St. Vrain Valley School District Board of Education Regular Meeting – April 22, 2020

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Yeah, he was setting examples

for social media in Taiwan because it’s a really good like

so we draw the smiles on


cars sticking out Yeah. Or just

shot off.

We’re missing the

most Be honest

you guys probably rules

Well, yeah, that was very one of me. Oh no.

Oh wait wait for that.

Can you evening and welcome to the st. Green Valley School District Board of Education meeting you Standing by me and saying that

by the United States of America

and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and


Thanks, everyone. It’s good to see you this evening. conky please call the roll.

I will stand here.


Mr. Garcia’s excused a promoter,

as it appears excuse this rather than

hear the speakers here. Thanks, john. Did we have any addendums or changes do you agenda this evening?

All right, and our audience participation during this time when we’re having the most part of education meetings due to Governor pollicis guidelines, our public comments submitted electronically and we did not have any submissions for this meeting. We don’t have any visitors this evening. We do however, have a superintendents report and Zomba You will answer that report I did want to take just a minute as you and I were talking today, I was trying to take notes. But the amount of work that all of you’re doing right now, I had a little bit of difficulty keeping up, quite honestly. But I did want to take an opportunity to thank you and highlight some of the notes that I was I was able to write down and I know that you’re going to cover this in greater detail in your update. They, I think, again, that you all make big distance learning look pretty simple. And it’s not it’s a great deal of work to pull that off. And you’re still reaching out and addressing the students on the redirect, lol it cyber force students who take medications. I believe at this point, you’ve probably served a box mill 9000 meals of my back the envelope math. You have met, you’ve passed out hundreds of iPads to continue to have a community resource days to make sure families have what they need in order to engage in distance learning. I personally greatly appreciate your You’re about twice a week communications, and not only communicating, you know, with all of us as a board and staff, but your communicating with families and with all of the middle and high school students. And personally, I know it helpful. But you’re still, you know, continue honestly believe academics credit recovery, the fund balance, you’re managing suffering Stephens net well being, and you’re not only looking at what needs to be done now, but what the future might look like, without some burden. Yeah. So thank you for bouncing all of that we certainly appreciate your leadership. And something else that you and I talked about today was just the rhetoric right now. And reports that coming out about students don’t have access possibly to internet and resources that they need. And I’ll ask you to cover this in your update. But my understanding is that about 96% of suffering Valley School students are engaging with online learning.

That’s probably higher this week. Do this because we had some more students pick my pencils last week.

Oh, it’s fantastic. Okay. And so the reality is while that might be true in some districts, that doesn’t mean it’s true of st Fane, that there’s an issue of access. And 96%. You can correct me if I’m wrong, that’s actually higher than our attendance

for the area for

the year, is that correct? Okay, great. So I know that you’ll talk about that a little bit more. They just want to make sure that people have some of those facts as we head into your your update. You are very humble, but I know, it’s a lot of work.

I appreciate you bet.

Thank you very much. Really, couple things. I’m gonna respond to a few the questions that came in, but also just give you a sense. For example, today we met with our leadership candidate, and we also met with our regs that was yesterday and met with our Olympian, Middle High School Principal today and just continuing to go over things but the gist of the agenda recently we went over the letter that I sent out to the community, Monday after governor Bullis made his announcement round school in person in building instruction being spent throughout the A year or so, our candidate get that word on Monday. And then our principals will be following up with a letter from a school in the next week. identifying things like when kids can come in and pick up personal belongings. And teachers can kind of pick up personal belongings when there will be certain celebrations for different students, whether it’s a virtual celebration or graduation celebration in July, which we’re planning on adding in Emerson. All those details will be covered school by school in the next week as a follow up with a letter that I sent. The other thing we talked about was just, we’re way out in front of the hiring process. We’re taking a pause right now, except for special education, only to wait a few weeks to see what the long bill shows coming out of the legislature at the end of this month, and are actually at the end of May. And whether or not there’s any movement in and out of students reported I got from Scott Dillion day was at we’ve lost about 60 students and then we gained about 60 students so it’s more or less a wash and There are a number of preschool students that have withdrawn simply because they didn’t understand this didn’t want a tuition for a service that they wouldn’t necessarily be seeing in person. But we anticipate the preschool students will come back when we don’t do the in person instruction. So right now it’s a wash, but we’re looking at both things. And then in June, we’ll take a look at all of our hotspots and finish at the higher, I don’t have to say we’re going to have much trouble with our pools of bed very robust. And I do anticipate that there will be a number of districts around us and throughout the metro area that will be freezing their hiring process and then losing features in terms of layoffs. So I think we’ll be able to continue to find the strong pools that we can find. We talked about the iPad selection process, we made a decision to keep the students with their iPads except the seniors throughout the summer, and eventually were to need to go to online learning again in the fall. And we’re going to have opportunities for them to work on my on reader and some other supplemental activities throughout summer. So that decision was made. JOHN, you asked the question, we received our information about FEMA. This is what they call a Type B scenario where it’s just an immediate emergency that you can get reimbursed for for life threatening kinds of situations. So I know that we get reimbursed for the bypass, but we’ll be able to use our iPads anyways. And so that’s not necessary to be reimbursed for, but we will most likely be reimbursed for the food. And what we’ll find is federal government would reimburse 75%. And then our local agencies and other agencies, we could receive 100%. So we’ll probably go go that route. You know, we’re not sure at this point. But the emergency declaration enables us to apply all of those funds to be reimbursed. That’s FEMA graduation planning. We have each our high schools working on the 25th and then we also have our other high schools like old Columbine and universal High School, and his photo, online learning program and Main Street. Those are different dates right around that same time. We’re going to be doing some site visits Vicki and I and Brian lamer and the principals at the different locations here in the next few days. Just to get that logistical use in our mind of socialists something, we’re excited and optimistic that we’ll be able to have nice graduate, and hopefully in July, and all that padding is taking place right now as we speak. Johnston’s event very supportive by Dr. Lindsay Ellis has a great partner. And she’s working with our principals on the announcement and the caps and gowns, and all of those kinds of things that we need to be looking at. As far as the summer programming, we’re going to be using a recovery quite a bit. We do have some virtual programs such as the evasion Academy will be done virtually. And then we’ll get Community Schools next week to see if the social distancing makes sense to have community schools because of the strictures of only having 10 students in area and that may not lend itself well to the little justice for us but but we’ll take a look at that communicate with our our families here very soon. cezzah has suspended athletics chase we will be working and put out a letter to all of our families, around our coaches around what they can and can’t do throughout the summer. We’re seeing what’s our music programs, and there’ll be contact between the coaches and the athletes, but it will be with social distancing in line. And then we’ll just continue to follow lead Chiesa. We have three different committees, principals, one at the elementary level, one at the middle school level and one at the high school level, to be looking at strategies around social distancing, if we have to implement any social distancing, and fall, looking at split schedules and asset areas and lunch periods and larger spaces, those kinds of things. So they will be reporting back to us on June 1, and let us know what some of their ideas are. We have a few of our own. We’re hopeful that we can start school and fall without need to do that. But in the event, we can’t do wanted to have some of those things in place. earlier on. I talked a little bit about the bond where we have 26 million gathered at this point of 55 million that we need. I did have a teleconference call indicated that Colorado is nearing a $3 billion shortfall which be somewhere around couple hundred million dollars in terms of the shortfall where public concern, there are a couple of avenues, you know, we have the best grant cash, that’s not 170 million in Colorado that they might be able to use to mitigate. And, you know, a couple of other dollar amounts 50 million another account that they might be able to use to mitigate some of that. But they’re talking about anywhere between 10 and a 25%. In per pupil allocation. And so, you know, if they were at the higher end of that, that would be some around 40 to 45 million for same brain. And if they were a lower end, it would be somewhere around 20,000,000% range. So we’ll, we’ll wait and see what that long though. And that’s part of our strategy around looking at the hiring, we’re not going to fees, but we certainly don’t want hire a whole host of teachers more than we need, depending on how our enrollment as it flows. We are kind of in a holding pattern with those striations we’re going to have some meetings with Steven his team, just talk in big picture, you know, 3000 foot conversation, we won’t be able to make any commitments around negotiation until we know a little bit more about the lung bill. And it all meant some other things. We’re having Those conversations, the major issues around special ed that we’re experiencing, you know, our own mates have ever and then compensatory offenses and also just the complexity of IEP s done online and from a distance and all those kinds of things. But Lord is doing a great job with all of that. But those are some of the things that we were that we’re working on this week. I’m gonna shift gears a little bit and talk about some of the questions that came in the area around.

