Longmont City Council Regular Session – May 5, 2020

To listen to the meeting alongside a transcript, please visit: https://otter.ai/s/2jsVVeAjQNe5y1YN4HYMIw

All the May 5 2020 Longmont city council regular session to order Can we please start with the roll call?

Mayor Brian Begley


Councilmember Christiansen here.

Councilmember delgo, fairing,

here. Councilmember Martin.


Councilmember Peck. Here. Councilmember Rodriguez

here. And Councilmember waters. Yeah.

Mary, you have a quorum.

All right, let’s go ahead and start with the pledge. Ready?

Let’s go. Everybody unmute for this one because I realized that everybody has to unmute. I’m not saying the pledge by myself anymore.

All right, here we go. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States

of America to the Republic. It

just takes

Justice for All right? Yeah, I’m not sure that was

better than me flubbing the pledge by myself. Let’s put it that much. All right. The chair would like to remind the public that anyone wishing to speak during first call public invited to be heard, which is item seven will need to watch the live stream of the meeting. instructions for how to call in to provide comment will be given during the meeting and displayed on the screen at the appropriate times during the meeting. Comments are limited to three minutes per person and each speaker will be asked to state their name and address for the record prior to proceeding with their comments.

The muted man

alright, for some reason my spacebar wasn’t working. Did you guys hear the notice to the public in public? It was I just read it on my own. Anyway, let me try that again. Anyone wishing to speak during first call public invited to be heard will need to watch the live stream of the meeting. instructions for how to call in to provide comment will be given during the meeting and displayed on the screen the appropriate times during the meeting. Comments are limited to three minutes per person and each speaker will be asked to state their name and address for the record prior to proceeding with their comments. There’s no approval of minutes. However, there are two agenda revisions I believe Councilmember Peck

Thank you very badly. So yes, I have

two two agenda revisions that I would like to make or future for future agendas. I’m going to make statement and then emotions. So the very first item that I want to discuss is the email that was sent to council from about referring it initiative to the 2020 ballot. And this email was about local control of the airport. I’m generally not in favor of Referring anything to the ballot because I think collecting signatures is a huge part of our democratic process. However, we’re in a very strange irregular circumstances with a Corona virus. And it’s not possible for authors of petitions to gather signatures. So, without any bias to any particular politician, I move that while we are in a stay at home and a social distancing order, this council refer to the ballot initiative brought before us with any costs associated with the referral made by the authors of the initiative. Once again, because it is about our democratic process. I think that the people should have the right to vote on an initiative since signatures can’t be gathered at this time.

So good. My motion makes sense.

Your motion made sense to me.

Okay. I’ll second that.

All right. It’s been moved and seconded.

The All right. Any comments has been moved and seconded. Council Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez.

Thank you, Mayor Bagley. I think this could unfortunately open up a precedent where some silly initiatives could be unfortunately added to the ballot, if we’re just approving all of it come before us. And so I don’t think I can support the motion as made. Anybody else?

Councillor Martin?

Thank you, Mayor Bagley. I concur with the mayor Pro Tem. Especially since there is no opportunity for a real economic analysis if something is just referred directly to the ballot. This one in particular would be tremendously destructive at a time when our economy is probably going to be fragile. So Certainly not automatically, and I wouldn’t vote for this one in any case.


that’s perfect.

So this is not about for me any. And that’s why I said without bias because it is about our democratic process for me. Um, it doesn’t mean that we have to vote for it, it doesn’t mean that it’s going to pass it doesn’t mean anything other than how do we protect our democratic process when at this point, there is no way to get signatures on a ballot, and do we forego that because we have

a health pandemic.

So that is my that is the point of the initiative. It doesn’t matter if they had gathered, regardless of who it is, if they had gathered signatures, would this council had looked at it as an entity Make matter or an economic consequences of it passing regardless of what it was. If people had gathered signatures would Council have looked at it anyway if it was allowed to go to the ballot, because they had gathered enough signatures, and that is that is my point. We don’t usually do that when when enough signatures are gathered and it goes to a ballot. We don’t look at it from a council perspective, unless we have a personal opinion on it. From my understanding

of waters.

I see a Polly Okay.

Thanks, Mary Begley, um, you know, we’ve all received the correspondence and to the degree that I understand what’s proposed, I would, I would have actively opposed I think that I certainly would be willing to be educated on the substance of the valid issue. My concern I think, is the same as what we We heard from the mayor Pro Tem, without being able to anticipate what kind of what kind of gate that opens up, and what that might result in on the ballot. I’m going to vote no. And I would say without and I appreciate the concerns of the residents. It seems an odd time to me, given what, given what we’ve heard about the difficulty of gathering signatures of all the years to bring forward something, the proper attitude to propose something, especially this to go on the ballot, during this period of time, defies logic for me. Now, I understand I don’t live on the west side of town. And someone would say if you live with the noise, you might feel differently in my mind. But but it’s hard for me to accept that under these conditions. It’s judged to be the right time to bring forth the initiative to begin with, and then to ask for a waiver on the expectation requirement that people get collect signatures and I understand the difficulty of that but just given a blank slate Wherever you go the ballot is not make sense to me. I’m gonna vote no on the motion for those reasons.

Susie actually Kazmir Christiansen

could we find out from the city clerk when the last day for acquiring signatures are is because that makes a difference to me. I would always if people want to submit something on a petition, I would always rather have them do that, rather than us submitting a petition. However, if we, if the city opens up and we are able to gather signatures until say July, I don’t know what the deadline is. Could we find that out? Because that makes a big difference to me.

There was Would you like me to

answer briefly?

Yeah, if you have the answer.

They must collect signatures for 21 days. I don’t have the exact deadlines in front of me I could pull those up and and get those to you.

But they need to be

hot going heavy by early June. So seemingly we would you know, then now is the time May June is the time because there then we start heading into deadlines. I’ll get you the exact dates, but after can collect signatures for 21 days. So

okay, you know, I know that these, the group that is working on this has been talking about this for 10 years, and this isn’t really a new time. It’s just this is a uniquely bad time to be doing a lot of things. So, I don’t know that they’re going to be able to get that anybody’s going to be able to get signatures by the end of June. If that’s the date,


yeah, I don’t know, this is very difficult. I, I see I appreciate what Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez is talking about. I don’t want people to start just passing, you know, putting up anything and we’re committed to, to putting it on the ballot. But, um, this is a group that’s been working on this for a number of years. So I I don’t know.

It seems to me that we’ve had ballot measures that have taken two to three years to get baked. I don’t know why this could not be brought forward next year or the following year, when I certainly hope we’re in a better position. This one has tremendous financial repercussions for the city. And it just seems like the wrong time to consider it

is we’re back.

So, um, once again, this for me was it was about how do we continue our democratic process during this pandemic? And this is one of the ways to do it. So thank everybody for the comments. I would like to call the question.

Let’s go.

Question has been called suing, do you want to have a second? I mean, there’s no second, but I’ll just take one, I just I’m not going to vote for it just because counsel has the power to put anything on the ballot we want. And so I think that should remain with us. And the other question is, you know, does that include recall as well? Does it include you know, any cockamamie you know, idea that any citizen has to come up with something it could be, could be a lot, so I’m gonna vote against it. Let’s go. Let’s go and take a vote. All in favor the motion which is to allow Sir to basically waive the petition requirement for ballot measures for 2020. During

during the pandemic, so definitely

say aye. Aye.

Aye. All right, All those opposed say nay nay.


all right, so the motion fails five, or the motion fails to five. Thank you. All right. No, thank you, john, you have one more, don’t you?

I do. I do and this is gonna be a little bit longer intro before I make the motion and so the statement is that there’s been a lot of conversation about Dr. Detlef kalmyks termination by see you and I’m really want to thank Sandy cedar for the explanation to the times call about long months relationship with Dr. Helmick and his business it was it was great and to put our city in a in the right light. So but I am very disappointed in the firing of john Spina by the Times called the retraction of his published piece about Dr. Helmer again. To my knowledge, a reporter does not get articles published until they get an okay from the newspapers, editorial staff. And since the article was published, I assume the editors agreed with the content. The air quality ratings that Dr. Helmets monitoring station is giving us exactly what we wanted and why we are working with him. Our air quality has been compromised and it’s my understanding. According to Dale Rademacher last week that the stamp well next union revs of war is one of the largest contributors because it is fracking, and it is flaring the gas. But this is a reason I’m bringing it up is that I feel like Longmont is at odds with itself. On one hand staff is working diligently to keep our residents safe through this pandemic. But on the other hand, the wells that are releasing gas and methane are undermining some of our efforts. The population that’s most vulnerable to the virus with asthma and COPD And autoimmune challenges are breathing the air being contaminated by these wells. The Stanwell was supposed to be shut down for councils direction, but that hasn’t happened. Therefore, I moved to direct staff to bring to Council, the contract that addresses the closures of the wells, and possible directions we can go to, to stop the flaring and releasing of gases from all the wells during this pandemic, that affect our air quality. So again, I want to look at that I want council to look at that contract. Because I don’t know how long this pandemic is going to go but we are working really hard to protect our residents and the air quality per the readings from our air quality monitoring, I think are undermining that. So again, the emotion was to direct staff to bring to council those contracts so we can go over them that address all the closures that we voted on last year, and possible directs directions to stop that flaring and releasing of gases from those wells during this because they’re affecting our air quality. Her doctor helmets, incredible scientific air quality monitoring. So that’s my motion.

If you understand it,

we understood it. I said, by the way, when I’m quiet, I’m either waiting for a second or waiting for it to fail for lack of a second. That’s so.

Okay, so the motion fails for lack of a second.

I’ll second.

All right. So we need to we need to All right, that’s fine. So there’s been a motion in a second and the motion is to direct staff to bring back the contract pertaining to the closure of the stamp well, to determine whether or not there’s a way to prohibit flaring And other activity that Well, Dr. Waters.

Thanks very badly. We’re all concerned about

what’s going on with the stamp when I was when I brought the question up last week.

I do wonder if both Eugene and Dale are are the meeting?


I don’t I don’t recall the details of the contract. To the point I, I heard Councilmember Peck make a statement that the stamp well was to be closed by now it’s my recollection. But this is just my recollection, that the stamp well was not going to be closed it was going to be the the flow liner gathering line was going to be severed. That was going to be contingent upon the night well being productive. So they accelerated, concrete accelerated the severing of that line. Before the night well was productive and then the The stamp whale was going to be like, yeah, I forget the term of art. But was going to remain active because it was it was the whole leasing arrangement out there was contingent upon the stamp. Well, I think that was the understanding from the beginning. So if that was the case, are we is the proposal that we bring back the contract to want to renegotiate that part of the contract? We don’t. Now then, if we were, if we make it council decision, we don’t have the authority to impose I don’t think, some new provision on the contract outside of the negotiation, but that the potential of that being a breach of contract, which I want to hear from Eugene OR Dale, and it’s my recollection, again, that a breach of the contract nullifies the contract and all those well, sites and everything we agree to is back in play. So what’s the what’s the endgame? What’s the objective? I understand it’s clean air is the endgame. But what’s the Specifically with respect to the contract, what authority are you? Are you proposing we exercise that take the require somebody to take action on the standpoint?

So the point that I made about bringing back the contract is so that we all have it and we can all reread it. To be honest, I couldn’t find it on the on the website. That could be user error, but it could not. So I’m asking them to bring it back. So all Council has that contract and we can read it and reacquaint ourselves with the conditions I am not saying, to abandon to close and abandon that. Well,

what I am saying is, what can we do, if anything, to stop

them flaring and releasing the gases that affect our air quality? Can they store it, can they what can they do and that and you know, I was thinking about those Councilman waters in that we have a whole city Then all the businesses have suffered for loss of revenue for loss of opening for top and cub Cree, are part of those businesses within our city. So for them to not for us not to ask how can you can come comply with our city to help with this pandemic and our health problems. What can you do to help if you’re part of our city you’re just businesses here? I think they’re outside of city limits that well is so placing it into So to me it is just a discussion I want to discuss it. I would like to know can we work with them to stop that flaring to they don’t always flare why are they doing it now? Is it because there’s no market? Is it because what it what is the point of releasing that into our air?

So isn’t it Contract issue or you think that’s a contract issue?

I don’t know. Well,

okay, I guess I could they could send me a contract I could read it doesn’t have to be agenda item. If the objective is to a war, a fuller discussion on the Standard Oil and what our degrees of freedom are, what are they willing to do? That’s, I think that’s a worthwhile discussion. I just don’t know if that if it’s the contract. I don’t know where that’s heading. It’s

obvious. I don’t either. And

I’d like to know that before we get into a public discussion of the contract if we don’t know what the endgame is or what our degrees of freedom are. So putting that on the agenda as an agenda item seems a little bit premature. When we might have a conversation about what’s going on with the stamp well, and what our degrees of freedom are. I’ll be quiet.

Waters quiet. When do you think we would have that conversation?

Well, not not going to be quiet. Next Tuesday night, we could have the conversation or whatever. Yeah, but but that’s that’s unrelated to the specifics of a contract and what I just don’t wear that. When’s going? I would like some advice from our attorney and for the folks who were in the middle of it.

I would just like the contract available so that we can reread it. I’m not discussing whether the contract is viable, whether we breaking any laws. I want all of us to be able to have it and read it.

And guess why does that require an agenda item for us to have it and read it?

Alright, request. All right, let’s I’m going to, I’m going to rein it back in. I’m going to rein it back in. So we don’t get into conversations. It’s really easy on zoom, and it’s fun, but we’ll be here all night. Councillor Martin.

Thank you, mira Bagley. I think that there are two smaller questions that we could ask now. And then put this aside until we have read the contract and heard deputy city manager rata makers opinion on what we’re talking about. I’m sure that we could all get the contract enormous. boxes are in our drop boxes or something and that that could happen next week or before next Tuesday. The other thing is I would like the deputy city manager to tell us is this activity that hasn’t been happening for a while. Is this voluntary or is this necessary for the safe operation of the stamp? Well,

Amir Bagley, members of council counts member Martin. My perspective on it is the contract does address that top operating, agreed to never frack or read complete any of the existing wells including the stamp well, and we do not have any information that would suggest to us that they have violated part of the contract. It’s section three G and we can certainly get the contract To the council tomorrow. Um, the second is that the well is in a shut in state it is not plugged. And as such it is still producing oil. And when it produces oil, there is a small amount of methane of natural gas that naturally comes up the wellbore as it’s producing oil, bad amount of natural gas is kept in a closed system. And it is burned in a mission control device that is approved by the state under the purview of the CO GCC, and they are operating it in accordance with that. We also know that the state recently completed an inspection of the Standard Oil with a forward looking infrared camera and did not find any emissions, which can happen by the way in piping in different areas around the well. So at this point, we can certainly bring it back For more discussion,

but I don’t believe

that the operator is doing anything other than what they need to do for the continued safe operation of that well, while it is in that shut in temporary state well is set to be plugged in abandoned at a future date. Once the wells are completed on the night site are worth digging in reservoir, that’s how the contract is is structured between the city cub Creek and top

All right, thank you. So I believe this especially this was seconded by you right Councilmember Christiansen

Did you second this motion?

