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City Council regular session to order tonight’s meeting is a little different as always known as Always blessed couple because the novel COVID-19 virus Plus we’re holding this meeting remotely. Could we please start with a roll call?
Mayor Bagley here. Councilmember Christiansen here. Councilmember double Barry. Here. Councilmember Martin. Here. Councilmember Peck. Here. Councilmember Rodriguez. Here. Councilmember waters? Yeah. Mary, you have a quorum.
All right. Great. By way of reminder in order to provide public comment during the stay at home order due to COVID-19 residents have been invited to provide public comments prior to the meeting by submitting them in writing or via phone or video message. Comments are limited to three minutes per person as always, um, do we have any tonight on?
We do Mayor we have about six or seven and I’ll read those in
All right, great. All right, then. Let’s go ahead to uh, let’s go ahead. I’m not seeing a Do pledge. So I don’t have a flag here. This time I’m in my home, unlike the last two times, so we’ll say the Pledge of Allegiance without a flag or standing. So you’re ready. All right, I pledge allegiance to the flag,
States of America,
to the republic for which it stands, nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice.
All right, so can we go ahead and have a motion to approve the minutes of March 31 2020.
So moved.
All right. That was seconded by Jones. So it was moved by Councilmember Christiansen it was seconded by Councilmember Peck, or any debate or discussion. All right, seeing none All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. All opposed say nay. All right, Motion carries unanimously. Anybody have any agenda revisions? submission of documents or motions? That’s cool. All right. Let’s move on then to city manager’s report on The COVID-19 update and emergency items for consideration. Harold, the time is yours.
Good afternoon, mayor and council. Today, you’re actually going to have three of us prepare the report for today. I’m going to start it off. And then Dan and I are going to try to tag team, the his portion where I’m bringing screens up, and then we’ll move to Jim, in terms of the financial work that we’ve been doing. A couple of things that I wanted to update you all on. And so last week, we had a question regarding golf. Actually, we received some additional guidance from Boulder County Health Department and the Colorado Department of Health in terms of what we need to do. They have indicated that golf courses can be open, if they list of about things this long that we have to do. And some Karen and Jeff and the golf pros have been working on that I’ve seen a draft of it, and we’ll be looking at it and then also watch The data in terms of making that decision. And you may or may not have seen there was actually a news. I’m getting feedback. somebody’s not muted.
No, I’m not sorry.
I’m sorry. Anyway, there was actually a new special where they were actually looking at parks and golf courses. And I think the result of that was they were really following the social distancing requirements. So we’re going to be working on that as we move forward and making sure that we’re having everything in place. The key point is going to be that it is going to be reservations online, that has to occur. driving range for a shop and those types of things will not be open, show up 10 minutes before you go and then you have to fall on social distancing. So we’ll be working on establishing all of those rules, and then making a determination whether we’re ready and we meet those requirements. I will personally reach out to Jeff just to chat with him and see, make sure that we’re consistent with his recommendations and the health department’s recommendations on that. You know, there’s been a lot of conversation regarding howling. And I know some people don’t particularly care for it. But, you know, our governor is encouraging Colorado ins to join in the nightly ritual. To help people feel connected and less isolated during this time. One of the things that we are seeing is fireworks. And I would like to request that the residents of our community not engage in the fireworks, just like we do, and around the Fourth of July, that just adds additional call volume for first responders, and in what we’re doing, and so I’m making that request so that we don’t have the fireworks going off while people are participating in the call of the wild. We will be sending some more information out on that I wanted to let you know that the cert group that we actually was part of flood recovery response in the training we did work with our emergency management staff and our recreation staff and they held a donation for clock mask, we actually received 375 o’clock mask, that we are getting out to our city employees on a daily basis, what we found out today in our camera board that we still need mass or Meals on Wheels volunteers, that some of their senior clients and we’re seeing more need as we continue to get that out. And so we’re looking to take off on what we did last Saturday, and look at doing something Wednesday of next week and then the Saturday in the following Wednesday and Saturday from 10 to two in terms of collecting more mass for individuals that need those. We want to thank the community for their efforts and encouraging those with the skills and the materials to If they could please consider donating more mass to those that need them within our community. We’re currently engaging. And we’re starting the conversations about recovery and planning for what that looks like. You all are probably going we’re in the middle of this. That’s kind of how we approach this. And while we’re still dealing with that issue, we’re starting to look to the future at the same time. next meeting, we have a study session. With everything we have going on, we really didn’t have any agenda items, but I will want to reserve that time for a coven update. And then there’s a possibility we may have to convert that meeting to regular session to really, because we may have a COVID related IGA with the county and health department that we were made aware of today. We’re going to have a meeting on Thursday to try to figure that out. So it’s going to be coming at the last minute. It’s really trying to provide more resources to the work that we’re collectively Doing in conjunction with the county. At that point, I’m going to turn it over to Dan for his detailed presentation on where we are today. And I’m going to try to drive images at the same time.
Okay, thank you. Good evening, everybody. I hope everybody is still healthy. We’re going to try to tag team this because as I discovered early this evening, I am totally incompetent at WebEx. So we’re going to see if we can move forward with this is a kind of a theme that we’ve been going through, you know, every time we’ve been doing these updates is data. And like I mentioned last week, we’re getting a lot better data and this week is no different. We’re really starting to get into the specifics of what is Boulder County specific. So we’re getting a whole lot more Boulder County centric data from the health department’s and they’re getting starting to get really good at displaying it. So all the stuff I’m going to show you today is publicly available. You can go on and Check it every day they updated. Most of it is updated every day. We check this pretty religiously every day. So it’s a good way to just kind of track how things are going. And I’m going to try to explain to you the things that we look for that are kind of important to us. So the site that you’re looking at now is linked from Boulder County site. This is Boulder County Public Health and the data that they gather, and the way that they displayed. So the the top numbers there are, they’re pretty obvious, right? It’s the positive test right at the top. And they’re starting to add in the total hospitalizations and like was asked last time they recovered. So they’re really starting to get better at telling us who has recovered from hospitalizations who’s recovered from being positive on the disease investigations currently in progress, and I’ll talk about that a little bit too. And then unfortunately, at the bottom is the number of deceased numbers up to 15. Now, Harold if you scroll down just a little bit
And go down to the three day average growth.
So this three day average growth, average growth graph is one of the most important ones that we’re really looking for, because this is a good visual representation of flattening the curve. So what we’re really looking for here is that brought those numbers all the way to the right, really trying to remain steady or even start to put point downward like they did between yesterday and today. So that’s really just an average growth rate of cases. And the longer that those can spread out, that really is telling us that this social distancing is working. So that’s a really important graph that we look at. The next one down is the age range, and we’re still hovering in that average is about 50. For the average person that gets coded and if you scroll down even further, you get into some more detail of really breaking down more demographics. So the positive test versus how they get hospitalized, whether they’re in ICU or not. And then all the way on the right the dark red on the guest that is is deceased so we still are in the most serious cases are in the 60 and over if you go down even further we start to get into town and city of residence and this is where it gets even a little more interesting. So you’ll see at the top the number the top two numbers, of course are boulder in Longmont, which is what you would expect for the top two population centers. But if you scroll down a little bit more the good news for Longmont is it breaks it down then into a percentage well not percentage but a number per hundred thousand to see on the far right boulders the top and then Lafayette and Lewisville are ahead of Longmont. And what that tells you is the citizens of Longmont are paying attention to what we’re asking them to do and what the governor is asking them to do. So that’s another Good number for us to keep tracking. And that’s something else that we’d like to ask you all to do is please help us with that message. We have some week of good news here. But that certainly does not mean that we are out of the woods yet. We need to continue what we’re doing and the more that you all can do to help us with that better. And the last number on this at the very bottom is just the long term care facilities which from the very beginning, these are really we’ve watched these very closely, because certainly this is where some of our older adults are located all in the same area. And we really want to place a lot of resources here public health spends a lot of time here. You know, the hospitals are involved in this and we try to facilitate conversations as we can, and we try to really understand what’s going on with the long term care facilities to make sure we don’t have significant outbreaks in those settings. Um, Harold if you flip over to the county real fast. I’m sorry, the state one.
