Longmont Transportation Advisory Board – March 9, 2020

To listen to the meeting alongside a transcript, please visit: https://otter.ai/s/8YZQn9PXQPyEiLwhXz_ROw

For a transcript of the meeting, please read below:

We are back in this space

going directly back vocation, but I would like to maintain the decorum that we had at cheaper chambers. So no sidebar conversations, no discussions among themselves makes it very difficult for meeting minutes. It will make it very difficult for our community members to hear. So we’ll do the same thing even though we don’t have buttons and the speaker is liking recognizes.


all right.

Oh, there. Okay. Let’s jump into roll call. Melanie Burgess. David Rose. Courtney fell here. Sanders stood here, Councilmember


and I’d like to see a motion to approve the meeting minutes from our authorities or make a motion to approve meetings as extend. I have a second.

Any discussion? corrections?

All right, great.

favor, Aye. Aye. Aye. Any opposed?


to approve. We already

have a communication between staff.

First off is posting location forgot to do this the last few weeks we need to designate a location and poster reading agenda. Historically, it’s been covered

Sitting all over the

across the street.

So if you’d like, what’s at the Civic Center? Yes. Sorry.

That’s where you posted historically, if we want to continue posting their important motion recommendation.

Okay, so you need a

massive question. Do you know your motion to approve and then this



So when you mean post that, like a physical thing, so the official posting location, so that’s the website for that papers go somewhere. Notify anybody who wants to know that it’s in here. Okay. And historically has been sitting across the street, right.

So should we consider changing up another construction tower, not a lot of it.

It’s all over now the doors open and that was to hear is Oh, okay.

How long do we expect to be in here?

versus back to there? I think we just heard that it’s this point until July

1 originally was already issues.

What else would you suggest?

Another option can be front doors here.

When people know to look here, I think the issue is, you know, keep them all together with the boards and commissions and so we’re trying to keep them in the Civic Center for that versus conditions. This is just a kind of harsh commentary, kind of procedural thing. You have to approve that technically. We keep in the same location. I think people would understand our other boards and commissions staying over there with their posts.

Okay, okay, I move that we post over in the Civic Center building, city hall.

We have been in the past.


all I have.

All right, some hairs, or commission emails. So

we’re now recommending that you guys each set your own email, preferably something separate from your first one personal email to use for important communications. If we were to get a public public record request that would probably help them to make that a more seamless transition. So

you can do that at your leisure as you will, but I recommend that you create a separate TV, separate from your personal email

and I have an informational email

To the more they came up with our city clerk, so let’s finish off on that.


question. So this would be a private email account though.

So not a city email address of any kind, correct.

Could one be created that is, you know, we don’t work for the city, but we’re an advisory board member and there’s a consistency in that, like, cab advisory board calm or something like that. So it’s not hard to create with the Gmail type thing.

Provide the emails for the horse. Okay.

So we could maybe, I mean,

I mentioned I don’t know if I have a give the examples from driving planes but we both attended a meeting a couple weeks ago. The city

But on turf wars that they did have a pretty simple recommendation like your name or something like that. Yes, I went ahead and put mine on there. And so I put my first name and then dot last name dot and then put tab@gmail.com.

Next up here, Chrissy update as you probably saw the news we were successful in our Chrissy application. So we got $4 million coming in for quiet zones with working on the agreement for that, get all the paperwork and understanding that grant process here shortly and then continue towards our goal constructing almost sounds pretty exciting to get one there is big news for us, I think. So how, as I turn that article in terms of announce the award, it’s

They’re still like, how does a map make the match?

Is there anything more? No. So the match will come from the street fund.

We will,

depending on what

we’re looking at the comments do but dissipated the issues with covering. It’s better, clear priority from counsel to do this, we will be able to have our manager we head off, we have to match the $4 million clients match boy 5050

for your application, so our plan right now is to do a million dollars every year for this process. So the four years

that that’s we’re going to do a million dollars per year well come up with one fell swoop it’ll be 10. We’re responsible for years, and that’s and then help us

based on our most current estimate of seconds is all we’re crossing

Done, except for first and every sound polluted. But that’s a separate project currently kicking off construction. And it also doesn’t include the ken brat crossing, which is part of another CMP. Right.

Next thing on our list on conditions instead


heading out to Washington tomorrow

there are going to Washington with

mayor’s vicious coalition

started out with us three, six ounces become worthless. I sit down with Chris clean out here over from our TV. So

we all go through this giant group and we we kind of make a pitch and last year was the proceed man. And so we’ve learned a lot of things before we apply for that grant during this trip to DC because we actually have members from the Federal Railroad Administration. So we want to talk to them directly. If I

Now whether you’re looking for an application, so we’re going to do the same thing, this time and also

lobby for this new what’s called build grants. So Bill grants wrestling for $20 million.

We have the support of see dots, we can get formal support from our team, but it is a project that helps one it over as far as getting the buses through there as well as getting there’s an underpass portion that would take the old bound traffic under hover on 118. And so that frees up a lot of capacity for us as far as giving the left turns and the things I’ve handed out. This to all the board members of the audience would certainly like to see a little one pager that we’re going to give to all of our senators and representatives. This is what’s this is what’s going on out there.

We’re pretty excited. We have to get a full support from the

from this corner really strong, Broomfield was still

Boulder County in Boulder.

mafia. Superior. Very so number folks.

Try it again for a great project of the quarter. So we’ll get that going.

That’s kind of understand all that questions.

Well, just

a little tiny secure security is in 2020 start contracting and 2021 go through final design and environmental clearance they want to take that’s gonna take a lot of time to go through our final design project. This is just a just a very conceptual design here.

That will come to church, hopefully in 2024. We have to have the dollars spent by 2026 or 27 sorry, 2027

So we’ve built on a year of

time there but we really need to make sure we get it spent that time frame if we get it

just like we did about the science

Good luck.


My name is Melvin. I live at 31355.

I was actually on this board for nine years.


first off, congratulations on

that is just phenomenal. I’ve really put so much out there and

For from

what I heard you say what kind of ways to question and I’m not looking for an answer now but

the dialogue

but does

in kind work count towards


staff time to teach plan he used to take a lot of manual on top of


The other thing is make sure to change the double line.

Double lines with the hash in between is just phenomenal.

Take it off the edge

to request

suggestions are the most addition. What is

consider a traffic light empty can cramped at Sherman if they haven’t already inserted on there. That is a intersection. So many people

talk about that that it’s impossible particularly during rush hour at any time of the day becoming a Sherman and in either direction and try and make up.

You just cannot do it.

On the

south side you

backtrack to Kansas

City actions

take a look at

the other thing is on westbound copper basin road

between Dry Creek and fourth there’s a sign

emerged to go through travel industry

and emerge shine there. It’s exactly the opposite of what people were doing. It says merge, right, apply engine merge, right? Everybody

merges left,


People are ignoring the side, doing what they perceive as being safer.

That’s all

action items. Well, the one information item that we have today for you


So important information matters. We’re every year we Yes, education business folks to come.

We’re lucky enough to our org member here tonight

with the rest of the

sage mobile

operator, sorry,

I shouldn’t

have been I was Chris Quinn, Ryan Matthews are all here from regional transportation district we work with them every just about every day or every week at least speaking quite a bit. So we’re hoping you can provide them with the utmost respect. So having the Regional Transportation district come and give us a report on what’s been going on with RTD.

