Longmont City Council Regular Session – March 17, 2020

To listen to the meeting alongside a transcript, please visit: https://otter.ai/s/bYBgu6O_TQ20NZ-c1RiuZQ

For a transcript of the meeting, please read below:


pack here, yeah, Rodriguez. Good.

Aaron say here, here. All right. There’s your waters

here. Hello.

30 seconds.

All right, so I’ll make sure I repeat anything that is substantial.

Substantial by anything considered substantial, not just me. Fair enough. Okay.


All right. Councilmember waters is here, Mary, of course. All right. Great. Thank you.

All right, let’s go ahead. I would like to now call March 3 2020, Longmont city council right now. The session to order. tonight’s meeting is a little bit different because of the cobit 19 virus pandemic and the governor’s emergency orders. There are only 10 people allowed in a public gathering order the Centers for Disease Control, does we reduce staff and attendance and no public at all. And so while there’s five council members, Councilmember Christiansen and Councilmember Rodriguez are appearing by phone we have our city manager, Eugene Mae, john kitana, and one member of the media who is making sure the microphones running Harold.

So I wanted to let everyone know that we have talked to the council members, Colorado Municipal League informed us that there were two individuals as part of the Colorado delegation not from long mine that had did test positive for Cova Cova 19 virus and because of the interaction, Colorado Municipal League is suggesting that anyone One who attended that conference and was part of the Colorado delegation that they self isolate. I will say that our two council members are not experiencing any symptoms. They’re just simply following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control Colorado Department of Health in the Colorado Municipal League.

Right. Great. So we missed you too. But thank you for doing what you need to. So let’s go on. Let’s go ahead. We had roll call to say the pledge. We did roll call. I know we did. But that’s why I said we didn’t we had roll call. But let’s say that we have a flag in here. We’re still we’re still saying the pledge.

Is there? Yeah, just that way.

For a virtual flag. I pledge

allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice

for all.

cadence was off a little bit tonight, but that’s okay. No flag. All right. All right, let’s go ahead. We have no approval of minutes actually. So in order to protect residents, staff and elected officials, Lamont residents were invited to provide public comment remotely by submitting their cons to city council in writing or via video or phone message and place of personally attending tonight’s meeting. So I’m asking staff to go ahead and forward all those to us and we will review those on our own time. We’re not going to go ahead and read all those tonight in public, but I’m allowed to take things off and that’s what we’re doing and we’re gonna move on and get out of here as soon as possible. Approval of minutes no minutes were submitted for approval. Do we have any agenda revisions or submission of documents motions to direct the city manager for anything?

Done we have agenda revisions.

We do

alright, so yep, so we’ve got item six a is an update on Longmont public media that has been postponed since it is not time critical. As well as item nine c regarding Oh 220 2011 or ordinance 20 2011 on special districts, and these are both being continued to looks like may 26. Correct? May 12 may 12, may 12. All right. Finally, there’s an updated version of the official statement for the proposed wastewater refunding bond item eight, eight at counsels desk. So, be aware of those. Alright, assuming that council members have nothing else to bring up, it’s just a daughter

for clarification.

under nine, we’ve got three items. So we are going to have a public hearing Dryden

Yes. Or wait nine a.

Not nine days of public hearing on consulting. Okay.

So we’re having a hearing in public, not not a public hearing. Now you’re here to hear from the public? Yes,

correct. Although people were invited to submit their comments, via email, phone Video messaging, etc.

And we received So, Alright, so let’s go ahead. Yeah, Mayor,

if we did receive comments on any of those on the second reading, we would need to read those but we did not receive any comments on those items. Correct.

Right. All right. So for a consideration of a policy for electronic participation, Aloma city council meetings,


Aaron, council Eugene Bay City Attorney. So this was sent out before Harold had declared a state of emergency. That’s how quickly things are moving. However, I think it still provides excellent guidance and it would still be applicable because it’s upon the city manager’s activation of the Emergency Operations Center, which he has done and therefore sets forth some guidelines for electronic participation in city council meetings. The Lamont

municipal code author risers, telephonic or electronic meetings, when a state of emergency has been declared, and that’s how we’re operating tonight, these policies would just further define how those meetings are to be conducted. Alright, so Aaron and Polly, did you hear that? I assume not. Right. Okay. So basically we’re going to be we’re going to be voting on for a the policy for electronic participation along with city council meetings, hair apparel under a what he declares an emergency that that that ordinance allows us to have meetings remotely, which is what we’re doing now. But this particular Eugene said that this particular consideration will allow us to operate not under emergency. That makes sense. So what do we need to do Eugene

Marin council if council if council would like to approve the policy then you can

It does affect city council meetings, you would be

suspending the council Rules of Procedure in order to adopt this. So do we need to suspend the council Rules of Procedure Code? I move that we suspend the council Rules of Procedure?


Anybody want to say anything? All right. All in favor say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed. All right. So that so that we just suspended the rules of procedure. It passed unanimously. And let’s go ahead, I will actually move that we adopt the policy for electronic participation along with city council meeting like espressos but proposed by Eugene may in the packet. Second.

All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposed.

Was that an eye Polly?

Alright, so that passes unanimously.

All right. I’m going to go ahead and pull for B 2020. legislative bills recommended for city council. Anybody opposed to that? All right. foresee city council extending emergency declaration and order 2020 dash oh one we have a motion.

So moved.

Second. Councilmember Peck.

I think Harold would

hold on. I don’t think your mics on. Go ahead.

Hello, now it’s on.

It’s on. I just wanted to give counsel a quick update on everything that we have because this is an opportunity for me to update you and the community if that’s okay.

Sure. You know, what? Can they can people see me? When

can people see me right? So can you take my seat? Why don’t you talk and give this update? None of what I means I’m going to trade you seats while you talk. So that way I don’t have to repeat it. So

why are you doing this?


So Wow, this feels different. I like

it over here. Yeah.