Yeah, the one thing I wanted to say when you see currently hospitalized, I will tell you that if you saw some of the news last night, they were actually talking about the data that boulder counties displaying today versus others and they are getting more granular. But the other thing that they also talked about is I do want to let you all know in the community now they are trying to work with the hospital groups in terms of getting even more data.
So on the state site,
this is kind of, obviously a state level look at what’s going on the cases the hospitalizations and a couple of numbers here that that are important to us. Certainly the the boulder number is important but if you scroll down and you look at the weld county number, that number keeps going up relatively significantly. That’s at 858. Yesterday was about I think it was 802 yesterday at the Boulder County number yesterday was two 84 so the growth rates are pretty significantly different. So we continue to watch that because the weld county numbers certainly impact Long’s peak hospital on our eastern border. That’s an impact on our medical system here. The yet, the JBS plant certainly is part of that in weld county that we’re monitoring the impacts of on on our healthcare system here. And then here, we can scroll down a little bit here, try to get to that hospitalization graph. So a little bit of a note on that one right there. So this is another good visualization of that flattening of the curve. This is statewide but the Boulder County line looks almost identical to this. So you can see there over towards the right we really are starting to flatten out the number of hospitals eight hospitalized cases are dropping day over day. There’s a difference in this is the more important number to us these hospitalized cases, as opposed to the overall cases. Because another one of the good items of note here is the increased amount of testing that we can do. So there’s a lot of increased testing capacity locally and through the state, both of our hospitals can test not only first responders and healthcare workers, but they’re looking at ways they can start expanding that out. They’re definitely not there yet. But as we increased our testing capacity, the number of cases are going to go up. And that’s as weird as it is to say, That’s almost a good thing because we know the community spreads out there. We know the cases are out there. But as we test if that number goes up, and the hospitalization rate here remains flat. That means that we’re getting better at testing and isolating, which is one of the most important things we can do to eventually Get out of this state home order. If we don’t have the ability to test an isolate, then we’re really going to have to think about being able to lift this order. So it’s kind of strange to think about but as the number of cases go up, that’s not necessarily a bad thing when you compare it to the number of hospitalizations. A couple other things I just wanted to point out I know there’s a question last week about ventilators. The ventilate the hospital system locally still remains in in good shape. They have the whole week. We talked to them every day. Their capacity is good. The county capacity remains good. We have not significantly push the capacity. We we had a meeting with the agency administrators of the county today and Jeff Zak the Director of Public Health was on and he and the other Metro public health directors are feeling pretty good about where we are in Hospitals surge right now. Um, they feel as though we’ve held pretty well. And they’re feeling good about where we are in the next week or two. So that’s pretty good news. The other question about ventilators was is Colorado going to get any Colorado did get 100 ventilators from the National Stockpile, but none went to Boulder County, which is almost weirdly enough sort of a good thing too. That means we weren’t significantly in need of them right now. But we did not get any in this county. A couple other things I just wanted to point out like Harold mentioned the mass drive. That was it was a wonderful outpouring from the community. We’ve already handed out 200 of those to city staff, and we’re going to be handing out the rest in the next day or two. We’re certainly going to need a lot more of those. As we move into this next phase, we’re really talking about what is that transition into really emphasizing the economic recovery look like? What is the staff needs for that look like? How do we balance With, I guess what you would call normal duties at this point, and then down the road really starting to look at post, whatever the government decides to do with lifting orders, how does that affect city facilities, city staff? What that could look like in the future and everything we would need to do to start accommodating that.
That’s my my update. Certainly, we can answer any questions that you have. But I think the overall message right now is things are looking looking. Okay. I mean, that curve is flattening out. We’re holding okay with our PP in the hospitals are managing to hold on to the search. So I think those are all positive messages I have for you today.
Yeah, I think the term we’re using is we’re cautiously optimistic. You may have heard others say that recently. I think Polly has a question.
Thank you for the update. Um, and I, I do feel like we’re getting the the physical distancing is helping, it’s helping all over the country where it’s being done. We can see in places where it’s not being done like weld county that it’s a problem. So I appreciate that because people need to feel like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. I’m wondering, Dan, if we are going to I really appreciate you saying that testing and isolating is really important. Very difficult to get any testing. And that’s a problem all over the country and to also get it processed. I know a lot of people are working on that. Are we getting any more ability to test?
We are but we’re limited right now to the tiers that public health Still set up, they’re still working on those that are hospitalized first, but we’ve moved past that now. So now our first responders are getting tests back in a day or two, where before it was taking seven to 10 days, so we were having no police and firefighters home for 10 days just waiting on a test result. We’re past that now. They’re moving down to where we have the capacity to get those back in a day or two. And that’s with we can get that done through Kaiser and both health systems now. They’re moving on to pretty much any other healthcare worker and you know, the next stages after that are anybody with underlying health conditions, but they’re not quite at that level of of the community yet, but it’s a pretty positive stuff that they’re working down that list and the capacity is certainly dramatically increased from where we were last week.
Yeah, that’s great. The other thing is, I know that people all over town are sewing masks like crazy little demons. If a lot of those efforts, as we talked about last week are being coordinated with the city and hidden treasures, Is that still the case? Or should people be able to bring? Can people bring things to the city? And who did who should? Who should we be contacting if we want to do that? I’m sick right now. So I can’t be selling because that would not be a good idea. But sure.
So we are working, still working with hidden treasures. And we do want to limit the the drop off to the days that Harold mentioned, because we can staff those days. And we can immediately wash the masks and we can package them we can do a lot of different things with the staff we have there. And we prevent people from kind of driving around the city facilities that aren’t really open anyway. So if we can we try to target those days where we have staff available to receive the masks and the PT group is doing a great job of giving all that stuff. out, you know what’s out there, all of our social media is out on the website, you know, they do a great job of getting those things out. And our goal is to do those often enough. So there’s, you know, an option of one or two times a week that people can come and drop
those off.
Yeah. And I also want to thank you for directing people to the county websites. And I think they’re doing the county’s doing a great job of giving people legitimate sites that they can go to and get the real facts. And that does a lot to helping people understand that this is, this is limited, we need to just keep doing this for a while, and we’ll get out of this eventually. sooner, I think, than later. So thank you for all you’re doing.
I think I wanted to add something that Dan talked about is I think a lot of our conversations this week, to the point of testing are really focusing on testing and the epidemiological tracing. That tends to be a lot of our conversation. And I think that’s probably that’s going to be a product of the IGA is what we do and how do we get volunteer? How do we, as the city, work with the county to make sure they have, if they need it resources to do some of that tracing. And so just to let council know we’re spending a fair amount of time on that now.
Councilmember Peck?
Thank you, Dan, would you mind I just had some people text me that they just logged on. Would you mind telling once again the times and days that they can drop off the mask? Thank you. Harold, do you remember those
are getting them right here. So Wednesday, a week from tomorrow tended to at the Rec Center, and then the following Saturday 10 to two at the Rec Center, and then we’re going to go the week after Wednesday, 10 to two and then Saturday tended to
and again, we’ll get those things out far and wide. You are calm staff is great at getting all that stuff out. So
all right, Harold, anything else?