I’ll read the questions. Let’s see, around 96% engagement. And Jackie, I’ll share a little bit and you can share some as well. But we remarketing and tracking engagement with a zero a one and a two that the teachers will assign and zeros on engagement. One is they’re engaging at an acceptable level and two is that they’re engaging a higher level because they’re looking to to improve. And we did we were hitting it we started at 90%. Then we went to 93%. And then we went to night five and then at six, and it was good here that we had even more kids pick up iPads. We also start out with the first few weeks of hardcopy helps the kids get acclimated. And it’s all, you know translated for everyone. We also partner to Cisco instead of 11 hotspots around the district where you can, that’s one of the nice things about iPads, you can go into the parking lot, download, and then go home and do your work at home. So really everyone has access at this point to the, to the technology, and the teachers have been doing a great job. We’ve been reaching out quite a bit with our counselors and our interventionist, and our teachers and our staff and our principals, and high school and schools are doing a great job of tracking our seniors primarily and all of our counselors. And we’re looking at every single senior who might be on Bumble and making contacts with them. And we’re also looking at where some might benefit from a little flexibility given the circumstances. But we’re optimistic that we’ll be able to get all of the kids or with involved work across the finish line, but that’s 24 seven effort along with contacting and communicating with you know, folks K through 11 Well, the thing about our curriculum is we made a conscious decision at the beginning, not to put out a menu of options and say, kind of just supplement yourself and do this. Again, we created a curriculum for every single grade. And it’s standard base and it’s aligned. And you know, it’s a, it’s an interesting thing, a truce or a one pair contacted me and tell me that, actually, I’ve had about five to six contacts with concern. The rest have all been very positive. And the five or six that have contacted me, his concern is that they felt like the expectations too high. And that we asked too much of students during this time, and what was shared with them is you have flexibility, you know, we’re looking at at third quarter grade and asking for a good base that are, but we did not want to just lower the bar and get by we figured if you need to based on circumstances, we would be open to those conversations. But we wanted to keep kids on track to progress to the next grade level, and then also graduate, and I emphasize that point in all of my letters, just be clear with people that this is not a supplemental that’s just put something together and try to get by. And we have kept with rigor and kept with the expectation. So we’re seeing some good results as far as that goes. Let me stop and see if you guys have a question. And then I’ll shift to Jackie to share a little bit about some of the work that you guys have been doing around that. Does that technology and the curricula department alaric services, it’s just off the charts that you’ve done, and you’ve heard of it as it’s thousands iPads, and it’s, it’s been it’s been a really incredible lift that you guys I want to share a little bit.

