly as they can, so that they can become an option. operational and maximize their seating capacity while it’s been reduced indoors by 50%. And so that’s the direction that we’re moving on. If you’re on a private property, so for example, village of the peaks or some of the other places, you have to have permission from the owner to expand. They don’t have to go through the process. But if they go through the extent the expansion component, and in terms of the liquor laws, they have to show that they have the authorization of the property owner to expand in that area. And I forgot folks, we have police and fire involved in this too from a public safety perspective. So at this point, what we wanted to talk about and based on what we heard from the state, what the governor was saying in terms of working with folks that we we continue pressing forward to streamline this process to the best of our ability So that’s what we’re doing at this point. And staff. I wanted to throw this out to you because again, it’s moving quickly to see if you all had any questions regarding this process.

All right, Councillor Martin?

Like one? What’s you LPP?

Use of public places? Sorry. I’m stuck in acronym world these days.

Any questions or concern about the approach that we’re talking about?

Councilmember Christiansen?

Harold, I think this is a wonderful idea. It’s really, as I think everybody knows, restaurants operate on a very, very small profit margin. So when you tell them, well, you can open again, but you can only be at 50% Well, they can’t even afford to open really So if we can expand their use of public space that’s really useful. And I just wanted to share to a little bit of what, you know, Lewisville has these. they expand onto the sidewalk in the summertime while being there, which is very cool and a very good community thing. The way that arose because one of the city council members who the city council member initiated that was up in some mountain town, and the restaurant was full. And there was a guy out in the parking lot who he just took his food outside to eat. And he saw a pallet. And so because the parking lot was muddy, so he flap the pallet down and then he said, grab a chair that was round and sat on it and she thought, hmm, we can do that. So she got people to contribute pallets. She got Home Depot, too. Give a reduced supply of lumber. And that hardened it up and made it something suitable that you could also disassemble when there is no longer need for it. So I’m I’m just thinking is the fastest we can get these things through and the most innovative use we can make of various resources is what we should be doing. And so thank you for, for doing all this. It’s a lot of people to get together to expedite it, but it should help everybody. Thanks. And if I can be clear, when I really give a big shout out to

you know, the DDA and Kimberly, the Latino Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce, la dp, and all of those folks because there’s a lot of individuals and then the restaurant owners themselves and communicating with this. There’s a lot of folks that are really come together quickly on this and so I wanted to give a shout out to All of those doing a lot of hard work to move this through.

All right, if he ever

gets where Peck

Thank you very badly. Harold, I don’t know if you are looking for suggestions or whatever but I always have input downtown. Would it be possible to use the escapes as well for extra seating because not only would that be attractive on those red bricks but it would really expand it as well as the sidewalk out front and in harvest junction, the right angle parking that is for example up next to Pinocchio’s and Panera they’ve got such huge parking lots there that are never really full. That if we could just take those first, right angle parkings next to the buildings for Tokyo, Tokyo Jos or or even Next to Tokyo Joe’s and the coffee shop, Red Frog is that huge space that really is never used, it would be incredible eat outside eating area forever. So I’m just I really appreciate what you’re doing and any way we can expand this eating restaurant capacity, I’m all in favor of.

So, great suggestion. So, yes, we are looking at the alleyways in addition to the sidewalks looking at parking, you know, is there the potential to use some of the parking lots in certain areas, it depends what each individual location has. And then working, you know, I want to reiterate working with So the example he used of harvest junction, working with the owners of those properties, to ensure that they can work with their tenants that have these businesses so that they can give them the necessary approvals they need. So they can move through the process. It’s In that case, it would only touch us from a Liquor Authority perspective, but they still need the approval of those property owners. You know, this is first phase, we knew it’s coming and we had to move quickly. You know, there’s some good ideas coming out, we have to engage in conversations with C dot about do we look at, you know, Main Street, you know, this was really something Kimberly talked about, can we look at Main Street, you know, certain days or a day on a weekend or something to where we could do that sort of like Festival on Main, but they can use that for capacity. So there’s a lot of these ideas coming and I know, we’ll bring more to you all, but I wanted to bring this on to say this is what we need to do now, in order to facilitate their opening as quickly as possible to make sure you all were, you know, in line with this as we were moving in this direction. But definitely you’ll be hearing other creative ideas coming forward.

Great, keep up the good work.


Um, the other thing that I want To touch on, you heard summer camps. And we’re starting to talk about this to Jeff’s point in some of your questions about what does this mean in terms of sports summer camps, those are questions that we’ve fed in. Once again, based on the information that we’ve seen, again, the nuance in the summer camp piece. If you, I was on a call this afternoon, so if it’s an indoor camp, it’s 10 people, but if it’s outdoor, it’s 25 people. And then we also I talked to Karen about wanting to really find out via some type of survey mechanism to see how many parents would would actually enroll their kids in summer camp. We’re seeing different trends right now in different communities. Some are not wanting to do it and and other communities they are. So we really want to understand what that’s going to look like for us. And so to let you all know, we’re we’re just plugging away at that to get more clarity and we’ll be updating you on what that looks like. I had a couple of talking points, Jeff covered him. Jeff did a great job covering that information. I wanted to let you all know that Councilmember Hidalgo, fairing, we haven’t forgot your presentation from Carmen, that’s going to be coming. But it actually is going to be a good point. Because in my conversation this afternoon, when we were going over the numbers, we went a little more in depth in terms of looking at long months numbers and what that really looks like and why. And then we’re going to be breaking those down for us. And then we’re actually going to create, I’m not saying create, we’re going to enhance our partnership that we have with them now to really understand what’s happening in those numbers so that we can be more targeted from a public information standpoint and a community involvement standpoint of which we’re going to be involving all of our cultural brokers and various aspects of the community once we start getting more detail and so that’s a follow up for me, and some The others on our team, in terms of really looking at that what we’re going to do, specifically related to those numbers, but the one thing that did come out in that meeting today was that while we look different in terms of numbers as a community, in the past weeks, we actually now are looking a lot like the other communities in terms of the numbers. So there has been a shift in our community. But again, I think it’s really managing social distancing. The face mask component. I know we have the ability for me to extend that to weld County. I will tell you all we’re evaluating it watching it, but what I saw this weekend, at least what I’m hearing, is that our folks did really well. And so if there’s not a need to do it, I’m not going to do it. But if I get different information from our folks at Union and sandstone, then I will obviously need to make the necessary decision on that but Right now it seems like everyone’s really respecting that even in those areas. But if I hear more, then I’ll take the appropriate action.

Thanks, Harold. Anything else?

Any other questions for me?

All right. Nope. Good job. Thank you. Alright, let’s go ahead and move on to first call public invited to be heard. And so let’s go ahead if you would like to speak at first called public invited to be heard, go ahead and call in. The number is 669-900-6833, When prompted, enter the meeting idea that is currently being presented on the screen. And make sure you mute your computer when you call in. And then yeah, just we’re gonna go ahead and take a five minute break. And we’ll see there’s in the queue. So, counsel, let’s go and take a five minute break.

Can we get back on the computers and get going again?

All right. I don’t see wait for Aaron.

Mary, you’re muted.

All right, Aaron’s back. All right, let’s go ahead and do public invited to be heard. Susan, do you want to read off the phone numbers please?

Of course Mayor we’ve got looks like four guests this evening. So the first guest I will be unmuting you your telephone ends in 637. Go ahead and give us your name and address before you begin.

637 Hi.

Yes. Hi. My name is curl spin Harney. And did you say my address I’m sorry?

Yes, please.

My address is 1910 spruce Avenue, Longmont,

Colorado. Thank you.

And I sent all of you letters in regards to what I’m calling in about tonight. So Good evening council members. I’m calling in regards to short term rentals within the city of lamarque. And I want to state my frustration and having one in my backyard as my backyard neighbor. I’m frustrated and having new guests every three or five days. It’s been frustrating for my family and my neighbors and I’m pleading for help and ending this in neighborhoods where it negatively impacts residents, and homeowners. I’d like to have better restrictions and ability to enforce rules for these short term rental. What can you do to help this issue and help put rules in place to help this from happening and other community in the community with other homeowners? Thank you.