Um, yes, we need to go to gym now. I think one of the things that we talked to you all about at the last firm, or time’s running together, but one of the last meetings was really about the financial situation. I’m going to turn that over to Jim to go over. One of the things that I want to say to council before he starts, and this is a significant financial issue for local governments. You may or may not have heard, and I believe last week, the city of Broomfield announced furloughs for a couple of months for their staff members, and that was composed of full and part time staff. And then unfortunately, today, the city of Boulder also announced furloughs And so as municipalities, we’re all struggling with this. The one thing I do want to point out is that we’re all different. And we have a different economic basis and different, you know, structures financially that we put together. But we are all talking on a regular basis and working collectively to see for understanding the same way, the situation in the same way that this is going to be a significant financial issue for us now. And then it’s also going to be long as we enter the 2021 budget work that we’re going to have to do. The items that Jim is going to present is really a situation now in this fiscal year. As we have more data, we will then be evaluating what we present to you all we were scheduled to present may 5 for budget conversations and look into the future. We’re going to try to hold on to that date. But really at this point, we’re trying to get as much information as we can to look to the Future but this is going to be a challenge. Where’s Jim? Okay,
good evening, Mayor Bagley, members of council Jim golden Chief Financial Officer. So I think it was three weeks ago that I first gave you our first round of projections for the impacts from the COVID-19 event. So these are constantly being reviewed and updated as we get new information. What we have currently is based on the same assumptions, though, that we would go through two full months of severe impacts on our sales and use tax, and then following that with a recession for the rest of the year, which would be estimated 5% drop below 2019 levels of sales and use tax. So still stick into to that for now. Through this point in time, we have updated the projections though by including in them, some other general fund revenue sources that also will be impacted. Things like our recreation revenues. Actually, I think I might have had that in the first one, but our investment revenues, development revenues, fines and forfeits, utility disconnects, Union union reservoir fees, museum fees, and licenses and fees as well. So we’ve estimated impacts for all those over that same two month period of time. And that was a total $1.77 million impact to the general fund. So adding that with $13.2 million of a sales tax impact across all five funds, and then a $300,000 shortfall in the Gaul fund if it were to repeat remain close for two months, and overall impacts are now $15.3 million, as you see on the slide, on the screen spread across these five funds, obviously the largest the impact is in the general fund between the fact that they’re getting out half of that sales tax, as well as that 1.77 million of other revenues. Next slide. So to this point, what we’ve done is we began to already instill some controls on expenses. You know, we stopped doing any out of town training expenses, obviously, we instituted a selective hiring freeze. So what that means is that if an a position, it needs to be filled, it’s going to need Harold’s permission before it can be done otherwise, most positions will remain open until we decide otherwise. We’ve also asked staff to begin to identify other savings possibilities from burning expenses. The 2020 budget, as well as in the 2020 tip projects that we would have done is evaluate all of our emergency reserve balances and their availability, and how we might be able to use those to offset some revenue shortfalls on the Euro finance, financial policies. We have mergency reserve requirements for each of these funds shown on this side. And these are that dollar amount of those balances at the end of 2019. of the general fun, as we’ve talked about, in different times in the past, as a kind of a three prong type of reserve policy. First part of it is a table reserve policy, which is about 5% or so of the general fun and that’s figured based on the state law on Tabor emergency reserve requirements, then we have an 8% reserve under your own policies as well. That is for emergencies as well. And then, on top of that, we are we’ve been trying to build a stability reserve and only just started to do that last year. But at this point in time it going into this budget for 2020 that was equating to about $1.7 million. So all of these amounts, again, are available for each of those these funds. We’re not committing all of them just yet towards the shortfalls. I think we need to be careful about how quickly we use up barber to see reserves, especially given the fact that we’re not sure how long this will last. I’ll talk about each of these funds and how were some of these funds but each of the sales tax funds and how we’re using them in a human Let’s hear. Next slide, please.
So, I’m gonna try to shorten this up. I don’t know if you’ve read the information that I got to you today. I’m sorry, got to see you so late. But in fact, I’m not going to bore you with this. But in fact, we’ve been having to put money away into a reserve fund, called a trust fund that technically hasn’t been a trust. And we’ve been doing it for post employment benefits, basically, retiree health care insurance, small subsidy that we pay for our employees, when they retire when they retire before age. 6510 years ago, we were directed to begin to put that money aside away for liability. And in fact, we have now determined with the assistance of new auditors and the new actuary, that that was we’re actually addressing those expenses on a pay as we go basis. That that three and a half billion dollars we have putting away there is actually not needing to be put away, which I won’t say too much about the fact but I’ve been questioning it for 10 years. But anyway, so it’s a great time for us to find this out, because that is basically providing us three and a half billion dollars of equity that we would not have had in any other year available to us. It’s going to go back to about 25 different funds that have been putting the money towards this anywhere where we have payroll, we’ve been putting money towards this to the health benefit fund. And the health benefit fun is what actually has been paying this oh peb dollars or o peb expense each year. So I will point out how much of an impact that is on some of these funds as we go to do it.
Next slide, please.
So in the general fund, we we have an $8.7 million shortfall. You know, I will point out the first time we talked about this that will again, if this if this lasts longer than a two months impact on on severe drop in sales tax, then these, these estimates go up higher. And I will point out as I go through each fund, how much that will increase for those phones. So, but given that the shortfall that we projected 8.7 million in the general fund, things that we’re doing to offset that we already talked to you about the stabilization reserves. That’s 1.7 million. Oh, peb equity I just talked about is 2.8. Jim.
Okay, Brian. Bear. We’re seeing questions.
Hold on. I don’t see. Yeah, I don’t see I don’t, I don’t see that is I don’t see all I see is the general fund. I don’t see people. I just see the presentation on my screen. I see Karen Martin. Can we have it? Can we wait till the end of the presentation before we go to questions?
Okay, let’s just let’s just keep going then and then Councilmember Martin, you’re in the queue.
Okay, so the other thing that we’ve had is we this year in the 2020 budget process, we had a lot of one time money available to us, as well as some operating money that we didn’t utilize for operating expenses, I should say ongoing revenue that we did not utilize for ongoing expenses. The reason we did that is because we had concerns about the 2021 budget process and our ability to keep up with increasing costs, given that that was going to be a year where there would be no growth in property tax. So what we did is we had bought $885,000 of property tax revenue. You that was budgeted, and not use for ongoing expenses, but instead for one time type expenses. We also had some use tax money that for a few years now each year, we are also doing something similar with US tax from building permits not using for ongoing expenses. So we have about 1.3 million from those two sources that we put toward the main first main transit station. And then we had another $1.2 million left over from or projected to be left over from 19 operations, either savings or excess revenues. So we put two and a half million dollars towards the first and main transit station. It’s a $5 million project and the CI p that is the city’s needs to come to the table with to to be able to match the input from RTD that we still need to get from them about 17 million I believe we have one and a quarter million already put aside. And this was going to take us up to 3.75 million of that needed $5 million. But what we are doing here in this action would be we’re essentially on funding that two and a half million and using it to offset revenue shortfalls. We had some dollars set aside in the general fund balance of $565,000. For in case a potential grant didn’t come through, we’re putting that instead towards this as well. And then finally, we did have $300,000 that we had set for a contingency in the general funds for the city managers control and we’ve already utilized part of that but the balance that’s in place of almost $245,000 is available. So this is 7.18 million here to offset the shortfall gives us 1.5 that we still have to After generate through budgetary savings, I did give you an attachment to this. I’m not going to take you through the attachment tonight. But it gives you an awful lot of detail of the type of of budgetary adjustments that we’re making in multiple funds, whether they be up to the amount of the shortfalls are beyond the shortfalls that we are planning on. So included in that is how we would address this one and a half billion dollars, but it would include mostly vacancy savings from freezing positions, as well as some other one time expenses that we can defer and are considered deferring and as well as some budgetary savings from managing our budgets tighter. Next slide please. I would just want to point back on the general fund. So every month longer that the conditions were better Describe or to persist, that would be another 2.4 or 5 million impact on the general fund. And I think that’s his point, I’ll just call that a somewhat conservative estimate until we know more about the total sales tax impact. We’re about a month through this now. So when I say that’s two months of impact, we’ve only got another month coming to us before we start to exceed that.