Thank you, john. You covered it really well. I would say in addition to things that Don has mentioned, we’re also able to from a district standpoint and also at the school level, run analytics in Schoology. And in seesaw the monitor each week the amount of activity happening. The log ons the number log on this week we’ve had 16,000 log ons so far in Schoology. And we had about 16 hits per student or actual responses to work 16 per student and seesaw, which is our rk three platform for responding to work in being in and doing some of those assignments. So we continue to monitor those analytics as well. We run reports as Don spoke about, we have every week where teachers go into the class rosters and they log as zero a one or a two for each day that students work to be working in Schoology or seesaw. And they are monitoring whether students are not completing assignment, partially completing assignments or fully completing all their assignments. There is also a lot of parent contacts. So principals are able to go in and see where students are not engaged, what the contexts have been made. And then also it’s been mentioned just last Lots of personalized work that we’re doing for all of our specialist groups who need additional, or in the instructional logs also very much track and monitor the outreach and the accommodations for those students. You know, when we built that system, at the very beginning of going online, we really built it in a way that we could highly demonstrate our student engagement and the kinds of work that students were doing and the kinds of assignments that teachers were giving, because at that time, we didn’t know what the State Department would hold us accountable for in in terms of effort in time. And so we built the system in a very conservative way and in a way that highly tracked what the engagement was. And since there’s been a little bit loosening up at the state level, we’ve maintained that level of monitoring in an effort as done set to continue with instruction, not just hold kids where they are, but to really move forward curriculum forward and move learning forward. Many districts are talking about this point, spending the first six to eight weeks of the new school year reviewing what students should have learned in fourth quarter. B will not begin in that place. We will begin by moving next year’s curriculum forward as well, knowing at a very high level, our teachers have covered the curriculum that was expected in the fourth quarter. So really, it’s it’s been a great effort. It’s been an effort on many, many people in learning service team. And we spend many days working through lists of logistical things that need solutions. And every day that tea shows up and we work through next 10 times. In questions we need to answer and we keep we keep moving forward.

You know, one of the things that Joe you had mentioned is true, and it’s it’s not surprising, but it’s true that the people have taken this opportunity to create the storyline once again, brown, some people not having access. It’s just gonna be hard to pull a compliment out of the public that comes to public education. Because it’s a it’s not something that people demonstrate a whole lot of respect for. But the reality is the public has known for years that there is an access gap. And they now exclude St. Raines, community from this because a brand community has been extremely generous. And that’s why we’re able to do the things we do. But it’s it’s very disingenuous for leadership at the state level, and other places, act and cerned, about the lack of access, because for years, public educators have been speaking to the leadership saying, We need schools to be funded, so that we can create access for all quite honestly, they just have not been responsive, and so falls very short of being genuine and sincere when people act as though they care. And I say that with all due respect to the same Frank community because the same brain community has been phenomenal. It has the melodies and things along those lines. But this is not something new. We know their access issue. That’s why you see our district Reporting 30% participation and 50% some superinten, saying, you know, called truancy officers and a whole host of things, because they don’t have the infrastructure that we’ve built here. And we’ve been able to build that because of our community. So very grateful to his community and also very grateful to our teachers, if you follow the work their teachers are doing is so far above and beyond what you would ask anyone to do, and I just very, very proud of them and very, very grateful. So that’s kind of an overview of some of the things that we’re doing. You know about the lunches. We also have nurses that are working out in the community, volunteering time to support you know that we, we donated 10,000 asks the Boulder County and some gloves for protective devices, when they were short on those kinds of things. And just working with all the agencies to try to navigate and keep things moving as as well as we can. Right now we’re in a very, very stable and solid place. Well that’s concerned for a couple of other items, but I’m gonna Stop there and see if you want to talk about this topic. And then I’ll get into the next two topics which are a little less substantive.

Thank you.

I really appreciate that update on the online experience from the online teachers and I, students, I had an opportunity to talk to students throughout district, teachers, students, teachers, and to the person may have said how thankful Dave for the appreciate the level of support that the district headquarter staff provides for them as well as the support I get from within the schools. And the foresight that the district has terms of equipping students in our in our teachers with technology that we didn’t envision being used as the Ciliates. In fact, I don’t think anyone really does not as quickly as it’s being done at this point. So I think when we’re comparing the work we’ve done With other districts, not only throughout the state, but throughout the country, that we are uniquely positioned to really continue with an extraordinary level of support for our students through that with the technology and support we have for teachers. I am. So it’s within the context that I had a few clarifying questions I wanted to address. And one of those was when we’re talking about 96% engagement.

Does that mean that 96% of the students are at a one or a two?

I mean, how does that how does that arise?

Yeah, no, it can be one or two. And engaging in the work on a somewhat regular basis, you’re gonna see some that are engaging more, and some that are engaging less, but they’re engaged, they’re connected to the teacher, they’re submitting those kinds of things. The zero is when we’re not able to get that responsiveness and that’s where we keep calling and you know, and One of the things that we’re, we’re not sure about this, but we have an assumption that some of the zeros are no longer in the area, they may have relocated, because in some cases, after multiple phone calls, there’s just no response.

So are the zeros than the 4% remains? by week? Is that

correct? For so?

Again, never know what happens this week as we how many iPads we give out this week.

Yesterday, we are resource centered open today, so now gave out 90 yesterday.

So that’s 90 that you think are gonna start engaging, and they’ll be a good thing too. So that number may increase?

Yeah, well, and I can’t help but believe this is a very fluid situation, and that families are really going to be at a different point in the process and had a different level of capacity, just like students will on any given day. So there might be families that it’s taken us long for them to ramp up, because it’s something personal, you know, in their life or the resources or family members. So I would imagine we’d see some natural ebb and flow

Yeah, and we’ve got, you know, advanced placement tests that are starting college board is doing their own thing with that, as well. And so there’s some people engaging in that over and above.

Yeah, I’m pleased. I’m not making No, no, no, no, I get understand it’s a unique situation. And you’re doing such a great job of meeting everybody where they’re at. But that looks different. For everyone, it’s just

well, and I think you’re gonna have some, you know, there’ll be some questions that have to be answered at state level around accreditation. Because the elementary school accreditation is 100%, based on a test, and students have to take the test this spring, and that as a high school level, it’s 70%. When you factor achievement growth, so you know that you can’t do any accreditation next year. And then I think back to jackies point, it’s safe to say across the state, there are just a whole host of kids that are going to start way behind in the fall and be a tough argument to make that we’re gonna administer an assessment next year expect the following year accreditation to have any validity to it. So

on top of that, you might cut

their hunting by 25%. Anybody that Yeah. Worst case scenario Yeah, it’s gonna be digging what I didn’t know. But

yeah. Well, thank you. That’s very helpful as well, I guess the general comment, but rather than go through the specifics, but they don’t come in was there were a concern expressed by the tutor. So we’re providing curriculum at different high levels, elementary, middle and high school. The concern was that the students

were not making the kind of ball they were getting

connecting. They were engaging, the progress and growth was not what would be terms of completing the curriculum for this particular year, you can see it’s worth the elementary school level are students going to be having progressed will they have be at the third grade level at the end of third grade reading levels? Are we going to meet our targets there and the teams are playing right now the sonic bubble is not not a a scientific satellite. But during the process of continuing to adapt to do their or better being responsive to the contest they’ve had with their students, but still struggle with the knowledge that they want to get them to a point that they need to be at the end of the year, and wondering, having some challenges as they are striving to provide a level of support structures, mental institution, sir,

