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The Humanize Podcast

S2E4: From Powerless to Empowered [A Deeper Dive]

Two women having a conversation while one of them wears a black hoodie

What does it take to speak freely and address the problems faced by BIPOC in our society? In this episode, we’re digging deeper into this question, inspired by our conversation with last week’s guest – pastor, rapper, and poet, Pedro S. Silva II. His phrase, “deranking conversation,” got us thinking about what it means to have power and use it to better understand individual perspectives, so we can hold honest conversations about social justice issues as equals. 


We’re exploring:

  • What you can do to fight hierarchical dialogue
  • The difficulty of identifying power, and what that shows about privilege
  • Why you don’t have to belittle others to be powerful
  • A personal story from Emily about stepping into power (plus, a time she felt powerless)
  • The influence of Courthney’s experiences on how he responds to issues facing BIPOC
  • Why “speaking freely” requires understanding and patience
  • Uncovering fear and pain to liberate not only the oppressed, but also the oppressor
  • Courthney’s challenge for Emily
  • How rapport and trust can free your voice
  • And so much more!


Let’s talk about it! Connect with us and continue the conversation:


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