Longmont Climate Action Task Force Board Meeting – February 27, 2020

To listen to the meeting alongside a transcript, please visit: https://otter.ai/s/-K7tnjdqQVSyj7RpHF2ceQ

Unknown Speaker 0:09
We have one number

Unknown Speaker 0:15
do you wish to make?

Unknown Speaker 0:20
Come on in. If you can grab a chair around the table, there’s three or so from around here.

Unknown Speaker 0:31
all screwed up.

Unknown Speaker 0:33
Okay, so I’m going to take us through

Unknown Speaker 0:38
a little bit of a process piece first. And then we’re going to distribute the summaries of radwin recommendations as we understand them. I think we’re incomplete on a couple of them. But we’ll we’ll fill in the blanks as we go.

Unknown Speaker 0:59
So here’s how

Unknown Speaker 1:00
And what the process looks like for reviewing the recommendations and finalizing them. So the way we ended up doing this was the individuals we identified topics. We broke into subgroups, and then we flip this over.

Unknown Speaker 1:20
So we broke into subgroups, and then those subgroups did long lists. You consolidated that down, we gave you some prompts and some ways to start thinking about the recommendations, as well as a template to complete. I believe most of those are complete.

Unknown Speaker 1:38
So, and then we’ve kind of tried to summarize them into a single sheet which you all will get.

Unknown Speaker 1:46
And what we’re going to do today is we’re going to sort of look at all of them together. So you’ll you’ll get a sense of what everything is that’s sort of on the table right now. Our intention

Unknown Speaker 2:00
And I need everyone to be really clear about Thank you so much. Okay, I’m probably going to be back and forth. That’s all right. I’ll fix it. So

Unknown Speaker 2:12
the intention today and I’m going to need everyone to be really

Unknown Speaker 2:18
decisive about this is to understand to seek to understand at a pretty high level and only ask clarifying questions, you’ll get a chance to have an in depth review of every recommendation via online. So we will distribute all of the completed recommendations to the entire group. It will be your choice, how much or how little review and comment you provide for the full deep recommendations. So today, we’re going to keep it at 10,000 feet. Okay. We can’t get into the weeds. There are 18 recommendations on the table right now. We cannot get into the weeds on any one of them. Let alone all of them

Unknown Speaker 3:00
The time that we have. So we’re going to try to understand it at a pretty high level with knowing that you’ll be able to read and provide all the commentary that you choose to, in a digital format, understanding that if you all write novels about all of them, it’s going to become increasingly difficult for you all to come to consensus as a group about what those recommendations are, but we are trying to structure the process so that as a group, you all feel comfortable with all of the recommendations that are put forward to council at least at a yellow level. So we’re going to be using a red yellow green. So red thumbs down deeply concerned about this recommendation and changes would need to be made before you personally would be able to

Unknown Speaker 3:48
go for that we can say what would it take to get you to yellow, but but that’s what I read or thumbs down would be yellow. I’m okay with it. But I have some concerns or reservations green

Unknown Speaker 4:00
We’re good with it. So we’re going to try to get a little bit of a straw man vote today and see generally when the temperature is for the 18 recommendation. So we’re going to go through a fairly rapid voting process that’s mostly going to be to inform the people who are the authors of those recommendations. So then what we’ll do, we’ll go through that it’ll make more sense as we actually do it. And then we will assure that we have all the recommendations, we’ll distribute them to the group for review, you’ll give your comments. We’ll give those back to the groups to make modifications based on the comments that you’ve received, and then do a final round of voting on the 16th. In the meantime, we’re also going to begin round two so we only have this meeting, the combined meeting next week with adjust transitions playing committee and two more meetings after that, right. So essentially

Unknown Speaker 5:00
This group has three more times as this configuration and one time with the just transition planning committee to get us to our finalized recommendations by April 8. And really, we need to have those in hand probably by April 6, in order to do any last bits of formatting, and just grammatical refinements and those kinds of things. So, I have all of that written out

Unknown Speaker 5:30
on the page.

Unknown Speaker 5:32
And you don’t have to you don’t have to worry too much about keeping track of all that because we’ll continue to reinforce that and tell you what’s what. So, I think without much further ado, what we’re going to do is distribute the round one summary recommendations.

Unknown Speaker 5:49
give you all a chance to

Unknown Speaker 5:54
write these up approximately half and half

Unknown Speaker 6:00
Go ahead

Unknown Speaker 6:03
take one and pass it around.

Unknown Speaker 6:09
I think we should have enough for everyone.

Unknown Speaker 6:22
Okay, so let’s

Unknown Speaker 6:24
we may end up needing to

Unknown Speaker 6:27
share with the neighbor.

Unknown Speaker 6:44
Yeah, I mean, it might be helpful for note taking purposes and I can probably give this one up to someone before too terribly long.

Unknown Speaker 6:54
All right. So our three categories, I think, let’s just take five

Unknown Speaker 7:00
Seven minutes and let you read through these, understanding that we did have a couple missing on transportation. So once we get through the review, we’ll have you all give us the high level summary of those recommendations so that we get at least a sense of what you’re working on. So let’s just take a minute to review the recommendations.

Unknown Speaker 8:43

Unknown Speaker 9:42
Okay, I’ll apologize in advance if we did not adequately capture the right main idea for anyone’s recommendation so we can go through a clarification round and make sure that you feel like what is reflected on this page is representative of the main idea that you

Unknown Speaker 10:00
You’re putting forward.

Unknown Speaker 10:03
So let’s go ahead and

Unknown Speaker 10:06
the idea is, is that we need to go through these again pretty quickly. Even if we spend one minute apiece on these, that’s 20 minutes. And we want to spend maybe a total of an hour or so reviewing the draft recommendations, maybe 4045 minutes if we can, although we don’t want to shortchange the process, there is this urgency with only having three meetings left that we need to kick off around two and get the next round going as well. So there’s an intensity and some heat on this, that we’re going to have to be mindful of. So with that, let’s start with the renewable energy group and go down kind of one by one and just verify if that is at that 10,000 foot level. clear about what the recommendation is and or if the recommending group would like to make any of their own clarification and just about what that recommendation consists of

Unknown Speaker 11:06
On the smart grid, there was a second suggestion, which was that, that the deployment be designed in order to make use of the smart grid when the deployment is, is partial. And I don’t see that there. And, again,

Unknown Speaker 11:23
we want to be more aspirational than this and challenge the city rather than

Unknown Speaker 11:30
saying what was already in the 2019 plan. Okay, so what I’m hearing is that there’s a second part of the smart grid recommendation that includes making use of the smart grid when it’s partially complete and not waiting until it’s complete to do that. Yep. Okay. Great. Any other clarifications or questions on that particular point?