Thank you.

For the record. That was textbook right there.

Right, you want to go next?

Yes, Mayor. The next caller Your telephone ends in eight to zero.

You’ve been unmuted. Do you hear us?

Hi, can you hear me?

Yes, we can go ahead please state your name and address for the record.

Hello, my name is Katherine Balog and I live at 1920 spruce Avenue. I’m calling in today for plead for help. Back in March. The house behind us at 1883. Arapaho was bought in at the end of April turned into a full time Airbnb short term rental property. The house sits on a hill above our backyard and has decks on the second and third storey which overlook our backyard and house. When the guests are in this backyard or up on the decks, they can see most of our backyard and our neighbor’s backyard. When they speak it becomes a stadium in our backyards where we hear everything that is said and echoes. This has become a nightmare for my family and our neighboring neighboring family whose backyard also backs up to this homes property in this short time that the house has been rented out as a short term rental property things have happened that have made us feel violated unsafe and feel we have no privacy in our own backyards. Every time the guests are up on the decks, we can see them looking at us and on numerous occasions talking about us. on numerous occasions as our children have played in our own backyard, they have been made fun of and taunted by children of different parties from the decks, making them feel extremely uncomfortable, which prompted them to get embarrassed enough to come inside. on numerous occasions, guests constant smoking cigarettes and pot have made our backyard air intolerable, which has forced us to go inside. on numerous occasions there have been drunk slurring yelling guests all day and night up until midnight. on two different occasions we have heard the guests say wildly. We’re on vacation. We don’t need to be quiet for the neighbors. We have wanted to call the police on many occasions, we are afraid that the drunk guests will retaliate and do something to our backyards. My husband and I have worked very hard. him as a firefighter and myself as a teacher at a local elementary school to be able to afford our house which we believe is our forever home. Having what we feel is a hotel in our backyard has made us emotionally upset and we are considering selling our forever home so we don’t have to deal with our lives being affected by the situation anymore. City Council what would you rather have in Longmont, a family who works hard or very hard to be neighborly and takes pride in their home and community or an investor whose sole purpose is to run a money making Hotel in the middle of our quiet community and does not care about the neighbors or the integrity of the community. I’m asking for your help. I am asking you to please reconsider. The Airbnb was in the city of Longmont. Airbnb was made for family sharing of a house. This house behind us sole purpose is a money making hotel. We don’t live in a resort community we live in the middle of a quiet neighborhood. Why is it that when I look around my street everyone else’s house is quiet and neighborly and when I look out in my backyard have new Nate new people every week on vacation. Safety and noise levels, would you please consider changing the rules so we do not have new neighbors every week that we don’t know watching over our children and us partying on their vacation and help make our backyards and lives quite private and safe again. Please consider changing the laws so houses can only be rented out maybe once in a three month period or something like not like that. Thank you for your time.

All right, thank you. All right. Next.

Their next caller. Your number ends in 975. I’m going to unmute you if you can please state your name. Do you hear us?

Yes, I can hear you. My name is Thomas fan ring. And I do also live in 1920 spruce oven. Thank you. I am the husband of Catherine who just talked to you and would like to go affirm what she has been talking about. And I would just like to read rate, the frustration that we’ve been dealing with, ever since the property in our residential neighborhood was purchased in March and has turned into a full time, Airbnb. And it feels like we live very close to a mini hotel. And the situation is unique because the property I’m talking about has, has a rooftop deck, and we’re somewhat on a hillside and it’s basically we’re dealing with new people every couple of days that basically watch us and our neighbors and our children every day and it’s become an issue. Not only because of them watching us, but we’ve had numerous instances where people have made fun of our children and I’ve had my six nine year old daughter Come inside, uncomfortable and feeling unsafe. Not one To play outside anymore, I’ve had my family come inside and not being able to spend time in the backyard because there was a strong smell of smoke of cigarettes and pot in our backyard. We’ve had instances of parties going on all night. And I’ve had to deal with, you know, me being at work and working 40 hour shifts work with having my wife calling in tears and telling me situations where she doesn’t feel safe at home anymore. And she’s afraid that the party, you know, in our neighbor’s backyard gets out of control. And it’s been very frustrating. And I would like to express that and I would like to, I would like you to revisit the laws and regulations of the Airbnb currently, because I do feel there’s quite a few loopholes in these regulations. Especially one, the one that we’re dealing with the person that purchased the home lives in Boulder works in Boulder and to purchase this property as an investment. It seems and prolong on law. In order to do a short term rental, you have to live there 180 days a year. But who can prove that that person lives or doesn’t live there? half the year? I have. I’d like to quote Don harmsen from from the code enforcement department and, quote, he said, unfortunately, this is one of the most enforceable sections of our code as we would have to prove that he spends more than 180 days of the permit term not staying at the property before we could do anything, which is not something we have any capability to monitor, End of quote. So basically, that that law that you have to stay at the house 180 days a year is pretty much you know, it’s easily bypassed. And he also mentioned that the person who purchased the property and mentioned that well if he decides to not live They’re for the next 180 days. After renting it out short term, he could just put his mom on the title as a co owner, and then he could again, and she lives in long on and then again, she could rent out, or they could rent out the property along short term, which does have some loopholes. And I would like you to reconsider these laws and regulations in order to protect the neighborhoods and their residential neighborhoods and their feel and


Thank you, sir. All right.

Next, here, we have one last guest. Your phone number ends in 370. I’ve just unmuted you if you could. Please state your name and your address for the record.

Caller 370 Do you hear me


Right if you’re actually on the line, why don’t you go ahead and come in to the last one left?

No, that was the last guest that I put back in the waiting room that caller has already spoken. When people are done. I put them back in the waiting room and I hope that they just hang up on their own. If I remove someone, they can’t come back into the meeting.

Okay, cool. Then we’re done. That’s it for first call public invited to be heard. Let’s move on to the consent agenda. Don, can you go ahead and read it for us? Please?

Yes, I can. Mayor Item A is ordinance 2020 dash 25. A bill for an ordinance making additional appropriations for expenses and liabilities of the city of lamarque for the fiscal year beginning January 120 20. public hearing and second reading scheduled for June 16 2028 B is resolution 2020 dash 44 a resolution of Long city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and Boulder County for the 2020 financial and housing counseling program funding through the Community Development Block Grant Program. Eight CS resolution 2020 dash 45. a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and Boulder County for parenting education services. Eight D is resolution 2020 dash 46 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the fiber use license intergovernmental agreement between the city of Longmont and Platte River Power Authority. Eight is resolution 2020 dash 47 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and state of Colorado Department of Transportation for design of the complement st busway. Eight F is resolution 2020 dash 48 a resolution of the Longmont city council approving the collaborative, water efficient landscape grant program intergovernmental agreement between the City of London And then that Northern Colorado water Conservancy district and he is resolution 20 2049. a resolution of the Longmont city council authorizing loans from fund balance in the city’s fleet fund to the DDA construction Fund and the DDA arts and entertainment fund providing for repayment of the loans from the DD a tax increment Income Fund.

All right, do we have a motion to pass the consent agenda? Councilmember Christiansen

I would like to pay a poll number F just for a comment.

Would you like to make a motion? Councillor Martin, do you want to pull anything?

No, but I’ll move the consent agenda. Except for F.

Look at that. All right. It’s been Moved by Councillor Martin and seconded by Councilmember waters. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye.

All right.

Opposed say nay. All right, consent agenda minus f has been approved and passes unanimously. All right, let’s move on to ordinances on second reading and public hearings, same rules for the public. If you would like to call if you’re going to be saying anything for anything on the agenda during the second reading portion, please call in Now, again, the number is 669-900-6833. And the idea code is popping up on our screen. So I’m going to go ahead and

oops, hold on a second.