So I’m not sure who’s first but we’ll give you the seat of honor.

know if you want to come to the computer or the keyboard


donated to charity. You can take Nero Joseph

all these options. Right? Well, thanks for having us.

We were here pretty much exactly a year ago, March 11 2019.

Several new folks


to see you

So as in overall,

not much has changed since last

November. So we’ll go through the slides.


just in general services, overview statistics for the Longmont fixed route and

other RTD services, you have a local routes the three hundreds. These are the trip numbers that are currently out there. The change for last year to this year was on the LD

as we made the change in August to take a portion of the route 25 between Lafayette and Brookfield and basically transform it into part of the LD in midday and that those in service hours are now operating midday.

930 to 233 o’clock between Longmont

previously the LD operated LD one and LD two LD one being the all stop going through Lafayette LD two thing on 27. So bit morphin Express, operated all its trips between long long and medium station. But ridership wise we could not sustain that route. It really did not want to end the grant expired. Brandon has been paying for this additional service, especially in midday and then on Saturdays.

So in August, we went ahead and took that portion of the 225 into the LD. And now we actually have a few more trips on the LD overall weekdays 26 versus 28 versus previous 21 and 21.

On Saturday, we are down three trips. We used to be 10 and 10 seven, seven hours

But the serviceman didn’t change really, we still have it from 10am to 10pm. But the server at the time between the trips instead of the previous hour and a half an hour, two hours, so this read the peanut butter a little bit, but kept the surface on Saturdays. I know that’s always been something that’s been important to Longmont, it was a hard fight to get the service expanded on Saturday.

ridership is so so. So we figured well, we’ll leave it for now. It’s one bus that we have out there. We can operate it with my boss,

which is a savings from the two buses previously. And we’ll see how it goes and hopefully ridership will at least stay the same or go up. We would love to see it go up but for now, it’ll operate on seven trips.

Latest believes Union Station to come back in the evenings on Saturday.

Next Saturday 10 o’clock


the sad news that hear from from field Yeah, so from there we can still

do that.

The last one

is I think it’s about 10 o’clock because there’s an FF that allows the immunization in home feel to them cash LD three to get. So there’s still connection available later in the evening, but it’s not as fancy right.

The last one was actually on Saturday.

Okay, so that’s

correct. Right. So LD three is only three operates weekdays, midday, one early morning, southbound trip and then the later evening trips on weekday also our LD three

Again the demand the not morons, those ones who ride trips to have a full operation from Union Station to Longmont. By operating in between fulfilled and long moms. It cuts back on the running time for the overall trip so we can actually provide additional trips which would be able to

Alright, so the overall that’s the biggest change. Flex writes. That’s right. All the rest has stayed the same.

So, moving on, and hand it over to Mr. Matthews here for a couple slides. Thank you.

My name is Brian Matthews. I’m a manager most Operations Group and flex trying Special Services falls under my area. So

Extra, it’s been good here. Not sure if you’re aware of it. For many years, we had a coordination program with via mobility and accessorize and the flex ride services all together. Unfortunately, that program into this past June because of vias and decided that there was some funding issues, we were grant funded, and they decided to back out of that agreement, it was costing them more than what we were getting through the grant. It pushed more people to the flex ride and our numbers have been strong, they’ve been over four boardings per hour. Now, let me explain that just just real quickly what that means. We have, we have four vehicles operating here in Longmont during the weekdays. So we take the entire ridership for the day and we divided by the revenue hours for each vehicle. We want to straw

To have over three boardings per hour we do well up here we’re doing four and a half in that area as to five.

So when we go up the base, we’re doing apples to apples each year, picking the honest record, which is end of August to the beginning of January. That is the last complete record for us, because we’re currently in the January record last

would be August 2019. And I’m looking at January and February numbers that aren’t up here but they’re strong at around four and a half per hour. So that means on the average four people and a half a person, get on a vehicle. And so

we also now the flex ride is not included in the fare via we’re still charging fares, and I can

I should ask this question. Does everybody know what the flex ride is and how it operates?

Or do I have to give a quick explanation? Okay, it’s basically two small vehicles seats 14 as room for two wheelchairs into bikes. Customers can call or they can get on our website or they can go through their mobile device and they can order a ride to come to their house It is considered curve to curve service. It’s based on a first come first available and the driver or the device the scheduling device is trying to curb rides. So just real quickly, let’s just say tomorrow. I want to get picked up here at the Civic Center and I want to go back home. So when 12 o’clock I do it online or I talk to the driver. I want to 12 o’clock.

Pick up. If it’s available drivers doing nothing. That’s easy. Yes, we’ll pick it up at 12 Be ready five minutes early. 10 minutes late. We pick you up, we take you to your home. Easy peasy. But it’s never that easy. No. So let’s just say

they’re the driver. There’s no bus available at 12 o’clock. What it does is it will offer alternatives and our before an hour after, there’s some negotiation going on basically with the customer, we can get you out of London for we get you 1215 it’s not a ship. It’s not a doober lift. It’s a shared ride, we may pick you up at 1215. And we may go over and pick this woman up over here, this gentleman up, drop this woman off, drop you all and drop him off, pick up somebody else. So it’s a very dynamic service.

And it’s actually it’s kind of a lover hate and people love it, or they hate it.

Yes, I recognize the board director effector. Yes. It’s accurate, that there are some people that have recurring. Yes.

Yes, thank you. Thank you. what she’s talking about is our subscription. You can put a lot of people like you go to work every day at eight o’clock, or school or income, like I know, there’s a gentleman who comes to the library once a day or I’ve ridden with them last time I was here so you can book if it’s available. You don’t have to call you don’t have to book is just set. Once you set up into the system, we call those subscriptions. Those are about 50% of our ridership. The rest of the ridership can call in same day, there’s no qualification.

Anybody can ride it. Sometimes the seniors don’t like riding with the 12 year olds. But that’s the way it goes is first come first serve. Unlike accessorize, accessorize is a program that the federal government requires our ti to provide their or serve a certification process through research sales. You have to have a cognitive or physical disability that would prevent you from writing the normal fixed route service to be certified on excess right? Now obsessive accessorized is under the Fair buyout program, where if the trip originates, there’s certain rules and regulations. I’m not going to go into that it’s to like sit here, check till 730 or eight. But basically, the the city of Longmont is under the Fair buy program.

They’re paying for accessorized trips the local fair that picks up in Longmont and stayed either. Well, it has to pick up in Longmont, it can go to Denver, but we’re only paying you’re only paying the first $5 those trips.

I didn’t look those up, but I think they’re about 6000 a year.

That’s increased significantly since the fair buyout because a year program is to give people more options. It gives people more options, instead of taking one trip to go to numerous places, they now take multiple trips, even in accessorize so so let’s see. So I will move into an autumn available for questions.