I would say that’s pretty characteristic of saying, bring teachers. And I will tell you that even if we were in hersa, you’d be hearing that same thing that they have concerns about, are the kids going to be ready to make that transition into next year? The the reality and I know I’ve written here to you and spoken with 10 or 11 teachers, you know, we get, we’re getting feedback all the time. It’s not any different than what you would see in the you know, the traditional sense. This time of year we start talking about students who we don’t know if they’re ready and so that’s why we engage in the project launch and the algebra projects in the summer cool thing those though it’s legitimate question, and it’s legitimate concern. I don’t know that it’s different. Now because we’re doing online versus in person, because there’s always that question, are the kids gonna be ready? I think with the instructional leaders that we’ve had in each school, and with the teachers level of understanding around this awesome, they’ve been doing really, really good work. And I think for the most part, students are responding really, really well. To jackies point 30. Some, you know, some loss of grade level. I think, given what we’re experiencing, if anybody didn’t have that concern, then they would not be passing the gravity of what we’re experiencing. If anybody does not realize what’s happening right now. They might simplify it like that and say, I have a concern. Well, we all have concerns. We have concerns that people are going to be able to stay in their homes. We have inserted people wanting to be able to buy food, we have concerns if we’re gonna have their jobs. And we have people are looking for They’re going to maintain your own existence. So the question are some kid going to fall behind? I think we would be very, very remiss if we didn’t acknowledge that’s a possibility. But it’s not going to happen as a result of lack of effort on our part. The circumstances will dictate that. So I think those teachers are accurate, I would tell them, if I were talking to them, I would tell them to not be so hard on themselves, and to understand what they’re experiencing is something unprecedented, and keep doing the thing they’re doing because it’s a in many ways it’s working. And I think when we get to the other side of this many ways, we’re going to be strong system, you know, so one thing to point to, is, you know, the teachers in there, do some heavy lifting. And a lot of parents are doing heavy lifting, trying to maintain their jobs, and trying to maintain their own well being and health and then trying to help their children stay on track. And that heavy lift to the work trying to be very, very sensitive to our parents, right. on this issue due, because they’re struggling, and we’ve said all along, the longer, this goes more people that lose their jobs, the more people that you know, experienced mental health issues or know somebody in their life that experience unhealthy, the more stress and the more likelihood that people are going to fall back. Now we feel good about, we don’t feel good about product launch not being in place. But we do feel that about plants with the algebra, and they just start and then also the literacy work after school. So hopefully, there’ll be an opportunity to catch kids. The other thing that we’ll talk about is, kids are learning a lot about life outside of academics right now. They’re learning a lot about resilience, and they’re learning a lot about communication, I think or they’re gaining a sense of appreciation. I think the whole public might be gaining a sense of appreciation for something that may, again, I always exclude, say rain from these comments because I had no complaints about sick brains work and committed to education, I think around the country, and I think around the state that people might be developing a greater sense of purpose. For how hard teachers work, and the importance of public schools, so that’s a long answer. But it’s really important subject because we have these conversations every day on our team are making progress our kids doing okay. And I talked to the AR on zoom yesterday. And

I mean, they’re just, they’re really good after I do amaze thing. So just

thank you very much interesting conclusion. In conclusion, I guess the point for this, or the end point, from my perspective, another teacher says, of course, this is what does it look like? And we were able to come back hopefully in fall in August, and be sensitive about the guests that might have inadvertently emerged even as we continue to adapt and respond to the best of our abilities. So I think that there’s gonna be a need, not telling you anything that you don’t know if there’s going to need hypersensitive to a students that we’ve, we’ve brought in to support with them to progress, but they don’t really be helping on fact, retained what they would have been normal school year.

Yeah, absolutely. Also kids that are coming to us from other systems will have several hundred kids cut us for other systems. And I’m sure that you’re right. We’re gonna have some gaps. There’s no doubt.

Thank you very much.

That’s what teachers do so well, all the time. Kids always come back from summer break in various degrees of engagement or not. And teachers diagnose very quickly, where students are and are very, very best teachers, which are many of them out there. Begin very quickly to know how to differentiate instruction to meet students where they are. It’s what makes them so amazing at what they do.

That’s I used to see you coming out of Longwood High School. Eight o’clock at night. What do you do? Go to the dojo For advanced placement with the students

are we good to move? Or if I get into this next area is just a

quick thank you it was a very thoughtful response. We really appreciated hearing that from you. I just have a quick shout out somewhere and I had circuits gonna keep there’s I’ve had over the sorry.


Thanks, john.

And is any plan for any kind of some curriculum mitigation for dads,

you don’t get to do some things with my own reader and Khan Academy and supplemental kinds of things. And then we have some Innovation Academy camp plan and stuff like that, but it’s not going to be structured to the extent that it is a normal the extent it is right now. Thank you.

Thank you. It’s really snowball question. Thank you for this discussion. But understand soon as participate there third, third very firm Brady’s gonna say. And as Dan 012 I’m curious if you’re tracking that high student Wi Fi. What do you do somebody For weeks of zero and all sudden bumps to two, how exactly is how do you how do you accumulate over time? 01? Dude, you’re doing a weekly?

I don’t I don’t know that can be an exact answer to that. Jim really, it’s a it’s a student by student teacher to student interaction. And you know, a lot of the students around green are what teachers are responsible for when kids are here at school, throughout the semester, kid have varying degrees of engagement. And teachers make sense of that. And they decide how much students have mastered the content,

decorations. I’ve been involved in hearing it over and over again. I’m hoping you know, the reading and stuff like a question just hit to my mind when they present his question.

Later. Thank you. Thank you.