Oh, yes, I did.

Okay, um, I guess I guess to me, I guess, Councilmember Iago fairing? Did your hand go up? No. Okay. I guess my thoughts are I mean, I’ve obviously i mean i in all of this expense, A great a great deal of time working, negotiating, fighting with everybody from the state to the CEO GCC to, you know, everybody, um, I look at it as if and now we can. If this pandemic is as serious as the national media makes it out to be. I don’t think now is the right time to be instructing staff to be doing anything other than trying to keep our city afloat. We’ve got, we’ve got I think we have a full plate right now. And I don’t want to get I personally don’t want to get dragged back into the whole oil and gas discussion, especially when we’re just dealing with one well, but I think it’s more appropriate that we just remind Harold and Dale that the city policy or the Sound City Council has set policy to do what you can to stop this stuff. And there’s a contract they’re aware of what it says. We’re not all attorneys. I’m not an oil and gas attorney. And I think that Eugene and I think city management would be better, you know, better prepared and better qualified to deal with this. And I just don’t think and i think that any individual council member is perfectly entitled to titled to go out and request the contract and read it and, and, but I don’t I personally don’t want this to be discussed at a council level right now, given the current circumstances we’re facing. Alright, there’s a motion on the table. I don’t see anybody else with their hand up. Let’s go ahead and take the vote. Count Councilmember Iago fairing

so I’m

actually and I agree with you on let’s try to limit our counts. I you know, I understand there’s a lot of issues that we need to bring to the to the forefront that are outside of COVID. For this one, I feel like this could be more you know, if we could have something In our Dropbox, the contract any kind of background information that we can look at on our own and and so if we decide that we do want to in the future have a conversation around it, we would already have the background information to know specifically what we want to be bringing forward. So I am going to vote this down for right now. But I do want to see the background information so I know more about what’s what what is entailed as we as we further discuss

this remember, sorry, Councilmember Peck.

So, um, I, I get the feeling here. So I am going to retract my motion. Remember?

You care, Paulie?

I always care. But um, can we just get a copy? Can all of us just get a copy or Dropbox?

Oh, make sure that sent out tomorrow. Okay,

thank you. All right. Perfect. Motion has been withdrawn. Anybody else?

Councilmember toggle fairing?

Yeah. I’d like to make a motion to direct staff to bring back information around the work that the city’s done with the cultural brokers. This has really spawned out from to two things that have occurred. One of them was a comment made by a constituent last week, that kind of kind of lingered with me for a while, in regard to the language of how we, you know, disseminating information in the Spanish language and how it’s enabling people not to speak English. As a person who will want I am a native Spanish speaker. Spanish was my first language and as a person who is studied culturally linguistically diverse In the late 80s, early 90s, I’m knowing and understanding how the brain processes second language multi languages, especially as you get older. For a child, it’s really between seven and 10 years before they master that second language and it starts with the aural development, speaking and listening or listening first, then speaking, then it moves on to the in the hierarchy of reading and writing. So with reading and writing being the last things that a person becomes fully competent in when learning a second language. So I think in the issue of disseminating information about COVID we really do need to have multi languages offering this information. Is this something we want to be under the assumption Oh, well, let’s just lay it out all in English and people need to learn learn English and really not knowing You know that people are receiving this information or fully understanding the scope of what they need to take out of it. So that that wasn’t one. And another one is I still sit on the Hispanic Caucus for the National Education Association and occasionally, we meet with other caucuses, so the ethnic minority, and we had the opportunity to listen on to the congressional caucuses and share out their experiences and what they were finding as far as the dissemination of resources and funding for small business owners of color and they were finding that there is a lot of inequities and discrepancies on how the funds are getting allocated and who’s having resources to that. I know that there are what we’ve done in Longmont, you know, there’s a lot of work around building equity and making sure we’re reaching out to the to the right people and and making sure everyone has opportunity to, to access those resources. But I think as far as for our community, and the reason why I’d want to bring maybe Carmen forward and have her talk a little bit share with the Council, the work behind that. addition to that, also to let the public aware, not just people who can tap into those supports, to acquire resources, but also to educate our community around why we have things like cultural brokers, why we are working to close opportunity gaps and reach out to our communities of color. Time and time again, in everything that I’ve seen in teaching, cultural proficiency, the groups that are often left behind are people of color, people with disabilities and people in poverty. And so I think what the work that the city is done around closing those gaps with culture brokers is essential in making sure that everyone has equitable opportunities for all the resources available. So we’re short, I would like to make a motion that we bring Carmen forward to talk a little bit about cultural brokers, what they’re doing, how the community can tap into those resources. And yeah, and answer questions.

Because we’re Martin,


I’m willing to second that I.

I think we need to understand that this can happen when it’s going to happen as opposed to it needs to happen, you know, next week or the following week, because this is after all, one person who made this public statement. I’d go a little further in in saying that I think we should recognize that we are a fully bilingual bicultural community and that we don’t have In the business, removing opportunities from people who happen to be Spanish speaking or predominantly Spanish speaking, if they live here, they need to be able to function in whatever language they speak. But yeah, I will second that motion, just as long as there’s not a time. urgency on it. Because, you know, I know Carmen is actively being a cultural broker right now. So she may not have time to get a presentation together.

No, I agree. Thank you.

There’s been a bit of motion on the table. Dr. Waters.

Just somebody restate the motion, please.

The motion is to direct city staff to have Carmen Ramirez give a presentation on the basically what cultural brokers do in our city All right, I guess I mean, I guess nobody always Hands up. So I guess my thoughts are I don’t have a problem with the with the presentation. I think everything you said is extremely valid. I would just question that I just don’t think city council is the best or most effective. I’m going to vote for it. But I just don’t think that we’re really wanting to accomplish what you just said. I don’t think people anybody who’s watching city council already knows what a cultural broker does. You know, I mean, most people in our town, just don’t pay attention to these meetings, I would rather see a city line article, I’d rather see some type of, you know, PR, something that maybe, Mariah and rigo could do in order to get that message out to the community. Because I think that if we have a presentation, I mean, the paper is not going to pick up on it. It’s not there’s nothing. There’s nothing in that presentation that will sell newspapers, for example. But I do think it’s important that people know that that those efforts exist and that those resources exist. So I’m gonna vote for the motion. I just don’t think it’s enough counsel. back,

I’m going to vote for the motion to and I kind of disagree or I want to push back a bit on on that very badly because I think any outlet you can do to get that conversation in that message. You use them all. It isn’t about selling newspapers or who’s going to pick it up or who isn’t. And I correct me if I’m wrong, Dawn, but I thought there were a lot of people actually tuning into these zoom meetings. So even if you reach one person who didn’t understand it before, they have a whole network of people. So yeah, I think this is a good thing to do. And I’m going to vote for it.

Basically just said the same thing, Joe. But But yeah, the let’s go ahead and take the vote. All in favor say aye. Aye.


Aye. Opposed say nay. All right, Motion carries unanimously. Thanks, Susie.

All right. Anything else?

All right, that’ll go ahead and wrap up the agenda revisions portion. Let’s go on to four a and Harold, this was on the agenda twice. Do you want to present now so we can just breeze through the consent agenda? Is that your idea?

No, I think we had to put that on because it was in addition to the agenda under the rules of procedure. They’re correct. Don’t.

That’s correct. Yeah. I just want to simply put the item there to call it out as a revision that was published after the agenda was originally published, and the item went under consent where

it belongs.

Got it. So do you want to address it here or later?

All right, so we’re gonna go ahead and move on to city manager’s COVID-19. Update emergency items for consideration.

Mayor Council, I’m here to give you an update. Today based on on where we are and the types of issues that we’re dealing with related to our COVID-19 response. The one thing that does tie in This agenda items. So depending on how the council wants to take that we can come into that conversation. But the Boulder County did issue a masking order. And basically, in general terms, and I’ll let Eugene and Liz if she needs to jump in and go into more details, but basically what the order says is whether you’re inside or you’re outside, you need to wear a mask if you can’t properly social distance yourselves from other individuals. I know in some of the conversations, and Eugene will talk about this as we go into the item and we can talk about it more depth. You know, there were a lot of conversations in terms of well, if you require people to wear a mask inside, in their in their office on their own, do they need to wear the mask and we started getting to a lot of what ifs and those types of issues. And so I think that’s how they approach the situation to say, you can’t socially socially distance yourself Do you need to wear a mask whether you’re inside or you’re outside? I can’t say on that then talking to Mike and others, they did feel that they could work with that, although it’s not especially clear, but they thought they could work through what they’re seeing at this point. The one thing I will say is that the counties that have issued the issue this in the cities that have issued this is really primarily an education, first component in terms of dealing with this issue. We are keeping an eye to issues that have developed in other parts of the country related to masking and how people approach it. And so the one thing I will say is, you know, it’s good for folks to encourage people to wear a mask, but they don’t need to enforce it. There are mechanisms in place to do that because we have seen issues. I believe there is one in Michigan where a guard was shot over a masking conversation. And then Stillwater Oklahoma had some issues. With people reacting to it, and the mayor and the city manager retracted it, and then there was a park ranger that was pushed into a lake somewhere. I believe it was near Austin. So we’re also being mindful of generally what’s going on there. What I wanted to talk about a little today, I’m going to share my screen, because this is going to touch on this. Can you all see my screen? Yeah. And get ahead on Okay. Yes. So one of the things that we did here in the administrator meeting today is that the Boulder County Health Department and really started talking about and they issued a press release in terms of letting the order expire today that they issued. If you remember, Jeff talked about some issues that for him, were really important in terms of what they’re doing and I will get into some of those points. But if you look at this graph, here What you’re really starting to see, this orange that you’re seeing in a lot of these cases are associated with long term care facilities in the blue is not associated with that. So you can you can see a general trend in terms of, of what they’re starting to see in caseload.

The thing that we’re going to start seeing is that in the call today, basically what they said is the capacity for testing. If you remember, Jeff, when he said, we need to make sure that that’s in place, they are seeing that in place, and they’re seeing that faster than they thought they would, in terms of the number of testing a number of tests that they’re going to be able to process that go that they talked about was 500. And at least in the conversation, it appeared that they were definitely moving to that, but I can tell you is that they are I’m having conversations with multiple medical systems within Boulder County in terms of participating in that based on the information I received. Today, Longmont united Long’s peak salute there. They’re all involved in that conversation. So they’re continuing to move forward with that. So based on what he said the last time he talked to us and what we heard today, if you take that first point of adequate testing, they’re saying that’s there and they’re moving faster. They even went to the point we’re getting some questions of, where are they in need. And these are still the tests that they swab in your nose or your mouth. When they talk about capacity, they are starting to look at the other tests, but they’re really moving forward with the capacity that they have on the traditional COVID-19 test. And so why I say that is is because with more testing, you will also see more numbers because of what you’re actually able to determine. But they are seeing more negatives as well. And so that data is going to start coming to us based on just the volume of testing that they’re running through the system. The other component that he looked at And this is hard to read. But basically when he talked about where are they in terms of hospital capacity? And are we in a position where we’re running out of capacity. And so what you will see in this case is the majority of these, there’s one, it’s hard to tell because they flip flop, but I will. So you look at this, you can see it available adult critical events today. So you can see that they’re still in the green. And as I said earlier, every day we get reports in terms of the number of people that are admitted into the hospital, and this is all on Boulder County health department’s website in terms of the data that you can see. This one’s interesting. So if you look the medical surgical bed shortage, again from a percentage basis in the green

available ICU beds, it’s here and, you know, there’s been a big emphasis just generally from both the hospitals locally, RPI t team, you heard the governor talked about this is really encouraging to individuals who are having symptoms of other significant health issues to actually go to the hospital because they were seeing folks that weren’t going to the hospital when they had those symptoms. And then when they eventually had to go, they were in much worse condition. And so that’s a that’s a broader state initiative as well as the local initiative. And I know that our team, our public information team was working with the hospitals with some of that messaging. Available adult non critical events today. You can see there in the green.

You look at staffing,

and then hospital testing and so this is a set of and then you can see PP right there. Well, so these this is an example of the data set that that they look at when they’re making that determination. Because you remember when Jeff was talking about that what he was really talking about is the stay at home order was really about managing the capacity that we had in the hospital system, so that you didn’t overrun it. And everybody had the same opportunity for the same care. And that was the same message that was echoed by the governor as they’re moving through this. Generally, what you see in terms of Colorado, when you look at the three day average, you can see that trend again, here, there were some questions about when the data entry occurred. My computer just so we’ll go back to this one. One of the things that was an interesting model is and this is the best explanation of this hash blue line is the total test. And so you can see and this is not one that this Does but they’re just estimating what the tests are going to look like. And that really lines up in terms of what Jeff was indicating today in the conference call. So in terms of those issues, seemed very confident in terms of where we’re going. When you look at the hospitalizations, you saw that from the green, that that was, you know, relatively flat in terms of the businesses and how they work. That was another key component of what they were really talking about is wanting to have a clear set of expectations and rules for local businesses. So they would know what they have to do in terms of opening those locations and I know they’ve been communicating through various business groups around the county. I know the group that Jessica and Joanie are part of. We have a representative as the exact that’s on that and is working with them. And then as I said earlier, the testing capacity is increasing. Faster than expected. And they’re really shooting for about 500 tests per day. What we all need to be cognizant of is that we’ll show more people testing positive, but we’re also going to have the negative information with it hopefully. The other things that are really starting to come into play as we’re dealing with this is, you know, how we continue moving forward? And what is that going to look like in the future? You know, what we’re hearing today is that they’re not really expecting to shift to larger gatherings anytime soon, we will know that as more information becomes available, the thing that was probably the most interesting in the conversation, so they were actually getting together with some folks to take data sources from different perspectives. And one of the key data sources was actually the information that we get via 911 calls in terms of the symptoms that people are having when they call the 911. system to respond. It’s interesting because that was a number and our daily cam calls that I was always paying attention. So when we were on the front end of this, the numbers in terms of people that we were responding to at COVID, like symptoms was higher. But as time continued to go, and we were hearing the reports from our fire department, those numbers were starting to drop. So they’re really taking that basic concept and bring it in in with other data sets that they have to really start becoming a predictor of sorts in terms of are we seen something so that they can take more focus action and deal with the situation ahead of time, versus letting it hit the hospitals and then not knowing how and you know, almost being too late. And so there, they previewed the model with us today. I know they’re going to go back and work on it, but it’s going to be an additional data set for us to see the other things that we’re really starting to try to work on as an organization and then It’s really been, we’ve been spending a fair amount of time is really what do we do operationally in terms of when we’re going to open what we’re going to open how we’re going to open it. And if you will, if you remember when we talked about golf, we also really talked about being able to ensure that we had the appropriate PP, Plexiglas, everything we needed to keep both our staff members and the residents