Surely, how is that working here? Do you have are you getting a loan for

Yes, yeah, the ridership here. I said there’s about 6000 boardings a year. Yeah. And that’s gone up a lot, not only as the population expanded up here, but people are, you know, where maybe we $5 my personal site of $5 for church is expensive, mostly when you’re on a fixed income $5 to the library $5 back that’s $10 and you’re honest, so security income is $7 772. Now, that’s a lot of money for sure. So you’re, you’re allowing that person under your fair via to now make that trip for free. And believe me, they’re using it. Okay.

I have a quick question. Yes. took two questions. Flex ride. What is that a $5 or is that shrine is a normal RTD fair is three

dollars one way for an adult, there’s a discounted fare for children and seniors and the dollar just one way. Yes. If you have a accessorize card,

you get to ride flex ride for free.

And we do have a lot of people and accessorize who uses flight shrine. Because we’re saying day reservation, you can call it has to be available that you can call at 1130 for 12 o’clock pickup accessorize, you have to call 24 hours in advance and it’s free so a lot of people use it. Well now with the they still use it a lot because it’s same day pickup unlike accessorize and we

should clarify that the flex

this press

Fort Collins drill

Same letters, but it’s a different completely different.

Yeah. Okay.

All right. And then the other flex in a flex, right? Sure. Okay. So the second thing is with the flex ride, you mentioned the subscription schedule. So for those folks that are on subscription, do they still have that variability in terms of start time? Stop time get they’re still fine, fine. Well, you meant like, it could be an hour before it could be

locked into your subscriptions. Then it’s consistent within us. 20 minute window is consistent within that. Okay, minutes. Okay. All right.

So I’ll run into special events real quick and up here in Longmont, you have special events. I might as well just say it. They have all been recommended to continue not just here in Longmont but throughout our team

BI sure most of you have heard,

go into why they’ve been recommended.

Alright, we’re facing a issue at RTD called the driver shortage operator shortage. It’s very hard to find people to work. I’m sure the city has found that same issue. We upped our salaries by $2. I think that was about a year and a half ago. So first year driver with moderate overtime, comes in at about 45,000. That’s not bad for 19 year old to clean driving record.

The problem is, is we have more service out there than we have drivers. So we’re mandating a lot of our operators. So we hire all these people in this has been a cycle for a few years. We hire all these people and we make them work six

days a week, it’s crummy hours, mostly when you’re on the

totem pole. But keep in mind, people still volunteer for overtime. We’re not talking about the volunteers. We’re talking about the people, you are going to work on your day off.

They get tired after a while. I don’t think any of us like working six days a week,

and they leave us and we’ve tried all types of different things. It’s not a money issue after six months. It’s a I’m tired. I want to see my family.

So because of that, we’re missing routinely. We’re missing train and bus trips. I don’t think we are here in Longmont.

I mean, as far as the blue buses, not the 300.

Some of the regionals we have had. Yeah, so

It’s unfortunate. I will say this because I’ve been at this company since 1985. We have, we are seeing a lot of inconsistency in our service delivery.

You’re out there to catch a bus and it’s not there you out there and catch the train. It’s not there. And you don’t know when you’re trying to do a better job communicating now, but it’s hard to

continue to try to recruit but in the meantime, what they’re doing I call I think we’ve turned it right sizing. They’ve tried to

go out there and put service bring service levels down to a more acceptable level. So we don’t have to what we call mandate.

I don’t think it’s going to end all the mandate, but it’s a start. Now, the special services we’re doing this on fixed route to especial services, especially here

RTP and hurt the regular customers on weekdays. Remember, we’re carrying I think our boardings are close to 500,000 on weekdays, special services and correct me if I’m wrong on that. I think our does that sound about right but no, I think it’s like 330 minutes. Guess is about 330 Okay, I don’t know where I got that from.

But special services the Broncos ride we carry about 1000 boardings or 8000 people can be anywhere from six to 8000 people maybe 10 to 12,000 boardings each game. What happens with the Broncos the buffs the run ride that’s boulder boulder and the rocky surface.

Even though they’re on holidays on the weekends, they put a pain they help hurt us on the weekdays.

Not only do we have the mandate to operate these services we have done Broncos. Right? We have to roughly about 200 drivers. Not I’m not talking about weeknights, I’m talking about Sundays. There’s regulations in the transportation industry called the Doa, Department of Transportation, how many hours you can work per week and all this good stuff, when they’re out here, driving these special services, reduces what we can do during the weekdays. Therefore, it’s a ripple effect. This isn’t going to solve all of our issues, but it’s going to make a big impact

is actually able to do anything for the folder folder.

Yes. Do you want to address that Judy, or let me tell what I know. Well, probably what I know

is whatever that word packet says.

That the proposal now because of you

Huge amounts of squatting huge and it really works to complain.

That is definitely put well as opposed to be put back for a year. And that gave us time to work.

This, this was really, really bad.

I’m gonna let me just jump on there real quick. When we put a proposal together staff, myself, Natalie and her team and sage. We put it out to the public for public hearing, that we get all types of comments. I just heard we got 3000

more than at 20 meetings and then input 3000 emails that came in while we’re in the boulder boulder I wrote well over 100 at least. Then staff goes back and they look at the comments and they try to adjust

Now boulder boulder in particular in May.

We’ve worked with them for many years. I know the owner of the boulder boulder we’ve worked with them are very close to them we’ve tried to accommodate. So the staff recommended keeping that for one year, everything else

would be on the cutting edge.


tomorrow night,

yes, tomorrow night, they will discuss this.

And then they will technically vote on it. Two weeks. But they have to do something the board. I mean, it’s up to the board at this point, they have to do something they have to and this is the adjustments we made. Really, I think it’s we were like this and we’ve adjusted down to here.

No, but I think how many more? I think it’s gonna save us for about 40 operators, yes, somewhere 27 in Rails, I think what I’ve heard, which is that we have the biggest issue, percentage wise and the shortage of operators, and then the rest of them are going to be on on the bus side. But that is not just within the RTD that is within our contractors as well. The contractors really have one division that is doing well. It’s trans diff, that operates Southwest Denver routes mainly, the other divisions are also suffering. The Division up here has everybody including the general manager writing.

So anything else I need to talk about

was somebody who has more questions we can talk later.

All right, those

went ahead has been keeping track and this is because of

Fair via the kind of keeping track as to what the ridership has been since the fare via just to see what the impact is.

Notice that says ridership average boardings just so you know we differentiate between ridership and boardings, ridership is whoever it is, it can be somebody who gets on the bus multiple times. boardings is how many bodies actually get on and off the vehicle.

You can have a set of riders who board more frequently so you can have 50 riders, but 140 is 50 people get on the bus twice. So just keep that in mind. As we go with boardings and our ridership

up just keep the stats and see that in August we actually had changed the L to the LPN LX and split it out into the 287 36 corridor.

says d i 25 corridor and you can see the numbers if you add them up that actually was a success as ridership went up and has been steady and has gone up. If anything, the LX is actually the route definitely would consider and we did.

We did add a trip on the LX

where there is demand for service funding into the midday because a lot of the students they go back

but overall in August it was 1400.

Basically 1406 for both the ldls combined which is the highest it’s ever been. It’s been an actually it’s ever been since the stats. The ridership coming up.

We look at Jim January’s in operation right now we make the change to the O t in August. So, we’re waiting for things to settle with the ridership. It’s a huge change by having that midday

portion no longer go to Union Station but have that additional Aldi three, just between both building long London and having the transfers.