Mayor Council, what I wanted to do quickly is to give you in the community and update in terms of everything that we have going on regarding what what our staff is doing related to the kovat 19 virus. As you know, we issued it as a disaster declaration yesterday, we have now officially closed all city buildings, in terms of the public, utilizing those buildings. That was actually a result of the guidance that we received in the orders issued by the governor of Colorado and the Centers for Disease Control. We’ve also created a number of teams to deal with issues that we’re seeing as a result of those actions. Michelle Wait, is working on the Senior Services team. specifically we’re focusing on food housing, medical issues, hospice, care. We have a team. Now with Christina Pacheco and Jeff reasoner. Looking at child care for critical personnel, we’re hearing that that’s becoming more and more of an issue for the healthcare system and for our staff. We also have Alberto working on a broader county initiative regarding homelessness, and how we deal with the individuals that are potentially infected with Cova 19. And how we work to create our existing shelters. So we don’t have that issue. And then we have a broader food group working with Christina in the human service funding group. In terms of looking at that issue. We’ve also created a business team. The city representatives are Joanie Marsh, and I just dropped Peters last name, Gibbons. They’re also working with the Chamber of Commerce DDA, visit Longmont, lldp and other business owners in terms of evaluating the current situation. We’re also going to ramp up an economic team internally to look at what are the potential economic impacts and what that means to us. We’ve started that work, we’re on the front end of it. In addition, we’re focusing on employee support in terms of how do we support all of our, the members of our team that are engaged in in working numerous issues. We have fully moved into our coop plan, which is a continuity of operations plan, which looks at staffing, pulling critical personnel from certain positions, in terms of we know that we have certain licenses in play, and we have duplicate individuals, we are making sure that we have some folks at home where if someone does get sick, we can continue to provide those services. Public Safety has increased patrol at grocery stores based on what we’ve seen in other communities. We are not saying we’re seeing an issue, I’m going to be very clear. We have not seen any issues to this point. These are just actions that we’re taking to try to prepare for and deal with these other challenges. I know that there were some questions about restrooms in parks we are, we have a number of those open. And we’re looking at opening others, we evaluated keeping those areas how we sanitize those and the impact of closing them versus leaving them open. And we felt that we had more of a risk if we kept them close. We are going to increase the sanitation schedule. But we would still say that people need to be cognizant of when they go into those facilities. At that point, Jim golden is in the other room, so I’m going to give him some time to to move in this direction since I’m not at my computer. But one of the things that we do is every year as we’re closing the books, we have the Don, can you go get Jim I don’t know what the delay is. I forgot the name of the fund. One of the things that we do every year is as we’re going through and we’re closing out the previous year, we have Have a certain amount of money that we move into one of the and I can’t remember exactly which fund it is. And Jim can clarify that information. But we move that money into our, the fund balance and to deal with these issues and it becomes a little more difficult for us to touch. One of the things that counsel can do is direct us not to move. Here he comes. I forgot the name of the fund, Jim, and I’m not at my computer.

So it’s the stabilization reserve fund, okay, in our emergency reserves in the general fund,

right. So it’s emergency reserve stabilization. When we close the books out, we typically move the funding in there, we think there’s probably going to be about $1.6 million. Is that what you indicated?

So in our budget, we said we projected that we’ll be able to put 1.67 million from last year’s operations into that stabilization reserve fund, which we would do when we close the books for 2019. So we’re suggesting that we not put that in there, but instead leave it within the general fund fund balance to help us offset any revenues coming in short for 2020.

And I just need direction from council to do that.

Is that, Jim, that’s one of our financial policies. If I were to get into the financial policy booklet, or manual, I would see that policy.

That’s correct. We have a financial policy that spells out the general funds, reserves and yes,

regulators with emotion bita suspend that policy for what’s the right motion.

I think the motion is just to not put those reserves into the general fund stabilization reserve.

Then I’m going to move that we direct staff not to to move those funds into the general fund Stabilization Fund but make them move into the general fund, make them available for use and do that. And Tony,

let me let me clarify for Pauline Aaron. So, Holly and Aaron, the thing that is part of the budget, I don’t know if you heard this, we had moving $1.67 million into the emergency fund via the stabilization fund. And the motion was in what we said is counsel can direct us not to do that. That way we would have those available to deal with any shortfalls that we may see related to the to the Kovac. Kovac 19. issue. Council Member waters made a motion to provide staff with that direction and it was seconded by Councilmember Hidalgo ferry that’s it Yep, we heard you were trading seats.

All right. There’s a motion on the floor. It’s been seconded. Do you have any further debate discussion? All right, seeing none All in favor say aye. Aye. All right. All opposed say nay. That passes unanimously. All right, let’s go on to having a hard time not licking my fingers to change the pages tonight. I’m fighting. Despite the urge here. You need some some hand sanitizer. Just dry. I’m good. All right. So let’s go ahead and move on to the consent agenda. So we’ll start with item eight a warning. Go ahead.

Before see Do we need

to know what I’m saying is we’re going to read it first. I’m going to read it and then we’ll pull it Okay. That forces Yep, so eight, eight ordinates 20 2012. an ordinance authorizing the issuance of the city of Longmont enterprise wastewater revenue refunding bonds. 2020 public hearing and second readings scheduled for March 31 2020. A be ordinance 20 2013. A bill for an ordinance authorizing the city of Longmont to lease the Real Property known as Vance brand Municipal Airport hangar parcel h 18. To Richard D. Sykes, public hearing and second reading scheduled for March 31 2028. See ordinance 20 2014. A bill for an ordinance authorizing the city of Longmont to lease the Real Property known as Vance brand Municipal Airport hangar parcel h 18. c to Zulu LLC, public hearing and second reading scheduled for March 31 2028 D or its 20 2015 bill for an ordinance authorizing the city of Longmont to amend the leases Vance brand Municipal Airport hangers parcels parcels known as h seven h h nine and H 10. The public hearing and second reading scheduled for March 31 2020. ordinance eight E which is ordinance 20 2016. A bill for an ordinance authorizing the city of Longmont to lease the Real Property known as Vance brand Municipal Airport hangar parcel 868 to four dots, LLC. public hearing and second reading scheduled for March 31 2028 F, which is resolution 20 2025. Resolution Aloma city council approving the intergovernmental agreement between the city and the Longmont downtown development authority for support and services. ag resolution 20 2026 a resolution of the city resolution of the Council of the city of Longmont, Colorado, Colorado, finding a petition for annexation, a parcel of land located in Boulder County state of Colorado known as the sugar mill annexation substantially complies to Colorado Revised Statutes such as section 3112 1071 ah resolution 20 2027 resolution the city of Longmont, Colorado authorizing the assignment of the city’s private activity bond allocation for 2020 the housing authority of the city Walmart, Colorado, providing other details in connection therewith and providing an effective date. A i approval of 2020 City Council work plan, hJ approved 2020 Neighborhood Improvement Program grant recommendations are there any that you would like to pull Kazmir Peck. Hold on one second. Polly. Let’s go.

Yes, I’d like to pull a.

So we’re gonna pull a poly

G. Okay, like waters, AI.

So a G and I and J. Alright, so we’re gonna pull me a pen now.

So that was j. i, g. A. All right? We have a motion for the consent agenda minus A g. i and j. So moved. I’ll second that. That’s been moved and seconded. Any further discussion? All right, seeing none. All in favor say aye.