Unknown Speaker 11:55

Unknown Speaker 11:57
Okay, any other clarifying questions?

Unknown Speaker 12:01
Does everyone have a basic understanding of what a smart grid is?

Unknown Speaker 12:07
Okay. All right, so next one. And for your own notes, you may want to make that modification that Marcia offered around, it includes the smart grid utilization at partial completion.

Unknown Speaker 12:23
And then for the second point, the home energy management system, there was also a secondary recommendation for tying into more of a bidding system where people might be able to make a profit for being a super battery by allowing them to reduce their or throttle their energy usage and possibly get 30 redemptions back for their altruistic nature. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 12:51
Yeah, so let me make sure I’m hearing this clearly and that everyone else is holding it as well. So what I think I heard you say was that it allows people

Unknown Speaker 13:00
An array provides incentives for people to have home battery storage or commercial to do so, they can calendar AGM serve their home energy management systems to smart thermostats. And they’d be able to say, I’m willing to peak hours to reduce that usage, right? Like a battery that they don’t use as much. Right? So then they’re essentially shaving the peak load and getting a credit for that use case shifting loads, but yes.

Unknown Speaker 13:31
Okay. Or, well, in some cases, they might not be shifting the load at all. So if they’re just letting their home get hotter, as a result, it’s offsetting their demand to a point where the demand is lower. So that electrical costs for the city or down go down, right.

Unknown Speaker 13:52
So it is it is about shaving peak demand through Home Energy Management. Yes. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 14:00
Maybe using using losing supply using a peep supply to charge your car at a time when there’s excess. Right. So maybe it’s okay. So it’s both. So it’s about reducing demand as well as utilizing energy at off peak hours. Okay. All right. Any other clarifying questions on that one?

Unknown Speaker 14:29
Okay, um, so and we’re capturing this too. So we’ll continue to upgrade this summary list as time goes on.

Unknown Speaker 14:38
Just please understand all of it’s kind of a work in progress. All right, so next point.

Unknown Speaker 14:44
And I think this is my fault. We I think this was assigned to me that we

Unknown Speaker 14:49
we also had an idea of

Unknown Speaker 14:53
increasing the amount of solar rooftop solar to up to 30%

Unknown Speaker 15:01
Have usage which will help

Unknown Speaker 15:05
build access.

Unknown Speaker 15:07
So increasing that. Okay, so that’s, that’s a whole recommend. Yeah, yeah. Wouldn’t be another item. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 15:16
Or is it too late? No.

Unknown Speaker 15:19
A distributed energy. Nice. Yeah. Yeah, we’ve

Unknown Speaker 15:24
been there. We’ve got recently we’ve got removed disincentives. Yeah. And then the 30% goal is like

Unknown Speaker 15:34
a deployment and implementation feature, because you can’t go too far. But you can go way farther than we are. Yeah. Only about 30% of your total usage. No, no, no, it would be and we talked with me from pier PA, how much should we be using or putting onto the grid from here to help the RPA not have to build additional resources and so

Unknown Speaker 16:02

Unknown Speaker 16:05

Unknown Speaker 16:06
the consumption should which could potentially put in long haul and not overburden, the system. Got it. The consumption of the house is 120%. As always, the idea is that the market penetration of solar panels on buildings in Longmont could be up to 30%. Before we would have to fix the grid. Right. Right. Okay. And when you’re talking about grid, you’re talking about distribution. Yes. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 16:35
Yes. local distribution. Yes. Encourage yourself a bigger problem.

Unknown Speaker 16:45
Yeah, yeah, that’s what we’re referring to give out the overload. And so the third point here on the distributed energy resources, an element of that is increasing, or going up to the maximum sort of

Unknown Speaker 17:00
input that the city of Walmart as a whole residence and everybody can put back to the grid before it causes cascading infrastructure issues. Correct. Okay. Are there other clarifications or points about what specifically that recommendation is about?

Unknown Speaker 17:25
Okay. Let’s go to city reductions in greenhouse gases. So

Unknown Speaker 17:33
so this is about continuing as a city to advance and promote

Unknown Speaker 17:39
internal as well as external sustainability practices, particularly around greenhouse gases. So that’s the greenhouse gas inventory, generally monitoring and managing city facilities and city buildings in integrity with the climate action

Unknown Speaker 17:56

Unknown Speaker 18:00
What else does the creators of this one want to add or say about that?

Unknown Speaker 18:09
Mostly get it. Okay, questions, clarifying questions.

Unknown Speaker 18:15
Okay. And then workforce development really focused on understanding the current resources and assets and gaps in workforce education programs, and then fund helping to fund and incentivize programs to move into

Unknown Speaker 18:34
jobs and positions that support renewable energy and weatherization and

Unknown Speaker 18:40
electrification, manufacturing, supporting,

Unknown Speaker 18:45
supporting industries, etc.

Unknown Speaker 18:49
Anything to add or clarify there.

Unknown Speaker 18:54
Moving on to transportation, increasing coverage and frequency of public transportation.

Unknown Speaker 19:01
So I think that one’s fairly intuitive, basically bolstering the public transportation system, making it easier and easier for people to use and choose public transportation options versus

Unknown Speaker 19:15
versus a single occupancy vehicle. Any particulars that anyone wants to find out about that one?

Unknown Speaker 19:25
Question about it. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 19:29
This does not seem to mention electrification of the

Unknown Speaker 19:35
transit vehicles, should that be there, and I appreciate him. Ah, thank you.