adequately, socially distance as they were using our facilities. And so we’re still going through that process to make sure that we have everything in place in terms of determining that opening. What I will tell you today is it’ll be we’re going to take a very pragmatic approach in terms of how we do this and it’s really going to be looking at what do we need to do and what do we have to do in order to start bringing those serve those services Back to our community. The other thing that we have to manage in this And granted, we do have some exemptions. But we also want to be true to the order because we also know, generally, the more we can support the orders that the state issue. You know, the more that’s going to help us as we continue moving through these next stages, in terms of our response, and the other piece we have to manage also internally is the 50% rule in terms of those telecommuting. So as we move into this, we already know that we have a significant portion of our staff that aren’t able to telecommute because of the work they do, please fire Public Works and natural resources. And so as we start making this shift, we’re also going to be watching that number pretty close to make sure that we’re also doing our best to achieve the desired results that the governor set forth in his orders. So that’s basically the update I have, we thought there was going to be more movement, what we anticipate to occur on the ninth is actually Boulder County, they will release that order. And we actually then dovetail in with the order that the governor has issued in terms of walking open. So that’s really going to be that retail component with the specific measures in place that they need with adequately social, adequate social distancing, and those types of things that have been communicated to them. So that’s what we’re getting ready for. And we’re also getting ready for that internally in terms of what we need to do with our facilities to ensure that we’re approaching that the right way different cities are doing different things. One of the things that we want to make sure of to really tap into some of the points that were brought up earlier in terms of our resiliency for our program is to really say especially those that need it dividual assistance, do they have a way to come to the city for that individual assistance if they’re not able to communicate with us via an online service or via the phone and those types of issues? So those are the things that are at the forefront of our conversations. And we’ll have more information coming to you once we can get some clarity on hand sanitizers, pp, mask all of those things. Because as you Jean will talk about it. You know, we’re going to ask people to wear masks in our facilities, we need to have masks available for those who don’t have it. So those are the issues that we’re really trying to work through right now. It’s really becoming a pretty significant focus operationally, in terms of what does the future look for, like for us in terms of reopening, in addition to that, we have a lot of programs that we’re evaluating, in terms of what do we do with some of these other facilities that have Naturally larger groups and and that’s going to be, it’s turning into some really interesting conversation. So what we may start doing from the Rec Center component is actually doing online right classes, you may see some of those that they’ve started. And so our IT departments working with our rec department to see what we can do in terms of online classes. We’re trying to understand the nuances of numbers to really set forth what we can do in the future related to libraries and rec centers, and how many people can you actually have in a facility. I know the library is starting to examine a curbside pickup and drop off in terms of library books and items that we have in the library. The challenges is we have to ensure that we have enough of the sanitation chemical or whatever we use to actually sanitize the books, then sure that we can continue doing that over a long period of time. So there are a lot of details that we’re trying to put into a pretty large plan looking at what that openings going to look like for us over the next few months

that I can answer any questions you all have

john Zimmer Martin let’s see if all your next

and then after you Dr. Burke are the new doc

you’re muted Marcia

still muted. Yeah,

yeah, somehow the somehow the my setting got changed because I was pressing my spacebar and it wasn’t doing anything.

What I am been hearing from the governor apart from the timeline cuz I understand Mr Domingo’s that you have. We’re gonna but Boulder County is now sinking up its timeline with the states as of this weekend. But I hear a vision of cultural change from the governor, that he’s talking about getting into a mask wearing culture where it’s going to be the way we work, and that it is not in service of so much anymore keeping the requirements on the hospitals down because we’ve kind of got that under control, but rather we’re trying to keep our infection rate down for the long term, hoping for serious technology games that will allow people to not come track the Coronavirus as opposed to just correct contract the Coronavirus later and later and later but what I heard both from Boulder County and I’ve heard a lot of letters that are you know really not very happy with the Boulder County order that came out because it doesn’t settle anything right. And I don’t like it that it doesn’t settle anything. And it seems to me that Longmont is concerned more with its internal goals, how are we going to operate the city rather than how are people in the city going to operate. And because of that, I feel like we should be doing something that encourages mass wearing by the public more or enables retail stores to encourage mask wearing by their patients. runs without, you know, getting into a competitive problem. We’re starting fights with the public. We need to do things to make it the way things are. Because if you look at the epidemiologists at the national level and the state level, what they’re going to say is we’re going to be wearing masks for a year. Well, I think we should start now. And I don’t like the idea, frankly, that we are going to say, well, we’re not gonna put any pressure on those members of the public who don’t want to comply. Because it makes it operationally easier for the local government. I think we should make it operationally easier for the people who want to live in their city.

So that was not the intent of saying it. So so when you have the masking order Those are conversations in terms of lottery putting out in the information to encourage people to wear a mask. When we move into there, there are exceptions built into it based on health issues and other components that we have to be cognizant of in this, what we’re what we’re what we are saying, though, in we are talking, I know there are a number of businesses that are placing that that requirement on their own establishment and I know those conversations are going on, and that was part of the communication that the county health department was having in terms of this. And it was really about that educational piece in terms of wearing it if you can’t properly social distance in that area. So we we are looking at it both internally and externally and how do we communicate and how do we deal with that? What we are also saying to be very clear is if it gets to To the point where we need to deal with the issue then that needs to go in through similar to the way we dealt with it before through the county in terms of their process and what that really means. So they can bet through it. And then they’ll port it into the appropriate authority to deal with the issue at that time. Obviously, it’s a different issue, if it’s two people there, or if it’s 100 people there in terms of where it really sets into the level of how do we respond and and based on the typical call volumes that we have in place. So all of those conversations have been going on in terms of what do we mean internally? What does it mean, externally? How do we encourage people to do this? How do we look to the future if there is an enforcement component that’s needed? And then that’s where it gets tricky.

Yeah, I’m not sure I just understood the last thing.

So in terms of how you deal with issues There, there can be any number of things that pop up that we have to be very careful with from an enforcement perspective, in terms of issues related to constitutional rights and those types of issues. And I know Eugene can jump in and help me with that conversation a little bit. But, you know, we we have to train our folks to have an appropriate conversation into into ensure that we’re not creating a different issue for ourselves. And, and you’ll see this, it’s happening all over in terms of how people are trying to manage a situation. And it’s a complicated subject, you know, right now, I think you all are getting bombarded and it’s about 5050 either side. And so we just want to make sure that as we get into that level of having to enforce, we’re very clear on what that can look like and what steps we need to take To ensure that we don’t create a different issue for ourselves, Eugene, I was given a broad look you can.

mayor and council, you GMA city attorney, I

don’t know if there’s a specific question you’d like me address, or

should we save this conversation till we get to the mask ordinance?

I’m just trying to figure out where

where we’re at.

I think we should wait till we get though. I’m going to pull a beef from the consent agenda anyway. So why don’t we wait for your comments for when we get into that. All right, Eugene, and we’re almost there.

Can’t do mayor.

All right. So let’s move on to the first call public invited.

request was getting like Dr. Waters.

And the public Polly was in the queue before I was I sorry, Caspar Christiansen

Oh, it’s been so long. I don’t remember what I was gonna.

Nevermind. That’s okay. Dr. Waters. Um, well, just right off the top you mentioned a be the agenda I got is for a is the is the ordinance. Am I looking at the wrong agenda?

right we’re gonna but we’re gonna but it’s yes that that was a procedural thing but we’re not going to discuss it until we get to eight B when we’re actually voting on it.

So yeah, so some of what I’ll our way into that right.

Yeah, we’re, we’ve got it. We’ve got it. We’ve got to have a debate on I mean, there will be a motion in a second, then we’ll have a debate at some point.

I have some questions for Harold. Relative to the to the update.

You’ll go first, you’ll go first in queue, then.

I can’t ask him now. But we should go ahead and ask him. No, that’s all I thought we were I thought that’s what we were asking. Okay, go ahead, go ahead. But this is not this is not mask specific. Spike, what we’re going to get to mass specific and so distancing. And those are the two topics that we heard most about. But I do have some questions. And I’m not trying to put you on the spot. In fact, Carol, but but we some of this may be may be questions that come back in different forms. In that in the dashboard you shared I saw hospital testing is one of the measures on the dashboard are one of the indicators or one of the one of the variables we’re going to monitor. I didn’t see or hear anything about other than hospital testing, about broader testing for people wanting to get back into the workforce. So we can determine if anybody is infected. And then you’ve got the antibody testing that goes along with you know, infection rates in the isolation strategy or I think requirement that goes along with that. treatment and tracing. So, in the overall report, one of the things that makes me nervous about, about going back to work, generally Not that we don’t need to get back to work. But but we don’t i don’t hear as much conversation about number one those components and what’s the threshold? Or what’s the capacity that we need to achieve to say, we are X percent confident that we’ve got wrongness in terms of being able to identify quickly, who’s infected, you know, isolated treat trace, there’s that there is there is there’s an answer, I think, and maybe it’s maybe it’s within certain degrees of what capacity Do we need what’s necessary and sufficient for us to have that part of the plan on which we can rely that we’re going to reduce incidences number one, or identify them early isolate tree trace. The question that follows on to that is you made a reference to some leading indicators. Yeah, as you were talking about Paul’s fire department or 911 calls for He you’re talking about early, you know, those are the early indicators as opposed to late in the case hot ventilators are related to cater death as a lead indicator. So you mentioned a number of early indicators, it would be helpful for me I know about other council members to know what are the early in the are the leading indicators that you’re monitoring? And are there some thresholds or are there just like we look, you look at the the Red Yellow Green dashboard on the early or leading indicators to know that in the absence of the kind of testing capacity we need, that we’re not heading headlong into a second way that’s going to be worse than what we’ve experienced so far. Now we’ll get back to mass but that’s, that’s really in relationship to the overall report that we got from Harold and what else I would like to hear.

So, first, first answers if you’ll remember Boulder County was talking really about hitting that threshold of 500 tests per day. If you remember Jeff saying that that was is a key piece.

Yeah. So I get the number that’s a little different than what capacity Do we need to be confident and what so what’s the level of confidence at 500 a day? We’re confident that we’re we can account for all of what’s going to happen 70% of what’s going to happen. I mean, I just don’t know what the variability is, based on 500 tests, is that enough, is that 50% of what we need, it sounds to feels to me like it’s way less than what we ought to have, if we’re going to have a high level of confidence that we’re sending people back into wherever we’re sending them without it with minimizing as we minimize their risks and exposure.

So and I’ll have to bring him in probably to the next meeting to give you that level of detail. What I can tell you based on at least what he said in the meeting today, or the presentation today is that’s there on the trajectory where he’s they feel comfortable with that amount of tension. stating that it’s going to allow them to move into the next piece. And he’ll have to give you the background and the data on that. And you may need to bring the physician into it. The second component is they set a staffing target level for what they needed in the epidemiological tracing component. And he said they hit that in Boulder County and they’re ready to trace the the amount of calls that they get in terms of this, I can’t give you that number. Off the top of my head, I was looking at the backpack report to see if I can find it. I can’t find it right now. But again, we can we can get you that information, which which is really those are the two components combined with the hospital, but we’ll have to get you those.

What about leading indicators?

So the leading indicators in terms of that model that they’ve built there, they’re going to finish that and get it back out to us again, they didn’t even have the draft in this. And so what I can tell you as soon as we get that and it becomes available, we will present that to Council. I know they had to make a couple of adjustments. It’s a new model that’s being built locally for for Boulder County.

I’m sure there would have been, it would have been hard to know what this particular plan is, what are all right, leading indicators, but we’re far enough into this, that’s going to be really important that in terms of the screen, I think that’s gonna be really important from us from a policy and, you know, direction or decision making point.

And it really is, I mean, you could you could see a different curve outline in terms of what they were presenting and as soon as it’s ready, we will have them present that to you all

right, calcium or Christiansen.


Actually, the question I had had much to do with the money was much the same. The concerns of Councilman After the governor’s speech I looked on the state website which has an interactive map and shows you where all the testing sites are the closest there’s nothing in Boulder County. Nothing with the state. The closest one is Clear Creek county that’s particulars had some very long drive. So are in Boulder County. Um, you have to have a doctor’s I mean, I think you can get privately tested as Councilman Martin wise but that’s $120 this should be paid for by our insurance and it’s not, you cannot get tested. Still unless you have a doctor’s certificate or a doctor’s slip. And the doctors still are only doing that for people who are seem to have all the Symptoms of COVID. When I returned from March, I am 70 years old, I had two primary contacts, allegedly, I was sick, and the doctor still would not give me permission to get tested because I was not a first responder. So we’re not I’m sorry, but we’re not really testing people the way we should have. Now we’ve kind of missed the boat on that all we can do is mostly serological testing, except for very big emergencies. Once you get to the hospital, you can no longer breathe, then they’ll test you for COVID but before that, they won’t test you for COVID. We could still learn something from the serological testing, but that’s kind of done willy nilly. I don’t I have no confidence that a lot of those tests are valid because a lot of them are not We know that this is really just I don’t know, I’ve I feel like we


And this is not because of the county or the state, this is a national. This is brought about my national policy and problems. But nevertheless, here we are months into this and we do not have consistent testing for the disease. We don’t have serological testing available to anybody who wants it. We don’t have it’s just very frustrating because they say there are these resources, but they’re not you know, if you want to go to salute if you don’t have insurance, and you want to go to salute, you can’t they will not take anybody who’s new. So, where do people who don’t have insurance, go if they’re sick,

The they’ve ran a pilot project the county’s run a pilot project. They’ve been Lewisville or Lafayette, I know today they were talking about an expansion of that. And that was the work that I was mentioning that they’re doing with the various hospital systems bringing that together. And they they seem to indicate they would have more details in the very near future on that. And that was associated with that, that next piece of really hitting the numbers in terms of what they felt they needed on a daily basis in terms of the number of tests that they can conduct. And again, those are issues that they need this to speak to more directly because they’re seeing the data. So for example, we had a question of folks wanting us to put more data on the on the city’s webpage. We don’t have access to that data. We have have access to the data that’s on the Boulder County site in terms of that process, because they are the health department and so similar to Councilmember waters question, we can bring Jeff in to answer many of those things where he can get into more detail.

Well, the situation though is we really need to be gathering that information now, because it is very likely, as Dr. Fauci said, that we will have this research in the fall again. And then if we don’t get the information we need about who is immune and who is not, and how long their immune and all that sort of stuff. We’ll be right back where we start, and we can’t afford to be right back where we started. We can’t afford to keep going through this. We have to. We have to be gathering that information now. So that’s my concern.