All right, I’m gonna go ahead and read it while we get ready. And so, for any public wishing to speak on any of these three items on public hearing, again, please call it now. When I’m ready to hear public comment on each item, we’ll ask callers to hit star nine on their phones to raise their hands to speak on that item will then call on you to speak based on the last three digits. Your phone number I won’t do that. But Don or Susan will each speaker gamma speak their name and address for the record will be allowed no more than three minutes to speak. So let’s go ahead and start with nine eight ordinates 2020 dash 24 bill for an ordinance authorizing the city Walmart to amend the leases for Vance brand Municipal Airport here parcels known as elite aviation FBO hangar parcels one and two, and elite aviation FBO. Here parcel number four. Is there a staff report on this item? Harold? No, correct. I can’t hear you or see it this time. Harold, you don’t have to say something to your Mike

Carroll. There’s not I mean, Mayor, they’re

not perfect. All right. Any questions or comments from Council on this item? All right, seeing none. Let’s go ahead and open the public hearing on ordinance 20 2024. Is there a collared on

Mayor This is Susan. No, I didn’t do not see anyone that has called in. Yep.

All right. Thanks, Susan. All right. Then at that connect case, we’re going to go ahead and close the public hearing. We have a motion pertaining to order 20 2024

I’ll move approval.

All right. It’s been moved by Councilmember waters and it’s been seconded by Councilmember Peck. Right. Councilmember Peck was up with that hand was for

Okay. Okay.

All right. All in favor say aye. I say nay.

All right. ordinance ordinance 2020 dash 24 passes unanimously. Moving on to item nine be public hearing on 20 2024 Regional Consolidated Plan in Longmont, 2020 Community Development Block Grant or CDBG program action plan. Are there any questions from Council on this? Councillor Christiansen?

It’s not a question. It’s just a I’m very much in support of this. I just like to remind the public how really important this is even though we are contributing 200,000 dollars to help businesses from this fun this year, which is a lot of money, but it’s also very necessary right now. However, for the most part, what this does what the Community Development Block Grant does is a lot of counseling to help people buy homes, Stan homes, get homes, there’s nothing more important to the average working person than actually owning a home. It’s two thirds of most people’s wealth. And so it’s fairly important to counsel people and let them not get into something they can’t afford, and also help them when they are if they should get in trouble. But also just help them develop budgeting and sensible practices and understand what they can afford. And that’s exactly what this program does, and it’s really a wonderful, wonderful resource. source that people have in line one. So I’m very much for this. And that’s all I got to say right now. Thank you.

All right. Is there a presentation Harold? Kathy do want to go ahead with that?

Sure if they want to bring up their presentation.

So this is for the 2020 through 2024. Consolidated Plan every five years, HUD requires that we do an analysis of the Housing, Community and Economic Development needs in the community. And then that we set strategic goals and strategic direction and then that informs how we spend each year CDBG funds home funds when we get that and we use it a lot to direct our affordable local Affordable Housing funds as well. Can I have the next slide please? So the consortium the boulder Broomfield home consortium was formed in 2007 with the city of Boulder, Boulder County city and county of Broomfield in Longmont. And this brought additional funding into this consortium area to the tune of about 200 to 300,000 more a year since it was formed, again, like I said, This covers 2020 20 through 2024. Next slide, please. So together with our consortium partners, we did some community engagement and input. We actually started back in Gosh, I think it was August, September of last year, gathering community input. We had a resident survey designed to collect information on Housing, Community Development and human service needs. 20 350 total people participated in that survey 1100 and 71 of which were Longmont residents. And this just gives you some information on some of the breakout of the residents that did respond to the survey. There was also community meetings with residents and stakeholders that were held where over 30 Longmont residents attended those. We also had interviews with stakeholders, the agencies that work with residents that have low income, to discuss their policy and program interventions for addressing needs. And then this public comment period and this public hearing that we’re holding right now as well as several others that were held for the the 2020 action plan in the past. It is important to note that the resident survey was conducted during February and March of 2020, before the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, so while it isn’t inclusive of some of the needs that have changed since then, it does address the short and long term policies. responses to the healthcare crisis which has affected housing situations can go to the next slide. So some of the significant findings from this community engagement and census data and other

data that

show that rents have reached new heights. Probably not surprising to anyone increasing by 27% during the past five years, and right now are actually in 2018. A $57,000. income was needed to afford the median rent in Longmont. home values were almost triple the rent increase at 64%. This is the largest increase in the consortium area was in Longmont. residents have higher incomes than in the past, so rising rents seemed to be forcing out lower income renters and new buyers have to be wealthier to purchase. Next slide please. Rental vacancies are practically nothing existed in Longmont and throughout the consortium region. The region has lost a significant number of privately owned affordable rentals since 2013. These units are renting at higher rates, which has broaden the income brackets in which the rental gaps exist in Longmont. Half of the rental units affordably priced for households with income between 25 and 35,000 in 2013, shifted to higher income brackets by 2018. The private rental market in Longmont largely serves renters earning between 35 and 75,000 a year 66% of rental units are priced within that group’s affordability range, the market does fail to adequately serve the 28% of renters earning less than 25,000 each year even when accounting for the impact and the inclusion of subsidized housing programs. Next slide, please online has a shortage of over 2300 rental units to serve households earning less than $25,000. This is increased from 1500. I think it was the last time that we did this kind of survey. There is a gap a surplus of rental homes available to those with incomes 35 to 75, which accounts for the fact that lower income households are renting above what they can afford, and leads to the high numbers of households earning are paying more than 30% and 50% of their income for their housing, you can go to the next slide 53% of Longmont renters are about 7500 households are cost burdened, meaning they pay more than 30% of their income for their housing and 25% of Longmont. renters or about 3500 households are severely cost burdened meaning they’re paying more than 50% of their income for their housing. Next slide. homeownership is virtually unattainable for the majority of renters, about 70% of renters earn less than the amount needed to purchase. And lower income homeowners often cannot make needed repairs with 2500 renter or owners not cannot afford to make repairs to their home. Some of the survey results that we receive the impediments to purchasing a home is too much debt. They can’t afford a down payment and or about 25% were told that they won’t qualify for a loan with the housing prices. Around half of large families and older adults who own a home want to sell but can’t afford to purchase something else in the current market. Next slide please. In addition, 12% of Longmont homeowners are 4000 households or cost burden. Again, that’s the 30% of their income is going for housing. Over 30% and 8% of Longmont homeowners are about 750 households are severely cost burdened with paying more than 50%. Next slide. The primary housing needs in Longmont boiled down to a rental gap of 2300 units that would be affordable at or below $625 a month and a shortage of homes to purchase priced at less than $375,000. About 30% 30% of households with disabilities worry about rent increases to that their rents will increase to an unaffordable level. And we also I want to say got a lot of great info information on from the surveys from on respondents financial stability, transportation needs, housing challenges, service needs, health care needs childcare, employment And education needs. So a lot of that information we will be bringing forward and making it available to folks. So we got a lot of great information from the survey,