Yeah, thank you. Um, no, I have a comment more and that’s definitely reiterating. What was said is that the desert has taken an approach to really Not only maintain but keep a rigorous program going and I think that shows love for the district in terms of where it wants to land next year. And that’s going to be a tough mark to kind of Judge because I live in house right now whose daughter, Nate’s maiden son in 10th grade, and I lost my dad COVID. And my daughter was much more. I know, affected by her engagement hasn’t been as robust as I would like to see. But I will say her teachers have reached out with such compassion and it’s just amazing to see. My son the other hand, he spent three hours working on chemistry with his classmates over zoom. And he was just you know, so and I also saw him he has a he takes a an aeronautics class and my brother in law’s pilot and he a few questions we got on the horn with him and he was asking about the analysis. So I think lessons we’re going to learn about having these zoom meetings, having a Social distancing, but a connection is going to serve us so well coming down the pike. And we’re and I’m a fan of technology. I think technology offers this pathway to equity like nothing else. So I’m really seeing excitement in terms of the lessons we’re gonna learn this year will serve us so well in the future. So wasn’t a question justice.

I think I’d under course, just meeting meeting people where they are, and I’m appreciative of the human side of education right now. Yeah, thanks.

You bet. A couple of things. I just wanted to acknowledge some of the hires that have put our consent. Recently we hired Burlington school out of Sheridan School District, we also were excited she was at 12 and then shared and, and then we also hired an experienced athletic director, assistant principal at Frederick High School gentleman out of Brighton comes very highly recommended. So we’re feeling very good about that hire. We hired one of our current employees and Atherton to be the new system as well at Longmont High School. She’s been a superstar with a recovery and so we all write about that. Hire a director out of Cherry Creek to round out our executive director team for HR. And he was recently the president of case. And as Ron is only charge departments and comes with a lot of experience from a Korean nose hot food guy, so we don’t really add value there. And then the last one is Northbridge. And we’ll be hiring fat in about a week we’ve got a post. So we feel like we’ve really added value to our team, and some really key hires and then also our principals real to a person who said that a hiring pool this year have been the very best that they’ve seen in quite some time. And they’ve always been good. So that’s, that’s a good thing about our shared that Eric and the mother. So the other thing that came with the rationale for online learning continuing throughout the remainder of the year, you know, the the technical answer is the nerd came out Monday. It was Monday, Monday or Tuesday Monday and said that he was suspending in person instruction in billing throughout the remainder of the year. And so following his lead, we’re going to continue to do on blind. We are there have been a number of superintendents around the state that have requested of CDE that they did continue early, so that they can begin planning for next year, we made a conscious decision to keep the instruction going up until, you know, three quarters of the way through May, as we had originally planned. So what I plan to add early, so the fact that this because of the governor, but even more importantly, we just believe important, continue the education. So that’s kind of the rash on those three things, was gonna get into another topic. But before I do, I wanted to see if you guys had any questions about any of those three things or areas.

Thanks very much for that you’re gonna cover the conflicts of interest.

The contests, thank you the conflicts of interest. We had one that we had checked in, Greg could check in a little earlier. And what I sharing was, you guys see when you come to the table with one that we’re willing to consider. There are many that we say no to, that you never see because we’ve set a very high bar, and we don’t want there to be in the appearance of a conflict division. So we take these things very seriously, Greg and others will investigate and make sure that it’s not meeting any kind of conflict. And those are the ones we bring to you. But what I also want you to know, there are many that we don’t bring to because we say, oh, right off the bat. You bet. Absolutely. And it’s important for our public to know that, that we take that very seriously.

We are going again to the swimming pool. So if you guys are right on a call by it,

actually, I was going to go ahead and we have our consent items you want. Okay, I don’t think it’ll be very long. So that’s great. That works for you. The next agenda item though, is I just cannot figure out the math with these buses is point one, which is our district financial statements for March 2020. And did meet with reg fief prior to this meeting. And really, if Greg were here with Think what he would say and board members can certainly support me on this. If it financially a district is in an excellent position. The Finance and Audit Committee did review the budget they met on Monday, Karen and john were both in attendance. Ming, and, you know, despite more talked on, you know or not, you’re talking about your comments about the budget at the state level and potentially the cuts that might be coming over the next, you know, few months do. I read as many as three years despite that the district is able to meet its financial obligations, and certainly good time to be appreciative of your guidance and leadership. When it comes to finances as well as passwords of education. Certainly the Board of Education and our community for setting up and forwarding public education. Yeah, so anybody? adequate recap, thank you. Alright, that brings us to our consent items this evening. I don’t believe board members wish to pull any items great. 6.1 is the approval of change order to to construction manager general contractor cmgc. contract for the Sanborn elementary school renovation. 7.2 approval of amendment to cmgc contract for Erie middle school band Project 7.3 approval of amendment to Zam GC contract Frederick High School edition 7.4 approval of an admit to Sam cheesy contractor Altoona Middle School renovation 7.5 approval of recommendation to hire as assistant principal athletic director for Frederick High School 7.6. Approval of recommendation to hire assistant principal for Lana High School 7.7 approval of recommendation to higher Executive Director of Human Resources 7.8 approval request to grant an exception to board policy GB a staff ethics conflict of interest and McIntyre 7.9. Approval contract award for security cameras, seven point 10 first reading adoption or policy Bdh. Our public participation is at school board meetings and seven point 11 approval of closure of all district goals for the remainder of the 2019 2020. school year. I would entertain a motion for approval please.

so moved

by Jim and a second by Karen and john, can you call for the vote please?

Yes burger. Yes. Yes.