Unknown Speaker 19:50
And I think even if I remember the detail of this recommendation, it also talks about electrification of the fleet is am I making that up? Okay, so I think it’s just a little

Unknown Speaker 20:00
But further in the deep they got it but I didn’t.

Unknown Speaker 20:06
Okay, thank you for the question on education and partner with schools and modot multimodal options and benefits. Would you like to give a quick summary? Yeah, many parts. So one is working with school districts around cleaner field electrification. And

Unknown Speaker 20:29
the second part is incentivizing programs for kids and families to do more biking and walking on the trails every now

Unknown Speaker 20:44
and then the third one is just overall education of younger younger generation.

Unknown Speaker 20:51
transportation alternatives.

Unknown Speaker 20:55
think at this point is really important and is sort of

Unknown Speaker 21:00
Across the three groups that I’ve talked about this video,

Unknown Speaker 21:05
I think there should be something. The set of groups

Unknown Speaker 21:10
about energy use buildings and transportation.

Unknown Speaker 21:18
to education. Yeah, so round two includes a group that’s exclusively dedicated to education and outreach. So both have young kids all the way through general public, they’re targeted audiences and all that. So I think we’ll get there for that one. And so, um, Magnolia, just to be clear, is this. All this is all focused around school environments. So transportation to and from school, including the buses, including altering save modes for people close to their schools, and then also education programs within the schools about transportation carpooling, right?

Unknown Speaker 22:00
To get to school, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 22:03
Great. Okay, um, the next one incentives to use of alternative modes of transportation.

Unknown Speaker 22:11
So I think there’s there may be a little bit more to this one, but it’s written here. But looking, you know, so maybe you can speak to this one a little bit further, like point of view, but you spoke up a minute ago about it, so I thought maybe it was yours.

Unknown Speaker 22:28
This is actually

Unknown Speaker 22:33
Can you give us Can you give us a quick sense of what the

Unknown Speaker 22:38
gist of it is? Or is that not? If you haven’t reviewed it and you’re not sure that’s

Unknown Speaker 22:44
okay. So we might, we might,

Unknown Speaker 22:50
we might hold this one. Unless we understand fairly enough what it also supply you’re going to be on top of which of my email to see if I have anything okay.

Unknown Speaker 23:00
Thank you. All right. So I’m in a roughly bikeway network, I think that that’s pretty straightforward, close the gaps that are impediments to people riding their bikes from one place to another. So that’d be a gap analysis to understand, where if we don’t already know, there’s interruptions and bypass and then create the infrastructure to close those networks.

Unknown Speaker 23:23
Alternative work schedules, so yeah. So that’s all right. So that really is kind of more of a commuter trip reduction program. So that’s an employer based program mentors for the employees to offer a menu of options, right, so not everybody’s gonna have the same solutions. But whether it’s an increase telecommuting, or whether it’s a different work hours, and just eight to five, so we don’t get all on the road and off road at the same time. Though, we’re all it’s a menu. So

Unknown Speaker 24:00
It could be. And it would be, there would be a small, I would say, mostly voluntary, right. But realizing that, of course, that could ramp up. voluntary. Measures don’t really show much improvement. Right? So you start out that way. And you figure out a way to partner with businesses, and get them to kind of find the champion within their organization to be an evangelist for the other boys, right. So things like a four day workweek might mean that you can also you’re not only reducing the commuter traffic and pollution from that activity, where you can also potentially reduce your building emissions, because you’re not having to heat and cool the building, necessarily, or there may be areas within the building, you can reduce, stop and go traffic actually causes quite a bit of pollution starting starting your vehicle in motion. takes way more gas than if you can just keep cruising. So that’s why we want

Unknown Speaker 25:00
I kind of worry about peak traffic and the impact that it has. So

Unknown Speaker 25:07
this will also be

Unknown Speaker 25:11

Unknown Speaker 25:18
Right? So just not driving to work at all.

Unknown Speaker 25:22

Unknown Speaker 25:24
working right working at normal eight hour workday, but having more remote areas, the option for that just

Unknown Speaker 25:31
disappears that it’s should be done with the sort of

Unknown Speaker 25:38
cluster of municipalities rather than uranium both on the

Unknown Speaker 25:43
right and that is something that’s been discussed regionally in the next couple of years for our ozone problem.

Unknown Speaker 25:51
And so but it may only start with like high a large employers.

Unknown Speaker 25:57
And so my thought there is if we want to make it, you know,

Unknown Speaker 26:00
A volunteer approach can be good for small employers but also leaving early

Unknown Speaker 26:07

Unknown Speaker 26:09
This point, seems that would be more efficient if it’s done

Unknown Speaker 26:14
across municipality.

Unknown Speaker 26:18
All right, and then the last one is renewable second sources of power. So I think that’s what you’re saying. So that would be a comprehensive incentivization towards electrification. And

Unknown Speaker 26:42
next zero

Unknown Speaker 26:44
power like manufacturing.

Unknown Speaker 26:57
So I did find that right up from Delray.

Unknown Speaker 27:00
And so that the incentivizing alternative modes of travel

Unknown Speaker 27:07
is largely focused on

Unknown Speaker 27:16
incentivizing charging infrastructure, particularly in high density areas like downtown Longmont.

Unknown Speaker 27:24
So it’s currently there’s only one charging station and a public wellhead downtown and it’s free to charge a vehicle There are five additional parking lots that could have charging stations. So it’s just creating a better electric vehicle infrastructure to incentivize people to utilize.

Unknown Speaker 27:42
And it seems I would be curious to hear from that group, if there’s a connection between that one and there were available sources of powerful transit,

Unknown Speaker 27:52
or those are distinct

Unknown Speaker 27:54
in your mind.

Unknown Speaker 27:57
I think the way it’s written it’s kind of the same

Unknown Speaker 28:00
By now, but I would also always want to have

Unknown Speaker 28:05
further alternative photos rather than just electric vehicles and also too

Unknown Speaker 28:11

Unknown Speaker 28:19
Okay, so that the incentives would go beyond sort of vehicle charging stations to include more free routes, for example, on working.

