2020-09-09 Board of Education Regular Meeting

Read along below or follow along here (pt 1: https://otter.ai/u/SrGyOq_6V0RfCvbWQR8VR6-gwlg Pt 2: https://otter.ai/u/SoTH24EmMRq4yGgjSCRughqJyF8)

Unknown Speaker 0:00
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Unknown Speaker 0:18
Thank you,

Unknown Speaker 0:19

Unknown Speaker 0:20
Can you please call the roll? Mr. Arens absent?

Unknown Speaker 0:24
Mr. Bercow?

Unknown Speaker 0:25

Unknown Speaker 0:26
Mr. Garcia? Here,

Unknown Speaker 0:27
Dr. martyr.

Unknown Speaker 0:28

Unknown Speaker 0:29
Miss Pierce. Here,

Unknown Speaker 0:31
Mrs. Raglan here and Miss siegrist. Here. Thank you, Barb. Barb, have there been any addendums or changes to the agenda this evening? There have been no changes. Great. Thank you. Yes, Paula brought up Board Members, please remember to speak into the microphone so that our viewing audience can can hear what we’re saying. Barb, that brings us to audience participation this evening. And we’re trying something a little different. So if you would like to go ahead and phone our first guest, that would be great. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:51
Hello, this is Elena, please leave your message after the tone. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:00
Let’s go on to the next one.

Unknown Speaker 2:01
Sounds great. Thank you. Hello, Dan.

Unknown Speaker 2:23
Try him again. Yeah, okay.

Unknown Speaker 2:34
Can you please say hello to him? Barb. Just send sure in case the issue was with him hearing me. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 2:51
standard cell phones, please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Unknown Speaker 2:58
Try number three. Yes, please. Hello, Kaylee, can you hear me? Yes. Hi. This is far from Sacred Valley School District. Hi, can you hear everyone?

Unknown Speaker 3:31
Can you hear the board president? She’s going to be

Unknown Speaker 3:33
speaking in a moment. Hi, Kaylee,

Unknown Speaker 3:35

Unknown Speaker 3:36
you hear me?

Unknown Speaker 3:37
Yes, I can. Great.

Unknown Speaker 3:39
Thank you for participating. It’s nice to meet you. I’m going to ask you, thank you. I’m going to ask you to, if you could please clearly state your name and your address, and then you’ll have three minutes to comment. We’ll start timing that as soon as you begin speaking. And then when you do hit that three minute mark, we’ll go ahead and thank you for your comments and move on to the next caller.

Unknown Speaker 4:07
Okay, my name is Kaylee Schreiber. I live at 329 Bonanza drive in Erie. And basically, we tried to work as best as we can with this online schooling situation that’s been going on. But it’s gotten to the point that my son ends up getting in trouble for not being able to use his technology correctly, whether it be taking a photo, whether it be not understanding how to get on a certain thing, like he can’t even he can’t even log on to his art class and he gets gotten in trouble with his teacher this morning for that. And then my daughter, who normally is like the best in school has been having literally daily anxiety attacks. From this online schooling. It doesn’t matter if her teacher is helping her or not. She’s having anxiety attacks, no matter what I do. To try and help her. And it’s made it hard on our whole family, because due to the kids having to be online, I also can’t work. And so because of that we’re financially hurting on top of our kids emotionally hurting. And then they’re, they have Cabin Fever like nobody’s business, because they’re stuck in the house all the time. They can’t see any of their friends and they know how to wear their masks. They tell me they know how to wear them. And they keep asking, when can we go back to school? And I keep having to tell them I don’t know. So I’m just trying to be a voice for my kids and the other kids of the district that need to eventually hopefully go back to school in person.

Unknown Speaker 5:43
Thank you, Kaylee. We appreciate that.

Unknown Speaker 5:46
Thank you. Yes. Enjoy

Unknown Speaker 5:47
your evening.

Unknown Speaker 5:51
Go back to the first Yes, please. Hello, this is Elena. Please leave your message after the tone. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 6:28
I’ll go to Dan.

Unknown Speaker 6:30
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 6:45
Okay, Sarah.

Unknown Speaker 7:18
Hello, Sarah. Hi, this is Mark, can you hear me? I can hear you. Okay, Sarah, the board president is as ready if you’d like to share your message. Okay, hi, Sara to hear me. Yes,

Unknown Speaker 7:33
we can hear you. Can you please state your full name and your address? And then you’ll have three minutes total for your comments.

Unknown Speaker 7:41
Yes, I’ll walk away from the computer. It’s lagging a bit. gonna mess me up. My name is Sarah Longoria. I got 963 Laramie lane.

Unknown Speaker 8:00
Thank you, you can go ahead and start start speaking.

Unknown Speaker 8:03
Okay. All right. I’m a mother of four who ranged from fourth grade up to 11. And I first just wanted to thank you board members for all your work as we navigate these hard decisions about how to return to in person learning. My husband and I have tried to instill optimistic, resilient mindsets in our kids. But despite our efforts, they are not thriving with online learning, or just kind of surviving. I’ve seen depression and apathy and each of them over the past six months as they deal with the loneliness and isolation the pandemic set out to brought our school only have a few short years to set themselves up for future success in college. With each passing day, they are missing out on what their high school experience should be. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I have a niece in preschool with an IEP who has seven virtual meetings a day. I don’t think I have to explain why that’s completely ineffective and unrealistic for a preschooler. While drastic measures have been taken to protect the physical health of children, teachers and society at large. Sadly, those efforts have come at the expense of installing short and protecting mental, social, emotional and academic health. When we talk about health, we have to consider all parts of what makes a person healthy. But the strides we’ve made as a state and county to reduce the spread of COVID. It’s time for us to join other districts like Cherry Creek and others, and bring all children back so quickly to in person learning where they can begin to again thrive on all fronts. The whole house needs to be our top priority, as it used to be before the pandemic. Our kids and families need to have a voice when it comes to their children’s education with the online launch option or their provides every family would be able to choose what they’re comfortable with. There are many amazing teachers who want back in person just as much as the kids do and are ready and willing to do so with safety measures in place. Teachers are not just essential. They are the bedrock of society. They are advocates for students who don’t have a voice. They are the role models for kids trying to rise above their circumstances. I have the privilege of being home full time with my kids to support them. And even so we’re struggling with online learning. I can’t imagine what families with more career personal challenges are feeling right now. Furthermore, at risk kids are being left behind on so many levels right now. Something educators have been fighting against for decades. I am one voice, but I represent hundreds of concerned parents, kids and teachers who advocate for the strength and cautious return to in person learning for all of our amazing kids. We must move forward encouraged, our kids are counting on us. Thank you. Thank you, Sarah.

Unknown Speaker 11:06
Enjoy your evening.

Unknown Speaker 11:10
Thank you. jolanda Jeff Purcell.

Unknown Speaker 11:15
Yes, please. Hello.

Unknown Speaker 11:44

Unknown Speaker 11:44
Hi, can you hear me This is far from Sanford Valley School District.

Unknown Speaker 11:48
Hi, Barbara can hear just fine. Okay, great.

Unknown Speaker 11:50
Hi, Jeff.

Unknown Speaker 11:52
This is Joey siegrist. The Board of Education president. If you could please state your name and address please for the record. And then at that point, we’ll start timing your comments. You’ll have three minutes for your comments and then we will move on to the next person. Next individual.

Unknown Speaker 12:12
Thank you. My name is Jeff Purcell to nine three Baker lane, Erie, Colorado. And I’m the father of five school aged children here in Erie. And I would like to ask the board to take immediate action to return our students to the classroom. Initially, I wanted to take my three minutes to read to you the CDC article that’s titled The importance of reopening America’s schools this fall as they outline the harms attributed to those schools and the also the low risks that school aged children pose to the potential spread of the covid 19 virus. However, I’m really here to advocate for my six year old son and kids like him as as a first grader at very elementary paces his given name isn’t given middle name. He’s always done by Ace because his first name lija was too difficult for him to pronounce. He has been able to throw baseball since before he could walk and swing a bat since he was able to stand. But he’s always struggled with speech in his ABCs. When he was 18 months, he started early intervention speech therapy. As soon as he turned three he was placed in the preschool area elementary so that he could embark on an Individualized Education Plan, receiving speech therapy where he could learn in a classroom setting, connecting sounds with hands on activities, and most importantly, see how other kids his own age communicate. aces amazed me when at age four toward the middle of the spring semester after nearly a year and a half of preschool, he was finally able to string together three words. And I was able to start to understand what he was trying to say. As Ace was midway through his third round of preschool, we were concerned that he wasn’t going to be able to graduate and move on to kindergarten. However, with the benefit of being able to be in person in an in person classroom setting where he can watch the lips of his teacher interact with children his own age, and connect learning through activity. He progressed and moved on. race has really struggled not that was last year where he ended kindergarten. And he’s struggled with learning in the last six months. He’s as he was going through the motions of remote learning. He was incredibly frustrated over the summer each night he prayed before bed thankful that he didn’t have to go to school that day. We were crushed when the district abruptly pivoted from a hybrid model to a fully online learning program. That’s false. Lately, I’m having a more difficult time understanding face daily struggles with trying to focus on learning the iPad. And you don’t have to look very far to find studies on the negative impact of screentime has on the development of young minds that he’s he needs to be in the classroom. It needs to be with his peers, as a CDC as data just like Ace are not a threat to the spread of the virus. And I note that the board is all meeting in person tonight. There’s really no reason at this point that we can’t return our kids to the classroom where they ought to be. Thank you for your time. And I I appreciate everything.

Unknown Speaker 15:12
Thank you, Jeff. We appreciate you. Please move on. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 15:37
Hello, Kendra.

Unknown Speaker 15:40
Kendra, can you hear me? Yes. Hi, this is Barb stiggy from the st. Green Valley School District. Are you ready to share your message?

Unknown Speaker 15:46
I am. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 15:47
Okay. board president would like to say a few words.

Unknown Speaker 15:50
Hi Kendra. This is Joey siegrist. Thank you for participating if you could please clearly state your name and address and then you will have three minutes for your comment and at that point, we will move on to the next individual.