The public safety fun here, we got
there a percent emergency reserve. Public Safety fund really doesn’t have a lot of flexibility to deal with changes in their revenues. So we have to devote their full emergency reserves to this shortfall because most of their budget is salary and benefits. The O peb. Equity here is 198,000. We’re underfunding the expansion of the communications center and we also have some Extra reserve fund balance beyond the 8% reserve that we’re using to offset the rest of that shortfall there. And every extra month of impact Here is another $700,000 on this fun. So in the public improvement fun, next slide. We have a shortfall 580,000. We’ve just offsetting that with ci p project savings or deferrals. All that’s outlined on the attachment that I gave you which projects are impacted, and each nother month here is $178,000 shortfall. So this fun. Next slide. street’s fun is a $2.8 million shortfall Oh peb equity is 146,000. Here. We are going to make do some increase a decrease in street operations of that will allow Generate $295,000 of impact. And then we have ci p project savings and deferrals for the rest of the savings here to to generate a $2.8 million needed for this shortfall and each nother month here is worth close to a $900,000 impact on this fun. Next slide. The open space fund $750,000 shortfall small amount of open equity here and the rest of it is made up by ci p project savings or deferrals. Again all those are on the attachment that we provided. And the impact in this fund is $240,000 for each additional month and then the golf fund. Basically the golf fund is is $300,000 impact if we do not reopen, the city manager talked about that potential. happening. So if that happens, it’s not a $300 impact. We do have a strong fund balance relatively here of 1.2 million. And they did identify as well. Well, they do have Oh peb equity. And they did identify some ci p savings on the on the other attachment as well.
Next slide, please.
So again, if it does go on longer than than we’ve identified of two months, then we will need to consider other solutions to try to generate further savings. Most of the a lot of the funds that are on that attachment have already begun to identify additional savings or other funds on that I haven’t even touched on that also are beginning to identify savings. Our enterprise funds are they at this point they’re looking at deferring ci process. And such, it’s hard to tell, but we’re beginning to see a decrease in this time and in the amount of our utility bill payments, it’s going to take some time before those those accounts begin to to reach liquid status. But just by tracking the payments, which I try to do from day to day, and compare them to previous last year and previous months, it does appear like we’re probably getting to fall behind in our payments, our enterprise funds are going to be having some impact as well.
So really, we’ve identified these these solutions for dealing with other shortfalls. And for a longer period of time of, of sales tax increases. First of all, is continuing hiring freezes and budgetary controls. That’s not not like we’re expecting A lot of turnover at this point in time. But if any positions do turn over, they’re all be subjected to the same hiring freeze that we’ve talked about to this point. For the ccip project deferrals that identify that are on that attachment. And then I mentioned that the general fund does still have an 8% emergency reserve, it’s $6.9 million. So it is there. Like as I mentioned, we need to be careful about how we use that up tape it reserves really hard to to actually utilize because by law, you got to replace it by the by the end of the year. Anyhow, so we’re really looking at trying to deal with this full year. So I don’t see the table reserve as being an available solution. Oil and Gas revenue, we are receiving some significant oil and gas revenue. So we have identified that potentially we might be able to utilize that revenue is in excess of the budgeted expenses that we have for 2020. And then finally, we have service reductions and or furloughs, reductions in force would would be a final solution. We, you know, the city manager mentioned 2021 budget process, no by by mid summer, so we have to know what we’re going to do in that budget. And what we’re going to propose to the Council on September 1. I’m hoping we learn a lot about our revenues in the next few months. So I have a much better handle on what we’re going to have to deal with. But quite frankly, from certainly from a general fund perspective, and any sales tax related fund, we’re concerned about the 2021 budget and the impacts and how long a recession goes on and how much of an impact it has. We are taking What I would call one time adjustments and solutions to make up for this shortfall here and 20. And that’s an acceptable way of dealing with this type of a situation. But when we get to doing that 2021 budget, it needs to be balanced between ongoing revenues and ongoing expenses. And if our projections for ongoing revenues are decreasing significantly from what we put into 2020 budget, then there will need to be in like, like significant reductions on the expenditure side as well, which would really would impact our service levels. That’s all I have, I can start answering as you might have,
could we get can we get the screen back so we can see everybody?
stop sharing the screen here. There we go.
All right, who had Marcia? customer Martin Europe?
Yeah, one just clarifying questions. It got a little better through Jim’s presentation. But which exactly two months of shortfall Are you counting? Is this March, April or April May?
Good. Good question. Councilmember Martin. I actually, I would say it’s not a calendar months, I would look at it from the point in time when the businesses were beginning to close, which I would think like, as I mentioned, somewhere through the I think we’re about a month through that point at this time. So I would say it’s the past four weeks, and then the next four or so weeks, or the two months I’m talking about, we actually, you know, I think what I did is try to just assume we would get our full amount for the first two months. If the rest of those final eight months, we’re all going to be that recession impact. So in a way that hopefully that that we don’t have as much of a significant impact in the in the early part of March, which I’ll know more probably in another week or so when tax due date comes up, then then we might be a little bit ahead of our our projections, because
well, there’ll be
offsetting our recession assumptions, I guess. But those are the two months I
use. Okay, thank you. And then the other question I have is, you mentioned the first and main station and two and a half million dollars that set aside for getting the match for the funding from RTD. How much again was the was the total that’s needed to qualify for that match?
So I think the city’s share was pretty At $5 million total.
See IP?
Yeah. So. So my question is, we do have a stimulating a recovery to look at and $17 million coming in from outside would would be quite a significant stimulus. Is there any? Is there any short term scenario that does not require or could we look at a short term scenario that does not require her diverting that two and a half million dollars, at least not yet.
Asking you to look at it then
asking for an answer right now, but
I think we can look at it. But to Jim’s point, we would have to then look into operational issues, or we would have to look into the next one. Balance. And we don’t know what’s coming at us in the future. What I’ve talked about in terms of this is I think we’ll then have to look from a timing perspective, in terms of, you know, there’s gonna be a lot of prioritization happening. And we’ll have to look at essentially the street Fund, which does cover some transit and to see if there’s options there in terms of how you could look at a long term financing structure. The, the other piece is the 17 million is direct funding from RTD. So we may be able to work on the timing on that, in terms of how that looks, and then how we can build dollars in maybe on the backside of it. Yeah, those are all things we’re gonna have to look out with that project.
Right? I just hate to say goodbye to that 17 million.
Now the i 17, millions held, I mean, and so that’s I was saying on that we may have to work with RTD in terms of when we bring our match in to maybe give us some time to look at that. Different conversation.
Yeah, that’s encouraging though. Thank you.
Waters actually, Mayor Pro Tem Did you raise your hand earlier? No. Okay. Dr. Waters, you’re up.
Thank you, Mary Bagley, just just before we leave that the last point here on Main Street Station, we were still at least a year away we from accumulating the 5 million we were going to need to satisfy the match requirement, at
So we would have been no sooner than 21 and maybe not till 22 as I recall. Yeah. Okay.
Yeah. I think it’s great.
Specifically for Jim, just in terms of the numbers and then I have a more kind of general political question. Jim provided fair amount of data of detail that you didn’t make general reference To your presentation. And I just don’t know if I do an eyeball i didn’t i didn’t take out a calculator. It’s somewhere around 18 and a half, I think million dollars in potential reductions in expenditures. Did you present provide that for us? Just Just to kind of show what’s possible? If we exceed that 15.3 million? He
accounts on the board, isn’t it? In a way? Yes. And then another way, our staff is trying to plan for worst case scenarios. And so they, they should just stop there. And they’re identic because a lot of these are ci p projects. We don’t want to start them if in fact, we’re going to have to pull a plug on them.