And then some of the trip times also had to be adjusted. So we’re very much on half our service and the ANP and the PMP in both directions. So there have been some challenges people getting used to it. It’s not exactly the same time that they had before.

We’ve had some issues with our internal system in regards to stops and patterns and we think we’ve got it all worked out at this point.

So ridership at this point is a little lower than what it was before. We made the change on the LTE but that was kind of to be expected also

the LD as it serves the US 36 corridor. When it comes to Greenfield, it actually picks up warnings for that corridor up to take to Union Station versus DFS. There was ridership there were about 80 people

on the hill.


writers plus and minus 107 points.

Those trips are no longer there.

Because the route only goes to fulfill so those folks have shifted to the FF. So that’s gonna reflect in the statistics, you’re going to have less on the LD, but you’re going to have some more on the FF. We’re going to keep a close eye on that. Usually when we make a change like this, we let it go for about two or three words before we would hone in and say, Okay, we’re going to make significant adjustments as warranted. Does that mean more trips, less trips actually shift trip times. But with this change, we immediately heard from quite a few folks that there was some challenges and we have gone ahead and already made some adjustments with a main record. So in the morning, we have changed one trip by command from an LD two that was just going to stay on 27 to go through Lafayette Park right in 616.

And then in the afternoon, we have changed one that wasn’t led to and also was just gonna stay on 27th. And we’ll change it to go through Lafayette Park tonight at 530. So that that is actually that am and pm demand. So we do listen to make the change as best as possible. And resources are tight shorts, we have to make it work within those resources. And a lot of times if you try to make a change like this, it can have a very easy domino effect because

the trip through Lafayette adds 12 to 15 minutes to the trip. That’s huge for an overall trip. That’s about an hour plus. So if you make a change like that, to have to have enough time between that trip get into Union Station and then it’s next leave time or you have to revoke all the trips and a little bit puzzle and then you could end up having to use for resources. So luckily it worked on this one stage the visitor norms

I have two questions. So the first half the folks that contacted with regards to change in the room, how did they do that? And second is what would be the best way for for people to forward information to you that arrived is not working or a time or how did that they have the official public process. So that changed in August went through extensive public process we actually had tried to change the previous August. So overall staff and stakeholders and have been involved for over two years.

So we have gotten to the public reports and contacts people know where to find the email, they call and they send in comments to the service of change at RGS calm. We have additional public meetings to where we didn’t get we had a lot the other group

We had over 50 people that one time, maybe even more.

It was Yeah, it was a huge crowd to us and preemptory. So we get all that input Sure.

As best as possible resources that we have, once we put it in place. Yeah, these people have been part of it. They’re writing they know where to find us. Email they call they changed it.

Just wondering, yeah. Okay. That’s all. Oh, yeah. And then there’s the official service change for sure. We put that out. We put them out on the buses also on the website. So it’s pretty extensive. Okay, but we’ve actually figured out this last around just by accident because the meeting was listed incorrectly, that most people go to the website to find out. We’re meeting somewhere our changes are not in the brochure brochure was correct. website was incorrect. people showed up for meeting actually

I do need to applaud you for changing after having given everybody so much time and then rolling it out and then having them complain about what they’ve already been discussing and then have you change it for them. I think that is that’s it deserves accolades. We try to as best make promises, we want the ridership, and we want it to be purposeful and effective. So yeah, as best as we can be absolutely.

edit this one. This is the breakout of the routes. wasn’t in the last years, but if you’re just visual, you can see it’s been pretty steady. But since the fair, free, fair, riteish ridership earnings

have increased, although they have leveled out over the past two plus years. It’s been really steady when you talk to the operators and they have been pretty steady up here actually first transit as well.

The same ridership is the same people are riding, when previously, they would ride once a day because of the fear now that the fear is real, we also pay for it for our taxes,

the fares free, they buy.

And therefore you have the increased importance. And also to change your slide to start an initiative in July 2014. So, yes, my first full on board with the full data is August, right. So I wanted to see

for the ride free started. Yeah.

That was the

Yeah, see it there. And I guess I could highlight that someone’s that. You look at the 323 right in the very top left corner, two mornings, and then you go to August 14. right off. Can you do that?

Yeah, that’s

right. Yeah. But it’s again

You can see it’s gone up. People figured it out. They’re using it, which is great. But it has leveled out. It’s a specific

number of clusters.

And the 324 is Yeah, it goes up, it goes down. We increase that service level to half hour in 15. Because it was two grand 60 to 60. Yes, we’re on the best yet but you know,

so yeah, well, there here’s, here’s one little

with a free fair. The number of mornings are up.

The number of recordings want the service levels that are currently out here.

If free fare goes away, these numbers will plummet and the service levels are out here will no longer be warranted.

We’re gonna have a challenge

discussion to try to figure out how we can work around it.

Ever since I started the idea that I’ve to say that, for us, it is a huge concern. We don’t want ridership through the 40s. We want to keep what we have. It’s working, it has good purpose, it’s helping a lot of people get around.

So we’re going to have to keep putting our heads together. And it’s Heather, our CFO would not be here tonight, but to speak to a little bit later might come to the resources and so forth. If there’s anything that you haven’t read,

just know that we’re well aware that, that I also know that it’s been a struggle for the city to continue to buy off the fares. So we’re going to continue those discussions.

Especially as we’re looking forward for

schedule, change the status on it BRT, even though that’s five years out, you’re somehow gonna have to figure out how to cover that because it all goes together, the local and regional everything needs to go so there’s no it’s on a right up the wall where try as best as we can to keep it going. So, then combined just wanted to let’s see, so it’s full picture and you can see again, it’s the same, you know, ridership has gone up slightly, slightly

as well ridership as well too because there are actually a few more people riding than before, but boardings overall but then it has pretty much leveled out over the last couple of years.

Which is good.

And again, as at this point, these boardings more on the surface that’s available

for the regional routes,

it’s a little different.

So as you can see the blue is the bolts to oranges to Jay the gray is

Ella then, again, when we split out august of 17 to the yellow DLT and the light blue pls

get pretty steady overall.

The bolt ridership dropped in 16. And we have not figured out why it dropped in 2016.

The Fs wouldn’t make up for that startup folder, and then ridership has nothing to do with


We didn’t change the L at that time. So there’s nothing that could have potentially switched from the bolt to the former BB buses or the BFFs to the LX or Lt. So we’re not quite sure.

Why not change your crew. As you can see since 16, it has been extremely steady.

Actually all around the J basically doesn’t change testing for 20 some years.

And then, as previously said, they’ll be in the likes of anything that drives a ship. Now it’s a little bit more than what the O used to perform, but the boat in the J

last couple of years very, very steady. And those are the two routes that will make up the service for the state 119 BRT as a base. When we start looking into

phasing switchover.

We understand basically what the difference with those routes were, like the J is a little confusing the runs from Walmart

when she started

the ball is basically between Longmont and downtown boulder coming down on our team. So Jay also starts normally

Longmont coming down 119 But no, and cuts through on 28th Street does a little variation through the East Campus area and then cuts over into the main campus. It used to extend all the way down the table may serve.

That was

anything actually as of August 16, we will switch to August 17. That change was made with the LDS and DLS change.