Thank you. Yeah, I mean, it’s interesting. There’s even a pilot project looking at your sewage stream. He was in terms of looking at the viral load in that, and I know we’re working to see if we can become part of that. And that was part of the bathmat conversation as well. And we have some of our staff engaged in that. So in terms of the leading indicators, they’re looking at those things. And, and the point I think that, you know, we’re all challenged with in this is that when you look at the SARS response, or the h1 in one response, it was handled much differently at an international and international level, in terms of how they were able to test identify and really move through this. The challenge for everyone, and it’s been on the news is really that testing piece. What I can tell you today is the numbers are picking up and this is the first time they’ve been very vocal about the numbers are picking up and how quickly they’re picking up ahead of what they projected. And so that is a different shift in terms of how they’re communicating those issues. They are saying they have the staff, the staff to do the epidemiological tracing. So it was a much different conversation today than it was a week ago, in terms of many of the benchmarks that Jeff was talking about, that he wanted to hit. So they’re there, and they’re in there ready for this piece? conditioned on a couple of things that I think it’s very important. It’s going to go into the next conversation to Councilmember Martin’s point, adequate social distancing in as they’re all saying, you know, the face Max, masking component are those two things. Those two things are going to be with us for a long time. As we continue to move through this, I think it’s important to also remember that many of the actions that they took, you know, And this is someone as an outsider looking in. We’re specifically focused on hospital capacity, and really managing that issue, so that it’s not over run. And so they had adequate capacity within the medical system. Two. So everyone had an equal shot to get the appropriate treatment. I don’t think in terms of at least in Colorado, there was ever a conversation about eliminating it. It really was about creating the capacity in the system. And to many of the points that you all made. If you look at numbers that you’re starting to see where they are doing antibody testing, probably it is more widespread. I think everybody’s always said that. And I think that’s why I also said as the number of tests increase, we’re also going to see The number of positives increase because you’re actually able to test more people. I mean, that tends to be pretty consistent. And this is then how did those other components come into? Are you able to identify quickly, adequately trace and then adequately isolate. And the difference in this is it’s becoming easier to get a test. And that’s, that’s another change in this. They they’re they’re even changing the definitions for us, in generally, broader categories in terms of what qualifies as an essential employee. That’s even changed for us internally in terms of what they’re looking at. And so at first, it was first responders, healthcare workers, police officers and firefighters. Now, it really is wastewater workers, water treatment plant operators, finance people, as we define those as essential so they are Making that category wider. And then that touches into the conversation that they mentioned in terms of, of working with Walmart, United UC health salute and other folks in terms of really increasing that. The amount of tests that occur. I just can’t give you those details Jeff will have to come in or one of his staff members and give you all of that and I can see if I can work on having him put something together that we can send you all via email.

All right, Councilmember,

pack. Well, you next

I was mayor bakley. But Harold just answered the question I had. So thank you.

All right. Okay, then is it okay if we move on?

Okay, cool. Then let’s move on to public invited to be heard.

Actually, no, we’re gonna go ahead with a special reports and presentations. The Lamont Economic Development Partnership quarterly One report.

Jessica you, you’re up.

Oh, good evening, Mayor Daley and council thank you for your time and do have a number of slides but I can speak to them relatively quickly. And this is as you mentioned, my belong my Economic Development Partnership first quarter report to Council


I don’t know who’s driving

that Harold or

not me.

It Susan Jessica just alert her when you’re ready to advance. Okay, perfect, so you can move on.

I’ll start by saying that most of our focus over a course the last 30 days has been the work that we’ve been doing in partnership with the business response apparently with two s’s team. That is that’s comprised of down the DDA Latino chamber visit Longmont Lamont chambers city of Longmont, workhorse, Boulder County SBDC. Us and entrepreneurship, for all Next slide. Really focusing our response efforts to the COVID-19 crisis relative to our business community on capital communication and education. I was here a couple weeks ago or here with you a couple of weeks ago, and provided a pretty detailed update on the work that we’ve been doing. So just wanted to mention real quickly and you’ll be talking about this with Eric Cosenza later in the agenda. In addition to our capital resources, these strong month funds that was launched yesterday, so that is seated by the public dollars provided by you. The grant the city grant dollars that we have historically administered at Longmont EDP, the downtown and the downtown Development Authority and then managed by the Longmont Community Foundation. So our goal is to we have about $150,000 public dollars in the fun. Our goal is to at least double that with private contributions and start to accept grant applications on May 18. Small locally owned and operated businesses will be able to apply for grants of up to $10,000 in order to support their efforts to reopen or recover after the stay at home order has been lifted.

Next slide.

And I’ll get into my standard report. I’ll just remind you that with our contract this year, it was the first time in a long time that we started from scratch with our contract to really align the goals and objectives of that contract with the advanced Long Walk 2.0 strategy. Next slide. And a reminder that the focus areas the five focus areas of advanced on what 2.0 our talent place industry on activity and impact next with the focus areas specific to long line EDP, sorry, one one GDP and the work that we’re doing in the areas of talent, industry and impact from that advance. Someone to point out strategy next. Let’s start with talent. Our first objective there is to recruit and retain primarily in 2020 through the development and implementation of a national marketing talent attraction marketing campaign and development of associated key performance indicators next. And so an update on our progress we have developed, we had developed the campaign and we did preview it at our economic summit on February 27, as well as had developed our preliminary KPIs, we’re on track. However, we have postponed the campaign work due to the COVID-19 prices and expect the work to start up again in q3 2020, with likely a different focus than what it had as of February of this year. And we think that while we’ve already made significant investment in the work and we also think that this will be an important component of long term economic recovery as we start to welcome people back to our community, whether it be through business investment or talent relocation. Next. Our second talent objective is around growing our own. So developing industry and future responsive infrastructure for the development of talent here locally. Our role in that as Economic Development Partnership is really to be the voice of industry, and connecting them with the resources available to them to connect to talent that’s developed here locally. So our goal this year was to include talent needs assessment questions in our annual business retention expansion surveys, what we call our elevate long line surveys, as well as to develop our target industry specific talent insights reporting, that we could share with both industry and our talent development partners. Next. So progress is we did include those talent needs assessments in our elevate online surveys and had launched a joint study of regional talent needs with the boulder Economic Council. So that talents study and we’re expecting to go Back to but completion and publication of that has been delayed due to the COVID-19 prices. And our elevate surveys while we did include the talent means assessment questions within that, we’re pretty much tossing those surveys out because they were completed in January in February. And so we know that the game has changed completely, and don’t really rely on any of the data that was collected during that time period to be reliable as we look forward. So we will definitely be so we’ve been working with the business response team to do a post COVID-19 surveys online as well as the needs assessment that just went out late last week, to help to identify what needs are today, since we’ve been in the COVID-19 phase. That’s

our first industry objective is kind of traditional economic development, primary income The expansion and retention again, a lot of that work is related to the national development and implementation of the national marketing campaign, as well as update of the the city’s incentive policy. So we had a goal to modify that policy or to bring to you recommendations to modify that policy to align with desired outcomes and really City Council’s work plan as a second quarter of this year, and then continue to leverage those local and state incentives to attract business investment, as well as utilize the small business lending program more towards primary industry businesses, and administering the North Metro enterprise zone to achieve the goals of that program, which are job creation, capital and capital investment primarily within the designated Enterprise Zone area next. So progress related to primary industry expansion and retention and going back to our goal to come to you with recommendations In q2, for an update or changes to our incentive policy, we did convene a team of city staff, one one EDP downtown Development Authority to begin to develop those recommendations. However, that’s been delayed due to our inability to meet again. But we do expect that work to start up again, likely in June. And so we’ll be coming to you at that hopefully in q3 rather than q2 of this year. And then the North Metro Enterprise Zone, I’ll just point out that the numbers there Look, compared to our 2020 goals, and in most cases do look a lot behind at a point out that certification typically happens. So use of credits typically happens on tax filing, which typically happens by April 15. All of that has been allowed to be delayed to July 15. So we expect that use of those credits to ramp back up again when people file now in July rather than in April. So we’re not concerned that these numbers are significantly lower than what we’ve projected there just delayed. We believe actually I think more people we’ve been encouraging more people to start actually certifying use those tax credits to get that cost savings as part of their cash conservation strategies to survive either closure downturn during COVID-19. Next, our next objective for primary industry expansion and retention and this is similar to what we’ve historically had, which is to generate at least 50 new prospect leads through collaboration with the city state and Metro Denver, as well as there it is the National marketing campaign that we’ve been working on. So that had two components to it talent attraction and industry attraction. So this speaks to the industry attraction piece of that specific to our advanced on what 2.0 target industries. So progress again, we did preview that national marketing campaign in our economic summit on February 27. And we’ll pick that work back up again. In q3, we think we’ll have a little bit more clarity around what we need to do to reposition that for a post COVID-19 or during COVID-19. world to start to once again, let the world know that one one is open for business and encourage investment in our community. From a primary industry, employer prospect says we still have a very active pipeline, we had 19 prospects in q1, 14 of those are still active, and we’ve reached out to all of them, some of them are delayed, many of them are waiting for some outcomes or some clarity on what’s next in terms of being able to actually get into new facilities. But we haven’t seen really a slowdown in the number of prospects that we’re hearing from or that we’re working with as of yet. So that’s promising.


RS objective 2.1 is related to Local Business. So very similar establishing and maintaining relationships with our local businesses, which are locally serving businesses. So retail service, finance, those businesses that are serving our local community to identify expansion opportunities, as well as to identify an early warning system for potential risk reduction or loss. So really, we’ve been leveraging those relationships to understand what’s going on with that local business community in partnership with the DDA and the chamber. Since we’ve been in the midst of COVID-19. We partnered with the SBDC to provide 800 hours of consulting until based businesses on an annual basis and conduct a minimum of 50 meetings with local businesses on an annual basis next. So from a local business prospect perspective, again, relatively active, not anything more or less than what we would typically see at this point in the year. So we’ve worked with five and one, two And we have three still active, so everything still on the board, you’ll note that our meetings are significantly less than what you would expect after the end of a full quarter of business. And that’s because we’re having to redefine what the term meeting is. So we’ll probably look at that very differently and have a very different outcome to report to you in q2, and then consulting spdc Consulting, they’re continuing to do consulting via zoom and by phone and so have been very successful in in continuing to provide those consulting hours to 64 different clients in Longmont a total of 158 Consulting hours in the first quarter. Next, second, objective local business expansion and retention utilizing grant funds to to help retain and expand our local businesses and partnership with the DDA and of course the city we also typically deploy $5,000 of our own funding and To scholarship funds for local business owners participate in professional development programs like those offered by the SBDC. Next. This is a quick update that we have redirected all grant funds, both those that we match with the DDA for retail conversion, as well as the grants that were being used for innovate startup, program grants have all been directed to support the strong funding that was agreed upon by all parties that participate in those grants. So entrepreneurial development really revolves around the work that we do with innovate Longmont you’ll you might recall that we actually spun innovate one out of one one EDP last year it’s its own 501 c three, but it’s still fully financially supported by the Longmont EDP so entrepreneurial development goals specific to innovate Longmont are to accept 10 new startups into the program this year graduate eight of them, and recruit retain at least 30 mentors for the program. As well as deploy $45,000 in grant funding throughout the year at to those startups participating in that accelerator program next. So again, all those grant funds have been redirected to support the strong month fund, so they will not be deployed as part of innovate Longmont. However, I will give kudos to Sergio and team for the work that they continue to do with those entrepreneurs. We have some that are actually creating jobs. We have one that’s in about 300 square feet rented from us in our office space that’s now looking for 10,000 square feet. A number of them have pivoted to address needs related to COVID-19 both to support the community as well as to ensure their long term success. So they’re currently they currently accepted seven startups into that accelerator program and have 22 of their mentors. They haven’t graduated any because they would not have they haven’t been in the program long enough to it. We’ll start to see that in q2 and q3 some that have grads will graduate way out of that accelerator program. So really excited about the potential there and think that our entrepreneurial development work especially through innovate, Longmont will also be a critical component of economic recovery. Also entrepreneurial development, establish and maintain relationships. So similar to what we do with our local businesses is we try to stay connected to them as much as possible through programming and direct one on one meetings with those businesses, again, with a goal of 50 meetings throughout the year. Next. So we’ve worked with three startup prospects, one still active two, went elsewhere for a variety of reasons or didn’t actually end up being or successfully starting up.

And again, the number of meetings is incredibly low because we’re looking to redefine what the term meeting is. So this is what comes out of our database of how we’ve traditionally tracked meetings. So again, expect to have a much better outcome report to you relative to that in q2, as we look at, you know, zoom meetings as meetings and phone calls, meetings and email interactions as meetings or just get rid of the word meetings and, and talk about different types of interaction with those businesses under a social distancing environment. Next. So our first impact objective is around organizational alignment. And that’s the work that we’re doing with the advancement partners and the four working groups that have been established as part of advanced 112 point oh, so the goal is to launch at least 10 new collective impact initiatives. Out of that strategy. We’re in partnership with the working group next. So 14 initiatives have been developed across the four working groups and four, or I’m sorry, eight have actually been started work and progress has been made towards completion of those initials. which include that regional talent analysis that I mentioned earlier, the Wayfinding implementation project DDA and visit Lamont and the city of Longmont as well as an entrepreneurial ecosystem visualization project that we’ve been working on. We have not been able to meet with the working groups, but we are planning to do so late May or early June to reconvene those working groups and really shift focus to address the near term challenges and developing more short term initiatives to help with economic recovery. Next, or final objective, or second objective related to organizational alignment was to develop and launch a collective data dashboard that tracks high level community metrics, and advanced on what 2.0 specific metrics next when I can say has successfully been completed so that dashboard now exists and lives at W www advance 112 point, right advanced one one.org where you can get all of the data that went into the development of it advanced 112. And it’s updated regularly so that we can track that data as we progress with implementation of that strategy. Next. So our second impact objective is collective problem solving and building productive relations specifically between the Leadership Council the Aspire Leadership Council, the Economic Development Partnership, and city staff and council leadership as well as their state and federal delegations contributing the talents of those private sector leaders to council members to specific and specific public policy initiatives as well as sharing their insights and collective knowledges with the larger community, as those conversations are had next. So we did have, we have a goal of having 50 members of that Leadership Council, we currently have 30 and are working hard to increase that it’s a bit challenging. We’ll talk about our private sector funding here in a second. So one of the components of being a member of that Leadership Council is a significant investment and the Economic Development Partnership that is actually set aside to fund the initiatives of that Leadership Council. So we’re at 30 members of that council with a goal of 50. I won’t guarantee we’ll get to 50 under current circumstances and just nonprofit funding circumstances in general this year, but we’ll continue to strive for that. We also had a goal to increase private sector funding for economic development by 20%. This year that’s on trend with what we’ve been able to do over the last few years. However, due to COVID-19 and the inability of some businesses and some industries as a whole To be able to contribute to nonprofits. Currently, we’re experiencing a 13.65% shortfall in private sector funding through the end of q1, and are actually projecting an annualized 33% shortfall in private sector funding. That’s kind of a wag based on what we know based on conversations that we’ve had. We hope that over the next 90 days or so, we’re able to get some more clarity on that and have a more optimistic outlook on our private sector funding potential for the year but being conservative and looking at what we consider to be worst case scenario, are projecting a 33% shortfall in that private sector funding for 2020.


and I’ll add that at the end of the report, as you usually that you received in advance as we usually do, we did provide an overall general economic overview related to jobs and unemployment rates. And those are there. I’m not reporting on them now because they’re effectively meaningless at this point, because so much has changed since the end of of the first quarter. And we hope to have more meaningful numbers to provide to your more meaningful data to provide to you at the end of the second quarter. It just doesn’t make sense to put those numbers out into the, into the universe, knowing that they’re so far from what’s realistic in today’s environment.