Unknown Speaker 16:04
Thank you, Kendra Glassman 69 06 Saddleback Avenue Paterson, Colorado. In March, all parents quickly learn the impact teachers and schools had on the lives of our children. We were reminded of that again in the fall as we prepared and began the online learning platform after only eight days into the new school year. But now six moves six months removed from being in school, my caring, son loving six year old boy was frustrated, crying and often near impossible to manage. We couldn’t wait another four weeks to see what the district would decide. So we put our son into a local charter school within person learning. after just one week our son was back. He craved the social interactive interaction, the instruction from teachers the in person learning and being away from the screen. I also have a unique perspective as I am a healthcare professional. And I’ve also had the opportunity to manage contact phasers. With the COVID COVID epidemic. I realized we need to ensure we keep to keep we keep our teachers staff and kids safe. We need to listen to their concerns. mass and infection control are key. We need to stay flexible. We need to work together to find solutions. The mental health of our kids depends on us working together to finding a solution to returning to school. I thank you and I look forward to working together.

Unknown Speaker 17:36
Thank you Kendra. Kendra, enjoy your evening.

Unknown Speaker 17:39
You too. Bye.

Unknown Speaker 17:42
Katie. Hello, Katie. Hi. Yes. Hi. Can you hear me? I can hear you. Okay, this is Barb Stacy from the st. Green Valley School District and

Unknown Speaker 18:13
the board president would like to say a few words and then you can share your message.

Unknown Speaker 18:18
Okay. Hi, Katie. This

Unknown Speaker 18:20
is Joey siegrist. It’s nice to meet you. And thank you for joining us this evening. If you could please state your full name and your address, then you’ll have three minutes for your comment. At the end of three minutes, we will move on to the next individual.

Unknown Speaker 18:36
Okay, my name is Katie. I’m at 6166 Valley, Vista Avenue and Firestone. I’m a mom of four boys. Three minutes to tell you just how disappointed sad and frustrated I am with this district as a parent and a community member is the absolute bare minimum. But here it goes. We want to work with teachers and school districts and safely without children, what our children go back to in person learning they need to emotionally physically and mentally grow. I’m going to read you a portion of a letter written by a teacher. I see no one all day except lunch right now. Because we can eat outside at a distance. You know, it’s crazy. My teaching partner is right next door to me, and we have our plans. But no idea what each other are doing in our virtual classroom is the loneliest I have ever felt. This is a grown woman able to understand and process her feelings and she is suffering. Just imagine how are children are feeling? Why do we as parents not have the option to make our own decision? What’s best for our children. And again, going to read your quotes and comments made by moms and families from one day, which was yesterday that a mom posted in a group out of frustration and heartache from an online learning looking for support from others alike. First quote, I can’t believe the school they’re supposed to care about our children and our teacher. Second quote. I am struggling to serious. Third quote is beyond frustrating. My relationship with my daughter is eroding at a rapid pace. All we do is fight. There are tears all day from both of us. Next quote, just came home from a 13 hour shifts to the hospital to another fight with my husband and meltdowns. In my six year old. We are behind eight assignments. I cannot do this anymore. Next quote, I had to give up my job of 27 years to stay home. Now I’m making $13 an hour working nights and weekends, and missing extra time with my family. Now please listen carefully to my next quote. Something has to give my 16 year old son tried committing suicide last week, because he cannot handle the isolation anymore. That’s right. A 16 year old boy tried taking his life. What’s that thinking? Someone please explain to me how it’s acceptable to almost 6000 fans. Go watch some guys toss the football around. But my kid can’t go back to school. You go sit down at a table to eat in a public public restaurant, take your mask off and sit there for an hour or two. But my kid can’t get into a classroom. Such school such as just or going back in person full time, preschool, kindergarten through second grade, and hybrid schedules for the rest of the school that has started already. private school or in person full time succeeding, Firestone charter school, a neighboring school that in person full time succeeding, if you value sport, Broncos game, restaurants and extracurricular activities over the mental well being of our children, families and your teachers, then you’re holding a seat that should be given to somebody else.

Unknown Speaker 21:42
Thank you, Katie.

Unknown Speaker 21:47
Bar. Can you try, Elena and Dan, one more time?

Unknown Speaker 21:50
Certainly. Hello, this

Unknown Speaker 22:20
is Elena, please leave your message. Always trade down. Thank

Unknown Speaker 22:24
you. Thanks, Mark. All right. That brings us to agenda item four, which are visitors and we don’t have any visitors this evening. So Don, agenda item seven is the superintendence report.

Unknown Speaker 22:55
Okay, great. I appreciate that. And I appreciate the folks who took the time to call in. And also people who have taken time to email and share their thoughts and perspectives. And one of the things that, you know, I continue to, to hear some of the same comments that we heard this evening. And then in addition to that, I hear quite a bit of opinion on both sides of this topic. So I’ll hear regularly from people who implore us not to open the schools, and then a number of people who implore us to open the schools. One thing that has been consistent with, you know, everyone across the board, is people are approaching this with the best interest of our children at heart. And I know that that’s the way we all feel as well. You know, our goal and objective is to return to in person learning as quickly as possible. And I know that I explained this in the letter that I sent at the end of the month last month in terms of the July 30 change that took place. Right now, our our greatest challenge is with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment with their protocols in terms of how we have to respond to a case of COVID or a suspected or probable case that shows symptoms in the symptoms that they describe are the same as flu symptoms and are cold symptoms. And so that’s one of the challenges. I do want to share with you that you know, I was on a conference call with superintendents throughout the metro area again today. And the duration of the call was one Superintendent after the next talking about all the students in their buildings that are being quarantined, and the staff members and so I heard one person indicate cherry Creek, and they are now up to 18 schools, who have been impacted by quarantines and isolations. In their two weeks of being open. So it’s not as simple as opening. But it is something that we are definitely wanting to do. And in favor of doing. We believe I agree with everything that I heard on the phone this evening, that our children do need to be back in school. I believe that in person learning, and that’s what we are striving for. My most recent meeting was with Boulder County this afternoon. And we went through and we covered the data. And right now we have we have identified several metrics that we’re looking at three primary metrics and two secondary metrics. And basically what they involve is looking at the positivity rate. And it’s not just Boulder County, we’re looking at weld county as well. We have Broomfield and Larimer. But the number of students in those

Unknown Speaker 26:05
is the number of students in those two counties is extremely, extremely low. So we can’t really glean a percentage, but we look primarily at Boulder County and weld County. And so we’re looking at the positivity rates. And we have a metric setup to where a certain number allows you. To come in with a hybrid, a certain number allows you to come in with more and a certain number would cause you to not be able to come in, we’re also looking at a trend, a two week trend in the data. So it’s not just a standalone data point. But it’s a two week trend. And we are looking at, like the number of cases that we see in terms of children five years old tonight, and we also are looking at hospitalizations. We’re looking at the the process of protocols, the protocols that are in place for for how you respond. And while we don’t have students in school right now in person, what we are able to do is take the number of people in our school system, adults, who are now quarantined, and then project out if we had students in how many students would be quarantined as a result of their, their, you know, proximity to that teacher. And so those are all of the things that we’re looking at. We intend on the 21st of this month to conduct a virtual town hall meeting. And I sent out a letter today so that should be reaching teachers, staff and families, letting them know of that virtual town hall meeting. And we will have at that meeting, Mr. Jeff sack who is the director, Executive Director of Boulder County Health. We’ll have Dr. Urbina, who is one of the chief medical officers. And we will have our epidemiologist, and we will have our liaison to Boulder County, Heather Creighton. So those folks will be there as well as I will be there. And we will share the data on that date, which we’re tracking regularly. That the question was, are we going to see, and this is a question raised by Boulder County are we going to see in weld County, any kind of spike after the Labor Day weekend. And so that’s kind of where we’re at in the 21st will provide us with that information. At that time, we will make a decision in alignment with recommendations from Boulder County as to whether or not we can move back into a hybrid model shortly thereafter, and all of that would then come in the form, all of that information would come in the form of a letter that would follow that meeting that evening. But we would announce that at that point in time, when we have a really clear picture of what the data is showing a couple of things that you know, we’re paying attention to as well as maybe with students with special needs, if we are able to come back into a hybrid, possibly bringing our students with special needs back in sooner, and then also our sixth and ninth graders to provide a transition day for them. In the event we are able to come back with a hybrid model. When you’re in school. You’re obviously there in person and the days that you aren’t you would engage in the synchronous learning from home the same way in which they’re doing now but it would be

Unknown Speaker 29:42
like I said a hybrid of coming in sometimes and being at home other times. The biggest challenge for us right now is as I said, given the fact that the data is in a solid place in a favorable place right now. The biggest challenge is coming back to school. And then facing the reality of daily quarantines, which we would undoubtedly be facing. And that is what these other school districts are experiencing. I was on the phone today and one of our neighboring districts up north, that’s open said, Well, we had closed these schools. And today, we just had to close to more elementary schools, talk to another colleague down south, they closed an entire high school the other day, and then ended up closing a large cohort of a second high school, they have three high schools, three or four in their district. And when I look at the data, Douglas County went to a hybrid model, and they have now 12 schools impacted and they delayed their start significantly. So they have only been in school now for a week, and already have 12 schools impacted. And again, as I said, cherry creeks, banana and cherry creeks in on a very limited amount of time. Their kids come in two days a week. And then the other three days are at home working independently. And so these are the kinds of things that we’re looking at. I also know that pooter and Thompson are remote, Boulder valleys, remote jeffco started their first day back this week of a hybrid model. And so we’ll be monitoring that as well. The one thing that I do want to really emphasize with people is we want our kids to be back in school, ASAP. I agree with what the caller said. And while there are differences of opinions there, I want people to understand clearly that that’s that’s where I stand is wanting our students to be back in. In order for that to happen. The data has to support it, and the data is in a good place right now favorable place, and also our ability to sustain and manage school every day, given the contact tracing and the rules that have been set forth by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment around quarantining and isolating students and staff, that that right now is perhaps our biggest hindrance, we have seen in Boulder County. You know, as I looked at the data today, that I received from Jeff sack, the report that we we received indicates that we’ve seen a much higher case count over the past week with 46 cases on Thursday, the third and 65 cases on Saturday, both of these days top the highest daily counts that we have seen to date. So that was a little bit of a cause for pause. The other thing that they shared is that the positivity rate for a current five day testing process, last week was at 1.7%. And this week, it’s at 2.5. And they shared a couple of other data points around activity going on at CU. And that if that activity can remain contained, that that would be something that they could separate out. The concern is if that activity causes further community spread, and so that’s what they will be watching over the next period of time until we get to the 21st of this month, will conduct that virtual town hall meeting, people will be able to submit questions beforehand so that we can have the medical experts respond to those questions. And that our intention is to be able to announce at that point in time, our plans hopefully to return to a hybrid model during that first week of the next month. I always, you know, caution people because one of the things that I’ve seen happen with this particular pandemic is this roller coaster ride of the data. And just as soon as you see something happening positive, and you begin to make a decision, then things just change on a dime. And I know that there’s no easy answer to this right now. Because as the caller stated, we’re very concerned about the emotional support for our children, and the academic process for our children, their safety, their physical safety. So there are a lot of challenges right now, but but I do want people to know that that our intention is to return to in person learning during that first week of the next month of October. And we’re hoping that we can make that announcement on the 21st. But it will be dependent on the data that we see and all of the progress that’s made over the next two weeks and how that evolves.