Polly. Alright, that’s that passes unanimously. All opposed. I’m sorry. All those No. Okay, now passes unanimously. All right. Let’s go ahead and start with eight B ordinance 20 2013. A bill for an ordinance authorizing the city Valmont to lease the Real Property known as Vance brand. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. We can start with we actually she’s standing up there. We’re going on to nine ordinances on second reading. So this is public in the public. So let’s see here. This is a public hearing on consolidated Annual Performance Report, also known as caper for 2019 Community Development Block Grant or CDBG, and home programs, and it looks like we have a presentation by Kathy Feller.

Good evening, mayor and council Kathy feller Housing and Community Investment manager for the city and sorry, this is something that is required by HUD and they did not give us any kind of waiver. So in order to be compliant with our submission and be able to submit the caper by March 31, we had to go ahead and hold this so I’ll be as brief as I can possibly be. So, briefly going through some of this community development block grant or CDBG program accomplishments, our general rehab program spent about $140,800 to correct code violations, health safety issues, energy efficiency improvements and homeowner requested changes for seven households at an average cost of about 20,000. And this just shows a couple of pictures of some of the things that we did. This particular one was replacing some flooring that was pretty bad and some cabinet upgrades and then this one is an outside one where the roof was replaced in the outside siding etc. and decking was replaced. We also assisted 17 households at an average cost of just under 17. $500 with the mobile home repair program, which provides grants to low and moderate income mobile home owners to keep their home safe and a total of 126,600 A spent on that program, the architectural barrier removal program making homes accessible for persons with disabilities. We spend about $61,500 this year assisting 13 households at an average cost of about 40 $700. And then on the emergency grant program, we help six households with hot water or furnace replacement electric repairs and doing some water sewer issues at an average cost of 1350 for a total of about $8,000 spent on this program. So in total, we spent over $380,000 assisted 43 households in total, some households got a few more could use multiple programs at a total average cost of about 80. $800 This is a decrease in volume from 2018, where we spent $455,000 for 40 households at an average cost of 10,000. We are continuing to struggle with having sufficient contractors to work and bid on jobs. Every job is taking longer to complete because we only have a couple contractors that are working. And we’re having to bid each job multiple times in order to get something that we can move forward with. We also provided a grant to Boulder County housing for their housing counseling program, we gave them $50,000 they spent 46 out that 47,500 so we’ll recapture that difference and reallocate it. In 2020 288 residents long term residents were assisted and it leveraged $364,000 for this program. We also approved the security deposit program to support local and Lh a Funded vouchers for folks who are experiencing homelessness and were able to move into housing. That program the vouchers did not the money didn’t come through. So until 2020. So we’re working on contracting on that now. And that will be added with the 2020 funding we set aside as well. So altogether for CDBG, we had about a 33% expenditure ratio, which is less than the 50% expenditure ratio we had in 2018. Our 29 to timeliness ratio was 1.43, which is required to be below 1.5. So we squeaked by there. We leveraged about 64 cents for every dollar and CDBG funds. Excuse me. 14.6% of our 2019 funding was spent on administrative services, which is just slightly above what we spent in 2018. We’re allowed to go up to 20% of our grants. And then 98.9% of the funding spent in 2019 benefited low and moderate income residents. And the requirement is that 70% of our funds go there. So we exceeded that

mechanism. So, some of the reasons why so much of our CDBG funds are were unspent this year. This shows graphically where the unspent funds are. So the blue line is the budgeted funds in each category. The red line is the 2019 expenditures and then the green line is what was unspent. The mobile home repair program was the only program where we spent more than we left unspent. So obviously we need to get our rehab funding out into the community, about $452,000 is sitting in rehab that needs to get out into the community over it accumulated over a couple of years. We did not receive our grant In agreement until September, so projects totaling 305,000 could not begin until late fall. So getting a late start means you can’t spend as much money in that year. Can we?

Follow? You will still there. Aaron?

Aaron, Okay, nevermind. Okay,

that we lost them. All right, just sound

like we disconnected just making sure I mean, I know you guys can’t hear they’re just going to the slides right now. You guys have copies of the slides, right? Yeah, that’s it. Okay.

Okay. And then the other thing that happened in 2019, is we received over 300,000 in program income from the fiscal loan repayment at the very end of 2019. So those funds are showing here as unspent, but we didn’t have time to allocate and spend them during the program year. Some of the affordable housing program accomplishments we did a $300,000 loan to purchase long multiple home park in 2019 $600,000 loan to fissel to refinance and rehab their properties 110,000 loan to habitat to do pre development work for the Rogers road site $287,000 loan to in between to complete construction of the mica homes. And then we had two pilot projects the ad use stock plans in the planning facilitator. I think I gave a brief update last time maybe during the 2020 action plan or sometime it seemed like a brief update but real quickly the ad use stock plans. We do have that already building permit has approved those. We should be ready to launch that in April. I’m just working on the financing package to put together to make that attractive for folks to build ad use and rent them at an affordable rent for a period of time. And then the planning facilitator contract has been working really well. We’ve got several projects that Have are in the process that are being held. Two of them have gone all the way through planning approval and are into building permits and actually starting construction. And then the there’s about four that are still going through the review process. And then on the city on properties where you had converted some of the homes that had been purchased under open space or waters with water, sewer funds to affordable rentals, we are moving forward with one is rented to habitat and one will probably be bidding here soon to do some rehab on it. And then as the leases expire, we’re converting those. We also provide 157,800 in fee waivers from the affordable housing fund for to support 66 rental homes and an average of 23 just under 2400 per home. We conducted three application cycles in 2018 with 11 applications reviewed by process Projects approved for affordable housing funding five under CDBG. And one home that will be coming back to you. The inclusionary housing program was instituted, which was another reason why we didn’t do a very good job of spending our CDBG funds. We had staff that was working on that, to get that up and running. And then we continued participation in our regional Affordable Housing Partnership with over six community presentations made the ballot measure being explored.


possible Affordable Housing Trust Fund, governance and distribution formula prepared, and then the home wanted education and support campaign was begun this year. So I’d be happy to answer any questions. Otherwise, we’ll hold the public hearing and then there’s a possible motion there.

All right, great. Thank you.

Marcia Martin. Hi. By the way, we were told by Scott Converse at Walmart public media that we’re not getting picked up, so speak to me into the microphones stops

stealing my thunder. Mr. Mayor, I

don’t actually have any questions. That was a good presentation, Kathy.

All right. Okay, so let’s go ahead. And are there any questions from council?

Okay, let’s go ahead and open the poll. So are there any questions, Paul, you’re Aaron.

Just say to Kathy, this is a great job. You’ve helped hundreds of people get keep and maintain their houses, and that’s what we need. So, thanks so much.

Yeah, we all heard it.

Did you not hear the applause? Okay.

thunderous applause? Boy?

I’m kidding, of course. All right. So let’s go ahead. And were there any comments submitted for the public hearing on this

Mayor, we did not receive any public comments on this item.