please. So all of this leads into preparing strategic goals for the next five year time period. And in the boxes on the left are the goals of the consortium as a whole. And then on the right hand side in the white is how Longmont would be addressing those strategies so increasing the amount and affordability of rental housing while preserving existing affordable rental units for the lowest income renters is the primary goal. So we will be looking at increasing the number of affordable rentals, affordable at or below 50% area median income. Some of this could be through new construction, land banking or inclusionary housing program obviously might feed into To this as well, also purchasing existing rental housing and converting it to affordable, maintaining our existing affordable through refinancing and rehabilitation of units, providing rent assistance when needed. And this would feed into our COVID funding in particular, and then innovative things like our Edu program. If we ever get to have it, I get time to ever work on it. With everything else that’s going on. Next slide, please. The next strategic goal is to preserve existing affordable owner occupants. Keeping the home safe and habitable helping owners age in place and providing foreclosure prevention services, which Councilmember Christiansen was talking about. So in Longmont, we would maintain our inventory via our rehab programs and then the housing counseling and closure prevention program in particular. Next slide. The third strategic goal is to support low moderate income homebuyers and increase the supply of affordable ownership units. Again, this in Longmont would happen through increasing the inventory through our inclusionary housing program, continuing to provide downpayment assistance, housing counseling again with homebuyer classes, budgeting and financial classes, and land banking as well. Next slide. The fourth goal of reducing homelessness within the consortium and providing services to assist in their transition into housing. This will be in Longmont supported through the homeless solutions for Boulder County, which helps to provide permanent supportive housing and is one of the ways we can support those efforts and directing shelter housing and services and then of course, the Human Service Agency. Funding is used to support agencies that address these issues. Next slide, can. The fifth goal is to revitalize and invest in communities to ensure that neighborhoods enjoy a high quality of life and health for their residents. So supporting and creating facilities that provide residents support, this might be something like the COVID Recovery Center for seek CDBG CV funding, and then supporting low and moderate income neighborhoods is something we’ve done in the past and might consider in the future for this five year period. And then the next slide. The last goal number six, increasing economic empowerment, both for residents to help them secure stable income and build wealth, as well as for businesses to provide and maintain employment for residents. So again, we look at assisting businesses that create or retain jobs for low moderate income residents and supporting programs. Train residents for better jobs. So this, again would feed into some of the the covered recovery funding as well. Next slide. So looking at the 2020 CDBG funding recommendations and yes, this is the third time I believe that I have brought the 2020 funding recommendations to council because things keep changing. February 25 was the last time you saw it and council approved the proposed use of funding our regular CDBG funding totaling $610,926 in grant money. In March, we had COVID strike, April 2, we found out our CDBG CV award allocation of just under 360,000. We are allowed to repurpose 2020 funding as a result of the COVID. We took this time between April 2 and Now to gather data and review needs. And on May 14, we presented these recommendations to the housing and Human Services Advisory Board. Next slide.

So what we’re looking at doing is repurposing 2020, some of the 2020 CDBG funding $328,388 we were going to fund housing rehab and we had a little bit in contingency funds. We are suggesting repurposing this money for a couple of reasons. One, folks don’t really want workers in their homes right now to repair their homes unless it’s an emergency situation. So we have put that program in advance I think I said this last time and are only working when there’s an emergency need, or something like that that’s happening or we could work on exterior halt the exterior of the home. We also have some funding that is not totally committed yet from 2019. So we think we’re good going through 2020 by not allocating additional funding for the housing rehab program right now. So what we’re proposing that that those funds be used is 258,000 for individual assistance, which could include rent assistance, utilities, etc. Likely through an agency like the Art Center, and then our shared Longmont share of the covered Recovery Center operations in the amount of 70,000. So that would be the repurposing of our existing 2020 funding. And then for our new CDBG CV funding 87 five would go towards individually assistance for a total of 345, eight and 200,400 Small Business assistance. And then we are setting aside up to 20% for administration of the grant. So this column, the third, fourth column over totals by activity for COVID shows the total amount that will be allocated to support COVID recovery activities, which is a total of 687 775 with the repurposed funding and the new CB funding. And then the final column just shows how much is going 50% of that COVID money for individual assistance 10% for the CRC 29% for small business assistance, and then it works out to be 11% for administration, just from the 687 seven.

Next slide, please.

So this is a public hearing, to take comments on the Consolidated Plan as well. As the hopefully final 2020 action plan and CV plan, so I would be more than happy to answer any questions you have about the needs or proposed goals or strategies, anything around the 2020 funding or the use of the CV funding. And then after the public hearing, provide action.

That’s all I got.

All right. Thank you very much. Councilmember Christiansen.

Thank you, Kathy. I think this is an excellent presentation.


and I and I hope that a lot of people from the public are listening to understand how many resources we really do put into trying to get people into housing, to buying their own home, which is the only way to get out of poverty. And for most people, And also to finding ways for the rest of the people who can’t afford to buy a home to get counseling and support in their

rental situation.

I do think it points out your your chart of where the gaps are in housing, I think points out to some issues with the inclusionary housing ordinance that I think we need to address but that will have to happen later. Here are two handy little things that I keep hearing, because I’m such a nerd. This is from the American Community Survey, which is done every year. And it’s part of the US Census and it tells people how what the median the it’s very interesting to me,

tells you what the median interest or the median

income is for Colorado, the median housing price and things like that. This is Footage from chafa, which is also a little bit more granular it gives you it breaks it down by county. It does not unfortunately break down Boulder County. And so Boulder County skews high, but we’re we’re part of Boulder County, but of course, the incomes are look high. Because the city of Boulder, which is larger than any other city, skews everything a little higher. But I personally find those those tools helpful to understanding what’s going on. Anyway. Um, thanks again. Kathy. I think that was a terrific presentation.

So thank you for all the hard work.

Thank you, Mary bakley. Kathy, I also appreciated this presentation. And as I look at the strategy that you’ve outlined, it’s very similar to habitat for humanity’s strategy for keeping people in their homes, the financing model that they go through to help them understand everything about banking, foreclosures, etc. So they and habitat has a very good record of getting people in homes and letting them stay there. So, thank you I have every confidence that this is going to work. Thanks a lot.

gossamer water

makes me Bagley. Kathy, I have I have several questions. First of all, I would also say I appreciate your your presentation. Maybe for four reasons in addition to what we’ve already heard. Here my questions the what you say 30% of long lat residents are housed burdened at 8% are heavily burdened at the 30 to 50%

of their incomes.

What were the percentages for a long month

along my for homeowners 12% are cost burdened at 30% paying more than 30% of their income for housing and 8% of Longmont. homeowners are severely cost

burdened. So 20% of our homeowners are burdened or heavily cost burdened. 12

Oh, sorry. Yeah.

So 20% of existing homeowners are burdened or heavily burdened. Right. Number one, your second question. One of the shortages you mentioned in terms of the housing market, or homes priced at around $375,000 Dude, I understand that

yes. That’s a the amount that they used. I think that would be affordable it be percent of the income at 375.

That’s 80% of ami. I believe. So that was where I was going with, I can find

out for sure.

But yes, that was pretty close. And that’s what struck me when I saw the number that that falls into that category are in the inclusionary zoning ordinance. homes that are market priced 80 to 100% of ami don’t have to pay the fee. And, you know, we created an incentive, if you will, by not creating a charging a fee to encourage builders to build more of those homes, because that is clearly a market need. Right? There’s a shortage shortage of homes. Third question, and you probably don’t want to answer this one, because you’ll know where I’m going with my next question. Any policy that this council adopts makes it more difficult or more expensive for people to get into homes or reduces the probability of home market price to $375,000 would not help you achieve your strategic goals, would it?

I think it would depend on what it is. So yes, you’re right from the standpoint of adding additional requirements to the cost of building increases it. But if there are some subsidies that are provided, or like the inclusionary housing program where it’s a requirement to make the fee in lieu or to build homes that are less expensive, that does help a certain segment of the population, but it increases costs for somebody else