Unknown Speaker 34:28
So like to stop there for a second see if the board has any questions that I can that I can respond to. One other thing that I would like to say I apologize is that we have started the testing process for our teachers and staff. And that is something that is favorable for us because in the event a staff member teacher does show symptoms, we can get them tested and then we can get that data turned around very quickly in two to three days versus having to wait a A long period of time, which would keep people out quarantine for for a much longer period of time. So

Unknown Speaker 35:07
thank you, Dawn.

Unknown Speaker 35:08

Unknown Speaker 35:10
board member questions or comments? deck.

Unknown Speaker 35:19
Thank you, Donna. Just a question. If If we were to make a decision today, based on the conditions that we are if Well, let me put it this way, if the conditions that are present today, continued through, and were the current case, and on the 21st, would we be, what position would we be in? What would your recommendation be, at that time with regard to moving to a hybrid or remaining online,

Unknown Speaker 35:52
it would be to move to a hybrid and it would be, it would be a pre K through 12. Now preschool, we would be able to move in full, because their numbers are already low because of the state cap. And so preschool would be able to come back full time, because full time for them, in essence is consistent. But K through 12 would come back in a hybrid where they would be on, you know, part time in part time out. That would be our recommendation. And then we would monitor it from there to see if we could move at what point we could move to full in.

Unknown Speaker 36:28
So that would be a K 12. Hybrid. Correct.

Unknown Speaker 36:33
Great. Yeah, and I know that I read a neighboring district was looking at K through two, we would be looking at K through 12. Hybrid, and then preschool full. And then obviously, we have grades 13 and 14 with with P tech, that they would be in that same categories as hybrid.

Unknown Speaker 36:57
And then Are there other benchmarks that we would be looking at to move to full in, in person learning?

Unknown Speaker 37:05
You know, it’d be the same benchmarks, I think what we would what we would primarily be looking at is the disruption rate in a hybrid model. And, you know, is it sustainable? One of the things that, you know, that I think about you if you have, for example, I don’t know exactly how many schools every district has. But if after two weeks, you have half of your schools, impacted by quarantining. You know, if you go another two weeks, and those numbers start to drop, then you start to feel more confident. If you go another two weeks, and you see all of a sudden, all 50 or 40, of your school’s impacted with quarantine and isolation, then it would be cause for pause. And, you know, as I look at some of these systems, you know, like a Cherry Creek, where they’re bringing their kids in two days a week, and within two weeks, they have 18 schools that have been impacted. And when I look up north to Greeley, and I’m watching them close their schools, and I’m looking at Littleton, and I’m watching them close their schools, and I’m looking at, you know, Douglas County. And I so that I don’t say that, because it would, it would stop me from recommending a hybrid model. That is my intention. And that is where we would be with the data today. We also are hopeful that Boulder County and others can make some progress with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to relax some of those protocols around quarantining because as we enter into the flu season, the symptoms of the flu mirror the symptoms of COVID. And if we have to quarantine everybody who demonstrates flu symptoms, you would see very quickly schools and cohorts of kids being quarantined. And that’s why we’re hopeful that we’ve been lobbying pretty hard with the Colorado Department of Public to relax these protocols so that we can keep our kids in school. Part of the concern is the disruption if you start school, and three days later, you’re calling parents in six classes saying your children are quarantine for the next two weeks. We understand how problematic that is. And that’s what’s causing us some concern. Now, having said that, I understand that there are a number of people, myself included who want our kids to come back in school in person, and that’s where we are headed. As of today. That’s what I have expressed to Boulder County our intentions. That’s what we’ve expressed to you as a board. And our next benchmark is between now and the 21st Boulder County. We’ll be monitoring that data with weld county and we will be able to inform on the board and our community on that 21st in a virtual town hall meeting, and state, if everything were as it is today that we will then be moving, the next step would be to a hybrid K through 12. With preschool coming in full time. That’s, that’s where we are. So, thanks. I think I shared with the board we are tracking currently quarantines of our adults. And the last I looked, literally, literally, I get a text probably five or six times a day because our Student Services Department will notify me every time a new person is quarantined. And we’re up over 90 at this point. And if you start again, looking at the number of those folks who are teachers, if you were to project out, the kids that were be in those teachers classrooms, if we were an in person, you would be seeing mass levels have quarantining. And I don’t share that, for anybody to conclude that I’m trying to avoid going but I want to go back in and we intend to go back in. That’s where we’re headed. That’s what we’ve shared with our county health departments. I just want everybody to be clear that when we do go back in, but that becomes a reality. That becomes a reality daily and weekly phone calls, quarantining, isolating closures. And that’s what’s happening in Cherry Creek. That’s what’s happening in Douglas County. That’s what’s happening in Greeley. And I only say that, because I just want people to understand that not for anybody to assume that we’re not moving forward.

Unknown Speaker 41:42
Thank you, Don. Paula.

Unknown Speaker 41:43
Thank you. So Don, thank you for hitting on the the quarantine protocols because we’ve been saying since like June when the first plan iteration came out that yes, we’re looking at the data, we’re tracking the data with all of our, the Boulder County Public Health, state of Colorado, all those subject matter experts. But it’s also the guidelines, we have to we have to balance both of those. And I know, a couple of weeks ago, we were concerned about the resources to enforce the guidelines to have to have the staff to do it because Boulder County Public Health is essentially overwhelmed with cu I that’s, that might be overstating it, but they they I think they have said that they’re very focused on keeping CCU and it’s healthier places they can so are we okay with our own resources are we feeling like when we go if we go to a hybrid that we can still keep up with the, with the quarantine protocols

Unknown Speaker 42:36
is and you know, we we have hired some additional staff to be able to assist and then in my conversation with Boulder County today, they are hiring additional staff. And they said that within the next two weeks, they feel like they will be ready to expand their capacity to contact trace. And so they’re there in the next two weeks, we’ll be hiring to do that, because you’re correct, given what’s happening at CU because they would be responsible for CU Boulder Valley schools and st brain that their current staff would struggle mightily with that we actually have a meeting scheduled to discuss that very topic. We’ve talked about it several times. But in my conversation today with their director, he indicated that they are hiring additional staff to be able not that I don’t know that I can state that they’ve fully be able to keep up with it, but much better than they could today. And the significance of that along with the testing is it would reduce the amount of time that people are quarantined, because you can do all of the required follow ups. The The other thing that I want to just share, I had a really, I felt a really productive conversation with one of our parents today. And again, I want to thank our parents, and our teachers for sharing their thoughts with me with through email and phone calls. But one of the things that she was told by a legislator is a legislator is that the decision is up to the local board and the superintendent. And that’s accurate. That is accurate through local control. What she didn’t share with the parent was, but they also have to adhere to these guidelines as part of their decision. And so as yes, we do have the authority to make this decision. No, we do not have the authority to ignore the Colorado Department of Public Health and environments, requirements around quarantining and isolating. And so it’s there’s more to that story than just simply where the authority lies. Yes, the authority lies here. And yes, you also have to adhere to these guidelines, that it’s not optional, is what I’m saying. And that’s part of the complication. That’s that’s taking place right now.

Unknown Speaker 44:51
Are we encouraging staff to get flu shots?

Unknown Speaker 44:56
Yes. And also we’ve had the answer your question is yes. We do every year, we encourage people to get flu shots, and not only few flu shots, but we’re encouraging all of our families to make sure that they’re, you know, and again, this is a very personal decision whether you immunize your child or there are requirements around that. But they’re also talking about the importance of immunizations, that bolster a person’s respiratory system and things like that. But the answer to your question is yes. And we actually have people come on site and provide free shots here for our staff. But that is an actually very important point, Karen, because the symptoms mirror each other. And if we have the quarantine for the symptom, whether it’s COVID or not, we have 1000s of kids who experience flu symptoms and adults every year.

Unknown Speaker 45:46
Yeah, and I heard that there may be a certain amount of time between obtaining a COVID vaccine and a flu vaccine, like a couple of months. So I think it would be in the best interest if you are, you know, vaccinator, to do that sooner rather than later. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 46:05
We’ve also been monitoring our community schools programs, we did have a recent situation at one of our community schools where we had to quarantine the program members or participants in the program as a result of symptoms, somebody being symptomatic. So thanks,

Unknown Speaker 46:24
Karen Chico.

Unknown Speaker 46:26
Doug, can you speak to what the transition might look like? If we got to a point where we were to return for staff and teachers?

Unknown Speaker 46:36
Yeah, you know, we’ve shared with the, our staff back when we announced that we would be deciding on September 30, what the next step would be. And I have been in daily contact with the Teachers Association, President and then obviously with Brian, who oversees the majority of our classified staff. And so there is an awareness that that transition, that that’s our intention. And we also had several teachers in the meeting with us with with Boulder County this afternoon, and last week, and so they’re aware of that all of our teachers have been trained in the blended model. And they understand that moving back into the hybrid would include teaching half of the students in person, and then the other half would be logged in synchronously through that. And so they are aware of that, on the 21st. If that’s the decision that’s made, then obviously, their their preparation would intensify. But we feel very confident that they given the training they have given the equipment that they have, and just the expertise that they have as teachers that that they’ll be ready to make that transition.

Unknown Speaker 47:56
Thanks, Chico. I’m done. I

Unknown Speaker 47:58
wonder if you might expand a little bit please, on how you came to determine what those specific criteria were. You know, I believe that’s part of the the reopening committee, and just who was involved in in all of that, if you could, please.