With that, I will answer any questions.

All right, any questions?

Any baby? Any questions?

All right. Well, your baby sounds adorable. So she has that. Congratulations. We’re glad that you’re able to multitask. So thank you very much for your report. We really appreciate it. Jessica. Thank you Have a good evening. All right, thanks. All right, let’s move on to first call publican vital be heard. So for those of members of the public You’re now listening. Go ahead and dial 1-669-900-6833. And when prompted, please enter ID code 81419793358. And if you are watching a live stream muted once you dial the number because when we go to call on you, if we can’t reach you, we can’t call on you because there’s a lot of noise in the background and whatnot. So we’ll go ahead and wait 60 seconds to see if there’s any members of the public dawn. Are there people already in the queue or no?

Nobody yet. It takes them about 60 seconds to get dialed in. So if we could wait 90 that would be

great. Right? Why don’t we go ahead and take a three minute break then while we wait for them to Let’s leave that up. And we’ll we’ll just stop talking. We’ll stay in section but we’ll go ahead and turn off our screens and our our microphones and we’ll come back and 60 or 90 psi or three minutes, so I’m good.

Great. Thank you man.

All right, be back in a sec, guys.

Alright, Don, are you there?

Me I’m here. She may have stepped away from the computer.

Do we have anybody in the queue?

We do we have several callers. All right, perfect.

Go ahead and wait for counsel we get back on and we’ll start how many are several I don’t see

1234561 gentleman did not call in and we’re not accepting

folks that

are using the web app. So if the gentleman who did not call in if you could hang up and call back in we would appreciate that.

I will wait till dawn is



I’m here. Very good.

So can we all right, let’s go ahead and close the time to call in just like picking up the list. It looks like we got everybody Polly, Joan. There, Susie. All right, perfect. So let’s go ahead and I’ll run the timer. But if you could go ahead and call them one at a time, please, Susan.

All right, man.

So our first caller, your phone number ends in 112. I’m going to unmute yourself and let you speak when you can you hear me go ahead and acknowledge me.

You’re alive.

Yes, I’m here. Hi.

Hi. Would you please state your name and your address before you begin?

Okay, this is my name is Joanne Burton. And my address is 713. Newbury Street 80503 Great.

You may speak.

Okay, thank you. First, I would like to thank you again

for allowing the public to speak and I just want to clarify that we are asking you to put a specific measure on the ballot, not just any measure, and the ballot initiative we propose would require local control of airport subsidies. So you are now in the process of developing steps to rein in unnecessary spending and ensure that the general fund resources are reserved for the intended purpose of providing broad community benefit. There seems to be an assumption that the airport is going to be a cash cow for the city. Where is the data that supports The airport enterprise fund has continued to receive significant subsidies without adequate citizen oversight and consent. We need local control regarding taxpayer funded subsidies for the airport. As for why this initiative now, because you will be looking at the 2021 budget for Longmont and citizens need to have a voice in the decisions of how taxpayers monies are going to be spent for the airport. Thank you.

Thank you.

Our next caller, your number ends in 511. I’m going to unmute you if you could state your name and address before you begin. You’re unmuted go ahead

I guess that’s me Clark Allen.


Okay, I am. My name is Clark Allen. I live in the greens Twin Peaks circle. I am calling about two topics. First as it relates to wearing masks or face coverings in public, whether it be indoors or out. Wearing a mass shows you care more about humanity and others than the little bit of discomfort and inconvenience you may experience wearing a mask shows you are being socially responsible to others. This is just a small moment in time and wearing a mask should be viewed and promoted as a symbol of honor, not a loss of personal freedom. Longmont has the largest number of COVID-19 cases. in Boulder County, and unfortunately has held this title for a number of weeks. Therefore, I would like to encourage you to take a strong stance on wearing masks in public. My second topic as it relates to the budget, and potential budget cuts that are going to be associated with COVID-19. Maybe it is time to start considering charging for landing fees at the airport and increasing the green fees at the golf course. So these facilities can start paying for themselves, as opposed to us having to subsidize them from the general fund and any matching funds associated with it. thereby allowing these facilities to pay for themselves and reducing any burden some costs associated with potential budget cuts for Other important and essential services within the city. Thank you very much for your time.

Our next caller, your number ends in seven to one. So I’m going to go ahead and unmute you if you could state your name and address before you begin. Thank you.

You’re unmuted

certainly Mayor Bagley members of council Scott store to 2 million grant street Longmont. Hey, thank you for your time and I hope everybody’s doing well. Hey, I understand the decision that was made to not move forward in putting an initiative on the ballot without the signatures. Mayor Pro Tem I thank you for your thoughtful discussion.

on that matter, I do it

please know this initiative was not started during this current environment. It existed beforehand. I do look forward to future communications can provide clarity and transparency surrounding the airport funding and the use of taxpayer dollars to support what is supposed to be a self supporting enterprise. I appreciate your time. Everybody stay. Well. Thank you.

All right, our next guest your phone number ends in 364. I’m going to unmute you if you could state your name and address please.

You’re unmuted Hi, my name is Andrew. I My name is Andrew Arnett. And my address is 1704 Roman court.

Thank you.

I am ready to provide links to backup. Many of the statements I’m going to be making here today at your request. However, actually, you’ve had a great discussion today and a lot of data has been shown. So I was delighted. I got some new data myself and refined what I was gonna say here. My question is, are we really being data driven regarding our COVID-19 response? It’s tough to not let fear cloud our judgment, and none of us want people to die. Often, I hear people disagreeing with other people, and they say, well, you must want people to die. And I appreciate in the meeting that there was a lot of good, thoughtful, respectful conversation. And important when we hear opinions and strategies, we don’t jump to character assassination and close our minds to ideas based on that. Every public policy decision has trade offs, and we need to weigh those, of course, we’ve been focused on flattening the curve, and the major argument for it has been to avoid death caused by infection exceeding our hospitals capacity to deal with them. And as we saw today, from city manager, Harold Domingues, we actually have a really nice flat curve as far as both onsets and hospital capacity available hospital capacity has actually been has been really flat for a month now. And it’s actually been, we’ve had hospitalizations being going down since April 15, which is fantastic. However, the secondary effects of COVID-19 are significant and real, including significant health problems and even death because people are afraid to go to the hospital. council member john Peck brought up some concerns about this earlier related to air quality. So the question I think is what do we do now and I’ve heard some talk that we’re that boulder is planning on opening up, which is great. I want to re emphasize that and also brainstorm a little bit about a minute left, I think so I’ll hurry. Basically, we can bring the virus to an end through immunity as quickly as possible, or and while the virus is still rampant, we can protect the most vulnerable. This the data show that in Boulder County, zero people have died who are under 50 because the COVID-19 and only a couple dozen of those have been hospitalized and nationwide, they say Group is showing incredible resilience to COVID-19. This group also represents the bulk of the people who have the power to keep our economy moving. The New York Times reported on April 29, that Dr. Mike Ryan who did the World Health Organization’s top emergencies expert now praises Sweden’s example of getting the low risk group out in a major way. He says I think if we are to reach a new normal Sweden’s represents a model, if we wish to get back to a society in which we do not have locked downs, I would love to see us really not just opened up a little bit but really push businesses and people to get out especially the in particular the less vulnerable so that we can drive for immunity if if that’s achievable, and keep providing for ourselves and those who need us need our protection and save businesses jobs and avoid mounting personal debt and the secondary health problems. Thank you.

All right, our next caller, your phone number ends in 119. I’m going to unmute you if you could state your name please for the record and your address. You’re unmuted.

Hi, this is Karen dike. I’m at seven. Oh, a Caden cork. mr. mayor and council members. I wanted to just make some quick comments related to the conversation on the stamp oil. A Dale stated that according to contract that couldn’t do a rework on that well, and I don’t remember his exact words, but basically, they’re just letting it run, but they have done a rework. I investigated the scout card. It’s on the cgcc website, and it lists a definite rework done in December. It specifically states how much acid and stimulation fluid was used. So they have done that. We also know that there was a rig there in March, and we just have to assume it was done because they needed to rework it again, or there’s an issue with the well, there is no data on the scout card for February or March. So we don’t know what was happening yet in March. We also know that there was a lot of activity noted at the site today, there were several vehicles and they’ve also moved in a porta potti, meaning that they must be doing something that includes long term activity at that site, which maybe they’re just reworking it again, or maybe they’ve had a leak. This site has a long history of spills, including groundwater contamination. I understand that cold it’s taking a lot of time to the city employees and you know, I’m concerned about that as well. However, the air pollution we’re seeing union makes all of us more susceptible to this virus. So here’s what I’m doing. I’m urging you to call to GCC. It is also time to see if the groundwater is still contaminated. And I’m also concerned that with some of the high levels of air pollution, seem there that we need a system that begins to alert people when they shouldn’t be using the reservoir for recreation. Also, should we be building that new trail to the reservoir when the air quality at the reservoir is at times unhealthy? So some questions and I really strongly urge you to figure out what is going on at that standpoint, something’s not right out there. Thank you very much.

One more.

Yes, Mayor, one more. All right.

Our last caller, your phone number ends in 078. I’m gonna unmute you.

Hi, my name is Kim. My Kim dash. I live at 3715 Fowler lane and long month and I’m calling about the potential mandate for mandatory face masks. I think it’s really important. I’m not only a resident, but I’m a nurse practitioner and as well, I’m a small business owner. I think it’s really important that this be data driven, and in fact, not symbolic. The United States government as well as the state government has no mask mandate in place. The surgeon general in fact is not supportive of general masks worn unless there is no social distancing possible. There is actually no research as well on the effectiveness of non medical face mask usage. But there’s no data to support that whatsoever. Currently, Boulder County has 44 deaths. Today the case rate in Boulder County is 333. I don’t have the information on Longmont masks promote fear. And that includes fear for businesses opening as well as for businesses patronizing those businesses. I think it would be a huge mistake for the city of Long month to become a nanny city and treat their residents as though they are children and can’t make decisions for their own.

Thank you for your time.

mirror that was it.

All right. Thank you, everybody. We’ll go ahead and close first call public invited to be heard. And let’s move on to our consent, agenda and introduction or reading my title of first reading of ordinances. I’m going to go ahead and pull a B, but let’s go ahead and read him. Don. Good

Sure mayor, Lucian 2020 dash 37 a resolution of a long map city council approving a contract with the long Mac foundation for administration of the strong month grant. Item eight B is ordinance 2020 dash 23. This is the item that was amended that would cause the revised agenda. A bill for an ordinance amending section 10.0 8.180 of the Longmont municipal code on disaster and emergency orders, public hearing and second reading scheduled for May 19 2020.

I’m going to go ahead and move resolution 2020. That’s 37 the only item on our consent agenda.


all right, it’s been moved and seconded. If there’s no further debate or dialogue, all in favor of resolution 20 2037 say aye.


All right, that passes unanimously. We do not have any ordinances on second reading. Hold on a second. Sorry about that. We don’t have any. We do not have any ordinances on second readings. So let’s go ahead and address ordinance 2020 dash 23

Do we have a motion?

Anybody want to say anything additional?

I’ll move on the ordinance 20 dash 2323.


has been moved and seconded.

Anybody want to talk about this is specifically the one let me code on disaster emergency orders essentially allowing the city manager to have the power to require masks in public. Anybody that’s Councillor Peck

and Mayor Bagley

know Herald or Council. I would like to know what you Well, I suppose this would be to Harold because you’re the one that That would initiate this. What do you consider an emergency? At what point would would you enact this?

Um, so, I think we have to talk about what do we have in place now. Okay. And what we have in place today is an order by the Boulder County Health Department that says you need to wear face masks in areas where social distancing cannot be insured. There are a lot of different people doing a lot of different things in this. What they supported is typically is is typically what the CDC the Centers for Disease Control is recommending and it says wearing in this case, you’re talking about cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. Especially in significant areas of community based transmission, they use the example of grocery stores and pharmacies. And so we have an order today for Boulder County to where mass, right, the challenge that it has, that we have right now is we obviously overlap. And so consistency would be a big issue for us in terms of clarity for the enforcement purposes on this. And so that’s what I would look like look at in terms of what do we have today? What are the health professional say that we needed to put in place? And do we need to apply that uniformly across a lot of work? That’s what I would be looking at, based on that because as we all talked about earlier, Boulder County Health, state health in orders, and that’s how we look at this and they are health departments. So that is how I would approach it in this situation, The challenge we have, like really get to some of the issues in here is if you looked at what Eugene’s writing that doesn’t go into place until the 26th or 27th of May. So for right now, what we have is the order for Boulder County as it was issued by the Boulder County Health Department. more clarity, the order that we have is actually very similar to the order that New York has, in the sense of, if you can’t have social distancing, then you were mass. But people are doing different things. And so I would look at consistency, in terms of what’s in place employment has been what has been ordered for us to achieve by the health professionals.

Okay, thank you for that and that and that actually brings up my concern, because we as a council and staff need to give a concerted answer that we all agree to. So I think Don’t want the conversation to be we are following Boulder County Health Department mandates. However what what Council is told staff is that this is only for an emergency and have the residents say this isn’t an emergency. So why are we doing this? So do we need both of these in place and and this is a bigger question for council I think to discuss is that does one outweigh the other or should we just be consistent with Boulder County and not do the emergency portion of it in the emergency? These these sound a bit conflicting if the Boulder County Health Department does not view this as an emergency but an ongoing health strategy. Then I am just nervous about that emergency word emergency and getting a conversation going with rest It is saying why are we doing this when it’s not an emergency? So, and that has always been for me the challenge of, especially with the emails that we’re getting is well, we answer these consistently across the board, are we giving are we giving too many messages.

So, emergency is defined, when when I issue the declaration of emergency and council then adopts the emergency which you all have done, we are in an emergency as declared. And when you look at that, from an emergency management perspective, it is what defines the emergency. There’s no set time in that it’s you know, when Are you overwhelmed by whatever issue that you’re trying to deal with during that time? And what are those impacts that you’re having to deal with? as you’re moving through that so you may remember we didn’t end the emergency on the front But it was much later because we were still dealing and as an organization or overwhelmed by what we were trying to manage. Okay. And so that’s the trigger. So what I will tell you is today we’re an emergency. And only until we reach the point where operationally, we’re not in a situation where we’re overwhelmed. Will we consider removing that, but then that would be a common conversation that I would have with the council in terms of what are we dealing with at that point in time. Okay, thank you.

Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez. And then it’s Marcia and Polly,

thank you very badly. And so I just to reiterate some of the concerns I had last week when we spoke about this was not creating patchwork policy and being consistent with previous direction counsel as far as dealing with state health department as well as county department But unfortunately, we are all aware that the city of Longmont in and of itself becomes a patchwork policy when we’re going with Boulder County health department’s health order, knowing that we have businesses and parks also in the weld County area. And so it would create a patchwork within our own city if we don’t allow for the city manager to create consistency within our own city. And so I would be supportive of that. Outside of the fact I saw concerns with enforcement, as well as some other issues that are specific to any sort of masking mandate, which are kind of ancillary to the the ordinance on the floor, which is allowing the, you know, authority of the city manager to take on that. So I would be in support of this ordinance because it will allow us to be consistent as far as our city considering it spans two different counties.