So that’s why I see a nice one, because we were way more data way more detailed, which I appreciate. And and the numbers run north of where what we were looking at but just under I was understanding is probably one of the more general question, you know, as we hear about whatever the next release packages, there are some we hear references to recovery or state budgets and municipal budgets. Do we have any? We’ve been in contact at all with our congressional delegation, we have any idea whether that’s even possible in in another congressional package.
That’s what we’re trying to figure out right now. To talk about Peter and Charlie in terms of what they’re putting out in these congressional packages. And what we’re looking at in terms of shovel ready projects, I know that they were talking about infrastructure, it looked like there was something that was coming forward on water, but then it morphed into something else. So we have folks directly in communication with our congressional delegation and trying to understand what that’s going to look like, and be ready for it. Just like some of the money that came in in the original cares program. You know, really only money that’s been operationalized as the SBDC component. They’ve now pushed the other components into agencies, and we’re trying to look at that. And those are things we’re going to be feeding into you all, typically, just so you know, it’s going to be what we’re hearing. And what we thought we were going to hear on the water side is going to be shovel ready projects. So they’re going to be projects that are ready to go. And so then we have to look at so what do we have in play where we were going to put dollars toward and can we put that in one of those buckets and then take those dollars and start? You know, moving through this, that
I’m gonna I’m gonna interpret that as being at least one small reason to be hopeful. Number one that were positioned well, number two, that there would be money not just in the first or the last two, I guess it was the third package but in the next to help offset some of the shortfalls that municipalities are facing, and we can bring that up against back into this mix the gems presented tonight.
into that I think Peter and we had several staff members on tonight. All today specifically asking these questions of our senators. I
can remember Christiansen just takes me a while to get unmuted. Me too.
So, Jim, thanks. I think that was a very, very good and thorough if not cheerful, presentation. But we want to know the truth. We didn’t want to have happy talk. We want to know the truth. So I have two questions that have to do with employees. First of all, as part of this stimulus package, to keep people employed, people can have a grant get a grant companies can get a grant to keep people employed. Is that something that municipality is going to be all themselves. Of that maybe that’s a question for Harold folder. I
have not seen that we would be eligible for those.
Yeah, I agree.
That’s too bad. Because, you know, having to lay people off and then try to find them again after months have passed is possible. But one more thing. The op ed Fund, which Jim alluded to, I’m sorry, my phone’s going off. The op fund that has to do with retirement. I don’t want anything to affect retirement. Jim said that this was sort of a it wasn’t actually a trust anymore. I just want to be reassured that we aren’t taking money out of our employees retire on whether health care funds
council member Christiansen we’re not doing anything that will impact our employees or retirees. It’s been dollars that that we’ve been setting aside under a basically an accounting directive more or less. And he is under the assumption certain plans, you will need to pay, not our plans, but certain entities will have plans where they’ll have to draw from these type of funds in the future for to pay those expenses. We do them each year and the premiums we pay, we fund every year through our Health Fund contributions. And we pay those expenses as we go. And so we’ve never had to take money from that fund. long as we continue to pay as we go. We would never have to take money from that fun. So finally, we have auditors come in here and say That’s even a trust, which I knew because I’d never wanted to set it up as a trust because I kind of had a feeling we end up like this. They said, you don’t need to do this either. Because you’re so we were like, okay, we thought all along and so now we’re able to take it out of there.
Thanks, Jim.
Any other questions for golden?
Harold, you were gonna say something earlier? Do you want to
say something? You know, if you if you go to Jim slide. And I’ve been having conversations with with our staff, you know, we’re an organization 70% of, of our, our budget goes to people because we are an organization based on people. And what we’ve said is that we want to move through the analogy I’ve used as a seven layer cake in terms of how we’re moving through this and there’s a reason When he saw the service reduction at the bottom of the list is, and we really wanted to be there and be, you know, last resort as we’re trying to deal with items this year. And so we’re not saying at this point that people are going to be thorough, but we did want to be honest and say, if this goes on, you know, we’re going to have to really start digging into some of these options. The last thing I wanted to say and touch on something that Jim said is when we talked about the 2021 budget, and really, it’s okay to correct a budget mid year with these types of one one time sources. But when you look into the next budget year, it’s a different conversation. And I would remind you, when we talked about the budget reset that Jim and I were talking about for a few budget cycles. That was in large part because we were we balanced the Oh a recession off of one time funds and not making those ongoing adjustments. So then it took us a number of years to move through it. That’s exactly what we’re talking about and where we’re going to have to be really focused as we start coming into these future budgets, and really making sure one time funds or or ongoing funds are there for ongoing expenses. And, and, and really resisting temptation at times to use one time funds for that, because that just creates a different issue for you over time.
All right, there’s no other questions. Let’s move on. Thanks, Harold. Thanks, Jim. Thanks, Dan. Can we go ahead and read the first call public invited to be heard on? You bet.
The first one is from Ruth bank. 1325 Wild Rose court. She says in Longmont, residents sent a written request to the city to open the public golf courses. I do not support her request. One needs to see is the picture and the times call Thursday additional to manic on Wednesday course closed golfing, no face protection, those social distancing. Opening the courses will only multiply that carelessness and for judge please do not even broach the issue of opening the golf courses now. Keep us as safe as possible. The next one is from Vicki Martino 1124 Purdue drive. And Vicki says as a resident of Lone Mountain, the president of the sweet spot golf league I respectfully request at the city of Longmont open the golf courses for play during this crisis. Of course, it can be opened with social distancing restriction. I for 1am not a runner, hiker or kayaker. I’m also a golfer exercise stress relief and because it’s just damn fun, sweet spot golf lead to the ladies league that has been playing at Twin Peaks golf course for 32 years. Our league is supposed to start in May. Well not golf requires leagues to pay in advance for our league players. Normally at this time I am collecting week league feeds from past members and recruiting new members to our league. With the golf courses closed and no opening date insight I’m having a difficult time collecting league feed. I don’t have enough players prepaid before our league actually starts, I will have to cancel our league for the first time in 32 years. We don’t want to cancel our league. These open the long courses with social distancing restriction, so we can bring reviews into Lomonaco and begin to plan for our league play this summer. Respectfully big. The next one is from Chris bestwick at 1609 19th Avenue. This comment is regarding the lack of social distancing and overcrowding in some of our parks. I’ve been alone My resident for over 20 years now and truly love it here and one of the things I’m most proud of is how much work and resources we have placed in our parks and open spaces. Currently, there are many people enjoying the fruits of the labors? The issue currently is that there are too many people traveling to specific areas that result in overcrowding at certain parks and open space areas, while leaving many of them empty. I do firmly believe that these are valuable resources and that we should be encouraging responsible use our public areas during these times, it would seem that some restrictions may have to be in place in order to keep from having to resort to shutting down those resources to everyone. living near McIntosh Lake, I can tell you firsthand that they’re constantly crowds, and too many people traveling to the lake for it to remain a safe place to enjoy the outdoors. My suggestion is to close the parking lot and prove it. street parking for non neighborhood residents at some or all of our city parks and open spaces for the next few weeks. To encourage residents to spread out to the parks and open spaces that are closer to home. This will go a long way to preserving the safety of all residents and helping to stop the spread of COVID-19 while still Keeping our wonderful parks and open space areas open. Thank you. The next one is from Jackie Conaway of 837 wigeon, Dr. Becky says people who love golf adults especially and even the high school team, it would be so help healthy in the sea would get revenue
This one is from Colleen who she has a hard last name. Mazur qx. She’s brown to to grant seat Grant Street. She says please open the public golf courses among law enforced social distancing practices, require pull carts or walking only no golf carts, no rental clubs and limit the number of people in the clubhouse. Thank you.