Unknown Speaker 48:15
Yeah, you bet. You know, Jeff Sachs, who is the Executive Director for Boulder County Health, and Heather krait, who is boulder County’s liaison to education are dealing specifically with this COVID Dr. Urbina, and I think you all remember them from one of the board meetings. So and then Sona, who’s the lead epidemiologist for Boulder County, she is also part of that group that has helped us now they work in partnership with the metro area partnership for health. So they’re in constant communication with Tri County Health and Denver health, as well as the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. And those criteria, those metrics, the positivity rate, the rates over a two week period of time, the trend data, the hospitalizations, the five to 19 year old cases that exist, the protocols, all of those things are brought in to us from our county health, folks. We also have members of our administrative team, Dr. collusions, part of that process. We have a number that are coming in with technology expertise, our Brian participates because of the nutrition services, process, all of those folks that are in transportation, we look at all of that stuff. So it’s been a pretty comprehensive effort with quite a few people. Today, when we met, we had probably 15 people in the room, all of those folks that I just mentioned to you plus another six teachers and the leadership from the Teachers Association, so that we’re all Understanding what metrics that we’re looking at. You know, one of the things that makes you nervous again, is when you see certain in Dr. Urbina really emphasized in our meeting today, and Jim actually is participating in those meetings. And, and Dr. martyr had participated last week in the meeting. And so they know what I’m talking about with Dr. Urbina today really drove home the point how critically important it is to, to follow the protocols around preventative measures to avoid, you know, these community spreads and the spikes and stuff like that. So there’s a lot of expertise. And that’s where they came with that these metrics are being used by other school districts as well. Some of them are a little bit different, just a little bit tweaked in terms of the the rate that they have, they have them broken into three categories that if they’re below this amount, here’s what you do. If they’re at this amount, here’s what you do. And so there’s just a little bit of difference, sometimes in the counties. But those are the metrics are consistent across the board.

Unknown Speaker 51:10
Thank you, you got

Unknown Speaker 51:12
a gem or deck?

Unknown Speaker 51:13
Did you have anything you wanted to?

Unknown Speaker 51:15
That was a nice segue to the reopening committee, anything that you would like to add? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 51:21
thank you. No, we, when we talked today, at the meeting, Dawn went through a litany of the closings of all the different districts in how many schools they have closed. And I think you were referring to the fact that because these are all closed, because of the state requirements, that there was no, we’re not the one large number of COVID cars to closing, it was all these these secondary symptoms, that because they were there, they had to, they had to quarantine, and close goals and closed classrooms, and there was, there are a very low number of actual COVID activity that was, it was just symptoms that were that they’re trying to argue with the, with the state to try to release some of those, those rigid guidelines that take you right to where flu symptoms are, you know, if you have a, you have the sniffles, you’re gonna, you’re gonna they’re gonna, they’re gonna force you to look at it is a sign of having the COVID. And then the tests come back negative. And so for two weeks or so, kids are back at home and in essence, disruptive is keeping them at home to start with, I mean, my son little kids around, in and out of school, he’s got to, I can’t imagine that isn’t just as boy emotionally, it’s got to be harder on them than just saying, Okay, you got to be at home today all the time for a couple of weeks or a month or whatever. All of a sudden, you’re in school. And the next day, you’re not you can’t go to school today. I know my grandchild who was in first grade, I was just driving him nuts. I mean, he likes to have consistency in his life, you know, and that’s part of his learning and part of the process and putting him in and out of in and out and in and out of different environments on a regular basis. That’s that’s the dilemma we have.

Unknown Speaker 53:37
And you know, in some of those instances, the entire school closes, in some of the instances an entire grade closes. In some of the instances it’s a classroom that closes. In some of the instances it might be five kids. And so it’s across the board. But you’re seeing different schools impacted at different levels. But it is it is a just a daily, daily process. And, and each day, our communications department updates, the list of closures the list of quarantines, but I want to be clear, when we talk about 18 schools in a district. They’re not all closed. They’re not all closed. Some are and some are just impacted by grade level or by class level. And it just it’s a constant moving target. But again, again, given where we are, our intention is to move to that hybrid and the hybrid model will enable us to socially distance in our classrooms because if we didn’t do the hybrid, we would have classrooms full of 2530 kids. And we’ve put a lot of protocol into place from our h vac systems to the masking that will be required to the sanitizing that will take place with extra custodial staff, to the social distancing to the hand washing, to the sanitizing all of those kinds of things and the health screening that that we We believe that that’s what we can do if things stay consistent with where they are today over the next, whatever week and a half to two weeks till we get to the 21st where we can make that final decision with Boulder County and, and move forward.

Unknown Speaker 55:13
Thanks. Anything else? Jen?

Unknown Speaker 55:16
Did you have anything to add? No. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 55:19
Karen, I think you had another question.

Unknown Speaker 55:21
One thing? Um, can you speak on a high level about the mental health services and counseling and, you know, safe to tell that are still available to our students? I know, on the high school level, because I have to. But on the other levels as well,

Unknown Speaker 55:36
yeah, we have the counseling support in our preschool through 12. And so counselors, we have interventionists, we have school psychologists, and social workers. And we also have teachers that can support students when they’re online, when we’ve had some parents contact us and let us know that their child is struggling, then we will reach out to them personally, and see if we can offer some of that, that counseling support as well. So it’s a it’s certainly you know, I don’t want to, in any way, shape or form saying that we’re able to provide the service is consistent with being in person. And I don’t want that for anybody to interpret that. I, I listened to the callers tonight, I read the emails I hear from parents. And I understand it’s an extremely challenging time and the mental health support. And the emotional support is is absolutely critical. And that’s why we are pushing as hard as we can to get back into to the person learning.

Unknown Speaker 56:41
Thanks, Karen.

Unknown Speaker 56:42
So Don, if the data holds, and the criteria is met, and we move to in person learning, will you continue to monitor those same? Those same, the same criteria? And if you see a spike in those numbers, do you see it go a direction? That indicates it’s not safe? Will students be back online then?

Unknown Speaker 57:03
Potentially, yes. And that’s that’s what we’re seeing in, in the districts who have opened for, for a hybrid model. As I said, you know, the word I got today from the district up north, really to more elementary schools closed. And so that could happen, that could happen. On any given day down south, I think it was Heritage High School, that close their entire High School of 15 1600 kids. And then in other cases, it’s a classroom. And so yes, once we start, we have to be prepared for that. Because we’re not, we’re not immune to it and St. Ray, and it’s happening everywhere. And so I anticipate that it’ll happen. The one thing that could help us is if the county health department is successful with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, if they can relax or adjust those protocol requirements, then we could maybe, perhaps avoid some of that quarantining. The other thing is, is with our testing capacity that we now have, for our adults, we might be able to get data back quicker, and reduce the amount of time that a quarantine would have to take place for a group.

Unknown Speaker 58:14
And I know that would be helpful, I think when you and I were talking, and this is a little bit in the in the weeds, I believe it’ll be brief. But when you and I were talking earlier this week, if an individual has symptoms, and they’re tested, and the test is negative, they still are required to quarantine until Boulder County Public Health can interview them, speak with them and potentially clear them sooner. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 58:37
they would have to after that period of time when they have a test and it’s negative, they we still recommend that you go two days without a fever without the use of any ibuprofen or any kind of medicine, because what they share with us in this gym, and you guys heard this as well. Sometimes the tests reveal a false negative, or a false positive. And so they still ask you to monitor your symptoms prior to coming back. And part of that is if you were to continue having severe symptoms, even though you have a negative, then you would be less likely to be allowed to come back. If you had a negative and your symptoms move away, or they become very minor, then you’d be more likely to be able to come back. And one of the teachers in the meeting said to one of the the epidemiologist today Jr. Could we have some clear protocol around exactly when we could come back? And she said there is no clear protocol. That was her statement. It depends on the test and the symptoms and the severity of the symptoms before you would be released to come back into the environment. And so each case would be looked at individually.

Unknown Speaker 59:58
Thank you. So

Unknown Speaker 0:00
Any other board member comments or questions? No. Okay, Don? Oh, sorry, Dick.

Unknown Speaker 0:06
Yeah, I’ve raised my hand after you’ve looked away. But just just to come back, we’ve heard and I think, certainly the emails that we’ve received and conversations we’ve had with people on the, in the community, we’ve heard the example of Cherry Creek and a number of times. And 18 schools is approximately 20%. Their schools are so you know,

Unknown Speaker 0:33
I don’t know exactly how many schools they have. I know, they have about 50,000 students, but they have fewer schools, because their high schools, for example, are 2020 503,000. And their middle schools are like 1500 1200. So they don’t have as many schools as we have in St. Brain. But I can’t say for sure what the percentage is.

Unknown Speaker 0:54
So are they just with regard to managing However, many, some fraction of their total school population, whether it be 20, or 30%, that are affected in some way? Some are closed, some classrooms are closed, etc? Do they have a different approach to management than we would be considering?

Unknown Speaker 1:17
Not necessarily, they would be expected to follow the same protocols, and they would have the same approach that we would be following. And I know that they’re using metrics as well. So it’s, the one thing that they’re doing differently is their kids come on two days a week, and then the other three days are independently at home without any contact or communication with the teacher?

Unknown Speaker 1:41
So they don’t have online instruction in the other three days?

Unknown Speaker 1:45
Yeah, it’s independent. It’s not the synchronous as far as I’m aware of. it’s it’s a it’s an online model. It’s an asynchronous model along with the two days that you come in.

Unknown Speaker 1:56

Unknown Speaker 1:58
Thanks, stick.

Unknown Speaker 1:59
I think I think Denver indicated, I know that they’re online fully, I think they indicated towards the end of this month, they might try to start bringing back small groups of students with special needs and some other and we’ll see what takes place in jeffco. I know that they’ve got a hybrid model as well. And I think, like Monday, or Tuesday was their first. I think Tuesday was their first day back. So we’ll, we’ll see what how things go there. And Douglas County is on a hybrid model. And that’s where I shared with you the most recent report was I think they’ve had 12 schools impacted. And then North one is on a hybrid, the North Glen Adams 12 is on a fully online tutors fully online Thompson’s fully online boulders fully online. So it’s a mixed bag in there. I did here today in our meeting, I know that Westminster has their one high school to large High School, the superintendent indicated that they had a whole cohort today quarantined from that high school. So it’s just a daily process of monitoring it, and, and tracking it and responding to it.