Actually the rush

the LD is there are two patterns on the LDA is that the LD LD LD basically operates on 287 the LD one going through alpha yet and coming back onto 2736 on 25 into Union Station where the LD two just stays on to 87 all the way down to 36 in 25 minutes

station. The LD three is the new pattern again that operates between Warfield in Longmont in the midday early am pm midday based basically on Saturdays. So, so rich LD is that these are the only one and LD two because the LD three was only implemented this record so when we get the data

and I saw the request for data.

We will include that LD ridership and again I’ve looked at it previous just just to see where we’re at. And those numbers are slightly down overall for the new LD One, two and three.

But again, some of that ridership is no one BFF versus So is that a combined lt one and two? Yes, yes. Yeah.

And then the LX is a different they’re also two villains.

One is north about 1318 Tolman on highway 66

I 25 straight down Union Station, the other one comes to 27 and turns on highway 52. In that 25 in order to pick up at the park and ride to my watch,

they’re two completely different ridership basis actually. So in both are doing well

be the only one that goes on 66 cannot pick up anybody

that are within the district.

Especially on the north side.

It’s the next stop is union stakes, right? Everything else is outside the district.

The only potential future stop addition would be a state highway 725 where we’ve been having conversation with a whole bunch of folks in the north area. There’s actually a coalition out of the MCC co

missions working on the highway seven as a BRT corridor, bus rapid transit corridor. That is one of the corridors that was identified in our area mobility study back in 2013.

There were five corridors that could be potentially bus rapid transit in this is one of them.


it’s a long ways out. That is that would be a huge, huge project instead of having 70 would be multimodal facility, multi levels. I don’t know if he ever shared the little video snippet, none of the videos similar kind of grant. But

yeah, it might be interesting for them to see some time but also, yeah, with the state intervention as the charity works, we run promotional finishing my shots right through the peak services. So

yeah, and on the other day, absolutely. At this point is anything that’s struggling

it’s really not for regional relevance.

It’s on the bottom of the

list as we would like to see it, or the likes. And that said, the ridership has increased. And if anything, that would be the route we would focus on and add trips. Because it seems that there’s there’s much more of a demand to to later into the morning. And then earlier in the afternoon, because of the students, there’s actually we had looked division to try and add more than one trip, but we just, we just didn’t have the resources.

But it’s on the radar. Will there be a consideration later?

Yeah, yeah, we’ve already looked into that. Actually, we looked into that when we made this change with ELD. And we just could not make it work. So it’s, we’re, we’re aware of it we’re keeping it on.

So have to the usual standard buttons resources become available, but yes, definitely keep an eye on it.

So, in general, regional same thing, just all routes combined. For each

Each one words as we go through the years and see is also it’s just very, very steady, you know, percent change from one year to the other and come down, down then it went back up slightly in it. So it’s just basically even out of the last two years.

And we’ll just keep an ion engine.

So local services you have to for local routes 23 324, 3d, 26 and 327.

Those frequents the routes operate on a weekday and Saturday through 23 to 26. And 27 is our industry 24 is half hourly.

So it’s between four is



It is it’s doing quite well on Saturday and Sunday.


That was an original grant application for 15 minute AMPM service.

I compromised, I figured it would actually be safer for the route to have half our service all day and then add service on Sundays, which hasn’t been been there. And that was what the majority of folks we had communications with. Right up here. We’re asking for as well as the extended service. So starting a little earlier and ending a little later in the evening and we made those adjustments and I think sunset

and there are at least two or three people that were very, very vocal and they wouldn’t be calling me and emailing me if there was anything so it seems to be working and looking at the ridership seems to be gone quite well.

You said it sounded great.

Yeah, exist. end of this year.


Yeah, yeah this one was last year. This was last year and again but it falls under the free fair. Okay

cool. Yeah. So still with

just I had put the maps in, in just frequency was its

current current network there’s there should have put those maybe

just the bolts you can see from Longmont boulder

the J

it meanders when it comes into boulder and it has a lot of stops and

we consolidated when I pulled stops in Longmont in 2016

we had a discussion with city of Boulder thing as opposed to

Keep many of the local stocks out and speeding up and

we will have a conversation with them again later on this year because it affects the router overall quite a bit, especially when it comes to resources.

Going to see you.

I live on the J it’s mainly staff. It’s not as many students as main staff and there are out of the overall j ridership which is

about a third comes out of the gumbo that



For the folder, the folder consolidation itself will also be one of those published to get. Yeah, so we have theoretically when we consolidate stuff, so we do not have to go out to the public. But if we made such a change, we would make it with the rounds.

To me,

we would only consider it on routes when there’s unreliable service.

There is a difference between.

So when we look at that and say, Okay, we’re going to consolidate stops we would look at where people are getting on and off, especially where it’s coming out of Longmont folks are going to in Boulder, so we wouldn’t remove a stop or stops where majority of folks are getting on and off between the boulder and we would look at the ridership in the mornings that are within Boulder. And then which ones those who make sense to remove because there’s always



and half hour do better.

With the phasing we’re going to have to look at this anyway because we are at the stations are going to be reduced significantly to compared to the current stops and then against on the line

and we’ve done the same on the FS where the bees stop along Broadway

takes forever

but it’s better

where then you know yes, you have to take a local route potentially to get to a snap for them board the regional route.

For the most parts,

the stops that are in place on the regional route those are the stops where the boardings for the regional route occur, the transfers from a local to reach now compared to the overall ridership.

If the fleet authority, I think we would talk high numbers.

Most people are within the vicinity of the stop or regional within walking distance which

Consider a quarter mile east direction.

That’s the density along the corridor.

So LD one led to gives you there, see how it has a deviation in that little insert.

And then there was the change for the LD three where we took the 225 piece and use those in service hours and put them into the LD three and then extended it to come up to one month. And that’s long and actually received the additional service out of this change does actually benefit from the day so all the lb three does is open.

Again in the midday the ridership to me is not

the ridership that was showing up on the

in the mid day, and there were these riders that were using it as a backup to the effect. So if they were Bloomfield

and if an lt called up and we’ll get on the LD because they

Credit Union Station it would wait until the next event should I even go to the restaurant every 15 minutes. So you had about said about 100 mornings one way or another.

Alex just skin, how many 66 and the other version of 52

All right, so, um,

dude, have you shared the

last month? Okay, cool. Okay, so I’m with the one I team up study. And, Chris, you don’t have it on your slides. We had that last year, we did the update. But if you have any further questions as we go through this, this was the project manager for 119. So we can go into that a little bit more. But with the BRT study, we also went ahead and took a look at the current local routes for Longmont, and took the opportunity to

Create a new network, basically a local local network. That will then be what we call a feeder service to the regional routes. So you take the regional routes of your T spine route as the main route, and the local services would be there to feed and make the connections to that. So that to try to entice people to not drive

wise, unfortunately, acquired rights on the spine. So

this is kind of a big deal. I mean, this is the this is the local bus enhancement moment we get benefit for enhanced local bus service to get people to the, to the main spine that she’s talking about for bus rapid transit, but also gets us around the city. Right. So yeah, it’s kind of a big deal as far as we’re looking for from RTD in the future.