Unknown Speaker 28:41

Unknown Speaker 28:43
Let’s go. So little bit more work to do there probably, unless you’re building interviews. So basically upgrading the minimum code compliance to the 2021 IEC

Unknown Speaker 29:00
See the

Unknown Speaker 29:03
last what’s the ICC man?

Unknown Speaker 29:06
So Construction Code code Council. Yeah. All right. Thank you guys blinking on that one for a minute. So most basically to be the most aggressive baseline codes that are that are available

Unknown Speaker 29:20
by the AI, isn’t it? The iecc do? I used to see I think this was an early IP. For buildings. There’s a there’s they’re called AI codes. Okay. All right.

Unknown Speaker 29:37
dependencies are at the end of the code the

Unknown Speaker 29:41

Unknown Speaker 29:43

Unknown Speaker 29:45
solar energy right now, as part of charging station rate.

Unknown Speaker 29:52
Things that promote the renewable energy sources and offices

Unknown Speaker 29:58
are going to try

Unknown Speaker 30:00
In life, what was going on in the marketplace?

Unknown Speaker 30:04

Unknown Speaker 30:06
I think

Unknown Speaker 30:14
there are some aspirational material uses that are carbon sequestering. So that which is actually like a generation farther along than this. And I, I would like to add the recommendation that we do a review of the

Unknown Speaker 30:34
CO series beyond this looking at

Unknown Speaker 30:38
carbon sequestration and other forms of zero energy buildings. So that would be a great comment on during the revenue period, I think for that one.

Unknown Speaker 30:50
All right, electrification. So basically, creating an electrification feasibility committee to oversee research and implementation of life.

Unknown Speaker 31:00
certification for commercial and residential buildings. Anything to

Unknown Speaker 31:07
add to that or clarifying questions for that?

Unknown Speaker 31:14

Unknown Speaker 31:15

Unknown Speaker 31:18
this banner this first page

Unknown Speaker 31:23
Yeah. And so is there is there a pre determined first phase timeline? And we’re working with him?

Unknown Speaker 31:34
Oh, you’re saying like this.

Unknown Speaker 31:37
There’s enough complexity.

Unknown Speaker 31:40
Right. So, so basically the recommendation is to begin a commission to do a much more in depth investigation

Unknown Speaker 31:55

Unknown Speaker 31:59

Unknown Speaker 32:11
was one of the worst.

Unknown Speaker 32:21
So it’s a little arbitrary but

Unknown Speaker 32:24
great. Okay. But I appreciate the pointed specificity. Oh, yeah. Sorry. I think that as we do the, this is one that has a lot of implications and overlap with the renewable energy. So if we develop a way to pull those interlocking pieces together like the AMI and

Unknown Speaker 32:49
solar rooftop solar.

Unknown Speaker 32:53
Yeah, so I think and we struggled with that a little bit in the beginning, realizing that there are a lot of options

Unknown Speaker 33:00
overlaps between building energy use and the source of energy where it’s coming from and that sometimes that’s, you know, building integrated solar. And we really steered the building’s group away from that notion thinking that you fall fell more in the renewables category to try to create some distinction. But in reality, these things have overlap. And so, as we review the recommendations, you know, maybe there’s ways to either combine ones if it makes sense or to acknowledge overlaps within the recommendations, but it’s a given and, you know, we’ve kind of tried to

Unknown Speaker 33:40
we sort of like, yeah, we can cross boundaries as needed. Okay, next one, commercial energy benchmarking. So commercial energy benchmarking program would ultimately be a mandatory reporting program or commercial buildings, initially over 20,000 square feet and ultimately over 5000 square feet.

Unknown Speaker 34:00
We need to report their building energy use. And then that becomes a tool in a number of ways to spur potential audits to help VCs understand what they’re getting into kind of like an mpg for your car.

Unknown Speaker 34:16

Unknown Speaker 34:18
anything more to add about what that program is or questions about what that program would do.

Unknown Speaker 34:27

Unknown Speaker 34:33
So commercial energy, or commercial efficiency rebates.

Unknown Speaker 34:37
And this would be I assume this is about really advancing and accelerating and existing programs that promote efficiency. Is there some more specificity that the author of this would like to add to?

Unknown Speaker 34:53
This was really working with patients who works program which is pretty comprehensive, but it relies on you

Unknown Speaker 35:00
We deal with several hundred businesses a year, take advantage of the rebates right now.

Unknown Speaker 35:06
We’re down. And so it’s really about furthering an existing program accelerating efforts increasing efforts towards an existing program.

Unknown Speaker 35:19
commercial building, record commissioning and retrofits.

Unknown Speaker 35:25
So this feels a little bit tied to the one above

Unknown Speaker 35:31
it, should it should they be combined.

Unknown Speaker 35:35
This is off. Okay, so retro commissioning are just kind of going back to the existing building and

Unknown Speaker 35:43
making sure that your access points are correct. The dampers are opening and all that good things.

Unknown Speaker 35:51

Unknown Speaker 35:52
what we have, it’s a bigger problem than you might think.

Unknown Speaker 35:59
And when

Unknown Speaker 36:00
If this was not a real popular program, as we roll it out with two or three customers a year, we offer profits free. So we it’s going back and there’s maybe

Unknown Speaker 36:16
more of a focus on small and medium businesses and as well, and that sort of specific program being put together

Unknown Speaker 36:23
by Dr. Berger,

Unknown Speaker 36:27
as well as

Unknown Speaker 36:33
so a little bit similar and maybe

Unknown Speaker 36:36
a portion of that, but it’s it’s really taking what we had out there in the past to

Unknown Speaker 36:49
make it more one on one or something like that. Okay?

Unknown Speaker 36:52
residential efficiency, improvements and rebates. So again, expanding, it looks like quadruple

Unknown Speaker 37:00
Following a program over the next three years to encourage residential energy efficiency

Unknown Speaker 37:09
that is 100 level or above the average program. Right now it’s a little under 100 a year. And when I look at that, compared, because of course, he

Unknown Speaker 37:25
says, There are twice our size, the 400.

Unknown Speaker 37:33
So it’s kind of a laugh because on the citizen level one, I don’t want the job. I know what my boss told me, my home.