All right. So given that this is a close, I mean, not close. It’s a public meeting, but there are no public present. So given that there’s no, no one to comment, I’m not going to ask anyone else that they want to speak. Let’s go ahead and close the public hearing. Can I have a motion for for approving and accepting the consolidated Annual Performance Report for the 2019 Community Development Block Grant and home programs?

I move acceptance of a please.

I’ll second that. All right, aye. Nay, nay. All right. So it’s been moved and seconded that we accept nine a. Anybody else? Any other comments? Paulie. Aaron, any comments? All right, hearing. All right, hearing none, let’s go ahead and vote. All in favor say aye. Aye. Oppose. All right. Opposed say nay. All right, that passes you Honestly, all right nine v ordinance 2020 dash 10 a bill for an ordinance conditionally approving the vacation of for 10 foot wide utility easements in the prairie village subdivision generally located adjacent to Alpine street Street. Are there any questions from council? All right, Harold, did we receive any public comments regarding the public hearing?

No, Mayor, we did not receive any public comments.

All right. So we’re gonna go ahead and close the public hearing. Can I have a motion?

customer pack?

I moved 2020 dash 10.

All that’s been seconded by Councilmember waters. All in favor say aye.


Alright, that passes unanimously. Okay, let’s go ahead and do nine see ordinance 2020. That’s 11 a bill for an ordinance amending chapter four.

We that was removed.

Oh, that was really thank you. Thank you. So Alright, let’s move on to items removed from the consent agenda. Let’s start in order item eight ordinance 2020. an ordinance authorizing the issuance the city of La my enterprise wastewater. Revenue refunding bonds. Who pulled that

I pulled that one. Okay, Counselor Peck. So, first of all, I want to thank Jim golden for sending out that, really that that your email explaining what’s happening here but for our listeners for our residents, can you explain the volatility at this moment in the bond market and what that means for this, this bond?

central officer. So, we did include in the council packet originally some projections on the amount of savings that we would gain from the refunding of the wastewater bonds from 2010. The Fed has cut rates in recent weeks and days, but also last week, there was a lot of volatility in the municipal bond market that took a turn for the worse and because of the investor uncertainty, somebody investors have moved out of the municipal bond market, which in turn has is raised the prices of municipal bonds. They’ve been moving out to basically get more liquidity. So quite a bit of that movement did take place over three days last week, where the bond market Rose 94 basis points over three days. So, so what the impact is on our potential savings we had projected and we actually had projected this, as we started this process in late January, our present value savings at that point in time based on that market rate hat was $597,000. It’s dropped to $470,000 of present value savings. So that’s originally a 6.9% of the refund amount of the bonds in potential savings is dropping to 5.4% The refunded amount of the bonds or debt policy has a targeted minimum for a refunding of 5%. That’s based on old regulations in refunding that no longer are necessarily in place. But nevertheless, we are still trying to keep to that sort of a targeted, at least at this point in time. So, the issue itself does not go to sale until April 29. It needs to wait till a month after the ordinance passes. And so at that point in time, no telling what the market will be like then we can go to market. If at the point right before then we think it’s bad to go to market at that time, we can just step back and not go to market. Or we can go and accept bids and decide whether to or open bids and decide whether to accept one or not or we can turn them down and decide to go to another time so this ordinance authorizes us to sell the bonds anytime over the next year. From a savings perspective, the sooner we do it before we actually make more debt payments, we’ll have more savings. So we have to take all that into consideration, but just wanted to let you know what the implications were of those changes, but the ordinance does give us a lot of flexibility.

All right, I’m imagining I forgot I was gonna have to come up and sit here because I’m sure you have any questions on either one of you, Polly Aaron, regarding nine a. Basically, Jim golden said it’s all going to be okay. Trust Him.

So at least about

donations over the you know, and I, I don’t have any questions. I think it’ll, we’ll just have to see.

Like everything else. All right.

So thank you, Jim. We really needed to hear that the public did so. Having said that, I moved to pass 2020 Well,

second, that’s been moved and by a councillor Peck seconded by Councillor Martin. Any further discussion?

All right, hearing none, let’s go ahead and vote. All in favor say aye.


All right, that passes unanimously. All right, let’s move on to eight g resolution 20 2026. a resolution of the council the city of Longmont, Colorado, Colorado. Finally petition for annexation of a parcel of land located in Boulder County state of Colorado known as the sugar mill annexation substantially complies to Colorado revised statute section 3112 1071. Who pulled this one that you probably all right, so I’m going to go ahead and switch places with you. If you don’t mind. Okay?

Not you Paulie. Johnny marsh.

Councilmember Christiansen This is

assistant city manager Joanie marsh. Did you have a question get really get

right in if I can. Put it up.

Hold on, hold on.

It looks like in it, which isn’t. I’m sure their name the petition for annexation on page. My page 334 but I don’t think that’s relevant to you. Anyway on the second


just above the owners signature which is unreadable. They are asking for a building Mr. Dash M which is residential something or other. What is that?

The mic

I can I’m just trying to find information sorry. So, so this this property is actually asking for agricultural zoning as part of their annexation, this is a parcel that was referred by council back in March, this parcel will not be developed, it is ancillary to the parcel due west of it that is being developed with single family and duplex housing and this parcel will will be zoned agricultural by the fact

that they the petitioner asked for our mmm

r m m means but I know it means

I’m looking

okay. I’m sorry, Councilmember. I have not seen that on the petition I’m looking at online right now. However, the designation both in the comp plan what they’re asking for to my knowledge is agricultural. So that could just be an error on the applicants part on their petition of what they’re asking for.

What we’re doing here, well, no, we’re not. Yeah, we’re just faking it leaving it as agricultural for now. Correct.

Correct. So, okay, Councilmember Hidalgo was kind enough to point up on the petition what you’re looking at so that zoning request of RM n does not matter. The actual correct I see that now, my apologies. So this is not going to be developed into housing the 17 acres will remain agriculturally zoned in the city of Longmont the houses are on an already annex parcel, do West.

Right. Okay. All right. Well, this is just a move it forward, but we every time we move it forward, we never stop it. We just keep moving it forward. Okay, that answers my question. Thank

you. You’re welcome.

All right. Are there other further questions or comments pertaining to item eight G. All right. Do we Emotion Paulie.

All right. I’ll go ahead and do it. I move resolution 2020 dash 26 second. All right. That’s been moved by myself and seconded by Councillor Martin. Let’s go ahead and vote. All in favor say aye.

Aye. Aye.

Alright, that passes unanimously. All right, let’s go ahead and move on to item eight. I approval the 2020 city council work plan like waters for that you pulled that?

I am the one who pulled that.

So Sandy Is this you?