As Martin

Thank you, Mayor Begley.

I think pretty much the same thing. We’re looking we’re looking at several different topics. First, we’re acknowledging the need to extend the city manager’s powers under the current emergency to make adjustments to last month’s emergency policy as needed. So what the mayor Pro Tem had to say was the foremost of it. We need to eliminate the differential between the parts of of Longmont that are in weld county and the parts of Longmont that are in Boulder County. The second thing is one of the public who spoke pointed out is that Longmont has the worst performance of any of the cities in Boulder County and If that means that we need to encourage people to be more compliant in terms of the way they handle their social distancing.


then we need to do that. And if that means encouraging them to make better choices about mask wearing, in addition to physical separation, then I think we should do it. In fact, I think we should do it sooner rather than later. But it takes a certain amount of time for an adjustment like this to go through. I think we’re going to be wearing masks for months, and I think we may as well get used to it. Boy


Yeah, those are a lot of good points. I just I wish we could eliminate having the city in two different counties. That’s very problematic. But anyway, that’s another. That’s another problem. Um I really I don’t understand how this would be different than just following the county order. And I would prefer generally always to have things be simple rather than a patchwork. However, as mayor Pro Tem said, it’s inherent in the fact that we have we are in two counties. We can’t do anything about that right at the moment. I don’t know. I just think it’s very it’s going to mean it’s going to make it very confusing to try to answer people as to who, what orders are we following and when do they take effect and how are they different I I would rather just myself just follow the county orders because that’s consistent with every other city in the county and to me that’s that’s the most effective strategy for managing this virus

I don’t know

your brain doctor water sorry

very badly

you know, we’ve all gotten the the incoming emails

with with messages and and personally I haven’t tried to respond to all of them tonight unless they’re directed to me individually. I’m not going to get into debates with people about the definition of an emergent See, if, if there’s not a doubt in my mind, we are in one we declared as as much in. And I’m going to leave it to the judgment of the city manager in terms of you know where we are in a, in a trajectory to get out of number one. Number two. I’ve read and I’ve heard the concerns about, trust us to do the right thing, and I don’t, I’m gonna support this ordinance. I’m gonna have one question about it. I’m gonna support this ordinance. And I and I, and I regret that it’s going to be viewed by some residents as somehow not trusting people. But But I’ve voted on a whole bunch of ordinances since I’ve been here on the council, that that set parameters give direction, create limitations, and not in a single case, if I made those decisions, because I don’t trust our residents to do the right thing. But we passed all kinds of laws that set parameters send messages and create limitations on what you can and can’t do with your property, your car, your attire, whatever it is, it is part of civil society. The part of the role of government is the health and safety of our residents. That’s the highest calling of for me as a member of this council. And it’s not a statement of a lack of trust, it is a statement of, of obligation to the greatest good for the largest number, that I feel that’s my responsibility. And to fulfill that responsibility. This ordinance makes sense. I want to say the hero, the manga says the city manager, the ordinance charges you to make the decision. I want to be on the record, but I’ll stand with you and whatever decision you make, I’m not I’m not going to make it I’m not going to vote on this and then step back and say what was the city manager’s decision? I think the make the column mass is the right one. Because it we’ve heard we’ve heard about data we’ve heard a lot about data in from from residents and from hero. And I and I one that argues that we had to make our decisions based on data. But somebody’s going to have to show me worth what I’ve done with my understanding of the data is wrong. But the preponderance, I can cherry pick data, I can cherry pick an opinion, I can cherry pick a study to arrive at all kinds of conclusions here. But the preponderance of evidence is if we want, we’re not in a position yet, where we can contain this virus. If we had the testing regime, we could test isolate, trace, right, then we have the potential to contain it. We’re still mitigating. Right. And as long as we’re mitigating my understanding the preponderance of evidence in the interest of the health and safety of the largest number is that it’s masked in combination with other things. It’s masked in combination with not masks alone. It’s a mask in combination With social distancing, its mass and social distancing. With no groups of more than 10. Its mass and social distancing, and, and hand hygiene. And I mean, all of the other things that we’ve talked about, it’s not one of these. It’s the combination of them, but delete any of them out. In my view takes a step away from the obligation we have to the health and safety of the largest number. I don’t care what your age is, or your underlying health conditions to the largest number of residents in this city. And I’ll say and I’ll be a help hold me accountable. That’s my that’s my obligation. And I’m not taking a step backwards on that being I think the right thing to do. The only question I have about this ordinance is the math word masks. doesn’t show up in the resolution. talks about pee pee and I guess I should assume that P PE is is the equivalent of masks and other things is that that’d be fair. Girl

since since man, it’s my understanding but I’ll let Eugene come in he drafted it. So,

all right, I’m done. But I’d like your attention.

Councilmember waters and mayor and council Eugene may hear. pp is defined in the ordinance as equipment worn to minimize exposures to hazards that could cause serious injuries and illnesses. So it is contemplated to be masks. It could be expanded to gloves. It could be gowns, it could be face shields. We want to choose a term that provided flexibility to the city manager. You know, right now it’s Coronavirus.

Hopefully we’re

building his emergency authorities to deal with a range of hazards. And so, you know, personal protective equipment does have is a term of art. And I think most people certainly nowadays knows the intent behind that term.

Thank you Gina. The only among the things you mentioned, gloves, gamma, etc, are all listed are included in the ordinance. It was just the masks work. That was the that was what caught my attention.

Councilmember inaudible fairing

Here we go.

Okay, so, um, I do echo the sentiments of the rest of council and I will be voting to move this forward. And the reason why is, you know, so we look at the data, so, um, something that the data showed or what recommendations worth the beginning and this is kind of the question I have is it was recommended that not to wear a mask and you know, you touch your face and you’ll do other things and it could cause it could be it spread word more contagion, and then the recommendation then pulled away from That. And I remember I remember when that when that happened. And I guess Does anyone have any background as to why they switched? So we can because I’m from people who are still holding on to that belief. And I know it has changed since then.

That not what we think answer a question if we know.

There, there is not clarity on that. Only in that what they’re what health officials are saying is that by wearing a mask and covering your face, you’re reducing the amount of droplets as you’re talking. So if I don’t have it, and you know, I’m talking into Sometimes you can see stuff. Mm hmm. It’s that reduction. So when you hear them talk about it, that’s what they’re talking about in terms of the masking now, in terms of why they were saying that at the beginning, there’s a lot of theories, but no one’s really answered that.

Okay. Um, so thank you for that. And the other piece for me, it’s not a matter of being a nanny state. It’s not a matter of not trusting our residents or even having to be a political. For me. It’s a public safety issue, why we wear seatbelts, why people wear hardhats, why are there certain areas when there’s construction that you have to have those protective measures in place? This is one of those measures. And the fact that we are and I don’t know what the exact number for Longmont is as far as cases. But it is concerning to me that we are of all the Boulder County cities that we have the highest incidences, um, and so, you know, it’s a precautionary measure. It’s a safety measure, and we’re making choices to protect the health and safety of our constituents. So that is why I’m supporting this. And even if so with the mass usage, if it protects one person, if it saves one life, that is an effort worth making. And so that’s why I will be supporting this ordinance.

Also remember Christiansen

I sort of liken this to the habit that was pretty common in the Old West and up until actually the 20s or something where people would go walk along and just spit all over the place. Let’s just, I don’t know they just spit and then they began to under Understand germ theory and realize that this was how tuberculosis one of the cheap ways tuberculosis was spread because it vaporized in the air and, and once people put up signs that said no spitting, and people actually started not spitting. They reduce the rate of tuberculosis enormously, and we’ve been using masking since 1300s. We certainly used it in Longmont in the 1917 1819 flu pandemic. And so this is not a new thing. It as Councilman waters said, This isn’t alone. You still have to wash your hands. That’s the main thing you have to do is wash your hands about 50 times a day. Try to stay away from people try to stay home this is just one more thing that will help a lot. And as the as people have said, you know, it’s very inconvenient, it’s very uncomfortable. But think of how inconvenient and uncomfortable it is for someone you know, to live to, to suffocate to death alone in hospital on a ventilator. That’s very inconvenient. We can save people from doing that. And that’s what we need to do. There. There is conflicting data on the effectiveness of masking. It certainly doesn’t prevent you from getting things, but it can lessen the transmission. And I think a lot of the reason that initially that they didn’t want to encourage wearing masks is because the masks had to go to the the people in the hospital first to protect them. That’s certainly a substantial reason why they didn’t want to encourage people to be wearing masks because every one of them needed to go to doctors and nurses and hospital providers.


anybody else for I say my comments

Casper epic.

Thank you, Mayor badly. I am going to support this motion or ordinance. I’m the one who made the motion last week after all, but but Kelvin waters brought up a good point. And it was the point I was trying to make and probably not very successfully. When you’re when the audience actually says PP and not masks, and this is where I feel that we get in the disconnect with the public, because we are telling the public if you do not have a specific mask, you can a PPA mask, cover your face in nose and mouth with a bandana with whatever you have. So when and that was my point of asking is boulder County’s health. recommendations are mandates any different than our emergency because words matter and the way you present it to the public matters. And I agree with Mayor pro Tim, that we we are not just one county and that’s why this emergency order is very important because when you say we’re going to follow the county, well, then what is well county going to follow in how do we how do we make that work within our city so our our city manager runs Longmont, and that’s why we need to give him the power. But um, I do think words matter and how we put that out to the public is really important. So that was the whole point and I do support this. Thank you

or anybody else? All right.

So I guess I guess my thoughts on this are a surprise surprise. I’m in the I’m the lone minority But I can I’m going to be a little bit more measured and how I say this. But six weeks ago, I made some comments and I apologize for my tone, but I did not apologize for my perspective. The nuts I’m looking at my screen here, I don’t see one MD or medical expert, not one. I see a lot of very smart people. But I also hear everybody regurgitating what we read online here in the national media, or we’re told by other people, none of us are experts, not one. The we have conflicting input surgeongeneral in the World Health Organization say that masks don’t do any good. We have others who are saying, Oh my gosh, let me tell you why masks do some good. I don’t know if the government lied to us then or now. But at some point the government lied to us. They said masks don’t work. Now they’re saying masks work. So I don’t know. I don’t know. I do know that when I’m out. So the bag we lost We decided to use masks. That’s my call, right even before the order was issued. But I also see that people are frequently taking off their masks. They won’t let you into Home Depot without one. But everybody takes them off to talk, including their employees. I rarely see anybody with a mask covering their nose for more than 10 minutes because they can’t breathe. I also think I mean, I’m also frustrated because usually not right now, but usually online. Not all the time. But usually, this discussion is usually followed up with conversations about Trump presidential election, Medicare for all socialism. I look at the divide between who wants mass and who doesn’t. And this has become, I mean, this COVID-19 crisis has become clearly political. I don’t know what it all means. I’m not smart enough to digest it. But we voted to follow the governor and the health department of the counties. That means if weld county does one thing I say we let them do what they’re going to do in Boulder County. Does one thing let the County Health Directors do what they do. But when I spoke before, and I was upset, the same information that Jeff Veatch was given us back then is the same information that is currently available. This all started by saying 10% of our population was going to die. That was the fear. And then oh my gosh, our hospitals are going to be overrun. And oh my gosh, everybody’s going to get sick and our grandparents are going to die. So now, our bodies aren’t in the streets. We shut down our economy.

And now it seems that masks masks are the only visible sign of this of this pandemic. I’m not a virus denier. I am saying simply that the data then and the data now, if you look at New York, New York, on a certain day, they did a random sample. 21% of the people in New York have the virus and didn’t know it. 13.9% of the people in New York had the virus and didn’t know it, which means that out of 10,000 people who get it that’s Six, six people who will pass from this. Now that doesn’t mean that we won’t have an overrun or possible, you know, run on our hospitals. But other than New Orleans, Detroit, New York and a couple of Bert like a couple hospitals, we have not seen a first surge, let alone a second search. I have yet to hear what we’ve seen other than it’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. Um, I think that I think that I questioned I mean, from the beginning. I think that this was mishandled by all levels of government. I think that we should be locking you look at all the deaths that are occurring in our nursing homes and among our seniors, they should be on lockdown. Again, my parents are there. They’re not coming out of their homes. I hope that you folks here at council aren’t coming out of your homes because you’re vulnerable. But when this herd immunity come into play it let’s suppose the masks work and it keeps us all from getting sick for a little while. Well, at what point do our elderly come out. And so if under if under the age of 60, or 50 are healthy, there’s reports saying also that children don’t pass it on to their grandparents. There’s something about Kids. So I’m just saying that we continue to make decisions with little or no data. And I’m not saying that I have all the answers. All I’m saying is that I don’t think city governments. I stopped getting on the calls with Mayor Hancock and the other Metro Metro mayors because they all have a different opinion. And they’re all going off in 1000 different directions. And government continues to give our citizens conflicting data. And so I’m not saying that they work or don’t work. I’m just saying it’s above our pay grade. We should follow the counties. If weld county wants to do what they do. There’s like what 12 people that live in weld county as well as stores in a Boulder County wants to do what they want to do, let them do it. But I think that dictating mask wearing when we don’t know if it’s effective or not effective, I mean, how many how many of us have masks that have washed our cloth masks? We washing those every day. Good job, john. And so my point is how many people are doing that? And so it’s it’s a It’s just we continue to make decisions that that that defy I think, common sense, I’m going to vote against it. So everybody can say I suck. So Dr. Walters, we’ll start with you.

You know, I’m not going to say you suck, I am going to say this. I’ve expressed my position. My view, based on what I think is my responsibility to providers of evidence I’ve chosen not to lecture you, or anybody else on this council, or anybody else in long run, and I don’t appreciate being lectured about my ignorance, my haste, my inattention, or my unwillingness to consider all the evidence out there. I just on the record, you know, we can go at it that way if you want to, but I’m not going to sit here be lectured about what I think is my responsibility to this to this community.

And I wasn’t lecturing you. I’m just arguing my point of view.

Well, it sure sounded like electric to me, right?

Well, I’m in the minority. So I mean,

listen, I respect you, and I respect your your position. You’re right. There are no experts on this on this council. There are no City Council’s I’m guessing they’re made up of physicians, epidemiologists or bro, just every policymaker in the country is taking the best they can take the best they can get from the preponderance of evidence of evidence, making their judgments, filtering it and whatever they were going to filter with one with two purposes in mind, health and safety of our residents and trying to reinstate reinvigorate the economy. So if we’re going to talk about data, I mean, if I’m going to argue your side of this, I don’t know how I could argue I could not I’m not gonna lecture you. I could not argue that your side of this without being able to answer a couple of questions. What is the acceptable casualty rate for me? If I’m going to push an agenda to move people back out there, if you can’t answer that question, with at least a parameter Given the data, and I understand the argument is on the other side of it is suicides, domestic violence, child abuse, all the things. Bring those numbers we’ve heard from residents, I’ve heard you talk about data, what are the data? I don’t want to hear speculation. I don’t want to hear. I don’t want to hear wild estimates. Give me real data. So I can do the calculus of, of the risk of putting people back to work without the testing regime we need. Right? against what the real at least the parameters are for forecast, but nobody gets hurt chris Christie, I don’t wanna make this political. But I hear leaders at every level saying listen, we send people off, you know, World War Two, the fight for the way of life, but we set them off with weapons. We send them off with strategies for us right now our strategies and our weapons or our testing regime, and being able to know how to test trace, test treat and trace that still sounds to me like it’s an it’s absent in most of our you know, get back to work policy. So if we want to have a really robust discussion about all that we should, I’m just saying, I’m not an expert. I’m just doing my job. I just give you one point of data.