you’re not Well, I’m not honestly I’m not thinking of this case about people who qualify for subsidized housing. I’m thinking about people who do not qualify for subsidized housing. As much as they might like to would also like to buy a home or have purchased one and they’re now housing in that 20% their housing burden. Because Because what we are going to do the first time we’re back council members, based on an emotion that was was passed at our last meeting, we’re going to come back and the majority of this council is going to want to eliminate the possibility possible use of Metro district as a way of financing. Because the phones I see some head shaking No, that’s exactly what we did last time. We we approved bringing that back the next time we’re meeting together. And when we do when we approach that, if you would go back one more time and look at the amendments that were proposed the last time we discussed this, there were several of them that we wouldn’t even consider that would help Kathy achieve the strategic objective set in this plan. Councilmember Christiansen I see you’re shaking your head. No, I’d love to engage Any straight up debate with you tonight or any other time on this the specifics of what I proposed. And what you would see as an alternative, what you would offer as an alternative is because we’re going to approve a plan tonight with objectives. We’re going to bring a plan back that it said that sabotages the very objectives that Cathy’s presenting to us to achieve tonight. And for some reason, we don’t make that connection as a council. If we care about working families and attainable housing, which the 300 so Councilmember adobo, fairing teachers in this community who would like to buy homes when we come back to that right into this category? When we come back to that other item? voting to eliminate that that opportunity is is contrary to the interests of the very family. So I’ve heard you talking about wanting to support. So I’m all Cathy. I think you’ve done a fine job with this for all kinds of reasons. One of them is you make the strongest case in this Report for why we need to be so much more thoughtful and reflective when we approach the other issue and that is how we support the financing of homes that would reduce costs, not raise costs, which is what we’re proposing to do. By the way. Councilmember Peck I believe that that Habitat for Humanity supports the use of Metro districts when done properly, properly regulate, especially if you can bring the Land Conservancy into the mix. But we’re eliminating all those options if we if we do what I think a majority of counseling kids do when we bring that item back. So Kathy, thanks for the report. We’re going to revisit this item, obviously pretty

soon. I’m going to call a point of order. Let’s push this discussion off until until we come back on I know that I’m seeing head shaking and we could we could literally go down a rabbit hole right now and be here till one. But let’s let’s go

ahead when we were asking the count when we’re asking the community To pay close attention, I want the community to pay

close eye and we will be discussing the community needs to know we will be discussing this at the first regular session when we come back now we’re gonna get voted on that. That’s true. Harold, when are we going to be discussing this?

Okay, hold the vote failed.

Okay. Do we have it on the calendar yet or no?

That’s right. Failed three to three. You’re right. Does that mean we don’t have to deal with that at all anymore? No, that’s not what it means. Well.

All right. Well, I’ll talk with Harold. It’s coming back on point and we’ll figure that out. But for now, let’s focus on public hearing on we’ve got a we do not have a motion but let’s go ahead and open the public hearing on 20 2024 Regional Consolidated Plan allotments 2020 community Delvaux Development Block Grant Program action plan. Are there any callers wishing to speak on this item Susan.

No Mayor I did not display the the screen although they Had the information previously on

display that we needed display the screen on this one since we

well Yeah, well, that’s fine. We can we can do that but we already they were instructed to call in at the very beginning. So if somebody calls in, we were at with it was pretty clear that we were supposed to call in and kind of be on the line for both A and B. But let’s go ahead and throw it up in an abundance of caution and wait 60 seconds or so.

Mirror I’ll let you know when it becomes a live screen.

It just went live. So we’ll give folks about a minute

overweighting it just dawned on me that actually I want to say that I’m sitting here in my house. There’s windows on all sides. I could I could invite people to come protest during the council made


All right, let’s go ahead and move on. We get the screen back. All right. Thanks. You all right? Do we have a motion for 20 2020? Actually, let’s go out and close the public hearing Councillor Christiansen?

I would move. Well, this is a public hearing. It is called an ordinance number we close the hearing. Yeah. Okay. So I would just move that we move this forward. We accept

the report. Correct. Is that all we

accept out there?

Except in submit to head?

Yeah. Okay. Second, it’s been moved by Councilmember Christiansen and seconded by Councilmember toggle fairing that the 2024 2020 2024 Regional Consolidated Plan along with 2020 Community Development Block Grant Program action plan be approved and submitted to HUD. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye.

Aye. Opposed say nay.

All right, item nine B passes unanimously. Let’s move on to the item f i believe it was Councilmember Christiansen on the consent agenda.

Yes, I just for the public interest, I just wanted to point out how very very helpful this will be. It will not help the people who still think that we need to make Longmont look like I Ohio, when New Jersey who are very beautiful very green states because they have lots and lots of water. But Colorado is geographically classified as a high plains desert and we have to stop over watering and this is a very good experimental program that I applaud our city for. For working on and collaborating with. It will help us to create a better environment using less water and create something that is more Hardy and resilient. Today, I went down to get test for COVID which I finally Do without having to have a doctor’s permission

or pay for it.

And I, this was down in Lafayette and there’s a trail adjacent to this between the target and the health images center. And it’s really beautiful. It’s a it’s a swamp. It’s a kind of swamp that I used to hang out in when I was a little girl and I had many, you know, we’re talking about the BMX trails and things like that earlier. This is the kind of swamp that every kid hangs around and harasses the ducks and catches frogs and stuff like that. And but it also I saw, just in a short amount of time I saw a couple of magpies, a hawk something else I don’t know. And I that was just while I was waiting for My son to get a chest X ray. This is a perfectly natural environment. It doesn’t require any water, because it is along a creek. That’s what we can do here. And although there will be some people who won’t be happy with it because it doesn’t look like a golf course, golf courses are nice, but we don’t need to turn everything into a golf course this uses native native plantings and it will be beautiful because if you go out walking around anywhere in Colorado in the mountains, it’s beautiful. That’s what we want here because it’s beautiful here too. So I just want to applaud the city staff for doing this. Thank you.

I would like to make a motion.

Sure. So as I can

Go get out of my ineptitude here. I would move


passage of resolution 20 2048. Do I have a second?

I’ll second second.

All right. It’s been moved by Councilmember Christiansen and seconded by Councilmember Martin. That’s resolution 20 2048. All in favor say aye.

Aye. Aye.

Opposed say nay. All right, resolution 20 2048 passes unanimously. All right, let’s move on to the grand finale, General Business commercial benchmarking program overview. Harold

Allen is going to be

David Hornbacher and his group, David.

Harold, one moment

David, you’re unmuted.

Yeah. Are you doing

this? Um, Dave? Dave was going to

go Sorry about that.

Um, good evening Mayor Bagley and members of city council. I’m Dave Portnoy. David, can you turn your video on?


Sorry about that. So Good evening, Mayor Bagley, members of city council tonight we’re going to provide you with an over view on a commercial sort of the beginning of a commercial benchmarking program. And so with me tonight we have n loads and we have Debbie Seidman and Debbie will be doing the PowerPoint presentation.

All right, good evening.

Good evening, mayor and council members. My name is Debbie Seidman and I’m here to introduce you to building benchmarking. I’m relatively new to long month. I work for long run parent communications. I’ve been here for four months, I’m actually very pleased to be working for the city. I do work in the energy strategy and Solutions Group. In my current role, I’m looking at strategies for saving energy and this is to support long months renewable energy goals. Currently, we are developing and building benchmarking program so I’m here to introduce you to building benchmarking and then explain more about it. My background includes HBC engineering building systems. I’ve been a facilities project manager. I’ve worked with high tech buildings I’ve worked on data centers all over the world. And I’ve also worked in utility industry. So I do want to clarify that there is no action required for city council this evening. This is only for informational purposes. Just want to give extra I just want to provide information and we would come back to council before we did have any launch of a program. And related to this next month, there will be a city council presentation about a program called partners in energy and that program will require action from City Council. Next slide please. So this is a slide that I believe you have seen. If not you will be seeing it again. Often. As you know, City Council passed a resolution for 100% renewable energy by 2030 next slide please. To get there, we have a set of seven systems, or seven. We have a integrative system. And we have an integrative set of systems that will work together to help us get closer to that goal. And of these seven elements, tonight, we’re going to focus on one of those which is the built environment. Specifically, we are trying to save energy and the more energy you save, the easier it is to get to that renewable energy goal. Next slide, please. So the agenda for this evening is to explain what benchmarking is, like share actions being taken at other communities. How would a building owner benchmark their building? What are benefits to benchmarking and then current actions that we in Longmont are taking to develop such a program? Next slide, please. So what is building benchmarking