Next one
is from Ian Peck. 2424 ninth Avenue in says how is their back leaves mouth fitting, mouth fitting going? We need someone with some common sense reading our community not an idiot who is willing to sacrifice members of our community for his own business interest. The government should be helping small businesses keep their blades under payroll. You should also be ensuring that these businesses are still around when COVID has settled down. How many billions of the state made from selling cannabis? Why is there no money for the local business that we all love and support when an emergency comes in to fix our community? And then the last one is from Stanley toll 2137 Dexter drive apartment de family says even in this time of pandemic when having housing is a life or death issue. housing discrimination is live and well against the most vulnerable in our community. In our community, those that have housing subsidy. This discrimination appears to be organized and pervasive. People who qualify for these subsidies often lose these subsidies because they cannot find suitable housing within the allotted time. The present health emergency these people face increased danger to their life because of inadequate inadequate housing. I would urge the city council to take emergency action to ensure that these people are a protected against the present discriminatory practices that long that landlords are currently engaging in.
Mayor that is all the public comment for tonight.
All right, great. Let’s move on to the consent agenda and introduction and reading by title a first reading of ordinances please.
Head to catch my breath.
So ordinance 2020 dash 19 and bill for an ordinance authorizing the city of lamarque to lease the Real Property known in advance brand Municipal Airport, hangar parcel sh 62. Western airport development LLC, public hearing and second reading schedule. for April 28 2020 ordinance 2020 dash 20 a bill for an ordinance conditionally approving the sugar mill annexation, generally located south of Great Western drive north of St. Brown Creek and west of county line road and zoning the property in ag agriculture, public hearing and second reading scheduled for April 28 2020. ordinance 2020 dash 21. A bill for an ordinance amending chapter 6.70 the Longmont municipal code on marijuana stores, public hearing and second reading scheduled for April 28 2020. Resolution 2020 dash 34 resolution of the Longmont city council approving the Second Amendment intergovernmental agreement for the funding and coordination of a joint compensation study between the city of lamarque town the business park the city of Fort Collins, the city of Loveland and Platte River Power Authority. Resolution 2020 dash 33. a resolution of one with City Council approving the long run and the color Department of Human Services Office of Behavioral Health or contract amendment number one One original contract number 18 ah ja 107342 or law public safety program. Resolution 2020 dash 32 resolution one my city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city in the town of Lyons the town of meet the town of Firestone, the county of Boulder, county of weld in the state of Colorado Department of Transportation for an access control plan for highway 66. Resolution 2020 dash 35 is the resolution of the council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city the city of Boulder and Boulder County or the COVID-19 Recovery Center for the homeless. And item is up raise children, youth and families to submit a grant application to the opposite Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to support rewind rebuilding an expectation and walking into new direct
customer Martin.
Thank you Mary Begley. I’d like to pull items eight B and D.
All right, we have motion.
I’ll move the consent agenda, men, mental sisters, all move the consent agenda less BND.
All right. It’s been moved and seconded. All in favor say aye.
Hi. All right. Thanks.
All opposed say nay. All right, Motion carries unanimously. Let’s move on to ordinances on second reading and public hearing on any matter. First is nine eight ordinance 20 2009. A bill for an ordinance amending chapter 14.3 to the one month municipal code on rates and regulations governing electric service. Are there any questions from council? All right. Are there any residents that have called in for the public hearing on item nine a. on
me, Mayor, we receive no public comment on this item.
All right, great. And then so we’re going to go ahead and close the public hearing. So I’m going to go ahead and ask for emotion.
ordinance 20 2009.
Second Second.
It’s been Second. It’s been moved by Dr. Waters seconded by Councilmember Martin. So see no further discussion. All in favor say aye. Aye.
Aye. Aye.
All right, all opposed say nay.
The Motion carries unanimously nine v ordinance 20 2017. A bill for an ordinance approving a farmland lease agreement with the city of Longmont and SIPE farms LLC, a double six ranch open space. Um, is there anything from council leave? No, right.
All right, seeing none, are there any questions from council?
I also seeing none. Let’s go ahead and open the public hearing. Don, Do we have anybody?
mayor, we received no comment on this item either.
All right. We’ll go ahead and close the public hearing. Can I have a motion please?
I’ll go ahead and move ordinance 20 2017. Second. All right. It’s been moved and seconded. All in favor say aye.
Opposed say nay.
All right, motion passes unanimously. Let’s go ahead and go to nine see ordinance 20 2018. A bill for an ordinance authorizing the city of Walmart to lease the Real Property North van spread Municipal Airport, hangar parcel 871 872 and 873. To best deal LLC. Let’s go ahead and any questions from Council and the staff presentation from staff? Didn’t think so. Let’s go ahead and open up the public hearing. Dawn. Is there anyone?
Mayor again, no comment on this one received either.
All right. Let’s go ahead and close the public hearing. Can I have a motion please?
Move 20 2018
All right. It’s been moved by Dr. waters and seconded by Councilmember Martin. All in favor say aye.
Aye. All opposed say nay.
All right, the motion passes unanimously. Let’s go ahead.
Counselor Martin. You pulled item B. Can you
bear Begley This shouldn’t take too long. But I had a couple of questions from constituents and they were both the same pretty much question. There was concern about creating a detention pond close to the st. Rain Creek because there’s a known locus of pollution at the actual Sugar Mill itself. Now this looked pretty poor our part to me, but I wanted to ask the question and verify that there was not any any you know, in the danger of of leakage or pollution in that detention pond and St. Bring Creek.
Hi, good evening, council member Martin Eva, pesky Planning and Development Services. Can you hear me? Yes, thank you. Okay. Just want to make sure you can hear me. Yeah, our staff have reviewed that application. And there are no known environmental impacts from the detention pond, the detention pond, on your concept plan there is up on the northwest corner of the property. The Creek ocean nose is all the way the south end. So there were no environmental impacts that were identified in either the applicant’s environmental reports or from our Public Works staff.
Okay, and do you know approximately how far that detention pond is from the actual site of the sugar mill? When she does have environmental concerns?
The actual, like, physical distance from the sugar mill? Well, that’s north of highway 119. Yes, I’d say that several hundred feet away guesstimating. I don’t know. Okay, this specific distance.
All right. So you’re not worried about the environmental impacts from that.
Again, that Yeah, we don’t we didn’t have any identified through the environmental review with our staff.
Okay. Our staff that looks at that is actually our natural resources staff.
Okay. In that case, I move passage of item. Oh 2020, buddy.
Second, I’ll second it.
All right. It’s been moved and seconded. Moved by Councillor Martin and seconded by Councilmember Duggal fairing Kazmir Christiansen, do you have a question or comment?
Yes, I would like us to put a condition on this. And the condition is because what we keep doing is we annex something that’s at county agricultural land. And then a year later or six months later, it becomes something that gets built on. The people at Mill Village were promised that it would be a village and that there would be a lot of And lots of little shops around there. They didn’t get that what they got is a lot of apartments surrounding them. And then they got some more apartments and housing on the west side, which was their view to the mountains. And now we’re proposing this part on the south side, which they’ve been promised would be green space or open space, sort of. So I would like to put a condition on this that this actually does a agricultural land and that it cannot turn into built land, residential land.
Is that an amendment to the motion?
Yes, I would like to make that well. I would like to make that a condition. of this, I think we can approve things with the condition attached. That correct.
Harold, do you want to answer that? I guess the real question is are we not just conditionally approving the sugar mill annexation, to just move forward to
It’s not the first star didn’t
know this is a different question. Joanie, if you can jump in, I think this one is also the concept plan is, is referenced in the annexation plan, and it would have to come back to the council. If somebody if they wanted to change it. So it’s coming in as ag use now. Correct, Eva?