Happy to help and Sandy mask. We asked you to come up and you can sit at my desk and make sure that Paulie and Aaron here you guys

Councilmember water Sandy cedar assistant city manager, I am the compiler of the document for you.

Well, first of all, I appreciate your work on this.

But I do have I don’t know, I guess questions. And I would offer recommendations if they seem appropriate as we go through the conversation. And I don’t want to get lost in the details of the activities, because there’s a ton of activities. But when we, when we discussed in our retreat on February 7, I think the what we, you know, we talked about the silver tsunami and what we knew was coming in terms of needs for senior centers for our seniors. And that’s reflected in the vision statement. I asked the question that day, or I thought maybe it wasn’t clear what Whether or not we would see a, excuse me a new goal added to this section. And I thought the answer was yes. But we haven’t. I see both in the vision statement, the reference, however,

which makes sense

to add older adults and not have it reflected as a goal. However, it doesn’t make as much sense to me. So my question would be, why not? Or my suggestion would be that we at least consider adding a goal that would say something like the goal would be to ensure housing and related critical services for all of our senior citizens.

So Councilmember waters, Sandy cedar assistant city manager, let me take a look because as it turned out, there was already a section about seniors particularly and so we added the direction from the council retreat onto that section that already existed. Let me find it real fast and I’ll be able to share that.

Well, I know there’s activity in here.

Well, at one point when underneath the goal around yeah There we go underneath goal a 3.2.

There is a section about providing resources and opportunity to thrive for seniors. And that’s where we added the activities that you discussed during your retreat because it was it was already a segment we had segmented the goal a three. Let me find that.

Yeah, it’s kind of hard to scroll back and forth and pick up the details. I know

it’s a very ambitious plan.

I know given everything else that’s going on in the world right now. This is probably look at this go Really?

Well, I do want to make sure you know that you know that we certainly put that place placed the council’s wishes into the work plan, go a three focus on making sure our most vulnerable residents have the resources, opportunity and opportunity to thrive. We broke those up into the categories of youth and seniors. And so it is in the seniors category that we’ve placed it underneath that goal. You’re right. We have also changed the vision statement to be able to reflect the full journey of our seniors and then Michelle weight was able to ask pieces of the age well plan here under goal a 3.2. So if you’d like something a little more robust, we can certainly take a look at that. But that’s why it doesn’t have something separated because it was it was already there.

All right. Well, the Listen, I know there’s a ton of work and in order to quibble over, over small stuff I, for me, if it were perfect, I guess, if having made the statement, there’s not going to be a goal that we would have an objective in providing resources probably isn’t the way I would think of as an objective. That would be an activity unless we put a measure on it. So that’s it for what it’s worth comment. And I won’t I’ll just, I’ll just leave it at that. But if I were to scroll down to vision to the second vision, the vision for Longmont places and I look at what we added, which I think is appropriate in terms of the 100% renewable energy goal. When I see I see in this case, we did add to goals. That which is a good thing. I just wish they were stated as goals. They’re really stated as activities. And again, this is, you know, this will be a broken record. I know people will think of this as unimportant. I don’t think it was that important. If we’re going to have a goal, this data is a goal statement and taking actions. If the goal is to be active or active or busy, that would be a good goal, but that’s not the goal. Right? The goal is a healthier climate. And if we’re, we don’t want to just work with part, Platte River what we want is 100% renewable energy with a target for or a trajectory for what that looks like. So, B five and B six looked to me like statements that we intend to do things and we would be easy to evaluate success on those because all we have to do is take actions and work with somebody. And we’ve we’ve met the goal.

I see so Councilmember why Are you saying that you would rather just say that we will achieve 100% renewable power for life by 2030? And take out the roof? That

would be that would be a goal statement?

No, no, you so yeah, that would be the goal statement. And on the on the other one I if we if, if you’re gonna make a goal, same as might read something like ensure a healthier climate for future generations, and prepare our community to adapt for the impacts of climate change, that would be a goal statement. Now

that the council would agree to we’d happy to change those in there.

Well, so.

So the case of the mayor and the council decide what they want to do with it. For me, I appreciate the work. I’m just saying. Those don’t quite measure up in my view of what we’re trying to achieve here just in terms of our intent and how we’re going to evaluate our effectiveness.

I would like to move to adopt the wording revision suggested by council member waters.

I’ll second that.

All right, we’re changing. There’s motion in a second. And the motion is adopting the suggestions of Dr. Waters pursuant to the language to better reflect goal statements. We are not at this time passing ordinance or a resolution AG, that’ll be a second motion. So any comments or discussion based on that motion? Councillor Peck?

I would like to see those in writing before I do this because I didn’t quite understand what he was saying. So before I would vote on moving that forward, I would like it. I would like to see in writing what exactly he’s talking about. And Councilmember Peck, we’re just removing the first several words of those two goals. Right. We wouldn’t be changing anything else on it. Okay. Originally, I didn’t have it in front of me. I couldn’t find it that fast. Could I reach it? I restate it for you. Yes, please. Yeah, right. Yes. Okay.

Click Back up here.

So what I understood Councilmember waters to say is under goals, the last goals of B. Right now it says for B goal B five right now what it says is work with Platte River Power Authority to achieve 100% renewable power for life by 2030. Okay, we would change that to remove work with Platte River Power Authority, we would just say achieve 100% renewable energy for Power for Life by 2030. That’s the first one because the action underneath would obviously be to work with Platte River but the goal is then a goal statement. B six, take actions that will over time create is to create support a healthier climate for future generations, and helps to prepare and adapt our community for the impacts of climate change, who would remove the whole first section of that, so that We just say, ensure a healthier climate for future generations and help prepare and adapt our community for the impacts of climate change.

Okay, that’s the motion. Is that correct? Councilmember waters. Thank you.

All right. So there’s a motion on the table. And then also as a by way of reminder, we will get this on second reading. So it will be in writing and we’ll get a chance to see it. Thanks. All right. All in favor of the resolution. That’s true. Second Reading, thank you very much. All right. So the motion on the table, changing the wording of eight g All in favor say aye. Aye.

All the posts in a

poly way and I Polly

can we get Paulie back on the line?

possible before we can continue.

Alright, let’s go ahead. Well, let’s go ahead. The motion do we nay anybody post All right, that passes that passes. six of us with Councilmember Christiansen absent. We lost her from the phone line. And hopefully we’ll get her back soon. So all right, let’s go ahead and it’s almost eight o’clock. Do we have a motion to pass resolution 20 2026 as amended.

Councilmember Peck?

I worry, we’re on to the next one.

No, no, we’re gonna now we’re going to vote on their emotion. Okay. I’m sorry. It is not he. Okay.

Yes, I move to approve a die. All right.

All right. follow you back?