Unknown Speaker 37:43
Right. So the point is, the answer to the question there is that it’s not a woman. It’s the participation. There’s funding for it, but we’re just not utilizing the program. So we need to increase outreach and efforts to have people take advantage of the existing program. And I do want to mention, about two years ago

Unknown Speaker 38:00
I did go through that program with a five year old house and they found that my lower roof didn’t have any insulation on it. And so it saved me a ton of money.

Unknown Speaker 38:15
Go any cash? They obviously got something out here. So, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 38:25
Okay, so then and then the low income residential energy program. So the first one is a program that is low cost, but that people still pay for improvements. The next one is a program that is targeted specifically at households earning 80% or less of area median income, and they can get free efficiency improvements to their homes. And I will say one of the things about that is he is at some place that is currently low income residents will often continue to service low

Unknown Speaker 39:00
Families for years to come. So it has a continuing benefit to it. Even at the current homeowner decides to move or so is this only for low income residents, the owner homes or assisted living rental suits rent includes

Unknown Speaker 39:18
the landlord to sign off right off the bat current program. single family homes is not

Unknown Speaker 39:26
suitable. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 39:29
But there is a different program for multifamily as I understand it, right.

Unknown Speaker 39:34
All right. And then the last one, a Climate Action Fund program and staff.

Unknown Speaker 39:43
I don’t understand this.

Unknown Speaker 39:45
Yeah, I don’t know where they just put stuff. Oh, I think it’s

Unknown Speaker 39:49
because we’re humans and we mistake.

Unknown Speaker 39:54
Well, I think it’s saying that it needs us out.

Unknown Speaker 40:06
So wait, can you explain that just through the program another key objective or idea there

Unknown Speaker 40:12
all of these changes that we’re going to see these

Unknown Speaker 40:18
huge burden on a big portion of the population.

Unknown Speaker 40:23
So, we need to add we need to bolster the already existing programs like here, works and those programs but then we need additional funding. Right? Okay. So you can do it in three days credit, or you work it out with just money as needed. So we’ve talked about over coffee sustainability, alright.

Unknown Speaker 40:51
So about two to three months out that comes from restaurants.

Unknown Speaker 40:57

Unknown Speaker 40:59
pull back 100

Unknown Speaker 41:00
50,000 seems like there’s no difference between 150,002.3.

Unknown Speaker 41:06
But if that doesn’t work, then we know. So

Unknown Speaker 41:16
possibilities are

Unknown Speaker 41:19
a part of that are talking about staffing is potentially subsidizing and or training individuals to do this work because a big problem that you run into with all of this is not having the

Unknown Speaker 41:31
the, I don’t know what to call the employees to do this work. And so, and a lot of this stuff was dirty work and was low paid and people are not going to be willing to get into it. So if you have a fund that could bolster those incomes to incentivize them to come out and actually do this work, then I will tell you that so this this is actually a broader funding notion and building energy years. Right. It could cover it could cover Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 42:00
So I thought

Unknown Speaker 42:03
I thought as a staff that you were recommending for this wasn’t just to help manage the fun, but also acknowledging that there might be middle income businesses or residents who want to do large projects. But the mean may be more unique financing methods. So having staff who could research didn’t more like creative financing methods, like I think you mentioned auto financing or other things like score supporting those

Unknown Speaker 42:34
who maybe don’t

Unknown Speaker 42:38
all the cost covered, but it could be still need some assistance to be out on financing opportunities.

Unknown Speaker 42:45
Okay, so what I’m taking away from that, and now it’s an overly simplified version of what you’re talking about, but essentially, to create an overarching funding mechanism to help support all of the above and what’s yet

Unknown Speaker 43:00
created, knowing that it’s going to take more than the existing staff and resources to be able to effectively implement these programs and so that they’re resourced they’re funded, and there’s the talent in house to do it, and we’re working with development or whatever may be needed. So it’s a, this one’s really in a category sort of unto itself. So it just kind of clarification it doesn’t really fit under the building energy use. But it’s a it’s a more umbrella notion around funding, which is great. And that’s not a criticism and anyone who’s acknowledging that forget all of us. Okay. All right. So that’s a quick run through of where we are. So far. I know that you all have spent a lot of time and effort outside of this room to develop recommendations and come up with the details and to work through the, you know, the groups and to put in your time after hours. So I just want to really acknowledge it.

Unknown Speaker 44:00
Appreciate the tremendous amount of time and effort that everyone has put into getting us to this point. And the shortlist does not reflect all of that work, that we have many, many, many pages of documents that you all have sent us and can see that everyone’s been really dedicated and working hard. So

Unknown Speaker 44:23
So congratulations. This is just a summary.

Unknown Speaker 44:27
I’m thinking as I went through this, I’m not sure that from this group, I heard you know, some ideas and I know that once we get the detailed recommendations, you all will have some,

Unknown Speaker 44:41
you know, some comments to add to each other’s work. Is there anything here that causes

Unknown Speaker 44:52
anyone as a high degree of pause or that you are the you know, your arm

Unknown Speaker 45:00
Ready, pretty concerned about so it’s not about the particulars, but just as a concept, you feel like

Unknown Speaker 45:07
any one of these ideas causes you a high degree of pause as far as we would like to go into council with a fairly unified, this group participated in the development of these recommendations. And as a body, we recommend these things, right. So we may not all get to be 100% on all of them. But I would like to see if we can’t get everyone to at least, you know, a 60 to 75% comfort level with all of the recommendations are on the table. So does anyone feel like you’re at neutral or lower than that on any of the recommendations as you understand them? right now.

Unknown Speaker 45:54
And sometimes I do like private voting where you guys can see each other because I know it can be hard to like, raise your hand in this mode.

Unknown Speaker 46:00
Randy, like this thing bothers me or I’m concerned about it.

Unknown Speaker 46:05
So that’s just a yes or show reality, but

Unknown Speaker 46:09
I’m gonna trust that if you have that concern you would speak up at this point.

Unknown Speaker 46:16
Yes, I will preface it by saying I’m not a part of the this council that I saw more of as a citizen. So I don’t know if I have the ability to speak at this point. I do.