Right? For every increase in unemployment, they anticipate 40,000 suicides, increased suicides were well over 20% 17% increase. If you actually follow through through how what the population nighted states is 328 million, multiple, we have 1.75% of the population in Colorado, you actually extrapolate it. That means 800,500 people have gotten the virus and gotten better. That means if everybody gets it in Colorado, we have 3455 deaths throughout the United States. These will have 200,000 deaths. If you look at the suicide comparison, that means 11,900 people in Colorado will kill themselves versus 3455 dying from the virus.

I know how many have died in Colorado from the virus, how many of killed how many suicides because of the virus or the state. All

right, right now, we don’t know about Because it’ll report it.

I know we have 80,000 Americans who have died. Hmm. How many? How many nationally have committed suicide? You notice that either. And my point is until you can answer that question. I don’t know how you can talk about put put them back out there or herd immunity, what’s the casualty rate to achieve herd immunity?

My point is my point is, those questions aren’t being asked and are being answered. I’m just saying we’re just acting without data.

That’s what we’re acting with the best data we have.

Right? And oftentimes, that’s not enough.

All right. Go ahead. Councillor Martin. I’ll shut up now.

Thank you, Mayor Bagley.

I also take exception

to the accusation that council members can’t understand science. You know, the question wasn’t asked of me. But in fact, I could have explained in in a lot more detail than you’re going to want to hear. So I’m going to slide around. right past it, why the apparent contradiction between masks don’t do any good early on and masks are necessary now. And they were two different questions. You know, the when it was first discussed it was masks worn by the public to keep themselves from being affected. And yeah, they don’t do that you have to have a really swell mask to do that. And you have to be a healthcare worker who understands how to be a mask person. However, if you have two members of the public who can’t social distance, and they’re both wearing masks, then they protect each other. It’s a different question, and it’s a different answer. Not only that, there have been scientific studies of the fluid dynamics of the survival of the virus in big droplets, exhale versus aerosol droplets exhaled and The length of time that the virus survive. And the only reason that those are not considered a definitive result that says we all should be wearing cloth masks to walk around in public is because the experiments are so new that they have not had time to repeat them. And so they’re not statistically significant. But the explanation is there and someone who takes the trouble to do it, and has a basic High School understanding of physics can know it can understand perfectly well, why we should all be wearing masks. And that’s why I think we should all be wearing masks. So I don’t appreciate being told that this that these decisions are being made by ignorant people because not all of us are ignorant and we need to explain to the public what they’re doing.

Okay. I’d never be clear. I never called anybody ignorant. I didn’t use that word Not once. So I hear a lot of straw man arguments being thrown

out there. That’s not a straw man argument. That is, is I picked a different word than you pick. I didn’t. You said we don’t know what we’re doing. You said that we don’t understand.

What I said is we’re not medical doctors. And I pointed out that there’s You

don’t have to be a medical doctor to understand.

I pointed out that there’s conflict conflicts among medical doctors and the same people that we pass the motion on. That’s all I’m saying. ethnic

conflict that you pointed out, was a false conflict.

Okay. Councilmember

Peck, did you have your hand up?

Councilmember Christiansen you have your hand up?

All right, Councilmember fairing. Get your hand up.

So um,


The the issue in relations To the suicides, and I guess that is something that is particularly hits home to me having a daughter who survived suicide. It is the leading cause of death for our youth. It has been an issue that has plagued our society for a long time. But there isn’t specific data that shows the number of suicides are directly related to COVID itself. I know that we’ve had issues and trying to get to, to therapy to you know, so there there are some issues in that respect the fact that schools aren’t in session. The idea of if we all wear a mask and the reason why and so now I feel like I’m jumping around, but the reason if we wear masks and we are able to get out there more frequently. We are not going to inundate mental health facility or not mental Sorry, we’re not going to innovate on health facilities, hospitals, clinics, with people getting sick. So if we do something to kind of slow down that process that is worthwhile. For me one casualty, is it, it’s too much for me. Um, and I understand the notion that we have to get back to business that we have to reopen our cities and our and our schools. But if we have a safety measure in place, and it is something as simple as a mask, let’s do it. Let’s do it. It’s a mask. And the other. The other issue is, you know, we it’s not a protection for yourself, it’s a protection to the other person. So if somebody’s wearing a mask in my presence, it’s protecting me from their germs or from their container Or if they’re exposed or if they have COVID It protects me and vice versa. So that that is an aspect that we need to be looking at. Um, the other piece is I don’t think it’s political. And I don’t want to make it political. It’s a matter of public health and public safety. And that’s what I want to keep focused. I don’t want to go in and listen to I’ve stopped getting on the internet I don’t have time I’m doing all my online lessons anyways, I don’t have time to look at what’s happening on the news and what’s happening on Facebook or whatever. I what I am looking at our the Boulder County sites, what I’m hearing when I talk to Harold or what I hear when the governor talks, those are those are what’s I’m going What are being processed through my head as I’m making decisions in moving forward and that is why I’m supporting this. It’s not trying to make this issue a political issue. And that’s kind of what I want to do. drive home. So it’s all I have to say,

Mayor Pro Tem.

Thank you Mayor Bagley, I think just in this conversation, we’ve seen a bit of a microcosm of the emails that we’ve all been receiving on the topic as well as probably a lot of the arguments we’ve seen playing out, not only on the national stage, but also here in Longmont, as well as just probably amongst I mean, my parents household, for instance, is a bit divided on the issue, for instance. So we see this even at personal levels, kind of the disagreements that go on. And I also think that when we talk about data driven decisions, I think that we’re all right in the fact that the data has continually changed. That is part of this being a novel Coronavirus is that we don’t have good data. And we can only hope the data continues to get better. I think that’s the real hope here and so we can continue to make better data driven decisions. One thing that I think we can all agree with on is that restrictions are easy at the state level, I think I’m pretty sure the county has said they’re not extending stay at home order past the eighth. And so we know that restrictions are going to start lifting. I believe as restrictions lift, it’s only prudent for precautions to increase. We’re not further restricting business by having masks being worn. In fact, it should be the opposite. We should be having businesses open up more freely, with social distancing and with mass being worn. It’s something I’ve actually talked to many people about is I don’t think we necessarily need to close down businesses at the level that we did, if we did maintain good social distancing. And we did take further precautions, specifically with Office goes in buildings. I feel that was an easy one where you can maintain social distance and work in a safe, safe manner. And I think that we we see that coming as these restrictions are being lifted at the state and local levels. So I don’t find it to be so much an infringement on people’s rights as it is in ask for us to return to more of a sense of normalcy. And to get back to an economic system that’s more sustainable. I think that’s a small price to pay to get back to the economic normalcy that so many people right and left are actually yearning for. I understand the anxieties that are coming with it, everyone’s anxious for one reason or another, did your health via the economy and providing via your housing, there’s so many anxieties right now, this level and again, like, I just want to reiterate, we don’t have the best data. And when we do have good data, it changes when they decide to report differently, it changes. So I, again, this is just a plea with people to have patience, you know, have patience for other people around you have patience for us as as your counsel and your policy makers. We don’t know Agree, you know, and we are trying to do the best job we can, with the data that we’re given and the data is changing consistently. We’re not trying to we’re not sitting in a layer, dreaming up ways to make your life more difficult. That is not what we’re trying to do. And we’re not on some weird payroll to make your lives more difficult. That is not the point of the policies that we discuss and that we enact. We are trying to do the most amount of good for the most amount of people as Councilmember waters previously said. So I hope that we can at least just move to a vote on this and understand that, yes, we’re not going to all agree. I don’t think I necessarily, while I am voting for this with the majority of the council, it appears I don’t think I even necessarily agree with some of the things that we’ve all said. But I don’t think this is needed, either at the time or the place, to to go into a debate on those issues, rather as a point just to let’s let’s have a vote and move forward because the budget is going to be a lot of fun. I know

Did just to be clear, my comments were not about yes masks or no masks. I am wearing a mask in public. I am committed to following the orders of the governor and the local county health department. My office is using them my family uses them. My comments were not about no masks. My comments were about following the governor and following leaving it in the hands of the local health departments. That’s my opinion. And so a lot of the response was about mass versus no mass, just to be clear. The paper is you hear this john fryer and the Times called it’s not I’m not advocating no masks. I’m advocating that. Anyway, just leave it up to others. But let’s go ahead and have a vote. So the motion Do we have a motion? We do right. Who made that?

Yes, we have a motion Tim waters made the


Yep. All right. And so so the motion on the floor is a bill for an ordinance amending section 10.0 8.1 108 the Lamont municipal code of disaster and emergency orders which allows Harold to issue orders in emergencies requiring the public to use PGP. So all in favor say aye.


Opposed say nay nay. All right, the motion passes six to one with myself descending. All right, um, let’s go on to general business 2021 budget planning.

Harold, you’re gonna make any comments first. Go for it and then I’ll jump

in. Okay.

Well, Mayor, bear bag members of council. I’m Jim golden, the chief financial officer. And with me tonight is Teresa Malloy, the budget manager. We put a little bit of communication together for you. So tonight, before I jump into covering some of that data, I wanted to

point out a couple of things, some related matters.

We Today we are Earlier today, we provided some updated attachments to you attachments BMC apology for the late submission, but we realized that program revenues were omitted and they actually were combined in overstating some of the program expenses. So we wanted to get you correct data for the priority based budgeting data.

The Secondly,

the question was asked about weather, asked by the press of me about whether we would be doing an update to our projections for the shortfall from the cold virus for 2020 budget. And we’re not able to update that quite yet at this point in time. But I can tell you I did just find out the end of the day today. We did finalize that our sales tax in March was up 5% over last March. That’s something that we’re going to need to spend some time on over the next couple of days. dissecting that to figure out exactly where all of our businesses are falling and how well they are doing. Two weeks of that month data is part of what I considered to be part of the two months that we projected, we would have severe sales and use tax shortfalls. So obviously, this is exceeding my projections for those two weeks. There’s a lot of big box activity, as well as Internet sale type activity that are boosting this, but I don’t have all the details yet. And we’ll probably be working through that. The next couple of days and we’ll get my monthly email out with you to you with details. Probably next Tuesday. Hopefully we’ll be able to come back with some revised shortfall projections for 2020.

I had to kind of jump into what Jim saying. So we had Been as, as the numbers were coming in, I was asking him, Well, what are we seeing? What are we seen? And we have a lot of questions. Obviously, the one thing I would say, based on on this statement, and what we’ve seen is March is, we need to be extremely cautious in assuming that that’s going to be what we see in April. If you remember me talking to you all last week, we were getting a sense. And I said, we really need to see what’s happened in April, before we can truly, at least get a sense of what the immediate impact was for us. What I can tell you is in conversations with my colleagues in terms of looking at the data, what I’m anecdotally hearing right now, those communities with big boxes are tending to do better than they projected. And those communities without those are tending to do actually worse than they project. And so we know that’s a piece of the equation that we need to look at as we’re digging into numbers and, and see seeing what’s happening around us. And then understand was, you know, so the questions that I throw into Jim on this was a, is this part of what we saw in the bins shopping that people were going through and margin? Is that part of what we’re experiencing in this and is going to change dramatically? So that’s a piece that we have to understand. You know, another interesting question that I don’t know if we’ll be able to get at it. But you know, this is the first time that as Jim and I’ve talked about, have we have we really seen you know, since people are more sedentary, are we seeing them stay in the community and shop and so that’s something to look at. And so we have a lot of questions. So I want to be very focused and saying it is too early for us to tell you know what this is going look like and I know that’s what Jim’s alluding to. I just wanted to be more overt and saying, we’ve really got to see April. And then we’re going to have to see this every month to see what’s happening. Because I do there will be a recession component in my mind in terms of what this looks like in the future. And I think we have to prepare for that. Jim, did I miss state anything?

No, you didn’t. And I agree with everything you said. And also as as begin until I look back on some of our historical data, seeing how much of a recession impact we had 1012 years ago, I am going to probably be revising my my recession projections as well higher than what I was using it 5% because we saw a percent in back in 2007 through 2009 differences. So all will revise everything we will look as well at some other funds that we didn’t include in our first Review to make sure that we’re, you know, identifying any any impacts that we can. So with that, we’re gonna move on into, you know, 2020 2021, I should say budget discussion. And, you know, last year at this time, we had a study session where we discussed the 2020 budget, and we asked counsel for budget direction at that time, we went into that process, knowing that we were going to have some pretty strong revenues available to us, as well as fund balances. And then we were able to use those, those revenues to be able to fund some resources and efforts that the council wanted to see us put some more resources towards. We’re looking at a much bleaker picture this time around. We’re hopefully hopefully not going to be focusing too much on Trying to add things to this 2021 budget. Everything that we’ve done so far over the last month or so, in the budget actions that we’ve taken, they’ve all been trying to focus on how to deal with this revenue shortfall in 2020. Many of those actions that we are taking, they are one time adjustments, and they are really just allowing us to be able to maintain services throughout 2020 2021 is going to be have to be a different story because, you know, we need to keep with our financial policies. And one of the biggest one of those is our balanced budget financial policy, which requires that all of our ongoing expenses need to be funded with ongoing revenues. So we can’t use one time revenues to fund ongoing expenses in that annual adopted budget. So that’s gonna make it tough for us to build this to fit 2021 budget.

So revenue projections are going to be critical.

And so as a result, we’re going to we’re going to have to

hang on as long as we can before we finalize those projections because we’re waiting for so much to unfold, to give us an idea of what the changes may be. But we are going to probably need to finalize those projections within a couple of months early July probably at the latest to allow us to be able to make decisions on on what’s going to be included in the ongoing expenses for the 2021 budgets.

Reduced ongoing budget revenues will will force us to reduce ongoing expenses

as well. We will obviously have to project

sales tax property debt text in any other significant revenue generating services and project what the impact of all of this will be on them for 2021 for us to be able to decide or to know what kind of resources we have available for that 21 budget.

So really,

as a result of that we will really

have very little to no ability to entertain new ongoing resources for for existing or new services is that that would require an offsetting reduction in other ongoing expenses. general funds not the only fun where we need to make reductions, the likely it is one where we probably may have to make the most reductions. We’re going to need to let these let the situation play out through June so that we can get a better handle on the impacts on our revenues before we can finalize and know for sure how much we have available for them. 21 ongoing expenses.