Hi. Thanks, john. And I just want to mention, I know that, you know, I mentioned this at our last meeting, and I really honestly hope maybe this is the last meeting probably won’t be, I need to do this. But congratulations to all of the new hires that we just approved. And we do hope that we’ll be able to meet those people who are new doesn’t brain at some point in the near future, and congratulations to the AMA, who all of us know, and I’ve seen her at board meetings for quite some time. Now. I did want to mention also, board pas BD, bd HR was just on the consent agenda. We make one smart minor change. So that policy that was made at the remedy made based on a recommendation by legal counsel, and we did limit public comment to 30 minutes unless extended the majority vote of the Board of Education and this is in alignment with policy that we approved for virtual meetings at our last board of education meeting, and that helps us maintain entanglements, but in a way that we need to change And my beyond that arguments we absolutely can so not be interpreted as try to limit public comment because that is absolutely not the intent. All right, Ashton is hard to read this sucker. In point one is a recommendation for approval of weld county six educational costs. Do any board members have any questions Don can certainly answer any questions they might have about this. If not, then I’ll go ahead and call for a motion for approval. Please. Gentlemen, a second by john and john, can you call for the vote?

Yes, yes.


yes. I thanks, john. Maybe I’m talking too much. If I stop less, it’ll be easier to breathe and my my math. We’re now moving on to agenda item 8.2 which is the approval of architects selection for the pool edition broad product Brian. You have I don’t know if you can see it or not. You have Jim and Jackie and Dick and Karen, on myself and, and on. All right,

hey, Brian, maybe you have just a little bit of a backdrop and then I’ll turn it over to you. We know we’re gonna be talking about a proposal to build a swimming pool in this strip. And some of the history, as we’ve talked about this in went many, many years ago, along with perhaps, an additional stadium. But we we never felt like it was something in a bond initiative that we’re able to move forward. So we have used the YMCA, we’ve used the swimming pool, overbite number line, and we’ve used the Rec Center at Erie and also car Valley rec center. Since that time, we have seen just an explosion of students, especially our girls swim team. We have sick we’re going to be starting a seventh one here pretty soon in Frederick High School. And then a boys swim is extremely competitive. We have the winter with the girls and the boys in the spring and we’re sorry Ideally last year, the YMCA went down and saw our kid having traveled to Boulder to swim. And because of the limited lanes and limited amount of time, kids have to get up extremely early in the morning and it’s creating some dynamics. We did try to partner with a city Longmont and put forth a tax initiative, this last year that we’ve ended up resulting in us having about $356,000 a year to lease a facility over a long period of time. That did not pass unfortunately, at the same time, Brian, as he always does, seems to burn, someone’s over and Biden’s dollars as a result of his and his team’s efficiencies. So I asked Brian to do a cost estimate around what it would look like and what it would cost and where would be the best place geographically and which building would be more conducive to building pool. We originally thought about a six length pool with a dive, well, that would just be a practice pool. And then we would build on that at a later date in Lincoln, but Brian came back and said, for approximately $8 million. You could build an eight lane pool there. competitive swimming pool and be able to supply bleachers and host competitive meats as well as practice as well as bolster our physical education program. Our water safety certification programs, perhaps do some scuba diving certification programs, some underwater robotics programming, and you know, the also concept of renting facility out for some lessons and use for the public at some time. So, he has work on that with his team and I shared with you last time the some of the dynamics and said come back and we’re really going to open it up and it’s an action item and at the end of this conversation, if you are feeling like you want more information, we can extend to another meeting. If you feel like you have enough information we can, we can decide tonight. But with that, I’m gonna turn it over to Brian and I am sure what, what you have on your mind.

And yet, john, did quite well be a little bit of depth on we review we looked at all of our high school sites. Identify the best location. We analyze a site for feasibility advantage soils, locker room connections, utility rates, transporting students to install them aligning with resume tips, which really became more important in our selection process, tearing it down. There were four schools 123 bicycles, actually, that really did not show up at all. Just because of the difficulty of placing it there, or the proximity to the majority of the swimmers, if you will, instead of our districts and we narrowed it down three schools and then that further analysis and tried to sit on and we did just that we did have buildings and then how they have locations aligned with this sweet change then just the greatest opportunity for the grace number of students to take advantage of a balloon. So the wind is on. So you’re still trying to get onto the site. But nonetheless, we have a basic plan of what it could look like. And we’re really into that space where we can refine that enhance the proposal before you install, hire an architect to take those ideas and go into every refinement phase. And to design a full blown adult job working at an alien pool or candidates. Jordan Mitch probably won’t accommodate or Austin need, which is all coming together and still had to read place for that. But nonetheless, though, it’ll handle certainly teams and Trish that goes in the handle, and tremendous or three teams come together. So so we’re kind of excited about possibility and that Don actually, you know, to shame that person along with it. But for the benefit of our students feel like this is a good idea.

And we,

we have money to cover almost all of it through instrum, our bonds would be taking somewhere around half a million to three quarters of a million out of the general fund for that one time cost. But if you look at 356,000 a year, we’re going to pay for the lease that will be made up pretty quickly. And we’ll also be able to generate some revenue that will help help offset maintenance costs, and in some cases, create even more of a revenue stream. Brian, were you able to say something else?

So let’s just open it up.

Yeah, I appreciate that. And thank you, Bryan, and on. We talked about this our last regular meeting about the pool. I believe Paulo is when you ask the question, financially the pool be self sustaining would potentially generate revenue for districts that correct? Yeah.

We were able to get close to me to have concessions. You’d have swim lessons. You’d have you know, water certification program and things along those Lyons would be able to and it would come part of our technical education programs well,

so we create opportunities for students as well as generate revenue. And then Thomas get it, you know, definitely a little bit fishy for me sometimes. But my, my recent memory of the past couple years is hearing from from school coaches and parents that’s difficult to schedule practice times and meets and just to meet obligations. That would be easy. If you’re playing baseball, then you have a field right there, you know, at your facility at high school, but swim meet, you’re bringing everybody together. And at capacity, the amount of students that are participating far exceeds capacity that our communities are able to provide.

Yeah, absolutely. Oh by habra.

But you know, as I looked at the map of where the swimmers are, in versus the schools that arounds over Creek, you know, we have 5060 women and no men of 17 and I log on hi has 30 minutes 50 women skylines skyline is no men and do what a lion has. Note them to all and super great guests, basically 50 5050 men and 50 feminine placements there are, I think, a lunch or swim program for both sexes and for more schools in that area. So yeah.