See, we said information would be implementation would be phased as warranted.

So again, at this point, we don’t have resources even though we’ve had these discussions with staff that some of these changes already might make sense and potentially would be warranted, but we just just can’t do it at this point we just don’t have the drivers or the vehicles because it will be additional resources needed. So

fortunately enough to kick the can down the road a bit, but it is in this plan, which helps us in the future to go forth and implement especially as we kick off state highway one it is rapid transit.

No, not yet.

We can


but we can add it on to the

website. So yeah, okay, cuz. Yeah, that’s I think that’s what I had waited for was to make sure because it is protocol 99 102

be included as an appendix into the overall 19 document. But yeah, we just put it as a separate document on the webpage. Yeah, yeah. Okay.

Did you actually share the document that I had sent? No, no, no. Okay, so he was fine with that. Okay. Well give it a website, we’ll let you know Phil can send out to him. No problem.

So that’s

what we have currently is on the left. And what we would look to do is on the right, you see, the main change probably is the extension out on the east to Walmart and the hospital. And that is the one if anything, where it’s a you know what it’s warranted, but just don’t have the resource at this point.

And we do sure that was a flex ride. However, we’re well aware that there is potentially more demand and we do hear from

folks about that. And anything that is over here, but

But otherwise, you see the rest of the network is not so much for change. So you can see how we have the 323 extend up to Walmart as well.

That’s that. Yes. Sorry. Yes, it is turquoise. Yes.

Versus degree is it also going further west as well?

It actually it has this has a bit of a change as it comes up.

Here we go.

staff has commented on this,

which I responded, it’s on your line on the map right now. And once we go through the plan and actually put it into implementation, we will have those discussions with the public. This change right here was something that we had originally discussed a couple years ago.

As things are changing within the city and other needs,

we’re looking to continue. We don’t have a signal up here. That’s the other. By the way, if Oh, do I get to make a request for traffic signal?

traffic signals?

Or long range plans? Yes. So that’s the other thing, but if we cannot make that turn safely, without traffic signal, so we have to take that into consideration. So the other routing is then looking at what the density is and where potentially could we entice books to write or harvest ridership. So to say, that would be the intro about

that goes all the way up to 25. It’s no that’s

It’s because this is the edge of the map, but this is actually where the one word is right there.

Yeah, that’s a school trip is to the high school. So that’s Nelson skydive. Yes. So yeah.

So because right now we operate to trip up trips out of there. The ridership is really really low as to kids really that write it in the morning in the afternoon. We also have a challenge out there with the turnaround on the terminal. We don’t have a restroom location. The school kicked us out.

Because they were those folks were writing and they didn’t want them on the property. It was a danger. It was a safety issue. DARPA Silver Creek snow. Yes. So you know, one way or another. But where we’re at right now, we do not have a rescue operation. So we really cannot have it as a fixed terminal pro union agreement. We have to have a restroom at each end of the route within five years.

Walking distance

charges. So these trips would be selected trips school troopers only. So I have one problem but flex rate goes up there. Yeah. So going up to Walmart Are you is that actually is the bus actually going to go to the Walmart store? yes it would actually go around behind where because there’s development back here right there is and we can actually lay over in Terminator because we could use the restroom at Walmart okay yes that’s that’s the whole idea okay mixing the two channels I there was a request for the hospital but quite frankly hospitals do not create for you know, for people who are sick, don’t

flex right is more on demand access, right it’s more demand. Plus it also would have been a challenge to get Yes, you could circle around the back. But again for us to lay over terminal wise was much harder.

To find a spot and then having that challenge again with the restaurant access where at Walmart

it’s pretty much given so that is in Wolfe County

Polk County but it’s

been annexed into the city so if anything was city annexes outside of your TV

city limit, okay. So there could be subject to their to the tax

wise to Portuguese.

Okay. All right. So more fun to be had.

With that we will also adjust the service frequencies in service fan and this is a little hard to see.

But we’ll make sure you get the document till you can actually take a closer look at it but you can see how they’re currently are for instance 109 platform hours

To call it when the buses outsource

the routes and in the future it would be 135. So increase of almost 2526 hours, which is significant.

And then on weekends, you also see an increase for Saturday and Sunday of 13 on Saturday, 14 hours on Saturday and 30 some on Sunday. So that’s a huge increase.

private corporation, what if the platform are like buses running but the definition of a platform is from when the bus pulls out of the garage when it pulls into the garage there’s difference between service and platform platform again from garage to garage in service from first time point when they start their first trip to the last trip. Okay.

And I have to make room from head for Mr. Quinn has about 30 minutes left. I thank you for

So I’m trying to figure out what to do.

If you know where to find me, Phil knows where to find me. We’ll make sure we get to the link, get that up on the web and get from A.

Thank you. Thank you.

My name is pretty quick. It’s essentially just an overview of a couple of things going on.

I’m Chris Quinn, the plant

project manager in kind of long range sexual not only works on scheduling, the day to day operations of the bus, my goal or my department’s goal is more the long range

Pinus guys helped me out but

yeah, exactly.

Yeah, real quick. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

First item Murfreesboro starter update. I believe this group has seen the plan

where we have been working with the local jurisdictions for the last couple of years. Instead of trying to get the full build out of the Northwest rail, which would be 55 trains per day, would it be possible to just run three trains in the morning from Longmont to Boulder and into downtown Denver, and then three trains in the afternoon right back out again with the intent that that would reduce the amount of infrastructure that would be required it to still integrate with the BNSF freight services that are underlying in the corridor.

Most recently, and I was not at the meeting, but most recently, the local jurisdictions and representatives from RTD went down to meet with the BNSF in their head offices February 21 to discuss

proposal that we had sent to them quite a while back, but they were

just getting around to processing. I was not at the meeting, Director Luba, wasn’t it. Okay.

Okay. So if you guys want to, since the official meeting minutes haven’t come out, I don’t. I don’t want to say too much. We want to defer to.


Well, this was great to be able to finally have a meeting from New York

was a big deal.

We had been asking them for quite a while for cost estimates of what they would charge or DD for construction of this interim commuter service and for operation of it

because they need to know their costs to be

To know what we’re going to pay, we just can’t figure it out only on our end.

It was not easy to get that information. But finally, they expressed a willingness to talk with us.

And in fact, they invited RTD to come down and meet their schedule to meet their modelers because they have modeling issues that they wanted to talk to us about the service plan.

Nothing ever runs smoothly. It was I was told that not only would there be RTD staff, but the mayor of Westminster was also going to go and at the same time, other mayors had not been invited. That did not seem like a smart thing to do. So that changed we’ve kind of worked on throwing it open to the other stakeholders if they wanted to come to and lo and behold what we had

was mayor back when he wanted to come and join us? Yes. And then when he was not only going to have their mayor who was going to have their development person and their city manager, and then Boulder County was sending Matt jobs. So it became a very healthy group of people going down there, which actually turned out very, very well.

Because basically, it wasn’t just RTD saying, Oh, they told us, but everybody could see what the real issues were. And I must say, they have a banger modeling section. I mean, it’s just, it was like watching cartoons on Saturday and Kruger going like it was very impressive. And what they showed us was that even though we were only asking for three runs in the morning, and three runs in the evening, it was going to impact them a lot. And not just that one particular woman.