So at this point in

time, as a staff, what we are doing is we’re focusing on our base budgets throughout this month staff is building their, their, their budgets submissions for the 21 budget process. We’ve asked them to focus on looking at those base budgets and seeing what can be reduced from the amounts that they carry forward in previous years. As and take closer looks at that, rather than coming to us with a request for additional funding for new additions in 21 budget which are very unlikely to be able to be funded. In addition to the base budgets beyond that, we will we’re going to use priority based budgeting as a tool to assist us with budget reductions as necessary. I’m going to ask Teresa to step in here and to briefly give you take you through that priority based budgeting process to update john that and and give you an idea of what we’ll be going through. And then also just reference to that that data in the attachments that we provided. So Theresa,

an evening mayor and city council Teresa Malloy budget manager. So the city of Longmont has been doing a priority based budgeting process as part of our normal annual budget process for a number of years now are the notion behind a priority based budgeting process starts with identifying the results that the city is in the business to achieve and goes through a multi step process that then ends with a prioritized list of city services or city programs that fall within a core tile? perspective. In 2016, the City Council adopted envision long law and then in 2018, for our 2019 budget process, we worked to incorporate the Envision Longmont guiding principles into our party based budgeting process. So this included the involvement of city council and the community along with a diverse representation of city staff. So we are now using the guiding principles from envision Longmont as the desired results in our party based budgeting process, and those guiding principles and their relative priority weightings were provided to you in our counsel communication. But just to recap, they are liveable centers, corridors and neighborhoods. A complete balanced and connected transportation system, housing services, amenities and opportunities for all a safe, healthy and adaptable community, responsible stewardship of our resources. And finally, job growth and economic vitality through innovation and collaboration. So those are what we mean by the desired results. And so through our priority based budgeting process, staff has identified the programs that we provide as services to this community, as well as the programs that our internal service providers provide to support departments who are providing those direct services to the community. The those programs then are scored based on a variety of Several factors. So the first factor is they’re scored against how they influenced those desired results that I just mentioned to you. Then they are scored against some basic program attributes. So the first is the mandate to provide the service. At what level are we mandated to provide service that service. They’re scored based on the reliance on the city to provide the program. They are also scored based on the cost recovery component. And then they’re scored finally on the portion of the community that is actually served by the program. So So it’s a pretty elaborate scoring model that basically results in a an overall score that is made up of those different components and that score really determines where those programs will fall within the portal ranking. So higher scoring programs will score will fall in a quarter one, and our lower scoring programs will fall in quarter, four, and then in between.


the step, each of these steps is not something that we update every budget process. The step that we really do, every budget process is to reallocate our costs and program revenue against our programs. So that is a step that that our departments are going through right now is to take their existing 2020 budget And allocated then to their programs. And so the attachments that were included with your communication attachment a shows the the core tiles, both core tiles for our 2019 budget compared to our 2020 proposed budget. So this was information that we provided to you back in September as part of our, our budget process. And as I said, we’re in the process of updating that the score the the costing and revenue allocation right now. So those core tile views will will change, because we did, as Jim mentioned, added some new resources. And then departments will Shift resources

to to various programs depending on

how they’re

covering those programs. So, so that’s attachment a, attachment B was the list from, again, our 2020 budget process. This is part of the prioritized list of our community programs. And attachment C was the list of our prioritized governance programs. And so the governance programs again, those are the internal type service programs where we don’t provide direct programming to the community, but we are supporting the departments who do provide direct program to the community. So it’s things like human resources and finance and the city manager’s office and those types of, of programs. So, so that’s kind of the overview of our party based budgeting process. As we continue to update those, the costing, we will use that then to review as part of our 2021 budget. What what we will then eventually be submitting to you as our proposed 2021 budget.

So, counsel, that’s that’s our presentation would be glad to try to answer any questions or take any comments or


or any questions from council waters before.

Thanks, Mayor Bagley, two questions one, just it’s kind of technical. I guess. I should have asked last year on the weighting of the categories that are tied back to envision long bond and the principles of liveable centers and and balanced and connected transportation system, etc. How do those How did the those weights get applied in the scoring process? I understand weighted scoring. I’m just curious how these percentages get applied. Tracy, I want to take that

you bet.

So, so cancel monitors. That’s a great question. So I mentioned earlier that the scoring component is based on a few different criteria. And one of those criterias is how the program influences those desired results. So each of the programs then are scored against how each of these desired results how the program itself influences each one of these separate desires. results, and then that relative priority weighting then weights, that component of the scoring.

I appreciate that I probably need a tutorial. We don’t need to spend any more time on this, I’ll get set to Reese, I’ll sit down with you and, you know, I just need a better working knowledge of how you’re doing it. The other the other, it’s probably not a question. It’s a it’s an editorial comment and, and you’ve done a terrific job. So what I’m about to say I don’t want to be interpreted anything other than I appreciate what you’ve done here. And I Jim, I got everything you said. It’s gonna be a tough second half of this year and we don’t have extra money and, you know, we’re gonna we’re gonna have to be really clear in our priorities in terms of keeping the lights on things moving forward. But I will wonder you don’t nobody has to answer this tonight. But maybe it’s a question. I’ll follow up with Harold on it as much as I appreciate the vision, long line and all the work that went into it. It still would, it would be somewhat affirming at some point to see where the vision and the goal statements that this council has adopted show up, along with the other criteria, like the principles and vision long line, because it just doesn’t get acknowledged in this document maybe gets acknowledged someplace else. And understand that’s not going to drive budget decisions for 2020 given where we are financially, but I’m just I guess, just saying at some point, I guess it would be helpful to know what does it take to get some of that shoehorned in here?

So I think part of it when we talked about this last last year, I know we we took your council goals and visions and we also then tied them into these categories in envision long based on where they fit. So that’s the short answer, and we’ll have to give you the details on that. But and if you remember when we talked, we were talking about alignment within those categories. So that’s it But we’ll get that information too.

All right, Councilmember loafer.

Okay, thank you.

Um, yes. So when I’m when we start re evaluating, or when you start reevaluating just what, where you might have to do cuts. Are you going to be? I guess, yeah, I guess looking at that revaluation of the where certain programs fall in which core tile. So if you end up reevaluating and deciding something that is in core tile two, might need to drop down or they all Is it pretty much set where these programs fall like are we looking to see anything change on how they’re evaluated? Does that make sense?

Do you want me to take this one?

Yes. And another

Jump in. Sure so so the order that programs fall within the Priority Ranking, I guess I will say is is set by the scoring so that won’t change. We don’t rescore programs every year. We don’t have a need to rescore programs every year. The only time we would need to rescore programs would be if our

desired results were to change.

We do though, from time to time have new programs that need to be scored. And so they may you know, fall anywhere within that any of those core tiles and and may ultimately changed the complete list of Have a ranking of programs as new programs Come on. The piece that we do every year though, is is what I was talking about earlier. And that’s just the costing piece. So taking our ongoing current year based budget and recasting it or reallocating it to the programs. So, so that piece will change the dollar amounts that are shown in the core tiles, but the number of programs within a core tile is is set.

So, part of the answer to that question, and this was something that I was going to touch on is so I think one of the challenges we have coming in into this budget is we have it’s going to be a different one in that have a sense of what’s going to happen with revenue. The thing that I think we’re going to have to pay particular attention to is what’s just happening in the world around us generally. And in what needs are we going to see that may become more significant as a result of everything that we’ve been through. And so you know, what we, to give you a point of, we talked about in terms that we’re talking about in terms of the 2020 budget, is we know that we council directed and we allocated money for early childhood education. And it was really to look at a component of how do we help people get licensed and some of these other components in terms of what they need. What we know today is the need in early childhood education is much different than it was when we have the conversations and then that has a connection. into businesses and workforce and these other issues. And so there’s going to be an added component that we’re going to have to be very mindful of generally, in terms of what we’re dealing with. And there’s other things I want to touch on. I see more questions. But I’ll hit that as well.

Yeah. And I guess some of these, you don’t have to, because I do have other questions. But I think that I can just direct an email and maybe have if you have an opportunity to do a little tour tutorial for a couple of us. I just throw me in there.

Because we’re Martin.

Thank you, Mr. Bagley. I’m actually the example of early childhood education was one that I was going to use. So it’s it’s a good segue, I guess. I’m not quite sure that I whether this is an example of rescoring or not but the example that Harold gave about the needs of early childhood education being different seems appropriate to us in terms of what rescoring means, because, you know, we were looking at upgrading it and making more available in terms of putting together training programs and expansion programs of various various sorts. And now what we’re finding is because of the need to maintain social distancing, in terms of the need to never, ever, ever let a caregiver work sick. It’s having stable classes for childcare, so that we can’t mix the kids up when when the number in the class goes up and down. Those things are making early childhood education be much more expensive than it was. So, the way in which we subsidize that and the amount to which the extent to which we subsidize it,

baby to change

just to keep stability among among the childcare for low income people that we already have and have have have had available to us in this city now. So is is that kind of consideration going to be part of the priority based budgeting because I think it has to be but I’m not sure how it works in the process.

I think Teresa, Teresa, if I misspeak, you you correct me immediately but one of the one of the questions I look at is is this per service provided by others. That’s one of the criteria pieces well if That changes dramatically. That’s going to change that component in terms of how you rank it. if, let’s say theoretically lost, and this is just throwing a number out, I don’t know anything about this. But if you lost 40% of the childcare providers, that’s going to impact that component of the scoring. Correct, Teresa? Correct, because it changes the landscape dramatically. And so it’ll be embedded within those components in terms of how we evaluate

that answer your

question, kind of, I would, if you needed 50% more caregivers, it would be the same thing, which is more likely to what’s going to happen,

correct. I mean, that’s what that’s what I said, I think the science or the arts going to meet the mathematics that go into this is really evaluating those areas. Some other examples. You know, if you have grants for certain projects, you know, that’s going to impact the cost recovery component of this. But the one thing we know is we’re not the only one having financial issues, states having financial issues or TDs having financial issues. And so does that landscape change on us as well in terms of potential grant dollars we were anticipating coming in? And does that look different? So all of those, all of the world that’s moving around outside of us right now, we’re going to have to be mindful of to ensure that those scores really reflect what we’re looking at today because, as I’ve said before, normals new in how we look at many of the programs and services we’ve been providing.

Alright, anyone else?

All right, Carol, do you have anything else?

And do you have a couple of things I forgot to mention earlier, my update. One of the things that we’re trying to do is also work collectively with our partner groups to be creative on certain issues. So one of the things that you’re going to see, at least for the next few days, and then we’re going to evaluate it on a regular basis is the whole concept of curbside pickup. So I know Public Works has worked with the DDA because their situations different than retail establishments in in larger developments, and so they’re going to designate a lot of spaces, if not, almost all all the spaces along Main Street for curbside pickup for the retail to help facilitate that and then as the opening starts transitioning there will be managing that more globally because now they don’t, they don’t necessarily need parking spaces in front because they’re not open. So just to let you know, we’re going to be working on issues like that one that just hit me This week is, is there a way for us to facilitate a concept and it’s way too early to say whether or not we’re going to be able to do it, but an economy of scale? aspect to PP purchases for businesses that have to have it, who haven’t been able to do it. And there’s a way for us if we can really work with, with Jessica and Kimberly and Scott and all the businesses and find a way to bring that information together, can we help facilitate the acquisition of PvE for them, utilizing an economy of scale, while it’s not a direct allocation of dollars, it’s still his ultimate cost savings for our businesses. And so those are the kind of things that we’re starting to see. Because I think the one thing that we all know is creativity is going to be incredibly important as we continue to move through this and we see issues that are developing across our community, both from a business perspective And an individual respect

all right that it for the budget.

Right Marin council comments, anybody?

All right, let’s start with Councilmember Iago fairing.

Okay. Thank you, Mayor. Um, so I have a couple of comments.

Um, one.

It is in regard to and, you know, again, this was kind of going on prior to me sitting on council so I’ve never had the opportunity to meet Dr. Helmick. I’ve heard him speak. And I followed the work, but I’ve never really had a chance to, to, to know him or, or get us an insight of what what happened at CU Boulder. Nor do I, that’s not my concern. The information that he’s provided is, um, it to me is very profound, and it’s really a opened my eyes to what is happening to our environment and how it’s impacting our health and well being. And so, you know, I was disappointed to hear that. The piece that disturbed me the most was the firing of the TC reporter, john subpoena subpoena. Um, that was something and I just I just felt like I need to make something public. I’m very concerned with that piece, that someone who is reporting this information and then all of a sudden gets fired and in his discrediting, you know, the institution seems like it’s discrediting not just doctor helmet and this reporter, but just the whole research in and of itself. And so that is something that I am really concerned about, and, and I would like to, to kind of know more about why why This is all happening. And I really want to make sure that you know, and I support Dr. Helmick and his work and I would like to see something in the long run that where we can collectively say, you know, we do support this work, we value this work and we need to have his work continue. Um, the other one is in regard to how, you know, having a presentation and whether or not this is city council is the forum to really have a presentation on cultural brokers and the work that the resiliency for all and what that work is, is doing I do feel this is this is the place and I want you know, john fryer, if you’re listening, bring attention to this work because it’s impacting a lot of our community and we need to we need to bring attention to to the strong work that is being done to build equity and break down these institutional racism and oppression that is happening among our, our community of color. So thank you. That was it.

Are Councilman Christensen

at the wrong thing? Okay. So today is cinco demayo. And so even though there is no Fiesta, there’s a fiesta in our hearts, we cherish the traditions of cinco demayo. It’s always been very important to this town. Secondly, it’s national teachers day. So thank you, Susie. Thank you, Dr. Waters, who spent his most of his life in education and all the other people who were working tirelessly trying to educate people in a very different new way. From what I hear has many, many glitches but you know, that’s okay. They’re their kids. They’re tough, they’re resilient and the teachers are even tougher so thanks to all the teachers and everybody stay healthy and wash your hands and don’t forget to fill out your census form

like waters

thanks we were back we might not nearly as philosophical or as enlightened is Councilmember Christiansen

but earlier this evening from one of our residents who called in made a reference to a budget priorities in the golf fund and in how in raising green fees because taxpayers are supporting the golf fun and I just want to just clarify that’s not true, or it’s not accurate. The the if there are capital construction needs, like what got done with our bond with the as a result of the last bond election, recreation services and golf course is benefited from that. But on an operating basis, the golf courses pay for themselves, its cash and carry. There are no tax dollars subsidizing our golf courses. So as we build budgets, that’s not a place that you’re going to cut free up tax dollars just for the record.

Anybody else?

Right. I guess the only comment I want to make is my belief is that once we take a vote, I forget about it. So that’s it. All right. Anything from you, Herald?

comments, Mayor

Council. All right, Eugene.

Oh, comments, Mayor.

All right. Everybody’s service and doing this tonight. Later, We’re adjourned. Actually. Would somebody want to make a motion to adjourn?

Councilmember Christians.

Good. Oh,

I move that we adjourn. I’ll second.

All right. It’s been moved and seconded. All in favor say aye.

Aye. All opposed say nay.

We’re adjourned unanimously. All right. See you guys later. Bye.