Unknown Speaker 46:27
I think technically, not. You could speak at the beginning in terms of public invited to be heard and you can advise your advisory group, but if there’s comments outside, Okay, what else?

Unknown Speaker 46:41
Josie, I would like to make the

Unknown Speaker 46:43
opposite observation. I think that there is not one item on this list that any of us would object to based on, you know, the 50 or 60% of you that I know in some way or another. This is a perfectly fine

Unknown Speaker 47:00
list. My opinion is that it we are missing an opportunity to push the envelope because many of these things are already in Lisa’s 2019 sustainability report. And this is the time for us to jump up and down and say emergency. We should be looking at 10 year plans for neighborhood electrification, we should be looking at at

Unknown Speaker 47:28
well, like one of the that I do think is sufficiently aspirational is is

Unknown Speaker 47:35
zooming up the solar adoption and finding an equitable way to do that.

Unknown Speaker 47:45
And so,

Unknown Speaker 47:49
all this stuff is great. But let’s get greater. Let’s try to let’s try to widen this up. This is our shot. Yeah, I think one thing I’m thinking about

Unknown Speaker 48:00
martial art

Unknown Speaker 48:01
is that we need to be working on beneficial electrification. The state is already looking at what were the long look like for that. And so we need to put that on our, our list to how do we make sure that

Unknown Speaker 48:18
neighborhoods you know, a water heater last X number of years. And so if you go into, say, a development that’s 10 years old and say, when you replace your water heater, it needs to be replaced with an electric water heater, not gas, and that we don’t say change out all your appliances, but that we say, when it goes out, it needs to be when your furnace goes out and needs to be electric. So how do we put that big piece in here because that’s one of the biggest areas that people are talking about right now is getting everything on the grid to 100% renewable and then putting everything

Unknown Speaker 48:59

Unknown Speaker 49:00
The grip

Unknown Speaker 49:01
so I think that that was one of the issues that our province was really struggled with quite a bit and that’s why it’s just such a big thing. I think we need a few more months.

Unknown Speaker 49:14
I agree with the amount of time that we actually have to do this. I don’t think we can say you know, I mean, we have a very short amount of time to try to accomplish a lot and there’s only so much we can do.

Unknown Speaker 49:24
out there. Yeah, you don’t have to figure out how to do it. And you know, the so the infrastructure half is in the distributed energy resources plant. Which is kind of long.

Unknown Speaker 49:38
But the building people need to put the other other side of the coin in which is how do we get these people to

Unknown Speaker 49:48
get the get the appliances that go with it. And it is, it is a city LEAD program on on a probably next lifetime six

Unknown Speaker 50:00
What do you think Phil? You’re an engineer. Next time six, six.

Unknown Speaker 50:07
Okay, well, anyway, it’s a big deal and it should be there because we need to get it in the collective mind now.

Unknown Speaker 50:18
And I think the other thing that

Unknown Speaker 50:22
I really opinionated tonight, but on transportation. I know that Fort Collins has had a program to where they had group buying options for ease. And so there was a huge rebate on I think it was a Nissan LEAF is what were they buying options. So how do we get people out of their ice car?

Unknown Speaker 50:47
And so that that’s another thing that I think

Unknown Speaker 50:53

Unknown Speaker 50:57

Unknown Speaker 50:59
have been handy.

Unknown Speaker 51:00
As much as we can, but I was also struck by how many things are already in perfectly in progress. And if we can, just by tightening a time frame or pushing

Unknown Speaker 51:13
or complimenting them for what they’re already doing, I just I think they would have created

Unknown Speaker 51:23

Unknown Speaker 51:29
at a 10% capacity and what they could or should be, and with more dedicated effort and resources that those really reached their full potential.

Unknown Speaker 51:42
Okay, well, so yes, I agree there. There is a lot of agreement. And I think a call to say, you know, of just a pause or a question are we are we being aggressive enough in, in the in the recommendations and aspirations that we’re making?

Unknown Speaker 52:01
So the way that we’re going to move these forward,

Unknown Speaker 52:07
I essentially just did, you know, the straight up but we didn’t go through one by one but as a as a group of recommendations, you know, we’re we’re yellow to green on everything with maybe some challenge to say, you know, are we are we pushing far enough with them, but but nothing that we feel like, you know is going to

Unknown Speaker 52:28
be something that’s going to be contentious among the group to move forward with.

Unknown Speaker 52:33
So what we’re going to do is

Unknown Speaker 52:37
I know we don’t quite have all of the recommendations in and you know, you may have a little bit more time if you’re done you can say you’re done and not continue Organa recommendation. If you feel like you still need a little bit more time or you have not given us your recommendation, the absolute deadline for that is March 5. So that is

Unknown Speaker 53:00
Thursday next week. If you do not provide us a recommendation by March 5,

Unknown Speaker 53:10
you’re going to have to figure out how to get into round two with your recommendation.

Unknown Speaker 53:15
But you’re going to be doubling up your work and you may be putting yourself for those recommendations at risk of not being included whatsoever. Regardless of what we do or don’t have on March 5, we’re going to send them to be distributed for a detailed review to the group by March 9. So that will be digitally.

Unknown Speaker 53:35
So all comments will be gathered on digital documents. We will establish a way to do that so that we can integrate and see all of the comments and all of that.

Unknown Speaker 53:49
So stay tuned for that. And then your comments and we’ll we’ll reiterate all of this in the email so you don’t have to keep track of this yourselves. But then comments will be due by the

Unknown Speaker 54:00
16 at that point,

Unknown Speaker 54:03
you will these will go back to their authors for basically integration of the of the comments from the group and it will, you will have some ability to try to make sense of the comments you got and to adjust the recommendations based on that.

Unknown Speaker 54:24

Unknown Speaker 54:27
and then those will become essentially those will become final. At that point, I do want to just kind of add sort of a caveat to that, that we are going to be doing some community outreach during March as well and to the best of our abilities, getting some community feedback on some of these draft terminations too. So, we’ll be bringing you back information and pass we get it. So there might be some of that that comes after that 16th or whatever deadline so but it will be before the end of March so that you kind of will have a whole

Unknown Speaker 55:00
picture to integrate, revise, modify as your group sees fit before they become final final recommendations.