But several additional lines that that connected. So it became very complicated. And one of the rules that Burlington Northern has is okay.

If you want commuter service working with us, our rule is that you cannot take away from our business, the ability to run our business that we would have otherwise, you have got to pay for improvements that don’t make us financially whole. That’s, that’s it want to work with them. You got to do that. So they showed us basically, that one there was going to have to be positive train control, because that’s not on there now. And that’s basically when you Oh, that’s what that’s basically allowing commuter lines and freight lines to work together, because they will

coordinate better in case there’s a problem. And there was also signal signaling requirements that have to be created when

You’re ending commuter lines and freight lines. So that’s two improvements, but the very expensive stuff is going to be for sidings, that that has to be created to allow their trains to sit while ours move and not waste a whole bunch of time for them soon as our trains go through, this will go away.

And so they were basically saying to us, there’s going to be these improvements, and you’re going to have to pay for them. Do you want to move forward? And so? Well, yeah, I mean, we want to at least see what it’s gonna cost. And what they told us that they were going to have to do something called a 30% Environmental Design analysis to get any kind of reasonable cost estimate

that it doesn’t say much to most people who went to what amounted to last time was RTG having to pay $700,000 to go to get

That kind of level of design work to get cost effective. So, where was left was we all saw? Yes, it’s going to be complicated. Yes. We’re going to need the four sidings. Yes. We’re going to need positive train control. Okay. The next step is we contacted them, every staff here are Assistant General Manager for capital programs, summarized it all and said, Yes, we would like to move forward, contact us about what no calls, and so we’re waiting on them. But this is a big deal. I mean, it’s been a big deal to be able to talk with them. They’re not. They don’t want a whole bunch of people talking, willing to was important. So that’s what’s happening, where we’re waiting on it. It’s going to cost quite a bit of money. I

don’t know. Hopefully, maybe some of the stakeholders will help us with some of the costs that might We’ll see. It’s all going to have to negotiate

At least it’s moving.

So there BNSF was very clear in our operation does not require the positive train control or the civilization. So that’s going to be probably one of the big expenses that we see. There’s some troubles with it. Anytime you have passenger rail, you have to have positive train control, which is a connected system. So talk to each other normally are pretty important. If you’re running trains, trashing each other, and civilization it’s very, very similar.

They sound similar purposes, but they’re both they’re both needed to run the train operation. So, again, that was very clear that

that’s going to be a big cost. We can’t do it and there’s no obligation, they don’t need it for their operations. If they ran more hazmat, they would have to add positive train control. They’re savvy, they know what that number is, and they don’t say I’m just getting to that kind of moments before that, so they’re not going to need it.

And when the other good things was that to be competitive, I think they want to run the trains at higher speed. So there’s some additional improvements to the track to support that higher speed.

I think in a nutshell, it’s part of the prize. Yeah. For high level stuff. So the luminary engineering agreement is the first part of what we have

today for you guys to get worked out with famous a

movie and what’s it going to be looking at costs for the agreement, your cost for construction? Yeah, so it’s not cheap. As I said last time,

it has won an estimate. We need an estimate, because we need to be able to go to potential funders, as well as the taxpayers. taxpayers are also potential funders. For this. We need we need an estimate that makes sense.

So what we need environmental one of those two, but I think Henry was quick to point out that we’ve done on the environmental

work on that. So I think a lot of the environmental is already done and hopefully a lot of that still usable.

So more will be revealed.

Yes. So once we do this and have implemented this the active train control and these other things, will they be running trains that they wouldn’t normally run? Because it will now have this access. They’re not gonna do it. We have to agree that this makes sense. Rush, right. I assume that I’m, uh, I’m kind of jumping to the year 2018. But no.

Yes, there would be some huge benefits to them. If those improvements were instituted.

And I guess well, the hazmat thing is what piqued my interest so would they start running hazmat training through long?

Just asking

If you just remember a few years ago when we were doing a different level of study on the corridor, and one of the things you alluded to it directly well,

is that

even though I’ve been working on the corner for quite some time, this very profoundly obvious piece of the puzzle was kind of missing in my mind, is the fact that when you look at their network, which I’m assuming the modeling showed, this is one of their few north south links on their national network. So well, at one point in the late 90s, when we were doing a lot of planning for this corridor, and freight activity was way down and they didn’t think they needed it. Now all of a sudden,

well, now we’re starting to feel the 2000s with freight activity increasing fairly dramatically. It became far more important to them and that is there’s been flooding in the Midwest, and the

last few years, we’ve wiped out some of their other links that we’re looking at this quarter even more as more valuable for resiliency pieces. And that really just, they are Yeah. To sell. But short answer to your question. Yeah, that is having the positive train control and the the signalization, which is

right now. It’s what they call dark territory. And that’s our no signals in this segment of it. So that would be a huge upgrade for them. But if someone else can pay for it,


did they


to acquire more land or do we, if we do the sidings need to acquire land or do we happen

to not go into that detail and the caveat with that is that this is just showing deciding on the model for modeling purposes.

Attention to land.

In previous efforts, when we did

The book called The environmental valuation, which was a Godzilla, it’s 10 years old now.

It showed

that they were in general, the right of that they have approximately 100 feet of right away. And there’s some areas, especially Lewis Gilbert, was down fairly dramatically, I think about 50 feet. There were areas though and curves where we might have to establish some bank mints that it would kind of we may have some of the clips in the right of way were probably not having a fully acquiring the property. But yeah, it might need 510 feet to accommodate, even though the right of way might be there just to accommodate the geography, the geometry of the track to allow for you know, whatever curving radius they need or something like that. So

yeah, that would be a bright, short answer here again, that was the right way to PAX. Yes. Part of

This question that came out you mentioned in basements. So one of the questions that was asked is can the rail be on walls? And my understanding historically, they’ve said no, it can be on on part of the wall to try and reduce some of the slope for property takes. And engineering from BNSF was not at the table. But

of those over there. They said there’s precedents for building the track up on rail and they pointed to a section in Seattle that was built on

on a supportive wall for the rail that could potentially reduce some of that.

All of that can be still negotiated.

So did they give a timeline as to

when they would start the analysis? I mean, the cost of what that will take but the cost analysis today, two years, six months, what do you think it is anytime? Are we back to just waiting? Well, I think Wednesday

money changes hands. It goes quick. That I guess that was my question. I didn’t state it correctly. What are we going to find out the cost of this so that we can, that’s one of the things that we’re waiting on. Getting through the timeline.

This is the cost to figure out how much it’ll cost.

By experience with the linear engineering agreement that I did for the quiet zone work, I submitted the request for the agreement in January, and it was May when I got the documents back and that’s are there legal or legal, and it was executed in about four months to get for the work that we were doing, which is a different scope than what you guys are doing with this kind of magnitude.

This is a much bigger project.


I’ll be quicker not it’s going to depend on the agency agreement or do we do the agreement.

I’m not sure how that worked out. So they have a boiler they have

I’m wondering in principle, and it’s gonna be probably working with RTD on the scope of what exactly they’re doing. The legal language is already developed by the NSF and I suspect you guys will have like a review as well.

Well, at least you haven’t been paid very much for putting that together and knowing I think it’s incredibly exciting.