By definition,

benchmarking is a measurement or a rating relative to a standard baseline, typically an average. And in this scenario, it’s a rating relative to similar type buildings. It is a rating of energy use. The basis or the way you would gather information to determine this rating is to track energy use or energy consumption over time. A click please. The purpose, as I mentioned is to reduce energy consumption. Click please. Now, we will be using a program a software program and out of that, and out of the entire program that I’m presenting, a building owner would receive a Building Energy Score. So way to think about this is you’re all familiar with fuel efficiency ratings. cars have a mile per gallon rating and if you are for example, looking to purchase a new vehicle, you may compare multiple vehicles, and one of the factors you might consider for your purchase is miles per gallon. So similarly, we can get a building score or an inefficient efficiency score. This is an example of a building with an energy score of 71. And this is on a scale of one to 100. And the intent of this is the old adage of you can’t manage what you don’t measure. So the attempt is to really develop some awareness as to how your building performs relative to other buildings. And of course, we do already have other existing energy conservation programs, but through benchmarking owners become aware of their building energy use, and it has been shown they take measures to improve their score. Now, what impacts this number or this score? So there’s many things it’s how efficient your home is, I’m sorry, how efficient your building is. So what type of Windows you have maybe the ceiling room On the Windows installation, maybe your heating equipment or cooling equipment. Another big factor now is number of computers in the building and how will those work? Next slide please. So what is being done locally and nationally? Well, nationally, there are 34 cities in the US and three states that have a benchmarking requirement or an ordinance. Now locally, Denver Next click please. Fort Collins has an ordinance. Denver has an ordinance and quickly boulder also has an ordinance. To give you some examples on this. Click please. Here is a municipal building in Boulder is benchmarked and has a rating of 60 on click please. Here is another building. It’s the Student Union at University of Colorado. It is not currently benchmarked, but it was benchmarked as far back as 2005 when it had a rating of 92 Although boulder has an ordinance, the university’s on state property so it currently is not required to benchmark. I’d like to emphasize that 50, again is average on a scale of one to 100. Better than 50 is greater than average, our intent is really not so much that a number is good or bad. Our intent really is more that this be a useful tool and regardless of what number you’re is, you may wish to take action to improve your prove your rating and to improve your number. Next slide, please. So how would a building owner benchmark and initially we would be focusing on large commercial customers for such a program? and EPA has a software called ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager we would use that software over 40% of real estate. Customers typically use the software have been using the software it’s now expanding to other types of building segments, but this software click please There’s no charge and it is a secure software.

Quick please.

So to benchmark information needs to be input into ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, this needs to be done by the building owner. It is self reported, we can help them get information. But they do need to input the information themselves. And yes, click please. Thank you. I’m a building owner we need to input 12 months of utility bill data into the software and this would be both electrical energy consumption and natural gas consumption. building types such as an office building, is that a hospital is it a warehouse etc, gross square feet and additional basic data which varies based on your building type. But typically, this is number of occupants, number of computers and a few small measures. So out of the software, you would receive a score. This shows an example of a building that has a score of 86 so click please And again, click please. This is a, as I mentioned a scale on a one to 100. So I’d like to indicate that the software itself doesn’t save the energy again, it’s getting awareness you get a score and building owners typically are, it’s shown a lot of where cities have done this a lot of cities, a lot of building owners have followed up with additional measures to save energy and examples of that could be modifying operations in your building. Could be some basic maintenance could be modifying your controls, retro commissioning, and or maybe some larger measures. I should also mention that buildings with a score of 75 or greater are eligible to become an Energy Star rated building that does take some additional paperwork or it takes some official paperwork. But many companies such as target and Kroger, for example, a large percent of their portfolio are actually Energy Star rated buildings. You can think of this then Most people are familiar with an ENERGY STAR appliance. In that case, it could be an ENERGY STAR building that is strictly optional, we are only looking at actually achieving a number, not necessarily becoming an Energy Star rated building. You can also get a lot of input, a lot of output out of the software. So in addition to a score, you can get a lot of use information for your building. You can also get greenhouse gas emissions information out of the software. Next slide, please. So what are the building the benefits for building owners and for the community? Well, as I mentioned, the intent is to save energy. Of course, if you’re saving energy, you would save costs. There’s marketing advantages, building owners can differentiate their building in the marketplace hence, that’s why a lot of real estate property managers do use this program already. A potential tenant looking at a building may are looking to lease a space may want a higher rating knowing that their utility bills would Lower. Also, business owners can help use this to attract retain potential employees because there is a segment of the employees that are interested in working for an employer that would have this type of interest. Also, there’s operational improvements, you can get data from this program that lets you see that you’ve got issues with your building that you otherwise did not know you have. You can prioritize projects. So you may have two projects you’re looking at. And you can look at some historical data for past projects or projects that other building owners have done and that could help you to determine what project would be good to implement. Future tracking back please. And future tracking is another benefit. So this can give you information year over year or multiple years. In addition to just comparing your building to other buildings. It’s also looking at similar climate so it takes anomalies. Do the climate out of the number. So you can compare buildings to buildings, whether it’s a hot year or cold, your warmer climate cooler climate, it gives you an apples to apples rating.

I’m Next slide please.

So additional benefits for the community as a whole. This does show that there’s an estimated savings for cities that have participated in this program, not just building owners, but cities as a whole have seen a 2.4% annual savings, which is the same as 7% over three years. And again, I’d like to emphasize it’s not just getting a benchmark number, but taking additional actions to save energy in your building. And to put this in perspective, this 2.4% for Longmont, 79% of our greenhouse gas emissions come from energy use in buildings and have that energy use The most effective way to save energy is to work with our commercial customers, at least to start this program, so, only 7% of the electrical customers in Longmont are commercial customers yet that 7% uses almost half of the energy. So if we work with our commercial customers, we have the potential for the greatest impact, we can get a lot of savings by working with a smaller number of customers and that really gives us the greatest bang for the buck so to speak, um, click please. Again, another benefit is this does support City Council resolution for 100% renewable by 2030 and click please. This also supports other programs in the city such as work being done by the Climate Action Task Force and it ties into objectives with the sustainability plan. Next slide please. So next steps for the program. Click Please, we are developing a program and the approach to that program, click please. Currently we are working on a demonstration project that is in this year 2020. Click please. That will include 12 to 15 buildings, we are benchmarking nine municipal buildings and then we will add commercial customers 20,000 square feet and larger and a lot of this is to get feedback on overall, what building owners think of the process and then also it’s process related, not so much the numbers coming out but what worked well, what didn’t work well. We’ll be working with some key accounts and large commercial customers in this exploratory phase. And if that phase is successful, we would like to come back and look at increasing the program to include more buildings.



Again, we would come back to city council with any updates or additional recommendations after we complete our demonstration project and additional development. Thank you.

Thank you, Susan. We have the screen back.

All right, Counselor pack.

Thank you. Mr. Mr. Mehra.

Sorry, um, so what I want to know is just out of curiosity, have you looked at something that Portland’s doing the installing the turbines in the water pipes for electricity

that I have not looked at, um, Portland does have one of the more established benchmarking programs. So I’m familiar with that and they’re looking some other equity type measures, but I’m used to turbans in

it. In the city water pipes to create free electricity. They’re basically using the water that goes through through the pipes to create electricity.

No, I’m not familiar with that. That’s really interesting. I’ve actually done a lot of research into previous positions in hydro power and a lot of small scale and run of the river hydro. So this looks very interesting. This sounds really interesting. I don’t know if we’re aware of that. But that would be worth looking into. Would you mind

if I sent you some literature on it?

Please do and I can share that with Dave Hornbacher.

Okay. Thank you.

Thank you may have some awareness of that.

I’ve also looked at that at my last place of work, because we did have quite a few lines that had significant elevation drops, and so any place that you are looking to dissipate energy was a potential for that. And so especially in areas where you have a lot of great changes here in Longmont, we’d have to look at that very carefully. Since we’re Little bit flatter. And so we tend to try to minimize our pumping. Oh, okay, I’ll create the pressure and then let the system utilize the pressure, but we’d love to see what information you have.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Customer Christiansen

I want to thank you. I think this is a very good report and a good program.

I like what you said about the, you know, you can’t, you can’t

Well, whatever Anyway, you can’t.