Unknown Speaker 3:15
So if we were to return with a hybrid, we might reasonably expect 20 to 30% of our schools to be affected.

Unknown Speaker 3:25
I don’t want to get into percentages because I don’t want to commit to a percentage. But what I would commit to is that we will experience quarantining, it’s it’s impossible to predict a percentage, but it’s so I’d rather not make those statements and then have to watch to see if the statement was accurate. But what I do want you to know, is that there will be quarantining, and there will be isolating, unless for some reason we would be the only district in the state to avoid which I can’t see that happening. Right.

Unknown Speaker 3:57
Thanks, Don.

Unknown Speaker 3:59
You know, Don, just to circle back real quick to my question about the quarantine. It stands to, I’m making an assumption here, but it sounds like in a couple weeks, Boulder, Boulder County Public Health will be more equipped to facilitate that piece of the guidelines with the district.

Unknown Speaker 4:17
Yeah, part of what puts us in a little better situation. Now is one, the data has come down, which is good, both in Boulder County and weld County. And number two, we have now the capacity to test our adults. And so we can get quicker turnaround with that testing. And that could reduce the amount of quarantining time. Third, because we’ve been in the synchronous model for a while, if we do have to quarantine, the transition for students who have to go back into that synchronous model, or that would be easier than if they were trying to get acclimated to that at the same time that they’re Being quarantined. So those are three things that are helpful, that are helpful, we also do have the benefit of seeing what has in fact taken place in other places. And that has prompted to your question, Boulder County to hire additional staff with what we’ve seen at CU with what we’ve seen at these few districts that have opened. We know it’s a pretty significant task. And so they’ve hired and they are hiring, and we’ll have a better capacity in the next two weeks than they would have had to start. So it’s, and we to have better capacity, because we’ve hired additional staff as well.

Unknown Speaker 5:39
So there clearly are,

Unknown Speaker 5:44
you know, I, I share your desire and want children to be back in the classroom. And I hear people who are struggling. And I want them to know that I do hear that. And I understand.

Unknown Speaker 5:59
And yet,

Unknown Speaker 6:01
even with that fact, there are benefits to having delayed the hybrid model for these weeks. When it comes to rolling, rolling out, potentially in October,

Unknown Speaker 6:15
yeah, and a number of school districts pushed back their starting date by two weeks. You know, I know Douglas County kept pushing theirs back, back back back, we started at that I think was on the 18th. And all of this time has given our teachers and everybody really a good chance to get acclimated to get our testing. And I know there were a lot of people asking us to delay the start for two weeks, you recall that, but we chose not to do that. And so from that standpoint, we’d be much more ready to, you know, to respond to address the issue.

Unknown Speaker 6:45
Yeah, which, which I think is most certainly a benefit of that. Don, thank you. I wanted to echo some words that you said in that you, you read those emails, you know, you you truly, you truly hear the concerns, and the thoughts that parents are sharing staff members, community members, and the Board of Education does does the same. And we really do, I can only speak for myself, I do want children back in the classroom. And I want that to be as safe and effective as possible. And at the same time, just want to reiterate one more time, and I know you already have that this remains a very fluid situation. We don’t know necessarily, we can hope for what you’ll say on the 21st. But we don’t know. And then we don’t really know what will happen in October, or November or December. And it’s not a return to the classroom. Children are there every day, it’s a return to the classroom in the hybrid model. And there may be a quarantine, there may be a school closure, there may be an isolation, that it remains a fluid environment.

Unknown Speaker 7:56
Yeah, it does. You know, I read last night and saw on the news story today, the American Academy of Pediatrics indicated today that there were I think they use 500,000 children that have contracted the COVID virus. And they said from I think the last week and in August to the first week in September, that two weeks stretch that they’d seen a 16% spike, which was somewhere around 70,000. Now, if you you know, if you look at that against an entire country, it’s a very, very low percentage. But you also have to take note that they’re seeing those numbers climb regularly in in alignment with the start of school. So we just have to be prepared for that. But my hope is that we can move forward with the hybrid. And my hope is that we can make that decision on the 21st with the support of our county health departments that that support from them will be critical. And won’t be.

Unknown Speaker 8:52
Thank you. Did you have anything else that you wanted to speak about or touch on as part of your superintendents report?

Unknown Speaker 9:00
Now, just to close with a thank you, again, to the folks who called in tonight, I really appreciate it. And thank you to everyone who has taken time to share with me their thoughts and their concerns and their suggestions, regardless of their opinion. Because I get various opinions. I just want everybody to know that I really do appreciate that. And and we hear them and we understand that this is very difficult for everybody. Sincerely.

Unknown Speaker 9:25
Yeah, absolutely. And there are certainly varying opinions out there. So thank you, Don. Yeah, we don’t have any reports this evening. So that takes us to our consent items, which is agenda item seven. Did board members wish to pull any of those consent items this evening? Paula.

Unknown Speaker 9:48
Yes, I’d like to pull consent items. 7.7.

Unknown Speaker 9:52
All right, thank you. Then I’m going to we’ll go ahead and and vote on the remaining items. So Sorry board members didn’t wish to pull any additional. I didn’t hear anyone. That was your CEU deck. Great. All right. Then I would entertain a motion for approval of 7.1 staff terminations and leaves 7.2 approval staff appointments 7.3 approval of minutes for the August 12 2020 and August 26 2020. regular meetings 7.4 approval of change order six to construction manager general contractor cmgc contract for Main Street school renovation project. seven point point five approval of fee adjustment to two architect agreement for spark discovery preschool renovation project 7.6 approval of architects selection for Centennial elementary school renovation project and that is it will leave 7.7 for discussion.

Unknown Speaker 10:52
so moved

Unknown Speaker 10:53
by Karen and a second second by gem BB Can you please call for the vote?

Unknown Speaker 10:58
Mr. Arens absent

Unknown Speaker 10:59
Mr. Bercow? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 11:01
Mr. Garcia?

Unknown Speaker 11:02

Unknown Speaker 11:02
Dr. Carter?

Unknown Speaker 11:03

Unknown Speaker 11:04
Miss Pierce. Aye, Mrs.

Unknown Speaker 11:06

Unknown Speaker 11:06
I am Miss Seacrest.

Unknown Speaker 11:08
I thank you, Barb. Paula.

Unknown Speaker 11:11
Thank you, I wanted to pull 7.7 as I’ve done in the past few weeks when we’ve had a grouping of policy updates and changes. This request for policy updates is the last grouping from a host of policies that we updated as a result of legislation passed by the Colorado legislature on the federal level for Title Nine, as well as returning to school under COVID-19. So this is the last chunk of those that that we’ll see come through, all of them are under Section j and pertain to students. And each one is individually listed in the in the consent item. I’ve said it before, but again, for the public that all of these policies go through a very strict vetting process as far as being redirected through Don staff to each department that owns these policies, and looks at it for best practice and alignment with our resources and, and our reality. And it’s also they’re also looked at by Caspi very often, and also by our own legal stuff. There were a number within the policies we’re being asked to look at tonight, there were a number of references to accompanying regulations. And I just wanted to point out that none of the accompanying regulations have any changes. So we’re actually just looking at the policy verbiage as as printed in our packet. And a number of the changes also addressed the replacing the word shell, which we’ve touched on before, because the newer interpretation is that that is too general a word. And it can, can be must, it can mean well. So we’re being we’re being clearer on what the direction of our policy is. Um, I The last thing I wanted to do was do a little on the fly tweaking for policy, j. h, which is student absences and excuse excuses. on page four of five under the section, identified as attendance officer, excuse me, it states as as written, the board shall appoint an attendance officer to assist school administrators in the enforcement of this policy. And I would like to change that wording to the superintendent or designee shall appoint and attendance officer etc. And this is essentially in the same theme that we’ve identified in several of the policies and that we want our policies state, what we what we expect of the district, but any of the actionable items, in fact, are the responsibility of done and his staff. So we just want to make that clear in all of our policies that we are not appointing these people. We’re telling you to appoint these people. So that is, that is the one text change that I would propose. And I think that was everything that I had. Did you want to I will make a motion to that dick, but did you want to add anything first, or should I complete?

Unknown Speaker 14:16
No, in fact, that change was the one that I was concerned about as well. So that’s exactly what I would have proposed. Great. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 14:27
Then I can you read the policies, please? Yes, thank you. I would like to make a motion to approve. consent item 7.7. approval. First reading adoption board policies, j F. Admissions and denial of admissions. j f Ba, slash j. f BB, open enrollment. j. h student absences and excuses j IC d. bullying prevention and education. J ice a school related student public Patients school publications code and JIC, EC student petitions and distribution of non curricular materials with the amendments or edits to, as stated to policy j. h.

Unknown Speaker 15:16
Thank you, Paula and a second second. Karen. Barb, can you call for the vote please?

Unknown Speaker 15:20
Mr. Arens, absent Mr. Bercow? Yes. Mr. Garcia? Yes. Dr. martyr? Yes. Miss Pierce. Aye, Mrs. Raglan. I am Miss Seacrest.

Unknown Speaker 15:29
I thank you bar. Agenda Item eight brings us to our action items. We have one this evening. 8.1, which is the recommendation for approval of contract for the sale of District land in Frederick. Right.

Unknown Speaker 15:42
Thank you, Joey and Board of Education. Dr. Dad. Yeah, 8.1 is asking for your approval to sign the contract to sell the land there in Frederick, this will be the third time it’s come back to you. If you recall, and you probably all do. But just by way of reflection, we first passed a resolution back in February of 2018, which put this land as available for sale. And we had a buyer come through and fall of 2018. And unfortunately, that deal fell through then we had another deal come together and the fall of 2019. The pandemic pushed that one to failure. And this now will be the third one. I suspect this will be the last one because it sounds like this one’s coming together pretty well. So I’d be happy to go through it again if you’d like. But, you know, it may be old hat which is just so I’d be happy to answer any questions. All right.

Unknown Speaker 16:55
Thanks, Brian. Questions, comments? No. All right. Third time’s the charm. We

Unknown Speaker 17:02
hope Third time’s a

Unknown Speaker 17:03
charm. All right. Then I would ask for a motion for approval of action item 8.1. Please.

Unknown Speaker 17:10
Show moved

Unknown Speaker 17:11
by gem and a second. Second by Chico BB.