The wall of curtains over the operation center was pretty cool.

The city staff

Oh, absolutely. Not.

Just moving

Given that it’s already budgeted for so I’m

gonna Never say never, but

go see that happen.


before it goes away. Yeah.

It is very exciting that you finally sat down with us to face. Yeah. I mean, my sense is that now, we’ll be talking about real money. It’ll go faster

than unscathed over 119. My understanding is Phil has given this group quite a bit of updates, or an overview of what’s going on. So I’ll be real quick on this. But as you may recall, the vision that came out of the

PEO or planning and environmental linkages study that we completed was essentially signed off by FHA Federal Highway ministry.

than the Federal Transit Administration this last fall. The vision plan for that cause for fear to manage lanes would be something similar to us. 36 where buses carpools and toll paying cars could use the new inside lane. In then we would also as part of the BRT have upgraded stops and stations parking rides for the bus. And then the plan also includes a way to connect the two cities.

current funding and I don’t know what was presented to Phil, last time you presented to this group, we actually the total project cost is approximately including the Overstreet than a 119 project is approximately 250 million. The good news is, even though we’re not anything close to 250, in terms of coming together with financing for projects, where

actually looking pretty good.

They often say money buys money and in the sense of being able to leverage dollars to get additional grants, whether it’s federal or the state level, the more money you have, the more money are usually able to get. So right now, most recently RTD has approximately 30 million available in CES really come to the table just within the last few months. We knew going into when we finished the planning level, we knew that see that had approximately $9 million from region four which is the northern Colorado sub region of C dot. But since that time, see that has also dedicated from Senate Bill 267 $30 million highway funding and then an additional $10 million in transit funds from the Department of transit and rail

In addition to that, and that this number was also probably out before

the Denver Regional Council of Governments through the Transportation Improvement process, had granted quite a bit of money to the corridor and along with local government contributions at about minus about 14 million. So, here again, project is in no way fully funded, but money begets money. And yeah, this is kind of similar to how us 36 happened. It was just cobbling together a few from different funding pots, and eventually it all came together. So I’m actually a lot more confident than about this. And I was saved for five months ago. So can it also be done in stages? Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah.

We have started talking to see that right now.

See that through the with the call HTTP the high performance. Thank you totaling the authority of whatever.

Enterprise Thank you. Yeah.

Just we’ll go with hp t, which is an arm of Sita, which manages us 36 and the 470s.

They are doing an analysis to determine what kind of totals in revenue could be

could be collected on the core and how it would work.

But we’re in kind of off

more side conversations that we’ve had with Sita. They have brought up the idea of okay even if we initially are able to construct the full BRT, and toll lanes, would it be would there still be the possibility to

do so?

stablish one of the other alternatives that we looked at in the study, which is q jumps or bus bypass lanes at the key intersections with the intent that those would eventually be incorporated into a full lane so short answer Yes.

That was one of the great things.

So beer t had up right now, one of the great things about beer T is unlike other projects, you can easily make incremental improvements and that was here again following the model but us 36 did.

Even though the new lanes didn’t start going in until


  1. I mean, our TV and it started making improvements to the for the on the bus side as early as 2008 a big thing being in the location of the room feel heart and ride, which if any of you had ever taken us 36 plus prior to its

relocation, know that when you stop there, depending on the time of the day, the bus can take anywhere from 15 minutes. So it’s really

just a if you’re on the bus, it was your, you know, dark days wonderful.

Just horrible, putting the establishing the station up on us 36 just psychologically, and nothing else was a huge benefit. But my point of all that is we started making investments in the quarter, even before the construction started. So that one of the downsides to all of that is when we had our ribbon cutting in 2016. Yeah, January 2016. It was sort of a what has changed because so many things have built up over the 10 years there wasn’t really that wow, everything changed overnight. So but but there again, the point being it’s easy

As money comes in and start making spot improvements and collectively cumulatively improves the core conditions. So

the bus

the intent would be everything would be in the middle. Yes. Yeah.

The thing

is, so if

you don’t have any examples, will it four columns will be the closest example of a median stop. So, no, I have no good example that I could point out to a locally sorry, but but yes, it’s in the middle

would be like a Kaufmann plan or in the middle and then cross




Okay. Yeah. And then um,

The other end of the corridor includes also improvements in the extrusion voltage. So we’ll build a refresh is bad lanes of business access and turn lane. So it allows the only people that can be in that lane is somebody who’s making a return or a or the bus to also allow for us to travel time.

Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.


Thanks again, thank you very much.

I’ve seen you on the bus before.

Thank you for coming.

Go ahead forward with comments from board members.

I have nothing there.

I’m good. Thank you.

I just want to thank the board you all put starting in. I want to thank the staff for the linking Longmont, I went to that and I just thought it was great good presentations by Sophie who’s with the innovation for C dot and she told us about electric cars and and how they’re going to be putting in more stations. The state’s going to be paying for that and

bicycle Colorado with Pete and he was pretty negative about some stuff and I thought it was pretty exciting about some stuff too. And he even talked about Vision Zero in Oslo, Norway and having one car fatality instead of all that we’ve been having. And anyway, I just thought it was great.

In the back and all the different folks that were showing projects within the city and county, it was a really good effort. Thank you for thank you for your work.

I just want to piggyback off what Sandy said, as well. I really like presentation. I mean, it just kind of speaks to some of the projects we’re doing. So I just want to emphasize my comment from the last meeting, and I’m really looking hard at the carpentry project, and taking parts off of that street would be really in line with what our city envisions and the long run.

I think it’s a possibility in recent look at I just pulled out. I also was thinking about it afterwards and thinking, why don’t we have four lanes going down the middle of our downtown Can we just have to warn each way Hello

is a little negative, but also inspiring to say, what really could we do?

So that’s a nice message out to the community.

A little bit more.

But that’s all I had.

Thank you guys.

time he’s really


So you’ve heard of all the wonderful things they’re doing. And every year Dr. Cobb has an award ceremony. So this year they are going to honor credible children.

So I

have the word celebration and he’s

a Distinguished Service Award

almost 20 years. So if any wants to go let me know because

is probably going to buy a table and the more people that are we can

do away for whatever

time we catch a Wednesday

with time, probably six it doesn’t


Yeah, it’s a big deal.

Everybody so

great. Thank you.

Well, looks like there’s an upcoming meeting.

So that’s the county library.

March 31.

Is that open house? Yes. Just like the last ones kind of we’re just moving into different location to kind of cover that whole core

items for coming agenda.

Emergency next April next month

on the task force in here, workers councils?

Well, they’re

not sure yet.

Depends on it.

I think what they’re going to come up with is recommendations for the major contributors to greenhouse gases. And so each one will have a couple recommendations I want you to peruse, allow them to balance their imagine with all that information. So before that will give you to

read through it. Just kind of figure out how you feel about the different recommendations.

And then surely, so was for

regulation this group

to counsel, what you’d like to see. So this is your chance to make comments on those different items for reducing greenhouse gases in the climate diversity.


When is the county line road meeting on the 31st? What time and where is it? March 31. Your renewals

there, sorry. Oh, it’s right there.



right. So

motion to adjourn.

I move to adjourn.

Second. All in favor

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