The other thing is just down the road, our probably our next High School is going to be on the east side of the district. And then we’d love to build another high school, there would be an opportunity to build a swimming pool into that high school and Part A bond and you would have one on the east side and on the west side. So the other question that Brian and I talked about, quite extensively is where some of the other pressing projects and we were looking at not a tournament lands, we were able to with that as a bond, we were looking at the renovation at long on high school, the cafeteria, administrative areas, and the wing that we’re gonna be building out at Frederick school. And then obviously, the new elementary school that we’re building at Mead, and the new elementary school that we’re building at Erie, and all these kinds of things that were that were really high stakes but also enabled To meet some of our needs with test courts and tracks that we wanted to make sure and without and then backfilling with, for a fact systems and things like that through our capital reserves on so we got a lot of those projects either way, dig I had a good conversation, I had a conversation with Brian, several months ago about a perceived need a Silver Creek with the salt as of the gym and the auditorium. And conversations that Ryan and I have been having, over a period of time, we would look to expand the size of those in a future bond. So, and the significance of this these comments is that we don’t feel like as you said, Joe, this money couldn’t otherwise be used for operations. And there aren’t any of these large scale projects that we feel are getting moved aside to accommodate this. This is money over above what we otherwise would have had to Brian, are you gonna say? No.

Okay, well, we’ll open up for questions.

Before depart I just want to do one final comment because of my friends. It’s important to clarify this, the pool wouldn’t take a place of any other been projects that the bond 2016 bond is still on track for all projects that actually encompass encompasses additional projects. And that that in no way shape or form and hacks them this would be above and beyond. Yes, thank you

doing. And just along those lines, no blonde was 200 and $6 million. The project we have left is for casual edition, the lions auditorium, potentially the pool budget and the military school. those projects add up to 55,000,002 eight adjust on projects, we’ve spent 211 million. So we’re almost finished on the bond dollars. And in addition, we have about $4 million left in contingency and, and we’ll keep that intact. Just get the large projects cross finish it directly right in I mean, we’re getting near the Trying to find budget and.

And cafeteria Manuel High School’s gonna start here pretty quick.

Oh, absolutely. Did you know that project is underway? You’re talking about that station of the project?

Yeah. Monster Good.

All right, thank you. It’s Donna Brian, a board members comments or questions. JOHN.

I’m really excited about the pool. I think that’s well needed in our community and in our district. I know that every last year was using three different facilities to try to sustain our program. It was a logistical quagmire. A little tough to do. I would have loved to see pulling it up here but I understand the placement is one it’s good for, for the logistic of all schools and understand that and the added programs I mean, I know the boys would love to add program Erie I know that we have maybe water polo and the fact that you have robotics and possibly assuming I mean is just phenomenal. So I’m all in favor of pool, I think it’s a fit into the bond what we didn’t expect it to fit in. And the money you have shown due diligence has just offered so many different pathways to increase properties all along the district. And so I just say congratulations, I think a pool is if it turned into sustaining itself, by renting it out that even more benefits to the community. And that’s kind of you know, we serve our community with these projects as well to serve our students. So this is a win win both ways. So thank you very much.

That’s john. Anybody else comments questions?

I want to say thank you very much for that extensive premium he just provided i that is covered a lot of the questions that I had, and it was really within the context of our discussion earlier today. So I really appreciate that. I was wondering, can you give Jeff a sense of how our swim programs have grown in the last Five years and what do you what do you think need might be going forward? You mentioned the possibility of a second pool in the desert on the sidewalk. But I’m interested in having kind of larger context for this discussion.

Yeah, you know, I have a lot of history. I remember when I became principal and I was one of the things that was exciting along the left who’s now the assistant principal out at bead, he had a state championship team. So say brand has always been out in front or swing concerning. And I know a lot of high school recently won a state championship and then we had some great results out at Erie and both boys and girls by the numbers are going quite fast. You know, as you heard earlier this year, we had actually someone 9080 to 90 girls out at three and now program that’s growing so much. We’re going to expand start another program at Frederick High School. And so that will be at another swim team. And so we are we are growing girls program is growing much faster than the boys but the boys program As you know, it’s very competitive thing about it is you’ve got I can’t remember her name, several state champions, really, really competitive swimming program. And I think that to John’s point and deer point where we were going to be building another high school at some point here in the east, in the side of our district and, and that would be an opportune time to grow another pool because the reality is we could use more than one bull insane, right? I mean, that’s the reality. And so this is a great start. And hopefully we’ll be able to bolster that.

And we say, it’ll keep going forward. You mean breakeven and operations?

Yeah, there’ll be maintenance fees, you know, do a, to maintain the pool. And well, the revenue that we generate, well, for most part, maintain, and depending on how many competitions and how much we decide to, you know, read out the facility, we could even generate revenue, but that’ll be our, you know, depending on how much wear and tear we building experience.

But the reality is that even if it were not breakeven, even if we weren’t Because for operations on an ongoing basis that would the value of the program would, would justify that in and from what you said justify that and more.

Is that right? Absolutely. I know I, I work day school in Cherry Creek where we had a swimming pool at a crest High School. And I remember, you know, we would, as john said, we had water polo programs, we had water safety programs, certification, first aid. We had scuba diving certification programs, it was just, you know, physical education classes would have incredible, incredible opportunities and wasn’t just the physical education classes. I remember, you know, sports teams after their practice with the men and they would, you know, the football team would get in or the baseball team, they’d swim laps they do the wrestling team, it just it is it opened up a plethora of opportunities that we you know, we’re kind of set out on. Thank you. You bet.

Yes, thank

no other comments or questions? All right. Done. Orion. Did you have any closing comments, questions before The board notes.

Ryan, can you just talk about your timeline? I know you had talked about October with the hopes of getting the pool up and running for the 2120 boost season.

We’re gonna start with your pool. And then our plan is to break ground in October of this year and have the Google open in October of next year, started up and be ready for early winter swimming search in December.

Just Yes. So though tonight is really to prove the project and we’re actually building just on the architectural buys but it’s really in principle to improve the entire project, get back subsequent votes on the actual construction. These so just I’m clear. This is a build tool and first allocation of funds is for yourself.

Did you

the answer that yes, the question.