Unknown Speaker 17:16
Mr. Arens absent Mr. Berthold? Yes. Mr. Garcia? Yes. Dr. martyr?

Unknown Speaker 17:22
Yes. Miss Pierce.

Unknown Speaker 17:23
Aye. Mrs. Ragland.

Unknown Speaker 17:25
I am Miss Seacrest. Hi. Thanks, Barb. Agenda Item 9.1. is available achievement data. Don, I’m not sure who’s introducing this.

Unknown Speaker 17:39

Unknown Speaker 17:39
Charles and and read, are they? There we go.

Unknown Speaker 17:46
Hi, kailyn. Ann.

Unknown Speaker 17:49
Hi, Joey.

Unknown Speaker 17:50
Hi. It’s wonderful to have you join us I wish it was in person. Take your time while you get technology set up and go ahead and begin whenever you’re ready.

Unknown Speaker 18:03
Well, we want to sit first say thank you for the opportunity to present achievement and instruction update to the Board of Education. We have two parts to this. The first would be an overview of blended learning model. And also some add some information about devices connectivity, and teacher training that has been taking place. Actually, since last June. In Sebring, we’ve been implementing the blended learning model for about seven years. And the blended learning model really affords us to take advantage of the foundation support of academics, while really accentuating innovation. And it works well with either in person, a hybrid model, or as we’re in right now a remote on learning model a model. And we really want to put this this student at the center of this, we have four components that are supported by a robust professional development plan. Part of this to the weekend going into this whether we are going to be in the hybrid or the complete online model is that we wanted to have an instructional lesson planned model for our teaching staff. The direct instruction which is part of the synchronous was able because of the really robust technology we have in st brains, and we know that when students have structure, they have practice in these components that you see under direct instruction, it then can lead to the transform class time, within that transform class time that can be synchronous. It also is asynchronous to independent practice, project based learning by teachers can pull small groups and again, this is within person learning hybrid model. Or a remote model. We also believe in both not only the brick and mortar, but in the launched program as well at regular class schedule. And expectations are very important in synchronous learning. We get this consistent attendance in a synchronous asynchronous environment through WebEx participation, through students logging in through Schoology, and seesaw. Those are our two learning management systems. We also have higher level of content engagement through this quality synchronous instruction. And application. It’s not only do you know it, it’s can you apply it. And that’s where the asynchronous part comes into our learning management systems. Through again, design thinking through project based learning through collaboration. And we’ve actually seen some levels of students getting together in the learning management system that are pretty high have collaborated on this. We also love the idea of a stronger adult student relationship. And again, this is why this is brought forward to us because of our really strong technology presence, and is peer to peer interaction. We’re starting to see students become more comfortable with collaboration and talking to each other not only in the WebEx, but also through the school GNC saw. So starting in June, we, we started having training and blended learning. And that that figure is pretty significant to me, we had over 900 teachers take blended learning training in June and July alone

Unknown Speaker 21:49
are going for this for a hybrid and for remote learning. We trained over 200 school leaders in blended synchronous trainings, the learning Leaders Group and then co facilitated with building administration to train all every teacher in St. Brain in blended learning synchronous learning in August, in our learning Leaders Group, to provide one on one, teacher support and building support.

Unknown Speaker 22:25
On go ongoing teacher training throughout the year, in August, we had over 100 teachers take courses in blended learning. We have a year long, collaborative learning collaborative, and 90, we’re currently 90 staff enrolled. And we’re also going to offer some online training, which is available 24. Seven, throughout the year and read even one time, we can offer that up to 120 participants. So again, a real deep dive into blended learning, which again, helps us in the in person, the remote, and also the hybrid situations. And I’m not going to have and this is an awesome content that we created for teachers to go back to as part of their training a part of their learning. It was created by a variety of staff members, it’s a penalize limiting quality online content. And fact you can even see at the top, there are some teachers right now and principals that are taking a look at this. And I checked this content page several times during the summer, we have upwards of 30 teachers looking at this, again, lots of really good tools for planning instruction, support resources, our staff has really been a really good job of looking at that and preparing for what we’re going through here in the fall. Looking at devices in connectivity, we are within 300 devices have every student have a full size iPad, currently, every student does have a device. We’re just 300 short, which are on order and be hidden here soon for it to have a full size iPad. we’ve deployed 136 hotspots. And the fourth bullet point I think is really significant. We’ve had a it’s we’re averaging about 8000, WebEx events a week. And so far to date. As of yesterday, we have over 100,000 total meetings, and almost 5 million total minutes. And I’m really proud of DTS, and by the support that they received. we’re averaging about five gigabytes of bandwidth. And we have total of 20 gigabytes. So we have a very robust system to conduct not only our WebEx meetings, but this whole learning management system. And I think you’re muted

Unknown Speaker 25:01
Thank you kale. My name is Anne Reid and I am executive director of assessment. Thank you presidency versus Board of Education for having us here. Today, we’re going to be reviewing achievement in same frame for the 19 2019 and 2020. school year, we’re really looking at a student entering our system. And when they exit, the supports, the opportunities, the programming they have and the outcomes looking at the whole child. We’ll start with our graduation rates. We have in 18, and 19, we can see our graduation rate and our predicted 1920 graduation rate, we have two more data points to enter with see the ease, they may adjust slightly, but you can see the upper twin trend with our all of our students, as well as populations down did you want to speak to that the slide?

Unknown Speaker 26:05
Yeah, one of the things that we did was we included the number of students that are in the cohort, because what we’ve seen is, with a small number of students in any particular chord, whether you’re talking about test scores, or graduation rates, you can see a pretty significant swing one way or the other, just based on a couple of students. And it’s I think that’s important to remember. So if you look, for example, the 1819. And you see that we have a cohort of 2047 students, and then you look at the different groups of students and the cohort basis, this drop from 95.7 to 77.8. Last year of my memory cards, it was 18 students, and 14. This was 18 students in 14 graduated this year. And last year, it was 23 students and 22 graduated. So you can see that it doesn’t take much to create a shift when the cohorts are that small, some of the positive information that we see there, we’re really excited about our Hispanic population moving from 83.2 to 86.7. And then our total going up from 89.2, to hopefully this will hold 90.6. So we’re seeing that trajectory in the right direction. The other thing that that you see here is there that you won’t see here is that our students are required to take 24 and a half credits. And that’s a much higher standard or requirement than what you’ll find in most school districts. So we’re very proud of the work that we’re doing, and really trying to make sure that every one of our children graduates. And finally, just remind you that this is a four year rate. If you move it to four and a half years or five years, you will see the number of graduates go up. And CDE will track all the way up to seven years, you can report out for seven years. And so our graduation rates would be much higher if we were looking at the total graduation rate versus simply a four year graduation rate. So I’m very proud of our students, very proud of our teachers, and recognize that we still have more work to do. So.

Unknown Speaker 28:21
Yes. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 28:24
And I think there’s a question from Dr. martyr. Oh, yes.

Unknown Speaker 28:29
Yeah. Thanks. And I just wanted to comment on on the data we have for this spanic graduation rates, not only are they increasing, but the gap is narrowing. So they’re increasing at an increasing rate. And if we sustain that rate over time, it’s it’s it looks like it’s they’re going to coincide. And that’s exactly what we have been striving for, for a number of years. So this is very encouraging. I agree. It’s very encouraging.

Unknown Speaker 29:08
Thank you. Yes, thank you. We’ll move on to advanced placement exam count. As you can see here, when the five year trend, a significant increase, actually a 62% increase in the total number of exams. In five years, while we’re continuing to increase the percentage of students scoring three or higher, so a greater percentage of students gaining that valuable college credit out of sight frame. If you take a look at our AP exams and populations, we can look at 92% increase over five years of Hispanic students taking AP exams, and they’re continuing to increase the percentage of students scoring three or higher. And we also have 52% of white students taking exams that increase In five years quality and increase in the percentage of students scoring three or higher, and also a 50% increase in black students taking exams in the five years over the five years while continuing to increase the percentage of students scoring three or higher. For IB results, we are increasing the number of candidates year over year. And compared to last year, we had a 39% increase of students that pass the diploma for 2019. in grades K through eight, we continue to use it as our benchmark data with one administer in the spring, the 2020 final benchmark, as it wasn’t vies per curriculum associates, however, we are doing remote test administration currently, and I read is an adaptive assessment. It’s truly designed to provide teachers with that that information to inform insight into the student need and to adjust instruction. It’s highly correlative to student outcomes and our standards from Colorado academic standards waubra winter diagnostic in both math and reading, as well as our as well as our spring.

Unknown Speaker 31:24
One of the summer programs that we ran was our E credit recovery for high school. You see, we had a large number of students. And we’re really we’re happy that a lot of our seniors, were able to take advantage of it and then graduate with their group in 2020. This is a program that we’ve been running now for three years. I can’t say enough about our teaching staff, and the work that they put in to meet with all the students in a virtual environment. We did have some in person instruction primarily for students that were seniors. And it was a small group, of course, adhering to all the Boulder County Health Regulations. But given our scenario, quite proud of our teaching staff, and the program, roles accessory. And starting this boat, we will have both day and after school options available nine high schools and will have over 900 seats available. So again, keep in our high school students are on track to make those 24.5 credits and keep them on track towards graduation.

Unknown Speaker 32:43
And this summer, we were actually able to provide three programs at the end of July in person in beginning of August to really support the transitions from eighth to ninth grade. And for first time AP testers. We started our inaugural year of AP algebra launch. It was a three week program two weeks in person and one hybrid. And we had 174 students participate across the high schools in St. Brighton. We really focus on key pre algebra standards in preparation for algebra one, which is a gatekeeper class for students and trajectory for graduation. We also continued our ongoing eighth to ninth grade transition. And that supports mentoring getting to know how to get involved in CO curricular programmings connecting with adults in the buildings and providing that that entry into high school with 311 participants across a break. We also started our first year of AP launch. It’s really about supporting our first time AP students that are really taking a risk. We have representatives from all schools, we had AP teachers student mentors, making creating a cohort that will continue to meet monthly across the school year to ensure success for our first time takers. For our 12th graders last year SCT was cancelled in order to support their opportunities we have had held a we’re holding three Saturday weekend fit exams. One is passing at 825 students tested. We have two coming up. And we’re also having a school day October 27. For any remaining students that wish to test on our senior year. We’ll be testing all 11th grade students for the National Merit providing that valuable opportunity for our 11th grade students that will be on October 29.