Unknown Speaker 55:14
And then the round two drafts are also going to be due on March 16. So again, we just, you know, basically we need to be wrapped up by the end of March. We have two more sessions as a group after this one.

Unknown Speaker 55:33
I really need your question. Oh, you’re just in your body. That’s fair to you.

Unknown Speaker 55:38
Okay, so, does everyone feel reasonably comfortable with the process moving forward?

Unknown Speaker 55:48
All right, great.

Unknown Speaker 55:51
Okay, so round zero.

Unknown Speaker 55:58
So we hopefully we’re getting

Unknown Speaker 56:00
Through the heavy lifting, right? The three that we just did are the really big, heavy lifts. I think I might be wrong.

Unknown Speaker 56:08
But we we think, you know, as far as greenhouse gas emissions for the city are concerned, that’s certainly true. We have covered the areas that have the greatest opportunity because it represents those three areas represent what 85, nine, more than 95% of the greenhouse gas emissions for the city.

Unknown Speaker 56:28
So that’s, you know, that’s the heavy lift, that’s where we’re going to continue to really make sure we’ve got those recommendations as well developed as we can,

Unknown Speaker 56:38
that the three that are remaining, our land use, and this really we talked about being primarily related to

Unknown Speaker 56:50
a couple of things. And I think this group is going to have a little bit of work to do to define this a little bit further for yourselves, but we talked about planning and zoning and density

Unknown Speaker 57:00
And so that’s part of it. And I remember that there’s been some recent updates to the

Unknown Speaker 57:07
land use code. Was that what it was? So so there’s that there’s also the notion of,

Unknown Speaker 57:16
you know, carbon capture within the soil and soil. So in carbon sequestration within soil. So this group, you’re gonna have to do a little bit of work to define specifically where you want to place your energy within this topic area. Education and Outreach. Peter, I know you were really passionate about this one. So I’m going to be really surprised if you don’t join that subgroup.

Unknown Speaker 57:41
And then adaptation and resiliency, which is where one of the places that we put water conservation, for example. So, you know, we said water conservation doesn’t really do much to mitigate climate change, but we may have to adapt to

Unknown Speaker 58:00
Changing availability of water regionally, due to drought. This also has a lot to do with natural disasters. How do we address perhaps increasing levels of hail? wildfires, flooding, drought, severe weather?

Unknown Speaker 58:20
What do you want to add into them? So there’s like a public health and protection component. Right. So extreme heat is hugely detrimental to the health particularly for older people, people living without air conditioning, heat stress causes any number of physical and health ailments. Climate change also brings a lot of different diseases. So Zika, such as Lyme disease is moving north. So with changes and pests, and certainly farm and food production, and I know that’s not a major part of Longmont proper, but you

Unknown Speaker 59:00
There may be changes to food availability and some of those kinds of things. The one thing that’s not sort of readily captured in here is probably waste. It didn’t come up super strong in our initial conversations, although there is something to be said about waste and emissions and consumption and embodied energy and all of those kinds of things. So I don’t know if we want to tack that on. Maybe we do land use and waste together seems like that could potentially be a combination, especially when we think about composting facilities and landfills and I’m seeing some nodding heads may want to pose to me putting waste in this group also, you know, not opposed

Unknown Speaker 59:46
to it. I don’t know do not know how much this is. Wise long. Island gas. I mean, they methane users released in the atmosphere is massive compared to carbon monoxide

Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
dioxide. Methane is a much larger greenhouse gas and oil are

Unknown Speaker 1:00:06
dumped into the atmosphere. Yeah. So that seems like it could potentially be in this group. Yeah. So well,

Unknown Speaker 1:00:17
there is a methane leakage problem that Lamont can address, which is in our distribution system of methane.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:26
And we don’t do we have good figures on how BP our

Unknown Speaker 1:00:32
natural gas distribution system. However, what we have applied in our modeling is just the average that we know but we also acknowledge that we don’t believe that’s very accurate, that the best data that we’re going to get us from the numeric quality study, but it’s going to be a couple of years before.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:51
Okay, but that could still go in the in the plan. beneficial electrification is a mitigation strategy for that because you can

Unknown Speaker 1:01:00
shake out, take it out or capital pipes, they don’t leak anymore. So that could be part of land use as well as, as if it’s touched on in the existing beneficial electrification plan. But we can like clean it up in land use. One of the things that Longmont does have that a lot of us don’t as we do actually have pretty accurate maps of where all those lines are.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:26
So let’s go ahead and pick our groups. I’m going to do this in no logical way other than I’m going to call your name and you tell me where you want to be. And then we’ll move people around if we end up with too much of a clustering in one place or another. So and yours is the top of my list. I don’t know why you’re just there.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:46
I’d like the

Unknown Speaker 1:01:50

Unknown Speaker 1:01:55

Unknown Speaker 1:01:57
I think education

Unknown Speaker 1:02:03
Everybody’s gonna go for educational go for land use

Unknown Speaker 1:02:08
Sandra and us,

Unknown Speaker 1:02:11

Unknown Speaker 1:02:15
Well, you know, well what we always have a chance to.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:20
Yep. All right, Greg.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:25
Marsha Matthews.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:28
I’ll go to adaptation if it’s them, there’s too many. Okay, Peter.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:35
How did I know? All right. I promise you though. All right, Amy. I think she is ready to go. I was like, wait a minute. She was here a second ago. And Delray is not here. Jeremy

Unknown Speaker 1:02:55

Unknown Speaker 1:03:00
Braking mode

Unknown Speaker 1:03:02

Unknown Speaker 1:03:05
education, adaptation. Okay. And Karen

Unknown Speaker 1:03:12
can’t pronounce that.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:15
Okay, and then does anyone have any ideas? Feeling limited?

Unknown Speaker 1:03:22
very passionate on water conservation.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:27
And then we have Amy del Rey and Solana.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:33
Delgado probably education not thinking she would be good in that.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:41
Maybe hasn’t already. I mean, we can also ask them. Yeah, we’re all familiar with them. Okay. All right. And you know,

Unknown Speaker 1:03:49
is everyone happy with where you are?