To answer this


Let’s go ahead and vote. On AI and then we’re going to take it’s been Moved by Councillor pack was seconded by Councilmember Duggal fairing so let’s go ahead and vote all approve all in favor of approving the 2020 Council work plan as amended by Dr. Waters say aye. Aye. Opposed. All right. So that passes 664 with Councilmember Christiansen absence but to no fault of her own. So let’s Okay great. We just we that’s all right. We basically made some minor wording changes to eight. All right, and then we approved a tie. So past 620 but do you want to put it for the record what you would have voted? Alright, we got it. That’s fine from Councilmember Christiansen. All right, let’s move on to eight j, approving the 2020 Neighborhood Improvement Program grant recommendations. We have a motion or who actually pulled that Councilmember up Offering.

Yeah, actually, I just had a quick question on the, is there a timeframe for when these funds need to be used by? So if we pass it tonight, are they going to have you know, given the circumstances, we don’t know where we’re going to be next week? So I just wanted to make sure that if we passed this tonight, will, will we be able to like Push, push the projects down? How far can we?

Hold on say it so Pauline, Aaron?

customer, every toggle fairing is basically asking about deadlines and how far we can push it off, etc, etc. And we’re about ready to get a response from the city. Do you want to come up and sit here and answer that, please? Sure. All right, well, let you comment in just a second, but city staff is gonna respond to Susie’s question real quick. So I’m gonna have him come up, see what he has to say. And I’ll be right back and I’ll hold up the mic and you can make your comment. Good boy. Yeah, all right.

Okay, thank you, mayor and council member, Hidalgo fairing. I’m Wayne tomac. I’m the neighborhood Resource Specialist for the city. The NFC funding won’t really be affected. Well, if they won’t be affected by this, once we approve it tonight, the neighborhood’s will have basically the rest of the year to complete their projects, we try to get it done as soon as possible because a lot of these projects because they’re not really large projects, they have difficulty getting contractors on board. And so they either need to do it really early in the year, March, April or they need to do it late in the fall. So if this current situation delays that They’ll have into the fall to get their projects done. And if it causes even more delays, we can carry that those projects over into next year. Okay, thank

you. I just think to that question, what I would say is on many of these things, we’re just gonna have to do our best. As we’re seeing the situation unfold and be flexible as we’re looking at these things. That’s really becoming a mantra of mine right now. Be flexible and and know we may have to move at any point. So we will see.

Alright, go ahead. What’s your calling?

Well, in looking at the map, I noticed that there is not a single project in either Old Town, West Side or east side or any Any of the poor neighborhoods. So all of these are going to neighborhoods where they require a match, first of all, so the neighborhoods have to be able to match whatever money they get from the city. And it seems to me that these are going to it looks like to me that these are all masterplan communities that have their own Hoa ways. Shouldn’t those HOA fees be doing this sort of stuff? I don’t. It seems to me this is kind of just increases stuff because poor neighborhoods can’t afford to even ask for the money because they have to match it. So that’s just my comment.

So when the question was neighborhoods, have HOA fees, and I guess the council member Christiansen thought that all of these were going to neighborhoods that were Hoa and I Guess it’s just how, how have those grants been distributed over time? Okay,

so hold on, come on up.

Mayor, Councilman Christiansen

so so the grants are available to any registered neighborhood. Right now we have 54 registered neighborhoods. Additionally, about 70 to 75% of our registered neighborhoods have really a function of fact that most of our newer communities almost any community built after really the mid 80s has an HOA in Longmont and so we don’t make any kind of discrimination based on whether they have a choice or not. The only real difference between them is that they do have a choice. I think they’re a little bit more likely because they have extra funds that They can bring to the community contribution. And we do because he always have that benefit. We also do give independent neighborhoods that don’t have an HOA, a bonus in the GLA evaluation that tries to equalize that a little bit because otherwise the HOA fees would always be evaluated higher for having a bigger community contribution to it. It’s something we’ve adjusted over over the years to try to equalize that. And let me also respond to this year’s batch are all ways that’s fairly unusual. We usually have one or two independent neighborhoods that do apply. The historic East Side, for example, has received many in IP grants over the years

All right, thank you very much. Okay. Do you have any other questions or comments? Paulie?

All right. Then that said, my agenda go.

All right. So do we have a motion to try Dr. Waters?

Well, I can wait till after the motion if you want to make the motion.

I make a motion we move. item nine. I’m sorry. Eight J. Second.

All right. It’s been moved and seconded. Dr. Walters.

Yeah. As the as the council liaison to in GLA. I just want to reflect for a few minutes or a few seconds. Hopefully, that how well how well, Wayne organizes that hope the whole neighborhood neighborhood grant program it is. I knew nothing of the neighborhood grant program until I became a council liaison. And of all the good things that happens there one of the one of the most impressive is what happen With these neighborhood grants, number one, number two, you mentioned 54 neighborhoods, some of which are Hoa, most of which are a but not all. We have some registered neighborhoods. It’s interesting to me as I look at the group, and we’ve talked about this. I wish we saw more diversity. I think Councilmember Christensen’s concern about the diversity of NGLS is a legitimate concern. And I know it’s a concern of Wayne’s and I know it’s a concern of the leadership of ngl. A

hold on once I guess we’re a Christian, you can’t hear but Dr. Waters just said he shares you concern a lack of diversity and would like to see more.

So for neighborhoods that aren’t registered, whether they are Hoa or not, I think one of them I hope one of the messages if anybody pays attention to these meetings, because I’ve had these conversations with folks in neighborhoods. And I’ve asked Are you a member of NGLS? Sometimes No. And I’ve go on to say gosh, you ought to get yourselves registered whether you have an HOA or not because there’s so many benefits, the Grant Program is just part of that. It’s what people share with one another what they learn from one another, what they learn about the city, that is equally as important. So I wish I wish there were greater diversity. I think, people I have, as I’ve watched the presentations, those who make the presentations, work hard. These neighborhoods think this through, they do terrific work. I mean, the projects are stunning. And in the members of in GLA who evaluate them. They’re evaluated not by Wayne. They’re evaluated by their, by their peers, right. And they’re, and they don’t get a pass. I mean, there’s a rigorous scrutiny of these proposals. So people work hard both to get the money, they work. They do match more than 50% as I recall, and almost every case, yeah. And then they and then they execute, because I’ve seen the results of the work. So I think it’s a great program. And I just want to give you kudos for the way you come at it and how hard the pendulum numbers work out.

All right, great. Thank you. All right, so let’s go ahead and vote on eight j, we have a motion, all in favor of approving the 2020. Neighborhood Improvement Program. Grant. Make a recommendation say aye. Aye. All right, nay. All right, that passes unanimously. All right. Let’s move on to 11 a llama general Improvement District resolution. So I actually moved the recess of the Lamont city council and convenience the board of directors the Lamont general Improvement District.