I didn’t hear a full question

just at the this first phase for the architect draw designs, that, in theory, this photo is the green light to say yes to the overall. But he would also be getting a report back after the architectural designs are completed, and then another opportunity to weigh in to actually start construction.

That is correct. Yes.

Thanks. All right.

Thanks, everyone. So then I would entertain, entertain a motion for approval of action item 8.2. We went to the approval of our tax question for religion project. Bond, and a second, please. Sure. gem is the second you probably call for the vote, please, john. Yes.

Yes, yes,

I think all right. Great. Thank you. Thank you and Florida vacation. You know, this is exciting. I would work to those opportunities for the students.

Did you get on the line and talk about the

disaster declaration?

Sure. All right. So great. Yeah. I had been.

Word item 8.3 is firstly, it’s an extension of our Declaration was this just provides the district access to federal funding. When I spoke with Ken Italico, actually, the first time I wrote she said, you know, we really recommend that you just put you don’t put a date on a minute and just wait for the local municipalities or the chief to end it. And then you guys come back and vote in hours. As time I put in with today’s important update, and this was well timed and published on may show So I put in their, their recommendation to extend it indefinitely until and I believe the way it reads extension decoration. I’ll be effective indefinitely until it is presented by the banker and obviously we’ll have educators. So what that really does for us is it stops any emergency meeting that we might have to have, like a timer in there mode. If I put two months in there, we’d have to come back potentially june july timeframe, we’ll have a meeting just stupid. So that’s how I wrote it. And that just extends it until the stick to redirections.

Thank you. Any board members questions?

I’m Brent appreciate the explanation of rational for enough and already never a emergency disaster because see declaration indefinitely. I guess for just as a comment, I would feel more calm. If we had a provision for understanding that there would be regular reviews of the status as moving forward periodically, and that he thought or have have a finite period of time, a month or two months where we’d be looking in and to ensure that we’re still in a state of emergency. It just does, I think, to resolution and the potential to convey a message that we will be in an indefinite state of emergency. Without Yeah, I think this crap.

It is a scary word, especially in a real deal. And truly did not hear all of your question, but I’m gonna lift it on for any kind of

Yeah, basically, Brian, I, the question was, I think you heard the most important part, the concept of communicating that the state of emergency is in definite, you know, I have mixed feelings about it. I think the point you raise makes sense in terms of the way that people think about it. On the other hand, it exactly are we are, we are an indefinite state of emergency. And my concern, in part, what I had earlier was, you know, sometimes when we set a date, it creates a perception that the emergency will be over and creates expectations. And people start to plan around that we would be actually back to what Brian said earlier, silly waiting for boulder emergency management services, and the governor to lift that declaration as ours is following suit with theirs. Now, as far as the ongoing reports week, we’re going to be continuing to do reports on this topic, probably at every board meeting. And so we can build into that, that, you know, just as a matter of fact, make that statement. We are still in what we perceive to be a state of urgency with following the governor’s next next declaration or not, that kind of thing. And because I think your point, makes sense that we need to talk about it. Maybe if you’re okay with leaving blank, he has his and make sure that we all read that we’re going to have this conversation, every board meeting, an update on the Coronavirus, where we are at meet with the emergency management systems, agency administrators that about 50 of us. We have a forum meeting every Tuesday. And then oftentimes we have another one, you know, and it probably one. So because we have a meeting every Tuesday, I always build an update from that meeting into our Wednesday board meeting, because I think it’s gonna be very important to your pointing that board hears from me equally because this is very fluid continually shifting and for our public to now continue to send out letters or emails, regular basis, so we’ll have that conversation. And maybe we can spark to just build it at every board meeting, just a Coronavirus update, that kind of thing.

Thank you, john, that that addresses my concern question. Appreciate that.

Yeah, absolutely. Thank you. And Brian, do you hear all that so we’re good with a language but we’ll plan on doing an update each board meeting

Good idea.

Right. Okay. Thank

you, Ryan. Thanks, Brian.

On that change to the agenda we’ve been using your superintendents report for But yeah, I think in

our public katooni anytime they want, and they like that.

Yeah, I think it’s a great idea improving resolution as is, will be just helpful to be less time consuming, although four years after we get back repeatedly, that Yeah, is the compromise in acknowledging at each of our meetings where we stand as far as the decoration goes, so any other questions or comments on the topic? No. Right. Then I would entertain a motion for the recommendation of action item 8.4. Or pardon me 8.3, which is the approval of extension declaration of local disaster urgency.

So moved

deck and a second. Second, Karen? JOHN?

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, yes.

Hi. Thank you, john. Our final agenda items. See this Evening is action item 8.4, which is the approval of the school to work Alliance program contract swap, which is something that we’ve been approving routinely now, for many years and on I have your name to this day board members need further discussion or input on this agenda item, or can I go ahead and call for motion? Great, then I’ll ask for a motion for approval of an item 8.4. so moved by Karen a second.

by john or Jim, your choice, john?

Yes, yes.

Yes. I think john, not having discussion items this evening. And, Don, did you have any final comments before we close meeting or?

Yeah, I just I just really thank you to the board, and an acknowledgement of our thank you to our community. I really want to acknowledge this board’s attention to detail and you know, fiscal responsibility and the work that you’ve done on a Finance and Audit Committee, the work that you’ve done to help pass Milady over eyes work. They’ve done With our bonds and our refinancing, you’re actively engaged a very highly productive level. And I think that that’s important in our community has been extremely supportive of us. And I think the team between sport and this community has resulted in our students being able to, to keep moving forward through this. And so I just I really want you to know how much we appreciate it. Appreciate you all. And, and those are tire game. So thank you.

Thank you, Tom. There’s one thing I know for certain is that a sport education always puts students that wants us for students first. You know, the reality is that we also are standing on the backs of previous sports. So we’ll extend our appreciation of them. Great, thank you. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 13. Here in the board of engineer here in the boardroom at 6pm. We’ll at the point plan to continuous format, if something changes we’ll certainly discuss that. And with that said, I’ll thank everybody for being here and entertain a motion for adjournment by Karen, and a second All in favor. Hi. Hi everyone guys

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