Unknown Speaker 1:03:52
Does anyone feel I can also ask this does anyone feel like they shouldn’t be in a group and they need to keep working on their last round.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:02
Yeah, I’m

Unknown Speaker 1:04:06
not gonna mention the transportation group or anything, but,

Unknown Speaker 1:04:11
um, what do you think?

Unknown Speaker 1:04:14
Okay, because we do want to get that, you know, we do want to work from the highest potential and highest important stuff first. So prioritize your effort there if you have to pick one or the other.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:27
All right. Okay, so these are your, these are your new groups. So very different than the last one.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:36
So we I want to acknowledge that we are all learning a little bit along the way

Unknown Speaker 1:04:43
together and as a group. So I hope that this comes as a relief, not a frustration to you, but we’ve simplified the template a bit for round two

Unknown Speaker 1:04:56
and hopefully clarified it a little bit as well.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:02
The frustrating part could be of like, okay, now the other ones are in this other format, I don’t want you to worry too much about it. And at the same time, if you feel like this really strengthens your recommendation, you can use this template to modify your last recommendation, we’re not going to ask you to do that. We may end up when we summarize things, we may end up trying to reorganize things without modifying content. Right. So we, these are your recommendations. We’re not here to

Unknown Speaker 1:05:39
change them. But we might reformat them a little bit so that there’s consistency in the document if that makes sense.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:48
So at any rate, the so the the template is shorter now and it reduces some of the redundancies that were in the last version and hopefully clarifies them.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:00
So starting with the goal and and so it starts with the subgroup area, recommendation title, y’all will get these, then it starts with a one sentence description of the desired outcome of the recommendation. So that’s the goal or objective that’s similar to what is on this sheet. Okay, these aren’t perfect examples, but they are examples of what that first basic overview of what the recommendation is. second recommendation summary. So describe the policy or solution informed by science and equity, three to five sentences, but no more than two or three paragraphs. And this is the in the SMART goals and I know that some of you struggled with that a little bit. There’s this is based exclusively on SMART goal. So ask us for specific, what will be accomplished, what actions will you take who is involved? What are you trying to accomplish?

Unknown Speaker 1:06:55
A general timeframe with more information as time goes on section and where does the actual

Unknown Speaker 1:07:00
take place. So there’s, I think a little cleaner prompts for that one. Measurement describes how we will measure progress for this specific goal or recommendation. What metrics are we going to use? on if and how well we’re meeting the goal and what is the source of the metric achievability? Under what conditions is achieving the goal realistic? What is what are the necessary skills and resources. So this is where the financial summary goes.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:27
So that’s still informed by by the template and you can still use that template to help you move through the process of getting to your recommendations. But what are the funding needs impossible sources of funds for your recommendation?

Unknown Speaker 1:07:40
And also marketing training and incentives actions you need to enable passage and or successful implementation of a policy or solution are in smart relevance. How does the goal align with mitigating and adapting to climate change? Why is the result important? Consider both the heart and the soft benefits time down the time

Unknown Speaker 1:08:00
To accomplish the goal and the key milestones, and then finally social and economic impacts, so describe who might be impacted and how including benefits barriers. And potential negative outcomes include suggestions for how to mitigate any potential negative outcomes. So it’s shorter. Hopefully, the directions are cleaner and clearer. And you’ve had a little practice. So the second round, we’re hoping should be an easier lift than the first.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:28
And then I’m not going to read through this, but we did. I did do a sample recommendation. I took the commercial building benchmarking as an example. It was fairly random in my selection, it was one I knew a little bit about so it’s easier for me to use. And what you can see is how we filled it out with the new templates. So you can see an example of some of the language and It even includes we decided this was a good idea a few of the comments that we had as reviewers to see

Unknown Speaker 1:09:00
You know, how might we make that particular recommendation more specific or more, you know, what a reviewers comments might potentially look like. So hopefully a little bit of resources that help you expedite and upgrade your process a little bit for round two. Everyone will get a copy of this. And we’ll make sure everyone has digital copies of everything, as well as we didn’t print out one of these for everyone on this, but we can if we need to. And similarly to last time, I have information packets for there, as some of them are not as extensive as the last time, but it has the spreadsheet with a synopsis of current city efforts and the current data that we have available, even in Longmont and sustainability plans for reference and a couple of other things that are more specific to the subgroups. And we have some additional things that we can send you potentially to huge stack of information but something to do. So. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:59

Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
Do each pack. Each group has the big 11 by 17. Perfect that you can run them on like we did last time. Okay, so for this, we’re only going to have about 2025 minutes for you to get together in your groups. So

Unknown Speaker 1:10:17
we’re not going to have a working session beyond this one in this room for these groups, just because we’re running out of time.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:31
So this is your time to come together as a group, maybe get your preliminary list of ideas together, and then sort out who’s going to help do some of the administration and how you’re going to work together for identifying and completing round two recommendations. So that was the for our action next week, then. Thank you for asking. So next week, we’re going to bring this group together with the just transitions plan committee.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:00
And the idea is that you will take one of the recommendations that you came up with, and work through that recommendation in detail with members of the dust transitions Planning Committee, and working on

Unknown Speaker 1:11:18
reviewing some of these ideas and sharing how those plans or recommendations might affect them, and in their communities. So it’ll be a deeper dive to get equity input and feedback on some of the recommendations that have already been developed.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:39
And we’ll do a little bit of an introduction session in the beginning, around around equity, what is equity? What does it mean? What does it look like? What is the working definition of equitable climate action that that group has been developing, so it’ll be some deeper time now. We may

Unknown Speaker 1:12:00
Be able to arrange for a little bit of working group time during that session. But we mostly want to take

Unknown Speaker 1:12:07
take advantage of our collective time together to bring more awareness about how the recommendations may affect communities in ways that we didn’t anticipate.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:21
Anyone who do you want to add anything to that or frenzy?

Unknown Speaker 1:12:27
Okay. Three to five recommendations

Unknown Speaker 1:12:31

Unknown Speaker 1:12:33
for this Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:12:39
Okay. So why don’t we very arbitrarily let’s do group one, group two, group three.