Yes, that’s correct. Can you hear me? Yes.
So it’s coming in as ag use now. And if somebody wanted to change that, that’s wouldn’t have to come back via an ordinance again to the city council to actually change it.
The problem problem is that these always do come back and we always do change them planning and zoning always approves them. And council always approves changing them. I would like just to put a condition on it right now, so that they can’t do that. So that it is what they say it is.
Hey Jean, you may have to jump in on this one. But I think if you put a condition it would still follow the same process.
Come back the council.
It would depend what that condition is.
You know, currently the ordinance is conditional on submittal requirements within a year. So it is possible to add additional conditions into That
Okay, well
did you call me? I did.
Oh, okay. Um, you know, I would agree with that condition. Because if they can come back within a year asking for a different zoning then I think with this condition disallow that is the question for Eugene, I think.
Eugene, you want to respond?
Sure, Mayor Council. I’m unclear what the condition is being proposed that is being proposed
that they cannot come back for rezoning as mixed use development or residential development that it must stay agriculture. So my question is if we put that conditional use on it now, you stated that they could come back within a year with this condition that we put on it now, keep them from requesting a different zoning later.
So clarification the ordinance as it’s set up is a conditional approval, and within a year, they need to come back and satisfy submittal requirements for title 50. That I was just sort of explaining how the current ordinance is set up. The proposal is to put a condition that this remained agricultural in perpetuity. Is that what I’m understanding?
I think so Eugene?
You know, I haven’t seen a condition like that before, I think I would need to do legal research on our authority to oppose a condition like that.
All right, customer, Martin.
Thank you, Mary Bagley, I just like to say that we are at such an uncertain time that whether it’s allowable or not, it seems like this is the wrong time to put any perpetual conditions on anything. We may need to adapt.
All right, so let’s go ahead and vote on the amendment first, and then we will vote on the original motion. So all in favor of Councilmember Christensen’s amendment and I should count more Christians can actually restate your amendment.
Okay. This is a condition.
It was seconded by Councillor Pack wreck.
Okay get a second condition is that this from Maine agricultural land that it is not eligible for being for the zoning to be changed.
Okay. Dr. Waters.
Thanks Mayor Bagley
accepted to the to the point that Councilmember Christiansen is making, both in the village idiot and clarifying what the intent is to preserve this as open space. Mike, my my only concern about the motion as well to start for Eugene, and whether or not what we’re doing is passed a legal test. Is it is it possible to bifurcate this to approve the annexation request and have this come back with an answer to the question if, if we if we have prove the motion or the prove the the condition that it’s asserted in the motion, that we’re doing something that’s going to hold up, not get us in legal trouble or be viewed as a taking or whatever the issues might be.
Is that possible?
And Council, I would recommend continuing this item to allow for city attorney’s office to do the legal research. If you were to approve the ordinance. I guess you could bring it back for a motion to reconsider. But, you know, approval of an ordinance on second reading is sort of the end of the road.
So I think those are the options either continue or approved now and potentially bring it back on a motion to reconsider. I could certainly have the legal research By next regular session.
This is first reading. Oh, this is first reading.
You’re okay. Your point still holds true, right? Yeah. Yeah.
My mistake. I thought we were in second reading. You could approve and I could get you that information confidentially. Between now and second reading.
So, so we would still have an opportunity at second reading to, to approve that condition. If we don’t have any legal issues attached to that action, is that clear? Is that correct?
Correct. Councilmember waters.
Alright, so I just would say I, I’m sympathetic, but I bet Personally, I’d rather wait. If we’re going to vote on it tonight. I’ll probably vote against the motion only because I don’t know where we stand legally. I’d rather personally continue it and take that action when it comes back for a second reading. Knowing that we’re not going to create problem for the city.
Is that emotion Dr. waters to table the motion?
Yeah, I’ll move to table a motion.
I’ll second it.
Any debate on the issue of tabling this issue till next council meeting?
All right. All in favor, Aye.
Aye. All right.
All right, the motion to table item eight be is postponed until the next meeting. No nuts. Eugene. Thank you. Alright, let’s go ahead and move on to item. Yep. Go ahead, Counselor pack.
Thank you. Just for clarification, are we I understood the city attorney to say that we he would give us that information confidentially. And then we could put a condition on it at second reading. You don’t understand. Rather than come back with it at next meeting. Can you clarify that?
Usually Is that accurate?
mayor and council using may? Yeah, that was that was one option would be to approve tonight. On first reading. I get you additional information shortly and then council could make a decision on the condition on second reading.
Okay. Thank you for that clarification.
Right. Give us the information you, Jane. Thank you. All right. item nine D. Councillor Martin,
you know, we need to approve the ordinance on first reading.
That that’s true. If there’s a motion.
Then I’ll move approval of eight B. Roll back up to the ordinance on first reading.
I’ll second that. Any further discussion or debate
is probably still around.
And somebody called Paul back on
May or she’s on Yeah,
we lost her your video. Okay, really? Oh, I’m here. Okay.
Well Good. Let’s go ahead and vote. There’s a motion to pass. Eight be on first reading. All in favor.
Mayor. Don’t we have two motions to pass on the table though? Because I moved it first.
I guess, to move again.
Yes, it’s been moved. But the eight nine be will be will be voted on. All in. All in favor say aye.
Aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay.
All right, motion passes unanimously. Thank you. All right. Now let’s move on to add a resolution on my city council approving a second amendment to the intergovernmental agreement for the funding coordination for joint compensation study with between the city of one month contracts this park the city owns the city of Loveland and the Platte River Power Authority, Councillor Martin.
Yeah. Thank you, Mayor Bagley. I have a couple of questions about this. And part of them, part of them were answered by the staff this afternoon, but they still want Want to ask them? First of all, this the scope of this study isn’t just going to be a wage and salary study in terms of, oh, what competitive wages are for a class of workers
different parts of the country
that that the municipal distribution utilities might hire, or is it going to consider other options for filling the positions such as the city and cities engaging in workforce development? You know, education support, you know, other methods other than hiring on the competitive market.
Council Member Martin Mayor Bagley Members of city council David Hornbacher here. Good question, Councilmember Martin. The scope of the study is to gather
data specific to compensation for
a different classes
of electric utility positions as identified.
And that just provides us with
information. We also when we look at overall compensation within the city of Walmart, this is a set of data points that we use, but we also look at what we also provide for competition as well as workforce development, training, development plans and so forth, because we do feel it’s very important to nurture and grow our employees and that is also a let’s call it an attractive benefit that city offers.
And to answer part of your question, you know, we have had some conversations with representatives from the school district Regarding the Innovation Center and in their p tech program to say how can we potentially look to the future in terms of attracting folks who, who may want to have a career in terms of being Alliance person. And we’ve dabbled in some of that with him, you know, Sandy’s worked with him on the technology side. And that’s another piece of the conversation that we have to look at the broader talent pool for the organization. And we need to do that more holistically in terms of how do we encourage people to go into programs where we know and we see a lag in potential applicants in future and I think that’s a different conversation that we also want to continue. Okay,
thank you, Harold.
That’s fine. I pretty much just wanted to get that option and that course of strategy, especially if we’re going to be in money saving mode, on the table and express myself works for it. So, with that, I move passage of resolution 2020 dash 34
I’ll second.
All right, eight D has been Moved by Councillor Martin and seconded by Councillor reorg bearing. There’s no other Debate or discussion. Go ahead and vote. All in favor say aye.
Opposed say nay. Nay. All right. Let’s move on to the tail end of our WebEx meeting. Let’s go ahead and move to 11 are we doing okay by the way? Is it okay to power through the end here?