Unknown Speaker 34:47
One of the things I’m very proud about st brain and what we’re doing is continuing with our programming many of our neighboring districts districts in Colorado in a particularly if they’re in an online or hybrid environment. are just giving the four cores, we continue to offer all of our electives, all of our focus programs. This year, we’re adding our third and P tech program at Silver Creek. And that part was made available through National Science Foundation grant of $494,000. So really keeping this rigorous environment educational environment for students, that gives them that competitive advantage.

Unknown Speaker 35:30
We’re also supporting students on with disabilities and meal plans during on Wi Fi following students IPS during the virtual setting, and ensuring that they’re getting the opportunities they need to be successful. We also have students with disabilities thriving unified sports, we have a cutting edge facility in the newly renovated mains Main Street school as well. Your students will receive the language developments in the synchronous learning environment through direct smote small group instruction in CO teaching. And we’re very proud to have 120 St. Frey students earn the rigorous seal of by literacy in 2020. The students who meet college level proficiency in English as well as their world language as a very excellent program that began last year. And yes, sir,

Unknown Speaker 36:27
can you just elaborate a little bit on that unified sports program? Because I know that we started with one or two schools and then we’ve expanded that and we also I think, had the top high school in the state for our students. So I just wanted to maybe touch on that a little bit, because that’s been a huge factor in getting our children involved, engaged, and helping their achievement levels.

Unknown Speaker 36:55
Yes. And I believe it started at one or two high schools, specifically with basketball, if I recall, we’ve added bowling, and it’s spread across the across the same frame. And it’s been a great program for students with disabilities and others participating to support those students as well.

Unknown Speaker 37:14
Yeah, and that picture of Main Street, if you haven’t had a chance to go visit Main Street with all of the renovations. It’s just they’ve done a beautiful job. And it’s a source of pride, that we’re able to provide that for our children, our children are working really hard. And so we’re proud of that renovation. So Brian, thanks for your great work with your team on that as well.

Unknown Speaker 37:35
Absolutely. And yes, I believe it’s, it’s, I think eight of our high schools are participating now in in unified sports. So it’s, it’s excellent. We also have 102 students that are participating in PE teach, that is a pathway in partnership with cu Denver, these students are able to earn college credit, as well as doing in the field experiences at school and getting them directly into the teaching profession starting in St. Ryan, and coming back, hopefully to work with us.

Unknown Speaker 38:10
And also, just to highlight that program, one of the things that is a goal of ours is to continue to diversify our leadership and our teachers in this district. And so that helps us to do that, as we grow our own, so to speak. We’re proud of the fact that we’re increasing the diversity of our teaching profession and our population. So

Unknown Speaker 38:32
it’s excellent.

Unknown Speaker 38:34
And looking at our attendance rate in 2019, two year today was 90. It’s an outstanding 96.78% in St. brang. And even remote learning, it’s still a stellar 94.86% currently to date in our remote learning. Our expulsion rate, year over year is still at zero, which is truly remarkable for our students and keeping them on path to to graduation and graduating from our schools.

Unknown Speaker 39:11
Well, we were able to have three chances fall athletics, season eight, as you can see, currently as girls, softball boys golf, boys and girls cross country and boys tennis and the following high schools, and st brain is coming again through with their excellence in athletics. You can see the rankings current rankings for that. And one thing to note is the nyuad girls cross country is ranked number one in the state. They’re also ranked number seventh in the nation, which is quite an achievement. And of course, lions, girls cross country is right up there as well and really looking forward to seeing how season eight competes this year, according to cesa there’s going to be I believe Seasons BC. And I can get further information on when those take place. But we’re really happy to see that we have athletics that were able to compete in this fall.

Unknown Speaker 40:20
And started yesterday, I believe, is that with music and drama, we had groups that could begin to gather with all the proper COVID Boulder County Health guidelines. Right now, it’s just high schools. But again, they’re getting together and be able to practice within band orchestra and drama. So that’s really good news for many of our students to start this process.

Unknown Speaker 40:47
You know, as we look at our student outcomes and measure our success, this current year, we truly are committed to the whole child and experience when a student enters into st frame, and what they’re able to accomplish all the co curriculars athletics programs focused programming, and we measure those outcomes. And it’s really about when they leave st reign, what the opportunity is, they’re going to have it as far as post secondary and in careers that don’t even exist yet. So we appreciate your time, and we look forward to the school year.

Unknown Speaker 41:24
Thank you, Anna and kale. Pardon me? Is it over? Oh, yes. Okay. But the presentation, we don’t have to Is there any more presentation?

Unknown Speaker 41:42
No. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 41:43
great. Okay, then we’re all on the same page. Perfect. Um, no, I wanted to think kale and and, and certainly we’ll open it up to board member questions and comments. I just want to thank you both, and kale for putting together such a comprehensive look at student achievement. Something that we’ve talked about in our school district for for many years now. Is is not looking at one measure for assessing student achievement, but looking at many to get as you stand is said, and I think that whole child viewpoint. So I appreciate that. And while we don’t have state data this year, I believe everything that you you’ve presented is equally as important as a measure.

Unknown Speaker 42:35
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 42:37
Okay. Thanks. board members, questions or comments this evening.

Unknown Speaker 42:46
Thank you. Hi. Hi, Ann. Hi, kale. It’s Paula. So I just I had a couple of questions. So I’m going to be flipping through some papers as I do this, but the fall fit. That’s, I guess, one session has already happened. And there’s two that are upcoming or is that required? Is that just the pushback from what would have been required by the state in this spring? So is it so they’re seniors now but they’re still required to take it for the state?

Unknown Speaker 43:12
It’s it’s not required by any means. It’s there’s no accountability attached to it. It’s truly for that opportunity for students that did not have that assessment is state sponsored. So a student have that opportunity, whether for scholarship purposes or college entry to as a senior to take those exams.

Unknown Speaker 43:30
Okay, normally would be required in the spring for juniors, but that requirement was waived. This is just to give them the opportunity to have it for collaborations. Okay. Oh, this? Yeah, it’s, we’re paying for it. Yeah. Awesome. Okay. Um, I also had a question about the I read the benchmarks that you mentioned. And I’m I know, we’ve been doing these for many years now. But I just I had a question around. Is the iready ever used as sort of like inside the curriculum as well? Does that make sense? So if you’re doing like a unit, and then you have a unit test, that would be an assessment inside the curriculum? Is the iready always apart from that? Or is it sort of woven in?

Unknown Speaker 44:21
I mean, there’s different components to it already, that the benchmark is really just points in time for us to to progressing against the standards over that, that school year, and for teachers to use that that data to inform their instruction globally. And down to the student level as as well. There are components within iready in which you can pull up standards that connect to a specific unit, and it’s called standards mastery. And within that, you can do a pre and post and major specifically what that unit is measuring.

Unknown Speaker 44:54

Unknown Speaker 44:54
but the benchmarks itself is just over time.

Unknown Speaker 44:57
I just asked that question because I generally think It’s a good idea to have, you know, less is more when it comes to testing. And if, and if we can accomplish in one test if we can accomplish multiple goals, that’s, that’s a good thing.

Unknown Speaker 45:12
Okay, and it’s, I would say each content is about the average is about 45 minutes. So it’s relatively small. It’s an adaptive test and gets good information. That’s that correlates to outcomes for the, against the standards for that year. And it really provides excellent data for an information for students in their instruction to meet their needs. Right.

Unknown Speaker 45:37
And I just had one last question this might I think kale might have touched on this topic about the devices and the connectivity and the volume that that requires in our environment today. One thing I wanted to just highlight, because I think it’s a plus is the security measures that we have around it, or is it our WebEx access, because it’s a national problem with bombing zoom meetings and such, but my understanding is we have really beefed up our security around it. And we you have to have st brain access to get inside of our WebEx tools.

Unknown Speaker 46:12
Follow, that’s absolutely correct. And we even worked with Cisco who provides WebEx to beef up after the start of school, and so that they really have to have those credentials to be able to get in to a WebEx meeting. So there won’t be any bombers, as they say, coming in and disrupting our WebEx. And so we appreciate the partnership we’ve had with Cisco to be able to do that.

Unknown Speaker 46:39
Yeah, and I even believe that’s why we went to the format tonight that we did as far as having stakeholders and parents call in because we really are protecting our networks, we’re really protecting them, to keep them safe for students and staff. So I just wanted to highlight that because I think that an incredible amount of work has been done around that was at the end, thank you, thank you so much, both of you for a very comprehensive report, I it’s overwhelmingly impressive that in the midst of this, we’re literally changing the format of our instruction over the summer, every every month, and then trying to roll that out and find the resources to do it and train our teachers. And we’re still, Case in point Tonight, we’re still talking about it, we’re still dealing with it that all of this is still happening simultaneously, you guys, it really doesn’t look like you’ve missed a beat. While we’re still trying to re reinvent our schools, pretty much on a weekly basis. So thank you, thank you both very much for all that that work. It’s It’s huge.

Unknown Speaker 47:48
Thank you for calling. Thanks, Paula Chica.

Unknown Speaker 47:51
Sure. And Gil, appreciate all that went into this. I appreciate like they said, the comprehensive nature of the report. And looking at the whole child, as mentioned, so many impressive things that are happening around training and in achievement. So just want to commend you on that. I also was encouraged by the increase on the Hispanic graduation rates. I think that’s awesome. I think that what I am also proud of when say rain is that that happens in an integrated fashion, were we looking at how to do programming for all students, that that may then have bigger impacts on on certain groups. And so as I have seen that happen, and I’ve seen great things as p teach, as Don mentioned, is helping diversify, hopefully the teaching workforce and

Unknown Speaker 48:55
you know, the things we’ve done as far as like for you to have been hit with a summer program.

Unknown Speaker 49:03
But the one thing I’d like to see maybe in maybe not in full detail in the report in the future, but is looking at all the different aspects that we just laid out, whether it be extra curricular, or or any of the programs that we’re talking about in and how students of color are engaging in, in each of those programs. So you know, I know that that’s something we’re looking at and we have and I’d love to see more of that at some point. So okay.

Unknown Speaker 49:35

Unknown Speaker 49:36
Thanks trigger deck. Thanks.