All right, let’s go ahead and vote I ever say aye. Aye. Aye. Opposed say nay.

poly. So it was that night. All right. That passes you that passes unanimously. All right. Now let’s move on to 11 a two as the board of directors the Lamont general Improvement District. We are ready to pass resolution LG ID 2020 dash one resolution of the board of directors the Longmont general Improvement District Number one, approving an intergovernmental agreement with Longmont downtown development authority for administrative services. Do we have a motion?

Move approval of

this resolution in this case? Yeah. 2020 01.

Second. All right. That’s been moved by Dr. Waters. And it was seconded by Councilmember Pac. Do we have any further questions, comments or concerns by any council members? All right, seeing none. Let’s go ahead and vote. All in favor say aye. Aye. All right. All opposed say nay. All right, that passes unanimously. I move that we adjourn as the board of directors the LA general Improvement District number one are we convenes along with City Council.


All right, it’s been moved and seconded. All in favor say aye.


All right. All opposed say nay that passes unanimously. All right. Let’s go on to 11 v. Are there

Yeah, we are not going to need to we’re going to pull 11 be alright. Sorry. Let me

Alright, let’s move on. We obviously have no final call because we have no public here. Marin council comments, Susie,

so actually it felt like a month ago, but it was actually just six days ago, I had the opportunity to attend the landlord training Alliance event. It was under the direction of Susan Spaulding, our community relations specialist and, and Joan was there as well. And it was really enlightening to hear, you know, I’m a renter, so I have my perspective, my viewpoint, but then hearing the multiple dynamics and facets of landlord tenant relations and just kind of hearing comments, concerns questions, and it was really it was I really enjoyed it. It opened my eyes and you know, I’d really like to work well. One thing I got out of that evening was, we need to clone Susan Spaulding. She’s amazing.

So, that would be something like,

near future,

there is a motion to clone Susan Spalding throughout a sec.

So no. So that was that was really interesting. Um, the other thing is, given the turn of events, um, you know, I was just amazed at the work Friday when I went to the emergency central that the city staff were organizing, putting together coming up with plans and how everything was just so real time and making immediate changes. I was thoroughly impressed. And I just I walked away just having a lot of confidence that we’re gonna be all right, we’re gonna city allama we’re going to be alright. Um, and one thing though, that I didn’t see mentioned, and I know I’ve talked to you know, I’ve heard from I think it was Dan even from the police public safety around people code with trauma, and not just but just over a period of time, we’re going to be seeing a lot more people with PTSD, secondary trauma as they start seeing loved ones and relatives, hospitalized, just the fears yesterday and that also felt like a month ago. I aidid a young adult, he ended up having he was weld county residents. So we contacted authorities there. He did end up acquiring a gun. And so we were working with the family to hand that over. And it was just it was really, you know, just fortunately I have my assist training, and I’ve kept that current but just having those resources and supports for our community as they start dealing with the the long term stress and irregularity that is our, our current reality. So that’s all I have to say.

We’re getting information out about what the city is doing, and you did a nice job here. But I think it’s worth reiterating what the decision that’s been made regarding Next slide. Could you reiterate that I know you’ve shared that. But in addition, we’re what our position is on on renters and evictions and utility payments in any other obligation that we that is created by the city that requires payment by residents. So could you could you brief us again, on that range of decisions?

Paulie and Aaron basically the question by Dr. Waters was essential services that the city provides like utilities, what’s going on with payments?

Yeah, so what I can tell you is we did put information out that said, you know, we are encouraging folks to pay online, used Dropbox. But we do have folks that do pay in cash. And so if they’re unable to do that, we’re going to not have any shut offs as we’re moving through this process. Again, those that are paying in the campaign online or can drop their bills, we’re really encouraging them to do that. Because we’re also having to manage a fund as well. But in those rare cases where someone can’t, we’re going to work with them in terms of next slide and the information that we’re putting out. I believe the information came out midday today. I believe it’s going to be for those that really qualifying that cares program and in that world, two free months and then it’ll be 1499 a month for 25. Meg,

under what conditions would we cut off electricity or water to a resident? We wouldn’t right now under none under no circumstances. That’s part of the the mixer we got one one unrelated to that, but related to health and welfare. It’s my understanding that the school district is going to continue to provide the Food Service Program distributed old differently, right or whatever. What do is is there a Food Service Program next week during spring break?

You know, it’s changing right now, I last I heard is there may not be but I don’t know for sure because there’s a lot of guidance changing on that. What I can say that we’re working on, is we are working with meals on wheels in terms of a supporting their operation, and ensuring that they can continue to move forward. And then we are also working to look at how we can take a bit of a surge during time periods. More generally to the community. When you see a lot of the decisions that are that are moving. We know there’s going to be more of a demand, especially when you look for folks that are in that high risk population. So when you hear us talk about all of these teams, that is at the forefront of our conversation right now is how are we prepared to handle that increase? And how do we move forward?

My last comment would be I also we all had a chance to meet with Harold and his key team members, and who ever others met with, but I think, Daryl and I like like Councilmember Hidalgo, fairing I’m proud to be part of this in this in this small way that I am proud to be part of the operation yard. You all and your team are doing an unbelievably good job in my view. I’m proud of you. Thanks, Kelsey.

Thank you. I concur with what Dr. Waters just said. I just also want to say from those of us who have been working to spread the word, because sometimes it’s not as easy to find something on the city website, especially with the current rate of change that We’ve had a window into just the herculean efforts that the city staff is making to keep abreast of things and when the rules change two or three times a day sometimes every time I’ve called someone in authority in the city and it’s usually the city manager it’s feels like calling into the Situation Room at the White House only much smarter. And they are just doing an amazing job of, of finding all of the places all the unintended consequences of the emergency measures that are being taken. And I just want to say that you are all really lucky to be living in Longmont.

Nope, you’ve already had your turn. Sorry, Susie. Go ahead,

email, email the notifications if you have the opportunity to Get on the website I went on and I subscribed to that. So every time that they added a news update, I get it on my email. So that would that’s another thing that I would recommend to the public.

Paula, do you have anything to say? Actually, sorry. Sorry, john. Okay. Paula, do you have anything to say? All right. She said no, Everybody stay. Well. Aaron, do you have anything to say? Hold on one second. Let me get ready. Go ahead. This could be the

last thing I ever say. Got it.

First of all, I just wanted to say that as I’ve been telling people, be smart, not scared. You know, don’t panic by self quarantine if you need to. And please, please continue to support our local businesses and restaurants. As obviously we know they’re they’re going through some difficult questions about how they’re going to handle this going forward. With the edict from Governor polis yesterday, and that being smart, also reason that I’m sitting here at home tonight, and not there with you guys, and I wish I could be, and I just want to wish everybody a Happy St. Patrick’s Day as well.