Yeah, but did you vote nay on this last resolution? Mayor Bagley? No, it did not pass unanimously. Sorry.
All right. Thank you. I’m gonna have to step away for two minutes.
Do you want us to stop Harold Did you want us to go ahead and request for the City Council to refer the Westview acres annexation and annexation review process. Want us to wait for you
It’d be great if you could wait for me for two minutes.
Let’s go ahead and wait for two minutes. Let’s, let’s all take a break for five. All right, thanks
We won the general business lesson a request for city council to refer the Westview acres annexation into the annexation review process. And earlier when I was referring to the two first step, this is it rec Herald. Alright, so all we’re doing is approving the idea that city staff can go ahead and entertain the idea of the the Westview acres annexation. We’re not approving it
right now.
Mr. Peck
I’m Thank you very badly, I will approve the annexation process. But I do want to make a statement that I personally
do not
want annex any more land for development at our in the airport influence zone until we get some of those lawsuits, especially the part 16 lawsuit, because we just keep getting more and more people who are complaining about that. And I would like to have some kind of resolution on where we’re going, what is that all about? And if we keep growing the city out that way. We’re just going to continue with the complaints without any way or any answer to what we’re doing at the airport. So I’ll agree to put it in the process, but I just wanted to make that statement.
Councilmember pack. I’m sorry, Counselor Christiansen. Okay.
Is there any affordable housing in this? Or is there any payment in lieu? Or did this? Yes, I’d like to know that.
It’s council members at this point in the referral process. Oh, the applicant has not stated whether they’re going to provide 12% of the units on site or whether they’re going to pay the cash in lieu because we’re very preliminary at this process. I think as we go through annexation proceedings, if it were approved tonight, and I do have a small presentation if you’d like to see it, but that hasn’t been fleshed out at this point.
I think the answer will the answer to the specific answers they will have to provide 12% or 12% cash in lieu, we just don’t know which at this
point. Okay, thank you. I just like to point out once again, we’re taking agricultural land and turning it into luxury housing.
Councilman Martin.
Thank you Mayor Bagley.
Well, I don’t necessarily disapprove of taking agricultural land and turning it into something else because we’ve got a lot of open space. I don’t think that the land use in the rough concept plan that we have at this point, is consistent with our vision for the city. Now, the best Oh collaboratives has some other projects in the city. I mean, my suspicion would be that they intend to satisfy the affordable housing ordinance with with credits from other projects in the city. But do we really wanted to squander one of the last developments available to Longmont on large lot you know, cul de sac winding road kind of developments. And I’m not I’m not real excited about that concept plan.
Dr. Walters
thanks, Mayor Bagley. You know, I’m one of probably several council members who’s met with the developer and seeing other things that this developer wants to do. And and I’ve been impressed with both the person in other projects. So this is not about you know, this is not about the developer and this stand up they are they anything like that. But for me, just fundamentally, the idea of continuing to annex at the edge of Longmont. In this case, kind of the most extreme south west edge of town for this kind of a project or 22 lots that are not the housing stock that we’ve we’ve all agreed that we need. And at the end of the day, if I understand on the upside,
if this were to go through the annexation application process of the annex and developed, you know, there’s some upside in terms of youth tax or whatever, in terms of building on that property, assuming people are buying their, their building materials from, from something inside our city limits. But over the long run, somebody’s going to have to persuade me, even to refer this to the review process, that the revenues per acre generated online. This project are going to be sustainable over the next 25 or four years is this is a classic example of a project that is going to cost the city way more than it’s going to generate in property tax and other forms of revenues, other parts of Longmont, I believe, over the long run, we’ll have to subsidize the city’s cost to maintain infrastructure or something that’s for this particular project developed on that site with this level of density. If I don’t get the economics of it, I’m an all players I’d like to learn based on you know, what I think I’ve learned, this just doesn’t it says in play as as a benefit to the city. I understand why it’s a benefit to the developer. I understand why it’s a benefit to the investors. Somebody tell me how it’s in a benefit to the city, or me to vote yes, even to refer or review it right now. I don’t see it and I’m going to vote no, unless somebody can persuade me otherwise.
All right, sr, what else do we have emotion for 11 eight.
All right, there is no motion for 11 at this point. So all right, let’s move on to 11 B 2020. legislative bills recommended for city council position.
Sandy cedar Are you hiding and lurking somewhere on this WebEx broad podcast?
Mayor she has not logged in it was she expected
but no I just was wondering if she had any 2020 legislative bills
for the link she has any all right cool.
I was gonna say Mary I think they’re they’re still not meeting the legislature so they’re no I
okay. All right. So let’s go ahead and move on to final call public invited, be heard. I’m assuming there’s none. Correct.
Just as
we are all here, let’s Move on to mayor and council comments. All right, seeing none, and I guess I guess the only thing I want to say is, is an electric. Yeah, go ahead, Councilmember. Councilmember Christiansen
is 20 want to remind people once again, to fill out their census form, you have time on your hands, fill out your census form, please. We’ve had it since 1779. Just do it. That’s how we collect federal money. And also, everybody, we’ve been doing a really terrific job. And a lot of people have really joined for us and that’s the kind of town on Monday and so, keep on, keep on it, keep the faith. We’ll do better. It’ll take a while. It’s gonna be rough, but we’re doing okay. Thank you.
All right. Great. Customer pack.
Thank you Mary Bagley. I just wanted to say that not this past Sunday, which was Easter, but they Sunday before there was a great turnout for the honk appreciation at the Longmont united hospital. Policemen showed up fire station fire truck showed up and everybody hoped for the caregivers there in appreciation for the caregivers. And if we could do that, again, I think it would be great. It really was a super, super turnout. So thank everybody who did that.
Councilmember Iago for doing.
So, yeah. Today we had our WebEx meeting with the youth council. And they’re working on a project to put out online actually celebrating our seniors, our high school seniors. So they’re going to I think every week they’re going to turn something out to post on their Facebook and get out on social media. Because our whole high schoolers, you know, they’re having to make a lot of adjustments. And
I feel really,
you know, it was it was bringing me to tears listening to some of the seniors there talk about, you know, just really missing out on that experience and what what they’d have planned for their senior year. And, and it’s last So, you know, my heart goes out to them and I wanted to let you know, our long one seniors know I’m thinking about you and
yeah, and keep keep an eye out on social media to look for that celebration of seniors.
All right, great. Anybody else?
I guess the only thing I want to say is, uh, you know, going back to my, when this first started, as we all know, I said some comments that were pretty emotional. And essentially, what I was only asking is, I was asking for data. Right? And so I’m not calling for anything at this moment. But I just want to point out that Every single email and call that I’ve received, every single one criticizing my comments, calls me an idiot, stupid swears. It just gets old. And so, and I have yet to have my questions answered. Which are, you know, what, what are the consequences? Meaning I’m not calling the we m this, I just want to just want the data on unemployment at 13%. That doesn’t mean that I love money. But it’s mean what it means is it’s estimated that as much as 40,000 people will kill themselves for every 1% increase in unemployment. 50% of people with heart failure, I mean, you’re at a higher, you’re in a 50% higher risk of heart failure if you’re suffering from a heart attack, if you’re if you’re dealing with unemployment, um, and so I’m not calling for a change. I’m just pointing out that I would Really appreciate it. If politics would take a back seat as we’re dealing with all this, because I think we’re all stressed. And I just really don’t appreciate I’ll listen to public. I’ll listen to public invited to be heard, but it really grates on me when, when people swear. And so I would appreciate if people in the future would enter the public discourse with data questions and some maturity. So anyway, anybody else?
All right, Harold, anybody? You?
Mayor Council. All right, Eugene.
Oh, comments, Mayor.
All right, great. There’s nothing else we are adjourned. Another Tuesday down. All right. Thank you.
All right.