You can’t change something that you can’t manage change your behavior if you don’t really know what’s going on. Right. And that’s, that’s part of the problem with COVID right

now is that we don’t

really understand and we’re also not Not testing anything, or we’re four months late doing the testing we should have done four months ago. But with this, we have the potential to learn. And as you said, commercial properties really use up an enormous amount more because people are there more often people need to have more stable environments than perhaps your home, because everybody’s using it. I was at the I worked at the University of Colorado and we had a six storey building that had been built in 1970. When I many things built in the 70s, we’re I don’t know what they were thinking the energy was just unlimited. But these had jalousie windows, when single pane it was the whole place was awful and what I was talking to the Department of sustainability, are about or energy and they have a very good Department of Energy at the university. And he said, Well, that building uses $160,000 a month in utilities 100. And that’s just one building, the university has over a million square feet of property of buildings. So imagine how much that cost the university. And I think that a lot of businesses don’t really understand. You know, everybody sees a little part of it, but only the accountant actually sees what they’re paying for the, for the bill. And when they see that, they will realize that there are numerous things you can do to cut down on that that’s better for their business, but it’s also better for the environment. So thank you for what you’re doing to get this started. And I hope that then businesses will understand how much money they can actually save by, you know, over time planning for a few substantial changes, that will actually save them an enormous amount of money. When I found out that they were, you know, this is where my potential raise was


While I was like working in a working outside, I could have gotten as much done working in a tent outside in the summer in the winter. In the winter it was freezing in the summer was blisteringly hot. And anyway, so this this will be helpful for not only the businesses, but also the people who work there too, who it may be a decent building, but there’s still many, many things that technology has changed that will enable them perhaps to rethink how they’re what their strategy is economically long term in terms of updating things in terms of their building. So thanks for initiating this.

Thank you. What building was that at? See you curious?

Oh, it was the

Well, and we were always the last to be considered because we were just staff and staff is like the redheaded stepchild. You know, we were that we were across from Scott Carpenter park in the old area that used to be witchy. But then became in store was next to us. We were right. The administration building. So so called,

not on the main campus, all right.

Main Campus, so

we were in no one’s mind.

All right. Thank you all. Thanks.


All right, let’s go ahead and move on. Thank you very much, folks for that report. Let’s move on to 11 B. One one Housing Authority. Resolution 20 2051. Resolution Aloma city council approving intergovernmental agreement between the City Housing Authority and the city of Walmart regarding future relationship and agreement between the city and LA. So do we have a Motion.

Transfer Christiansen

I would move that we appoint Harold Domingos as executive board member of the Longmont Housing Authority. Do I have a second? We can

we can skip that. We’ll skip to B. That’s fine. Let’s wait but

Sawyer Oh, this is Karen Ronnie here. Community Services Director.

presentation. Karen, I want to do like

11 quick slides.

There you go. Let’s do 11. Quick.

I promise. I promise I’ll go quickly.

So, so basically earlier, there are there are obviously two actions that we are asking the city council to take this evening that that enhances and changes the working relationship that the city of La might hazard the Lamont Housing Authority. And, you know, early this year, Julian Baldwin the Lamont Housing Authority, Executive Director for one More day was really the major catalyst behind behind this IGA that we’ll be discussing this evening, she really guided them in her less than two years with the Housing Authority guide the Housing Authority through some challenging times, really stabilize the agency and help us as a city staff to understand that there is more work to be done. She helped stabilize things, but there is more work to be done to really have a sustainable housing authority into the into the future. So we are very sad that she is not going to be working alongside us as we take on these challenges. But you know, we’re really grateful for the many accomplishments that Julian has made and contributed in the short time that she was that she’s here so I think she’s in the watching the media And I think Harold was going to make just a couple of comments before I go into the meat of the presentation.

Yeah, Mayor Council. What I wanted to do is talk a little bit about the position that we’re in today. And it is really because of the work that Jillian’s done over the last two years. She has had no easy task, as she’s moved through that time period. But to put it an example, when Julian started in August 2018. At that time, there were only one vacancies and about 102,000 outstanding and delinquent rents, and there were 396 vouchers issued. After 19 months, under Jillian’s leadership, there was a 7% increase in vouchers issued a 28% decrease in vacancies and an 88% decrease in delinquent rents across the properties. And so that’s really just outstanding work that she’s done. The port financial portfolios and more stable Round. The end of year cash totaled about 170,000. And at the end is projected to be in the neighborhood of 375, an increase of 121%. She put protocols in place to address damaged units and make them rentable. And more importantly, she served multiple, multiple HUD inspections and monitoring as well as from chafa, which is the state division of housing. And as a result made the agency stronger by revising and developing policies and procedures to really accomplish that. She’s also partnered with the city to set aside five vouchers for adults experiencing homelessness. She’s working with the she’d worked with the city to offer locally funded vouchers to the same hard to house populations. And that helps folks exiting homelessness and into stable housing. In essence, she stabilized Housing Authority made it possible to build on the foundation that we’re talking about today. You know, the worksheets that she’s done really brought many of these items to all of our attention. And when Karen talks about, you know where we’re going to go from here, it would be a much harder road at Jillian not done the heavy lifting that she did. So I just want to personally thank Jillian for what she’s done. a Herculean effort, in many ways. And so Jillian, I just want you to hear from me. While you’re going on to another adventure. I want to thank you for what you’ve done. Because without that, this would be a much harder road for us as we move into the next phase.

Thank you so much, Harold and city team. Thank you guys very much for that. I’m gonna meet myself. Thank you.


Okay, Susan, if you would bring up the PowerPoint. Please

know when Karen says that we’ve got a lot of work ahead of This you’re going to see that as Karen talks through this

right, thank you. So you can go to the next slide, Susan. So, so we’re here today for, for really to figure out and to work on the really creating a more sustainable business model for the llama Housing Authority. So, as we mentioned, Julian helped us to identify that we’ve come a long way but there are still additional financial and operational challenges that we really need to look at to, you know, to make sure that LBJ operations and that is the agency is really positioned to continue to be successful and many years to come. Because really the housing the Housing Authority is the critical housing provider affordable housing providers in our community and and we need it to be thriving. And successful Next slide please. So, so to us and staff, it made sense that that the city of llama and the Lamont Housing Authority explore a stronger working relationship. We We both have visions and commitments to make sure that people in our community have access to a variety of things but certainly access to housing and shelter so that so they can thrive residents can thrive in the community. Next slide, which is also the housing authorities vision. So, so working together next slide, please, is that earlier this year, we came together with the Housing Authority staff and city staff and really talked about a vision for really having a model of working together that leverages all of our Human Resources, I financial resources so that we can ensure a continuum of housing opportunities for all of our community members who, who are in need of affordable housing. So I think the city and the Housing Authority have both have histories of working together being efficient and effective. And, and we’re really excited about the opportunity to create a sustainable operational and financial model that we hoped maybe could be replicated with other communities throughout the throughout the state and country. Next slide, please. So these are the kinds of things that the that we discovered, again with Julian’s assistance earlier this year, that that we really need to continue to work on in the next several months and years to come. And it has to do with really expanding our financial capacity and staff capacity. At the llama Housing Authority, addressing what we call some of the challenges and we talk about culture, it’s really about how how we do business around here, not just what it is that we’re here to do, but the way in which we approach that and we’ve identified some areas that we can enhance that organizationally, as well as within our residential communities within the LBJ portfolio. The FHA board, I think earlier, I think it must have been last year did start to work on a vision and strategy and we believe it’s really important to take that work to the to the next step. We also want to pursue ongoing development opportunities, as well as expansion of Housing Choice vouchers, so that so that we can continue to grow and offer additional affordable housing opportunities to members of our community. But we really need to kind of change the way we do business in order to pursue those opportunities. And then I think last what it really provides us with an opportunity to integrate the work that we’re doing as a city with the housing goals with with the long month and Housing Authority goals. Next slide, please.