All right, thanks, Aaron.

Customer back. Thank you very badly. I just want to reiterate what everyone said about the city staff and how incredible they are in running our city. And this is the second big thing after the 2013 flood. Now we have this pandemic. So if they continue to run the city like they did through the flood, we can have every confidence that it’s going to be done well. The other thing I want to say is too, we are a community but I think in times like this, we need to be a smaller community. So if you can reach out to your neighbors, keep in contact with them, make sure that they know that we support each other. If anybody And your neighborhood needs anything. Let it be known that through social media phone calls texts, keep in touch with each other so that we can all take care of each other. I do have a question. It has to do with permits that are being issued for developers. We’ve had some questions about the public hearing process.

Are we going to be through planning and zoning to having public hearing on these issues or not? We just made the decision, at least on the recent one based on some guidance and in conversations with the developer that the Planning Commission meeting next week, they are going to cancel that one. Okay. But I think that’s a joint conversation because really, frankly, I think everyone’s struggling with this exactly. In terms of permits, what we are saying is, you know, here’s the reality of the world. If your hot water heater goes out, you’re going to need to replace your hot water heater and So because we’re close, we’re asking that folks and we’re getting we’re going to get more guidance on this that you go in you do your plan online. And then we’ll work you through the process, and then we’ll inspect whenever we can. So, but in terms of those public hearings, what I’ve what we’ve said is those that really require in need public engagement. We’re just working with folks and pushing those off.

Okay. Thanks for retelling them.

I guess I guess my I guess my thoughts. I want to echo First of all, thank you, staff. having visited the EEOC emergency operation center, I think you guys are doing great. Also Big thanks to Kaiser, Dr. Amy do CRO as well as their president. Forgot to Governor. Everybody seems to be doing great. However, something that I just as I observe is a I just would call that everybody’s attention that I mean balance is needed. One hand, you’ve got a group that I keep hearing saying, this is a conspiracy. It’s no big deal. And then I’m also hearing a call for social social isolation, meaning holed up in your homes and don’t come out no matter what. I think that I think that is you look at this, the word pandemic in the news media. This is really a scary thing. To me, what’s scarier is now we’re starting to see some of our foods, so serve food service workers who are unemployed, I’m getting phone calls and emails about, oh my gosh, how do I pay rent? Even if I don’t have to pay rent? How do I eat? So this is this is probably going to get worse, you know, economically, it’s going to get worse. Right now. The numbers governor polis has put up, there’s a website covered 19. Colorado Gov. Every day at four o’clock he’s getting updated. Right now we have 183 known cases, we could argue about whether or not people are getting tested or this or that, but we do also know that There were 20 hospitalized, and of those we’ve had two fatal cases. So while this is extremely serious, extremely serious, and that’s why we are here with 10 people in the room, practicing social distancing of six feet, washing our hands, making sure we’re trying to not touch our face, but I’ve seen everybody just playing their face tonight. I cringe every time I or any of you do it. But my point is that there’s there’s a second disaster that could be looming, which is if we fail to stop supporting our businesses, which have employees. there there’s I mean, being hungry, and is just as bad as being sick oftentimes. So look for balance, stay healthy, but also Don’t be scared. Be smart and and not scared. As Aaron said, I really echo that. Also, I would also encourage people I wish I had answers to to people who have lost work, I wish I had answers to the restaurants who are struggling, the small businesses who are struggling, I would just encourage everybody now more than ever turn to each other rather than on each other, it’s fine to argue about whether or not what you should or should not do to take care of the virus. That’s fine. But if you’re if your neighbor doesn’t have tampons, help them get some tampons. If they’re out of TP give them a roll of toilet paper. They don’t have eggs, give them some eggs. If somebody needs or is hungry, give them one of your 500 cans of pournelle. Hamburger chili, just help each other through this. And when we get through this on the other side, we’ll figure out how to fix it all. But the way we keep our community and society safe is loving and be kind to one another. And so I would reiterate that. So Harold, do you have any comments?

No mayor, I think what I would say based on what Everyone’s saying tonight. Thanks. Thanks for your comments. And really, we have a great staff here that does an amazing video amazing work on a daily basis. And as I said to them, I couldn’t be prouder to actually work with a group like this and to see what they’re doing. What I will continue to say this thing has changed fast on us. Yesterday, I was prepared to go into a WebEx and speak to I think we ended up connecting with five to 600 of our staff members, literally 20 minutes before going into it that thing, every the talking points I had flipped on their head. And and so that’s in large part what we’ve been dealing with. I think what I was saying this is many of the things you’ve talked about that’s we’re already trying to shift and to look at what is the secondary. When you’re trained in emergency management. You see this we talked about secondary issues, secondary disasters, when you see the teams that we’re building, that’s really what we’re focused on. And we’re trying to look into the future and really see, what can we do? What programs are there? How do we do this? We’re fortunate we have Charlie cross Peter Gibbons in our organization, that have really, in terms of recovery, gone out and taught different people in the nation about this process. This afternoon, we’re starting to engage them in different activities. It’s going to continue to be a challenge the thing that I would ask the council or ask the community, we have tried to really approach this from a pragmatic standpoint, understanding what’s coming at us, make decisions, balance all of the issues. Some people will say we didn’t do things fast enough. Some people will say we’re doing two things too fast. The reality of the situation is there’s not a right decision. We’re just trying to make them the best that we can based on the information. What I’ve asked staff is to remain calm. Don’t panic. Wash your hands. Follow the hygiene principles. And that’s The end of the day, how do we take care of our neighbors? How do you look at the person that lives down the street from you that may be in that high risk category? And how are you engaging with that individual to say, How can I help you? It is incredibly important for us today as a global community, as a national community, and as a local community to really come together and focus on how do we deal with these issues? And how do we deal with the issues that are to come? Because if we don’t do that, it’s going to be hard to be successful. But if we do do that, we can be very successful. I heard something last night, and I wish I could take credit for this. Tom Colicchio, who’s a chef that talked about what’s the impact to local restaurants. And he said, it wouldn’t surprise me to see 60% of local restaurants not be able to reopen. He said something that was really important that I sort of grabbed and he said in Tom’s in my generation He said this is our generations version of world war two in the Great Depression. And how we work through this issue will define us. It’s really how all of us work through this and how it defines us as a community. That’s what we’re trying to do with staff.

Thanks, Harold bass, Paulie. Aaron, you didn’t hear but Harold basically said that this whole mess is your fault.

I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding.

All right. He Eugene smiled. Nobody else did. They’re just too serious. All right, Harold. Eugene, anything.

No comments, Mayor.

All right. We have a motion to adjourn. So.

All right. All in favor say aye.


Aye. We’re adjourned.

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