Unknown Speaker 49:43
Again, for my part, thank you both kale and and for this report. I it is a moot it’s a significant step I think toward what we have been talking about with regard to looking at more Comprehensive measures to evaluate the success that we’re having within school. I was very encouraged, I think it’s like, comment on your presentation about the the rate of increase of Hispanic graduation students. So that is increasing fast, the overall rate for white students is increasing, the rate of all students is increasing, but the rate of Hispanic graduation and for four years is increasing over those two years by 2%, more than the white students alone. So that’s very impressive. I I would like to see, I’d be interested in what the five year trend of that looks like. And I think that we clearly have, when we start to look at data, that for one year, changes are important to keep track of that if we want to see trends, we really need to look over a longer period of time to see what the system itself is generating, and capable of generating over time. So I think that as I’ve mentioned Artie twice, I’ll say it one more time, while the one year data for graduation rates is tremendously encouraging. And I anticipate that will only get better over time. In terms of bringing meaning to data like that, for trends and a reflection of the capacity of the system itself, it’s very helpful to have it be at least a five year presentation of disaggregated data. So that would be a request that I would have going forward. Also, you know, with regard to I thought, for example, the Seal of biliteracy, having 120 students who got that seal this first year, I think that’s, again, a wonderful way to acknowledge the skills that are important to be successful beyond school. And I’d like to see that presented in a way within an overall context. So that to know how many students might qualify for that, you know, what proportion is 120 of the total population of students that might reasonably be expected to participate in that program and be able to track that also over time with regard to the P th, program, another? I can’t tell you how, how wonderful I think that program is. But I would be interested in again, what the demographics of those students are, and following those students, as they move through our program, is that for juniors and seniors in high school, or is it all high school grades,

Unknown Speaker 53:26
juniors and seniors, and there are some sophomores, some sophomores.

Unknown Speaker 53:32
And do they, when they enroll? Do they intend to, they tend to be in it for a while for the length of time to have with us, for example, a junior enrolls or they also have a dropout rate.

Unknown Speaker 53:51
I don’t have access to that data. Currently, that’s something to look for. But I think the expectation is they take the for their junior, they’ll have four semesters of courses and programs they go through, they’ve actually added college algebra to that through through Front Range, and some other things so they can actually leave that program with with the upper 27 or so credits, which is outstanding, leading to they’re going into their their teaching profession and their college career.

Unknown Speaker 54:25
And then of course, we also want to create that pipeline of getting people into the teaching profession, making it easier for them as a state and then get them back into st frame.

Unknown Speaker 54:36
So do those students does the demographic characteristics of those students match our student population and st brain?

Unknown Speaker 54:45
My understanding is it’s supposed to it’s intended to build diversity within within our teaching staff, and represent representation, if you will, our student population to increase diversity of our teachers in St. Bryan.

Unknown Speaker 55:00
It shows that have more heavily weighted to minority son.

Unknown Speaker 55:04
Yes, yeah, yes, it’s overwhelmingly related to minorities, we it’s a number of first generation. And Susan, that’s the that’s the purpose of the program. And I know that we’ve done a separate report on p teach. But we can come back as you know, as we give updates, I think the first year we had two graduates. And then this last year, we had 29 graduates. But the whole focus of the program is to diversify the to diversify our teaching force. I also wanted to share with you and I know that we’ve provided this information multiple times in reports, but the five year just because I think it’s good for the community as well, in 1415, our Hispanic graduation rate was 76.6. In 1516, it was at point one, in 1617. It was 80.3. And 1718. It was 82.8. And 1819. It was 83.2. And then you heard it went up to 86. Plus, and I know that those five year trends are what we are normally used to giving you guys in report, tonight was just more of a discussion. And so we just wanted to kind of share with you what happened from last year to this year. But as we continue, we’ll continue to do those, those five year trends. The other thing that we’re excited about that we didn’t cover is the dropout rates. And again, those have dropped significantly over the years. Now one important data point is back in 2008, nine when he started, and we only require 23 and a half credits to graduate and only two years of math and two years of science, our Hispanic graduation rate was in the mid 50s. And so not only a five year trend of showing what’s happening, but a 10 year trend showing that this effort by design is yielding some pretty positive results. Even starting as far back as preschool. You know, we can even credit some of our preschool work and our kindergarten or full day kindergarten that we’ve been offering for years, and the alignment of the standards in the curriculum and instruction and assessment and all the focus school programs. And we’ve also seen significant growth in our students participating in CO curricular, which we believe is significant in graduation rates and everything else. So we’ll continue in our reports to do those five year trends and maybe even go back further. But a lot of this work from last year to this year, we saw those gains, continuing those trends. So thanks for asking the question and giving me the opportunity to share with you those because you do see a steady increase incremental. And that’s, you know, that’s, that’s good.

Unknown Speaker 57:39
It’d be it’d be wonderful to see that in a in a graph. I mean, I’m a relatively visual person, and you can you can recognize significant trends more easily. If it’s presented. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 57:55
This is that document that we present to you.

Unknown Speaker 57:57
And we see that so in January, and it’s on our calendar for January again.

Unknown Speaker 58:02
And so well, this format is the one that we’ll use, which is exactly what you’re talking about the graph and and we’ll definitely do that when when is it scheduled for

Unknown Speaker 58:10

Unknown Speaker 58:12
That’s actually table. Yeah. Rather than a graph

Unknown Speaker 58:16
shows the trends for for the five years, which is a is what you’re asking for it?

Unknown Speaker 58:20
Yes. And do you have a line presented in graphic form, in addition to that the table is the data that goes into the graph.

Unknown Speaker 58:30
Right. So you want to you want to see the line?

Unknown Speaker 58:32
Yes. Okay. Yeah. Well, yeah, I want to see a line that says all students, white students, Hispanic students, and, and other. Yes, because our system is producing a line going up. And I think that’s something to really celebrate. And recognize. Oh, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 58:50
no, I agree. When I saw the 86 point I we were very excited about that. I get excited with the numbers, but we will definitely put them in the form of lines. All right, that’s good. It’s a good news story.

Unknown Speaker 59:04
For sure. It is and really all of the other measures to that we that Anna and kale you’ve reported on here that they’re very encouraging and and to be able to, to recognize that as part of the skill sets and and how we are equipping students for success in the future. Those are wonderful. indicators and none more significant, I think then the expulsion rate being 0% zero it’s not percent but zero students in the last two years, years. That’s truly extraordinary when you look across the state,

Unknown Speaker 59:47
or actually with the fight like you say what the five years he we saw, like four and then three, and so it’s this continuous thing or

Unknown Speaker 59:55
student population increases

Unknown Speaker 59:57
as exactly the student population climbs. And the rates drop, which is, you know, it’s, it really is it really is a testament to our teachers and our staff. So I appreciate you recognizing that. It’s good stuff.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:12
All right. kailyn. And thank you. I want to you guys are the experts and kale. I believe you said he credit recovery began three years ago. Is that correct?

Unknown Speaker 1:00:24
So you got to get on sorry, joy.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:25
Did he credit recovery begin three years ago?

Unknown Speaker 1:00:29
Is that what you said? With our summer school? Yes, it did.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:32
Okay, was summer school. So then Am I am I accurate when I state that between the algebra jumpstart, AP launch, ie credit recovery, and then and then certainly some other programs, that we’re we’re seeing the benefits of those programs, when we look at the numbers for the graduation rates and other things?

Unknown Speaker 1:00:55
Absolutely, you know, a lot of those summer programs or prepare our students for high school, because we know that ninth grade transition is a can be a difficult one. So part of it just getting used to the high school schedules to transition into it. We know that algebra one is such a gatekeeper for many of our high school students. And that’s why we did this first year program for the algebra launch. Really excited about that, and we’re looking forward to next year. And of course, the credit recovery has been something that has been very beneficial for our students. It is a rigorous program, and it keeps them on track for graduation. So all of those programs together, Joy are very beneficial for our high school students. Great, why

Unknown Speaker 1:01:39
weren’t the teachers that we that Jackie recognized last time, were in a number of those teachers engaged in some of that work?

Unknown Speaker 1:01:47
They were for the superintendent’s excellence, Excellence in Education Award. Yeah, I was just thinking that same thing.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:53
Yeah. No, we had a chance to take those out to the schools and really the selflessness from our teachers giving a lot of their time to helping these kids get across the line. So really appreciate that. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:02:06
Thanks, kale time well spent. You know, I don’t feel the need to to reiterate what board members have already said. But just as I’m connecting the dots in my brain as everyone’s talking, that that once COVID hit, really kale, the entire district was refashioned, but instruction was significantly refashioned as well. And in the mode that that was that was delivered. And, and yet, you still maintained that focus on engagement, which we know is so important for achievement. And at the same time, you’re focusing on engagement, refashioning instruction, refashioning the district meeting families where they are, right, and students, you’re still maintaining so many of the opportunities that were available to students with in person instruction, you’re still maintaining so many of those during this environment. Which I greatly appreciate.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:11
Well, thank you, Jane. It’s really a team effort. from dawn and Jackie and, and and everybody Diane Lauer’s, hopefully watching in and she’s been a huge part of this, Laura has. It really is this whole team that we have assembled here in St. Brain, and we just keep moving forward with this, and learning and we’re very, we’re very proud of our teachers and our students and our whole community in this effort.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:39
Thanks, Kelly. You know, we know that there’s, there are varying opinions on on what we should be doing right now. But if you’re going to have synchronous learning and online, it should be the very best, the very best that you can possibly to deliver student to deliver to students and in as in an environment that is most like the typical environment. So thank you for making that possible. Thank you. Any closing comments done on that? All right, Kaler, and any last last words this evening?

Unknown Speaker 1:04:21

Unknown Speaker 1:04:23
Yeah, thank you for the sport. And we look forward to keep moving forward.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:28
Great, thank you. I look forward to someday meeting in person so that I can so you can see my smile. I can see your smiles but it would be nice if you could see the Board of Education smile, wouldn’t it? All right. Enjoy your evening. Thank you so much.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:41
Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:43
All right. That brings us to the conclusion of our meeting. Our next meeting will be September 23 at 6pm. It is a regular meeting. Here in the Board of Education room. Our study session scheduled for September 16 was cancelled. Thank you Everyone for for all of your hard work and I would entertain a motion for adjournment. so moved by Karen and a second. by Jim All in favor? Aye. All right. Thanks, everyone. Be safe.

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