So we’ve identified some immediate actions, some intermediate actions, as well as some longer term strategies to, to work on in the coming months. So these next two slides really just in a high level, identify the immediate actions which really has to do with first kind of shoring up some of the operations at the Walmart housing authority in terms of staff training, making sure we have all the protocols in place that we need. There is I think, as Harold talked about, the multitude of, of site visits that we had and just to make sure that we are in compliance with all of the regulations that are required of our various funders, and to really study and look at what are the optimum staffing levels to be able to operate the Longmont Housing Authority. Next slide, please. Plus some of the immediate actions will involve, you know, financial stability and just really, making sure continue, make sure if he’s being collected, and to really have an overall analysis and review of our budgets of financial systems, and just making sure that we are as strong as we can be in in our financial area. Next slide, please. So this is our initial timeline for for accomplishing this work. And so we started this right before we had a panel pandemic. So we got sideways a little bit, but we are now back on on track. We hope to in the next three to six months address the immediate needs and start to look at what could a new operational model be for the llama housing authority that helps us meet some of the goals that we had identified. So we have an anticipated possibly a 36 month timeframe here. But that was our best guess at that point in time. But what we do know is that the next six months are really critical for addressing some of the immediate needs that Julian helped us to understand and to start and to really try to identify what a new operational model can look like. Next slide please.

So why we’re here tonight.

There are two things one test in this included in your packet is, is a proposed IGA that outlines the immediate work that needs to happen within the within the Lamont Housing Authority. So we’ve identified that we also I imagine that there will be additional, more specific service agreements that will be taking place between the Housing Authority and the city Longmont, but this IGA that you have before you this evening, gets the ball rolling gets us started with our work with more specificity to come. So we’re asking for the council to consider the resolution so that we can get started with our work. The second thing is, and this is really what the law my Housing Authority addressed in in their board meeting today, which was a change to its its bylaws. And so one of the things that the the Housing Authority And the city of Longmont, our legal teams both looked at and really advocated that, within at least this these first several months, there’s that we need to make sure that while we’re exploring, discovering, figuring out how we can best work together, that both the LA j and the city’s Longmont need to remain separate and independent entities and and not take on the liabilities of the other. And so, in order to be able to do that, it required a change to the bylaws for the llama housing authority that that in essence adds a an executive board member to the llama Housing Authority Board that will basically share and have the same authority as as what the Lamont Housing Authority executive Director would have what’s a little bit different than what it says in your hitlist on your agenda, which is to appoint Harold Domingo as, as the executive member of the llama Housing Authority Board. We really need to modify that this was a kind of a last minute change to the, to the bylaws with the Housing Authority is that what we’re asking is for the City Council to appoint Harold amigas. As to the llama housing board, and then the llama Housing Authority Board would then in turn, be responsible for selecting or, or electing the executive board member, which we would intend that to be Harold Harold Domingo. So I think next, next slide says and I think that’s my last slide. So again, what this would do is to keep the tour Organizations separate maintain independence, as I talked about before, with each entity be responsible for their own liabilities, as we really continue to figure out what is the longer term sustainable operational model for the llama Housing Authority. So that is that concludes my comments and Harold Kathy Fender Karen Roni would be glad to answer any questions that you might have.

All right, Councilmember Peck.

Thank you very badly.

Karen or Harrell? Can you tell it we have a lot of different boards on in our different organizations. Some of them are advisory. Some of them are commissioners, some of them make decisions. Can you tell me what the role of the Longmont Housing Authority Board is for the state statute or

For the city, what it what is the role of that board?

So maybe so in it, I would invite Kathy or Harold maybe to talk about that. You really are Eugene. So,

so anyone that would love to answer that correctly for Councilmember Peck would be fabulous.

I’d be happy to take a shot at it. Mayor council Eugene Bay City Attorney.

So the Longmont Housing Authority

is a statutory

entity under state statute.

The statute vests the board with


responsibilities for the Housing Authority.

And so

that’s not to be confused with charter boards and commissions which are advisory to city council. This is a board that is vested with authority to govern an independent public entity known as housing authorities created by step

Okay, so they actually have the ability to make decisions for ellijay. Correct. Thank you.

All right, we’ve got a motion but I’m going to rule the motion out of order and ask for a motion on resolution 2051. Before we vote on that next motion, and 20 2051 is approving the resolution of the Longmont city council to basically merge la che in the city City Council. Mayor Pro Tem agree is

a matter of factly. I move approval of resolution 2020 and 51.

Second, it’s been moved by Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez seconded by Councilmember peck on favor say aye.

Aye. Aye.

Opposed say nay. All right, that passes unanimously. Now we can deal with the motion appointing Hilda Mendez is executive board member Aloma housing authority and that was made by I think

council Mr. Christiansen?

Yes, I jumped the gun a little. And as Karen has clarified that it is not to elect him as the executive board member, but to elect him to the Board of long term Housing Authority. And we presume that they will then appoint him as the executive board member.

Is that true? Or I thought we were appointing him as the Executive Board Member because we now

you are, which is it?

You’re appointing me to the board. Right. And then because of the legal components that Eugene, that Karen talked about, my board will appoint me as the executive.

But it’s all happening right now.

Part of it’s happening now and part of it’s gonna happen tomorrow.

All right, I got it. All right, Counselor Christiansen, go ahead and restate

that motion.

Okay, because they just to clarify, Brian. They changed their bylaws to add that position of executive board member today, this morning. So I would move that this body appoint Harold Domingos as a member of the Longmont Housing Authority Board.

All right. It’s been moved by Councilmember

Christiansen to appoint Harold amigas as a board member of Bahama Housing Authority. And it’s been seconded by Councilmember toggle fairing All in favor say aye.


Opposed say nay. gratulations Harold you’ve been appointed animus Lee. All right, let’s move on to final call public invited to be heard. Let’s go ahead and take a three minute break.

Well, let people call in

All right, is everybody back?

Do you have anybody in the queue?

No mayor.

All right.

That’s it for final call public invited. Have you heard? Let’s move on to Marin County comments.

Councilmember Christiansen

I hope Joanne Baldwin is still here. I don’t see her. But anyway, I’m Julian Baldwin came here from Gary, Indiana, where she had managed a very difficult situation. And she knew this was not going to be easy, but she had no idea how

difficult it was.

And she really, really worked so incredibly hard. And she’s so she’s so intelligent and skilled and has wonderful sense of humor. And aside from being pretty and funny, very funny, I don’t think that she had didn’t have such a good sense of humor, she would have probably hung herself. But she really helped straighten out a huge mess. And I want to thank her and wish her really well, from now on and thank her for what she’s done for the city. She’s done more than people will ever know who who are not familiar with a situation at one one Housing Authority. So I just wanted to publicly thank her As well as Harold, who really does understand, and director Roni understands the health of Long Island Housing Authority needs. Anyway, thank you and everybody, stay patient stay strong. We wear your masks, wash your hands, and we’ll all be able to move back into reality pretty soon. So, thank you.

All right. Anybody else?

All right.

City Manager Herald Any comments?

Um, yeah, mayor and council, I do have a couple of quick comment. Um, one of the things I wanted to say, as we take this step in the work with the Housing Authority, and you know, there’s never a good time for this, in this is an even more challenging time based on everything that we have going on. And so as we think about the future, one of the things that I wanted to talk about, and just So you can start contemplating This is when we deal with the pandemic issue in recovery. And we deal with the budget issues that are going to be associated with that. And then we take on this as the Housing Authority, and we’re still closing now flood recovery issues, those are some of the most significant issues any organization can deal with. And so as we look to the future, I would just like to say if we can think about those as other things are coming, I think that would help us because there’s just a lot of work ahead of us and for really critical issues that mean a lot to the community.

more comments?

All right, great. So I’m eating cheese photos on you.

Sorry. All right, Eugene.

No comments, Mayor.

All right, the motion to adjourn.

I move a German

All right. It’s been moved and seconded. Call in favor say aye? Aye. Anybody opposed? Going home?

All right, the eyes have it. So much time guys. Thanks. Bye

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